Oj/f'&J - uni-muenster.de · Bardo thos grol [The Tibetan book of the dead] Das tibetanische...

Oj/f'&J lH<kl,i btsun-pa Rin-chen rnam-r;!zyal mKhas-g-rub kun-gyi gtsug-rgyan Nä-ro-pä! rnam-thar ri.o-mtshar rmad-byu:ti. ,Herhert von, The life and teachings of Näropa• Oxrord 1963,

Transcript of Oj/f'&J - uni-muenster.de · Bardo thos grol [The Tibetan book of the dead] Das tibetanische...

Oj/f'&J lH<kl,i btsun-pa Rin-chen rnam-r;!zyal

mKhas-g-rub kun-gyi gtsug-rgyan pa~-chen Nä-ro-pä!

rnam-thar ri.o-mtshar rmad-byu:ti. [engl,.ueteilw.ti~

in:Guenther~ ,Herhert von, The life and teachings

of Näropa• Oxrord 1963,

Ek 1

sMon-lam-sTobs-oo-che !-:;:.l.h ,, eqn~1 '7 L'""' L .. -- 6 ""·-i:. ·-:;

The p01>' er fu.l good ·;rl sh

ed., by Dc::.'.·..ru_s;;~.mrlllp Kazi

Mi la ras pa'i rnam thar Texte Tibetain de la vie ed. par J. w. de Jong

de Milarepa

(Indo-Iranian Monographs 4)

s'Gravenhage 1959



The hundred thousand songs of r1i1arepa.

Transl. and annot. by Garma C. C. Chang. vo1s. 1,2

2nd ed_.

Bou1der, Co1orado 1977 (1New Hyde Park 1962)


Ha 2/2 Milarepa: Les cent mil_le chants tradL!it dLI tib&tain et annot0 par Marie-Jas~ .amothe .~ Milarepa. - Paris r·L~espace int&rte1.~r 331 110/Q6

I ' -I~

Mi-la-ras-pa'i rnam thar.

The life of Milarepa.

Translated by Lobsang P. Lhalungpa.

Boulder (Colorado), London 4984 (1979, 1977)


llilarepa Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa A Biograpby fi'om 'the Tibetano Jetsün-Kahbum

being the

Edited with Introduction and Annotations by W.Y. Evans-Wentz. Oxford usw. 1969 (19281 )


Ses m€lfaits- Ses epreuves- Son illumination.

Traduit du. tibetain avec un introduction et un index par Jacques B~acot

Paris 198'1


lr -!... 2

ll!Ikhas-grub-r ,je

Fundamentals of the Buddhist Tantras.

Rgyud s1e spyi~i rnam par gzag pa gryas par brjod. LfLP. ~.-. &...y( J Trsl. from the Tibetan by Ferdinand D.~essing and Alex !ayman.

Den Haag/Paris 1968.

(Indo-Iranian monographs, Vol.8).


Ha 6

Cabezon, Jose Ignacio: A dose ot emptiness : a1, annotated tr~anslation of the sTonq thun chen mo of mKhas grtJb dGe legs dpal bzang I Jos~ Ignac::Lo Cabez6n .. ,~ 1 .. lt!c:Lian (c)CL ·- Delr~~i

: Sri Setguru Publications~ 1993. - 590 S. lBibliothecs Indo-Buddhica series ; 1251

ISBN 81-7030·-375-3 t::3S/95



De doctrinae ßuddhicae in India propagatione.

Gontexturn l!i beticumil'~. ed. "l.ntonius Schiefner.

Petersburg 1868.

(§uzuki Research Foundation, Reprint Series 2)



Geschichte des Buddhismus in Indien.

Aus dem Tibetischen iibers. v. Anten Sc~iefnnr.

Petersburg 1869.

(§uzuki Research Foundation, Reprint Series 3).


l+~t IS Tl!ranätha

Täranätha's Edelsteinmine, das Buch von den Vermittlern der sieben Inspirationen. Aus dem Tibetischen übers. von Albert Grünwedel.

Neudr. d. Ausg. 1914

Osnabrück 1970

(Bibliotheca Buddhica, 18)


Sa Skya

[subhä(;li taratnanidhi, tb. mong. eng1.J

A treasury of aphoristic jewe1s:

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B1oomington ancl The Hague 1969

(Indiana Univ. Pub1., Ura1ic and Altaic Ser. 92)


Bu-ston Rin-chen-grub-pa

History of Budd.hism ( Chos-l;lbyung [engl.] ) '1. The jewelry of scripture

transl. by E. Obermiller = Heidelberg '193'1

(~aterialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus, H.lS).


Szerb, Janos (Hrsg .)

Bu ston's History of Buddhism in Tibet

Wien 1 990

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L?e b·~in gS'egs pa' i sii.i~ po gsal Zitjmdzes par byed pa'i rgyan] Le traite du Tathägatagarbha

trad. par David Seyfort guegg

Paris 1973 (Publ.de l'~cole fran~aise d'Extr~me-Orient 88)


Säkya'i dge-bsnen-chos-dpal-dar-dpyan

Biography of Ohag-Lo-Tsä-Ba~Ohos-Rje-dpal.

Ed. by Pan-Ohen-Os-Tul.

Varanasi 1969




Hor chos-'byun,. j'tib,, eng~ The secret deliverance of the sixth Dalai Lama as narrated by Dharmatäla,

Ed, and trsl, with an introd, and comments by Pietr !lafkowski,

Wien 1979

(Wiener Studien zur Tibetelegie und Buddhismus­kunde, H,J)


Eimer, Helmut

The Tibetan indexes (dkar chag) to the collected

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Tokyo 1980


Gun than dKon mchog bsTan pa'i sgron me

Rnam thar sgo gsum gyi rnam par bzag pa, legs bsad rgya mtsho'i rba rlabs.

ed.by Ernst Steinkellner

Wien 1981

(Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, H.7)



Hu.'ld:red Waves of Elegant Sayings

ed. u. tr. Yeshi 1'ashi (Yeeta)

Sarnath, Varanasi 1991

('Ihe Dalai Lama Tibeto-Indological ~eties, 10)



Die Lebensbeschreibung des Padma Sambhava, dem Begründer des Lamaismus. 747/ n. Ohr.

Teil I: Die Vorgeschichte. Teil JI: Wirken und Erlebnisse in Indien.

München 1899 u. 19o3. --'102/67

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Die Lebensbeschreibung des Padma Sambhava, •••


Schiefner, A. Über Das llonpo-Stltra: "Das weiße Näga - Hunderttausend" St.Petersbourg 1880

1:/CM L1 C1

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in:Schlagintweit, Emil Die Lebensbeschreibung des Padma Sambhava, •••


Ye-~es-mtsho-rgya1, 8th century

The 1ife and 1iberation of Padmasambhava. Trs1. into Eng1ish by Kenneth Doug1as and Gwendo1yn Bays.

vo1s. 1,2

Berke1ey, Ca1ifornia 1978


Dargy~, Geshe Lobsang

A concise biography of Gun than dKon mchog bsTan pa'i sgronme.

Wien 1981

(~iener Studien zur Tibeto1ogie und Buddhismus­kunde, 6)


Briefliteratur buddhistische Indiens

Die buddhLstische Briefliteratur Indiens

Nach dem tibetischen Tanjur herausgegeben, übersetzt

und erläutert von Siglinde Dietz.

Wiesbaden 1984

(Asiatische Forschungen, Monographienreihe zur

Geschichte, Kultur und Sprache der Völker Ost- u.

Zentralasiens, Bd. 84)


(--{-cx 4 f Da1ai Lama XIII

The co11ected works o:f Da1ai Lama XIII vo1s. 1-7 reproduced by Lokesh Chandra

New De1hi 1981-82

(Sata-Pitaka series 283-288a)



vol.1: Life and v10rks " 4: Biography

reproduced [in Tibetan] by Lokesh Chandra

Nev-1 De1hi 1982

(Satapitaka series, 294-295)


Panehen Lama

Sädhanamälä pts. 1,2

reproduced [in Tibetan] by Lokesh Chandra

New Delhi 1974

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Ii"" >o Brag~gon §abs drun dKon mchog bstan pa rab rgyas

[Deb ther rgya mtsho]

The ocean anna1s of Amdo

pts. 1,2,3

reproduced by Lokesh Chandra

Ne\v De1hi 1975-1977

(Satapi~aka series, 226-227)


Agwangdamba (Nag-dban-bstan-pa)


vols. 1,2

ed.by Choi. Lubsanjab

New De1hi 1980

(Bata-Pitaka series, 260-261)



Biography of Dam-t shig-rdo-r je. Reproduced [in Tibetan] by Lokesh Chandra

from the co11ection of Raghuvira.

New De1hi 1982

.(Sata.,.Pit;aka Series, 296)


Bstan-dar Snags-rams-p~

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New De1hi 1982

(Sata-Pitaka Series, 291)

'Gos 1o-tsä-ba gzon-nu-dpa1

The B1ue Anna1s. [Deb-ther snon-po].

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1 De1hi etc. 1979 ( Ca1cutta 1949)


'Gos 1o Gzhon nu dpa1

Deb ther sngon po.

Bde. 1, 2

Sichuan 1984


t{ P-t

Kaschewsky, Rudolf

Das Leben des lamaistischen Heiligen Tsongkhapa

Blo-bzan-grags-pa (1357-1419)

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l.Teil: Übersetzung u. Kommentar 2. " : Faksimiles

Wiesbaden 1971 (Asiatische Forschungen, 32)


Helffer, Mireille

Les chants dans l'~pop~e tib~taine de Ge-sar

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Bardo thos grol

[The Tibetan book of the dead]

Das tibetanische Totenbuch

t,j +A ~ ~ it\ 60

oder die Nachtoderfahrungen auf der Bardo-Stufe.

Nach der englischen Fassung des Lama Kazi Dawa­Samdup, hrsg. v. W.Y.Evans-Wentz •••• neu bearb., komm • ••• v. Lama Anagarika Govinda.

Übers. v. Louise Göpfert-March •••• ?.Aufl. d. Sonderausgabe 1983 Olten, Schweiz 1983


Bardo thos grol

The Tibetan book of the dead or

the after-death experiences on the Bardo plane,

according to Läma Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English rendering.

Compiled and edited by W.Y.Evans-Wentz. ~rd ed, rev. and expanded

Oxford and New York 1984 ( 1London 1960)


Barde thos grol

Das tibetische Buch der Toten.

Die erste Originalübertragung aus dem Tibetischen •• hrsg. v. Eva K.Dargyay in Zusammenarbeit mit Gesche Lobsang Dargyay.

4. Aufl.

München 1984 (11977)


Bardo thos gro1

11 libro italiano dei morti (Bardo Tödö1)

A cura di Giuseppe Tucci. ristampa

Torino 1981 (11972)

(C1assici de11e re1igioni. Le re1igioni orienta1i)


Bardo thos gro1

The Tibetan book of the dead. The grat 1iberation

through hearing in the Bardo by Guru Rinpoche according to Karma Lingpa.

A new trans1ation from the Tibetan with commentary

by Francesca Fremant1e and Chögyam Trungpa.

Berke1ey and London 1975


I~" 0 4 Naropa 2.

Ein uigurisches Totenbuch. Naropas Lehre in uigurischer Übersetzung von 4 tibe­tischen Traktaten nach der Bammelhandschrift aus Dunhuang. British Museum Or. 8212 (109) von Peter Zieme und György Kara. Wiesbaden 1979

(Asiatische Forschungen; Bd.63)


Ha 64./3 Das Tibetanische Totenbuch '"'"' übersetzt und kommenti.ert von Monika Hauf I Monika Hauf. - DUsseldorf : Patmos, 200L - 1.82 S .. ISBN 3-4.91-724.54-6 157/03

[~a chos rin-chen Jphren-ba]

The Buddha's 1aw among the birds.

Translation and commentary by Edward Conze


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"Brug.::Pa Kun-leg_2 I~

Vie et chants de 'Brug-pa Kun-legs, le yogin.

Traduit du tibetain et annote par R.A.Stein.

Paris 1972

( Collection UWESCO d 'Oeuvres representati ves)


Rgyal rabs gsal ba'i me long

(The clear mirror of royal genealogies)

Tibetan text in transliteration with an introduction in English ed.by B.I.Kuznetsov

Leiden 1966

(Scripta Tibetana, l)


Macdonald, A.W.

Ma t,{r iaux tib~taine

pour l'~tude de la litterature populaire


et traduction de deux [ vo1.]1:

[voLJ 2:

1 54/84

' Edition des 11 Histoirs du cadavre 11

Paris 1 967

manuscrits ti~tains

Edition et traduction d'un fragment d'un troisi~me manuscrit ti~tain des 11 Histoirs du cadavre 11

Paris 1 972

dPal mkon 'phags pa klu skrub kyis mdzad oa'i ro lans ~ -'V

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hrsg. v. Qamdinsuren, Ts.

1 964


Kaschewsky, Rudolf. u. Pema Tsering

Das Leben der Himmelsfee

'G~o-ba bzan-mo. Ein buddh. Theaterstück

mit •••• Originaltext.

Wien 1975

(Tibetische Texte aus Nepal, l)


Bu-ston rNam-thar

The life of Bu-ston Rin-po-che.

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by D.S.Ruegg.

Roma 1966

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Lodrö, Geshe G.

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Dharmatä1a Dam-chos-rgya-mtsho

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Sgam-po-pa Dam chos yid bzin gyi nor bu thar pa rin po che'i rgyan. The Jewel Ornament of Liberation Translated and Annotated by Herbert V.,Guenther Foreward by Chögyam Trungpa. The Clear Light Series

Boulder (Colorado) 1981 (Reprint)


Ouang Tchoug, Dorj~ (IXeKarmapa) Phyag- chen ma- rig mun-sel Le Mahamoudra qui dissipe les t~nebres de l'ignoranc'

suivi de Cinquante stances de d~votion au Gourou, d' Ashvagosha

Traduit de Tib~tain par Alexahder Berzin. Traduit de l'anglais par J.C. de Verneuil et F. Jacquemart.

Paris 1980


Q;y:a1tsen, Patshang Lama Sonam The visionary accounts of returns from death The "rnam thar" of Karma-dbai:t-'dzin and of G1ii:t­bza' Chos-skyid reproduced from a manuscript copies of texts from western Tibet

Do1anji 1974



Calming the mind and discerning the real. Buddhist meditation and the middle view, from the Lam rim chen mo.

Trsl. by Alex Wayman.

New York 1978



The Yoga of Tibet.

The great exposition of secret Mantra: 2 and 3. Trs1. and ed. by Jeffrey Hopkins.

London 1981

(The Wisdom of Tibet series, 4)



Le grand Guru Padmasambhava. Histoire de ses existences (Padma Than Ying) traduit du tibetain par Gustave-Charles Toussaint.

Paris 1979

(Tradition bouddhiste, 1)


gSa1-snan v' Une chronuqie ancienne de bSam-yas: sBa-bzed.

Edition du texte tib~tain et r~sum~ fran~ais par R.A.Stein.

Paris 1961

(Pub1. de 1'Inst. des hautes ~tudes chinoises, textes et documents, 1)


Thubten Leg~ Gyatsho

Gateway to the temple. Manual of Tibetan monastic customs, art, building and celebrations. Translated by David Faul Jackson.

Kathmandu 1979 (Bibliotheca Himalayica, Series III, 12)


Schwieger, Peter

Ein tibetisches Wunschgebet um Wiedergeburt in der Sukh~vati

••• übersetzt und kommentiert

St. Augustin 1978

(Beiträge zur Zentra1asienforschung,1)


Schuh, Dieter u.L.S.Dagyab

Urkunden, Erlasse und Sendschreiben aus dem Besitz sikkimesischer Adelshäuser und des Klosters Phodang.

St. Augustin 1978

(Monumenta Tibetica Historica, Abt.III,Bd.3)


Schuh, Dieter

Erlasse und Sendschreiben mongolischer Herrscher für tibetische Geistliche. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Urkunden des tib. Mittelalters und ihrer Diplomatik.

St. Augustin 1977

(Monumenta Tibetica Historica, Abt.III, Bd.l)


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Säkya'i dge bsnen chos dpa1 dar dpyail The biography of Chag 1o-tsä-ba chos rje dpa1 (Dharmasvämin)

Grit. ed. by Champa Thupten Zongtse

New De1hi 1981

(Sata-Pitaka series, 266)


Gu-~ri Dka'-b~u Che-'phel i/

alias 'Jigs-med Rig-pa'i rdo-rje of Eastern Thu-med in 1819

History of Buddhism in Mongolia. V Chen-po Horgyi yul-du dam-pa'i ~hos ba'i chul b~ad-pa •••••

H v'h'' 'b . or or c os yun Reproduced by Louis Ligeti.

New Delhi 1981

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v' j i -lt ar byui:t-

Y ang, Ho~nnin [ed.]

The anna1s of Kokonor.

Bloomington 1969

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Padmasambhava Ma 'ons 1un bstan gsa1 ba'i sgron me. Reproductions of two mss. containing a co11ection of the prophecies of Guru Padmasambhava vo1. 1: The Stog manuscript

" 2: The Leh manuscript

Leh 1973

(Smanrtsis Shesrig Spendzod, 33,34)


Aris, Michael

Sources for the history of Bhutan.

Wien 1986

(Wiener Studien z. Tibetologie u. Buddhismuskunde,



Dalai Lama, VI. Tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho. Liebeslieder des VI. Dalai Lama. Aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt, von Dieter Back.

Freiburg i.Br. 1986



Sorensen, Per K.

Divinity secularized. An inquiry into the nature and form of the songs ascribed to the sixth Dalai Lama.

Wien 1990

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Die Eroberung der Burg von Sum-pa. Aus dem tibetischen Gesar-Epos. Hrsg. u. übers. v. Rudolf Kaschewsky

u. Pema Tsering Bd.l: Übersetzung u. Indices " 2: Faksimiles

Wiesbaden 1987 (Asiatische Forschungen, 94)


Hefrmann, Silke

Kemar-Versionen aus Ladakh

Wiesbaden 1991

(Asiatische Forschungen, 109) Fo


Libi Kisar \/C•tl ~)2-19,-~,-r·· tJ•2~3f'l), i.)nci l ·,q. './(Wt Ht .. ICJh \/;:;)n

Sk ;<\··,,~?~~ ... ~k l''!it; ß0:::i __ t1·" l._.lt"ld f:r-~q" von Her-~-rnal,-'11-"1

Berger IJrld Kerl Jettmar· Wiesbaden !·"lrsl'~-~-·--as.sol,,,).itz 199(;_ - /T\J. 2-~l s .. ~ 1 l_l-, !Asiatische F'orsGhungen 1331 rss~1 3·-i47-0?849-7 <i.-(,)/97

Ha 114/4 Hummel, Siegbert: Eurasian mythology in the Tibeten epic of Ge-sar I Siegbert Hummel. Library of Tibeten Werks and l998. - X, 117 S. ISBN 81-86470-20-4 25/02

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~~~ 115 PrajÜäsena

'jig rten pha rol sgrub pa

Ein früher tib. Traktat aus Dunhuang

••• übers •••• v. Ernst Steinkellner Teil 1: Texte

" 2: Übersetzung Wien 1988

(ÖAW, Phil.-Hist.Kl., Denkschriften, 197/ Beiträge zur Kultur- u. Geistesgeschichte Asiens, l)


Hcc \1\:, Jackson, navid P.

The entrance gate for the wise (section III).

Sa-skya Pa~~ita on Indian and Tibetan traditions of Pramä~a and phi1osophica1 debate. vo1s. 1 and 2

Wien 1987

(Wiener Studien zur Tibeto1ogie und Buddhismuskunde, XVII,1,2)


Uebach, Helga

Nel-pa Pa~~itas Chronik Me-tog phren-ba. Hs.d.Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. Tib. Text in Faksimile, Transkription u. Übers.

München 1987

(Studia Tibetica, l)


Jong, J.W.de

The story of Rama in Tibet.

Text and trs1. of the Tun-Huang mss.

Stuttgart 1989

(Tibetan and Indo-Tibetan Studies, 1)


Ha 125 Bod chen po'i srid lugs dan 'brel ba'i rgyal rabs deb ther dkar po. DharamsaJa, 1988 192/qo

Dge 'dun chos 'phe1

Deb ther dkar po.


Dharamsa1a 1983


Sa sky~andi ta

Rol mo'i bstan bcos.

Dharamsala 1980


Ta la 'i bla ma

Ngos kyi yul dang / mi dmangs.

Dharamsal a o. J.


Qpa' bo Gtsug~_phreng ba

Chos byung mkhas pa'i dga' ston.

Bde. 1, 2

Bejng 1986


Mi la ras pa'i rnam mgur

( Heruka-Rez.)

M tsho snon 1 981


Rgyal rtse rnam rgyal dban 'dud

Dharamsala 1 9 76


z; ) c

Kruft go 1 i bad sa gnas kyi lo rgyus yig tshaft phyogs


Lhasa 1989


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Dharamsala 1 986

1 91/90

Mdzans blun

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1 9 7 I 90

Khro-phu lo-tsä-ba Two biographies of Säkyasribhadra:

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Texts and variants from two rare exemplars preserved in the Bihar Research Society, Patna.

ed. by David P. Jackson. Stuttgart 1990

(Tibetan and Indo-Tibetan Studies, 4)


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Choix de docurnents titetains conserves a la Bibliotheque Nationale Oomplete par quelques manuscipts de l'India Office et du Bri tish Museum

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(Mission Paul Pelliot)

Imaeda, yoshiro und Takeuchi, Tsugohi to

Choix de documents tibetains


conserves a la &iblio,heque Nationale complete par quelques manuscrips de l'India Office et du British Museum

Teil III 1990 (corpus syllabique)


( Mission Paul Pelliot)


Ha 154

Bacot, .J. ' Oocuments 1ie ToLlen-hOLlang reletifs ~ l'histoire du Tibet I J. Bacot·. - o 0. (),. J " :,'Üi;_ s ' 70/96

Schubert, Johannes (Hrsg. u. Übers.)

Tibetische Nationalgrammatik

Das SUIII.CU.PA und RTAGS.KYI. 'AJUG.PA des Großlamas von Peking ROL.PAI.RDO.RJE.

Ein Kommentar zu den gleichnamigen Schriften THON.MI. S~TA'S auf Grund der Erklärungen des Lamas CHOS. SKYoN.BZAN.OO , LO.TSA.BA von ZHA.LU kqcona•1968 ('19i7)

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Ha /!55

Ehrhard, F-K.,

~acdonald, A.W. (ed.)

Snowlight of Everest. A history of the Sherpas of Nepal

Stuttgart 1992 (Nepal ResearchiCentre Publications,18)


Ngag dbang bstan dar

Tom J.F. Tillemans

Persans of Authority

The sTon pa tshad ma'i skyes bur sgrub pa'i gtam

of A lag sha Ngag dbang bstan dar

A Tibetan Work on the Central Religious Questions in Buddhist Epistemology

Stuttgart 1 993

(Tibetan and Indo-Tibetan Studies, 5)


Ha 165 Shabkar Tsogdruk Rangdrol: The li.fe of ShRbkar· : the autobiography of a Tibetan vogin I s~.abkar Tsog1:lr1~k

Rangdrol. - 1. ed. - New York : Stete Uni ';er·s'i tY of 1. 99(,,' '?05 s" Stuc11e.-?. _1

New York Press~ Albanv~

(SLJNY series in Buddhist

ISBN 0-1914--1835-0

Ha 170

Soerensen~ Per Km: The mirrar illuminating the royal ~~enealogies. Tib2tar1 buddhis·t historiography ~ an annotated trenslation of the XIVth ~entury ·tibetan chronicle: t-Gyal-rebs gsal-bai me-long I Per K~ Sot7:l"'ensen" ~ l..., Au·fl., '"', IAie.sbacien" 1994. 675 S. lAsiatische Forschungen. 1.28) ISBN 3-447-03510-2 180/<::.tr.

Ha 17-3

Richardson. H. E.: A corrus of earlY Tibetan inscriotions I H. E. Richardson. 1. ed. - l_ondon ~

Royal Asietic SocietY. 1985. 185 S. ltl.. -~- (James t;, For"li.':)ng .set-~ie.s. 291

ISBN 0-94759300-·4 62/96

Haarh, Erik: The Yar-lun dynastv

Ha 175 1)

r)ai··"·t:_t(::.u1at-··· ~--·e.;:~ar~-d t:o the cor·Jt.t·:i..bi.Jl~ 1 or·1 l·:>v

mvths and legends to t~10 history of r~n·::tent Tit)et anc~ the origin ::<Jnd natt..!r<e <:)f

its kj_ngs I bY Fri.k Haar~~­C0ad' .:;;. Forlaq



Haarh, Er i 1<. : The Yar-l.LA~ dvtlsstv.

1 I bv Erik Haarh., ·;lr"'aph ., [Jar~.c.t."


Ha 1.75 2)

Ha 175

Haarh, Eril<: The Yar-1.1.~~ ~vn~stY.

2 I bv Erik Haarh 9r·aph,. DAr- st . 75/90·

Ha 175 31

Ha 175

Sne Ll grove, Dav i d L . FoLAr LamAs o~ Doloo Oavid L. Sne'll.~rr~V0-

Kathmandu 1992.

Ha 180

Tibeten biograrhi~s ? " /o~tJf 1 "

I 1 L

Ha 185

Heart droos of DharmakaYa or~ctic~ o~ the KMn ~raditior I ~d. bv

I ll ..

ISBN 1-55939-012-3 16/96

Ha Miller, Roy Andrew: Prol.egomena to the first two tibetan grammatical treatises ,' 1. ed. - Wien, 1993. Studien zur l"ibetoloqie Buddhismuskunde 30) .36/96

Roy Andrew Miller. 252 s. und


Ha 194 Chattopadhyaya, Alaka: Tibeten Chronological Tables = Of jam­dbya~s b~ad-P8 and SlJm-Pa mkhan-po. - 1 ed. - Varanasi. 1993. - 294 S, (-rhe Dalai Lamffi TihPt0-·tr1rlnlogicel Series -XIII ISBN 81-900149-6-X t 4.~3 / 9tlo

Ha 199

Martin~ Dan:

1ib0ten-Langl.lag0 l~istorical works I Dart i"laJ'·tin, t1·1 c.~otlahr")\'''2:1Jf'r'~n l,;,~.iLh ··{;3el

L ondc~n

ISBN 0-90602~-~~

Ha 200 Bacot, .Jacques: Introductio11 a l~histoire du Tibet / Jacql,!()~.:;. ßacc)t _, - F'ai-~. i s S()o:;:iete asiat:Lque~ 1962. 138 :;:;;, Ill" J t<.t_, 68/(~6

Ha 201 Pelliot, Paul' Histoire ancienne du Tibet J Paul Pelliot. Paris : Adrien-MaisonneLJve. 1961. - 168 s" 69/96

.,.. Ha 202

Ha 203

Ahmad~ Zahiruddin: 0f l"ihet ~~ th8 fif~h Oalai

1 :r. n ,~-~ J an r::! l J n ·)_ v (:" ;"· '7:., :\ t .." ~·~1 v'· ,~ '2" n t: .~) J '.~:; e:· v·· :l 0· -~~-, : '/ :1

~-,[?,!'J ('i<':).'<_ ::,r~~··_:'n r• 'Z•"


Ha 204. The archives of the Tibet autonornoL•s

F'f'?"k.in·.":'l Cl).l.t:uv·--::,1 ;·--;::- 1. 1 C-''0., nl_)bJ] sh•. n(> <"i(";I)<0.0.

:·:.;'-)5, <ilCJ<;: rJI TSßN 7·-~010-[18/0··-r_l

Ha ~zv.s-Tibetan literature st:udt•:':~~~- tn ·:~r;-'.nt··(:" ..

Essavs in honor·· of Geshe Li~tJndi.JP Sopa. t. ed. lthaca. New Yor~ Snow Lion, 1996. - 549 S. (Studies in Indo·· fibetan BL!ddhismJ ISBN 1-55939-031-X 65/90


Ha 210 Ruegg, David Seyfort: Ordre spir~itueJ et ordre temoor0l dans La per1s~e bol~dd~•iqL_J~ de l' Ind0 e·t dl.J

T J.!)f'?·t ~ Cft.!f]tt"e c:on'ffd>rences 8L1 coJ.J.i?q~-~- cie f-<i'L!P99 .. ~ e:'i;.,1i"- ·, c;;:.

Editior1-Diftusion d0 ßoccard 199.5.

Pt)httce:<tior1.2· 1j0' .l.' :i.n.st:lt!Jt cl::;·

c;:].v·(. L i.st:1t.\()f"l i.t1<.'3:tenn0" 6tc. 1

Ha 215

Chandra~ Lokesh:


Ha 220

Yoshimizu"'f Chizuko~ D:ii"' E1""kennt·nis.:t·,~·i·,j·"·: cle:0:: f':-·t:'-1:::-t~-:Jncii\<e-l"H r'l<'>Wi(-l'v Glni~ii-'_03 i ,>-·r·:l'·-~ c!:':Orn I <.::.,i--1 _i, <~·~ <:!Sfl ·1 3 I' C'ln l:i'"1Ut'1

( l):J.;_~_"n0:~-, ;::.t"_l)(.):L;;~-n :?'L!r· ~--j_ t:o~::·t'•'')J.oqi __ r:". l.!nd

F)l_yjc\1'·-, \ S.•!P.: :;_!,- ~_At·V:1•.?

'\' -~-)I] / '<.,) (~-·

Panglung~ Jampa Losang:: ["JiE' Lege.'i-1<':1~.~; (1:<:':<:; le·_l c,r)a


Ha 22-5

Ha 230

Mathes. Klaus-Dieter: UntPrscheidt.!ng de!- Gegebe~h~it0n v0n i. hr-~·{":~rn I,,Jf.lh!·-·en i tr-::~:::.cn

L,cS'hl'"·s,c~hr·'Lft: ;_j(!;:!"'"' ''/oqACfJi'"'A -Sc-hr.l1 P i.n 'tib~tischer Uberliefert.Jng I KlaLJs-Di.eter· Mathes Swist·tal.·-Od~ndorf Ir1di_ca 0·t Tibetios Vsrl. 1996. - 296 S. : Abb. (Inc!icr-::1 (·;t f(bf::"tlce:1 ~ '2hl TSBN 3-923776-26-8 l. C:) _, .... 9 7


Phva pa Chos kvi sen ge: 'St ()rl rh1 1n


Vira, Raghll:

sAmL~ccAYA I RAqhLJ Vira Lokesh ChandrG. Fi~st ~~lJbl. Delt1i Inter~natiorl~_l academY o·f Ind1Ar: ~I.JltLJr~ 1994. 270

fibetan mandal.as ~ Va.j

'0-er'it:>~-'?-· ~ 38:3 ') l Sßl\l [:!. ,_ ·--!~(':,(,~ 7\ '"'[)'I -·/t..

Bolsok'hoveva,. Nat:alia D.' 1ibet8i, soi19S tl~~m f'inqr·i

Ha 303

2H'td ;·>CW't::;r/~-,1"''2!3 t J:. r;· f..:nr.Jl i. ·;;;.t--·, t i 'Dri ~· tat "i. nn / Natal1a D. ß()).sok~l0Yeva~ Kslsai~lg Tset··it19.

,C-,i·"b,!':'tt'::;"l"l HLt.'?: •-:l('0il! Tl.t><-"'t·~Ins:.t::;t't~.!t G~i\<on···

ZU!-ioh~ Fase. 24l ISBN 3-7?06-0023-

CUpoers~ Chri_stooh:

ISBN 3-515··07029-Y ')l ~Cj(;/')8

Ha 1000 Civilization at the foot of Mount Sham-po the royal house of !Ha Bug-pa-can and the history of g.Ya 1 bzang I Annotated translation, transliteration and facsimile edition by Tsering Gyalbo~ Guntram Hazod end Per K. S~rensen. - Wien Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2000. - VII, 337 S. ill. - lDenkschriften I Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse ; 290) (ßeitr~ge zur Kultur·- und Geis·tesqeschichte Asien3 ~ 361 ISBN 3-7001-295~-8 72/01

Ha 1000/3 Dowman, Keith: The divine madman ~ the sublime life and songs of 'Brug-pa Kun-legs I Translated bv Keith Dowman and Sonam Paljor. Varanesi [u.a.] : Pilgrims, 2000. - 188 s. ISBN 81-7769-013-2 206/01

Ha 1000/4. Everding, Karl-Heinz: Das Königreich Mang yul Gung thang KBnigtum und Herrschaftsgewalt im Tibet des 13.-17r Jahrhunderts I Karl-Heinz Everding. - ßonn : VGH l,.J i.ssenschzrf tsver lag,. (Monuments Tibetica Historica. Abteilung l, Scriptor·es ; 6) (Results ot the Nepal

J :ßk, German Pt~oJect on high mountain archaeology ; 6) Zugl. : Harnbur·g ~ Uni v. ~ Habi 1, ; 1999 ISBN 3-88280-062-3 16/03

dBa~ bzhed 1:~10 rovaJ. tlarr~A~[ve

concerninq the bringing of the Buddhist's doc·trine to Tibet I Translation and facsimile edition of the

Hildegard Diemberger. With a preface bY Per K. 3dr·enser·;. - Wien : V0rlAq ~er österreichischen Akademie der ~~li.s: . .s.ens<.:haften-, 2fJOO., - ;<_V-. 121 S. :52 S, Tr~'!f"f·lrL Ill, -H (Denkschri.tten / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch­histor'isch'e t<la.s.~..;;e : 291 ·1 ( ßeitr~·f5~.;:ie :zur' Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens : 37) ISBN 3-7001-2956-4 T$/01

Mathes, KJ.aus-Dieter: 'Gos Lo tsi ba gZhor1 11u dpal~s Commentarv on tt·:2

Ha 1004

Ratt1agotravibhigav Theg pa chen p~) rgyud bl.8 ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'gt~el

t)shad de kho rts ilYid rab tu gsal ba~i rrte L•-)t-t9 / '-::i··"it.i.r::~>~11ly I.'S'Clitec1 b·/ Klat.~l-s,--,Dieter Mat~1es StL~ttgart : Ste111er·) 2003. XIX, 576 S. (NepaJ resear~·~h cer1tre PLJblications ; 24) ISBN 3-515-08358-8 141/03

Ha 1010 Le Rtags kyi rnam gzhag rigs lam gsal ba'i sgron me de tl1o io mkhan chen bsod nams lhun grub ; un manuel ti tain d'introduction ~ la loq1que / Pascale Hl .. !Qc.>n" - \.-Jie-1'1 ~ Ar·'beitsk_r,ei:::. ·fur~

tibetiscf··:e Ut'1d buddhistische Studien l...li'tivrersit:ät hliel"l, 2002. -~ 23,0 S, (Wiener· Studien zur· T5betolog5_e LJnd Buddhismuskunde ; 55) t26/03

Ha 1020 Maurer, Petra H.: Handschriften zur tibetischen Hipoiatr·ie und Hippologie I Petr"'a H, Maur·fier",. ·- ßonn VGH-l"Jiss .. ""\le:--·1,., 2001. ·- 312 ~) .. (Results o·r the Nepal German pr~oject on high ITlour-~tain e:'lr"'chaeology 5) (ßeitr"äge zur Zentralasienforschung ; 8) Zugl. ~ Sonn, Univ. j Diss. ISBN 3-88280-058-5 1g;o3

I o_, f ~~ :

Biograp~JY of Blo lDan res rab t~'e

1,-ii"l,;,qu•.'' ,':C.V,c.: 'J: i..hi'• I_.)(•' ld / c'!-'<i b}' Cq··-am Dul

ri .. ~:~c-'J::.r·,J_\;~J:)_,:::; i _ _IIJC.i i3t!ddi·'·;J '?ll'!\!Skl .. Ji·-lc!'" t\J

2.7 /o:·,

Ha 1022 mTshur .ston gZhon nu seng ge::

Tshad ms shes rab sgron ma / ed. by

tit1etisc~1e LJild buddhi_stj_sclle Studien

(t.,IJ.<::,:.-nc!'' ~::tt~c!i.e-n ;:-:ur~ TJbe,t::c·,_lor,;:J:Ir:::: uncJ ßudc:li··~-)__ $.rfll,1.S-i-! .!!''1C::!t~ 6Cl ·1


Narthang edition

2404 microfiche

s.a. sDe-dge bka'-'gy~

The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, Stony Brook, U.S.A.


Hb 1

Hb 4 Urga Kanjur : from the collec·tinn o·f Prof. Raghuvira I ed by Lokesh Chandra. F:Lr""s.t pr"int .. -· D2lhi. /\d:Ltya f'i··aka.shan" 1990-1996.' 105 Bände .lSBN 81_-8517S-33-G 78/96

Chandl"'8 l-\ nr01,,J .1. ..,/

r· l hc~,. r~ r:~'lr" .--:·! :i. ::::. e: c·,··-J !.'- :-~

~<_ ;'~i r·; l : .1 i"

.:--r_jj_f_J_(J, (J4''

sDe-dge bka'-'gyur

170 microfiche

The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, Stony Brook, U.S.A.


Hb 5

Hb 7

Eimer, Helmut: Location list for the texts in the microf·~·bhe· edition of t~10 Phug brag Kanjur : compiled from the micrc,fiche edition ar•d Jamoa Samter1"s descripti_ve catalogu~ I HelmLAt Eimer. - Tokyo : The tnt·.er··noz3t.'i c~naL insti·tute foJ" ßuddh:i.st

l!3ibl ic)gr"'ar.)hia F'h:L l_(Jl.oqi_ca ßL!dclhica, ser·ies m~ior ; 5) ISSN 4--Yf16?h7 S~u7

Eimer, Helmut

Ein Jahrzehnt Studien zur Überlieferung des Tibetischen Kanjur

Wien 1 992


(Wiener Stud,ien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, 28,

70 !!!J 3

Schiefner, F. Anton von

Tibetan Tales. Derived from Indian Sources. Translated from the Tibetan KAHGYUR

Ralston, W.R.S. tr. (German to English)

Gurgaon 1991 ( 1 1905)

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2 226 microfiche

The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, Stony Brook, U.S.A.


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Paris : Bibli_oth~que NationalG: d~partement des msn1~sGri.ts. 1933. 239 s l45/Q6

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Dilli 1986

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Old Javanesa phil0sophic text

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Hh 12 New horizons in Bon studies I rbd ~ by' Samten G. Karmay .. - Osaka ~ National ~''\L!3e::urn •.:~'f Etr·,no logy ~ 2000, -· I I I,, 732, S­(?:;enr'i. Eti'"if'I01og:l.c:a1 Repol·,t-;:;;, ~ 15) (E.on Studies 2) 79/02

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Feast of the mor·tlii19 glor)' The ("" i 9ht.r'>0ti t:h cen t:u;··· ;· I.)OOc! ---eJ·'·Ic;H' d'~i i ng~:;;. u f ':::;h0:-i'11·-·at:o~ :3 J i fe·-::::.tor··i<":s. ar~1cJ Ll"1e eon canc:•rl f'i'Oil1 t'::;yE~li'-<'·•ng \,.i,''i 1 -)f3.i'fi\:;1!?Ti 1~;" j(_di·'-i'ti!3)"'

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Hh 15 New Resear-ch on Zhangzhung and related Himalayan Languages / ~~- hy Yasuhiko Nsgano - Osal{a : National Museum of Ethnology~ 2001. 501 S. (Set1r·i Ethr·1ol.ogica1 Re:;_;pclr·,t.s:. 19) (ßc,n '::;tud:i.e-s

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Hh 18 A catalogue of the new collections of Bonpo Katen texts : Indices I e.~" by Samten G. Karmay . - Osaka : National Museum of Ethnology, 2001, I) 318 S. ('?::c;·T"lr'i Ethno.logisa.J R_r:;;.por~ts ;; 25) (ßon ~stuclies ; -'S) 79/02

Hh 20 The call of the blue cuckoo ; an anthology of nine bonpo texts on myths and ri-ttJals I ed. by SGmter1 G. Karmay and Yasuhiko Nagano. - Osaka : National 1"1u.s0urn c•f Ethnol.ogy~ 2002" ~ XVIII, 24.7 S. (Senri Ethnological Repor·ts ; 32l (ßon Studies ; 6) ISBN ~-901906-02-X 58/03

Hh 25 A Survey of Bonpo Monasteries and Temples in Tibet and the Himalaya / ed" by Samten G. Karmay and Yasuhiko Nagano Osaka : National Museum of Ethnology, 2003. - IV. 883 S. - (Senri Ethnological Repor~t.s ; .38) (E.on Studles ; 7) ISBN 4-901906-10-0 l.30/0.3


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Nagana. - Osaka : National Museum of Ethnology, 2003. - IV, 799 3. (Senri Ethnologi.ca1 Repc)rts ; ,~,0) (ßon St-udie.;:;:. ; 8) ISBN ~-901900-1?-7 182/CJ3

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