Nathans Presentation Final

Touch Screens EDC 3100 ICT By David Richards, Sharon Kitching and Nathan Morieson

Transcript of Nathans Presentation Final

  • 1. Touch Screens
    EDC 3100 ICT
    By David Richards, Sharon Kitching and Nathan Morieson

2. A touch screen is an electronic visual output that can detect the presence and location of a touch within the display (Spectronics, 2003).
What are touch screens?
3. Interactive White Boards
Touch Tablets
Graphic Touch Tablets
SMART Tables
Touch Screen computer monitors
4. Found on a desktop computer
Work best for students with good motor skills
Children of all ages and developmental levels
Touch screen computer monitors
5. Interactive learning centre
Young students to work together collaboratively
Enhances cognitive, social and communication skills
Smart table
6. A4 in size
All functions of a laptop
Stylus pen
Touch tablet
7. Benefits of a touch screen
8. Innovation working alongside ICT curriculum
Contribute sustainable and meaningful change
Enable students to prepare for further education and training
Living and working in a digital world
9. The Queensland Essential learning's for ICT
A better understanding of ICT than ever before
Use computers to write documents, emails and create presentations
Understand spelling and grammar checks
Allow effective peer to peer collaboration
10. Touch screen devices enable
Individualised small group work
Less structured teaching approaches
Sense of responsibility, choices and actions
Developing of cross-cultural relationships.
11. Touch screen technology
Integrate into units wherever possible
Maximise opportunities for language, numeracy and ICT development
Create different ways to perform traditional tasks
12. IPAD
Enables portability
Access to innovative applications
Enjoyable learning
13. Defining elearning and mlearning

  • Electronic Learning

14. Engagement of the learner 15. Enhancement of learning 16. Ease of use 17. Empowerment of the learner to control the learning schedule 18. Execution of the learning program (

  • Mobile Learning

19. Use mobile devices 20. Anywhere, anytime 21. Combination of eLearning and mLearning