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  • 8/9/2019 MB0038 OB FINAL



    Name RATI BHAN

    Roll No. 511022630

    Program MBA


    Code MB038



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    Q.1 Write a note on the characteristics of Management.?

    Ans. Management is a technique of extracting work from others in anintegrated and coordinated manner for realizing the specific objectivesthrough productive use of different resources. According to George R.Terry, Management is a distinct process consisting of planning,organizing, actuating and controlling performed to determine andaccomplish the Objectives by the use of people and resources.Management is a distinct activity having the following characteristics:

    1. Goal-oriented:Management is a purposeful activity. It co-ordinates the efforts of

    employees to achievethe goals of the organization. The success of management is measured bythe extent towhich the organizational goals are achieved. It is imperative that theorganizational goalsmust be well-defined and properly understood by the mangers at variouslevels.

    2. Economic Resource:Management is one of the factors of production together with land, labourand capital. It

    is the most critical input in the success of any organized group activity. Itis the forcewhich assembles and integrates other resources, namely, labour, capitaland materials.These factors do not by themselves ensure production; they require thecatalyst ofmanagement to produce goods and services required by the society. Thus,management isan essential ingredient of an organization.

    3. Distinct Process:

    Management is a distinct process consisting of such functions as planning,organizing,staffing, directing and controlling. These functions are so interwoven thatit is not

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    possible to lay down exactly the sequence of various functions or theirrelativesignificance. In essence, the process of management involves decision-making andputting of decisions into practice.

    4. Integrative Force:The essence of management is integration of human and other resourcesto achieve thedesired objectives. All these resources are made available to those whomanage.Managers apply knowledge, experience and management principles forgetting the resultsfrom the workers by the use of non-human resources. Managers also seekto harmonizethe individuals goals with the organizational goals for the smooth working

    of theorganization.

    5. Intangible Force:Management has been called an unseen force. Its presence is evidencedby the result ofits efforts-orderliness, informed employees, buoyant spirit and adequatework output.Thus, feeling of management is result-oriented. One may not see with thenaked eyes thefunctioning of management but its results are apparently known. People

    often remark ofthe effectiveness of management on the basis of the end results, althoughthey cantobserve it during operation.6. Results through Others:The managers cannot do everything themselves. They must have thenecessary abilityand skills to get work accomplished through the efforts of others. Theymust motivate thesubordinates for the accomplishment of the tasks assigned to them.

    7. A Science and an Art:Management has an organized body of knowledge consisting of well-defined concepts,

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    principles and techniques which have wide applications. So it is treated asa science. Theapplication of these concepts, principles and techniques requiresspecialized knowledgeand skills on the part of the manager. Since the skills acquired by a

    manager are hispersonal possession, management is viewed as an art.

    8. System of Authority:Management as a team of managers represents a system of authority, ahierarchy ofcommand and control. Managers at different levels possess varyingdegrees of authority.Generally, as we move down in the managerial hierarchy, the degree ofauthority getsgradually reduced. Authority enables the managers to perform their

    functions effectively.

    9. Multi-disciplinary Subject:Management has grown as a field of study taking the help of so manyother disciplinessuch as Engineering, Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology. Much of themanagement literature is the result of association of these disciplines. Forinstance,productivity orientation drew its inspiration from Industrial Engineeringand humanrelations orientation from Psychology. Similarly, Sociology and Operations

    Researchhave also contributed to the development of management science.

    10. Universal Application:Management is universal in character. The principles and techniques ofmanagement areequally applicable in the fields of business, education, military,government and hospital.Henri Fayol suggested that principles of management would apply more orless in everysituation. The principles are working guidelines which are flexible and

    capable ofadaptation to every organization where the efforts of human beings are tobe coordinated.

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    Q.2 Discuss intellectual abilities in detail.?

    Ans. Intellectual abilities are those required to perform mental activities.IQ tests are designed to ascertain ones general intellectual abilities. IQ

    tests are designedto ascertain ones general intellectual abilities. The seven most populardimensionsmaking up intellectual abilities are categorized in the following table:

    Jobs differ in the demands they place on incumbents to use theirintellectual abilities. Areview of the evidence demonstrates that tests that assess verbal,numerical, spatial, andperceptual abilities are valid predictors of job proficiency at all levels ofjobs.The theory of multiple intelligences by Gardner suggests eight differentintelligences toaccount for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. Ithas been claimed

    that our intelligence or ability to understand the world around us iscomplex. Somepeople are better at understanding some things than others. For some, itis relatively easy

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    to understand how an automobile works, but it is immensely difficult forsome tounderstand and use a musical instrument. For others music might be easybut playingfootball is difficult. The eight different intelligences are:

    1. Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"):2. Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")3. Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")4. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")5. Musical intelligence ("music smart")6. Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")7. Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")8. Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")The advantages of IQ tests are:

    They are highly reliable and their validity rises with increasingcomplexity of the

    job. Verbal reasoning and numerical tests have shown high validity for a

    wide rangeof jobs.

    Combinations of aptitude tests have higher validities than individualtests aloneand they are of lower cost than personality tests.

    May be administered in group settings where many applicants canbe tested at thesame time.Scoring of the tests may be completed by computer scanning

    equipment.Q.3 Explain the classification of personality types given bySheldon.

    Ans. William Sheldon classified personality according to body type. Hecalled this a persons somatotype. He identified three main somatotypesthat are associated with certainpersonality characteristics. They are as follows:

    1. Endomorphy: It is focused on the digestive system, particularly thestomach

    (endoderm); has the tendency toward plumpness, corresponds toViscerotoniatemperament tolerant, love of comfort and luxury, extravert.

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    2. Mesophorphy: It is focused on musculature and the circulatorysystem(mesoderm), has the tendency towards muscularity, and corresponds totheSomatotonia temperament courageous, energetic, active, dynamic,

    assertive,aggressive, risk taker.

    3. Ectomorphy:- It is focused on the nervous system and the brain(ectoderm) thetendency towards slightness, corresponds to Cerebrotonia temperamentartistic,sensitive, apprehensive, introvert.On this basis, Sheldon created Atlas of Men, in which all possible bodytypes aregraded in a scale from 1 (low) to 7 (high), based on the degree to which

    they matchedthese types; with 4 as average). Each type is represented by a series ofphotos, and isgiven a comical or descriptive name, like "saber tooth tiger" for extrememesomorph,"Baluchitherium" for mesomorph and endomorph, "Male Mosquito" for theextremeectomorph, and so on. On this scale, the extreme or pure mesomorph hasa score of1-7-1, the pure endomorph 7-1-1, and the pure ectomorph 1-1-7. Mostpeople of course

    are a combination of types.

    Body Type Associated personality traitsa. Endomorphic Body Type:

    soft body

    underdeveloped muscles

    round shaped

    over-developed digestive system

    love of food


    evenness of emotions love of comfort


    good humoured

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    need for affectionb. Mesomorphic Body Type:

    hard, muscular body

    overly mature appearance

    rectangular shaped thick skin

    upright posture


    desire for power and dominance


    indifference to what others think or want

    assertive, bold

    zest for physical activity


    love of risk and chanceC. Ectomorphic Body Type:


    flat chest

    delicate build

    young appearance


    lightly muscled


    large brain

    self-conscious preference for privacy



    socially anxious


    mentally intense

    emotionally restrained

    But body types have been criticized for very weak empirical methodology

    and are notgenerally used in psychology. The use of somatotyping is used more oftenin alternativetherapies and Eastern psychology and spirituality.

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    Q.4 What are the different barriers to perception?

    Ans. Individuals have a tendency to use a number of shortcuts when theyjudge others. Anunderstanding of these shortcuts can be helpful toward recognizing when

    they can resultin significant distortions. These barriers to perception are as follows:

    1. Selective Perception:Any characteristic that makes a person, object, or event stand out willincrease theprobability that it will be perceived. It is impossible for an individual tointernalize andassimilate everything that is seen .Only certain stimuli can be taken inselectively.Selectivity works as a shortcut in judging other people by allowing us to

    speed-readothers, but, not without the risk of drawing an inaccurate picture. Thetendency to seewhat we want to see can make us draw unwarranted conclusions from anambiguoussituation.

    2. Halo Effect:The halo effect occurs when we draw a general impression on the basis ofa singlecharacteristic. For example, while appraising the lecturer, students may

    give prominenceto a single trait, such as, enthusiasm and allow their entire evaluation tobe tainted by howthey judge the instructor on that one trait which stood out prominently intheir estimationof that person. Research suggests that it is likely to be most extremewhen the traits to beperceived are ambiguous in behavioral terms, when the traits have moralovertones, andwhen the perceiver is judging traits with which he or she has had limitedexperience.

    3. Contrast Effects:Individuals do not evaluate a person in isolation. Their reaction to oneperson is

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    influenced by other persons they have encountered recently. For example,an interviewsituation in which one sees a pool of job applicants can distort perception.Distortions inany given candidates evaluation can occur as a result of his or her place

    in the interviewschedule.

    4. Projection:This tendency to attribute ones own characteristics to other people, whichis calledprojection, can distort perceptions made about others. When managersengage inprojection, they compromise their ability to respond to individualdifferences. They tendto see people as more homogeneous than they really are.

    5. Stereotyping:Stereotypingjudging someone on the basis of our perception of the groupto which he orshe belongs. Generalization is not without advantages. It is a means ofsimplifying acomplex world, and it permits us to maintain consistency. The problem, ofcourse, iswhen we inaccurately stereotype. In organizations, we frequently hearcomments thatrepresent stereotypes based on gender, age, race, ethnicity, and even

    weight. From aperceptual standpoint, if people expect to see these stereotypes, that iswhat they willperceive, whether or not they are accurate.

    6. First-impression error:Individuals place a good deal of importance on first impressions. Firstimpressions arelasting impressions. We tend to remember what we perceive first about aperson, andsometimes we are quite reluctant to change our initial impressions. First-

    impression errormeans the tendency to form lasting opinions about an individual based oninitial

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    perceptions. Primacy effects can be particularly dangerous in interviews,given that weform first impressions quickly and that these impressions may be the basisfor long-termemployment relationships.

    Thus, barriers to perception create distortion in judging someone.

    Q.5 Mr. Batra is the General Manager, HR of a leading Automobilecompany. Heis having a meeting with Mr. Chandan, a leading HR consultant.Mr. Batra is

    concerned about creating an environment that helps in increasingjob satisfactionamong employees. Assume that you are Mr. Chandan, the HRconsultant. Whatsuggestions will you give to Mr. Batra, for creating anenvironment that increasesjob satisfaction?Ans. As Mr. Chandan, the HR consultant, I suggest Mr. Batra, that thefollowing measuresshould be implemented for creating an environment that increases jobsatisfaction:

    1. Mentally Challenging Work: Employees tend to prefer jobs that givethemopportunities to use their skills and abilities and offer a variety of tasks,freedomand feedback on how well they are doing. Under conditions of moderatechallenge, most employees will experience pleasure and satisfaction.

    2. Personality-Job Fit: People with personality types congruent withtheir chosenvocations should find they have the right talents and abilities to meet the

    demandsof their jobs; and because of this success, they have a greater probabilityofachieving high satisfaction from their work. It is important, therefore to fit

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    personality factors with job profiles.

    3. Equitable Rewards: Employees want pay systems and promotionpolicies thatthey perceive as being just, unambiguous, and in line with their

    expectations.When pay is seen as fair based on job demands, individual skill level, andindustry pay standards, satisfaction is likely to result. Similarly, employeesseekfair promotion policies and practices. Promotions provide opportunities forpersonal growth, more responsibilities and increased social status.Individualswho perceive that promotion decisions are made in a fair and just mannerarelikely to experience job satisfaction.

    4. Supportive working conditions: Employees prefer physicalconditions that arecomfortable and facilitate doing a good job. Temperature, light, noise andotherenvironmental factors should not be extreme and provide personalcomfort.Further, employees prefer working relatively close to home, in clean andrelatively modern facilities and with adequate tools and equipment.

    5. Supportive Colleagues: Employees have need for social interaction.Therefore,

    having friendly and supportive co-workers and understanding supervisorsleadsto increased job satisfaction. Most employees want their immediatesupervisor tobe understanding and friendly, those who offer praise for goodperformance,listen to employees opinions and show a personal interest in them.

    6. Whistle blowing: Whistle-blowers are employees who informauthorities ofwrongdoings of their companies or co-workers. Whistle blowing is

    importantbecause committed organizational members sometimes engage inunethical

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    behaviour in an intense desire to succeed. Organizations can managewhistleblowing by communicating the conditions that are appropriate for thedisclosureof wrongdoing. Clearly delineating wrongful behaviour and the appropriate

    waysto respond are important organizational actions.

    7. Social Responsibility: Corporate social responsibility is the obligationof anorganization to behave in ethical ways in the social environment in whichitoperates. Socially responsible actions are expected of organizations.Currentconcerns include protecting the environment, promoting worker safety,supporting social issues, investing in the community, etc. Managers must

    encourage both individual ethical behaviour and organizational socialresponsibility.

    Q.6 Given below is the HR policy glimpse of iMagine, anadvertising company:1. It offers cash rewards for staff members2. It promotes the culture of employee referral and encouragespeople to referpeople they know, maybe their friends, ex. colleagues, batchmates andrelatives.

    3. It recognizes good performances and gives fancy titles andjackets to thepeople who perform well and also felicitates them in the AnnualDay of thecompany.What all aspects does it take care of, according to Maslows NeedHierarchy?

    Ans. According to Maslows Need Hierarchy theory, human beings havewants and desireswhich influence their behaviour; only unsatisfied needs can influence

    behavior, satisfiedneeds cannot. The needs are arranged in order of importance, from thebasic to the

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    complex. The person advances to the next level of needs only after thelower level need isat least minimally satisfied. The further they progress up the hierarchy,the moreindividuality, humanness and psychological health a person will show.

    The five needs given by Maslow are as follows:1. Physiological: Includes hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, and otherbodily needs.

    2. Safety: Includes security and protection from physical andemotional harm.

    3. Social: Includes affection, belongingness, acceptance, andfriendship.

    4. Esteem: Includes internal esteem factors, such as, self-respect,autonomy, and

    achievement; and external esteem factors, such as, status,recognition, and

    attention.5. Self-actualization:The drive to become what one is capable of

    becoming;includes growth, achieving ones potential, and self-fulfillment.The HR policy of iMagine company takes care of the following needs:1.The first point takes care of the esteem needs. Offering cash rewards toemployees satisfies their self respect. They get external esteem factorssuch asstatus, recognition, and attention from others. The get to enjoy generalesteemfrom others.

    2.The second point takes care of the social and self-actualization needs.When theemployee refers to others, his need of affection, belongingness,acceptance, andfriendship are satisfied. In this way, his social needs are satisfied. Whentheemployee is referring to others, his self-actualization needs are alsosatisfied.3.The third point takes care of the safety and social needs. Theemployeesemotional needs are taken care of when they are praised for their good

    performance. Their self-respect is also satisfied. They get status,recognition, andattention. Their esteem needs are also satisfied.

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    This policy creates an employer-employee friendly relationship and makesthe bondstronger between them. And the work performance of the employees alsoincreases.

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