
Claud computing


music, mps, audio

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Claud computing

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Claud computing:

In our project we decided to ”go” whit a solution based on cloud computing, HTML5 and java-script (all software in this solution are open-source code).

The Cloud Computing soloution is the owise choose, because off it´s new tag >audio and Global storage, this two tag´s make´s it posibble to listen to music from any platform, this is specially good for smartphones and other wireless divices.

Effective and practical platform:You do not need not learn to use new tools or a new platform for exploiting the potential of cloud computing. With a cloud solution, existing applications are easy to move to cloud computing platform, developers can create new Web applications and services using the technology they already know and trust.

Flexibility:You are the definition of a multitasker. With a cloud solution gives you a flexibility that enables you to utilize several different application development tools, automated service management and global data center presence, so you can respond faster to customer needs, enhance your company's competitive advantage and facilitate its access to new

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Freedom to choose: The Cloud solution will allow you to choose where and how they manage, implement and store the data while you can focus on business challenges and customer needs.

Simplified approach:Your developers are already multilingual. Why force them to learn a new language? With Windows Azure, they can create and manage applications and services using familiar language. NET, Java, PHP and Ruby.

Reliable solutionYou are reliability itself. The same applies to cloud computing


Until recently, the ability to play any type of audio within a browser involved using Adobe Flash or other browser plugins. Although Adobe's Flash player is unquestionably the most ubiquitous of these, most developers and designers would agree that it's better not to rely on a plugin at all.

One of the most exciting and long-awaited features in HTML5 the <audio> element, enabling native audio playback within the browser. We can take advantage of this now as nearly all of the major browsers support it — currently Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera, and Internet Explorer 9 . For browsers that don't support audio natively, we can easily fallback to Flash.

According to spec:Currently, the HTML5 spec defines five attributes for the <audio> element:

• sr — a valid <abbr>URL</abbr> specifying the content source• autoplay — a boolean specifying whether the file should play as soon as it can• loop — a boolean specifying whether the file should be repeatedly played.• Controls — a boolean specifying whether the browser should display its default

media controls• preload — none / metadata / auto — where 'metadata' means preload just the

metadata and 'auto' leaves the browser to decide whether to preload the whole file.

Note preload supercedes autobuffer in the latest HTML5 spec. Previously autobuffer took a boolean value specifying whether the file is to be buffered in advance. Currently, browsers are making the transition from autobuffer to preload so we suggest that you use both attributes for the time being.

What I will refer to as “HTML5 Storage” is a specification named Web Storage, which was at one time part of the HTML5specification proper, but was split out into its own specification for uninteresting political reasons. Certain browser vendors also refer to it as “Local Storage” or “DOM Storage.” The naming situation is made even more complicated by some related, similarly-named, emerging standards that I’ll discuss later in this chapter.So what is HTML5 Storage? Simply put, it’s a way for web pages to store named key/value

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pairs locally, within the client web browser. Like cookies, this data persists even after you navigate away from the web site, close your browser tab, exit your browser, or what have you. Unlike cookies, this data is never transmitted to the remote web server (unless you go out of your way to send it manually). Unlike all previous attempts at providing persistent local storage, it is implemented natively in web browsers, so it is available even when third-party browser plugins are not.Which browsers? Well, the latest version of pretty much every browser supports HTML5 Storage… even Internet Explorer!HTML5 STORAGE SUPPORT

IE FIREFOX SAFARI CHROME OPERA IPHONE ANDROID8.0+ 3.5+ 4.0+ 4.0+ 10.5+ 2.0+ 2.0