church a priority. Make Bible study a priority. Make raising our chil- dren in the way of the Lord a priority. And say no to the pressures of the world that distract us by planning school func- tions, sporting events and work related pro- grams in the way of our faith. Let us return to the faith of our fathers by truly and earnestly making our Father in Heaven our first priority. Peace and Blessings, "What Was Old Is New" Our world is filled with catchphrases and without a doubt I use a lot of them. With that said, the New Year is filled with these and I want to ex- pound on this one. Within our human nature we are always looking for the next best thing, the newest gadget or the quickest remedy. As many people make New Year's resolutions, they are looking at new ways of doing old things and so I want to address this con- cept from a spiritual per- spective. Jesus said, "I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it", yet Chris- tians for 2000 years have been trying to wiggle out of the law. We don't like the confinement that comes along with rules, we think that we can find a better way of doing things. There are two catchphrases that I like; "if it's not broke, don't fix it" and "don't try to reinvent the wheel". Both of these seem to make good sense, yet many of us spend a great deal of energy reinvent- ing the wheel and trying to fix that which is not broke. I ask you to accept a concept that what is old can be made new. That which is sacred from our past can and should be sacred in our present and future. We can dust off our spiritual tools and put them back into use. That which made the church whole 100, 500 and 1000 years ago can make the church whole today. In this New Year, I am asking all of you to step up to the challenge of making the church rele- vant again. Not by some radical redesign, but by reaching into our past to shape our future. Make From the Pastor INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Pastor 1 Del Sacerdote 2 News & Updates 3 Church Cleaning Crew 4 Collections & Donuts 4 Server’s List 5 Advertisements 6 SAINT MATTHIAS CATHOLIC CHURCH January 2016 VOLUME X, ISSUE I CALENDAR: Tuesday, January 12th Adoration 7:00pm8:30pm Saturday, January 16th Feeding the Homeless Austin St. Shelter @ 11:00 am Wednesday, January 20th Bunko Night @ 7pm Tuesday, January 26th Prayer Group Meeting @ 7pm


church a priority. Make

Bible study a priority.

Make raising our chil-

dren in the way of the

Lord a priority. And say

no to the pressures of the

world that distract us by

planning school func-

tions, sporting events

and work related pro-

grams in the way of our

faith. Let us return to

the faith of our fathers

by truly and earnestly

making our Father in

Heaven our first priority.

Peace and Blessings,

"What Was Old Is New"

Our world is filled with

catchphrases and without

a doubt I use a lot of

them. With that said, the

New Year is filled with

these and I want to ex-

pound on this one.

Within our human nature

we are always looking for

the next best thing, the

newest gadget or the

quickest remedy. As

many people make New

Year's resolutions, they

are looking at new ways

of doing old things and so

I want to address this con-

cept from a spiritual per-


Jesus said, "I have not

come to abolish the law,

but to fulfill it", yet Chris-

tians for 2000 years have

been trying to wiggle out

of the law. We don't like

the confinement that

comes along with rules,

we think that we can find

a better way of doing

things. There are two

catchphrases that I like;

"if it's not broke, don't

fix it" and "don't try to

reinvent the wheel".

Both of these seem to

make good sense, yet

many of us spend a great

deal of energy reinvent-

ing the wheel and trying

to fix that which is not


I ask you to accept a

concept that what is old

can be made new. That

which is sacred from our

past can and should be

sacred in our present and

future. We can dust off

our spiritual tools and

put them back into use.

That which made the

church whole 100, 500

and 1000 years ago can

make the church whole


In this New Year, I am

asking all of you to step

up to the challenge of

making the church rele-

vant again. Not by some

radical redesign, but by

reaching into our past to

shape our future. Make

From the Pastor


I S S U E :

From the



Del Sacerdote 2

News & Updates 3

Church Cleaning



Collections &



Server’s List 5

Advertisements 6



January 2016 V O L U M E X , I S S U E I

C A L E N D A R :

Tuesday, January 12th



Saturday, January 16th

Feeding the Homeless

Austin St. Shelter @ 11:00 am

Wednesday, January 20th

Bunko Night @ 7pm

Tuesday, January 26th

Prayer Group Meeting @ 7pm

Estamos en época de Navidad,

pero el ambiente no es de Navi-

dad, sino más bien de Viernes

Santo. Tantas son las crisis, los

ataques terroristas, las guerras

que las potencias (EE.UU., Fran-

cia, Inglaterra, Rusia y Alemania)

conducen juntas contra el estado

islámico, destruyendo práctica-

mente Siria, con una muerte es-

pantosa de civiles y niños, como

la misma prensa ha mostrado:

todo esto apaga las luces de Na-

vidad y ensombrece los pinos que

deberían crear el ambiente de

alegría y de inocencia infantil

que todavía existe en toda perso-

na humana.

Quién pueda ver la película To-

dos los Niños Invisibles, en siete

escenas diferentes, dirigidas por

directores de renombre como

Spike Lee, Katia Lund, John

Woo, entre otros, puede darse

cuenta de las vidas destruidas de

los niños en muchas partes del

mundo, condenados a vivir de la

basura y en la basura; y sin em-

bargo, hay escenas conmovedo-

ras de camaradería, de pequeñas

alegrías en los ojos tristes, y de

solidaridad entre ellos.

Y pensar que son millones en el

mundo de hoy y que el propio

niño Jesús, según las Escrituras,

nació en un pesebre para anima-

les, porque no había lugar para

María, cercana al parto, en ningu-

na posada en Belén. Él se mezcló

con el destino de todos estos

niños maltratados por nuestra

falta de sensibilidad.

Más tarde, ese mismo Jesús ya

adulto dirá: "quien recibe a estos

hermanos míos más pequeños, a

mí me recibe". La Navidad tiene

lugar cuando se da esta acogida.

Existe una pieza de madera en

un hospital psiquiátrico. En ella

está escrito: «Cuando nace un

niño es señal de que Dios todavía

cree en el ser humano».

¿Puede haber un acto de fe y

esperanza mayor que este? En

algunas culturas de África se dice

que Dios está de manera espe-

cialmente presente en los que

nosotros llamamos "locos". Por

eso son adoptados por todos y

todos cuidan de ellos como si

fueran un hermano o una herma-

na. Así se integran y viven en

paz. Nuestra cultura los aísla y no

los reconoce.

La Navidad de este año nos remi-

te a esta humanidad ofendida y a

todos los niños invisibles cuyos

padecimientos son como los del

niño Jesús, que ciertamente en el

invierno de los campos de Belén

temblaba en el pesebre. Según

una antigua leyenda, se calentó

con el aliento de dos caballos

viejos que, en recompensa,

adquirieron después completa


Vale la pena recordar el signi-

ficado religioso de la Navi-

dad: Dios no es un viejo bar-

budo con ojos penetrantes, ni

un juez severo que juzga to-

das nuestras acciones. Es un

Del Sacerdote

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6





a las 12:30 pm

Cada Miércoles

a las 9:30 am

Grupo de adultos de Creci-

miento en la Fe: Los Jue-

ves cada quince días a las

7:00 pm en el salón Parro-


Grupo de monaguillos:

Reunión después de Misa

Dominical. Cada quince


Grupo de adolescentes:

Reunión de misa domini-

cal. Cada quince días.


Se celebran dentro de la misa


Se requiere una copia simple

del acta de nacimiento y el

nombre de los padrinos.

La preparación para papás y padrinos es el primer domingo

de cada mes a las 11:00 am.

Después de la preparación se agenda el día del sacramento.

Para información sobre las ceremonias

de Bodas o XV años, contactarse al tel.


¿ Quiénes Somos? Somos parte de la Comunidad Americana Católica. No estamos inscritos en la Dió-

cesis de Dallas, pero eso no quiere decir que no seamos católicos. Somos realmen-

te Católicos: Celebramos los mismos 7 sacramentos, Profesamos la misma fe que

cada domingo se dice en el Credo dentro de la misa.

Nuestra presencia no es para dividir, sino para presentar una opción para aquellos

que busquen una comunidad donde vivir la fe. Es nuestra responsabilidad compar-

tir la gracia que hemos recibido de Dios por lo que TODOS Y TODAS son bienve-


niño. Y como niño no juzga a

nadie. Sólo quiere vivir y ser

querido. Del pesebre viene

esta voz: «¡Oh, criatura huma-

na, no temas a Dios! ¿No ves

que su madre ha envuelto sus

pequeños brazos? Él no ame-

naza a nadie. Más que ayuda,

necesita ser ayudado y lleva-

do en brazos».

¿Se puede contener la emo-

ción ante tanta belleza? Por

esto, todavía, a pesar de los

pesares, podemos celebrar

discretamente la Navidad.

Termino con este otro mensa-

je que tiene significado:

«Todo niño quiere ser hom-

bre. Todo hombre quiere ser

rey. Todo rey quiere ser

"dios". Sólo Dios quiso ser


Abracémonos unos a otros

como quien abraza al Divino

Niño que se esconde en noso-

tros y que nunca nos aban-

donó. Que la Navidad sea

todavía una fiesta discreta-

mente feliz. Y que este año

2016 dure en nosotros esta

esperanza por un mundo me-


Padre Oscar Castillo

P A G E 3

News & Updates Saint Matthias Activities

Women’s Bible Study - meet every Monday

@ 6:30pm. Led by Bunnie Kopinsky

Men’s Bible Study - meet every other

Wednesday @ 7:00pm.

Led by Bishop Todd

Feeding the Homeless @ Austin

St. Shelter 11:00am every third Satur-

day. Bring the family for a wonderful

experience as we turn the tables, serving

instead of being served.

2929 Hickory St, Dallas, TX 75226

Bunko - meets every third Wednesday of the month to have fun and fellowship.

Led by Bobbie Walker Saint Matthias Prayer Group -

join the email list - receive the updated prayer list - pray in your home each Tues. @ 7:30pm.

Meet once a month to meditate, share, and prayer.

Adoration - every second Tues-

day of the month - 7:00pm to

8:30pm. Spend some quiet time

with the Lord, in His presence.

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6

Helping Hands

Items of the


Diapers, Wipes,

and Baby Food

Helping Hands


Margie Chung

Please join Saint Matthias on Remind

We are using this system to help reach

church members for church reminders

but more importantly for emergency


P A G E 4

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6

Collections & Donuts

Date Collections Coffee & Donuts **Backup**

01/03/2016 Jeff Gay Bobbie Walker Marc Holmes

01/10/2016 Marie Burton Bonnie Penny Jeff Gay

01/17/2016 Marc Holmes Marie Burton Bobbie Walker

01/24/2016 Bonnie Penny Jeff Gay Marie Burton

01/31/2016 Bobbie Walker Marc Holmes Bonnie Penny

2015 Cleaning Crew Schedule

Please arrive at 10:00am on your scheduled cleaning day.

New sign-up sheet for

2016 Cleaning Schedule

Please look for it in the church foyer.

1st Reading 2nd Reading Eucharist Usher Altar Guild Torch Bearer

01/03/16 John Rivera Taylor Bell Jaci

Bulsterbaum Bobbie Walker

Don Penny Janet Jackson

Taylor Bell Angela Garza

01/10/16 Greg Oehler Josh Zachary Kathy Oehler John & Jaci

Bulsterbaum Karen Anderson

Logan Zachary Ramon Garza

01/17/16 Jeff Gay Kathy Oehler Tina

Lewandowski Bob Marcoux John Rivera

Jaci Bulsterbaum Dax Durant

Brandon Morgan

01/24/16 Bonnie Penny Tina

Lewandowski Jeff Gay

Randy & Tina Lewandowski

Cristina Castro Taylor Bell

Angela Garza

01/31/16 Randy

Lewandowski Deacon David

Leerssen Gracie Black

Faith Durant Frank Black

Janet Jackson Logan Zachary

Juan Garza

10:30 am Mass

P A G E 5

Server’s List

1st Reading 2nd Reading Eucharist Usher Altar Guild

01/03/16 Juan Garza Morgan Burton Annette Bittle Juan Garza Jody McGee

01/10/16 Bonnie Penny Adam Dingwell Bill Elliott Albert Hernandez Jody McGee

01/17/16 Morgan Burton Bonnie Penny Dee Schueler Al Bergeron Emily Hernandez

01/24/16 Marguerite

Brindock Annette Bittle Juan Garza Jerry Ruddell Emily Hernandez

01/31/16 Bonnie Penny Dee Schueler Marguerite

Brindock Al Bergeron Jody McGee

8:30 am Mass

Saint Matthias Catholic Church 116 Kenway St

Rockwall, TX 75087

(972) 771-1378

Sunday English Mass……... 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Spanish Mass………………………12:30 pm

Sunday School…………………….. 9:45 am

Confession………………Available before Mass

and by appointment

Daily Mass Schedule

Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri — 8:30 am

Thurs. @ Evergreen Rockwall — 9:00 am

Childcare is provided for children under the age of 7 at the 10:30 am Mass.

P A G E 6


Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care

Jennifer Sobities

Volunteer Coordinator

[email protected] 866-570-6484

A place for every volunteer

Seasons Hospice has many

local volunteer opportuni-

ties available and we’re

just a phone call away.



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Residential & Commercial Construction

Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling

Outdoor Kitchens & Patio

Rosaries, Chaplets, Gifts, OLO

Guadalupe, Pearls of Life, etc.

Items for devotional and personal use.

All handmade in Rockwall.

For 10% discount use Matthias10

Thank you for visiting/supporting our shop