Project 1 Transcript

Transcript (1 EXT. / INT. Northwestern Untied States highway roads in a car – Day 1) Scene starts with camera focused at an angle towards the driver’s side mirror of a car. The mirror reveals the face of a middle aged man, JAMES, taking long drags from a cigarette. There is introduction music playing but it is muffled to give the feel that it is the radio being played within the car. Camera pans around from different side and eagle-eye views of the automobile as it travels across a variety of different landscapes. The journey starts somewhere within the Pacific Northwest of the United States, most likely Oregon. The trip makes its way through the rich forest and mountainous landscapes of this region before transitioning into a scene of “America’s Heartland”, or states such as Iowa, Nebraska, etc. (Camera continues to pan across many third person camera angles of the car driving.As well as several shots of both JAMES and DEREK sitting silently, looking out the windows, taking in the various changes to their surroundings.) The time of day also consistently alternates several times consistent with the camera angles, showing daytime and night scenes of the car and its two occupants’ journey. The two men then pass through the skyline of Chicago where the music now makes its transition from a slightly muffled radio- like sound to a high quality movie introduction song. This new implementation of music continues for a brief time as JAMES and DEREK are now making their way through the Indiana country side. (We come to find out they are driving through Indiana by the camera panning left to a “Welcome to Indiana” sign as well as several fairly well known Indiana landmarks are displayed across the screen in a “drive-by” fashion.) (2 EXT Outside WILL’s Indiana home – DAY 2)


Project 1 Transcript Sorry it's late, I emailed you last week about my illness

Transcript of Project 1 Transcript

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(1 EXT. / INT. Northwestern Untied States highway roads in a car

– Day 1)

Scene starts with camera focused at an angle towards the

driver’s side mirror of a car. The mirror reveals the face of a

middle aged man, JAMES, taking long drags from a cigarette.

There is introduction music playing but it is muffled to give

the feel that it is the radio being played within the car.

Camera pans around from different side and eagle-eye views of

the automobile as it travels across a variety of different

landscapes. The journey starts somewhere within the Pacific

Northwest of the United States, most likely Oregon. The trip

makes its way through the rich forest and mountainous landscapes

of this region before transitioning into a scene of “America’s

Heartland”, or states such as Iowa, Nebraska, etc.

(Camera continues to pan across many third person camera angles

of the car driving.As well as several shots of both JAMES and

DEREK sitting silently, looking out the windows, taking in the

various changes to their surroundings.)

The time of day also consistently alternates several times

consistent with the camera angles, showing daytime and night

scenes of the car and its two occupants’ journey.

The two men then pass through the skyline of Chicago where the

music now makes its transition from a slightly muffled radio-

like sound to a high quality movie introduction song.

This new implementation of music continues for a brief time as

JAMES and DEREK are now making their way through the Indiana

country side.

(We come to find out they are driving through Indiana by the

camera panning left to a “Welcome to Indiana” sign as well as

several fairly well known Indiana landmarks are displayed across

the screen in a “drive-by” fashion.)

(2 EXT Outside WILL’s Indiana home – DAY 2)

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The music then fades out as JAMES and DEREK pull up to a very

modest and average home. The street, and one driveway in

particular, are crowded with cars bumper to bumper. It is

evident that there is something of importance being hosted at

the household.

The two men find a place to park the car amongst the chaos of


(Camera pans out to get a view of the two men exiting the car)

(The camera then pans to both individual men and gives a close

up of JAMES’ face)

JAMES is again taking a drag from a cigarette. His hair is salt

and pepper, more heavily on the white side. His face looks

young, yet worn by a possibly stressful life or due to his

smoking. He is a handsome man, well dressed in his suit in tie;

but has presumably gone days without saving and keeps a head of

unkempt, long flowing hair.

(The camera next pans to close up of DEREK)

He looks considerably younger than JAMES even though it is

supposed to be assumed they are the same age. He has dark curly

hair that it closely trimmed. Getting out of the passenger seat

with a more youthful and somewhat clueless look it is meant to

be signify he is the “second” member of the partnership)


You ready for this shit?


As ready as I’m going to be I guess.


Good enough for me. Let’s do this.

The two men walk up to the front of the house and ring the

doorbell. A frail, old woman comes to answer the door. The two

men greet her with warm closed-mouth smiles.


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Why hello gentlemen. You two must be James and Derek I



Yes ma’am that would be us.


I’m so touched that you both traveled all this way for my



Of course, MRS. HAYES. You know how close we all were…


How close we all ARE…


Oh yes, yes. I can’t begin to tell you boys how good it is

to see you again. I know that Willy will be so happy to see his

best friends again. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.

(3 INT. Inside WILL’s childhood home)

The two men step inside the home and scan across the room of

formally dressed individuals. There are small groups of people

scattered amongst the living room having conversations amongst

one another. The two of them continue to look around the room

before spotting BRIAN and DANIEL in the back corner of the room.

JAMES and DEREK make their way over to their two long lost



Jesus Christ look at what the cat dragged in. How ya guys



Goddamn it’s been way too long you guys. It’s great to

finally see you again

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The group of men exchange embraces and greetings with one



It’s just too bad that the first time we all get back

together in almost a decade is over something like this.


Yeah, no shit.


Has anyone heard how he’s been doing lately?


I talked to Mrs. Hayes earlier when we first got here. I

guess it’s taken a turn for the worst.


She said the shit has spread all the way up to his fucking

lungs. It’s the same exact thing that took my mom.

(Camera pans from whole group to BRIAN’s face where he begins to

tear up)

DEREK puts an arm around BRIAN in an effort to console him


You gotta be kidding me. What are they doing for him now

then? What kind of treatment is he being given?


He starts an accelerated chemo treatment on Monday. I think

it would be a good idea if we all went in as a group and paid

him a visit. I’m sure it would mean a lot to Ole BEAR if we did.


Has anybody heard from MATT yet?


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I tried reaching him several times before I left. No luck.


Unreal. He’s the only one not here. We have a friend that’s

dying and he can’t put shit behind him and pay his respects.


For fuck’s sake Derek you’re talking like the man’s already

dead. I don’t care how bad it is, we at least should still show

a little optimism. If not for our own sake, for MRS. HAYES’.

James lights up another cigarette, takes a look at it, and

immediately puts it out. Looking almost disgusted with himself.

It is at this moment when MRS. HAYES is seen making her way

slowly down the stairs holding a large box. JAMES goes over to

take the box out of her hands.


What’s all this Mrs. H?


It’s a box of all WILLy’s favorite college memories,

there’s a lot of you guys in that box of stuff. You all mean so

much to him.

MRS. HAYES clearly works hard to crack a smile at the group

before walking to the kitchen and letting the friends go through

the boxes’ contents.

(In my full working version it is here where I would insert the comical relief of the script by

placing the groups flashbacks to their college experiences and memoires found in the box)


Holy shit! Check this out bros! The bucket list we made

together our freshman year!

The group huddles around James

(The camera pans from a group view to a close up of all 4 men’s

faces crammed around looking over the piece of paper in child-

like awe)

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I can’t believe he still has this fuckin’ thing!


(Chuckles) James just called us all “bros”. That sure took

me back.


We were so committed to doing everything on this list. It

was like our college Bible.


And look, we damn near finished everything on here too.


All but one...