
Anahit Serobyan ID 5562 CS#1 Assignment Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance Shackleton was an amazing person, who had features of exceptional leader, deserving only admiration. He was very young, only 16, when he found his calling in seafaring. His wish to be a seaman was so strong , that his father wasn’t able to refuse and decided to give him a chance to try, with hope that son will give up the idea. Young Shackleton had persistent character, very inquisitive and hardworking, he was learning everything possible connected with the profession he had chosen, and at age of 24 he attained the rank of master, later he received certificate as an officer. Despite rapid advancement, he hadn’t become arrogant, vice- versa he used to speak with deference with everybody, therefore deserved respect between sailors and gained many friends. During journey to South Africa Shackleton got acquainted with Cedric Longstaff, with the help of whom he had interview with the leading members of Royal Geographical Society (RGS) and National Antarctic Expedition (NAE). Having many goals and expectations connected with South Pole Expeditions, even without any experience in similar trips, Shackleton hadn’t lost any chance ant took part in the first offered. He can be described as a person with ability to convince, with brave heart and audacious nature. Many different nations were involved in competition of the South Pole exploration. Great Britain also was engaged in the competition fierce, but uncommon climate and environment and lack of experience were adding additional obstacles. Initially Shackleton was obsessed with the idea to reach and explore the South Pole, and he immediately agreed to attend the very first available Antarctic expedition even without having corresponding skills. That wasn’t a successful try, but was experience which Shackleton hadn’t got before and influenced him to organize own expedition. Shackleton wanted to have fame, not only for himself, but also for his wife; “to make a name for myself and her”, an ambitious mind wanted success, but also he wanted to refute the black mark of previous journey.


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Anahit Serobyan ID 5562

CS#1 Assignment

Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance

Shackleton was an amazing person, who had features of exceptional leader, deserving only admiration. He was very young, only 16, when he found his calling in seafaring. His wish to be a seaman was so strong , that his father wasn’t able to refuse and decided to give him a chance to try, with hope that son will give up the idea. Young Shackleton had persistent character, very inquisitive and hardworking, he was learning everything possible connected with the profession he had chosen, and at age of 24 he attained the rank of master, later he received certificate as an officer. Despite rapid advancement, he hadn’t become arrogant, vice- versa he used to speak with deference with everybody, therefore deserved respect between sailors and gained many friends. During journey to South Africa Shackleton got acquainted with Cedric Longstaff, with the help of whom he had interview with the leading members of Royal Geographical Society (RGS) and National Antarctic Expedition (NAE). Having many goals and expectations connected with South Pole Expeditions, even without any experience in similar trips, Shackleton hadn’t lost any chance ant took part in the first offered. He can be described as a person with ability to convince, with brave heart and audacious nature.

Many different nations were involved in competition of the South Pole exploration. Great Britain also was engaged in the competition fierce, but uncommon climate and environment and lack of experience were adding additional obstacles. Initially Shackleton was obsessed with the idea to reach and explore the South Pole, and he immediately agreed to attend the very first available Antarctic expedition even without having corresponding skills. That wasn’t a successful try, but was experience which Shackleton hadn’t got before and influenced him to organize own expedition. Shackleton wanted to have fame, not only for himself, but also for his wife; “to make a name for myself and her”, an ambitious mind wanted success, but also he wanted to refute the black mark of previous journey.

The first difficulty Shackleton met was funds raising and planning the logistics at the same time. The negative echo due to his first journey, too dangerous plans and failures of previous attempts prevented financing from former donors, investors and even friends. He tried all possible ways to get funds, even took big amount of credit. He took a photographer and sold the shares of future photos and publications which will be made during Antarctic journey. Therefore, Shackleton was able to gain needed funds, all due to his skills of good entrepreneur and creativeness. Shackleton learnt good lessons from failures which previous expeditions had and made overall examination of things they would need during journey, such he filled the lack of experience; he helped to develop special food containing all necessary vitamins, finding special clothes which will better fit for cold climate and strengthening all other known weak parts. I can definitely say that he was honest person. In his announcement for gathering crew he clearly described all risks and difficulties that they could have during journey, and mentioned that the main award will be the fame of national Heroes. While choosing crew members he was assessing what each person could bring to team, he was looking for easy going, optimistic people who will easier overcome difficulties during the mission. Shackleton also believed in "a spirit of

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camaraderie". He was convinced that the one thing gave him the best chance of reaching his goals was unity. Probably, the way he communicated with people was one of the reasons, why the crew liked their captain from the very beginning; he was leaving good impression on people, and he had charisma and temperament due to which received a nickname-“Boss”. Shackleton was a good manager. He chose devoted people; such was his helper Wild, who was closer to the crew than captain, in such way Shackleton kept the needed distance to be an authority and demanded unquestioning loyalty.

Managing abilities of Shackleton became more obvious during the time of their first trouble, when the Endurance couldn’t move, was frozen, and they didn’t have other choice than wintering on the ship several months. During all that wintering period, Shackleton was giving orders to everybody, all the members of the crew had own task, so they were busy with work, and didn’t have energy and time to complain. Even while working, members were demotivated, but they didn’t give up seeing confidence and hope in their captain, Shackleton organized motivating activities as celebrating of Christmas to rise up mood and to give hope to own crew. One of the sailors wrote about Shackleton: “He is always able to keep his trouble under and show a bold front.” As the condition of the vessel was worsening, Shackleton ordered to leave the Endurance. While leaving on ice, he ordered to build ships from vessel materials and to hunt not to run away the food reserves. On the day, when Endurance went under water, people started to show their anger and disappointment, to solve the discontent, he told that even their contracts had finished after the vessel sunk, everybody will be paid extra salary for each day until they reach civilization. By acting like that he calmed down the rioters and motivated others to struggle to survive. I can say that Shackleton was person with great sense of responsibility; he was searching all possible ways to survive, made new plans.

After they reached Elephant Island, and still need to search for help, he again made new plan, he organized a team of 6 people, which would pass large distance to find the help. Here again Shackleton showed his organizational skills and critical way of thinking. He took with with him those whom he could rely on and those who were rioters; and could demotivate the other group which will stay on island. The path was quite hard, once they were going in wrong direction, later some members of the group became weaker, and they divided the group into 2 parts, and the left 3 people reached the destination. Shackleton got rest only after all 28 members of his crew were rescued. He was never giving up leader, even after the failure with the Endurance he didn’t give up, he organized another journey to South Pole, but that journey had fatal end for him, he died before reaching his cherished dream.

I can say that Shackleton was a great leader; he had chosen correct people, created team spirit and took care of them. He led decisively, used organizational strategies, oriented fast in critical situations, was optimistic and never gave up.

I have heard from many famous entrepreneurs that if you want to reach success anything you do you should do with passion. Thus, I think Shackleton was able to survive and overcome all the obstacles on his way because of passion to reach his aim.