OIS Report

X . UZ D . ggNFl lENTIp - lr gperaticns-peadjuarterszureau . . ' . . . ' . ' 7 -. ' ' TheEhiefofFoliceconsidersthisreicrt h'irhlyccnfidential . ' * . - * . . ' r pdqinistrativeusais lizitedtcccncernedstaffandcozaand pkrsonneloftheLcspngelesFolicezepartzent . pnyotheru1eis fcrbidtenbythelitypttorney , THISFEP;RJJSNqT19$7F/FFWE/ ;?70?142 - , Thisregcrthasaregistereddistribution . Theùfficer-lntolved EhuctirgTeazisresgcnsibleforzaintainingarecordofoutstanding reports. Thereturnofthisccpyuillbqrecorded . F - LEPTEFETdFhI T8EFEFIFTTg8@88Eqï-8T0i:1ùE2Içî!I!hPTSggh ;!Fq;TTITP8SE. f # ' i l # P > J, > 1 o Case = 14-70204, 08/27/2014, ID = 9222225, DktEntry = 25, Page   103 of 142    (449 of 488)


OIS Report - LAPD 1988

Transcript of OIS Report

Page 1: OIS Report

X . UZD .

g g N F l l E N T I p- lr

gperaticns-peadjuarters zureau. . ' .. . ' . ' 7 -. '' The Ehief of Folice considers this reicrt h'irhly ccnfidential.' * . - * .. ' rpdqinistrative usa is lizited tc ccncerned staff and cozaand

pkrsonnel of the Lcs pngeles Folice zepartzent. pny other u1e isfcrbidten by the lity pttorney,

THIS FEP;RJ JS NqT 19 $7 F/FFWE/ ;? 70?142-,

This regcrt has a registered distribution. The ùfficer-lntolvedEhuctirg Teaz is resgcnsible for zaintaining a record of outstandingreports. The return of this ccpy uill bq recorded.

F-LEPTE FETdFhI T8E FEFIFT Tg 8@88Eqï-8T0i:1ùE 2Içî!I!h PT Sggh;! Fq;TTITP8SE.

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DR 88-13-1aV81 OGa/9E1:V P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHQDES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, 25 years






4. SMITH, JR., a2ee6, 13493

May 3, 19eB, 1202 hours

1*2* East Geth Place (allev rear)

Newton StreetR/D 1365


< *VhL-'kyf hkkm ouvfue





On Wednesdav, April #, 19eB, Johnnie Ray Johneon, male Black, 30 years ofage, waB fatally wounded by a male Black suspect armed with a handqunduring a street robbery at Vernon and Hooper Avenuel, Los Gngeles.

On Mondayy Gpril 25, 19ee, Newkon Street Detectivel W. Baird, 2OOO9y andB. Luper, 1Vr18, developed informakion which identified the suspect asKavin Maurice Rhodes, 25 yearl of açe.

On Monday, May 2, LPBB, and Tuesday, May 3, 19e8, the detective attendedNewton Street Patrol Division roll cûtlls and disseminated theaforementioned information. Additionally, on the morning of May 3, tbedeteckives submitted the case to the District Gttorney'l Office, whoinitiated a filing charging Rhodes with one count of 1BT P.C. (Murder).

On May 3, 19eB, at 10*1 hours, Newton Street Patrol Division uniformedQfficers R. De La Torre, 23002, and P. Strong, 2*561, unit 13A11,responded to an unknown trouble radio call aà 15TO-3/G East GBth Place.Upon enterinY the residencey tbe officers obaerved a male Black,.2Nubsequently pdentified as Rhodes. The suspect immediately batteredlfficer Btron:, then fled th@ residence.

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DR 8e-13-12T91 OGa/961BT P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Blacky 25 years

The'officers pursued the suspec: into the 1*00 block of East GTth Street;however, lost sight of him. During the pursuit, Officer De La Torre notedRModes was carrving a sMiny object in his hand he believed ko be either aknife or a handgun. The officecs requested assiskance and tMe area wascordoned off. Beveral Newton Street Patrol Division units responded tothe area, inctuding Lieutenant R. Leach. 213:9, unit 13LtO, Sergeant T.Hunger, 113O6y unit 13L30, Officers 4. Smithy aZBB8, and E. Campos, 181Oe,unit 13493, S. Fahrney, 18190 and D. McGillr 25236, unit 134*3, G. Mayeda,2182* and S. Haynes, 2f2TQ, unit 13**1, G. Thedford, 1**12 and R. Perez,1TV13, unit 13475, G. Curtis, aGTT5 and C. Gilesy 2*723, unit 13FBT2 andJ. Sanchez, :*957 and V. Rodrigueiy 2*220, unit13X#3.$-h.1s, lo .1The officecs estaulishe: a search perimeter . .3. yypinq Gvth elace on the

ùeuh 'é-g' h 'rlwest, and comptonnocth, Gsth street on t>e south, pscqAtxlke ,- -, 'y u âùyf - vt: szreet andqwenue on the east. The command m.qit.,.>k> s t ed at 4compton qwenue. officec De kl To'rrN'ioh''' #irme the respondiog units via. yy tlh ,'-7k- .ty:'/ thyoupec t s phvs i c a l and c lo th i nqsimplex tactical frequencz y ,yîvbnîîf6g #he officers of the oblect the suspectdescription, as well as apq qsug,was carryingy which DfficerlDe La Torre believed to be a knife or

handgun. 1n the interim, offîcers sanchez and Rodriguez returned to andquestioned the residents at the 1570-3/* location as to the male'sdentity.wanked foron thelocation.


It was dekermined theMurder.imeker.The K-9 unit was briefed

suspect was in Tact Rhodes and he walipformation was then disseminated to âhe officersThis

4 K-9 unit was requested and responded to theand a search of the area commenced.

At approximately 1200 hours, Rhodes, prior to beinç located, abandoned hiahiding place to the rear of 1*62 East *7th Skreet and ran south throuqhthe neighborhood. Qfficers Mayeda, Haynes, Curtis and Giles pursuedRhodes into the rear yard of a residence located ak 1G2* Eask GBth Place.Simultaneously, Officers Smith and Campos monitored a tcansmission whichindicated the suspect was in the rear yards in kh@ 1GOO block of Eask*9th Street, south side. Officers Smith and Campos drove to th* alleysouth of Gith Street, where Officer Smith exited their vehicle anddeployed on foot in tMe alley mid-block in an attemgt to intercept thesuspect's flight.

Rhodes ran to and ascended a l-foot-high wood fence situated along thesouth property line of 1*a*, pursued by the aforementioned officers. Uponobserving Rhodes, Officer Smith, believinq the suspect to be an armedMurder suspecty drew his service revolver, pointed it at Rhodes, andcommanded him to stop. TMe suspect failed to comply, descended the Tenceand ran west. qfter a short distancer Rhodes again attempted to ascendthe fence. Simultaneouslv. Officer Maveda aoproaçhed the Yuspect and,: . <




e' * *


.utilizing hi& side-handle batony administered two rightvhand po+er strokes: . . . . . . .'to Rhodes' ri'#ht hip area to halt his flfqht. Th* baton blows wereineffective, .'as Rhodes succeeding in ascending the fence and positioninghis upper torso above the top of the barrier.

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DR 86-13-12791 OGa/&619T P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODEB. Kavin M. (WCUNDED)Male Black, 25 years

/ 6.7Copv

Officer GmitM pointed Mis wYapon at the suspect and again commanded him tostop. Rhodes failed to comply and moved His right hand toward his frontwaistband. TMe officer observed a silver-colored object in the area ofRModes' fcont waistband and believed the suspect was atkempting to armhimself witM a chrome handgun. THe officer fired one round in an upwarddicection at Rhodes, striking him in the abdomen. (NOTE: The officer wasunaware tbat additional officers were in tMe rear vard with the suspect attMe time Me fired.)

Rhodes fell înto the alley and was taken into custody witMout furtMectncident. q search of tMe susoect revealed a foldeqx>ocket knife in hisi!t was noted that tMetcousec pocket. MlthougM no other weapon was f 6<YG. ,jX's belt xas adocned with a solid silvs 8o4$r'J eki' uuckle. (Beesuspect aNhqy >.)'photogcapn of beTt and buckle attached a dd

CN xtRhoues was tcansoocted bv rescue ameu.1..4n e to Los Angeles countv-usc.; x j N jMedical centec anu underwent pu6kyr Y4buxthe aforementiooed gunshot.,- -.. $ . , &k vd. T%e suspect xas ultim'ix.téwl'tsy b Yed on the Murder charge.woun

xyy'.hujh3 u>uhen Officec SmitM stopped in 'e allev, he sustained a knee injury and-eceived medical treatmeot at White Memorial Hospital. Qn May 31! 1965,ne officec underxent acthroscopic surgecy to repair damage to the kneewMich the officer sustaineu as a result of tMis incident.


TMe shooting incident occurred in the east/west alley south of G8thStreet, mid-block between Gscot and Compton Avenues. (See Shooting SceneDiagram.)


On Tuesdayj May 3, 1@8S, Newton Street Patrol Division uniformed OfficerA. Smith, Jr., 22BB6, was on duty and assigned ko unit 13483. a markedpolice veMicle, shop number 87383, as the passenger officer. He wasassigned with Officer E. Campos, 161OB. Gt the time of this incident,Dfficer Smith was aktired in Department-issued body armor.

>t 1100 hours, Officer Gmitb monitored an a11 units broadcast via thepolice radio, :operations-central Bureau frequency 3, ''Officer needs help,1570-3/* East4GBth Place. 13G11's Rover has been activated.'' OfficersSmith and CamNos responded to tMe location from *1st and San Pedroltreets. uMile en route, Officer Smith monitored a transmission from13*11, ''Mv pactner is in foot pursuit of a male Black, dark clothing,northbound tbrougb tMe houses Trom tMe location.''

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DR ee-13-12VB1 O*a/981B7 P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, 25 years

Gvenue, they observedNewton Street Patrol Division uniformed Sergeant T. Hunker, 113OT, unit13L1Oy parked at the intersection. The sergeant advised the officers thata search perimeter was being established and that GTth Place and GacotGvenue would be the northwest border. The officers informed the sergeantthat tMey would deploy at their present location to cover Gvth Place east,and Gscot Gvenue south. Officer Smith then transmitted a broadcast to13411 via simplex tactical frequency 6 requesting information relative kowhat the Guspect was wanted for. 13411 advised that tMe suspect waswanted for qssault with a Deadly Weapon on a Police Officer, bodilv Torceonlyy and that he was obserwed to be in possession ?f. ja shiny object which-..- v . ic o u 1 d b e e i t h e r a k n i f e o r a h a n d g u n . G d d i t i o n a.rk 1 9n ;j X 7 32 A 1 1 a d w i s e d t h a t

x $ ' t y aN . . ' x i gq y a c k j a c k e tp r i o r t o 1 o s i ng % i g h t o f t h e Bu sp e? t , h e ab a n'Sg; . . u ur a v e a 1 i n (J a d a r k - / o 1 o r e d s h i r t . . .-x c:r r Oy % j.JSJ î u .,v-' r''''s !. '$


'$$- x k''hï S ''-- ''$.%- 'y 'Gt approximately 1120 hours, khe ofs' àxdek'$ qcelved information via the MDTù . g' V 'CN %'' X ' %)(mobile diqital terminal) thytvqj @ u éect Had been identified as'''%i'' # @63 5-T 15O poundsr and that heKavin Maurice Rhodes, DOB: AMNH J,y , 1 , ,was wanted for 19T P.C. (Murdèwlr $-

Wher the officers reached Gvth Place and qscok

At approximately 11*0 hours, Qfficer Smith monitored a transmission Tromrhe command post which had been established ak GTth Street and ComptonAvenue, advising a11 perimeter officers that a K-9 unit (search dog) hadarriwed and a search of tMe area would commence momentarily. QfficerSmith advised Officer Campos that he would redeploy at the alley entrancesouth of Gvth Placej east of Gscot Gvenu/, in the event the suspertexposed his location and attempted to use the alley to Tacilitate hisescape.

Gt approximately 1155 hours, Officer Smith, via his Rover unit, monitoreda kransmission from Gir Support Division, &ir Unit 12, manned by OfficersD. Reuser, 15995, pilot, and E. Reece, 13*29, observer, wbo advised theground units that th@ suspect had revealed himself amd he was now runninqsouth between Mouses from *Tth Street, east of Gscot Avenue. The officersre-entered their vehicle and, as Officer Campos proceeded south on AscotGvenue, Officer SmLàh advised a11 units that their unit would parallel thesuspect's fliqhk, maintaining the containment west of the suspect.Gdditionally, 4ir la advised that th* suepect was no longer attired in theaforementioned shirt and was now bare-chested. When the officers reachedGBth Stceet, Officer Smith looked ealt and observed a male Black, darktrousers, no slirt, subsequently identified as Rhodes, run south acrolsthe street, mid-block and contimue Goutù betweon the houses.Gs tHe officers approached the alley south or Geth Place, Officer Smith,b/lievinq they were south of the suspect and he may decide to alter hispath of fligh/ and possibly run west toward their location, advisedk that he would cover the alley entry off of Ascot mvenue andOfficer Camèoror him to continue south in the police vehicley thereby maintaininq theaforementioned containment. Officer Campos acknowledqed and stopped the

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DR QB-13-1aTe1 OG2/Bô1BT P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, 25 years

the a11eythe i

4s Officer Smith exited >ia thempact of a vehicle strike tbe rear of theirentrance.

pasaenger door, be feltvehicle. The officer looked rearward, nortb, and noted tMe vehicle to bea marked police wehicle assigneu to Newkon Street Patrol Division mannedby Officer S. FaMrneys 16T@O. Officer Smith, who was uninjured as aresult of the traffi? accident, equipped himself with his aide-handlebaton, exited his vehicle, and entered the alley. (NOTE: Unbeknownst koQfficec Smithr his Rover umity whilh he believed to be contained in itsholder, however, was sitting on the front seat adjacent to hims had fallento the floorbcard of the vehicle as a result of the traffic accident.)

police vehicle at

..-> 'q, N.u l...- .!'


sy x t i. ' x . vj xuhen the officer reached a location approximateloylhl, es> feè, t east of qscotqvenue, he observed Rhodes running soukh.in thCet, F'j. iîéx#xd or a residence,later determined to be 1G2* East G&th Placqj t'q.x a l-fook-high woodenQt& ropérty line of thisfence. (NOTE: This fence borders the 'sqMj u p''A Wk-eelce borders the east and southresidence only. o E-foot-high chain

property lines of the residence r'ét 1*2*, which allowed the officer an'.% ht '$' 'î$. ..--/' .1unobstructed view into the afoqweAedtioned rear yard.) Officer Smith rantoward tMe rear of 1G8G. -

When the officer reache:t M elositioning his upper torso above the Tence. Th@ officer stopped, atwhich time he felt his right knee twist which caused him immediate andsevere pain. Based on the aforementioned information relative to Rhodesbeing wanted for Murder and that he mag possi:ly be armed with a handgun,the officer drew his service revolver with his right Nand. Officer SmitMpointed hîs weapon at Rhodes and shouted, ''Stop, halt.'' The suspectfailed to comply, descended the fence, and ran west along tbe north sideof the fence past a G-foot-high chain link g#te situated mid-fence.

tïe a11both

*9 rearhands

of 1*2Atop of the fence with and attempt to vault thehe obeerved Rhodes çras;barrier,

Officer Smith leling the suspect's path, and stopped atkhe approximate west end of the fence. Suddenly, the suppect againascended the wood fencej 12 f*et east of tb* west property line of 1:2*.Rhodes placed his hands atop the fence 6 to B inches apart and hismid-section was po< kioned approximatelv B inches above khe top of thefence. qdditionallyy t>e officer obserwed a sbiny object, lateridentified as a solid silver-colored belt buckle, in the area of thesuspect's front waistband. The officer assumed a standing riqht handsMooting position, pointed his weapon ak Rbodes, and again ahouted,''Stop.'' Rhodes failed to comply and moved his right hand toward the shinyobject. The officer, believing the object to be a chrome handgun and thesuspect was attemptinq ko arm himself, fired one round in an upward andnortherly direction from a distance of B feet. The offiçer observed hisround penetraye Rhodes' abdomen. The suspect fell forward, south, intothe alley, co/ing to rest in a prone position. Officer Smith, noting thesuapect's han'ts were void of weapons, re-holstered his weapon andhandcuffed Rhodes' hands behind his back without further incident. Due toOfficer Smith's kne/ injury, he moved south in the alley and seatedhimeœlf 6 feet soutleast of Rhodes.

mowed weet,paral

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DN QS-13-12TB1 O*a/961BT P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WCUNDED)Male Blacky 25 years

Simultaneously, Newton Street Patrol Division uniformed Officer G. Mayeda,P1B2*j unit 13qG1, approached Rhodes and searched the suspect for weapons,removing a folded pocket knife Trom his left rear trouser pockek.qdditionally, the officer heard an unidentified officer request a rescueambulance.

Officer Smithy assisted by the aforementioned officers, secured thescene. The officer was ultimatelv transported to Newton Street stakion byNewton Street Patrol Divîsion uniformed Officer C. Giles, 2*723, unit13FBT2.


16, 19GVqppointed to tMe Department: January 1981

m;Reight: 5 feet 8 inches oWeiçht: 1Bf pounds (S.x; C LV-,, '!i. q-,j,yj.jyyjjj- -;1-Q''cc-kleolél)l-2-oeA. I xz csv : e ul o ou Mqv-. s...x -S-T-PTEMENT oF eot-Jcc c/elcEq I : : 'c'..19ea . l<?z+r Houes . GT Nsu-rov STREE.T'. S.TV. :oN . Bv DETECTIVE u . M. MCNTGOM-ERV .ROBPCRY-HOM IC J DE D : T 1 S 1 ON' '.î.'tGPE'.N'XdYPER 1 1 3333

. j ,. ! . wpn Tuesday, May 3, 1999, ew on Street Patrol Division uniformed OfficerE. Campoa, 161Oey was on 'dutv and assigned to unit 13G93, a marked policevehicle, ahop mumber 813:3, as the driver officer. He was assigned withQfficer G. Smithy Jr.s 22ee6. At the time of this incidenty DfficerCampos was attired in Department-îssued body armor.


Gt 1100 hoursr Officer Campos monitored an all-units broadcast via thepolice vehicle radioy Operations-central Bureau frequency 3, ''Officerneeda help, 15VO-3/G East Ggth Place. 13411's Rover has been activated.''Officers Campos and SmitM responded to the location from *1st and SanPedro Btreeks. While en route, Officer Campos monitored a transmissionfrom 13G11, ''My partner is in foot pursuit of a male Black, dark clothing,northbcund throuqh the housea from the locationo''When reached Glth P1ace and qacot Avenuey

Sergeant T. Hunker,Newton13L1O, parked at the intersection. The sergeant adviseda search perimeàer was being established and that GTth Place and AscotGwenue would be the northwest border. The officers informed tbe sergeankthat they would deploy at their pcesent location to cower GTth Place eastand gscot qvenue south. Officer Campos heard Officer Smith kransmit arequeat to 13411 via simplex tactical frequency 6 requeating additionalinformation r'lative to the suspect's pMysical and clothing description,as well as whAt the su%pect was wanted Tor. 13911 advised that thesuspect was wAnted for qssault wikh a Deadly Weepon on a Police Officer,'Dodily force only, and that he was in possession of a shiny oblect which

they observedStreet PatrolDivision uniformed 11306, unittHe officers thak

khe officers

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RHQDES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, :5 years

could possiblv be either a knife or a handgun. Addikionally, 13A11advised that prior to losing sight of the suspect, he abandoned his darkjacket revealing a black and brown colored sbirt.qk apgroximately 1120 Moura, the officers received information wia the MDT(mobile digital terminat) that the suspect had been identified as KavinMaurice Rhodes, DOB: January 6, 1963, 5-7, 15O poundsy and that a warrankwas in effect, chacging Rhodes wikh one count of 1BT P.C. (Murderlyattention Newton Street, Detective Baird.

qtthe command

appcoximately I:GO hourspost which had been established

Cfficer Campos monitored a transmission fromat Gvth Street and Compton

p e r t h a t a K -9 y n i t ( se ar c h d o g ) h a df tMe ar ea wou 1 d c ommencet. mo/e/tar i ly . Of r i cero

Sm i t h ad w i sed O f f i c er c amp o s t h a t h e wou 1 d d/.p ï J),î y-a-e' ' k'yj n e a 1 1 ey ent r anc eG k'. 't' îè'ï 'ev t t h e su sp ec tsouth of GTth P 1 ace , east of Ascot Mventl , p h, p. . N lc kex po sed h i s 1 oc a t i o r7 and a k temp ted to us+ the-ap+t ey to f ac i 1 i t ate h i s. k , . . ' j ''% hj, hs v. .PGCap@. & y%b 'w..kï xi'x.p .. % kh. Z. '. uk .At approximately 1155 hoursjk'vjçï-af cer Campos monitored a transmission fromGir Support Division, Gir Udti 12, manned by Officers D. Reuser, 15995,dlot! and E. Reece, 13*29, observer, who advised ground units that thesuspect had revealed himself and was now running south between the housesfrom Gvth Streety east of Gscot Mvenue. The officers re-entered theirvehicle and, as Officer Campos proceeded south on qscot Gvenue, he heardOfficer Smith advise a11 units that thejr unik would parallel thesuspect's flight, maintaining containment west of the suspect.Gdditionallyj 4ir 1a advised that the suspect was no longer attired in theaforementioned shirt and was now bare-chested. When the officers reachedGeth Street, Officer Campos looked east and observed a male Black, darktrousersy no shirt, subsequently identified as Rhodes, run south acrossthe street mid-block and continue south between the houses.

Gvenuevadvising a11arrived and a search

imetec officers

Gs the officers approached the alley south of GBth Place, Officer Smithadvi%ed Officer Campos that he would cover the alley entry off of GscotGvenue and for him Ao continue to *9th Street in the police vehicle,thereby maintaining the aforementioned containment. Dfficer Camposacknowledged and stopped the police vehicle at the alley entry. WhenOfficer Smith opened the passenger door preparatory to exitinq Officer!Campos felt the impact of a vehicle strike the rear of his vehlcle. Theofficer looked in the rearview mirror and noted the vehicle to be a markedgolice vehicle assiqned to Newton Street Patrol Division manned byOfficers S. Fahrney, 16V@O, unit 134*3.

Officer SmitN,exited their vehicle and entered the allev, east of GscotGvenue. Offit er Campos, believing tbe susp@ct may possibly reverse his7atH of flighk, backed hie vehicle into the alley entry west of AscotMvenue, to await an update as to the direction the suspect was runninq.

rv ,

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DR S9-13-12TB1 OG2/B81B7 P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, 25 years

uhen' Offjcer Smith reached a location approximately 50 feet east of AscotGvenue, Officer Campoe observed Rhodeo ascend a wood femce to the rear ofa residence, later determined to be 1*24 East *BtH Place. Rbodesapparentlv observed Officer Smith as he immediately desceoded the fenceand disappeare: from view in the rear yard of 1*2G.

Campos observed Officer Smith, with his service rewolver drawnrrun east and stop on tMe allevside, soutl of the fence, followed byOfficer Fahrnev, who also haö his g-millimeter pistol drawn. OfficerCampos observed his partner point his weapon north toward the fence andheard him shout a commandy presumably at Rhodee. Due to tMe distancebetween Officer Smith and Officer Campos, he wa* unable to discern whatwas shouted. Officer Campol drove his vehicle intouthe alley and stogged

k'h ''je5 f e et eas t o r Asco t ow e nu e . x- o xyrc,,t,j Ux) qf'D ï . ais Officer Campos exited his vehicli.n Q@ o:l6-F'/jzeuw des again ascend thed Fence directly north Lf OT6t:FjCSX4th#1kw5/3*1 tloning hi% uiper torloWOO hk ht ! à h.above the barrier. The offiçgxr ndienkartlly're-directed his atkention to, . ' 9'y * ''' '1i ' % '' hi 'i 'CS'''/I;.;,:::;,,,!jtI h''''b *'the insîde driwer s door p'q#ylryto krezt eve.his baton, when he heard the'è.'hAg m 'Yn area east of him. The officersound or one gunshot eman:h .helieves either Officer Sml r Fahrney fired this round. Officer Campoegain looke: east and observed Dfficer Bmith fall rearward, south.Simultaneously, the officer observed Rhodes fall forward, southy into thealley.


Officer Smith immediately regained his Tootingy approached Rhodes, andhandcuffed khe suspect's handl behind his back without further incident.Gdditionally, the officer noted that Rhodes had sustained a gunshot wound

to Mis abdomen. q rescue ambulance was requested and Officer Campos,assisted bv seweral Newton Street Patrol Division uniformed officers,secured the scene. Officer Campos was ultimately transported to NewkonStreet station by Newton Street Patrol Division uniformed SergeantB. Ross, 17163, unit 13L5O.

PERFONAL DPTGD.O.B.: July e, 19G6Appointed to the Departmentl July 19TOHeight: 5 feet 9 inchesWeight: 185 pounds


On Tueaday, MJy 3, 19:B, Newton Street Patrol Divilion uniformed Qfficer. P. Fahrney, 16T9O, was on duty and assigned to unit 13**3, a markedpolice vehicle, shop number 61933, as khe driv*r officer. He was assiqnedwith Officer D. McGilly 2523e. gt the time of this incident, the officerwas attired in Deparkment-i*sued body armom.

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DR eB-13-12TBl ôG2/Q619T P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, 25 years

1100 hours, Officec Fahrney monitored an all-unit broadcast via thepolice vehicle radio, Operations-central Bureau frequency 3, ''Offirerneeds helpj 15TO-3/G East Geth Place. 13G11's Rover has been activatedo''Officers Fabrney and McGill responded to the location from OlympicBoulevard and Long Beach qvenue. En route, Officer Fahrney monitored atranemission from 13411, ''13411j officer needs assistance. My partner isin foot pursuit of a male Black, dark jacket, black stripe shirt, darkpante, 5-8, thin, westbound frbm 15TO East Geth Place.'' A moment later,the offîcer monitored 13G11 broadcask, l'The suspect is now runningnorthbound between kMe houses, north from Geth Place between Compton andqscot. The suspect has dropped the jacket and has something shiny in hishands.'' The officers responded to G/th Street and Compton Gvenue wherethev met with Newton Street Patrol Division uniformed OflicerR. De La Torre, 2300:, unit 13A11. Officer De La J# rfeo/k Jnformed thei'V; éh d directedofficers that a search perimeter was bein? ectavbs. bp g. '- r''''- e''.- '$ '''''- . ï ï




' :officers Fabrnev anu Mcoill to maintatm .tApqr pdsytuk J the$ , N '' t yj . s 5 ! y g ,y l t y : j.j e y j y. e c : j v oa f o r em e n t i o r7 e d i n t e r s ec t i o n . O f f f ? er y 6# î Tp ey a e Q e.- ê . h 'y . & . ï ï h $ u , y ) oc a t i o n a t th e c ommanda nd Of 'f i c er D e L a T o r r e r e t ur n@d .. '.t by M i K'geVmer. y, .. y h ugo s t , *7 t h S t r ee t and Comp t o n V.Q nue . .,L) Nc> -k F hrney monitored a bcoadcast fromqt approximately 1120 hours, Of icer a

the command post over simplex tactical frequency 6 advising a11 units thatthe suGpect had been identîfied as Kavin Maurice Rhod*s, DOB: January 8,1963, and that he was wanted for 1BV P.C (Murder).


Gt approximately 11GO hours, Officer Fahrney monitored anothertransmission from the command post advising a11 units that a K-9 unit(search dog) had arrived and a search of the area would commemcemomentarily. A few minutes elapsed wben Officer Fabrney monitored thecommand post advise a11 units that the search would commence on the southside of Gvth Streek, west from Compton qvenue.

qt approximately 1155 hours, OFficer Fahrney monitored a transmission TromMir Support Division, &ir Unit 12, manned by Officers D. Reuser, 15995,pilot, and E. Reecea 13*29, obeerver, who advised the ground uniks thatthe suspect had revealed himself and he was now running south between theNouaes from :7th Street, east of Ascot qvenue. Qffiçers FaMrney andMcGi11, noting the suspect was running south toward their location,proceeded in their vehicle west on Geth Street at a slow rake of speed.Suddenly, Officer Fahrney observed a male Black, subsequently identifiedas Rhodes, appear in the front yard of a remidence located at 1*5T EastGBth Street. Rhodes, who was now bare-chested, paused, looked east towardOfficer Fahrney's vehicl', then ran west on the north sidewalk.

Simultaneously'y Officer Fahrnev, who had stopped his vehicle approximately125 feet eas 4tN of Rhodes to await his next move, observed Officer McGillit their wehicle and run west in pursuit of the suspect accompanied byex

several unidentified uniformed officers. Rhodes continued weltapproximat/ly three residences then ran in a southweskerly direction

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DR BS-13-127:1 O*a/981BT P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODCS, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, 25 years

acr6ss the street and disappear from view between the reeidences on thesoutb side of the street. Officer Fahrney drove west to Gscot qvenue,then proceeded eouth in an attempt to intercept his flight. (NOTE: Theclosest officer to tbe suspect at this point was approximately 30 Teek.)gs Officer Fahrney approached Geth P1ace, the officer monitored qir 12advise a11continuing south between the residences mid-block. Gdditionallyy theofficer observed a marked police vehicle, later identified as 13493,manned by Newton Street Patrol Division uniformed Officers A. Smith,2:886, and E. Camposy 161OB, proceeding south on Ascot Avenue, Just southof GBth Place, at a slow rate of spe/d. Offiter Fahrney noteö thatOfficers Smith and Campos were looking easty apparenAhy attempking tovisually locate the suspect. When Officer Fahrpp/ellhidked to within GOfeet of 13493, he observed tMe vehicle's akGofliùYi Slluminate. The1. t$ hs '$k %$ hk -officer believes 13793 was slowinq py>çkqrâ, tor yKlp.%l.e ing the east/westalley south of GBth Place, east of r,Glkgt' y %>z'c-, 'h: ..ç-,.k hg y.;,.') kçr...-..;'- .. fï .. '.y y.îqibhp'xssî.1ebuea on the rigbt, officer Camposps lfficer Fahrney attemptedy j''Vîd#ith opened the passenger yoor and beganskopped his vehicle and Offi erto exit. officer Falrneyy no ing there was insufficient room on the rightide or 138*3 to pass now khat th@ passenger door was open, immediatelyapplied tMe brakes to his vehicle and attempted to stop. Due to theaforementîoned distance between the two vehicles and the officer's speed,approximately 10 miles per houry he was unable to bring hi% vehicle to acomplete stop, resulting in the left front fender of Qfficer Fahrney'svehicle striking the right rear of 13492. (See Traffic Accident Reportattached as qddendum *2.)

ground units that Rbodes had crossed GBth Place and was

Officer Fahcney obserwed Officer Smith exit the passenger door of hisveMicle and run east into the alley east of qscot Avenue. The officer,believing Officer Smith had located tbe suspect, placed hi% vehicle inpark, exited via the driver's door, and followed Officer smith into tbealley. Officer Fahrney observed Officer Smith, wMo preceded him byapproximately 1OO feet, stop south of and adlacent to a E-foot-high woodenfence located to the rear of a residence later determined to be 1*a* EastGeth Place.

Wben Officer Fahrney reached a location approximately *5 feet welt ofOfficer Smith, he obwerved Rhodes ascend th* fence, po*itioning his uppertorso above the barrier. The officer observed Rhodes look at OfficerSmith, immediately descend the fence and run west along the north side ofthe fence. (NOTE: Officer Fahrney was able to view the auepect'smov:ments through a l-foot-higb chain link fence located alonq the ea&tand south proyerty lines of the residence which adloins 1*2* on the westS i d e . ' '4

officer Fahrney, based on the aforementioned information relative toRhodes beinq wanted for Murder and that he waa carrying a shiny oblect in

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DR 9B-13-12T91 O4a/9619T P.C. (MURDER) SUGPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Blacky 25 years


his' hand wMich might possibly be a weapon, drew his P-millimeter pistolwith.his right hand and deploved at the west end of the wood fence.Rhodes looked at Officer Fahrneyy stopped, and began to run back, northjin tMe rear vard. TMe suspectj appacently noting that uniformed officecshad nox entered the yard and were running soutM toward him, stopped,turned, and again ascended the wood fence 10 feet eask of OfficerFahrney's location. The officer noted khak Rhodes' upper torso was againposikioned above the top of tMe fence and tbat the suspect was lookinqdirectly at Officer Smith wMo had redeployed direckly south of Rhodes.later,the officer observed the uniformed officers in the reargrab him.yard

Simultaneouslclose to within arms-length of Rbodes anu reach ou: to

v. ofTicer sahcoev heacd the souou of <fe ounshot emanatefrom offîcec 'semitn's hocation/ mhe oTficer ob, -mr,.-ey'y%>l-odes fall forward,y u ' hs o u t h , i n t o t h e a 1 1 e v . O f f i c e r F a h r n e y a d v k WW hy 0 . TY i c S m i t h t h a t h elTc e Z); 4 'sswkt $% tm a p p r o a c h R h o d e s a n dwou ld cover the suspec t and d i rec ted Bff-. ( wj '$ hj yh a n d c u f #' h) i m . O f f i c e r S m î t h c o mp 1 i @ , j h in d c öe z rn g t h e s u s p e c k s h a nd sb e /7 i n d h i s b a c k . q f e w m o ch e n t rxe 1 i $ sîrv' 1 ûew t o n S t r e e t P a t r o 1 D i v i s i o ni f o r med Of f i c er G . Ma yed a'(.p-P1.Ra (# , î IW 1 34/+ 1 , ap p r o ac h ed Rh od es andun 1b. %$ %% Xisearched him for weapons, re d usky: a folded pocket knife from his trouseroocket. Gdditionally, the o cer noted that NModes had sustained ayunsbot wound to his abdomen/

G moment

G rescue ambulance was summoned and Officer Fahrneyyaforementioned officers, secured tHe scene. Officerhimaelf back to Newton Street station.PERSONAL DGTG

assisted by theFabrney transported

D.O.B.: Dckober 13, 19G@Gppointed to the Department: February, 1@T1Height: 6 feet 3 inchesWeight: 230 pounds


Paramedics D. Frelinger and R. Rodriguez, Los Gngelee Fire DepartmentRescue Ambulance #1G, received the alarm at 1aOG hours and arrived at thescene at 1210 hours. The paramedics administered emergency medical aid toKavin Rhodes for a gunshot wound to the abdomen. He was transported byambulance to Los Gngeles County-usc Medical Center. (Gee EmergencyMedical Service Report, Addendum *3.)Rhodes was treated by Dr. J. Milford for a single qunshot wound to theabdomèn and uyderwent Gurqery, Patient File #229B318. He wa* listed in''serious'' con/ition; howevery he was expect/d to recover.NOTE: Medical information on Rhodes wasDivision detectives due to the Patient's unavailable to Robbery-Homicide

Right to Privacy Mct.

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DR 88-13-12781 OG2/98187 P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, 25 vears

Officer Smitb sustainedThe officer was tceatedGvenue, by Dc. G. Olsen.Officer Smitb was placedfollow-up examinationleg.

On Mav 21, 198B, Dr. Hoffmans White Memorial Hospital, performedarthroscopic surgery on SmitM's right leg. Gfter surgerv the officerremained hospîtalized until June 3, 1988 when Me was released. OfficerSmith returred to full duty on June RT, 19BB.

Gt the time of the shooting incident, Rhodes was attired only bluetrousecs and tennis sMoes.

an injury to his right knee during the imcident.at Nhite Memorial Hospital, *1* Nortb Boylefor a twisted/strained knee. On May 39 1998,off duty on I.O.D. (Injury on Duty) status. q

rewealed that Smith had torn ligaments in hi% right

xmKavin RModes was unacmed, Moweverj Me did possqqs<hvxfplded 3-1/8 inch.- . . Nkîw .. j !$ , '' .b 1 a d e k n i f e i n h! i s t r o u s e r ' s p o c k e t . z'g'tj' ( d . ! , ï : k kyl.. jo ijîj î.y hj !$ .$ k- w G y.. - ï ,ya a .j ssued sm i tn and0 f f i c e c A . S fn i t hl . 2 2 e e do , w a s a r m e d ..w' i t $ ï ih, D e em. '' j . t '. ï , j


h uj ..W e s s o n . 39 - c a l i b e r t: - i n c M b a r r è 1 b ''1',!pp = ï *.:..1 rw'e v o 1 w er y m o d e 1 1 5- 3 , s e r i a 1. . $ . îj %. .y$. hk % as,.number 1K995P8. The weapon ryqsjîjrguigNk witM black rubber grips andltered to fire double-acti qï 'qsi.y. It was loaded with six rounds ofI'ederal .3/-caliber soecial us-p semi-jacketed flat-nose lzs-grainammunition. TMe weapon was carried in a Department-issued top-snapMolster affixed to tMe right side of his equipment belt.

Qfficer Bmith fired one round in an upward northerly direction at Rhodesfrom a distance of B feet. He fired from a standing right-handarm-extended sMooting stance. His shooting background was primarilyskyward witM trees in the background.


On Tuesdavy May 3, IRB9, at 1210 hours, Captain W. 0. Gartland, CommandingOfficer, and Detect-ive S. J. Nucklesr qcking Officer-ln-charge,Officer-lnvolved Shgoting Gection, Robbery-Homicide Division, werenotified of tMe shooting incident. Detectives W. M. Montgomery,E. J. Pellegrino, and C. J. Ramirez were assigned to tMe inveskigation.Captain Gartland and the detectives cesponded to the scene from ParkerCentec. Detective Nuckles was in charge at the scene. '

PCRBONNEL GT THC SCENEThe followingrpecsonnel were assignedcomplete listjof personnel present atJT i 1 e a t Ro b b er y -Ho m i c i d e D i v i s i on .#

specific duties at the scene. 4khe scene during this incident is on

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DR B9-13-1aTel OG2/881:V P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, 25 years

Newton Grea

Lieutenant Leach, 213:9, 13L1O *

Central Traffic Division

Officer J. Mapsonj 23368, 2TL15, Gccident Investigation

Metrooolitan Division

Officer J. Tita, 22150, K9*

Sc i e n t i f i c I nve-s t i Q a t i o n D i v i s i o r;

2K. Flynn, C9363, Photographer vh$r, jcv-. y.'oc.x.Cùn î t y q .. ..A*-uo s qrn e l es c i t F i r e De a r k men t -.. R i ...

' Nx hj *Nj j, 1,:444 U .. '-:7S y h ' . 'A .0 .x---xx (. &Paramedic R. Rodriguez qParamedic D. Frelinger

-os Anoeles Countv District ttormev's Officp

Gttorney C. Dardenlnvestigator C. Perez


Rhodes. Kavin Maurice, male Black, black hair, brown eyes, 5-B, 15Opounds, DOBZ January 6, 1963, LA #166@OO5-R, C11 *&O1G*1*9T, C.D.C.#D-2O2G5, last known addressl 1239 Welt 93rd Street, Lo% Angeles.

RModes' criminal arrest history commenced on December 23, 19Te, when hewas arrested for Robbery. Since then, he has been arrested for mssaultwith a Deadly Weapcn, Guto Theft, Receivinq Stolen Property, Burqlary, Hitand Run, Possessiom of Dangerous Weapon, and Posseasion of NarcotitControl Substance. (See Criminal Grrest History, qddendum #*.)

On February 12, 1989,is J. Gpble, *O5 Easkon February 12, 1991.

Rhodes was paroledCompton Boulevardy

from .prison. His parole officerCompton, and his parole expires

On April 2f, 19B9y Newton Area detectives identified Rhodel al the susgectin the murder of Johnnv Rav Johnson. male Black, 30 vearl of age. (S*eI ' e '' e' e


,Follow-up Reqg,rk, Gddendum *5.)

' jqa a result or this shootinq incident, Rhodes was arrested for 1BT P.C.lMurder) on May 3, 19Be, and booked at the Los Anqeles County-usc MedicalCenter Jail uard, booking *9822232. (See Arrest Report, Rddendum *8.1

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DR BB-13-1aT91 0*2/:81BT P.C. (MURDER) SUGPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, 25 yeara

Gt the scene of tle ofeicer-involved shootinq incidenk, Rhodes made thefollowing statement to Newkon Patrol Division Officer V. Rodriguez, 2*220,unit 13X23: ''Get me an ambulance and 1'11 tell you anything you want toknow. Officer Rodriguez responded the ambulance is on its way. ''I didn'tkill that taxi driver, Vincent Denis did. 1 was only there selling dope.The taxi driver tried to run over Vincent Denis tao timesy khe selond timeVincent shok him.'s

On May 11,W. R.

1998, at 1235 hours,Newton Detectives B. Luper, 1V519,and, aOOO9, attempted to inkerview Rhodes xt the Los Gnqeles. 3. ''q $ 4County-usc Medical Center Jail WArd. Rhodee 44 qNe.d Drofanity to the. <,og y.detectives, consequently, he was not inter , u to lack o

l ;coopecat iom. ,.-g 1 - -A'L?. f -Aj .EVIDENCE 4ND TEHICLE x ïîh -- .r. :.4k >- k- . l k


Xy x ''Cibx.ît''is ' cident consisted of Rhodes' clothingyEvidence booked pertaining ys,q.knife, a wallety business c A/r ase, computer, Greyhound ticketj% 'wrietwatch, and an expended .. B-caliber cartridge. (See Property Reports,

Gddendum #T.)


Jhere were no vehicles involved in this shootimg incident.


R/ddie. Marvj !fVO-3/* East Geth Placey Los Gngeles, 231-lTB9.

Kavin came over to my house last Sunday and asked if he could press hispants. 1 showed him where the iron waa. He pressed his pants and leftabout 10 to 15 minutes later. Then this morning I ran into Kavin at *8thand Compton.

qs 1 was coming back from the store, Kavin told me some people said he hadkilled and robbed someone. He told me he needed to use the phone to c*11his mother so he could qo to mrkansas. 1 didn't pay much attention toKavin or what he saâd. We went to my house. 1 didn't see him make a callbut Me said he had called his mother. He then went to sleep in PYbpdroom. I was next door when mY brother came over and said the policehad called the House and he had hung up. 1 told him that he should nothave done thaty so I went outside.

That's when 1 saw the police come up. They started to walk down thedriveway to my house. I asked them what was goinq on. They told mesomeone had c#lled about a man assaulting a woman. 1 1et them in thehouse and to W them my brother was in the bedroom asleep. They went tothe bedroom a4d tapped Kavin. Kavin was startled and got out of bedJwinging his Sarms. He then started to run out the house. The policefollowed him. He swung his arms out. lt looked like he pushed theofficers. Th* next thing I knew is I heard one shot. 1 went down towardwhere the helicopter was, that's where 1 heard the shot.

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DR 9;-13-1aT81 O*a/961BT P.C. (MURDER) SUSPECTRHODES, Kavin M. (WOUNDED)Male Black, :5 years


A Communications computer printouk and Communications tape 115O6B are onfile 'at Robbery-Homicide Diwision and Scientific Investigation Division,respectively.

On June 2e, 1991, Officer Smith's statement was telephonicallv read to himand he ioncurred with its contents. On June W*n 19BB, Officers Campos andFahrney read and concurred with the contents of their statements.



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iwulyl #. -Los Angeles PoI ice Department 1F EVInE.CE cc4; . cnupuTE CBADED AneAs cNur. 1: .cr Evln. c0.T'.. ccuaEl'e E..rI.E gcAu.PROPERTY REPORT L Q ' U' -- .- . -- e-*->- -- -

@:- ef :0.0: .e (z/sz) *e tv.- - ' ' - 1 *-1'3-*12781 - -OATE A<: T'IMI rHls REN:T iâ'ri FROFERTY @K;. IF RiLATED !0 FREVIOUSLY CKKEP &IQENCE. 0R1G. i:I0. @KD. !Q ( 14 !H1$ CM(. MI'E %jGl.Ak EvlgExcE ;K:.tlMptil'i EMrlqi ;l6P(l!1! l '5 '4 1430 5 4 88 5 4 88al: Nc â:0 . HA ) g7 p c% BK2' 0X * *

..Z1 4801 S . kadsworth Ave . , L .A. RHODES . O'ln BKe. # 9622 252Rï qEslrleNcE Aocaiss . 5us ,caa(:; F ,,:; :: tisi&iul vrT'- o evo r.d<. œ - ( * e .**@*'= g .f ze @.dI asslnENc: AonaEss o cwxu c, IF u.I.cw.. a FINaE: &. 485.5265z=as 12s4 sewton st., u.A. officer A. smdth, 22886 .E ,aE, c: clq'r. & c,'rE cglMe occuq. rv'pE CF pqEulses cep.r. Euptcvs: 1' xlzsn rc seqlAk .c. nlvlsle. w ----- . . . --:z m01 Newton 4 6 88 Street not a licable n> - x*,*rj: 1$ rHIS STQLE: PROPER FYT PBO8ABLE CRIMi jj Fek;?f RATE & TIME #R0#. TAKE: 1RT0 FQLIC! CUSTQQY - kQC#T10# - :;. QB CITY lF QU 7$1::E o s/3/% 1755 hours . 1so N. bcs Angeles st. zxyœQ.Q lqvbs'rlGArlve U.IT *. M AT MOTIFIGATIQNS - PfMOM: & :.1!! CIjN.ECTING REPQRTS . I'ï'N & ():Q@ Newton Detectives Pro .DIV. RHD Detective S. Nuckles 187 P.C. DR 88-1309930z!: kl. lf Evitl.tl lI:tl.:Itlu: tlse nnly wlth Arfest Report ;r. if no Arrest Reiort. with PlR. DQ n:t use if evidente is related tc pfeviously bœked evidenc.. TQ bœk evidence.= .u2 staple this paçe en tnp Qf Arrest face sheet (0r PIR face sheet. if no arrest) and f:rwart with evidence.1 GIMMTAm i''---' FG > -2 - u*'*' Xl Ftlœ # !t!4 *! ** œ *'MR * X P* œ ''' ' 'C1 i IR-N * ltGl <r= F<!.'œ * . ;tX*- * * m ' ''- - ST- * . # *â* 1 ''' ' ' + * ' ''- GG * *r *****' fM ''' 1 . .- œ *œ > V œ * A - ' ' * ' ' * ' '

**-rr:k G Y . . '* * G P'M fx *1 ' M œ A œ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' **' ' ' X '< mm xœ 1+ ' . I < # T !

The below-listed item was taken into custody by. Detectïve %. Hnntgomery. 16126, fromofficer A. Smlth's revolver pursuant to an officer-involved shoctlng investigatinn.

1 1 Expended casing. .38-caliber special plus-p Federal brand*.

I4,. e'


% 'E ISSME; BT JtIME CQQRT K. ITEQS SEIZED PQRSUMT T0 WMRMTcAy .. . . w px . u xx jyrxs u i.ky jax .:supE ls Appq vl. sE fo.la . . ' . -.. . . - :lv. , :ETAIK peaK. REPCRTI- $ :IGVII;M l' = . .' = 1' '' .' .- c i Y . - - - . . - . ' . , .*-*'- - 1.w -- a. ntaa n,e -

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na aa-ya :2781Ofl'cer-lnvolved Shœ-' gRhodes, Kevin


de t-n j luue

Xr f),r.::t- î ' b!-

'Fît -o r,0) à k ,. 'îu) ,.m,,-x,) 1y'.t,') ''ljjï h .= . ': * c'v y t k. - . .. x*- tsj 4. lj *. *: ' ï . ..#kh ,. s, y$ j; u.

Approximate L= nof Gunshot En> Wo d


x e *N 2q #% :x.% A .- w . *

J4,4( ..$


/,, j z o nrvrf'tnr .7. Miqfrtra . L .A. Comtv U.S.C.. ,.M.q.dir'zn1 Center

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