Oum Oral Xment




Transcript of Oum Oral Xment

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TITLE : What Does It Take To Be A Good Parent




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Page 2: Oum Oral Xment

Content s

1. What Does It Take To Be A Good Parent 2 – 6

2. Bibliography 7


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1. Title : What Does It Take To Be A Good Parent

Good morning ladies and gentleman. I am so glad that today we had a chance to meet

all of you at our very own Open Day of Brainy Montessori School. As a founder of Brainy

Montessori, it is my great pleasure to deliver a speech entitled What does it take to be a good

parent?”. Well of course, everybody wants to be a good parent in a way raising their

children, but do they have what it takes to become a good parent?

Today, let us together investigate all the more on the inquiry of "What does it take to

be a good parent". It doesn't imply that on the off chance that we don't take after these tips,

we are viewed as terrible folks, however, it is fundamental that we comprehend what we are

doing and that the kids comprehend what we are attempting to do. More often than not,

parents unknowingly had "narrow minded" in a manner that they attempt to do things "their

route" without considering the kids' sentiments and childhood. I accept that a good parent is a

guardian who grow up together with the youngsters, as opposed to raising the kids. Once

more, that is the thing that we at the Brainy Montessori is attempting to attain. We are going

to take a gander at a couple of viewpoints which are their mental and physical childhood, the

environment which the youngsters experience childhood in and the discipline.

Members of the floor,

Before I proceed my speech, let me define first what is the meaning by good parents.

As indicated by the Oxford Dictionary, a parent was defined as an individual who is a father

or mother or an individual who has a kid. Parent likewise characterizes as to be or go about as

a mother or father to somebody. Good in other hand, was defined in the Oxford Dictionary as

having the obliged qualities, of an exclusive requirement, having or showing good

excellence, and likewise that which is ethically right. In this way for me, good parents are

somebody are referred as a father or mother who adores their kids unconditionally,

corresponds unashamedly with their youngsters, is included in their youngsters exists to the

extent that they could be, somebody who is there for them when they require somebody,

somebody who shows great ethics and qualities, somebody who reveals to them right from

wrong, strict however not excessively strict. Child rearing is a deep rooted adventure. As

parents, we have an essential obligation. Each guardian needs to be a good parent and good


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example for our kids. Anyway to be a good parent is not simple. It is an adventure of

experimentation, nonstop learning and developing together with your child.

As we raise our kids, there are so many challenges that we may face and we had

faced. A lot of troubles and difficulties need to handle, yet we manage to raise our kids till

now. As times goes by, the responsibility in a way to develop and raise our kids becoming

more challenging. They tend to do and explore new things.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We all want our children to look forward to a great future. And that they will be

successful. We, as parents, to work towards this goal, from the moment their child to

adulthood. Good parenting is categorized by many different factors. Good parents don't just

happen. Good parents apply lessons they have learned and continually try to improve

themselves and their parenting skills.

First characteristic, parents must have good moral character, because they are the role

models of children. It is very important for us to show the best attitude to our child. In order

to raise them up, a huge responsibility needs to be done. If you want your child to be well-

behaved, then you should model the behavior and character you hope your children will

adopt and continue to live by the rules that you set. Parents set an example for their children.

Therefore, it is very important for parents to play their role as good mothers and fathers to

their children. It has been known that children who reflect the character of their parents.

Practicing what you say is an effective method of parenting. Always tell the truth. Your child

is always watching you in action on how to act.

All parents,

Please give your child love and affection. We must give unconditional love and

encouragement to your child. Tell them you love them every day. Saying I love you, is

important. Give lots of hugs and some kisses. Make your children comfortable with love and

affection from birth. But more important to show your child that you love them by giving

your time and attention. Play games, read stories, and talk all the shows you love. Incentives

are also important. Every child needs to feel like their parents are the best cheerleader. And

with the help of their parents, they can accomplish anything.


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The third characteristic to know would be to offer safety to your children. I have no

doubt that the safety of a child is a priority in every parent’s mind. Making them feel safe is

essential as psychologists has time and again, linked inferiority complex in individuals to

problems associated with feeling of security when they were small. These kids would grow

up feeling unsafe and unsure of what they are to do in life. The effect could be very

damaging. They would not excel in their work, they would not have much of a social life and

in some cases, others would take this opportunity to bully them.

Then, to be a good parent, you must make time daily to spend with your kids.

Spending quality time with our children is extremely important for their development and

happiness. Plan for fun times together. Put it on the schedule and enjoy the planning and

anticipation of a fun family activity. When the time comes, put all of your obligations out of

your mind, relax, and have a good time. It helps me to write down my to-do list for afterward

to clear my mind. Involve yourself in activities appropriate to the age and interests them.

Share your experiences in building a harmonious relationship based on love and trust each

other. Eat together as often possible. Mealtimes are a great opportunity to talk about these

things that occur in their everyday lives and to get close to children you are. Use the time

available to talk, not argue with each other. Other things that can be done are play with your

children, read books together every day, go on picnic, and more.

Praising your children is an important part of being a good parent. You want your

kids to feel proud of their accomplishments and good about themselves. If you don't give

them the confidence they need to be out in the world on their own, then they won't feel

empowered to be independent or adventurous. Give appropriate praise. Instead of simply

saying, "You're great," try to be specific about what your child did to deserve the positive

feedback. Make a habit of praising your children at least three times as much as you give

them negative feedback. Though it's important to tell your children when they're doing

something wrong, it's also important to help them build a positive sense of self. If they are too

young to fully understand, praise them with treats, applause, and lots of love. Encouraging

them for doing everything from using the potty to getting good grades can help them lead a

happy and successful life.

Patience is another characteristic parent must have. Patience defines as the capacity to

accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. You

also must control your temper as much as you can. It is important to try to be as calm and


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reasonable as you can when you explain your rules or carry them out. Remember that your

temper can ruin your life. This is to unsure your children to take you seriously, not fear you

or think of you as unstable. Clearly, this can be quite a challenge, especially when your

children are acting out or just driving you up the wall, but if your feel yourself getting ready

to raise your voice, take a break and excuse yourself before your finish talking to your

children. Sometimes, we all lose our tempers and feel out of control, it undeniable. You

should apologize to your children, letting them know that you have made a mistake, if you do

or say something you regret. If you act like the bad behavior is normal, then they will try to

mimic it. Therefore, you should increase level of patience in yourself in order to be a good

parent. If you are angry and you are standing, sit down; if you are sitting, lie down.

Another characteristic to be a good parent is parent must be fair. Each child has it's

own unique identity. To be a good parent, you should avoid comparing your children to

others, especially among siblings. Parents should be fair when they grows up their children

either they are boy or girl in many ways, such as in their daily life for examples buying

clothes, giving an education, loving and other. It is because, compulsory for parents to give

their full attention, appreciate them as a younger and to be fair to their children. Celebrate

their differences and instill in each child the desire to pursue their interests and dreams.

Failure to do so can give your child a belief that you are less worthy or important than others,

the imagination that they cannot be good enough in your eyes. If you want to help them

improve their attitude, talk about meeting their goals on their own, instead of telling them to

act like their sisters, cousins or friends. This will help them develop a sense of self is not a

belief that you are not qualified. Comparing one child to another can also make a child

develop to keep up with his siblings. You need to develop a loving relationship between your

children, not a competition. If they argue, do not pick sides, fair and natural. I believe this,

some parents have children of their favorite. Avoid favoritism. Surveys have shown that most

parents have favorites, but most children believe that they are the favorite. If your children

are quarreling, don't choose sides, but be fair and neutral. In every aspect of our lives, order

and discipline are closely entwined. Discipline enables one to obey orders and obeying orders

enhances discipline. Every home would have its house rules. Ensure that house rules are

obeyed by all, ourselves included. No exemptions. Otherwise we will be sending the wrong

message to them by indicating that it is okay to have double standards. For example, if we

have set 7.00 p.m. as curfew time, then it should preferably apply to all unless work related

problems prevent us from abiding by them. At home, it has been determined that the time


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between 7.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m., computer games, television shows and playing of music are

not allowed. The time has been reserved for dinner and prayers. As such, I do not switch on

the television within that time zone, not even to watch the news. This is to ensure that our

children realise some rules just must be obeyed by all. They must know that there are

boundaries and limitations.

To conclude my speech today, I want to highlight again eight characteristics to be a

good parent, which are good morals and positive role models. Parents must shows a positive

role model to children their children because their tend to adapt what parent behave. To be a

good parent, you must express love and affection to our child and you must spend quality

time with child. Set aside a day to go to a park, theme parks, picnic or library depending on

their interests. This will strengthen the relationship with their parents. A good parent must

also praise their children to make them feel proud and precious. Avoid comparison among

children or others as well is important to being a good parent. The best parents have patience.

Control your temper as much as you can. Last characteristic to be a good parent is provide

order for your children. This can help them feel safe and at peace and to live a happy life both

in and outside of their home.

To end my speech of today, I would like to encourage all of the parents to keep

understand your children as they are our love of heart. Do not be afraid to be a parent. Do

your best, be their friend, but never let them forget you are their parent, not a collaborator.

Never over-indulge a child. It can lead to stubborn and irresponsible behavior. Do treat them

as a friend and teach them how to get a meaningful life. Thank you so much to all of a parent

because willing to sit here and hear my long speech. Finally, let me say that I am heartened to

see so many fellow parents here today, as it shows our interest and intent to be good parents,

to do what is really helpful for our children. I hope all of you understand and try so hard to

become a good parent. Thank you.


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2. Bibliography

Andrew Clover. ( 2008 ). Dad Rules: How My Children Taught Me To Be a Good Parent. Egmont UK Ltd London.

Laurence Steinberg. (2005). The 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting. United States of America : Simon & Schuster Paperbacks.

Mukti Jain Campion. ( 1994 ). The Good Parent Guide. Element Books.