Period 4 1800 - 1848 - ·...

PERIOD 4 1800 - 1848

Transcript of Period 4 1800 - 1848 - ·...

Page 1: Period 4 1800 - 1848 - · characteristic of the Market Economy (1790 –1830). ... Inspired by European romantic

PERIOD 41800 - 1848

Page 2: Period 4 1800 - 1848 - · characteristic of the Market Economy (1790 –1830). ... Inspired by European romantic


1st: Federalists v. Democratic Republicans

Hamilton (Industry) v. Jefferson (Agriculture)

Federalists lost support as agricultural areas grew faster than industrial & opposition to War of 1812

2nd: Democrats v. Whigs

Jackson (common man) v. Clay (elitists)

Corrupt bargain led to anti-Clay feelings

Corrupt Bargain: Jackson wins election (not the majority of EC); House decides election; Clay in control of House makes an agreement with Adams; Adams selected as President; Clay becomes Secretary of State

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Federal government enforces it’s supremacy over states

Marbury v. Madison: court’s power of Judicial Review

McCulloch v. Maryland: states can not tax an entity of the federal government

Gibbons v. Ogden: federal government controls interstate commerce & thus licenses on waterways

Worchester v. Georgia: federal government says Native Americans do not have to leave Jackson’s response: “The court made their decision, now let them enforce it”

Indian Removal Act = Trail of Tears

60,000 Native Americans relocated to Oklahoma Territory +1000 died during the migration

+6000 died as a result of the migration & disease

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Tariff of Abominations (Tariff of 1828)

Revised rates on a variety of imports

Led to a reduction of trade between US & Europe

Hit South Carolina hard

Relied on cotton trade

1832: SC politicians, led by John C. Calhoon, states can nullify acts of the federal government

Jackson pushes Force Bill: authorizing military force in South Carolina for treason (SC nullifies)

Issue intensifies as slavery topic continues to divide country

States Rights v. Federal Government

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2ND BANK OF US (BUS)Jackson hated BUS

Too much power in a small elite group

Opponents re-charter & Jackson vetoes

Angry class-based rhetoric in veto message widely received by voters & he is elected to 2nd term

“The bank is trying to kill me but I will kill it”

Moved federal deposits from BUS to states banks in Democratic leaning states

Caused Secretaries of Treasury to either resign or be fired

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Jackson’s suspicious of bankers & credit

Issues Specie Circular (1836): government

land can only be paid for in specie; NO PAPER MONEY

Shortage of government funds

Destruction of BUS & Specie Circular = Panic of 18347

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RISE OF WHIGS V. DEMOCRATSWhigs (1833) Democrats

Opponents of Jackson & Democratic Party Jackson supporters

Tended to support government funded economic


Supported tariffs & a central bank & government

encouragement of manufacturing

Populist ideology: tariffs would “fatten” urban

commercial interests

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Sectionalism: What is in the best interest of the area I live in?

Aka: regionalism

Nationalism: What is in the best interest of the country?

Sectionalism/Regionalism is beginning to trump Nationalism

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North: more industry

South: slavery grew dramatically; need for cotton

US became more interconnected as local economies became national markets

Ex: cotton (South) sent to textile industries (North) = cloth/clothing sold around the country

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ACTIVITYAt your tables:

Pick up an envelope

Sort the cards into piles based on what you think were characteristic of the Colonial Economy (1700 – 1790) & those characteristic of the Market Economy (1790 – 1830).

On a separate sheet of paper:

1. Do you notice any trends?

2. What other categories could you break the cards into?

3. What kind of impact do you predict a change to a market economy had on:

Gender roles/expectations

Pride in work

The economy

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2ND GREAT AWAKENINGMany reform movements & religions grew out of the 2nd Great Awakening

With a partner, define/describe each of these in your notes. List key ideas/people.



Utopian Communities


Women’s Rights


Prison & Mentally Ill Reforms

Education Reform

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Many Native American tribes developed spiritual practices

Mixture traditional religious beliefs & elements of contemporary experiences (EX: exposure to Christianity)

Handsome Lake (Seneca)

Set of spiritual practices

Longhouse Religion

Traditional native & Quaker beliefs

Offered a sense of hope to many American Indians

Spoke out against alcohol consumption & breakdown of family

Factionalism that split Native Tribes

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Discuss with a partner:

What is a “National Culture”?

How would you describe a national culture today?

What elements would you include in your description? (ex: religious, industrial, economic)

Post War of 1812

Increase in nationalism

Blending of European cultures & experience in America to create something uniquely “American”

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AMERICAN RENAISSANCERebirth of art & literature

Art Literature

Hudson River School

Art school

Peak 1820’ – 1870’s

Thomas Cole, Asher Durand & Frederic Church

Inspired by European romantic paintings

American landscapes with hints of impending civilization

Often emphasized emotion over accuracy

Romanticism: reaction of industrialization & the market


Harkening back to the days of an idealized past (“Back in

the day”)

James Fenimore Cooper: Last of the Mohicans

Washington Irving: Rip Van Winkle & The Legend of

Sleepy Hollow

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David Walker: David Walker’s Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World (1829)

Resist slavery by any means necessary

idea of self defense enraged southerners

Southern states: Pamphlet is seditious & penalized anyone caught with it

Frederick Douglass Born into slavery; Escaped in 1838

Prominent speaker against slavery

African Methodist Episcopal Church Reflected African American religious practices & beliefs based on their experience in America

Gave African American communities more autonomy & tailored religious services to the needs of their community

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Credit began to play a more important role in the economy

What is credit & why how would it impact the economy?

Incorporation of America

Laws made it easier to create & expand corporations

Shifted from temporary corporations (for the purpose of building roads/bridges) to permanent (chartering of businesses) & allowing people to invest.

Supreme Court

Dartmouth College v. Woodward: states can not interfere with private contracts

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Agricultural Efficiency

Shift from tools that required man/animal power to tools that were more durable & efficient

Ex: John Deere (1847): steel plow

More efficient grain drills, mowers, hay rakes…

2 significant improvements:

Automatic reaper – Cyrus McCormack (1831): cut & stacked wheat & other grains

Thresher: kernels of grain had to be loosened from the inedible chaff; used on farms in the “Old Northwest” (region between the Great Lakes & the Ohio & Mississippi Rivers)

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Eli Whitney & Interchangeable Parts Interchangeable Parts: parts of a specific product, made to exact specifications to allow for rapid assembly of

a product

Developed by Eli Whitney (creator of the Cotton Gin) for the production of firearms

Steam Power Robert Fulton (1807) demonstrated a functioning steamboat on the Hudson River

20 years later, used for shipping on rivers & dominated commercial shipping

Later applied to locomotives & in factories that had once used waterwheels

Communication Telegraph – Samuel Morse; information transmitted using Morse Code

1st line: DC to Baltimore

Lines followed RR

Connected the country

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Canals & Roads

1800 – 1830: Internal improvements

expansion & improvements of roads & canals (along with the development of steamboats)

Expanded trade between Midwest & eastern cities

Partially funded by the government

Most significant: Erie Canal (completed 1825); connected Hudson River to the Great Lakes

Dropped the cost of moving freight from Buffalo to NYC by 90%

Building of the National Road (aka: the Cumberland Road) 1811 - 1853

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1829: 1st tracks laid by Baltimore & Ohio RR

Made shipping products faster & less expensive

Connected the country

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IMPACT OF THE MARKET REVOLUTION“Putting Out System” : men & women performed an assigned task, generally at home, as part of piecework

Ex: cutting leather for shoes to be made in another factory

Slater Mill & the Factory System

Textiles: 1st to industrialize

1790’s: Samuel Slater built 1st factory

Spun cotton & wool into yarn or thread

Water, human or animal power did the work

Lowell System

Water powered textile plant

Drew young women from the New England countryside

Women were paid less & seen as “temps”; eventually they would marry & be replaced

1830: 8 Lowell factories employed 6000 women

Women lived in boarding houses & were strictly monitored

Had a degree of freedom. Went on strike when wages were cut in 1834 & 1836

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On Work & Power: businesses became more powerful than the individual

On Gender & family Roles:

The “proper” role for women: shift from “Republican Motherhood” to less public minded concept of a “woman’s place”

Women were regarded as intellectually inferior

Cult of Domesticity: Should take care of the house & children & keep a proper Christian home separate from the male spheres of politics, business & competition

Laws made women 2nd class citizens

Could not vote, serve on a jury

A woman’s property became her husbands when she married

Femme covert: political doctrine – wives had not independent or legal political standing

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Attracted by sense of opportunity

Many stayed in the NE, some went west


Potato Famine led to roughly 1 million deaths from starvation

1845 – 1850: 1 million came to America (NYC & Boston)


Many were skilled craftsmen & entrepreneurs

Escaping political repression

Headed to the west; the “German Triangle” (Cincinnati, St. Louis & Milwaukee)

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1800 – 1840: +4 million headed West

Farm or recreate southern plantations

Some were “squatters”

Others purchased land from the federal government

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North South

Specialized in banking, manufacturing &

shipping industries

Textile mills expanded

Focused on cotton production

profitability of cotton led to expansion of


Mills in the North relied on Southern cotton

Great Britain purchased cotton

1860: 58% of US exports were cotton

1830: 700,000 bales

1860: 5 million bales

Increasing differences between the North & South led to the south

becoming increasing isolated from the North & the Midwest

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SLAVERY1808: US outlaws the international slave trade

Northern states had abolished it

1850: 1/3 of Southern population of African American1790: 700,000 slaves in the south

1830: 2 million

1860: 4 million

1:76 were African American in the North

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TRADEUS Trade continued to expand after War of 1812

“Old China Trade”

Driven by demand for Chinese products

Tea, porcelain, silk

Exposed cultural differences

US perspective: trade = nationalism; expansion of markets

China: merchants were the bottom of the social order in Confucian thought

Furs were in demand in China

Great Britain increasing threat

Treaty of Wanghia – China extended same trade rights to US as Britain had

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Monroe Doctrine (1823):

Why: threats by Russia, Prussia & Austria to restore Spain’s American colonies; Russian Czar claimed all land in the Pacific NW above 51st parallel

What: statement that warned European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere

Problem: HUGE bluff due to our small military

Monroe Doctrine & Washington’s Farewell Address became the cornerstone of the US isolationist policy

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NEW TERRITORIESLouisiana (1803): Purchased from France; doubled size of country

Adams-Onis Treaty (1819): US gained Florida & settled boundary of Louisiana; US accepted Spain’s claims to Texas

Florida had been a safe haven for escaped slaves

Webster-Ashburn Treaty (1842): dispute over border between Maine & Canada settles

Mexican-American War (1846 – 1848): US annexed Texas in 1844against warnings from Mexico

“54 40 or Fight”: 1818 – US & GB agree to joint occupation of Oregon Country 1830’s: Americans begin to settle in Willamette River Valley in Oregon

1844: US pushed for ownership of Oregon; GB said “NO”

1846: President Polk compromised (instead of going to war) establishing the 49th

parallel as the border between US & Canada

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SPANISH TERRITORIES1822: Stephen Austin led group of settlers into Texas

1830: 7000 Americans lived in Texas

1835: more than 30,000

Americans wanted more political control (ex: slavery) & vowed to fight for independence if Mexico refused

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1835: Texas War for Independence began

Sam Houston named C in C

Gen. Santa Anna led thousands of men to end the rebellion

Headed for the Alamo

Less than 200 men

Lasted 13 days

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March 2, 1836: Independent Republic of Texas declared

Sam Houston & 800 men fought back & captured Santa Anna

May 14: Treaty of Velasco signed

Sam Houston elected Texas’ President

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1st Seminole War: began during the War of 1812

2nd Seminole War(1835-1842)

Why: Seminoles were being pressured by the government to relocate west

Result: Seminoles were moved west after the capture of Chief Osceola

Many remained defiant & refused to move west

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South grew increasingly angry over “attacks” on slavery

Racist view of slavery: African Americans are “subhuman”; African Americans were built for manual labor (Mudsill Theory)

Bible enforced slavery

Positive good

Abolitionist Movement harbored racist views

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Set 36’30 line

Provided balance in the Senate11free states:11 slave states

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South: government had no right denying citizens of their “property” or preventing them from taking their “property” to territories

North: areas should be closed to slavery while they are still territories

Wilmot Proviso: slavery shall not exist in any of the territories acquired from Mexico; failed in Congress

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Election of 1844: Polk (Democrat) v. Clay (Whig)

Democrats: expansionist & pro-Slavery = appeal to South

Whigs: not as aggressive on expansion & divided on slavery

Division will tear apart the Whigs & allow for the emergence of a new party…

The Republicans

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