Modul Writing

ESSAY Essay is a group of paragraph written about a single topic and central main idea. It must have at least three p aragraphs, but a five – paragraph essay is a common length for academic writing. TE ST!"#T"!E $% ESSAY &. The I nt ro duct ion This is the first paragraph of an essay. It e'plains the topic with general ideas. It also has a thesis statement. This is a sentence that gives the main idea. It usually comes at or near the end of the paragraph. (. The main )od y These are the paragraphs that e'plain and support the thesis statement and come between the introduction and the conclusion. There must be one or more  paragraphs in the main body of an essay. *. Th e #oncl us ion This is the last paragraph of an essay . It summari+es or restates the thesis statement and the supporting ideas of the essay. #AE-E "-/E!S#$!E TE TESIS STATE0E-T $% TE I-T!$/"#T$!Y 1A!A!A1 )E$2. &. )efore I tra vel ed t o th e "3 l ast year, I thought t hat )ritis h fo od was 4ust fish and chips, roast beef, apple pie, rice pudding and endless cups of tea. These foods are popular in )ritain, but during my travels, I discovered that there is so much more to eating in the "3. 1eople from all over the world have made their home in )ritain, and they have brought with them their own food. Even in small towns, you can find #hinese, Indian and Italian restaurants, amongst others. The "3 can be divided into different regions that each has its own characteristic foods influenced by the culture of the people who live there.

Transcript of Modul Writing

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Essay is a group of paragraph written about a single topic and central main

idea. It must have at least three paragraphs, but a five – paragraph essay is a

common length for academic writing.

• TE ST!"#T"!E $% ESSAY

&. The Introduction

This is the first paragraph of an essay. It e'plains the topic with general

ideas. It also has a thesis statement. This is a sentence that gives the main idea. It

usually comes at or near the end of the paragraph.

(. The main )ody

These are the paragraphs that e'plain and support the thesis statement and

come between the introduction and the conclusion. There must be one or more

 paragraphs in the main body of an essay.

*. The #onclusion

This is the last paragraph of an essay. It summari+es or restates the thesis

statement and the supporting ideas of the essay.


I-T!$/"#T$!Y 1A!A!A1 )E$2.

&. )efore I traveled to the "3 last year, I thought that )ritish food was 4ust

fish and chips, roast beef, apple pie, rice pudding and endless cups of tea. These

foods are popular in )ritain, but during my travels, I discovered that there is so

much more to eating in the "3. 1eople from all over the world have made their

home in )ritain, and they have brought with them their own food. Even in small

towns, you can find #hinese, Indian and Italian restaurants, amongst others. The

"3 can be divided into different regions that each has its own characteristic foods

influenced by the culture of the people who live there.

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• 2!ITE A- $"TI-E )ASE/ $- Y$"! $2- ESSAY

&. I-T!$/"#T$!Y 1A!A!A1

Thesis Statement 6



(. )$/Y

a. Topic Sentence 6



Supporting Sentence 6





#oncluding Sentence 6


 b. Topic Sentence 6



Supporting Sentence 6





#oncluding Sentence 6


#$-#"SI$- 677777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 

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Introductory 1aragraph 6 the first paragraph in essay

The purpose 6 to get the readers8 attention and to introduce the sub4ect of  

  the essay to them.


• It must be relevant to the topic9 it should not introduce material not covered in the


• It should not preview the points that will form the body of the essay.

• There should be at least two sentences before the thesis statement. In other words,

the introductory paragraph should be a minimum of three sentences.

• Then thesis statement should come in the end of the introductory paragraph.


&. Anecdote6 a brief story that illustrate the topic. :It can be based one our 

own e'perience or someone else;

0y younger brother was a good student until our parents got

divorced. Then, while my parents8 lives became a war +one over property

and emotions, my brother withdrew into himself and left abandoned and

unloved. e needed to feel that he was a part of something. That8s when

he got involved with a gang at his high school. The gang he 4oined became

his family and was more important to him than anything. 0y parents

didn8t notice until my brother got badly hurt in a gang fight.  I am

convinced that gangs are a direct result of the breakdown of the

traditional family.

The teenager hated to be at home. is parents were always fighting

 – at least on the rare occasions that both of them were at home at the sametime. is mother was on drugs, and his father was an alcoholic. e felt

totally alone at home, but he was with his fellow gang members, he felt as

if he belonged. e loved being with the members of his gang and would

do anything for them and with them. This all – too – common e'ample

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illustrates why I think that gangs are a direct result of the breakdown of 

the traditional family.

(. Interesting facts or statistics6 It can be e'panded trough reading news

 paper and 4ournal.

It is estimated that there are nearly <,=== gangs in the "nited

States with a total of almost (<=,===. In fact, in inner cities, where gangs

are most common, > percent of all teenagers are gang members. 2hy are

all these young people choosing to be gang members? In my opinion,

 gangs are a direct result of the breakdown of the traditional family.

*. istorical introduction6 It simply provides general historical bac5ground.

angs have e'isted in the "nited States for at least &== years. At

the turn of the twentieth century, there were many gangs in big East #oast

cities. These gangs were mostly made up members of the same ethnic

group and primarily protected the neighborhood where their families lived.

 -owadays, however, gangs members have little to do with protecting their 

relatives. It’s my belief that gangs are a direct result of the breakdown of 

the traditional family.

@. eneral to specific6 It begins with a general statement of the larger topic,

and then each sentence narrows it down until we get to the specific thesis


It is difficult to grow up in this society. A teenager can get into all

5inds of trouble with school, smo5ing, drugs, and dating. $ne of the worst

5inds of trouble that a teenager can get into is getting involved with a

gang. ang members commit crimes and get hurt or 5illed all too often.

2hy do teenagers get involved in gangs? I think that gangs are a direct 

result of the breakdown of the traditional family.

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1. It is the main idea of an essay that must be statement, not a question

/ogs are good companion -$T are dogs good companion?

2. It must contain topic and controlling idea

• Topic is the sub4ect of the essay, what the essay about

• #ontrolling idea is what the writer is going to say about the topic

&. There are three main relationships that men have with women.

(. Man animals find security in blending in with their environment.

The topic is bold and the controlling idea is underlined 

• Some thesis statements may also have a third component called a predictor 

• The predictor tells the reader how many body paragraphs there will be in

essay and what their content will be.

&. !ars in the twentieth "ent#r  were fought for three main

reasons6 ethnic, economic and religion.

(. $ivin% in a "it is more e'citing than living in the suburbs because

of the many people, the variety of things to buy and the fun places

to go.


!ead these thesis statements and find the topic, the controlling idea and predictor :if it

is found;.

&. Since they were first domesticated, dogs have helped human beings a lot

(. /iscrimination, lac5 of economic opportunity, and inferior education are the three

main causes of poverty today.

*. There are many types of dogs

@. Its beauty, history, and location ma5e )romo a fascinating place to visit

<. An English setter and a ordon setter have a few obvious differences, but they aremostly similar 

. There is considerable evidence to show that there is life on other planets

>. Three characteristics of the houses in my country show that it gets very cold there

in winter6 the thic5 walls, the two door entries and the steep roofs.

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&. It is a first sentence in body paragraph of essay moving position of a topic

sentence. It may happen as the thesis statement has a predictor and clearly

shows what the topic for each paragraph will be. A topic sentence should be

moved within or end of the paragraph as the bridge is used.

(. It also may become last sentence in body paragraph of essay which isn8t

functioned as concluding sentence, but to be a bridge to the following


• E'ample6

&. Thesis statement6

There are several central figures with similar characters in a novel6 !oy, A++am

and Arai.

(. &st paragraph :first model;

A good figure in a novel should not be found only in the present. A novel

in the past may has it.  Roy, a figure created by Gola Gong is very helpful and 

brave. The adventurer li5es to help his friend whose life is in trouble. In one

novel, the author wrote how !oy saved a girl from bandits. !oy8s bravery was

also shown as he faced a gang brea5ing his friend8s party. This 5ind of  personalities will also be discovered in A++am.

*. &st paragraph :second model;

A good figure in a novel should not be found only in the present. A novel

in the past may has it. !oy li5es to help his friend whose life is in trouble. In one

novel, the author wrote how the adventurer saved a girl from bandits. The boy8s

 bravery was also shown as he faced a gang brea5ing his friend8s party.  Roy, a

 figure created by Gola Gong is very helpful and brave.

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  It is functioned to leave the readers with a clear understanding of what the point of 

your essay is.


E'ample :entitled homeless people;

• Summari+e : all topics in the body of essay should be included;

In summary, they need to feel phsi"all sa)e* the nee+ )or a +epen+a,le

)oo+ so#r"e* an+ the nee+ )or me+i"al "are  when necessary are essential

for all of us.

• !estatement : to e'plain in other e'pressions;

In short, all people want to )eel sa)e in their environment* an+ to +o so

re-#ires that o# have these three thin%s.

• %inal comment :to state a fact or e'press an opinion;

In conclusion, the ne.t time o# see homeless people* tr to loo/ 

,eon+ o#r )ear an+ thin/ a,o#t how inse"#re the m#st )eel in their

environment. %or them, life in this world is a day – to – day struggle to



2rite a thesis statement and a paragraph as the first body of it containing lin5ing

sentence in the beginning and the end of it.

Thesis Statement




&st body

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/efinition 6 a story or an account of a sequence of events in the order in which

they happened. The events must be ordered according time.

1aragraph Type Transitions $ther in5ing 2ords

 -arrative %irst, second, third, etc.

At first -e't

After that

ater onThen


In the morning

In the afternoonIn the evening

"ntil then

#ommon purposes6

• To write a biography

• To write a history

• To write a process of something :procedure;

• To write a 4ourney, e'perience, etc.

A good -arrative should consist of6

• An introduction which sets the scene :place, time, character :s;, etc;,

creates an interesting moodB atmosphere to ma5e the reader want to

continue reading, andB or begins dramatically to capture the reader8s


• A main body which develops the series of events clearly, gives vivid

description of the peopleB places involved, etc.


oing to a new school can be e'citing, but for an international student, the first

day on campus can be confusing. 2hen I first arrived at State "niversity, I was

overwhelmed by the si+e of the campus and the number of people I saw hurrying from

 building to building. I did not 5now what to do or where to go. %ortunately, I found three

helpful people who saved me from total confusion.

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The first person who helped me was the /irector of the dormitory, 0rs. Stanton.

She helped me register at the dormitory and too5 me up to my room. Since my roommate

had not yet arrived, 0rs. Stanton showed me all around the CdormD :as I soon learned it

was usually called;. She showed me where the bathroom was, where the recreation room

was, and where the cafeteria was. She very carefully e'plained to me all of the dormitory

rules and told me she hoped I would en4oy my stay there.

After chec5ing into the dorm, I went down to the cafeteria where I met another 

5ind person, !obert ong. e saw me sitting along and came over to me to as5 if I

needed any help. e said that I loo5ed a little lost. I told him that I was a new student

from onduras and that I was not lost, 4ust overwhelmed. e told me that I should not

worry9 he said that he was confused and overwhelmed his first day at State, too. Then he

too5 me over to the Administration )uilding to help me find an advisor. )efore he left me

there, he gave me his telephone number and as5ed me to call him if I ever needed any

help in the future.

At the Administration )uilding I met my advisor, /r. Torres, who proved to be

e'tremely helpful. e very 5indly e'plained to me how to register for classes and what to

e'pect at State "niversity. /r. Torres gave me some information about the International

Student Association and suggested that I go to one of their meetings. I was pleased to

5now that foreign students on campus have an organi+ation. After /r. Torres gave me all

the necessary information about registering classes and purchasing boo5s, he told me to

come see him any time that I have any uestions.

All of these people, 0rs. Stanton, !obert ong, and /r. Torres were very 5ind to

me that first day. They made me feel welcome and at home at time when I was feeling

lost and lonely. I will never forget these people.


2hile you were wor5ing in an office, an earthua5e occurred. 2rite what you did

and how you believed the steps you had too5 can save you from the disaster.

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/efinition 6 containing or consisting a description

  The arrangement of the details in a descriptive paragraph depends on

the subject. The selection and the description of details depend on

the describer’s purpose

1aragraph Type Transitions $ther in5ing 2ords

/escriptive To the left

To the right

In front of )ehind

$n top of 

"nder Above

 -e't to

• /ES#!I)I- 1A#EB TI-

Set in the heart of southern England, ondon is one of the biggest and busiest

cities in Europe. A truly international city, ondon attracts million of visitors every year 

from all over the world, yet never loses its own uniue charm.

ondon has many impressive sights to see, ranging from the historical beauty of 

St. 1aul8s #athedral and )ig )en to )uc5ingham 1alace and the ouses of 1arliament. In

this city of contrasts, you can be wal5ing along one of the busiest streets, yet still be less

than a mile from one of the many huge, peaceful par5s. ondon is a great cultural center,

too9 the -ational allery contains one of the finest collections of classical paintings in the


ondon is also well 5nown for other things apart from its monuments and art

galleries. Shoppers will en4oy visiting the department stores on $'ford Street or they

could try arrods, the most e'clusive shop in ondon. %or evening entertainment, thechoice of theaters is enormous. %rom the famous Southban5 Theater comple' to the

smaller theaters on #ovent arden, there is no end of plays to see. Soho and its pavement

cafes are also worth visiting.

ondon is an e'ceptional place, a truly modern city that has managed to 5eep its

traditional style and sense of history. You may get e'hausted in ondon, but one thing is

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certain9 you will never get bored, as /r. Fohnson once said, C2hen a man is tired of 

ondon, he is tired of life.D

• /ES#!I)I- 1E$1E

ommonly arranged based on appearance, personality! behavior, life! 


To have an impressive acuaintance is ama+ing. Even it gives us new impression

sometimes. 2hen I began wor5ing at ilcrest -ursery School three years ago, I was

introduced to Sharon /unn, the school8s headmistress.

er smart appearances and warm, friendly e'pression made me li5e her 

immediately. She is a small – boned, smiling woman in her fifties, with twin5ling blue

eyes and soft, silver curls. Although she dresses simply she always manages to loo5 


She is a very fair – minded person who treats everyone at the school with eual

respect. /espite clasping her hands nervously when she is upset, she is actually very calm

which is shown by her ability to 5eep her temper in the most difficult situations. er 

uiet voice and gentle, caring manner ma5e her popular with the children.

0s. /unn has no children of her own6 however, she says that she feels li5e a

mother to all of the children in her school. In fact, she has no time for family life, sinceshe dedicates her life to her 4ob. )esides ta5ing care of various administration tas5 

everyday, she always ta5es time to tal5 to the teachers and parents. In addition, she often

holds meetings with the school8s )oard of /irectors, as well as with staff and parents.

To my mind, Sharon /unn is a dedicated professional who is a wonderful role

model, not only for the children but for the teachers, as well. A western woman should

imitate her.


You and a friend had dinner at an e'pensive restaurant last night. The waiter was

incompetent, and the food was not good. 2rite your disappointment about those by

describing what happened.

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/efinition 6

• It comes from the term expose, meaning “reveal.

• It is supported by information, explanation, facts !example" or illustration.

• It can be value judgment# opinion !$r. %gadimin is a nice person" and factual

statement !The &nglish language has borrowed many terms from 'rabic".

1aragraph Type Transitions $ther in5ing 2ords

E'pository %irst, second, third, etc.owever 

$n the other hand

In fact%or e'ample


In short

In conclusion


A gift :such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal etc; can contribute to a child8s

development. 2hat gift would you give to help a child develop? 2hy? "se reasons and

specific e'amples to support your choice.

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To compare 6 To discuss how two people, places, or things are similar 

To contrast 6 To discuss how two people, place, or things are different.This paragraph is also used to tal5 about advantage and disadvantage of


• 1attern A :point by point;

• 1attern ) :all of oneB all of the others;

 -o two people are e'actly ali5e, and my two older brothers, -han and ung are

no e'ceptions, when I thin5 of them, I thin5 of !udyard 3ipling8s words6

 "ast is "ast, #est is #est, $ever the twain shall meet.

Even though they have the same parents, their considerable difference in loo5s,

 personality, and attitude toward li5e reflect the differences between Eastern and 2estern


i5e the ma4ority of oriental men, -han is short, small and has a full moon shaped

face. is smooth white s5in and small arms and feet ma5e him loo5 somewhat delicate.

 -han always li5es to wear formal, traditional clothes. %or e'ample, on great holidays or 

at family rice celebrations, -han appears in the traditional blac5 gown, white pants and

 blac5 sil5y headband, all of which ma5e him loo5 li5e an early twentieth – century


In contrast to -han, ung, who is his younger brother by ten years, loo5s more

li5e an American bo'er. e is tall, muscular and big – boned. e is built straight as an

arrow and his face is long and angular as a western character. "nli5e -han, ung has

strong feet and arms, and whereas -han has smooth s5in, ung8s shoulder and chest are

hairy, large and full. "nli5e -han, too, ung li5es to wear comfortable T – shirts and

 4eans or sport clothes. At a formal occasion, instead of wearing formal clothes, ung

wears stylish 2estern style suits.

 -han and ung also differ in personality. I do not 5now how my father selected

their names correctly to reflect their personalities. -han8s name means Cpatience,D and

his patience is shown in his smile. e has a smile of ancient #hinese philosopher that

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western people can never understand. e always smiles. e smiles because he wants to

ma5e the other person happy or to ma5e himself happy. e smiles whenever people

spea5 to him, regardless of whether they are right or wrong. e smiles when he forgives

 people who have wronged him. -han li5es boo5s, of course, and literature and

 philosophy. e li5es to wal5 in the moonlight to thin5. -han also en4oys drin5ing hot tea

and singing verses. In short, in our family, -han is the son who provides a good e'ample

of filial piety and tolerance.

ung, on the other hand, does not set a good e'ample of traditional respectful

 behavior for his brothers and sisters. is name means strength, but his strength is self – 

centered. As a result, unli5e -han, ung only smiles when he is happy. 2hen he tal5s to

 people, he loo5s at their faces. )ecause of this, my eldest brother -han considers him

very impolite. As one might e'pect, ung does not li5e philosophy and literature9 instead

he studies science and technology. 2hereas -han en4oys tea and classical verses, hung

 prefers to ta5e sun baths and drin5 #oca #ola while he listens to roc5 and roll music.

i5e many American youths, ung is independent9 in fact he loves his independence

more than he loves his family. e li5es to move out of our house and live in an apartment

 by himself. e is such an individualist that all the members in my family say that he is

very selfish.

0y brothers8 differences do not end with loo5s and personalities. #oncerning

their attitudes toward life, they are as different as the moon and the sun. 0y eldest

 brother -han is concerned with spiritual values. e is affected by #onfucian, Taoist and

)uddhist theories. These theories consider that the human life is not happy. Therefore, if 

a man wants to be happy, he should get out of competitiveness of life and should not

depend on material ob4ects. %or e'ample, if a man is not an'ious to have a new – model

car, he does not have to worry about how to ma5e money to buy one. $r, if he does not

have a car, he does not have to worry about the cost of gas. 0y older brother is deeply

affected by these theories, so he never tries hard to ma5e money to buy conveniences.

In contrast to -han, my brother ung believes that science and technology serve

human beings and that the west defeated the East because the 2est was further advanced

in these fields. Therefore, each person must compete with nature and with other people in

the world in order to acuire different conveniences, such as cars, washing machines, and

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television sets. ung is affected by the western theories of real values9 conseuently, he

always wor5s hard to ma5e his own money to satisfy his material needs.

In accordance with the morality of the culture of my country, I cannot say which

one of my brothers is wrong or right, but I do 5now that they both want to improve and

maintain human life on this earth. I am very luc5 to inherent both sources of thought from

my two older brothers.


0ore and more people are relying on the internet as their ma4or source of news

and information. 2hat advantages does the internet have for the average person? 2hat

disadvantages could it have now or in the future?