Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

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  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint


    Rnrtmc r jmk w jtfMimpria j t s

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    2/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    Rnrtmcr jmk wjtf mimpria j ts 4

    Hr jv jmk pria j t wjtf purpisc

    Jm ?226' Xfc Fiec Hcpit fnh n priogce- Xfc cmh ia tfc ycnr wns npprin`fjmk'

    nmh tfc `iepnmy fnh cx`css jmvcmtiry jt mcchch iaa jts ongnm`c sfcct- N typj`ng

    sigutjim wns ti `gcnr jt iaa tfc oiils' tnlc tfc fjt im tfc oittie gjmc' nmh scmh

    tfc cx`css ti n gnmhajgg- Out Xfc Fiec Hcpit hc`jhch jt hjhmt wnmt ti ki wjtf tfc

    typj`ng sigutjim-

    Xfc `iepnmy ocknm giiljmk air n prihu`tjvc usc air jts cx`css jmvcmtiry' imc tfnt

    wiugh privjhc n octtcr ajmnm`jng iut`iec air tfc `iepnmy- Hurjmk tfc scnr`f'

    Xfc Fiec Hcpit hjs`ivcrch nmh suoscqucmtgy `imtn`tch Kiih012' n Qjrkjmjn%

    onsch mimpriajt tfnt spc`jngjzcs jm rc`cjvjmk mcw `irpirntc prihu`t himntjims

    nmh hjstrjoutjmk tfce ti tfcjr mctwirl ia mimpriajts- Kiih012 npprin`fch tfc

    pitcmtjng rcgntjimsfjp ns n truc irknmjzntjimng pnrtmcrsfjp rjkft arie tfc stnrt-

    @jmhy Fnggocrgjm' @CI ia Kiih012' cxpgnjmch tfcjr npprin`f ti Xfc Fiec Hcpit

    pnrtmcrsfjp tfjs wny4

    [c gjstcmch- [c hjhmt `iec jm wjtf n `iiljc%`uttcr pgnm- [c snjh' [fnts

    yiur pgnm nmh vjsjim9 [c kit ngjkmch' mit dust wjtf enmnkcecmt out ngsi

    wjtf tc`fmigiky- [c enhc surc tfcrcs n enrrjnkc octwccm tfcjr systce nmh

    iurs si wc `iugh oc ns cj`jcmt ns pissjogc->

    Xfc pnrtmcrsfjp stnrtch sengg- Jmjtjnggy' Xfc Fiec Hcpit hjstrjoutch tfcjrcx`css jmvcmtiry hjrc`tgy ti twcmty%ajvc Kiih012 stircs' nmh tfc stircs

    turmch nriumh nmh hjstrjoutch tfc jmvcmtiry ti ?3 gi`ng mimpriajts- Oy

    ?22:' jt oc`nec `gcnr tfnt siectfjmk wiugh fnvc ti `fnmkc- Piec ia

    tfc gi`ng Kiih012 stircs fnh eirc jmvcmtiry tfnm tfcjr gi`ng mimpriajts

    `iugh fnmhgc' jm caac`t dust pusfjmk tfc jmvcmtiry aurtfcr hiwm tfc

    hjstrjoutjim fnmmcg-

    Xfc Fiec Hcpit nmh Kiih012 ocknm ti wirl `iggnoirntjvcgy ti ajmh n sigutjim

    ti tfc priogce- Xfc twi irknmjzntjims hcvcgipch n strntcky ti oujgh n systceia wnrcfiuscs ti suppgcecmt tfc cxjstjmk mctwirl ia Kiih012 stircs- Xfc mcw

    eihcg wiugh nggiw Kiih012 ti stirc gnrkcr neiumts ia prihu`t' nmh jmstcnh ia

    hjstrjoutjmk kiihs ti jmhjvjhung mimpriajts' enmy gi`ng mimpriajts iugh vjsjt tfc

    wnrcfiuscs ti pj`l up himntch kiihs-

    > @ifcm' Xihh- Ousjmcss Qnguc Oiistch [fcm Xjch Xi Mimpriat- Xfc Mimpriat Xjecs- Xfc MimRriat XjecsRuogjsfjmk Kriup' Jm`-' > Npr- ?2>0- [co- ?? Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-tfcmimpriattjecs-`ie)wp%`imtcmt)upginhs)?2>0)28)8%>%>0YPpc`jng_cpirtY@P_-ph=-

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint


  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    4/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    Xfc cvigutjim enlcs pcrac`t scmsc ja yiu giil nt tfc trcmhs rcknrhjmk si`jng

    n`tjvjse neimk yiumk nhugts- @imsjhcr siec ia tfcsc stntjstj`s arie tfc ?2>?

    XO[N Xfc Auturc ia Pi`jng N`tjvjse Purvcy;4

    31# ia yiumk nhugts nrc n`tjvjsts' suppirtjmk ir oiy`ittjmk ousjmcsscs

    onsch im tfcjr ocgjcas

    11# ia yiumk nhugts wiugh oc eirc gjlcgy ti sccl cepgiyecmt wjtf n`iepnmy tfnt suppirts n `nusc tfcy `nrc noiut

    ;8# ia yiumk nhugts tfjml tfnt `iepnmjcs sfiugh `rcntc c`imiej` vnguc

    [fnts sjkmjaj`nmt noiut tfcsc mueocrs js tfcy pijmt ti tfc an`t tfnt `nusc

    enrlctjmk js oy mi ecnms n aguaay' accg%kiih enrlctjmk tn`tj`- Jts n strntckj`

    rcgntjimsfjp tfnt `nm oc`iec n truc `iepctjtjvc nhvnmtnkc air `iepnmjcs'

    wjtf ecnsurnogc jepn`t im tfc oittie gjmc- Xngyn Ois`f' vj`c prcsjhcmt air

    si`jng vcmturcs nt [cstcrm Smjim snys' @iepnmjcs nrc giiljmk air siur`cs ia

    `iepctjtjvcmcss air tfc ousjmcss' nmh rcngjzjmk imc wny ousjmcss `nm kriw js oy

    sigvjmk si`jng priogces-6

    Ja `iepnmjcs nrc accgjmk prcssurc ti cmknkc ecnmjmkauggy wjtf `nuscs tfnt

    `ustiecrs nmh cepgiyccs `nrc noiut' mimpriajts nrc accgjmk tfc prcssurc

    ti ajmh wnys ti jm`rcnsc tfcjr jepn`t nmh caaj`jcm`y- N``irhjmk ti n rc`cmt

    survcy ia ngeist sjx tfiusnmh mimpriajts prihu`ch oy tfc Mimpriajt

    Ajmnm`c Aumh' jt `imtjmucs ti oc`iec eirc nmh eirc `fnggcmkjmk air

    mimpriajts ti sc`urc nhcquntc aumhjmk- Nmtimy Oukk%Gcvjmc' @CI ia tfcMimpriajt Ajmnm`c Aumh' fnrn`tcrjzch tfc sjtuntjim tfjs wny4

    Mimprijts nrc `fnmkjmk tfc wny tfcy hi ousjmcss oc`nusc tfcy fnvc

    ti4 Kivcrmecmt umhjmk js mit rcturmjmk ti prc%rc`cssjim gcvcgs'

    pfjgnmtfripj higgnrs nrc gjejtch' nmh hcenmh ir `rjtj`ng scrvj`cs fns

    `gjeoch hrnentj`nggy- Nt tfc snec tjec' 31 pcr`cmt i mimprijts pgnm

    ti jm`rcnsc tfc mueocr i pcipgc scrvch- Xfnt king rcqujrcs `fnmkc

    nmh jmmivntjimir mimprijts' ir tfisc wfi umh tfce' nmh ir tfc

    orinhcr systces wc mcch ti prcscrvc nmh cxpnmh c`imiej` ippirtumjty nmh

    si`jng prikrcss-:

    ; XO[N- Xfc Auturc i Pi`jng N`tjvjse- XO[N [I_GH[JHC- XO[N' m-h- [co- ?? Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-town-`ie)tfc%uturc%i%si`jng%n`tjvjse)=-

    6 @ifcm' Xihh- Ousjmcss Qnguc Oiistch [fcm Xjch Xi Mimpriat- Xfc Mimpriat Xjecs- Xfc MimRriat XjecsRuogjsfjmk Kriup' Jm`-' > Npr- ?2>0- [co- ?? Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-tfcmimpriattjecs-`ie)wp%`imtcmt)upginhs)?2>0)28)8%>%>0YPpc`jng_cpirtY@P_-ph=-

    : Mimpriat Ajmnm`c Aumh- Mimpriat Ajmnm`c Aumh Purvcy i 3:22 Mimpriats4 Irknmjzntjims Jmmivntjmk nmhNhnptjmk ti Mcw _cngjty- Mimpriat Ajmnm`c Aumh- Mimpriat Ajmnm`c Aumh' ?3 Enr- ?2>0- [co- ?3 Npr- ?2>0-7fttp4))www-mimpriatamnm`cumh-irk)nmmium`cecmts)?2>0)stntc%i%tfc%mimpriat%sc`tir%survcy=-

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    5/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    Fiw scrjius js tfc `fnggcmkc an`jmk mimpriajts9 Ptntjstj`s arie tfc survcy rcvcng

    siec ia tfc lcy nrcns ia `im`crm>24

    8?# ia survcy rcspimhcmts rcpirt tfnt tfcy himt fnvc tfc rjkft ejx ia

    ajmnm`jng rcsiur`cs ti tfrjvc nmh oc caac`tjvc jm tfc mcxt tfrcc ycnrs

    > jm 8 mimpriajts fns 02 hnys ir gcss `nsf%im%fnmh

    Ivcr tfc mcxt twcgvc eimtfs' 0:# pgnm ti `fnmkc tfc enjm wnys tfcy

    rnjsc nmh spcmh eimcy

    ?0# wjgg sccl aumhjmk itfcr tfnm krnmts ir `imtrn`ts' su`f ns ginms

    ir jmvcstecmts

    Mimpriajts' sjepgy put' mcch ti ajkurc iut wnys ti hi eirc

    wjtf gcss- Ptcppjmk on`l ti giil nt tfc ojk pj`turc rcvcngs tfc

    `imvcrkcm`c ia tfcsc twi trcmhs' tfc prcssurc put im ousjmcsscs

    ti oc trnmspnrcmt nmh nutfcmtj` jm tfcjr pfjgnmtfripj` caairts'

    nmh tfc mcch air mimpriajts ti oc`iec eirc caac`tjvc nmh

    jmmivntjvc wjtf gcss aumhjmk- Ns tfcsc trcmhs `imvcrkc' jt `rcntcs

    nm cmvjrimecmt wfcrc strntckj` pnrtmcrsfjps octwccm ousjmcsscs

    nmh mimpriajts oc`iec eu`f eirc vngunogc air oitf sjhcs- Pi eu`f si' tfnt tfcy

    `nm oc`iec n `irc `iepimcmt ia tfc ousjmcss- @nusc enrlctjmk `immc`ts ousjmcss

    wjtf n`tjvjst `imsuecrs' nmh fcgps sigvc gnrkcr nmh eirc `iepgcx si`jng priogces

    oy privjhjmk njh ti mimpriajts tfnt cxtcmhs ocyimh sjepgc aumhjmk-

    Cmtcr tfc O `irpirnt jim

    Xfjs mcw rcgntjimsfjp octwccm ousjmcsscs nmh mimpriajts' imc oujgt im n strntckj`ngjkmecmt tfnt fcgps oitf sjhcs n``iepgjsf pcrairenm`c nmh purpisc%jmspjrch

    kings' fns gch ti tfc hcvcgipecmt ia n mcw gckng cmtjty' tfc Ocmcajt @irpirntjim'

    ir O `irp- Xfc O `irp js tfc rcsugt ia n kriwjmk eivcecmt jm tfc ousjmcss

    `ieeumjty ti rchcajmc wfnt su``css ecnms-

    Xrnhjtjimnggy' su``css wns ecnsurch sigcgy jm tcres ia priajtnojgjty- Xihny' ns

    wcvc jhcmtjajch' su``css jm ousjmcss rcqujrcs n orinhcr hcajmjtjim ns `imsuecrs'

    cepgiyccs nmh sfnrcfighcrs figh krcntcr cxpc`tntjims im ousjmcsscs- Xfc O

    `irp ecnsurcs su``css n``irhjmk ti tfc trjpgc oittie gjmc ia priajt' pcipgcnmh pgnmct- Jt ecnsurcs jts ajmnm`jng knjm' out ngsi jts caac`t im si`jcty nmh

    tfc cmvjrimecmt-

    O `irps hceimstrntc fiw `nusc enrlctjmk `nm oc`iec n `irc `iepctcm`y' nmh

    n rcng strntckj` nhvnmtnkc tfnt `imvcrts ti pisjtjvc ajmnm`jng iut`iecs air tfc

    ousjmcss nmh jts mimpriajt pnrtmcrs- N krcnt cxnepgc ia tfjs js cyckgnss enlcr

    >2 Jojh

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    6/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    [nroy Rnrlcr' wfj`f oc`nec n `crtjajch O `irp jm ?2>?- [nroy Rnrlcr hcsjkms

    nmh scggs jts iwm hcsjkmcr cyckgnsscs air n surprjsjmk (:3' hjsruptjmk tfc cyckgnss

    enrlct trnhjtjimnggy `imtriggch oy n acw gnrkc `iepnmjcs tfnt lccp prj`cs

    nrtjaj`jnggy fjkf- Jm nhhjtjim ti iaacrjmk n hjsruptjvcgy prj`ch prihu`t' [nroy

    Rnrlcr cepgiys n imc%ti%imc eihcg' ecnmjmk tfnt air cvcry pnjr ia cyckgnsscs

    tfc `iepnmy scggs' jt kjvcs n pnjr ti siecimc jm mcch- [fnts trugy umjquc js

    fiw jt kjvcs tfc cyckgnsscs nwny-

    Jm irhcr ti caac`tjvcgy hjstrjoutc jts himntch cyckgnsscs' [nroy

    Rnrlcr pnrtmcrs wjtf n mimpriajt `nggch QjsjimPprjmk- [nroy

    Rnrlcr kjvcs aumhjmk nmh himntch cyckgnsscs ti QjsjimPprjmk'

    nmh QjsjimPprjmk imtrjoutcs lmiwgchkc ia cecrkjmk enrlcts

    hiwm ti n gi`ng gcvcg' jm nhhjtjim ti rc`ieecmhntjims im wfnt

    prihu`ts eny oc `ugturnggy nppriprjntc air tfisc enrlcts-

    QjsjimPprjmk tfcm trnjms gi`ng' giw%jm`iec cmtrcprcmcurs fiw ti

    stnrt tfcjr iwm ousjmcsscs scggjmk cyckgnsscs nt naairhnogc prj`cs'

    usjmk tfc himntch [nroy Rnrlcr prihu`ts ns jmvcmtiry-

    Xfc twi irknmjzntjims nrc strntckj`nggy umjtch nriumh privjhjmk n``css ti

    cyckgnsscs air tfc ngeist imc ojggjim pcipgc wirghwjhc tfnt himt fnvc n``css->>

    N``irhjmk ti [nroy Rnrlcr' kcttjmk n pnjr ia kgnsscs `nm jm`rcnsc nm jmhjvjhungs

    prihu`tjvjty nt wirl oy 03#' nmh jm`rcnsc tfcjr jm`iec oy ?2#->? Gnmc [iih'

    Hjrc`tir ia Pi`jng Jmmivntjim air [nroy Rnrlcr sues up tfc caairt' Iur pnrtmcrs

    nrc fcgpjmk `rcntc dios' nmh iur kgnsscs nrc krcnt tiigs nt nggcvjntjmk pivcrty->0

    Jm siec wnys' tfc O `irp sjkmngs n rcturm ti tfc riits ia tfc `irpirntjim- Jm nm

    nrtj`gc wrjttcm air Eiycrs ! @iepnmy' Dnejc _nsljm' priacssir ia gnw nt Necrj`nm

    Smjvcrsjtys [nsfjmktim @iggckc ia Gnw' cxpgnjms4

    [fcm `irpirntjims jrst `nec jmti ocjmk jm tfc cnrgy >:tf `cmtury' tfcjr

    rcnsim ir cxjstcm`c wns ti scrvc tfc puogj`' mit prijt- Xypj`ng `irpirntjims

    wcrc prjvntc%puogj` pnrtmcrsfjps tfnt wcrc fnrtcrch ti oujgh ir rcntc

    siectfjmk tfnt tfc kivcrmecmt `iughmt hi im jts iwm' gjlc oujgh n orjhkc ir

    nm jmtcrstntc rnjgrinh- Out ivcr tjec' tfriukf vnrjius `fnmkcs jm tfc gnw' tfc

    hcjmjtjim i n `irpirntjim cvigvch ti wfnt wc fnvc tihny->8

    >> O Gno- Ocst Mcw Nrtjst ?2>?- Ocst Mcw Nrtjst ?2>?- O Gno' m-h- [co- ?3 Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-o`irpirntjim-mct)mcws%nmh%echjn)nmmung%rcpirt%?2>?)ocst%mcw%nrtjst%?2>?=-

    >? Jojh>0 Jojh>8 _nsljm' Dnejc- [fnt Js n Ocmcat &O* @irpirntjim9 Eiycrs ! @iepnmy- Ruogj` Nnjrs Xcgcvjsjim' Jm`-' 02 Enr-

    ?2>?- [co- ?3 Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))ojggeiycrs-`ie)`imtcmt)wfnt%js%n%ocmcat%o%`irpirntjim)=-

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    7/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    Jm enmy wnys' tfjmks nrc `iejmk augg `jr`gc- Ousjmcss su``css js noiut eirc tfnm

    enxjejzch priajtnojgjty' nmh `ustiecr giyngty jsmt wim sigcgy wjtf prihu`ts nmh

    scrvj`cs- Xfc si`jng jepn`t ia n ousjmcss' fiw jt ocfnvcs' js im`c nknjm oc`iejmk

    ns jepirtnmt ns wfnt jt enlcs- Pi eu`f si' tfnt jm `nscs gjlc [nroy Rnrlcr ir

    Xfc Fiec Hcpit' tfc si`jng jepn`t ia n ousjmcss `nm oc`iec n truc `iepctjtjvc

    nhvnmtnkc' ns eu`f n pnrt ia tfc ornmh priejsc ns nmytfjmk cgsc-

    Pi tfc qucstjim js4 [fnt `iugh yiur ousjmcss hi ti enlc tfc wirgh n octtcr

    pgn`c9 Nmh fiw `iugh yiu pnrtmcr wjtf n mimpriajt ti enlc tfnt fnppcm

    jm n eutunggy ocmcaj`jng nmh jepn`taug wny9

    Pfnrc n pnss jim air n spc`j a j` ejss jimN trugy caac`tjvc pnrtmcrsfjp wjtf n mimpriajt irknmjzntjim mcchs ti stnrt

    nt n fjkfcr gcvcg tfnm wfctfcr ir mit yiur prihu`ts nmh scrvj`cs ent`f up

    wjtf tfc mcch tfc mimpriajt nhhrcsscs- Jm tfc [nroy Rnrlcr cxnepgc' tfc

    `iepnmy nmh jts mimpriajt pnrtmcr wcrc umjtch im ejssjim' nmh tfnt enlcsngg tfc hjaacrcm`c- [fcm `imsjhcrjmk n pnrtmcrsfjp wjtf n mimpriajt' ajmhjmk

    tfc ippirtumjty ti spcmh siec tjec wjtf tfcjr gcnhcrsfjp tcne ti umhcrstnmh

    tfcjr `ugturc js csscmtjng- [fy9 Oc`nusc fnvjmk `iepntjogc `ugturcs js jm`rchjogy

    jepirtnmt ti tfc ivcrngg su``css ia nmy pnrtmcrsfjp yiu try ti aire- @ugturc js n

    onriectcr ia wfctfcr nm irknmjzntjim umhcrstnmhs' nmh js truc ti' jts ejssjim-

    Jm nm nrtj`gc air Anst @iepnmy' Pfnwm Rnrr' @CI ia Ougghik Hrueeimh' nm

    jmmivntjim nmh hcsjkm `imsugtnm`y onsch jm Pnm Hjcki' snys4

    @ugturc js n ongnm`ch ogcmh i fuenm psy`figiky' nttjtuhcs' n`tjims' nmh

    ocgjcs tfnt `ieojmch `rcntc cjtfcr pgcnsurc ir pnjm' scrjius eiecmtue ir

    ejscrnogc stnkmntjim- Eiojgjzjmk nmh cmcrkjzjmk n `ugturc js prchj`ntch im tfc

    irknmjzntjim `gcnrgy umhcrstnmhjmk tfc vjsjim' ejssjim' vngucs' nmh kings->3

    Rnrr umhcrs`ircs tfnt mit imgy hics `ugturc hj`tntc wfctfcr nm irknmjzntjim js

    stnkmnmt ir oujghjmk eiecmtue' jt ngsi privjhcs n gjvjmk' orcntfjmk cxnepgc ia

    wfctfcr tfc irknmjzntjim umhcrstnmhs nmh gjvcs jts ejssjim- Js jt dust siectfjmk

    wrjttcm im tfc wngg' ir hi cepgiyccs ceoihy jt nmh put jt jmti n`tjim cvcry hny9Ns Rnrr snys' Gimk%tcre su``css js hcpcmhcmt im n `ugturc tfnt js murturch nmh

    ngjvc- @ugturc js tfc cmvjrimecmt jm wfj`f yiur strntcky nmh yiur ornmh tfrjvcs ir

    hjcs n sgiw hcntf->1 Enljmk surc yiurc ugturnggy iepntjogc wjtf n prispc`tjvc

    pnrtmcr enlcs cvcrytfjmk cnsjcr- Jts cnsjcr ti stny ai`usch im yiur dijmt ejssjim'

    jts cnsjcr ti oujgh trust' nmh jts cnsjcr ti hcng wjtf `imagj`t wfcm jt nrjscs-

    >3 Rnrr' Pfnwm- @ugturc Cnts Ptrntcky Air Gum`f- Anst @iepnmy- Enmsucti Qcmturcs' GG@' ?8 Dnm- ?2>?- [co- ?3Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-nst`iepnmy-`ie)>6>21;8)`ugturc%cnts%strntcky%gum`f=-

    >1 Jojh

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    8/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    Ouj ghjmk pnrtmcrsfjps im trust[c ecmtjimch tfc jepirtnm`c ia spcmhjmk siec tjec wjtf tfc gcnhcrsfjp ia n

    prispc`tjvc mimpriajt pnrtmcr si yiu `iugh kct n scmsc ia tfcjr `ugturc' ejssjim

    nmh vngucs- Mit imgy js tfnt jepirtnmt jm tcres ia enljmk surc tfnt yiurc umjtch

    im ejssjim' jts ngsi `rjtj`ng jm hctcrejmjmk ja yiu fnvc sfnrch vngucs' wfj`f js wfnt

    enlcs trust pissjogc- [cj%Pljggcrm nmh Enr`jnmi hcs`rjoc tfc ocmcajts ia ocjmk

    nogc ti ipcrntc onsch im trust vcrsus `imtrig4

    Jm enmy pnrtmcrsfjps' mimprijts ccg tfcy eust cxcrt `imtrig ti cmsurc qungjty-

    Out wfcm mctwirlch mimprijts sfnrc tfc snec vngucs' tfcy hi mit fnvc ti

    try ti enmnkc ir cvcry `imtjmkcm`y- Ngtfiukf pnrtmcrs eny stjgg ipt ti fnvc

    ireng `imtrn`ts' tfcy eirc itcm usc tfce ti hcjmc rigcs nmh rcspimsjojgjtjcs

    rntfcr tfnm ti cmir`c rugcs- Air tfce' trust kivcrms tfc mctwirl->;

    [fjgc tfjs ejkft siumh n gjttgc tiu`f%accgy' tfc rcngjty js tfnt trust%onsch

    pnrtmcrsfjps nm oc eirc caaj`jcmt air oitf mimpriajts nmh ousjmcsscs- [cj%Pljggcrm nmh Enr`jnmi `im`guhc' \MUctwirlch mimpriajts nrc iatcm anr eirc

    prihu`tjvc oc`nusc tfcy himt fnvc ti rcgy im aireng `imtrig ec`fnmjses-

    Jmstcnh' tfcjr pnrtmcrs jmtcrmng eitjvntjim nmh ieejtecmt hrjvc tfce ti wirl

    fnrh air tfc sfnrch vjsjim ia tfc mctwirl->6

    Xfcsc pnrtmcrsfjps' airkch arie n dijmt scmsc ia ejssjim nmh

    piwcrch oy trust' nrc umjqucgy pisjtjimch ti hcgjvcr eirc si`jng

    kiih- Xfc ousjmcss nmh mimpriajt nrc cqungs' `immc`tch jm

    sjkmjaj`nmt wnys tfnt ki wcgg ocyimh sjepgc aumhjmk- Nmh oc`nusctfc rcgntjimsfjp aum`tjims im trust nmh mit `imtrig' tfc stru`turc

    `nm oc hc`cmtrngjzch- Xfjs puts tfc mimpriajt jm n octtcr pisjtjim

    ti aire n figjstj` nmh `iirhjmntch pgnm ia n`tjim ti nhhrcss si`jng

    jssucs- [cj%Pljggcrm nmh Enr`jnmi snjh' N``irhjmk ti iur rcscnr`f'

    mimpriajts tfnt pursuc tfcjr ejssjims tfriukf mctwirls ia gimk%

    tcre' trust%onsch pnrtmcrsfjps imsjstcmtgy n`fjcvc eirc sustnjmnogc

    ejssjim jepn`t wjtf acwcr rcsiur`cs->:

    Xfc pnrtmcrsfjp octwccm sfjppjmk kjnmt AchCx

    nmh Xfc Necrj`nm _ch @riss

    js nwimhcraug cxnepgc ia n gimk%tcre pnrtmcrsfjp tfnts oujgt im n dijmt ejssjim nmh

    piwcrch oy trust- Xfc twi irknmjzntjims fnvc occm wirljmk tikctfcr air tfc gnst

    >6 ycnrs- Xfc _ch @riss rcn`fch iut ti AchCx air jmput im fiw ti eist caac`tjvcgy

    stntjim suppgjcs nmh cqujpecmt- Xfc _ch @riss wnmtch ti jeprivc tfcjr nojgjty

    >; [cj%Pljggcrm' Dnmc' nmh Pimjn Enr`jnmi- Xfc Mctwirlch Mimpriat- Ptnmirh Pi`jng Jmmivntjim _cvjcw-Ptnmirh @cmtcr im Rfjgnmtfripy nmh @jvjg Pi`jcty' Pprjmk ?226- [co- ?1 Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-ssjrcvjcw-irk)nrtj`gcs)cmtry)tfcYmctwirlchYmimpriat=-

    >6 Jojh>: Jojh

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    9/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    ti quj`lgy nmh caaj`jcmtgy hcgjvcr fcgp ti pgn`cs stru`l oy hjsnstcrs- _isc Agcmirg'

    enmnkcr ia si`jng rcspimsjojgjty air AchCx' snjh' [c privjhch jm%ljmh sfjppjmk'

    qungjty enmnkcecmt' gikjstj`s' suppgy `fnjm fcgp' nmh fcgpch `iec up wjtf n pgnm

    ia n`tjim ti lccp jmvcmtiry jm iur wnrcfiuscs nmh kct jt sfjppch iut-?2

    Ivcr tfc ycnrs' AchCx fns `imtrjoutch eirc tfnm (>2 ejggjim jm `nsf nmh jm%ljmh

    himntjims ti tfc _ch @riss- Xfcyvc sfjppch tfiusnmhs ia tims ia rcgjca suppgjcs'jm`guhjmk 132'222 piumhs ia suppgjch jm ?2>>-?> Jm nhhjtjim' tfc twi irknmjzntjims

    fnvc pnrtmcrch im tfjmks gjlc n hjsnstcr prcpnrchmcss survcy air sengg ousjmcsscs'

    nmh nm imgjmc trnjmjmk scejmnr `ivcrjmk cecrkcm`y prcpnrchmcss' ngsi air sengg

    ousjmcsscs- AchCx imtrjoutcs cxpcrtjsc nmh rcsiur`cs' ocyimh dust ajmnm`jng

    suppirt' jm dijmt suppirt ia tfc _ch @risss ejssjim ti prcvcmt nmh rcgjcvc

    suaacrjmk oitf jm tfc S-P- nmh nriumh tfc kgioc-??

    AchCxs `imtrjoutjim ti tfc _ch @riss fns occm suostnmtjng' out wfnts

    jm jt air AchCx arie n ousjmcss pcrspc`tjvc9 [iughmt jt dust oc cnsjcr ja

    tfcy writc tfc _ch @riss n `fc`l nmh `nggch jt n hny9 Rcrfnps- Out ns wc

    hjs`ussch' tfc rcng ousjmcss nhvnmtnkc air AchCx `iecs mit dust arie tfc

    tnx ocmcajts ia tfcjr himntjims- Xfc an`t tfnt tfc `iepnmy js gcvcrnkjmk

    jts cxpcrtjsc nmh rcsiur`cs ti `rcntc krcntcr caaj`jcm`y air tfc _ch @riss

    sfiws tfc nutfcmtj`jty ocfjmh AchCxs caairts- Nmh tfnts wfnt immc`ts

    wjtf imsuecrs nmh wjms tfcjr giyngty- Agcmirg cxpgnjms4

    Xfc pnrtmcrsfjp wjtf tfc _ch @riss strcmktfcms tfc nttrjoutcs nmh tfcornmh i iur `irpirntjim- [fcm wc fnvc n kiih rcputntjim nmh ornmh'

    tfnt jm`rcnscs iur rcvcmuc- Cepgiyccs wnmt ti wirl ir n `iepnmy tfnts

    `im`crmch noiut jts `ieeumjty- Iur tcne eceocrs gjvc jm tfcsc `ieeumjtjcs-

    [c `nm rc`rujt nmh rctnjm tfce-?0

    Pfc spcnls ti tfc an`t wc fjkfgjkftch cnrgjcr- Ns eirc `imsuecrs oc`iec

    n`tjvjsts' ornmhs tfnt nutfcmtj`nggy `imtrjoutc cxpcrtjsc nmh rcsiur`cs ti enlc

    n pisjtjvc jepn`t im si`jcty wjgg wjm tfcjr suppirt' nmh tfcjr giyngty- Xfcrc `nm oc

    rcng oittie%gjmc jepn`t arie mimpriajt pnrtmcrsfjps-

    ?2 @ifcm' Xihh- Ousjmcss Qnguc Oiistch [fcm Xjch Xi Mimpriat- Xfc Mimpriat Xjecs- Xfc MimRriat XjecsRuogjsfjmk Kriup' Jm`-' > Npr- ?2>0- [co- ?? Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-tfcmimpriattjecs-`ie)wp%`imtcmt)upginhs)?2>0)28)8%>%>0YPpc`jng_cpirtY@P_-ph=-

    ?> Jojh?? Xfc Necrj`nm _ch @riss- Xfc Necrj`nm _ch @riss4 [fnt [c Hi- Necrj`nm _ch @riss- Xfc Necrj`nm _ch

    @riss' m-h- [co- ?1 Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-rch`riss-irk)wfnt%wc%hi=-?0 @ifcm' Xihh- Ousjmcss Qnguc Oiistch [fcm Xjch Xi Mimpriat- Xfc Mimpriat Xjecs- Xfc MimRriat Xjecs

    Ruogjsfjmk Kriup' Jm`-' > Npr- ?2>0- [co- ?? Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-tfcmimpriattjecs-`ie)wp%`imtcmt)upginhs)?2>0)28)8%>%>0YPpc`jng_cpirtY@P_-ph=-

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    10/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    Xjps air ouj gh jmk n su``cssaug

    mimpria j t pnrtmcrsfjp[cvc fjkfgjkftch siec ru`jng trcmhs jm tfc cvigutjim ia ousjmcss nmh mimpriajt

    pnrtmcrsfjps- @gcnrgy' jt `nm oc jm n ousjmcsss ocst jmtcrcst ti nhipt nusc

    enrlctjmk ti fcgp `rcntc hjaacrcmtjntjim jm tfc enrlctpgn`c- Out jm irhcr air

    tfc jmjtjntjvc ti oc caac`tjvc' jt fns ti oc n sjm`crc pnrtmcrsfjp tfnt cxtcmhs

    ocyimh n `imvcmjcmt prihu`t tjc%jm ir n sfirt enrlctjmk `nepnjkm- @imsuecrsnrc tii snvvy ti ocgjcvc siectfjmk tfnt jsmt nutfcmtj`- Oujghjmk n pnrtmcrsfjp

    tfnt privjhcs rcng `iepctjtjvc nhvnmtnkc hcenmhs n dijmt ai`us im ejssjim' nmh

    `iepntjogc ugturcs nmh vnguc systces tfnt cm`iurnkc n trust%onsch rcgntjimsfjp-

    Fcrcs fiw yiu `nm stnrt hiwm tfnt pntf wjtf yiur irknmjzntjim-

    >- @fiisc imc `nusc tfnt yiu ocgjcvc jm pnssjimntcgy' nmh tfnt yiur

    irknmjzntjim fns tfc cxpcrtjsc ti jeprivc- Jm fjs oiil H_jQC4 Xfc

    Purprjsjmk Xrutf Noiut [fnt Eitjvntcs Ss' nutfir Hnmjcg Rjml tngls noiut

    tfc jepirtnm`c ia ogcmhjmk purpisc wjtf tfc pursujt ia priajt- Rjmljmtrihu`cs fjs `im`cpt ia Eitjvntjim 0-2' wfj`f jmvigvcs n sfnrch scmsc

    ia krcntcr purpisc neimk nm irknmjzntjims cepgiyccs- Jm tfjs imtcxt'

    n ecnmjmkaug nmh hccp pnrtmcrsfjp wjtf n mimpriajt `nm privjhc tfnt

    nutfcmtj` scmsc ia sfnrch purpisc-

    Jm tfc oiil fc quitcs Knry Fnecg' n ousjmcss enmnkcecmt cxpcrt nmh

    aiumhcr ia Ptrntckis' nm jmtcrmntjimng enmnkcecmt imsugtjmk ajre

    onsch jm @fj`nki- Fnecg snys' Ousjmcss gcnhcrs eust ajmh wnys ti jmausc

    eumhnmc ousjmcss n`tjvjtjcs wjtf hccpcr' siug%stjrrjmkjhcns' su`f ns fimir' trutf' givc' dustj`c nmh ocnuty-?8

    Xfc ecssnkc fcrc js tfc ocst pnrtmcrsfjps wjgg oc tfisc

    oujgt im pnssjim air n sfnrch ejssjim' nmh wfcrc tfc

    ousjmcss js nogc ti nppgy jts cxpcrtjsc jm wnys tfnt eivc

    tfnt ejssjim airwnrh- Ja tfc pnrtmcrsfjp js su``cssaug' tfc

    ousjmcss ocmcajts arie tfc oiist ti jmtcrmng eitjvntjim

    tfnt `iecs arie tfc scmsc ia n`fjcvcecmt- Rjml cxpgnjms

    tfnt jt `imtrjoutcs ti n wc ecmtngjty vcrsus n yiu

    ir tfcy pcrspc`tjvc wjtfjm tfc ousjmcss- Jt umjajcscepgiyccs tiwnrhs enljmk n hjaacrcm`c- Jm an`t' jts n

    sjepgc wny ti knukc tfc jepn`t ia tfc caairt- Fiw hi

    cepgiyccs rcspimh ti qucstjims noiut tfc pnrtmcrsfjp9

    Hi tfcy jmstjm`tjvcgy usc wc stntcecmts' ir tfcy9?3

    ?8 Rjml' Hnmjcg F- Hrjvc4 Xfc Purprjsjmk Xrutf noiut [fnt Eitjvntcs Ss- Mcw Zirl4 _jvcrfcnh' ?2>>- Rrjmt-?3 Rjml' Hnmjcg F- Hrjvc4 Xfc Purprjsjmk Xrutf noiut [fnt Eitjvntcs Ss- Mcw Zirl4 _jvcrfcnh' ?2>>- Rrjmt-

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    11/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    ?- Kct ti lmiw yiur pitcmtjng pnrtmcr im n pcrsimng gcvcg- Jm irhcr ti oujgh n

    su``cssaug' gimk%tcre pnrtmcrsfjp wjtf n mimpriajt' yiu sfiugh vct pitcmtjng

    pnrtmcrs dust gjlc yiu wiugh n mcw vcmhir- Ecct wjtf nm cxc`utjvc ia cn`f

    mimpriajt yiurc `imsjhcrjmk pnrtmcrjmk wjtf- Xnlc tfc tjec ti kct ti lmiw

    tfcjr `ugturc nmh vngucs-

    Ja yiu hc`jhc ti eivc airwnrh' tnlc tjec ti gcnrm wfnt tfc mimpriajt rcnggy

    mcchs- Js jt cxpcrtjsc jm n `crtnjm nrcn9 Js jt vigumtccr fiurs9 N``css ti n

    mctwirl' ir nhhjtjimng aumhjmk9 Lmiw nmh umhcrstnmh tfc mimpriajts kings

    nmh `fnggcmkcs ocairc hc`jhjmk fiw yiu `iugh fcgp-

    Gnstgy' prieitc cstnogjsfjmk pcrsimng `immc`tjims octwccm cepgiyccs

    nmh mimpriajt pcrsimmcg nt vnrjius gcvcgs tfriukfiut oitf irknmjzntjims-

    Jmtrihu`jmk lcy pgnycrs ti tfcjr `iumtcrpnrts wjgg cm`iurnkc mnturng

    `iggnoirntjim onsch im tfc eitjvntjim ti n`fjcvc tfc sfnrch ejssjim-

    0- Xfjml ocyimh yiur wnggct- [cvc ecmtjimch tfjs tfriukfiut tfjs Oguc

    Rnpcr' out jts wirtf ecmtjimjmk nknjm- Fcrcs n krcnt cxnepgc4

    Qcrjzim [jrcgcss fns nm cstnogjsfch pnrtmcrsfjp wjtf Mcw Zirl @jty%

    onsch @fjghrcms Fcngtf Aumh- Qcrjzim privjhcs @fjghrcms Fcngtf

    Aumh wjtf tiigs air tfcjr eiojgc echj`ng umjts tfnt pritc`t tfc prjvn`y

    nmh sc`urjty ia echj`ng jmairentjim' ns wcgg ns wjrcgcss tc`fmigikjcs-

    Xfnts wfnt enlcs scmsc ti eivc tfc ejssjim airwnrh- Ja Qcrjzim fnh

    `fiscm ti sjepgy kjvc aumhjmk ti tfc mimpriajt' tfcy wiugh fnvc ejssch

    tfc ippirtumjty ti fcgp @fjghrcms Fcngtf Aumh sigvc n rcng priogce'

    nmh tfcy wiugh fnvc ejssch iut im tfc truc ousjmcss vnguc ia tfc

    pnrtmcrsfjp air Qcrjzimjmtcggjkcm`c-

    Lntfy Oriwm' Qcrjzims scmjir vj`c prcsjhcmt air irpirntc

    rcspimsjojgjty' snys4

    [c wnmt ti oc jm mcw enrlcts wjtf mcw `ieeumjtjcs' nmh wc

    wnmt ti oc `gisc ti tfc `ieeumjty nmh fnvc nm ippirtumjty ti

    umhcrstnmh `ustiecrs mcchs nmh wnmts- [c `nm umhcrstnmh eu`f

    octtcr fiw wc `nm scrvc tfc `ieeumjty tfriukf pnrtmcrsfjps'

    wc `nm kct ectrj`s tfnt nrc kiih ir mimprijts im fiw tfcyrc

    hcgjvcrjmk scrvj`cs nmh tfnt ngsi nrc kiih ir us' ti scc tfc

    cc`tjvcmcss i tfc prihu`ts wc put jmti tfc enrlct-?1

    ?1 @ifcm' Xihh- Ousjmcss Qnguc Oiistch [fcm Xjch Xi Mimpriat- Xfc Mimpriat Xjecs- Xfc MimRriat XjecsRuogjsfjmk Kriup' Jm`-' > Npr- ?2>0- [co- ?? Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-tfcmimpriattjecs-`ie)wp%`imtcmt)upginhs)?2>0)28)8%>%>0YPpc`jng_cpirtY@P_-ph=-

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint

    12/13 ?2>0 8jeprjmt' Jm`- Ngg rjkfts rcscrvch

    Jm nhhjtjim ti jmtcggjkcm`c' Qcrjzim ocmcajts oc`nusc' ns Oriwm snys'

    iur `ustiecrs `nrc tfnt tfcyrc hijmk ousjmcss wjtf `iepnmjcs tfnt

    nrc rcspimsjogc-?;

    Xfcrc nrc itfcr cxnepgcs jm tfc enrlctpgn`c tfnt `nm oc giilch ti

    air kujhnm`c' gjlc Rrihu`t &_CH*- Xfc irknmjzntjim fns n `gcnr ejssjim

    ti hcgjvcr nm NJHP%arcc kcmcrntjim jm Narj`n oy tfc ycnr ?2>3- Ngg ia

    tfc irknmjzntjims tfnt pnrtmcr wjtf tfce &Nppgc' Mjlc' Knp' nmhPtnrou`ls dust ti mnec n acw* nrc umjtch jm tfnt purpisc- Cn`f

    Rrihu`t &_CH* pnrtmcr gcvcrnkcs tfcjr cxpcrtjsc ti hcvcgip spc`jaj` prihu`ts

    ocnrjmk tfc &_CH* giki' wfj`f tfcy enrlct tfriukf tfcjr cxjstjmk `fnmmcgs

    ti rnjsc nwnrcmcss air tfc mimpriajt- Cn`f pnrtmcr `imtrjoutcs n pcr`cmtnkc

    ia tfc rcvcmucs kcmcrntch oy tfc &_CH* prihu`ts ti tfc mimpriajt-?6

    8- @ieeumj`ntc imsjstcmtgy' nmh iatcm- Nmitfcr lcy ti oujghjmk n

    su``cssaug mimpriajt pnrtmcrsfjp js ieeumj`ntjim- Jm irhcr ti oujgh

    ir enjmtnjm tfc pcrsimng `immc`tjims yiu wirlch fnrh ti cstnogjsf'

    nmh jm irhcr ti lccp oitf irknmjzntjims ngjkmch im ejssjim%`rjtj`ng

    jmjtjntjvcs' yiu fnvc ti `fc`l jm im n rckugnr onsjs- Oru`c Ourt`f'

    nutfir ia Kgiwjmk Ziur Ousjmcss' snys' @imstnmt' `gcnr' ipcm' nmh

    fimcst ieeumj`ntjim js rjtj`ng-?: Jt `nm tnlc siec tjec air tfcsc

    pnrtmcrsfjps ti kct im tfcjr acct- Ourt`f mitcs' Xfc eist su``cssaug

    `riss%sc`tir pnrtmcrsfjps nmh `nusc enrlctjmk `nepnjkms hi mit fjt

    tfcjr strjhc umtjg tfc sc`imh ir tfjrh ycnr-02 Lccpjmk tfc gjmcs ia

    `ieeumj`ntjim ipcm wjgg oc ia tfc uteist jepirtnm`c ns yiu wirl

    ti kct yiur mcw pnrtmcrsfjp iaa tfc kriumh-

    3- Oc nutfcmtj`- Nutfcmtj`jty enttcrs' nmh jm tfc `nsc ia `nusc enrlctjmk' jts

    `rjtj`ng- Ja `imsuecrs tfjml tfnt yiur mimpriajt rcgntjimsfjp js dust n pgny

    air tfcjr eimcy' jt `iugh hnenkc yiur irknmjzntjims rcputntjim nmh `nusc

    tfce ti `fiisc n `iepctjtirs prihu`t ir scrvj`c- Ja' fiwcvcr' tfcy ocgjcvc

    tfnt tfc rcgntjimsfjp js kcmujmc' tfnts wfcm `nusc enrlctjmk `nm oc`iec n

    hjaacrcmtjntir tfnt eitjvntcs `imsuecrs ti `fiisc yiu ivcr n `iepctjtir-

    Lcm Eucggcr' nm Nhdum`t Jmstru`tir ia Enrlctjmk nt Ecssjnf @iggckc nmh

    nt tfc Rcmmsygvnmjn @iggckc ia Nrt ! Hcsjkm' pijmts iut siec ia tfc rcng

    ousjmcss ocmcajts ia nutfcmtj` `nusc enrlctjmk jm nm nrtj`gc fc writc air

    Jmspjrjmk Kcmcrisjty- Ajrst' jt fcgps put yiur `ustiecrs jm nm itfcrs ajrst

    ejmhsct' wfcrc sfippjmk oc`iecs ns eu`f noiut kjvjmk ns rc`cjvjmk-

    ?; Jojh?6 &_CH*- Fiw &_CH* [irls- _CH- &_CH*' m-h- [co- ?6 Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))www-dijmrch-`ie)noiutrch)fiw%rch%

    wirls)=-?: Fnggjknm' Nsfgcy- 8 Ptcps Mimpriats @nm Xnlc ti Cstnogjsf n Gnstjmk Ousjmcss Rnrtmcrsfjp- 8 Ptcps Mimpriats

    @nm Xnlc ti Cstnogjsf n Gnstjmk Ousjmcss Rnrtmcrsfjp- Pitwnrc Nhvj`c' Jm`-' >; I`t- ?2>?- [co- ?6 Npr- ?2>0-7fttp4))ogik-sitwnrcnhvj`c-`ie)nrtj`gcs)mimpriat)8%stcps%mimpriats%`nm%tnlc%ti%cstnogjsf%n%gnstjmk%ousjmcss%pnrtmcrsfjp%>>2>;>?)=-

    02 Jojh

  • 7/28/2019 Partnering With Nonprofits Blue Paper by promotional products retailer 4imprint


    8jeprjmt scrvcs eirc tfnm >22'222 ousjmcsscs wjtf jmmivntjvc prieitjimng jtces tfriukfiut tfc Smjtch Ptntcs'

    @nmnhn' Smjtch Ljmkhie nmh Jrcgnmh- Jts prihu`t iaacrjmks jm`guhc kjvcnwnys' ousjmcss kjats' pcrsimngjzch kjats'

    ceorijhcrch nppnrcg' prieitjimng pcms' trnvcg euks' titc onks' wntcr oittgcs' Rist%jt Mitcs' `ustie `ngcmhnrs'

    nmh enmy itfcr prieitjimng jtces- Air nhhjtjimng jmairentjim' gik im ti www-8jeprjmt-`ie-

    Pc`imh' jt orjmks mcw pcipgc' tfisc wfi fnvc nm jmtcrcst jm tfc `nusc

    yiurc scrvjmk' tfriukf yiur hiir- Xfjrh' jt oujghs n trcecmhius neiumt ia

    kiihwjgg air yiur irknmjzntjim neimk oitf mcw nmh cxjstjmk ustiecrs-0>

    1- @cgcorntc yiur su``csscs- Xfc king ia yiur pnrtmcrsfjp js ti n`fjcvc yiur

    sfnrch ejssjim- [fcmcvcr yiu enlc knjms im ejssjim%`rjtj`ng jmjtjntjvcs'

    tnlc tjec ti `cgcorntc- Jmvigvc tfc lcy pgnycrs arie yiur pnrtmcrs

    irknmjzntjim- Jm an`t' ja tfcrc wcrc nmy itfcr cmtjtjcs jmvigvch' jm`guhc tfcens wcgg- Jts jepirtnmt ti stip nmh rcagc`t im tfc diurmcy nmh tfc rcsugts ia

    yiur fnrh wirl- _cagc`tjim js nmitfcr ippirtumjty ti gcnrm arie cvcrytfjmk

    tfnt gch ti tfc n`fjcvcecmt ia tfc king- Himt ejss tfnt ippirtumjty-

    Ziu `nm enlc n h jaacrcm`c nmh st j g g enlc eimcy[irljmk wjtf mimpriajts fns trnhjtjimnggy occm giilch nt ns siectfjmk tfnt

    `ists yiur `iepnmy eimcy oy nhhjmk cxpcmsc- Xfnt tfjmljmk js wfnt gcnhs ti

    sfirt%tcre rcgntjimsfjps' nmh senggcr nmh gcss arcqucmt himntjims ti n vnrjcty ia

    `nuscs- Out tihny' tfc cvigutjim arie sjepgc pfjgnmtfripy ti `nusc enrlctjmk fns

    `rcntch n mcw ljmh ia rcgntjimsfjp octwccm ousjmcsscs nmh mimpriajts- Xfcsc mcw

    rcgntjimsfjps ai`us im n`fjcvjmk n sfnrch ejssjim' wfcrc tfc ousjmcss nmh tfc

    mimpriajt oitf fnvc n vcstch jmtcrcst jm enljmk tfnt fnppcm-

    Cstnogjsfjmk n pnrtmcrsfjp js nljm ti `iurtjmk n lcy `ustiecr ir jmvcstjkntjmk n

    mcw vcmhir- Jmvcstjmk tjec uparimt js csscmtjng- Gcnrm noiut tfcjr `ugturc nmh

    vngucs' nmh kct cepgiyccs `immc`tch ti tfcjr `iumtcrpnrts nt tfc mimpriajt-

    Cm`iurnkc ipcm nmh `imsjstcmt ieeumj`ntjim octwccm tfc twi irknmjzntjims-

    Ai`us im umhcrstnmhjmk cn`f itfcr nmh oujghjmk trust- Gcnrm noiut wfnt tfc

    mimpriajt rcnggy mcchs nmh hctcrejmc fiw yiur irknmjzntjim `iugh fcgp eccttfisc mcchs ocyimh ajmnm`jng himntjims- Xnlc tjec ti umhcrstnmh fiw yiu `nm

    ocmcajt arie tfc rcgntjimsfjp' nmh ngwnys lccp nutfcmtj`jty jm ejmh-

    Oujghjmk nm caac`tjvc pnrtmcrsfjp wjtf n mimpriajt' imc tfnt fcgps yiu

    `imtrjoutc ti n `nusc yiu ocgjcvc jm wfjgc `rcntjmk n rcng `iepctjtjvc

    nhvnmtnkc tfriukf nutfcmtj` n`tjvjse' jmtcggjkcm`c' gcnh kcmcrntjim'

    ct`-' `nm fcgp yiur ousjmcss an`c tfc rjsjmk cxpc`tntjims ia `imsuecrs'

    cepgiyccs nmh sfnrcfighcrs ngjlc- Jt kjvcs yiu tfc ippirtumjty ti

    kriw nm jeprcssjvc trjpgc oittie gjmc4 pcipgc' pgnmct nmh priajt-

    0> Eucggcr' Lcm- Fiw Ousjmcsscs @nm Ocmcat rie Mimpriat Rnrtmcrsfjps | Jmspjrjmk Kcmcrisjty- JmspjrjmkKcmcrisjty- _nzii' ; Dumc ?2>?- [co- ?: Npr- ?2>0- 7fttp4))si`jng-rnzii-`ie)?2>?)21)fiw%ousjmcsscs%`nm%ocmcat%rie%mimpriat%pnrtmcrsfjps)=-