Showcasing HR - West Midlands Employers Home page Midlands... · how should local government...

Date: Tuesday 12th April 2016 Time: 9:30am arrival for a 10am start until 4pm (complimentary lunch and refreshments included) Location: West Ham Football Club, Boleyn Ground, Green Street, Upton Park, London, E13 9AZ Chaired by: West Midlands Employers How HR and Business Partnering can be a mechanism to address some of the BIG ‘Strategic Business’ challenges facing the public sector today. Aspire Showcasing HR Sponsored by The LGA is proud to be a partner on Aspire, a national HR & OD programme with a difference. Our aim is to support and empower HR professionals to be credible and hugely influential partners in the decision making processes in councils, with a focus on decision making that not only resonates, but influences the business. Our aim is to collaboratively develop a strong network of insight-led professionals driving leading edge performance across the sector. Sarah Messenger, Head of Workforce, Local Government Association

Transcript of Showcasing HR - West Midlands Employers Home page Midlands... · how should local government...

Date: Tuesday 12th April 2016 Time: 9:30am arrival for a 10am start until 4pm

(complimentary lunch and refreshments included)

Location: West Ham Football Club, Boleyn Ground, Green Street, Upton Park, London, E13 9AZ

Chaired by: West Midlands Employers

How HR and Business Partnering can be a mechanism to address some of the BIG ‘Strategic Business’ challenges facing the public sector today.

Aspire Showcasing HR

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The LGA is proud to be a partner on Aspire, a national HR & OD programme with a difference. Our aim is to support and empower HR professionals to be credible and hugely influential partners in the decision making processes in councils, with a focus on decision making that not only resonates, but influences the business. Our aim is to collaboratively develop a strong network of insight-led professionals driving leading edge performance across the sector.

Sarah Messenger, Head of Workforce, Local Government Association

10:00am Welcome by Colin Williams & Rebecca Davis, West Midlands Employers

10:05am The importance of “Strategic HR” – a CEO Perspective

Ian Miller, Chief Executive, Wyre Forest District Council

About IanIan has been Chief Executive of Wyre Forest District Council since December 2009. After 13 years in the civil service working on a number of areas of policy and legislation, he moved to local government in 2000 as Head of Finance, Welsh Local Government Association and then from 2002 as Chief Executive of Denbighshire County Council. From 2002 to 2008 Ian was also Clerk to North Wales Fire Authority.

10:20am Theme 1 With devolution being a strong theme in the public sector, how should local government integrate with strategic partners both public and private? It the time now ripe for ‘super councils’?

Stephen Cooper (Local Government Association), Catherine Granville (New Forest District Council), Lynsey Fulcher (Cambridgeshire County Council) and Amanda Jeffrey (Woking Borough Council )

11:05am Theme 2 Focusing on research such as the ‘21st Century Public Servant’ by INLOGOV, what will future public servants be made of? How can we encourage the culture and behavioural changes required and the development of associated skills?

Sonia Godfrey (EK Human Resources), Sarah Hunter (Horsham District Council), Kathy Proctor (North Yorkshire County Council), Amy Remasi (EK Human Resources) and Rachael Simpson (Worcestershire County Council & Wyre Forest District Council)

11.50am Refreshments

12:00pm An interactive session looking at real life HR/OD scenarios, alongside some tips and quick wins on how to ‘build bridges’ between the NHS OD & HR work with other public sector organisations

Stephen Moir, Chief People Officer, NHS England

About StephenStephen Moir is the Chief People Officer for NHS England and the Head of Profession for Human Resources (HR) in the NHS. Stephen is responsible for a range of NHS England corporate functions, including: People and Organisational Development, Health, Wellbeing and Safety, Workplace Diversity and Inclusion, Internal Communications and Corporate Social

Showcasing HR - Programme

Responsibility. In his national role, Stephen is also a co-chair of the NHS Social Partnership Forum (SPF) and is a member of the NHS Equality and Diversity Council (EDC).

12:30pm Networking Lunch

13:30pm Theme 3 How do we encourage and develop more commercially based skills within our workforce with a focus on unfamiliar territories such as income generation and traded services?

Liz Maidment (Isle of Wight Council), Mairi Reed (North Yorkshire County Council), Celia Williams (Bristol City Council) and Uzma Zeeshan (South Bucks District Council)

14:15pm Theme 4 What effect has digital technology had on Councils and will embracing such technologies create further opportunity to configure services differently in the future?

Kate Ivackovic (Mole Valley District Council), Debra Leslie (Chiltern District Council), Shona Mason (Epsom & Ewell Borough Council) and Baljinder Sandher (Maidstone Borough Council)

15:00pm Peer into the FutureAn exciting look at a joint PPMA/Penna Development Programme for aspiring Directors of HR and a chance to find out how it can help career development.

Yvonne Skingle, Director Local Government and Housing, Penna

About YvonneYvonne has worked in Executive Search and Selection over the last 7 years following a senior level public sector career. She has worked in County and Unitary Councils (as well as health and police) and is extremely experienced at working with Members, Chief Executives, Directors and Human Resources teams. She has supported organisations across the public sector (Local and Central Government, Health, Fire and Rescue, probation, police, housing and ‘not for profit’ organisations) to appoint their most senior talent. Some of her recent work has focused on commercial arms as the public service reform focuses on commercialism and different models of delivery. Yvonne has a reputation for successful partnership working with organisations to support their transformation and change – she is used to leading organisational talent programmes working

closely with clients. Yvonne has a broad Executive Search portfolio including Chief Executives and Strategic Directors.

She is a Member of the PPMA National Policy Board leading on Transformation and leads the PPMA/Penna - ‘Peer into the Future’ modular programme.

15:15pm Closing Remarks – Shaping the future of Business Partnering together Rebecca Davis & Colin Williams, West Midlands Employers

15:20pm Presentation of Certificates

Our panel of experts Throughout the day, our panel will be asking questions and providing feedback on aspire delegates’ presentations.

Equally the audience will have time to question our panel on the themes, to ensure a robust debate on the 4 themes of the day.

As well as Ian, Stephen and Yvonne on our panel we will be joined by Debbie Morris, Director of Human Resources, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and Richard Muscat, Head of Consulting from our event sponsor the Hay Group.

Richard MuscatRichard’s expertise lies in locality - based change, enabling leaders to consider fresh approaches to collaboration, economic growth and service design. With a background in economic and social policy, Richard’s experience spans across a diverse range of projects in the public and not-for-profit sectors, focusing on developing systems thinking, leadership abilities and performance.

Debbie MorrisDebbie Morris is a HR Professional with 30 years HR experience with a track record of providing excellent HR services that truly contribute to business performance. She is currently the Shared Director for HR - to the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea with a workforce of approximately 10,500 employees.

She is a fellowship Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and has a Diploma in Management Studies.

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