
Later Peoples of the Fertile Crescent: Sea Peoples Social Studies for 8 th E.G.B. | Teacher: Mauricio Torres Chapter 3, Section 1 (page 72 in your books)

Transcript of Phoenicians

  • 1. Later Peoples of the FertileCrescent: Sea PeoplesSocial Studies for 8th E.G.B. | Teacher: Mauricio TorresChapter 3, Section 1 (page 72 in your books)

2. The Phoenicians At the western end of the Fertile Crescent, along theMediterranean Sea, was a land known as Phoenicia.They were not powerful, but they were a trade-based society. 3. Geography Today, it lies onmodern dayLebanon. Mountains to thenorth andeast, ocean to thewest. They had few resources, and their trading routes werelimited due to hostile neighbors. They were forced to trade through the sea. 4. Trade To able to trade, they had to learnand master seamanship (beingsailors). They built the harbor Tyre, whichis still used today! Phoenicians traded all around theMediterranean:Egypt, Greece, Italy, Sicily andSpain. They also founded other coloniesalong the coast, like Carthage. 5. Trade Phoenicia grew wealthy from trade. They traded: lumber, silverwork, ivory and slaves. 6. Innovations The Phoenicians developed: Glass blowing: the art of heating and shaping glass. Purple dye: an ink made from a type of shellfish. But their most important development was thealphabet! The one we still use today is based on theone invented by the Phoenicians Alphabet: a set of letters that can be combined to formwords. 7. Ask Yourself Recall: What were the three most important innovations of thePhoenicians? Identify: What was the reason why they relied so much on trade? Draw Conclusions: Why were the Phoenicians such good sailors? Why were their colonies only along the Mediterraneancoastline? 8. Write in Phoenician! Use the second column fromthe left as a guide to writeyour own name in ancientPhoenician. Practice in class and whenyou go home, improve theart and bring it back nextclass so it can be posted inyour classroom! 9. Excercise Look for the meaning of the words written in italicor with a different color in order to understand theunit better. This might be helpful in a test! 10. Bibliography Burstein, S. M., & Shek, R. (2012). World History(Teachers Edition) (1st Edition ed.). (H.McDougal, Ed.) Orlando, Florida, US.: HoughtonMifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Ellis, E. G., & Esler, A. (2009). World History. (P.Hall, Ed.) Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, US:Pearson Education INC. Images taken from