Social media-policy-presentation

Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303 Social Media Policy Why You Just Can’t Say No! Presenter: Ira S Wolfe


When it comes to writing social media policy, you just can't say no. View this presentation on the 4 areas that must be covered when writing an effective policy. Also covered is the 7 things every policy needs and the 3 steps to get started.

Transcript of Social media-policy-presentation

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Social Media PolicyWhy You Just Can’t Say No!

Presenter: Ira S Wolfe

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

I’m talking to you? La, La, La…I’m not listening!

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303


�To Block or Not To Block Social Media

�Writing Effective Social Media Policies

� Internal Organizational Policies� Internal Employee Policies�External Audience Policies�Safety, Security & Regulations


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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Social Media By The Numbers

• Over 600 million users on Facebook.• 3.5 billion pieces of content are shared each WEEK on Facebook.

• 2.5 billion photos are loaded each month to Facebook.

• 96% of 18-35 year olds are on a social network.

• 80% of Twitter updates happen outside of

• 25% of search results for the world’s largest brands are links to user-generated content.

• YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine on the web.

• There are 133,000,000 blogs.• 36 hours of YouTube video uploaded every minute.

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Social Media Is Today’s Telephone100 years ago:“The telephone makes men lazy.”

“The telephone breaks up home life and the old practice of visiting friends.”

Disruptive innovation is nothing new! You need to embrace the new communication.

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Social Media is much bigger than Facebook

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Most Common Excuses to Block Social Media

• Intellectual Property

• Confidentiality

• Industry Regulations


• Employee Productivity

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Something Has To Give

Marketing, Human Resources, IT, & Management can choose to ignore it…

But you can’t block it or avoid it!

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

4 Piece Puzzle of Good Social Media Guidelines

Internal Employee

Internal Organization

Safety, Security, & Regulation

External Audience

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Every Policy Needs These 7 Things

� Accountability

� Transparency

� Separation

� Respect for Copyrights etc.

� Usage at work

� Confidentiality

� Monitoring

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Before You Write The policy

� Visit social media sites before you do anything.

� Define what objectives you want the policy to accomplish.

� How many policies do you want?

� Do you need policies for each network?

� Do you need personal and organizational policies?

� Do you need an off-the-clock conduct policy?

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

When Writing Policy

� Make sure everything is explicitly outlined

� But … K.I.S.S.

� Say what you mean, and mean what you say

� Consult established policies

� Review with an attorney

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303


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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Internal Organizational Policies

How will you use Social Media for: � Marketing� Public opinion� Recruiting� Testimonials� Professional networks

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Generally Speaking…

� Who is in charge

� Who to contact if there is a question or problem

� Who is allowed to post

� What can and cannot be posted

� Why you want to post

� Where you can post

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303


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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Internal Employee Policies

• Employee Guidelines� Liberal vs Conservative

• Personal Policies� Disclosure (Employee to Company)� Disclosure (Employee as Employee)� Clarify personal opinions vs company stance� Confidentiality� Mutual respect for your competition

• Employees must sign off

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Basic Blogging and Posting Guidelines

� Be responsible for what you write.� Use good judgment.� Be authentic and fully disclose.� Protect confidential and proprietary

information.� Be productive.

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Specific Policies for Social Networks

Do you want employees to use their profiles to promote the organization?

Can they use it at work?

Are you going to use and allow video and photos?

Will you allow recruiters to use LinkedIN?

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303


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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

External Audience Policies

� Comment Policy for blogs and other sites.

� Terms of Service (website and blogs).

� Policies for user-generated content.� Blogs – you can

moderate� Facebook – all or none� Twitter – none

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303


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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Safety, Security, & Regulations

� Email policy� E-Commerce policy� Password policy� Comment policy (will you allow

anonymous comments?)� HIPPA� Age Limitations� Marketing Documentation� Backup

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Legal Issues

� Defamation

� Hiring employees

� Terminating employees� MD Dept. of Corrections� Houston’s� American Medical Response of Connecticut,

Inc. (AMR)

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Your Employees are Protected

� Off-duty conduct Laws

� Protections for political views

� Protections for “whistle-bloggers”

� Prohibitions on retaliations

� Concerted activity protections

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Case Study


� Pietryllo v. Hillstone Restaurant Group, d/b/a Houston’s

� Terminated because of Comments made in a closed group on Myspace

� Manager got the login information from another employee

� They were rewarded compensatory damages of $2,500 and $903 and punitive damages of $10,000 and $3,612 respectively

� Appeal was denied

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Where Do You Start?

“You overcome uncertainty with a plan and you overcome fear with guidelines.”

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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303

Establish the policy: Determine the policy and what you want to accomplish.

Enforce: You need to embrace it and consistently use the policy – it shouldn’t sit on the shelf.

Educate: Important to train or make employees aware of the implications.


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Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Ira S Wolfe. 800-803-4303


� Blogs:




Ira S Wolfe� Phone: 410-941-2345� Email:

[email protected]� Mobile: 717-333-8286