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Messy Church Roadshow Thank you for being part of the first Messy Church Roadshow. This is a taster session offered in a Parish/LMA whereby clergy/leader can get together a team of volunteers, test the water with parents and families, make initial contacts and look to beginning a regular Messy Church or to continue with the seasonal ideas. The format We will follow the Messy Church outline plan of having 4 sections – welcome, craft, celebration and food. Whatever time you choose we will have a session of 1 and ½ hours. Try to think about fitting this in with a ‘meal time’ to coincide with offering the food e.g. an ‘after school’ slot 4-5.30 (not necessarily on a school day) or Saturday lunchtime e.g. 11-12.30 Messy Church is traditionally offered to all ages and one of the particular values is that parents/carers should accompany the children. We will endorse this value.

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Messy Church Roadshow

Thank you for being part of the first Messy Church Roadshow.

This is a taster session offered in a Parish/LMA whereby clergy/leader can get together a team of volunteers, test the water with parents and families, make initial contacts and look to beginning a regular Messy Church or to continue with the seasonal ideas.

The format

We will follow the Messy Church outline plan of having 4 sections – welcome, craft, celebration and food.

Whatever time you choose we will have a session of 1 and ½ hours. Try to think about fitting this in with a ‘meal time’ to coincide with offering the food e.g. an ‘after school’ slot 4-5.30 (not necessarily on a school day) or Saturday lunchtime e.g. 11-12.30

Messy Church is traditionally offered to all ages and one of the particular values is that parents/carers should accompany the children. We will endorse this value.

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Planning for your session

The Welcome (20mins)

Children will sign in the register with parents. One volunteer will need to be responsible for this welcome/registration role

Name labels for children to decorate, make a label with their name on

Games will be set up for children to play with their families and other children

A leader will lead some other small games for children to play in one area

The Craft Time (35mins)

Messy Church works well when there are a number of crafts set up around the room. We are likely to try and set up around 5 crafts. Here are the ideas and resources lists.

1. ‘I am thankful for’ cross craft – helping the children to think about simple things we can say thank you for. Using; Foam/coloured cardfelt pensGlueScissorsRibbon/string

2. Pumpkin – food and family – remembering the good things we have been given. List your favourite foods, members of your family and even pets on strips of orange paper and use them to make a pumpkin! Using; green and orange coloured paper/cardfelt pensGlueScissors

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3. Leafy butterflies – reminding children that at this time we give thanks especially for all the gifts in creation and all the beauty of natureUsing;Sticksleavesgluepens

4. Great big rainbow collage – who are we saying thank you to? Our families and to God. Decorating a big drawn out word

Using; Large word ‘thank you’ or ‘diolch’ drawn on cardboard or mountedpaint & paintbrushesnewspaperglueCollage materials – coloured fabric, foam, card, tissue paperSequins, glitter etc.

5. Daily bread – God gives us everything we need, he knows what WE need. Make the initials of your name from salt dough

Using;ready-made salt doughpaper plates

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The Celebration (15mins)


Tell the story of the rich man using tin foil and a jar

There was once a man who had lots and lots of good things, he had lots but the more he got the more he wanted (as you speak tear off lots of foil)He had so much that he decided he needed somewhere to keep all the things he had so he built a barn and put all the things into the barn (put foil into the jar)Now he had somewhere safe to keep all his things he could have taken some and given it to people who had no good things (take one piece of foil out between two fingers)But he wanted more and to keep it all for himself (add more foil and push it down into the jar)But soon his barn grew full and instead of taking some out to share with others (show one more time how you could take one piece out between too fingers)He stored more and more until it was too full and he had to find somewhere else to keep it.So he built huge new barns to keep all his good things in but when he went to get them out, he couldn’t do it (try to grab all the foil and bring it out whilst making a fist). If only he had chosen to share some of it out.


Listen to the song ‘Build a bigger barn’ by Ishmael and move up and down on words beginning with B. Try to join in with the song too.


Children/families can add their names or prayers to a leaf and then bring it and add it to the prayer tree in the centre.

Prayer tree

Reflection – each person will be given a seed, along with plant pots to take home and plant their seeds at the end of the session. You can use your plant pots to advertise your next Messy Church or Family Service!

Hold the seed in the palm of your hand.

This seed is special. It contains life waiting to break out. It is precious and valuable. It is a gift from God.

Like this seed, each of our lives is precious and special. God has given each of us a life that is beyond price.

Hold the seed between your finger and thumb.

This seed is small. It seems too tiny to be anything important or significant. Yet it contains a surprise waiting to happen. It is a lesson from God.

Like this seed, God planned each of our lives to become something surprisingly more than we yet are or appear to be.

Hold the seed hidden in the closed fist of one hand.

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This seed is hidden. It remains out of sight so it can grow in secret. The miracle of the seed can only happen as it dies in the depth of the earth. It is a sign from God.

Like this seed, God wants to be with us deep within our hearts. He wants to work in- depth in our lives. We can only grow as we trust in the miracle of His new life out of death..

Hold the seed up in the air in one hand and pause to consider what this seed will become one day.

This seed will grow and reach up out of the earth. The seed needs the rain and the sun to help it grow.

Like this seed, our lives will grow as we become what God has planned for us to be. He will bless us with the things we need to grow. God’s plans for us are long term and the best

The Meal (20mins)

This can either be hot or cold, snacks or a meal depending on your facilities, fund and team available. It does need to be something which can be enjoyed by children and adults and something which is healthy or part of a balanced diet.

Some quick and easy ideas

- Pizza- Toast- Slices of apple/grapes- Cupcakes (ready-made)- Tea/coffee and squash

Some hot and homely ideas

- Pasta bolognaise- Sausages and mashed potato- Tea/coffee and squash

Some Harvest ‘themed’ ideas

- Toffee apples- Pumpkin pie- Hollow out a pumpkin and fill with dip, use celery/carrot sticks to dip- Corn on the cob- Pigs in blankets- Vegetable stew- Apple pie

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Ffurflen gofrestruRegistration Form

Aelodau eraill o’r teulu sydd yn Llan Llanast(a dyddiad geni – ar gyfer dathlu pen-blwyddi)

Name of family members at Messy Church(and d.o.b. optional – for birthday celebrations)







Cyfeiriad / Address

Cod post / Postcode

E-bost / Email

Ffôn / Phone

Symudol / Mobile

Parhad trosodd…Continues cverleaf…

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Hoffech chi fod yn aelod o ddalen Llan Llanast ar Facebook ar gyfer yr eglwys hon?HOFFWN / DIM DIOLCH

I am interested in belonging to the Messy Church Facebook page for this churchYES / NO

Hoffwn gael newyddion Llan Llanast trwy (ticiwch yn ôl y gofyn)I would like to be kept informed about Messy church by (tick as necessary)

e-bost / e-mailneges destun / textFfordd arall / other

Peidiwch â chysylltu gyda fi am Llan Llanast ar hyn o brydI would rather you didn’t contact me about Messy Church yet

Rhoddaf ganiatâd i ffotograffau ohono i a/neu fy mhlant a dynnwyd gan y ffotograffydd swyddogol gael eu defyddio ar gyfer hysbysrwydd yr eglwys hon (er engrhaiff yn ystod Llan Llanast ar Powerpoint, yng ngylchgrawn yr eglwys, neu ar wefan yr eglwys. Yr wyf yn deall y bydd yr eglwys hon yn scrhau bod y lluniau yn rhai sy’n dangos parch ac yn addas ar gyfer y gweithgareddau sy’n cael eu hyrwyddo, ac na fydd hi’n bosib cysylltu rhwng llun o’m plentyn gyda’i enw llawn, cyfeiriad, e-bost, a.y.y.b. er mwyn gnwued yn siŵr nad oes unrhwy wybodaeth bersonol yn cael ei dangos neu ar gael yn gyhoeddus.

I give permission for photos of me and/or my children taken at Messy Church by our official photographer to be used for this church’s publicity (for example, during Messy Church on a Powerpoint, in the church magazine/newsletter, or on the church website). I am aware that this church will always ensure the pictures are respectful in their nature and appropriate to the activity promoted, and that no link can be made between the image of my child and his/her full name, address, email etc. in order to avoid personal information being displayed or accessed publicly.

Arwyddwyd / Signed

Dyddiad / Date

Am ragor o wybodaeth am hyn neu hyfforddiant pellach cysylltwch âFor more information about these or other training please contact:

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Cofrestr Dân / Fire Register



Gwybodaeth BywsigImportant Info

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Craft table 1‘I am thankful for’ cross

craft. Add squares to the cross and write/draw what you are thankful for. Finish with some


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Bwrdd Crefft 1Crefft Croes ‘Dwi’n diolch am’. Rhowch

sgwariau ar y groes ac ysgrifennu/tynnu llun beth dych chi’n diolch

amdano. Yna ychwanegwch ruban.

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Bwrdd Crefft 3‘Pili Pala Dail’

Dewiswch eich hoff ddeilen a’i gosod yn y

canol fel corff y pili pala. A gorffen trwy addurno

neu ychwanegu llygaid

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Craft table 3‘Leafy Butterflies’ Find your favourite leaf and add a stick in the centre for the butterfly’s body. You can then decorate

or add eyes to finish.

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Bwrdd crefft 4‘Enfys o Ddiolch’

rhowch eich hoff liwiau ar y llythrennau sy’n

dweud ‘diolch’.

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Craft table 4‘Rainbow thank you’

add some of your favourite colours to the letters which spell out

‘thank you’

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Bwrdd Crefft 5‘Bara Beunyddiol’

Defnyddiwch ychydig o’r toes halen i ffurfio eich

enw neu’ch prif lythrennau a’i roi ar y

plât papur i sychu.

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Craft table 5‘Daily bread’

Using a small amount of salt dough shape your

name or your initials and put it onto a paper plate

to dry.

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Bwrdd Crefft 2‘Pwmpen fy hoff bethau’ rhestrwch beth dych chi’n hoffi ei wneud a’i fwyta ar

bapur lliw oren. Rhowch nhw at ei gilydd i greu pelen. Yna

rhuban i’w hongian.

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Craft table 2‘My favourite Pumpkin’

list your favourite foods and activities on orange paper.

Join them together to make a sphere. Finish with ribbon

if you’d like to hang it up.