
Menaxhimi i Ndryshimit


Organisational development, presentation.

Transcript of OD_SHL-k_ashala

  • Menaxhimi i Ndryshimit

  • Ndryshim organizativ

  • Forcat e jashtme pr ndryshimGlobalizimiDiversiteti i rinis s angazhuarTeknologjia n ndryshimSjellja etike

  • Forcat e brendshme pr ndryshimEfektiviteti n rnieNdryshimi i pritjeve t puntorveKriza e organizatsNdryshimii klims s puns

  • Rezistenca pr ndryshimFrika nga e panjohuraFrika nga humbjaFrika nga dshtimiPrishja e marrdhnieve ndrpersonaleKonfliktet ndrmjet personalitetevePolitikaSupozimet kulturore dhe vlerat

  • Ballafaqimi me rezistencn pr ndryshimKomunikimi detajetarsyejaPjesmarrja n procespronsiaprkushtimiEmpatia dhe prkrahja

  • Roli i agjentit t ndryshimitAgjenti i ndryshimitindividi apo grupi q merr mbi vete detyrn e nisjes dhe menaxhimit t ndryshimit n organizat

    Agjenti i ndryshimit mund t jet i brendshm ose i jashtm

  • Diagnoza dhe analiza e nevojavePyetjet Cilat jan forcat pr ndryshim? Cilat jan forcat q mbajn status quo? Cilat jan burimet e rezistencs? Cilat jan qllimet q duhen t arrihen me ndryshim?

  • Qasja e sjelljes

    Prdorim m t mir t burimeve njerzorePrmirsimi i nivelit t morales, motivimit dhe prkushtimit t antarve

    Qasja strukturore

    Ndrlidh elementin e organizats me njri-tjetrin.Prfshin zvoglim ose rritje t stafit, decentralizim ose centralizim

    Qasja teknologjike

    Ndryshimet n pajisje, metoda, automatizime, dizajnim i punsTri qasje themelore pr Zhvillim Organizativ

    *2*3*4*5With its ability to reach across boundaries and give voice to the many, the Internet changes the ground rules for everything from commerce to government. Visit digitrends.net to read the latest headlines on emerging technologies, What are the latest newsworthy events in the field of digital technology, and what are the implications for change in business and society?*6*11*12*8*18The Group for Organizational Effectiveness helps clients facilitate change and manage knowledge. The groups work with organizations such as NASA, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson has earned it a reputation as a leader in change management. What services are listed at the site, and how does the group address issues of needs analysis and evaluation for its clients?