MIAC Report: National Socialist Movement

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  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: National Socialist Movement


    Matt BiunlGovemot James F. KeathleyColonel, MSHPVan GodseyDircctot. MIACMark S. JamesDhectot. DPS

    MIAC A!-ERTNational Socialist Movement,

    JefTerson City, Missouri RallyCounter-demonstrator trssuesNovember 8, 2Oo8

    As discussed in an earliet alert regarding the upcoming National Socialjst N,4ovement rally lorJefferson City, Missouri, November 8, 2008, one of the primary reasons to conduct such a rallyis to elicit a violent response from the communiiy. Such a violent response accomplishes manythings:It serves to prcve the NSM3 contention that members of the minority community areanimalistic.tt validates that notion in the minds ot moderate members of the community who wouldotherwise not subscilbe to that beliel.It has the ettect of pitting neighbot against neighbor and lostering divisiveness in a com-munity,It revealsticed, flaws in a Police Department's security plan that would otherwise go unno-

    tt provides NSM with the opportunity to initiate legal action againsl both the local gov-ernment and police department fot perceived disregatd of the NSM tight to Peaceablyassemble, and a host ol other "equal prctection" issues.It provides NSM with an excuse and iustification for furthet rcllies in the community'

  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: National Socialist Movement


    While it is the responsibility of local government to allow and protecl the exercise of free speech'there exists a corollary responsibility to insure that public order and salety 1s malntained. Theaccompiishment of this duty can place a tremendous financial strain on a locai government en-tity although dereliction of this duty has an even steeper price tag, not only fiscally, but also inan erosion oJ public confldence- This erosion of publjc confidence eventually has an adverseimpact on pollce department operations and also plays into the NSM strategv.ln an analysis ol recent NSltl rallies that have been marked by violent episodes and near riotconditions, nearly every case has been due to tlawed pollce departmenl security plans and in-complete operationa briefjng ol individual offjcers. Some recent examples;ln a northern lllinois rally in which NSM members were literally caged on an athletic field for thelrown protectlon, a number oi members were assaulted on the stleets simply attempting to reachthe rally point. These members were turned-away at the 'officlal" staging area by police whowere not satisfied with their identifications. it became their responsibilily to reach the rally byparklng cars in a racially diverse neighborhood and running a gauntlet oi enraged minorities Ofcourse most of the responsibility remains with the NS[,4 members, who chose to emerge tromtheir cars in full Storm trooper uniform. Had these assaults turned into a full-blown riot however,

    the police department's decisrons would have undoubtediy been called into question and a per-centage of responsjbiliiy been assumed. Simple operational brieiing regarding the staius olpersons with questionable ldentifications would have averted this situationln a rally in Eastern Kansas, anarchists and other members of an aniJascist group were al-lowed to infiltrate an NSM supporter's section and other members were aliowed to subtly drive awedge between police protective lines and NSM supporters. This tactlc was noticed by plain-clothes offlcers too late to prevent disintegration of the lines. A SWAT unit had to be called in torestore order and the extremist qroup members had to be evacuated Once again, operationalbriefing on anarchist tactics would have prevented this near riot.ln an eastern Nebraska rally, anarchists, racists of color, and oiher antilascists were allowedinto an NSN4 supporter area, whjch resulted in near riot conditions Other operational Jiaws in-cluded the dispersal ol police offjcers before the rally was actually secured, and the failure ofdepartmental officials to adequately address the security of persons moving back to theil cars atthe rally end. ln this case, severa innocent bystanders were caught-up in the flow 01 NSIM sup-porters and suryounded by anarchists and anti-fascists Operational briefing, taclics discussion,eniorcement responsibilities, and posleveni surveillance would have prevented this situaiionWhile there is no perfect security plan, it should be noted that the most llawed plans are the re-sult oi poor operational pianning, briefing, and paring of resources lo reduce security costs.Any sound operational plan must include Pre-event, Event, and Post-event considerations

  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: National Socialist Movement


    Conclusion:While most ol the issues discussed in thls alert are forwarded to assist in preserving publicsaiety by allowing supervisory personnel some inslghl lnto event planning, no operatlonal secu-rity pian is complete withoul detailed, thorough olficer briefing The most successful miiigationol exlremist events has been brought about through a combination oJ sound pre-event plan-njng/allocation of resources and line-officer situational awareness That situational awarenessbegins with the officer briefing in which security personnel are made aware of the nature of theextiemist groups involved, the potential for vioJence, its impact on the community and future po-lice operaiions, tactics oi the subject groups and the legal/ethical procedures requiled to pre-serve officer/public saleiy and enhance an intelligence gathering eflortPatches emblems and stickers commonly found in the "Black-Biock" community:


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  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: National Socialist Movement



    As always, [,4lAC encourages departmenls to provide phoios, pedigree and oiher reievant lntel-ljgence reoarding these groups.

    MM wwwwtr Mmffiwmmm&swmffimmWsns SemucrDivision of Druq & Crime Control, P O. Box 568, Jeiferson City, [/O 651 02-0568Phone: 573-751-6422 Toll Free: 866-362-6422 Fax: 573'751-9950

    MACDTSCLAWEF: AiltntomationcontalnedhthbnewstenetshoutdbecansidercdLAWENFOBCENilfSNSlflvE Futuetdistilbutionolin'tonailon ln lhb newsbnet 1s rcsflcted to law enlonenEnt otrbe$ and .gencles. intelligence agenci6, and DePannent o( Delense organizalnsonly'unbssplfuapprcva]lsohlslndhonkepublishedsoulce'NoBEPomanSEGMENTfNEFEofMA|BEEELEASEDToANIMEDIAsotiacts. itvl "ri *tntnat penatties nay extst iot nisrce, and porsans at oryaniutions vlatsting lhh potcy wll ha rcnoved tom all distilbutionii"i. ii nrornation n,,"in hat, nat be ritAc aigMad tnbnisence untess nated. rhetetorc the annohted atistnated asencies tn ke nowsteiletshould be conlacted tot the sourc$ and rclkblly al inlonallon