
Research Jordan Bohill

Transcript of Research

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Research Jordan Bohill

Page 2: Research 28th June 2014

Summary- this article is a short article with lots of statistics and research of its own into the co2 (greenhouse gasses) given off by different types of food consumers. Mainly focusing on meat eaters and vegans.Tags- emissions, co2, study, livestock

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“Vegetarians accounted for much less CO2 than meat eaters, while vegans did even better: They accounted for half the emissions that meat eaters did.”

“Meat tends to produce much more emissions than growing plants. That's thanks in large part to livestock methane emissions and the inefficiency inherent in raising animals. (You need to grow, transport and store food for the animals and then raise, transport and store the meat from the animals themselves.)”

“If everyone in the U.S. took one day a week to not eat meat or cheese, it would be like taking 7.6 million cars off the road.”

“Eating one less burger a week is like taking your car of the road for 320 miles.”

Article by Matt Connolly from June 28Th 2014

Further research:Looking deeper into the facts about the amount of emissions produced by meat eaters as appose to vegans. Also look to see if there are any organisation’s working together as part of a vegan/global warming team.

Page 4: Research 24th July 2012

Summary- this article is about the benefits of changing your lifestyle and diet to vegan. This includes facts, figures and suggested foods that will be fit for the vegan lifestyle while you are still getting all the necessary proteins and vitamins.

Tags- disease, b12, vitamin d, diet, diets, fatigue

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“heart disease can actually be reversed, without drugs or surgery, by radically restricting fat intake”

“Despite all the advantages, vegan diets aren't a no-brainer move. There are downsides, from potential health risks to the challenge of sticking to such a restrictive eating plan”

“Vegan diets are difficult to manage, and they're nutritionally incomplete” says Marion Nestle

“researchers warned that vitamin D, vitamin B12, and zinc are often lacking”

“These people were at risk for mental health problems, fatigue, trouble concentrating, decreased brain volume with aging, and irreversible nerve damage”

Article by Angela Haupt 24th July 2012

Further research:

Look into peoples stories of the side affects of a unbalanced vegan diet and what problems it may have caused.

Page 6: Research 10th November 2013

Summary- this is an article about surprising foods that vegans can not eat, this consists of everyday things from white sugar to pure orange juice. This is something mostly applied for the US foods rather than UK but as veganism is a world wide thing it is interesting to research into the different foods that may be acceptable in some countries but not in other.

Tags- omega-3, bone char

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“White sugar gets its color from a refining process that often involves the use of bone char, meaning even though it's not directly an animal product, it's not vegan”

“Some OJs are fortified with additional omega-3s that are derived from fish.”

“margarines are made with vegetable oil rather than dairy products, they may also contain gelatin, casein (milk protein), whey or gelatin.”

“Unless you crack the nuts yourself, skip the peanuts. Some brands may use gelatin as an additive.”

Article by Heather Barnett 10th November 2013

Further research:

Look into more foods that vegans may not be able to eat and also look at food that vegans do eat as alternatives.

Page 8: Research 11th January 2016

Summary- this article looks at the reasons on why people choose to become vegan. This particular part of the article takes a look at animal cruelty and why this is a big factor in a lot of peoples change to a veganism lifestyle. It looks into different ways animals are used for our own good this includes chickens and cows in this particular article.

Tags- dairy, de-beaked, hazardous, boycotts

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“Dairy Cows are made to produce 10-20 times more milk, for human food”.

“Most of the male calves are slaughtered for veal or sent to meat-rearing farms, where they will spend the rest of their lives in dark enclosed areas.”

“To ensure the chickens do not peck at each other in their tiny cages, chicks are 'de-beaked”

“They are fed a diet of hazardous antibiotics”

“By becoming and being a vegan, a person effectively boycotts the cruel industry that is factory farming, and as veganism grows, we will ensure that atrocities toward farm animals do not continue.”

Further research:

Page 10: Research 11th January 2016

Summary- this article talks about and looks into vegans beliefs and why and what they feel like about the way food, clothing and cosmetics are produced for humans. Also how they are produced.

Tags- animals, animal, entertainment, exploitation, believe

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“animals are sentient beings like us, with their own needs, desires and interests”

“they can experience a wide range of sensations and emotions such as happiness, pain, pleasure, fear, hunger, sadness, boredom, frustration or contentment.”

“Vegans can eat all plant foods, including cereals (such as oats, wheat or corn); pulses (such as peas, beans, lentils and soya beans), all vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, algaes, herbs and spices, and products made from any of these foods.”

“They can wear and use plant fabrics such as cotton, linen or hemp, and manmade materials such as polyester, acrylic or nylon.”

“Vegans do not believe in the breeding of domesticated animals such as horses, dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, birds or fishes. Domestication is not in the animals' best interests, as they are dependent on humans for everything that is important to them in their lives”

Quotes from

Further research:

Page 12: Research 7th February 2014

Summary- this article is about veganuary and how it is getting more people to try out veganism it also continues to talk about peoples experiences of veganism and uses 2 peoples stories and quotes to talk about in the article. It talks about Rachael Hollos the marketing director from London and Luke Graham a personal trainer from Cardiff.

Tags- Vegans, Luke, Rachael, cook, nutrition

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“according to the Vegan Society. There were 40% more people signing up to this temporary menu in the first two months of 2013 compared with the same period in 2012, it says.”

“There are also 150,000 full-time vegans in the UK - so about one in 400 - according to the Vegan Society. The ratio goes up to roughly one in 150 in the US”

“I definitely feel like I've got more energy and feel less bloated, but I also feel very hungry most of the time.” Quote from Rachael Hollos

“The switch has been easy during the week - when she's able to cook meals at home and prepare packed lunches - but difficult when eating out at weekends.” Quote from Rachael Hollos

Article By Vanessa Barford from 7th February 2014

Further research:

Page 14: Research 3rd February 2015

Page 15: Research 10th April 2014

Tags- Vegans, 1.3 billion, gallons, calories, dairy.

Summary- this article is full of vegan facts and figures.

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“Grain that is used to feed livestock for meat production could feed 1.3 billion people.”

“it takes 2,500 gallons to make just one pound of meat.”

“Most cases of food poisoning (up to 80%), are due to infected meat.”

“Shockingly, every hour in the United States 500,000 animals are killed for their meat.”

“You’re actively doing your bit to save the forests by being vegan. Forests are alarmingly cleared so that the land can be used for crops so that meat-based diets can be produced.”

Further research:

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Primary research: To a regular dieter-

Do you think that if you was to become vegan you would know how to schedule your meals and what types of things you couldn’t eat?

Do you think you can get enough nutrition from a vegan diet?

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