Pharma Bio World Feb 2012

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Transcript of Pharma Bio World Feb 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Pharma Bio World Feb 2012



    We are in the age ofscience nd technologyand we cannot livewithout t. There s awealth of science nnatural aterialsotyetcompletelynderstoodrutil ised. aturalroductscan yield materialswondedulor health ndnutrit ion roviding urefor manyof the lifestylediseases.oday's rbanlifestyleand oodhabitshas madehuman eingvictimovariousomplexdiseasesueodeficiecyof esse*tial *utrie*tsin the body.These eryessfitiialutrients:come,fromnature.

    hosphol ip idsreessent ia l oleculestha tp lay i ta l o les n hea l th ndare ound n ce l l u la r embranes .A cel l n hehumanody annotunc t ionnormal lyi thouthepresencef thesep h o s p h o l i p i d s .s t h e n a m e m p l i e s ,phospho l ip idsremadef he ombinat ionof ip idsfa ts )nd heminera lhosphorusboundoa po lar ead roupike ho l ine .Theseip idsre undamenta lomponentsof he e l lmembranesh ichre ssent ia lforgrowth,aturingnd roperunctioning

    o f c e l l s . h u s h o s p h o l i p i d sr ep r i m ebu i ld inglocksf i fe .P h o s p h o l i p i d si x t u r e sl e c i t h i n )e r eamonghe i rs t ea l thoods , ndmoresophist lcatedreparationsave mergedsversati leutraceuticalsndunctionaloodcons t i tuents .ie taryhospho l ip idsntakehas ec l ined,a in lyueo ncreasedoodre f in ingndprocess ingyadmin is ter ingp h o s p h o l i p i d st i s p o s s i b l eo m p r o v em e m b r a n eu n c t i o n ss s o c i a t e di t hmembranero te insnd ip ids .here reevidencesrom l inicaltudieshat hownumberfcases fmetabo l i cmbalancesthat an ecured y ntak efspecialolarl ip idsnd hospho l ip idsA l thoughresentn manyoods, a tura lp h o s p h o l i p i d sr e f o u n d n h i g h e rc o n c e n t r a t i o n sn s o y ,e g g s ,m a r i n esourcesnd hebra inissue f an imals .Phosphol ipidsre lsohemost utr i t ional lyimportantonsti tuentsfsoyaecithin.Natura loya-Phospho l ip idsS o y aP h o s p h o l i p i d sr e e g a r d e dsv e r s a t i l e n d u n c t i o n a ln g r e d i e n t so f f o o d . h e y r en a t u r a l l yc c u r r i n gc o m p l e x i x t u r e f p h o s p h o l i p i d sfs o y a . h em a i n h o s p h o l i p i d sr e s e n tin soya ec i th inrePhosphat idy lcho l ine( P C ) , h o s p h a t i d y l e t h a n o l a m i n eP E ) ,phosphat idy l inos i to lP l ) nd hosphat id icA c i d P A ) . h e s e r e p r o d u c e ds a

    co-produc tur ingoyabeani l e f in ing ,s t e r i l i s e d n ds t a n d a r d i s e d .i x e dphospho l ip idsn powderedr granu la tedform roducedyde-o i l i ngatura loyaphospho l ip ids ,re sed ra l l yince anyyears . i t hheEC egu la t ionsnEuropeN0NGM0Cer t i f i edPphospho l ip idsre ndemandromhe ood upp lementndus t ryin he n teres tf he onsumers .P o w d e r e de c i t h i nL E C I V A - S 2 5 P )susedmain lyor heproduc t ionf foodsupp lementsn he orm f ab le ts ,ardge la t inapsu lesr nu t r i t i ona lremixes .Granulareci thinLECIVA-S25G)as lsoorovedo beaneffect ivend onvenientfo rm f admin is t ra t ionroundhewor ldformany ears incet can econsumedd i r e c t l ys a s u p p l e m e n tr s p r i n k l e do n s a l a d s . h e a l t h l a i m a sb e e nf o r m u l a t e do rd e - o i l e de c i t h i nm i x e dphospho l ip ids ) :De-o i ledoy ec i th inay e lpomain ta ina hea l thy ho les tero leve l rom oodsprovidingg/day.Soya hosphat idy lcho l inePhosphatidylchol ineroducedy solventfract ionationfnaturaloya hosphol ipidsu s i n g o o dg r a d e o l v e n t sn dg r e e nc h e m i s t r ye c h n i q u e s ,a sb e e n s e ds u c c e s s f u l l yo t r e a t i v e rd i s e a s e ssuppor tedymul t ip leoub le-b l indr ia ls .Phosphat idy lcho l inesa lso natura lip id

    Pfitma':$ingh'Meiketing:DirsetofVAV ifeSeiencesLo on to www.pho Pharma Bio World Februory01 2> 41

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    . , : ' . . , , ,Uf i ih the Ec regulat ions in Europe NoN GMocert i f ied P phosphol ip idsre in demand rom thefood supplement !ndustry n the interest of;: . .

    plasmahol ineevel yoral dministrat iono f P h o s p h a t i d y l c h o l i n en c a p s u l e rton ic orms. oyaPhosphat idy lcho l ine( L E C I V A - S 3 5 )s a n a t u r a l r e c u r s o ro f cho l inend hus f thesynthes isfthe neuro t ransmi t te rce ty lcho l inenincreasedateof synthesiss general lyassociatedith n mprovementfmemoryandmuscleunction.In 1998,he ns t i tu tef Medic inelOM)of heUSNationalcademyf Sciencesidenti f iedhol inesanessentialutr ientand ecommendeda i l yn take mounts .A n d n 2 0 0 1 , h e U S F o o d n dD r u gAdministrat ionFDA) pprovednutr ientcontentla imorcho l ine ,nab l ingoodmanufacturerso informheir onsumersvia he oodabel.The ecommendedveragentakeA l )fo radu l tss 550mg/day f cho l ineormen nd425mgldayorwomen. hol inei n t h ed i e t o u l d e a v a i l a b l es r e ec h o l i n e r b o u n d s e s t e r s u c ha sg lycerophosphocho l ine ,ph ingomyel in ,rphosphatidylchol ine.lsonEuropeealthClaimsave eenormulatedspecial lyorPhosphat idy lcho l ine :. Soya Phosphatidylchol ineupportsl i ver metabo l i smnd may he lPdetoxi f icat ionrom foodsproviding1.2glday.. Soya PhosPhat idY lcho l inee lPsmaintaininghealthyholesterolevel

    fromoods roviding.2gldaY.Thebioavai labi l i tyfPhosphatidylchol ineis excel lentnd s suitableor aisinghechol ineeveln blood. ral dministrat iono f C h o l i n ea l t s a su n d e s i r a b l ei d eef fec ts h ichmayeven ncreaseheseveri tyfexist ingiver amages.Phosphatidylchol inessafeo ake ithoutanyprob lems,lso n combinat ioni tho t h e r u t r i e n t sv e n u e o t h eg o o d

    c o m o o n e n tf l e c i t h i n h i c h e r f o r m sfunctionsncholesteroleductionnd iverhea l th , hemost requentf these reacute ndchronic irrhosisf the iver'fatty egenerationf he iver steatosis,fattyiver) nd iver amagerom lcohol,hydrocarbons,edicinestc.l n c a s e s f P r e v i o u si v e rd a m a g eP h o s p h a t i d y l c h o l i n ea sb o u g h t b o u ta markedmprovementn thespeed frecoveryy epair inghecel lmembrane,r e n e w a l r r e g e n e r a t i o n f L i v e rparenchymaThe eneficialffect fPhosphatidylcholineon he iversconnectedith ts ole sacentralui ldinglockn h e el lmembrane.Phosphatidylchol ines hemost bundantphosphol ipidsfcel lmembranes,hereforet h em o s t m p o r t a n tu i l d i n gl o c k o rmakingeplacementfmembraneass'Phosphatidylchol inemulsi f iesnd reaksd o w n a t d e p o s i t sn t h eb o d Y , h i c hm a k e t h e l p f u ln t h e p r e v e n t i o nfgal lstones,iherosclerosis,eart isease,and iver roblems.esearchas hownihatPhosphatidylchol ines beneficialndepression,emoryoss nd eurologicaldisorders.t is three imesmore otentthan ecithin.eurologicalisordersris ingfrom deficiencyf heneurotransmitteracetylcholinean e reatedy ncreasinghe

    e m u l s i f y i n gr o p e r t i e sm p r o v i n gh eadsorptionfother utr ientsdministeredwitht.Phosphatidylcholineas xceptionalemulsi fy ingropert ies,nwhichhe iverdrawsoproducehedigestivei le luid.T h e u n ga n d n t e s t i n a li n i n g e l l su s eP h o s p h a t i d y l c h o l i n eo m a k e h esurfactantoatingsssentialo their asand luid xchangeunctions.ndPC sthepredominantu i ld inglocko r hec i rcu la t ingipopro te ins .C s sa fe ndwel l oleratedel l eyondeveralrams'dai lyntake.N a t u r a l h o s p h o l i p i d sn r i c h e d i t hP h o s p h a t i d y l c h o l i n er ea v a i l a b l esl i q u i d r w a x yp r o d u c t su i t a b l eo rformula t ions .iqu id hosphat idy lcho l ine(LECIVA-35)susedmainlynsofi elat incapsu les ,hereas axymater ia lsikeL E C I V A - S 5 0n dL E C I V A - S 7 0a nb eused or pharmaceut ica lsr iposomaldrug e l i veryys tems.hese roduc tsmaya lso ave otent ia lpp l i ca t ionsnnasal praysor nterst i t ialung isease(Pu lmonaryibros is ) .EggPhospho l iP idsIn addit iono signif icantlyigher ontentofPhosphatidylchol ine,gg hosphol ipidsprovideggproteinshich re hemostbalancednd ompleteetofamino cidsfoundn nature ndof tenmiss ingromother roteinources.IPOVA-E100sanatural ixturef eggphosphol ipidsndproteinsroducedyextractionfegg olk,isa atand holesterolree owderuitablefor ab le ts r hard he l l ncapsu la t ionand an deal utr i t ionalid orgrowingch i ld ren/ teenagersndspor tsmeni thneedsorprote inupplements.owever,th isproduc ts notsu i tab leor peop le

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    a l le rg ico eggs anaphy lax is )r s t r i c tvegetariansivegans.Glycerophosphorylchol ineL-Alphalycerylphosphorylchbl ineAlphaGPC, hol ine l foscerate)erivedromhighly uri f iedoyaecithinya processo f d e a c y l a t i o nn dc h r o m a t o g r a p h i cpuri f icat ion,sa naturalhol ineompoundfoundn hebrain nd nmilk.I t i s u s e da s d i e t a r Y u P P l e m e n toe n h a n c e e m o r yn d o g n i t i o n .n a nItal ian ul t icentrel inicalr ial npatientssufferingrom ecent troke,heyweresupplementedPC or ivemonths.hetrial onfirmedhe herapeuticole falpha-GPC n hecognitiveecoveryfpatients

    based n ourmeasurementcales. PCis extremelyel labsorbedndappearst o b e m a j o rm e t a b o l i cr e c u r s o ro rmembranehosphol ipidsnd rossesheblood rain arr ier heret supportsrainfunctionndearningrocessesydirect lyincreasinghesynthesisnd ecret ionfacetylchol ine.GPC lso rotectseuronsnd mprovess i g n a l r a n s m i s s i o ny s e r v i n g s aprecursoromembranehosphol ipids.GPC ttainsigh oncentrationsnmother'smilk, eing major ource f chol ineordevelopingrgans f thenewbornhi ld.GPC emarkablyenefitsentalharpnessinyoung ealthyswel l s nmiddleged

    Future f PhospholipidsutraceuticalConsistentositiveutcomesrom linicals tud iesnd r ia ls , acked y hundredso f c l i n i c a l t u d i e s n d h o u s a n d sfe x p e r i m e n t a lt u d i e s a se s t a b l i s h e dp h o s p h o l i p i d s 'u t r a c e u t i c a le n e f i t sfor hebrain,iver , ndcirculat ion.henutraceuticalhospholipidsreextremelywel l oleratedndpose o ox ic hreat,consistentith heir rthomoleculartatus.Thenaturalendencyf phosphol ipidsoform ltrafineolecularispersionsnwatershould e urther xploredo improvehebioavailabilityfnon-phospholipidsutrients,especiallyhoseha t re ostlynd elativelypoorlybsorbed.Contact:marketi

    Jand lderlyumans

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