NO ADMISSION COV£R CHAMC TOWN CASINO 21/Buffalo NY... · stirring. W. E. J. M. * 1—'— Camps of...

4-D 8ond».y. I—m> M, INt Astaire Stars In Fantasy At Great Lakes Yolanda and Thief Is Filmed in Technicolor Review- Of Mew Show - -. _»_ _^^ - _»_ _^_ -A. * * * Tolanda and the Thief, co-star- ring Fred Astaire and Lucille Bremer, with Frank Morgan, cur- rently at Shea's Great Lakes, is a Technicolor fantasy. On the same program are People On Paper, presenting the creators of the comic strips; Peck Up Your Troubles, Technicolor cartoon and Great Lakes News. Starring Astaire as the debonair rogue* and Miss Bremer as Yolanda, the spectacular production is a whimsical taie of romance and intrigue. Morgan appears as Astaire'a co-conspirator, and Leon Ames as Yolanda's cigar-smoking guardian angel. Songs includes Will You Marry Me?, Coffee Time, Yolanda, Angel and This Is a Day For Love. 1 Comedies Headlined At Gammel Theaters The Gammel theater* this week are offering these screenplays: Colonial—First two days, Kiss and Tell, Hidden Eye; next two, Bedside Manner, This Gun for Hire; last three. Captain Eddie, A Guy-a Gal-a Pal. Columbia—First two days, In Hollywood, Hidden Eye; next three, Rhapsody in Blue; last two, Lady On a Train, Penthouse Rhythm. New Artel—First two days, She Wouldn't Say Yes, Hidden Eye; next two. Scandals, Dangerous Partners; last three, Her Highness and the Bellboy, Crime Doctor's Warning. Unity—First two days, Duffy's Tavern, Three's a Crowd; next three. Her Highness and the Bell- boy, Behind City Lights; last two, Lady On a Train, Penthouse Rhythm. Dudley Digges has joined the east of The Searching Wind, which will co-star Sylvia Sidney and Rob- ert Young. Mercury Two reissued thrillers, Double Indemnity, with Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck and Edward G. Robinson, and Don't Turn 'Em Loose, with Bruce Cabot and Betty Grable, are at the Mercury. Both are well done melodramas. Double Indemnity, one of Miss Stanwyck's best, revolves about a topflight insurance man (MacMur- ray) and an unfaithful wife who plot her husband's death for the double indemnity of an insurance policy. -Robinson portrays a keen- minded investigator who has his suspicions about the manner of death—a factor which is potent in driving the salesman to confession after his co-criminal has passed on. Don't Turn 'Em Loose indicts in- adequate parole systems. Its cen- tral figures are a criminal, whose family is unaware of his nefarious career. He always has kept post- cards coming from far places when In prison. Father becomes a mem- ber of the parole board, finds son a criminal to whom he refused parole. Son is pardoned to save the family disgrace. The climax is stirring. W. E. J. M. * 1—'— Camps of the Dead Showing at Telenews Camps of the Dead, just released by Allied governments in charge of the Nuernberg trial, is an exclusive Buffalo showing at the Telenews Theater. It represents actual trial evidence of Nazi horrors. Items of Nazi savagery include trains of death, funeral pyres of terror, a prison guard's wife mak- ing lampshade*- from human skin, Nazis mummifying human heads, and other barbaric practices. Also on the Telenews program Is a complete news show, headed by films of the U. S. labor-manage- ment crisis, the Chicago kidnap- murder tragedy, Gen. Marshall's halting of the civil war in China; Buffalo's Gen. William B. Donovan, Strategic Services chief, being decorated by President Truman; the parade of the 82d Airborne Di- vision in New York, and troops pro- testing against demobilization de- lays. * The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is announced as next for Danny Kaye. uffalos Most Nile Club ! +i& HOUSE of STAR* "Nmtne" Acts art MeVem's In thm Last !"*•• I ears end fhe V t> \\)l A* JVQ\ 6*" « STAR* <w fit* PORSAY a*0*" fit* tU NCA» H 0 ' HANHAH WILLIAMS fii ;f**> ftAOtO STASs Jeafor ART TATUfif ANO NO ADMISSION o, COV£R CHAMC 2 SHOWS NITELY Htl.-SAT. UtH. OLD BARN EAST AURORA, N. Y. Our ©•* •*' p IIMM ©MM O**"^ OANCINQ— T. th* MUIK ** BEWWY SMALL'S^ UM NOW! Vocal* fcf FLORENCE RADD AT TMI NSW ISLAND RHYTHM BAR a*** Toe Soft Atooie ©• NICK OELLA PENTAS TRIO f<x>4 or Un*urpo**ec* Qualify CLUB ANNEX 821 WASHINGTON ST. FEDERAL GARDENS 1237 GENESEE—Formerly WhHIe Schmidt'i BIB BRAND NEW SHOW STARTING TOMORROW MARION" DEARDE . * , Tits* rTiilaaolphi* Ben.bshe-1 of Rhythm BILLY LA MONT DIXIE BROWN Mere s • Cyclonic Compete M. C ^ flashing Sepia* Qeeon •» Qwivtr BETTY SNOWDEN * RITA SIMON In KB »T#B^M'R(|I "^*R**"Me» . 3 SNOWS AT "-'«-« :SAlIMIS=o CLUB RAINBOW 241 COURT IT.—Back of City Hall THAT BUNOU O* DYMAMITI **** JEAN LA VERNE T H f ClUB IS HOCKIN' " •LUS A 118 SMASH SHOW * 10UJSI MAYFAIR * GINGER ALLEN * MARIAN ALLEN EMERY WOLFF aid His Orekattra OAMCINO STASIS AT M »e<=3ec=> PlOOt SHOWS AT IB 30, 13:30, 330 ><=>oc=>o€= Tale of Pirate King Featured At Lafayette Captain Kidd Billed With Blonde Ransom Adventure and romance are min- gled in Captain Kidd, screen head- liner at Basils Lafayette. Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott and Barbara Britton are co-starred. Accompanying feature is Blonde Ransom, mystery-comedy with Virginia Grey, Donald Cook and Janina Frostova, Buffalo ballerina. Laughton stars as the pirate in Captain Kidd, aided by Scott, John Carradine and Gilbert Roland. Reginald Owen appears as a "gen- tleman's gentleman," hired by Kidd to polish his manners. Captain Kidd, the story of the legendary pirate king, also tells of thieves without honor, of plot and counterplot, of ships sunk and plundered. Miss Britton, as Lady Anna, upsets everything. . Musicals Featured On Dipson Screens The Dipson theaters thia week are showing these movies: Bailey—First three daV«. Dolly Slaters, Radio Stars on Parade; next two, Too Young to Know, Kid Millions; last two, Man Alive, Cornered. Amherst First three days. Weekend at the Waldorf, Coney Island Honeymoon; next two, Danger Signal, First Yank in Tokyo; last two, Hold That Blonde, Follow That Woman. Franklin, Lackawanna First three days, Mexicana, Along the Navajo Trail; next two, Arizona, Lady Let's Dance; last two, Danger Signal, Gold Mine in the Sky. Star, Tonawanda—First three days, That Night With You, Dal- tons Ride Again; next two, Di- vorce, I'm "From Arkansas; last two, The Spider, South of Rio Grande. Paulette Calls It "Moonbeam Blonde" Comedy for Riviera What Next, Corporal Hargrove ? today will open a four-day run at the Riviera, North Tonawanda, Thousands Cheer and Swingshift Malsie will round out the week. Paulette Ooddard has a new hair shade, adopted on completion of her picture, Kitty. She calls it moonbeam blonde, says she'll keep it that way. Konczakowski Screens Have Varied Movies These are today's movies at the Konczakowski theaters: Regent—She Wouldn't Say Yes, Swingin' On a Rainbow. Marlowe Song to Remember, Gangs of Waterfront. Senate Pride of the Marines, Girl of Limberlost. Circle—Captain Eddie, Gay Se- norita. Headlines Drama The Ellen Terry will show Pride of the Marines and Bedside Man- ner today and tomorrow. Medal for Benny and Miracle of Morgan's Creek are billed for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and Flight Command and Tahiti Nights for Friday and Saturday. Melodrama at Granada Spanish Main and Her Lucky Night today will open a three-day showing at the Granada. She Wouldn't Say Yes and Mexicana will round out the week. Starting Tomorrow THE MILLS IN PERSON! ' PLUS THE BIGGEST! and BEST SHOW IN TOWN 3 Stows MM, 7:45-10:30-1:30 COMINB SOON . . . Jee E. Lewis . . . Pat Koonay Artfcar LM Simpkint Ttrry Lawlar FUU COURSE DINNERS * 1 M No Minimum or Cover PHONE WA. 8991 Have Your Party or Ban- quet at Buffalo's Most i « Talked About Restaurant* and Night Club LADl-e5 ADM/rrf o MOMDAY TOWN CASINO 681 MAIN ST. — Opposite Greyhound Terminal MAHHJTia •£ HAROLD AUSTINS ORCHESTRA : DINE DRINK DANCE i FRANKS (ASA NOVA COR BAILCY AND E.FrRRV 13 SHOWS NITELY 10:30, 12:30, 2J30 A BI6 MEW SHOW Optflinf Tomorrow ind Faatariag tho Inotmparablo PRINCESS NINA •hc'i Dlfftr»nt. New Dane* «f tht tiotlqut Plas Ollio Hodfos, MX., and Ptfiy Loo— Mlniaturo Kata Smith Sea fhe N»w!!l 3 KANSAS CITY KITTIES DANCING to tht Mutlo of Foster Gillette Plasty af FREE i A... •vary Wad.-«at.-8un. «it«t\ SPACE DINNERS SANDWICHES lPOP m FECIAL DISHES! gj>T CLUB MAIN * TRANSIT RD. iMNirav WIL.LIAM8VILLK. M. Y. GENESEE HERE'S REAL NEWS IS NOW CHIfP MIXOLOGIST AT JINX Tudor Aims Lounge 354 FRANKLIN ST. ITS ANGIE ft. M JOdi Hit Ofcfctftri AT SAMMY'S KNOTTY PINE INN MICHIGAN at BURTON Farce Feature Of New Movie Bill at Hipp naji m m Talc of Garter Is Set With Racetrack Stjory •i * Getting Gertie's Garter, farce, starring Dennis O'Keefe ana Marie McDonald, is screen headlined at Shea's Hippodrome. Also shown are She Went to the Races, comedy-drama, featuring James Craig and Francis Giffojrd, and News of the Day. The tale of a young man grap- pling with his past in an effort to save his future, Getting' Gertie's Garter presents O'Keefa as Ken Ford, rising scientist; Matrie as the lady with the garter, atid Sheila Ryan as Patty, Ford's wfe. The .garter, given first by Napoleon to Josephine and later by Ken to Gertie, gets the scientist in wrong with Patty. The, story cen- ters around, his efforts to recover the garter. , Here's w | Stage-Screen Lowdown Gotham Receives Pair of Classics Continued from Preceding Pags Here tradition, it might not aet so well, for it has been turned from a comedy of manners into a farce of manners, and the manners are ludicrous, daffy, broad to an ex- treme, almost a Minsky derivation. Taking the firm critical viewpoint, it isn't of much lasting worth to the cultural theater; looking at it purely as a Bobby Clark fan, it's a lot of fun. A Tepid Shakespeare Work The Theatre Guild, having made a barrel of money in the last few years with such excellent offerings as Oklahoma, Carousel, and other fine productions, decided it should spend some of those profits in bringing a series of Shakespearean plays to Broadway and its nation- wide subscription circuit. The first such drama opened this week at the Cort Theater: The Winter's Tale, one of the bard's leas popu- lar plays. It features Henry Dan- iell, Florence Reed, Jeasie Royce Landis, Romney Brent, Whitford Kane, Colin Keith-Johnston and many others. Nothing startlingly excellent la to be found in this production, nor can be discovered anything bad. The simple fact is that The Win- ter's Tale is not one of Shake- speare's better plays. Similar characters and situations came in for better construction and de- velopment in other bardian dramas and if things herein turn slightly to the tepid side, it is Shake- speare's fault and not the cast's, nor the Theatre Guild's. Philip Merival© and Charles Dingle have been assigned roles in Sister Kenny, starring Rosalind Russell with Alexander Knox, Dean Jagger and Beulah Bondi. Continued from Preceding Page of the Storm; was in several other silent movies; Garden of Allah first sound picture. . . . James Dunn began his screen career in 1931. in Bad Girl; list too long to print, so send stamped, self-ad- dressed envelope if you want it. No indication of reissue of early Shirley Temple pictures. * Mary E., Buffalo Franchot Tone, six feet tall, weighs 160 pounds, at Universal Studios, Uni- versal City, Cal.; Susanna Foster (Susanna Larsen), five feet 5% inches tall, 128 pounds, lately at Universal, but reported quitting films to study for opera . . . Cornel Wilde, six feet, one, 175 pounds, at 20th Century-Fox Studios, Box 900, Beverly Hills, Cal. . . . No statistics on Vernon Steele, he may be reached through MGM Studios, Culver City, Cal. * 3. M. N\, Cheektowaga—Perry Como born in Canonsburg, Pa., May 18, 1918; five feet, nine inches tall; weighs 160 pounds, has black hair and brown eyes; married Roselle Belline in 1984; has a son, Ronald. On the screen has appeared in Some- thing For the Boys; will be seen in Doll Face, with Carmen Mi- randa and Vivian Blaine. Was with Ted 'Weems orchestra for several years. Mildred F., Buffalo—Producers of Uncle Harry, the movie, sought to make it appear that everything was a dream. * Paul H, Buffalo—Dane Clark is five feet, ten inches tall; Dick Haymes, six feet; Dana Andrews, six feet. . . . Doll Face is scheduled for release this month; show date next month possible. * D. C, Buffalo—Coming pic- tures for Charles Drake are Whistle Stop, with George Raft, and A Night in Casablanca, with the Marx brothers. Born in Bayside, L. I., in 1916—family name Ruppert; educated Nichols College, Dudley, Mass.; won Gateway to Hollywood contest, and has appeared in RKO and Warner pictures. Six feet, three inches tall; weighs 191 pounds. * P. K, Burfalo—Tom Neal is five feet, 11 inches tall; Gene Kelly, 5-9; Ross Hunter, 6-1; Van Johnson, 6-2; Errol Flynn, 6-2; Dana Andrews, six feet; George Sanders, 6-3; Johnny Coy, 5-9; Paul Henreid, 6-3; Charles Korvin, six feet; Kurt Kreuger, 5-10^ No statistics on Kaye. Laura, Buffalo Showing of My Reputation has been post- poned. . . . Tangier is not in color. . . . Enrol Flynn is in Escape Me Never, Henry Fonda set for Ethan Frome, Robert Taylor for You Were There. . . . Little Women in planning stages. * Claire H., Buffalo Jennifer Jones (Phyllis Isley) born in Tulsa. Okla.; after graduation from schools was in several stock com- panies playing in tents, studied BUFFALO'S EXOTIC RESTAl'K-TAINMEl' Featuring 3 Shows Nightly 7:30-10:30-1:30 * FLORENCE HIN LOWI Ohlnw* Wonder airl * JACK SOO, M C. ainttra with Oriental Flavor * COTY and SUE Malayan Equilibrist* KIM Outttandlna Magician * 6 CLAIRE RAY OIRLS Lovelr Ladle* ef the Danee I Full Course Dinners B P. M. to 8 P. LUNCHEON Daily 11 A.M. Mo* lalier* Entertain* of the Fiona $1.50 Mc *«oo. Mc For Private Parties Phone CL. 6962 65c PULL COURSE SUNDAY DINNER It P.M. < Ch.ldren S P.M. Vi Price I 2 ORCHESTRAS-MEYER RALSOM and WM HOFFMAN Bar Always Open 631 MA-ir. 3l\ OPeW FROM • ft A.M. to 3 A.M. Returned By Popular Demand JIMMY FOSTER Buffalo's Own NBC Singing Star HEADLINING A SMASH NEW SHOW WITH GLORIA LOVE Sensational Exotic Dancer DOROTHY HOLTZ Whirlwind Aero-Tapster BOBBIE PHILLIPS Terrific Comedy M. C. MICKEY DEE Man of 1000 Songs AND CHAUNGEY CROMWELL and His Orchestra New Policy—No Cover —No Admission 3 SPARKLING SHOWS 3 A t 9 : 3 0 - 1 2 - 2 A . M . IACH AND EVERY NIGHT witft IRENE MARQUETTE O.I. DON EVANS Plu* Other* in a New Production PRICES ARE LOW, TOO ! ROANOKE COCKTAIL LOUNGE Klmwood Near Chippewa Featuring SHIRLEY TOBIN That Ofobrafed Pioniif fo thrill you with tht clank*. Sef you swingin' with Boogie. formerly at Jack Dempsey'f in New York City. THE FINEST IN FOOD COCOANUT GROVE 492 CONNECTICUT ST. A BRAND NEW SHOW! RENEE GRANT Lovely Polite Character Dancer BETTY BLANCHE Hawaiian Dance* MARY LOU Singing Emcee Amateur Show Every Friday 2 Big Shows in O n * $15 CASH PRIZES (N* Rehearsal* N*t***ary) drama in Chicago and New York, and was on radio; made screen debut in a Western, New Frontier. First important role in Song of Bernadette. Married and separated from Robert Walker, has two sons; five feet, five inches tall; weighs 115 pounds. Coming picture, Cluny Brown, with Charles Boyer. S. B., Buffalo—Warner Ander- son portrayed the correspondent in Her Highness and the Bellboy; also was in Weekend at the Wal- dorf and will be in Three Wis© Fools; all for MGM Studios, Cul- ver City, Cal Guy Madison is working at RKO-Radio Studios, 780 Gower St., Hollywood 88, Cal., in Till tHfe End of Time, op- posite Dorothy McGuire. M. A., Buffalo—Dana Andrews working in Canyon Passage, Wal- ter Wanger production for release by Universal: next picture to be for Samuel Goldwyn, 1041 North Formosa Ave.. Hollywood 46, Cal. . . . Jeanne Crain at 20th Centurv- Fox, Box 900. Beverjy HilLs, Cal. . . . Gregory Peck at.Selznick Stu dios, Culver City, Cal. * N. C. S., Buffalo—Going My Way has been withdrawn from re- lease; there have been hints it will be out again later this year. R. S. T., Buffalo—John Gar- field (Jules Garfiakel) born, in New York March 4, 1912; five feet, nine inches taj; weighs 160 pounds; married Roberta Mann, non-professional, in 19S4. Call to U. S. service canceled when Selective Service cut age limit. He now is working in Htimor- esque, has completed The Post- man Always Rinf$t Twice, and has an unreleased picture, No- body Lives Forever. * L. S. H., Niagara Falls—Clark Gable has finished Adventure, with Greer Garson and Joan Blondell, and is scheduled fjor Lucky Bald- win, with Lana Turner. . . . No hints of coming marriage. . . . Alexia Smith (5-7J, Lauren Bacall (5-7), Ingrid Benpman (5-6) are among Hollywood^ taller actresses. . . . Faye Emerscii's height is five feet, four inches. . . . In Janie, it is presuaaed you are referring to Dick Erdman; he|s 20 years old. Nancy, Kenmere—Van Heflin In Strange Lave of Martha Ivers, Jean Pierre Aumont in Heartbeat and Bhahrazad, Louis Hayward in Yqang Widow, Jim- my Stewart in , It's a Wonderful Life, Ronald RJeagan in Stallion Road, Tyrone Power likely for Captain From Castile. . . . No current assigninents for others you list. Betty S., Buffalo—Wally Cassell may be reached through Lester Cowan Studio.«, 1040 North Las Palm&s Ave., Hollywood 38, Cal. . . . Frank Iiatimer appeared as Irving Netchefr in The Dolly Sla- ters; coming picture, Shock . . . Robert Lowell appeared as Johnny Cole in Too t5Toung to Know; at Warner Studies, Burbank, Cal. * J. B. T., B uffalo—Turhan Bey born in Vienna, Austria, of Turk- ish and Ozel^h descent; about 32 years old; six feet, one; 170 pounds, brawn eyes, black hair; first screen Appearance for Warn- ers in Footstep) in the Dark, 1941. Latesft work for Universal; In U. S. sendee. * Carolyn Q., Buffalo—First show- ing of Hostages was at Shea's Hippodrome October 23, 1943. . . . Masquerade in Mexico scheduled for February release. . . No Sheldon date for Frenchman's Creek. . . . No record of Take Thia Woman. .. . Bluebeajrd and Bowery Champs listed for Ainne Sterling v 3 SH4WS NITELY 10-12-2i1B No Covar •r Admission Cfcargt 2d Big Week! Tom Cornell Rip Roarinf and V*r*atil* Conway M.C. Miss Marlene lovely Singing Com*di*nn* and Danc*r Dtlux* Eleanor Powers Blend* and B*a«tifvl Song Stylist TheModernaires In Scintillating Dane* R*vu«* Comer of Elm & Goodell HAVANA CASINO DANCING EVERY NITEI MICK ALICO'S BAND Buffalo i fof*mo«t Saxophonist In Musis That's Different RAVIOLI-fhs flMtf in town! Vtouf Most*— Mtlph Bslllsl: OJIS/IM Rlnlolo NORM'S Jefferson Corner Rilay MUSIC! F*atwrin9 Irinq Sedota _-•! OB tl* l! Anna Hudec m pl,n0 nick Fadala Vour MoiU >ITK « JACK FUNDARO It's 4th Week ' For The Bells Of St. Mary's » Crosby-Bergman Film Continues at Century Modern ideas of a young parish priest cause a flurry among nuns of a parochial school in Leo Mc- Carey's The Bells of St. Mary's, now in its fourth week at the 20th Century Theater. Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman are starred. Bing is cast as Father O'Malley, new pastor of St. Mary's. Hia methods for educating and rearing the young are in humorous con- trast to those of the nuns headed by Sister Superior Benedict, played by Miss Bergman. But a threat to the very existence of their be-* loved school finds priest and nuna fighting side by side. Bing sings five numbers includ- ing Adeste Fidelis, while Mias Bergman sings a Swedish folksong. NIGHT CLUB RINGSIDE . . . Holdovers, in new productions*, are the ruje in night spots hera and hereabouts. New faces may be noted here and there, new re- vues occasionally. t'- The Pagoda's array- of talent still is carrying on, with Jack Soo, singing emsee, and Florence Hin Lowe, contortionist, aa highlighta. «r- The Cotton Club promises aa all-new personnel in tomorrow night's opening. Several surpriaea are indicated. tr- Billy LaMont will emsee tha Federal Gardens new personnel, opening tomorrow night. It in- cludes Betty Snowden and Rita Simon, dancers; Dixie Brown, rhythm girl, and singing Marion De Arde. Case Nova will have the exotic Princess Nina, with emsee Ollie Hodges also presenting Peggy Lee and the Three Kansas City Kitties. At the Cocoanut Grove. Renee Grant, exotic, is spotlighted. Bet- ty Marshall sings. Amateurs taka over every Friday night. If* East Aurora's Old Barn ia head- lining Ann Arbor, exotic. Jimmy Caz, comic-emsee, also introducea Marion Beals, comedienne, and Gay Warner. tr- Holding over: The Madhattera at Cafe Aloha, in a new produc- tion; LaRae Valley, at Lackawan- na's Bon Ton; crooning Don Evans, at Brogan's; everybody at Havana Casino, in a new revue. tr* New here and there: Jean La- Verne, impressionist, at Club Rain- bow; Madalyn Palmer, character dancer, at Larry's. . . . For danc- ing: O'Day's, Sammy's, Norm'a and Club 670. Romance at Riverside Too Young to Know and Mexi- cana are the Riverside's movies for today and tomorrow. Northwest Mounted Police and Kansas City Kitty are aet for Tuesday and Wednesday, and Dolly Sisters and Pursuit to Algiers for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Esther Williams, Joee Iturbl and Xavier Cugat's orchestra will top the cast of This Time for Keeps, with Lauritz Melchior and Jimmy Durante also in it. LORINA RAYE Character Dancer Out- standing in Dancing Thot Is Dift*r*ttt GLORIA OWENS S** M*r (a th* Original S*x*tic Oystsy Bant* DANCE to fhe Music end Com*dy *f th* 6 Madhatters Music in th* Spill* J*n»» Mannar Near Th*m a* a Sarb*r Shop Quartt RESERVATIONS CALL QA. 9659 Ynur Hosts Rita Milazzf 1L-***S I Carl Baraiti W m BON TON 637 RIDGE ROAD tj_ %A/ Bringing You th* B*st Inter- ™OW K,,nm*nt AvoiloM* in First As>p*aranc*s Only—Exptct Show at th* Bon Ton. Oood Sensational 3rd W u k * LA RAE VALLEY AND HSR LIVE RE'TUIS 8h*'i Amulng In Hmr Walrd D«no* ef th* Reptiiu. I n Her in th* Spin* OhM ^g DitTM Of TMI PJtW&onA First Buffils Appeerane* Opening Tuesday * BILL WILSON «m«iinQ W. C and VentrltoouHt Alto""rirTT"Loc*l App*aranc« Opening Tuesday *GERALDINE MARTIN Beautiful Shapely Acrobatic •nd Speed Tap Dancer We Specialise in CHICKEN-IN-THE-RUFF Yeur Friend and Hoet-EDDIE SilTZ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of NO ADMISSION COV£R CHAMC TOWN CASINO 21/Buffalo NY... · stirring. W. E. J. M. * 1—'— Camps of...

Page 1: NO ADMISSION COV£R CHAMC TOWN CASINO 21/Buffalo NY... · stirring. W. E. J. M. * 1—'— Camps of the Dead Showing at Telenews Camps of the Dead, just released by Allied governments

4 - D 8ond».y. I — m > M, INt

Astaire Stars In Fantasy At Great Lakes

Yolanda and Thief Is Filmed in Technicolor

R e v i e w -

Of Mew Show - -. _»_ _̂ ^ - _»_ _̂ _ - A . * * *

Tolanda and the Thief, co-star­ring Fred Astaire and Lucille Bremer, with Frank Morgan, cur­rently at Shea's Great Lakes, is a Technicolor fantasy. On the same program are People On Paper, presenting the creators of the comic strips; Peck Up Your Troubles, Technicolor cartoon and Great Lakes News.

Starring Astaire as the debonair rogue* and Miss Bremer as Yolanda, the spectacular production is a whimsical taie of romance and intrigue. Morgan appears as Astaire'a co-conspirator, and Leon Ames as Yolanda's cigar-smoking guardian angel.

Songs includes Will You Marry Me?, Coffee Time, Yolanda, Angel and This Is a Day For Love.

• 1

Comedies Headlined At Gammel Theaters

The Gammel theater* this week are offering these screenplays:

Colonial—First two days, Kiss and Tell, Hidden Eye; next two, Bedside Manner, This Gun for Hire; last three. Captain Eddie, A Guy-a Gal-a Pal.

Columbia—First two days, In Hollywood, Hidden Eye; next three, Rhapsody in Blue; last two, Lady On a Train, Penthouse Rhythm.

New Artel—First two days, She Wouldn't Say Yes, Hidden Eye; next two. Scandals, Dangerous Partners; last three, Her Highness and the Bellboy, Crime Doctor's Warning.

Unity—First two days, Duffy's Tavern, Three's a Crowd; next three. Her Highness and the Bell­boy, Behind City Lights; last two, Lady On a Train, Penthouse Rhythm.

Dudley Digges has joined the east of The Searching Wind, which will co-star Sylvia Sidney and Rob­ert Young.

Mercury Two reissued thrillers, Double

Indemnity, with Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck and Edward G. Robinson, and Don't Turn 'Em Loose, with Bruce Cabot and Betty Grable, are at the Mercury. Both are well done melodramas.

Double Indemnity, one of Miss Stanwyck's best, revolves about a topflight insurance man (MacMur­ray) and an unfaithful wife who plot her husband's death for the double indemnity of an insurance policy. -Robinson portrays a keen-minded investigator who has his suspicions about the manner of death—a factor which is potent in driving the salesman to confession after his co-criminal has passed on.

Don't Turn 'Em Loose indicts in­adequate parole systems. Its cen­tral figures are a criminal, whose family is unaware of his nefarious career. He always has kept post­cards coming from far places when In prison. Father becomes a mem­ber of the parole board, finds son a criminal to whom he refused parole. Son is pardoned to save the family disgrace. The climax is stirring. W. E. J. M.

* 1—'—

Camps of the Dead Showing at Telenews

Camps of the Dead, just released by Allied governments in charge of the Nuernberg trial, is an exclusive Buffalo showing at the Telenews Theater. It represents actual trial evidence of Nazi horrors.

Items of Nazi savagery include trains of death, funeral pyres of terror, a prison guard's wife mak­ing lampshade*- from human skin, Nazis mummifying human heads, and other barbaric practices.

Also on the Telenews program Is a complete news show, headed by films of the U. S. labor-manage­ment crisis, the Chicago kidnap-murder tragedy, Gen. Marshall's halting of the civil war in China; Buffalo's Gen. William B. Donovan, Strategic Services chief, being decorated by President Truman; the parade of the 82d Airborne Di­vision in New York, and troops pro­testing against demobilization de­lays.

* The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

is announced as next for Danny Kaye.

uffalos Most

Nile Club !

+i& HOUSE of STAR* "Nmtne" Acts art MeVem's

In thm Last !"*•• I ears end

fhe Vt> \\)l


6*" « STAR*

<w fit* PORSAY a * 0 * "

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Our © • * •* ' p

IIMM ©MM O * * " ^

OANCINQ— T. th* M U I K * *


NOW! Vocal* fcf


ISLAND RHYTHM BAR a*** Toe Soft Atooie ©•

NICK OELLA PENTAS TRIO f<x>4 or Un*urpo**ec* Qualify


FEDERAL GARDENS 1237 GENESEE—Formerly WhHIe Schmidt'i


• MARION" DEARDE . * , Tits* rTiilaaolphi* Ben.bshe-1 of Rhythm

BILLY LA MONT DIXIE BROWN Mere s • Cyclonic Compete M. C ^ flashing Sepia* Qeeon •» Qwivtr


.3 SNOWS AT " - ' « - «


CLUB R A I N B O W 2 4 1 C O U R T I T . — B a c k of C i ty H a l l





» e < = 3 e c = > PlOOt SHOWS AT IB 30, 13:30, 330 ><=>oc=>o€=

Tale of Pirate King Featured At Lafayette

Captain Kidd Billed With Blonde Ransom

Adventure and romance are min­gled in Captain Kidd, screen head-liner at Basils Lafayette. Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott and Barbara Britton are co-starred. Accompanying feature is Blonde Ransom, mystery-comedy with Virginia Grey, Donald Cook and Janina Frostova, Buffalo ballerina.

Laughton stars as the pirate in Captain Kidd, aided by Scott, John Carradine and Gilbert Roland. Reginald Owen appears as a "gen­tleman's gentleman," hired by Kidd to polish his manners.

Captain Kidd, the story of the legendary pirate king, also tells of thieves without honor, of plot and counterplot, of ships sunk and plundered. Miss Britton, as Lady Anna, upsets everything.

.« .

Musicals Featured On Dipson Screens

The Dipson theaters thia week are showing these movies:

Bailey—First three daV«. Dolly Slaters, Radio Stars on Parade; next two, Too Young to Know, Kid Millions; last two, Man Alive, Cornered.

Amherst — First three days. Weekend at the Waldorf, Coney Island Honeymoon; next two, Danger Signal, First Yank in Tokyo; last two, Hold T h a t Blonde, Follow That Woman.

Franklin, Lackawanna — First three days, Mexicana, Along the Navajo Trail; next two, Arizona, Lady Let's Dance; last two, Danger Signal, Gold Mine in the Sky.

Star, Tonawanda—First three days, That Night With You, Dal-tons Ride Again; next two, Di­vorce, I'm "From Arkansas; last two, The Spider, South of Rio Grande.

Paulette Calls It "Moonbeam Blonde"

Comedy for Riviera What Next, Corporal Hargrove ?

today will open a four-day run at the Riviera, North Tonawanda, Thousands Cheer and Swingshift Malsie will round out the week.

Paulette Ooddard has a new hair shade, adopted on completion of her picture, Kitty. She calls it moonbeam blonde, says she'll keep it that way.

Konczakowski Screens Have Varied Movies

These are today's movies at the Konczakowski theaters:

Regent—She Wouldn't Say Yes, Swingin' On a Rainbow.

Marlowe — Song to Remember, Gangs of Waterfront.

Senate — Pride of the Marines, Girl of Limberlost.

Circle—Captain Eddie, Gay Se-norita.

Headlines Drama The Ellen Terry will show Pride

of the Marines and Bedside Man­ner today and tomorrow. Medal for Benny and Miracle of Morgan's Creek are billed for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and Flight Command and Tahiti Nights for Friday and Saturday.

Melodrama at Granada Spanish Main and Her Lucky

Night today will open a three-day showing at the Granada. She Wouldn't Say Yes and Mexicana will round out the week.

Starting Tomorrow




SHOW IN TOWN 3 Stows MM, 7:45-10:30-1:30 COMINB SOON . . .

Jee E. Lewis . . . Pat Koonay Artfcar L M Simpkint

Ttrry Lawlar



No Minimum or Cover

PHONE WA. 8991 Have Your Party or Ban­quet at Buffalo's Most i

« Talked About Restaurant* and Night Club

L A D l - e 5

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13 SHOWS NITELY 1 0 : 3 0 , 1 2 : 3 0 , 2 J 3 0

A BI6 MEW SHOW Optflinf Tomorrow ind

Faatariag tho Inotmparablo

PRINCESS NINA •hc'i Dlfftr»nt. New Dane* «f tht tiotlqut

Plas Ollio Hodfos, MX., and Ptfiy Loo— Mlniaturo Kata Smith

Sea fhe N»w!!l


D A N C I N G to tht Mutlo of

Foster G i l l e t te

Plasty af FREE

i A... •vary Wad.-«at.-8un. «it«t\ SPACE

D I N N E R S S A N D W I C H E S lPOP m F E C I A L D I S H E S ! gj>T







ANGIE ft. M JOdi Hit Ofcfctftri




Farce Feature Of New Movie Bill at Hipp

naji m m

Talc of Garter Is Set With Racetrack Stjory

• i *

Getting Gertie's Garter, farce, starring Dennis O'Keefe ana Marie McDonald, is screen headlined at Shea's Hippodrome. Also shown are She Went to the Races, comedy-drama, featuring James Craig and Francis Giffojrd, and News of the Day.

The tale of a young man grap­pling with his past in an effort to save his future, Getting' Gertie's Garter presents O'Keefa as Ken Ford, rising scientist; Matrie as the lady with the garter, atid Sheila Ryan as Patty, Ford's w f e .

The .garter, given first by Napoleon to Josephine and later by Ken to Gertie, gets the scientist in wrong with Patty. The, story cen­ters around, his efforts to recover the garter. ,

Here 's w

| Stage-Screen Lowdown

Gotham Receives Pair of Classics Continued from Preceding Pags

Here tradition, it might not aet so well, for it has been turned from a comedy of manners into a farce of manners, and the manners are ludicrous, daffy, broad to an ex­treme, almost a Minsky derivation. Taking the firm critical viewpoint, it isn't of much lasting worth to the cultural theater; looking at it purely as a Bobby Clark fan, it's a lot of fun.

A Tepid Shakespeare Work The Theatre Guild, having made

a barrel of money in the last few years with such excellent offerings as Oklahoma, Carousel, and other fine productions, decided it should spend some of those profits in bringing a series of Shakespearean plays to Broadway and its nation­wide subscription circuit. The first such drama opened this week at the Cort Theater: The Winter's Tale, one of the bard's leas popu­lar plays. It features Henry Dan-iell, Florence Reed, Jeasie Royce Landis, Romney Brent, Whitford Kane, Colin Keith-Johnston and many others.

Nothing startlingly excellent la to be found in this production, nor can be discovered anything bad. The simple fact is that The Win­ter's Tale is not one of Shake­speare's better plays. Similar characters and situations came in for better construction and de­velopment in other bardian dramas and if things herein turn slightly to the tepid side, it is Shake­speare's fault and not the cast's, nor the Theatre Guild's.

Philip Merival© and Charles Dingle have been assigned roles in Sister Kenny, starring Rosalind Russell with Alexander Knox, Dean Jagger and Beulah Bondi.

Continued from Preceding Page

of the Storm; was in several other silent movies; Garden of Allah first sound picture. . . . James Dunn began his screen career in 1931. in Bad Girl; list too long to print, so send stamped, self-ad­dressed envelope if you want it. No indication of reissue of early Shirley Temple pictures.

* Mary E., Buffalo — Franchot

Tone, six feet tall, weighs 160 pounds, at Universal Studios, Uni­versal City, Cal.; Susanna Foster (Susanna Larsen), five feet 5% inches tall, 128 pounds, lately at Universal, but reported quitting films to study for opera . . . Cornel Wilde, six feet, one, 175 pounds, at 20th Century-Fox Studios, Box 900, Beverly Hills, Cal. . . . No statistics on Vernon Steele, he may be reached through MGM Studios, Culver City, Cal.

* 3. M. N\, Cheektowaga—Perry

Como born in Canonsburg, Pa., May 18, 1918; five feet, nine inches tall; weighs 160 pounds, has black hair and brown eyes; married Roselle Belline in 1984; has a son, Ronald. On the screen has appeared in Some­thing For the Boys; will be seen in Doll Face, with Carmen Mi­randa and Vivian Blaine. Was with Ted 'Weems orchestra for several years.

• Mildred F., Buffalo—Producers

of Uncle Harry, the movie, sought to make it appear that everything was a dream.

* Paul H , Buffalo—Dane Clark is

five feet, ten inches tall; Dick Haymes, six feet; Dana Andrews, six feet. . . . Doll Face is scheduled for release this month; show date next month possible.

* D. C , Buffalo—Coming pic­

tures for Charles Drake are Whistle Stop, with George Raft, and A Night in Casablanca, with the Marx brothers. Born in Bayside, L. I., in 1916—family name Ruppert; educated Nichols College, Dudley, Mass.; won Gateway to Hollywood contest, and has appeared in RKO and Warner pictures. Six feet, three inches tall; weighs 191 pounds.

* P. K, Burfalo—Tom Neal is

five feet, 11 inches tall; Gene Kelly, 5-9; Ross Hunter, 6-1; Van Johnson, 6-2; Errol Flynn, 6-2; Dana Andrews, six feet; George Sanders, 6-3; Johnny Coy, 5-9; Paul Henreid, 6-3; Charles Korvin, six feet; Kurt Kreuger, 5 - 1 0 ^ No statistics on Kaye.

• Laura, Buffalo — Showing of

My Reputation has been post­poned. . . . Tangier is not in color. . . . Enrol Flynn is in Escape Me Never, Henry Fonda set for Ethan Frome, Robert Taylor for You Were There. . . . Little Women in planning stages.

* Claire H., Buffalo — Jennifer

Jones (Phyllis Isley) born in Tulsa. Okla.; after graduation from schools was in several stock com­panies playing in tents, studied


RESTAl 'K-TAINMEl ' Featuring 3 Shows Nightly

7 : 3 0 - 1 0 : 3 0 - 1 : 3 0

* FLORENCE HIN LOWI Ohlnw* Wonder airl

* JACK SOO, M C. ainttra with Oriental Flavor

* COTY and SUE Malayan Equilibrist*

• KIM Outttandlna Magician

* 6 CLAIRE RAY OIRLS Lovelr Ladle* ef the Danee


Full Course Dinners B P. M. to 8 P.

LUNCHEON Daily 11 A.M.

Mo* lalier* Entertain* of the Fiona


M c * « o o . M c

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I t P.M. < Ch.ldren

• S P.M. Vi Price


Always Open

631 MA-ir. 3 l \ OPeW FROM • ft A.M. to 3 A.M.

Returned By Popular Demand


Buffalo's Own NBC Singing Star HEADLINING A



GLORIA LOVE Sensational Exotic Dancer

DOROTHY HOLTZ Whirlwind Aero-Tapster

BOBBIE PHILLIPS Terrific Comedy M. C.

MICKEY DEE M a n of 1000 Songs



New Policy—No Cover —No Admission

3 SPARKLING SHOWS 3 A t 9 : 3 0 - 1 2 - 2 A . M .



Plu* Other* in a New Production



K lmwood N e a r C h i p p e w a Featuring

SHIRLEY TOBIN That Ofobrafed Pioniif fo thrill you with tht c lank* . Sef you swingin' with Boogie. formerly at Jack Dempsey'f in New York City.



A BRAND NEW SHOW! R E N E E G R A N T Lovely Polite Character Dancer

BETTY BLANCHE Hawaiian Dance*

MARY LOU Singing Emcee

Amateur Show Every Friday 2 Big Shows in O n *

$15 CASH PRIZES ( N * Rehearsal* N*t***ary)

drama in Chicago and New York, and was on radio; made screen debut in a Western, New Frontier. First important role in Song of Bernadette. Married and separated from Robert Walker, has two sons; five feet, five inches tall; weighs 115 pounds. Coming picture, Cluny Brown, with Charles Boyer.

• S. B., Buffalo—Warner Ander­

son portrayed the correspondent in Her Highness and the Bellboy; also was in Weekend at the Wal­dorf and will be in Three Wis© Fools; all for MGM Studios, Cul­ver City, Cal Guy Madison is working at RKO-Radio Studios, 780 Gower St., Hollywood 88, Cal., in Till tHfe End of Time, op­posite Dorothy McGuire.

• M. A., Buffalo—Dana Andrews

working in Canyon Passage, Wal­ter Wanger production for release by Universal: next picture to be for Samuel Goldwyn, 1041 North Formosa Ave.. Hollywood 46, Cal. . . . Jeanne Crain at 20th Centurv-Fox, Box 900. Beverjy HilLs, Cal. . . . Gregory Peck at.Selznick Stu dios, Culver City, Cal.

* N. C. S., Buffalo—Going My

Way has been withdrawn from re­lease; there have been hints it will be out again later this year.

• R. S. T., Buffalo—John Gar­

field (Jules Garfiakel) born, in New York March 4, 1912; five feet, nine inches t a j ; weighs 160 pounds; married Roberta Mann, non-professional, in 19S4. Call to U. S. service canceled when Selective Service cut age limit. He now is working in Htimor-esque, has completed The Post­man Always Rinf$t Twice, and has an unreleased picture, No­body Lives Forever.

* L. S. H., Niagara Falls—Clark

Gable has finished Adventure, with Greer Garson and Joan Blondell, and is scheduled fjor Lucky Bald­win, with Lana Turner. . . . No hints of coming marriage. . . . Alexia Smith (5-7J, Lauren Bacall (5-7), Ingrid Benpman (5-6) are among Hollywood^ taller actresses. . . . Faye Emerscii's height is five feet, four inches. . . . In Janie, it is presuaaed you are referring to Dick Erdman; he|s 20 years old.

Nancy, Kenmere—Van Heflin In Strange Lave of Martha Ivers, Jean Pierre Aumont in Heartbeat and Bhahrazad, Louis Hayward in Yqang Widow, Jim­my Stewart in , It's a Wonderful Life, Ronald RJeagan in Stallion Road, Tyrone Power likely for Captain From Castile. . . . No current assigninents for others you list.

Betty S., Buffalo—Wally Cassell may be reached through Lester Cowan Studio.«, 1040 North Las Palm&s Ave., Hollywood 38, Cal. . . . Frank Iiatimer appeared as Irving Netchefr in The Dolly Sla­ters; coming picture, Shock . . . Robert Lowell appeared as Johnny Cole in Too t5Toung to Know; at Warner Studies, Burbank, Cal.

* J. B. T., B uffalo—Turhan Bey

born in Vienna, Austria, of Turk­ish and Ozel^h descent; about 32 years old; six feet, one; 170 pounds, brawn eyes, black hair; first screen Appearance for Warn­ers in Footstep) in the Dark, 1941. Latesft work for Universal; In U. S. sendee.

* Carolyn Q., Buffalo—First show­

ing of Hostages was at Shea's Hippodrome October 23, 1943. . . . Masquerade in Mexico scheduled for February release. . . No Sheldon date for Frenchman's Creek. . . . No record of Take Thia Woman. . . . Bluebeajrd and Bowery Champs listed for Ainne Sterlingv



No Covar

•r Admission


2d Big Week!

Tom Cornell Rip Roarinf and

V*r*atil* Conway M.C.

Miss Marlene lovely Singing

Com*di*nn* and Danc*r Dtlux*

Eleanor Powers Blend* and B*a«tifvl

Song Stylist

TheModernaires In Scintillating Dane*


Comer of Elm & Goodell



MICK ALICO'S BAND Buffalo i fof*mo«t Saxophonist

In Musis That's Different

R A V I O L I - f h s f l M t f in town!

Vtouf Most*— Mtlph Bslllsl: OJIS/ IM Rlnlolo

NORM'S Jefferson Corner Rilay

MUSIC! F*atwrin9

Irinq Sedota _ - • ! OB t l * l !

Anna Hudec m w» p l , n 0

nick Fadala Vour MoiU


It's 4th Week ' For The Bells Of St. Mary's


Crosby-Bergman Film Continues at Century

Modern ideas of a young parish priest cause a flurry among nuns of a parochial school in Leo Mc-Carey's The Bells of St. Mary's, now in its fourth week at the 20th Century Theater. Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman are starred.

Bing is cast as Father O'Malley, new pastor of St. Mary's. Hia methods for educating and rearing the young are in humorous con­trast to those of the nuns headed by Sister Superior Benedict, played by Miss Bergman. But a threat to the very existence of their be-* loved school finds priest and nuna fighting side by side.

Bing sings five numbers includ­ing Adeste Fidelis, while Mias Bergman sings a Swedish folksong.


Holdovers, in new productions*, are the ruje in night spots hera and hereabouts. New faces may be noted here and there, new re­vues occasionally.

t ' -The Pagoda's array- of talent

still is carrying on, with Jack Soo, singing emsee, and Florence Hin Lowe, contortionist, aa highlighta.

«r-The Cotton Club promises aa

all-new personnel in tomorrow night's opening. Several surpriaea are indicated.

t r -Billy LaMont will emsee tha

Federal Gardens new personnel, opening tomorrow night. It in­cludes Betty Snowden and Rita Simon, dancers; Dixie Brown, rhythm girl, and singing Marion De Arde.

Case Nova will have the exotic Princess Nina, with emsee Ollie Hodges also presenting Peggy Lee and the Three Kansas City Kitties.

At the Cocoanut Grove. Renee Grant, exotic, is spotlighted. Bet­ty Marshall sings. Amateurs taka over every Friday night.

If* East Aurora's Old Barn ia head­

lining Ann Arbor, exotic. Jimmy Caz, comic-emsee, also introducea Marion Beals, comedienne, and Gay Warner.

tr-Holding over: The Madhattera

at Cafe Aloha, in a new produc­tion; LaRae Valley, at Lackawan­na's Bon Ton; crooning Don Evans, at Brogan's; everybody at Havana Casino, in a new revue.

t r * New here and there: Jean La-

Verne, impressionist, at Club Rain­bow; Madalyn Palmer, character dancer, at Larry's. . . . For danc­ing: O'Day's, Sammy's, Norm'a and Club 670.

Romance at Riverside Too Young to Know and Mexi­

cana are the Riverside's movies for today and tomorrow. Northwest Mounted Police and Kansas City Kitty are aet for Tuesday and Wednesday, and Dolly Sisters and Pursuit to Algiers for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Esther Williams, Joee Iturbl and Xavier Cugat's orchestra will top the cast of This Time for Keeps, with Lauritz Melchior and Jimmy Durante also in it.


RAYE Character Dancer Out­

standing in Dancing Thot Is Dift*r*ttt


OWENS S** M*r (a th* Original

S*x*tic Oystsy Bant*

DANCE to fhe Music end

Com*dy *f th*

6 Madhatters Music in th* Spill* J*n»»

Mannar Near Th*m a* a Sarb*r

Shop Quartt


Ynur Hosts

Rita Milazzf

1 L - * * * S I Carl Baraiti W m BON TON


t j _ % A / Bringing You th* B*st Inter-™ O W K,,nm*nt AvoiloM* in First As>p*aranc*s Only—Exptct Show at th* Bon Ton.


Sensational 3rd Wuk * LA RAE VALLEY

AND HSR LIVE RE'TUIS 8h*'i Amulng In Hmr Walrd D«no* ef

th* Reptiiu. I n Her in th* Spin* OhM ^g D i t T M Of T M I PJtW&onA

First Buffils Appeerane* Opening Tuesday

* BILL WILSON «m«iinQ W. C and VentrltoouHt

Alto""rirTT"Loc*l App*aranc« Opening Tuesday

*GERALDINE MARTIN Beautiful Shapely Acrobatic

•nd Speed Tap Dancer We Specialise in

C H I C K E N - I N - T H E - R U F F Yeur Friend and Hoet-EDDIE SilTZ

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