Q + A with Rita Acquafredda


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An recent interview that Rita Acquafredda had with Dental Products Report was published in the June edition of Dental Products Report.

Transcript of Q + A with Rita Acquafredda

  • TENQuestions

    38 dentallabproducts June 2015 dlpmagazine.com

    01.Zahn Dental has announced

    some signif cant partnerships

    in the early months of 2015. Can you

    tell us more about some of these?

    As the leading distributor in the industry,

    our team looks at all products, services

    and equipment that may add value to our

    customers. As 3D printing continues to grow, we

    recently began offering new printing solutions

    from Bego USA and 3D Systems. We feel these

    new offerings will help meet laboratories

    diverse needs, and each printer offers different

    solutions for laboratories looking to enter or

    add to their 3D printing technology. In addition,

    we have entered into an exclusive partnership

    with Glidewell Laboratories to distribute BruxZir

    Zirconia and Obsidian Lithium Silicate, as well

    as BruxZir Anterior. Given the rapidly evolving

    area of guided surgery, we are also now offering

    360imaging, which enables dental laboratories

    to penetrate the guided surgery f eld quickly,

    more eff ciently and with more conf dence.

    02.When Zahn is considering

    what next products to offer,

    what is your selection process?

    Before we offer new products and services to

    our customers, our team reviews what kind of

    impact they will have on the laboratory: Will it

    improve production time? Does this enhance

    connectivity to their clients? Can a laboratory

    now offer more products and services to


    To best understand the potential effect of

    innovative solutions, we organize focus groups

    and work closely with our extensive education

    and technical support departments that help

    us uncover how these new opportunities

    may improve our customers prof tability and

    product offerings.

    03.How have you seen the lab

    world change in 2015 so far?

    The dental laboratory industry has seen a

    huge change in the past few years, and 2015

    is no different. Laboratories that have adopted

    technology are able to offer more products by

    partnering with production centers, such as

    Custom Milling Center (CMC). Labs that have

    increased their production now have affordable

    solutions for milling and printing in house.

    04.How do you see denta l

    laboratories changing in the

    rest of 2015?

    We foresee the need for d ig i ta l - ready

    laboratories to continue to grow. As dental

    practices begin to accept digital impression

    systems, we foresee the need for properly

    trained laboratories capable of receiving digital

    f les to continue to grow. The future of digital

    dentistry is now. Clinicians are just starting to

    embrace the workf ow, and laboratories that

    have already invested in digital technology will

    be a valuable resource in the near future.

    05.What, in your opinion, is the

    main challenge presented to

    labs by digital technologies?

    We feel that the main challenge in the digital

    workflow is support. When a laboratory

    integrates a CAD/CAM system into its workf ow,

    that is just the beginning of the process. There is

    an installation, training and learning curve that

    is different for each laboratory and technician.

    To ensure our partners get the support they

    need, we recently launched a specialized North

    America CAD/CAM technical support team. This

    team consists of CDTs, RDTs and experienced

    repair technicians available by phone and email

    to support laboratories.

    06.Flipping the question: What is

    one of the main opportunities

    afforded to labs by digital technology?

    The main opportunity for laboratories in regards

    to digital technology is entering at comfortable

    stages for each laboratory. Not every laboratory

    can justify adopting all of the technology on

    the market; it is a process of understanding

    the benefits of each system and what that

    technology is currently able to do to improve

    the laboratorys workf ow. Laboratories can get

    started by outsourcing to CMC to offer materials

    they are not able to produce in their lab. When

    a lab has enough volume, we have trained

    consultants to advise on printers and milling

    machines that would make it more prof table,

    but ultimately the laboratory can continue to

    follow the workf ow that is comfortable for its

    business model.

    07.How does technology allow

    labs to better work with GPs?

    Laboratories that have embraced an open

    architecture scanner are already equipped to

    take the next step with their clients. Clinicians

    are beginning to embrace digital impressions

    and the need for digital-ready labs that are

    trained and comfortable with providing support

    will be in high demand. We feel that clinicians

    will view the laboratory more as a consultant

    and partner when it comes to working within

    the digital workf ow, and we are excited about

    the opportunity of connecting digital-ready

    laboratories to digital-ready practices. In addition

    to entering the digital space at a comfortable

    pace, labs that embrace digital practices have

    an opportunity to f nd new dental customers.

    By working with Zahn, customers have a unique

    opportunity to also benef t from Henry Schein

    Dental, which not only promotes our brands of

    digital materials but helps connect our digitized

    lab customers to these dental customers.

    08.How does Zahn Dental help

    labs achieve this goal?

    Digital materials and equipment continue to

    enter the market at an accelerated rate, and

    being able to offer materials like Zirlux and

    services from CMC enables our customers to

    have access to leading products.

    09.How does Zahn Dental help

    labs of every size meet the

    challenges of 2015?

    We have solutions for every size laboratory.

    What works for a production lab with 100

    technicians wont work for a one- or two-man

    lab. CMC is the f rst step for laboratories that

    want to access some of the leading materials on

    the market without making investments in CAD/

    CAM equipment. CMC can receive traditional

    models, as well as STL f les, help with design

    services and manufacture the latest materials

    and custom abutments/bars.

    10.Anything else youd like to


    The landscape in our industry continues to

    evolve. New products, technology and services

    are introduced at a rapid pace, and we pride

    ourselves on making these products available

    to our customers. We look forward to partnering

    with our customers as we connect laboratories

    and clinicians to improve workflow and

    ultimately improve patient care.




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