Policy framework for pastoralism in africa

Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa Simplice Nouala African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)

Transcript of Policy framework for pastoralism in africa

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Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa

Simplice Nouala

African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)

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• Peculiar features/challenges of pastoralism in Africa

– extreme and worsening levels of poverty and food insecurity;

– Political and economical marginalization;

– environmental degradation and dwindling access to resources (land, water, pastures) and basic services (e.g. health, education);

– uneven market relationships and increased pressure on fragile eco-systems

– exposure to climatic risks, diseases, conflicts and insecurity

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• Inadequacy/irrelevance of Responses

– Inadequate governance frameworks,

– ineffective institutional settings,

– Policy biases against pastoralists (e.g., development and trade),

– Ineffective interventions because of their irrelevance (don’t reflect pastoralist realities and circumstances)

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The Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa arises from

the need for a continent-wide platform to effectively

address, in a holistic manner, the many challenges of

pastoral communities

A Joint AUC and the UNOCHA initiative for the development

of a pan African Policy Framework for Pastoralism

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Political Leaders



Policy Framework Development

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• Specialist Task Force was set up (composed of high

level experts from each of the regions) to:

– serve as quality assurance mechanism, providing

periodic guidance at each stage of the process of

elaborating the pastoral policy framework.

– serve as the interface between the technical and

the political setting of the initiative;

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• July 2007: Launched in Isiolo, Kenya

• 2008-2010: Regional assessments and

stakeholders consultations

• October 2010: Policy framework approved by

Ministerial Conference

• January 2011: “Decision on Africa’s Pastoralism”

adopted by AU Assembly of HS&G

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– Secure, protect and improve the lives, livelihoods and rights of African pastoralists

– Advocacy tool for promoting the development and improvement of pastoral communities across Africa

– Tool for harnessing the economic and technical resources needed to empower pastoral communities

– Platform for mobilizing and coordinating political commitment to pastoral development in Africa

– Facilitate engagement with regional and country-level planning processes

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� Recognizing the contribution of pastoralism to development

� Recognizing the rights of pastoralists

� Engaging pastoralists in political and policy processes

� Pastoralism as a way of life and a production system

� The importance of strategic mobility

� The importance of regional approaches

� Managing risks

� Dynamism of pastoralism

� Acknowledging & building on existing policy processes

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Objective 1:Secure and protect the lives, livelihoods and rights of pastoral peoples and ensure continent-wide commitment to political, social and economic development of pastoral communities and pastoral areas.

Objective 2Reinforce the contribution of pastoral livestock wealth to national, regional and continent-wide economies.

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Strategies to achieve Objective One:

� Recognize the role of pastoralism in development

� Demonstrating commitment to pastoral policy development

� Integrating pastoral issues into decision-making processes

� Acknowledge the legitimacy of indigenous pastoral institutions

� Strengthening the role and rights of women in pastoral communities

� Mainstreaming pastoral issues in poverty reduction programs

� Service delivery (health, education…)

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Strategies to achieve Objective Two

• Pastoral rangeland governance

• Policy support to mobility within and between countries

• Protecting pastoral livestock assets

• Marketing of pastoral livestock and livestock products

• Financial and insurance services tailored to pastoral areas

• Protect African genetic resources –animals and plants

• Research and extension

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