New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-09-28 [p...

Ba» ff oti t et. Thr I*a*tt " Hat"ofm **** -M>kk W-t.s-i. trVe, ilkt ml. UV* rarem «rot wiu, pwirtiaaee* i*»ecaer., r ¦> U-a.r., La k.aiuavat lo-w ,.f ««».r**'"' K;v."- V',' Hefte» Of <ba en,a ..f Rr ad-a. aad ."' «>»-"-. "1 Wi Brote« l. ti> ir »f oiateat av« .».**. . Trar.ay Kai ah.h .fc-J"""" . .l-».a: aa, 1 P. rha-r-dfrm t. aew* .**.»« * h -. «h'-'. .»» ra, WO* I ret, .r-d l.iber .'..* »» *' f . .**" .a i in r. .»..» .'. "».»«'.? .'* '. r » a aa ao ' is* »tri »» tl «. p»' til i ar.ful .u.'e«d*»o tha tmAn aid .**»*».»». <*¦« r "' ' " I, w aj, ef erbt » .»» . «re tboja t, »i' Sik! tVi bad Ml). '»»if «r*»'*"" r' it>«n «r* i.r **>¦«*' «-d .'. he < ¦<««.»«* r' ,1 '* ^ * * 'l< <"** »are» era * kkee»d»ej. ¦»'.d p'' 0 u ba» »- b . IM .I .haar *h» -eriti u . ar- f <- i t a- Kv->v ha-' -a'bla y, fmtklorj. vi ran t M wai » bau. m*ho Ol r. . r "Taf:Afiv <* Oo 'I FftiX FaMtiov.Thn t'iba<-rir> .ro am * i 1H-!'»>."','¦ I kl «veevAea** «labUaatJ , iar- larly ece4*iu. tb« ta.l St i * -.- : ...,.« Kara. O'.r et» btaa-ata a-f" l'r pab k »eoerel.a, aar th'f-k be Dar aar,, a>« *«rt with *ea ale r arc* riual tv <>f in Hi a .ntrol'irevf ht na tat <h* prraeo' Am-imn, tu m ih neat, ei-eatce and durability Ii bat oere- Wart MtrawMwA K B..Wo oder dajferatit »ix«!*, >f Uaa aana* atf a. a: i.S ¦ ex>t pnoavo* Llaav b Co.. Aarrar Hceaa», RroaJvray. Yum OaVia Hai kok thi r tu. . i h* »i,« i»- <>f itu highly bai'hed and'fu. Kl a-'oor uvaperf-cJi « th tbr faahbti M ihr tr'tutt <a generator-, a on-ee Ii eVafc*a «aar» ¦aaj aa a bappa I f. In-* ta u<' ninviijtf ab -et it. or tae < .«.uery. be a'jl» l< iu>e' aod »et »ni neoi'a hr in ML Oktia, Um, <l« Br iad«e», oppaante et. Pan a FALL MilM oi HAT* .Ufuili-imn are rt-irieit' od t< eaoavjiae La a a'» P«i Mira, »t.ith cao. >t b* eaoeii A »Drleeldiaa>* aooav'rca are r,l a Iba BMM loa» trire M AA 1 laat. I'* r Ra*. rtj A Irtaak., Co'uar ot CaU- aaa aad Pearl «ta _ 1 Faij. p'asjiiiiN....Tbr proprietor af thr» \\>»t paektapoal i.i No iJ* Caaa at aeM ».tei'ioo te h.a .>» at laat Pal1 e*«r.i< u 'or MaTi; an a la *»h an e?aim n* to a ir aaa al oaoara, «ananla 'tre> tu he ! «In, a.raaer, ai'a' e, ar.d wlat kj ratoofl) «ea«>i,rla» 'r.«ho'"* J W. KtLi occ. ¦aaotTA'l t lei'lny il i. ir. i i f-irj<-> Hat* aa l Täte, ab* '*d>e-' aoi I hi :r i'a Braver Ho'.n»!« at'-a' a « < r'.a'.,a>* ., on.l «-th f'lt aatlafaT'liO «a add tbal a> hia piare Sa -Ot «».] at.. very *jp-rt aride* la that Itter caa te boitabt al the tn M r-*«jna*ia prvr TO Cl-OKr Hl vi.u.-m ('li.ilüM; Tbr. fttta-tl- tkVa of Coeo'ry Iroa'a-a in Ci^ta ux ta akaTated tt tbe >ar*e ¦rbnlraa r «i<k i M»a'.a-.d Cil-' I lui.i.i, *. t'-H'ar«. Ii ..» of P. L R<" >kl A Oda, a tn r of Kt!t " aad v ataan aaa. Th» a»at»naU o* their f*L>. an* Wrjrffca fT*X a havi a b~-n paarfdiaard kVr ea-b a a d«- »,t.i«l mark-t, 'Oe* are enabled to .all m eboreaale at p-irea avaal «orvh UkM M oadaratkca* et ( oarolry Merorianta tu artum ra<-epn»aa -an et *M A call «U-ited. Y L h > ' '. CaUMKl 3ltMt k> »tTH Jmm-v aj a >1 I. Towlc A Ca, «t.l ea a . a (Xoaaaaad TaLMaa In fiatia M'-i e An ja*, v i'ret *o 1 Cia h, aav *t)ia* and caoioe e BT», Jt ^rir-w. COLOMria» 'atL, So IS O'anl-a». 8EVAITTOPOL CA1-TVUL>! -Hl Kit \ '.>>\K VktL reo|» L>d. Iii -' hii hn-r ''-P». a aal tvi»rt. Paanioko, iViS, a *>oe. tl «ndl. ir' dum « 'I.r iartet' an leal Baaat ati« a ol readr-ioade t'-ot ov. .».-r r-fere 1 ¦ b f>«ad ot Dt Ih mtk loa*!, «her tatba I aeni-r*!, »ad * aaelraja A every nVariipn tic-i. .»carl-iiot > a: aJvai.ta.e. Keairao-^r OaVA Hai L Vn. It and i^V CixPiiiiM. a i i.k.*s tu t s Hilf P»h r.-Fme kaabinaab'» Pre « ant Proa k CotTt, a*. ribbed Beaver Oraa- oaTl Ali t*'*ry l'aaataaeie ' aar*, of Diarvl i f I* d tf-rei.t paiirn* af aff|ftrh »Uk VaaTa. OR Kvaaa l Gl 'ihtn» rV'are- Ovuae, No 0k and 6t Ibil-m at. SHAkklJ*. Shaw i s . aVtll benpt'nt?ai Tlll< MORN- '*.. a large unvi.ire ( f Sh« WLa ci rrpri irr ch iia .-»H %wt v triaaj ab tu # 4, Br». be I im« and d.iaare prititod ( aebmer- and Wool riHaa ta «bu h alTJ ha ofl-tr'. a »real l araab « H. A aL E. Tum Li A Co., Coiambiao Htl!, No. a*l (irand-e*. " TllK (>i.i> l'i kl i '.We have now on hami, At car celebrated old . and a «tue« of Pail »nd «ThttM ITHII ., uiavnrpoaaed lor al a U- onu cb*|>ne-m he an» oil. r h -uee iu the tiooe. Dtrtit t laaaaf, No*. 4* «n* H laaaat, aaa \ in.L SllJa,«.' ,Mh> > A M E TOWU aV Co. hare awl received * »plendid at *j| if rial can* and t heo» > npe Mil... ¦,<¦¦,.'). al »I per aard. Coni'vaaiaa Ilant. No. 3fl 3r»nd it. |1viioTh.if jou want your feel keptdnraaati «ort» tha «rtti'er, rail on on. n-ifl'b .'Rr ai.l, No If? aaaa.u «*. baatbe bneat lot «<¦ have evr- «a«a <-' Bad>hrh dole Leather tor '*-*tei praof Bi-( ¦ a V"« ton «»e oil hie differeut ate lea anacavg lue i«* 'ruin laalaally aaiahitad Uadtel Boom te tha Pilau Patent I.«athrr k> aoi . nai u*a* baa inereaeed in aha 1aal tkirteee ve-ia lite leal Weekly edi'ioo. I lasdiea and tienileuioii vi«:ciu»; thi city wiah'iu' :111r kVaail) ami p y . i Bi-. Ta «. d BMI IkwllMaa uiut > *avj, ran bar a l*j,-«ni handum- aaara-tnent if al t .* aori.iul .tylra eseel enl ta nualiit au t awlarali ¦« price, a' J. H. MiLtta A Co.'*. No. IM Canal at, N H.-Wao'eao'e o d bei«. t'Mill. is' ('a KIM l> " I' Bpleattld f.tgl'.h Braaaei* I pat yard; .'«.tau yard* of hata- ttfn Ingram a' i* * and ' par}! t Oat t l'Tin al Jf». A/ aad 4/ per aurd. at the trr«. Cef«)at Katahliabment of a III ae aatia.xia, Oaa tkf auvrery. IhlMIH tuNa, liiNM K M.lyi, 1 RA Skim, aVc . of «er own toaporta i ¦ lor ealr at greatly rrdacrad rate. öle», Poiiaa and Biedre Fiaare«. W. J. f. Oaii ay A Co Mark a Store*. No*, all ana KSi Broadway. J't\.v> (in. ri -' vm Mnu Huns' blaanfar nrrd by Jon« e. a'att a Co.. Ko nij anal a i.i- Varfk-el. Pa By warranted f c loa«, and e jrkiuauah-.p *-;uaJ to any la the city, «ad J*1 pet eea*a '-. th n Kr aadaay pnoee N. ft,.Ptonoa toned and pair-d or eaninngeX Seeond- baad Piano* ai «real twig oVaa (iABCuani)P.i ikrs, Bhai KkTTs, fVc.Tlvalarajeal atwiarttneaal hl N*w k ork. N-ar and 'wantifai m.'Uj i of Er-oi. h tod Englah manataci'.re now np- uirt. W. J. r Hau ? y A Co Ma'Me Store*, _hie*, bdl aad do BrWway BROfa/R Clock and Fiot'Ktus . v'arit?ty im- meaee, atyle* o-w aid beug dapluatea ao« on ethihiiioo ia the CcyataJ Palter. Pari«. W J. r. DattkV A Co Marble Storei. Noa 6»l and h13 Broelwey. (,AkU*ETiNt;s..Pt.l t ('SON A III Mt'lll'.l'.V. N.i. IBB Bn-edaty. f ««. ju«l upei n! and n..e vi Ilata, a a-a-and «i i. lot i'f Ri h bai »in Caart t at I. i-n-ri tribal t atina esuai:> .-w. Ptttaans A Hi «raatr. rao 3?» H.oe.'ver Jkt»i)ii«a.jet auil OOaLU JrWELAT, 111 ijrfat «aneiy Akte. I'aiaaol«, t\.a>h* Ymw. Bioahei, Bag , Partei. Ar., ei lb* Jrwelry end knn-i tiin. ia Su-e mi Ooaoojgg Hciaao- «aa|k Ta.wh«»-t Nt 81 tirade«j, corn»r of Sprin« »t. Sim.iks m»ivii Mwnisrs..W« BRra tmt rk-tatuoofa aaaatAjM t«' "a.. Ir-"'« a .J .-oatotu-ra that «*»re mm »-tot an.! hMiaJootytiikdJ dep r uv-t t «it i p»».b!edj»- peuA The Inlivala.-t'oi: f o»r loiprived MiCNitti, niaalng m.«laaable iperal. and ».. u. «¦. t th* . . .rk . da*, haa ea ii t ui <r tyjfAaf MBW» h<» aa aboil bar-d. i.b. .; .. weakly Bfi ...' ol Ma,h.mat, aad a.U aeppay al o .'era pr rnp- a _ I M. Si.,.. A Co., No J.** B.oadarty. 11 rTLi'a Kmpoiidi or lagtiab, Preurh, Oenaea and American f l 111 Hutu, Soiutili, in Tott, No. *egj> Broadway. Bells' Belli!.Mlin rlt's crcbiated Bulls of oil dawnptnu it hand »r,,i .- _ UitmiiKh A alo , No. IIS Broadway. Ai iniN Pi tn H vm ¦ -1 r-tich i biua lVa tnm\ IHak*akV*B,V»«e»^ Teirai ,-rt. t'onon Kur» reo, BlawtXanta» China Wi*~«««.-t ... >.-«,ti, u a- a ,ow praea D*vi» t on axoai, N. IC .'r idway, I al Oioad at lMtNOf*..Horace \Vau * PitMjs, narioav in thear Imrevtwnaeal of o<noa and w*M atrne* t length of aaa.* aad pewar of tuao -raioal to the »r:a; IPha»»i| I O bert A lava ri-lo* atlh or a.ihvUt tha .f.-liac. Ulli»«*, A Coov tti«'« Pltvoa \\.a."»»rd A S-.wce, . Pitwraa, and of hv» ,'t'j :-e. Ihm Ttri .v . . H orrove Pl*a..> f «> 1 a' Se -. J f>; a .. «., t«riea*a»a (treat karg-«aa.picea *r,ui tju* |a A «t I' i u twat alioarral purr.tar* Piiao» Im aal« o:i monthly l^vanrota. Sv . »g.-cy af "t 0 »II W Sciilh . kliioumvi, ('**»* Iba eqta t. .r peraaoect Ea-k in« »meot f . a.anteed to gtraratTkre eaawafaatiea ot par<-Saar new. _UoBaca Wattaa, No. AS Broadway, ithtirvhe*. manu traf uinca aud taiLilitM ry»ouirLa£ .atarj |cw artv.1 aid rm.-k. Mm Hohl TOtT uv».«T ear..-.-, a m eae fa^auth th* eaienae of candlaa or barnioa fluJ or* 'xaitaal le eaeaaiee ai.d ire tri rattar rot »rata taar» *»t> ..-ctTnj 0tt_ Every atvdeat and ram* r-» ta «t d h»r» oar Ma.'i * m v . s .- p.».t4»,- l HkitNlt. *\>> im s'.Vnl Swtrii.O til MkKMI A la. hj the Ir du*, .a 1 i i.bui at af ai Nauoo* 'ot toeu or m *a'»al Radi.u Hi. Tavaa K fer«er«a *a tu :i .u-'-'rt tr!-« - Pufamui Vaenune Mot, Wu.trai Parier aal .' aha. M. Car- I .vban ae rat. aiv-tlet of utua** .>' i.-ei vt:.* ar.'. d.her rat^eiue* raarad ky tha Iruaa maa a*- atva at Mltaa A C c'a, » l| biataiew oa New-Vo-k, an l M at-M, Coat aaa A Co '*, »Vu itbaf. vln«H-i.*tl,ob»o npen fraia? AM. ojni J P. tt Hf.i.'cw «.\ s hi lb iMt OiHltttHT vn.> rur Ria« or Saaaiaia l'eeo,.a»»,a wa* gitea (be P*-v*j re ten te^aay) At %m *al* >. tU to ru-ith a trjta-4**, ,v f. ,u. Oicaa. in c.'**a«i ra.r or 1..« kla «ett briag oa-ed. by ik-ir m*-*«. »f*i u...- i tbe 1-g A'a .* ai-n ,>t tl -«r anil raadir »''Wrc |»^.r n.lrtea t. f , , ^ S 1 dfir t ta'v'rrtw at-T b> MaieVav *cr N w V rk, and Na ?14 Bt-aad. 5 aad by all Dratc- ». ». P* ce-ra »?; at am «ad el pw ia- box. l)v. k K FTTxMi, author of " Six L^rurtyToo Crairarepgaea.** Ut. Otbca Nda * 4 Bnariwjy ope* dady iSaa- da* M.reeved) : .am * antil ' ».i -r taC. a* i upocvo \- - bwk lha«a eaof the il-avt. t d all Carcci. ''daaaaa at Ma'M »»d P amoli Coarraltaiw fee. "WktattTWHitZ"v. - >~vi tl v*e $'0 WM a w«yaoahaada rha Maneta. . '. i No. Ma*rawB>Vaaav. Üaatwtue« in *>-1 .' i i gnol eig at toiper ot baa a » barter article at the oba r- aai*. lakmrwt 7 a 'baa at avid ai th* *xlrav*4*ui B .'a.'.w a a.or** for |e, Bart aod fn 14 tr**!*. bard*. »art*. Ac. «¦>. a*al» uvd pata . Wi*,. .vi » r*aa BtTt HTUrlt's Htm l> «'f.. Wi aMO To i'grr-.s. -Tha beat hi tb* trot d. the adaikraraaa of *oo->o.^eu-a. toe aery of lrnko.'i ia Bold er«, tptalled at No SO Br^adartr, tauae paliqia rfiwawl TV* tarre« atjrok ef V .,« »ad T -«rae** *.e Aatarloa. Aha , BaTcaaLoa * M-aa-Batta Caaaa.ferpr» aerraa* «b« a.a. H. T. Lovan's Waeiltjir.Aa IrMiu ViAgetAv- ta» ptaaMMea, wvJ reel, rw gr-y hair le it* yertb tv n q«ai "ca ead cave balgaata Coll at'No Tktt Broadway and mm IVtZZ*''**' ^ ««j .>»*«»«» kv kMkS. Beodes'sFetp. r ahd Acer. Ccue. Or AlTioert t* Sunn, TtM laotr -nr* of »tritt to Hy >ae C*imiC4Tt or Kui. tt. .türm I <irr». bo J«Mt. K ( hilT'.o M D, And lira »aar ,.f *h«» to r«r.»«# By tke T *??>* ai i*~ioy -ab:t-Jt«-A No Born i.»n Haaa* Or Fvium Leo«, Or Trio hi . Mr*» %*i n»aiaieat«»T», Or Otttut* Or T :...iir. ( »«»-irtTiofI, Ceo t f>oi. !.«*.¦. In Han ui itaictu At'nir:* tly tree o«. ea a fII M I ! ' i ot C v a » fmt Px»la »»n Ater Aad ALL DtoVAAM Lii wo tr* e-.r arbv a ATMCtraetic Poiaoa I .. a A«tid*>t*, Pronu'iofrd aj fey Bi i«»ca, Pn.ard ao by Kin und. Tb** woodrrfei cir«. < eat iy p/>«r-rt«l tad kaaoeaal. araou fearmed Bv na'ar* 001 Ol hy t> r-.i-re o 1 »kr k<mui ftmBy wjo ait, a>0 It, fl in u liar BM ei bait t d. at to .a 'y f»»d .»rh by oxnrv y rj - rardiat a the rrvttmoat abeteer acieo- m< or to pi v> t~ »oejeatee* .Wroeti«* J ira. Oto. H. Hi»iv tVh^p.»,r '.ri it. No IB vv»i^r»».. »od'ar rat» ay C. H. lil.r,, aUruit A reBB, C V. I':.icum A Co , Willi A Co.. tkrooaJyo, M a. M. Havtv. aaa Un*«k.t« «10 eialiy. _ CatniY Vm.if.y FrMAl.P A wiimv .WintiT irrnnarli tearrwre« Nor. 1.«** C. 0. HtZtLTltk or J. A. fo«Lti, P-inclpU», Cirrry V ,1 'y. N. V LfNiKiNi.-<.i.\--i>. f o't the Fall Tiude, At trratly reduced pr<'*. bairr» ort liititrd to eiajr. <iax Meet lrat?r» purehaiil r- «ra,h"ra RiiHttut, Kiimuid A Co., Mannfert. IJ, Mo '0 lie* b»re-«l Scar-Tori. Famh v Mehh inf. J>epui. Wl....reel* ind Retail. Baaata A "ui. Mo. bm Hrt>a»ay. -.. MrM Doarie tt, aiTlit «inet. ('RiPTArHiiu»'.«- H MR DTK, Whtm au.l TW i'i.» «and prtrinitrnt »bor* a! . or. p»Mioo A .ait* of el*(*nt j r »»t> ipuin-nii l>.r ipplrnr btiura-m Uli. -hat .a;-at eurdord *rt:r.e o' it* kind Ut uifboo'. bo *o' A Hi* n-« .ryV*at Wiee tmt Taavrtai »-« »e wart"» ttoefct Whoi*«ei* tL» retai. at CanTinok. No. 6 baker Uoi«e Cahy'm Botabit Fomcz-Pvmt .m> Ftbvv Kv.ivk, Ail*ptrd 'o any *i.d *1J rime- opr.. Lia.nafafircd tad ni l by Ctar a Btaitaan Broekrr.rr, N. T. Alao by J. C r»*T. Dffi-e N«. fa* Rmadway. N. T. n [DAT, 1:1 88, 1866 Alone article t'n toe new Am«»ri -in OpBtaV, ].' p Vau V inkli" at Niol> 'a GartjeB, ha«, beea er-irftleii out by thr* foratfd and oth-r ae»«. RF.rt BI.icamn3i I\At (il R\TKO. A borfe »ork hit been accouipli-hed th« fiieiid* < f Kfrub ii'aa Frccco d ar ^>rtC'l^e. A , -tty ha* W< d oraHDlzed on the 6a- . of <>jjpo<U tu n to trc t xtcu* on of 8!iv>ry in tur cojn'ry. It I a* I ».< :i < rgaDizr-d in «<b''^icn<*e to th-* »eat'- iri tit of a large ciajority tf ihe {.Hup'*» o," the Stute. It in the reamlt receanlt/. We have §m liu.ittt <J to Ike bi.*k;r» »aiiiut of the Slav* I'.iwer Ion»; t'liouiib; vie matt n w .-,.» tipoa thed'fea- Bitre; uiurt toi*7 bo.. ly o OW our piinc pir*« and mdt'RTor to cany them out, or *it an et y Coab and jitU imyl'c t o>. d eure to tk»re- mi tt* of »Li BffTeaB#ra, The Free S'.atet l,iiH t.en fi reed iuto the pixi.ion whi-'h they are ROH nbout t occup». We Are not disloyal to thi- Ft i"d, but we do d< t l'ke Slavery; are lonthe it; heure we object to bsin^ uaed for iti » xif :.n< n and »u, {<ort. There appear* ti) b»»e b"en butoae aentiment ta thib tubject at Sir»curje. All pirtiet c io- cidt-d id opiiiioa that the tune fof aetioo.defi¬ nite, Oerided, oaerget c actiou.1. ».! arrc-d 1 hey uccor^mgly lud aaide former partia.itiet, a j abondoned old paity >. it .'o-. for the parpaBe of Addtatg aireotly the boorod ciu*e of iTeoBoaTl (.oil liun.ADi'y. After a fr.»e inter- ebaofo of » tie foliowtur/ ticke, for ISco'i* > fJicera wao uii-inttii t»lv agreed nryoo: he, Strrr:-n 'thttt_PKX*TON ktV...<ifSt. L-w.rnca in. t M. COtIK, fSara oga rca I.rat*,,-.A'.*X. B « ILLI VMS rf Warn«. f.r "laari, CatWavl_\ I 1J a d M »n >i. ' ., of Uor»>n« t cr tome Vm .»«*»" »r»..DANt« v OldWLL. .' Unoial.'o. y r ..toi* riTjrhrr.OEOROE i«ED »EO.of Onvt.ioa-a r 1'rtt a 'nryr, r-.r WES' EV BAILEY ..'(»nr. rr ftdir f.* a4 .«*» 1 r-R vtikMKn TL WOOD, oi \ b*'y t i08kpi1 Ml'LLES, of jederaoo. . R.-r luor lerti. I ftW ,h.-rt t.; u. Tbis ticket would be a rtrooti one unier any ci-cumaUtcerJ, but rep:' * ut ug th-v feeiing it ill aaa, it cannot fnil of beinf* acceptable t . all vabo »refft Freedom to 81aver). l'KESTON KlM i< too well Kr «van to lave people of tae State tu requite aiy ptrtic ilar indi>rneuort. Si )* siooo, at the time of tj«« Annexa¬ tion of Ttia«, while occupying a »est in the House of itrpreit ntatire", be took hit ttao 1 in oppoaltii'B to tbe rp.roJ fi Slavery, and bat rtt adily ndhered t<« teat p. tition from thtt time to tbe prett nt. Mr t'i">K. who it re-tioaitDat'. d for tbe o:Fee of COBeaTOUar, haa tho*o himteli" a faitbfa), aiflaOni pnhlic otüccr. tie hat the confideLceof all who Ro >w L;m AniJAH MtNN. J'., fo.'taetity yeara an hoa- ored leaJer of the laadical !>.":. '0-ac». auJ Iatt year a prou inert champion in the "!)»ft" State ConveDtioD, ad unequivocal opponent of the Nt bratka Kannaa loiquify, it noaioated for AttorneyCenera!. I: XI. Bissr LA of Livin«r«t<>n Vv. ha* altu been aa active uai UadiuR l>em*v erat in hin county. Wl H I I 1> ULKT of Oueida, formerly aa Abolittoaitr, hit acted with the Van Huren Ptinicracy iince 1849. CiioRuc Ol DDatl it widely known ai for two term a mo>t ibielliiient atid capable Senator from (.'nondAEa t'cunty. He will make RI faithfjl mJ ligfltal a State Freierer ai John T. i lark, whom h-< Diott rrlaetAQtly *ueceed».a b-tter coulJ not be. We knew that tb * i* Mr Ue dJei'i opinion aa wt 11 at ourt, and that he Would taladly bate de. Ciioe<< the unaoujtht nomination c>uld he thereby bate iccureJ the retention of Mr. CUrk, but that it u!u nor b». Mr. W'i u tvs, tb'.< nominee !«.: Treardrer. a r.>«t ">nt ar i popnlAr V. kie. who waa ail but c>in-.nat»»d for Can*! Cou.Ui;i»ioner b*t yea', aal probably w«>a!l bate beea in a Whig c'onvt- t.i'n now: but, m the two rottminrionrr* mho hold o»er ttrs V'bigi, t wsi th' beat t.< nam . a Dem-»erat i*.'T rhia pa »'. and ::. ke Mr. WIiIIbbbB Treaaurer Fn.vxti tiRu K. Wtx»d wat, like Preston KiNi-. oce of the three D m -crati froui t3 » State who :e»:ited i-.- Annexation of Texai acd cemindf J gaarantt'ei that thi« act «hanld Ml .^u'e to the »d>adtace cf Niarery. Tho-^<R alataya a Democrat, ktr. Wood tut unoe ttaiod aj oof from art'to poli; '.1 li/e. and lait Fall Itjiftllld « l lark, ai Lie caniida:e of ftbj> perauce aad Frcodon. He Laj bva for^ moat n the Teuperarce ctua* for many ; i-f, and. thonih ut late retired trom prac- fi.e. ti I lonnd and capable j irist. JosEril MilXLN iWhi«) kaa ritea frooi po**rry and ob'cnnty to a »ery hi#k rank a; the t »x of oar Sute. aid wte cteien to Con^-en .'rom Jetfcr- ton ilouety ia l-.t\ in the face of a itroajf parry m>jonty UTtrto to kim. He wai a faiUfal »ad tea-te»! inpparter of tke Wdmot ProTieo and kindred tneaeoree thr, ^h tie .Vv.X^ CoBRreoa, dffliriag a rre e«tif>*. lie ku *tBc* b*ea a cta d <*«ae far Jattte* »( th-ri«/r*«!» OtfjTt, »ed i«o ftr efcetdaf tae Wfcig .tr»c» v., lb «*g», over¬ borne b* tb" *tr»aj I>-n..* Mati «najan*, it ev-« -y 0a«jt*7<f *he>DMrtet, n- w-i »1. ..-iiy a saaarior ia the C«-art af IfMall la «fort: th* P»at»»rrui* light ti« TleWt 1. »tr- i f, e*d ike Bwafl VtU raUfj thea bita by an «. »« rait -lame Hi»jer If. ..¦ TftH FAIL OP »KVA-TOPOI.. Ar>er a year af »aiying fo tuee* aad terrible ¦atTe'ibf, the f'r tL-ta MaaMffB kas «t last ree< ke" Ita turaii-g-.»liot. Fr» fOi tie l»t last, to tke-ta tke F'ao-ian tfJfflff)«if atiof BtwMl admit that cta-id»*iibe damage bud b--«n Ajajf to tke line* af Bf'MNpil by the allied fire, aad Aft the dam«*;« Iff! *eeo repur-d "eeirn»cba» po#*iHle," aod ne more «unally, - 1 nt.. tit :-N>f tha A pie*, al aTaBBjd I ;r af ttf afitima iran defeated at oae, car¬ ried two, but *et> agiin ooai^*!'"! toie.'e th u . tbfvghfie* fafltj ma'nt t'nrd th»m*-lrei io tfe fourth, aod *h*t wa* Bbeel imp >-taot, oa the Malakoff Bill. Thi lau of thi« p .iot forced the BlHttl fi the 9th to march their traoa* froa tha aavhol» tf the ti>>r:i-ro u ie, atd thus to abandon tb-< town <<( Sera»to,i after having exploded th>-ir oit4\2 do«, boffi u|> »be bo Id 1 ga, rained tbe defenaive wo ks by -rnbjiiog iuidu utder them, htj 1 BtMHOlteiL, to I e (i-n. P*li»»ier'e wo'ds, tke who e pla^e into »n mm t.»e blazitg furnace; they al»<> burnt tleir st'-am-r», sank their laet ab:?s of- war, eno naali/ br«-ae op toe briige near Fort Peal Ike if c msiderab'e re. nforüentenN alfr 'he batt e of the Oh-rc/i, musl ha?e rv> I e\td the Balled Generali fr. m any appr-h'O- Bion i'd the sere t-f the Ku->»i»a army at I .her- cimc; for, tCi-u^h even tbJ reinaipder of tar Ith ani 6»h K-icaitn division*. be»id-the, t*u t piona of f»rena4:er«, joined that army, t.:e Alii. -.v.-re now .0 a positio-. * v '-" 1 ce*iftl'y on) number of n,ei the K i««i»n-* could tbio» a:n>sa Uie C'hernaya; while -n>n»;hofal- Ii» a llffpe would remain to ca-ry on tue *;ege, and t-Ten tu atttaip' an »aiault. It must He off* foeoed that tbe French Government hai n>)*r b»en txceeding'y prompt ia lending to the Cf tufa a num!>erof troop* fu ly adequate to tbe iJjtriin rti forcemeuti al » »ly taere, orou tie morth fr« m 1'oNnd and Vo.hyuia; f >r tha nera- ber ot the Frebch furcei diapatcbed to the Boat liuce ihr kegillilg of July, tnuit amjunt to at leait 60 OOti Frder theie circumsUncei, the Engliih and Fr>nck advanced mortar bttterii>» being in good working condition, thetren'-hei vterr puibed up u> the cit-h, under the protection of a ni: >roui fire. Ho* near the advanced treochei w««r» ea- tobiiibid, ai>d wLetbera compl-te fnaradf| of the glici«, sfcnidum arttm, WMfCOfl pMr'ied, we do not yet know Tüfiring more and more ar»utL-rd Ikeeherartrif ef b ie»;ul>r b.> RfardoMtet aid etrtical ore wa« iBof aaffally ta.oJe u«e of to ftBder the plfoe un'e-niblo for 1r'k'» bodio« of troepa. ti'l rns'ly tbf a**au t BTM »rdeffai, Od the Metnel»n. tbe Kuaaimi bad laat Spriog cobit.-uctcO' a lumber of fireproof and shell- puiof ri-ropi tui- Me with tbe aid of trareriei aiid bl bdaoii lh »e contrivances gave capi¬ tal pto'crtion a* .vii at 'he enemy'a fire, bu; when tbe asrau t waa made, it wu touni that no room Lad been 1* ft fui concentrating a luift tient num¬ ber of trot'pa for tbe Uefen«e <»f the work. C«ia- pMtment after coinpartnient. defended by a fo a tu« a < nly, wai carried by the French, and at once fonted a rend} made lodgement for them. Tfce lame tnlituke appeari to hate been male in Ihe completion of the fef^nie« 0'the M >U- k< fi. The thing waa overdone, and wnen tbe Frrrih once got hold of the cmitnar.dlng point of tbe bill, tre huaaian work* thennelvee muat affo ded them protecnon against the Kus- .inb fire. The Mtiftu (Daahaff No. A) aad the R'-dan of tbe (.'iirrrnict; Lay iHaatioa No. 1 of the Kui- BifBf) being fitifftej ou more level ground, did not admit of the terraced batterie» and compli¬ cated dtfenif'S apphcible to the Mai alao J. Here, therefore, a simple coupure appear* to htve been made in the interior of the b tstioo, cutting.' orT the salient an«-ie arjd expoitng tti inter'or to nn overvabelmiog fire. Tbe troopi for in defruie c< uld thu* be plsced further to the rear, and the interior of tke work protected by lalliei from tb» eoupure. In consequence of this arrnDgetneet, which wai cf tae kind gen¬ erally adopted hi auth caiei, the Engliih linea and the French column* ordered to the assault ff tLeie poiitioui could indeed peeetrite beyond the all but abandoned outer wall ; but when there, face to face with the coupure, they were crashed by ita ffffff ana musketry, and had to dive op the assault. Ai soon aa the MalahotT waa carried, Gea. de Salles, cn the French left attack, made an atttmpt to establish himself in tke Central baa- Don (No. .'), between the Fla,;*ud and t>uaraa- tine baation« ) He waa repulied. We are not informed whether this as»au!t waa undertaken to bia own responsibility or whether it formec part 0/ the original plan. Nor do we know bew far tbe proximity of tke French trenehei to the bastion ju»tiaed such a detach?d ard hazardous attetrpt. Toe fact of tbe Malakof bill being taken, at oico foirrW tbe turning point of the atraggle. From all the preceding eveata of thii remarka- b e liege, it waa to be aiticipated that tbe F-enrb. if properly aiive to their biiiaeis, were Ml in the Ttu oteat danger of being d-iven aut of their new po*it.on. The Malakoff complete- y f mmaid* it e Kanae'Baya aad the eaitern *icf e ef the h.ll on which tke town of S-vaito- pol wail jut. Taking id the rear the tea fort* on tve aontbern tide ef the harbor, it made the wf elf of the inner harbor and the greater part of the outer harbor unteaable to tke Kuuian .hip* of w»r. By the fall of tke Malakoff tke |c<a nai'y of tke defensive liaea of Sevastopol became ltterra^kd at that very point ijk»b .Mfl tie security of tbe whole wu depeadatt. Tke poifOstion of tae Malakoff, therefore, meant tke BfajffaajM ff Karabelnaya, the de- itmctioB cf tae toara by boabardment, tl tsk'ü* in dank anl rear cf the Fug- .ten" baatioe, and the disappearance ef the last ckance of the toarn* holding ont. f\rtatep«; fead l been a fortified camp for a large araay, ai indeed are all modern for* t e-«e». Py the capture of the Malakoff it had sunk 10 we rank of a mere bridge-head to the Kuaaiaa ga/riaca of the north tide, end more tnan tbia, 01* a bridf«>he*d witboat a bridge. It waa therefore wiao to abAfdon it. It ia trie we bad beard a good dead of new worha con¬ structed cn the innf r alope of ihe MaUhvff. with a T'f-w maintain tbe <Jef-n*e or th* Ktrab"l t>»ye, »tW lee* of that fertm>iatt<ii; hat th» v #«j Dot roero L»*e b""e of »»le* eaanj* to inmoe 1 it-ee Qejfi h*k< ti t<> c.iaHnae tu- de- iifie. lli'«t'trr, we ianil n.<* aooa kau* »r*t pal tltw real aafn'e. S air Kassian »a<p* Bad .'rvvir bora » ined ia t*r be*b**f ay «Bell* ira ¦ »««. itaod at""r « The M*i*koh* BBVaa aru.ed ara i'ra*Mt gaiat aoa'a La ». mads it itJkf »I» for tne remataiog Kn*i>iaa »< .«el* to Dud a eafe an.'b"»rag«, Meat! jaot at th» foot ef Porta Nt holt««od 4.1» \anJrr, bi d -here it not room for * g»ett man» Bfn*- th" b'. run g aa<l » tiki g of ike r»*in»isder <>f the licet- Tar Koraoe bb)o tide betut 0 miple-tely ia the hand* of the Al.ieo, they are in a p»«iti>n to naVttole operation* in the field. Though tl rj will n<>t be able to establish many batterte* ar many tr-t^,.- in tbat suburb, oa arc«unt of the lire fn m the m th«'n ah re of the h»rb»r, tke} have »ueceod tn reduce, th" Ro«- t an po.ti. n i f >< ra*tnp i. so man one-half ttt tMrLt be'ore tre -ta ;..-t . find to a fiitress eapabla ol beld'ng but a litvted namber of de- f-uoera. Not on y i< the off-.<(i»tre power of the gattisoii compirtely crushed, but 'tt o>fen*ive tt eDfctk ia gieaily reduced. A far emaller r cl u «u w.l s.rüce to carry oa the tie*', and the ttoopi Ihn» set free, with the re- rDforceaeLtt BOW ou 'he ro id or at toe otm,» -if Masltke, will be available for an expedition to Papatoria. The mo e we examine the rela- tivr posit.on of both Kassian« aad Allies on the CleiAsy», the more evijent it become* thtt intfrr par'y can drive the otöer aw»y hence wit! Ml great superiority and enornioa« aaori- fices. The op'n'ou in tne allied etrnp would setni to be that frous 6 »,i»00 toTi'.OOO men should be sent to Enpator a, ta order to march up- n tl" comiLuuicttioi s of the Rusmos ot .^n pberopol. J»nppo»e the Ritsstaaa to have .j< ..OOOlDeiiBtJli Cnmei, i, wai *h taev certtia'y tave 11 '.) 0 mot Won J be reij tired f«»r the 'eaase <.! ihe North Forte 60,000 tor tie position ft ti e Cheix.a)*, and ti'M-'Mj to m-et the allied army of Knpttoria In tke present spirit of tha aliud forces, it is certain that with equal num¬ ber* and in an equally divided li-ld, they will beat the Russian*; and aa by taking up a posi¬ tion t<n the Ku»s;an Hm of communicati >ns they can force them to give battle, taere doea aot at eta to beany riak in *uco on undertaking. On the ci'Dtrniy, it is probable that the Kassians won d be able to of>p«»ie thi* expeditionary army with but 6^.000 turn at the very outside. Tbe «einer, however, such a movement is un¬ dertaken the b'tter for the Allies, aad if they act vigorously trey may expect great resilt*. Th*J now have both moral and numerical su¬ periority, and we doubt not they will profit by it before auother winter on tbe pltt*au ha* re- dacrd tbi ir number* and damped their (pint*. Indeed the laust report i* that by the FUh it1 c.eD had already Bailed for Eupatoria, and we aball dobtltss hear of a still greater force following. Of tfcese important event* we have a* yet only the meagre information conveyed by tele- urnj i .c dispatcbe*. When more complete de- taila reach u* we «hall return to the subject again. _ THE LATEST NEWS, UDC&wYHl BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. s, kUCÜlB (¦UNVKNTloN-i- VDJOPRNKD. * l'irjtirhto 11.« N. V. Tiibon*. STRAcrsr, riurartay, Sept. C7.IT A M. TLe platform hae faM through tbe WhigConrea- tior, and is under oebate in the Republican. A prohibitory additioa U edaWad, and a motion to lay the tame on tie ttblt- ts> leal by - to iii) is ore change oa the tiiAet. Mr. Htrr.'' iiiih d< dir.- as Cnnai Commi*>ioner and DaJllBX II Bis- .i i, oi I..v i(jg«ten, iopaton. There is now perfect sxioD on the ticket. *rco*D ni^rticH. l e t mtk r. .V .l'be Whi*; Coavection came t> tlie Be| ablieaa a: noou, and the WL g party organization a aa formally .-ajretvi -red. Ihe Temperance resolution wa* adopted ajtboBCOM of tbe m»jorit\. but not put Ln the platform. Niue ».beti> were given for the ticket. Perfect bar- nutiy pnvaiied and all ia o er. A<'joarncJ rim Jit. THK KEPl'BLICAV STATE Co\*\ EN'TH >\. StRt' i-i, rbarsdoy, SepL .c, leiJ3. Tbe Republican C'onvenüon rcaovembied at B:dS o i lock this moruing. B) Rtcr, from the Platform C .snmittee, prtrtuttd a reiee..,' ^-«..'atioD*, which are the same; a* tboee reported to the PFhig Convention. After the reading of the Piatform, Johs W, Srtr- BiKSof klor. roe. Chairman of the Committee, aubmit- t< d tie followiiig: BVAotoat, a an -.* < aaeaataaa of poiitici*a* io thi* Sue tit*- osadr % poity wt' t|«o rh« low profa;bma* trtSc ta a t i caiin« lataaie, taa< wrr«uca it* ratorprctatloa fr m tbe CeatSj tad taaeeltai froat ta* -»pirtnon uf th* p-jpo u will wLkfi data ru ran: BW| thr.-rurr. ha-oStot. lh*r. truly hr. <r'aif th* ir»at pnt^iflr* of pro- I: '.l«o II be Piht, wr ai.l nawt th« aiteaip-« a. m Usmt malr to savetBM a tnal if ii practical worhia* there jf to thi* State. Mr. IrnaatM moved that the foregoing be ap¬ pended to thi ma;otify rep' rt. Atcr diecossion Mr. IiKkilit moved tbat the reeo- kal aa of Mr. Stebbin* be laid on the table. Loet Aje* e?; Bin, - I -. Jadoe Ct l>ia then moved a* an anjeodnxat that tie preamble and resolution of Mr. Stebbins be adopted by theCoDTSLton a* an independent proport ion. Mr Stisi i.v- accepted the amendment to Li* propo¬ sition, and bo* preamble and reeolniioo were adopted by acclamation. He j m-. ae prveeatedby Mr Gkxilft fVata the majortv of the Comnuttee wa* then adopted by ao- c aaBwateav The Cocnzaittee on Nominations, th roach Mr. Ol i * o Kenteeiatr, rvp. rt»-d for BUM officer* the aame aa iLo*e adopted by the WLi^j CoavebUxt, and ..kit »a* ar..-.:« i. A C'eomutfee wa* then appointed io nc ;.:y the Whig Conaent on that the Republican Convention wa* read) to receive the Whig Convention. At 11:49 A. M. the Whi« Convent, a were uabered into Whftatag Hall, and greeted with nine cbe>-r* and pla< t ii .n the center seat*.the member* of the Reparv lis'an Coaveauoo <L\Aing oa ea*ber side of the Hal. Mr. LtTTtr. ,h.« of Oawego moved that the) two Center-tii ne in acion ratify the pUttonna parsed by each C< c vt ct <.¦». Canted by acclar.ation. Sir. Bti aToi" N*ew-Y >rk moved the ratitir-atUra of tbe ticket noniina>d by boUi Convectiona. ¦ A. K v Preeident of the Whig Convention, seatr d by the side of Mr. Fecton, Preaideot of the H re¬ publican C<~aveo»*oa, moved aa an amend ment tbat tbe tckrt ratiied be gives to the people of the State ae a Republican ticket. The aaotkn and aaaen iment were pa** d by acciv rcatioD. Isaac O. Dallo* of New-York moved that the name cf Republican be given to the new party. Paased by etc a matk>n. Mr. fraaTAawM of BufTaio moved that the Preai drn'a of tbe two Conveatrona appoint a Stare Central Ccfnanittee conaiauag of twenty foar. Paaswd by ao c'amaticc. Judge Oaavrs, a veteran Deixaocrat of Herkiaaer, snboiued to tbe united Ceavoniion tbe tollowtag re* 'u'ia#a. wbJob wire B*BJM* te*i to too Plttf Ctea- a>itt>«,«w IM baa " S-'ft Aeli" EMfe CMsewtlaB bw tke Hon. Timothy Jt-tioo **f OasVa. »vi fei>trd by ¦ t>e a »e Hg»t t" e'f I] in »h»t fx***, ? A.aaW T*«* lr» r-re«l f tk< M'MM,< C**a»'>«r.*a * IM ic-aw.*, f rrS Cad tea r»fl« »*>«. in aeo'WB'rk nut tyl ria«iW»l k »' rraNartl a *> ».»*t».i»-'«Tiw-; wiriiml I , ib* li.T* nf <fcr- rati-a* a Baa pr -p» -.» u' ta- . %- ii.p. Itta eetseVd a*the BatataS>auataa>ala .*' p-n-ef .»* .- Bill« »ilur« «inar«t« I a d'a, M|J« »r- ta* ak d ran . k- IBBBB*. 1 . tir-c aar» Ot >V»ir -...«*. Etrr-arirr . .4 11.1 .ul.tbor-ra 'ha art-oe»**« »f«»» .*'...>.?..- 'f- ««'. BJBBBBf sr. B «Iii. 'Mti n.ui tET**» «.»« "ft'orj tad *. .'» tk* raaar whi-b Comf. »*» *''<**** I BB Ba» {abed, ittk laara- f. it U la* b* arete* I .*M f*«0 »tl Rira* n«» ««» mnm *»1'h fasraortl«*«!* ft-' rBt-S-er» th- *.*» -r ft BBM i* b t h.ada by tb* U n-t* t.'» b B* p**i«k th ia .:**» tat'***!*. T»* »»»*»»»* f ihi Tisiataj af Bi- by t»'» i* kiriif .. r»*..'«Br-ik r*-e f. r ItM **J»V*** < <*«t*! ¦* u* ¦ rjsat*BMBt .>» r..'rr Bf I a t*r»r aSbJBI* »!«»» in* r-<r- o< ii-a ra-rval, . i * b* r B b*a I r;..B t)j* El aB*o»a« afft <o'*J-UtnU an~ !i.|«J rival h.l cm oinvr.thou kJ.-v!j tud BatBaMBJI J -de vi -Liwt«D*>ru. a-r Ik* -cl BU' of MB r»p-al »f tka * - ini\Bp Bik',iia :...."t i' »w»«"rf t>. b*waa**Bt* ^-«»riT.t«si In t>>« Pr«o*Ar->t of Uuiu-I t-.. ti ' . :' r«»*«.» of laart by Caaiji""* m pr*»*«t tkau rarurr-jc* , , . A,*.rJ.«f. TS*( .«« prKtWif eon«1'«« I" !*>? F^f** 0< '»« T M or i r rur po«r-.-« f l-«^«'-^ .«>>>*-- ¦ Ik- BBMf n.1.11"/ l.3|i« Ww<f ii r.i c'r - t>-i me >r*n*o »a if it* B«im y fn.1 . of do rxp+ymc. Tb * J «-rnn» n-unnr-l b* JftntK i. bit ko-o ipp-.i»i-* kt L-« ly «»'fy 04tnini*r*-l»0 (.. on -b- l.rr;.0'*'».."*. uf . ilti'miual IB «0* pr-«»tl U«ia T!io*-i* .um- .. f.*« 't- h ¦¦>*¦ *t.i»ovh» Tli* *ppy,io»i«i trnmmtfI» inon b»iM»w*o»bI a bid b** bora to m BBWIbbI} tb*n.i 'nrJ lbt**» riro'te* tue obBouuourtly and t-nthusiBJ- tico''y *>'. ptod Jndge Crn n of Bn»k!yn then t.»k the stand Mi made an e*i<jnenc s; eech on the actio« of th* aereraJ pari»»« tn reia':.m . SaftTery, whi'h was rtther aar- ravtieai y rw» ivtd. He tN>n>,i'idevl by mar»vinr the hre i i . «<«. und hi* ffroration wa* reoeired with tf ntdrts of a| plotwe. Ha aar wtti by Sti U M. BVBBM .'is, who ia- d 'isc-d tie mtSom of the 'wo part'ee. an 1 gavr his a J- b<*.oti thori'ii',-!-;y BatM Rrpnblu fin oaa*-. (Jr-r. Iti kk ti.H- havioir o.»noindn<j, D. Grxkmt. harrnj; beet called fjr, declined to ..p»«k. hut mo%eo fhi* rrv.notion: hn>itrj, Tbtl lb* c' rh . roranj r. ont-.r<of .ror Sto'o wbi- *p iui« U>* Pi*:: .-! V Itpka t lopt -J 'lyititCo* t nii.«, br r>.-o"tr.' tc m^t tt DBSw a*TrrtJ c«"inty **a * tad i m *t* cot ta**aN to bn «nnrmruvt %t tb« . o u 114 r*.'*v'l >»; (*a- rlaatBr* wbrrr do «*a*W »uuh rit» rviv*. th-> D<irt«ta* t MtCaataaitaa r«^ae»t-«lto aaM«aMOMfaa«JB*a«i» t*dr rrrprctiT* ( uot ttea. ] Tnat im-ustv adopfel. Mr. 0. now m»v.»d that tl.e C'onviu'ion a<M<>nrn without da», which was car- r i o. l'ho sort f t'lirg prerai e.| at the olo«e, aad the ti «-ruber» »rpaiated in undoubting tocndenoe of ap- troa.'hire triumph. The two I'rev.ient« o' the Conreution tabee- quenüy oni'i «I i'i tbe ap[>oint:nent of tha f »llowiug airiniit'AM stirr oaMtrTtii. I H)^v t». bj 'Kl» v.s. Ar.-UV Ola). dialVON DhU'ER. j tHKH s rartroa IttrO. dM ft Tray... l> DI DU1 Kits 09EPH BLl tl I JAkfJM W N l . j uts u !»iMti»uL> Bjtr: nsoriaTlTB wr.i.ii i ,' JlliKPH 1AV S. 'iTHnajAS HUJIJt. JOIIS \f. it. i«AV IC I' « ILlUMd rit-i.iv .oeotoi «.«»¦'i.D. aBitu »m ». (»l vF.a. ".I*".IrHILtr D >BAftEiatBB, r**y»rTtawra.I EVI C. Tt'RSKS hnkmrr.STANDMB aakkt. htnek- wtu-n.l» t I [I'MMll K. PtUttur, C.STr'PHES C roHfSON. n_ j iDABIBki T. JONMb «a^«r<tap.i to.j %lufi vi'Ml OK. » iirrrrt.^.A. S. RIt'E. »j««Bta.CVtoaas t.III Li M. ki rroi'jhs. h .«r.lrr.S IV ALUM ,,mtt,u ( *.CHABLBBU s ikpiikrd. WBIG BTATI CONVENTIOV. Btracüsk, rharaday, Sept A.M. The Whig Comentioti reaaaetabied at 9 o'clock thia mo-ring. Mi'^* H. (ir:cn> ll, fn-n IM t ommit'ee on K-vtolu- tiers. DttaaeMad tl e foi owieg report: The C'l'D-.tnittee appointed to meet a s'milar body on af tbe Bi pablieaa (' 'inentioa report that tney bate ti. :!.> Do*Jdbdttee a'>o»e n un>-1, uid after a full companion of opinion*, in w hich an eirneot desiro a a.- mai :t«e'«-«i I y all to reoogoixa tbe < !a ms of orery Kvtion of the Mate, and to barm« aixa all interest* rep- rtaerted in the Conven^ri u, acd more «jaraa»)aairy place bed", re thi ir fellow citizen* a tictet aTAtOa «ou d a «et their cordial approval and lapport, the said Orjtaa*MaaehATtI with er.tire unanimity agreed upon the Mowing n..n inatioos: Batista*! ttaas . PREBTON Ktvo. tootroit-r.J.VMEs Bt. COOK. Tr*«oxrrr.AIiEI'l B. kVlItUAMJA Alts oi-d'iitril.AHIJVH MtNi Ja. (unli'.o.d.aU«.DANIH, M. BH-r.L.1.. BsaBS Kr ,merr. ..UEOROB UK DDKS. Ski* Piauo BAILEY. . <r ~ , a_.i-nRAt'EORD R. WOOD. I l,l«re of Court, f Apor.j | t jUSCrrt Ml'I.LE.t r r .:.» t --m. If jt ihn «hört trriii. < ii> ujoIk i ti.t- ri-port w»* uuaniui-.u-l v a.'ceptod, ai'd i'e adoption nnnid with vociferous cb«*»ruig. II. V. Hall opp. *eU the Louik-nti >n of Jamee M. tVik. H«-wi< ii. tavor of an entire »vt of new men. A. B. DiikiEson atd P. C. Li:t>john advocated ?) e «<:. j.l:on ot th«- tUkot as reported. rjpoa a vote beirg taken, the ticket wa* untai- n ons'y sdepted. B. I) Morcan, from tbe Committee on Uesolution*, r'ii!«d the following as nearly tbe ui.nimoti* ex- pre»»i n of the joint OeMotllkMl hr-. .'ir*. 1 ho' tb* r'-o>r«! <!i>»»nim»iii h»ir( ob» of |ai ed *ae ltavhed powart, tnioo« whloh ib« p.wrr to *ml*»t bouta 1'ir ft it oot f asd. w. c.u.t r«/or«.ly J*i,» it* mhl'^i .»«. . L| hkid af to «r*l« 8 trrrt in tay poittoo r thn .abtir di.iutlo. *S M a bj .". at bB rttacuhoiral lo iho lr.ior«i t«mto.y «y try d »«r« «b*r**ti. hrritvi Tb^t iioeo thrr* rao he ao 't*l I arrnr la th» T>r- ritüiira of oar l'aioa. rhrre eaa ho ot\Jflo*r Ktotra.agal'y f .taaod out 11 *%cY r*/ritorlr*. aod «oclai* oorotlt*« u- oi'orahl« op- pcted tu 't o toio.ttKrn there ot aoy aiorr Bio** -,i«t*», tu 1 * keet f aa tt^rr** pruhitntioo by toa«raa* af SUvary la ail :. .>.'¦«. htmnttd, I bar tb* rrpodianoo la thr iaur««'. aaj bv the »o«« of ihr Powrr. f t. ciich of the Bt «*oun eiopa. t nn u*r**to (he aevaata«* et »rtedotu.after it yl-i ted al poatkl* tdraa'*4*« teShävery adln.-r.lote«n* of :h* lirrB^.no » .r * j eatwaaal .: da thai*yi m j «*gruo»iou aod rt^. . iBh-irittio . *)Mrui oo^cO : .tx a ai*a ad nit lit>«/ty. eerth of ' t. T. *J.J 1*1-4- "f r.tbtful rrwo-d. Attained Tta thr i'rocr*. AJuiaatmluo, hy Ita to f.yrm po - It) la. ropociol.y by the lasaotai ot U*v. Krodrr oa<l Us to- *«iL'u.rct is til atoad of run aoo rsatroatw too *l*c-. of to* a. a. on ii.Ta.tait aa . Uc* L*|tol*rura ft,r Kaa*a«, and diatai* that hvi>iaut.kal uajpattuoa of that hoot thai baoBeyad a* iMtaM I of T»r !'.*». t...y >d-0'tt.el Ira-if wirb ta* ..Tart U> i. -at S.avtrj ther«oo and r*i.4«r* impoMib « to* forth*- «op- f>i? f tb* KaetWGrM t; oarc who cecr* taat Ksaea* aoaii bow or a Free Trn'.ury, a* d ta do* ttone * Pre* .> htntntd. That lai ** ettjrea ttWlOU State* who hat* oa:frat«d to KaxMa with tb* porpua* of aiah.a* her trr* b*r* io to .luiaf tu a><) tv aw and a**«:.'<d oorl.13'; thai thai' p«ac«rui y*t iraalate br-arui« 'o «l«w of the oatro«aa lo a two 'hry bo*< b*na tatjeclaa by arnvd oaod* preciptutad a pom ihnia f.-oji hi *- aocii rca.ii-i<:« BBM to O'.r wanoo*t ada.trttu.a, aod w* p.edxe tor tu oat aaaSaa* aad «o.ire »upport aaul Uaro lotadtri .B* 1 drfra'od. asd their ri«bt> fcl.y aeoird. Knotted, lhat tb* corr%««* o mmit-ad to a litter Stat*. aodar o.ot of .«Oda, aa.huiSty, oa t duxan gr l-y »f oo eras* bat ca- atti'.y «xd tis'.O, adLu.utad> n* that d arrry i* *»er>what*at war with jo»*:c* aad Itterrat vn btatiu« all tblc«t to .t* w ll; ¦ rxbirt oor fr Icw-cuhttaj, aa thty to o* ta»;r o*i ri#h a acd llvrrtira, bot to intraft with «m*« jtdielal or oihrrciea w&o upooid ar.d ayavpa hiae with tn« oppraator* jf Pat.n < i- V\ uiiaajtue. AraWraal That are rt p . .cju orf^satarica* ara locoodftont ana tir .ibtrai ¦** of car f'ra* Oo»«r»on«r r tad Aou- Reeabticao ia tk«-./ ccuartrr, and that wo rrpo haM tod ona- OraiBiBr. proao/;pt r* aod Aot tUpab.lrto :o- ( u.ra uf tho etcrr ci hoow f«c:bit«f. tad atl tact; aoerot Cotwitau/a*. oath*, rtratia, aod otyaoiaotaoa«. hat»Staat 1 Lai wLi.e ta* po,tcy of ( aatl P.i.:*rfamrat a art. tlae by tb* chto«« o'thr S ate < aalhjrttia« o* ta- ii ft** of tbe kiat* IVbt to tk* mmamM.f uiao aiilltua* of dw< ara Ir Lb-1 poipoa* th* KrpaUicao pa-rt atv toilet ap a th* boa ..' u.J laitatai tpw:<*to>o if th**o fast* B] th* po'poa* tjr ahuh th*> art appinpitattd. That ta the ovaoaa'toaat of tha ftaf luait-i are wid laeaare a tijad awaaa*B ml at >aa aoilary aid u- iinctoft ecoocoiy ta all taBeträfta.'aa froao the pahuo 1 taacry. BaWaSaod, That tb* policy of repai. oej ^onrp-*»eal p«bUo letki is rcuu. by cjs-rao». to be *ward»d to the Wweat r* *5 oorihie kidco i . Luwut*. uudoat, * atroa« p-tuntar. i0r*r- .«t a fr-ta.-noo irraa. tt f-i.ppu^ tb.-oi at to* >otaot', *om- x-l.U aoi' u, cor ,...'«utott at etadaciee atika ta eeo Kiojy ia tt;tu i'ba aod irftnaroy of aa«taiuoo. aad we coujaoad It* Mill uil BV f ill Caa-ia J>«r**rad That bt loin- Lt a » p BOB! or«aoi«atv>r. ort d r**fh. aa, a* oar <jwb, tha p-tsciBiro aot fattü aa fh->*e u««l ieOSU :h* iiasif-i t. of Taon a* J*fT-r»oo. ' "' r . a «l.« rttct jtv-tKr H a.1 aoco .o* aappatt "of it' Bet* Oovt saao'tlo ail :v-l.- r.«ht* aa to a.u«x " ri as a* ti i : a Jo. i^tniuii for oar .1 ufattii coootra* " too thctorrft ka'aa k Malaat Aol. Kroab-lcao l*sd'^'*a*r' -h* pr»aarf*'ict cf tha Orarral tirraoramaat ta It* wh-<4ae*a- f .'«.. at. rLtJBSa >i*u ear* af thr r^ht of El.tioa by the f*H r a mi d aad rah oorr*e«T* ot itaaaa warth art >p-y-d < ta- nr. it of ratolatkt a. where aoaaakOl* ramatlo* or* aa- pr tie** , alac.ut« acoo «aeeoaeoi ihr c*aaaaaaf of em atjorkry -the titti »rtarip'* i.i Rrpuklo* m>*5 wkici tear* la ao afpnal rat to fata the ri'ti pnadr . tM In adhiie perrat of or fpt/*a., »casoa y is it* ptSilr . ipaadttora* ijat tab r a*j br thjAl ) bortet to. iv honoat payseat at our dob'* ao4 tmtTH p: tar rraboa of the pa hue faift. **r^r»*v»*a*at of aar«., ea.twt aad of ecmaterc .* taj baad «BkM, tea dddotaoa of io- foroai^o and aiTt-«an.*oi cf tii abwaaa at th« bar of poo U ofnawai ftmnOom of rrltaioai fioaaWai of tha Ytrnm a. .. -4cot of p*r*oa aotrr the -^oteo i o o' toe Etabaaa . aid tavi hi on** ti*.,r aaiictod. Tbata arlael- ci*a B a. c'a krtaat eoeatealalava which h*» goa* k*: jra *. aod r*'d*. am aropa throach *a tsn ot rt~ lotioa *a<t rafucoiat' a to* wvavoai ef i at .*«**, aad ta* atoad of oa- raroa* baea oaaa ¦ "bad ** their «atao-tntat.tataa *aao k* iha otal of oa/ a> b*. *i* uil of ehrte MnnMMa the toath- atc'.* abwb to try tbe *err*Ma of thiwo wa tro*» aa* ou da« mteim froai 'in» m Okoejeoto of errar or ata.'st,' Irt a* kwtta to rr-rar* oar atap* atr! »,. nioi tta road araaah aiea* kad* to pake*, liberty aad tarVy 1 Tbe leaolcuoo* ware adopted cxun;n<- rutiy. E.G.aHnaidiiig, £aq., mered that tM anf^cat atftA of a <"*a>m w U oe wan* a I net. u (V. K«p«v |i<«%a Cat «et tbaJ !.** jt»i«t n«>lal<*>a« 4*4 aeaa* b*i aa* hM l»t»> aa*»e*1 **>d sa rat*.* *.-r4u«f Vn)m to tweet m .i t r-pvwirfi.K, bar 'vi^-ataee. TVe lew utunr4 *t o «' «¦.-:!¦*»>, M^rt, S|*«idin«, AI**«, W«><ft«V i «-i {, r*Kv tJ.beA eraft. In i «.n» Rartr. NJw nan au-1 I." <r4»a At II «.\.« iitr Ol rrai'Ua-e >»t,".rva u*a teiajaa. II» . ^ i-a *b*>n » , >* aaa u aakat IM |.ul)..f au t ta li ün. Hail KNOW SOUKi-iMNt; PTATI Ol v-KTT-r»«. Si « kB, 1 l«JwetAf/, «y» r> [*»}, The Kb«>»t Sm ti *. >'«.!. r*B»«*ni.«a rvttaaaa- I mi mt . ».«.. k aM I ei um ae«Ba*a*,SM maile by the Foeioaia'*. .>. ¦¦¦¦ Rl PUBLICA* HA« MF.RnMA. I t<n iHFiiRit, Thun* lay, aVp< ...*», 1**», A BibbjI *. ¦ bm«. «. a%» inU a>«j t mm »»%». Ii». aM aaaadaaatM* *>* wotaeA Omtmf, .at«a* Aana *».' mmIm Wtasaja I"b* a»vaU**>* .?,. m »i\ K<u'itN » v< n- (w.o^vl a- kane s|.- tae rr*f '-t of a'avi-ht I r* to BTr*bb*ai« BlMlry vh-t-o *i- ia-ri' g, bfjt iViy.itin' n»h; -o fu .->?»' rib-iM eaj BN g , > IMaM < a '. f .r iu'VlBJJ a » .. ef I aK o«>rpi.» :i. tlio cv* of l'v< n ^ >* i***- Boat, eVcWtr*; tl »* ii aat^ftoui v ** '>«Sft. car fttvo i'irir; that a eae* n«t *,{.*«, v*i p. A| ac,r»vtit j-«r«"a aaa I {>- IW no ir:rw,MTlh'n« ba>a [mm>*u r aM IM4 aWaMAaaa >a .an -af Mae laatal trl'iir al «o rn'opr** tM m aejAejd n/bt* ef aiaV 7.i« tartVei af a rawttol atttA tM o^iaaaa, tibibMa irv ir. laiwaao iafta a"i"t r * "fan naliBU mi .!.«. >tatr Cat \ aati I ?>». ra:. h A FAI L OF SFVASn^l^U-POLSTIPA tttMTM, I'hiirwtBT, Se it. J?, IMA The newa of the bbU i>f la .»»..>,.«I ccaio I *;r>**t ««. ci'ennt aM hwrim-o in :f» gat/a Ma*jv r«*»VMva4 the wa w 'h Bllafl aaAaa . of i<yr-'t Im Bapabti ha 8ta«a t '.»:> aittae ?net to aa4 bWIN Id i r j v \\ »«O'bnra in, I <\i*.jr .! to »' i-aa t'onirtnt cf, a'nl Sota Wehn, Jr , r\<v-xoi | ,Sava*»- tar\ , faW J^fii.' of Mi city, wht<-b ^m -cvj ra' fa»».. raaAaat, laaaaaa on: t!.j ".{'.iTaooa far BlJTJaJBl Vhia. i oai'.i.ationa. Tili: rALL OF SEVASTOPOL IN tA.lUit, Brrrato, ihn ai»y. S- n Tb* p*oj la in ail U e 'owtal i i t ia »i i.i ty a»a a- V braiin|{ tla tmtMm\4mi :!.«» r t a »a * ita .'.) abaaaBi At Toronto boniitr« wert» I c^'o-1 ^ir « 'i-^i, r«» >Jrt>tj M't olf, M)'1 tLo gfjNtjMJl < *oi . Mai et.a iv!. At Stmt:. ri! t .rt ..i aaaiaaa tu la o«iJi when tht* nt are fJM IMaaMal 1c #it«l.anj^.a tha .tuilkie on tbe hct c*i an ¦ iivd by !.. n a«n .1 iou I ch<aaei, s< ¦ t tim« i Ui-"»«t l^-foff burl iiN*a i mM l>* reo« ua*l. FI«*;* »*rr tiyuu cfrrywber»- 'hrouajho'tt th* iiofia. At I/o Ma t -it wne a pjMaarw aaaltaaiaai aalle » re ronv. nun» ti td iut.1 titviuon ti/in»'!'*! the atvwta will, latics ot ii uvic. IHK fRLLOW rSVBI tM VtlMIXIA. Bal r'.otk. niur»dty. Sapt, IT, IWt, At Nort'olk, tho iiiM»a*e i>»nflnue« to a'iata, «»A liui>in«>* baa bi-a'a paiutlly re*>um-*J. Oa TasaUf tl eix» wore >iiteen aaäatAi aaJ ei^til new etaea. Oa Weilt,«eAfjg, Bf to ii M>n, the naaiber ol al.'tih« aaa I \ Or. Obertauil«r mi Au<uita ia deal, the Uev. 1 >r. .lackaon oi tbe K|)ia o]<aJ Cbaroh ill, an4 Mra. jMaafN ¦¦. vn i.' At F.>rt.-i -."ifh. <m rue* iay. thn-» were Ür« «laathl, and VV « dneeilay nine -j noeipally ehil Iron. Taera MM MM but tew new oaaiia for eeve.-al day* paat, 1 >r. Latttaf "f l'bilailel.<lua tm mTt o f, iLLHEN 0* MKS l'ASKY. IUi ivuki I t.:.r->lay. S>i>t, 47, MJR. ITie wife ..I Ofcarf Jaa fee raawy ia eery .il a* OH Fnut ('ocfort, Sfdical aa»:.arauce baa «>». eaav aMMtl thaN from HaiUiunri . THE POIBIOI LEOIOM QlTaUrTIOaa. I'mii vi ki hi a, IAaiMay, Si 14 17, IwjAj The jury iv li e « aec ol BaTtS, ehärk,"» i win MBataltf rr< ruoB i<»r the l%llaifa l^<ion, baa ti-au,'ht ia a rar* «i..-. of guilty. PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATION. BANUUET AT THE CSYrJTAL PALACt La at evening the |..n»» atiieioated fea'irai of the ri.biialiera' i^ociation to .k jilave at IM Oyetal Falace. The north MM ef M ipaaMaw bui lm^waa aat apart for the i. en,-.i.p. [1 araadtritlod tVoiitM|raaJh)| [.orfii.L of |M t i Baa by 11 ni,x.rary faalary I ec'ed *ai eaivM kataa ao aa to -. ¦ .> i<< tum tha om tir, vrh il. wu.. Lri)> i laniin-itoo tmt IM »- Jtaiea by fite aaMfeaatJ r.ii»;- ol n*--!i»'ht, p'a.: <1 one abo re the other, laaiwawiaaj ii tntha' bt autifni .!.>.«.. no untueal amount uf apiftiilor Baa tLe «-ln«f attraouoa ->f taavt which fi rrnod tf«- to» tud of tt>.> banquet hall, *a« tLe Italien, »Iii« h at au ea-ly b<>ur liea ama Hilei by law) Mr 'inii'h'. ra of Nea Y.-rk (,'tty in that el^aaee of afire which they grara to well The aealf diee/V- taata^-e of 'he poaitiou of the ladua' Kali«'ry waa laiai the li^b? aboto from behind an t tbe boa'itr of fev turte, v.1.1. L *>o a e luie wa* there, c >u>d aot be «j atinctly at eti from (be reportera table below. NoV withr.faiKlinif thia iliaadtaii*".'. k w w-r. aMff ware many noble e|M-eiin«'ne «-t t' . " f..r«n alivitv," wbioh we could Lot fan to notice wi h (H- oJiar ploa*ura Ti e pHi ciftaj table, arran^e'i rtcr*«* tho nave, jaat Il frc ii*. of the barebAbM BaMMaS f .riia'd by the dr*» |*ry rf tbe ladiee gallery, waa plpijad »0 a da a. and commanded a full view of the whol«» *oa>i.e. Tie n.«v«t itrikinaj feature of the wit plaoed tn tLe In r,t i>| ih« ni-r'h fmmmTJ, whi. h >,n tb'* tbJt*> tion wa* e*«d fur tl.e orcbeatra, MOtafM by the mv atciaxs uncer rbe di.e.-tii.n of Unnn. Ma'i and U taatX I; iiteleted ot Iii-*» of rae l'^bu arranafod to r*prtt*eai IM Tt mple of Wiedocn, In which waa p'aoea a eaalf white »tatae rej re» ntini/ the Mute of Ifintery, the brow of which wn- Ba it :J«d by a crowa of 'i»fht. Ah-.ot this, in email lettore, appeared the woraa, ia iJtmiLated letter* | : HONOt TO UINH'I. : Above the La lar^e haractera, a1 in gullet, the worCa: (OMrLiMBBTaav : r-Rar flcaai. rmn. :l m alt,i jbo. : iv tbb NKW-yoBK riBLOBEIS,'r I In the (. uU r of th* nave waa placed a baeje ire 1- eopia, or " born of p''u!y,' f :med of moat aid «*> circled by a garland of tlowera. It %pp«arad evar* flowiru with fruita and rh-wtre, and, fir thia aavra nt pbnty. f'>rn>a>i a noet appn>pna:e feature. It waf pr**a.itaMi by tbe N\ w-Yoik aaOfticajtjraJ 5<j«j*aty. At earh rnd o* the prinn,'*! taMe waa plAveaa ».attiary- on the riebt a frtnaJe figure, aad «. tte left the Tbr*e 'hncem. On Ml b udo of the u»r« wae placed a table reaching ire. erti-e ko^h of ta» at; a ".:> at, aad raiei d ob a lev 1 win the pnacpal ¦ i . 'ab»», eppp phafed *#p«-ciallvt.) invited gjeaa*. aL ao'hora. Bieirie tber-e ntynt four parallel tab!** to the body caf the ball, occupied chiefly by txaembeief ti e 1 ur.l »>ra' Aaeo« ati« t;. 'Re etjfj ri«w on beB r. ». . .. t. ; w.'J . a 1 tit* want uriier tb- call*"it-* rimaiw-ti'/tl w.tb ;»>rtrait* af *oM of tie clc«at ard orat diartin«rui*r.ed oubliahtw* of Bi Uni-rd S-etta-Math^-w r.irr .. tM gt*»el pioneer paV LvbfT, «Ld T'omaj Ift'iri-r of l'huaH, hia: tb*Ua» D».l «-I A pl«'«.a of New-York, and Mai late L. ü. t> rey of Ph^arleipbia, At f j e clock the principal (xeata etaU-rrd and V"** their etat*. Tbe foliowiog the or der ajTiinaTed by ^bt Cottma-ibtee: William II. Arrt-iToi, Pre*.iectof tbe Aaeociafion, in tbe Chair. Ob tbe right of* the Preeideot Biabop Patter / 1'bi adelplia; Jadga Oww, Pro'. SiUtmaa, A. Darand, Onliaa C. Vetpiexok, Wu Calle« BrT*n*» Kictard diMratb, Jadga Jay, CAwtas King, &tr.&> II. Tyug, Mra. I- M. CLuld Ree. wi to Dewey, Olirer' Weotlell Holme*. Ftfa-Gmoe h'aitoJk, M.P* Wüiit, Ctarlea raviea, Lltary Ward B**vMr. B * OoocrvA. ti F. B. Wort«, liev. Samael Oagee", ItM Ca4bAf iac I. l)eatAor, J»C|« HaH, Hm«7 (r. CrtJvf*^

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-09-28 [p...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-09-28 [p 4] a-f" l'r pab k »eoerel.a, aar th'f-k be Dar aar,, a>

Ba» ff oti t et.

Thr I*a*tt " Hat"ofm **** -M>kk W-t.s-i.trVe, ilkt ml. UV* rarem «rot wiu, pwirtiaaee* i*»ecaer., r ¦> "¦

U-a.r., La k.aiuavat lo-w ,.f ««».r**'"' K;v."- V','Hefte» Of <ba en,a ..f Rr ad-a. aad ."' «>»-"-. "1 Wi

Brote« l. ti> ir »f oiateat av« .».**.. Trar.ay Kai ah.h .fc-J"""" . .l-».a: aa,

1 P. rha-r-dfrm K» t. aew* .**.»« * h -. «h'-'. .»» ra,

WO* I .« ret, .r-d l.iber .'..* »» *' f. .**"

.a i in r. .»..» .'. *¦ "».»«'.? .'* '.

r » a aa ao ' is* »tri »» tl «. p»' til i ar.ful .u.'e«d*»otha tmAn aid .**»*».»».<*¦« r "' ' "

I, w aj, ef erbt » .»» . «re tboja t, ,» »i' Sik! tVi badMl). '»»if «r*»'*"" r' it>«n «r* i.r **>¦«*' «-d .'. he

< ¦<««.»«* r' ,1 '* ^ * * 'l< <"**»are»

era * kkee»d»ej. ¦»'.d p'' 0 u ba» »- b . IM

.I .haar *h» -eriti u . ar- f <- i t a- Kv->v ha-' -a'bla

y, fmtklorj. vi ran t M wai » bau. m*ho Ol r. . r

"Taf:Afiv <* Oo 'I FftiX FaMtiov.Thn t'iba<-rir>.ro am * i 1H-!'»>."','¦ I kl «veevAea** «labUaatJ , iar-

larly ece4*iu. tb« ta.l St i * -.- : ...,.« Kara. O'.r et»

btaa-ata a-f" l'r pab k »eoerel.a, aar th'f-k be Dar aar,,a>« *«rt with *ea ale r arc* riual tv <>f in Hi a .ntrol'irevf ht na

tat <h* prraeo' Am-imn, tu m ih neat, ei-eatce and durabilityIi bat oere- Wart MtrawMwAK B..Wo oder dajferatit »ix«!*, >f Uaa aana* atf a. a: i.S ¦

ex>t pnoavo* Llaav b Co.. Aarrar Hceaa», RroaJvray.

Yum OaVia Hai kok thi r tu. . i h* »i,« i»- <>fitu highly bai'hed and'fu. Kl a-'oor uvaperf-cJi « thtbr faahbti M ihr tr'tutt <a generator-, a on-ee Ii eVafc*a «aar»¦aaj aa a bappa I f. In-* ta u<' ninviijtf ab -et it. or tae

< .«.uery. be a'jl» l< iu>e' aod »et »ni neoi'a hr in MLOktia, Um, <l« Br iad«e», oppaante et. Pan a

FALL MilM oi HAT* .Ufuili-imn are rt-irieit'od t< eaoavjiae La a a'» P«i Mira, »t.ith cao. >t b* eaoeii A»Drleeldiaa>* aooav'rca are r,l a Iba BMM loa»

trire M AA 1 laat. I'* r Ra*. rtj A Irtaak., Co'uar ot CaU-aaa aad Pearl «ta _


Faij. p'asjiiiiN....Tbr proprietor af thr» \\>»tpaektapoal i.i No iJ* Caaa at aeM ».tei'ioo te h.a .>» at

laat Pal1 e*«r.i< u 'or MaTi; an a la *»h an e?aim n* to a ir aaa

al oaoara, «ananla 'tre> tu he ! «In, a.raaer, ai'a' e, ar.d wlat

kj ratoofl) «ea«>i,rla» 'r.«ho'"* J W. KtLi occ.

¦aaotTA'l t lei'lny il i. ir. i i f-irj<-> Hat* aa lTäte, ab* '*d>e-' aoi I hi :r i'a Braver Ho'.n»!« at'-a' a

« < r'.a'.,a>* ., on.l «-th f'lt aatlafaT'liO «a

add tbal a> hia piare Sa -Ot «».] at.. very *jp-rt aride* lathat Itter caa te boitabt al the tn M r-*«jna*ia prvr .«

TO Cl-OKr Hl vi.u.-m ('li.ilüM; Tbr. fttta-tl-tkVa of Coeo'ry Iroa'a-a in Ci^ta ux ta akaTated tt tbe >ar*e¦rbnlraa r «i<k i M»a'.a-.d Cil-' I lui.i.i, *. t'-H'ar«.Ii ..» of P. L R<" >kl A Oda,a tn r of Kt!t " aad v ataan aaa.

Th» a»at»naU o* their f*L>. an* Wrjrffca fT*X a havi a b~-n

paarfdiaard kVr ea-b a a d«- »,t.i«l mark-t, 'Oe* are enabled to

.all m eboreaale at p-irea avaal «orvh UkM M oadaratkca* et( oarolry Merorianta tu artum ra<-epn»aa -an et *M A call l«

«U-ited. Y L h > ' '.

CaUMKl 3ltMt k> »tTH Jmm-v aj a >1 I.

Towlc A Ca, «t.l ea a .a

(Xoaaaaad TaLMaa In fiatia M'-i e An ja*, v i'ret *o 1 Cia h,aav *t)ia* and caoioe e BT», Jt o« ^rir-w.

COLOMria» 'atL, So IS O'anl-a».

8EVAITTOPOL CA1-TVUL>! -Hl Kit \ '.>>\KVktL reo|» L>d. Iii -' hii hn-r ''-P». a aal tvi»rt.Paanioko, iViS, a *>oe. tl «ndl. ir' dum « 'I.r iartet' an

leal Baaat ati« a ol readr-ioade t'-ot ov. .».-r r-fere 1 ¦ bf>«ad ot Dt Ih mtk loa*!, «her tatba I aeni-r*!, »ad* aaelraja A every nVariipn tic-i. .»carl-iiot > a: aJvai.ta.e.Keairao-^r OaVA Hai L Vn. It and i^V

CixPiiiiM. a i i.k.*s tu t s Hilf P»h r.-Fmekaabinaab'» Pre « ant Proa k CotTt, a*. ribbed Beaver Oraa-oaTl Ali t*'*ry l'aaataaeie ' aar*, of Diarvl i f I* d tf-rei.t

paiirn* af aff|ftrh »Uk VaaTa. OR Kvaaa l Gl 'ihtn» rV'are-Ovuae, No 0k and 6t Ibil-m at.

SHAkklJ*. Shaw i s . aVtll benpt'nt?ai Tlll< MORN-'*.. a large unvi.ire ( f Sh« WLa ci rrpri irr ch S» iia .-»H %wt v

triaaj ab tu # 4, Br». be I im« and d.iaare prititod ( aebmer- andWool riHaa ta «bu h alTJ ha ofl-tr'. a »real l araab «

H. A aL E. Tum Li A Co., Coiambiao Htl!,No. a*l (irand-e*.

" TllK (>i.i> l'i kl i '.We have now on hami, Atcar celebrated old . and a «tue« of Pail »nd «ThttM ITHII .,

uiavnrpoaaed lor al a U- onu cb*|>ne-m he an» oil. r h -uee iu thetiooe.

Dtrtit t laaaaf, No*. 4* «n* H laaaat, aaa \ in.L

SllJa,«.' ,Mh> > A M E TOWU aV Co.hare awl received * »plendid at *j| if rial can* and t heo»> npe Mil... ¦,<¦¦,.'). al »I per aard.

Coni'vaaiaa Ilant. No. 3fl 3r»nd it.

|1viioTh.if jou want your feel keptdnraaati«ort» tha «rtti'er, rail on on. n-ifl'b .'Rr ai.l, No If? aaaa.u

«*. U» baatbe bneat lot «<¦ have evr- «a«a <-' Bad>hrh doleLeather tor '*-*tei praof Bi-( ¦ a V"« ton «»e oil hie differeutate lea anacavg lue i«* 'ruin laalaally aaiahitad Uadtel Boomte tha Pilau Patent I.«athrr k> aoi . nai u*a* baa inereaeedin aha 1aal tkirteee ve-ia lite leal Weekly edi'ioo.

I lasdiea and tienileuioii vi«:ciu»; thi city wiah'iu':111r kVaail) ami p y . i Bi-. Ta «. d BMI IkwllMaa uiut > *avj,

ran bar a l*j,-«ni handum- aaara-tnent if al t .* aori.iul

.tylra eseel enl ta nualiit au t awlarali ¦« price, a'J. H. MiLtta A Co.'*. No. IM Canal at,

N H.-Wao'eao'e o d bei«.

t'Mill. is' ('a KIM l> " I'tklM.lsBpleattld f.tgl'.h Braaaei* I pat yard; .'«.tau yard* of hata-

ttfn Ingram a' i * * and ' par}! t Oat t l'Tin alJf». A/ aad 4/ per aurd. at the trr«. Cef«)at Katahliabment of

a III ae aatia.xia, Oaa tkf auvrery.

IhlMIH tuNa, liiNM K M.lyi, 1 RA Skim, aVc .

of «er own toaporta i ¦ lor ealr at greatly rrdacrad rate. öle»,Poiiaa and Biedre Fiaare«.

W. J. f. Oaii ay A Co Mark a Store*.No*, all ana KSi Broadway.

J't\.v> (in. ri -' vm Mnu Huns'blaanfar nrrd by

Jon« e. a'att a Co..Ko nij anal a i.i- Varfk-el.

Pa By warranted f c loa«, and e jrkiuauah-.p *-;uaJ to any lathe city, «ad J*1 pet eea*a '-. th n Kr aadaay pnoee

N. ft,.Ptonoa toned and pair-d or eaninngeX Seeond-baad Piano* ai «real twig oVaa

(iABCuani)P.i ikrs, Bhai KkTTs, fVc.Tlvalarajealatwiarttneaal hl N*w k ork. N-ar and 'wantifai m.'Uj i of Er-oi. htod Englah manataci'.re now np- uirt.

W. J. r Hau ? y A Co Ma'Me Store*,_hie*, bdl aad do BrWway

BROfa/R Clock and Fiot'Ktus . v'arit?ty im-meaee, atyle* o-w aid beug dapluatea ao« on ethihiiioo iathe CcyataJ Palter. Pari«.

W J. r. DattkV A Co Marble Storei.Noa 6»l and h13 Broelwey.

(,AkU*ETiNt;s..Pt.l t ('SON A III Mt'lll'.l'.V. N.i.IBB Bn-edaty. f ««. ju«l upein! and n..e vi Ilata, a a-a-and«i i. lot i'f Ri h bai »in Caart t at I. i-n-ri tribalt atina esuai:> .-w. Ptttaans A Hi «raatr.

rao 3?» H.oe.'ver

Jkt»i)ii«a.jet auil OOaLU JrWELAT, 111 ijrfat«aneiy Akte. I'aiaaol«, t\.a>h* Ymw. Bioahei, Bag , Partei.Ar., ei lb* Jrwelry end knn-i tiin. ia Su-e mi Ooaoojgg Hciaao-«aa|k Ta.wh«»-t Nt 81 tirade«j, corn»r of Sprin« »t.

Sim.iks m»ivii Mwnisrs..W« BRra tmtrk-tatuoofa aaaatAjM t«' "a.. Ir-"'« a .J .-oatotu-ra that «*»re

mm »-tot an.! hMiaJootytiikdJ dep r uv-t t «it i p»».b!edj»-peuA The Inlivala.-t'oi: f o»r loiprived MiCNitti, niaalngm.«laaable iperal. and ».. u. «¦. t :« th* . . .rkk» . da*, haa ea ii t ui <r tyjfAaf MBW» h<» aa

aboil bar-d. i.b. .; .. weakly Bfi ...' ol Ma,h.mat, aad a.Uaeppay al o .'era pr rnp- a


I M. Si.,.. A Co., No J.** B.oadarty.11 rTLi'a Kmpoiidi

orlagtiab, Preurh, Oenaea and American

f l 111 Hutu, Soiutili, in Tott,No. *egj> Broadway.

Bells' Belli!.Mlin rlt's crcbiated Bullsof oil dawnptnu it hand »r,,i .-


UitmiiKh A alo , No. IIS Broadway.Ai iniN Pi tn H vm ¦ -1 r-tich i biua lVa tnm\

IHak*akV*B,V»«e»^ Teirai ,-rt. t'onon Kur» reo,BlawtXanta» China Wi*~«««.-t ... >.-«,ti, u a- a ,ow

praea D*vi» t on axoai, N. IC .'r idway, I al Oioad at

lMtNOf*..Horace \Vau r» * PitMjs, narioav inthear Imrevtwnaeal of o<noa and w*M atrne* t length of aaa.*aad pewar of tuao -raioal to the »r:a; IPha»»i| I O bert Alava ri-lo* atlh or a.ihvUt tha .f.-liac. Ulli»«*, A Coovtti«'« Pltvoa \\.a."»»rd A S-.wce, .

Pitwraa, and of hv» ,'t'j :-e. Ihm Ttri .v . .

H orrove Pl*a..> f «> 1 a' Se -. J f>; a .. «., t«riea*a»a(treat karg-«aa.picea *r,ui tju* |a A «t I' i u

twat alioarral .« purr.tar* Piiao» Im aal« o:i monthlyl^vanrota. Sv . »g.-cy af "t 0 »II W Sciilh . kliioumvi,('**»* h» Iba eqta t. .r peraaoect Ea-k in« »meot f . a.anteedto gtraratTkre eaawafaatiea ot par<-Saar new.

_UoBaca Wattaa, No. AS Broadway,ithtirvhe*. manu traf uinca aud taiLilitM ry»ouirLa£.atarj |cw artv.1 aid rm.-k. Mm Hohl

TOtT uv».«T ear..-.-, a

m eae fa^auth th* eaienae of candlaa or barnioa fluJ or*'xaitaal le eaeaaiee ai.d ire tri

rattar rot »rata taar» *»t> ..-ctTnj 0tt_Every atvdeat and ram* r-» ta «t d h»r» oar

Ma.'i * m v . s .- p.».t4»,- l

HkitNlt. *\>> im s'.Vnl Swtrii.O til MkKMIA la. hj the Ir du*, .a 1 i i.bui at af ai Nauoo* 'ot toeu orm

*a'»al Radi.u Hi. Tavaa K fer«er«a *a tu :i .u-'-'rt tr!-«- Pufamui Vaenune Mot, Wu.trai Parier aal .' aha. M. Car-I .vban ae rat. aiv-tlet of utua** .>' i.-ei vt:.* ar.'. d.her

rat^eiue* raarad ky tha Iruaa maa a*- atva at Mltaa A C c'a,» l| biataiew oa New-Vo-k, an l M at-M, Coat aaa A Co '*,»Vu itbaf. vln«H-i.*tl,ob»o npen fraia? AM. ojni J P. tt

Hf.i.'cw «.\ s hi lb iMt OiHltttHT vn.> rurRia« or Saaaiaia l'eeo,.a»»,a wa* gitea (be P*-v*j re tente^aay) At %m *al* >.tU to ru-ith a trjta-4**, ,v f. ,u.

Oicaa. in c.'**a«i ra.r or 1..« kla «ett briag oa-ed. by ik-irm*-*«. »f*i u...- i tbe 1-g A'a .* ai-n ,>t tl -«r anil raadir»''Wrc |»^.r n.lrtea t. f , , ^ S 1 dfir t ta'v'rrtw at-Tb> MaieVav *cr N w V rk, and Na ?14 Bt-aad. 5 aadby all Dratc- ». ». P* ce-ra »?; at am «ad el pw a» ia- box.

l)v. k K FTTxMi, author of " Six L^rurtyTooCrairarepgaea.** Ut. Otbca Nda * 4 Bnariwjy ope* dady iSaa-da* M.reeved) : .am * antil ' ».i -r taC. a* i upocvo \- -

bwk lha«a eaof the il-avt. t d all Carcci. ''daaaaa at Ma'M»»d Pamoli Coarraltaiw fee.

"WktattTWHitZ"v. - >~vi tl v*e $'0 WMa w«yaoahaada rha Maneta. . >» '. i No. I»Ma*rawB>Vaaav. Üaatwtue« in *>-1 .' i i gnol eig at toiper otbaa a » barter article at the oba r- aai*. lakmrwt7a 'baa atavid ai th* *xlrav*4*ui B .'a.'.w a a.or** for |e, Bart aodfn 14 tr**!*. bard*. »art*. Ac. «¦>. a*al» uvd pata

.Wi*,. .vi » r*aaBtTt HTUrlt's Htm l> «'f.. Wi .» aMO To i'grr-.s.

-Tha beat hi tb* trot d. the adaikraraaa of *oo->o.^eu-a. toe

aery of lrnko.'i ia Bold er«, tptalled at No SO Br^adartr,tauae paliqia rfiwawl TV* tarre« atjrok ef V .,« »ad T -«rae***.e Aatarloa. Aha , BaTcaaLoa * M-aa-Batta Caaaa.ferpr»aerraa* «b« a.a.

H. T. Lovan's Waeiltjir.Aa IrMiu ViAgetAv-ta» ptaaMMea, wvJ reel, rw gr-y hair le it* yertb tv n q«ai"ca ead cave balgaata Coll at'No Tktt Broadway and mm

IVtZZ*''**' ^ ««j .>»*«»«»kv kMkS.

Beodes'sFetp. r ahd Acer. Ccue.Or

AlTioert t* Sunn,TtM laotr -nr* of »tritt to

Hy >aeC*imiC4Tt or Kui. tt. .türm

I <irr». boJ«Mt. K ( hilT'.o M D,And lira »aar ,.f *h«» to

r«r.»«#By tke T *??>* ai B» i*~ioy -ab:t-Jt«-A

No Born i.»n Haaa*Or

Fvium Leo«,Or

Trio hi . Mr*» %*i n»aiaieat«»T»,Or Otttut*Or

T :...iir. ( »«»-irtTiofI,Ceo t f>oi. !.«*.¦.

In Han ui itaictuAt'nir:* tly tree o«. ea a

fII M I ! ' i ot C v a »fmt

Px»la »»n AterAad

ALL DtoVAAM Lii wo tr*e-.r arbv a

ATMCtraetic PoiaoaI .. a A«tid*>t*,Pronu'iofrd aj fey

Bi i«»ca,Pn.ard ao by

Kin und.Tb** woodrrfei cir«. < eat iy p/>«r-rt«l tad kaaoeaal. araou

fearmed Bv na'ar* 001 Ol hy t> r-.i-re o 1 »kr k<mui ftmBy wjo

ait, a>0 It, fl in u liar BM ei bait t d. at to .a 'y f»»d.»rh by oxnrv y rj - rardiat a the rrvttmoat abeteer acieo-m< or to pi v> b» t~ »oejeatee* .Wroeti«* J ira.

Oto. H. Hi»iv tVh^p.»,r '.ri it. No IB vv»i^r»».. »od'arrat» ay C. H. lil.r,, aUruit A reBB, C V. I':.icum A Co ,

Willi A Co.. tkrooaJyo, M a. M. Havtv. aaa Un*«k.t« «10eialiy. _

CatniY Vm.if.y FrMAl.P A wiimv .WintiTirrnnarli tearrwre« Nor. 1.«** C. 0. HtZtLTltk or

J. A. fo«Lti, P-inclpU», Cirrry V ,1 'y. N. V

LfNiKiNi.-<.i.\--i>. f o't the Fall Tiude, Attrratly reduced pr<'*. bairr» ort liititrd to eiajr. a« <iax

Meet lrat?r» purehaiil r- «ra,h"raRiiHttut, Kiimuid A Co.,

Mannfert. IJ, Mo '0 lie* b»re-«l Scar-Tori.

Famh v Mehh inf. J>epui.Wl....reel* ind Retail.Baaata A "ui.

Mo. bm Hrt>a»ay. -.. MrM Doarie tt,aiTlit «inet.

('RiPTArHiiu»'.«- H MR DTK, Whtm au.l TW i'i.»«and prtrinitrnt »bor* a! . or. p»Mioo A .ait* of el*(*ntj r »»t> ipuin-nii l>.r ipplrnr btiura-m Uli. -hat .a;-ateurdord *rt:r.e o' it* kind Ut uifboo'. bo *o' A Hi* n-«

.ryV*at Wiee tmt Taavrtai »-« »e wart"» ttoefct Whoi*«ei*tL» retai. at CanTinok. '» No. 6 baker Uoi«e

Cahy'm Botabit Fomcz-Pvmt .m> Ftbvv Kv.ivk,Ail*ptrd 'o any *i.d *1J rime- opr.. Lia.nafafircd tad ni l by

Ctar a Btaitaan Broekrr.rr, N. T.Alao by J. C r»*T. Dffi-e N«. fa* Rmadway. N. T.

n [DAT, 1:1 88, 1866

Alone article t'n toe new Am«»ri -in OpBtaV,].' p Vau V inkli" at Niol> 'a GartjeB, ha«, beeaer-irftleii out by thr* foratfd and oth-r ae»«.

RF.rt BI.icamn3i I\At (il R\TKO.

A borfe »ork hit been accouipli-hed th«fiieiid* < f Kfrub ii'aa Frccco d ar ^>rtC'l^e. A

, -tty ha* W< d oraHDlzed on the 6a- . of <>jjpo<Utu n to trc t xtcu* on of 8!iv>ry in tur cojn'ry.It I a* I ».< :i < rgaDizr-d in «<b''^icn<*e to th-* »eat'-

iri tit of a large ciajority tf ihe {.Hup'*» o," theStute. It in the reamlt receanlt/. We have§m liu.ittt <J to Ike bi.*k;r» »aiiiut of the Slav* I'.iwerIon»; t'liouiib; vie matt n w .-,.» tipoa thed'fea-Bitre; uiurt toi*7 bo.. ly o OW our piinc pir*«and mdt'RTor to cany them out, or *it an et yCoab and jitU imyl'c t o>. d eure to tk»re-

mi tt* of »Li BffTeaB#ra, The Free S'.atetl,iiH t.en fi reed iuto the pixi.ion whi-'h theyare ROH nbout t occup». We Are not disloyalto thi- Ft i"d, but we do d< t l'ke Slavery; are

lonthe it; heure we object to bsin^ uaed for iti» xif :.n< n and »u, {<ort.There appear* ti) b»»e b"en butoae aentiment

ta thib tubject at Sir»curje. All pirtiet c io-cidt-d id opiiiioa that the tune fof aetioo.defi¬nite, Oerided, oaerget c actiou.1. ».! arrc-d1 hey uccor^mgly lud aaide former partia.itiet,a j abondoned old paity >. it .'o-. for the

parpaBe of Addtatg aireotly the boorod ciu*e ofiTeoBoaTl (.oil liun.ADi'y. After a fr.»e inter-

ebaofo of » tie foliowtur/ ticke, forISco'i* > fJicera wao uii-inttii t»lv agreed nryoo:he, Strrr:-n 'thttt_PKX*TON ktV...<ifSt. L-w.rncain. t M. COtIK, fSara ogarca I.rat*,,-.A'.*X. B « ILLI VMS rf Warn«.f.r "laari, CatWavl_\ I 1J a d M »n >i. '

., of Uor»>n«t cr tome Vm .»«*»" »r»..DANt« v OldWLL. .' Unoial.'o.y r ..toi* riTjrhrr.OEOROE i«ED »EO.of Onvt.ioa-a

r 1'rtt a 'nryr, r-.r WES' EV BAILEY ..'(»nr. I»

rr ftdir f.* a4 .«*» 1 r-R vtikMKn TL WOOD, oi \ b*'yt i08kpi1 Ml'LLES, of jederaoo.

. R.-r luor lerti. I ftW ,h.-rt t.; u.

Tbis ticket would be a rtrooti one unier anyci-cumaUtcerJ, but rep:' * ut ug th-v feeiing itill aaa, it cannot fnil of beinf* acceptable t . allvabo »refft Freedom to 81aver). l'KESTONKlM i< too well Kr «van to lave people of tae

State tu requite aiy ptrtic ilar indi>rneuort.Si )* siooo, at the time of tj«« Annexa¬tion of Ttia«, while occupying a »est in the

House of itrpreit ntatire", be took hit ttao 1 in

oppoaltii'B to tbe rp.roJ fi Slavery, and batrtt adily ndhered t<« teat p. tition from thtt time

to tbe prett nt. Mr t'i">K. who it re-tioaitDat'. dfor tbe o:Fee of COBeaTOUar, haa tho*o himteli" a

faitbfa), aiflaOni pnhlic otüccr. tie hat theconfideLceof all who Ro >w L;mAniJAH MtNN. J'., fo.'taetity yeara an hoa-

ored leaJer of the laadical !>.":. '0-ac». auJ Iatt

year a prou inert champion in the "!)»ft" StateConveDtioD, ad unequivocal opponent of theNt bratka Kannaa loiquify, it noaioated forAttorneyCenera!. I: XI. Bissr LA of Livin«r«t<>nVv. ha* altu been aa active uai UadiuR l>em*verat in hin county. Wl H I I 1> ULKT of Oueida,formerly aa Abolittoaitr, hit acted with theVan Huren Ptinicracy iince 1849. CiioRucOl DDatl it widely known ai for two term a mo>tibielliiient atid capable Senator from (.'nondAEat'cunty. He will make RI faithfjl mJ ligfltala State Freierer ai John T. i lark, whom h-<Diott rrlaetAQtly *ueceed».a b-tter coulJ notbe. We knew that tb * i* Mr Ue dJei'i opinionaa wt 11 at ourt, and that he Would taladly bate de.Ciioe<< the unaoujtht nomination c>uld he therebybate iccureJ the retention of Mr. CUrk, butthat it u!u nor b». Mr. W'i u tvs, tb'.< nominee!«.: Treardrer. i« a r.>«t ">nt ar i popnlArV. kie. who waa ail but c>in-.nat»»d for Can*!Cou.Ui;i»ioner b*t yea', aal probably w«>a!lbate beea in a Whig c'onvt- t.i'n now: but, mthe two rottminrionrr* mho hold o»er ttrs

V'bigi, t wsi th' beat t.< nam . a Dem-»erati*.'T rhia pa »'. and ::. ke Mr. WIiIIbbbB Treaaurer

Fn.vxti tiRu K. Wtx»d wat, like PrestonKiNi-. oce of the three D m -crati froui t3 »

State who :e»:ited i-.- Annexation of Texaiacd cemindfJ gaarantt'ei that thi« act «hanldMl .^u'e to the »d>adtace cf Niarery. Tho-^<Ralataya a Democrat, ktr. Wood tut unoe ttaiodaj oof from art'to poli; '.1 li/e. and lait FallItjiftllld « l lark, ai Lie caniida:e of ftbj>perauce aad Frcodon. He Laj bva for^moat n the Teuperarce ctua* for many; i-f, and. thonih ut late retired trom prac-fi.e. ti I lonnd and capable j irist. JosErilMilXLN iWhi«) kaa ritea frooi po**rry andob'cnnty to a »ery hi#k rank a; the t »x of oar

Sute. aid wte cteien to Con^-en .'rom Jetfcr-ton ilouety ia l-.t\ in the face of a itroajf parrym>jonty UTtrto to kim. He wai a faiUfal »adtea-te»! inpparter of tke Wdmot ProTieo andkindred tneaeoree thr, ^h tie .Vv.X^ CoBRreoa,

dffliriag a rre e«tif>*. lie ku *tBc* b*ea a cta

d <*«ae far Jattte* »( th-ri«/r*«!» OtfjTt, »ed

i«o ftr efcetdaf tae Wfcig .tr»c» v., lb «*g», over¬

borne b* tb" *tr»aj I>-n..* Mati «najan*, it ev-« -y

0a«jt*7<f *he>DMrtet, n- w-i »1. ..-iiy a

saaarior ia the C«-art af IfMallla «fort: th* P»at»»rrui* light ti« TleWt 1.

»tr- i f, e*d ike Bwafl VtU raUfj thea bita byan «. »« rait-lame Hi»jer If.



Ar>er a year af »aiying fo tuee* aad terrible¦atTe'ibf, the f'r tL-ta MaaMffB kas «t lastree< ke" Ita turaii-g-.»liot. Fr» fOi tie l»t last,to tke-ta tke F'ao-ian tfJfflff)«if atiofBtwMladmit that cta-id»*iibe damage bud b--«n

Ajajf to tke line* af Bf'MNpil by the allied

fire, aad Aft the dam«*;« Iff! *eeo repur-d"eeirn»cba» po#*iHle," aod ne more «unally,

- 1 nt.. tit :-N>f tha A pie*, al aTaBBjd I ;r

af ttf afitima iran defeated at oae, car¬

ried two, but *et> agiin ooai^*!'"! toie.'e

th u . tbfvghfie* fafltj ma'nt t'nrd th»m*-lreiio tfe fourth, aod *h*t wa* Bbeel imp >-taot, oa

the Malakoff Bill. Thi lau of thi« p .iot

forced the BlHttl fi the 9th to march theirtraoa* froa tha aavhol» tf the ti>>r:i-ro u ie,atd thus to abandon tb-< town <<( Sera»to,iafter having exploded th>-ir oit4\2 do«, boffi

u|> »be bo Id 1 ga, rained tbe defenaive wo ks by-rnbjiiog iuidu utder them, htj 1 BtMHOlteiL, to

I e (i-n. P*li»»ier'e wo'ds, tke who e pla^einto »n mm t.»e blazitg furnace; they al»<>burnt tleir st'-am-r», sank their laet ab:?s of-

war, eno naali/ br«-ae op toe briige near FortPealIke if c msiderab'e re. nforüentenN

alfr 'he batt e of the Oh-rc/i, musl ha?e rv>

I e\td the Balled Generali fr. m any appr-h'O-Bion i'd the sere t-f the Ku->»i»a army at I .her-

cimc; for, tCi-u^h even tbJ reinaipder of tar

Ith ani 6»h K-icaitn division*. be»id-the, t*ut piona of f»rena4:er«, joined that army,t.:e Alii. -.v.-re now .0 a positio-. * v '-" 1

ce*iftl'y on) number of n,ei the K i««i»n-* could

tbio» a:n>sa Uie C'hernaya; while -n>n»;hofal-Ii» a llffpe would remain to ca-ry on tue *;ege,and t-Ten tu atttaip' an »aiault. It must He off*

foeoed that tbe French Government hai n>)*r

b»en txceeding'y prompt ia lending to the

Cf tufa a num!>erof troop* fu ly adequate to tbe

iJjtriin rti forcemeuti al » »ly taere, orou tie

morth fr« m 1'oNnd and Vo.hyuia; f >r tha nera-

ber ot the Frebch furcei diapatcbed to the Boatliuce ihr kegillilg of July, tnuit amjunt to at

leait 60 OOtiFrder theie circumsUncei, the Engliih and

Fr>nck advanced mortar bttterii>» being in goodworking condition, thetren'-hei vterr puibed upu> the cit-h, under the protection of a ni: >roui

fire. Ho* near the advanced treochei w««r» ea-

tobiiibid, ai>d wLetbera compl-te fnaradf| ofthe glici«, sfcnidum arttm, WMfCOfl pMr'ied,we do not yet know Tüfiring more and more

ar»utL-rd Ikeeherartrif ef b ie»;ul>r b.> RfardoMtetaid etrtical ore wa« iBof aaffally ta.oJe u«e of to

ftBder the plfoe un'e-niblo for 1r'k'» bodio« of

troepa. ti'l rns'ly tbf a**au t BTM »rdeffai,Od the Metnel»n. tbe Kuaaimi bad laat Spriog

cobit.-uctcO' a lumber of fireproof and shell-

puiof ri-ropi tui- Me with tbe aid of trarerieiaiid bl bdaoii lh »e contrivances gave capi¬tal pto'crtion a* .vii at 'he enemy'a fire, bu; when

tbe asrau t waa made, it wu touni that no room

Lad been 1* ft fui concentrating a luift tient num¬

ber of trot'pa for tbe Uefen«e <»f the work. C«ia-

pMtment after coinpartnient. defended by a fo atu« a < nly, wai carried by the French, and at

once fonted a rend} made lodgement for them.Tfce lame tnlituke appeari to hate been malein Ihe completion of the fef^nie« 0'the M >U-k< fi. The thing waa overdone, and wnen tbeFrrrih once got hold of the cmitnar.dlng point oftbe bill, tre huaaian work* thennelvee muat affo ded them protecnon against the Kus-

.inb fire.The Mtiftu (Daahaff No. A) aad the R'-dan of

tbe (.'iirrrnict; Lay iHaatioa No. 1 of the Kui-

BifBf) being fitifftej ou more level ground, didnot admit of the terraced batterie» and compli¬cated dtfenif'S apphcible to the Mai alao J.

Here, therefore, a simple coupure appear* to

htve been made in the interior of the b tstioo,cutting.' orT the salient an«-ie arjd expoitng tti

inter'or to nn overvabelmiog fire. Tbe troopifor in defruie c< uld thu* be plsced further to

the rear, and the interior of tke work protectedby lalliei from tb» eoupure. In consequence ofthis arrnDgetneet, which wai cf tae kind gen¬erally adopted hi auth caiei, the Engliih lineaand the French column* ordered to the assaultff tLeie poiitioui could indeed peeetrite beyondthe all but abandoned outer wall ; but when

there, face to face with the coupure, they were

crashed by ita ffffff ana musketry, and had to

dive op the assault.Ai soon aa the MalahotT waa carried, Gea.

de Salles, cn the French left attack, made an

atttmpt to establish himself in tke Central baa-Don (No. .'), between the Fla,;*ud and t>uaraa-tine baation« ) He waa repulied. We are notinformed whether this as»au!t waa undertakento bia own responsibility or whether itformec part 0/ the original plan. Nor do we

know bew far tbe proximity of tke Frenchtrenehei to the bastion ju»tiaed such a detach?dard hazardous attetrpt.Toe fact of tbe Malakof bill being taken, at

oico foirrW tbe turning point of the atraggle.From all the preceding eveata of thii remarka-b e liege, it waa to be aiticipated that tbeF-enrb. if properly aiive to their biiiaeis, were

Ml in the Ttu oteat danger of being d-iven autof their new po*it.on. The Malakoff complete-y f mmaid* it e Kanae'Baya aad the eaitern*icf e ef the h.ll on which tke town of S-vaito-pol wail jut. Taking id the rear the tea fort* ontve aontbern tide ef the harbor, it made thewf elf of the inner harbor and the greater partof the outer harbor unteaable to tke Kuuian.hip* of w»r. By the fall of tke Malakoff tke

|c<a nai'y of tke defensive liaea of Sevastopolbecame ltterra^kd at that very point ijk»b

.Mfl tie security of tbe whole wu depeadatt.Tke poifOstion of tae Malakoff, therefore,meant tke BfajffaajM ff Karabelnaya, the de-itmctioB cf tae toara by boabardment,tl tsk'ü* in dank anl rear cf the Fug-.ten" baatioe, and the disappearance ef thelast ckance of the toarn* holding ont.f\rtatep«; fead l <¦ been a fortified campfor a large araay, ai indeed are all modern for*t e-«e». Py the capture of the Malakoff it hadsunk 10 we rank of a mere bridge-head to theKuaaiaa ga/riaca of the north tide, end moretnan tbia, 01* a bridf«>he*d witboat a bridge.It waa therefore wiao to abAfdon it. It ia triewe bad beard a good dead of new worha con¬

structed cn the innfr alope of ihe MaUhvff. with

a T'f-w t» maintain tbe <Jef-n*e or th* Ktrab"lt>»ye, »tW u« lee* of that fertm>iatt<ii; hatth» v #«j Dot roero L»*e b""e of »»le* eaanj*to inmoe 1 it-ee Qejfi h*k< ti t<> c.iaHnae tu- de-

iifie. lli'«t'trr, we ianil n.<* aooa kau*»r*t pal tltw real aafn'e.S air Kassian »a<p* Bad .'rvvir bora » ined

ia t*r be*b**f ay «Bell* ira ¦ »««. itaod at""r «

The M*i*koh* BBVaa aru.ed ara i'ra*Mt gaiataoa'a La ». mads it itJkf »I» for tne remataiogKn*i>iaa »< .«el* to Dud a eafe an.'b"»rag«, Meat!jaot at th» foot ef Porta Nt holt««od 4.1» \anJrr,bi d -here it not room for * g»ett man» Bfn*- th"

b'. run g aa<l » tiki g of ike r»*in»isder <>f the licet-Tar Koraoe bb)o tide betut 0 miple-tely ia the

hand* of the Al.ieo, they are in a p»«iti>nto naVttole operation* in the field. Thoughtl rj will n<>t be able to establish many batterte*ar many tr-t^,.- in tbat suburb, oa arc«unt of the

lire fn m the m th«'n ah re of the h»rb»r,tke} have »ueceod tn reduce, th" Ro«-t an po.ti. n i f >< ra*tnp i. so man one-halfttt tMrLt be'ore tre -ta ;..-t . find to a fiitress

eapabla ol beld'ng but a litvted namber of de-

f-uoera. Not on y i< the off-.<(i»tre power of the

gattisoii compirtely crushed, but 'tt o>fen*ivett eDfctk ia gieaily reduced. A far emaller

s» r cl u «u w.l s.rüce to carry oa the

tie*', and the ttoopi Ihn» set free, with the re-

rDforceaeLtt BOW ou 'he ro id or at toe otm,» -if

Masltke, will be available for an expedition to

Papatoria. The mo e we examine the rela-tivr posit.on of both Kassian« aad Allies on the

CleiAsy», the more evijent it become* thttintfrr par'y can drive the otöer aw»y hence

wit! Ml great superiority and enornioa« aaori-fices. The op'n'ou in tne allied etrnp wouldsetni to be that frous 6 »,i»00 toTi'.OOO men

should be sent to Enpator a, ta order to march

up- n tl" comiLuuicttioi s of the Rusmosot .^n pberopol. J»nppo»e the Ritsstaaa to have.j< ..OOOlDeiiBtJli Cnmei, i, wai *h taev certtia'ytave 11 '.) 0 mot Won J be reij tired f«»r theJ» 'eaase <.! ihe North Forte 60,000 tor tie positionft ti e Cheix.a)*, and ti'M-'Mj to m-et the allied

army of Knpttoria In tke present spirit of tha

aliud forces, it is certain that with equal num¬

ber* and in an equally divided li-ld, they willbeat the Russian*; and aa by taking up a posi¬tion t<n the Ku»s;an Hm of communicati >ns theycan force them to give battle, taere doea aot

ateta to beany riak in *uco on undertaking. Onthe ci'Dtrniy, it is probable that the Kassianswon d be able to of>p«»ie thi* expeditionaryarmy with but 6^.000 turn at the very outside.Tbe «einer, however, such a movement is un¬

dertaken the b'tter for the Allies, aad if theyact vigorously trey may expect great resilt*.

Th*J now have both moral and numerical su¬

periority, and we doubt not they will profit byit before auother winter on tbe pltt*au ha* re-

dacrd tbi ir number* and damped their (pint*.Indeed the laust report i* that by the FUh

it1 c.eD had already Bailed for Eupatoria, andwe aball dobtltss hear of a still greater force

following.Of tfcese important event* we have a* yet

only the meagre information conveyed by tele-urnj i .c dispatcbe*. When more complete de-taila reach u* we «hall return to the subjectagain.




* l'irjtirhto 11.« N. V. Tiibon*.STRAcrsr, riurartay, Sept. C7.IT A M.

TLe platform hae faM through tbe WhigConrea-tior, and is under oebate in the Republican.A prohibitory additioa U edaWad, and a motion to

lay the tame on tie ttblt- ts> leal by - to iii)is ore change oa the tiiAet. Mr. Htrr.'' iiiih

d< dir.- as Cnnai Commi*>ioner and DaJllBX II Bis-.i i, oi I..v i(jg«ten, iopaton. There is now perfectsxioD on the ticket.

*rco*D ni^rticH.l e t mtk r. .V .l'be Whi*; Coavection came t> tlie

Be| ablieaa a: noou, and the WL g party organizationa aa formally .-ajretvi -red.Ihe Temperance resolution wa* adopted ajtboBCOM

of tbe m»jorit\. but L« not put Ln the platform.Niue ».beti> were given for the ticket. Perfect bar-

nutiy pnvaiied and all ia o er. A<'joarncJ rim Jit.

THK KEPl'BLICAV STATE Co\*\ EN'TH >\.StRt' i-i, rbarsdoy, SepL .c, leiJ3.

Tbe Republican C'onvenüon rcaovembied at B:dSo i lock this moruing.B) Rtcr, from the Platform C .snmittee,

prtrtuttd a reiee..,' ^-«..'atioD*, which are the same; a*

tboee reported to the PFhig Convention.After the reading of the Piatform, Johs W, Srtr-

BiKSof klor. roe. Chairman of the Committee, aubmit-t< d tie followiiig:

BVAotoat, a an -.* < aaeaataaa of poiitici*a* io thi* Suetit*- osadr % poity wt' t|«o rh« low profa;bma* trtSc ta a

t i caiin« lataaie, taa< wrr«uca it* ratorprctatloa fr m tbeCeatSj tad taaeeltai froat ta* -»pirtnon uf th* p-jpo u willwLkfi data ru ran: BW| thr.-rurr.

ha-oStot. lh*r. truly hr. <r'aif th* ir»at pnt^iflr* of pro-I: '.l«o II be Piht, wr ai.l nawt th« aiteaip-« a. m Usmt malrto savetBM a tnal if ii practical worhia* there jf to thi* State.Mr. IrnaatM moved that the foregoing be ap¬

pended to thi ma;otify rep' rt.Atcr diecossion Mr. IiKkilit moved tbat the reeo-

kal aa of Mr. Stebbin* be laid on the table. LoetAje* e?; Bin, - I -.

Jadoe Ct l>ia then moved a* an anjeodnxat thattie preamble and resolution of Mr. Stebbins be adoptedby theCoDTSLton a* an independent proport ion.Mr Stisi i.v- accepted the amendment to Li* propo¬

sition, and bo* preamble and reeolniioo were adoptedby acclamation.He j m-. ae prveeatedby Mr Gkxilft fVata the

majortv of the Comnuttee wa* then adopted by ao-

c aaBwateavThe Cocnzaittee on Nominations, throach Mr. Ol i *

o Kenteeiatr, rvp. rt»-d for BUM officer* the aame aa iLo*e adopted by the WLi^j CoavebUxt, and..kit »a* ar..-.:« i.

A C'eomutfee wa* then appointed io nc ;.:y the WhigConaent on that the Republican Convention wa*

read) to receive the Whig Convention.At 11:49 A. M. the Whi« Convent, a were uabered

into Whftatag Hall, and greeted with nine cbe>-r* andpla< t ii .n the center seat*.the member* of the Reparvlis'an Coaveauoo <L\Aing oa ea*ber side of the Hal.Mr. LtTTtr. ,h.« of Oawego moved that the) two

Center-tii ne in acion ratify the pUttonna parsed byeach C< c vt ct <.¦». Canted by acclar.ation.

Sir. Bti aToi" N*ew-Y >rk moved the ratitir-atUra oftbe ticket noniina>d by boUi Convectiona.

¦ A. K v Preeident of the Whig Convention,seatr d by the side of Mr. Fecton, Preaideot of the H re¬

publican C<~aveo»*oa, moved aa an amendment tbattbe tckrt ratiied be gives to the people of the Stateae a Republican ticket.The aaotkn and aaaen iment were pa** d by acciv

rcatioD.Isaac O. Dallo* of New-York moved that the

name cf Republican be given to the new party. Paasedby etc amatk>n.Mr. fraaTAawM of BufTaio moved that the Preai

drn'a of tbe two Conveatrona appoint a Stare CentralCcfnanittee conaiauag of twenty foar. Paaswd by ao

c'amaticc.Judge Oaavrs, a veteran Deixaocrat of Herkiaaer,

snboiued to tbe united Ceavoniion tbe tollowtag re*

'u'ia#a. wbJob wire B*BJM* te*i to too Plttf Ctea-a>itt>«,«w IM baa " S-'ft Aeli" EMfe CMsewtlaB bw

tke Hon. Timothy Jt-tioo **f OasVa. »vi fei>trdby ¦ t>e a »e Hg»t t" e'f I] in »h»t fx***, ?

A.aaW T*«* lr» r-re«l f tk< M'MM,< C**a»'>«r.*a * IMic-aw.*, f rrS Cad tea r»fl« »*>«. in aeo'WB'rk nut tyl

ria«iW»l k »' rraNartl a *> ».»*t».i»-'«Tiw-;wiriiml I , ib* li.T* nf <fcr- rati-a* a Baa pr -p» -.» u' ta- . %-

ii.p. Itta eetseVd a*the BatataS>auataa>ala .*' p-n-ef .»*

.- Bill« »ilur« «inar«t« I a d'a, M|J« »r- ta* ak dran. k- IBBBB*. 1 . tir-c aar» Ot >V»ir -...«*. Etrr-arirr . .4 11.1

.ul.tbor-ra 'ha art-oe»**« »f«»» .*'...>.?..- 'f- ««'. BJBBBBfsr. B «Iii. 'Mti n.ui tET**» «.»« "ft'orj tad *. .'»

tk* raaar whi-b Comf. »*» *''<**** I BB Ba» {abed,ittk laara- f. it U la* b* arete* d» I .*M f*«0 »tl Rira*n«» ««» mnm *»1'h fasraortl«*«!* ft-' rBt-S-er» th- *.*» -r ft BBMi* b t h.ada by tb* U n-t* t.'» b B* p**i«k th ia .:**» tat'***!*.T»* »»»*»»»* f ihi Tisiataj af Bi- by t»'» i* kiriif ..

r»*..'«Br-ik r*-e f. r ItM **J»V*** < <*«t*! ¦* u* ¦ rjsat*BMBt.>» r..'rr Bf I a t*r»r aSbJBI* »!«»» in* r-<r- o< ii-a ra-rval,

. i * b* r B b*a I r;..B t)j* El aB*o»a« afft <o'*J-UtnU an~

!i.|«J rival h.l cm oinvr.thou kJ.-v!j tud BatBaMBJI J -de

vi -Liwt«D*>ru. a-r Ik* -cl BU' of MB r»p-al »f tka* - ini\Bp Bik',iia :...."t i' »w»«"rft>. b*waa**Bt* ^-«»riT.t«si In t>>« Pr«o*Ar->t of h» Uuiu-I

t-.. ti ' . :' r«»*«.» of laart by Caaiji""* m pr*»*«t tkau

rarurr-jc* , , .

A,*.rJ.«f. TS*( .«« prKtWif eon«1'«« I" !*>? F^f** 0< '»«

T M or i r rur po«r-.-« f l-«^«'-^ .«>>>*-- ¦ Ik- BBMf

n.1.11"/ l.3|i« Ww<f ii r.i c'r - t>-i me >r*n*o »a if

it* B«im y fn.1 . of do rxp+ymc. Tb * J «-rnn» n-unnr-lb* JftntK i. bit ko-o ipp-.i»i-* kt L-« ly «»'fy 04tnini*r*-l»0(.. on -b- l.rr;.0'*'».."*. uf . ilti'miual IB «0* pr-«»tl U«iaT!io*-i* .um- .. f.*« 't- h ¦¦>*¦

*t.i»ovh» Tli* *ppy,io»i«i trnmmtfI» inon b»iM»w*o»bIa bid b** bora to m BBWIbbI} tb*n.i 'nrJ

lbt**» riro'te* tue obBouuourtly and t-nthusiBJ-tico''y *>'. ptodJndge Crnn of Bn»k!yn then t.»k the stand Mi

made an e*i<jnenc s; eech on the actio« of th* aereraJ

pari»»« tn reia':.m . SaftTery, whi'h was rtther aar-

ravtieai y rw» ivtd. He tN>n>,i'idevl by mar»vinr the

hre i i . «<«. und hi* ffroration wa* reoeired with

tf ntdrts of a| plotwe.Ha aar wtti by Sti U M. BVBBM .'is, who ia-

d 'isc-d tie mtSom of the 'wo part'ee. an 1 gavr his a J-b<*.oti thori'ii',-!-;y BatM Rrpnblu fin oaa*-.

(Jr-r. Iti kk ti.H- havioir o.»noindn<j,D. Grxkmt. harrnj; beet called fjr, declined to

..p»«k. hut mo%eo fhi* rrv.notion:hn>itrj, Tbtl lb* c' rh . roranj r. ont-.r<of .ror Sto'o

wbi- *p iui« U>* Pi*:: .-! V :¦ Itpka t lopt -J 'lyititCo*t nii.«, br r>.-o"tr.' tc m^t tt DBSw a*TrrtJ c«"inty **a * tadi m *t* cot ta**aN to bn «nnrmruvt %t tb« . o u 114 r*.'*v'l >»;

(*a- i» rlaatBr* wbrrr do «*a*W »uuh rit» rviv*. th-> D<irt«ta*t MtCaataaitaa r«^ae»t-«lto aaM«aMOMfaa«JB*a«i» t*drrrrprctiT* ( uot ttea. ]

Tnat im-ustv adopfel. Mr. 0. now m»v.»d thattl.e C'onviu'ion a<M<>nrn without da», which was car-

r i o. l'ho sort f t'lirg prerai e.| at the olo«e, aad the

ti «-ruber» »rpaiated in undoubting tocndenoe of ap-troa.'hire triumph.The two I'rev.ient« o' the Conreution tabee-

quenüy oni'i «I i'i tbe ap[>oint:nent of tha f »llowiugairiniit'AM stirr oaMtrTtii.

I H)^v .» t». bj 'Kl» v.s.

Ar.-UV Ola).dialVON DhU'ER.j tHKH s rartroa


dM ft


l> DI DU1 Kits09EPH BLl tl

I JAkfJM W N l

. j uts u !»iMti»uL> Bjtr:nsoriaTlTB wr.i.ii i

,' JlliKPH 1AV S.'iTHnajAS HUJIJt.

JOIIS \f. it. i«AVIC I' « ILlUMd


.oeotoi «.«»¦'i.D.aBitu »m ». (»l vF.a.

".I*".IrHILtr D >BAftEiatBB,r**y»rTtawra.I EVI C. Tt'RSKShnkmrr.STANDMB aakkt.htnek- wtu-n.l» t I [I'MMll K.PtUttur, C.STr'PHES C roHfSON.n_ j iDABIBki T. JONMb«a^«r<tap.i to.j %lufi vi'Ml OK.» iirrrrt.^.A. S. RIt'E.»j««Bta.CVtoaas t.III Li M. ki rroi'jhs.h .«r.lrr.S IV ALUMi» ,,mtt,u ( *.CHABLBBU s ikpiikrd.

WBIG BTATI CONVENTIOV.Btracüsk, rharaday, Sept A.M.

The Whig Comentioti reaaaetabied at 9 o'clock thiamo-ring.Mi'^* H. (ir:cn> ll, fn-n IM t ommit'ee on K-vtolu-

tiers. DttaaeMad tl e foi owieg report:The C'l'D-.tnittee appointed to meet a s'milar body on

af tbe Bi pablieaa (' 'inentioa report that tneybate ti. :!.> Do*Jdbdttee a'>o»e n un>-1, uid after afull companion of opinion*, in w hich an eirneot desiroa a.- mai :t«e'«-«i I y all to reoogoixa tbe < !a ms of oreryKvtion of the Mate, and to barm« aixa all interest* rep-rtaerted in the Conven^ri u, acd more «jaraa»)aairy t»

place bed", re thi ir fellow citizen* a tictet aTAtOa «ou da «et their cordial approval and lapport, the said

Orjtaa*MaaehATtI with er.tire unanimity agreed uponthe Mowing n..n inatioos:

Batista*! ttaas. PREBTON Ktvo.tootroit-r.J.VMEs Bt. COOK.Tr*«oxrrr.AIiEI'l B. kVlItUAMJAAlts oi-d'iitril.AHIJVH MtNi Ja.(unli'.o.d.aU«.DANIH, M. BH-r.L.1..BsaBS Kr ,merr. ..UEOROB UK DDKS.Ski* Piauo BAILEY.

. <r ~ , a_.i-nRAt'EORD R. WOOD.I l,l«re of Court, f Apor.j | tjUSCrrt Ml'I.LE.t

r r .:.» t --m. If jt ihn «hört trriii.< ii> ujoIk i ti.t- ri-port w»* uuaniui-.u-l v a.'ceptod,

ai'd i'e adoption nnnid with vociferous cb«*»ruig.II. V. Hall opp. *eU the Louik-nti >n of Jamee M.

tVik. H«-wi< ii. tavor of an entire »vt of new men.

A. B. DiikiEson atd P. C. Li:t>john advocated?) e «<:. j.l:on ot th«- tUkot as reported.

rjpoa a vote beirg taken, the ticket wa* untai-n ons'y sdepted.

B. I) Morcan, from tbe Committee on Uesolution*,r'ii!«d the following as nearly tbe ui.nimoti* ex-

pre»»i n of the joint OeMotllkMlhr-. .'ir*. 1 ho' tb* r'-o>r«! <!i>»»nim»iii h»ir( ob» of |ai ed

*ae ltavhed powart, tnioo« whloh ib« p.wrr to *ml*»t bouta1'ir ft it oot f asd. w. c.u.t r«/or«.ly J*i,» it* mhl'^i .»«. .

L| hkid af to «r*l« 8 trrrt in tay poittoo r thn .abtir di.iutlo.*S M a bj .". at bB rttacuhoiral lo iho lr.ior«i t«mto.y «y tryd »«r« «b*r**ti.hrritvi Tb^t iioeo thrr* rao he ao 't*l I arrnr la th» T>r-

ritüiira of oar l'aioa. rhrre eaa ho ot\Jflo*r Ktotra.agal'y f.taaodout 11 *%cY r*/ritorlr*. aod w« «oclai* oorotlt*« u- oi'orahl« op-pcted tu 't o toio.ttKrn there ot aoy aiorr Bio** -,i«t*», tu 1 *

keet f aa tt^rr** pruhitntioo by toa«raa* af SUvary la ail:. .>.'¦«.htmnttd, I bar tb* rrpodianoo la thr iaur««'. aaj bv the

»o«« of ihr Powrr. f t. ciich of the Bt «*oun eiopa. t

nn u*r**to (he aevaata«* et »rtedotu.after it yl-i ted alpoatkl* tdraa'*4*« teShävery adln.-r.lote«n* of :h* lirrB^.no ».r * j eatwaaal .: da thai*yim j «*gruo»iou aod rt^. .

iBh-irittio . *)Mrui oo^cO : .tx a ai*a ad nit lit>«/ty. eerth ofi« ' t. T. *J.J 1*1-4- "f r« r.tbtful rrwo-d.Attained Tta thr i'rocr*. AJuiaatmluo, hy Ita to f.yrm po -

It) la. ropociol.y by the lasaotai ot U*v. Krodrr oa<l Us to-*«iL'u.rct is til atoad of run aoo rsatroatw too *l*c-. of to*

a. a. on ii.Ta.tait aa . Uc* L*|tol*rura ft,r Kaa*a«, and diatai*that hvi>iaut.kal uajpattuoa of that hoot thai baoBeyad a*

iMtaM I of T»r !'.*». t...y >d-0'tt.el Ira-if wirb ta* ..TartU> i. -at S.avtrj ther«oo and r*i.4«r* impoMib « to* forth*- «op-f>i? f tb* KaetWGrM t; oarc who cecr* taat Ksaea* aoaii bowor a Free Trn'.ury, a* d ta do* ttone * Pre* .>

htntntd. That lai ** ettjrea ttWlOU State* who hat* oa:frat«dto KaxMa with tb* porpua* of aiah.a* her trr* b*r* io to .luiaftu a><) tv aw and a**«:.'<d oorl.13'; thai thai' p«ac«rui y*tiraalate br-arui« 'o «l«w of the oatro«aa lo atwo 'hry bo*< b*natatjeclaa by arnvd oaod* preciptutad a pom ihnia f.-oji hi *-

aocii rca.ii-i<:« BBM to O'.r wanoo*t ada.trttu.a, aod w*

p.edxe tor tu oat aaaSaa* aad «o.ire »upport aaul Uaro lotadtri.B* 1 k« drfra'od. asd their ri«bt> fcl.y aeoird.Knotted, lhat tb* corr%««* o mmit-ad to a litter Stat*. aodaro.ot of .«Oda, aa.huiSty, oa t duxan gr l-y »f oo eras* bat ca-

atti'.y «xd tis'.O, adLu.utad> n* that d arrry i* *»er>what*atwar with jo»*:c* aad Itterrat vn btatiu« all tblc«t to .t* w ll;¦ *« rxbirt oor fr Icw-cuhttaj, aa thty to o* ta»;ro*i ri#h a acd llvrrtira, bot to intraft with «m*« jtdielal or

oihrrciea w&o upooid ar.d ayavpa hiae with tn« oppraator* jfPat.n < i- V\ uiiaajtue.AraWraal That are rt p . .cju orf^satarica* ara locoodftont

ana tir .ibtrai ¦** of car f'ra* Oo»«r»on«r r tad Aou-Reeabticao ia tk«-./ ccuartrr, and that wo rrpo haM tod ona-OraiBiBr. proao/;pt r* aod Aot tUpab.lrto :o- ( u.ra uf thoetcrr ci hoow f«c:bit«f. tad atl tact; aoerot Cotwitau/a*.oath*, rtratia, aod otyaoiaotaoa«.

hat»Staat 1 Lai wLi.e ta* po,tcy of ( aatl P.i.:*rfamrat a art.tlae by tb* chto«« o'thr S ate < aalhjrttia« o* ta-ii ft** of tbe kiat* IVbt to tk* mmamM.f uiao aiilltua* of dw< araIr Lb-1 poipoa* th* KrpaUicao pa-rt atv toilet ap a th* boa..' u.J laitatai tpw:<*to>o if th**o fast* B] th* po'poa* tjrahuh th*> art appinpitattd. That ta the ovaoaa'toaat of thaftaf luait-i are wid laeaare a tijad awaaa*B ml at >aa aoilaryaid u- iinctoft ecoocoiy ta all taBeträfta.'aa froao the pahuo1 taacry.

BaWaSaod, That tb* policy of repai. e« oej ^onrp-*»eal p«bUoletki is rcuu. by cjs-rao». to be *ward»d to the Wweat r*

*5 oorihie kidco i . Luwut*. uudoat, * atroa« p-tuntar. i0r*r-.«t a fr-ta.-noo irraa. tt f-i.ppu^ tb.-oi at to* >otaot', *om-x-l.U aoi' u, cor ,...'«utott at etadaciee atika ta eeo Kiojy ia

tt;tu i'ba aod irftnaroy of aa«taiuoo. aad we coujaoad It*Mill uil BV f ill Caa-ia

J>«r**rad That bt loin- Lt a » p BOB! or«aoi«atv>r. ortd r**fh. aa, a* oar <jwb, tha p-tsciBiro aot fattü aa fh->*e

u««l ieOSU :h* iiasif-i t. of Taon a* J*fT-r»oo.' "' r . a «l.« rttct jtv-tKr H a.1 aoco .o* aappatt"of it' Bet* Oovt saao'tlo ail :v-l.- r.«ht* aa to u» a.u«x" ri as a* ti i : aJo. i^tniuii for oar .1 ufattii coootra*" too thctorrft ka'aa k Malaat Aol. Kroab-lcao l*sd'^'*a*r'-h* pr»aarf*'ict cf tha Orarral tirraoramaat ta It* wh-<4ae*a-f .'«.. at. rLtJBSa >i*u ear* af thr r^ht of El.tioa by thef*H r a mi d aad rah oorr*e«T* ot itaaaa warth art >p-y-d< ta- nr. it of ratolatkt a. where aoaaakOl* ramatlo* or* aa-

pr tie** , alac.ut« acoo «aeeoaeoi ihr c*aaaaaaf of em atjorkry-the titti »rtarip'* i.i Rrpuklo* m>*5 wkici tear* la ao afpnalrat to fata the ri'ti pnadr . tM In adhiie perratof or fpt/*a., »casoa y is it* ptSilr . ipaadttora* ijat tab r

a*j br thjAl ) bortetto. iv honoat payseat at our dob'* ao4tmtTH p: tar rraboa of the pahue faift. **r^r»*v»*a*at of aar«.,ea.twt aad of ecmaterc .* taj baad «BkM, tea dddotaoa of io-foroai^o and aiTt-«an.*oi cf tii abwaaa at th« bar of poo Uofnawai ftmnOom of rrltaioai fioaaWai of tha Ytrnma. .. -4cot of p*r*oa aotrr the -^oteo i o o' toe Etabaaa

. aid tavi hi on** ti*.,r aaiictod. Tbata arlael-ci*a B a. c'a krtaat eoeatealalava which h*» goa* k*: jra *. aodr*'d*. am aropa throach *a tsn ot rt~ lotioa *a<t rafucoiat' ato* wvavoai ef i at .*«**, aad ta* atoad of oa- raroa* baea oaaa¦ "bad ** their «atao-tntat.tataa *aao k* iha otal of oa/ a>b*. *i* uil of ehrte MnnMMa the toath-atc'.* b» abwb to try tbe *err*Ma of thiwo wa tro*»aa* ou da« mteim froai 'in» m Okoejeoto of errar or ata.'st,'Irt a* kwtta to rr-rar* oar atap* atr! »,. nioi tta road araaahaiea* kad* to pake*, liberty aad tarVy


Tbe leaolcuoo* ware adopted cxun;n<- rutiy.E.G.aHnaidiiig, £aq., mered that tM anf^cat

atftA of a <"*a>m w U oewan*a I net. u (V. K«p«v|i<«%a Cat «et tbaJ !.** jt»i«t n«>lal<*>a« 4*4 aeaa*b*i aa* hM l»t»> aa*»e*1 **>d sa rat*.* *.-r4u«f Vn)mto tweet m .i t r-pvwirfi.K, bar 'vi^-ataee.TVe lew utunr4 .» *t o «' «¦.-:!¦*»>, M^rt,

S|*«idin«, AI**«, W«><ft«V i «-i {, r*Kv tJ.beAeraft. In i «.n» Rartr. NJw nan au-1 I." <r4»aAt II «.\.« iitr Ol rrai'Ua-e >»t,".rva u*a teiajaa.II» . ^ i-a *b*>n »

, >* aaa u aakatIM lü |.ul)..f au t ta V» li ün. Hail

KNOW SOUKi-iMNt; PTATI Ol v-KTT-r»«.Si « kB, 1 l«JwetAf/, «y» r> [*»},

The Kb«>»t Sm ti *. >'«.!. r*B»«*ni.«a rvttaaaa-I mi mt . ».«.. k aM I ei um ae«Ba*a*,SMmaile by the Foeioaia'*.

.>. ¦¦¦¦

Rl PUBLICA* HA« MF.RnMA.I t<n iHFiiRit, Thun* lay, aVp< ...*», 1**»,

A BibbjI *. ¦ bm«. «. a%» inU a>«j t mm »»%».Ii». aM aaaadaaatM* *>* wotaeA Omtmf, .at«a*Aana *».' mmIm Wtasaja I"b* a»vaU**>* .?,.m »i\ K<u'itN » v< n- (w.o^vl a- kane s|.- *» taerr*f '-t of a'avi-ht I r* to BTr*bb*ai« BlMlry vh-t-o *i-ia-ri' g, bfjt iViy.itin' n»h; -o fu .->?»' rib-iM eaj

BN g , > IMaM < a '. f .r iu'VlBJJ a » .. efI aK a« o«>rpi.» :i. tlio cv* of l'v< n ^ >* i***-

Boat, eVcWtr*; tl »* ii aat^ftoui v ** '>« fttvo i'irir; that a eae* n«t *,{.*«, v*i p. A|ac,r»vtit j-«r«"a aaa I {>- IW no ir:rw,MTlh'n«ba>a [mm>*u r aM IM4 aWaMAaaa >a h« .an -af Maelaatal trl'iir al «o rn'opr** tM m aejAejd n/bt* ef aiaV7.i« tartVei af a rawttol atttA tM o^iaaaa,tibibMa irv ir. laiwaao iafta a"i"t r * "fannaliBU mi .!.«. >tatr Cat \ aati I ?>». ra:. h A

FAI L OF SFVASn^l^U-POLSTIPAtttMTM, I'hiirwtBT, Se it. J?, IMA

The newa of the bbU i>f la .»»..>,.«I ccaio I *;r>**t ««.ci'ennt aM hwrim-o in :f» gat/a Ma*jv r«*»VMva4the n« wa w 'h Bllafl aaAaa . of i<yr-'tIm Bapabti ha 8ta«a t '.»:> aittae ?net to U» aa4

bWIN Id i r j v \\ »«O'bnra v» in, I <\i*.jr .! to »' i-aat'onirtnt cf, a'nl Sota Wehn, Jr , r\<v-xoi | ,Sava*»-tar\ ,

faW J^fii.' of Mi city, wht<-b ^m -cvj

ra' fa»».. raaAaat, laaaaaa on: t!.j ".{'.iTaooa farBlJTJaJBl Vhia. i oai'.i.ationa.

Tili: rALL OF SEVASTOPOL IN tA.lUit,Brrrato, ihn ai»y. S- n

Tb* p*oj la in ail U e 'owtal i i t ia »i i.i ty a»a a-Vbraiin|{ tla tmtMm\4mi :!.«» r t a u» »a * ita.'.) abaaaBiAt Toronto boniitr« wert» I c^'o-1 ^ir « 'i-^i, r«» >Jrt>tj

M't olf, M)'1 tLo gfjNtjMJl < *oi . Mai et.a iv!.At Stmt:. ri! t .rt ..i aaaiaaa tu la o«iJi

when tht* nt are fJM IMaaMal 1c #it«l.anj^.a tha.tuilkie on tbe hct c*i an ¦ iivd by !.. n a«n .1 iou I ch<aaei,s< ¦ t tim« i Ui-"»«t l^-foff burl iiN*a i mM l>* reo« ua*l.

FI«*;* »*rr tiyuu cfrrywber»- 'hrouajho'tt th* iiofia.At I/o Ma t -it wne a pjMaarw aaaltaaiaai aalle

» re ronv. nun» ti td iut.1 titviuon ti/in»'!'*! the atvwtawill, latics ot ii uvic.

IHK fRLLOW rSVBI tM VtlMIXIA.Bal r'.otk. niur»dty. Sapt, IT, IWt,

At Nort'olk, tho iiiM»a*e i>»nflnue« to a'iata, «»Aliui>in«>* baa bi-a'a paiutlly re*>um-*J. Oa TasaUftl eix» wore >iiteen aaäatAi aaJ ei^til new etaea. Oa

Weilt,«eAfjg, Bf to ii M>n, the naaiber ol al.'tih« aaa

I \ Or. Obertauil«r mi Au<uita ia deal, the Uev.1 >r. .lackaon oi tbe K|)ia o]<aJ Cbaroh ill, an4 Mra.

jMaafN ¦¦. vn i.'

At F.>rt.-i -."ifh. <m rue* iay. thn-» were Ür« «laathl,and VV « dneeilay nine -j noeipally ehil Iron. TaeraMM MM but tew new oaaiia for eeve.-al day* paat,1 >r. Latttaf "f l'bilailel.<lua i» tm mTt o f,

iLLHEN 0* MKS l'ASKY.IUi ivuki I t.:.r->lay. S>i>t, 47, MJR.

ITie wife ..I OfcarfJaa fee raawy ia eery .il a* OHFnut ('ocfort, Sfdical aa»:.arauce baa «>». eaav

aMMtl thaN from HaiUiunri .

THE POIBIOI LEOIOM QlTaUrTIOaa.I'mii vi ki hi a, IAaiMay, Si 14 17, IwjAj

The jury iv li e « aec ol BaTtS, ehärk,"» i win MBataltfrr< ruoB i<»r the l%llaifa l^<ion, baa ti-au,'ht ia a rar*

«i..-. of guilty.


La at evening the |..n»» atiieioated fea'irai of theri.biialiera' i^ociation to .k jilave at IM OyetalFalace.The north MM ef M ipaaMaw bui lm^waa aat

apart for the i. en,-.i.p. [1 araadtritlod tVoiitM|raaJh)|[.orfii.L of |M t i Baa by 11 ni,x.rary faalary I ec'ed *ai

eaivM kataa ao aa to -. ¦ .> i<< tum tha omtir, vrh il. wu.. Lri)> i laniin-itoo tmt IM »- Jtaiea

by fite aaMfeaatJ r.ii»;- ol n*--!i»'ht, p'a.: <1 one abo rethe other, laaiwawiaaj ii tntha' bt autifni .!.>.«.. no untuealamount uf apiftiilor Baa tLe «-ln«f attraouoa ->f taavtwhich fi rrnod tf«- to» tud of tt>.> banquet hall, *a«tLe Italien, »Iii« h at au ea-ly b<>ur liea ama Hilei bylaw) Mr 'inii'h'. ra of Nea Y.-rk (,'tty in that el^aaeeof afire which they grara to well The aealf diee/V-taata^-e of 'he poaitiou of the ladua' Kali«'ry waa laiaithe li^b? aboto from behind an t tbe boa'itr of fevturte, v.1.1. L *>o a e luie wa* there, c >u>d aot be«j atinctly at eti from (be reportera table below. NoVwithr.faiKlinif thia iliaadtaii*".'. k w w-r. aMff ware

many noble e|M-eiin«'ne «-t t' ." f..r«n alivitv," wbioh

we could Lot fan to notice wi h (H- oJiar ploa*uraTi e pHi ciftaj table, arran^e'i rtcr*«* tho nave, jaat

Il frc ii*. of the barebAbM BaMMaS f .riia'd by the dr*»|*ry rf tbe ladiee gallery, waa plpijad »0 a da a. andcommanded a full view of the whol«» *oa>i.e. Tien.«v«t itrikinaj feature of the wit plaoedtn tLe In r,t i>| ih« ni-r'h fmmmTJ, whi. h >,n tb'* tbJt*>tion wa* e*«d fur tl.e orcbeatra, MOtafM by the mvatciaxs uncer rbe di.e.-tii.n of Unnn. Ma'i and U taatXI; iiteleted ot Iii-*» of rae l'^bu arranafod to r*prtt*eaiIM Tt mple of Wiedocn, In which waa p'aoea a eaalfwhite »tatae rej re» ntini/ the Mute of Ifintery, thebrow of which wn- Ba it :J«d by a crowa of 'i»fht.Ah-.ot this, in email lettore, appeared the woraa, iaiJtmiLated letter* |


Above the La lar^e haractera, a1 in gullet,the worCa:

(OMrLiMBBTaav: r-Rar flcaai. rmn. :l m alt,i jbo. :

iv tbb


In the (. uU r of th* nave waa placed a baeje ire 1-

eopia, or " born of p''u!y,' f :med of moat aid «*>

circled by a garland of tlowera. It %pp«arad evar*

flowiru with fruita and rh-wtre, and, fir thia aavra ntpbnty. f'>rn>a>i a noet appn>pna:e feature. It waf

pr**a.itaMi by tbe N\ w-Yoik aaOfticajtjraJ 5<j«j*aty.At earh rnd o* the prinn,'*! taMe waa plAveaa

».attiary- on the riebt a frtnaJe figure, aad «.

tte left the Tbr*e 'hncem. On Ml b udo of the u»r«wae placed a table reaching ire. erti-e ko^h of ta»

at; a ".:> at, aad raiei d ob a lev 1 win the pnacpal¦ i . 'ab»», eppp phafed *#p«-ciallvt.) invited gjeaa*.aL ao'hora. Bieirie tber-e ntynt four parallel tab!** tothe body caf the ball, occupied chiefly by txaembeiefti e 1 ur.l »>ra' Aaeo« ati« t;. 'Re etjfj ri«w on beBr. ». . .. t. ; w.'J . a 1 tit* want

uriier tb- call*"it-* rimaiw-ti'/tl w.tb ;»>rtrait* af *oMof tie clc«at ard orat diartin«rui*r.ed oubliahtw* of BiUni-rd S-etta-Math^-w r.irr .. tM gt*»el pioneer paVLvbfT, «Ld T'omaj Ift'iri-r of l'huaH, hia: tb*Ua»D».l «-I A pl«'«.a of New-York, and Mai late L. ü. t>

rey of Ph^arleipbia,At f j e clock the principal (xeata etaU-rrd and V"**

their etat*. Tbe foliowiog L« the or der ajTiinaTed by ^bt

Cottma-ibtee: William II. Arrt-iToi, Pre*.iectoftbe Aaeociafion, in tbe Chair.Ob tbe right of* the Preeideot Biabop Patter /

1'bi adelplia; Jadga Oww, Pro'. SiUtmaa, A.Darand, Onliaa C. Vetpiexok, Wu Calle« BrT*n*»Kictard diMratb, Jadga Jay, CAwtas King, &tr.&>II. Tyug, Mra. I- M. CLuld Ree. 0« wi to Dewey,Olirer' Weotlell Holme*. Ftfa-Gmoe h'aitoJk, M.P*Wüiit, Ctarlea raviea, Lltary Ward B**vMr. B *

OoocrvA. ti F. B. Wort«, liev. Samael Oagee", ItM

Ca4bAf iac I. l)eatAor, J»C|« HaH, Hm«7 (r. CrtJvf*^