Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience? MEDIA AS, MARKING CRITERIA EVALUATION 5

Transcript of Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?

Page 1: Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?

How did you attract/address your



Page 2: Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?


Page 3: Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?


Page 4: Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?


Page 5: Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?

Front Cover Evaluation

The house style of my music magazine is red, yellow and black which is a feature

throughout. The front cover has a variety of fonts and text sizes, which is a common

convention of all music magazines, to ensure some stand out over others. When creating

my music magazine I tried doing this with a variety of colours and a big difference in fonts.

This made it look messy and over crowded. The red large font means the cover lines stand

out and are clearly visible over the image. The splashes of yellow is the third colour affect

which creates a balance on the front cover and separates the cover lines.

Imagery, The image is friendly

and Itch clearly shows that he is

religious with creating the focus

point as the cross, looking down

and with the hands. ‘Itch’

represents young middle class

adults/ teenagers and this can

be seen by his clothing, the

snap-back (hat) shows the youth

and meets typical stereotypes by

wearing dark clothing, the

balaclava and the jewellery but

challenges conventions with the

pose as it displays a very

thoughtful and inter-mate stance

and creates this impression that

he is quiet recluse and thinks


The content of the front cover

alliterates the target audience with

content which would interest

people from the ages of 14-30.

Exclusive interviews of upcoming

relevant artists, a list of twelve

‘unmissable’ tours for the rest of

the year, our verdict on the top

tracks relevant to the genre and

big interviews with other musical

stars are all cover lines which

would interest the target audience

Page 6: Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?

Contents Page Evaluation

I feel that my contents page is very relevant for the target audience

as the imagery used would all intrigue young adults and teenagers

as the one includes a young upcoming star relevant to the genre,

the middle image also being relevant to the genre but including

three young adults who have already made it to number one and

are trying to do it again and a third image of a young swedish

adult performing her new tour which has had excellent reviews.

Similarly I feel that the content is very relevant as

things such as ‘#winning?’ connecting it to social

networking sites, which the youth of the population

using them the most. Similarly with the ‘top 10

party cities’ and ‘upcoming tours’ as they’re all

articles that would intrigue the target audience as

it’s so relevant and what their interests are.

Page 7: Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?

Double Page Spread Evaluation I feel that my double page spread shows relevance to my

target audience as Itch alliterates how he is from a working

class background and is earning his way to booming middle

class and as the target audience is working class and middle

class people, they can relegate to the artist and understand

coming from similar backgrounds. Similarly the image used

on my double page spread is him put his hand up to the

camera, where it suggests that it’s not about the fame and

the publicity but

more to just doing his music and

doing what he loves. Saying that

though the contradiction of all the

gold jewellery is clearly displayed

and is not hidden in anyway, and is a

stereotype for all young adults and


Page 8: Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?

Addressing Audience

Here is the questionnaire I

used to provide me with the

information I need to start

my music magazine. They

are closed as I need to find

out if that’s what the public

like, the questionnaire was

given to teenagers and

young adults none older

than the age of twenty-four.

Page 9: Media as 5. how did you attract:address your audience?

Eloise Clark: I think the front cover has a a strong image representing sort of middle class teenagers. The way

he's dressed represents this the most. I think the contents page shows that the magazine isn't directed at one

specific nationality this is shown in the features. You've actually include other nationalities (swedish) also I think

the images show that it isn't directed at a particular ethnicity either. And your double page spread again

represents a sort of late teens to early twenties audience, both through the style of writing and your model.

Grace Morrison: Well, in regards to your front cover, it is clearly addressing a teenage/young adult age group.

You can see this with 'top 50 tracks to be downloaded' because our generation is really the peak of digital

downloads (iPods, iPhones, soundcloud etc) Again with your contents page, I'd say you address older teenage/

young adult age group perfectly due to the articles like 'top ten party cities' and 'upcoming tours' because

generally again our generation is most associated with these topics. So overall it's safe to say you've addressed

your target audience age group clearly which is exactly what you want. With regards to gender, I would say this

is more of a male targeted magazine than female mainly due to the colour scheme of red, yellow, black and

from the style of the magazine. But that isn't a bad thing! You can make a really good evaluation of your work

out of this point because you can highlight how what you would want to find in a magazine, as a teenage male,

has shone through and helped you with making decisions like colour scheme and style etc... However with the

use of a female artist on both the front cover (not in a sexy/seductive pose) and contents page, you still are able

to address a female based audience. That helps make it clear that this magazine isn't exclusively male

orientated if you understand what I'm trying to say! Finally I'd say honestly I think the race and religious thing is

a bit of a stretch purely because you've only got four pages and it isn't as clear of a point to make. Personally,

the two man in the middle image of your contents page, religion/race isn't obvious to me in that picture that

they’re both of a Muslim background, you haven't foregrounded this point because at the end of the day this is

a music magazine about music so those facts aren't important. And your aim is to address a young audience of

every race/religion so specifying/highlighting specific ones are unnecessary. Instead, I think a bigger point you

could make would be about class. I say this because your artist is from a working class background which is

really emphasised in your article. You made the conscious decision to make 'itch' of a working class

background to inspire/intrigue your audience.

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