Piping Traning 2065

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  • 8/3/2019 Piping Traning 2065


    Stormwater Management for Improved Water Quality

    ww.epic-edu.com Continuing Education Units Awarded

    5759 Coopers Avenue, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1R9

    Toll Free : 1-888-374-2338

    EPIC Educational Program

    Innovations Center

    Continuing Education Units Awarded


    Setting Standards in Practical Learning

    ww.epic-edu.com Continuing Education Units Awarded

    5759 Coopers Avenue, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1R9

    Toll Free : 1-888-374-2338

    EPIC Educational Program

    Innovations Center

    Continuing Education Units Awarded


    Setting Standards in Practical Learning

    February 22-24, 2010 Mississauga, ON

    March 4-5, 2010 Mississauga, ON

    March 29 - April 1, 2010 Mississauga, ON

    Building MechanicalSystems Design,Operation andMaintenance

    Energy Managementfor Commercial andInstitutional Buildings

    Process Piping Systems

  • 8/3/2019 Piping Traning 2065


    Stormwater Management for Improved Water Quality

    2 www.epic-edu.com 1.8 CEUs / 18 PDHs

    Building Mechanical Systems Design, Operation and Maintenance

    After participating in this seminar, you will be able to:learn fundamentals of design for utility, plumbing and sanitarysystems.gain a working knowledge of heating, ventilating and air conditioningsystems.appreciate the design considerations associated with piping systems,pumps, valves, fans and boilers.

    become conversant with the requirements of a building reprotection system.understand the elevator and escalator techniques and theirobjectives.

    DescriptionThe efcient and reliable functioning of building mechanical equipmentand systems is necessary to satisfy production and employee and/orpublic requirements in a safe and economical fashion.An initial overview of the building code will be presented and the operationand maintenance of building mechanical equipment and systems willbe discussed.The fundamentals and basic concepts associated with the operationand maintenance of boilers, pumps, piping, valves, fans and elevatorswill be discussed. The systems considered in this seminar are water,

    plumbing and sewer, heating ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC),steam systems, gas systems and re protection.

    ObjectiveTo provide an understanding of the fundamentals of building mechanicalsystems, including operation and maintenance, for their continuedreliable and cost-effective functioning.

    Who Should AttendDesign, installation, commissioning, operations, maintenance and otherengineers who need to upgrade their current experience and knowledgeof building mechanical systems, including mechanical engineers,industrial and commercial plant and facilities engineers, consultants,property managers, project engineers, and other technical personnelwho are responsible for HVAC, utility and plumbing systems.

    The seminar will be of particular interest to personnel responsible for themanagement of commercial, institutional and industrial buildings.

    Program Outline

    Day I

    8:00 Registration and Coffee

    8:20 Welcome, Introduction, Workshop Preview, LearningOutcomes and the Assessment Method

    8:30 The Building CodeGary Laframboise, Oakville Fire Department


    9:00 Fire Protection SystemsGary Laframboise

    Codes and standardsFire alarms

    10:00 Refreshments and Networking

    10:20Fire Protection Systems (Continued)Gary Laframboise

    Fire pumps and water suppliesSprinkler systems

    12:30 Lunch

    1:30 BoilersAlan Powell, Program Director, EPIC

    Fuels and combustionFuel burnersIndustrial boilersPackaged re tube boilersSteam systems

    Condensers Waste heat recoveryOperation and efciency

    2:00 Pipes - GeneralAlan Powell

    OverviewPipe connectionsPipe loads

    3:00 Refreshments and Networking

    3:20 Pipe SystemsAlan Powell

    Pipe supportsInsulation and heat tracing

    ValvesFilters and strainersGeneral pipe considerationsPipe system maintenance

    4:00 Questions and Answers

    4:15 Adjournment

    Day II

    8:30 PumpsAlan Powell

    Pump types and congurationsCentrifugal pumps

    Positive displacement pumps Pump sealsPump bearingsPump selectionPump operation and maintenance

    9:30 Fans and BlowersAlan Powell


    10:00 Refreshments and Networking

    10:20 HVAC and Air Chiller SystemsAlan Powell

    HVAC: purpose and design, system components, codes anregulations, air systems, Variable Air Volume (VAV) System

    acoustic and noise controlRefrigeration: major components, cycle,chiller,heat absorp-tion, packaged HVAC specications

    11:00 Plumbing SystemsDoron Weiss, R S & G Commissioning Ltd.

    Plumbing fundamentalsCodes and standardsSystem and component selection and specications

    12:00 Lunch

  • 8/3/2019 Piping Traning 2065


    Stormwater Management for Improved Water Quality

    www.epic-edu.com 1.8 CEUs / 18 PDHs

    Building Mechanical Systems Design, Operation and Maintenance

    1:00 Plumbing Systems (Continued)Doron Weiss

    Operability and maintainabilityLayout plans and drawingsPiping systems and components - refrigerant, steam,water, fuel

    Design guidelines and tips Checkout and commissioningTroubleshooting and maintenance guidelines

    3:00 Refreshments and Networking

    3:20 Sanitary WorksDoron Weiss

    Sanitary drainage systemSanitary plumbing systemStandard drawings for sanitary works

    4:20 Questions and Answers

    4:35 Adjournment

    Day III

    8:30 Elevator TechnologyAndrew Wells, KJA Consultants Inc.

    Basic principlesEngineering considerationsElevator typesMajor componentsElevator safety devicesApplication guidelinesApplicable codes and standards

    10:30 Refreshments and Networking

    10:50 Escalators and Passenger ConveyorsAndrew Wells

    Basic principlesEngineering considerationsCommon typesMajor componentsEscalator safety devicesApplication guidelinesApplicable codes and standards

    12:00 Lunch

    1:00 Elevator and Escalator ModernizationAndrew Wells

    Assessing existing installation

    Modernization options and methodologySpecifying upgrade componentsDesign of upgrade components and integrated systemTesting and commissioning

    2:30 Refreshments and Networking

    2:50 Inspection, Troubleshooting and MaintenanceAndrew Wells

    Applicable codesTroubleshooting tips and guidelinesMaintenance strategies

    4:00 Question and Answer Session

    4:15 Questions and Answers and Feedback to Participantson Achievement of Learning Outcomes

    4:30 Concluding Remarks and Final Ajournment


    Alan Powell, M.Sc., P.Eng., Program Director, Mechanical Engineeringhas over 30 years Canadian experience as a Mechanical Engineer.After graduating with a Master of Science degree from the Universityof Manchester in England, he emigrated to Canada. During his careerhe has been primarily involved in maintenance encompassing abroad range of industrial equipment. Additionally, he has been a nightschool instructor teaching several mechanical engineering subjects tomature students. He has authored and presented several papers onmaintenance at national and international conferences.Gary Laframboise has 15 years of experience in the re protectionindustry and presently is Chief Fire Prevention Ofcer with the Oakville

    Fire Department. Some of his responsibilities include plans reviewfor new construction and conducting inspection of new and existingbuildings. He is a graduate from Seneca College in Fire ProtectionEngineering Technology. He is a member of the Canadian Fire SafetyAssociation, Canadian Fire Alarm Association, Ontario BuildingOfcials Association and the Ontario Municipal Fire Prevention OfcersAssociation. He is a certied re and life safety educator and is atrainer facilitator.

    Doron Weiss, P. Eng.is a Commissioning Agent and his responsibilitiesrange from overall project management to hands-on performanceverication of mechanical systems, including HVAC, re protection,sanitary and storm drain, fuel storage, and fuel distribution systems.Prior to becoming a Commissioning Agent, Mr. Weiss successfullydesigned and administered the installation of a number of complete

    mechanical systems in public, administrative and telecommunicationsbuildings. His experience includes mechanical design of HVAC, reprotection, sanitary plumbing and drainage, piped gas, and steamsupply services for institutional, commercial and industrial buildings,as well as peer reviews to conrm appropriate design. Mr. Weiss alsopossesses a wealth of knowledge regarding work in the internationalarena, having worked on many projects in Nigeria, Israel, andIreland.

    Andrew Wells is a Registered Professional Engineer (Ontario),Elevating Device Mechanic, (Class F, Ontario), QEI-1 Qualied ElevatorInspector (NAESA - USA) and a graduate from Ryerson PolytechnicUniversity with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering. Mr. Wells was self-employed in the property management eld prior to joining KJA in1997. Mr. Wells is General Manager and is currently involved with allaspects of company operations including trafc analysis, preparationof specifications and project supervision, system examinationsfor maintenance, due diligence, reserve fund and insurance claimreviews. Mr. Wells has been involved with the development, tenderingand implementation of quality assurance supervision programs andmaintenance agreements for several organizations. Mr. Wells playedmajor roles in the development, engineering, tendering, and supervisionrelating to the vertical transportation systems for numerous projects.

  • 8/3/2019 Piping Traning 2065


    Stormwater Management for Improved Water Quality

    www.epic-edu.com 1.2 CEUs / 12 PDH

    Energy Management for Commercial and Institutional Buildings

    After participating in this course you will be able to:

    recognize and understand the energy management process and

    all components of a comprehensive energy management plan/


    implement an effective and successful planning strategy for

    energy conservation and efciency

    apply available tools to gain competitive advantage by seizingexternal and internal opportunities so as to improve the efciency


    buildings operations

    determine through assessment techniques the energy

    management matrix that will allow you to set goals and energy


    transform your buildings/facilities into sustainable and optimal

    energy performers


    nergy management in buildings is the control of energy use and cost

    while maintaining indoor environmental conditions to meet comfort and

    unctional needs, signicant energy and dollars savings are available

    hrough energy management. The most important single ingredient for

    uccessful implementation of an energy management program is the plan.

    his course introduces the principles of energy management and will

    ake you step by step through the process of developing and energy

    management plan to achieve more efcient energy consumption and

    ower total operating costs. The instructor will show how to incorporate

    nd develop a fully integrated energy plan. This approach can be

    quable valuable for both to large multi-facility organizations, as well

    s to small, single-owner operations with just few employees.


    o provide participants with the knowledge to meet the requirement

    or an energy management plan for commercial and institutionalnd industrial buildings and the tools associated in the process for

    evelopment, quality control and implementation.

    Who Should Attend

    Energy engineers, energy managers, engineers, plant managers

    commissioning engineers, building/facility managers, engineers

    and architectural consultants, project managers, operating and

    maintenance personnel and other individuals interested and involved

    in energy efciency and conservation of commercial and institutiona


    Instructor: Juan Orozco P. Eng, CEM, LEED AP

    Program Outline

    Day I

    Registration and Coffee

    Welcome, Introduction, Workshop Preview, Learning

    Outcomes and the Assessment Method


    The need and value of energy management

    The energy management profession and principles

    The energy management process

    Energy management organizational structure

    Organizing for Energy Management

    Energy policy

    Educational planning

    Strategic planning


    Energy managers and functions

    Energy management communications

    Energy management committee

    Energy management matrix

  • 8/3/2019 Piping Traning 2065


    Stormwater Management for Improved Water Quality

    1.6 CEUs / 16 PDHs www.epic-edu.com 5

    Energy Management for Commercial and Institutional Buildings

    Energy Management Plan

    Long, medium and rst-year plan

    Setting targets and measures

    Setting priorities

    Developing action plan

    Marketing, awareness and communication plan

    Training resources


    Reporting and monitoring

    Energy Accounting Systems

    Energy accounting process

    Utility rates

    Analyzing Energy Data

    Electrical, natural gas and water use prole

    Key performance indicators(energy use and

    cost utilization indices)

    Calculating electrical load and occupancy factors

    Benchmarking energy use

    Energy monitoring program Energy forecasting

    Day II

    Surveys and Energy Auditing

    Energy audits and basic components

    Surveying energy uses and losses

    Commercial and industrial energy audits

    Buildings commissioning is not an audit

    Commissioning , re-commissioning and retro-

    commissioning for energy management

    Implementing the audit recommendations and

    the energy action plan

    Improving Operations and Basic Energy Management

    Control energy system use

    Energy procurement (purchase lower-cost


    Optimize energy systems operation

    Purchase efcient replacement systems

    Optimizing more complex systems operations

    Load management and demand control techniques

    Energy Conservation Opportunities

    Identifying and evaluating energy conservation

    opportunities ECO in boilers, cogenerations, steam and

    condensate systems, waste-heat recovery,

    building envelope, HVAC systems

    Electric Energy Management

    Energy Management Control Systems

    Energy Management for Lighting Systems

    Codes, Standard and Legislation

    Implementing Energy Conservation Measures

    Measurement and Verication of Energy Savings

    Metering for Energy Management

    Monitoring Results

    Evaluating Success and Establishing New Goals

    Establish key performance indicators

    Tracking performance

    Developing new goals

    Sustainability and High Performance Green Buildings

    LEED principles for energy management

    Case Studies, Approaches, Experiences and Resources


    Prepare in small groups under instructor guidance an energymanagement plan for a building. The plans prepared by groups

    will be discussed and critiqued.

    Questions and Answers and Feedback to Participants on

    Achievement of Learning Outcomes

    There will be a one-hour lunch break each day in addition to

    refreshment and networking breaks during the morning andafternoon. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

    Daily Schedule:

    8:00 Registration and Coffee (Day I only)

    8:30 Session begins12:00 Lunch

    4:30 Adjournment


    Juan Orozco P. Eng, CEM, LEED AP is an Electrical Engineer

    registered with Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), with 20+

    years broad commercial/industrial experience. Mr. Orozco is

    Certied Energy Manager from the Association of Energy Engineers

    and LEED Accredited Professional, currently working as an Energy

    Management Specialist on buildings ranging from the commercial

    and institutional sectors developing and implementing energy

    management plans to reduce energy and improve operational

    efciency of Ontario government buildings. Juan has experiencein building commissioning, energy management, energy audits and

    power quality. Prior to becoming an Energy Engineer, Juan has

    worked as Building Commissioning and Power Quality Engineer, has

    been an Energy and Reliability Engineer for a Hydro company, and

    has been a university professor. He has many years of experience in

    technical training; he has been involved in several LEED projects as

    part of a Commissioning team. Juans experience includes working

    with large scale power distribution systems in Canada, the United

    States, and in South America.

  • 8/3/2019 Piping Traning 2065


    Stormwater Management for Improved Water QualityProcess Piping Systems

    After participating in the seminar,you will be able to:apply the design fundamentals ofprocess piping systemsbenet from the knowledge gainedfrom the course about the role of valvesand pumps in the effective operation ofprocess piping systemsselect pipes suitable for the uidow in your process using the insightgained in the course about the pipecharacteristicsconduct more effectively preventivemaintenance, inspection, testing andrepair of process piping systemsfollow the ASME, ANSI and CSA codesand standards in design, maintenanceand operationsdevelop the pipe layout using the bestpracticesuse the knowledge of computersoftware for pipe stress analysiscarry out in-service inspectionstroubleshoot with condence problemsin your piping systemoptimize your insulation and heattracing system

    DescriptionThe productivity of a process plant dependsas much on the piping system as it does onall other plant equipments. As a result it isessential that the piping must be efcientlydesigned, well maintained and, when required,repaired in an effective and timely manner.

    This course will present information on thedesign of an efcient process piping systemand code requirements. Sessions on pipingsystem related subjects, such as valves andactuators, pumps, insulation, inspection andmaintenance, piping failure etc. are also bepresented. Case studies and workshops area part of the course.

    ObjectiveTo provide participants with a comprehensiveunderstanding of good piping designpractices and piping system maintenancefundamentals.

    Who Should AttendProcess engineers, project managers,des ign engineers , equ ipment andoperat ing engineers , consul tants ,contractors and technologists responsiblefor specifying process piping systems.The course will be of particular interest toindividuals responsible for piping systemsin industries such as power, brewing,food, chemical, petrochemical, petroleum,plastics and polymers, pharmaceutical,pulp and paper and water treatment.

    Instructor: Gee Sham, Ontario Hydro

    Program Outline

    Day 1

    Welcome, Introduction, WorkshopPreview, Learning Outcomes and theAssessment Method

    Codes and Standards Development of codes and standards ASME, ANSI Standards, Piping andPressure Vessel Code

    CSA Standards, Boiler and Pressure,Vessel Act

    Provincial regulators

    Pipe Method of production, property of pipe Material selection

    Flow of Fluid and Friction Loss Factor that affects the optimum pipesizing

    Pipe sizing and pressure drop ofincompressible uid

    Flow of uid through piping components

    Day II

    Pipe Joints Flanged Welded Soldered and brazed

    Threaded Commonly used pipe joints and ttings

    Mechanical Design of Piping Systemand Wall Thickness Calculation Piping under internal pressure Stress in a piping system Wall thickness calculation Fittings and joints

    Pipe Support Types of pipe support Size a spring hanger Inspection and maintenance

    Day III

    Flexibility Calculation and StressAnalysis Expansion and stress Allowable stress, code requirement Stress intensication factor General exible requirement External loading on piping system Stress analysis software

    Acoustic Vibration, Pressure Transient,Vibration, Erosion Corrosion

    Pressure surge, water hammer

    Vibration Erosion corrosion in a piping system

    A Brief Discussion on Valves

    A Brief Discussion on Pumps

    Piping System Layout Requirements Guide line for system layout

    Day IV

    Piping System Layout (Continued) Piping drawings CAD software

    Heat Tracing Heat tracing components Heat tracing installation Heat tracing operation Heat tracing sizing Heat tracing troubleshooting

    Piping Inspection Ultrasonic Radiography Liquid penetration Magnetic particle Eddy current testing Inspection program Ice plug and expansion plug

    Pipe Failure Case Studies, FailureAnalysis

    Practice Problem

    Questions and Answers and Feedbackto Participants on Achievement ofLearning OutcomesThere will be a one-hour lunch breakeach day in addition to a refreshment andnetworking break during each morningand afternoon session.

    Daily Schedule:8:00 Registration and Coffee (Day I only)

    8:30 Session Begins12:00 Lunch4:30 Adjournment

    InstructorGee Sham, B.Eng. (Mech.), is a SeniorTechnical Engineer with Ontario Hydro,bringing with him experience in the areasof piping design, piping and piping supports/restraints, piping stress analysis, systemflow design, and plant layout. He hasprovided expertise as a consultant in theeld of mechanical and piping engineering,and he has been active as an instructor in

    piping - related courses.

    6 www.epic-edu.com 2.4 CEUs / 24 PDHs

  • 8/3/2019 Piping Traning 2065



    Building Mechanical Systems-Design, Operation and Maintenance

    February 22-24, 2010 Mississauga, ON Course Code: 00-0219-2065

    The fee for the course is $1,695 + GST. If you registerafter January 22, 2010 the fee increases to $1,865 + GST.

    Energy Management for Commercial and Institutional Buildings

    March 4-5, 2010 Mississauga, ON Course Code: 00-0326-2065

    The fee for the course is $1,195 + GST. If you registerafter January 29, 2010 the fee increases to $1,365 + GST.

    Process Piping Systems

    March 29 - April 1, 2010 Mississauga, ON Course Code: 00-0327-2065

    The fee for the course is $2,395 + GST. If you registerafter February 26, 2010 the fee increases to $2,565 + GST.

    Yes, Sign Me Up For:Course Location

    Group Discounts and Withdrawals

    Registration covers all program materials, refreshments

    during breaks and lunch but excludes accommodation.

    For organizations sending more than one participant,

    the following discounts to the course fee apply: 10%

    discount to the second, 15% to the third, 20% to the

    fourth and 25% to the fth and subsequent registrations.

    To withdraw from a course, you must send your request

    in writing with the ofcial receipt to our ofce:

    Fifteen or more business days in advance: full

    refund less $50.00 administration charge.

    Five to fourteen business days in advance:

    non-refundable credit of equal value for any

    future EPIC seminar within one year. Credits

    are transferable within your organization.

    In case of an unexpected event occurring after this time,

    you may send someone else to take your place without

    any additional cost. If a speaker is not available due to

    unforeseen circumstances, another speaker of equal

    ability will be substituted. EPIC reserves the right to can-

    cel or change the date or location of its events. EPICs

    responsibility will, under no circumstances, exceed the

    amount of the fee collected. EPIC is not responsible for

    the purchase of non-refundable travel arrangements

    or accommodation or any associated cancellation/

    change fees. To avoid any fees or charges, please call

    to conrm that the course is running before conrming

    travel arrangements and accommodations.

    Five Easy Ways To Register

    EPIC Learning Centre

    5759 Coopers Avenue

    Mississauga, ON L4Z 1R9

    Tel: (905) 361-1901

    ATTENDEE(S): Please list additional names on separate copies made from this registration form.




    Nature of Business


    City Province Postal Code

    Tel. (Ofce) Tel. (Residence)Fax E-mail

    Please provide both business and residence telephone numbers in case of changes.

    YES, I would like to receive notication of upcoming courses by E-mail

    How did you hear about this course?


    If tax-exempt, enter tax-exempt number below and attach copy of tax-exempt certicate

    Questions? Phone our Toll Free at (888) 374-2338 ext. 222. GST# R135 276 467


    PAYMENT (Payment must be received before the seminar/course start date.)

    Tuition (Canadian funds): $

    Plus GST or HST: $

    Total amount due: $

    Certied/Company Cheque or Money Order#

    (Payable to EPIC Educational Program Innovations Center) Purchase order #

    Purchase orders must be received in advance of the course

    Accounts Payable personnel:


    Charge to:


    Authorized Signature

    If you have any questions,or require assistance,

    phone Ruby at:1-888-374-2338 ext. 222

    You may fax thecompleted form to:

    1-800-866-6343(24 hours)

    You may e-mail thecompleted form to

    Ruby at:[email protected]

    You may register onlineby completing our

    online form at:www.epic-edu.com

    Our mailing address is:EPIC Learning Centre5759 Coopers Avenue

    Mississauga, ON L4Z 1R9

  • 8/3/2019 Piping Traning 2065


    EPIC CoursesEPIC Educational Program Innovations Center, the leading provider ofcontinuing engineering education in Canada, plans and delivers shortcourses/seminars on topics of importance to engineers, scientists andtechnologists. It brings together a group of continuing education specialistswho have organized and delivered thousands of short courses/seminars inmajor Canadian cities. Instructors in EPIC courses are selected to presentengineering principles and applications in the areas in which they arerenowned for their real-world experience. EPIC has successfully brought itscourses to thousands of technical professionals upgrading their knowledge

    to make them more productive as well as helping them advance along theircareer path. EPIC is certied by Human Resources Development Canadaas a designated educational institution for purposes of the Income Tax Act.Fees paid by individuals are income tax deductible.

    Continuing Education Units (CEUs)EPIC Educational Program Innovations Center has been approved asan Authorized Provider by the International Association of ContinuingEducation and Training (IACET), 8405 Greensboro Drive, Suite 800,McLean, VA 22102. In obtaining this approval, EPIC Educational ProgramInnovations Center has demonstrated that it complies with the ANSI/IACETStandards which are widely recognized as standards of good practiceinternationally. As a result of our Authorized Provider membership status,EPIC Educational Program Innovations Center is authorized to offer IACETCEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standards.

    CEUs indicate the number of hours invested by you in the course toacquire new knowledge and skills. As an IACET Authorized Provider, EPICEducational Program Innovations Center offers CEUs for its programs thatqualify under IACET guidelines, therefore the CEUs awarded by EPIC arerecognized internationally. They are convertible to professional developmenthours (PDHs) required by professional engineering associationsand learned engineering societies. One CEU is equal to ten PDHs.

    In order to successfully complete an EPIC course and earn the indicatedCEUs, participants must demonstrate achievement of the learningoutcomes listed for the program. This can be achieved by taking partin the discussions, case studies, workshops, practice exercises, etc. aswell as the question and answer periods and any tests or assignments

    that may be administered. Those who are unable to demonstrateachievement of the learning outcomes (due to lack of participation) orwho have missed more than 5% of the course will not be awarded theindicated CEUs. Successful completion of EPIC courses qualies youto receive a certicate of completion from EPIC Educational ProgramInnovations Center. This certicate indicates the CEUs earned by you.

    EPIC ensures high quality in all its courses by employing instructors ofhigh calibre. We want you to feel 100% satised that you received evenmore than you expected. We build quality in every aspect of our operation:from course development to expert instruction delivered in comfortablelearning environments, to optimize your personal learning experience. Itis our aim and practice to ensure quality education, which enables youto be more effective and productive on the job.

    EPIC On-Site Program A Special Opportunity

    EPIC courses are available as private onsite programs when you needto have a group of employees trained within your organization. They canbe identical to the program offered in EPIC brochures, or modied to suityour specic requirements. Take advantages of this opportunity to savetime and travel expenses by having our instructor(s) come to you.

    For more information on these programs, please visit our website

    at www.epic-edu.com or call Tim Chugh at 1-888-374-2338 ext. 242or email him at [email protected].

    EPIC provides the highest quality technical seminars and short courses forprofessional development. These seminars/short courses offer innovativeapproaches to the solution of both old and new problems to benet not only theindividual participant, but also to enhance standards in the organizations fromwhich the participants come.

    Our seminars and short courses present a balanced mixture of lectures,case studies, indepth practical workshops and handson exercises under facultyguidance as well as open forums for questions and answers and cover technical

    topics that are multidisciplinary and applicationsoriented. You will not ndthe material taught in a university course or covered in any single book.


    EPIC Educational Program Innovations Center, Mississauga, ON

    Stay abreast of new regulations, standards and

    best practices

    Be at the vanguard of technical advancements

    Advance in your careers by accepting new

    challenges and responsibilities

    Compete in todays multidisciplinary workplace

    Increase productivity by learning the latest

    techniques and practices

    Earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

    Benets of Attending EPIC Courses

    Fully satised in course content Information in the manual (brochure) met

    my expectation. Speaker was easy to understand and very knowledgeable.

    He knew how to stimulate the class.

    Claude Leduc

    Project Leader

    Public Works Government Services Canada

    The course content was of great interest. Overall very good.Donnie HawcoPublic works SupervisorCape Breton Regional Municipality

    Client Testimonials

    EPIC Offers Online Courses In The Following Areas:

    Information Technology

    Business and Management

    EngineeringFor more information, please visit www.epic-edu.com and selectOnline Courses.