Real Moment Marketing - Using Brand Intelligence to Promote Your Brand and Reach Your Customers

(n.) the company defining digital marketing Helping clients to use data and technology to target their audiences with the right message at the right time on the right platform

Transcript of Real Moment Marketing - Using Brand Intelligence to Promote Your Brand and Reach Your Customers

(n.) the company defining digital marketing

Helping clients to use data and technology to target their audiences with the right message at the right time on the right platform

Why Amobee? Amobee  combined  three  of  the  world’s  leading  Adver6sing  Technologies  to  provide  a  comprehensive  digital  

marke6ng  pla:orm  that  provides  unparalleled  solu6ons  for  our  clients.  End  to  End.  

Real Time Brand Intelligence Analyzing and targeting the world’s content consumption.

True Cross Channel Advertising Cross channel & cross device targeting, powered by INK.

Leading Mobile and Data Platform for Operators, Advertisers and Publishers.

600+ Employees

Offices worldwide

Engineers across the globe 50+ 1

1 2

What I read

is not

What I share.

Content is Key

Of Content 3.5TB

Tweets 1.4B

Places 12,000

Products 350,000+

Celebs 8,000

Of Video 550 Terabytes

Images 500 Million Pages

450 Million

Topics 27,000

Phrases 300B

Social Things 500 Million

Things 1.4B

Brand Intelligence


Media Coverage Lego was the leading brand across social

media, mentioned almost 50,000 times, with 45% of positive and 14% negative, according to digital marketing firm Amobee Brand Intelligence.

Budweiser, which also ran an ad celebrating its brewing process, was mentioned more than 234,000 times on social media during the game, with nearly half of the comments expressing a positive sentiment and many more neutral, according to Amobee, which tracks digital response to brands.

Amobee Brand Intelligence delved into the social media stats and numbers from 600,000 digital publishing sites around Ferrell's impact on Little Debbie. After his Fallon performance, viewer consumption of conversations around the brand quickly spiked 1,727 percent.

Will Ferrell makes brands “kind of a big deal”. Find out how at #Ferrellvertising & follow us on Twitter @Amobee

(n.) the company defining digital marketing