Sugar Flair


a nice short magazine about food

Transcript of SUGARFLAIR


Sugar Flair



-Personality test: we are

what we eat

-Funfair’s food


-Everything you don’t

know about chocolate

-Low-coast fashionable



What kind of person are you?

-You are what you eat. 1. How many meals do you have a day?

a. Three ( breakfast, lunch, dinner) b. Two ( lunch, dinner) c. Five ( breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner)

2. In your breakfast…

a. I pick the first thing that see, and I eat it a bit fast. b. I have some snack while I go to school/work… c. I take it easy, and prepare a toast with some milk or other things

3. If you had a snack, what would you choose?

a. A cereal bar b. Some chips c. An apple

4. After having lunch, as desert, what do you usually have?

a. A yogurt b. Some chocolate c. A piece of fruit

5. When you go to school, working or wherever you go, you try to…

a. Sometimes go by bus or underground b. I always try to go by car c. I always try to go walking or by bicycle

6. How many days a week do you do sport?

a. Sometimes, when I have free time b. Never c. Two days a week or more, and when I find some time

7. What food do you usually eat?

a. Sweets and hydrocarbons b. Pasta c. A variety diet


What kind of person are you? -Here you’ll know it: In the previous page you had a heath test where some questions where made to you, if you’ve done it, here you’ll know if you are a healthy person or not! Well, this test is not a medical test, but we’re sure that you would know how are you! Answers:

Most A: if the majority of your answers are A, that means that you have to change your lifestyle right now! You are not a healthy person, and if you continue like that, you will have serious problems. Change! Most B: well, if the result of the test gave you the majority of B, that means that you are heath, you can stay like that if you want, but if you changed some things, you would become a very healthy person! Most C: if the vast majority of your answers where C, that means that you are a very healthy person, and your lifestyle is perfect, stay like there!


Fun Fair’s food

We’re sure you like fun fairs, the perfect place to go and have a good time with anyone, your friends, family and even to know new people. There you can find stalls, with a range of things, but there are also food stalls. In there, you usually find junk food, like candy floss, pop-corn, cakes, caramelized apples, Sweets, milk shakes, fried chips… For sure you’ve been told that this food is not good for your health. That’s not true. Obviously if you ate this kind of food everyday, it would be not good for your body, but sometimes you have to let your hair down and forget about your weight and diet. If you’re the whole day walking and moving in the fun fair, there’s no problem to eat a bit of fat. Of course that you can’t eat only fats, but they aren’t bad for a day.




HHHaaavvveee yyyooouuu eeevvveeerrr wwwooonnndddeeerrreeeddd wwwhhhaaattt aaa cccuuupppcccaaakkkeee iiisss??? You may think that it is just a fun and charming cake.

But, here’s the history!

A cupcake, also known as fairy cake o patty cake, is like a muffin. But not as simply as it, it has also a wonderful decoration.

It’s not very bulky, as it is supposed to be for one person.

They were first made in the USA in the 19th century. This nourishment was done before muffins. Americans used to use cups, bowls and clay pots as molds for doing them, that’s the reason why they are called cupcake.

The recipe is based on butter, sugar, eggs and flour, just like all the other cakes.


HHHaaavvveee yyyooouuu eeevvveeerrr ttthhhooouuuggghhhttt tttooo mmmaaakkkeee aaa cccuuupppcccaaakkkeee???

There are a loads of ways to make cupcakes. The basic recipe is as simply as making a pie. Here you’ve got it : (24 pieces)

• 1 cup (250 gr) of butter (1-2 hours outside the fridge) • 2 cups of sugar • 4 large eggs (also, room temperature) • 2-3/4 cup of flour • 1-1/2 teaspoon of baking powder • 1 pinch of salt • 1 cup of milk • 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence

Here you’ve got, step by step, how to cook them : 1. Beat butter with the mixer until it becomes creamy. Add the sugar until it’s integrate and forms a light cream, about 3 minutes of beating. 2. Add eggs, one at a time, beating 30 seconds after each addition. 3. Mix it with the flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl. 4. Add to bowl with butter, about a third of the dry ingredients, whisk. Add half of the milk with the vanilla and beat again until it’s combined. We repeat the step, alternating dry and liquid ingredients, ending with the dry. 5. With a spoon, put the mixture in the silicone molds directly and cover the mold with 3/4 of the preparation. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees until you insert a stick and it comes out dry. Check at 15 minutes, if they’re not ready, rotate the pans to prevent that somo cooks more than others. Do not open the oven



And here you’ve got the perfect cupcake!

Now that you have already done your first cupcake, you are now able to make your own recipes, and combine de different ingredient as you like the most! Tell us you favourite one, we want to know it!

And for de cream the ingredients are those:

• 300 grams of unsalted butter, softened • 2 tablespoons milk • 250 grams of bittersweet chocolate • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract • 2 1/4 cups of powdered sugar

Melt chocolate in double boiler over low heat 5-10minutes. Stir occasionally until completely smooth and there are no pieces of solid chocolate. Keep away from heat and let cool for 5 minutes or until warm. Beat the butter in a large bowl with electric mixer until it becomes creamy, about 3 minutes. Add milk gradually and beat until smooth. Add the melted chocolate and beat well for 2 minutes. Add vanilla and beat for 3 minutes. Add sugar gradually and beat on low speed until smooth and of desired consistency.



VVVaaallleeennntttiiinnneee’’’sss dddaaayyy

Do you want to make the perfect present for Valentines? So here you can see what could be it, Red Velvets! The sweetest gift your partner. The recipe is very easy once you’ve done de basic once. You just have to change some of the ingredients. Add chocolate and paste colorant RED EXTRA of Sugarflair (it’s recommendable to use this one). Do not throw too much chocolate if you don’t want to change the red intense colour to garnet.


LLLooovvveeelllyyy llliiittttttllleee RRReeeddd VVVeeelllvvveeettt cccuuupppcccaaakkkeeesss!!!


Consider yourself an addict to chocolate???

Love for eating chocolate more tan anything???

Interested in learn about this amazing passion???





Cacao has been a cultivated crop for

at least 3,000 years, probably quite a

bit more.

Cocoa was started to plant in


The Olmec Civilization (3500 to 2500

years ago) consumed the beverage

and used it to fortify soldiers during

marches and in battle. On the other

hand were probably the Maya who

brought Cacao to Yucatan (Mexico

nowadays). Then the Aztecs got cacao

from them. The most common form

from have chocolate was like a drink.

Cacao had a high valour and it was

used as the currency.

About the arrival in Europe of Cacao

there are some sources of different


Some say that Columbus brought the

first beans others say it was Cortes,

and a whole list of others have their


Initially (in the 1500s), Europeans,

started to add flavours to Chocolate,

such as vanilla, cinnamon, black

pepper and cane of sugar.

Chocolate was often used in Catholic

countries after 1569 because Pope

Pius V declared Chocolate do not

break the fast

In 1600s in Europe had opened some

Chocolate houses which were social

clubs, meeting places for the elite,

places to visit and to talk politics; and

quickly became trendy and expensive.

Joseph Fry's factory, discovered a way

to mix to create a gooey mass which

could be molded: the first bar


In 1875 Daniel Peter and Henri

Nestlé used the sweetened condensed

milk for concentrated infant food

formula in to create milk-chocolate .

Rudolphe Lindt developed the

conching process in Switzerland in

1879, producing for the first time,

smooth creamy Chocolate bars like we

are familiar with today.

Many of the companies that started

making Chocolate in the late 19th

century, including Hersheys &

Cadbury, were based on religious

ideals of abstaining from alcohol.

Chocolate became popular in Europe,

and after World War II many Belgian

and French Chocolatiers specialized

making fine, high grade Chocolate.

Finally, in 1994, the Chocolate war

established standards and started the

huge wave of pure Chocolate Bars

made of 70% or more Cacao.



10 curiosities that you may don’t know about chocolate

1.Chocolate gives you extra energy. A single piece of

chocolate has chocolate chip will give 10 % of the

recommended daily intake of iron.

2.Chocolate does not cause acne.

3.Chocolate can be deadly for dogs. It contains an ingredient

called theobromine which can be toxic to the central nervous

system and heart muscles of the dog. So it will be like a

poison for them.

4.The worldwide population spend 8800 million Euros in

chocolate every year.

5.Cocoa mass is a powerful antioxidant, so it will help you

combating the age effects and preventing cancer.

6.Chocolate produces happiness because it contains theobromine,

caffeine and theophylline, that makes chocolate an excellent

compared to sadness, anxiety and irritability.

7.The largest chocolate sculpture was built in Barcelona in 1985. It

weighed two tons and was 10 feet long.

8The pure chocolate isn’t fattening.

9.Each one of use consume 3 kilos of chocolate every year.

10.The feeling that happens when you fall in love happens because

the brain produces phenylethylamine. When you eat chocolate you

can obtain a similar effect because chocolate contains the same




Stop of thinking that you cannot eat in a fashionable restaurant without spending a lot of money, here you have some restaurants where paying less than 40 Euros you will have a delicious meal. Because not always quality means expensive price.. Add these restaurants to your gourmet guide ;).

Bokado, in San Sebastian, was the first aquarium and nowadays is a cool restaurant with breath-breaking views of “la Conxa”.

In the restaurant Bits you will fins a delicious menu for 35 euros in the hotel Ars’building, Barcelona. It’s speciality, tartar with pepper

In Chueca, Madrid, you will find this modern restaurant where you will enjoy a nice meal in a cosmopolitan local. Different from all you have seen.

In Wagaboo you will enjoy of Asiatic and Italian pasta in a low-chic restaurant for only 30 Euros, ideal for going with children.


GAMES *Are you sure that you know everything about food? Show all your knowledges in the following games:



1) You can spread it on bread

2) Often grows on trees

4) Popular in Italy

6) Needed for sandwiches

8) Babies drink a lot of this

10) Eaten a lot in Asia


2) Found in rivers and seas

3) Sweetens food

5) Potatoes, carrots, for example

7) Made from fruit and sugar

9) Eaten for breakfast

11) Source of proteins, red or white