Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

Traffic Deaths VolW Id ' 1 ......... •,'.■• _iM r, .... , ........ -3 ..... ^ g r^S , NO. 232 (Growers' Marketi] At Bur burley , Feb. 1 — Poii.i of-MaRic-^'illcx^volecHinTOii Burlci' junior hisli scliool the proposed federal niarko pnul. pttc of three Idaho d<>le) advisory board, reported on, W ashinjrton, D. C. last wcok. ineeUng nt 8 p.m. totlsvy in Twjn Falls, to learn opinion: '^-gro\\fer.‘rlirthe-wcsrsmI'^ of the valley. Fcelinft at J the Burley meetlnjr wa.< that "whUe growers'defin- itely oppose « marketliiB order, (hey «ould accept an e^juilablc aeresRe control ir It wos bused on the IndJvWunl graver, OJIJeUe Mid Thursday. If aucK an ncre- ■Ke cmtrol plan Is enncted. local Krowers asked.Id&ho dfieRfilK [o get Ihe best conditions' po^.ilble, , •■I feel a markellni? oitlcr.l^ J' ol WUe 'va•^ue rincc it "wiU liave ‘ little effect ill gettlnt; the grow- P er more money for hU crops. No progtftmJ5J>ett£r-than one whlch - Is hanl to administer and Is dis- criminatory,” Gillette stated. In discussion of acreaRe con* ? trol, it wus pointed out the ® , trranBemenl would be to have quotju for each grower based upon his T»3l actraRft And hLi- ^ tory. Olllette stressed area grov;- era would be have no o wrea«e control at all, but if such U a program la Invoked, they feel quotas on an Individual basis fi Tould t)6 th e best.'__________ It The national potato advisory P board Is in the final Stages of drafting' a nationwide potato f< ■jBUlceUns order, he declared, qi tddlnj the cecretAry of. agrlcul- _ Orville Prcenian, has the -poweT^o'lnvoke'fiuch'a’^roRTSin ‘u ud put It into effect If he jt fjel* he has Industry support. ^ —‘nje- natlonal-board-also Is - TOklflS on ft. potato acreago and quotA bill, Olllette explained, and ^ thli will require legblatlon to q, be put Into eirect. It; win pre- ecnted to congreas soon.. ■_ meetings are being ' held tF7 other Idaho memt>ers of the luiional advisory board this weeL Harold Blanksma, Nampa, j j ’ holding a meeting , for the StiMsuie voUey growers and Joe /Hen,. American-rolls,-la con- ducting ft session for the Upper 5 Baake lUver valley, ~01llette 'al5o 'wUI report latest I plans of the national board at a c meeting of .the Idaho' potAto In- o dustry coordinating committee at s Pocatello a t 3 p, m. Friday. " * --------------------------------- . p McNalnarals ; Censor Meet; WASHINOTON, Peb. i t Secretary of Defense nobert 8, t McNamara moved today to avert , a heful-on clash with senators f over hll refu.ial to tell them s wtilch subordinates cenwred spe- i clfle spceche.'t by military offl- r cers. c In * letter to Sen. John Sten- t nls, D., Miss,, chairman of the ' iptclnl lubcommlttee lnve.<itlgat- » - InirTifitoRon apeech censoring, ^ (he jifcretary aald lie felt ''Im- pa.«e* sliould be rc.wlved by mu- t tual cooperation," f Bteiml* promptly ' IhlnwiL'U. Sen. Strom Tljurmontl, J »D„ S, 0„ and Sen. Leverett Sal- I toiulall, n., Mass,, to meet wltl> ‘ McNamara over tha week-end 1 W and try to reach aome agreement. McNamara aald In >>U letter } that lie had atopped short of In- 'K.Y\T»« AooXt\ne ot wecixUvt - privilege in the matter, 'ntla doc- trine, advanced mnny UniM In Uie poAt, Is that cong«a" no power under tho conitlHuHon n to rrniilw produollon of ‘l^ii- li menlJ' and nienmmnda relating t to purely Internal operallona of 'J tjKulWe rtepnrVmenU. | McNsinnru'fl move came aa ' mtmbna ol «»e ai^conMHlUee ' il#rtf<l olatlng ranks behind Thurmond, who liita demanded * til# naiiiM «lh tho ecii«’ra ,,wlio « Jianilled-parlloul*r-ao<i«cJ»«-------i llceU n i^eT l]^. ; , ■ To Work Hard; U>a ANQKLEa, V^h. i un - t romifr I*ri‘sl(trnl Dwl«lit n. Ei- t lenhower Ima culled on Amerl- t»na to "ropudlivtn fealHnr-bcd- rtlng anrt to glorify hard work at •11 levels," Addrrwlng moro titan 3,000 Per»on'i al a OhainbBr of Com- [nerm Imnnuct Wediirjiday nlBht, n« tlpclauai '•Wliarovar inailng- * »rlnif 111 aiiv group nf claw la , Mwlw\«u-wjic\htr In , mmt, i.i;l.'iiilflt or v/orker-prog- »«« 1.1 iir.ulurit tp be aloW. _.“Ad«i»nto lolaiiro Is not only •iMlrable, u hcaltiiy for nilnd •J "I'll as body, but unwarranted ' 'IfMr.ifl III ,11,y ,,n rt of tlio popii- »llnu ninnin fall, correapond- liomii," r ^NKwriMi'imNnTiiT I , Fell. 1 W - ' "«f«lttry of mate Dean Rusk ' '‘"Irt ft newa'confer- »i i p m.,todny nhorlly after i frn'Aj tlio interrAinorl* \ riirriiiii tuihUtera nicBlIng ill. J ^ -- ------- ------------- t r 3eaths' ' l l j _____ L ti ~ ^ Oppose etlng piqn tirley Meet .1 1 oppose ^1 niai-koun;: ordt>r. J.. a . Ciilette, arted nn.;, nicotinp of.ihe proup in ast wcok. lie wiil tondiict n similar todsvy ni the old hospital Ijuilding, opinion! , ¥ » # ’gSt e n d |- > , --------------------------------------- “'«^»‘ t t id e r a lS p iu l i A m ;',; La>v to H a v e e^iullablc , V olume Rule ted *!«ni AMERICAN FALLS, Feb. I WD eRate.i to control, featuring a po.s.iible ^>"’oraljlc to Idaho, and oi-dcr b labeling arc two vSll have regvilalloiw w^ablbhed by tho He grow- R'‘0P<»c'l imtloimi potato market- ne-whlch —31mt_wa*_ii,e—report-today - id Is dls- ^•'O'n Joe Allen. American Palls, Lated. Idaho’s delegate to the national - IRC eon. committee, which Is In the final -j the btit s*"Bc.i of drafting a controver- I to liave mivrketlng order. ■* ?r based Allen. returned ' from and hLi- Washington, D. C., aaid the order ea (crow- basically regulates the volume - have no of potatoe.i shipped to the na- t if such Uonal market, hey feel "But Idaho would be exempt al bosU from when and whero it shipped ' Its quota because Idaho li a fall- t advisory prtidiiclng’statc," Allen said. s tages of Every slate but Idaho voted f potato for the marketing ordei', he add-, ‘ dccltfred, qd, agrlcul- _The-proposed-drder-aUo-con- * .‘i*®. ,t<»lns_what_Allcn.called-&-iUm- ® progrim Uonal cull regulation.” He aald ^ t If he Jt would label as culls potatoes ‘ ipport. under l',j inc^kes in diameter. -also Is “ Th^ sanTe~rwlatlbn“aiso re- I tage and quires that the name and ad- ned, and dres.i ot the packer bo stamped Ulon to on containers ot fresh potatoes. J be pre- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 White House i k ^ p S Asks-Review ’ F3 Of Stockpile j WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 W — 1 Tt latest President Keonedy has announc- ord at a ed a double-edged InvesUgatlon ] Jtato In- of how, the »tockblles nlttee at stratolBfr t>'atcrials.«He says-the , lay, supply Is so excessive it invites , _ \ profiteering and mlsmnnagement. X "The cold facts on this matter lc must be open to .th e public," Kennedy told his news confer- ' n" ence Wednesday._________ _ T Q 'V " ' He aald the stockpiling pro- . ' gram would be "completely ex- r ____- plored" by a Senate aubcomtnll- l66t tee under Sen. Stuart Symington,. D„ Mo. He promised Symington 1 t/R — all the evidence his admlnistra* :obert S. tlon has obtained, to avert , Moreover, he.aald he would aenalors form a special commlaslon to sll. them study policies and goals "in the )red spe- light of changed alrategy iry offl- and Improved technology." He disclosed hc has ordered a atop lin Slen- to all piirchoaea except for three I of the unldfnUlled Items and haa In- vc.itlgat- atruclcd deparlmenfheads to re- enaorlng, view their need.i. elt "Im- Kennedy's move lo eliminate 1 by mu- the threat of major criticism from tho mo.islve program lo calanaled atote CMcntlal materials for noa tunnond, Ho»bI emergencies hlghllghled rett Sal- U'I* iWrd newa conference In 10 leot wllh days-a pace unoflualcd alncn his iveek-end "^Irat weeks in office, ireement. ----------------------------- - Kom S Wall Falls Down, Damages Cables llme.i In KANSAS CrrV, Mo., Feb. 1 real has (fl-A retaining wall collap.ied on latllutlon a construction project Wdav and of docu- knocked out the main cables of relating tho American Telephone nnd atlona of Telegraph company leaving Kanafts Olty without auv lon«- sniiie aa commiinlcatinn facilities lor nmmlllee ft period of time, behind Hn'l’l' *'» AT and T of- einandcd »»»>■ when the wnll tors wlio collapsed ll yaveil in on Ihe M,,..' cable, i)roko a Rns main and a cijca-------„ggfij:r S rrd at <:30 a.m. 'Hie Aiuioclnted I'reM, oHier - newa agenclra nnd ladlo and [•Inrn Iclcvliilnn facilities were aftect- liaiu ert: a t and T restored anmn 1 Ml — aervloe by rerouting lines a Hliort it D. Ri* time after the break, , Amerl- rjir'«frrctj ___r v n,.-, ____..r- llnr-hcd- " -. newsbu of Com- f ..f|- WASniNOl'ON, IMh. I nJPIi-0 house rniunatlon ai f*'" »'« called "non-compll c” -p ro g - "Knlnst race scgregatl not onlu VIKNTIANK, l,.oi, VtU. 1 fur mind {'/« «n »he ainirip at Ihe warranted N*"* lu ,« lr aiijiply ho popu- reapnnd- —^— rale ol I'AUia, Vcb, 1 fuPB-lIu I'Veiicll ninohlne gini carriers toward Parli pollco brigade, apparonHy on tlie BKT indicating piaiu for aasasslnattoii 1 Ifl - capital.. . Ul Rusk ------- Jtly“ a f ! « r e l « T ’l n d o « J ’' ‘ ° ' ^ “ ' rrAinerl. WcK N«w flulnw.St _ —: ThOJ?icicLYalby_Neivspaper-l ! ~ ; ^ r~ i&t_£uul the ^ •. iiiictte, potato in sim ilar ave L ille <tn'D urlng a and arc two by tho market- A TWISTED CHASSIS h all tl t - (oday -e«nverted-(o-ia1>or-buH-«hleh-wa! in Palls, thick fog in Mendotn. Calif.. W< national ---------: ---------- -- ------------------------------ - “ Italy Charges ] h/owS B a l k a n . P i l o t volume - - I™" Spying a'hjp^d BAEI, Italy, Feb. 1 Italy Ll a fall- tonight formally charged Bul- tl said. ■ garlan air force Llcut. Mllusc 1 IO voiM Solnkov with political-and mill- _ ha adS ^ r An investigating Judge In this Iso-eon. 8QuUica.itcm..ltallan-clty Issued .0 a. "nn. tm arrtft warrant agoinstjlie f H«. Kfiirt 22-year-oiafiler,whocraaniand- _ Dotatoes 20 'liter flying his cam- lietS era-equipped MIG17 Jet tv,icc I over-a-aecret-North -Ationtlc ' rt *'rt* Treaty organization mLsslle base. T«i> national poilce officers B o lat^ wad the formal chargc to Sola- _ kov In the Infirmary of Bari’s civil Jail. He hns been recover- ies lng there from hla crash Injuries. concussion, and fractures of the , left arm and collarbone. ^ ftW He hftd tried to give the'lm - t prcssion that ho was,ft defector £ • •"I but hl^ govemrherit contended he ^ n iie landed In Italy afler becoming < • ' lost In btxd weather while’on a ( 1 Jfl _ training fhghf over Bulgaria. i xnnounc- Trial for «apl6nage under Ital- aUgatlon javv must be before a cl\fll | aockplles C urt, where the maxlmUm,j>on- r says, the jHy conviction 1s 18 years im- I It InvltM prisonmcnt. • » agement. ____________________- c “sS: Solon Flayed ^ lng pro- K v ® etely ex- _ J ------ .. t ington, Jix S ta te m e n t ymington . ^ p mlnlstra- By The Associated rress f A 4t.year-o!d Boise Republican s 10 would iftunched hLi campaign for the laalon. to united States senate todny, r J "in tho sharply attacking Democratic t »strategy gen. Frank Church for aupport- a Dgy." He lng ‘’ftlmbat , every egghead ii d a atop (((tending plan" In congress. e for three t . (Jack' Hawley, an o attorney and newcomer to .itate- a idi to re- j)olltles. declared In hla formal announcement thatb eliminate church "hnan’t dona iho Job you o criticism (ihB volera) hired him to do., e igram lo i, n,e first Republican cnn- " 1 for nna riiaftie t«'um\ouuco tor'tlie spot ghilghled ^ J |,g !„• not expected to ’I'avc strong. If any, primary «Ppo^\- i alncn his church, now completing hla ’ Ilrst alx*year term, Js expected •— to seek rcelecllon, iW ll Slato Rep. 0 1 a r e n c o HUer, Emmett, has also thrown ills hat q M aq In tbft crowded Idalio poUtlctil C tU lv o nrena. nnnounclng im will seek Feb. 1 the Deinocratio nomlnallnn for i'ap.ied on governor, . , n Ddav and The vcternn Oem county law- cables nf maker I" Iho 13th eandldntn lo one nnd atmmmoft fonnally for the Kov- .. leaving ernorship. KIglit are In the run- ,m long- Hlng «n tha DeinocvBlIc ijldfl nnd lUtles lor Oov. Itoljcrl. IC, Hniylle, a o.intll- " dale lor reelectlon to a,..ll]lrd •' nd T of- term, ninl H'ree othera at« swlt-* f. the wall lng the OOP nomination lii“anil'a .WUHAN ll»AUINnli HliT . i occui^“ WA8mNOTONrret]:-l—ntW-- »» flen. IMborl II, liuinphrey, 1)„ M Oilier Minn., said today senate comnilt- H tdio nnd leo lu'iirlng* would get Wnder way ;t r. aflecl- I'Vli. M >'ti President Kennedy's li 'ed somn plan to ci'oate a cabinet depart- ai >s a Hhort iiiinl of “■'bait affairs and hoiui- ci lng. e BULLETINS '!; J si I fUPIi-Olmlrmaii Adam Clayton Pqwoll lunation and lahnr committee will investl- ci lon-compllaiicfl" with tlie auprenia court’s „ p segregation In publlo srliools. ------------ . |) ll, 1 (IH>—The'pr«*f‘'nimliiil»t reheis-opened a ip at the lirlraiutrcd prnvlnelai capital nf air aiiiipir line ami apparenlly ieaiing Its li _______ ' y lie I'VeiicU governmBnt moved 33 annored iwani Paris today (o bolster tlie 37,000 man ! Lly on the itren«th of captured rtoonmonta jasslnatlon, bomlilng and terrorism 'In the •f.h, 1 HT&-Xhe Nelherl^nils hsi Rgreed (o o nera captured In lli« ■)•»< >B naval clash otr n m annoanccd lodnr. Prime Minla^r li lo reieaM the M prUonefa In ft cableiram ^vspaper-Dedtcated to Ser^-lng and- P tw in falls , IDAHO, THURS ilS is all that remains of a panel truck i -whleh-was-hil-by-a-frei|hl-(raltt-ln-ft- -i , Calif., Wednesday nlgtit." Eleven farm i Police Proi Announc Appointment of an nsslsti Gfi-itaiy in rank of two police ol ;ed_Bui; new patr_olmen_wa3 reported '■ Police Chief Roger Tucker, md mill- named assistant police chief e in this ‘^’iptain effective Thursday, ' ty isiiued old Buniett.ha.i.been A memb Iorce_since_i947._IIeJiaa-.WQi naniand- __ ^ ---------------------------------------- 1_ ^ ''iiiS lI .- S .^ ir e ta p - i isllebase. ' l ] l^aw Sought i .Iss, By Kennedy! ■es o f t h e WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 Ifl — 1 *• Atty. Oen. Robert P. Kennedy ' ! the'lm - proposed today the enactment of ' I defector a broad federal wlreUip_law : tended he which he said would protect ,ln- ' becoming dividual privacy while giving law ^ hile ’on a officers a new tool "to combat I ilgarla. octlvltles and organised cnme.r nder Ital- Saying thht present wiretap- J rc a cl\fll ping leglsloUon Is chaotlcr. Ken- i num j)on- nedy sent to congress a detailed I vears I'm- bill and stated his views on it in < ' a letter to Vice President Lyn- I ___ don B. Johnson, president ot the I • 1 senate, l/ftfl Kennedy proposed that all tele- I 7 phone eavesdropping by private \ m narllea be outlawed and that 1 le'llt strict procedures be laid down H>t i the m e of wiretaps by federal. i . state, and local authorities. I nent Pedeml law enforcement agen- cles would be allowed lo lap wires 3 Press for evidence In cases Involving I cpubllcan specified major olfenses, _ ^ I for the A federal court order would be < B todny, required In each Instance, except I emocratlc that the attorney genei'al him- t aupport- self could give Upping authority v egghead in some case* Involving treason, ^ ess. espionage, sabotage, subversion ,wley. an or tho dlsclo.-jure ol atomlo energy I to liate- aecrels. ^ I In i,in Slato and local wiretaps could a L I h a t be authorlied by sUle courts on I 0 lob you application,©! the attorney gen- to d ^ ' eral of the sUU or the chief pro- 1 1 to -have ~Z T j !ciZr;l;Cash S o u g h t At Tonight’s ? ^ GOP Parleys; atliin for wASIIINOTON.Feb. 1'fl-R*- • ,, , publican party faithful will aine n'.^L T; tonight, listen to top GOP braAi r nnd-they hope-help wipe out > ' - ..... f !' r n,, ,n will bo.liw RepuWlcaiW llrsl W« rnllle.i of the new year-a con- grcMlonal election year In .which . ,,, they hope to out deeply Into j DemocraUo majorities 1ti tne ^ I HiiT l*ouAo and aenate. Pafiy leaders havejuild-UJla-WonltJjoJMl'jL^_ « ihrey I) Sen. Thriiston 11, Morton, R., jj 1com'mll- K y. former OOP natlonrtl chair- j; (nder way ;nan, polnte<l to two weak spots Ceniiedy's In party nrmor Wednesday In a i t depart- apeech before a Young Republl- J ,nd hoiia- caiia national leaderaiilp confei*- ence In a auburban Virginia nio- tel. . . ‘•"•*•7^ First, he said, the Republicans _ f lack a atrong organleatlnn In lha ^ 1 big cities, This has been pointed '. ont mnny limes by ReputJllcana „ I sIncB President Kennedy’s nar- , row victory In' 1000. • H n Pqwoll Next, Morion aald, the »tmo- I Investl- cratii, led by Kennedy, liava ont- « court’s inaiiouverNl, Ilepubllcatui. '^on many levels and we <ire l>elng ^ placnd In the position of l>elng , Is-opened agin' everything," lapllal nf Morton, who Is up foV reelro- • tallng Its lltin hlmaoif, said unlesa tlia GOP > ninkei a strong allowing In tl)|> ' year’s oongressional electloiM, lha ,Kr;: S “rh‘ . r K “ 2i.s^ , Donmonta * ■ ' ___________ ft m In the kdi WATORS TO MKKT " •BOlSt Wb, 1 (m-rmance * , porsonnel from the a|a(« edu- , agreed fo cation departmont plan to meet f' clash cJr witli Magla Valley soiiool luper- ■ ' Minkihr intendenls at Twin FalU Jrtb. l> Rbleiram 13 to dlaousa fudgtt nieiU for > ' ------ ; i-t- Ult UMi Wfnnlum,____________ 8 rs and Promiling: lh« (irowlh ot Nil 9 » f.rm .Irtph.i’.'! ■ Promotions i >uirced in T.F.' h S it otTh S hut»day, Tu"k n a momberof-thc-Twinmils joncc “ for 12 sMri, M i tan--- “ s wi r t - 1 r "’'" ‘ forfhe past lO ycara: “ l& llL as assistant polIcV Kennedy tip Ihrough the^ranks^nd ! wtment of versed In all ^ to wmbjrt Uons tor ths posJtton -' i wfailS)- spMblf ff' ita s s ”■ m l «f U i. to tto ol t t o lS S V S S S S lir subvewlon Cordir has ^ up, ‘° v Z ' S ^ Z S ’£ '3 ',? wurl. on I, m .tflrf . m h„ o„f-M i"' k counly. ™ C f , « ?ht Sr/SK™ ' fit’s vA.. -LS.ifU";, will dine Tlio addition of |j,e i w „g^ lOP bras.1 men brings the s is e - o ff i tS)^ wl,.« ont « « lorcc to a? pcrsdni. l^ick^r aald, add ng that it in nnu> r dhiners /ull ’atrenRth. I' Jlrsl W» *■'‘0 »»ew PRtrotmen will aerve * r-a con- "'*-month |)robatlon«iry leVlotl In .which 'iVie »ft«n wlli J eply Into k" on-tliB-jub training. 1 1n the «i«, assigned to varjoM a ly leniltrB ofliccra, ho noted. o rto n ^ ., batiniiBrS^ ^ iS fP * * '? Kills Fiye ; ginianio. Jn Providence d ipiiI/UcafM 1‘rtOVIDIfNCjB. R. j„ F«,b, 1 tn Inn In llin -A*- dlwl etirly ' n pointed * Jeneral alarm fire In .•piMcans » t'»re.e.(ilory rooming houflo on \ dy’a nar- "tr*et, South Providence. I j Two 0/ tha vJoiJms ^tre Jden- I 10 Demo- ‘‘f f‘« M Virginia Davu and her c hava ont- o«''tr»«er, AHtdred, 8. Thd othera I stu. '^mi w"* IrtentUled. Oilo mart * pre iMlng tlie roof. ’ ■ of lirliig , “ tire uVigedy In New England thia week. Nine • r s tW ? Coed Honored . ■, leaning In . J^ATBLLO, Feb. 1 (muirene D*Arcv, an M ,),o b M b eoHew "Om Twin Falls, la tlie wln- i^rtnance *w*rd for IDflUes. 5 toor ot tvnW olclp'giSi;. , •th Of N iti«-Irrigaled Idaho CounHiea : 1 .19G2 ^ ^ si cl p' U' r< Cl \v t> In di ’Islbllity was only about 50 feet at the tl s-renuH-of-a-lhick-fog-hoverlng-ovcr-the- n tl ------------ !(■**}/■ ni 5 11 Die When I .F . Train Strikes S 'i» Fog I inJCallji- -JilE N E ^A , Callf.,J^ba-fflra- « n f t WAR ^ frolghti Irajn, thundering .. ew \\as Ihrough a dense fog that has ranK'Ot blanketed-Cnllfomla'* Central ,, }8-vear- valley for three days, smashed at Is tioRcg BO-mlles-por-hour-lnto-ft-farm ^ i:™ .. labor, bus last night and killed (livistouTnini-meirnboard: --------------------- - laa beeii VlsSljHity on the railroad cross- „ depart- •"s W ’ns only about 50 feet be- j, n vonri«~ cause Ot the fog;-whlch-has also w u years, caused at least 20 other traffic , appoint- deaths this week. " Ice chief, The fog layer—300 miles long, «llef that 50 milts wide and 1,500 feet deep all crime — also caused the, closing ot 5 $ Involved, achools and alrpotla, \mcoMntcd J n in traf. lesser traffic mishaps and a gen- as worked eral breakdown In travel through- md Is well out the agrlculture.rlch valley, if law en- Tho crossing where last night’s klng-with acol<ient-took-plaee’waa-marked me n o n tb flQiy by a cross-bar' waging qualiflcft. sign. Nino W . the victims died , at the sccne. Aoothet died « • route to a hospital in nearby r/ormahcc F^.csno, and the Uth succumb- 1 officers In shortly after arriving Oiere. leer noted, j The makeshift bus, converted I have com. '•‘om a JfitO panel I'ruclc, was , partment” *truck by the eastbound South- Jllce chief, ern Pacific freight while crossing I that, ef- ‘even sets of tracks within the Patrolmen ‘^Ity limits of this a,OOO.popula- nd Wayne «on farm community, » rank hr -------- . --------- has been Vi ’— * ” “i Skies Clear , lir I { are Oarrv '■{ ‘*“ 1’ "’“''nlng. with sun- ; , n Terry »hlne driving back'the fog ' Helms, 30 ■. l*“‘t. rolled in Wednesday will atjirt |. evening, , £ Thursday. ' F re e sing temperatures t } turned Wednesday eve- R ! 1 law fr.- fl nlng's fog into a coaling of H * her, P...;l li.lce on everything It a ' chief, for 0 touched, but heavy frost W i noted, Jte f| on trees was melting rap- g t >child. Idly by late Tliursday tl ! <1 months j morning. ji ‘ m at the 'I Communications systems 'j\ , Tiff's of- [ In the valley were severely fU a military \ hampered Wednesday fl , 1 the San y morning by the fog, which v) crlmlnol- ri disappeared during tha U afternoon. H I I has four ' ' P six yeara E^a^lw-OT-^rarrTrx^-.i.^nt.rjiV'i'.y j S ’S Bolshevik Is j Itr .Scout- rrt t!"nZ for i rS ; Heart Attack j ’ now ttt M oiacow, Feb, 1 l/T^UaUally i will aetvo well.lnfonned sources said today 1 r^y period, ” "*t V. M, Molotov, publicly de- I men will »'o*mced former foreign minister, training. I* “ hospital recovering from I ;o varloua a 1‘enrt attack. I I noted. A foreign olflce press apokcs- ! rank aUo man declined to confirm or deny I Mitli-pro. Ulo.r«Mrl.:«ftylng.U.wftg of.."na * cker ex- polKlcal Impnrtnnce." < He anld lie knew nothing of the | caso. Tlio report from tho usually If A well-informed source .said Molo- Vt tov liad been In tho hoapltal Inr ' |y v .« /i,r v “ **"''*■ but that his con- , le n C e dmon was "not dangerous." Feb, 1 Ifl wife, Paulina, vUlts lihn ' tied early regularly. Uie lufomiottt, aald. m fire in Molotov returned Nov. 13 from house on Vlennn, Austria, where he had i rovldence. been reprMontallve on the in- 1 ere Iden- l«rnaHonal atomto-enBrBynBen- I I and her cy and has not been seen pub- i hi othera Holy alnce. , )fl« mail — ——------------------------^— ,— It Is Official: r WasColdei red ’ ■ *>'® *>ilvered through Jai Ui9 coldeat month In quit* ft wl ^ ^ iw S month was the ooldeat Jknunry s tomology rciearcii ^Ivlattn of tha Mnnoria] day pf n,on(,, ^ ojuiiing 28 out. mftjorlnj! Tt,tro wt9 M ot an Inolt ot pi lamed for anow during Uu montU. . Tills Wm the most snow during rom ^ h e s wer? fccordod. flUleoiv da: - - I CounUlea ----------- ----------- ip ® a n ncreS jTldie mU : "'Asnh\n-i'ON, i.\.i, 1 ''r c i k c i l livc.H , 111,1 cimem. Th " •’ ' ’'■•■‘" I m ' . ’ si'; H *5«Xu creascil .Kr„„t., f„r 'cy|,| I . Srr.?'„.5'“"'" - the ln.sift„cc whicli has ri national controversy, that of n NcwbiirRli, W. V, ' n ties which have _ ror whatever b - _ '”°ff‘'«-aH em pt«i to save mon- K f'C *nthlc.<a-iu)a-iirwtfary c cutbacks in t^eir w elfarT w ^ t. 1? to little » 1^0 g S ed.^“ :b..l.mril- „ «antrtet. Kennedy aotd. S that has rehabilitative road’’ for relief g Central ^‘‘red better: -Paml- naihed at *>«" «atored to self- a «M -IoU s have ll md killed ' F -----------— - ^ ‘‘‘-“PProacli.can-be furlhcr- t ond croM- l^ congress wiu «ti- t 1 feet be- the rules t vhfls also J^a,®I-^'’'‘=’'-^.V®--*t««^ent_of c icr traffic and welfare t makM fodwal afd grants to f nJle-5 long, state welfare outlays, I feet deep ,^ e special message, said bv i closing .of ‘he ilrst In history i uiKOMnlcd I’evoted wlely to welfare prob- ^ ind ft gen- '” *■ *'l* followed by two ( ;lthrough- programs «d- ( Ich valley, the department- ^ t night’s core,/or Uie ' aged under a«-marfced f«JfrnI aid to ctlms^led propw'Tiuriin^ totaT f died « i. reprtiscat the aoat iwea^ In nearby overhatJl of federal relief . auccumb- Pwgmm lng Acre. dspnsuJaa of ; converted r S l W a t o ^ O u t i a r I I W ? * ' J w the J Mnoi« ll ®c“80r ahow defh I I \ ’y ‘y takm iy G » sun- i flupervisors of 1 the fog I va ion dfatrict. Soil conditfoni /nesday (3 i’olo creok and DcadJfna at Matures ' eve- i Snow meaaurcments i ting Of fJ plane on Cedar creek, Goat “ ng It H creek, H um m ingbird 1 ff Senr creek, Risd J ISLr'' lystenui J revealed that Magic everely ‘•'V* » «now depth of nesday J month wlijj a , Which B ot 12,1 Inches, ' tha y ‘lepth of 30 S ■'«» “ ,*lth ft wAter content of I 7J inches last year. „®"?w,<lepU» at Deadline wjui . T ' “" p y revealed, ffi content of li.o . iS ncnes, Shoshono basin had 11 Inches of anow and 3,fl Inches of f n r at and had 37 and 10.*? Inches, ----------- f-ny*!-' creek had 37 and 7J l 2) C ll nciiM, Pola cheek had <o and WiiAU.iiv iin ®«e>‘ hod 48 >—uBuaiiy and 13.3 inohes, Red nolnt had S ? W «nt« 0.3 inchei, and ^ k tnouK ibllely de- tain hnd 2» and 7,7 Inohwi 1 minister, snow depUi and woierfconlent irlnt trm In to t W«r w o tain, 30 and 7J Inches: Deadline « spokes- 81 and nine Inchea; Shoshone m or deny bwJ;;, nine and two Inches' ’M creek IB and 4,3 inchSi nummingbirti BpnnBfrso-gnd-ri Ifngo/the ncics; Ooat creek, and gs he usually |nclie»i Pole creek. 30 and 7 i 'Aid Molo- Inches, and Dear creek. 34 &n<i f»spl(«| for ®'® inches. t his con- «fere made by ous." Puller, John and Blava Pas. lliA lifm Ven, Dromgart. ' t.sftld, -— ------------------ sr" "r- (I ift« « ‘'efense minister* have been en AON dl.o1o.«d to-, ■icial; January 'oldest Since 1949 a^nnnB*M“i * • ” '1 the coMast I moll o( p«.ipit,„„„ ,on * Final * i Edition^ ^ 1 TEN CENTS il f Asks i reaselir slief Cost l'\’b. 1 (A'i — Pi-o.sidonl Kennedy ID.’i-niillion dollar oxiiatiaiuu of pcv- Ifarc, wilh a in ompha-' .15reli‘c f - c h c c k s “ - t n - - t l i i 3 " ~ i W i i i n m g o r ~ ~ ^ cnreefs. The rcmeaies “will nol come Idnff run the.u will .save munoy,” Ken- ' I icinl n^easl^s^l In coiiRrc.-^s. H e iirKeil I on of the onc'.vt'ar projrrani to aid | > ot Vhc ----- ........... .......- Vt'ta-Rusk Report li Of OAS Meet • 11 ol work- -— — : require- Slated Today ■d at dros. MONTEVIDEO Uruguay, Feb. » lash relief I (fl-6ecretary of; Slate Dean | y—naming JtusltJ>caded-fop-Wa*lilngton-to.------ i las stirred dayi Uj report to President Ken- 1 Ihat of nedy on the hemisphere foreign | ministers’ conference on Cuba « CommunV- wWch already was arousing re- D r whatever percussions In Latin Amerlc.i. I save mon- The conference rpilt on 'ha - I d arbltrory cruelal'lssue — Immediate acUon 1 rlfare rolls to expel Cuba from the Organl- I -ta to little lallon of Amtrlton SUtea-al- l| jblem re. ready reporUdly had generated pressure from conservatives on (I ^edy said, the Arg«nUne_govemment,-on6— t iftvellllrled of the six whlch-held-out-for-a— 1” for relief go-slow approach. er: ••Fami- Argentina’s m l U t ary_ehlefa ----- ed to self- were reporteil furious at the soft ;ioys_have ,Une_taktn_b?_Preladent-Atloro ------ FrondW’s' government. They re; ___ be-furlher- portedly-served-tUm^Wlth ftiTul' ' aa will en- tlmatum demanding & dlplomatlo f the rules breait with Fidel Castfo's regime ■artmetit-of nnd.aupport of-the neat atop* iti'— nd welfare the OAS council to Isolate Cuba grants to from the Inter-Amerlcan family, outlay*. Tn Brasil'and Mexico, the two :e, said by other major powers In the “soft t In history six” bloc, reacUon was mixed Ware prob- with aoma expressions ol anxiety vd by two over the outcome of the eonfer- ogroma ad- ence. ' •MTtment— Some observers In ?Me?lco .- aged under feared Uie 30-naUon condemoa- derai aid to Won of CuJaaa commwnlam vjcwW - - X --------- Bpur leftist agltftUen- to. that, ^ Uned today oountyy. nost aweep- BraaUlan newspiiperB wtrt i deral relief overwhelmingly. In. f a w* itdwogram condemnation- of Cu^n ccm-. . spressloa of munism b u t differed on Bradl*# refusal to support expulsion, • , Outlook for ion_Tract Good-| 8 for tiic Salmon tract for ,th«, isOS . ^ ahow definite Improvement, accord- « jikon by Glenn Nelson, chairmon of V rvisors of the 1>vin Falls eoll conaer- il conditions beneath the snow pack at 3eadllne. stations are favorable, and nre cohaisteritly deeper. Nelson rc* urcments were made this ihonth ,by eek, Goat ; Work : mountalii t ? Tfc ' MO .. For Program Is Defended depVh"of M Idaho'e pollUc&l pot continued, conUnt of to boll Thunrtay na UaJaihes Koutnlki Twin Falls, an ftoUva eadllne ww lUpublloan, answered a charge ey revealed, by Madison county Democratic ; m t of 15.0 Chairman Howard Palter that’ sin had 11 atate Rep. Orval Kansen, Idaho Id Inches of Pails, was ualng his military had av vfii position and ralUlaty Jrltnda U> bird springs further hU political cm ej;^^. ~~ . ES,----------- HatlifercUirBed Tuesday that , 37 and Rep, Ralph HardJng, D„ Ida,, ' lad 40 and requested hla and Koutnlk’s dls- eek t\od 48 mlisal aa llalton otdceca for I point had Idaho, becausb of Uielr activity I BIk moun- in Ihe Republican patty, Hanaen nohcs. .Is a praspectlve opponent of . nter>conlent Jlardlng’s for second district lagU.moun- eongressman. s; Deadline, Koutnlk aald In n statement ; Shoshone Thursday "The result has been wo Inohea; ihnl Idaho hna loaf In Captain 34 and Oi worked with OftPtnln Hansen > 30 and 7,1 over the past aevoral years and i eek, 34 and (ound |\tR\ to bo an eKttemely dedlcaled officer who has ctr- t made by ried out his academy (lutles In IB ltitP H - Itn outstanding mnnner." ftrd, Koutnlk was coordinator f« - “ To «'9 WeAattR Vitosram, in Mftho wntll Thursdoy, ^ Koutnlk »aJd.'/^iftnsen apent ■ ^r tl« p u t “ m a t .a n ^ n t o( .his personal, iSt German time'*hd money,lh hla rolunteer llaoloaeii io-. work traveling on behalf ot ih» , _________ ajf ft>rce academy without oom- p«MaUftRWttt«Uta.«9Wa«" . ' • Oommentlni further on CV bf-Mansen, Koutnlk aald,". JIU.. .V - r\ t»»fc Included Ui« oounsellnt for 1 M 4r) WU|*ndlng young Idaho boje who showed pofentlftl M'career that It WM ^orc« offloers. Hansen VnA tllclaV M et other MaUon'onicerstheJ^.t^nwA ' to Uie en. thU information over to poUU* e'^ns such ai Uardlnf, to nia'iSSS* wch use ollt..ft* they de^re.".. w eT S ' .'lH»Tdlat.ehouW-b*-»b'« to . of grett aaaUUini;# Uie flefoiue! i inohes o( .(lepa^tinpnV in hU feo-otUed, tn>. 1 when 317 ve»tl|nUpa.'« . hU ftttwnpt u>:

Transcript of Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

Page 1: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

Traffic DeathsV o l W Id

' 1......... •,'.■•

_ i M r , . . . . , . . . . . . . . - 3 . . . . . ^

g r ^ S , N O . 2 3 2

(Growers' Marketi] At Bur

b u r l e y , F e b . 1 — P o ii.i o f -M a R ic -^ 'il lc x ^ v o le c H in T O ii B u r lc i ' j u n i o r h i s l i sc lio o l th e p r o p o s e d f e d e r a l n ia rk o p n u l . p t tc o f t h r e e I d a h o d<>le) a d v is o r y b o a r d , r e p o r t e d o n , W a s h in j r to n , D . C . l a s t w co k . in e e U n g n t 8 p .m . totlsvy in T w jn F a l l s , to l e a r n o p in io n :' -gro\\fer.‘rlirthe-wcsrsmI' o f t h e v a l le y . F c e l in f t a t J t h e B u r l e y m e e t l n j r wa.< t h a t "whU e g r o w e r s 'd e f i n ­itely oppose « marketliiB order, (hey «o u ld accept an e^juilablc aeresRe contro l ir I t wos bused on the IndJvWunl graver, OJIJeUe Mid T hursday . I f aucK an ncre- ■Ke cm tro l plan Is enncted. local Krowers asked.Id&ho dfieRfilK [o get Ihe best conditions' po^.ilble, ,

•■I feel a markellni? o itlc r .l^ J' ol WUe 'va•^ue rincc i t "wiU liave ‘ little effec t ill ge ttlnt; th e grow- P er more m oney for hU crops. No progtftmJ5J>ett£r-than one whlch - Is h a n l to adm in is ter and Is dis- crim inatory,” G ille tte sta ted .

In discussion of acreaRe con* ? trol, i t wus pointed ou t th e ®, trranB em enl would be to have quotju for each grower based upon h is T »3l actraRft And hLi- ^ tory. O llle tte stressed area grov;- era would b e lu p p y .to have no o wrea«e contro l a t all, bu t if such U a program la Invoked, they feel quotas on a n Individual basis fiTould t)6 th e best.'__________ It

The n a tio n a l po ta to advisory P board Is i n th e f ina l Stages of drafting' a nationw ide potato f<

■jBUlceUns order, he declared, qi td d ln j the cecretAry of. agrlcul- _

Orville P rcenian, h a s the -poweT^o'lnvoke'fiuch'a’ ^roRTSin ‘u u d pu t I t in to effect If h e jt fjel* he h a s Industry support. ^

—‘n je - n a t lo n a l -b o a rd - a ls o Is - TOklflS on ft. po ta to acreago and „

■ quotA bill, O llle tte explained, and ^ thli will require legb latlon to q, be put Into eirect. I t; win pre- ecnted to congreas so o n .. ■_

m eetings are being ' held tF7 o th e r Id ah o memt>ers of the luiional advisory board this weeL Harold B lanksm a, N am pa, j j ’ holding a m eeting , fo r the StiMsuie voUey growers a n d Joe /Hen,. A m e ric a n -ro lls ,- la con­ducting ft session fo r th e Upper

5 Baake lUver valley,~01llette 'al5o 'wUI rep o r t la tes t I plans of th e na tio n al board a t a c meeting of .the Idaho ' potAto In- o dustry coordinating com m ittee a t s Pocatello a t 3 p , m . Friday. " *

--------------------------------- . p

McNalnarals ;

Censor M eet;WASHINOTON, Peb. i t

Secretary of D efense n o b e rt 8 , tMcNamara moved today to avert ,a heful-on c lash w ith senato rs fover h ll refu.ial to tell them swtilch subordinates cenw red spe- iclfle spceche.'t by m ilita ry offl- rcers. c

In * le tte r to Sen. Jo h n Sten- tnls, D., Miss,, chairm an of the 'iptclnl lubcom m lttee lnve.<itlgat- »

- InirTifitoRon apeech censoring, (he jifcretary aald lie f e lt ''Im - pa.«e* sliould be rc.wlved by m u- t tual cooperation," f

Bteiml* prom ptly 'IhlnwiL'U. Sen. S trom Tljurm ontl, J»D„ S, 0 „ a n d Sen. L everett Sal- I

toiulall, n ., Mass,, to m eet wltl> ‘McNamara over th a week-end 1

Wand try to rea ch aome agreem ent.McNamara aald In >>U le tte r }

that lie h a d atopped sh o rt of In- 'K.Y\T»« AooXt\ne o t wecixUvt

- privilege in th e m a tte r, 'n t la doc­trine, advanced m nny UniM In Uie poAt, Is th a t cong«a"no power u n der th o conitlHuHon nto rrniilw produollon of ‘l ^ i i - limenlJ' and n ienm m nda rela ting tto purely In ternal operallona of 'JtjKulW e rtepnrVmenU. |

McNsinnru'fl move came aa ' m tm bna o l «»e ai^conMHlUee ' il#rtf<l ola tlng ranks behindThurmond, who liita demanded *til# naiiiM «lh tho ecii«’ra ,,wlio «


l l c e U n i ^ e T l ] ^ . ;

, ■ To Work Hard;U >a ANQKLEa, V^h. i un - t

rom ifr I*ri‘sl( trn l Dwl«lit n . Ei- t lenhower Ima culled on Amerl- t»na to "ropudlivtn fealHnr-bcd- rtlng anrt to glorify h a rd work a t •11 levels,"

Addrrwlng moro titan 3,000 Per»on'i a l a OhainbBr of Com- [nerm Imnnuct Wediirjiday nlBht, n« tlpc lauai '•Wliarovar ina ilng - * »rlnif 111 a iiv group nf c law la , M w lw \«u-w jic \htr In ,mmt, i.i;l.'iiilflt o r v /o rker-p rog - »«« 1.1 iir.ulurit tp be aloW. _.“Ad«i»nto lolaiiro Is n o t only •iMlrable, u hcaltiiy fo r nilnd •J "I'll as body, bu t unw arranted ' ‘'IfMr.ifl III ,11,y ,,n rt of tlio popii- »llnu n inn in fall, correapond-

liomii," r

^ N K w r iM i ' im N n T i iT I, Fell. 1 W - '

"«f«lttry of m a te D ean Rusk ' ' ‘"Irt ft new a'confer-

»i i p m .,todny nhorlly a fte r ifrn'Aj tlio interrA inorl* \

riirriiiii tu ihU tera nicBlIng ill. J --------- ------------- t



' l l j _____ L t i

~ ’

^ Oppose etlng piqn tirley Meet.1 „ 1 o p p o s e^1 n ia i-k o u n ;: ordt>r. J . . a . C i i le t te ,

a r te d n n .; , n ic o tin p o f . i h e p r o u p in a s t w co k . l ie w iil to n d iic t n s im i l a r todsvy n i th e o ld h o s p i t a l I ju i ld in g , o p in io n ! , ¥ ♦ » # ’gSt e n d | - > , ---------------------------------------

“'« »‘ ttid era lS p iu l iAm;',; La>v to H avee^iullablc ,

V olume R u leted *!«ni AMERICAN FALLS, Feb. I WDeRate.i to control, fea turing apo.s.iible ^>"’oraljlc to Idaho , andoi-dcr b labeling arc two vSll have regvilalloiw w ^ablbhed by thoHe grow- R'‘0P<»c'l imtloimi potato m arke t-

ne-whlch —31m t_w a*_ ii,e—re p o r t- to d a y - id Is dls- ^•'O'n Joe Allen. American Palls, Lated. Idaho’s delegate to th e n a tional - IRC eon . committee, which Is In the f ina l -j th e b t i t s*"Bc.i of drafting a controver- I to liave mivrketlng order. ■*

?r based Allen. returned ' f r o m and hLi- Washington, D . C., aaid th e order ea (crow- basically regulates th e volume - have no of potatoe.i shipped to th e na - t if such Uonal market, h e y feel "But Idaho would be exem pt a l bosU from when and whero i t shipped

■ ' Its quota because Idaho li a fa ll- t advisory prtidiiclng’sta tc ," Allen said. s tages of Every s la te b u t Idaho voted f

potato for the m arketing ordei', he add-, ‘ dccltfred, qd,agrlcul- _T h e-p ro p o sed -d rd e r-a U o -c o n - *

.‘i*®. ,t<»lns_what_Allcn.called-&-iUm- ® prog rim Uonal cull regulation.” H e a a ld t If h e Jt would label as culls po ta toes ‘ ipport. under l ', j inc^kes in d iam eter. • -also Is “ T h ^ sanT e~ rw latlbn“ aiso r e - I tage and quires th a t th e nam e and a d - ned, and dres.i o t the packer bo stam ped Ulon to on containers o t fresh po ta toes. J

be pre- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1

W h ite H o u se i k pS A sk s-R ev iew ’ F 3 O f S to c k p ile j

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 W — 1 T t la tes t P resident K eonedy has announc- o rd a t a ed a double-edged InvesUgatlon ] Jta to In- of how, th e »tockblles n lttee a t stratolBfr t>'atcrials.«He says-the , lay , “ supply Is so excessive i t invites , _ \ profiteering and m lsmnnagement.

X "T he cold fac ts on th is m a tte rl c m ust be open to . t h e public,"

Kennedy told h is news confer- 'n " ence W ednesday._________ ■ ■ _T Q 'V " ' H e aald th e stockpiling pro-

. ' gram would be "completely ex-r ____- plored" by a Senate aubcomtnll-l6 6 t tee under Sen. S tu a r t S ym ing ton ,.

D „ Mo. H e promised Sym ington 1 t/R — a ll th e evidence h is adm lnistra*

:obert S. tlon has obtained, to avert , Moreover, h e .a a ld h e would aenalors form a special commlaslon to sll. them study policies and goals " in the )red spe- ligh t o f changed alrategy iry offl- and Improved technology." He

disclosed hc h as ordered a atop lin Slen- to a ll piirchoaea except fo r th ree I o f the unldfnU lled Item s and haa In- vc.itlgat- atruclcd d eparlm en fheads to re- enaorlng, view th e ir need.i. e lt "Im - K ennedy's move lo elim inate 1 by m u- the th rea t of m ajor criticism

from tho mo.islve program lo calanaled a tote CMcntlal m ateria ls for noa tunnond, Ho»bI emergencies hlghllghled r e t t Sa l- U'I* iW rd newa conference In 10 leot w llh d a y s -a pace unoflualcd alncn his iveek-end "^Irat weeks in office, ireement. ----------------------------- -

KomS Wall Falls Down, Damages Cables

llme.i In KANSAS C rrV , Mo., Feb. 1real has ( f l -A reta in ing wall collap.ied onlatllutlon a construction project Wdav andof docu- knocked ou t th e main cables of

rela ting tho American Telephone nndatlona of T elegraph c o m p a n y leaving

Kanafts Olty w ithout auv lon«-sniiie aa commiinlcatinn facilities lornmmlllee ft period of tim e,

behind Hn'l’l' *'» AT and T of-e inandcd »»»>■ when the wnlltors wlio collapsed ll yaveil in on IheM ,,..' cable, i)roko a Rns m ain and acijca-------„ggfij:r

S r rd a t <:30 a.m.'H ie Aiuioclnted I'reM, oHier

- newa agenclra nnd lad lo and[ • In rn Iclcvliilnn facilities were aftect- l i a i u ert: a t and T restored anmn

1 Ml — aervloe by rerouting lines a Hliort i t D. Ri* tim e a fte r the break,, Amerl- r j i r '« f r r c t j___rv n,.-, ____..r -llnr-hcd- " - .

n e w sb uof Com- f ..f|-

W A SniN O l'O N , IMh. I nJPIi-0 house rniunatlon ai

f * '" »'« called "non-compll c” - p ro g - "Knlnst race scgregatl

n o t onlu VIKNTIANK, l , .o i , VtU. 1 fur mind {'/« «n »he a in ir ip a t Ihe warranted N*"* l u ,« l r aiijiplyho popu-reapnnd- ——

ra le ol I 'A U ia, Vcb, 1 fuPB -lIu I'Veiicll ninohlne gini carriers tow ard Parli

— pollco brigade, apparonHy on tlie BKT indicating p ia iu for aasasslnattoii 1 Ifl - capital.. .

Ul Rusk -------

Jtly“ a f ! « r e l « T ’ln d o « J ’' ‘° '^ “ 'rrA inerl. WcK N«w f lu ln w .S t

_ —: ThOJ?icicLYalby_Neivspaper-l! ~ ; ^


i&t_£uulth e ^

op p b .se •.i i i i c t t e , p o t a to

ins im i la r

aveL i l l e

<tn'D urlng a

and arc two

by tho m arke t-

A TWISTED CHASSIS h a ll tl t - (oday -e«nverted-(o-ia1>or-buH -«hleh-w a! in Palls , th ick fog in Mendotn. Calif.. W< n a tional ---------:---------- --------------------------------

- “ Ita ly C harges ] h/owS B a lk a n . P ilo t

volume - -

I™" S p y in ga 'h jp ^ d BA EI, Italy , Feb. 1 I taly

Ll a fa ll - ton igh t fo rm ally charged B u l- tl said. ■ ga rlan a i r force Llcut. M llusc 1 IO vo iM Solnkov w ith po litica l-and m ill- _ ha a d S r

A n investigating Judge In th is Iso -eon . 8Q uU ica.itcm ..ltallan-clty Issued .0

a. " n n . tm a r r t f t w arran t a g o in s t j l ie f H«. Kfiirt 2 2 -y e a r-o ia fi le r ,w h o c ra a n ia n d - _ Dotatoes 20 'l ite r flying h is cam -lietS era-equipped MIG17 Je t tv,icc I

o v e r - a - a e c r e t - N o r th -A tio n tlc ' rt *'rt* T rea ty organization mLsslle base.

T«i> na tional poilce officers B o l a t ^ w a d the formal chargc to Sola- _ ■ kov In th e Infirm ary of B a r i’s

civil Jail. He hns been recover­i e s lng there from h la crash Injuries.

concussion, and frac tu res o f th e , le ft a rm and collarbone. f t W • H e hftd tr ied to give th e 'lm - t

prcssion th a t ho w as,ft defector £ • •"I b u t hl^ govem rherit contended h e

n i i e landed In Ita ly a fle r becom ing < • ' lo st In btxd w eather w h ile ’on a (

1 Jfl _ tra in ing fh g h f over B ulgaria. i xnnounc- T ria l fo r «apl6nage u n der I ta l - aU gatlon javv m ust be before a cl\fll | aockplles C u r t , w here the maxlmUm,j>on- r says, th e jH y conviction 1s 18 years im - I It InvltM prisonm cnt. • » agem ent. ____________________- c

“s S : S o lo n F la y e d ^lng pro- K v ® etely ex- _ J ------ .. t

ington, Jix Statem entymington . ^ pm ln lstra- By T he Associated r re s s f

A 4t.year-o!d Boise R epublican s 10 w ould iftunched hLi cam paign for the laalon. to un ite d S ta te s senate todny, r J " in tho sharply a ttacking D em ocratic t »stra tegy gen. F rank Church for aupport- a Dgy." H e lng ‘’ftlmbat , every egghead ii d a atop (((tending p lan" In congress. efor th ree t . ( Jac k ' Hawley, an o

attorney and newcomer to .itate- a id i to re- j)olltles. declared In hla

formal announcem ent t h a t b e lim inate chu rch "hnan’t dona iho Job you o criticism (ihB volera) h ired him to do., e

igram lo i, n ,e first Republican cnn- " 1 for nna riiaftie t« 'um \ouuco to r 't l ie spot ghilghled ^ J |,g !„• no t expected to ’I'avc

strong. If any, prim ary «Ppo^\- i alncn h is ch u rc h , now com pleting hla ’

Ilrst alx*year term , Js expected •— to seek rcelecllon, i W l l Slato Rep. 0 1 a r e n c o HU er,

Emmett, h as also throw n ills h a t q M a q In tbft crowded Idalio poUtlctil C t U l v o nrena. nnnounclng im will seek

Feb. 1 the Deinocratio nom lnallnn for i'ap.ied on governor, . , nDdav and The vcternn O em county law- cables nf maker I" Iho 13th eandldntn lo one nnd atmmmoft fonnally for th e Kov- ..

leaving ernorship. KIglit a re In th e run- ,m long- Hlng «n th a DeinocvBlIc ijldfl nnd lUtles lor Oov. Itoljcrl. IC, Hniylle, a o.intll- "

dale lor reelectlon to a,..ll]lrd •' nd T of- term, ninl H'ree othera a t« swlt-* f. the wall lng the O O P nom ination

lii“ a n i l 'a .WUHAN ll»A U IN n li HliT . [» i o c cu i^ “ W A 8 m N O T O N rret]:- l— ntW-- »»

flen. IMborl II, liuinphrey, 1)„M Oilier Minn., said today senate com nilt- H tdio nnd leo lu'iirlng* would get Wnder way ;t r. a flecl- I'Vli. M >'ti President K ennedy's li 'ed somn plan to ci'oate a cabinet d e p art- ai >s a Hhort iiiin l of “ ■'bait a ffa irs and hoiui- ci

lng. e


I fUPIi-Olmlrmaii Adam Clayton Pqwolllunation and lahnr com m ittee will investl- cilon-compllaiicfl" with tlie auprenia cou rt’s „p segregation In publlo srliools. „

------------ . |)ll, 1 (IH>—The'pr«*f‘'nimliiil»t reheis-opened a ip a t the lirlraiu trcd prnvlnelai cap ita l nfa ir aiiiipir line ami apparenlly iea iing Its li

_______ ’ ■ ' ylie I'VeiicU governmBnt moved 33 annored iwani Paris today (o bolster tlie 37,000 m an ! Lly on the itren«th of captured rtoonmonta ja sslnatlon , bomlilng and terrorism 'In the

•f.h, 1 HT&-Xhe N elherl^nils h s i Rgreed (o o nera captured In lli« ■)•»< >B naval c lash otr n m annoanccd lodnr. Prim e M in la^ r lilo reieaM the M prUonefa In ft cab le iram

^vspaper-Dedtcated to Ser^-lng and- P

t w i n f a l l s , ID A H O , T H U R S

ilS is a ll th a t rem ains of a panel truck i - w h le h -w a s -h il-b y -a - f re i |h l- ( r a l tt- ln - f t- - i , Calif., W ednesday nlgtit." Eleven fa rm i

Police Proi Announc

A p p o in tm e n t o f a n n s s l s t i G fi-ita iy i n r a n k o f tw o p o lic e ol ;e d _ B u i; n e w p a tr_ o lm en _ w a 3 r e p o r t e d '■ P o l ic e C h i e f R o g e r T u c k e r , m d m ill- n a m e d a s s i s t a n t p o lic e c h i e f e in th is ‘ ’i p t a in e f f e c t iv e T h u r s d a y , ' ty isiiued o ld B u n i e t t .h a . i .b e e n A m e m b

I o rc e _ s in c e _ i9 4 7 ._ I Ie J ia a - .W Q i n a n ia n d - __ ---------------------------------------- 1_ ^

' ' i i i S l I . - S . ^ i r e t a p - iis l leb a se . ' l ]

l^aw S o u g h t i .Iss, By Kennedy!■es of th e WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 Ifl — 1*• A tty. Oen. Robert P . K ennedy ' ! th e 'lm - proposed today the enactm ent of ' I defector a broad federal w lreU ip_law : tended h e w hich h e sa id would protect ,ln - ' becom ing dividual privacy while giving law h ile ’on a officers a new tool "to com bat Iilgarla. octlvltles and organised cnm e.r nder I ta l - Saying th h t present w iretap- J rc a cl\fll p ing leglsloUon Is chaotlcr. K en - i num j)o n - nedy se n t to congress a detailed Ivears I'm- bill a n d s ta ted his views on i t in <

' a le tte r to Vice President L yn- I___ don B. Johnson, president o t th e I

• 1 senate,l / f t f l K ennedy proposed th a t a ll te le- I7 phone eavesdropping by private \

m narllea be outlawed and th a t 1le'llt s tr ic t procedures be laid down H>t i the m e of wiretaps by federal. i

. sta te , and local authorities. Inent Pedem l law enforcement agen-“ cles would be allowed lo la p wires 3Press fo r evidence In cases Involving I

cpubllcan specified m a jo r olfenses, _ ^ „I fo r th e A federa l court order would be <B todny, required In each Instance, except Iem ocratlc th a t th e a ttorney genei'al him - taupport- self could give U pping authority vegghead in some case* Involving treason, ^

ess. espionage, sabotage, subversion,wley. an or tho dlsclo.-jure ol atomlo energy Ito lia te - aecrels. ^

I In i,in S lato and local wiretaps could aL I h a t be au tho rlied by sU le courts on I0 lob you application,© ! the attorney gen-

to d ^ ' eral o f th e sU U or the chief pro- 1

1 to -have ~Z T j

!ciZr;l;Cash S o u g h t ■ At Tonight’s ?

^ GOP Parleys;atliin for w A SIIIN O TO N .Feb. 1 'f l -R * - •

, , , publican p a rty faithful will aine n '.^ L T ; tonight, listen to top GOP braAi r

‘ n n d - th e y h o p e -h e lp wipe ou t >'

- ..... f !'r n ,, ,n will b o .liw RepuWlcaiW llrs l W«

rnllle.i of the new y e a r -a con- grcMlonal election year In .which .

,,, they hope to out deeply Into j„ DemocraUo m ajorities 1ti tne ^

I HiiT l*ouAo and aenate. P a f i y leadershavejuild-U Jla-W onltJjoJM l'jL^_ «

ihrey I) Sen. T hriiston 11, Morton, R., jj 1 com'mll- K y . form er O O P natlonrtl chair- j; (nder way ;nan , polnte<l to two weak spots Ceniiedy's In p a rty nrm or Wednesday In a i t d e p art- apeech before a Young Republl- J ,nd hoiia- caiia na tional leaderaiilp confei*-

ence In a auburban Virginia nio- tel. . .

‘• " •* •7 ^ First, h e said, the Republicans _ f lack a atrong organleatlnn In lha

^ ■ 1 big cities, T h is has been pointed'. on t m nny lim es by ReputJllcana „ I sIncB Presiden t Kennedy’s nar- ,

row victory In' 1000. • Hn Pqwoll Next, M orion aald, the » tm o- I Investl- cratii, led by K ennedy, liava ont- « cou rt’s inaiiouverN l, Ilepubllcatui. '^on ”

many levels and we <ire l>elng placnd In the position of l>elng ,

Is-opened agin ' everything," •lap lla l nf Morton, who Is up foV reelro- • tallng Its lltin hlmaoif, sa id unlesa tlia GOP

> ninkei a strong allowing In tl)|>' year’s oongressional electloiM, lha

,Kr;: S “rh‘.r K “ 2i.s ,Donmonta * ■ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ftm In the k d iWATORS TO MKKT "

•B O lS t W b, 1 (m - rm a n c e * , porsonnel from the a|a(« edu- ,

agreed fo cation departm ont plan to m eet f' c lash cJr w itli Magla Valley soiiool luper- ■' M ink ih r in tendenls a t Tw in FalU Jrtb. l>

R bleiram 13 to dlaousa f u d g tt nieiU for >' ------ ; i-t- Ult UMi W fnnlum ,____________ 8

r s and P r o m i l in g : l h « ( i r o w lh o t N i l


» f.rm .Irtph .i’.'! ■

Promotions i >uirced in T.F.'

h S i t o t T h S

hut»day, Tu"kn a m o m b e r o f - t h c - T w i n m i l s j o n c c “

f o r 1 2 s M r i , M i

t a n - - - “ s w i r t - 1r " ’' " ‘ fo r fh e past lO ycara: “

l & l l L a s assistant polIcV

K ennedy tip Ih rough th e ^ ran k s^n d !w tm ent of versed In a ll ^

to w m bjrt Uons to r th s posJtton -'

i wfailS)- spMblf ff' ita s s ”■

m l « f U i . t o t t o o l t t o l S S V

S S S S l i r

subvewlon C o rd ir h as ^

up, ‘ ° v Z ' S ^ Z S ’£ '3 ',?w u rl . on I , m . t f l r f . m h „ o „ f - M i " '

k counly. ™ „ C f , «

?ht Sr/SK™' fit’s

v A . . -LS.ifU";,will dine T lio addition o f | j ,e i w „g^

lOP bras.1 m en brings the s i s e - o f f i tS)^ wl,.« o n t « « lorcc to a? pcrsdni. l^ick^r

aald, add ng th a t it in nnu> r dhiners /u ll ’atrenRth.I' J lrsl W» *■'‘0 »»ew PRtrotmen will aerve * r - a con- " '* -m on th |)robatlon«iry leVlotl ‘In .which 'iVie »ft«n wlli J

eply Into k" on-tliB-jub training. 11n the «i«, assigned to varjoM a

ly leniltrB ofliccra, ho noted.

o r to n ^ . , batiniiBrS^ ^

i S f P * * ' ? K i l l s F i y e ; g in ia n io . J n Providence dipiiI/UcafM 1‘rtOVIDIfNCjB. R . j „ F«,b, 1 tnInn In llin -A *- dlwl etirly 'n pointed * Jeneral a larm fire In.•piMcans » t'»re.e.(ilory room ing houflo on \dy’a nar- "tr*et, South Providence. Ij

T w o 0/ th a vJoiJms ^ tre Jden- I10 Demo- ‘‘f f ‘« M V irginia D avu and her chava ont- o«''tr»«er, AHtdred, 8. T hd othera Is t u . '^m i w " * IrtentUled. Oilo m art *pre iMlng tlie roof. ’ ■

of lirliig , “ tire uVigedyIn New E ngland thia week. Nine •

r st W ? C o e d H o n o r e d . ■,leaning In . J ^ A T B L L O , Feb. 1 (m u ire n e

D*Arcv, a n M ,) ,o b M b eoHew— "Om Twin Falls, la tlie wln-i^ rtn an c e *w *rd for IDflUes. 5

t o o r o t t v n W o l c l p 'g i S i ; . ,

• th Of N i t i « - I r r i g a l e d I d a h o C ounH iea

: 1 . 19G 2 ^





’Islbllity was only about 50 fee t a t the tl s-renuH -of-a-lh ick-fog-hoverlng-ovcr-the- n

tl------------ ! ( ■ * * } / ■ ni

5 11 Die When I .F . Train Strikes S

'i» Fog IinJC allji- - J i l E N E ^ A , C a llf . ,J ^ b a - ff lr a - «n f t WAR ^ frolghti Irajn , thundering ..e w \ \ a s Ihrough a dense fog th a t hasr a n K 'O t b la n k e te d -C n llfo m la '* Central ,,} 8 -v e a r - valley for th ree days, sm ashed a t •I s tioRcg B O -m lle s-po r-hou r-ln to -ft-farm ^i : ™ . . labo r, bus la st n ig h t and killed

( l iv is to u T n in i-m e irn b o a rd :--------------------- -laa b e e i i VlsSljHity on th e ra ilroad cross- „

d e p a r t - • " s W’ns only about 50 feet be- j, n vonri«~ cause Ot th e fog;-w hlch-has also w u y e a r s , caused a t least 20 o the r traffic , a p p o in t - deaths th is week. "Ice chief, T h e fog layer—300 miles long, « lle f th a t 50 m ilts wide and 1,500 feet deep all crim e — also caused the, closing o t 5

$ Involved, achools a n d a lrpo tla, \mcoMntcd J n in t r a f . lesser traffic m ishaps and a gen- as worked e ra l breakdown In travel through- m d Is well ou t the ag rlcu ltu re.rlch valley, if law en- T ho crossing w here la s t n igh t’s k ln g -w ith acol<ient-took-plaee’w aa-m arked me n o n tb flQiy by a cro ss-ba r' w ag in g qualiflcft. sign. Nino W . th e victims died ,

a t th e sccne. A oothet died « • r e c tly .r e - route to a hosp ital in nearby r/orm ahcc F^.csno, and th e U th succumb- 1 officers In shortly a f te r a rriv ing Oiere. leer noted, j T he m akeshift bus, converted I have co m . '•‘om a JfitO panel I'ruclc, was , pa rtm en t” *truck by the eastbound South- Jllce chief, ern Pacific fre igh t w hile crossing I th a t, e f - ‘even sets of tracks w ith in the Patro lm en ‘ Ity lim its o f th is a,OOO.popula- nd W ayne «on farm community,» rank hr -------- . ---------has been Vi ’—

* ” “i Skies Clear ,l i r I {are O arrv '■{ ‘*“1’ " ’“ ''nlng. w ith sun- ; ,n T erry »hlne driving b a ck 'th e fog 'Helms, 30 ■ . l*“‘t. rolled in W ednesday ‘will a tjirt |. evening, , £

Thursday. ' F r e e s in g tem peratures t} turned W ednesday eve- R !

1 law fr.- fl nlng's fog in to a coaling of H *h er, P ...;l l i . l c e on e v e r y t h i n g It a 'chief, fo r 0 touched, bu t heavy frost W i

noted, J te f | on trees was m elting rap - g t> child. Idly by late T liursday tl !<1 m onths j morning. ji ‘m a t th e 'I Communications system s 'j\ ,Tiff's o f- [ In the valley were severely fU a

m ilitary \ h a m p e r e d W ednesday fl ,1 th e San y m orning by th e fog, which v)crlm lnol- ri disappeared du ring t h a U

afternoon. H II has four ' ' P six yeara E^a^lw-OT-^rarrTrx^-.i.^nt.rjiV'i'.y j

S ’S Bolshevik Is jItr .Scout- r r t

t!"nZ for ir S ; Heart Attack j’ now ttt M o ia co w , Feb, 1 l/T^UaUally iwill aetvo w ell.lnfonned sources sa id today 1r y period, ” "*t V. M, Molotov, publicly de- I men will »'o*mced form er foreign minister,training. I* “ hospital recovering from I

;o varloua a 1‘enrt a ttack . II noted. A foreign olflce p ress apokcs- !rank aUo m an declined to confirm or deny IM itli-pro. U lo.r«M rl.:«ftylng.U .w ftg of.."na *cker e x - polKlcal Im pnrtnnce." <

He anld lie knew noth ing of the | — caso. T lio repo rt from tho usually If A well-informed source .said Molo-V t tov liad been In th o hoapltal Inr '|yv .« /i,rv “ **"''*■ bu t th a t his con- ,l e n C e dm on was "no t dangerous."Feb, 1 Ifl wife, Pau lina , vUlts lihn ' tied early regularly . Uie lufom iottt, aald. m fire in Molotov retu rned Nov. 13 fromhouse on Vlennn, A ustria, w here he had irovldence. been reprM ontallve on the in - 1e re Iden- l«rnaH onal a tom to-enB rB ynBen- II and her cy and has n o t been seen pub- ih i othera Holy alnce. ,)fl« m ail — — — — ------------------------ — ,—

It Is Official: r “ WasColdeir e d ’ ■ *>'® *>ilvered through Jai

Ui9 coldeat m on th In quit* ft wl ^ ^ i w S m onth was th e ooldeat Jknunry s

tomology rciearcii ^ Iv lattn of tha

M nnoria] day pf n ,on(,, ^ ojuiiing 28

o u t.mftjorlnj! Tt,tro wt9 M o t an Inolt o t pi lamed for anow during U u montU. . if lp .p ro - Tills Wm th e m ost snow during rom ^ h e s wer? fccordod. flUleoiv da:

- -

ICounUlea ----------- -----------

i p ®a n ncreSj T l d i em U : " 'A sn h \n -i 'O N , i.\.i, 1

''r c ik c i l livc.H ,111,1 c im e m . Th

" •’ ' ’'■•■‘" I m ' . ’ si';

H *5«Xu

c re a s c i l .K r „ „ t . , f „ r ' c y | , |

■ I . Srr.?'„.5'“"'" ■

—- the ln.sift„cc w hicli h a s ri national controversy, th a t o f n NcwbiirRli, W. V, ' n

ties which have _ ro r w hatever b- _ '” °ff‘'« - a H e m p t« i to save m on- K f ' C *nthlc.<a-iu)a-iirwtfary c

cutbacks in t^ e ir w e l f a r T w ^ t. 1 ? to lit tle »

1 ^ 0 g S e d . ^ “:b ..l.m ril- „ « a n trte t. K ennedy aotd. S

th a t has rehabilitative road ’’ for relief gCentral ‘‘red b e tter: -P am l-

na ih ed a t *>«" « a to re d to self- ao..f t.fa rm « M - I o U s have llm d killed ' F-----------— - ^ ‘‘‘ -“PProacli.can-be fu rlhcr- tond croM- l^ congress w iu «ti- t1 feet be- th e ru les tv h f ls also J^a,® I-^ '’' ‘=’'-^ .V ® --* t« « ^e n t_ o f c ic r traffic and welfare t

makM fodw al a fd g ran ts to f nJle-5 long, s ta te w elfare outlays,I feet deep , ^ e special message, said bv i closing .of ‘h e i lr s t In h isto ry iuiKOMnlcd I’evoted w le ly to w elfare prob- ind ft gen- '” *■ *'l* followed by tw o ( ; lth ro u g h - p rogram s « d - (Ich valley, th e d e p a r tm e n t-^ t n igh t’s c o re ,/o r Uie ' aged under a«-marfced f« Jfrn I a id to

c tlm s^ le d p r o p w 'T i u r i i n ^ to taTf died « i . reprtiscat th e a o a t iw e a ^In nearby overhatJl o f federa l relief .auccumb- Pw gm m

lng A cre. dspnsuJaa o f ;converted r

S l W a t o ^ O u t i

a r I I W ? * ' J w the JMnoi« ll ®c“80r ahow defh

I I \ ’ y ‘ y t a k m i y G» sun- i f lu p e r v is o r s o f 1the fog I v a io n d f a t r i c t . S o i l c o n d itfo n i /nesday (3 i ’o lo c r e o k a n d D c a d J fn a a t

Matures 'eve- i S n o w m e a a u r c m e n t s i ting Of fJ p la n e o n C e d a r c r e e k , G o a t “ n g It H c re e k , H u m m i n g b i r d 1

ff S e n r c r e e k , R isd J

I SLr''lystenui J revealed th a t Magiceverely ‘•'V* » «now depth ofnesday J m o n th w lijj a, Which B o t 12,1 Inches,' t h a y ‘lep th of 30

S ■'«» “ ,* l th ft wAter co n ten t o f I 7J inches la s t year.

„®"?w,<lepU» a t D eadline wjui . T ' “" p y revealed,f f i co n ten t of li.o

. i S ncnes, Shoshono basin h a d 11 Inches of anow a n d 3,fl Inches of

f n r a t andhad 37 and 10.*? Inches, -----------

f - n y * ! - ' creek h a d 37 and 7 Jl 2) C l l nciiM, Pola ch eek h a d <o a n dW iiAU.iiv i i n ®«e>‘ hod 48>—uBuaiiy and 13.3 inohes, R ed no ln t had S ? W «nt« 0.3 in chei, a n d ^ k tnouK

ibllely de- ta in hnd 2» a n d 7,7 Inohwi 1 m inister, snow depUi and w oierfconlent irlnt t r m I n t o t W «r w o

tain, 30 and 7 J Inches: D eadline « spokes- 81 and n ine Inchea; Shoshone m o r deny bwJ;;, nine a n d two Inches' ’M creek IB and 4,3 in c h S i

num m ingbirti B pn n B frso -g n d -riI fn g o / th e n c ic s ; O o at creek, and g sh e usually |nclie»i Pole creek. 30 and 7 i'Aid Molo- Inches, and Dear creek. 34 &n<if»spl(«| fo r ®'® inches.t h is con- «fere m ade byous." Puller, Jo h n a n d Blava P a s .l l i A lifm V en, D rom gart. 't.sftld , - — ------------------ —

s r " "r-(I ift« « ‘'e fense m inister* have been

en AON dl.o1o.«d to-,

■icial; January 'oldest Since 1949

a ^nnnB *M “i * • ” '1 th e coMast

I m oll o( p « . ip i t , „ „ „ ,o n

* Final * i — Edition^ — ^ 1

T E N C E N T S i l

f Asks ir e a s e l i r

slief Costl '\’b. 1 (A'i — Pi-o.sidonl Kennedy

ID.’i-niillion dollar oxiiatiaiuu of pcv- Ifarc, wilh a in ompha-'.15reli‘c f - c h c c k s “- tn - - t l i i3 " ~ iW iiin m g o r~ ~ ^c n r e e f s . T h e r c m e a i e s “ w ill n o l c o m eIdnff r u n the .u w ill .sav e m u n o y ,” K e n - ' Iic in l n^easl^s^l I n coiiRrc.-^s. H e iirK eil Io n o f t h e o n c '.v t 'a r p r o j r ra n i to a id |> ot V hc----- ...........— .......- •

Vt'ta-Rusk R ep ort li O f O A S M eet •11 o l w ork- -— —

: require- S lated T o d a y — ■

■d a t d ro s . MONTEVIDEO Uruguay, Feb. » lash relief I ( fl -6 e c re ta ry of; S late D ean |y—nam ing JtusltJ>caded-fop-W a*lilngton-to.------ ilas s tirred dayi Uj repo rt to P residen t K en- 1

Ih a t o f nedy on th e hem isphere foreign | m inisters’ conference on Cuba «

CommunV- wW ch a lready was arousing re - D r w hatever percussions In L atin Amerlc.i. I save m on- The conference rp ilt on 'h a - I d arbltro ry cruelal'lssue — Immediate acUon 1 rlfare rolls to expel Cuba from the O rganl- I -ta to lit t le la llo n o f A m tr lto n S U te a -a l- l | jblem r e . ready reporU dly h a d generated

pressure from conservatives on ( I ^edy sa id , th e A rg«nU ne_govem m ent,-on6— t iftvellllrled of th e six w h lc h -h e ld -o u t-fo r-a —1” for relief go-slow approach.e r: ••Fami- A rgentina’s m l U t a ry _ e h le fa -----ed to self- were reporteil fu rious a t th e soft;ioys_have ,U ne_ tak tn_b?_P reladen t-A tlo ro ------

FrondW ’s ' governm ent. T hey r e ;___be-fu rlher- portedly-served-tUm^W lth ftiT u l' ' aa will e n - tlm atum dem anding & dlplomatlo f the ru les breait w ith Fidel C astfo 's regime ■artmetit-of nnd .aupport o f-th e n e a t atop* iti'— nd welfare the OAS council to Isolate Cuba grants to from the Inter-Am erlcan family,

outlay*. Tn B ra s il 'a n d Mexico, th e tw o :e, said by o ther m ajor powers In the “soft t In history six” bloc, reacUon was mixed Ware prob- w ith aoma expressions o l anxiety vd by tw o over th e outcome o f th e eonfer- ogroma a d - ence. '•MTtment— Some observers In ?Me?lco . - aged under feared Uie 30-naUon condem oa- d e ra i a id t o Won of CuJaaa commwnlam vjcwW - -X --------- Bpur leftist agltftUen- t o . th a t , ^Uned today st aweep- BraaUlan n e w s p i i p e r B w t r t i deral relief overwhelmingly. In. f a w* itdw ogram condemnation- of C u ^ n ccm -. . spressloa of munism b u t differed on Bradl*#

refusal to support expulsion, • ,

O u tlo o k f o r ion_T ract G o o d - |8 fo r tiic Salmon tra c t fo r ,th«, isOS . ^ ahow definite Improvement, accord- «

jikon by Glenn Nelson, chairm on of V rvisors of the 1>vin Falls eoll conaer- il conditions beneath the snow pack a t 3eadllne. stations are favorable, and

nre cohaisteritly deeper. Nelson rc* urcm ents were made th is ihonth ,by eek, G oat ;

Work :mountalii t ? T f c '

MO.. F o r P rogram I s D e fe n d e d

depVh"of M Idaho 'e pollUc&l p o t continued, conU nt of to boll T h u n r tay na U aJa ih e s

Koutnlki T w in Falls, a n ftoUva eadllne w w lU publloan, answ ered a charge ey revealed, by M adison county Dem ocratic ; m t o f 15.0 C hairm an H ow ard P a lte r t h a t ’ s in had 11 atate Rep. O rval K ansen, Idaho Id Inches of Pails, was ualng h is m ilitary h a d av v fii position a n d ralU la ty Jrltnda U> bird springs fu rther hU politica l c m e j ; ^ ^ . ~~ .ES,----------- HatlifercUirBed Tuesday tha t ,37 and Rep, Ralph H ardJng, D„ Ida,, ' lad 40 and requested hla a n d K outnlk’s dls- eek t\od 48 m lisal aa lla lto n otdceca fo r I po in t h a d Idaho, becausb of Uielr activity I BIk m oun- in Ihe R epublican p a tty , H anaen nohcs. .Is a praspectlve opponent o f . n ter>conlent Jlardlng’s for second d istric t lagU .m oun- eongressman. s ; Deadline, Koutnlk aald In n sta tem ent ; Shoshone Thursday "T he resu lt has been w o Inohea; ih n l Id ah o hna lo a f In C apta in

34 and O i worked w ith OftPtnln H ansen > 30 and 7,1 over th e past aevoral years an d i

eek, 34 a n d (ound |\tR\ to bo a n eKttemely dedlcaled o fficer who h a s c tr -

t made by ried out h is academ y (lutles In I B l t i t P H - Itn ou ts tanding m nnner." ftrd, K outnlk was coordinator f «- “ To « '9 WeAattR Vitosram, in M ftho

wntll Thursdoy,^ Koutnlk »aJd.'/^iftnsen apent ■^ r tl« p u t “ m a t . a n ^ n t o( .his personal, iSt German time'*hd money,lh hla rolunteer llaoloaeii io-. work traveling on behalf ot ih» ,_________ ajf ft>rce academy without oom-

p «M aU ftR W ttt«U ta.«9W a«". ' • Oommentlni further on

C V bf-Mansen, Koutnlk aald,". JIU.. . V - r \ t»»fc Included Ui« oounsellnt for

1 M 4 r ) WU|*ndlng young Idaho bojewho showed pofentlftl M'career

that It WM ^orc« offloers. Hansen VnA tllclaV M e t other M aU on'onicerstheJ^.t^nw A ' to Uie en. thU information over to poUU*

e'^ns such a i Uardlnf, to n ia 'iS S S * wch use ollt..ft* they de^re.".. w e T S ' .'lH»Tdlat.ehouW-b*-»b'« to .

of grett aaaUUini;# t« Uie flefoiue! i inohes o( .(lepa tinpnV in hU feo-otUed, tn>.1 when 317 v e » tl|n U p a .'« . hU f tttw np t u>:

Page 2: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

r Hg a jiijM f J

; W tw w Sh«w la w T trn fjra ltn t

f LIGHT SNOW IS EXPECTED T 1 f tn lr« l A ppaU chlftiu . th» u p p tr »i [ kim ce'hUiLl a n d ' w<

tr l i rh a v e ra in . (A P u lrc p hbto mal

Thursdoy, Feb. i ; 1962 f 2 Twin Folis fimes-Neyi/s

# 6 Candidatesf o r

- Grange Meet £O O O D IN a, Peb. 1 — 81x con- iiJi

d lda tes w ero given lh« th ird de- ii'‘; gree inJtJnUon by Uie oHlcers o f th e O O od ltif ' O range a t l u ci«< regu lar m eetln tt la a t week, Con- u - d ldatea w ere M r. nnd Mrs. Dee K ; M iller, M r. a n d Mra. 'William for K ra h n , a ll o t t h e Ooodlng <}»- OrwiBe.- a n d M r. and Mra, III;

— onsT H a-M nldoxrO rchortl Volley ina7 O ra asc . “J

O tfleera laklnir p a rt In the degree w ork were Mr. and Mrs. B x vuiiB r. O lenn 'Novla, S id

, Byram . M ra. Suaan Daugn, M r p a n d Mra. M aurice Capps. M rt. E vere tt D oubner, Mrs. Charles Oee. Mr. end Mra. Chester £wing,M r. a n d M ra. C lin t Abercrombie, I—

, I r a K latler, M rs. •wmiam- Pyle. “ i J . V. B u fflla m er a n d Mrs. r t a n k Mr Palm er. be

M r. a n d M ra. C harles Gee aang, Bu accom panied by Mrs. George Bli Eden and ' ha rv e st m archera were inf

_ j i r 7 _ a n d llk lta ._ 1 5 o y d l'n io rn to n i Mrs. F ra n k Palm er, I ra K latler cal a n d M r. a n d M ra. J . V. -Bum - u n gam er. M ra. K la tler . waa In

. c h arge-o f-the degree work. IM rs. B a y n ard W right, Pom ona ^or

— leetorerrT inB oanced’- th B -to u r ttt «>r• degree will b e given a t Wentjell the

Srlday . che— “ O m a r-8 c h m ld trP o m o n a-m o s . C®

te r, repo rted on th e aU to G range 2® deputies m eeting w lilch wos held In Boise recen tly . All Pom ona O range m aalera a re deputies and th e m eeting w aa to help thera to do th e ir w ork in t b t o ow n orea.

.H e s ta te d th e slogan for th e year ' la "T he a r a a g e a n d you for’ ’M" a n d th a t th e a ta te p ro jec t fo r be lecturers th is ' y e a r Is ‘T h e Beat f—

— P rog ram o f " t h e - Y e a r . ' V - •M rs. M auHce Capps, lecturer,

• ta te d a duea pay ing aupper will probably be he ld In conjunction L - w lth th e a n n u a r 'O p e ra U o n sP o r - » w ard" program . I t also waa a n - A l nouneed th e an n u al Pom ona ^ O range ba n q u e t will be he ld In woi th e H agerm an G range h a lt thla P-ir year Feb. 3S. to :

V isitors inc luded Mr. a n d Mrs. - R ay n an l W rig h t ,.T u ttje O range . ^ and M r. a n d M rs, Melvin Gibson The a s .well as S c h m id t,.a ll of O r- Cht

—Wftrfl-vuiiBy:--------- — ----------- ^ He<.. B e freahm en ts-w ere served by Qul M r. a n d W ra. C harles .Gee, V rs . M n L aura C aaaldy.M arcua K ale. Mra. Sta Vercle Jo h n s to n a n d Jess R oland, boll

, Jan

McGall’s Water *; Content Higher D et

McOALL. ry b . i nrp# — snow dep th was below nnd w ater con- w „ te n t above th e 17-yew average neo r th e M cCall ski hlll th is week, Aftst. R ongor n . A, F in n o s , reported todny.

Snow pack meaauremertla taken , T uesday show accum ulotlon n t

th e snow course averaged 4S.M IV Inches a n d w nter content 13.3S

Inches. T lie maxim um fo r thla . ^ enow courae n t Uie end of Jnn - ua ry waa recorded In 1083 when •now depUi w as 1I1,W Inches and w ater c o n ten t 33 li\ches, ' The m inim um wna reached In 10S6 g i w ltli anow de p th a t 38.50' Inches ^ a n d w ater co n ten t 0.37 Inches, . „ F inn sn ld th e 17-yenr nycroge for ' th is anow course woa H7,3fl inches ! , of snmv w ltli nn nvernge w nter „ co n ten t of 13.81 Itichra, . ® f

—--------- — - — ............... ....... ........■- cnl

Mrs. C. Pehinger > Taken by Death »;Mra, C la ra Everly Penlnger. 73,

died T tm radny a t Mnglo Valley Mem orial hosp llo l a lte r a h /le t u,p| Illness. I ,.,

a h e w as bo rn Fob. 18, 186S, In i,„ Jlnltw ay, Mo., a n d m arried John I . P en lnger th e re Dec. 30, IDOO, T h e couple cam e to *rwlu I 'l i i i

M rs. Penlnger-W lU a metntKr o t U>e N naarene clturch.

- su rv ivo rs Inoludo one son. John A. P en lnge r, K en t. W ash., iwo (taughtera. Mra. Howard Zinn, K en t , a n d Mre. Erneal Kooh. n e n to n , W aah,! one brother. O r- V;

' v ine Everly. D enver: and nne s is­te r , M rs. B telU ’ Brown, Spring-

■ field . Mo. . ,W h ite m o rtu a ry will announce

_ tu n n » l- * c m n B p m ? n ta , ...... .......... ..—■' . . ' ' ' ' lui

o ■ H a l p K e e p the-* £ . W h i te V ln n . *, R ^ o f S a f e ty, I . 1 ^ ^ I 'ly l n g l

............a ' iJl-7i35sl6 'V k b e y 'v » tn o death - p,

.................... ...m ptta iW H bcp40(Kl

[‘ECTED T liursday n l f h t In iiu rlbe rn New ft upper and c en tral .’MUil'uiniil valley. Ihi t l a n d - we»lWn AToltU n ^ sphoto m a p )------------------------------------------------------ -- sf-962 MAGIC VAI.LKV—Cnnslderatile r JnU/« ‘nn lsh t and Iftmnrrow. Lo«

18-25. L«*t nljchCa lflw,8. g a.m. 8, r

NORTH ID A H O -P ar tly 'c lo u d y C & night 20-30, h igh tomorrow <0-55,*

O T - AU’*"r ---- ------------ « '•' Albuoutnji'* — ----- - £4 !»’ MAtUnl» ---------- --- — t i A* M

e e t f c E E E ilx con- llulfilo ------------------1.\ — -.ISrt't■ird de- ----- ------------- =» {’.jo/IIcers ~ .ff JJ I'l

a t Its Cimlinrt ....;............... 1» U .IS l’<, Con- ------------'*7 {[1rs. Dee Kii»u«vji' Z Z ' . ' . - m .0.1 itiWilllom |.'orl W orlh................. I I 4" ItiJoodlng ilix-l'n* ........—.......... “ nI Mra. ionolu1u'"^.'IZr.'Z™'I Kt 10 .01 Hi , Volley IndUnapollt..... ......... Jt !2 .0* .S«

in t h e £ ^ " E E E Z i i ' " SId M rs. ....... - ....\ \ _ Tlla, Sid . .................. ” ”

S | Magic Valle;i -pyle, "BURLEY—PuneraV scrvlces for Vi . F tonk Mts. H arrie t B em lce Young will tl;

be held a t 3 p.m . Prlday In the In :e sang, Burley th ird w ord LDS chapcl by 'UGeorge Bishop R obert Ramsey. Conclud-* nirs were lng rite s will be held a t Plcns- lc om ton; n n t Vlew-cem etcry.-Prlends-m oy th K latler c a lll irM c C u llM h -fi in e ra rh o n ic ti-Bum - un til tim e of service. ' .m

?as In ’ . •:. HEYBDRN — Puneral services '.•omona for B e n ja m in . Southern will bo -to u r tb condueted-atT2-p.m .-S«turday-ln:Ven'dell the H ey ltfm LDS. sccond w a«l n

^ chapel by Blsh'op R a lph M e- J s -m a s- C6m bs.-C 0ricludlng.rlte.'i_will_be□roHBe ** Riverside cemetery, sjIS held I^ lends m a y 'call n t Oie Pnync tj, ■omona m ortuary, Burley, F riday a fte r- ol iM and noon a n d evening nnd Saturday dihera to un til tim e of service. cl

ie*yeM W ENDELL — Funeral services ch ror’ ’03" for-irlrs. Jen n ie M ary Fraser will nl ect fo r be he ld a t 3 p m . Saturday n t th e F le Beat

Magic Valleim ctlon •

M agic V alley M em orialom ona V isiting houra In thtf m atern ity leld In w ard a re from 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 m ill thla p jn .; tn a ll o the rs from 11 a.m . 4

to 8 p jn . Ind Mrs. -V ADMITTKD 16}range . Mrs. K erine th K niep, Mra. 31baon T hom as H ackett,. P a tric ia F tte.)f O r- Chorlea Janason , P au l H orejs, br..... ‘ H nckttt—H nfont—aon—and—Mrar jp«d by Q uintet; Sw itzer, a ll T w in Fnlls; n . t, w rs . Mra. K en n e th W llw n, Jerom e; a « e. Mra. Stacey M nncolaa nnd Irv ln Ellej'M, Aland, both K im berly; E n r lD e tm e r and

Jam es Blades, both Buhl, a n d J . , , ' A. K enoyer, H ansen. -

r . DIBMISSKDL Mrs. E rn es t Nelson a ttd son, l l v r D eborah F isher, Pau la Horejs,

o . ,« - T h o m a ck . Jr.. Mrs, B ud n„“ n o " H aslam a n d son. H elen Evans, ^ ® I Mrs. Jo h n Frederlekson, M rs. m

T Owen Rowe nnd Cnrlle D ough-* erty , a ll T w in J^xlls; Jnm es .

S ha rp and M m . Ed DrndaJmw,. ^ boU> F iler; Chnrle.s Johnson.laKen M urtaugh; E rm lnn Dell. Huhl. M

1 1 * Sfl K u rts . irn7.e1ton. 4* 133S n iR T H S I ir- Ih l. Dm ighter.1 w ere bom W ednw -, , day lo M r. and Mrs. K enne lh ni

P eterson nnd to Mr. nnd Mrs. nes and KefineUi K nlep. all TA ln Pnlls. d

' The --------- --------------------- “' S t. B en ed ict’s, Je rom einches v til tln g hours n l HI. Dcnedlct'a " I ,* ; hosplinl a re from 3 to 4 nnd from ,

7 to 8 p.m . In th e m nternlly ward 1, nnd from noon lo 4 nnd from 0 to8 p.m. In th e mcdlcnl nnd surgl- ],

------ ■- cnl w nrtl.--------- ----------- -------— ---------I ADMITTKI)

E dw ard Bunker, WniileJJ;* - Mrs. Luclllfl Brlree, T\vlu l^vlls; ^ ' f t t h Mrs. Isnnclo Hoto, Eden, nnd I'ft. d “ *'■* mela OclllnRs. Jerom e. b. ger, 73, DIHMIBHKI) 0 Valley n o y d lllcka , M rs,'aeo rge Hid-

s h /le f yjpii, Jockson, j'rniiy lllox- hnin nnd Mrs, Oeorge HlngPl, nil

1888, In jiirom e; J iino StubUi. KlclilleUI;? infti* *■*'■*• B>»'’''k , BlmOiiine. nmi ' ■ Mrs. Elsie Lelnml, Wi'iidell. “

II m i l IIIUTHS“’•A'lion wns h n m li> Mr. nml-Mr#.-

iin n i^ r m m kcr. Wniilnll, ntid n n Jo h n dnughlor wnn horn lo Mr. slid r h!. iwo iBHBClo Bnio, j.;dpii. 1, ; Zlnn, ------------------- '--------- f:

Caldwell Bhue ' S'n';: Razes Building ^

OA fJ)\V EIX . Feb, 1 m - r i r e *'mounca jm ric d In n w w diist Mor- I- ........- nge-bulldlnif-lnirrn'< |-thnl n tru r- j,— —- lure a tid an ndjolning one wlilch ,

hoiisrd a n Ice-sknting rliik here? »he loilny. , ■ ,r i a j f . Cnuse of th e lire was no t Itn- ,,

n f e ty tnedlaiely determ ined niul ihere „v ln ffl w n sn o rs llinn te of Iho lOM. r

T hn saw dust, u«w foB fuel, wns n stored In n two-*|«ry structure owned by th e I'lriuit l-'iiel coin- pnny. I l ie len sknilnK rink re-

• cently vt’iis pu l Into njierntlon Ina ono.story hulldiUK formerly .used for pold Storngo piirpo,ics. ,

\ CONCI.AVK M irT aBPRINClDALR,J^.t, l-H p rln g - si

k . ' 1“ '*. 1*9 ? cnnjerrnce will f l« ih ■ '1 ‘MUny. The olxilr will si

p m e n l sijeclnl musin nuil Mnko p — J w»» UueH speakers, ll

r = -

i t f r A m ' b x ’ W M T H n i U M U ^ P

i ^E;

- ^ m ......on• I - \ A ■ - - bull

■ ' • • SSSl : lom ^ . V V ! s

- ------ rep

------------------ ---------------------------------be rn New Kngjand, Ihe Jakei i r n ,- l t te -------cvalley. Ihe ea ile rn part* of the norllJ Job tnt— >*inminet« ti ‘ »»d~ i i)U nn>Ttr~^eTar- i i 5i:_____________________:____ __________■____rcp

» ^ » toilderable n igh t and innrnlnjc foic. other- Wei nrroiv. Lows ton lch l 5.10, h lch i Inmorrow gin g a.m. 8. nnnn 20. n i;

_______ actly 'c lo u d y through tomorrow. Low Ui- I m <11-55,■ y

in. p-». 5 p “ ' ^


i £ ! " ' 4 ■-*-----;lSrt'hiUrff!ph!»'— l i 21 ' AJ • l-h.*nl. ...................... 16 44_ A

1* i;lU.bur*h .................. 1« • IT .«Ju j s iwii.'n,", M #;-;z'.r,'.i,'io - t il\ .01 l'orlUn.|. Or............... f,H • ‘T lu ria C ily .................. M • ; j • ■'

<11 ■' Itw'k"‘Hri'rin«»'''.’.Z '. l .n :in -HI. i»uii . ------------ .'iso .H.H MW .City 5.J 1070 .01 ,S»n DW" .....*t H!2 .0* .S.n Kr.nrlico -------- «J i'- i

■i -’' S S v z z z r i r - ; ! ;SJ TWIN KAI.US _____ 2J » al11 Tr. W et Y»ll.,w.wn« ...... ii- « po

i Be

alley Funeral^. I. ' ■' ' ..... > wl

Ices for W cndcll M ethodist church w ith an mg will th o Rev. A ustin Rugger o ltlc la t- 6 c

In the lng. Friends m ay coll a t the Sh lapcl by W eaver m o rtu iry Frldoy evening ne onclud-* a n d S n tu rd iy un lll timo o t serv- cc| , Plcns- Iccs. Last, rites will be held In th ds moy the-W endell ccm etcry.-Contribu- Mi iPhomc 't lo n s arc'suK gcstcd to the 'church

' •m em orial fund. ce

kS SHOSHONE. — Funeral aerv- 'CCS for Ray W. Brown, sr., will

r d a y - ^ rb rh e ld a t ^ p .m rF rld a ra t-C h r ls t -S; d watfl -Church Episcopal w lth 'th e 'R e v . n . M®- Jo h n Tulle officiating. Conclud- .wlll_M ln g rltea-w lll bo licld in -tho Sho- B*' metery. shone.cem etery, under th e dlrec-

Payne tion o f the Masonic lodge. I n lieu a fte r- of flowers the fam ily suggests i" '

\turdoy donations to th e Episcopal >ni . c hu rch m em orial fund. Friends ^a

m ay call a t th e Bergln funera l 8r services chapel, Shoshone, T hursday eve- iser will n lng and u n til tim e o( services y n l th e Friday . , tl(

alley Hospitals sl o r i a l C a s s i a M e m o r i a l . Pite rn lty V isiting hours a t Cassia M e- '•I 7 to 8 m orla l hosp ita l a re from 3:30 to iI I a.m . 4 p . m . a n d from 7 to 8 p. m . ■

in th e m a tern ity w ard a n d from 10:30 a . m. to a ,p . m. Z ' il

. Mra. ADMITTED 'a F ite , M rs. B e tty W illiams. Mrs, B ar- •

b a ra B elllhgton and Mrs. In a !

I Falls ; n ^ n o . P au l, nnd Mrs, Jnckle iejonie; Adanvi, Declo. [I; . ™ h d i s m i s s e d ll

t Mra, S n rnh B row er and T erry ■Hopkins, boUi Burley, a n d Loro iO rton , H eyburn, i

n iH T IISid son, A da u g h te r wns bom to Mr. rHorejs. Mrs. Jo h n Spicer, Burley, ..s. B ud n„d floiv, were born to Mr, nnd 'Evftn*. M rs.D iiv ld B cllL ito n n n d M r. nnd ^I M rs. Mr.i. Jo h n Scnccnl, Albion.Dough- _____ :

idslinw, ' M i n i i J o l m M e m o r i a l !Dhiuon, Visiting hours a t ' Mlnidokn "

Huhl, M cmnrinl hm pltn l nre from 3 to Tm. 4 nnd from 7 lo 8 p , m. L

I ADMITTKD /ednes- Wlley Crnven, Mrs. Emily Dell lennelh nnd Mrs. C lnrrnro QorCinet. nil d Mrs, l u i i w t ; M rs ., Cleo R lchnrds, n Pnlls. Declo: M rs. A rthur Oitllego.i. ao

U urley. itnd W llllnm P ln tts nnd tlir o m e < 'rw r, both Pnul,UL-dlcVs d i s m i s s k d J • tl,

I from M uiinn D nvu. Hurley; ni .Iny Wlim. M r.. w . l l r r K rm u lc

«U rt In <litUBlacmild Fr«nk Spevnk. ||i '“ I R upert, Bhd^iT .'O rPK orK

I surgl- i in fv iim id non, Pnul, _ u,l l l l iT l lS ni

, , ,, Soils were tmrn lO 'M r, nnd ii! ,, ' ''•■tl'Mr OiiijegiM, Burley, ao

I l^vlls, fturt Mr, nncl Mrs. Olnrenco O of- I '" - f lnel, mijM'it. A dnughter wns p,

born In Mr. nnd Mrs. Roberl Ui O rcer, Pnul,.

ge Hid- • ---------

f i o o i l i n i f M e m o r i a lclill'pi.i' VlMtlim hoiirs « t anotllng M e- , . l «,„l n io rliillnw plinl nro from B;aOn.m. le'V to 8;30 p.m. II

ADMl'rVKD 11,...I w , . *'*'■*• l^'ilword Wllllo, Mis. M ary tlnd-Mr#.- ■nrftRirr--% tnc-OeoTgn-Komr-nll te, nud n oom ilng: Mrs, Jolm W nrreu. le iir. Slid o iu iin s Ppriy; Mrs, llnrolil llftlly.

nilM i Mrs, ICiiRene W iirner. I'Mlr* „ field, nnd aieniin'M cCienry, King

! C ■ IHftMIHSKU ■ j!,1 * ■' Olnudi'.iliumk nnd Mrs. Clinrles[ l l U f f H nrdm nn nnd dnUHhter, nil Oood-

liftrroll sm ith ' nnd^ t M< r . ‘""'K 'lX 'r. Fnlrfleld; Mrs. RoberlI Mr ie- M"Rrrmnn. Rlld Cllcima . L « h r h M ff’l'-iiry. Kim: IIIII, / lo ,V * n tK T IIS I tl

A sen wns iw rn tn m|-, nixl M i.„ >'‘>wnrd W hite, /flooding, ct

M l : w>-fe bum to Mr. o<II m ere „ ,„ i jo im W iirn'ii, Olenns“*• P'erry, nndvMr, nnd Mrs. Oeoruc ei

tak'""- ' Content, up "IUlon In itrA llO I 'A U il. Feb. 1 - W n t - In nrmerly ermi«sler Henry 0, Englo nnya Iho

w nter conlent of snow on the Hfinke river wnferslieifs h Abovo

'ce will KnalB suld only llm blnekriH'kmir will slniuin dii Ihn Hullnlo river r i -III Mnko jw ie d snow wnter con triu less inkers, tlm n lonnni.

3? I Progress Is ' ^ I Reported on L ^ City’s _Work-.p§ 7 • ' : Br

Ern ie Crtuier. T w in F a lls p a rlu eh \ and^~reoreallon^~superlntcndent(*|~p( . - reported th a t w o rk 'is p ro g re ss - ;

^ . . lng w cll.^jn th e cU ys w lnw r , tvm ain tenance, program _____•.________

; - C raner, said th a t th e c ity will jji -■ -use a b o u t‘.225 gallons of pa in t ;

on pa rk benches, tables n n d iw buildings. TJie Jaycee ball park ing

H alone wlU rciuIre~80~to-M ~nal> Lg;

a ; Ions o f pa in t. i i /Some SOO park tab les will be

Z « p a 4 rc d = an d ^ p a ln te4 4 4 id .C ran tij ,f

:■ About 10' m en are keiit busyt ■ ( ■ during th e w in ter m u n ih s on re-1 -*-• p a ir a n d repalrillng. T h e c lty ig ,

half abou t 35 law n m osers.-thol-, — S . - ore, worked. p v e r ..o iu l_ p u t_ ljU o g ip ,

running order. ■ ' ! p

noritJ Jobs. C roner sold th o t th e e lu b -'I* ’T era * - House a t the goir e o o r i r n i r p e i n r f___ ■__ repa in ted w ith lhe Job scheduled I i

to end this week. W hen Ihe other- w ea the r breaks th e c ily will bc-

inorrow g in sca ttering n ine to n s o f com- ^ merclal ferllll ie r on th e 500 acres of lawn th e c ity m a ln la ln s . f

flw Ud- L o s fy e a r th e c ity hau led Ifi 60 " loads of m anure a n d sca ttered It on th e parks, ^

-4t — -o c ra n e r-p o b U d -o u t-th a t-d a m ^ - ii: *1 10 *8® *>®"'=hes, 'l l was h g h t e n d com plim ented th e ^

41 ‘ public fo r th e ir respcct fo r park SJ equipm ent. ^

I .„ Ai’ea Ghapel. = sJ ' Is Renamed »

At Shoshone ;s: SHOSHONE, Peb. 1—T h e B er- 7

n s -------- g in -funcm l chape l is t h e . new h4K • nnm e of the M cOoldrlck fu n er- s s ol hom e of Shoshone a s o f today, t * ports M r. e n d M ra. F ian c is M. P

L Bergln who p u rc h a se d 'th e busl- fT -------- -nesa— fro m - -Ray— M cGoldrlck. t| C . . [H aliey . °

■ B ergln - hns been associated .-----------> w ith M cOoldrlck a t th e H allcy |ch wUh a n d Shoshone businesses since J offlcla t- Septem ber 1957, hav ing lived m

a t the Shoshone and manQgcd th e busl- evenlne ness he re since A prllr-lfl58, ex- o t serv- cep t fo r th e tim e h e a ttended held In the S a n Francisco College, of

lontrlbu- M ontuary-ScleD ce-H e_was.Brod? _ e church ttftled from th e school In D e­

cember, 1860. ^ B ergln Is th e aon of M rs. „

■nl .«r« Bergln, now of Shoshone, „ who h a s u u g h t school fo r a ^

» t- C h ^ t M -nibeL _ol_ycars_ItL _the_W .«d „ th ^ R V v « v e r_ a n d Slw shonc a re a . . Sonclud- W hile living a t’Shoshone. B er- c Lhe Sho- B ln_has,been active In com inun- i le d lrec- liy .’nffairs, h av ing served as sec- ii

I n lieu rctaiy_oL.the__Chamber o f Com- i suggests n i 'rc e In 1959 ondTaim snU y-scfsti ^ SslscoDal “ ' ’Ice p residen t o f th a t o r- p f t le n d s ganlra tlon . H e Is th e PT A p ro - t- funera l s ran i chairm an th is year and Is i<

day eve- p residen t o f t h e S oulh C en- h services Funeral D irectors associa­

tion. g— Because of earlie r publication a

of t h e . telephone d irec tory , ttie Pi l a business th is yeor will be listed t1 1 0 under the M cGoldrlck fu n e ra l c

home, Bergln no tes..

i a l . c

rw5"w!' Ever Onward i ;8 p m . c W ASHINOTON, Feb. ■ 1 b

ind .from t f j _ p resident K ennedy ^ y ' leaped laughingly to t h e _ J J

defense of h is preas s e c re - '

i n I ' '■t th n l a congressm an called yr T

. Jockle f-j - th e aide a “young and -1n-- f; j; i | experienced , . . publicity ' ~

Id T erry • K ennedy noted th a t Rep. t<nd L ora i Bruce Alger. R.. T ex„ snld !j *

i th n t Salinger's m ain func-, : lion seemed to be to In- i,; J ^ Mr. r c r e a s e th e --P rc s ld e n fs I;

Mr“S f ii ‘Mr. nnd ■ '•Hoving done tlm t, he is J '

1’ now moving on.” K ennedy ',i , j rem arked. ' ' |

S L ........

U.S. Debt Tops ! iilly Dell Former Record I:inet, nil W ASHINOTON, Feb, 1 1 — ‘ llehnrds. T ile nntloniil deb t hns risen nbove * Clnllego.1. 208 billion dollnrs fo r th e first n tls nnd time.1 Pnul, .j-|,Q tressiiry snid lodny Ihnt

lhe .debt, ns of Insi Friday. Hurley; om ounted to |30H,040,369^73. The

r K rnus tem porary deb t lim it of 20a bll- : Spevnk, Hon dollnrs wns no t vlolntni-»wiVf/,>ccausB some 43B mll-_________ Uon_dD llaHr7jfithe=debLJA -i}D l -

subject to th e celling, 'Mr, and a yenr ngo, Uie debt niood nt

Burley, aoi billion dollnrs. tice O of- Presideiil Kennedy hns p lo ­tte r wns posed lifting tiie lem pornry debt , Roberl lim it, to 308 lillllon dollnrs.

r i a l Manager QuitsUng M e- IIU RU .Y . IVti, l - R o y N . Uu). U:QOn.m. Irn, who Im. innnnged C o u s in '

Huy's Co})|>er room nnd th e Nn- tioiml hotel coll'ee shop for more

IS. Mury thiiii lour yeni.t, nnnounces he Is Cntnr-nll' t(rm tnntlng-h lA --lenM - a n d .. will . W nrreu. leiivr Idnho.

llll Ilnlly. -i-iio Copper room will fon tln iir u nde r tho i

»iy. I tlng nmungemeitl of I. O , H arris, the liiilel innnnKcr, lo r th e tlmn lie- I

■ C l , . , I , . _ . . J _____ I111 Oood-

Use Kises, ■I ClUimn I 'VrD—Totnl |)0tn-

y lo ■ proctywing' from ' Insl 'JulyI through hecem lier In Idnho nnd

Mr. mill Mnllieur eounty, Ore., wns in per A ^odlng, cent grenler tlm n llii< snmo ihtI- n to Mr. 0‘1 n, Olenns During Ihc sU moiilh.i. proc->. Oeorge envirn used 10,133,000 hundred-

welghl nf potnloes. O f Ihls— nm ount, 3,048,000 wern used In

, tho iniinulikoturo of stn rch . flournnd alcohol while 7,07ft,ooo went

1 - W n t - Into food products,' snya tho


7 3 3 - 7 3 7 1 l»r Qunllty | |

Twin Falls Nc’ F e e V i r s U tld ^ . - - j t i

1 The snnuBl G round Hog fe^jJ, r f>FK «tvrt«nffd by lhe C hurch of th e .in Brethrtri“ w lir be h e ld - I n - th e fo

Is p a rlu church hall F riday a t S p. m.

ro g rc s s - 'rS ll’ be used to nld the church . winw r., bulldlnj fund. BJ

. .____________ .............................. ........_Kcity will ;>j»rrlaee‘ Licenses tli 5f pa in t Marriage licenses were issued lc IBS nnd I wedncsdav by the T w in Palls 'r f ftll p a rk ItQunty clerk's of lice to Benny R .' rt -W -gal»ij-nhniigh nnd Helen Rosa C hris- M

i i c 'n « n * b o i p n h l r - a n d - B c n o ^ . lc will be UU) H o a« K and Joy Ju n e Shep- h

id-Cran?-i^,^„j ____________

ept ^ y Mnioflit Fined *IS on r e - , ^eiand C. Baker, rou te two. , r h e city ,.^4 jined $7 a n d cosu;cr<i •tho l-n^ ,jj„ j5jjj,,- alternoon by TuJn . .t_ lJLi22ipaiis.Ju»tice-of-the-Peoce-Roberi. •_ - i i i j i . in '*=’ register a _he r l u b ^ I d a h o . He w as cited

Falls on o county road by . hen lh e ! ®'*‘* Potrolm an H . E. Cnrr. ^

r f “com-* Couple Haa Son . ' t 'le 500 W - “ '1 ‘5*"* Tltm us.lo ln lalns Boise, are the pa ren ts of a aon j> d ift 60 born Ja n . 29. Mrs. T lim us-Is lhe ^sc a l^ re d tom er W llm a. W right, grand- „ sca ttered q j ^ r s . L. C. "^ t -d a m .. tC re ^ T w In _ ^ lls_ .______________ ^

•n u S 'fh 'e E n I ls ( .ln A m .y'r« r nnrv Thom as David Mnyes. son of y,

Mrs. D. B. Ford, rou te three.' "__ Twin Falls, hns enlisted tor tiiree *■

1 years In the arm y; According toi p l Sgt. 1/c l F rank C. K asper, Tw in g

y Foils ormy recru iter. j,

i p r i Meeting Called p. J , T . Anderson, cholrm on of the boord of trustees for clnss ,

^ l i p A school d istric t 411, h as called R m eeting on civil defense a t

T h e B er- 7:30 p jn . M onday In th e Junior th e new high school. School tm slees a n d ,j, k fu n er- superintendents will a ttend , nnd of today, th e m eeting Is open to In te re s t^ ^

•ancis M persons. Jam es B enham , Tw in th e busl- PolU county sheriff, « ' » o iGoldrlck. th e role of schools In th e civil ^

'defense program;------------------issoclated • ■ ~ T “ «JudeeUaims ;

UvM m ^ - r - . p . ---------1“ - Law Justifies ;a ttended , - - • J

ySU! Freeing M an;‘ *" °® ‘ BO ISb, Feb. 1 (D?|}-The-Juitlce «

. . . of the peace he re who released .a of M rs. m an. w onted In T w in F a lls on a I

Shoshone, g rand larceny charge says h is •* o l fo r a action *was backed by a n a tto r-he_W .05d ney -genera l’s-oplnlon.--------- -- _

• Justipe o f th e Peace F rank E. one. B er- C holfant sa id h e released C arl s com inun- Enster, Boise, on_hls_own recog- I id os sec- hizance M onday tb appear In 1 o f Com- Tw in F a lls county on th e charge. I

aUy-scfsti ^ T h e action la te r b ro u g h t com - / th a t o r- pfflnr~Trom -Twln-i:alla_clly d e - I

>TA p ro - tectlve R ichard F ra sie r who o l- 1 a r ond Is leged It was in v iolation o f s t a t e i lulh C en- low. . 1

assoclo- F razier sold th e s ta tu te s re ­quire a felony suspect to be (

ublicatlon arraigned before a Justlcc of th e ' to ry ttie pence In the county w here a u - , be Ilsted th o d tles allege t h e crim e w as ,

; fu n e ra l com m itted. i C holfan t referred , however, to ]

nn opinion w ritten by Asst. A tty. , a r- is a z o i o e n . W arren Fe lton who odvlsed

, Tj th a t in such sltUDllo'ns a jk rson i r n n nm y be given th e opportunity to , “ ■ tt, o tto in boi) In e ith er county, ^ b . ' . l 1. — !-----------------------nsi Youth Fete Held ;.^y^ea- g By-Area ChurcfTi?-!n^-- be lng_em phoslzed..this week bliclty b y t h e - U n i t e d Presbyterlnti ^

L K Jun io r nnd senior h igh school ««iri i etudenLi who nre members of

th e tJnited P resbyterian Y outh . , f ' r: group pnrllclpnted In th e sundny

i’: m orning ' scrvlcc. Spenkers for ‘ n iJ.,^ th e serm on. "Cnlled to ResponsI- J ja i iu p j,]g pYcedom" were Shnron B un- ■

, , '1 gum nnd Chnrles Turner,• ;i o th e rs aM isting w ith the wor- 1 ■nnedy m ah ip were K enneth Price, who led >

,i th e responsive rending nnd O lrn . . . J ; Depew. ivho read lh e scrip ture 1

nnd Jnnlce Scheel, orgnnisl, < Ushers were Ronnid Bolnn. Rollln t

j p S P n rr 'nnd Ronnid Close. I1 A nnunl youth l^nnriuet w ith

J C O r C l paren ts ns grtests will* be held 1 _ Sundny. A spenker h ns been

sen nbove ‘>»e e first . J — . 1

)dny Ihnt ' t T n n A d f !: I’ridny. J I U I I C S I9^73. The Rob K uhn, innnnger, . o f f 208 bll- K ing 's store In Ihe Lynwooil J

Violnteti, shopping cenler, hns proof o t ' 43B ntll- honesly nittong shopperj,

bLJA-UDl - - Ho rcc tlved a le tte r iimlled , " rV n m 'P le rra -C ily .J itiL . *

nIood n t clMing two qunrters mul ilio '' following nolo:

hns pro- ••Enclo.sed Is 50o for nn n r- ' rnry debt t id e I wns no l clmiRcd for

long ngo. I piirchnsed sev- — e rnl nrlicles nnd n sinnll nrcki n f d inside nnoih-U l i S Pf pncknge. No onr's Jnull. I y N . Bill- wish to piiy lor It lor should d Cousin ' n o l wniil lo wc»r ll If 1 did 1 th e Na- itiit."for more 'I'lio note «ns siKuril mere-

K cs he Is ly ".Mis, 1. M» lloiipst,''■and ...will _________ ■

I’j i J ' ] } " a l l t u n a ■

l i v e r ' n m e a t

, c h i c k e n • ■ '

c h o p p e d i i s h

" m e a t y m i x

' T Y ' k i d n e y ' n V n e a l

H E B O li u , i i . y liLiaim sigiaa

— ^-----------' j , \ - ~ l lJs N ew s in B r ie f j

. .C n Ie rsU losp lla l ' ‘ ,log feed, f Rom on StIeber, Twin Falls, isI o f_t^.ln-'& .e_T w ln_FoJls CUnlc hospital •lD“ th e for-surgery.------------------------------------5 p .m . -------- ----------------^

church . Second Lieut. Eugene H.BIckley, form er announcer lo r .

_ _ K LIX-TV, _has beeii assigned to a'lthe- mllltnry dls'lrict of W ashing-

: issued ion's In fom iaiion ' office as a n Palls 'nu ilo nnd televUion ofllcer. He ^ enny R .' received a direct commission IMi 4 C hris- May from the arm y. The Blck- o n o ld ^ , leys and Ihelr two chlldrcn are le Shep- liv ing tn Alexondrlo. Va.

StationsTIaS";;;u e two. - . • cc

f B road cast o f stJ lo b e r t. • _ ---------— - , — so

a[e5 S o v icn R a d io ^road by T S S T i r i K K dU es will A-

find ou t today w hat Radio Mos­cow ssys, hou r a fte r hour, about w

Tltm us. ^ V S e n d o D eorporatlon..ra- ?? dlo s ta ti.'n chain will re-broad- v

us-Ij the hourly, fo r a solid.week, the tl : news programs o t Radio Mos-rs. h. c . Amcrlcnn s tn l fc . a________ T h e.R u ssia n 'b roadcasts are in J

• English. ^ . T he six M cLendon stations o

!• *’*. have canceled 'n il-regu lar-new s \\.V. • prostrams for the week. ^

J l f f McLendon corporation operoles oo r d l t^ to gtjjUons K L IF a t Dallas. KABL ot ^je r. Tw in Francisco. K IL T a t Houston, f

KTSA o t San Antonio. KEEL atShreveport. L a , ond WYSL a l 1

___ Buffalo. N. Y. 1- 1irman of broadcasts will have a po-

tcn tia l audience of 12 million. (“ Joe Long, vice president In i ' charge of newa for th e McLendon

stations sa id the Soviet embassy stees a n d ^ com-

m entary on the chain 's re-broadcnsts- b f R a d io . Moscow ^

» ’rfiT^,« news.. B ut Long sa id a Russian FII dJscuM told h im th e Soviet gov- w th e civil em njcn l could not- reply until ll H

----------•h‘o m e n n l - th e - f u l l - U s t - o t_ th £ sl“ editorial, ond the m ethod of prc- s: m a M nting che R adio Moscow news- l l l i S casts. P

_____ T he M cL endon'stations broad- tlr iA i± l CMt yesterday on editorial an - si L i e s nouncing th e s ta r t of th e Russian r, , _ • rc-broodcasts. T he cdltorlol ac- e ^ { 1 1 1 'cused Radio Moscow of broad- y " X d l l casllng an "unre len ting atream f, a t-lu iU ce --------------

“Last Rites Held - “ For Mrs.-Dirks IF rank E . ’WENDELL. Feb. 1 — Funeral I iscd C arl servl<ics for Mrs. M arga re t Rose a TO recog- Dirks. 79, form er residen t, were ppear" 'In held“ n t“ th e --M ethod lst-chu rch c le charge, here W ednesday w ith th e Rev. c ght' com - Austin Rugger officia ting. Mrs. _clty d e- D irks died Ja n . 37 a t a nursing «

who a l- nnme-Mn~P-hoento. Arlz,. where ( I o f s t a t e she w ent in Aprtl.-lOflOTTor-her

h ealth . ituK s re - sh e wns bom Ja n . 25. 1883. In l :t to be Ohio and waa a m em ber of the < ;ce of th e Twin. Pnlls C hureh of th e Breth- 'here a u - Her husband and one son rime w as preceded h e r In death . Survivors

Include one aon, W illiam Oldley, iwever, to Ray, Arl*., foiir g randchildren ksst. A lly, nnd one great-grandchild .

Mrs. H enry B arton played prel- ude and postlude m usic ond nc- companled Mrs. F a e th E aton and

_ ” • Mrs. Paul Flngerson w ho sang.- , - Pnllbenrers were Nelson King, I p l H B ert Iverson, M. A. McCloud, I C I U Clifford Iv crso n h J. C. K endrick I l l l ' P n Spraenger.

“ *• Concludlnj^ r|tM were held n t

Lhls week --------^ ^ ----------

Gov. Smyiie Set^ Gem Heart Drive

le sundny BOISE. FVsb, 1 (VPD-Oov, Rob- nkers for Smylle hns proclnlnted theResponsl- M onth of Februnry . n s .." ldnho iron B un- H eart M onth." cr. T ills yenr'a goal of Ute Idnho

the wor- H enrt ns.soclntlon hns been set e, who led n t $05,000.nnd O lrn Morn ihnn 0,000 volunteers will scrip ture be cniling oh their ne ighbors for orgnnisl. conlrlbullona during the Fcbru-

nn. Rollln nry cnmpnlgn In 340 com m unities e. throughout lhe stnte. ue t w ith . . . --------- ---

li" S Serves Out FinesHURLEY. Peb, 1 —Tw o Declo

, men Were lined t^5 M ondoy by Police Judge John E . Bowen for being dnm k on th e alreeta. Tliey were Dim Oorcln. 34, nnd Bobblo

.ger,. of Anderhon, 22. H ie f ines were no t

.ynwooil pald so bo th m en will nerve tim e l>roof o t I” city Joli u n til Friday .,^rj, Snm Anderson, 18, Declo, was

limllnd rcmnnded lo p ro b n ^ cou r t when [o rn - he.'nplw nm l Uiifo'ro Pollco Judge iin im m “ " nn th e 'Chnrge

oJ belHjf JnToxJcjtWa-Tm— th e nit n r- "If'® '-'’

for ■(l ^ scv-

' ■ i - —YOUIC ,s l.J t:iJ l __ ______


y y PICNIC H A M S ....^ rilKHlI, (10(H) Q im i.lT V

GROUND BEEF ...:- rK N T i:n O U T .............. '


t o m a t o e s ......I miN VAI.LEV

l l s h I M A R G A R IN E ........

1’^ I Op,n a to 8 Dolly ■l e a t GOUD STRIK

9 NorthsideH e y b u rn a v e n u e e t J a e k i i

-T-j'Y outh F in e d : F o r R u n n in g - L Stop: ;;:SignaJ--

----------------- ^james C.-Reld.-ie.-Jerom e, was________ iined_ilQ-JUl!LjV«lKnfifl-iaJL_sl£i .2

H m erits T hursday by Jerom e P o - o L ^ r Jw lice Judge Fred E b erh a rd t, fo r C

?ft aii Improper le ft tu rn . f—L arry-D .-M cA ulcy .J8. . Jerom e, ,h

^ fl was flhcd J7 nnd assigned 30 de- P’. w r He m erits by • Judge E berha rd t t.« io n last Thursdny for driving too fast for f

Bick- existing conditions. C, r . R obert. Origg. 31. Burley, was k

lorcn »‘>= J2J j,y Burley police Judge I'Jo h n E. Bowen T liursdny for b

^ n i« °n o rth ,* * w n ^ n ^ ^ ^ 110 a n d H rt ■ costs and assigned 30 dem eriU £

/ \ f Wednesdny evenl/ig by Tw in I-_________ fviIM Police Judge Dale J . A dam - I __ ' , ___son for failure to yield .the r ig h t _r

___seetlon of H eyburn avenue nnd I

dllTMw- ‘' a ' i f f b " B o g c r . 60. Pocalello. \nr « ^ u t was fined *10 a n d .cosUs and a s - slUr, aoout ^5 dem erits by T w in F a lls c«Hnn rn - PoUce Judge Dale A dam son ]« lb r w d - W ednesday for failure to yield

d T m S - “ ’Btje^^'was cited by c ity police

-,ffly- « t- 6e v en th -« trec l-and -S ee^ - stations ond avenue sou th . A fo'eo Pon -

, u r news Unc scdfm driven by Boger col- tla r news ^ Chevrolet sedan, ntwrflfes d riven by Newell M, Jones, 31, ' i S r t 202 Buena Vlstn stree t. Twin: Houston, ________________ _KEEL a l ___ ___________z r ;

" B e n so n F la y s ;la v e a p o - _ , • 1

sTdS'ii. S tate V o tin g .HcLendon . « i f

r s L aw s’ B a ttle ;‘‘'m oscow - BOISE. Feb. 1 tf l -A tty . G en. i a Russian P rank U Benson describes as "all 1 jv le t gov- wrong” ' th e argum en t th a t th e ( ly until ll 1951 law apportioning m em ber- '«

pf H,,. shin of I daho 's house o t reprc- jd of prc- ssnU llves Is u n fa lfT " : ow news- Benson sa id In a s ta te m e n t he

personally believes th a t "coun- ns broad- ties hav ln? m ore th a n one repre- ;orlaI an - sen tatlve should be divided Into e Russian represehtntlve distric ts, so th a t to rla l ac- every voter wlil hnve th e rig h t to Df broad- vote fo r^ n e a n d only one person Ig atream for th e iitmw.

_ H e nddedJhoweifM . t h o f l t "Is— a m a tte r fo r" th e legislattire to'

eld - T h e a tto rney general was c rltl- r v ! « U e col o f a su it brought by George U i r i V b o . Caesar, a Boise public rela -- Funerai Uohs m an . challenging tH FlO Sl' a re t Rose apportionm ent low.lent, were T h e ’ifiSl form ulo provides for s t-c h u rc h one represen ta tive for each 17,000

th e Rev. o f population, ting. Mrs. -U nder th e 1951 law ," Benson a nursing « i d , ■•citizen Coesor nnd e th er lz„ where Citizens living In Ada county will OTTor-her ^ n p n - ^ e - r l a h t - t n vn^ for «It

representatives, w hereas citizens 5. 1883. In living In 34 o f the counties m ay ie r of the only vote-for one.;he B re th - "V ct. he, Caesar, Is dem anding 1 one son th a t th e courta se t aside two

surv ivors valid mits o f th e leglalntbre w a s m Oldley, to give h im th e righ t to vote for ndehlldren nine.",lld. _____ :_____________

Mrs. Fraser, 85,S?™ Taken by Death^McCloud! - W EN D EU ., Feb. 1 -M ra . Jen -

Kendrlck F raser, 85, died earlyT huraday m orning o t .Magic Vol-

. . >,.M .1 M anor a fte r a long Illness,* " “ I* Bh«.«na t o l l In E rlt. lll , , r fh

;___ 10, 1876. ond a ttended schoolIn K ansas. She taugh t achool for

S P T Q about seven years a l Hope. 'Kans.O n.M ay 6, 1903. she waa m arried

T l r i v P Jam es n a s c r - th e r e ;--------------1 ^ 1 1 V C Downey In 1010Oov, Rob- ond moved lo W endell In 1039. nmied the Mr. F rn se r fnrm ed southw est of BS.. "Idnho here. I n 1044 the couple retired

and moved in to town. Mrs, Frnser Ute Idaho wns a mem ber of the M ethodist

been act cliurch .and th e M ountnln View club. H er hasband died Oct. 11,

iitcers will 1001.ghbors for survivors include one daugh- ho Fcbru- ler, Mrs. C h ris (T helm l Webb, mmunlties. W endell; one sister, Mrs. Ju lio

W illiams, Cincinnati,. O., and 'one— grnnjichlld.[ T i m a o Funern l services will be held [* I I I C S a t 3 p. m, Baturday n t Ute W en- rw o Declo dell M etliodlsi church w ith th e londoy by Hev. A ustin Rugger offlclotlng. Bowen fo r Friends may coll a l W eaver morN eeta. T liey tunry Frldoy evening and Saturt. nd Bobblo <lny unlll tline of service,' Lost J were no t r ite s will be iteld in th e W endell serve tim e cemetery, C onuibutlons nre aug- 't ld ay . Rented to th e church memorial Jcolo, was fund.oiir t when -----------------------------l i ^ u d g e PA TIENT 'AnM ITTED'-------he 'Chnrge HOWARD O. Hills hns .been

haipuiu!* ILflLe.


k M S ......................... 'ub. 39cIJAMTY

EEF . ........3 Lbs. $1 .0 0

>PS ..................... :....L b . 59c

i .......................... Lb. 19c

IE ...........-..........3 Lbs. 93c

8 D a lly — C lo io d S u n d a y l L D S T R IK E S T A M P S

iside Groceryo» Joekion 733-4775

I Seen

rom e. w as le tte rs on.d£s!c...._.W iii|gm .i“t^ —^ 'SO de- waving—to friend rn ^ ____srome P o - nlong c o n d sircci north • ^■hardt fo r Ouy W alker wolklng Into groW,;

store . . . M an-unltin j, aVb,,«8,_Jerom e, Intersection while carry |:u ____ned 30 de- pieces of lum ber *. . eiUs M ir..E berhord t taking early-m orning pictures m00 fast for frosl-covcred trees , , , g . ° '

C rnncr discussing Knoihole to, urley. was ketball program . . . Ernest M» illce Judge low reading ncwapapsr in c h u i ■ irsdny for ber of Commerce officc whiil

. _walk ln g _ th r6ugh en route lo

) dem eriU Sihreckenberg-on tlns lunch---------by Tw in Mnry Lou W halcv iKscus'lni'k

1 J . A dam - f02sy w eather . . . Michael B .v '•1 .the r ig h t ney rehearsln ': for school pijT a ~ J a n T 20 TTT-HOWflrd-WTGirrRK-WAlklni— •nYa- in tc i^ uu suuny .M ile uf .mr cH . — venue ond Linda H oskins working alnebri ------------ — -problem s-.------_ c o llec n _ W fit„ —

Pocalello. shopplne . . . wommt in leotwrd,,Us and a s - skin coal and ho t wnikin? bmi.T w in F a lls dog . •. . And Overhpnrd, •' n

Adomson w'os so warm In th e mountaioj■e to yield th a t the skiers used ihclr iitlls

for paddle-boards."c ity pollcc — -------------

Annual MeetU a n d - S e c ^ ------------ --------------- ___=___... ’

Boger col- Set Feb. T 7~ rTOlet sedan

r/X' n By Creamery------- JEROME. Feb. 1 — Anniisl-] m eetins of the. Jerom e Coopers-1 3 . V S Creamery for the entireJ Magic Valley will he h^ld Feb. .

- • ■ 17 a t the Jerom e high'school> 1 1 1 1 2 gymnasium. T he tncetlh? will u$t.

~ a ll ddt- and lunch will be servedI -■ .1 _ In th e school cafeteria. '» d l l l 6 T he southalde d istric t meetlns

w l'l be held n t 2 p.m. Monday atm •Atty. G en. the Tw in Foils American Uglon •Ibes as "all hailr T he m eeting was scheduled. t th a t th e fo r Jon . 20 b u t 'wns canceled b«- i m em ber- 'cause of bod w eather.; o t repre- a sub-d islrlc t m eeting will be ■; h B ld -n t-2 -p in r -T u e sd a r -a t- th ! -o tem en t h e Ooodlng O range ha ll and thg - Hot "coun- meeting n f W endell will be helde one rep re- a t 8 Tuesday. O ne directer

llvlded Into for th is d istric t will be nomlnst- ts, so th a t ed. Incum bent' is Sam Slmis. the r ig h t lo T he meeUng a t Jerom e will be one person a t 8 p.m. W ednesday n l lhe Je­

rome Orange., hall. T h is meetlnr th o t ,lt_ |'ls will be preceded by one. a t tht

jis la tu re to ' F ron tier G range ha ll In Hazelloa a t 3 p m .

II was c rltl- One director will be nominated by G eorge from th is d istric t. Incumbent 1»

jubllo re la - Rolond Power.ig-th-«-1051-------- _ •

jrovldes fo r Ice Is Causing I. ™ ProbleminCityH Ec o u n ^ will unusual weaUier, H . L. Derrict otc_ tM _fllx T w ln - P a ils - c l t y -m f tn a g e r r n r eas clUzens Thursday.Duntles m ay x h e ralld afternoon meltlq

. and freezing a t n ig h t has caused■ dem anding icy conditions in the ' gutters, it. . aside two. added.______ . : ____ilotbre w a s Derrick sa id th e c ity Is woikiaj ; to vote for on the i>robIem. H e'said th n t Id

th a t has form ed on sidcwaUi-------- where the people haven 't cleaned, o r off the walks h a s become a miner

problem. H e encouraged cltlieu T V - ^ x r to clean th e walks as best ther l / 6 a i n ean to mlnlmi^fe the-lce problem/

Service Set.'litr lllne.M BOISE. Feb. 1 BTPD - Funerik , i l T i i ^ 'u services ore planned a t Se»tlle)

for-CllntOTT-HrHttrtOTnrflO.-fer- m er dlsU ict court Judge here aid

v . l exalted ru ler of th e Boisa Elbm S l^ dWM m arried _H nrtson-dled-nt-SeBlU e on J ul.

. I .« .« W ends learned here. He hidell In ti^fl « « « > ye” s. Survivors Ineludi

» p l? f i i. Mrs, F raser _____ ___________le M ethodist | . ' "1□ntnln View ' i,' ,lied Oct. 11, ;

one daogh- . elm) Webb,

Mrs. Ju lia '0 .,a n d 'o n e

rill be held .»t Ute W en- ':h w ith th e

officiating. \Venver mor>-

an d Saturk -erv ice,' U s t th e W endell m s nre aug- h memorial

i m n - - - E D D I E ------------a hns .been ________L A Y T O N

TV. Radio and Mercury Rfcords Recording S tar\ \ "POPS"I CONCERT

f t 8 FEATUWNG . . .Hammond Organ :_I!" l i ? ! M o n . , F e b . , i 2 t h '

8 : 0 0 P . M .

---------E ' W a s h f n g fo n Schoof ,A u d lto r lu p i

M - 0 0 S p o n io ro d By .

^ ' i ,

"Home of ' ' Hammond

1. 93c

y t t l u t eM U SIC CENTER

3 - 4 7 7 5 m i { A B T l > |A l N ^

Page 3: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

Sister Kenity F '""“SwampedbySe

• « tN N SW ^3U S , Feb, I - l i l ' • T M btMl ot th e new Sl&lcr K «n- a

-------- ;vifound»tlon::*a!i::W !Xlncaday-: a-------- 7h« indlclm«nts oC-seven m en on ;i

«r«rM' of defrauding cotut'lbii- c S S “ the foundation ‘'l.vevlinb-i b U-- will n u r t th e orEnnizatlon, c

--- -------fiu ro rT T rftn tT irK ru stn . p rc5 -r' Went ot th e loundaU on w hich u

irfaU victims of pollo and other 'i; neuro-mu-iculor dlsewes, iirscd f, the public n o t lo vU hdraw iis v •iiDDort. ’ .

• •■n would be UhrIc," Up sali1.- ir our hBi»rtlcapp.edn. p-Mlciiu: i

___ -.,r* jnade_lo^uffcr_I(>L Jlc llo tis_ i^ ------S r tT iR tc tn h ey h a d no cowrol." v,— A federal grand Jury yc-Mcrd;iy t:

Indicted three form er foum 'alloii l> # olKcials arift ^ovir CWcaso nil-

veriislng executives fin ch.irsc's of ii

fuuncliitfoTi i I r i l »^ p i '* ^-1Miir\'ln L. Koiie. form rr cxpcn-, ii

_ j | e s | r

^ " f l u t e

• ISIBi H a s l i t ^ ^ O B Ef n s Mqis m



' f ’p i i i i iN i l l*

I Mix or Match'emlH j j S Big AiiorlmerttI

1 • N o l l i o r S c r e w i II ■ . • Bolu or Waih«r<l

B • Homo or ShopI

l^xFomiilatlwi-Is J 2

by SetroTul Scandal |f o n n c r S ^ «1 men on tioii pubjicltv asein V c re nccus-

i ^ ' i h ' ’ cc ' l lu rd j , plus oi

Atlon, cxpc:j^nc_t:ltu___ _______ .- - - - - ?•

f whTch Krf m w . ' r " 'Ith .IWklllR

. 1 5 is Klliie nnd FadCl fti

d jau ,n ,i,r,,r.> vvni, the ol

he sa id ,, au^ ’'''■ «>Hl son,

,e.Mcrd.n ,I„1,„ p , C iinidl, 50 and au m allo ii i>i,i;i:,, O. lUntlc. . nmso na- -nil- [niind.nioiiv. form er nudt- ri

cy In M l,'.. -nn.' u;i«'iUt .pr.'piirliia fiihi; nurJts tlist b:

?r CXPCU-, lisifci Hind drive innlliiig co.sia i;i

g l .K i

Uto^ (4I- ff

• • T j ^ T S A f i j r

'•'Tra ' r

f i \ f-^ “ I




. , . H « d r I>) r iaitlc I

Ich'enil ■■ ‘ \ \imeitti 1 A | . 1 MS c r iw iI V S H . JWaih«nl ■ --■

' I'.

T ) \m der lh e sulse M “medical e d u - iT /- l - b - l ' * * ‘'®‘ ^ ‘“ ‘“Pu*’HrTetanDus:----- ‘■ | \

I K line already was under a 1 0 - ;^1 1 p a r prljon sentence fo r rais ins ,, U (tl ''** foundation salary from

S15.000 to jia.OOO without au lhor- n d u io n lty .Z lm n\«rw aft\o4 i h is account- LmWflE.-ftncy-licciwe. «*-» -rrtaU -c .rrjiJe ini foundar thn! accus- -W c are Just beglnnUiK to re- tro u Kie»- cover trom lhe c ttecis ot the low 3j>, p i ^ ortelnaljm 'esllgn iiosi twhlcli Jed Pfc : ■■- ■• lo th s conviction of k llne )."’ 1 1C exec- K rusen said, • I farmaklnR "Now wc m ust look tiW .trd to* chi

Id Fadcl ano ther lengthy irlnl which wllli tro i.Ul ad- Inevitably h u r t ilif pood namelph^ til the of thc ncw''founii.iiion.'’.

I’re Atf- • r , \P E lt D L A M t-rnK D S ! |i l i s jp n , _ O P Q R T O .-P - u m ^ l^ c b U - c : r ;^n!-liu con^ —i 'h e untliulic lluiiiarclii^t ncw s- 'n ri ct mall paper A tod.iv th a t btl 50. and a political (ieiiionstrntlon last gr.

nlR hl Ih tii U tnu-,1 into an .nn tl- ■ iT nud t' reslm e rally uns •‘made in Mos- frcn ;in ,-S ti cow—nnd-orBniii/prt-bv-(Uhaiidirl_l«B TkiTTCtt TJl tornm iinlsi iiKcnlS; Police; He Jls tha t broke up th f di'tnon-'lruiuiii w ith on ig co.sia i;unfirc, flrKlin.s<-.< »'nH chiin i . i-i

^ ^ ^ 3 B ll S K f f i K T S ^ '

S A V IS i S ' TAwjdqr, Frid

_oflcf J^urdfl)A. ^ i

Y o u D o n ' t N e e d C (

T o S h o p T h i s B i g Sc

» n p — ( f

• 5-H.' C o r f l ^ ^

40 W ott »6W»t?t»g U t i w 1 0 me light duty, h«mt or ih9pl' 5,

_ ( J\ '‘ n e f.I .JS Re, . , ,5

Metol TV Snack Tray. & Wi» Folds for taiy itoregil 2 ta.i i

5 Donn «tW.A.I I Cioihhtprni

,> I \ and Wailiofalt nn*J ^ ^ l o t h i i p l n B a g

I I bI wKM H S tithfaclion Gunfantc

_____B "• o r Yoilr Monoy ItacliB Bhop'OuF Cflnvcplem

Cntwlng Order Depnrtm

KeniredyAgricv £ lr ' Faces, Coiigre,'

th a t President iCehnedy w lirhavc Uhi ; to re- troubte RpttlnR congress to «wnl- so ' ot the low nuicn of his ge t-louch f»rm prl

f iJch jcd ^____ .z r^ rp'‘' . ' " ' ’ • ''If ,? ,! ''' '’’■ORram would force dairy ere

)i.vniii':.< nud g ra in producers lo 1 ward tojcnoftM- betwceti Rovcrnment con- coi ilch will tro .i dcsiKiu'd to slnsh th e ir «ur- a d nam e'PJ«'_ production or the loss o f '^ i

* n n - i - ‘•'’ '’‘‘''hx'ent, price g u a r - jo . ,

CT-’ foe.'« bvKan snlp lncl I’”

Iiv Thnfl Mil 'v ndmlnBfratl6ff-fitnnt<l<’S la^ ^ I t reached c o n -f ' '1, « f ® I.n:, > « torday . pr1„ ‘ hi-re Is \-<?ry lin ie clam or, nt

n u c c ; m n a .■ii'ii. I “ Krl cuUure c o m - |tl.

/ / . / / ' f i K r m ‘I M t f ' m *

w n ^

' l^W,V5-ait,3I-4!Miavy-iliitypoln

rotor. M oit pi

W E r jt n iw f , f t l i a f 3 ^ 9

T ro u M o ^

s e d C a s h T s f SM ' I ■ iS .ft . cordlBig Sale! s o v e a tw .A

1 0 m o s t u w f u l i l i e i l \ Q m n l ^ 5 /1 6 " to W " ;

(|[DR e t 1.J0 C / ^

iW U a r d l ig h t Butbi • V * ^2 * « .> W ;7 5 ;JO O W .J

• t w’-A.I ■ C ^ o w th o tc il

M b i r IC lo»h«

P o w e rtV<Uar4. H ■,1 A ddltlirt m . B g l / f '

• ond . ^ S s S...m ............. B

1 S l ’ T

GuftMnteed •-iwJoylJaek 2 3 i I>nvo»lent ' . i r i■ P tp n rlm M it' . P h ° n « 7 3 3 '

/ ' . \

griicxiltriTe-PlallZ |™ mgressional FightL . « r t ^ - -P rc iid e n i -C harl«*-B -S hum an m e duodfti'. ,o t_jhc^Aincrlcnn ri»rm _Burcau _ £ . lirh a v e liHlerafion — which favors le.<is sai' to «wnl- Rovcrnmciit Inferx-eniton ih tnrm ' em ;h f»rm prlccs und prcKiucilPii-called th e the_____ __ PrrslcIcnCs-proposai— iiakcd-co- —ice dairy ercloh " ^ucer* to " 'e '"Ost pnvi Deini'crntic ^lo cn t con- conRrwional fann Ii-adcrs tooic s le lr «ur- wim-and-scc atiitiide, . u ij

loss of Chairm an tlnroW D. Cooli'V. "Is :e guar- D„ N. c., ot the hoiisi' ngrlcuUure ths

commltu-e introdiicoa Ihc bill Jjui V.'li snipliic hn.v.r;ird lo cliaraclcrl/.e It ils y'ei

iturM o r p i f ’nzCDJirepiuit- uut a- worhlnc lai

iedCon-M *'i’ \voiiln besln lic;irlnR,« nom. Iprobnbly nuxt UMrsdiiy or W ed-

clam or, oesday,- • • 0«type o f | " It f;ii!iicr.^nnil lhi-lr.nrgnnlTn. * c

TiiTtfriJ;; lloivvraimot^iRroc:"'CiwU'v-snl<U n l •publlc*n|"ilu 'n wc ,iia ll havr no U-;;L<;la- llJi re c om -|ti»n o r .any U'siiin; benotli." ^ ___________ jn t ' itHiniiiLsiraiiuu' bai cgvyyedi hu

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T u n e - U p

ory-Jnty poltiti, <sadiniir, „ ” M *>d«, p la l rotor. Moit popylgr cortl Vf* >or homo, car,

BiPriparidl . . Brilllt Saih Bnjih

> o u b r ^ / - g Xl - m p ^ A

iibbirfcondlil'*®™^'^ loihworV) T f IS-lt. cordl Her. S"«l V

SuveolW.».| >.» ^

Solderl /^ \ A c i d - . . r . /

^ -■ ^Y o iirC h o lc tl | l , i ,„ , | • \ fo r o il job tl ... . . % P .« ^ .d j« y r j

Ofoi,*i-O«r IC O A '.o rw q P ' \ S m r e U /

lie* . Canned V - . « H iot ' ^

/ ^ H \ For Door V k H \ orF loorl .vB J CarooMIko

Flnlili! , M iflnotlc Lid I U “ x 3 0 " H ard o m d S to il

' .1

233 MAIN AVE. EASm e 7 3 3 . 4 7 4 7 - H o u r s 9 : 3 0 V«

- - - - - - - - - - - « f t - « w n y - f A C & t J . o f I h e - f a t n y p r o ^ T i1 Rrant U>at even Republicans K

^ - - - - - - - { o u n d - » o m e - f M t u r e a - t o - n p p l n u d , - .iv1%«- ««<d the recoinmendn-i r i l l tlo n s fo r 4 tr f i)f ilh fn ln (r!h p /o K j. ; ^ for-peaee proRram “contain someJ m r n a n m erJi;-'- ------------ .- •Bureau _ S e n . ^ Ic n 'J , 'E l le n d e r , D.. La..>r-^, \cf£ said h e w o u l d I n t r o d u c e f h c - W t l s " — h t a r m ' c m b o i i y l n R K c n n e r t y . i p r o g r a m i n 1 f i M t h e f h e s i - n a t e . P r ,;c(i-co------B u t EUendcr expressed "serlou-s 'O '

r M e r v a t l o n s " a b o u t s o m e p r o v l - ' I ' c r n t i c p I o i l i . • A nr s t o o , ? S e n a t e O O P l e a d e r E \ ' r r c U M . • D l r k . ' c n , J l l . , s n l d t i j r m r . v n R f ? '

t - O Q h 'y . ' I s I n t h e n a t u r e o f a c o n f e s s i o n t o i I c i j l m r e t h a t p r o R M n u o f t h e « e » - r r o m i e r en bi l j j u i v , ' h i c l i c O n R r f . y a p p r o v e d In .^st l n i

.y e a r >i « v e j I k i w J J j - / a i l e d to »ohi- n cw o r h l n c f a r m p f o b t f m T ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - q u

'* .‘‘j ’™- RED.S a iA R O F. “ ^r Wed. B E m N . Feb, I (iTd ~ AC

O erninriy said today a ••.inv tun- :8anli.a«. ■nfi-iv«ii»iY'-> .hn . dlcin ivfn-d ''•y snliU n liin ln ff'Irb iir^ V w rjiT E nx lT Jfrr — U'ijLOa. lln and demanded French occu- nl-

] B ; h M l

^ J / _

.R «nro5r5«F f L ^ o X S u l^ JW edfle CusW ofl I L 2 1 -Sl 2 ^ ^— ifemrfll

i ^ ^ « / \ p H Wll

w tt/ A \ ib s W L ill’

^ M J ^I ■idi., p la id f i b „ r i v : v l Ar l 'W i , « r , p k n l „ | ■ .T .f l t ! ; ,

in t. M r — r . / C HI Brwifi

a - 'W ij . ,

N h T - S / M "!

^ ''Hlni-Ineh 'Monkoy <HtiMWmocIi jS J ^ 16-ox. <

Q .Hsmn-


S ' ^ , J ^ 3' V Z l i S ' Uletorjr

_______ " “ " " " > :■

; S h u l l Q u i i i - H t i d i- . ■ ’•(A N»»l f«r

s a ^

g h t e p ••••t"'»u.’; p WPUEL . i r a t ^ -------- h r - •

Com far \ ^

^ a1 1 .irno V S B Amod ^ Masntiie toor^JtjxD

lolchoi fit any cablBi

II ', . fretocf Yovr Conntit U iS S k r sig r6" X 2KJ/H


s rr,yi ' i T . " ' ( $ 1

w u le UJ Holdirl

............■ ' " v i i o P i " " ' "

■ ■ w S IuV b J ' " ”" " ' " ' ' " " m f '" '*

I i j B

L M ®K B ^

mmS • P B i

; . E A S T - T W I N F A L U

9 : 3 0 t o 5 : 3 6 - ' H I 9 p . m . F ,

BsfRcdJLeader [1 .7^; AttendsU.S.,s;

Pi’Bss Parley""gram in WASHINOTON. Kob, 1 Lfl — nex

Prem ier Kh^u.'!hcI1ev•. Jpiirnallst ed' ■•serlou-s «on-ln-lau— h a i l - n - f r n ic r 'n i s le "ns • nrovl- 10 observe • •'an- aiicleut ned

American cusioni’- a • preslden- r re lt M. '*“ * confcrcnce.nicwaRC T lien the vlsiiliiR nuM lnnretll- nfesilon to r Alexei Adiliubch ot thc rov- fron tlcr e rnm en t paper Uvestln. Ueld a u ' , cd Inst Im promptu session of hi,i own for, " to solvr ncwsm£n.5\'ho_Ji;id.iu5t^nnlfil»ed-! Jl

■QuesndnliiR Pre.ildcni Kennedy, I— '• , To o President opem-d his news! _

— E iu t AdiJnibel and his wifi- who were: ' spy tu n - ••‘eated w ith newsmen In llie.stnte:

5 ^ T B ^ — KPl^lcdy^saia■A■d^hTlb^l,■wlmls':h occu- nlso o mem ber of.the communist!

^ (blH ts \vio hnzatdcfrts ptoirssions,' ^

C T M O BE -

S 3

s \ m j , nV t ^ B j D o n 't t e a U tf e r b u g r

Drlva eleon with' mognetli ’ doth Iray & lit-R-BaikefI

/ J

» W M r d V ^ A A * " ’ ' "

f e f iB \ • Flr*t P tlie—

\ \ S H J Ciribbeaa FsnUjr Cnijfcl\ V X J L ^ * 1 6 S e c o n d P ris ti—

idl VNhYypfiy Tfuetone Pom ble T V itr ~ V v \ • Third Prisci.-------[J- \ Ttuetone Pom»M« Rfcdteit

___Cir-il»-lirtry Wonk-rodo)

laf— Holdi Finn.

^ ( )1 s»” ‘f r T A Jseliion

y \ J I j W ^ 7 " l « n g l

f f l / I ® 't a n y c a b ln o t l ^

, i s ' 0 ' w ; & . '

ill(iPowor“ . H ...........Jantm tH lon B B g »

f iv id ■

. ‘ w V i , ■ ■

0 1■ ......* ■ , HI-

■ s S ' <**:

^ - J . | i ' .‘g

-------------------------- V— ^■■■' ' ■■■-

FALLS y jT B jp. m. Fridoyt i | l -----------------------------—

I Thursday, F e lv l , T962. ^ B Twin Foils T im as.N ew s-S - ^ P

, S . politics and Journalism ." HO »dd - l ^ | * • ed he waa Blad W .'h av e Uia —| :— Ad7jwibeis'-"obscrvo" i m - i i n d e n e - P |H L*lCV ^ " ' ’ ''‘can custom." H jH- — J~ - \v j t h - .« n lJ>i<rprcter—i J i H n a l ^ B

1 Lfl - - next to them.- th e v isitor Ibten* Ipiirnallst ed in lcntlv to questlon i and i f r -nJsle na?Wfr-fxchfl»Rej- bett»-een“K«JJ—- aiicleut nedy and lhe new'smcn. ' ■ I preslden- B F *1;,-"': We Install I. Ueld a u ' _

u iu M ic d i ^ S s g t — B G l t f c J bKennedy,: -

Ih ls news! " _ w KfT O ii ic .fo r ---------- ^

'I'CS 'MT^ELTIRr t l— c o M P ^ ftN Y — ^

■ 1 1 I I B w

C r i d U l ^.-«odi.lor Protection,

W at« rP um p .d l lubricant


1 Bolh for M

j l i t l e r b u g lwith' m agnetic f e t e p t \ > , ^ B i^ B ^ . u j j

I--------- ^ , . ^ > _ _ W l x a r d — tel

\ A r / V H \S o w -k n tio S e ! ^ U a J . i \ \ [ S B ' j2S!<>BI»d.ll i' “ " ‘r V - f!

nfiVil V o M f i o n f o r II

llBnk-TpJoy-mt-YeurW tiUrii'Aulc'^Shri


ro iom cA im rsTooiI, M ,* ; ; : t* i™ « lu r d / l i» r d w o o d l

M r f f l . Clean Swnp R ” " ‘ _ NouuboM r .

- Broom _

( S D i m! v y \ t ...... .‘1

I Bmbloterallliirll


j e s i a &

•■' \ v . T I '

Page 4: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

TTiursdoy, Feb. 1 ,1 9 6 2 - I4 Twin Foils Tlmes-News

^ a « t* T u b U lM b

. ptar. Inc. ■JABED BOTT JACK HULLbffKCT Ir«uuy I

. iLWrnERGIlEM LOWtLL DICK WILEY DUODI IDiuIbh* UftOM<r Hu w Ib i Editor Ad*«rtUlsi H ia tctf ■Eaund M MOBd cU u b i U n u tu r April I. I ll l . •« I

t i , pMUiIIIc* In Tola Falli, Idtba. aadtr K t •( Kartk I

I *’ AU *n»Uc«» ^ n a lr r l fa^.Uw or br erd«r t t toort ef I j . U I, 8M. »4-»» I4»k» Ced*. . . . - • *7*^ , I

-1____ VI— Bnrttu. flt ClrtnUttaa. AwotlitH Prw« _I (Bd UalWd PrtM tauraiUeaaL

. ' ---- ' Ij

A M r k t v a r f l - : : r = : =

----------R cp^Ralph-H ardlng-w as-caiight-ln an j]b awkward a tun t a t an awkward time, -p I When ho phoned th e A ir Force academy j. — demanding ■the‘df8raiBsal"of"an;suple-Df “

.....Kepubllcans, Including a prfispective po-liticfll oppo n en t,'th e word wasn’t sup- „ posed to go any fa r th e r . Unlortunately, , the . academy officer to whom he talked ^ apparently knows_ th ere is only one way «

/ to fig h t a /m em ber of congreaa, namely, , . ^he_U B e_Q L public_gpinlon. - li

Thia particu lar o ff ic e r 'e aw nothing l wrong about passing th e '^ o rd along to "

; th e supposed victims, and actually there .I Ib no th ing wrong w ith such procedure. ©

Certainly any accused person is entitled c I to know th e origin of any charges and in

th is case they should know who waAted j, them removed from their- liaison work g w ith th e academy. “

Mr. H arding specified his stand, was j, shared by the re s t of Idaho’s Democratic ri congressional delegation, Kep. G rade

j P foat and Sen. F rank Church. Yet they 4— — have a n ’easy ahd obvious oiit because i t i, j ’ was Representative Harding who was t 1 pressing the Issue.I . I t w asn’t surprising to have Mr. Hard-

Ing issue a statem ent in Washington to the effec t th a t'h e was "completely taken j aback" by_ chargea “I am dictating who v ia or who Is not a m ember of screening «

... team a^ f any academy.” He followed the “ expected course w he 'iT he^entT in 'to -is-- -

sue a form al statem ent th « t he wanted n____to_knovv_-the_full_detaila.of_thc_chargM °

originating In Twin Falls and then he o____ ^w ould -^ fo ta.fu ll-lnvestiga tion by th e e

! departm ent of defense. ^All o f which Is a nice way of getting °

I ; oH the_hM kior_the (.....- ting th e fu tu re to take care of itswf. Of -

- -.courBe. Mr. H arding will not ask th e de- * l^ ^ p a r t in e n t ro f defense .for a full investlga- -

tion, a t any ra te , no t th e opSn and-above-, _ board ts®e of investigation. He m ight r dsk fo r » Whitewash.- J

______• KI>T •first reaction when contacted by a .JTim es-N ew s. reporter is quite Interest- i Ing. H e didn’t w ant to be questioned on t

, . the m atte r a t all, th en would have liked 1 to settle fo r "no comment.” j----------------— ------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------J

. ATOMIC PROGRESS «1 No civilian power p lan t using atomic | j energv Is near the goal of producing

electricity a t coat comparable to more conventional plants, and there Is no pres- i en t indication of how soon th a t goal will * be achieved. Yet the United States has \ made g ian t strides of progress in har- c

I nessing nuclear powcr, as demonstrated t k in the recen t annual, report to congress < m of th e atomic energy comrnlaalon. , _j f . I t W s n ’t too long ago th a t the use of t F atomic power to propel a ship was'con-_____llncd_!to_finlcXRerJment._far__froin_tho. '

ocean in tho desert south of Arco. Yot today th e AEC reports 05 atomlc-engined i w arships and ono m erchant ship are op- t crating, building o r authorized for con- j structlon. Already n t sen are 24 atomic- t powered submarines, a cruiser and a « carrier. ' '

I t ’s significant th a t so many subma­rines already use nuclear energy. They aro a strong point In tho nation's defense. A nd so fa r, tho emphasis h as been on < defense, which m ust rem ain the f irs t

. consideration so long ns thoro la nn ac- | tivo danger.

W hat will follow when atomic energy can bo adapted to more m erchajit vessels probably will lead to another revolution in ocean transportation. Bu£ tho story of development of atom ic energy can bo expected to follow tho same pattern In all lines. M ilitary development will como f irs t, to bo followed by poacotlme appH- cation'^vhen and whoro possible. ‘

W idespread use of atom ic energy fo r ■■“ '■■■clvlllnn' pu 'rpoK rrif Hinr aomo yfihtHTJfiP

ta n t In tho United Stntok, yot it carries moro prom ise, of fu tu re benefits than possibly nny o ther discovery In many years. Nuclear science hns hnrilly s ta r t­ed by comparison to autom otive develop­m ents, fo r Instaxxce, o r tho elcdrktvl In­dustry.

I W hnt h as posed n severe threa t topeace and oven to th e fut\iro of tho hu-

I . m an race may j-Vst devolop Into history’s I g re a tes t boon to hum anity.

I . MAN’S BEST FRIENDThoro apneara no chance bf odcaplng

tho conclusion thn t a dog is man’s host friend . From tlmo to tlmo a news story Borves to emphasize tho point., Ono of tho moro recent la tho story

: . iro m Fairfield,. Mih," nbout how a family o f five oscapoil with tholr IIvoh becuuso

, , o f tho fam ily ppt’s timely warning nf a firo th a t leveled tlioir two-story homo.

; Tho dog’s barking awakened tlio furtilly.. . . . . . Countless slmllur cases hnvo been chroii-

/ ■ Icled. i,j _ J ------- Tfndoubtfid y ■Uifl-famtly-{x>l^i,>-Falr>

field. Me., wIU ,o<; cupy a biiccIhI spot In tho »m lly flrele«»lonit «B ho llvoB. And

. yot, tho Wilmol will oxpoct UUlo In tho r way at rpwnru. All thnt'B over rconlrcil

' .' )>/:» eoml monl ilnlly, n. doep »n oocmlonul put on I h i hcuil.

family poU don’t rocolvo V ' '«vei> t to H minimum nniulromtnlB.



W ASHINOTON. Peb. th e New Pron-T tL lT ■ «H ?iH B S 7 ir? r5 i6 iieeT > n iT 6ro fS i'iT n ii«T )n rin - -

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i iM h is p lan (0 M t up a new depart- WMt. m ent of urban s f /a lrs and hous-

..Con> ........................ .............................. -H e Is. of c p u ru , proposlns an

n ^ ^ ^ ^ s S ^ ’l i d d l U o n a l ' cabinet-level oper- Doa to look a lte r Uie In tneatsJBUM ^ ^ ^ B S 3 W o r cltlzene who lire In or near 111. «t communities. B ut In pro-

I I ^ ^ ^ B S m o t m K h U .p la h h e U doing mrt ef Som ethin?'Q O ‘o the r Presidentriii k* H n ^ P K I r l H h a s ever done:

Prejsident K ennedy has token •_ unprecpdentcd #tep o t de-

— ^ fu tr f rM — iibcrate ir '-u ijectm src lv il-T lR l^t* -. Issues in to w b a t norm ally w ould be a contest

______ along e n t l^ ly d ifferen t ^ l a . .,1.„ ...w .,

am endm ent In to a controversy on anoUier subject

ta n n 1». o f course, a a ancien t one. B u t I ts u » In le«la-iauv# :flghu he re h a s been-TO-the p a rt o f 'th e op* -

lU n e . ’position, and n o t by a president backed by a ma- d e m y jo m y .con tro l of bis party In congress.'ilff-Df-------- — *— *------------------------------------- r -A T>o- WOULD-ELEVATE NEOBO—Ita m ost frequent

e m plw rnent In recen t years h a s been by Bcpub- llcan oppoalUon to such bills a s federal a id for

i t e ly , school construcUon. . , >a lk e d ^ N o w -P res ld en t K ennedy h a i, In effect, tacicco

W flv clvU righ ts am endm enU on hU own program for ” , J esU bllahm ent of a new federal departm ent. They

a ro In two p a rts .,H e will, a s h e announced pub­licly fo r Uie f irs t tim e a t h is p ress conference

thing lasf^k,>ppolntT>rrRbl>ert C/7WM»ei7t«<le«l 't o bousing adm in istra tor, to Uie yet-to-be created ,

, r eablriet position,tn e r e . w eaver, who evidently Is doing a highly d u r e , com petent Job, would be tb e f irs t Negro ever to t i t l e d ho ld cabinet rank . M any Republicans and con- „ j t„ aervaUve D im ocrata, w ho have no bios against i ; J w ea v er or Uie Idea of a Negro In the cabinet, ob-

i n i e a J « t to th e new u rb an a ffa irs deportm ent on the w o r k gpounda of economy a n d crcr-sweUlng federal

bureaucracy.A nd Uiese opponenta on purely policy grounds

have been p u t on Uie ip o t by M r. K ennedy; : r a t ic r a th e r unusual pubUc disclosure th a t hc planned r a c ie to nam e W eaver a s tho I lrs t secrcU ry of UAH. t h o v I t was unusual la th a t P residents customarily do

n o t feel called upon lo reveal whom Uiey ise I t have In m ind fo r h igh posts th a t do c o t, as-yct,

w a s exist.

l a r d - CEMENTS 0 P P 0 8 I T I 0 N - -I t is tru e th a t the t - P residen t showed hU han d In responae to a <jues-

Uon a t his press conference. B u t a s Chalm ers M. a ik e n Roberts, chief naUonaJ affa irs w riter for Uie • w h o W ashington Post rcportwJ, “i t looked susplclous- >nlnir *y like a p lan ted quesUon,” Wllh the a im of4 * u - seeming to darelthB -nepubllcans-to , vote againsta tne Uie.niovo to .p u t.a .N eg ro in th e . c a to e t ._______to - is - - — T h a T e e e m n iv U H g lits am endm ent J.P iC . baa l l i t e d a ttached to th e u rb an offalrs departm en t plan Is ariron Of th e delayed action variety . H o h a s said th a t.

a t an-approprln te tlm e,-he will Issue an executive - n ne order banning a ll rac ia l dlscrlminaUon in fed- y the e ra l housing p rt^ ra m s.

T h is prospect; p lus .the fac t th a t a n y such would be adm inistered by p r . W eaver,

adds u p to a double-barreled £ivU rig h ts b o a m i r m a - ihR l.only_U iajiiostJooU iu iiy -oL C lx le-lea laJalora f . O f —D em ocrat o r R epublican could Ignore. T hus, a te d e - strong OO P-SouU iem Dem ocrat coallU on-vote J t l g a - dep a rtm en assured.__________

bove-_ _ 'b BAKE o n L IT E B A C r T E ST S^K ennedy-s n i g h t faU ur'P irT a ltlc iia 'B O U thera-D em ocraU o resis­

tance to h is plan,, w hile seeking to lay a ll th e _ blam e Xor th e house ru les com m ittee blockade on

-the^ O P rm igh t-haT rsoo thetrtho -gen tlem errfnnn - e re s t - Dixie—had It n o t b e e n ^ o r a n o th e r firecracker ed o n se t o ff 'a b o u t th e samo tim e, l ik e d I 'l th e form of a K ennedy-backed bill

introduced Ui Uie senate by D em ocratic Leader M ike M anstleld , a tjUl to cu rb Uteracy te sta th a t keep some; N eg rou from voting In th e South and some Puerto R icans from voting in tho

f ftrn fr N orth . Moreover, M ansfield promised a floor

w i n g ^ 'm o r e a r e p u b l i c a n D O O IE -Jn iese f a s t develdp-p r e s - inents wlUi a c im rig h ts tinge caused sou thern1 ^yin senators to bo ld tb e lr / i r s t cai\cus In soveral■ ttn a m onths. And 16' Dem ocrotla senators from ' tho® J'**® South were Joined in th e ir stra tegy session by

h a r - O O P sen. Jo h n Tow er of Texas. T ow er Is Uier a t e d f irs t RepubUcan se n ato r to line u p w ith anU->(n-ARfl civil rig h ts Dixie senators since IfiSS, w hen

“ WlUiam B. B orah o f Idaho and O eorge W . N or-^ __ -rla Df_Nfbniiika In a f lllh iu ter np ilnu t nnIBO o f anU -lynchlng b ill .— ............ ......................................

c o n - J.PJC, persists In push ing Republicans In to aI coalition w ith souUicrn Dem ocrats, i t is Ju st pos- — slb te-O O P -lettdere-m lghftako’th e 'B d W c e-o fe en r

XOt Tow er and Ben. B arry O oldw atcr a n d give up thog in e d Negro vole in an a ll-o u t e ffo rt to w in m ore aup-•ft nn« port elsewhere.

Should th a t happen by 1B0<. Vice Presiden tc o n - Ly,ujon B. Johnson or any one else will have a

omic- lough tim e lining up e lectoral votes In Uie SouUi n d a (or Jo h n p . K ennedy.


[e n s o . T he.expression 'T ed or dead" has n fa ir meas* Bn o n ure o t rhym e but precious litlle reason.

f i r s t suggest th a t th e only a ltcm atlves open to in n f Americans are m ass death In nuclear w ar

or capitulation to Soviet dom ination b to con ­fess a belief th n t under coiidit ona of ponce one

n e r g y doesn't believe U iat we can w in tho Ideological esBOls economlo batUo wlUi tho com m unbt system, li i f in n • • • O*''®'' t*’® productive capnolly ,.the revolu- l u i i o n tlonary economy, a n d th e intellcctifal flexibility S t o r y of tho American system , It sooins (o us Uiot In

;a n b o Any compeUtlon w ith the Soviet Union, tim e, j r n in

c o m o ^ o u ld our atU tuda tow ard the commu-a p p i l - n lsts bo? F irst, le t's face up to th e fnct th a t 1C

we don*t-have to adm ire them w o-do h a v e- to j y I q p live w ith Uiem. Benslblo m en will m ake thla

l« k “ u r ! i r r f l tT e S tK o u r n ia l and la r r i o s spiritual, w ith confidence and inntiirlty. L et us I t h a n welcome compfltltlon w llh the conuiiunlst bloo m a n v “ sured H we're the be tter

B iu r t imifltake nbout It: I n nuclear w ar nelUier wo nor iv o lo p - [the nuu liiiis would w in . . .Civl I n - se t oC th e detem w e. a»\rt conctnVrale

oti living ra th e r th n n p lanning for death . W e nre «i>f in *ud powerful nnllon, ll in n k s to eti-

I ... ■'f'X'riied j>eople In our socicly we're still free, no n u - And In m ntters of revolution, we'ra allll< way s to r y ’s out nhead.—WlnciiRster (M asi,l s ta r ,

RKASONGD A rn iO A C II 'I’wonty.llve years hnvo made a d ram atic d lf-

ipnn ln ir t**® tacllcs and approncli of worriedle a p in g unemployoil seeking govfrnm etit action,8 h o s t l l i o dUfcreiKo was d ran m tlu d tUti Week when

5 s to r y Vnncouver anil D istrict Unemplpyed Councilsouiilil lu jiport front city council, \

» opcn*alr ra^llw and■f I fV R‘''«hM ,„m ilU antly denounclnK capital anil p rof- f;mijly lu, lUey prraented a wrll-rM rnrched brlot.

)CCUUBo' Mayor Alsbury anil alilcrm rn worn liniirMsnl Ig o f a « ■' ***“ ll'ftt wi-nt Into It.

No pa rt was mnnmarlly rejected, liutenil time h o m e , to aiuoy u timrouglily was asked, li ' was ren-

furtilly, loned, rrsearclied, docum pnlw l-nnil wiui nre- c h ro i l - . WllJi()iit dcmoiwUatlon. 'H ie delPKnllon

lUelf wna betler behaved In the cmmcll'fl iirw -

upo t In of the 11 m ajor rccomini'nitntliiiu hndH. A n d Ona sucli urge<l extension of uneni-I n t h o O'® ‘turallon o t uuch\-

e o n iro d -n ie ovcr-nll effect, honevrr, was one of in-

ro co lv o ^"®'**I>loyed Oouncil wiu.i commciiiltiUon

IG j p r iew Pron- H I ^ ■i f l - o n n n ■ r Jw depart- ■ V fm d hous- ■

posing a n t I 4el oper- ' ■ ( »! interests ■ l . | «

it In pro- . H i A - j - i (1 U doing B a j n T l V f * -j! ifli ''President /

IBS token B Q t t i h*:p of de- ff ■«Vjt-TiRl\t*------ ' ■ n ♦a contest ^ ^

er subjecta In legls- 'z j,3f 'th e op-------- ^by a ma-

t frequent / ■ V

ct, tacked / Iogram for / ■ I flent. T bey I M lneed pub- M:onference 7 ,______

w created ,

a highly \ • ^ro ever to , \ ^and con- % ' I

LS against % Iiblnet, ob- % * 1n t on the . Mig federal |[* T “ \

y grounds' •y|^[|jlf II • %Kennedy's \ .c planned [I r r n ’ M

of UAH. \J PO -l V m arily do lom theyo t , . a s - y e t , . ------^ '

th a t the P O T

aim ers M. C ' , . n , ■

Shots JETe a im of •

5t._______ i —J.PiC. b a s POPULAR GAMEn t plan Is D ear Pot Sliols:

Did you ever scp_grow n_m cn

a n y such Monday morning ono of the po-. W eaver, Hco c ars wouldn’t s la r t, so i t wasIts h aza rd being pushed by a n o th i policelealaJalora car.-A t-an-lnU :rsocO on,-tho-carsB, T hus, a lost traction nnd a th ird police c ar lUoa vote

:---------------help-push.^-----------------------------------.Kennedy-^ ^ Uicy slowly roundcd a cor-,Uo resls- ®sy a ll th e row .JLhoncsU y looked a s If they[Qck ad e on w ere pby lng “ train.'* ~ ~ —

firecracker (Twin FaUs) •

lackW bill PUPS FOR KIDS D E P T .A half-grown malo pup m usl

b e - g lv ^ » w n y .—T h o -m o th er 13 S 1„ »» l * l - M lto .-X o u can phon . d a f loor 423-5409 or slop a t 240 Center

street east, Kimberly,^ a fte r 6' • _ p. m . develop* • • •1 sou thern OUR BULLETIN 9 OARD In several Poem Lover, Haxeiten ~ You from ' th e ncgleclcd to specify w hether you

session by h n j written llio poem yourself. » ifh Pot Shots Is-in tere sted only In fiS8 w hen s“ it«We poetry w ritten by Pol :e W . N or- Shols readers. ^ ^

-------- ------------ KITTENS FOR KIDS D E P T .-:ans in to a Sir;s Ju st pos* Tw5 hnlf SLnmeso_klHc!is^Wlll lee o f -e e n r soft, sllkyV blnck fur need a home,

They’re lively nnd good mousors m ore aup- nnyplaco in. TwirPresiden t vicinity. Housebrokcn.

,111 have a Phene 4M-50MUie SouUi ^ (Jlansen)

- FAMOUS LAST LINE• n o " . . . U 'l nothing for him to b<i K O lo it In a feg i"o r GENTLEMAN IN THBfa ir meas* 1 FOURTH ROW ion.cs open to k

“ ■ TheDo(Ideological , _ ■ . . ,

Ib t system.By IIAItOLD THOMAS

I flexibility IIYMAN, M, Uiot In W ritten fo r N ew tpaper nlon, tim e, K nlerprlie A un . fa r o u t lu I f ft rec ita l of unpleasan t fnctj

xnuses you lo sUck your heac ho com m u- |n Ihe.sand , ostrlch-fnslilon, bet- tact U iat I t le r skip th is column. B u t If yoi do h a v e - to a ro ^ an •in to l llg e n ftee n -a g e r 01 m ake th b p a r e n t or ---------

laterlal ond agers, you mlulit W ': T 9 ^ H | Ity. L et us ( l e v n t e a fcw >;.'' . n u n b t bloo m inutes t(i Ihe

the b e tter following shock- ir m ake no lim Ktntlstics: ' i her we no r 'H iere nrn. In ' 7

t h e U n i t e d . / . i V j H f l l conw iV rate SU U s. a w to x l- ' Y ® ath . W e are l,aoo,oOQ 1nks to en* i -e s t l i r f r e e , W l'H * «'i varl* " - e allli- wav “*'• »tagc», nil Or. I U » *

lu ne ed-of trea tm ent._ ^ticU yenr, npproxlm ately 1,

000,000 frc!.h Konorrlienl Infcc tlons a re known to occur. Un

■amatlo d lf - {toiibteilly, ninny more aro nn of w orried rtported.

on. T he rnln of Infection Is risweek when li'H rapidly. iiu ialtlUle am i up

ed Council l>cr Incoino brnckets, "Anil tlil rising Inclilenco Is m ore nppar

ra^llM and h i teen*aKcrs anil, cspcclalljII and p rof- K>rU. IncUlontally, w hut la be I brief. loK reiHirted lu America Is als e liniirMSPil reiw rted In i-'nglnnd, con I'nt Into It. Kiiri)|ie, Asia and 1 wtend, time ^ 8 BU. ^

I WM lire- ovcry flv' delPKMIon infectious lyphllln (prlmcll'fl tire i- * " "o n d a ry Rlngca) ccCJUii. J e a d - VQim BCLOllll)

iB ycHrirTiriiKP.nm Koncml. th itiitiiuu iift'rt ’' ‘f 'c tlona occur a l mt n ir llr

nf And flnnlly, to-con1! nf I - ' ''Chnmber of horrorsn o t uuciw- ,o r Ihe moment. U irro wer

1. liifecti'd w ith botKi'iinrrhcn nnd syiihllls a t su

irogrnm for if l.ih n n n t nny o lh rr nge,, , V h a t mnkph Uii'sc revelation

mmciiiliiUon tlip more »li<ioklim is the fat liarged w ith t l iU wo have In .our ixMsejiio

simple and safe drugs t h i t ea

- «You, loo?’

s n^ GOLDMI ’O u. 8. News »nd W orld Report,

tho excellent news m agazine in lls Ja n . l» Issue, carried three

—I page8-of=aueflUonaT'and-answ«ra which I fin d pa rticu larly Inter* csllng. .

T b e general g rowrLm cn I " '- 1 ' 11 j n B H I f f M V And po- turo was, "W hy

Rich M en's Soos S K j S S ® * I of the po- In Politics be- t , 60 i t was

d police c a r p rof. Theodore ithcr two tp M. N e w c o m b ,-----------------chairman,— doc-idcd a cor- to ral program in

c a rs in a social psychology, U n ireraity of

- w st^WTJ — «-«*am plea-of'U il3-phenom eoon p n J i Kennedy, AvereU H arrl-

vin Falls) • m an. Nelson Rockttffjler, O . M en- nen WUUams, F ro n k lln D . Roose.

D E P T . velt a n d H erbert H . L ehm an. In pup m usl one o t b b answ ers on page 65,

-m o th e r is h e -8 a y * :-“I - t h ln k a ll-o f- th e n ; can phone t>&ve liked to read! Furtherm ore

240 Center tb w 'v e probably h a d leisure tt ly.‘ a fle r 6,y, iu ie r o H ing,aj„tally , we have som«

gockl .research evidence on th is n o & p n i l i I s evidence w hich I hap p en t< POARD ^ gathered Jusi

Hen ~ You a fte r the depression, a n d i t ha t whether you to do w ith 'W h a t's th e differwici m yourself, betw een people who tolerati led only In rad ical ideas a n d those w ho don' ;cn by P o t tolerate th em ? ' T h e biggest dif-

ference w as th a t th e people li ____________Uie l l i s l ro te g o ^ were readfcrs.'

" lng th a t a ll conservatives — 0

k IttW ^ W llh o " aS b ?ra ls !!2 ^ « ^ a “ /-^^^^^^^^^ iced a home, ers? Would h e apply th is de od mousors, scrlption to Dr. Russell K irk? O :o in. Twin lo R alph de, Toledano? O r ^ Qusebrokcn. lan ton E ^ans? O r to W illlan la 4 i3 .sau Buckley? W ould h e Indeed appl; tnnvMit th b description (o Edmcm(

Burke, John R andolph a n d Johr LINE Adams? O r. A braham Lincoln?

>r him to bfl ahou ld we go o. s te p fatthei and accept th e Im plication 1|

^ IN THB Professor Newcomb's artic le th a I ROW only the rad ical liberals a re wei

! DocI ot Says |ilOMAS bolh . prevent and cure Uies l.D. venereal infections,w spaper Kqw I am not com petent t< Mn. dU ciisi M\y b u t ttio mcdlcftl anleasant fac ts pecta o t th l i a larm lnit probleir

your head Nor can I en ter Into n dls fnslilon, be t- cusslon o t th e problum aa , B u t If you whole. D ut I would like to mnk een -ager o r tho 'Iollow m «‘s«Bge8tlbns” lo par

nnd eiipcclally to those respon ; slble for the hcnltli nnd wulfar. o t IB-yenr-old girls incl

dence of infection Is lilghesl .1 tho age of grodimtlon from big school:

V ^ H | H By m eans of ie c tu rn w ith lan ‘j S i K ' M t r r a elide dcmoiifitrikllona infori

bH h igh aehnnl stiulcnts of tli • , 1 risks ol nroinlacuoiis Intercours

. And include In th is course (InsUuctlon the fac ts about 1

Or. l^Kltlninte prcgnnncles whoso irn t. cidenco ra le s havo been rlslnxlinately 1,- in th e snmo iiroups nnd In th rlicnl Infpc- snmo proportions. >

occur, Un* • .« «.ore aro nn* W iirn these youngstera .tim -Hnn I . r u . ™"“’* ' ri'il-hot dope" thu

i "An i l Pm uronliylaxls und cmilraceiuion-) L r « m ,nnr «1V l»cm>hyUictlci k»«, d«ucl\en m \

w i u K bL .’ n '"* ' “’otlcHKed davlc. e rica is #bo " '''‘t of ‘roublenglnnd,- con- Emiilinslie lo them th n t th .sla and in t*'"y run fnr excei-d th

llre tlng plennurcs they mny oil liiln, I'a rilniiiirly em phnslito 't

f every flvo ‘I'" road to tho aliayphllln <|irl* ^ throuHh iiromlneiilty. In ’ nlagea) oc* I t 'I s riither the contrar; lUUfiuZuiiiA .^ A m L fltrrA i-U ie-fucU U rnt-U i Koncnil. the i l ’iks they riin 'a ru ii t - t h c 01

lilt n irlliT |ii-fiin of peiBoiin o 'l ia r l h a ally, to con* iheinselvi's, M tm bvrs of Hi of horrors" househnld, Tliiilr fiiiuro aimiiwi llirro wero T lie lr children. And, In tho cu!

i w ith both o t infectious syphilis, contnci hllla a t aud oUtor lim n INoao m nde durlr irr nge, ■' Intercourse, flir , If th e litfectloi c rovelatloni tore Is In ilie m outh .tho illsen.-

Is Ihe taut mny be ip rriu l liy kissing or t ir jxwscSiion J'»o of common ctitlng a n d drink Jgs th a t e an lng ulanilli,


^ i

sS" °~ I

BARRY.DWATERirld Report, educated—only tbe rad ical liber- lagazine in als are capable o f reading or rrled th ree hav e-an y incUnatlon to read— ad-answ era a n d - tb e r e f o p e - c o n a e r v a t lv e a lorly Inter* shquld bo classed w ith a so rt of

“luiow Dothlng" group?Professor Nenxbmb was kind

B E H n B j l enough to m ention m e in a c rit - leal way in h b articles. He h a s a r lg h t-to .h b -o p in io n .-1-sb all-n o t:

t f C g M (tuarrel w ith him . But on page 66 ho speaks of a survey conducted a t Bennington coUege a s being conclusWe evidence . o t . .a _gT_en

W f f S W M siiU t^to the left. T hese are h b exact words; "T hese alum nao ot a tiuarter century ago, according

LDWATEB tonot-qulte-com plete’d a ta r(d e a r me, 1 thought i t was only the un*

liveraity o f reasoning, un lettered, illiterate conservatives who assumed ti

L_trot4_flut eoneluslon-not-ln-evldtence) voted h e n o m e ^ lasT foU a t least tw o-to-one lo r reil H a rn - Kennedy, a taiost a s large a m a- er. O . M en- jo rity as th a t by w hich they la - n D . Roose- Tored Roosevelt 25 years ago."

M 'lit fto fesso r -Newcomb's "n o t- tlu ite;com p\tte . data_la_ncciaate.

l U h i J f n r ? 1‘ «e«n» to m e h e h a s draw n a r ^ . . ^ »n perverse conclusion. II, fewer of tbe Bennington alumnaeS t« la y hre supporting th e felfarc ice t o t t o concept th a n supported It I h an n en to “ y*“” “ 8°- ^ ™y P™ ctb t h e ^ J u ^ non*lntellectual m ind, sug- o ^ t h ^ th a t there hos been a dl*

le d ifference m lnutlon of support fo r the rad l. 10 t S t e <=“» P“ w ho don 't And a ll t h b is quite ecnfus- biggest d if- lng. Perhaps It w oun nave 'iccr e people In be tter fo r us. Professor New-rre readkrs.“ ^ r x n i-rju.. ■ ■■ _________•mb suggest- h ~ _ r r" —

E S — Poor-Maly th is de - o ' __ _____________ ____ . . .511 K irk? O r ---------»no? O r to BY UAL BOYLEto W illiam NEW YORK, Feb. 1 lO -H a v ndeed apply ing finished th e book someom0 Edmdtid gave m e for Christm as, I bnvi h a n d Jo h n been w atching television lately; n L incoln? Television has ono big ndvnn

Inge over read- itep fa r th e r .ing. I t doesn't p lication In Ipnve. your lips .a rtic le th a t tired. J u s t your

-ab a re weU mind. iV!’

n T h e govern-

conducting n n Inquiry into the maglo world of

_ v i d e o , a n d s o

cure tliese don 't knowhow alarm ed tho lu i n«rti

Jm netpnt to Rovernmenl is, bu t aome of thm?dlcftl a s - t r e n d s ! iinve noted In T ’

liiif urolilem ^ disturbing, nssuming thoInto a d ls- people aee depleted 6n »heijblum aa a acreena atfccts th^lr owIlk. to m„k» ______ ____ , _tlbns^lo par* drmklftg, for example. C.taan-aDorS(-ilozcn years ngo. 1(-a. m an-.loolose respon- a <|rlnk on television, It^.wasnnd w elfare clvlllred drink. Iln p u t some inc l- cubes In the gliiss, poured In

s h ighest .tt mens'ured shot of rye, boiirbon cn from tiign sootch,.nnd m ixrd 11 w ith a ner

Bible nmoiint of b ranch w ater c•pi w ith lan-tlona Inform •lents of tho npparently t h a t rllui1 intercourse, wasted loo much film Um Is course of About hnll n dow n years itg tn about 11- they atnrtrd rotlllng for a doub cs whoKU in - sho t of whLiky on Iho rocks.been rising Todny they don’t bnlhcr wllnnd In tho a ji«gcr « r ire a t a ll. T lio her

' a fte r w ratlirrlng nn ordeal, s in' ' ply picks II|1 a bottle nndigstera . th a t couple of glimsea nlid pour^ h lnt dope" Utuy self and the heroine a bracd iout venereal slugs tha t would fell a thlra ty oIrnceiU lon-u And Ihry ttwn off th is iBthnl flO/canno t rely of slrnlKln iKJoie as if l l weidouches uiitl soda pop,Hged dnylces T lie outcry against vlolciico cof trouble,” TV hssllu id some weird result

m th n t tho too, Vlii|i 'nce-used In consist iexceed tho barking ruiu or tho endless thu

ley mny ob- of roundtiouse .f is t awlngs lammphnslKo 't o lng ngnlnsl stom aclts o r tho a ltn r Noi mi m iich v in y more. Itnlsciilty. I n - b tho linck of th e neck, and tlho con tra ry , snlitlor now. T he favorite Inrgiut—U iat—tlitf JaV 0rllc_w cfl(un-ls-lha-baok-4III - the ox- ■I"' I’uiid. t:verybo.’ly is n JuJlts

)<har t h a n Jxdii or knnito exiiurt,rs of thu A IlKlitnlnK clip to th o base i iuro aimu«ii». Um skull nud—prestti—tUe vli I In th e c»»u llm 'Is ou t for severnl hours, ai lls, contncts wnkes up ruefully rubbing a so nndtt during heck,he Infectious • • •I ,tlio illsense The n th e i ; , mnrnlntf 1 w cissing or by hendUig over, brealliiitg h a rd g a n d drink* 1 tiled to tio a shoelace, w hen

\ felt a blow on Ute back of tl


^fWASHir■ WASHINOTON, Peb. 1 —' I n s

the past five or six years th e aO iated S tates haa poured Into 1

. ib» small rnuntry fli l i l f t i a t leaaL i aw mUUoa doUars in one form of^ or 'u ip ther. Missions o f ^

a prim itive peo-________ ________'~ ia e resistan t to U«tq»li i

a n y c lv U lz ed reg li^ I Y et, for .all t h b effort w ith a

populaUon-of perhaps tw o.m U - - lion.-Loos Is-today-stm .a .po in t.o f..

critical danger. I t could in the |_ very n o a r^ u tiu e p o « ft '

and W es* And here a t home the i_____ political opposition seems ohly ;

• too eager to raise th e cry, a lready i ^ sounded by Republican N ational

Chairm an W illiam E. MUler, of -W ho loused up Laos?" _

O n tak ing olflce a year ago,__________ th e K e n n e _ ^ admln ls t^ t lo n

found tlia l L aoTTiad 'beconic a client- sta te , dependent fo r Its very existence on several million dollars a week m ade available to the cUque of p rinces heading tbe government in th e cap ita l of V ientiane. As able A m erican cor- respondentsi such a s Keyes Beech

■ of th e Chicago DaUy News, have shown, corruption and black m arketing bo th in ThaUand. from whence th e flow o f aid

T p comes, and in Laos itself dissi- W pated no t a little o f th b help .

Initia lly serious though t was----------------given to direc t A m erican m ilitary

intervention. B u t^ ioos b a ctrni- pletely landlocked country with no roads and v irtually no a ir

[ j strips for conducting m odem[ X m ilitary operations. I f K orea,

•• w ith ita .p o r ts and its proximity, uKar to Jap an , w as aU b u t lost with

S S iin ff M massive- American- intervention I t o ^ d - l^o»-w quldbe_a_ .tougherp iacejo

h a so rt of P resident decided to tip-vin.» h o ld , a neu tra l Laos. H e sen t

' ^ Averell H a r r irn ^ ou t to_conduct I Ho h n s a negoUatlons and subsequently

appointed h im ^ E a n t se c reu ry M Of ita te -fd r P a r-E asle frT S ffa lrsr

\ c o ^ u c te d H arrim on’s background and ■e M being iierspectlve a re sign ifican t As o l a m e a t ended In IMS h e wasi V w e ’f ib th T f lr s t to w arn of BtaU ny inU F alum nao o t ta n t inten tion to ccmmunlze tbe0, according wo;ld. T bls was n o t a popular ■ da tar(dear v le w w h e n r '8s~ a “ r e s u l t '0f the >nly the un* wartim e alliance, a g rea t many1, illite ra te people w anted to believe in peace assumed d and harmony.Itence) voted Negotiating w ith th e commu- )-to-ono for n ls ts a t G eneva la st year. H ar- laree a m a - r im an become convinced th a t Ich they f a - Moscow was abo prepared to set- lars ago." t ie . for a neu tra l .L aos. I f the :om b 's"n o t- fighting, w ere ' r e s u r a e d r ^ e d la_ncciaa te , C h ina wtm\4.BlmosV_cetWnly In-

las draw n a tervene in force across an unde- nclusion. I f fended border and th e danger of ton alum nae a full-scale war would be grave ; th e felfarc Indeed. I t b he re th a t tbosupported It — ’" T T t ------- -----------------— —I m y p rac tl; comb. If your words h a d gone

mind, sug- unnoticed. But please don 't be ; been a d - too upset. One of your fellow for the radl* academicians called them to my

a ttention . He offered - to rend u ite confus* them to mc, bu t honest InJun, T nave 'iccn I read It aU by myself, fessor New* How do you stand , sir?'-

r Man’s Elato— jYLE neck. I looked u p ' to see my 8-. 1 to —H av- year-old daughter, Trijcy Ann )ok someone atandlng before mo w ith hei mas, I have hand stiffly outstretched and i :slon lately.' puzzled expression on h er face. 1 big ndvan* "W hnt did I do wrong. Dad-

dy? '’ she asked w l n s o m e l y "W hen they do th a l on telovl

\ slon, somebody fnlls down on thi finor." '

^ c l l , I ask you. Is TV moklni unsafe In h b home?

- Ooing' to work now you aei moro and moro men getting ui nnd giving (heir bus sent lo llltl< o ld Indies, Not out of polltcncs.i bu t fcnr. Anger n TV-watchini llttlo old Indy'’ todny, nnd llko a

H.I - " “ t "lie’IJ clnmp a Judo hold oiaome of the J"®” '" P you llio length o noted In TV tl»o biia.

ssuming th n t ^r—r - --------- -------— ,lclcd 6n the ir ) ..... "

Oswald-ja(a . man-Aook -------- - -

nil. It, .was n *...... — —*—x - l:- .p u t aomo Ice OWN MICKpoured In a Soulli hnd a sub-m hilm un

e, boiirbon or ono-simde to his part I w ith a sen* ne r's opening club bid. North hai nch w ater or a aiib-mlnlm uni-for hln Jump t

four gpmies, flo, when Houtl • looked nt llio dummy lie saw litt h a t r itu a l Uo chnnce fnr h b conirnct be

film lim e, n yenrs i(go, r— — — — —: for a doubleho rocks. N O U tii (0 ) I

bother w ith '111. T lio hero,, ordeal, aim-o ttle nnd a * A K Q jd pour^ h im - ' KA8?e a bracd of i i i ! ! ® A Q Ol a th i r a t y o x . VQOHS,15 lethn l <10*0 " ♦ 3 - ..........- ♦ 7 a/ -IB if l l were ♦ 1 0 7 3

fiOVTH 'It vloloiicfl dn * J l(t g 7 aweird results. V A loIn consist of « u n 3endless thudswings land - No ona vulnerableIS o r Jawa. N orth, K ail HouUi West ,y more. I f s , * p ‘ , leck, a n d tliB 4 J - I j "ivorlle InrKOt . ..U ie -b a c k - o t , — O P«nlnK .|cail-» a . ,.f Is a JuJltsu, t - ----------------------------------- - ,-t, ll was nliiiiMi i, cni'luln0 th e base qf y Umt i;nst wii« m a rk e d w it stti—th e vie* Iho qiieeu of ^n.MU•s by W est nl hours, and oiwnInK lead, libbing a aoro I n aucIi clrcuiiiMiinoofl thei

a re two nlternntlvcs, You cn plny for n smnll o r you cn

,rnln|f I was llRiire out a dblrlliiitlon o t tl .liiitg h a rd as ailviii'sa cnrds tiuii will give y( elace, w hen I a clmiico for your conlraot,

back of the Bouth took Ilia second a lle

CHILDS WRITES on'H IN G T O ND. 1 - I n s tra ined relaUons between ChiT

years th e a n d th e Soviet Union « a n tS ouxed Into llgu te m ore significantly

m e form of U nder th e agretm en't he ntsro. i is o f va rl- U ated w ltb b b opposlU

a t .a e n e v ^ so v ie t Delegate c e «Bl Pushkin, a neuU alb t goT.,n m e n trw a s- to -b e -fo rm e a -^ v i^ a n c w ith Prince Souvanna phou m a as th e p rincipal ncuusi. Sou! v anna h a d been pushed out dI tb e governm ent in the {aii n*

■ ■ C w j S lOEK). largely through the mi ^ K f W ; ch lnatlons of th e CIA, and elfcc’

tlve pow er p u c -ln - th e 'h a ad s o i ' ■'I Phoian l Ncksavan, ' a mllitarv

"strong m an." T b e front for th,

rq»t.' CKllj;— 0 ^ " w h o ‘u h . . ^.. governm ent. ]

fo rt w ith a • , ‘ •IS two .mU- Boun O um—in reality NossTanll.a .p o ln t.o f..—lS -now v«-up-to__)uld in the th e term s of th e Geneva sutef.^ ft m ajor m en t a n d s h a r e the tween” t a s t F igh ting h as begun again. »i. xt hom e the though i t s scope, as InvarUhlj - seems ohly in the p a s t w hen alarmist re- cry, a lready ports h av e com e out oC vitm - au N ational lane, u in doubt. There has b«en ;. MUler, of l a the p a s t U ttle evidence of thj s?" _ w illingness'. o f the American* a year ago, equipped forccs to fight the com- m lnlstratlon inunb t-equ lpped and led Pathtta -ljecomc“ a' E&O-BUemUU.------------------------•.*—ent for Its W hat H anU n’a n h as been dls. reral million covering in h is new office, u avaUable to h e b fra n k to say, b not, that heading Uie th e U nited S tates bas created-

cap lta l of sateUlte in so u th e as t Asia but se rlcan cor- th a t t b b country tends itself to Keyes Beech be a satelUte.News, have T he cUent s ta tes, such as Uca - and black a n d T h ailan d th a t are receivlnt

1 TbaUand. massive .Infusions of Amerlcso now of ' aid aid, seem more and more to cod< itself dissi- sider th a t they are doing tht

th b help .- government in W ashington a fa- bough t was vor by accepting th is aid. The; lean m ilitary clam or fo r d irec t m ilitary action^ OS b a com- bu t w hat- they themselves offcrV loiintry w lth in aupport of such action Is lolly no a ir negligible, lng m odem T b b is tb e sltuaU on Harrlmiin

I f K orea, confronts. H e 'h a s never utn .ts proximity, any reason tO -C hange-hb vies- iut lost w ith of Uie hard-boiled n a tu re of Uii in tervention Soviet's u ltim ate goal. But haJ

jh e r place J o b ^ e v u t h b govem m m t has got ®' ^ I f ^ t o im ' i i h t ^ b l e " DMl.

elded to up - m eans If b e c a n to remedy It.OS. He sen t A UtUe p a s t bb to ry b la. it_to_conduct strucU ve^W hen the Ebenhoir{f_ subsequently adm inistra tion came to power la '' a n t secretary 1S53 a loud dem and went up to tern affairs, release tHe secret doc{Enenls~oa ground and o h ln a u n d e r tb e belief of tianj- [nJflcant As Republicans th a t they would prari 1945 he_w as th e ch arg e t h a t th e Democt><s. ? [ W s mUi* ih rough incompetence and worst, tnm unlie Uie h ad "lo st C hlha." B u t John Poj*Dt a popular te r Dulles, a f te r one quick loi^ •esult'O f the vetoed’t h b m overThe'docum ent!'. g reat m any showed a ll too clearly the blun- Ueve In peace ders a n d weaknesses of thi

Chiang K ai-sh ek regime. T h i the_commu-; .wac=Umo.recpr.d>.flrc-gtllLin-lht-

8t year. H ar- secret fUe. • - ^nvinced th a t H arrlm an b saying today thit epared to s e t - ' i t . b esaenUal to-consider thi' Laos. I f Uie realities in SouUieast Asia. AwJ auraBdr~R ed to try to save w hat can still bi ;.c«Tt4)nly In - saved o u t ot tiie m us-ln-Laos.—ross an unde- ... ........... —— ■■■.■"w ■ '.j ith e danger of N

r « | ..QUOTES•ds h a d gone | ' f . r o m t h e!ase don 't be H ________ i: your fellow I • I V F W S f1 them to my L J U t T T O;red - to rend {L.m, -rnnr .-.■■ lhonest InJun, .'iT iirim iri«elf. By U nlU d Press Intem aU oaii ^Id. sir?'- PUNTA D E L ESTE, Unigus.iJI

sa n tia g o -D a n tas , discussing p?a- j. gress m ade a t th e foreign mla*

___ J Ister’s conference: _____'' V ------------3 “ ‘‘’T w en ty“ fre e nations agrtM"

....... ......1 on principles a n d on action, ex-1. ^ 1.^, -i . ii /.^ 55p t lo r one paragraph, ind to see my 8- Proved th e OAS U functloalci

, Trijcy Ann, “ * dem ocratic InsUtution."

^ tc h S ^ 'in d 'S L O N D O N -T he London Dsltf' on h e r faco M irror, com m enting on 'AnUionf wrong. Dad- A rm strong-Jones’ re tu rn to Uii

w l n s o m e l y m nks o f the regularly employtd: i a t o n ' telovl- “W*'® c an argue th a t In s down on the • • • Is somehow offensive for

Ute husband of a royal prlnceiiI n T V m rtln gh b home? D E rrn o iT —O unth tjr Wallen- now you aee da, describing the crowd's n*

len getting up action to a "show m ust go on* IS sent lo UUlo perform ance by two members oh . of polltenes.1, tho tragedy-strlckcn troupe: V

TV-wntching " It wns almosif as If they t** ly, nnd llko as peeled som eth ing to liapp«n

Judo hold on again, 'n iey reacted and aprk llio length of plauded spontaneously when

were fln b h ed ."•:.-rre"-r.r i !' iwhi

Id Jacobyy^BridgeI’CK nnUiJe and w ent a fte r tha hind,sub • minimum l i b f irs t play was the king d q to Ills pnrt- spndes from dummy. He mll><l bid. North had pluck a singleton queen, but b\ ir hlfl Jump lo did n o t hope fo r th a t much go«

wlH'ii Houtli luck. All he really wanted »« my lie snw lit- to* find queen and one In «>'» conirnct ba- Enst h and , ^ ,,

W hen Ihe king of spades nen - . ' - I h e prom ptly played dummy's K» ru / n \ t ftnd te n of diamonds.'! '< "> ' E » ,l won l h . » l» l .n d W *

iienrt,S'* a o u th took the trick, n if ltl l: q t h b laa t diamond in d u m m y ,r^

^ J ART dum m y's four top cluba and dl»« cu rd c d .h ls te n o( itearU. ,

5 Q M S 'IW n o t m fttter w h ic h j ;- ♦ K 7 B4' poncnt ruffed.

ill to 7 a d iam ond and would only l»*•11 , two o th e r tclcka, .. ; , , Luok». bu t Boom 1»« m»d,

ow naoodluclc .

; M n n BBNSE

s r v . .1 4> I’a si a *

iiManoofl there a f r n T lO Kivfs, You can - . * ^ 11lois o r you can lm .load o f.b ldd ln lrllillllon 0U I 10 your -I will give you spades. W h»t do you » »“cnntrnot. . . -

I second a lle r - A n a w a rN « » « » " .

Page 5: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS



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Page 6: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

t *)r} yrytny, Fcb. 1. T962 g .Twln Foils Tlmes-News

Artists Offer— TlirillsAftp Deaths o£~2

DffTROtT, Feb. 1 ' «V -T he lr facet STlD , H erm an a n d G un the r

■ w a l l e n d a W edneaday nJght L -w alked the h igh w ire from

which tv o membera or th e g rea t Wftllcnda troupe h a d fallen .to death onl? 34 hours earlie r. -

I There w ain’t a soun d in t heI------- huBB Bmt« ruir tnHig n m r a n t i S' 6{|«jeBr>o1d H erm an '& nd hU aoni

: ' the chow bu sln e u irad l tlo n th a tJ tho show m ust go on.

* With a - substitu te aeriaU itL ifiown In to. f ill th e g a p le t t b ;

■ftfifmii und.iaiunriaUM tTro.WjH-. B l e n d n s perform ed fea ta of daring

m M for five jn ln u tes above th « con*■ l»_cfet«_ Iloo r._____________________’ f: AS on th s p revious n ig h t, there

vjin no ne t betw een th e W allen- dn.i and th e c oncrete . H erm an and G un the r wero th a on ly e n « of th e seven W allendas on th e wl^e th e n lg b t before w ho were n o t killed or In jured .

Qenc M endes h a d flown In from Stocltholm , Sw eden, to be

____ th B -lh ird jn aa ,_________ ■

stopped jis th e tw o W allendas nnd M cndcs climbed th e poles to th e slender w ire 35 fee t up to do th e lr-8 h rln e c ircus act.

G un the r rode a blcyclc acroM th e wlro and th e n team ed with

I Mendez, a fo rm er m em ber of llio _ troupe, to . carry H erm an, etand-

' ln g on a cross b a r betw een them. I n Uielr (Inalc, H erm an stood on h is head on tho bar.

T he th ree m en w alked th e wire ' td a p la tfo rm a t ono end. As

Boon as they stepped onto the pla tfo rm , endlni? th o act, th e

1 crowd Of, approxim ately ■ 5,000 I bu rst In to thunderous shoutlns.

whIitUng, hand-c lnpplng ap ­plause.

I Rites Honor ^ E .L T G iI b ^ tI • WENDELL. Feb. 1 — Funeral n aervlces for Elm er LeRoy Gilbert M wero conducted a t 1 p jn . MondayII a t the W endell LDS church withIf — DI4hop-MelvlnT.-A^l^cd■of^lcIat-

■ In?.The prayer a t th o m ortuary

___ was_pffer_ed b y ^ rta n c ls E . Hulet.I R ay Petersen gave th e Irivoca~ I ___^ tlo n an d Blahop A llred read the

I Speakers were O eorge R. L an­caster and B ishop E m erson Pug-

j----- m lr e . -T h e -o r g a n - p r e lu d e - a n dM - . poetludo were played by M rs. L

N . Bylngton w ho a lso accom- - . 'p an ted M rs. W ayne Fagg , soloist;

U r . a n d M rs. C hancy W illard a n d th e .ward choir, direc ted by

., M rs. R . o . Petersen.; , . M embers o t th e R elief society,I . . M rs. F a ^ e n C handler, M rs. Mel­

vin AUred. M rs. Iv an H unsaker i:i a n d M rs. C hancy V fllUrd. ar-

. ranged, the flower*. ......................r:- H onorary pallbearers wero Ray

f ; - PrIce.“ W aUer W ilcox, HowardII • Powell, Ruasell K ing, p . j . P e ter- 11 een. Clyde Petersen, f ila lr Sm ith,

Arnold Runyon, H arley Runyon , a n d Bill Bunn. .

Active pallbearers wero A rthur Byce, LeRoy Sohrenk, Roscoe H arley, Q orlon Freem an, Earl Ifielson and Jam es E aton,

J.-E . Barrus gave th e benedic­tion. L ast r ite s were held In the

■ Warren’s Son Leaves GpP,

j Joins Demos' W ORAM ENTO. Calif., Feb. I i f l ^ E a r l W arren , Jr.. son of the 1 ch ief Justice of th e U nited StAtes,: sw itched h is p a rty a trillatlon

yesterday from R epublican to■ Democrat.

T ho 33-year*old Sacram ento a tto rney said ho believed the R epublican p a rty w as drifting Away, r a th e r th a n tow ard, his

. ... jfather's b rand ol Repubtlcanfsm. H is fa th e r waa R epublican gov­ernor of California.

”1 regard myaelf a s a moderate w ith atrong convictions," th e son

I to ld newim en, *'and find th a t the.D em ocrntlo p a rty beat meets

I th e teat o f thoae convictions."' V/nn-en sa id h e haa no political

I' am bitions "now," b u t plnns to become active In th o pa rty and work for tho ree lectlon of Demo-

^ c^atlo Qov. Edm und O . JJrown. He declined to p red ic t the out-

como o t th e a iibem atbrln l race 11 — th ft-genera l-eleoU on-candidate]

bccome D em ocrat Brow n a n d Re­publican R icha rd M . Nixon.

, Argentine'Prt Piisli Fi’om!

BU EN O a A IRBS, A ifen tln i Feb. I Wl — Presiden t Artun

....... FTondUl was repb rted under p r usure from th e coun try 's m lllta r ch iefs today to b rea k dlplomall re la tlo n i w ith C uba and fire hi

I.' fo re ign m in iste r becauae of th A rgentina s ta n d a t th e P u n ta di X ste conference. .

______ .InfQ tm s^-M urccoLflald leadcio f th e thrdo arm ed forces serve a v irtua l u ltltna tum on ^ i : fUit In an g er a t Uie govcmment

. re fu sa l lo vote a t the Intei 1 . . .A m erican foreign mliiUt«r coi; h ference for thb im m rdlsie expu

alon o t F idel Ciutirn'a comim n U t regim e from thit Orgnnlie

' • tlo n c t A m erican 8(ntra,I t ie ro waa no liullcatlon, ho?

e m , w h a t U»e m ilitary would ( ' ' U m n d l i l refu ied lls deman

... Bow ing to the n illiiar?—a poi ' , e rfu l force In A rgentine m lU i

, . '— would,V.emount to repudlatld •« c l ih > ’ «overn m en fs refusal i

. .-go^iw gr?« t»rih ff-T ;n iriiirB T A ii I ‘.M t f - l l . , : o t b e r U tln .A m erle#

- . 'C 4 a i« rtl l.,» tire lg n M inister M .- ^ .J iw .« ^ fA n it l .C a rc a n o a t the eot •, .. i ; - i « t « o # tid e d w ltli Brasil. Chll

«»d UollrU I in the expu

Tough?0ATSK1LL, N; V.. Feb. l lfl '

0 1 * ^ ----------- T h i s H u«son valley Tillagehas a. p ro b lm m any la rge r.

- ........... communities wish they had :A perennial surp lus In th e ittuMxy.

~t O ' ■ r* ^ t ito -a u d lfr -fo r-th e -!te a r8 — ) I ^ iSSS-Ql A o te d :.rin each year,

general fiind revenues were T h eir in excess of expenditures, re-

G u n th e r suiting In ope ra ting su r-»y night pluses." , - ^ 're from T he cause, th e a u d it report th e g rea t continued, was “underestl- fallen . to maUng revenues and overes-[d to ^tlie ~ ^m ating appropriaUons."

pS’iw B. Southern ‘S i AtAge o i»5ight the re H&YBURIT, Feb. ’l ^ Benjam lff a W a K Southern; 85. Heyburn. died a t . H erm an the Burley N u r s i n g home only ones Wednesday afternoon afU j; an

w ho were Mr. Southern was b o m Nov. .4, 1676. a t Leeds, E ngland. H o came

now n In to tho United S ta te s In la s s w ith len, to be his family and se ttled a t Salt________Luke City. He m arried M a tllto

eftlbeum B rvsV ^^prll 30, ISW. a r p l n t a R W allendas Utah. T hey moved to fioutn ie poles to Weber, U tah , a n d In IBlB ie t- t up to do tied In th e H eybum .area .

He was a mem ber of th e LDS /clc acroM church, ve teran of th e S panlsh- imed with American was. m em ber of the iber of tho united Spanish W ar V eterans, mn. aland* o c n e ra lx a w to n cam p.N o. 8. and ireen them , wm a p aat com m ander o f this n stood on organization. .'..1 . 1, 1 - Surviving are h is w idow; four •d th e wire R obert S ou thern . Lose end. ^ C n jK . j j„ r ry so u th e rn

nnd Jtunes S o u them .-bo th Hey- ’ burn, and Thom as Southern ,

tely 5,000 O lfford;- two daugh lers , Mrs. ^ shouting, Johnson. Burley, a n d Mrs. ping ap- Wodakow. H eyburn ; a

brother. 4 ^ 7 Sou thern . Salt — : Loke Cltv; l e i s t e r s . M rs. Mar>

Ellen A sK tq n ^ a n o e t t. and Mrs. V I Hilda <Burgoyne. S a n Franci.ico;

35 grandchildren a n d l i great- Rrftndchlldren.—A -a o n -p re ce d cd

L U t ? i I him In death ._ p>iinrrfti Funcrftl scrvlces ^1 1 b e con- ftv n i ih i r i ducted a t 3 p .m . S a tu rd ay In the

Heyburn LDS second w ard chap- el -by Blahop R a lph McCombs. Concluding-iU es-w lU .be h e ld .a t

d officia l- Riverside cemetery. F rien d s may call a t the Payno m ortua ry , Buct

m ortuary prlday nfternoon n n d eve- ‘-5 ; "A L 'i: n lhg .and_8aturday u n til t ime ot le Invoca- i|i>ruir«>1 read the , ^

Idaho Salons^ TiisK^EbweF

10 accom-

? Teton Battlellrected by '

W ASHINOTON. Feb. I (UPD -lef society. Jo in t efforts to push legislationM rs. Mel- to -authorlio' construction of theH unsaker Lower T oton division p ro jec t will

llU rd . a r- be made by Idaho’s two senators, Sen, P rank Church, D .. Idaho

I wero Ray and Sen. H enry D w orshak, R..Howard W flio .-sald yesterday they will

* J P e te r, co-sponsor legislation to author*lair’sm lth l»e th e project. _ • ;r v R ^ o n The m ajor fea ture of th e pro •ly Runyon „ t ’s construction will be Prem oni

» . A ril.™ "^ Newdaie.A burcBU Of reclam ation- re-

connalsance repo rtion th e project « du9 In tho n e a r fu tu re , the

♦!?«■ w nators ia ld . ■---------------—. . . S Church sa id h o haa been as-

5op_Alired. a i„4 d -b > ^ e-re b la m atlo iv -o tflc« a fB olse th a t th e re p o r t includes

F T much o t th e d a ta usually enconi- S m i P“ ae<* In a feasibility repo rt. • C 7 U U .-On th is basis," h e aald , “wi

may bo able to pe rsuade th e de- r l I r * ■ partm ent of In terio r to forego th i

9 full feasibility repo rt in o rder U hasten congreaalonal considera- tion of th e bill."

Frem ont dam w ould creal« llf Peb J ft m ulti-purpose p ro jec t on lh« son of t h i T eton river for irrigation , power itM H tatM flood control and recreaU on. a flllla t or! The projec t would provldo s u ^

ab l e i i to plem ental In lg a tlo n w ater U umican to Frem ontJaeram enlo Madison Irrigation dU trlc t, an< SSd the >rrl«ato 30,000 acres of new lw ( IS d r id in s *outh Of th e T cton rlveri- Thi owsS h i! ^“ Ofvolr would have a l« u t 300. ubflcatifM of capacity .S c a n gS7: A 33.000 kilow att pow er plan HLnu «ov provide pum ping . powe

a m oderate th e F rem on t pool.

£ ? S Address Meetlotions." ALMO* Feb .' 1 — . AHon Ny< no political Malta, a n d H eber Zollinger, Sub t plnns to lelt, apoke a t th e LD S aacrnm er

porty and aervlces In th e Almo w ard chape ( lo t Demo- Mrs. ZonlUi T nylor wj»s bus 1. Brown, talned teacher In tho Sunda let the out- ichool a n d Jan ice M ario Egbei srlnl race if and B arah T olm an' T ay lor wei -cand idates accepted as niembera of th e wan wn nnd R e- Prayers were given by z e n lt Klxon. Taylor and E lbert D urfee.

e'President Faces rom Military Clilefs

Ai^enU na, Castro 's Cuba has b e ta a head en t A rturo ache beforo for F rnndlil, coukI under pres* bftw ctn alrqng lotilAt fnctloi

ry's military and U)e tradinoiw lly coitaervi f. dlplomallf! tlvo military, and fire his r ro n d ltl, N , bbwed to Uie mil auae of Uio tnry la st A ug tu l'and fired a 'p r lie P u n ta del vlous foreign m in u te r . Adol

Miiglca, who WM blam ed for be sa id leadera U ng-up .a .m uch -c ritlcU td -n i« t forces served lng b e iw rtlfT llln Hira~Ctibi It on pron- communist economic c in r Ernes government's Guevara,

.t»\e in ter- While offlclaU w ere allent,J: ilnUt«r con* fo n n an t* and (he influeitll raiftte expul' newspaper La Naclon hidlcat. ro'a commu- llie crUU may force FromlU lit Crgnnlia^ hrmd In a wholesale govennne Btea, shakeun.Icatlon, how. i .sry would do - - ■ lls demand,

ilsr7*-A Pow> iitlne pMlUos

repudlAUon I •t refusal to M U A 'A .^ L » iH I M IM I 7nirr(rBiftlMtln-Ainerlcsn M a f B W l f f B W H l a f n i M Minister Ml- H W | M | | M j | | | f M | | | a< a t the eon-Brasil, Chile, R i J i i V S V I i i V i V VMl UollvU tn m1 the expul- y g l W w y M j M y

k . ■

H ig erE n ters— B id fo r N od

.... ’A sG overiaofIn th e .

EMMETT, Feb. i W - Btate ie-!tears— R e p ^ l a r s ty a H . HIgrr. m inority, ch year, floor leader In th e hou.ic ot rep- a were rcsentatlve.? a t th e 1861 legUIatlvc ires, re - session, announced Wednesday g s u r- hi. U a DemocraUc candidate for

gorem or of Idaho, t repo rt ^ the iS th candidate toderesU- announce form ally for the rov- overes- em orship; E igh t are In the n in -

.. n lng on the Dem ocratic side and^ -----------O ov^R obert-e-S m yllerV Tm T rft'

d a te ‘ for reelectlon to a third term , and th ree o the ra are aeek-

. . p riv a te-life and w^hlle'holding public office.'' HIger said In a

C t J l a tatem ent. '.'I have beeo..,dedl- ^ cated_to.goQd_gQvernment-at-_a_ll_

T T P T .levels.'A O O "As a m em ber of the Idaho

leg lsU tu re.-I have, hnd an op- . portunlty Vor close up observa-». QiM Bl operations of lhei g home governm ent. I t U my view

“ tej; M th a t there is m uch room lor lm- . provement. bo th adm lnU tratlvely

Tn Nov. .4, and financially.. H e came - in brief. It U my studied opln- 1888 w ith Ion. th a t the full needs of gov-

2 ? i em m ent can be m et w ithout pu t- Ung..n rf>nnLant .tfluhh on^.tax- p a y ffi for m nrr find mr>ri» mnnc7.

^ -As th e cam paign unfolds. It1B18 aet- v j)] ^ ly Intention to discuas

Tea. isues—and a ll of them —and to f th e LDS Introduce proposals which I be-I Spanish* lleve will achieve be tter govern- e r of th e m ent."

Veteran*. H lgcr h as served th ree term s N O .A .and as s ta te repi-'esentaUve f/om Gem er o f thla county and e arlie r h e w m coun­

ty a ttorney fo r six years, idow* four A native of K ansas, he has lern Los H»ed In Idaho for alm ost a quar-

Southern te r of n century. H e la, a lawyer, b o th Hey- U > member of the board o t dl- So u th em . rectors o t th e Idaho TuberculosU

lers, Mrs. a«ocIatloD a n d Is p resident-elec t , a n d Mrs. o f th e Idaho Public H ea lth aa- lyburn; a soclatlon. icrn. S alt • - ^

Minor Accidents r s ; Reported in T.F.-P receded - T w i n FallS 'pollce-lnvesU gated: _________four m inor aec ldcn ts—o a —fog

II b e con- shrouded stre e ts Weclnesday. day In the A 1D40 Dodge cedan driven by /a rd chap- Mrs. Emma J . Calico. 37, 640 McCombs. Blue Lakes boulevard, collided

be h e ld .a t w ith a is s s Po n tlac statlonw agon lends may driven by Joel A. T a te , 60. 1034 uary , B uct Shoshona stre e t M st, a t 13:19

n n d eve- p .m . on Blue L akes boulevard » l tim e o t ne'ur E lliabe th boulevard:

A 1958 Chrysler, sedan driven----- by M rs. B lanche McDowell. 47.

Hansen, collided w ith a 1963 3 l 2 S pickup tru ck driven by

• E rnest p , R oybora, 07, R ogenon, — — .z::- o t- i:8 5 -p .m ,-o n th e - ld a h o -De- >V C r ~ ^M tm e n t store, p a rk ing lo t. ! '.

A t 2:30 p .m . ft 1057 Plym outh sedan driven by J im m y M . Shane,

3 l i l 6 33. I960 H ighland a v en u t east, collided wlUi a U 57 Fo rd sedan

I. 1 (UPD — driven by F re d Rudolph . 67. 167 leglsiaUon W ashington s tre e t nqrth> a t Ion of th e M ain avenue e n d Shosone street. >roJect will A 10S5 D eSoto cedan driven by0 senators. R ay H . W illy, 31, 363 Alturaa D .. Idaho , drive, colUc^ed w ith a 1960 Chev-

>rahak, R..' «)le\ sedan drlven~ B y Dennisthey will H an d , 15, 216 Folk street< a t 4:38

to au th o r- p .m . a t F o u r th . avenuo end F ou rth a tre e t .n o rth ,

f th e p ro j- f ■ ■

A Srt Buhl Youth IsM llo n r e - H U t t i U . CrkSfi

BTO L, Feb. ,1 — D aTtd Kara* u tu re , th e received m ino r In-r t w ' i r . ' lUM Swhfeh th e m otorscooter hJ

r f to S u d M ^ ^ ^ 5“ ^ h f ::° w w n M d ig - ^ '

~ T ; r K « ^ o ' f “fTh5"WB m otorscooUr by th e 'Im p a c t a n i Am received he ad abrasions. H o wai

taken to a local physlc lan 'a of-oX tS trea te d and

considera - H onda motorscooteibeing ridden by K ara lo ff ww struck by a 1062 C hevrolet d r lv

iVL en by Jam es Stovnll, 18, B uhl• Duhl Police C hief C harles Bur.

rn«irfS bank sa id th e po in t of Impaciw Ller t^ Indicated th o K ara lo ff yout

"was well In to . Uie In tersection ' 1. S 5, when th e acciden t occurred. ■ ? n e w W fl'ovall w as cited for faUuri

. I T O ,

s Z ' i State Music Club S . '™" Board Meet Due------- POCATELLO. Feb. 1 W> — ^X tx n i - meeting Of th e executive commll- l i c t i l tee a t the Idaho FcderaU on ol A fton Nye, Mitalo qiubs h as been scheduled Unger, Sub- by M rs.\Pnul B. Evans, Caldwell1 sacram en t alnto president.fa rd chapel. T lio m eeting will bo hold Ir r w as BUS- Pocntello Feb. 8 and will con- th e Sunday elder plans to host th e NaUonn larlo. Egbert Federation of Muslo Clubs boart ray lo r were meeting )n BoUe In Septem ber, of th e w ard. Mrs. D onald Youtr,. I 'w in Palla

by Z enith will p rc jld e 'o v e r th e execuUvi irfee. committee meellnR.


ces ' —

ecu a head- j f i r S * '= ^ U I F V I J C 'dlsl, cnuKlit f l M i n t

med for bet-lcU ed-m «»t- ^ — .------7 t l 5 -P lu i —Itild Ciiba'a p — .. ^

ra Bllent. ln - influeitllal I

an h id lcatrd 1®^ ? Tj-J FRUMe FromtUI's H S U / L M u p m V govem menl U L L M t '

9i04 Only H 5 H Adulli 75G -4:hildran Frei

UMI - n l

M o to r-V u

Sorry "y n n POCATELLO, Feb. 1 ffW-*:’ . H igh achool studenta h e re a re ._ _ - preparing a. letter of-apology—

r t l o r to Qov. Robert E. finyU o who h a d to stop 'speaking, la s t

’I _ s ta te T hu rsday to restore quiet.r. minority •

legUIatlvc SouUi American politics a n d 1 Wednesday cco,nQmlcs a t Pocatello h ig h ! idldaie for school wMen he was forced to '

' sto p fpeaklng becauae of a ,ndldate to rUlng hum of c h a tte r In the r the Rov- auditorium . A few seconds"1 the run - la ter , the chatter ceased and Ic side and Smylle saJH *Vnn .iv .- a c a ^ t ' ■ quiet; c a n 't you?'*0 a third a are aeck-

f S W A i ialysis ■ Of Welfare . Stirs Battle

5 / ® ™ N E W B im O H , N . Y , Feb.'ti-FH u mv view a word U being w asted In‘m™r lm- ■'••'lirjh."nU tratlvely V erbal cannonading sounded

yesterday as the au th o r o f the jdled opln- controversial Newburgh code to ds of gov* irtm r«Uef rolU took th e field Ithout pu t- Bgalnst a big TV netw ork and a h _ o n « ta x - ^ n n e d y _ ^ h ie t^ j i i ib C T t ,n o t - to

mnn«»q m ention m s own mavor. unfolds. It C ity m anager Joseph McD. to discuas M itchell, charging dU tortlon, In -

.m—and to v lted televUlon's overseer — the ■hlch I be- federa l communlcaUons commls* ler govern- slon—to lo la th e runn ing con­

troversy by InvesUgatlng th e N a- h ree term s tlona l Broadcasting company1 f/om Gem docum entary on tho w elfare wa. coun- quesUon, *1116 B atU e o f New*

ears. burgh ." •IS, he has s a id M itchell:' T he program

V uvV r ‘'deliberately rigged . . . to * V i . ' destroy a m an, a n issue and a oard o t d l- city."

J d e n tS u J t NBC's executive viceH M ith « - p residen t fo r news. W illiam R. H ca itn as M cAndrtw : "NBC stands behind------ th o presentation of th e Newburgh, . s to ry as a n obJecUve and fa ir re ­l e n t s «ou n d .- . m Volunteered A braham Rlblcoff, i n I . r . M cretary of h e a lth .' education

a n d .w e lfa re : Repea t th e show nves t l g a t^ ‘ to give every A m erican the_pjJ; ifelday P o r lu m ty " 'i r B « - n h li lw c W ,n B f r ir tv L hv docum entary which replaced wel- CO. In! 640 ?,

a iloS S M oS - Added Mayor WlUlam D. R yan: Kft “V e ry - fln e -a c tu a l -a n d - fa c tu a l

■ ft? 10-10 rep o r t of the N ew burgh sltu-.. a t X3.I9 „I ^ u le v a rd

d n n driven ^ hIS-batUe_w lU x-N BC .L-C lty T i« M i i ? Councilm an Oeorge T . McNeally t h a 'iflBS eald-hc-w om d a sk -the-city 's cor-

driven hv P^^^^tlon counsel to file chages I RoBcrson distortion ag a in s t the

v e i S r S •■Whlto P.po-." •n.e cwlor- sedan “ tlo a Of thi* m oderate slzo New

ilDh. 67. 167 «tttte city was prom pted by n n rth . n t th e nationwide controversy Ig-

) » n e s tre e t ° ‘t«» I w t fall by Mitchell's n d riven bv c h arse th a t cheats w ere free- ?B3 a M 1 o « ^ S 0“ « l le f rolls. .

■ ^ * ® lS n S s ‘ TROCKBR FIN ED - • • r e e t /^ 4 - 3 6 BURLEY. Feb. 1 -C la re n ce B venuo a n d M“ tlock, 47, R upert, w as flnet •venuo a w j Tuesday by JusUct_____ of th e Peace A lfred C rane foi

a n overweight load. .________J_

CrkgH[|];10;|j||,l.|>aytd K a ra - L * J d m ino r In- srscooter he - ;k by a car _

ocuat's tree t, ked off the

Inotorscooter llDoi«rM ara lo ff was ‘ U A B f T '- 'm o i e t d r i v , nAR!II. 18, Buhl. , % le ^ tu n .

iWpS .yoNEsifflialoff youth

S S “"' AwpmS t

etDue1 W> - A P lu i 2 n d m

Ive com m it-•deratlon of I ' .WtUHDiA n scheduled I . ▲ « J | E Q | A nw , Caldwell, I

;he NaUonnl Clubs boordSeptember. i — .■AiwaicifiiwHiooufloi.. .I 'w in Palls, le execuUve

i r E x c lu ilv e E n a a g e m

rtURS- "ol UOSEI

• ! ? \ l r S

VMEif , , s im l .l l d t .n F ,e o . Im M w


* M-------- 1

- V u S T A R T S T O M O R R O W D o o r i .O p e n 6 i4 S

^ ^ -jH e a r in g -S e t—. On Conflict

» - - T i f f in 'N :Y .*quie t^^ ALBANY. N . 'Y . . ^ b . ' l (DTt— h a lf way The assembly e th ic s . and guld- i lo n " on ■ iH S T -c o m fflltte r-o p e ia -jp u b U c Itlcs a n d hearings today on* charges of Bllo h ig h con fllc t-o f-ln tere t against New forced to York sU te Assembly speaker use of a Joseph F . Carlino. . er In th e ,, The 44-year*old Republican

seconds ^as b e en ''a c cu sed . of profiting ased and through enactm ent of. Qov. Nel- - c a n .b e - - jo jt-A ^R oekefeller's-loo-m ilH oji-

dollor school fallout shelter pro* 5 1 ^ 5 ^ ^ gram.'

D em ocratic Assemblyman M ark

81S the charge, said Carllno wos a director o t Lancer Industries,

P n M W Inc.. a" shelter m anufacturer. [ d r c ■ th e Rockefeller proirram, ■ - B-ent through a special iesslon of l o f f I p tho legislature lost Nov. 8. .

^ C o r l ln o ^ ^ b e le d ^ U ie - c h a r ges , Feb. 1 (ITD “false and frau du len t- and salff I w asted In they were being pushed by a trgh .” “fpoiuored source" determ ined to g sounded discredit him a s assembly spcak* h o r o f th e er and a top leglslaUve . spokes- gh code to man fo r the Rockefeller adminU- t th e field trtU and a T oday 's public hearing was the nber<,not_to first-eonductcd by -tbeb i-pa rtlsanSyor. MM Injeph McD. 1054. C hairm an D onald A. C am p- ;tortlon, In - beU sa id four witnesses. Includ- •seer — th e ing Lone, had been called to re ­ins com m ls- peat testim ony they gave behind nn lng con- closed doors.

The o the r Uiree witnesses were W arren O. Adams, president o f a

li M pl Camden, T e n a , shelter buUdlng company; W illiam C. HUies of a Brookfield. Mo., bank, a n d

'* W orUilngton J . Thompson, presl-gea . . . M) Qf American Surtlval Prod- Mue and a corporation. Bethesda, Md.

scutlve vice _ _ ; -Man Accused on

.'nd7.“irT Rusthng Chargem d." ' V em Blackmon, 38. Jerom e tm Rlblcoff, waived prellmlnory' hearing and

education w as bound over to dU trlct court I t h e show W _Probate Judge Zoe Ann War- can th e oP- b e rg IW ^ lsd a y _ p iO C C h lirg e :o l Is search ing cattle nisUlng. sp lacedw el- B lackm on U In Twhi Falb s a n d re a l- county jaU lh Ueu of H,000 bone

s e t_ b y Judge W arberg ._H u n D . R yan: charged w ltb steaUng a black in d - f a c tu a l -A irgus"helfer"co lfbelonglng-t< burgh s itu - B ert D . Barlow, Tw in FoUs. Dec

' 9. T b e caU ,w as valued a t $77.60 stand alone — :------------------------

!Tm;nS ^Vote'Sought^BO ISE, Feb. 1 !IJP1 -The laiK o

Sheriff 's association p lans u U l e t t^ be » referendum to boos'U .yee jt0_t>e gheriff-g te rm s of-offlce to-fouilocum entarv tw o. ----------idav as a n T h o decision to seek th e tec- T h e Mtolor- om m endotlon was taken o t con-

BlM New eluding sessions of th e assocla- sromDted bv Uons’ -annua l-m ee ting here yeS'

Iff. te rd a y . I t w as a ttended by 31 ’ M l t^ e i r s 0^ th e sU te 's 44 county sheriffs

w ere free-ll*- UTAH STOKER SLACK

. . OIL TREATED■Clarence 8 . « 1 5 p e r t o n D e liv e re d .

w as fined ▼ *'y by JusU ce , — Tw in FaUs 1I C ran e ^or Intermountoln Fuel Co. I

T I T l I STARTS, TOMORROW Doore Open «:45 '

Enfloflement fo r Moglc Valloy


fiU IW E R : ;>>

s a m - t l .

KWw im - M ttaiOiMwoiitwi

: r fT^yiYTTn — ■■----------------- ---

jet IDivorce CaseJS_ n- I Entered in T. F.

M r« .'D e lo re f Sbennan filediVT-i V r s u it’ fo rd iv o rce from Dale Shtr-W Y . m a n W edndday Ih dUtrict 4owt

’ • • ch arg ing extreaie m ental cruelty, i b . ' l BOT- l a - t h e ' peUUon, she sUtes and gu ld- S herm an recently bos beea- •»* a a - jp u b U c soclaU ntf—With ' other women, :harges o f -'causing h e r severe embarrsu* a ln st New m en t a n d anguish." f speaker s h e aska custody of th e ir H «

ch ild ren . >40 pe r m o n ^ each, Republican ch ild support, equitable dlrlslonr p rofiting of com m unity property and ottor*. Qov. N el- ney fees. She requests Uiat the lOO-mtlHoji- c(5iffl*rcpIF5'BH5iTWSirtJn>arT‘u he ller pro* com m unity debts.

T hey w ere m a rr lr t Jan . 1. IMS. m ian M ark R aybom . R aybom , Raybdm and

Ihio was a represen ting Mrs. Sherman.Industries. _____________■

Jiufacturer.h S S T ^ F v - L a w - O f f i c e -

_: Is Burglarized."'“ami sa n f a televUlon se t and « in caihshed .by a were stolen from a Twin PalUterm lned to law office Tuesday night, policenbly spcak - reported W ednesday................... :Ive spokes- E n trance to th e office, locateder adm lnU - a t 616 S e c o n d 's tree t cost, ap*

pa ren tly was m ade through alng woB th e re a r window, poVce surmised.-bi.parU saa .T he-m oney s jg j e n . .v . - ^ pt»yL In im h - lu n J S e t ch.llie , d A. Camp-^ th e ow ners reporieo.lea. includ- Tho office a re a ' was left un-alled to re* d isturbed otherwUe, police noteo.[ave behind addin? th a t Uie burglar wos

p retty brazen. . . ,nosses were T he offlce-U occupied by TwinMldent o f a p a llf county prosecutor James buUdlng ^ a y and hU father, J . AllredH ines of a „ '

ank. a n d ___________________ _

SlSai Pr^cS’ e a t CHABLIE'S CH IU l S i , m COFFEE CUP CAFE, So. Park

id on ,)harge

Jerom e, ■ A ■ ■ H M M g l J Khearing and £U trlct court ■ p l ^ ^e Ann W ar* ® QiC chiirgeiof^ ---------- :— —

WHERE YOURi'i iB I -------TO MAKIn FalU. Dec. t i a t t77.60.

igh t^—T he Idaho I p lans tc > to' boost flee to -fou r

elc th e rec* ken- a t con- the assocla- g here yes- nded by 39 n ly sheriffs.

SL A C K ■ [ iJ ,1a F . i l .F u e l C o .

S Rib jleni. llll FREEOi ^ e s .t o u t ; ; ■ ^

Ef PE1 0 0 % HORSE)

S ? 4 fOR-JSEMVTE ' 'iftiemc -

S h""y ★ — — — S H ^L

, BRUSIBy t h e B ag

l i f t ^ ' R eg . 1 ,3 9 V<

BO W L *

. , ______________ v e g e t a b l e . . : , - , i


V . •, I - ■ ■. ____

P IC T S W E E T 8 O Z . CH If- Meal

S M a n -1n r n J U S T 5 B L

ae Is [New Leaders Selietted for

n n a n filedS.S Burle>naubntal cruelty. J ■ahe states BURLEY. Feb. l - T h e Burley

“ been as-B uJod Stoker w as elected

e m o a rr .- president, M rs. R . M ..Punk, vice . ..V , president; M rs. W ayne Wood-

, . i h recording secretary, n^dl o n ^ eacn, ^ j_ jjo n e n so n . secretary, ble division QoyncJi representatives are Mrs. y and ottor* QUn B aker and M rs. Charles .ts th a t the officers will be in -H-tOTJarTll s ta lle T 'a t tliO iex t-a ifeU h g :------

Mrs. Lyle .Morton w on the blue Jan . 1. IMS. pencU in a panel-discUaalon held laybdm and on " fa llou t shelters." Mrs. M or-

firm. U tenson a c te d a s m oderator and .rm an. r tlie r paneuaw i M io/ ^ ,H.;____ Stevenson and. Mra, Jo h n Pyne.„ f l . Following th e paneli a forumf t l P P — was conducted w ith th e audience * * * participa ting. T he proa and consloK S rvD fl of fallou t shelters were dUcussed. l a r i z e a a n d - ln te re s t_ ln _ c lv u _ d e re n s en r i n c U I T -p lonnlrig-w os-brought^ut.---------Twin PalU Mrs. R . M- Funk w as toastm ls-

nlght, police tress a n d a lso fum U hed tho re- : freshm ents. . - '

iir^ located Mrs. OUn B aker gavo th e in- it r J t so* vocation a n d aUo acted os tim er

through a for - U ie_.panel m e m _ ^ . , :6ar,a . diirmlsed Seott wn* lexicologist. .

i S ^ h M g e : 13-8t-the-A m er{cah-Leglon-haU .

Party Heldlurglar wos D IETRICH, Feb. 1 — A card

. , ' p arty held by the D ietrich PTA led by Twin netted $19.60, officers report. t/,r James J Fred O lsen received h igh for men

• T a n d 'O a y le H e lk en -fo r women,r, J . Allred ^Thom as a n d M rs. Jam es Mes-

— servy and Jam es McClure won CKIMl the travelh ig prize.

B. 80. Park Theye were e igh t tables In play.


‘USDA Grade "Gc




l< FOR $ 1 No. 1 COI

m T o i t t iFresh :

g i g g y Slicing H B f T om atoes.......

USHES rJf the Bagfulg . 1 ,3 9 V a lu e R

. I C u ^I v 2 l b s .


»at Pies


ie r s [Youths Conduct C h u r c h ServicelOr OASTLETORD.-F.b,

, -’i'sn“new ^ “ ’Kved Oraybeal'spoke on “o ‘

■ was elected Punk, vice our nation,” Gale o , J .

m e Wood- Sif^red the guitar nnd sanj t •rotarv nad ' '*dy Oraybear piavcit , n, sew euS . “ “ “Phone solo nnd Becky HalcJ • v« m M«: Bttve- Uie chll6-en's snmcn Irs. Charles 'he re. '

will be in- and C h a rh n s_BlfeUhg:-------Kwneoy-gave-tinnoBncDtnUiirs'^-----

" Mr.. Mor- ■ JT ^'^i' B e n e f i t S p f_____;

John p jii,: - 'i» r 'l 'v !™ 4,1.1. n fnnim Or®-nge.. u lll--hold’ Ils -.anuuii •S b au^e^M ^” ‘5' ;or the March o'

Saturday evenlnR «t ih» Northvlew Orange liall, xi)c tn-

Ml oommunllj la l„,|,ca.M l deK na _Th.-OTmlr^wm-bts.„-M ih-;,—

. T ~ r 7:M"Prnirp<>tliicl-su|iiioF-B-rf—

Shed tho re- games. Prizes will be given, Mrs’ .. RobcrtMaxwell. J r , andMrs, Eu.'

gave the in- gene Rutherford ore in cliara* lied os timer of arrangements.mbers. IBara _______________ ^

" " SMYLIE TO Sl'EAK be held Peb, b o is e . Feb.-l aTD-Cov. nob- -Legloo-haU. ert-B .-Sm ylie-w tia-lo-be-tng—

r . l J 52nd annual convention of ihc L c iU Idaho- Society of ProfcMlonal •1 ^ A o«mJietrlch PTA : ,

hUhform en I ^ G eneral Electric

1 ? m ” Neli I a u t h o r i z e d SERVICE

icClure won B l o c k e r 's ° 'f™° I I 733-1804

ables In play. |

1 ■ ■ J l - ^

M PENNIES COUNT )OLLARDAYS!-----rade "Good or Choice"


m A s t

. 6 9 -

i i c . . 7 9 > '



No. 1 con 8 F 0 l t $ 1 '



C O F F E ER ogular o r b rlp

l i l b . 6 5 c >

2 lbs.,..........1 .2 7


e s . . 6 : ^ 1

^MarketOF W EST 5 POINTS ; ^

. ' t

Page 7: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS



CABBl a r g e , GOLDEN

' YAM]^T’1j \R S E tF 1R W "=-rPinltGri____ 3 0 3 C A N S K O U N T R Y K IST

CORN ; .303 C A N S , T A S T E W fL L

GREEN PNO, 2V2 c a n s .lA S T E W E L l

WHOLE i, V l G A L L O N D U D E R A N C H

' PANCAKk -NO. 1/2 C A N S C L E A R W A T E

3 i nt I

. i ' r

M a r y E l i z a b e t h

2 4 - o z . ' F a m i l y S iz <

10 o z , f a m i l y t e s t e d

FROZENI f u e s h f r o z e n , 1 l b . i c h



' ' '



• • • • • • •


I PEAS . .S T E W E L L , U N P E E L E D

E A P R I C O TR A N C H ' - -




ibetl^ Il y S i z e |


:N VEGETAILB. IC E L A tiD lC ,: _ J ______

ITICKS . . .^EEZE , ■



E . . . . lb

. . 2 LB I

r u i t f i r S i i r

\ M S T Y L E __________________

. . . . 7 f o r

. . . . . 7 ffo r

O T S ■ . 4 f o l

U P y i , . . .

. - . . . 5 f o l


■ '

FABLES 6 for\

MP . , .

K m

B . 2 5 ‘ j c

Cf o r 1 .0 0 y

f o r 1 ;0 0 30:

f o r 8 9 c F

. . 8 9 e Y

f o r 8 9 c

f o r 1 0 0 ®.................................... _Both I

r - - - . : - — P R >

, . . 4 9 e ■ f g

. . 4 9 e i ™

i i i f i


t — b e e f -

M l - ~ I r n i T f


^ ^ ^ ' P O R I

ff- p — ,— ,jiii

F I I - 1 ^

8 o z . HUNT'S

^ O N IA T I--20 O Z^^H U N W -----CATSUP- .N O - 21/ 2-GANS HUtTOMAT(

303 CANS HUNT'SFRUIT C, No. 21/2 C A N f HUJfellowJl

25 r t . Aleoq

A L U M I N U M .............

10c OFFI GIgnt SIzi

R I N S O B L U E . . . . . . .

Both size. m

L I F E B U O Y . . . A

R ggulorS lu m

L I F E B U O Y ................ 3

Both Sli« Lux m

T O I L E T S O A P . . . 3

Rtgular Slie Lux m

T O I L E T S O A P . . , 3

Glont S h l

L U X L I Q U I D ...................

U c OFFt Vt Onl.

W I S K L I Q U I D . . . . .

2 0 OS.


ReguloV Siit.

L U X F L A K E S , . . . .

_ B o th ,5 lH ._ .„ _______:.....- ■ — # «

P R A I S E S O A P . 3

’ Regular Slia 4

P R A I S E S O A P . . . ‘

10c OFFI 3 Ib.

S P R Y .........................................

I Gillette^s of

~ Leon, FresFT Picnic ^


E P S T fW ^N ^ nN B SR ^ ----------- -----------------

IB E S t E A K .:N7t r e s f t ~ ~


^ 6 3 2a ^ U m S T O R E r W tD i

I j S L - O —

m j m


¥ ^ l i n g P i

37c '73c 1

. . . 2 fot-3Sc i

3 for 35c ^2 for 33c i

... 3 f o r 33c

...........67c 'r 1.37

A L L . . .t49C '

36cr j for 43c

.... 2-for 31c ' 85c

's of Declo I

B S U B i i l

H U i i, ■ . I J, ■

■Picnic S ty lF ! ;

I C .

\ K . . . . Ib________________ » > __________■ ■

jILlui. -


K i . . , ,--------------- ------------------------------ ------------------

• • • • • • • •


P e o c h i ^’ 1 0 lb . ')

; B L U E A L L „ . . . .

G lo n t S l u

: R E D A L L . . . . . . . .

C A I R W I C K . . . . . .

C « f i l o n t S l n

B R E E Z E . . . . . . . .

r 1 5 c O F F I G lo n t S l io

^ S U R F ...................

C Q t . S l l .


C -4 -R 0 II P a c k ' .

. M . D ^ T I S S U E . . .

I P o c k

. P O W D E R R O O Mc

3 1b. TamwiM

2 S H O R T E N I N G

--- ------------- P a p K i lo n t ------- i -----------------------

g T O O T H P A S T E .

C F O L G E R 'S C O F F I

C F O L G E R 'S C O F F I

2 mr l l > r - 5 9 * J

>N/ SP E C IA L LO W P m C E S l I I


— — I

. ^ 9 1■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -F:

...S ip j

2 4 9 1 .... 83c I....:...:59c I

.'...i.:.......85e....... ..68e

^ N D Y . . . . . . . 6 9 c

U E 4 5 c

l O O M T I S S U E 3 1 c

U N G . . . . . . J 9 C

..............5 3 c " "

C O F F E E . : 7 1 c

C O F F E E . . . 1 ,3 9

MQygQlll^ j

Page 8: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

t • . Thwsdoy, Feb. 1, 1962

3 Twin Foils Times-News

. Farm L ea d er Talks to B u h l

—'€r~of~ G;~ ] [eet- iU H L . Feb. 1—Charl& i Wojclk,

dlreclor for t h i N ational' Farm * t n orfEBnlznilon. was -im e st

, speaker a l the B uh l Cham ber of Commerce m eeting M onday.

Woicllc Rpoke on th e farm e ri___ problcma and a u tc d th e p rlm iry

' purpftse o f-the-N P O -l» -to -« io rlc . for concctlvo.barBSinlnK of crops

and prooucls o t th e market, place. Ke noted th e a im Is to nrlr>. nrndllO nn th o a.ft fair prlcc to Rive th e funner

- — b*ck-the cost-o f'thF T Jrooucep lu ja rfa-vnable n n toun t o f.p ro fit lo r h ll Investment.

Wojclk pointed ou t d iirlna the depre.vilon yenrn th e farm ers In llle nation received S.B pe r cent*

I o n i i r nairoimi incom e, and to- day Uie farm ers rccelve only 3.7 per cent of th e na tio n a l lucame. He noled w llh th e cllmblnB C6.tU

rarmer Js nOR- Jn th e cost pntnf, »(jueeM. a n d needs luch nn nr(t4nlM tlon In o rder lo com- pe tr w ith Industry and labor.

I t .was po in ted ou t i h e .N r o onMynlied In 1058 and Is non- V'e ililrd~lnrgeat fa rm organlta*

George Ju k e r, B uhl, d lslrlc t dl- ree tor of th e n p o . in troduced the speaker. S e c re ta ry Lloyd Byrne w as 'Instructed to send a ' letter{Q_W . B.JW Iillfc ley Onkley, w ho w as guest apeak-

Ie r fo r th e jocal C ham ber'/ an ­nua l banquet m eeting ; and lo ^ o e R ich , B urley, commend­in g him on h is y e a n of-w ork

- a n d service on th e sU te h ljh - ■ w ay board.

Ita lia n P a rty S w in gs ‘L eft’

~ " T t r S o c ia I i^NAPLES, lU ly , Peb. 1 I f t - ’

— It«)y:4_rullng_ChT l4U aa_D em o.. crauo p a rly gwung t o ' t h e ! left

4 o d a y .r ln - * - m o v e - < o - t lv e - th e . country a new Rovem m ent back*

ed by PJctro Henni'a SoeJaJlata. — lo n p e r_ a n fe so f the.ccrm munlits.--------The

confress, a fte r five days of de­b a te here, voted on Premier Amlntor® P a n fan l’a p lan to ecut- tlo hla m idd le-o f-the-road gor-

— e rn m e n t-an d -ro p lace U with a c en te r-le ft c a b in e t ' th a t could

— w ln"S«taiut'a^ipi>6rt"f6f'arnro 're — ^Tlgorous-domeaUo - program ‘ 'b r

« »nom lc, aoclal a n d Bchool re-— form *.----------------------------------------

T he reso lu tion p u t before Uje p a rty delegates, a lthough ap- proTlnK th e “opcntiiK to th e left” F a n fa a l h u u rg ed alQoe i m , pledged th » p a r ty to m aintain I ta l^ ^ pro^W estem fore ign policy

: aa a m em ber o f th o N orth A t-. lan tlc T rea ty o rgoaitaU on. : t aljo

re iected any m ove Jow ard out- ; r lgh tcom m unl5m orfQ jic lB m .de-— 5 ^ 8 th a t a n y government ' 6acked"by 'tha-C hrlB tl8n -D em o .

- c ra ta would w ork “In -fu ll Inde- I— t ot aUt or i M

T he rig h tis t fac tion of tbe C hris tian D em ooraU conceded defeat la advance by accepting on ly 23. o t th e seaU on the pa rty 'a naU onal counoU. IT ie re tt w en t ^o baokeiv o f th e opening to tb s left.

O u ls tJa n Sem ocra ta a re

d o ^

Bo^XjnIfiirt“as“ Auto Overturns

BUHL, Feb. 1—W arren M clni to sh . 17, O akley, .escaped Injury w h en 'th e c a r h e waa driving Up­ped over on lU to p In a borrow p i t a t f3t01 a . m . W ednesday ■even m iles northw est' o t Buhlc n a county l o a d . .......................

T he acc iden t occurred wjien M cIntosh cam s upon a, T -ln ter- eec tlon .'H « w u u n fam ilia r, w ith th e ro ad a n d because o( a heavy fog h e waa un a b lo to see th a l th e roadw ay tu rn ed . H is headlights

■ showed a fence a n d lie .th o u g h t h e w )^ a t a d e ad end , officers •a id , 80 h« th rew on h is brakea

.c n u tln c h l i c a r t o g o in to a aide- w ay #lUd. I t tip p e d over on Ita top,

Dam agea w ere esU m ated a t , MOO to th e 1S61 Volkswagen h e

waa driving, a cc o rd in g - to S ta te P a tro ln ia n R ich a rd B u m s and D eputy She riff C u rtla Pryor, in - Testlgo tln t otflcers.

Attendance Pins ' iGiiven at Budey' B inU X V , Ttb. 1—Joe U m -

berU p a s t p^raldeAt, p r e s e n t p e rfec t a tlendnnce plna to Frank K earns ' fo r five yeors a n d to jIm A dkins fo r seven years , a t .Ui< R lw anla olub m eeting Wedneaday a t Uie N ational ho te l.

R lw anlnns h e a rd th e second h a lf o f a record ing o t a spcech « lven by D r. W aite r K . Judd, congreasm an from Nflnhes^t^ en-

. til led “C om m unist cancer."t>TBildaBt-Dean-~Vim~~EnaelBn

announced U m t th e Red G rou bloodmoblle w ould b e In Burley

■ fronv a p . m . to, (I p , m . Monday • n d asked d ono rs to be sure to i iv e blood.

Ottesta o f t h e c lub were Itoas ' N l e l m a n d E . U shelnU d, both

B urley, a n d m d U n to n . vislllng ..jC lw in lkn f ro m )R u p e r t.

_JSforith.Countries ^€iVeh' Benefitsn O I8 » ,.y « b . 1 W -T lte Idaho

e m p lo n n en t sM urlly agency re- ' , po rta V M ldenta or th e lo Dortli

' Xd^O.OOunUea collected 40 por . " 'l iM n t 0* a ll . th o imnmplnyment

r • iM u n m s* PAW la (he

^ Idah'o resl>

w »ho' |3 .» n « io i res-

M . t l t e m Idaha cmm.-------an d those In


ih i

^ 0 - G r M S B n, Fa rm -

guest iham ber

farm ers prim ary to -« o rk of crops m arket

m Is to I J ilULlTJ I J 2 iU illRtkgt-in

farm er __u c e p iu fro f l tlo r

ring the .

dslo com- labor.

h e .N r o .Is non-

irganlza* ______^ _ _______ .

iuced tile' ' ’d Byrnea letter R ag . 5 .9 8

iu p 'ia k ; '8 -lN C H SIZE...................

and 10 R e g . 6 . 9 8

T w o f k IO i n c h j i z e ............. ..te h u h -

^ S P E C I A L ^

1 Ift-’L-Semo> ______■____________ ____________

.'liSS — — AUI0MAT1C-.S

g : ® C O E E C

K i ^ M A K E R» d gov-

------■■AutOfflitlebrswsilKler -n r S — B -B iew sa to iocup i-— ^;ram --b r — « Drip proof ipoul—:hool re- ■ Sifety grip bsndli ■ E»y to

- '- U M I T E D T IM E O M tY - -Jgh op-

.S’S l A f i Tm aintain ■ m I i a O #« n policy m ^ W r ^ "^orth^At-

l ^ r o e n t V

% borrowsAiesday ^

a heavy


.-SK 5". and 6" FIs brakea;0 'B aide- .sr on Ita

C h o o so f r o m s p l i t 1 w n hS P h ilo d c n d r i ir a , In fg o 1 to a i« n D i f f c n b n c h in n n d ru b

p l a n t s . A v c rn s o 18" ta!

? m " 'U d e y K O D A K C A ^

i £/ectile second

k . ' j A I o i v e s y o u a g o oie so taen -cer." - ---------------------- p = ^ = rp r e iF i rwI'TEngelen f e y te d G rou

I. Monday>« sure to ■ H B m 3 9 ^

were Itoas


Hib Idaho ■ * ” '

K O D A K CXmomiw ' l r S Electric-cyc control, , ,:lah'o resl>

S S : R « g - 8 9 . 5 0 ' ,,

imirn. DISCOUNT PRICE............

a countlM

I k .

9 6 2


......... ............. ................- . . 4 . 8 7 _

.................................. ....... 5 . 8 7


icuipturad *»o4

R EG . 1 9 .9 5

PE E K -A -B R E W


s p l i t l e a f f t f t. la rg o l e a f \ M tn d ru b b e rc 18" t a l l . B I H

A K c a m e r a h a s b u il t - i n .


b i t o m a t lo 3 5 B CAMERAUrol, , . (lulomalic flash solimg, too!

: - 6 | - y

, ^ 7

. n ^ ' 3 PlEC6 CUN'C^

IIEEC1FT a — t f iwATuiA a r r

1^1 s II

plriP^frAMy 130 Day ^

« O T I_ ____ ^

STORW«ekdoyi 9 o.m. t o 9 p/Ci.MERA ^ I

' ' ■ t

.87a F I L E R A T F I L


© "you


sS9i—g £ ^ s u « i

1 5 1 . ' ' * * '

-S o t75c g S n o i

^ ^ ^ J h o i

c k : S n e k s - I t e *

lYADEC. , ;


. Honks.

vie^fllorelcoS p ee d sh a y ^ rs

'w ith floating head,

.R « g . 2 9 .5 0

rt6>87 aSTORE HOURS:

i.m . ^ 9p ,rn ,, Suh^^^ 11 a.m. to 8 p.m


— " ■!

Af Sove


T h e f o r e m o s t fu n c tio n o f on

n e e d s o f t h e c o m m u n ity arifl‘

a n d c o m p le te ly equ ipped to

s e rv ic e . D is p e n s in | ' p rescribe

____h e a l th to V o u r d o c to r . » . t

E v b b i n g ^ ^ v ^ ----------- ----------

ILCOHOL ^l a c c h a r i n loooi

( u c r e t s T h r o a t L o z e i

r i s s u e s 4 o o

»now O la s s e s

i h g p S t i c k

rp so m S a l t s ib.

i iP o i i z E lV r - ^1 n i te w i th o u t a t tc n - g. 6.95 v a lu e ! .

^e-On D iscount I


Our Entire Stock

1961A iv tT


R og . 1 .3 9SAVE-OH D W i SPECIAL................ O O "


Sove-On Drugs

irstConion o f o u r p h a r m a c y is t o c a t e r

liity a n f l 'to w a rd t h a t e n d w e a r e c

ipped to T ifo v id c p ro f e s s io r ta l ly I

p re sc rib ed m e d ic in e is jv h a t w c (

;or . . . t r u s t h i s p r e s c r ip t i o n to

L FULL PINT“^ " 9 ~ 'B H iO O O l 69c I t L o z e n g c i 35c. I^ ^ ^ 88c J -SBS 1.98.1P ' ' Z:35<l| >s.ib. .- 49 r |~

a ^ i s d :

I II ^ ' ’'c lu d lZ f i


^ B ring your t a v o r lprlnU , negatives," or Save-Oit DruKS lo 1 Pny only tho regular j

^ ^ Hrst print ami rccelv3 ^ ' p rin t for iiixi one p<

' • I t 's two for one plus

I( 6 R E E H STA M PS j


EALTHo t i c e n t -t o c a t e r f u l l y t o t h e h e a l th

d w e a r e c o m p e te n t ly s ta f f e d

is io rta lly p e r f e c t p re s c r ip t io n

iv h a t w c do b e s t . - T r u s t youi-

■iption t o u s .


C M SPECIALS' for your.favorite '


Ch'bcoldferln ~ ~



„ - . ^ B O X E S - ^ - -

___ __________ Lorae Selection - __

a - 2 9 c £ $ 5 - "

BulkI Volcntin*

I CANDY~ — H e a rts -& -^ r ts ,— —

'cremes, and jellies.

J ~ ^ 9 c ; V

r t f i - l — — ■4^^— — - i

jH ■ fo r


f s - 1Febfuory 14

5 m For teqcher, for sweat- •I ' j n iieart, for friend, for

1 ^ fomily. Make your se-lection nowl f

■ -<j ^

3 L 0 R E D P R J N T S

’Our f a v o r i t e , c o l o r e d ^ ^ H J negatives, or slides, t o ^ ^ H ^\ DruKs 10 be printed.1 tho regular price oh the n t ami rccelve a second T iiim one penny m oret for une plus a penny!. H I

I n S av c-O n ’s C o sm c tlc D e n a r tm e n t

' i i c t i s i HOKtrBMAHWl ; iIMCMM IH BinoH

1 . 0 0 off ,

l.g .W /rik .J ’ 2 -5 0

N 0 W O N L Y M .5 O

Page 9: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS


i m■ U.S. GOOD &

I i i i

■ , from Eiirot

I K n o xI iS O lIP i!

H . '' golden'■ J onion

I cream of■ I mushroom■ i (I fmDi]J DANISH.

I chicken an



H smoky.■ i green peaI ( n e t SWEDISH'.

i l f i P y §mtkflgt

■ ’ gardenH vegetable. ■ t n a ' ITALIAN.

' I m i l e n i

f l I beef and■ I noodleI I T S ENGLISH.I ' 9Xtnon//iw.

I crcamof■ leek■ I k ' t m H SWISS..

I V f i m i t H




R t o niPARI

S i i r o p e y o u r c h o k£KNOm w frae Sampli

Filer & Fill!

S e l i r ' V

. I W - . 7 . 5 B I

- s ^ v EIII o f S \ 7 " n r i r o o m i ifDANISH.., K

*y/w ^ M iss M u

C0(D U T % . . . . i ROMAN•rwondtrll/k/ E ^ ^ _

T —WEDISH... I , p A <

I ; , 'FRO den Oriong(a . . . * - > "

j r I(

>dle' ■ ’ J INGLISH..: ^ 1 ^ xtnen/fntfyf

___________ _ P'olger'i 10 or.m o f IN S T A N T C(a U ' W h its a l« r » i l u cl

■ T U N A FISH . SWISS,.. o»,p„Vfumdil ■ d o g f o o d .

'400 coun t -

— — KLEENEX ..

c X k e m i x e i

j Sv LaV o IL



W w !lER IE




lORRSOliampllngl.Soutlipnrk; iil i Fillmore Oka/ all dd|

. . . I— '

\s M u ffe t A ssor ted



'F R O Z E ^ ^

dnge Juice. 6 o z . c a n t

' . F $ « i * ]rti tor. * o o ld Ml

vN T CO FFEE 1 .3 9 P L O l: u l lu c tn i, FISH . ^ . 3 f o r $ 1 -

:0 0 D . . . . l ^ f o r $ 1 P to tU B .BISQ

JEX .......4 fo r 97c

M IXES ..3 fo r $1___ ■ f t r w l w

) O IL 59c P re s t

a n y


________~__ ____ ___i ''.

OUPSirk:nil dd/ Saturday.

S 5 i 9 9

[ E . . . 3 9


Friday and Soturday

H ham burgeiA N D A N Y 10c DRIN

Both For. ., 2 9a o ld Mfldal

F L O U R ......... 25 lbs. 2 .3 9 . '

O old Medal

FLO U R tbs. K 19P aoIubo

B IS Q U IC K ...;............4 5 c

*nut«wa1> n n ill(foCKTAIL .......4 f o r $ lnr»pl«M

Presto LOGS 1X for i .29 .

:? ~ z z z z Sr = ^ g | | ^

lb , /w B p ijH a

^ H . ' '

5*- ■ S FlRMrRED

' 2 u» • 1 2 < 1 9 4 f c

A I N I r a ^ H

KU ' n n■turday


29c I'2 . 3 9 .

. 1 .1 9

- 4 5 c "

« r $ i ; .

-S K IN L E S S -------

H W IE NV E * Rosedale

I k M - p e a c h e s ■:■■.■■:■:<

■ i T J M T oilew ell 48. oz.

' M P^A - G r a p e f r u i t ‘

' ^ S Sunpact M andarin


M ' I H H Folger's lb . cani m n C O F F E E . , .............

Polgcr's can

4 C G F F E E -::.- : .. : ; ; ;

e i w i; l b s . A

L 9‘"


.’ . ; ■ '.H ' . .

i . . . , . •

ENERSIFolEcr's 6 os. buUn

> - : . . - : . : 4 f o r $T CO FFEE- ■■■■.'.

' ' • ' • BhortenlnB -i e f r u i t - 4 f o r $ l - - S W I F T N I N C

u-ln Tlilraty "S . . . : . „ . 5 f o r $ l D ish C L O T H

' Salad Bovl, Qt..........................6 8 c S a la d DRES:

»n Festival, 44 oz. atra'1 .3 3 -P R E S E R V E S

i f i S

m ORAM" Gal'lfc

'S Q B IM l C hoice;

l b s . *

- -

1■ Ira..

^ | r ' ■ '

' I ' t

4 S il's 6 os. buU nt '

T E E - ..:.....r...~.~83ZIM^n ln s '’IF T N IN G ;:3 I b s . - 7 9 C 7 H |—

C L O T H S 13 fo r 8 8 c H

Bon], Q t. .

id D R E SSIN G . . . .3 9 c - ■

al. 44 oz. atrawberry ' .

• S E R V E S “ . ™ - . - 7 9 c “ B —

W m


AHCEslG alifom la ' H

ihoice Navels h : ;

Page 10: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

Thursdoy, Feb. T> 1962- m 1 0 Twin polls Times-News I

-^Miss Fingerson, | Fabie M qrry in

—W endellServir.e j_' WENDELU Feb. I ' — JoA nn .5

R n 8erson .,dau8h le r o r M r. and (■■■ Mrs Baul C. P lngcrson . bccame the bride o£ Jo h n . O corge Fable, i.’: 5on o(-M r. and-M rs. Jo h n Pabte, , j C h lc ^ o . Dcc. 27 a t . th e WendeU '' M ethodist church. ' ’ '

The Rev. AusUn O . Rugger perform ed tho double r in g can-

T he bride, given .In m arrianc E‘■ by h e r p n ren ta ,'c h o se ft •vhlte E

s a d n brocade 'gown . fashioned r w ith a S ab rina neckline and Uircc-ciuarter le n g th sleeves,’ H er - shoulder leng th veil w as neld by , a n - Ixnpo m a - c r ystn l ■Uftift...Ohft ^ carrlcd a bouquet o f w hite car* na tions lied w ith blus.B tream cra on a w hlto Bible. . _

She wore a gold cross and chain , B s if t o f th e bridegroom, a n d ft gold b racele t w o m by her [_ m other on he r w edding day. She c arried a ta tte d -linen handker- fthlef, be longing to h e r grand*. m other.

T h e church WB3 decorated with sprays o f blue spruce tied witb a llver a n d blue ribbon. Bouquets

:— o f -w b it« -c a m a tio i irn n c d ih 6'a i : t a r vases and ta ll candelabra <Bt w ith w h ite tapers completed the if, c h u rc h decor. , wl

M ra. F n e th E aton , organist, ac- of com panled M rs. W ayne Fagg, so* fu

__ lo ls t. crM rs. L arry H arvey, ChlcaKO, jj,

« n d M rs. D ean Kohntopp, aoror- 25 Uy sisters of tho bride, wero 'cnn- dc llg h te rs .'A rt Somcra, Wendell,

— cousln of-the bride ,-w as-iisher.- M rs, F lngerson chose a navy ,

blue sh e ath dress and, a corsage ,.f. o f w hite cam atlons^

t ln d f t Harvey was In cliarge of th e guest book a t th e rcccptlon p. Im m ediately a fte r tlje cercmony In Holbro6k hall. Corolyn Kohn-

----- to p p ~ arra n sed —th e -R lf t^ ta b le . —Som a 60 relatives a n d friends a t- Ja tended thp wedding a n d rcccp- p.i t io n ,' Mrsl W alter Kelley and U M rs. J . H. Freem an were in Is charge of reception arrange- wl

— jn e n ta ------------------ •— toT h e refreshm ent t a b l e was Ui

covered w ith -lace. T lie three- lu tie red bride's cake, topped with bells a n d Illy of th e valley, w aj baked and decorated by M r s . . ;

----- D an N leffenegger. T he mllkBlassw ishing bowl he ld blue Christ-

• tn as bulbs, s ilv er candleholders " m a t«h lng_ the silver cako p la te *“ h e ld Wue tapers. ~ “

M fa. Don Som ers, Kimberly, _ » u n L « L th e _ b r ld e ,_ a n d .M r( i.,p a |e _

■ - F la ttefs , Buhl, c u t a n d served Uith e cake. D lano a n d Denise P in - gl gerson, n i e c e s o f th e brld^,

— passed thB-brldeffroom 'a-cake-Jn m ft silver basket. fu

Mrs. qen o Flngerson, Buhl, hi ftnd M rs. V em Carson, Bliss, p o ^ e d p^uje^^^ftn d M rs. Ous

W endell, presided ' a t f t e coffee 8 ■ervlce. ,

T h e couple M eft Immediately Xor Chicago to visit th e parents o f th* bridegroom. , • - ■,

H ie bride w as graduated from . W endell high school In 1057 and p

------ fro m '-lhe-unlverslty o f Idaho In jIM l w ith ft degree In muslo e d - , u catlon. S he is affilia ted w ith ^

. F l B e ta P h i a n d K ap p a P h i so* £ ro rltles . She Is a n u m b e r of tho gi

.B llsa high school foAilty and wUlJo in he r-busbaad-lQ ter.-------------

'n>s bridegroom waA gradu- N -ftted from L ane T echnical high

•chool, Chicago, a n d tho U nl- veralty o f Idaho . H e h a s a de­gree In e lectrlctl engineering. He' " » • w uiiiuilsslD nD d'as'an.eim sir '

.. In .th e navy a n d . I s In. flight------tra in in g . a t-W h lU n g -« eld ,-M il* -

ton . F la . _____________ '

Marian Martin .. Pattern,

lyTIUNK anilN O I ’ ■

•IW nk sprlijg , cviicl you'll be Jn- , ip lfod^ to aow , tills easy, clean*

c u t a h lrld re u . H m a tup -up col- Iftr. raBUQ Blcom , niniplo lines

• ( b a t allm fu lle r flim rci ,; ; P rin ted p a t l t r n waBJ Half ; •iao t l« H . IOH, iiiH , ao li, 33u , I. a 4 H . ' ^ m 4 rtnulrca sH yw ds ■’J S 'ln o ii 'fa b r lo ,

.B end 60 cen ta (rnii«> for Uils . ^ t t « m a d d 10 M iiu Jor cuclj

'•rv;'; m t t ^ m (o r llrBt-ulM*^M arlnu M «vtln,'nm c.t.M t.n i D;|I1„ JU ,v™i

'U tt> . « t l N " Vmk n , N.Y; '}, ■ ' W«;pWilly nm;. iiaat™

•• ^ r « A iR & 'P * t te r n catalog . ov"r \ I N tk r M ( w Alt occiu.iiotis,

w i m k

D6 2 : ^

JdA nn ^and n

bccame 1 J y - ' a

I F^ble! 1Vendell

ig ^ n - ^

m rrlagek -vhlte 1shloncd * I'J. ' \ ne andifcs,’ H cr • I r S S y - '" . ; i - * "neld by , ' 1 ^ . /• ,i. fr s r -6 h » ---------Ite car* MRS. JOHN O. FABIE . f; rea m en (Dudley photo) «

. s

‘'K ? ; S o c ia l E v e n t s "1 by her

M d lf« ! -T v ,lri-F alls Pnst M atrons club ?^ r a n d * m eet a t fl p.m. Friday a t th e „

* home of Mrs. Ployd Lilly, 235 Iled w ith r led wltb Jf , ¥Bouquets RICHFIELD — S tudio QJrls n h e 'f l l - "Cosmctlc' meeting will be M id r :]delabra 'bc noon Mondoy a t th e hom e of j eted the ifelen Piper, Rlchflcld. MecUngs i

will be held in Rlchflcld Instead t nist, ac- of W endell from now on. F o r t Mgg, BO- further Informotlon, con tact Hel­

en Piper, 4B7-2550, Richfield, or . Chlcogo, Beverly Conner, W cndeli, 830- ??. aoror-2666. ■ ................. ie recfin - »/. t/. if. ‘

o f ^ 11“ wHI m eet T u « *1 d a y - a f l i r c n o - d g ^ a i rT h c -R c v : -

John K oelsch will s p e a k on I corsas .'C hristian a r t (hrough the cen- .

iTnr^. nf turlcs." Muslo from "Kiss Me ' n?«n?inn K a‘o” prcscntcd by th e .o 's r , . . sI Kohn- ■ ^ ¥ ¥t^ ta b le . —PAUL^-7ho~Buekaxoo-8auarc3. .cends a t- Jamboree will bo held a t 8:30 t1 rcccp- p.m, S a turday a t th e A m erican tIcy and Legion hall In Paul, W nltrr Will Iwere in Is callcr. A '•traveling collar" js r r a n ^ - will be s tarted . I t will bc given fc

lo th e 'm o s t dancers com lng 'far- I >le was thest dlsf&nco from ono club. AI three- lunch will be served, j>ed w ith >(. i/k J

M erry Mergers will dance a t B?iifc jrLV; p-m. Saturday o t U»e Hazelton v

C h r l ^ arongB hall. Johnny Coales'w llI 'jDhoirtom “ H- Members oro asked to bring i(Q n in S sandwiches or dessert. O uests 1

aro_Vfclcome. - s:irab«ly; --- clr« ..Pa |e _X adlea-of_U ie_G rand-A rm y-O t J 1 served Uie Republic will m eet w ith Mrs,lUe P in - E lU abeth M noon S a tu r- 'B briap, j o r a _potluck__ luncheon, } cake Jn M eat, rolls ond deksen v.4ll be

furnished. A program on A bra- ‘'• h am Lincoln will be given. '1, Bliss. - M It ML • >rs. O us ♦ .| H utton, R oyal. Nelghbora will m eet a t

e cuffee 8 p . m . Friday a t th e lO O F hoUv ]JH ¥ ¥ ■

nedlately ATTEND SESSIONS '' paren ts HAOERMAN, Feb. 1 -A t te n d - '

t *"8 M ethodist Sunday school ■ i o « J teacher train ing classcs In Tw in1057 and p a ib were Mr. ond M rs. J o h n .w : ‘

n..“ln ‘M rs. Carl Peterson, Mrs. A lan ,

P h i so . E rw in and th e I te r . AusUn R ug^ |T of tho ger, ' iand wUl

Sradu-;a l high , . ..He U nl- .9 a de- .ring. He' —

— I.. I

Id,-M il* ------- I

(i\A -'

7 | A Mustord- and ca ts i

z' 'M buttordishes, bun b(

I d ishos, g lasses, cere

napkin h o ld e r s , I

•>h \ ~ -m eosuring .cups an I I " item s!

1 O no T o b lo o f

kflfn C E R A M I C> Valuoi to 88c eoch','<

X J , y o u r c h o i c e ....................u 11 be in - ...........#y, clean-

f K ' ’l S j ' B o a u lK u l C u t G loi

w >.a>, C A N D Y D IS Ia o 'i , 33H, T h u Sn in ...... ....... ..............

I) for t il l , —»lor ciicliI F m t K lnii', EKlro C lo o r P

t i i S T O R M W I N Dat™ » .u , , 8 , ,

C w n , . A K I T . 0 F 4 ............................5B — over ■ ■ ■oceiU.ilotii,

■ I M issRasm ussen p H A nd Anderson, ft~i M arry in I.F. '

. IDAHO FALLS, Feb, J-^Mar* H K l rlage rites performed D ec..26 a t . M i l th e Idaho FalU LDS first w ard

'church , united Myrnft Kasmus= . ■ B sen, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.

O len W.'Rosmu-uen.. Twin Falls, and Dennis Devere Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn S. A nder-

[ ■ | U son. Lorenzo.R e ' l T he processional was played by iC T f l l M rs. Connie Hall. Idaho Falls. { L a M M rs. Vlrgll Anderson. Pocatello. 1 'IK m sang ‘'The Lord’s Prayer.- p r ior ^ f t& iM to th e double ring cercmony. p<i^ •

f(jnr'»d by Bbhcp Oarren L. P e t- erson. Idaho Falls. ' ;

T he bride, given In morrlage b y . . ■ • hor wnte a floor length J

gown I'f white nylon tulle nna J . if tv t >v.>r n e l and taffeta. I t was iT e~ ■ . lasUinru wim lui'b lil> point- —

■ sleeves, n f i ttc j bodl;e wlOi a _______ scalloofd • neckline nnd a full ■ 1 th rce -.le 'e il skirt w ith a 's f a l - r■ i+c loped hemline. V.

H er shoulder-lcniih velt was | he ld hv icalloprd crown ..f ^ seed-pearl*. Sh(* carrlcd a bou- -

y a t th e o( ^ h lte cnm otlons. enclr- I; Illy, 235 cled w llh lavender feathered c a r­

nations. . Mold of honor for h e r. sis te r “

o g i r l s w as M aureen Rasmussen. Brides-be M id m a ( ^ '. werc"‘Beitrleo“T e l l ^ n dhome of J a n a Peterson, b o t h Rigby, . .leeUngs E och wore .a brocodjcd lavender Instead dress and a w hile carnation cor- ■

on. F o r sage.a c t H el. B est m an wns Vlrell a A nder-

Bon. Pocatello. bVother of th e «; !ll, 830- bridegroom. Ushers were Steve— ....... Rasm ussen and Lynn Rasm ussen, «

b rothera of th e bride, ”:t T u m - T he m other o t th e brWe chosc ^ ■hcTlcv, ^ pastel blue dress trlmme'd w ith ! a k on ^ h lte . T he bridegroom's m other

w o r5 a a « r lt .b I u » l« c i l!o m .tM h „CIss Me a corsage of pink and w hite q

by th e carnations and a necklace, a g if t p, o f th e bride. t t

A recepUon was held a fte r th e oi A iunrca. cerem ony In the church rocre- a t 8:30 a tlon hall. Ouests were regis tered » merlfian by M rs. LaM ar Johnson. Lorenzo, y t r r Will I n charge of refreshm ents wos «

collar" M rs. T hu rm an Preston, assisted si ae given by J ^ ^ P e te r s o n , Corol Fell a n d fc In g 'fa r- B r ir ta ra F e ll. ' - ft]club. A o i i t a ,^ere d l^ la y ed by Mra.

' J a y Cottle, Rigby, and M ra. K e n t & A nderson, Lorenro. a

ice a t B p a rtic ipa ting In th e program a! lozelton were LeMar J ohnson, Loren to ; — lies"w ill B e o lrlco F e lfrC a ro lJ^ lirB o rb a rft „ to bring F ell a n d Lenls Jensen, a ll Rigby; 1

O uests L inda Anderson, DeMolne. A nder­son nnd Susan A nderson, a ll P o - ,, cntello. and Glen R asm ussen, ^

^ rm y Jo t *

I'fittiur*- wool su it of h e r own design. She ? m cheon wore blue and black accessories. V ■v4n h« - A fter thB -cerem onlesrand-re* t n ceptlon, a clilcken supper w as J

served to members o f th e b rid al y p a rly a t Jack’s C hicken In n . T he , •brldij’s g rondfother waa host. ,

m eet a t T he bride attended echools In * O F hoUi B urley and was gradua ted from

T w in PaUs h igh .achool In 1959. u a She attended T w in Falla Business '

collegeiandi.w aa. employed (is a secretary In th e publlo h e a l th of-

I n ^ l n « « ■ W gby. For th e p a s t year J o h n W ■*1’® employed as a secretary :

sandv a t the Parish Bnd N cagle R ealty , i K. . i . ~ A nderson was gradua ted ln l0 5 5 1 rs. A lan from Rigby high school., H o com- J ^n Rug-> p ieU d two years o f coUege, eerv- 1

ed two years In th e a rm y a n d was ^

■ ■ U 91 Il'a ano ther b ig bftrgaln n

I m B Jerry'B l J f r o a mUaN r n lM , he re 's a o o lh e r etUi

Friday an d Sati

I ca tsu p dispensers, Y O I

bun b ask ets, storage F (

IS , cerea l bowls, cups, .

I e r s , lem on juicers, I

ups and^m any other.____

ob lo o f C h ro

,M I C S S E R V II' i Q - a n d G l

............. . R e g 9 9 e p c r i e i' N O W ....................C u t G la i i

D I S H E ^ G I r L s '

. C lo o r P1,A S T (C ^ . , . 1

V I N D O W S t o y

68c Y O U R C H O IC E

;sen y

I /

s t w ard ■m sm us^ .' '. '* And M rs. -In Falls. • ” •so n ,so n -' J P w ^A nder- ------M f W n<

Mf*'' . “layedby . •0 F a ils . ' . ■ ' ■ ocatcllo, - • i y - .• 'p r io r ' I vcr n i n a p - ^ . . v - . .................... .IL . P e t- ~ , ■ I t"

■ lcT lageby . . . . ‘ , Ir leng th i . . . . . . . ..... . . . J dijlle nna '.I ' ;• .' ...' ■ ' i ,I. I t was Ml sily pom f = MBg r P g X X I^ A y P E B 8 0 >t= : £1

w llh a (Bybee photo) a full —---------- ------------------------------:------ vk-

* GenealogicalT b o ? 'f 3 : Books, Films ^

New books a n d inlcrofUm have *1 er sister received by th e southccn- “

n ridea- Idaho G enealogical society ^ i r o m _ U ia .a ta ta -u n lt -U b ra ry - ia ^

oigwy BoUe. t t iB recorda wUl be avail- ’ lavender “ t Uie u n it 's lib ra ry over tinn cor- T rollnger pharm acy In T w i n uon cor ^

..A n d tr -Of th e Book," VoL 14; "Augusta couniy, ,

re Steve V irginia;" "Guide to G enera l Re- I sm iiM n « f t « h . l n Pennsylvania;;; “Pollc

’ county Pioneer S k e tc h es ,. Ore- . Bon:" "HUtorlcal CollecUona of ‘

—J- Ohio;'* "Complete G uide -to Her- 1' " . a ldry;-' "Revolutionary Pension- r ‘ era of 1 813 :'" '8aln ts a n d S trang- C

ers;" "A im als-of th e Swiss and E nd w hite G erm ans on Pennsy lvan ia ;" "U 5 . v ce, a g if t Qiiide," p a r t one; "Guide 1

to VlUl StatU tlcs of C h u rch Rec- E a fte r th e ords In ConnecUcut." h_ rocre . Films Include 18S0 s ta ta cen- " eglstered sus rej»rur~from “ lD d to n sr‘New Lorenzo. York, NorUi Carolina. Pennsyl- v

ents w as vanla, T exas a n d V irginia. Cen- t assisted sua records of 1B60 a re available

FeU a n d fo r Indiana, N eb rask a,. Missouri c a n d Tennessee. t

by M rs. '^ In d ia n a census reporta of 1B70 I Irs . K e n t a n d 1880 reporta from Kansas, c

M issouri and U ta b also n re avall- program able. ( Loren to ; ----------- — ------- " ' _____ ^

O ut-of-tow n guests Included ? J p n th e l^rlde's g randparen ts . M r. and }

' Mrs. B urdette R . Stocking, H all- * ey j-uncIes-oL iheJ)rid£ ,J>oylc_I. f

f ,® o S l Stocklng. Rlcks college, a n d E arl sign , e n e stocking, BoUe Ju n io r col-

• le se ; BTCB A nderson a n d family, a n a TB* „ n d V lrgll D . Ah-

?P^ v derson and famUy. Pocatello, tL broUiers of th e bridegroom ; Pa- IIW . T ne coUege. and

M r. and M rs. G len Larsen,

.h o w o , M o dJ Business th * couple Dec, 22 f tt Springdale.iy e d (& f t _ ¥ ¥ ¥ ___H ealth o f- ‘ BRIDQE CLUB MEETS post year BURLEY, Feb. l - M r s . George secretary M a tth e w and M ts: M . H . Man* le R ealty , ning won high prizes w h en -th e c d In 1055 Dcclo Bridgo club m e t a t th e „H o com- Monning home. T h e n e x t m eet- ege, aerv- Ing wUl be he ld Feb. 9 a t . tho 7 a n d was home of M r i L eland Prestoiu

^ ----------------------

K b a rga in n l a of w anted llema, i r yon mUaed th a pievloua S< n o ih e r eBantel

nd Saturday Only!



- 8 “ "

Chromo Platod

;e r v i n g t r a y "n d G L A S S C U P*9c per let, ^ O O ^’ .................... Z i c t i o O C

Cotton/Rayon or Rayon • '

i lR L S ' P A N T I E S4 to 12, 1 Q . «

1 . 18cAll Motal, Friction Type


I CHOICE ....... .... .........8c

Almo P air Is . Guest a t Dance

^ And Farni ly Fete■litL ALMO. Feb. I—Mr. and-Mrs.

. Leo Durfee were honored on their golden wedding annlvcrsaiy ’.wlth-a-danoo-al-thft-X.OS-r«cre> - atlon hall, given by their 1am-

R ' ; ' 3 Muafc was provided by Uie Er-- ncJt Jensen orchestra. M aster of

I t> , , i ceremonies was O ary.Taylor, Og-^'1 den, Utah.

Mrs. CurtU D urfee sang "W hcn i Your H o lr 'H aa T urned to Sll- ’ ; ver." accom panied by M n . Arley

cahoon -G lngcr-H u tc liU on-gaye - j • ' , two m usical readings, nccompan-

• led by Mrs. OrvlUe Sears. ..I Mrs. Nish Hutchison, a grand- I daughter of the honorees, mode

■ J Iho wedding cake. She was as- slated by Mabel Pleri:o and Jean

;B80N~ pii’i’cr: ' _The cake was decorated with

----- ---- white nnd gold roses and theI words *^50ih Anniversary."

31 The couple also was given a |_ .. family turkey dinner at Uie LDS I 6 W church. . _ I

- -Chlidren-of-Uie couple include-I > ■ Mrs. Arlo Jones, Lima, Mont.: i r>t V .’ilrs. Harold Jonea and Mark |

Durfee, Bridge; Mrs, David ?? .?-i.?C Oreen, Ogden. UUh; Mrs. Jack _ h its n Wcbb, Pocatello: Joseph D.u fef, .

o T . l n » » ♦ - t

, Gooding Lodge = n.rS- Chiefs Installed ^Im Ore"! OOODiNG, Feb. I - Officers F ctl'ons of 'nstaUed at the Rebekah club f tn Her. lunchcon meeting are Mrs. Har- t Pension- ry Dcdrlck and Mrs. Edith Mc- c

d Strang. Coy,.presldent; Mra. Dclroy Me a jwiss and B ‘de ^nd Mrs. Harry Dedrlck, li Ja;""U5 vlc« president; Mrs. Henry li ,. “auicie Tliompson, secretary, and Mrs. lirch Rec. Baugh, treasurer. b

Names were drown for new 1' tat# cen- mystery pals and the roll call

.was anira,-cred with "What -I c Pennsyl- would do with an extra day In o

n la . Cen- th , new jre«t.” •available The prc«ram was In charge MUsourl of Mrs. Walter Ziegler, who gave i

three humorous readings. Door ~ ta of 1B70 »'oi» l>y Jean Crook- ,I Kansas, cr and Mra, J. C. McLaughUn. ) nre avail- Hostesses werB Mrs. Edith Mc*

Coy, Mrs. Maggie Broa-n and i---- —— Mrs. Dedrick. 1i , ^ t . 24 ^ 8 next nicetlng 'rtll be lield

Feb. 23 and will be an apron ex- i inpiiiriNi change., Hostesses will be Mrs. *

, Mr Dclroy McBride, Mrs. J. C, Me- I Laughlln, Mrs. Charles Wlmmer 1

VJDoylei ftnd Mrs. Oeorge Eubanks.Earl

jnlor col- ndfmlly,Pocatello,

Uege. and

OPEN EVERYjpringdale. ' .

nEETfl Irs. George ■■. H. Man* - M B B m S X k .when-Uie M M V t J M Bet the K I B B l v f i n J Ha t meet- MjHCgJ HL^S S ls at.tho l a iiW w iM iPBf 1155a

Teston. . . |g g |

: C ^ s t o n

I A I u

Intor-locking panel c Ing, Proportioned st)

; widest widths. Made bakcd'on cnorriol finl

1 color panels or solid i

■ A

J E o s y - R o l l A l u r

- Just pull cord to raise o Justoblo to any posi'llor won't flap in wind, Ru bakod-on cnomol finish,

S h o p n t S o n i 'i n n d S n v o

,nd-M rs.orcd on ■ 21ilvcrsaiy ’ „* - r « r e . -----------elr la m - H A ; ^

' y l B l i t U:faster of . . J f . .y S S m a ■

- ^ 9 wl L‘* p i i i H i n t f ^ B r ^ wl

g "W hcn y pL■ to Sll- > - ann . Arley . . aa

compan- y , . . , ^ ' . ac

a grand- i ,,, rW wics, mode

m d Jean

^ with — W H S ^L M E R tE H L E R S------a'SdlS . tC ootee Phou)

.. . - 1. . .* * * ............... ...

& l K aren Brown Is e include -EHlers-Bride ■. I ;dT.ri In C hapel Rites, David FARM INGTON, Mich.. Feb. 1 ilrs. Jack _ Lee Brown, daughter

o U A a n d - M rs ja h o a J I .B r o w n . f « B-nd Detr<)i37M lch., and ‘Elmer W.

- B h l e a ? ^ of Mr. and Mrs. W al­te r E n le ri. Eden, were united In

J ___ m arriage a t S t. PauVs-IJiOicran□ Q . 6 church, rarm Ingtcfi?M lch., ,Jon., , , 12.

p r l Th® double ring ceremony wos perform ed by the Rcv. W alter

• O fficers Rutkowskl. kah club G iven in marriage by her fa - Ara. H or- th e r, th e bride wore a white d lth M e- C han tilly lace gowh over ta ffe ta ilroy M e. a n d tu lle w tlh a chapel train. Her

Dedrlck, headdress wns a net ve il edged H e n r y In laco he ld by a pearl crown,

in d Mrs. She c a rried a bouquet of cym. r. b ldluih orchids, stephanqtU andfor new Ivy. nroll call M aid o f honor was Ilean Oar*

"What -I chow. S h e wore a street length i T d ^ l i T dress-o f-A m erlcan -B cau ty -roae

. sa tin fash ioned with a full sKlrt a n d th reo -quarU r length sleeves,

who ^ She w ore a pillbox h a t accented

^ H e r* f lo w e rs were'w hlte cam a- tlo n s 'Jocked w ith Ivy. Brldes-

lughun. Sandra Brown, slsUrMlth Mc* of . th e bride. Her ensemble waa OTO ond Iden tica l to th a t ot the mafd of

_ h o n o r.___________ ___ _11 be he ld B est m a n was Edwln- Bruns, apron ex- B d e n . Brldegroomsman was

be Mrs. Jam es Sflhlller, cousin of the J. C, M c- bride. U shers were Dennis Schil-. W im m er le r and Roger MUnrch. - - ........inks. T h e bride's mother wore >1

i ^ s t o m - M a d e V e r t i - S t r i

A l u m in u m A w n in g sig panel co nstruction makes th is o u r si I loncd sty ling gives on even, bolcncoi hs. M ade o f ru st.o n d corrosion p roof al namol finish, In 3 stylos; Stylo o s showf s or solid colors.


J '11 A l u m i n u m A w n in g sto raise or lower, Awnlnos aro od*

ly position you wont. Stays rigid, wind, Rust-proof aliim’Iniim w ith

moi finish. In do zen s o l colors, ^

. S o a r s ' C ' D A T ? G 3 a v o 0 £ / z V J \ p Hll

■ ■ ■ dress of cbammon and aSver r print brocade wltb pink accesso- L rles. Bhe .Wore-a corsage of pink r roses. The mother of the bride- {

lI groom chose a roytU-blue crepe■ ^ dress wlUi white accessories and I . . a white orchid corsage. - ®, B y- Mra. Bernice Hiatt, San Diego, «

. Callf^-slster-ct the bridegroom, W i-- wore ft havy blue crepe dress P' I k '' and ft corsage of pink rosebuds. ^i B ~ -----A'.'receptran-was-weld-at-tlre KM A ■ church social' hall after the S ^ K i ceremony and at tbe Eden Trln- ^ M f t Ity church. ' . , • . °a n B ' The bride's table was covcred

with ft lace cloth nnd decorated ^ with white tapers accented with ? pInK roses. It was centered with

, on arrangement of white chry- w' - : santhemums and pink carnations, g

- . .gynnv Ehlertt-PlaywLBeverol _ ■ ' , accordion solos.. . . w > > Mrs. Schiller and Mrs, Hiatt n

wer9 In charge of gUta at the Michigan recepUon. Decorations a

- B ERTirS . —

,,3 fryersites Ham-Hock! H s Beef Liver.:imer W. .Mrs. Wol- Von Comp 1300 iixe

Pork 'n Beimony wos Aero, 22 oz. jar

: : : : o iii Pickiesa white ---- ;----------------------------

eir" Peonut Butit of cym- •notU and n 'Rananas .let length ■< outy-roae _ ____ _ .full skjrt H a d i s h e s a n 'd ~ —;h sleeves. ^ .

; accented GrOOn O tllO n S ......Ite cama-

a S - R O U N lI mafd of _ 'In^Bhms; W Jion was .i t a L h l l - I 9 6 0 K im b e r ly R o o d

M iT F W D A T N iG H f^


t i - S t r i p e

n i n g s 5 3 ^thIs our strongest own-I, balanced look to the ll||P"{||fin' proof aluminum with ^0 as shown, ,alternotlng l ifc ^ 1

....................... , - F O

IJil Installation SorvH

1 ■ r ~ ~ ---------------% MAIL THIS <a j . F ree E stim ates • > g ' ! . h u r r y W H IL E 0 1

2 ™ -.. N am e.......

A ddress...... ..............I

'with I Tow n...........................

^ 401 Main Ave, \\, ey ,-m -c m Mon,.rn.

\ X J ntiii; fAiLKiNu nno

'i ,

EmanonSocietvB S E leC sO ffice t''so rfts and New E m a n o n club off'i..

, elected a t a familyson Diego. M rs. I. T. Crcert

■epe dress Presiden t; Mrs. Maurice 'ai' ; ’* rosebuds, s c r e lary , and Mrs.

a fte r th e officers u«*S denT rln - Fay® HoUowny and 'M rs Ch,^ '

G rieve. ' .as covcred T h e n e x t ' meeting uiii L ,decorated card p a rty and poiluck dlnV..

;n te d w ith ^ h - . tered w ith ! -----------------------hIte ch ry - w ere w h ite chrj-sanUifmums .nr!*':am atlons, gladioli a n d pink cariKnicm, ^ -.

M t. “c a m e l —M ercy-''«hM '.!^Mrs, H ia tt nu rsing ,. Detroit,- - ’fts a t the T h e pewlyweds will rcjia. • )ecoratlons a fa rm w est o f Eden. •'

■4ocks-7::rzrar35c~ .iver....... lb. 29c3 0 i i x e

n Beans 8 tor $1

ckles .... . 37c

t Butter ■■■■.■■■ 45c d s __2 Ibi. 19c '

l^n lirT b J o c ;


ly Road , 733-5660

HPTiir ' ' ‘

E W * I

m r

E R - i f a | | r

» . N o M o n e y D o w n 1on iSeori Eoty Poyment Plan |

* N o P a y m e n t s

' H I M a y 1 s t

* D e l i v e r y W h e n I

Y o u W a n t l f !


3 ' fOR PATIOS ‘ _____I

3n Service A vailab le

HIS COUPON “a te s • N o O b llg a tlp n WHILE OFFER LASTS'

............. P h on e .................


STORE HOURS ;Inn.,Fri. T uei.,.III. In n p.m. PlSO i>.m. t” ■ ■.

Page 11: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

. Anniversary ,I s O bserved by ‘■‘Cpuplelat Buhl , i

•BU m -. F e b - 1 - M r . and Mrs. ' M ff.M w llUamg. BuM ,_cclebrntcd [ ■ Ihelr 40th weddlhff anniversary V c lih an open hou£c o t tho VFW . . .1 J^ll here wlUx 100 g u e s ta - a t - * 1

• ttndWg.The ev en t-w as hosted by the _

nuple'a daugh ters . M rs. Donald ■ Keiunann. B uh l, a n d Mrs. Dean ■ U am nond. B urley. H

2 WUlIamA selcctcd a bclgc H jbeath dlftner d rc ia accentcd w lih J

— n n « tch lng -jac lce t-iiiid -bone.i i iu |- ||B

complemented Iier cnsc'inblc. W The lace-covered reception tabl<! SS

T il centered w ith n lour-Ueicd B i red and w hite w eddlne take. I t ' . H

decora te d wlth^h lte_ ,d ,ov fs H — ^ t n ^ l v a r w edding bands an d- - =

topped w ith a ruby "40." Red ta - pen In crystal- ho lders flankod

. thi- cake. R ed a n d w hite cupld heart w ith w hlto sa iln bows and red rosebuds added to the table | ^

B a ck ^ o u n d -o rg a o -m u ilc was i j furnished by R ich a rd McNew and r l

. WTS. R ay Carlson.Mrs. C harles W alker and Mrs. U

Gen# M gD arls c u t and served the c. take. Coffee w aa poured by Juliit Larrlson. M B T B lm e n ja m ra a i i. ijcif Shirley Ju lia n nnd Sharon Jen - r

‘ -»en. Mra. A ugust Axen waa In soni charge of a rrangem en ts . q

K athy H am m ond had charRc of Ann the guest book ond Craig Neu- Suo

. m ann-preslded a t th e gift table, on Ih ey are g randch ild ren of the And Jionorccs. . . . . A]

. Mr. and M rs. W illiams were G ru roam ed Jo n . 25, 1023, In P rnnk- Sklr Un, Nebr. T h ey havo t h ' r e c Pete daughters, M rs. N eum onn. Mrs. trca

'H am m ond a n d M rs, Jnck Roland, l< Ih Modesto, C alif. M rs. Roland was hies unable to a tte n d . ond;

I * » » S , Roman Designer

—Em phasizes.Elat SiI I #• r* •„LQ0KX0r_Spring jem

\ PARIS, Peb . 1 W -R o m an de- Loa rim er Rotferto Capuccl opened llghi Jil.1 Paris house wIUi. hlRh-keyed Tool cJlbr and a f la t look th a t will Beni leave h is c lien ts wondering Ju st M arT’hcre th e ir bosoms w ent._______

W aists w ere o ften empire. Just n p ,, below where th e bust; used to be,Vnd hem s Ju s t below the knee,

— fo llow lng-the-m aJorlty -o f-Poris c ra ' designers In th e ir spring and tcrsi

_Bum m er_»hoa's.__--------------- to m- A dazzling deep-orange wool • coat covered a violet d ress which

_ b a d effect._The.,em- plre line cam e w ith a seam above the waist in f ro n t a n d slightly W l n b « k . ■

Another com bination tq m ake Koo _ the eves blLnlcjwnfi n b righ t r e d _ l j

coat over a K elly green dress. Jan More xlcar. s h a rp color came In She a small ]acketed orange su it w ith cd a violet allk blouse printed'-, in StU tiarquolse and r u s t geometric pot* 0^^ te m i ’

Tha-tUDft s u i t done {n-tgs>heU wool, w ith a p o le ' b lue prin ted „ blouse b rought applause.

Early day dressea w ere often p• sheaths w ith s tr a ig h t sk irts, a n 33ri

^ inset aUtched a t m idthigh, a n d Parl- to p s-f la t-a s -e n v e lo p s .- '--------------F a l9 . For la te a fternoon , Copuccl

. brought In h o t w ea the r cottons In waffle piques. Som e were orange ^

k and violet b u t a noto of lingerie ^ F 'c r e p t li i 'w ilh “ tm-eo“Whii6 sUIBT

Ono had a Jacke t lined w ith ligh t Lee pink and blue prganza flowers. ThB.matchlng'.blQusB looked-llke - ^ a tiny flower bouquet. . Tot




-D rip d ry I . c o u o n In /

, ■ white. , M Sizoj 8-16 V

a n d o rh e r styles


’ G

■ \Z3v the ■. . V ^ ” [ [Donald .M g £ -Y ^


n u W ' - I g SIt

cd ta -lankPd C’OLI.EKN’ IIAHN

cupld IKelker photo) guaI'S and * * * , t-M' \ K A ' I I I 5“ “c waJ Hann Is .:w»; Honored Queeni / s B ethel' Kr J u :u h installed =

i'°*!'>«‘l- f l ''e e n -o f - T w ln - F a M s lim an, Jcthel No. 10, Job’s D aughters,L . ?„ *" public ccrcmonles n t th e M a-

in sonic temple. . prft°f f ‘« r s Installed nre

se»>°r prUicess; ° , Neu- Suo Wylie. Junior p rincess; .Char- of

laoie. on Gnrnaiui. culclc, and Julle Dai of the Anderson, m arshol, wit:

Appolntfvc officers a re L inda S '‘■"e ^ru tjb . inner gua rd ; K athy hor

=Ynnk- SWnner, outer guard ; S u s a n Rhl h r e e Peters, recorder; D iane Drake, nn i , Mrs. treasurer; Sally Sleber, chap- • ° oland, lain; N anette H nntlrlck, f irs t • d was messenger; Lyiiette H ann , sec- '‘'o '

ond:. Sally McAttce, th ird ; Ros- olee Cameron, fo u rth ; Judy Al- RU> w orth, fifth . m ir

- i o r Myers, m usician ;-V iv ian • vMolyneux, lib rarian^ M erl Lynn ••Ty

ia t a o X s a n ' , JBonnie Hletz a n d Peggy K uy- 1“ "'

I Q kendall, pages; ..Nancy . H ulblrt ^ nnd D renda H ogue, h isto rian s; A

n de- Loa Dee Brower, custodian of b a r pened lights; S u s a n Thom pson and fell keyed T oo tle O tto, reg is tra rs ; Cecelia ace t will Benkula, a ssis tan t recorder, and _ J Ju st M ary McCready a n d Darellne

Clark, Choir capta ins.. (ust Choir m em bers Include Becky Vn vTr. Nancy Davis, Delores W ll- ^l®

Hams, Judy H artley , Sha ron M c- the knee, ca r ty , M ._L eo ..W o U o n ,_ C aro I—I

-i-ans crayb lll, Lois Sam ac. Ju d y P e - mo and terson, T erl F inn , Jo a n Tegan, nla

---------P enny -Shnw ^M ory-H odge;---------vnh■wool Lorene Phillips, N lkkl Ronk, _7.

which K a th y M cC aw ,.S haron M onker, g . , s em - C h e ry l_ Couch. _ S u s a n _01lvcr; _ above S and ra W olker, T lie lm a ‘H op- " iirhtlv ‘‘'ns , Ja n M enser, Je an n e W ll- m s

Ilams. Dcbble W hite, N ancy S te- Th vens, Lynne B ancro ft, L inda pol

m ake K ooijU and K ay Callcn. —Lt_cel — Insta lling otflccr was Nina- dress. Jankins, re tiring honored queen, pa me In She was assisted by po st honor- cu t w ith cd queens of th e bethel, L inda pn ed'-. in StUes, Suo Fow ler n u d M arsha c p o t- O t t . and M arjorie Y ork; p ast ,

honored queen nf be thel 140. 43, .an4,^JoAnn .R ordy , and Sevy, i x a D ee Brow er nnd Mims

.rlntod Brcckenrldge. be thel No. 10members. ”}

often Pam ela W arner, npgel, led the ts, a n 33rd psalm ceremony. Horold 1, a n d Parks, m uster counselor. Twin—------Falls-IJeM bloya,_playcd_a_vloU n P?nniiprl accom panied by M is s 'opucci Breokenildge. L oa Deo Brower cei ion . In „ „ Ulorange Miss H onn Introduced h e r par* de Ingerle *^nts, Mr. a n d M rs. Lloyd H ann, in

“ SlHBr duccd h e r g randm others, Mrs. ' h ligh t Leona H ann a n d Mrs. Helen ~ lowers. end a friend , M rs. Bess T l

Brown. S.d-llke - Q thcrs" ln troducB d w ere Mrs,

T om Alwprth, guard ian ; Lee

f The .Paris i


1 1ilylM \ \

8.98 . ■ ' ' !

— - -Rupert-OES-yrrit"' Honors W6rthy 'i.'~

I ■ .Grand'Matron:_y RUPERT. Feb, 1 - a ira. MUton: - J f s n f K tc r , Bvlleyuc. i^ r th y prand I - m atron , and W illiam C. Skinner, ' f l [ Idal-.o Falls, Uvoriliy grand po- • ' f l I tron . were Ucjjorcd a t a. ttwcilng '• I

of R u p m chnpter No. 33, OES, •. ’1 a t the Masonic temple. | .

. O ther guMts were Mr.?. Mildred I 1 ^ Scho'per, .Montpelier, p a s t 's r a n d l

m atron : Mrs. Z iib Pickering. I r . past grand m a tron ; Alonr.o’Clay- :

ton, 'p a s t p rand pm ron; Mrs.!

S S " m atroii, uto i". ana E liz ab e th 'l . i ' "P H I Frank, o-^sociatc prand conduc- ^M 9 tre&s, U tah.' ■ ' . ^

..AUo Intro.duci^i ucre Mrs. W ll-llam Skinner; Olpa Llsh, H

m . craiid puuie._~JobaJ.DhiK:-irt-;???ni f l [ Mrs, Robert Bnlch a n d Ray H -n.ird, guardian and aisoclate ‘ guardian. R upert Job’s D.-xuch- t trs , ond Pred Johiu'son. assoclnie' f. 1guard ian o'f th e Burley be thel.' i v

An addenda was Riven in hon- (✓,o r of Mrs. Schaefer by the asso- I n !

i p ^ d a te pa tron nnd the s ta r points. 1' She was presented w ith a «nln- i T

a j iature doll w ith gocd iiiek

__8he_ftl5i-U-nsj[ivcn-a_-f!lft-from MartiiM rl chap te r and honorary m em - brld0 Mtl IJWshlp In the R upert chnpter, Mr. ® presented by Mrs. Edw ard M il- Twli J ler, w orthy m ntron. i-j ncess; D onno Olbson, honored queen 1060 e h n r- of the- Rupert bethel of Job’s siIk

Julle D aughters. No. 39. presented her '’<’"1 w ith ft gill. frODj h e r bellirJ. Bea

L inda Skinner was given a gift and K K athy honorary 'm em bersh ip by’Robert u s a n R h lnehart. w orthy pa tron . Mrs. “ n'* Drake, Qordori G off was soloist. . ” e

' Mrs. Schaefer •pre.scnted the ' sec- '"•■orthy m atron nnd. pa tron w ith *

■ R o s. lamb figurines. She gave Mrs. ly Al- Ruby Oelmore. chap te r m other, a l u -

m in iature emblem « f h e r s ta tion . _ Vivian .• Mrs. Schaefer’s ■ ihem e was Lynn ••Truth."

^ Past Matrons club served x -----K uy . luncheon for chap te r officers a h if m b i

lu lb lrt honored guests. - jjonrlans ; A school of la struction and a asso an of bantiuet ,at th e Mettxodlst c hu rch aLstt1 and fellowship lia ll completed the Tr :eceUa agendo. . , ^ 5, ueM fl decorations were 'vnscs 5 ai

w ltli p r o j^ g hands, one of M rs. c Bjgjjy Schaefer’s-em b letn s-fo r-tlie 'y ea r; ^ i W ll- Flowers were violets a n d Illy of “ * n M c- the valley. *"1_CaroI _ T h e - e m b le m -o f - th e - - c h a p te r ly P e - m other’s sta tio n w as used on bon Xegon, pjocecards ond' o the r decor. Fn- Lor •• , TOfTwere sm s in a m b flfcUres anu

OUv^! Scripture verses.“ H o p i - J o b 's D aughters served refresh-- —- 5 W ll- m enta nfter th e ch ap te r meeting, y S te- T ha w orthy g rand m a tro n op- U n d o pointed Mrs. M iller as grand ^

T T ri«^ belchllter; associate gticrraiiinT queen, past guard ian and associate tee

Guardian, -Mr. nnd M rs. Wesley PJ';

J S l»«■ oil™' s;

Tlh) "guaidlatf'-^im ir: aisocinto nvDM “5 guard ian presented Miss H ann

w ith h e r g o v e l-a n d Miss Je n - fro led th e presented h e r w ith he r hon - rtit Horold queen’s p l i i Miss H an n then in

Tw in presented M lss .Jenk ins w ith he r her,_vioUn past honored queen’a p in._________

M is s T he refresM ment tab le was Brower centered w ith 0 largo, cako In

the ^ a p e of an open Bible, 1 er par? dccorated in white, gold and red. Hann, i n charge of decorations wits *

!, Mrs. ' ” „ „ 7- ■ 1'Helen - * - 10


c Mrs, i; Lee

I I end of-f

'■ r ~ ^K a'sn«a2.;Lrir..rn':'.x.r.=r3:3CT

regular _ . AQ 9 R

5 4 -regular------f i to 25.95

L l 0

w o o l 1

« j t u i u n i a i v » i a n n

regular to 12.95

-ri^ *N

lil tnn ' — r fprand .. desl(

mlscpo- ht>us

ccilng ^ f l th eOES, ' . - ^ f l with

:ildred | Oiprand ' aw'o;:erlng. I V■Clny-; \ cOlU

. . ' mo tg r a n d ;- -

>nduc- stio>

W ll- ihaiLlsh, _ o

‘™ w '; “ '" S . k n u d s o n ».iuch- . siioiwclnle' X A • ■ 1 I mJ Othel. M I S 3 J a y n e s I s str«

»'o Knudson's Bride ?Jn iSn- InlvlevadaRite o>«

ELKO, N „ ., M . 1 - D o rl. S Jnyues, daughter o t M t. Rnd M rs.

t-from M nrk-jnynes.—B u h lrb e ca m e-th e m em - bride o f O nry K nudson, son of

impter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E . K nudson. _ d M il- Tw in Falls. Dec. 26 In E lko. Nev. S

Tho form er Mls.^ Joynes Is n . queen 1060 cradunlc o f Duhl high [ \ Job’s .i:liool. She has completed n

cd her brau tlcian’s course nt-Hollywood -- ipj. Beauty eollcgp, l^vJn Fnlls. f t and K nudson was g raduated in „ ho b e rt f r a n Cnstleford h igh school ’I. Mrs. '‘" ‘J attended Idaho S ta te collcge. ^

, He Is stationed in the arm y a td the ■ HUtl u’ith A ahowcr was given for tlie . j r . M rs newlyweds J o n .- 19 by Mrs. I r is woi fh«r Mr«- Anno Cox ond M rs. Mr,n 1™ " Mr,

T he new Mrs. K nudson Is re - C * siding w ith her pa re n ts u n til she sell

can Join h e r husband. Mrved g — ■ — con■r* on if pago fo r th e g ran d chap te r aes-

- slon tn June . (Mrs. L B. PaW e; and a associate m atron , wa* chosen aa-

church aLsUnt g ran d organ is t. 1■d the Inv ita tions w e r e read for

friendship n igh t In Burley Feb. vases 5 and Hollister chap te r, Feb. 8. ”

3f M rs. C hapter room decoratlons'w ere ll^ '*of “ replica of th e "Savior" a n d de:

w hite lam bs o a a purple back- Int rhap ter ground .--Featured-w ere-. ft gold ted on border and th e Inscription, “ The bs or. F a - Lord I s My Shepherd ." ' ■ ■ i h res anu Is w ith T

«,«- - —Food for A_______________By GAYNOR

----------- • DEUCrOUB VALENTINE- aitrrdlBir — Rere-’e—a—euggestlotr—fo i~ th e - *ti ssoclntc teenroge cook w ho w ants to s u r - S t Wesley m other w ith on edible ge

d e A l- V alentine. beI t i s a handsom e mold. F i rs t pli

, c ,,.„ n “ ake 0 pineapple gelatin h e a r t, rIf • “ ' combining pineapple gelatin a n d Lo

. . . conn&d cni&hcd p ineapple w ith tti issociote moroachlno cherries. R ing th e sh J H ann h e a r t in tiny rosebuds. Add a- I f sa Je n - fro tj, gt sh ip p e d cream and a d - cri ier non - d ltlonal m araschino cherries c u t »d nn then jn ha lf a n d snipped to resem bel 1 /Uh he r jieorts. ' Wrl!L_________ Molded_ValentIne_De«er»___ thile was H eart tocako In (Makes 4 to 0 servings) ir j

Bible, 1—3-once package p ineapple us tnd red. f la v o r gelatin . duns wiu 1 cup bo ling . w ater ^

,. • r £ u p crushed pineapple ^ • ■ 10 m araschino c hen les- ®“ ‘

r r ADS Empty pineapple gelatin In to eei


Iv ie s ' coat]

i n s■ t

' one group

ladies* dress<

>5 .' 4#I one group, lodlei

»ol tdperled pKhiiiii ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ ■ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M iiirw i'iM W tw ni

.5 5 .


^ 'N evrV ersio irof"| § Sacl<:Lool<Winj I

-Buyers-Hearts— |— PARIS;— r r o : — r=T K 5R T 5n ' f l designer Yves Saint Laurentm lsed 'th e curta ins ou his new Bhbuse Mondn'y nnd sec.iicd to win ■ th e hvn iti and hcnd.t ol buyers

^ f l w ith a new version of the sack B■ R look. ■f l ^ O ne American buyer came f lI ^ M . . away ravlup . ■I r a l "T his tf Snlnt L.iurent’s best f lf l f l collectlou,” lie &alct. " I t has Imag- f l

inotlon and whlmny."___________ IE;

a tunic effcct with stra igh t sk irts f showlMR bene.tih lin overblouse.

^ f l T ha skirts were never longer •. th a n ]u.<t below the kiicc. B |

.^OLY19!»<LmQdc^ _ f l

J.JJ th e w a b i with iv siuh. On others, o.he le t It fall stralplit from the

_ , slioulder to below the -h ip .^ .O n some models the .skirts fall s stra ig h t except for a blp envel- k .

. J ope p leat in front lo tew ^e and /V I Q G lu llncis , \ ^, ’The designer's suits accented Ot c the hips, o n these modeU, the 1

n n r k pecked out from under a i f M r f “ note- which „

ir» - th e -*P"«P-d_de5Uncd-to-beJilsjrade. ^ w n Of

nndion. _ » » » o n ,

wKov So-Journey U nit □” LS"n M eets for Cardsllywood So-Journe.v club card pnrtv was 15, he ld n t tlie ho:ue of Mrs. Claude ^ led In Hostessw were Mrs. C. Hill

school W ayne My- and

r ' l ' n t bridge prl7.e wns won byrm y a t McNabb; sccond, Mrs.

H ugli Drown, and low. Mr.'s. W al- l» [or Uie te r pi„ochle prizes were Utr,rs. I r is won by Mrs. W alter Prince, high: r i d M rs. .Mrs. Carl W hittier, second, and ,

Mrs. D. K . Ccderstrom, low.I Is re - G uests were Mrs. J . ' L. Mike- n tll she sell and Mr.<. Robert Seddoway. lng

Mrs. Harold Wycoff was wei- chi corned as n new member. Sal

te r aes- “ ___+

A rt ExhibitedB yK L . Feb. 1—M l. .tknrt Mtr, m

ad fo r Dale^Bell, Buhl, hosted nn open e y 'F c b a t home In honorFeb. B. Owens, a n artis t Irom• - Boise.

— ow ens,-a-^orm e^-B urley-resl• l^" a n d den t, displayed four of h is orlg- e back- Inal paintings a t th e open house.

“ t he Bells, owncr-monogers of n , “ The Banbury’s H otsprings here , for

o r A r n e r i c a n s

5 A Y N 0 R M A D D O X |

riNE- a bowl. Add boiling w ater and f o r - t h e atii-untiH he-gelatin -ls-d lsso lvedr I to s u r - S t ir in cold w ater. Chill the n edible ge latin u h tll i t U th ick as u n ­

beaten ogg white. S t i r ; crushed Id. F i rs t pinapple .and m araschino cher- n h e a r t, rles Into th e thickened gelatin, it ln a n d L adle Into a 1 -quart heort-shaped lie 7 l t h m old oc. I n to , Ind iv idua l, heart- 4ng th e shaped molds. Chill imtl] firm .

Add a- U desired, top w ith whipped an d a d - c ream and beort-shaped m a ra - rrles c u t sch ino cherry halves, resembel o f course, jroung cooks should

■ W ran to use foods a b u n d an t In M crt— tho -aa^k e t,-an d -th o refo re-lik e ly

to be more economical, H ere’a the hg<) . I 'B . departm en t o f ogrlculturo’a Ineapplo u s t of foods to be abundan t

du ring Februo^._.

** cons, honey ,; turkeys, ^eggs, fro - tln In to gen and canned red cherries.


o a t s

■ I


4 9 9i d l e i ^

d p a n t i

5.99 IR IS I

3f~ JHjHHH l u r e n t . ' f ^ f l Som I new

luyers ^ ^ f l f l B j ^ X j i l ^ ^ Hsack Y ^ f l

cnme NonOre.

■ SDlouse. -nlonger •• -

“urciit _

others, SHARRON EILEEN O R E tR duui the (B « u n photo) ,ris fell * * * «e^

'e " S d M iss Greer andcented G rom erto 'W ed 1 ,®

nd,“S In February Ritewhich h i l l , Feb. I—M r, w \d c

S f r r^ lh u ~ O T « r"B tu ro u ltc e :i lic -Mr- engagem ent of the ir dftughT^r,

I - i S ha rron Eileen, to Roberi L. “ ’p ' ‘ '* 1 G roiner. S a lt Lake City, son of o le r r l ^ M r. and Mr.v Clarence Gromer, Mr:

M aricopa, Cnllf. , ,__________gen Claude *^he brlde-e lcc t.a ltcndetl King N «lrs. C. H ill and p lc n iu Ferry schools h o ic My- a n d wns gradunted from th e Col- mc(

lego of Idnho In l&Ol w ith a dc- uni d M rs English literature. She con t. W al- Is a ttend ing the University of A s were U tah on a teaching fellowship, wit '• h 'R h: Q ronier lias been a commercial ten

n lrp lane pilot fo r three yeors act M ike- employed In the engineer- Ji

Idowoy. ln g dep n rtm en fo f Uio Ajax M o- the 3 wei- chine compnny. Ko a ttends tlie .r«i

S a lt Lnko Institu te of T echnol- ______ Qgy. ________________ cen_ J A F ebruary wedding is p la n - ***' ; ;U ned, decid Mtr.>n open -v h w w m m w p h b. honor

REMO1 house.;uest-of ............... ....................................l6rs of . - . .

^ ^ F R ID /^ BERTIE'S Fresh "F l

M C D v r is I I I I Ltl] llrm-whlpped . _____ __1 m a ra -

CU DA H Y'S "V irg irre-llke ly — ^s CJIUSs!.?;: ^ w ftlraerrles.



COFFEE 1 . 6 5 c

2 Ibi. 1 .27

Men's ond Boys' J

GLOVi— ^ - p r s r ® <

CAUiG iant Sriow-

_ w hite heads . .


H Moose Women 7 ' f l A ttend M eet a t f l Glenns Ferryzz:^ ®^ B * -QLENN6 FERRY, F«b. 1 —' l ^ f l Some $0 Women of the Mo&ie | m |

Attended the mld-w lnter con- H b ^ f l l ferencc held a t the Moose hnll ■ ■ w lth - a i e n n s Feiry tut hoelu& f l |

chnpter. W |' Members a ttended from Boise, ^ 8 N am pa 'and Em m ett. Tlie Baker, K Ore.. c hap te r was unable to a t- tend. n

Exem plification of the rTtual j m w a s . presented by all chapters; j f l "npi-nlng" nr rt - PiirimvniMit ' ' hv Q lpnn< Ferrv: “enrollment” bv N am pa, and "ciosmg- by Boise. ' M

Tlie welcome nddress w .as given by Mr. Loren Tlionip-ion. O lenns Ferry, with Mrs. Fae ■ C-^rni p,~ Em me I t^w pwM nngr^—

Mrs. J . F. D oyle,'O lenns. Ferry, l E t n dupiity grnnd regent of Idaho, ■

f;nve a tnlk on the College of ■ R e p e n t s A dm inistrative fund.

, Mv.v W inona Davis, Nnmpa.' ’J Q .spake on M ooseheart and Moose-

liaven aw \lversa r/e s..3 Q • E nrollm ent was held for Mrs. of

G erald Thompson, sponsored by 45, r I f p ^li's. Iris T liom pson for Uu

t c Q )cn„s Fgrry chap te r. p jI t , w \d College ol R egent niembers. «r ItceTllic -Mr.V,-Carrie McCIufe“ Bnd“ T.IiS ^ lUghT^r, J a c k ' Newman, -Boise, and Mrs. ^

J . P . Doyle, Olenna F e rrj’, each S i ^crt L. p r i n t e d a gift by the ' I son of o ien iw Fcrr>- chnpter, ns was (Z

3romer, Mrs. Elden I ’hompson, senior re - ^ gent of the local chnpter. _ ®

tl King Nnmpo chapter waa clioaen _to schools h o l d the "Moosehoven day" h e Col- m eeting In Morch. ’The Bolae th r tl 0 de- u n it will h ast tho m ld-w lnter rc. She confcrence In 1063.■slly of A dlscuislon period wns held ^ lowshlp. w ith senior regents of a ll chap- imerclal te rs reporting on Uieir work ond •] 3 yeors activities. sonIglneer- A luncheon was served p rior to pyk

M o- the m eeting by the local .group, by ?;clmol! Tobies were decorated w ith floral tu r

centerpieces and college of re - a ^ p i a n - Serit^ 'Jlgurtsr-M rs.-E d-aileo-w as -Fcl

decorating chairm an . Ga

ViQDELING!IDAY^PECIi•esh "FIdvor Fed" Cut up

f E ^"Virginia R ^ b ^ '


IS. H O S T E S S C O F F E E '

IE ROLLS............ a s s t . -P A T tE R N S ;- CO LO F

r BASKETS .Boys' Jersey M'sh

>VES Dish - 8 9 c _.l—

ULIFL015 W - ..........................................................

ids 80

H E S ^

O N I O N S . . . . 2

^ f l ' ®hlflivH^^H,iT^iflNiP

• s i - , ' ,

i p ----------T hursday rF e l?~ l7^^ '962—^ Twin Falls T im es-N ew s . j j ^

i. 1 —1! Mo&ie .!r con- f l E l l i y ^ B M d i .'DSC hnll .ho6lu&

e Baker, ■ ! .?9 to a t-

hap ters; L ^ ,ig » f hv m ment” bv ! IM

Boise.IS w .as _ 1 1lomp-ion. ’ ' i | - , ' ? w s f l I BIts. Fae ^ ^ H U I ., I I I

^'^rry, . 'j n L S l^ C T f l Hf.Id n h o , .W

ofve fund.N ampa. PONNA TOPE ' H

1 Moose- , , , i in j r r n u n . who w u r e - H -cently-liiM allMl-'honored-qiiecti—

for Mrs. of Job's naii:hl«-rs_|^belhel No. H sored by 45. i ia s c rm s n . '^ h e la i h a ’ H for Uifi >tfOT]^l^^er of s ir . and M rt. Dick H I

Pope, H agerm an. (S l* f t-c n « ' - | l l members. « ravinri ■ )■

------ - C T

,onTor”“ Given to Group P' ':cr, BURLEY. Feb. 1-Sew lng kllJJiMPn 'in coiulsting ot children’s garm ents

for the m Ju lon -flf ld w ere-dis- - - n en day tributed to members of group L ', le Bolae threo of th e Christian Women’s |{ L Id-w lnter Fellowship when they m et with

Mrs. Oordon Blair. Mrs. Robert - . , Poliard was co-hostcss.

A new member,- M rs. PhylUa ' , J all Chap- sieskos, was InUoduced. ' m k ond Tlie "Blue A ngel-w as th e .les- ;

son topic given by M rs. Oayio 1 J I p rio r lo Pyke. Devotions were presented >111 a l .group, by Mrs. Al K erbs, "T he Adven- L l -ith floral tu re ot Prayer." • e o f re - The nex t m eeting will be held S'.) ailco-wos -Fcli.-28 at th e home of Mra. Bjj __________Gayle Pyke.~ ~ ~ ............ ■ B |

IG ^ L E I E a A i i i ^ IS S S S SS SSSS SSw ^ ~MIJ t u p ■ ^ . lA

I . . . . l i e a ^ i

llDAY“ll-to -7— ^ " I


..........„ - 3 . J . O O


r s : . . .8 8 c jM esh k n it ■ A sst. coloi:s.' jj

>lsh Cloths- l a a c h — ~

sm. . 2 b u n . 9 c

® g t ” ■ ■ .

M . A

Page 12: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

“ Thursday, Feb. 1, 1962 J 2 Twin Foils Times-News

Libierals Set CivifRights Floor Batfle

W ASHINGTON, Pebe. i m — Senate -llbernls, unable to keep tlio K cnpcdy a'dmlol2tra llo n ’0 f im civil r ig h u blit o u t ' d f ’ a

■ hostile! com m llU e. prepared to - dny (or a floor ba ttle and pos­sible .'S outhern llllbuste r la ter

' — Sen. K enne th B. K efttln*. R„ N. Y., who fou g h t .ogalnst le tting tU^ m flfliurP Rn ,tn Judiciary com m lttM , sAld h e was ciicQurahcd by Dcrnocrntic Lcad-

■.------- er-M iltOi-M ftnsll«W «^proml*o-totnko nItci'naUvo action II the bill

Is bottled up. 'M ansfield told th e senate yes-

teriJoy h e w ould o ffer the btl) ns an a m endm en t to some othei m easuro If th e Judiciary group (Ud-not re p o r t I t ou t In 60 to SC days.

" T h en w e c ah add o the r civil r ig h ts am endm ents," K eatlni sa id , "Y/o w ill ru n in to rk o u th -

• o m filibuster anyway w hen th« Issuo ls ra ised on .th e .flao r Jater.*

Tho b ill to outlafv unreason­ab le literacy te sts a s a quaUtica- t lo n fo r Totlng In federal clcf-

• t lo n s w as c \ta ie d fq r the- JurtV' c lary g roup by a- voteV f 61 to 2S T h e vo te cam e on V lc^ Prcsiden' L yndon B. Johnson’s ruling thn:

' th e Judiciary com m ittee shout<, . banille the measure, ......... -

C h a irm an Jam es O. Enstlnnd O , M iss , w hoss Judiciary grouj h a s been called th# gTaveyard oi elTll r ig h ts legislation, decllnec td p red ic t w hen or w hether (Ik b lit w ould bo se n t back to tin senate .

Battle Looms On Proposed

—Park in UtahA p a n l s a n ba ttle was sliaping U| today over tho proposed Canyon -lands na tional p a rk 'ln southea* U tah , b u t tho ' head of a govcr

----------- Jior^-ad7lsorY-com m lttce-<aldhlgroup would s te e r d e a r of pol

--------— Itlcj,-^---------------------------------------T h e controversy over tho porl

m ay blossom In to a m ajor lasu' In th is .year's cam paign for th

—r-rr— U rS n c n a t« ^ e a r - n o ^ ^ H s M “ b■-----------R epublican S en . W allace P . Ben

se t t . .—^ ^ -------T here w ere th re* m a jo r derel

opm ents y^ednesday:A sM tos te t sal&‘ th e are& In

Tblved Includes p w t of th e rlchei po te n tia l m ine ra l Droduclmc res

-----------Ion In U tah . ---------U ta h ’s DemocraUo delegatlo

l a congress announced th a t Ui no tiona l p a ik service lias er

- dorsed, th e ir bllU creating t l O anyonlands n a t io n ^ pa rk an In te r io r Sec re to rr-S tew art TTds w ants a n o th e r 30,000 acres add( to 'th o prevloualy-auggcsled 330 000 ocres.

s e n a to r B ennett w arned th i th e U d a ll’p la n could cost H ta schools th o revnuo from mineral p roduced on school lands in th area.

D r. W . P . H ew itt, professor ( economic geology a t th e Unlvej

ti t a b , to ld Qm. O oort D . Clyde's advisory commltt( th a t th e oanyonlands region boi

tiran lum producing area.D r. K ew ltt, a rgu ing ' fo r mul

tip le use development, sa id U. I------ -rgeolo«ieai-survey7reporw-aho

th a t th e n o rth ea s t qua rte r o f U: ' proposed p a rk has deposits i

po tassium , m agnesium a n d rt l a t« l deposits of Immense p< te n tla l value, l i e also sa id tl reg ion show e^ prom ise fo r fm th e r o il a n d uran ium develoj m ent.

Firemaii'at Buhl Resigns His Jol

' B U im Feb. 1—H ow ard Ho kins, a a nnploye of the Bu flro departm en t, h a s announc h is resignation from th e toe depo rtm en t effective Feb. 1.

H opkins is resigning from tl local departm en t to go Into hui ness for h im self a s a n eleoti oian. H e h a s dona e lectrical wo a s a sideline since 1M8 ai le arn ed th e trad e trom Leona H ow ard, local electrician.

' 7 H opkins h a s served w ith I < t i r e dep artm e n t fo r th e past ' years, r iv e years o t th o t tli

w as sp e n t m a volMnteer flrem

aerved on a fulltim e b u U . : atso has served a s a u ls ta n t f chief.

A natlVB of Inm an, Nebr., moved to Dulil in 1048 w ltji pa re n ts a n d a ttended tho 10 h igh school.

Dietrich Reports Honor StudenD n r m iO lI , Peh. l - l l o n o r I

..^ d cn ts fo r th e ih lrd tlx w< have been announced by H ■Kell Thom as.

Ja m e s O age i\nd Anita D........ . . rece ived -n it A’s. O tliers.on

h ono r ro ll were Nancy n< _ _ N C d lf tJ iU U £ lL J :U l lU -C M B C I L

M ary Ja n e Whltespll. srnl J a c k Ooopcr, M ordia lto U ren t Jo n rs , Btnvcn McOlurc N elson, Tom nmiie nnd ra t: 0orcnsen . Juniors; Hlmryn wards.'DelVA On-tprr nnd I'nii

, , A nderson, sophnmnrpfi, nnd M cClure, frcshnmn,

• Four Fined; r . . 'b u R L SY , Pel), 1 — pvnir

• • to r ls t l w«r® Jinrd Monday J . J u a U o ft- iit-U i» -> > « iw i-A i

• O rane fo r violations nf tlie in ; • vehW p laws.

- , • -T h « r Inotiided liwaino 11,1

' .* ‘S V »W ’ i#7; JoiU're to apiwivr c ’ ' Motiiii. 31,, , , . ' i.h v ( '/P * » n M»nninK, bnth nu

■:1 ^Allure U> aUuUyi(0^ ; i d a t « s . and Joliu K,

. . M n a M ^ :< 4 T . .Burley. »j, d r

1 9 6 2 *es-News

Set . [Bm

a t^e jS '

<e. 1 m — , H n f Ie to keep . | roistra tlon 's H j •

o u t of a ■ » t . yspared to - H K f l M U LI and pos- ister la ter

leatlng, R., H n in s t le tting

i i d h e was r ^ ^ B 6 8 5 B f l E w ! * m a 3 rntic Lead-p rom lse-to - f l H i i ^ ^ a e K S ^ ^ K S B

the biU <

senate yes- e r the billsome other g w W w B B M W S H B i:lary group In 60 to SO

o the r civil '' K eating to rk o u th -f -When th e ' floocJatcrJ:• unreason- ft quaUtica-

w , ’ COUNTING MOTHERS’ MA \ to -d w r M llclUnf W ednesday

-^nna '-are-frpm tbe le ft, Mrt. .d -R esiden t directors. T w in Falliruling tb i i t ______________________________

ittee should ,

X Enstlnnd, J U l ' O l ’ S

TavTyard ol ^Ol* TcrOIIlGm, declined A W l J C I U I I I Csh e th er (lie ' t T »j a c k t o t i i e i s K e p o r t e c

------- JERO M E, Peb. 1—M rs, Chair k m c Roberson, announces ttt J l l l S Jury lis t fo r Jerom e county.

_ - Ju ro rs lo B ishop .p rcclnct Ir r k Q A « - l ciudo Joe Shirley, Mrs. WlUlai L f S C i l S paeth , nr,: Mrs: SU clc O et _ _ ^ h a td s, M . O . C anada . Mrs. Jac T T l - o l i N oland, G eorge Bishop, A. 1 U l a J U l McMohon. C. E. Gunning. Mr

^ R e x - D a v l s ^ ^ Y ^ o l L _ f f i U P l fe ,-L c o n -M o re la n d ,-M n ry - ;

■ tiio p ln g u p O tto C larence Fallon and Wa >M0

of a Rovcr- Conyonsldo prcclnct. pu rtc t t « e \ l d h U Perrlne,-Jr„-Lloyd Oullclc. Geori ear of nSu Cozier, LouUo Coates, Hori - i - £ L £ ? L Hose, B c m lc o -C o llln ss r Mai

G reenfield, Doris Barnes, -Po Dbcon, W illiam Block, Stai W alters, P a u l Moseley ar

E=«LM cC1ucc.-------------------------■ P a lls ::c ity .:J f tm ia .H u ff.-D a

lace r . ijen Campbell, flpenc.1 I*w*he. Pred A tagon,_R ach

naJor derel- Pos ter and I* H . Swenson.Sou theast precinct, Lelght*

he a rea In - im es, C. J . Shupe, Jack H arr If th e richest K ay Rowlands, Georgo A, Sc: Jducing reg- 0 . r . Poison. Effla

A m o Johnson, P r a n k ' B e 3 delegaUon E v ere tt Ahrens, H arry C. Prltzli ;ed th a t th e j . p . Kelly, R u th Blamlres, O r ,ce has en - o . M auldin, M rs. Lee Hendric sreating th e « jn , WUllom Bubak, J a m ^ park and Glodowski, H e i te r t Helms, W . lew art Udall Henson, - H. P. W alters, Meh I acres added Buck a n d John W .-Thoipe. . Sgcsled 330,- sou thw est • precinct. Mini

- ^ . Hughes, W heeler O’Harrow, & R’am ed th a t m a Sullivan, G. T . M ou , Emi d cost U tsh Baird, W illiam Olsen, O. om m taerals M entch, B. R. Padgett, Ms lands In tho T heusen, R obert Hellewell, J a n

, Bayslnger, -Robert K ehrer, Ly jw fesso r of o a ro e r, J e an B utlars, J . P . G to e T ^ e r - fo rd ^n d MUdren W ebster.. H arelton precinct, P re d m i

we‘n. D ale K rum m , Boyd Ric f t ly . °n *"**• B lanch e Burdick, FUxt Ov<

w "for m ul- B°‘" ^ 2 n , ' ^f .«M n n Sohlund, W tm da M cLain, M

A uthor H . B a lw h .-M a r tf ia - Stelnm ets, Hazel H ohnhoi

d e ^ H s ^ f ^*“ 7 =• O undelfingtr, K enn. ,m « Fine, M rs.' G ran t T urner, L

« • P h a rrls ..^ O thers In H aielton precli£ofSi f £ ! » « R « d . Boi-d Hngam develop, ^______ • ' Mrs. M ax Durk, H elen Conw■ n i l and D ale Budd. ,K llh l SAtn prcclnct, 0 . M . Bto:

* 7 t \ A nna Montgomery, Lucille Mi ■ l lQ T « K O leti M . P ta jle r , Carl . 1 1 » « 1 U U Kelly, U ircno Knapp. Chos loward Hop- Rolce, L ena M artens D on ft

a a^noim ced Om th# local e Feb. 1.lng from th s mgo Into husl- 1I a n elecu l- ’lectrical work :a 1M8 and^w n Leonard _flclan., 1red w ith the -’ th e p ast 10 J... of th a t tim e ' .n tcer firem an ■ ■ .

lie bulls. He ' ■' ^ a u ls ta n t fire

an. Nebr., he . *m o w ltli his ' Ided tho local *

eports ,Itudents ,1—llo n o ra tu - . - t ' s - j '

I rd tlx weeka • •

d Anita DaVlsO U iers.on the - H R n j ) '

Nancy Rolco, ' lUUZMDciumil _ tcspll, srnlors; ' ’ ■ ta rd ia Ho»ue.Pll McOlurc, ic<t Niiiiille nnd Patric ia ,1; Hlinryn Kit- . s ^ /« 8 » 3 w j]ter nnd 1‘ntrlrliiinrps, nnd Aim .i...11, ,

'ined I1 — Pmir mo-

S r T f Wiiwaina 11, Usk- I

noisy m ulflers .

K. both nurlny, - Mto dUDlay IQSa><i Jolm K, Per- SSnRBKEn

»a, «mviug 11. . 1U ., CID ram iiM E o isiiiu R r CO

? S - 4


IIER8 ’ MARCH RECEIPTS collected In door- 'ednesday fo r ilte M arch of Dime* charity le tt, M rt. P a u l C nm bllss, member, of the

Twin FalU county cliapter o t the National

• , W elb . Josephine Oordon. Sliirlel l s t ' -----------C rftndall— C lnud-Y ork . Myroi

■ Black, Lois M atlicney and Rob e rt G nu it.

o m c H u n t prcclnct,- Georgia Black Esbee Myler. Mrs.'Uo>'d Rltchl

Johnson.J l I t ^ U l Grandview, PhyllU Thlbaull « . /,u D m Tliompson. Lee Znhm. O ar •Mrs,. C har- ^ydla Cole. > a n JlcpwortllouncM th e j a c k . w n . \ ^ E, Banning

i„ M arietta Perkins, Archlc Maloni w Clyde Bragg., Mrs, Sam BlocV

ra. WlUlam Bruckiicr, C. E. W art5Uclc O eb- Jackson. George P lala an

\ ^ two aUem atcs., LSla Welgle an C horlcs M ccham. • •

:inii w d ' N orthwest p rw inct. E t m ed S 5 r Z T O o m lR T l to z l B jm q O O i™n and W at- bach. G erald K cnSson. ^Mau

D ixon. Jo h n Proyer, Allen Week -nnrfon Leo Wiimbolt. Pred Clubb. Ann

W algnm otti'n icodqrcPoole^Joh 'M cCullough; Rex Bam b6. H j W alker. Ed Glycns, Wllllai H uff, Oale Hcpworth and t« alterna tes. W illiam D irk a r Jo h n W ebster. ‘

________ O ourthousc precinct. Ross U■H.i'ff ■n«i« R- Q - F reem an, C llffoirSR eble

i S i ’ S r V ic tor Halncs; Mr8.-H a r ry ^ rb «w n S m a®™**! ^■ e ^ D ora-B entiJnger.-K cnneth-M ei1 rill, U illam Sheljley and PatrlcJ a c k i e N ci-m an w llh a ltem atc s. Jur S ? A ^ S ; 8 tjOV« ^ b B la m lr c ? a n d G e o n

a n K s e ^ N ortheast -pf e c in c t r - E n in 7 C. P H td e r , B ragg , J r , I ^ - e y m g lM . G w r omlres. O ren A nderson, V. A. P ray w , J.» H endrick- Sm ith , H . O . G ray, B . A . Myli xk, J a m e s J .Helms, W . R , L en a P a l c o n l ^ .Iters. M e in a D hrles. G len Rolfe, M rs. » . .Thoipe. .. . Nelson a n d , E 4le t. M innie D arling a n d G U bert. AnderscH arrow, S e l- ------------------------------

srr-? : Elba Holds LDS S . j S Teacher Sessio:

o In “ >''• « ' '■ v i t a t o 8 " 'Ycuflicr. Wesson on •'how lo Increase yo

pro fits" a t th e R a f t R iver LI Jc 5 "* a tako Sunday school prepara tl

Jc, Rod Over - wiKPting Sundtfv In th'e Elba.wa

IcL ata. M rs. Wella H epw orth play- M a r th a - Z . p relude .and . posllude,’muslo_a:

H ohnhorst, B . Doyle W ard gave th e openl ie r, K enne th p ray e r. T he prepa ra tion meetln T urner, Lois w ill bo held In E lba th e nc

alx m on ths on th e fo u rth Sundi ton p rec inct B laine W ight h igh council re ioyA H agen, re>sentntlvo, nnd D on C^andl la rd , R a lph stflke presidency - rcprcsen ta ti’ W. L . Brow n, a t te n d e d .. Closing p raye r w elen Conway given by M rs. T re n t Baker.

t. M . Btone. ATTEND FUNERAL Lucille M ar- MALTA. Peb. 1 - M r. and M le t. C arl M . F loyd DcU a n d aon, W ayno B« ipp , Chester Attended funeral services for M ns D on M c- Law rence K nigh ton In Boise It er, M rs. G len week._____________________

W h e ny o ugrow -up

' in th e

I*,' . ' S u p e r b S l r a l c

^ . . . A g e d t o P e■ijK ! **

iisiiiHRH conrmr. iouisviue, m.,M i-hoof,


le d ln d o o r- FoundoU oni M rs. W , N. H« nes charity M rs. F ra n k ie Alworih, chairm. iber. of t h e . te r o f th e N ational FoundaL le National • county M arch of Dltnea cbalrr

corgla Black^ Buhl Retrealjo>'d R itchie 1 • r< ^

IU T hibauit. For Feb* 5-<m S S b u h l , Peb . r - I d ih o - X ) U V -B n n n w ’ B ap tU t m in isters will 'hold

MfltonI' Jo in t r e tr e a t M onday throu, ci™ W ednesday a t tho Plr.1t Baptl

n r w ^ r i ' church in B uh l w ith D r. B. % ? ia la and ho st pastor.;. WelglB a n d L eaders Io r th e th rco day m

slons will be th e Rev. Rlcha -t vx Jones. A m erican B ap tis t Hoi

-Missions— soclctyr-U lv l5 ion-~ S - S d evangelism , V alley-Porger-P> a T h D r. L eland Kine, professorc uW) A nne ‘Church h is to ry a l th e Callforr

.« i H ; B ap tis t Theological scmina;C ovlna,-C allf.:-Ph illlp -B urkha

wtiiinTn c ily rec rea tional d irector a t P rt?.‘ a S tw ^ caW llo;-Z oe-A nn-W arberg.Jr« [ D h k iS d *^11* “ “ " ty p robate Judge; t I D irit w ia C harles L . M cCarty, adm:

s lons counselor, W estm inster ci ^ lc g < v S a ltJ ^ e _ C lty ,j in d _ D r^

f to tT B ^ I e y r ^ Coulter, executive secretary th e Id a h o -U ta h 'B a p tis t coiive

« Uon. S a lt -Lfike City. _

: ? " d w w c i ; . r s ” " ?■ limn throughou t th e two sta tes i expected to e llcnd . T h o progri

i will o p e a M onday m orning w_________ o jto r« h lp jc ty ice J« U JX _ th e .R

r j c t ^ l u m ' - o r . O oss. I t will be.follOwcd w. Igglns. O w rge ^ jnu incss session and a meetl

w ' 1. ^ lng of th e council. T h e Rev. I%:5t' J o n « « P « * ‘*1

I "D ^ 5 ^ ' m oriilng and evening speak .. I ^ s . H . 0 . o ro u p discussions wlU bo h

during th e m orning nnd a p a e r t . Anderson, discussion Is sla ted fo r th e afti------- --- noon sessions. T he panel will

T " n c composed o t Judge W orbe B urkhart a n d th e Rev, Mr, a

S e s s i o n ^ D r ^ H ln o a n d tho Rev. 1 !rs. Jo h n Nye Jones w ill bo th e speakers ■ ^ m n ro v L e n t the W ednesday m orning meeU:

vour ThB th rcc -d ay retreatr will cc« ^ T elude a t noon W ednesday.

VP® W om en of th e church will ae^ Iho m eala fo r th e enUro m«

t^ e Eioa.v,aro ,M |n U fr» ^ - l ll hft th n - giieata.c hurch membera os well oa

iworto played local ho te ls and motels. • . .de,’muslo_and

ltlo n m eetings PTA Fete Setnba th e nex t D IE T R IC H , ^eb, 1 — C har 'o u rthS unday , m em bers, nnd pnst officers h council rep- tho D ie trich PTA will be he }on Chandler, ored a t th e founders' day < representative, servance a t 8 p . m, Monday. M

p raye r was Floyd' Klsllng,' distric t presldei t B aker. Mrs. R *y T nnnka, dtsirict'^v----------- president, and Mrs, Snm DatiiiJNERAL • distric t treasu rer, will speak. -Mr. and Mrs, H istory of tho locnl u n it a I, W ayno Belt, nM loual o rgan liatlon will irvlces fo r Mrs. given a n d goals lo r tho futi l ln Boise lost reviewed. C h arter members o

post officers a re urged to atte:

"TlieWestolfersgreatl of its most pleasant a

. ' B IU D t

..... : ..........

- u p —

Straight K en tu ck y E to P ^ le c i lo n

troof; ■

I T T - —

S i w l i ; .1 iM H p tS

1^ iBUynI

W ,' N. ilolmet, Tklothera’ m arch eh alm an : >rih, chairm an o t th e T w in P a lls eounty chap lal FoundaUon, a n d lU nd lng , C. E. Bossard )lme« chairm an. (S ta ft photo-engraylnt)

P la n Funeral Is HeJd For Area Womai

S i r C B l JEROM E, Feb. 1 - P u n e r

b _ _ services were held for Mrs. Sara CT V A nn Higginbotham a t 2 p . i • O '* • Tuesday a t the Crippln-Ho'

, . 1 . VI.-*, funeral chapel w ith the .Rev. ' - A. Craw ford offlclaUng. •will •hold a ^ composed of M r. ar

. M rs. Elam K ing and Mrs. Jo l Plr.U B aptist gang three selectlor

Ith D r. B. L. Blades was th e acompanlst.

Ihrco day ses- H onorary paWbeatwS w tte. t! Rev. R ichard rcv. E rnest H ayhurst, John Ma

B aptist Home )pr , thr. n i-u -A -L -a ia d o s .-W —division of Woods, th e Rev. C. C. Mathcv ’--P o rge r-P a:; 'L ou Is 'H nyhU rstrthe-R ev rV ln

professor of c o ffm an a n d John Belt. AcU th e California pRUbearers were WlUlani .HI ;al seminary, gm botham , H erm an J . Hlggl llllp -Burkhart, b o th a m .-E ld o n -M a rtin r- Robi irector a t Po- Long, GOldmer Johnstone a:V arberg.JTw ta oe o rg e -L a rsc n ,— ^ ^ --------Ite Judge; the r ite s were held In t:C arly, admis-- pjjpj. i q o p cemeteiy.M tmlnsler col- ___________________tY.-And_Dr. H, _bed -C B O S S -L E A D E E _D 1E ire secretary of _ l o c U S T VALLE;Y, N. Y ., Pi a 'p tlsl conven- j tT>_Mrs. H enry P . Davison, 1 ty. active in R ed CJross work andi s T e r s from pioneer in 'th e 'ln te rr ia tlo n a l 'e wo sta tes ore change of collcge students, dl . T h o program W ednesday. M rs. Davison, m orning with m em ber of th e New York Soc

«U»y_the.Rev. R e g is te r ,. was _the.;,wldow_cL i.follOwcd w ith p a rtn e r In th e J . P . Morg an d a m eeting company., T h e Rev. Mr.n th e evening. - 1 rrrT-r; ~

:„ S r? S S ;p .Use T h ese Phone N um bers FREE

- to P>“ » J " " ' -'■“ I 'l r f -w nrbcrff ? w an t-a d or transact any

I I , . .............

th. E«*. m. Tlmes-NewsI speakers fo r .m a t m w U ns. N " " • “ " I™ » "r e a r will con - in these areas, yea candnesday. » « • tetephcme the T lm e .-lurch will aerve I N ew i free o f charie.B en tlro m eet, i j x f you live In . Dial

| f ^ ° h l r - C a s t le t0 r d n : f l « ^ 8 «lotels. • . ■ Burley, Rupert, *— Decl o. Pauli_________

_ i " ■ \\ N o r la n d ........._.,6'J8-a5M. 1 W endell, Ooodlng,

D, 1 - C harter «B germ an,s t o f« e e » of i J e ro m e __,638-2535. will be h o n - . ..............iders' day ob- I PU«r, Hollister,

Monday. M rs. > Rogerson,r lc t presiden t; |- .Jackpot _.320-Sa7a

•■«‘" 'm n n e r t «"■ »«'««• *>'«. «n<J' m JP n t ' * “ '» * Times-News^ 1 » '* ''t ad i Over 70.000 read-

rged to a ttend .

ffers greatthings to'lts people, and one : pleasant aspects Is Ketmitage boiitbon."

Bin O alllnp , S h o r m , B u tts , M ontana


I ^ A G E

c k y B o u r b o n

8 | h e r i


1 J O V^ BLADE <I ehalnnan::ounty chap - M M ■ ■E. B ouard,

a t ln i) ■ ■

ROA1 — Puneral

or Mrs. Sarah

C % i^ -H o ? e,uthe :Rev. T . M J Hi ol M r. and H Ind Mrs. John ee selections.1 was th e ac- ‘ V

wtie. th e J'St. John M ar- .,-3Udos,^W lll — -------------. C. Mflthcws,ie“RevrV lrgii ------------ „1 Belt. AcUve WlUlani .Hlg- / I in J . H lggln- [artinr-R obert — ohnstone and f t ^ K

: held In toe

ADEE_D1£S_ —T ..N ..Y .,.F eb :?. Davison, SO,IS work and a •rhatlonal~ex- students, died

Davison, a ’ « . Jiw York SocialI 'w idow ot_a. J_____________r. P . Morgan

! Phone I

I FREE I 3 |"clau llled" | / l l l l l li ^ a c t any | j

n TOU Hm I «

■».rTvr. I-' LOOK^;harie. t ’

D ial § P IL L SB U R Y OR* e mr d n : f l« i< 8 i r 7 |-----

~ 6 7 8 “ J 5 5 r | ^ r 6 e R 'S S T A I N E D


.._-320-sa7a j T R E A SU R E V A LL E Y

nSr. CANNEDJO,000 read- i|fd i, T days, ‘j W O O D S C R O S S, 3 0 3

..... ■ TOMATOC T n u c aa tr-.^

ind one . .loutbon." . “ ‘


G L A Z E D Dl

m i r a c l e V

B S W H IT E S A l

- - G O L D E N S h

P m c a k e m i x

g o l d M E D


■ ■ Wo Poy

I \ ' ' ......


> w p m


'O T - ( ia s t M

Arm Gut .

m r s f i» - £ e , S i r l o m

P o u n d


■MixEsr::JT R A IN E D '

r FOODR BA BY F O O D S ..................................................


iED MILK . .O S S , 3 0 3 C A N S




E D D O N U T S ......;..... .... .

C L E W H I P ...........

E S A T I N S U G A R ........

• E W i S l i O R T E N I N G ^ m s s i i

M I X Hwanidown Iieiiu lan t................ .


»E A R A N C H E G G S . „

W o P a y 4 ^ c O a th o r 4 7 c In T ro d fl________ \________ .- _____________

P R O O llWSON'S ^

R i c p r


Zut ..... .. 49c Ib.

T E A I C y98c ib



1 0 1.......................................9 $»

.................... 7».T■ 6 ^ . ’l



______..... ................. 49e

, .................................................... ;q u » r l 58c... 10

J ,'7 9 e

R... ...........10 Mf3GS .... -.!.«..« 55cc In Trodfl For Ranch Eggi |

H lH H i r J q

Page 13: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

m mF O & S r c

■ " ' . I

k ^ G O T E TExfro ^ I I leon 'n --------- % B“ 1

- -ffe th -..— ■--■ t J " S n |


M » O T A T O

______ 2 0 i

AVOCfr TIDE lant itxe.


■' -4 V i-o u n c » ;:r ;T r ..- 4 3 c |PURE


! Gallon...,. 6 5 c <


^ Olsnt........... . 8 3 c

= P A L M 6 t l V E - - S O A P ,

“•th ....... 2 f«' 3 5 c........... 4 tor 35e

DRY VELQlont llie ......

■ ' 1,1, LIQUID

: A JA X

I «imt iIm .'.„,... ' 6 0 C


'■I '.

►Olbs- W

CADOSlont l l ie ..................... . 7 9 c


■ 3 c . . ; C - 2 > o r 3 5 c

CHEER5 c iG ionl flio ......... 8 3 c Ir n m m W M M M M


; 3 c I Rflg. M..... 4 7 c I

-E = r m r — : y E C = -BEAUTY BAR

3 5 c »«"' ....... 2 «»' 4 9 c3S e »•«........... 2 for 39c


3 C 3 pound!........... 8 3 c


i d c a po»Bdi..._.',;.. 7 9 c

' ' " I Fr

S - SsKJel

^ ......



t w m3 9c Freih 'n lempling .

T x- "

9c K....IM..-■• 39c


--------- — Premlun

CRACE » trq c r i i p 0 i *n H o k ^ j N a b i i c o .............. A

CRANBEROasan SprayM r t 'n J

1 0 ‘g

m k e d H n Z I o m


Light, (enG « R 5 S 6 ® r f f a 8 i l r . ^ ^ ^ L 0l)0C0lal«

topped wlg r a j » C j | U ^ ^ H bu tter pM

V? nnd cocona K K l G ^ H g S B ^ ^ ^ K H Blclea Iced ^ S S u R m B ^ ^ B t ^ S O w ith creai

P g y * ' Bays mola


ICTO10tlnpling M M M B i i l

>lgjc '


?C R * g . i i i t . ^ ' ; . . . . . . 4 1 c

) P S i |........ Pound I

P o rk Roai I jS p g re Ribj H f s w i f t ' i for Seasoning .

—Pr*mlum-S«ltin«---------------— m -



:! 2 r3 9 c | H

I Mix I

R i i c PIoJ--------- h------1

— J Fl


CAKESLight, tender ^cliocolale f l

' topped with bu tter pecans

* nnd CMonuU " ■ M rI BIdea Iced ■' w ith c ream r I

fudKfl loins,' Bays m olat j



Ic e a c hM PURCHASE

o a s t "' .4 5 '

Ribs g l 4 5 '

MECES f § bo«



MargaPEANUT BUTF16UR X:* 25 DogFood

■ I?.':. BEETS ......3fo";


I w l n ? >

FISHS1jpP' ■ ■


If ------BANN

i - ^ — brai

I-H A^ L oon I h o n k

butt END „ HCES=^S

N C F Q " r

i i lX L wOON


SarinPBUTTER 4 4 > o u n c « io r .« ......

25'^,1.75 S&WPEA! !3 r{JJ;89c SPINACH

S r49c S:3'"HASI

M I Mg tsaJ • - U b ’

^ P IC T S W E E T ' ■


. ■ • il^ ■ B V Y o u r c h o lc o a

F r M li f r o i o n


i!'i'! ■'

ANNOCK “ 7bra n d—

fA M f‘-oon Ihonk holF ll

i 5 ‘ ;end. , , 53c , 1

Mondoriiu ^ . A I

3 7 * -

r = ® 8 9 ^c f T . .................... :..... ; . 9 9 c ,

i W P E A S ? . r p * . 5 ^ r $ l

I N A C H Z n „ ' 5 _ r 8 9 c

' ' * ^ U I k C U A r m t t u r ' t M « a n t # i f n k m ollm«o»a for # 1

N ' ■

R BBBtr ''

;> • ' in ^

* ' « Mt..._.|.......... “ l » j < ^ 8

' ' ■: ................ ’.............

Page 14: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

1 4 Twl*' Tlmes«News *1

f l

L \ . . _ ’ i j i r f M

LITNSFOBD-MCnARDSON Pl too p h a n n ae tit. by nq t«U 81orr», w r of th e mward. D r;d en w ai H c a t o f professional a n d sckntli

M ¥ * ¥

Magic Valley S Award to Haz(

Jfcm«« Drj-den. Harellon phar- : maclit, was honored for hla con> i trlbutlon to the aUvnncemcnl of professioiuil ond sclcnlltle phar- mftCjr a t ceremonies conducted At the Magic Volley rmiRRL«ilfl *aaoclatlon meeting a t Twin PnlU

I WedQCAday et-cnlng.■ He was presented thc Lunsford

_ _ R Ic h « rd 8 o n phnrmncy ftwnrd by------Busell Stom, BoUc, rtprcscnlti-

tlTO of ths Rlchnrxhon-Merrell torporatlon, «pon«jr.

---------- Dryden-waa-nomed M-n-candl-d«t« for tha award by Larry Juchtu who W8A honored lost ■prbiff for a manuscript he wrote conceralnj, profeMlonol and eel- cnlUlo i>hormacy.

At tha t lime Juchau Haled Dry------- tfin“ tJrth#-phftrm aci8t-w ho-w M

most Innuentlat In dlrecUng him toward phormftcy- an-ft-career.

Angry Tony ^^SnuJjs Pri^s^”

Starts WorkLONDON. Feb. 1 (OTIJ-PrlnceM

M arfarct’# husband went to work on hla now Job wtlh »

. - Irown today but the boaa bcot him to the office by 35 mtnuUa.

■ Anthony ArmjlronB-JoncR—orIxird Snowdon aa ho la called

--------now— was driven to worlc-fromKenslngston paloce oft«r a Rood luok ktaa from hla wife, -In a ehauffeured Rover aedan.

Ai the car pulled up to Thom­son houao on Coley atreet a t 6:33 • jn , .« crowd of 70 or 80 news-

1. men and lAiotogrRphcra wero.9n hand to aee a member of the royal family coma to Join tlieir

Tony did not hava a word to •ay, not even a •amlle for the ITOup although he knew aome <^t« welt. Hatlesa and wcjtrlng a

■ dark overcoat over a gray suit and clutching a thin block leath­e r briefcase, Tony Jumped out ot

• tM c4r and, Y llh an unmlstak- •bl* frown ot annoynnce, walked ■wUtiy’lnto the building. Ite looked towardithe srouncl slnno-

, In i neither rlghl nor left.*liooka mad," lold ono newa-

n an .. “Never saw him walk «o. fnat,"

■aid a photogrnpher. .PublUher Roy Tltomaon hlm-

• M lf had driven to tlie office a t a:B7 «jn. In t chaulfeured Rolia Roye*. H e was Rmlllng and a l

' ease and seemed rather plejued rather th in aurprlsed . a t the vtatlDK crowd.• •

_ ^ j [

Jt S H I' iM d M t w m vrnto it io stkri

•N ew s T h ursdoy , Feb. 1 , 1 9 6 2 , ;

^ 3% ’ ‘

sS ^B n H H R f ; y;:

RD 80N PUABMACV AWARD la preMDted itc ll S lom i, Boise, represenU tlvo fo r RUha* »den w ai honored W ednesday-eveninc for m d K lentirio pharm acy. (S ta ff pho io-engr V ¥ > ¥■, *

ley Society Gives Hazelton Druggist

:on p h a r- S lo rra p re scn teJ a certif ica te and • hla con- n m ortar and peslle, th e symbolic lem ent of tools o t the phorm aciat, to D ry- iflc pho r- den.:onducted ------------------------------

S S Chamber to “ S 'Assist W ith.

B ^S ch o o li-» -can d k — jE R O M E rT % bT -r-= rrjer£ ttr tc

Cham ber of Commerce membersK> !>«>''*'*« Pf**"^ 1 m e at and beef achool to be held

ncxt-w cck_atJhe_Jerom e_C o[iwmission compony w hen th e group

Isled D ry- m e t W edensday noon . - -— T hB -»chool-la-B pon*oreil_by

cUng h im University o t Id ah o a n d the a-caree r;. depai.unent.P t agricu ltu re in co- _________ opera tion w ith th o J tfo m e cou^n-

l i y orcom m erce 'w ll! 'ho ld th e ir reg- J . u ja r noon meeting a t th e atock-

- :^ r d restau ran t next-W edneaday, t5 “ S a w .O. Prlest, JcrtOTo county - ^ extension agent, dbcussed thc f r k i * l r *chool and the speakers w ho will

f j l a V be present. Ho expects fronk IM B - in . . . . 200 people to a tte n d from

7 ^ Jerom e. Twin ro lls , B talne . -Lin- u w iL . «“!"■ Camaa and gooding coun- ^ lies. Prieat pointed o u t th a t a l

interested persona a re invited. - J o n c i ^ r Je re m e a t to r

Is called ” <>y' presented th e prospectus o vo rk -from Q oodlng.m cat pack ing com. ler a (rood W "/*rife, -In a M em ben discussed Fanner'i an . n igh t. Ko definite d a te woa setto T hom - Hugh Nefeon reported o n thi

set a t 8:33 m eeting of th e N orth Side Com' SO new s- m unlties held la st week. O fflceri

a w ere 9n will be elected a t th e Pebruar} e r of th e meeting. .Join tlie ir Ouesta Included P rie st. Oeorgi ■ I ^ rounf-'^uid“'"William’ O tterm o tt 1 w ord to th e new c ity engineer, e fo r th e "__________

M New 4-H Club Is Begun at Jerome

unm ls tok - JEROM E, Pel). 1—C harlea Cor^ ce. w alked re il w os’ elected p residen t o t i Iding. H e newly formed 4-K club w hen the; mcl Blnno- he l4 th e ir f irs t m eeting a t tin eft. E lm er Cornell home. ■one new s- o lh e r officers Include Rick;

Hnyes. vice presiden t; R icky H al k a o .fn s t , atead, aeeretory, a n d C harlen

Correll, re p o r te r . ' O eorgo B eer i nson h im - th e "leader and E lm er O orrell i > office a t th e a ss ia u n t leader. M ost o f t h u red RolU ^nembera a ra enrolled I n dalr Ig a n d a t projects. , ler plejiMd ^ q

>d a t tn e purpose of 4 -K wor¥ p ro lw ti.i ■ V

BN, H .y ta r.o ld husband df l ‘rlHc(M M arn lo r lo S tan woik aa actUtto a iU lirr lo |l>e n

? 6 2 , ; . ______ . ■


I preMDted to Jam es Dryden. rl*h«. H a u l - I for R U hardson-M errell corporallon. spoij- ■ 'en lnc fo r h is eoniributlon to the advance- ■ iho lo -enrrav loc) I

----------------- J— ^ I

i es Stewardesses I fffist Charged for I [fmboS; . Escapee Aid!t, to D ry . ..M IA M I, Feb. 1 - arPD-Chorleal

Albert Crespo, 20. w as bock in h is i — couniy Joil cell , loday and th re e l

^ airline alewardcssca were chnrged l ■ .with a id ing ,h is c.-scapc. I

r * - I Police said yesterday the a lew -l l l l l addresses plonned to dress Crespol

• in w omon'a clothcs, buy h im ol I - 1 tieket-for-N cw Y ork nnd p u t him i [ X O O X aboard a plane. I____ CrMpo escaped from a-PoliccI- - JfrW rtc hospllnl w ard M onday n igh t and l 5 members found T uesday n t th e opart- « m e n t o f Evelyn L . Steele. 27, Jac-to be held queline A. Duplontte, 31. ond pme_Co[iw i^cy .au lo n o ,-2 0 , a ll stewardesses th e group N ational Airlines.

,, . T h e women w ere chained w ith aW ing a -p r ls o n e t- ln -a n . escape

‘■J a n d were free u nder $250 bonds.rniTn Po'Ice soid Ihc womctt agreed

to -furnlsh-C rcapo-tho clo lhesrfix th e ir reg - supply m akeup. Ith e Block- M rs. H elen T . Hope, th e stcw-l Vednesdoy. o r d e u e s^ -o tto m e y ,-d e n ie d -h e r l Tio county c lien ta -h ad - a ided -C respo .-w ho | :ussed th e serving six m onths In‘s w ho will Ja il fo r break ing a n d entering an J fro m 160 automobile, tend from ■ •

Former Highway Aide Is Speaker

ime a tto r - BURLEY, F eb . 1—Roscoe Rich ospectus of fo rm er c hairm an of th o . state :k lng com- hlghw oy board, woa th e fciest

speaker a t , th o T uesdoy noor Pianner'8 m w U ng o f th e R o tary club al

le woa se t. th e N otional ho te l. H e discussed :ed o n th e th e board’s m ethods a n d prob- Side Com - lema Ih rou ting th e highways, ik. O fficera . V isiting ' R o to riana were Joh r I Feb ruary R oper, Russ B e n n e tt a n d Earl

E. H oroldsen, a ll T w in Polls•St. G eorge................ . nf T?n>jiHiiTi n I'Bnk^rO tte ra io tt r p r a n c e N o v c ^ l t u d e T ^_ _ . P rcalden t Jo c k Snow ah-

. V nounced th a t th e bloodmobiU

lb Is ^

la rlea Oor- Whooping Crane w hen they Count Increases

ing a t u ie W ASHINGTON, Peb. I M - / ^ record 38 wild w hooping cranei

ude lU cky w in tering o t tho Aransa: R icky H a l- n a tional w ildlife refuge on thi I C harlene <pexas Q u lf const, th e Inlerioi irgo B eer is deportm ent reports.• O orrell U T l,e to ta l of 38 is tw o mon Moat o f th e th a n h a d been repo rted on pre. d I n dairy v jom counta th is season', a n d twi

< ' m ore th a n th e previous h igh o >d to them as counted in 1060-01. r 4-U work T he flock now conslaU o t s: |e c u . | adu lta a n d a young.__________ _

KM M arcarel, arrived a t ’i'hom .bn ho ii.r li T lo Iha new*|>«|<rr Hunilay T lrnn . lAl* Hlr*

H . a a *


> i , H a » I - H y d /ip o ^ - ^

advance- ■

ises 1 ■ . . .for IA idl

’0—C h o r le s H ^ PlayU xX lvioc bock in h i s H free extraand I h r e c H rig h t hand

ire c h a r g e d *

a h e a l e w - l ^ - 69oIress C r e s p o * ^ a PC V iU m in C *| >buy h im t m ^ 500 Mg. _________ J « ‘nd p u t h im M W

' ■ W ----- Dr.-W e#l’B-Nylon-Toolha _ a . p o l i c c M . ^ — Regular. 28o----------

* • < * " “ 7 r w i u .«. 31, a n d H ^ H ^ ' itfeKeMon'a RiU iw ardesaesH --------r-A lcohoL p in t -

■ ' R e g .S 9 o -------la i^ed w l U i H | ^ ^ H B

e s c a p e H1250 bonds. ■ B | ^ ---------------n e n o g r e e d H p-clo lhesrf ix lakeup. ■>, th e s U w - H f l | | | [ M a g | | M M M | H Hd e n ie d - h e r H !re sp o .-w h o M -----

“ i W tO H l

aJ -m “iloscoe R l c h .« | ■ . ' ,f t h o . .s t a tc H( I h o . ^ e s t H ... ..........- ' . R I G . .esdoy noonH ' — *ary club a l H m A AHediscussedH I l | | JI and p ro b -B • '

r r i o h n l

T w in T iv .iuM mill— - — I onty Saker,

, student.Snowb loodm obileH

ill from 2 t o H 9

I f ~ SAVT e a s e s ! ^’Hb. I

r A = | f Yfugo on t h c H ^th e I n l e r i o r H V -

rted on p r e - l b VALIson', a n d tw o H lous high

insists of ssl GIFT-Q


I ' Boxec^ 1 1 ■ READY I

s j l l i ^ ^ Z s A 'Wm I P 2 - S T O r

I k * 2 t l l r . l> r

^ 1 9 IL • M ) a y IM

'^^9 ^I v '


bn hr*ii«r lu H Hlra-

| | j | B :


tyUx XlviDC Glove w itb

....._ 1 . 3 9 «T ooth pasta • 9 1• 690 ----------------------------- ^ 1

? -!„ 1 .4 9 M T 7 9 c^^ 4 9 t JNylon-Tooth-Brush**— -------

T o o th p a s te 7 Q /« 3 1rise, regular 83e ____

sKeaaon'a Rubbing

2,„759c- - J ^

f p . f _p p j p f v u

Off! 12c Off!O n ' ®

-R E G ,. ^

00 69c

MAKE ^ 9

S A V - M O R ^


/ A L E N T I N E i


V H l t M A N ' S


t B oxed, H e a r t Boxes


K A M . k A n n


1 Ilr . P rescrip tion . Service 9

l*l)ay IMcture ProccHslnK %

ay (J»8 UillH, Uiiy Money ^

OrderK H crc 9

“ «-l'V cc'l*reacri|)ti<m —

D elivery ' ^ ^ ^ 9

’ t '

t s

L a u n d fiU _ _ Steam D

Electric H a ir Dryi

^ ^ ^ ^ r P A C - T r a v e l iro n (Ic h <

Lady W in i te d 'r 4 -slice

. V in toge, 8 -p ieee Snacl

' Pacific Silicone Iron in j

^B 9 |^ S t r R e j f i r C ^ b in a t lo n '

Sf. R e ^ H o t ^ a t e 7 ¥

P V i ____ C loieout_s= ..Pelt:Superior. Q uolity.

I f l C oico Electrv | § ^ ^ 9 ^ ^ tin g le c o n tn ! • 9 B B m I M e n 'i .


j i y j

^ W o o d b u ry H and a n d

^^^9 W oodbiiry H a ir C ond

W oodbury C leon iihg

^ \ W oodbury AllPurpoK

B y Je trg en i Lotion M ild

^ N utrl-Tonlc S o ftone !

C loieout, H axe l Blih

■ ^ ^ 9 C loieout, H o ie l Blthc

|ra^^99V 7M c

H 9 M irror. Re

• St. R egli RubbeiR e g u lo r 2 5 c ......

St, Rogli FIno W rit/r | B E | V | i n F 60 ih c c t i a n d 4 0 en

...... Im ported H and PajnlRegular 4 .9 8 ........

B H W W est Pac W all C an <

^9^k B o y i'M ed iu m S lie S fltio rted co lo ri o n d i

■ | r

^ M en 's W ool c o p i. Ri

^ | H r Pow erhouio Ork>y ^ R egular 2 4 .9 5

j IB I^ i

r S O ' A / O K / e

M irro 'M a tic , 9 cup Q Q #A u tom atic Perco lator ....... O ^ O C

u n d e ri O lam and Dry I r o n ........... ............... W '

H a ir D ryer ......................... .......................... -

Iron (le»» c o r d ) ................................. .........—

d 'r 4 -slice fam ily to a s te r , reg . 2 9 .9 5 ...

ieee Snack S e t ................. ........ .........

me Ironing- B oa rd ^o v e r. and P ad S e t ...

m binotlon Syringe .................

t W o te r B ottle .........T.?........,..............i t_ - -D e lta _ 7 2 x 9 0 _ .:_________________tr. Q uolity .B lonket, reg . 5 .95 ...........i ic o E lectric Sheet, double b ed , ^ •tiglo c o n t r o l ......................................... I I

M e n 'i .o n d ‘W o m en 'i top gro in L ea th e r W o lle ti 1 > | 0 Reg. 2 . 5 0 ............... ....... I . H y tc

p m v v v W i

H and o n d Body Lotion, 1 .00 iixe ........;

H air C ondition ing C ream , 1 .00 i l i e .....

C leoiiiihg Cold C ream , 1.00 t l i e ...........

A llP u rpo lo C ream , 1.00 tixe .................

tion M ild Soap, 6 b o r t ................................

: S oftono Sham poo 2 1^75 b o t t l e i ..

foxet BIthop Noll Pollih ............. ......

oxel B Ithop Lip S t ic k ......................... .........

loxel Bishop C om pact ................................

7 Inch M akeup and Shoving CC M irro r. Reg. 8 9 c ................. D l

S In ch M ak eu p ond Shaving SAirror. R egu lar 4 9 c .................................

g ll R ubber T ipped Bobby Pintar 2 5 c .........................................................

Ino W rit/n g paper,in d 4 0 enyolopei ............ .............................

lo n d Po in ted Jewel Doxei "fi' "A"f98 .............................. ........ Now 0 .4 /i^o ll C an O pener w ith bottle o pener .....

lum S lie SWbot Shirt, t io ri o n d tty lp i, Reg. 1 .9 8 ............. ............

si c a p t . Reg. 1 ,69 ......................... ..........

rhouto O rb lto l Sander, 2 om p. m otor.lor 2 4 .9 5 ............................. ..., ...... .............

Spin Reel a n d Rod Sot " R egular 1 1 .90 .................................. i

'■1. ■'


R / K . ^

8 8 8 ^ B B I 8 .8 8

3 ; 9 5 ^ * H . 2.59 J I

....24.95 M W^ „ . , ^ ; J . 5 9 _ J I .

I P ad S e t ............... 7 7 c ' ^ I1.69 1 I

r 1.29 J Is : r r l .9 7 ^ J I' n .95 J i I

9 IE 9i.49; i _ _ ^ H I

F W F i m l

D tix e ................. p .t. - 5 0 c - | l t.00 tlxe ......7. .p ,t. 5 9 c

i t l i e ..................p .t. 75c I I I............p.t. 69c ,

.........:L.„. 36c ,'5 b o t t l e i ................... 1.75 1 1........ ...... ........p .t. 10c..............................p ... - 50c

....... ■ ■■:■“ I

"'""59c ^ H I27c H I

' 2 .. 25c 9 1 1....... ...:. 49c3.47 3";v2.47 1 .p.„.z;^|

1.27 1 ... ........... 97c Jp. m otor. 1 4 ^ 4 9

7.82 J : 2 . 6 9 - J ^ 9

Page 15: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

MARKEl• • *■_

Stocks• moTCd- up m oderately In •

— ^ = ^ n iln g rT « u « e < i-~ * ''e i—th e -hour, and th e o resum ed

. ftdvance In th e tln a l hour cIoslDg on th e ir highs w ith

s n i p e running la te .fltrgngth In Ula D ow -Joncs In-

• A S la ls rettected Jum ps o l over m In s e a n Rocbuek aQd Du

' Pont and polnt-slzed gnlna In ^ j ^ V - Bcan d a rd -w h lch -b o o n ca “

Itl dlrtdend. S tan d a rd o il of f o r n l a , CKr;sler and several other plvotala._'

^ ttumlQum stoclu, depressed early ■ i n th# day by th e P residen t’s ®|

ftatemenl tb a t governm ent stock- ■> pUes o r 's tra teg ic m a teria ls ore too high, recovered some of th e ir ,,

. bu t m ost of them finished «^ ^«U -ln-the-m lnus-co lun \n ';---------<i

United A ircraft r a n up past di ' « point a n d m any o th e r plane

ftocka a lso .s ta g ed a good re­covery^ excluding N o r t h r o p

-which showed nearly a two poin t ” lUp on a lower pro fit estim ate . ,

Rail shares em erged as a m a­jor strong spo t la t« In th e ses- ' l ion along with electronlca. savings a n d lo a h s , oUs, looaccos, C

’ S0S1B foods, and stores. U tilities ‘j were Inegularly h igher, chcm l- «i cals and au to mixed, and steels .-j taaler except fo r N ational which spurted a round two. p.

Gains of two points o r so went to U agnavox on repo rt« l u it

_ .sa l6S aro runn ing 40, pe r ccn t «' •head of la s t year, and A m erl- „ esn Snuff in fu rth e r response to plans for a . th ree-for-one split. ’* Farmelee, w hich is selling its Kew York tax i flee t, w m up «i

• M r e th a n -a p o ln r h t Its high.■' IBM, Beckm an, Plniuiclnl F ed­eration,' M innesota M ining, P e r- 7 Un-Elnier, U nited F inancial and ''

' Union O il o f C alifornia wero up 11 two or more polnts m ost of th e *

■ thne. T he heaviest losers 'Includ­ed'Polaroid, R lchardson-M errell. North American .A viation a n d ,Campbell Soup;________ ,f;

| - 8ome’ brokeM"Baid"the” t I i f e ^ *>da y r iu In stock prices reflec t- fied' a re tu m to th e m arketplace 1.0 fthe m ajor W all S tre e t Instl- .tuUons w ith th e r g rea t buying ?;

- power. h. -— •Others lnslsted they w cre^itm

on the sidelines and lh a t th e a d - i<. vance mirrored an ab rup t tu rn ,

In pubUe confidence. Instigated ,_ h jr_ th e _ m ark e t’s - te c h n ic a i - r e - r

COT ery on M onday and th e seem -—iagly-sold-out-coQditioo-of-m any -

issues w hich took a pasting e a r- nIler in January . i;

—u iiro w je t-a e n e r ra l ,-C a n a v e ra l rand Oxford M anufacturing led ?'tha r tv an ce w ith galna of over }!a point while Associated T esting , z-Coho, Compudyne,. G ulton a n d ,Jltom ave followed w ith la rg e JfracUonai gains. 2:

Storu w ere easier w ith S top tiand BJwp a n d W lebolt d ropping r arouad one. O ils were m ostly 1fina with Creole a n d G re a t B a - ..sins tacking on trac tio n s. U n i- i>

;vm alfCoiuolUate4-ftB (f'-Pftctflo -Petnileum-added a round one .' ' i

Stock Averages« lUlU up J.i7

. II Uliii. up o.TZ f

. «l Swxka S40.M vp II

n S TPfl f 5(in*i» — L u t c

i i t ’1»« NW Alrllnt. C

4 s i s t ? £ i ‘th \

^ BIHI »1 p " / r i r »Anaogr 16 Pftiner ^a M ' n . , i ! S f a i l l i !

p.: ’.‘ifrs™- iii s 111 ara-.' !r P.!' TobnMo 1S%

i t e.‘f fl

47 R«.r« ifoib 1 t \i S - a ! ! « i

i £ : L “l- l - i K W . !!! ’

' f t f i f e l Is U ™ " '" ’ 4 ‘

. ^ M o i o f los j “ r S i Cki s t I a r ’* T * ro u i Bia aaff I “ 3 Xnrtru loM! I

Wl' !arJ^L.S‘* ^ ' o il o n 87'*g a r s , i S i ! , r a , L s !

S tU Slta '”nLP'M « Unit m l t » j i i

isfi ■ 4 ”

t e l i S - | i : € i l g E £

NEW*v^SI°*2' MCllANGa . I'■ “S' "

'i!« S i S J i *

Trust FundsINVMtMKNT TBlfHTB . .

r „ d . ______'I!!. ' ‘M

’i i i i «..... iT.di II.I* ?

- i : i= 5 = i ' t e : !! iWi "

,**"*"•1 X iiirZ Z i J l.'ll IT,M

M S AND Flm a rk ets a t GLAHCE '

■ately _ln • “l;o;u5r,-.n i,h„. tu)ver th e ijujji Zjuj-mg T*resum ed u-K'.'f 'c ”la l hour 7 "^- ioB hsw lth iir .r t; n ;:r 'b r month. . H

■ones In-‘ of over » »•"<. h u h .n >5a u d D u Sl.uskier',t„r4 , i , .d r i "ja ln s In ‘"f ™ r. -boosted — n

ltd t u : , . B . i .w Se sld en fs V ‘“" i7.Jo to u.«ojn t slock- ’•rlaU are fM cr V.t i.m u i im to Tof th e ir i";7 ; "'''ijuin i.mb. n.oo to n .so : n

-u p P . . I te ^ l a n e t.t» io <.oo: ,ui'. to to 1 co, u

wo''k °m

3 a m a- Sh«p 100; mt ♦nou.h to t « l U .iii

ictronlca. nv .svm . r°v ^ ___ }tobaccos, Ctlm non«:J(w lUuihUr

T m ‘3 ; '

j i m i c h '

"3*" *

“S IS r ;u S u T w a . 'i5 'r j :y ? ; jWM up «h(rrB t» lh,. No, l p«lu I:s high. , , . ----------;lal Fed - ^OIlTLAND!°>b.^*VuPH-(USDA) 1ng. P e r- «n"»r nnd «utt«r eow« 4Cial nnd •*■‘'*-'>•5“ : f»lvM S: no t»*i. I» ■t of th e ' 1I'Includ- »■<> ««riT t«.t, 1•M errell, om aha , iIon a n d , omaha, F«b. i « ^ ( u s d a i- H o»i i

S,OC0i Urroirt »nd_ellU_inMtlT_lS. _ ,»ow»-[DMUy_M 3

5 .“ ; Se t Instl- . p*“ l» >,W0: «»lm l» : n**™ •"«

h«Ifer» 1J.78; good tnd cholc*

Vh **■’*'= ^ l ‘ *"»nd*’°MmmJ«Ulth e a d - jipt tu rn ShMp l.OOO; ilaUKbttr Umb* it*4d r i |irtlffnJori «holf« wilh »nd »rltn« 1sH gaiea n.oo-n.stt: «» -wiib 1 I c a i- re - -mit-i»rim«-f»ll-«hom-itmb«-n.oo.----- ;

M Uk220 lb. buUbin 1T.7&.U.OO| miieil 1-J lM-24# tbi. 1T.2H7,78 «0-

anaveral * Jo - ih i.-» .in T .i» ;-i-s-isM 8 0 -lu. •Ins led i«'S»-n.0O'; iso-aos ib*.;

^r,l itrs tlr Jl aoo-sso lu . i8.50-s.7Si o f over „i*«l 1.J 200.40# Ib. .< » . W.OO- S.S»! T esting , 2.J «o.eoo ib«. is,00. 14.2s.‘on a n d oon*: f** u Im.a la rg e 2«.<ior-f«» lo.d. .nd lou sood «r»d«

u . S lop SKSSs:Iropplng li.2MB.S0; Ulllltr » d oommtrciu bulli

m ostlv is.8»-z0-00: ttw •uodud *m u » ttoo . - n f ^ » ‘t"*! •liusbtw Uinbt itMdrreat i i a - to «c«ki m ntlr cbolc*- lO-lOB lb. IS. U n i- nallv* VMM lUusblcr Unb* 17.10. ^-P aetrts b«*a cbolc* and prla»i 18.S0;«ood »ndtbole*-l«.00.17.S»J « UMine. K, thole* ■liushttT *>*. g.OQ.«40.

ges Unlisted StocksI , - ” " ' -

“ " ■ ■ " dm ' . . wA lb c ^ n 'l ________ _ IT.O® 1S.«BoI m if.O* n'oo

’K---- jb2 n r i t 8»cuHit Corik_ 41.00 SO.SOum S ill P in t 8«ct]r[tr Invcit- IS.OO 17,00rS 19^ J^rontlir Alrnou ___ 1.7S 4,IIUA» ds4 t^ n llw -----1I,S7H l l . l l glls Pt«l«bUln**,_ 1S.2& H ,»nt« 14 flrr«n niant ....... — . 42,BO 4I.B0

42<U Idaho I’ower Pli ___ SO.OOi tS.OO, a l s InUmounUIn GmT H IS,42H 7l,tIKlu « f t InlmUt* MoMr1ln*fc.->4I.OO • - 4B.00--r SlK U cG rnor...__R,00 >,iO' MorrlM».Ki>u<U*n — t l , » Si,<2^

4| i l Or*>IiIa ............... .....11,00 10,00IgS racltle Inlir Eiprn*. ]«,B0 17,>7U

a S2U I'aradax Froduellona-. 1,12^ IrOK'! S g S r . ' , r ; . ,V :: '.™ “ ,

“• iW !:S!S4U SIMM.... ..... .. ».00 10.00SSS HuMIr U(* ...... .......... IO,BO I2,B0as U U hrow .rP M ____ 2S.0B 27,00

n l 2IH Weil CoMt Alrllnt* 12.B0 IMOMO 1B^ — ' —

“ S Potatoes, Onions■b TOAHO V A ul^ V.b!‘“ < u r ll-P « '

SOK. UloM. u m r » l l . r . ‘IVIn .K.lI.,, >0, Uurltr dlilrlel.

Oil s a u Potato o tm n f i liberal I In-Li lo l JulO'l»lr.^ fair w*»li*ri moit iblpmtnU« • » S TIuiitW " l* " "or 4 o*. rolnlmum

alattdi fob nork ttil UB 1 Kol iIm ?*l. HJp A » »Im a 10-20 p tr etnt; n a s » k 10 o*. i*r>* i.ia-t;iO | lo-so ptr ctm

*.»•«.« I IMO p*r e« .t l> l .4 0 | :k 30H (.14 01. t.<0-2.00; l»-tl «(■ minimum ... 29„ t'«i>-*'71| 10 lb. lack U l . mtth b.l«l IU 37 U 1,7S.|,H| tin 1 < oa. minimum I.IB*.0 D]C l , t l | I oa, minimum IJO.1,40. ‘

l-rlttt 10 irow inv nulk. f«l. «t ) U S trow tn ' etllara (o US 10U) 33U *lM A t in. or 4 o«: JnlmVm l.49.|,»l ru Utt 1 I 0(. minimum 40.(0.

M il,' Th* follnw lnrrulu^quotallnni ar*

Ids 1141ii Kiln* P*t*l«*t“ S!,> ________J f t f ' ,7 , %t " s i t o i ' ---------------- m !;K ! J .

b’* f7ov*mb«r______ l. t l t.lO I.tllit Januar* ------------ 1,11 .1,11 I.M

LDS Dedicatesn n \ l HONOLULU, Feb, 1 WP-Tli# U L M Cliuroli college of Ifaw all dedl-

o a ted - fd u p -n o w -s tu d e n f dorml*■i ■ « K torlfts Tuesday n lg lit w ith a call Inn u u for m oral slabU lty and rellglnus n ajU conviction to ca tch u p wllh

m ’* Jfugli IJ. Brow n, s a l t U k e'*** M U Oltyi 'w o n d ortinaelor In th e f irst, pw ^denoy of LDS church,

iQfl . isiUed th e x a l t In th e principaln i l ' dedlcaUon add rtM ,............... ..

ir 111" f . ---------

j"" Twin FalliTB ____ *>»VMT0CK

(I 11,11 ? p ' 'y — - ... . J'SJ

i i - if i i a a iR S g f t M L ii a

1 4 ®i8s S S ^ .l i 1#,1' l» ------- «*■ «•]04 I.SI , LIVI rOUi.TRT J II IT,11 (OMlin M «n»t«4). , , '

I FINANCEp * .* * ,- ;;i_ ' uyains _

Ktb, l (U ril-W htat 50-• .mod«iy^*?«ty**n moit ftVni tO!

toJay on lb . Chlcaco board of ir.dc. nb»H. whnt wat up »; ,• a, to IH. corn off (; to up >i. oat. «ff

month. ’-i “» "jl- rr* unch.ngrd lo gff t ,. sa '^ *“ “J.H . drummtd - r

m i.rf I u.w'^pVA.iw mehUbtri ■" tht markft unlll th* (Inil mlnuiM fly

1. .’ ’ rttulu of rntcrilar't farm inm aif ’ fol

*" * narrow"a"dVn ”old«ireh an’d' jll'/.'^i^hich il»J Ot*

, l r Md ” mmU.foTbol,I"™ ««■ iV E»»l» Mmni ',««1 ptltM lor

• ‘' ‘J” * I«1 lh* ''Illn* .Ide, whil. '1 Pglcbtr pon tn boufbl corn, 'to IB,40; A prlvalt TrrKirt fh .t 1^to lT,BOi 7.M7.0J0 bu.hd. of ron, w.r* .oldV r SO

tiport latl wttk. Tbe tolal .Inr* Ort. m ,«.}0 10 1 wa. 122.100,«00 bu.htl., a .aln .t W ’'J

10 17.S0; mlllioa ■ jrrar aio. , all SS; tl(bt Rr* pricn tu td vndtr cotnmliilon nr ,00;-PMr b0W Mlllii».ln-.iuiti i r a t l tn g . f,;10 14.C0. Ezporttr. rtporttJIr told 2 !S0 000

T.OO: m.- buihtj. of -h ta l to Y u.«la.ia. 2U,'000 lt< ntr tw ti buibfl. 10 Poland and 500,000 bmhel*

b“ .hil?o?-tori!."’'*^ thO -Caltlt

CASK GRAtK• la lti to CHICAGO. Ktb. 1 (UPII — Whr.t af

;j UBcbajistd: No. 2 red 2.04% aootjnal. cO m U tn i Corn unchanjtd : .Vo. 2 ,- , lU iTo^i: ^

No. < ytllow l.OSli: No. 4 yellow ___ I.MU-l.OSU! Ko. i yellow 1.01',.. Sll

.lauibUr Oat^ on^an ttd ; Ko. 2 htary whlltn altaUr; 71 nominal. _■a tnoitly R jt unehangta; No, 2 plump <42 r ' b tlftrt Domlnal.ow chalet Barltr maltlne 1.3S.I,B2 nominal-: *>5.U uihltr fttd 1,0(-1.20 nominal. t l

I.TS-lSrTO: Sorbtani unchinged: No. I ytllaw Rlm .I trn 2.47fi Bomlnal' 1I untttnlr CRAIN FUTURES Brartt, u»- CHICAGO, ftb . 1 I«w mlitd prtV. I■owi ftw ■ lli tb Low CIOM Clot* I■lauihur Uar ------t.OS]', 2.02U 2,0nV "2,01U I

n* wMltd Mar ------2.07^ 2.0«2 2-07« ' .ObS I* 101 lb. jBir ___2,00K 2.0«S S.Oi'C 2.0S^ Itnd ch le* S t p t ------M 2r. 2,11 2.12 « M t IIB.BO.- Ptc^-------M Th 2,1«S 2.17U 2.11 I

!:& Itttr eowa Julr —_ l . <‘i l.U',4 l ,u 4 i 1,11 ■

‘■'•“ I

' B e Z II s r — :!!!; i j a i t S I

^ % _ 2 S ' Jla r_*__ lJT H _ -J6H MM 1,IT« I

1b.. lS.T». Sept _ _1 .28S -28« M% .!» I ilttra and ^ ---- - M l . ,»0^ .SOU .81S I

iis'il- Butter and Eggstr.-21.76- — --------------attCACO--------------— Iclal COWI CHICAGO. Ftb. 1 lUPl) — CbttMi I

SIntI* dalilt* andjongborna 40-42; Ita attadr; procnttd loaf 88^-40^; chtddar 40 lb. Ind p rin t block 8».<0K; bTfck S»-4S{ Uu.nittr Ittolct with »-44; BwU. whttl. sradt' A - &1-S2; I-17,00.----- H-4W0: 80.100 lh.-bl5ckBrad*-A-4tBl); I____at I

!! s ; : S i !i s i 'T.TS.18.00 ; £«,* iitady; whit* lars* txtraa l(Vi; I 17,TS 220. mlxtd lan* tilraa SS; m*dluDl'»nd I

« SO- *t«ndanl»-S8y,;-dlttIt«-80;-ehKk»-».- I

Cattle Moves ^ 3 Active Well |2;.S During Sales

.'/* A. large ru n of cattle sold active »B d4& fiP a.-W eda^a7 , th e T«.ln

•< eou FaU rL ovestock C ttnm lssion com- 0M4fc p u iy reported . Choice f a t steers

I sold steady in la c e o f a lower t C K S “ M ket surrounding tho area.

F ed H olst«lns w ere steady to ,rti a a l strong , a s w ere feeder Holstelns.

. . . Cowa sold strong a n d B ctlra while yearling feeders were 86 to 60

.n centa h ighe r, as were calves.11 «'nn steers : Ted Sandmeyer,

Him i, 1,16B, W. tf. H ivale r Kimberly, 1,073, |35, U M , |24.70; I

» ”45? Stanley B m utney.-l,094,-|a«M . I S0.10 Fed belfera: G ary G rlndstaff, I ” ■;» Buhl. « 6 , » a « 0 ; 1.00G, $20,60. I

u i u t S Feeder s teers, A ldrloh Eonleg,' I n , « B\jhl. CIS, la ea o ; M ax Buter, I

, is ” Jerome. 893, $34.10; H arry Baugh, I H ii: t iK Shoshone, 740, $34.30: 8S3, $29.70; I

- « 7B3,~|^.30: F ra n k Z agata , Buhl, I . M l. $33,30. I

10,00 Feeder he ifers, Ram aeyer C a t- I u llecom pany,4B 0, $28: 638, $33^0: I ^ • : i i ’ naym ond B utler, K imberly, Ji8 , I

*24.30,636. $24,10: B ill a n d M aur- I lee Haynes. K im berly. 460, $34,10. I

loioo Steer calvea: Tom Holmes and I «•»» E. M. lU yborn , F iler, 876, $31; I ?2'K Ramseyer C attlo company. Filer, I

_ 374, $30i0, 403, $38; T om W arner, I ~ Jerome, 431, $30,36: L au ra Blahop, I

L i o n s Ohallls, 989, $30;7S; S . E . >¥11- I Hams, 437, $30.60; R alph Schnell, I

(U rtl-P «- « 6 , $28.60. Iwin K*ii<, H eltcr calves: nam seye C attle I

wir* In- company, 331, $30.80; 3,03, $38,60; It ihipmenu Ralph Schncll, Rogerson, 973, I

, , 126,10: R aym ond B utler, K lm ber- I. rth '.™ ". ly. « 7 . «6.78 : L aura BUhop; I1 nol . l i . Ohallls. 981. $26.78; Bill and I

p tr etnt jKmrlce H aynes, K im berly, 422, I® i*7m‘40 IM.80- - ’ I. minimum Good to oholCB. steers $22,80- I mtth i« w ,J3; com m ercial to low good. I Imum MB; , 31. 123. u tility Bteers, $16- 116; I k . flwi, «t fed Holstein steers, $10£0-$31i0; I il>tf UB I commercial to low good heifers, I n 1.49.1,«| y y „ ty $16.$17; I

canners a n d c u tte r i, $I1-$13; I commercial bulls, $ie-$20; u til- I

l ‘!«d't.*.S! »y buUi, $I6-$17J0, ligh t bulls, II and tom ■

r U . |30*I3SJ I■‘"a'l 1 Bt llgbi feeder steers, $39-$36; com- IliTT liTT mon quality steers. SI0>$33; HoP- I I.” J J? ile in steers,; $i7.60.$22,60; poor- I

11 1.11 c steers, $19.60.$10; heavy I _ feeder heifers, $10-$3i.60; ligh t I ,4-a o ■ feeder lie lfers, $3U0-t33.40; I l i e s atcer calves, $28-$30,iO: common I

urP-Tlie quality s te e r calves, $33-$34,80; I mil dedl- lieUer calves, $a4.60-$a8,38: venl- I ifd o rm l* ere.r $23-$?l>,“ -B na“ rM aer o6w«, IIth a call $I3,60-$IB. I

UD*'with RETURNB HOME • I ,KINO H ILL, Peb, 1 _ M rs. B

a lt Lake James K llng and ch ild ren . K una, I I th e f irs t rejoined h e r husband a t th e ir I i churoh, home here th is week. O lu haa I nrinolpal 1>een«^t4iklng A beauty course * t I ^ N toipa. I

Falls Markets |lUIIAIN I

5" ee: Ejij I iik ;:!:!! — — '■•'* I111 Bk (00 BIANB I

S 3 | i i s S ^ I- r - i i t 'j ' , ! • I 'U I i , 1 : I

......• saSii^E:Ei!|

E business, ■ BY '^A M .D A W SO N fl;

AP BnslneM News Analyat ^ NBW YORK. Peb. 1' (;»V-Pre8- m

I_______ l^ n t K ennc^ '-a ^ b l l l o ^ . new bl

oit ttaini taxpayer and as a consumer.


<he n e x l | n r ^ U ^

"VriTr t b a t H R ^ ^ ^ ^ would g

whiit_ »«• n , e chonce of ^»itJ that cu tting th e price of food Is * r* .old fur something else again. T he Pres- .*.ain*.t°w s'^ys h is p la n would a c lu - ;■

, ally boost fnrm Income ond th u s ^ ■ommiiiion presum ably— keep.. p rice a_ la lrly . P ’■ 2,!so,cioo stable a t th e source. B u t th e big ^ via.'*2u,'ooo Items In food cost Incrcosea in "

recenl ye.irs have occurrcd a fte r " the food leaves th e form . - ^

Ju s t how m uch you would b e t— w ^r.t affectcrt e ith er a s taxpayer o r p; aoo*inai. consumer probably will be d e - d “* V tn ^ congress. Ju st asw i.o i ',4 . surely as will th e question o f q. ■’ kl.. W ^ ll ic T lh o proposal w ouia~do j

rarr y,ta P residen t cxpecta. iJiump <42 Ho says I t will c u t to ta l federa l I

nominal-: Agricultural expenditures f r o m \this year’s e j billion dollars, to. 1

to]' • billion dollars In th e . 1863 I

ifl jS n.d«-A~4tBI);

MtTaa'|B^; ^ 8 •dluDl'kRd :-ebMki- ».-

ves B

Sales Hsold acUve, ........tsioncom - ----------------- r ^ - •— ••—f a t steers mm

a lower He ■ ■steady to ■ ■Holstelns. ™ ■:Ura while '36 to 60

S w e r ^ I ’u d g e f c c a r p e t

f l o o r . Y o u ’d e x p e c

$ M 6 o ^ ^ ’ t h a n\ Eonieg,' p r i c e Iw Buter, ^r y Baugh,63, $33.70;


eyer C at- a8,$3aj50;>erly, t)8 , |M M | | 1 I U h H ^ B [n d M aur- H | I I | | U B ^ 9 | ^ B B60, $34,10.}lmes and 976, $31;

iny. Filer, n W arner, ra Bishop,. E . W ll- tl Schnell,

lye C attle 03, $38,60;-son, 973, W W i M ^ g S H ” !

Klmbor-I BUhop, ■ O S l w X I r Bill and ■ M J I L V J» r ly . 422,

$ 3 2 ^ -

S l l ’ VIR wooi• i n ' B e a u t i f u l c o l o r s 1

6o” ’poor- H a n d e n h a n c e a n y lie; heavy .

ligh t I Hii0-t3a.40;

common ■ .

S . T . ! ; ■ _ _ , . l m p e r ! a l . R ii t r o p m M . . l o Q o ^

Beautiful decorat chooao fro

. . . . . . . . . . I ■ . ' ■'

less Mirror <iN fiscal' year. And of th a t sum heaalysi th in k s th e price support, supply • *V -Pres- a n d purchase program s o t 2S ous new b illion dollara could be cut by io\ve~yoV[ 434 million dollars In the 1003

n hiirtypi, fnr J, ' nta rtc r . —um er. i f such savliiRs could be a t- ^

ta lned . w ithout h a n n toY arm ers o r o thers, -taxpayers Ububtless ^

-TM would be hivppy. even Ifjlm any ' ' i^'ould nice to -see .much Weeper “

T he effect on priccs Ls another ®

I t Is truc th a t the fnrm pro- jg ram s since (he early 1S30S have r been' designed to support pricesby buying uii surpluses, w ith the t

uawt*» - s ta te d nlm ot keeping the la rm - Ef food Is «'’’s Income somewhere- In line iTie P res- Prices he mu->il pny—and ^uid 4 c lu - Uiey're a lot higher than 25 years 1and th u s This' .suppori affect* -the t fS fa ir ly PdC B_of_food_nt_tlie_sU )rc,-B l- -It th e big though farm prlcw are now -put <rcosea in 23 per cent boloa- Uie high se t i•red a fte r Pebnm ry. 1051. - fn. - -. B u t n"n6lner elem ent -that -en- '

. te rs Into retail food priccs U would b e th e Increase In costs ol tra iu -;payer o r portatlon . proceaslng. packaging, •I be d e - distribution, retailing, ‘5, Ju st a s T h e family economics bureau I estlon o r o f_N o tlh« fsltqx_N aU osud_U {a ,w o u ld d o In surance compnny. Minneapolis, i pecta. ii^lnn.. says th a t th is year for thea l federa l f irs t tim e there will .be ns mnny i es f r o m workers engaged In transportlnR, < dollars , to. processing nnd selling food a s 'In :th e 1863 producing It on tho farm . , i

rl [ ri r’l;m m a m t m m m m m K l k — y o n v ,

A l l W o o l

f w i i icarpet witH b t3 _ : 0

expect tb pay re than this low , ’

0 0 %IRGIN^OOL1 colors to blendnee any decor. , •

l e r i o i . R o i e . — M

1 0 0 %

^OOL ^decorator pat-


Co-op Supply I At Bulil Will 5 -Retain Aidesi

1 be a t- B uhl, woa reeleclcd president o f J >Yarmers ‘he boa rd of dlreotors of. th e i dbubtless D 'lh l Cooperative Supply asso- 1 tfilm nnv c latlon w hen th e boa rd reorgan-

h C n c r !*«> following the n t h annual , stockholders m eeting o t the as- J sociatlon 'TueA day a t th e Amerl-

c c an Legion hall*here. _ F rcd -K och ..C aaU efo rd ,-w as-r«> .

elected vice p r iu ld c n t and Melvin , trm pro- ja fe ls . F iler, was reelected sec^ , 330s have retJiry. 'irt prices D arin g th e aiuxual meeting a t- ; w ith the tended by som e 325 persons L. R , '

he la rm - ^ h a e l e r . F iler,, was reelecUd io ' *- In line a th re e ,y e a r te rm on. the board, pny—and W ..B . S tonem els. Buhl, rem nin- 125 years lng holdover d irec to r completesreet* -the Uie b o a rd .. I-----------s to rc .-B l- — Jo e -C av a n au g h r tn -g lv Irtg tlie

now .pu t c d m pany ’a a u d it repo rt for the ‘ high se l p ast yenr no ted from the tola]

• gross volume business o f M05.000 •that -en- savlngs-of_» was rea l-

M rs. R icha rd M organ, Filer, ini-knoinl presiden t of th e .B u h l Pacific

CooperaUve W omen, conducted th e "henhouse fa ir .’’ M rs. Larry

a bureau c a rp e n te r . B uhl, a n d Mrs. Paye Sharp.-P iler.-gave-H lghU ghU i-qf

nnenpolls, th e P o rtlan d a n n u a l meeting. \ a r for the M rs. Ja m es C olhem , Buhl, sucV a. mnny ceeds M rs. M organ as president

nsportlng, of th e local group; M rs. Charles food as' In H art. P ller, was elected vice rm. . p res id en t a n d Mrs, Elvln Noh.

’. New A rrivals I C l o s e Outs! Regular Stock!These are the prices you’ve w anted to pay for the quality carpet

—ybuw ant^o 'ow n!-------------

n i KNo Piling Because o

m h i . t o ‘ ‘7 ™ ® ’A tremenc

r 0 5f l v A sculptu

^ si) v nplement.y

P ^ . scheme 1

i R A I iB ■ h u B l

W — 5 H .W ; A beautlf ' beige tw


B uhl. ,wos -elected secretary and • p l y reporter, , r J v l t ■ was onnounced tho local J

n r r » l l group will serve as hosts for a w 1 1 1 d is tric t ’'henhouse ta l i '’ M u c h |

16. Mrs. Helen King. Walla ^ w a lla . W ash., will b e 'a speclnl

. 1 f l P . f i gues^fo r ^ ______

^-O othem ; P u b a n rr'F lle r r 'itn d 'T .trs , lic w y " •esldent o f Senften . Castleford. Women ot rs of th e the R ebekah lodge se n ed Uic >ply asso- luncheon. *I reorgan- ------------------------------ t

SirL": Police Probing ! 7*"'"'' Narcotics Case ‘ecccQ sec- burglary of narcotics and cash ! iw.tincr «» ffon» K lngsburj’-s Mcdlcnl Centcr .

rsoru L. R , ®houp avenue

the°board c : 7 D etective R ichard FrasierII rem ain- *“ *d T hu rsday morning lh a t po'-

eomplctes " ce were ab le lo locate tho source____ of the lad der used to enter theoii-M5-fi,v building.—T h e- la d d er 'h f td “ been rt for (>!S Stolen from a nearby rccentiy-

th - tnini pa in ted hom e. P a in t spots on of UM mn » ‘c ladder helped Identify where D was rea l- “ • —

He ind icated th a t new clues lan , Filer. In th e burglary have been found, ihl Pacific b u t d id n o t disclose them, conducted 11 was th e o r lu d Tuesday th a t

Mrs. L arry drug addicts were responsible for Mrs. Paye th e burglary. About $200 worth

ghUghla-<rf ’bt-narcot!c3.-$110-ln-eash-end-18 meeting. \ cartons of clgaV«ttc8 were stolen

. Buhl, KueV n fte r th e thieves punched a seven s president by 16-lnch hole In the roof o f th e ;rs. Charles building. .ected vice ------------------------------Elvln Noh. TOY TIM ES.NEW S WANT.A D3

k! ■ e ^

10 YeariGuaraii

1 0 0 ^ro pilingl N o-m attingl lecaus^of this new con- nuousiilament w e a v in g .:^ ^ B l . tremendous valuel


. sculptured jfose- elge colw to com- H | lement.your.4»lor H . ihemel JH

K m & ) m mhu Beattie ; / ' f l ■ p

. beautiful r o ae-. H H ^eige t w ^ e d , i n0 0 % wool. ■

M^tary and T h u r s d a y , Feb. 1. 1962 ' ,the’ local T w in F o ils T i m e s - N e w s 'I S

hosts for a • '

S'S:G reen Giant to "“J"' Give Chance to

HBuhl Gr^uat«s-jBU H U Ftb . 1 - B uh l b W i ,

school graduaU s a re ellgl.ble to____ competo In a cash aw ard-job op*t portunlty - scholarship prognH>^

U l l f f Initiated by the O reen Q U a t ^ ' compnny.

5 L 8 S G Eneh of tb e scholarshlpe w ill

r SeX. asalRiied to the college OT u n l- ' r .n tn r o t tlio s lu d c n fs choice;

portunlty to r p referential sum* ^ ^ , m er employment a t »• Q reed

tiard Frasier p lan t o r office.______lng lh a t po'- ^ ---------le tho source

I? 5m" Officials Meet—-by recently- BOISE, Peb, 1 (D?fr-Delegate8 n t spots on from the Idnho Association of ?n t«y where commissioners nnd Clerks a n d --• *“ ‘d. ----- tho-Idaho-M unlclpal League willI new clues a tten d tho northw est regional been found, conference a t Corvallis, O re., . them . ■ Tuesday, to discuss uniform ity

Niesday th a t of s ta te ' highway traffic cott* sponsible fo r trols.i $200 w orth Id ah o highway engineer ' G . cash-end-18 'B ryee-B ennettrreg ionM -conter-— were stolen cnco chairm an, said Uie meet*

ched a seven lng will be the-first of 13 region*,e roof o f th e a t conferences to encourage co­

operative action for a -u n ifo rm-------- s ta n d ard of trafflo control oe-W ANT.AD3 vices. ___________ . ’ |||

■ ■ ■ H H p

raSSi 1-. . f

Suarahteed i

j j Y t d j ^


H S Q ,Y D ^

■ B E bpR aaa^^H -.

Page 16: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

Baxter, I I Take Eai “ I i r ^ a l P I

P A L il SPRINGS. Calif., : ■ Baxter, j r ., Amarillo, Tex., i

- Canada, led a fiost of par v round of the.?50,OOQ Palm-! nesday, cach scoring 8ix-und<

:-------------- l i^ t id r a n i HlmlM O iu tf

T. K. Tnctor *n<t Imp. tltd W««rn* >r'« CutfM Shup M:.Cutnmunltr tied Wtgner't Tr«n>t>orwtlon 2-2: Kl

. Jll(h Motrl dcrMtM HhlrlryMtndlaU M : RoE.r. Shm UtUi d«NiWd Twin

' >'kI • Conatruetlon S<l: NtlUon anil Mlllor iM Mike'* Shothon* ^2 : R. C.

u- C<.I«.dtrf«lri Cliff *nd KtHttki Hl.hJI.ld3-1; Jo« UendloU Ttiam delrslrl Kf.nk-. llonoeo W : K»r‘. m « Ilnwl <lrrc>l«.l E. W. .n.i Co. 1-1: Klm-Un«< rt(.,|.CoU .1-1: Crilf'* I’ulnt jflar* dcftilnl Okty

, . . . .MrlM. , ,

CounUr Co5bT«r de(SCrt*Kli!iil'tir»V i <.0; D nn 't Richfield dtfMtrd Kif*-' war’* S-l; shelbr'* dtrm nl llnimirrf'i

4-0: Or*ln •pIll.K.I’* Chryron^'lilgh Individual (amp, Itubi' Ollion IM: hlih Individual »rlM, llubr 0H><»<

- 47!) Mzh *<rBteh tram Bini*. Countr; Cobt»r 7e t: hlih Landlcap tram- samr. Counirr Cobblfr M l: hl»h h.ndlr.i. iram *«rl*t. Counlr/ Cohblcr 2,GS7: hffh Krstch Iram lerlrt, CuanlrrCobbler Z.OeO.

UowUr of wetk. Ilulijf 011*<-n. ’ aaM k H«l«r Lrafgi

Arctic CIrel* dtf»ai«l ClrmtnU 01! t- l I Ch«lie»|r-. 8«r»lc. dtfealH 7-Up »-ll Ttor Nat onal U; dtfraled J*nUn'i J*<r*I«r* 4-0; Club » Motel *dctrat«l Coca-Cola M i K*r'> KIc' Howl tied Crandall TV M . ^ •

illlh Individual (am*.- Harold flrov* « « ; hlfh indlvWuiI **flri, ll.rnl. nobllnc eOll lilsh acraUh (ram name. Crandall TV M": hlah icralch team Hrin, Ka>r'» Ric* Jiojvl 2.7K5.

Cantlncnlil Lnca*Turf Olub drfrated Jlra'a Tlar* M t

Tnitt 4-0 J American Unen rtt(*aUd XEEP JladlO S.II Motor Vu defeated

------- ^HI^^Vn7lYf«^^u.l tain*,-Cl7d* Carncli t i ] hlfh Individual ••rlee, Don Cutu ISI] hf*h »«rat«h team aam*. Tur< C]ub'H4s hlih bandleap team tame,

-------AtaaHcan U nen -m > bl|h handicaptean aerlea, Turt Club. x.TUi hlib •eralah team aerlre, Turb CUb 2,514.

Sowln- of week, Cl/d» Hunter Ul,______________ Flnlrl«rcra Leaiat____----------ContlnenUla - defeated —W *«i—I .l j

< Cobbler* arllt OuUatU M ; Cen. UIdi. Supplr ipllt Four Oo Seee 1-tl £Z<^ 'in ih* Individual*"iam«. Bud l!l«fc.

------- tewar.XIti hl*h Individual ..rlee, NoelBHt^in (M l hlch MraUh team lame, Pen. BIto. VVj * * * ' * ' * any.

' hlih handicap t«M le ria^ F ^ t U U s hlfh Kralrh t*am aerlea. K t l.Hl.

______ Lwliy—lM *r* 'df fated .-^btrUtin’*4.0i -At»*.0 Cleaner* dtfealed The

. StflUta 4-01 Ullllarr Inn dtfeated HatelUin IlMtwar Dulldlni Ctnter M t Au>* W*llt Tnicklnt defeated Ccm e u te Taper Co. S-Ii 0(1* Kali C«n< •tnirtlon defaated Driv* War Uarkel. ]I[fh Individual ram*. Ann Cover

I IM i hlfh Individual aerlra, Ann Caver ' e i t i hlfh aeraleh tmm tame. The

Btyllita 777 1 blih-rhKnaicap team ■ame, Thre^O Oiranera »6*i hlfh Bandtoap leam eerlM, Thre^O Cleanen 1.T7«: hlfh aatauh team inlee, Tha

:------------ jHly OaU d»*al*d TemwU M jI Ooff** Trio defeated Oall liable* 4-0:

:Outler Duiten iPlIt IIIU and U n.

..jaeanor SebaurmaB 41t| hlch teratch . «*am lam*. Caffe* Trio. 490: hlfh "kandleap tMm nm*. Coffee Trio < tli

. hlfh handicap team a*rlM. Coffra Trio'^ V * i m *' M'lea. Corr**

uf naeli^Maiy Ana r iamunr.'

F—K M . 'ram*. Jen**n J*w(t*n >471 hlih handl-r.irs.rMTtt.n.'.s,

Ooon dc^V ^' ^ V a h lm x n 1-11 Vhllf r*«d Ixda defeated 0 and 11 ot Uurtauih »-l| E. A, TVilmin'* defealot Jhin'a Ilarber Bhop 4-01 Town Tavern defeattd Ole’a Cliar RIore »-l | Henry Vr«.luea defeated BcUaaiblll Ranch 1,0.' Hlib tmllvldual fame, Clr<le lloea lU tV lfh Individual aerlM, John 4Ihan4i{man'***jVwi**hlih*™hanrt"«p*t^

.•nwiTTS. A. Tolman’i l,Hil| hlfh handicap teati) aerie*, r . A. Tolman'a a.»l I hlfh aarateh taam aerU*, K. A.

Death of Mi]B r T he A m oltlM I P r e u

I A n otdUiner, back for n vUlt, to S cran ton , Pn„ en tered «

spmwllnB aupennnrket In the ' ■ D unm ore a rea . BomethtnB about

th e nelEhbortiood locked liun llU r "Sajr. v u n ' t Uie old Bcnuitor

[ ba ll p a rk somewhere arouni! hcra7“ ho M ked th e m an tti the

¥ ¥ ’, ¥ ¥ ■

r, Leonard jlarly Lead Hjcrurney-. C a lif ., F e b .‘ l (/?)■— Y oung Rex0 , T ex ., nnd b a ld in g S ta n L eonard ; o f p a r w re c k e rs th ro u g h th e f i r s t

IQ P a lm -S p r in g s G o lf Clns.sic‘. W ed- t s ix -u n d e r-p a r 65. B a x te r , 25-yeaf-

o ld 1957 n a tio n a l CQllcgiato n/sg c h am p io n a t th e U n ivera ity

o f H o u s to n , w ho is on h is second y e a r w ith th e to u r-

the T hunderb ird Country cljib's------ :------- 30-35—71-course: ;

n L eonard, « . who hns won the uniir C anadian POA title elKht times, on 2-2: Kl to u r e d ‘th e liamo coursc In 30-pjr.Menrtiola gg*e'uo‘'n’ rmi T h c 'ft lta ck on pnr wJis wogcrt ^2 i R. c . f/ver lo u r courses. T he others,

kiiUehtuid -rnm w islc,-Ind lrtn -W ells-and E l- "’iilce " n - l dorado, hnve p a r 30-30.72. nd Co. 1-1: Doug Pord, plnylnR a irem en-

• dous round n t Ind ian Wells, had ..led Okay ^ 34. 32.60 and but for an u n ­

t i l I hlih rortunate- doiJWe bORoy, on the pa r 3 slxtli would havo been even

ratrd’ HifeJ N ational Open cham pion OeneI Iiountre*-* u i l l c r ' hnd a 67 a t Tom arU k nnd■la thevfon ^ ^ loncl H cbcrt (Ind ianlubr Oiiion Wells) and Je rry .'Steelsmlthiiubr oii..ii. (T hunderb ird).tranvi.mV T«'o of tho s ta rs of 1861, A t-h handir.ii notd P alm cr nnd G ary Player,.bier 2,057: jh o t a 60 a t Tam arisk... w n i r r Snead , showlnff his skill.u.n. ’ out hero lo r th e Ilrs t tim e tn«"• , many w in ters , had a 70 a t T am -reX" 7-Up nrlsk ond drew tho blggMt gal-i„ defeated icry flt th a t courte.b »3 Moiei Jncif N lcklaus, th e neophyteKa,a Rice p j,, „nd 1001 U.8. ftinatcur cham -arold Orove plon, h a d tl 71 a t tho *nme coursc.In, liernis quo Bcorcd & holc-ln-onc.‘“ ,^1, 7eam lof th o *50,000 bonus. Don- Jnn -7K5. uary. w ho R o ace la st year,

. took 74 s trokes to get nround

r » ' H ^

*f"f IiitentionallyBeats CarryBack in Race—M IA M IrFlt»rFcb.-l-lf)—T art*n

L ^V i m i sUkble'a In ten tionally sped to vic­tory th th e $33,450 Palm Bench

’li*’*; han d icap n t H ia leah P a rk Wod- tJam ’.amJ " “ d a y a n d C arry Bnck. tlie.K cn- Ih handka^p tUCky

u . a Amblopolso finished th ird andB eau - A dm iral,- tho -ca rly -pace -

!n diteSlrf se tte r In th e seven-furlong Xea- C in terM t tu re, he ld on lo r fourth In tht

fe.ted <icm Held o f 13 of the fastest handicap[far Market ^orses In Florida.^far Market Robery Us-Ann Cover je ry m a k ln i u p m eal of h is top

'fam e The w c lg h t-o K lJO pound.s. rn n th i aicap 'team sovcn lu rlongs In 1:22 3-5 one!

« t i hlfh p a id 1750 to win ns favorite, "litfra** Thi C arry*- ' Seilers w ith 124 pounds, w u sec

lovef »i». ond choice.M t B ill H arta ck go t EdltorlnlU t ou

liable* 4-0! o l th e gate f irs t bu t Beau Ad * 1,“,"- n ilrnl soon took over th e lend afk7._8Uft»a th e y -m ad B -th e <n r-tumMarr Ann C arry B ack was 10th w ith Beni

iduai ..rle . Adm iral, E d ito ria list nnd In ten Uh U onally b a t t l ln s lo r Uie lead.

. .T r to s t s i C a rry Bnck, a Florldn bre< Co” ** Tjio m aklnjr h is f i r s t a ta r t as a 4-yenr

old, wna alifth tu rn ing In to thi irthnm nw r a tw toh -and-U w ro-beH an-on*-® . hla c harac lerlstlo la te drive;

«tia ii« ie down • th o outside, eated T. K. H o sped p a s t tiring horses om J»f» *f»aia<i by one, b u t d lstnnce ra n ou t be

Baadar* -forB hB coutd cn tch m ten U o n allj teieii Riichi* who h a d a leng th and th ree irle*, ii.Un quarter# lead a t th e finish; 1 rlakTo^ram WBB two le n g th s fu rth e r back t I hlih handl- Amblopolse) w ho. beat B eau Ad jjauV i'l!? . * "eck .

Itrp*» M I Challeni* ‘rtefeale<l Kail. Ilrand M0 and 11 ot lton.e H.lrlea .Icfrale.VllalnW tia in ', detealeit 8-11 idahn Kroien KMi«l7ilctealr<l hide rown Tavern penricnl Meat M t i:.ldr'a llakery d.1 S-t| Henry feateil Vethi>ll>t >l«n 3-1.II Ranch 1.0. Jllih Individual fame. Kd lllair SillClyile lloea hlih Individual errln, Dun Alirn em

, John tihan hlfh irralrh (earn fame, Kdily'a llaker(ama, K. A. M«l hlih handicap le.m fame. K.ldv'nitlcap team llalcir l,Olll hlih haiiillraii tram .erle1.Hlilt hlfh ICddy't llakery t.KSlL hlfh erraieh leal A. Tulman-a aerlee. (Milv'a llali»y 3,MS, . aerlti, K. A. llov»lar of week. D'in Allen «l>7.

[ Minor Loop in1 Pw M coali reg is ter, fo r a visit "M ister, you aro standing o en tered a tliird baM ." e t In th e W hen people say bnacbnll h lng abou t fndlng they point to placcs 111 ed fam iliar, Sc ran ton w here a booming mini d Scran ton league franchise declined nr re a round flnnlly d ied arvcral years ago, m an n t tho I n 1030, Bcntntoii’s team In U

¥ . ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

a H m ilY U ihoiTii In U i. ,11a o l Ih , lor

5« t i . bT')'" '''

j y . t t T T ^ 'P 5 ! l » T ! m e s - N e * ;

m g R ex ' f: '•Leonard; , / f ^ | i | L;he f i r s t i ' J S.ic.W ed- 25-yeaf-o iicg iato . ' - - r - f . ' • ’ ' i iv e ra ity i.' ■ ; , rt on h is . ‘ ' V * . \he to u r - .:= cfr-0Tcf " r ; " ! , : *’—Itry club's ^

s won th e t • • • • - Iitht times,•sc In 30- ........... ...........

v2is waged j % | ie o thers, j- ^ ' J1.1-and E l- — —7---------------- - -10-72. I T f l ® 'V "n trem en- 'il. _ / .il--Wells, had)r an u n - r , . ,

plon O ene I T T ® ! .^ \ i ' 'narU k nnd ■ r Wr t (Ind inn \ , ' I .S teelsm lth ' l i ^ n . . A „ . l

1B61, Ae- if IO' Player, Imarlsk. 1 { his skill . I p r M It tim e tn J B I0 a t Tnm> . V IgBMt gal-

■ ^ , BA D P U T T GRIMACE l l th p . l i „ , r . . . h , ro llocu 1.1,■hort. P lay cam e In the oper JIOO.OOO Palm Spring* golf cU

D W Jn n - pu tting I h e lfe g n rT A P w irtphei

“ -S u rv e r l '^ *A lo n g Mid

v y ^ BOISE. Feb . 1—Some ch ^ re.sult o f a t h r e e - y e a r tro u fi c l C C ' forJc-^fc-the-Salmon river, t

p a r t m e n t d i s c I o s e d - to d a y . S V ^ Ihroal; t ro u t population in

aim Bench help in th is u n iq u e wilder- P nrkW od- nes3 re tre a t, which is ac- ’ S ra" ; “ ssiblo by road only a t ^ 0 - f in is h - th e - f iv e r - ^ h e a d - A n d - m o u th ,

Tho bulk of th e a n g l in g th ird a n d pressure is by p n rtle s 'f lo n tm g

a rly -p a ce - d o w n -th e -rlv e r-w U h -llsh ln g -a s irlong Xea- ono o f th e n ttrn c tlo n s’of th e trip r th in the b u t n o t necessarily th e m ost im- ithn n d lcn p p o r tan t.n-v, _ , Tt. Jom e* O . s im pson , chief .of

v,u r«,T fisheries m anagem ent, says an of h is top nbundnn t spaw ning stock must

!!: S ? be p rese n t o t< ill tim es to mnln- ta in Quality t ro u t fishing. Aid trom a rtific ia l m eans does not

lockey Jo h n nppear •prom ising a t present.Is, was sec- . on th e llnd lngs o f tht

Investigation, w hich ran _ lro n i torinlU t ou t jg jg ih ro u g h m oi, ^nd studlec

.u , d is tribu tion , .ago nnd growth e - - if.™ m ovem ents n n d reproduction, H

sccrhs lh a t- th o -c u t tb r o a t troui w ith Benu popuintion does p o t hnvo th e in-

nnd In te n - j ,p „ n t capacity to support ar M extensive fishery,

/ 5 ...I, Sim pson ndded. "Becauso 0: » th e e sth e tic vnlues nssoclnt-g in to tn e M iddjo fork and iU

i HhitiK, U Ts - p ruiKised -tttn trth ii a te drives' In to a-'flah .-lo i

*»«'■ »trenm . By releasing mos horses one cnugh t. tlie anglei

■an ou t M - „ , j i bo help ing to m a in ta in thi iteriUonnily; popU iatl6n n t « h Ig h leveirTliu: and th ree - (juniny ang ling may be ns iinish. I t In th o fu tu re . I n order ti

ie r back to p e rm it th o a n g le r i to en t flsl ■ w hile In th e M iddle fork nnt__________ alldw th o re te n tio n of those flal

seriously In ju red , a sm all dal): bag lim it w ould bo allowed.”

'.'*i"rand I M iddle foric investlgntloiiia inW n«r revcnied;,icte«tr.i i«d<». i_ c u tU u o n t tro iit otitmimbe a llakery d - y ^ j^ c n a iid minbow ironKd lllair : n i In th e a n g ler ha rvest, in Alien em 1 3, n ,B tro u t populations an i!ameVK*iIvi relatively long-lived and spawi .p tram aerlra, n t A ll\t0 ng f. '1 .rraieh tram 3. C u tth ro a t t ro u t 12 to 1' Allen 'tii>7. inches long a re n t least B year;

> in Scranton Filld itn s 'A E a s te r n • lengue pl[tye<

standing on before 317.000 fnns n t homt Phllndelphlft d refr only 690,000 li

bnsebiiU Is the N ntlonal lengue in 1001. li I placcs like 1053, local owners finally gav jmlng m inor up -th e-a tru R B le r-P tir-r tn e yeai Kilned nnd the re haa been n o prorrsslonr years ago, ' bo-teball in th is nnUiracite nrei team In U is‘ .17ie slndlum , gleaming priO¥ If.

of lit t form er K m n io n , Pa,, lianball r» rk Ift lurrifD unil w llh Iho tupe rm arkel In tin

v e i -N e^ i . -------- ' " ■

A rntMi hl« an fu ish w hen » 45-roo t p o l t pulls up In the opening round W ednesday of the tgs golf cU ttle . P a lm e r ended up th ree- AP wlrephoto) ____________

"iFCffipleted Middle F o r k -

—Som e ch a n g e s m a y b e m a d e a s th ( 'e a r t r o u t in v es tig a t!o n ~ o ^ rth e 'M ld d l( )n riv e r , t h e a ta te fish - a n d g am e d e d -t0d a y .s tu d ie s .s u g g e a t - th a t . th e - c u t i la tio n ih p a r t ic u la r m'aiy n eed sothi lie w ilder-

Mays Believed .

Salaried Player^s of th e tr ip s a n FR A NC ISCO . Feb. 1 (fl­he m ost im- M ays signed h is 1962 con - - t,i.» tr a c t ■ w ith th e S a n Francisc nt, w y s an O lan ta ■Wednesday, p r o b a b l slock m ust m aking h im b a itb a l l’s highe:

les to m nln- pa id p layer a t-a b o u t »90,000.cen te rlle lder simpl

“ resent. dropped by th e G ian t's offlco 1 ilngs o f tho Candlcstlclc p a rk nnd handed th I ran _ lro m . pnc t .to C harles Feeney^ th and studied club's vice p resldcni. md growth, pccncy sa id i t Included a.«mn:

" raise. T h is .waa believed to.pusl S f h M nsuDDort nn co n tra c t wns be suppori nn eclipse th a t of Micke

■•nwftiiM nf M antle, th e Ntsw Y ork Tfanke u S i w l n t . »l«r. w ho reported ly signed fc fork and ila W .M O .. .id -tttn t-th lK —Wlllie-recetved-tssjOOO-lBstTea

fi-'Xlsh io r son. T lic top sa laries this yeai leasing m ost however, d o n t m a tch th e $100,00 , tlie angler seasons, c red ited to T ed William na in ta ln tho niid S ta n M usla l In rccen t sen i leveirT lius sons,

m ay be as- ------ -

f " “ '^ t 'f i hi« fork nnrt *■ C u tth ro a t tro u t m ature wheS t l l o ? £ h about a lo o t long,

sm all dally #. A bout a th ird of a ll flsallowed." caught could have spawned tliinvestigation following spring.

0. M any—b u t niit nil—o f tl:t o tilnum ber tngged a n d recovered fish lattninbow tro u t sliowrd extensive movements 1t. the M iddle lo rk drnlnaRe nnd t llulations are ninln Sa lm on river. T liere seen, and spawn in be n dow nstrbnm m igration 1

' th e fall, a n d a n upstream moviit 12 to 14 111 th e sp ring by n t least a poileast B years tlon o t th e population.

I Finds Pattern iingue pljtyed of tlie conl regions wiien it w s n t homo, built, h a a d lnppcnred. l l i e In Illy 590,000 In ow ner so ld Uio steel ntnnds. sea I in 1001. In nud even Iho scoreboard. T h fliutlly gave wcro moved to Richmond, Vn.,

ir - r tn o years become p n r t o f a new stndlum prorrssioniU th n t c ity . I l u i s ciiilcd Uio dren

Lliraclte area, pnrk th n t drew i0,3flfl Sqranto :amlng pride iniui to lt.i d rdlcnilon in 1040.

'V Down the a trrv t there wuigaa s ta tio n w h e re j i visitor ato

‘ iwd tu clin-k d irrctto iu . A ml dlO'aged m nn. obviously tho ow

, er, grcetcil th e custom er.’ Sothe convi'rsntlun atvilched

' . basebnll.' - '1 ‘0 ° y®'* " * '« bw elJnll?" t

y i ( visitor luikixl,. •I , " trn , I was one of Ihe ri

1 fnns," till' iiltt-m lant said. "Untl l i n n b i)ii3iuLJu>i-iM rrR tlonrA nytl]

T could lii't nwny Irom work uon t to th r bnlt gnini5; 11 was ntiiiine tlirv had to give it up

J**" H crnnton limy or mny not•f • typical, Its jiopulailon liasflhru

H'jO ^ . H» recom years, inrgely lifcai of Ihn diTllMi' of thn coal b a

g a s-« n d tIfc iiJrrrT J' pi-oblein.1 nre (he pmt a W M k i li'iua (if m any o the r arenn win hQ M P M I (he m lnnrs.nre hllghtvd nnd ba/

bull su rv iv e only by ri'iiioti' no

■ w H w «P«iln edlUir of ti t ’ tici'iindiii T inu 's, ri'i iii'u ib i'is 't^ ) ' i golden yi'ars o t th e l)o,sti>ii It


i 'M j ' The odjournad onnual

H H M a g ic V olley I ■ ' WILL

■ 8 P.M . I

; r ' „ r , s e l k s b u il d i

Th t i r s d o y r F e b H - 1 9 6 2 ^

r : McGiU Hikes Skyline Loop EcoringXieadL

H f c i ’. l DENVER, Feb. 1 W — Blil Mc- m i x l l i 0111, U tah, w ithout pu ttin g oo

hl« tirtlfnrm in_<t week, hns wld- ened- h is - ic a d - ln .the -baske tbail scorlng.race In the Skyline con- ference.

Utah had no gamed scheduled lost w eek.'M cG ill h a j averaged

R f l H P 37,4 points p c r'gam e w ith 187 in five contests, and his shooting percentage of .580 is the league's

B ^ ^ R Q' The Ute s ta r ni£0 lends,tn r e -

bounds w ith .an average of 14.H per game.' C urt Jlm erson, W yoming, Is to;

' man a t th e free throw line with ^ 27 ou t of 32 for nil .844 percent-

age. _____________ . ■

^ \ r bntUing for second plnce In scor- lng. Bill, Colorado S U te unlver-

W i S j ^ averaged 22 po in ts Ir. six games, to 20,3 in live fo r Cor-

J M H H . ' n'ell G reen, U tah S tate .T here was no change in tcair

P > J t scoring honors, U tah , undefcatec In live conlcrcnce ganies, hm averaged 81.2 poinU, w hile Colo- rado S ta te university; show ing c S*1 reading, has lim ited oppo-

^ nen ts to a n average of- 58.5 peib y ArnoldI t pu lli up U U h ‘S ta te leada In team re ­lay of th e bomiding w ith 269 grabbed Ir up th ree - five, gomes.'

Wilson Buys Franchise of

c k — ABL PipersIhrtiwail

g a m e d e - falo Bills o f the American Foot- i t t h e c u t - ball league, has bought th e Cleve. n'PPd“ R<5me land-Plpere-of-tfie American-b'&s'n e e a s o m e

_ Oeorge Steinbrenner announcei k y P Q W ednesday, n igh t.

. T h e am ount o l money Involvei

u c S l sources estim ated th o purchas

I Peb 1 (fl— of Clevelanders holding stock i hla 1962 con-n Pm nrisM Wllson, a D etro it Insuranc J l F i ^ c ^ executive. Intends to keep th p r o b a b l y franchlseTH C lereland , an

o ir* h ighest no changes in f ro n t ollitie opera t $90,000. tlons or personnel a re contem lelder simply Plnted. S teinbrenner said, n t 's offlco in M eanwhile, a new coach a t d handed th e rived W ednesday to take over th t . ., . ' team . Bill S harm an, lorm t Feeney, w e (,f tho de lunct Los Angelt

^ Angels in th e ABL, replaced Johluded a.«mnll McLendon, who resigned inw e d to .p u sh d isputo-w lth s te in b re n n e r........

. T he P ipers led th e E as tern dl vWon of th e ABL du ring tl:

J L u h a lf of th e season, b u t t t„ J?J«H ^ n o t d raw n th e crowci. M iw a I t f 1,

■ ■ ond h a lf play th e Pipers- h a t rjOOOi^astrea- seven 01 m ne gam es tin ti ai

tlte .bottom of th o dlvlsio

1 rccen t sea- '• ' ' ■ _______ ______________

:_____ Cage SlateMl.l™ . . 0. » K "

m ature w hen . iiuriey at iiuhiOaVley al Jerom*

I of a ll fish •Weniieu’at OlennrPerry spawned the, r M £ “ f e m a . \

t n l l - o f thecd fish' la ter Coumy at lllchtleld 'novcments In iiruneau at iiiift l i in g en n d th o ‘ i t)i«Heh ,T liere seems .V if .V i" ''* '...................m igration in 5 n „ , i j,njme

Strcnm move- Valley at Wendell - '- nn>-. Olenna Kerry at llallry ‘. least a por- Shi-hon* al KImNrly■'0»-____________ llll.i at Caniat County________

jrn in Nationwlien it wns Sox' rolgn In S c ran ton . S o dc

red. l l i e Inst Chio Feldm an, sports editor t ntnnds. scats tho S c ran ton T ribune.•cboard. T hey -x iio EoaU rn IcaKiie?” sr imond, Vn., to u u tlc r , "Wo used to get cnlls 1 ew stndlum in a year o r two. B u t no more, A led Uio dream use only Uio lino scores. Nolio 3flfl Sqran ton- ta lks nbout th a E iw tem leng on in 1940. around here,

I wSiror^Uin^ ‘' ‘I' ‘'"'“f '" ' 'k « A S . ‘" e s t . probnbly more than ev,Vu V'ihe “ 'O '“ >“ 0™ eiis( ..m er.'8oon " " J ' " " ® ’•flwliched to T l'sro >i-wl ‘o bo tnlk nnd 0

or two nicetln8.i were held 1insebnll?'* the " o t in a long time. Especial

since wo don 't hnvo n bull pnle of Ihe renl “ '’1' H'oro,''it aald. "UitsN _no iH _ lB u tlo r— fi-mt— TOlfllntlonrA ny 'tliiie ngn'o 'the 'r v lnvn.ilon holjifrom work I k n o c k 'o u t Ihc local franelil

[tini;; 11 was a Yankee gan'ies can bo iiilcked ,I give it up," direct from the New York 01r may no t Iw let on n local nimininln tiiii aon has sh runk (he gnm e-ot'the 'W eek te lccuirgely iH-caiixc plus an ^nIll^^n a rray of biisrbthn coal biwl- bron'',. iuivc lu iled 'the-jtp i

gaS'A itd-nil, ( lle 'fo r basfllmll.nre (he piob< '‘Snndlot'ball Is a t 1T arenn wIhto iil/b.’’ Mild IJiiiri'i-, "Wu u«ndnted and base- lm v o lo -o r 13 cIa.M Irawuly ri'iiioti' con- Now IhiTO are only one or tv

W hen ihry'piLM Um hat, tliry 1n edlUir nf the lucky to gt't tngugh lo puy 1rinniil)i'i.i 't in t the tiaM-tiallji, Tho jwciplo-do10 llcvstiHi Hed out to sen llie softball team s,’

BALL MEETING^id onnual itockholdori.m eoH ng of tho

/a llo y B aseba ll C lub , In^ .. W ILL BE HELD

B P.M . Fob. 5 ,1 9 6 2a t th e


^ 1 ^- 1 9 6 2 —--- r -

ik es r - ' b o o p I

— Bill M e- ' - .pu ttin g oo ..c. hn-s w id- f I ' ' ' •


s scheduled LS averagedw ith 187 in ^Is shooting the league's

lends,tn r e - 14.4

imlng. Is topw line w ith VETERAN HURLERS HONQl J44 pe rcen t- „ j jd a y n igh t were W arren Sj

nals. Spahn i i holding the la t l .G r e e m r e - bails, was awarded Iheace In scor- -------- ----------------------------------------late un lvcr- ^ J T " * 1


'BtB F o cu se s orw hile Colo- • , Tl- L i; show ing a C a m a a C o u n ty a n d K ic n i nited oppo- d a y n i g h t a n d t h a t ga ^n e of. 56.5 per N o r t h s ld e c o n fe re

n team r e - s h o w th o s e tw p c lu b s f a r ii grabbed In g o r ie s . C .a m a s C o u n ty i s o r_____ i t s e a r l i e r w in o v e r R ich -, — ---------f i 'e ld r T h e t ' n a a y Dat11e”p itsf l l V S t h e lo o p ’s s t r o n g e s t o f fe n s e

a' a g a i n s t i t s b e s t d e fe n s e a n d th / v - p s c c o n d o f fe n s e a g a i n s t seC' ^ o n d d e fe n s e .

Richfield Is running off-w iU f t T S th e olfensivo cham pionship a

. a rccord breaking clip. T he Tig- , 1 m _ e rs have nvt:rageU1.4_polnt5 pei o f th e B uf- 8«mo and have 500 lo r sevet

.r irnn Foot- leoguo gamcs. T h a t leaves then

•s’ n residen t Camas County is lim iting op ■ announced Position to 32.4 points per game

- another record breaking per , , . lormance. Those two clubs alsi

ney Involved p^ch . other In th e reu t Inform ed t1**r'*r^m*‘ntV. ______ho,.purchase overall records show R lchflel

averaging 63.1 points p e r gam e .o f.a .g ro u p whllo.Camas haa bcld.aU .oppon Ung stock in ents to 36,4.

T he M ushers also a re on to t insurance in frea throw pcrccntage w it to keep th e .650 In league nnd .710 overa ere land , and in raUo to opponent fouis.'R icli olliile opera- iie td leads w ith 161 league fou a re contem - and 283 lo r the year.

sa id . R ichfield's Bob Flavel is thT coach a r - >oop "hatchet m an" w ith 30 foii lake over Uie G ary GUI, Camna Count: lan form er has 48-lor Uie season. Flavel ah

leads in to ta l free Uirows wit

■ ‘ S ’f i-d S ld ia V i.b r ln i - r .c . I,I E as tern d l- muina in Flavei’s pockct wiUi

du ring th e 19.7 league average a n d 18J ove:son. b u t th e all. His closest com petition comiI Uie crow ds from Tom Rolce, D ietrich, 16I fo r. I n sec- a n d 13.8, and Lynn Cook, C arePipers- have 16.2 nnd 13.0.____________

u n c T a n ffa re • O ther top scorers aro tJ lJb ith e division neli, 1S.5 and. 15.0; McClure. Dii

U-lch, 14.5 and 125; Tom G omI Icy. Cam as.County, 12.2 n n d 1

I— . ------------- and-H oberta, Corey. 11 a n d .10Q t p ' «im loet for ai

I U I .V . c.raa* Counly___1 0 41* 1■ llkhflelcl ________ « .1 SUO J

liu » r“* - ™ ~ Z I 1 a 2M 3nietfleh ------------ I * , 25» S

\ won liHt for aiw Camaa Cmmty ........ ll I 13« . »

(,,,4 lllrhlleld ............ .‘...11 fl , ', ,, • Urllfvuu .................. * * •itieid ' .....-.......... - 5 * '

niiM a n sui i

Utah State Star " To Miss Action: i l__________ _ i;OGAN, Utnh, Feb, 1 ifl

S tar center Darnel llnney , U t S tn te university, will no t pi

I for tho ArrIcs Snturdny nig • when USU m eets Brlglir

ito n . So-doe.! Young university n t Provo, irts editor o f Coach Lndell Anderson ca lie. flrmeii such a report Tuesdeagiie?” snid '‘"d said any explanation wm } get calls fo r I’l've to como, from tho offlco no more. W e USU president D aryl Clinse.

cores. Nobody Cliaso. said ho had, no co iw tem leaguo menl/

L ast year, flHhtinff broko i Jiff icnmin In- ««vernl players duringJ s than ever. »Y O -U tah a into gnmo In Log. ) minors ovor

C O L O R E D M<a're held b u tle, Eapiiclally, ' ' ^ I D C V e a b a in ,a r k I D C A U T

m t—relfllnnn " W w ld rccoril’ ib e x -ra re iy I'a.ilon helped ■ , ' cal frnnolilse. be iiilckitl Aipi

iiiitln tii]i nmi I "LA SIERI■eek telecasts, j 'ay of biisrbiill | Dc.mti liiijlin)-]ijtLci:p..rurc4 le d -th o -jtp p r-• ; rniiiicil lu old Mexico In

II Is n t low , - A 'm

S'SU;! LARRY'J(Y one or two,

SS'H ' Friday an _ F E B R l

ING^ ; Washinc „ ,h. Auditoriu, l n < ; . . S P O N E

Idaho Ou• ■ Wlinw nhnrn wlll^go to 1


(T f)

ERS HONORED ia ih e Bl. L onii B aw ball ^ W arren Spahn. left, M ilwaukee Brave*, am

ling the large trophy preien ted h im * n d Ja trayaed th e physic*! com ebaelro t-thB -T ear-

side T it le R a c e JS o n O ne G am eand Richfield collide a t Richfield Fri-

[lat ga^ne probably will tell th e story e conference. Times-News statistics lubs fa r in fron t in all th e m ajo r cate- lunty is on top by one game, th an k s tc )ver Rich- _________ •

S S B o o r e W o i o T

S - B e B u m e d _

fpSoS.p'"!!; Into Match ''?• BAN DXEGO, 'Feb. 1 OIPD,^

M?pn Archie Moore sa id 'todny h e won' tpnv ., them be "bullied o r th rea tened" In t

T t h r r S u ltim a tu r.r^the recorQ y o rk B oxing Comg '~ m iM io n = tb ~ d e feh d = h Is—ll^ h tlim iting op - heavyweight boxing crow n or Jos ts per gam e, recognition of th e title .

T he N ational Boxing assocl i„ th« ntlon w im drew its recognition c

,1 " Moore's crown iM t year, th

ow R ichfield njontj, tomorrow a s its ‘dead line lo r de throning th e agin

iQ .ou.oppon- eiiamp. ■Moore said h e h a d recelvc

) a w on to p numerous le tte rs a n d te leg ran ccnUge w ith offering flghta, b u t t h a t th e pK

.710 o m ^ l motcrs aU w anted to s e t t l t fouls. R ich - conditions,

leogue fouls ..p ji ^o bullied o r th rt» l i? ' , ened.” h e said. ‘‘I l l n o t accej

f~ . i t conditions th a t a re n o t ndvai w ith 30 fouls tagcous to me."

im M County, . j j b a m iddleweight cham pic Gene Fullm er recently sUggestt a tltlo fight against M oore, bt

Jim O 'D on- negotlaUons fell Uirough. Mooi Iona in league j,ns. beaten NBA ligh t-heav: -1 - ' weight champion H orold Johnsc

I four tlmea ou t of five and di lea ted -N o . 3 con tender G ull

and 18J over- R inaidl b l I taly Inst Ju n e . >emion comes • ^ n over-the-w eiglI^ e tr lc l^ i l - ° lig h t scheduled w ith Alejnndi -Cook. Carey, Layofante in Uie nex t couple '

r a r ^ T ^ ^ ^ * ^ c r e 's no one in Uie dlvlslc

, T om O orm - only way they co

“ Slo'Jn l<Ht l«r aiat - _ •.! !B S! Scores

• i! i ?iB National HaiketbaU Aawxlalien< JM fijracuae UH, New York 109k ;Vb i t i ChlraM IIS1 ' i h i sr,D 1<UI AKgeI< KS. llctrolt i : i (ot)-

" 'A , Nitlonal litoclny l.eaiaan 1 Ht fnr a n t — pn m ' A(lt ClilcigQ 4, Detroit 1

A Mi MK cot.i,F:f:r •H 171) 4VI lli'falra M, Manhattan ( t

t l JUI 81J . A.'I'I,''."'i- “IliMlnn C<>l, 7f, NorihraiU-rn 41

B' Star K.-iy "th. oV";ia''lfl ction S r i - l—Feb, 1 \Jfl — Vlriilnlk 101, Wake Knretl I, llnney , U tah (S’;;* **MarV 7^“ »-uman” l- Will no t plny OWo We.l.yan .H, WUlenl«r« Stitu rday n ig h t ^leh. **. wheaton iiii.) <n l. nrlcr>inm Oklahmna Klati ti, Ilklahoma 4 Dts B rlghnm KemurW We.l»,.n M. Hn, Illinol. ,t Provo. * AUl.ania 7?. KUrlda Rinie ST .nderson con- ArVamaa Htale «U, 'llie Cltailel II !port T uesday I , t i w ’ 7»,, llaldwin-Wallafa 10anntlon would ___________________I tilt) office of TEXANH M N I) HAXTON ryi Chase. DALLAS, Feb, I Ifl — Jam hart no com- Snxtoii, the A ll-A m erica bn

from the U niversity of Texi ing broko ou t signed Wcdne.Mlay lo plny wi .yers du ring n Dnlliu Texans of the AmeriC: nine In Logun, l‘'ootbnll lengue.


C OF THE ALPS"b e x -ra re ly photogrnphcil Kurupran wlltillfe


5IERRA MADRE"jiLi:i:p..rurc4t.ot nil North Anutrlenn big Knme ' Mexico ill |oinpcrnliires up to 130 tlcgrees

:Y- JONESy and Saturday,FEBRUARY 2-3 ‘ ' o s h i n g t o n S c h o o l

t i t o r i u m - 8 ; ( H ) p . m .


3 Outdoor Assn.wlil^go to tliD YWCA nnrt YMOA iHincflt,

5 CHILDREN 75o■ 11 '

I B aw ball W riters’ aisocIatloB banqaet Wed. e Bravea, a n d L arry Jaeksen. S t. Lonls Cardl- h im « n d Jackson, try ing to grip one of tiii

o t-thB -7ear-aw ard .-(A P -w lrepho to ) ------

? a c e Tittle Not Sure ^ Of 1962 PlansQ T H A PALO ALTO. dalif.,'T eb . 1 III t l ' l l l . V / . ^ V e te ra n quarterback V. A. 711. i h f i e ld F r i - tie of the Ncw.York G iants jtM i t h e s t o r y he doesn 't know if h e l l play la I s t a t i s t i c s ^i ia jo r cate-

t h a n k s t o ®P0* ® T uesday n igh t a t (ht , tnax iK B t o 15th an n u al "MllUon Dollar BaSL

.QuetlLot-theJPalo-Alto-cJub.——1 TitUe proved Instrumen'tal ii

T U l l 1. New Y ork's winning Uie Natlonii _ Football leaguo E astern division'

cham pionship la st season.- " I don’t know 11 I 'm going to

1 play nex t season,” said the T«.,f p J l e ran quarterback who-operate#

an insurance business here, “bur eb 1 (UFD — if ^ <lo. I 'm rea lly going to- hU] o d o y h e w on 't 'em up a lte r I t's over." 'eaten ed” I n t o ----------------------------------------- — .a n u ltim a tu m - _ _B oxing C om - . J t ■ J | ^ ____

d = h ia T 7 ii^ h ti — m - M X m € m S n ~: crow n or Jose ■ tit le . •

S S Auctionng th e ag ing CALENIDAr Ir t S 2 All Magic Valle,-

u i a t t h e p r ^ Solos Listed Heiod to a e t th e

re n o t ndvan-

gh t cham pion . .-..;ntty suggested is t M oore, bu t irough. Mooro. ligh t-heavy - „ -la ro ld Jo lu u o n O o n t a c t u , -n a ra .H m ’ five and de - ^o-nn Sales departm ent tot ite n d e r G ulilo completo advertising covertii lat Ju n e . of your fa rm sa le: 'h and .bill>,iiver-thc-w eight newspaper coverage (over ifith A lejandro 000 reader* la lilagle Vallejl, n ex t couplo of advnnco billing. All a t .one ipe-

in th e division In thla Farm Calendar for.TH / ' says Mooro. days before sa le a t no cost. ^ way they c an ^

________ ROBERT * - ROGER NEWBBtAdvertU em ent: Ja n , SO-Jl •

' 6 9 A uctioneer: Harold K ltu>U Aawxlalien _ ,--------- „. York 109 ' F e b r u a r y 2

■ty i,eaiBa A ucU eneeni I r r in E llen *® , J im M essenm llh

m.'i. t l ' . F e b r u a r y R4i" . HOWARD FARIBHf'i . A d m ilie m e n tr Feb, 4-J.

•r A ueUoneen Lyle M aitenvia 19 ------------

Pelirunry 6..litnaioi. 7i ELMER BENNETTI,W*1J *» A dTerttsem ent:' Feb. 4-J Kurman al- A uclloneen , mwuieni>eri at Ilaro ld K U ai and I

n . . l . r w r , r - ■ >I M. Hn, Illinula 84 --------

71 ■ . . Ifcbrunry 7 (. GEORGE MeCOY 'i

to A dvertlaem enti Feb. 8*an KA-WTOM A uclloneerii H arold K lsul’ r _ r m . . . n a 0 .n .K I « ,•A m erlcn bnck 7 •slty of T exas, , ! l , y lo niay w ith F , L, •‘Floyd" B t l . t

the AmerTcan ' »nd DEAN PATTKKBON 'A dvertiiem ent: Feb, 5-6 Auctloncersi Oene La»»«

........................ i and Jo h n Edlnboroiifh

t I R E S 7I - F, I., "F loy tr BK U , and '

D C " -DEAN PATTERSONU l k # A dveriiiem enli Feb. B-(--------------- “ ■■ ■ A u6tbheerii O e n e -X a rtiB "Mil w lltillfe and Jo h n Edinboreuib

F e b r u a r y R

^RE"-Jim M eiaertmllh

iin tilg Knme...................................." • ...................130 ticgreca F e b r u a r y 8

' EARI. t'ANHANTRRATING A d».n l.> { i rou, M

P P D c n u ' A uolionetrai Iverinn, IM * Patterson

day, I D ' ^ K i f i . „I Jim MeMersniilh

II F o b r u i i r y 0OHMOM) THOMAS

^ AilvBrtlsemciit: l"eb,n i a Auctioneer: Lylo

F o h r im r y 10J , H, OU1.I0K A HON" AdverlUenienti Feb, t*»

k s s n .

A l»n i!lll. ' j o i k S o IU , .

OREN 750 » i E S “ « u « *' J l o M - im m W •

■ ,! , ■ - ■ ... . . . . . . .

Page 17: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

rfw o C o n f i

L in e i n A ]n ie con fe rcn ce k a d e ra and w

ij-b a ll g a m e s and sev e ra l otlici leaders, V alley and C am as

■rtinst K im b erly and Richfield Jtpp thfi B ig. Seven league s ta n

^ “ b a n d s t a n d "HOOFSTE'r Ned Ki Kliool,-*ot k* to p » y - ln n r view of th icllon in I lu n tin i to n . W. Va., W edn bonwTtlle. BHl Kejfger »s«iit». (AP wi

- T w in -F a l ls l To B o ise , Ca

The T w i n ' F a lls B fiiih s, .who nose dive b y w in n in g a p a ir o f gt

—in to -a -p a ir-o f- to u g h -o p p o n e iits in the B o ise -v a lley . T h e B ru in Braves a t 7 :3 0 p .m . F r id a y in a — ^ -^ ^ ----------------------ju n i

H o c k e y M e e t T o C o n tin u e D e s p ite R o w■ B r l ln i U M o U t a lP m . 85;" Amerfcin and C anadian hockey 2 ] '“

oMldils M id W ednesday th a t the w l d Ice hockey championflhlps

Jlw lll go on a t Colorado Springs, V colo , M arch 7-18 even ir some

t«an« withdraw from th e tourna- “ ?>; > e n t . •

“I t U my personal opinion th a t a i a n n ra iim p ionm iiH T irm T jen jiinn : ^Colorado Springa no m a tte r how ^ p

tniny teams drop out," sald"Wa1- (er Brown, f t .v ic e president of g^ofj the Amateur H ockey nssciclatlon how of the UnitM SU les. p l^ e• Brown, In N ew York, added: end, •■However, th e f ina l declsion wlll of K bo made a t a meetlnff of the K uir North American executive com- Dti mlttee of th e In ternational Ice Uilrc Hockey Federa tion n e x t M onday w ith lo Colorado Springs.” c e n t

There « r o Indications Ituiala, Scht C»-cho*lovakla. Sweden (md the wlW> Kctherlands m ig h t * w ithdraw D rla from the tou rnam en t because of ’ Jo (h en n e ra l NATO ban on travel Ing by East G erm ans, 34 ^

S u l G erm any Is en tered In th e P*“ ! tourney bu t th e p layers can’t get the necewary travel perm lU and “ ®*|’ vUu. Allied sources in B erlin B>vir

| u l d they won’t ge t them . This ■ M p a r lo tth a re p r lia l fo r the wall H ",,

UKled in Berlin. i®*"In M ontreal, Robert Lebel,

k JfCJldent of th o In terna tional Ice Hockey federation, said If some entrits decide to w ithdraw ‘'U's ^ entirely their ow n choice.” 1 ,1 ;T he w mo E aa t G erm an eltua- _

lion threatens th e world alpine M •4kl ehnmplonahlps, aeheduled to f / J *<»rt a t Cham onlxr France, Feb. OHI 10.1 The In terna tional 8kl Fed- P**"' «»tlon’s executive council will to 1 Ri et nt Hern, BwlUerland, Sun- Cubi d'y, to riiKusa th e problem. Tliero i n t »M a strong poulb lllty lh a t At lliMe cham pionships will ba can- era celeri, I * anni

Meanwhile, tiie organltera of *30,1 Ine Europchn speedskating oham - "“I*

_El«'“ ''|i> \.llila .,w ala Ml off tl,6 p ^ u ic a l hook when M oIj «R t acrm nny withdrew. Com- A puiiliit Km i O erm any tentatively »305 h»(l entfred fou r akater*.

— _ and

jMcrchants Drop Koto Gafe 45-38 =, Tile Ihilil M erclianU , Rotting 1 « imlnl* from Doug Pembcr, ' iMiimerrd jxuit K oto 's Cafe 46-30 '

'n clly iritgiio play W ednesday No "‘Ri't. lea, Ilex Wells le d th e loser* w ith wl 'J iK>m«s, JY

■ 11 Valley N ursing H6mo rip - vVi W'l in 'll Valley Sporting Good# •

wllli l« r o n Parr'a 14 i« ln ts '« iln ii lhe w ay. Dave Abeyta ^^1

10 In Uie losing oauso. . 1^ 'Hlrpeiident M e a r company

Telephone com- c , P ny ,4U- B M Hoy Mahanitro, *'nnrra and J im Vickers,. Jos- " ,

KOt aa points, Y», "111 ’I’riijiiio Boored 18 pnlnU

I'l*# Iniuranco = WH Volro u m id e n 49-M.

HTILL ORITIOAL l MvV O H K , Feb. I Ifl — A ,i,t

■ Sji"’' ' ' ' » y « . form er Ughlwelglit toMnii ^ .i '•’" ‘•KtBr, rem ained In uan» m i " " “ ' “ lou W ednesday a fl- woulH lZ i !,f‘' " “ ‘'«®ry tn relieve Indo

""Wd «int on th e b rain . inir :

mference L(

Area HoopT» a n il w o u li l .b e - t i t l i s t s e c t I h c l e s t u ra l o th e r s th i i t invo lve u p p e r d iv ls io i

■'-■yi'i'ty. p u t t h e i r r e c o r d s K ic h f ie ld , resiH >ctively. - .M ea n w h ile ,

ig u c s t a n 4 i i i f f , - ; ^ e ^ t ^ n l y - t e a m - t f l

IDakl' e l i r


^ ^ ^ ■ B R n i K n p v

/ t ' . c / g ^

f f r r \ point

t o ^ ;

r x ^ ' » •again ; Bulcl

^ --------------1------ Th<> b a tth

Norll tenm

' i ^ F v I tm ub runs


the ir ty c a th e < four. ~7Bu to e:< ful Ed. E youn In s | U m u to to

iR Ned R o d u . Po in t P le a sa n t 'h ic h Tiew of th e basketball world dnrlng Va., W ednesday .p leh l"(naln» l B a r- Hnm Its. (AP wirephoto: - ■' ■ ■ .

lls T r a v e l s ^ iB , C a ld w e ll r' . hindins, .wno s to p p ed a m ici-soason difff p a ir o f gam ea la s t week-end r u n couii ip p o n e n t3 -F rid a y _ a n c l-S a tu rd a y he B ru in s w ill m ee t th e B o ise scan iday in a p re lim in a ry to a B o ise in------ju n io r collcge g am e a n d^|. th e n ta n g le w ith th e to y g h '*> C aldw ell Q ougars S a tu rd a y sion

n ig h t . Tl^ B oise-dropped the B ru in s by the

e igh t po ln is earlier th is season Olei w hile Caldwell hod on easy-tlm o the

^ of. dow ning them 68-51. Hni:I n bo th games the Bru ins will will

, give a n a y th e height advantage, the j -Vp, T h e ir only hope rests on tougher sho ' ,r th e defensive play th a n they p u t

a g a b u t th e clubs in Tw in F a lls Hag , , n „ la s t m on th . Caldwell moved In- hoir

side easily and potted sh o rt Jump gam “ , sh o jj in piling up a to rrid 32- the

p o in t' th ird quarter to break ore ,, . & close gam e wide open. sopi

; th a t A lth o u g h ,h e mlMed b o t ; igajncs la s t week-end because of the

■ a pu lled groin m u4cIe ,..L any .who w a l - K uykendall rem ains th e B ru in s sho< n t of scoring leader with 128 points, find «tlon However, - steady Brad H um - J e n

phreys, having a 28-polnt w eek- com dded: end, closcd to within two points a tta 1 will of K uykendall’s 62 In league play, nold I the H um phreys Is 110 for the ycnr. Ci com- D avid Driscoll has moved-Into up ,l Ice Uilrd place In league scoring will mday w ith 44 polnta lo oust Junior winl

c en te r Doug Schow, v h o h a s 42. DIel UBsla Schow Is th ird Is overall acorlng T) j the points against 62 for Buridraw Driscoll. ' hostise o f • • J e n 7 R andolph leads In foul- Sen; travel Ing wlUi 30 while K uykendall's Uie

34 free throw s puts him In f irs t Tl ,h i. p l« o the re . lU

IJ T eam w ise th e Brulna a ro aver- ThL . aging 42.1 po in ts per game w hile Ing Lvtin giving u p 41,4 In building an 8-0 Bho

" record. I n league play. T w in Falls tain > - , .n has acored 247 points whllo al- O;

low ing -2 0 2 . -OpponenU have be 1 r .u ,! scored 31 more free throws lo nc- ^ w coun t fo r m ore than ha lf Uiat

™ - ■ T,”

, Cubs Show Slight “ S ^ o f i t for YearI will to 10 team s kept Uie Ohtcago *-* Bun- Cuba from going somo «400,000 ^

n ,c ro in th o red fo r 1091 operations. I I lh a l At th o Cubs' annual itockhold- v can- era m eeting -Wednesday 11 wan

announced th e club achieved a rs of »20,1M p ro fit only becnuse of „ ham - "“le f**® players to th e new _ l i l H ouston co lla and New York “ f*w hen M ota-fori43B,000:------------- 7 — ' ZCom- A club stalem ent reported a lively •305,034 operallnti loss for Uie '

p a s t yew , due mainly to home ' ond ro ad attendanoe slum ps nnd decrease tn TV-radln revenue. mci

m A fter th e lOOO season, the Cubs B'W A announced a ne t profit p f ♦27,411,O ■ - ijnr

S Outdoor Film46-36 W ildlife of Mexico and crev esday Norway will be Uie main top- youi

lea of two ouldoor Him" ' prin wlUi w hich will be shown a t B p.m. com

F rid ay and Saturday a t th e if w» rip - W ashington school aud lto rl- roallooda • (lay,flints Tiio films were laken and for

edited by U r r y Jones,E hner Annla, representing J e n

ip « ‘y th e sponsoring Twin ra lla P®*®°"'* c h ap te r of the Tdaho Outdoor Tl

aasoclallon, reporU all pro- waaoeeda will bo donated to the longV M C A .n»V W O A : J , ;

ranco j, „W O N T COMPETK JOO

MBLBOURNB, Alistralll*. Feb. and<1 I f l^ R o d LAver, W hnbleton and ootll

f l — A iu tra llan tennla champion, waa I ’meU iit to ld W ednesday by Uie A u itro - insod In Uan T ennla oasocliaion Miat he a at’ a ft- would n o t com pett in th e U. S . J 'Dlleve Indoor m eet In Naw York^ a la r t- cent

Ing Feb. 7. Whi

________ ______________ :i___ _ L ' ----------!___ _

Leaders■ ' ' . -------- • 1 . '■

»op P la y ' ||jt h e t e s t t h i s w e e k -e n d in th r e e r d iv is io n t e a m s . T w o u n d e f o a t - 1 f ' ' : r e c o r d s s q u a r e l y on th e l i n e ‘Ri',‘5 ^

i n w h i le , t h e B u r le y ' B o b c a t s , ' tim V -L te a m tn h e a t - t h p n i in t h t» s p n . - r r nn

r a d i c B u h l I n d ia n s w h ile ' ”I th e J e ro m e T i c e r s H - U a k le y— H o un e t : s - m>-;L b » ia - .> i - w I e l i m i n U ^ t . i n g V acli uU ier^ ic 'i' H'■ f r o m t h e p e n n a n t . cha .‘!L‘.■ T h e big action corno.s a l Vnllcy Toiv■ and R ichfield. The Vfllli’y Vik-i'Polu'-'' H Ings thum ped th c Kimberly fiull-1 " llli -■ dogs by 16 point j Ri ihc f i r s t ' -'‘‘H■ m eeting, betw een ihc Iwo clubs V .'l l - 1 and th e Bulltfoss hnvo becn^ For

in - pblntlti'g- ever since. cored J T h ls " g a m e -n iso 'p lt .t t h e iw o hr— 1 n top gunners In thc confcrcnco won 1

^ w ith Jo h n B rune. 6 Joel. 3 Incli- y iie ^ • ies, h ltU ng IS polnis por Eame, n t c<= ^ ag a in s t 6-foo:. s-lnch Bruce coUce

Bu lcher, w ho b averaging 11.0. th n n- 1 ------ T h e - 'C o m a .'s -co u n ty T tieh r ic id --------

: ba ttle p its th e elite of thc N orthslde confcrence. No o ther tenm h a s given • either m uch J . U trouble. Cam as County, which

L runs a alingy defense plus pnck- I. I Ing a good scoring wallop, will l i e I'-J p it th a t again st nichfleld’s fu ll- ^ ■ / court p ress on de/cn.'^e nnd the C | - ! ■ loop's best scoring p i^ u c t lo n .H T he T ige rs a rc avernglng 70 H points pe r game while Camns BO'■ C ounty is holding foes lo 32. I n Hoyt.■ th e ir f i r s t m eeting. Cam as Coun- ^ In e■ ty cam e from two points back In <<="oo H th e closing m inutes to w in byH four. "'•^^0

—B Q rlcy-cii»nrftrdirktt5v/-w 1iS t■ to expect a t Buhl as it's doubt- nntloi H ful w hether B uhl head coach onshi; H Ed. Schenk knows himself. ’The Tlil H young In d ian s have, been tragic since

In spo ts and b rillian t a t o the r wiped ^ 1 ' Umes. T hey were the only stjuad In B B to tiipple Burley during th e (Irst 15 cn : V h a lf o f th e season. plonsf*** B uh l probably will go w ith I ts skate

"klddlel corps" largely th a t M l- of th riom-jeea a sen ior while Burley U were

___ anTJUt-too-heaTy In experiencedm en a n d coach Rulon Budge Is

-------ex p e c te d - to -s ta y -w im hU -Irec ------- subJlltution-poU cy,----------- ---------- lowir

I t will b e a long row back for nivm the loser o f th e Oakley 3 t Jer^ ome gam e ns eOiCh sits now w llh two losses o n d 'a full game be- An,ri

____ h ind B u r le y . ' M aktog 11. m ore •iSOn d ifficu lt 13 ih e loser conceivaoiy r u n could drop from , a lie for.second . j . „ a ll th e way lo fourth place. J c r - “

o m e -w o i» - lh e -f lr s t-g a m o -b y -a O ise scan t po in t.lo is e I n o th e r Friday B ig Seven ac- n n d Uon, th e Gooding Senators, In

th e cellar, h o s t th e Mlnlco S p a r- “ J » y 8 h tan s, r id ing in Uie upper dlvl- r d a y Slon. F lie r sits Uie evening ou t. );“ ® ,

T h e B ig Six conference finds ®"J® ,8 by Uie W endell T ro jans traveling to f ew eoson O lenns P e rry . Gleniw F e n y won ^ - tim e th e. l l r s t : meeUng in , overtime.

H olley, seek ing Ita f irs t loop win. s wlU will trave l to Shoshone w here itoge . th e In d ian s , depending on youUi, ^ UKher show s igns of finding themselves,• p u t ■ O n th a SouUislde, co-leaders P ^ lls H ag e n n aa . a n d CasUeford s lay

d In- hom a to h o s t a - p a i r of loop Jump gam es. T h # P ira te s will en terta in d 32. Uie M u rtaugh Bed Devils who break a re f ln d ln f hustle and scoring In “™ '

sophom orea-and freshm en a fte r 0 0 t h a poor a ta r t. CasUeford takes on

t h e ^ k y H aft Klv e r-T roJgn5 7 = 7 L arry who d e lig h t in torrid offensive T i irulns show lngi. B lit th e Trojana m usl A * lolnts, nnd a n anaw er to 6-foot. 4 :lnch ] P | Hum- Je rry G riggs, a junior who to be- X 1 week- coming th e backbone of th e Wolf [Mints a ttack along wlUi D ean R ey- ^ ige : play, nolds, , _ cubiyenr. C arey 's Pan the rs , sU ylng r ig h t i , „ I-Into up In th e N orthslde atandings, jorlng will host Gooding S tate , which Is fr^n- junior wlnless. Bellevue will travel lo t aa 42. D ietrich. Bllas hosts Bruneau. «n 'o rlng T he B aturday n igh t slate f inds c),ar ;2 for Burley sU y ln g In loop play by p„u l

' hosting th e hustling Ooodlng foul- Senators Whllo Filer moves acro.« Masi

idall's Uie r iver to Jerom e. posll1 f lrs l T he lii tl le Six confercnce h as ihirc

Its second s tra ig h t full slate, •pcrr aver- This f inds G lenns Ferry travel- jon, while ing to H ailey; K im berly,ho«llng mld< in 8-0 Bhaihone, a n d WendeH en ter- j^ rd . Falls ta lning Valley. tendle al- On th e N orthslde, - Bllsa w in lensc

have be a t Cam as County, Edto nc- the

U iat NAMES COACI! wolgMOSCOW, Feb. 1 Ifl — Cliff jo h r

Trout, a th ree-yeor Vandal base- oa ld bnll le tte rm an , was nam ed f re sh - and

A l l * m an baaeboll coach W ednesday cont< ^ . by U niversity of Idaho officials. Medi

S' Baltimore Man S:0f?einginTi1'■ J"*r By BILLY IllTClIC O O K era,i'" d « naltim ora M anager . indlt

OPELIKA, Ala., Feb, 1 Wl — year“v w Despite th e loss o f th ree players to tl

S ^ J I S w ?* * very m uch In th e th ick of the Unrl f „1® pciinnnl r»ce nex t aeason. nilly i« nnd I t will difficu lt lo replace take UB. men like Slevo^ Barber, a n 10-I nubs gfuno w inner la s t season; Ilon 17 41! H ansen, our regular shortstop, “’.•J"

' ' nnd standou t rookie prosiioolH arry ' S lfetroneir a ll of whom " "d

f, , hnvo been called Into aervlce, •"»I* However, wa still have a solidand crew of ve terans and a group of ' VV o p - youngaters Ju st apnroachlng thc lr lm« • prime. I f a num ber of rookies , 1 ' i.m . coma th rough oa wb expect, and tho if we can plug a few hoica on ou r „ 7, nrl- roster betw een now ond opening "

day, we will be In excillen l ahapo u id for a m u on tho pennant. l feci . ‘ „

sure Uie presence of Johnny l„B TVniple, Billy H hoti and John S » . . l l WlU h .lp , loor liiB O rioles' b lggeit weakness m d ti iro- waa h ittin g and lack of consistent — r the long ball, which na tura lly caused

a shortoge of runs, Powell, 0 O l___ lefthanded h ittin g outfielder Whow never failed to h it well over M t

ioo In th e minora, ond G u i T ri- **' Feb. ondos, who was h u r t la s t year,

J and ootlld help thU altuaUon greoUy. fwi I, waa I ’m also counting on E arl R ob- 5*^ ■■tro- inson.'w ho hu apeed, powar and Sot a t he 0 atroiig arm , inaiU. S . Jackie B ra n d t l i a fixture In n o ila r t- center field. Rusa Snyder nnd k

W hitey Hemoff a re outfla lrt. ( l ^

Magic Valley 1 To Entertain ^

a ^ S llT o n ig ljt- <1------ — A lJ a c y . Ffti. 1 - .A

Valcy Clirjsiiiih collcse P nnthers ■ w lir iiujt C o IljR c 'o f S outhern , ,i Ul.-’i loiiiahi nt lh e Albion gym- iiajliiiii nntl top off Ihclr week . .*• b.v, .nncrw lnlnK the Collcce of

i r c c Idnho Jiiyvcc.' Snturdny.. mc a t - i Panthers, who dropped a Jy,l i „ „ ‘palr nf clofp decisions lo BJC

l« ; « fi'k -cnd — 'one In over- a t s , time' — hnve rf new scoring Icadt 5U Q -cr, D arrel Frccaian^ fo rm cr. M ln- h i l o ' '” ccnicr. tanked 30 poinU In S{,' , , 'n v o c.Miic.'i last week and pnssed rj.V ‘' ' ' ‘‘ 'ih i ' loi^'l o: -J81 p o ia u esl.ibllsh- W '

lin Irff _ tu th e r i l o r Ihu nnny. F rcenuin now hns

:290 points. ' V-.nllcy Tom Lcw u U sfcond-^-lth-'107 - ~r vik-i'Polu'-'’ but aLiiO lentil lu fouls .,5 Bull-1 " Ith Ab. T idwell’.-! 47' free throw s i.r]: I l r s t i s '" ' . 's liiRh bu l LcwU U closing

club.s V . l l - - - V.'becn^ For ihu venr Magic Valley has

corcd l.;i8ti points while allow- -tw o n r— 1-.58T:—T lic -P n n lh e rs '-h a v e - rcncc won four'.o f 19 games. ,, .rjacl>* . Tiiev dropped a 91-72 decision ;ame. n t CSU c irly in D ecem ber and » 5ruce College of Idaho Jayvecs nipped ^ H.O. them bv five points In J a n u ary,

"'Z ----- ' riSS Favorites Are "”i^■hlch • ^

“Sli Named for ,fu ll- I

:ii™' Skate Eventamns BO STO N .-Fcb. 1 Wl — M onty ” {) 12 I n Hoyt. 17, Denver, Colo., a'nd Lor-:oun- ro 'a e H nnlon, 16. a "Boston highck In « h o o l stu d e n t who gets up n l , n bv <:30 every , m orning to practice, ►

were th e favorites for th e m en’s <

^ b t - n a tional figure skating ehnm pl- n e » a c h onshlps opening T hursday . lln

T he T ills Is the f irs t na tio n al event, of •raglc since th c en tire U B, team w as R0< o the r wiped o u t In an a irp lane c rash dnsQUad In Brussels. Belgium , la s t Feb. __

firs t 15 cn route to th e world cham - ■ " plonshlp? In P r a g u e . F ifteen

Ih I ts skaters, represen ting th e cream ; M l- of th e crop In th e U nited Stoles , ley 1% were Wiled.enced th e long road b^ck be -■R® ^ gins w ith less th a n two years to free- d cT d o p -sk a te rs -ca p n b le -o f-fo l*

— 7 - low lng-ln th e foo la teps-o f-such :1c fo r Olympic w inners — now retired • J®>;: —ns D ick B u tton . IH ayes Alan ' 'w^th Jenkins, David JenV tns,-T enley ■e >’e*. A lbright and Carol Helss.■ _ a O i6_oham plon*hlps—will—014,*1“ “*? four days, ’The compulsory flg -

ures, counting 60 per cen t, will be held n t . lh e hosf, Skatlng_Club_of

^ Boston rink , w hile th e free sk a t- Ing. counting 40 per cen t, will be

„ , ■ held a t th e B oston college arena .R ;« r H oyt won th e na tional Junior

cham pionship la s t year and in _ iy .r th e process defeated tw o of hla

chief rivals. S co tt AHen, 13, of „ r f New Y ork, and D avid Edw ards, i wnS Of Hnverford, P a . Both wlU

have a no ther crack a t 'h im . - T h c ro - i s 'o n e -u n k n o w n quan-

whpr« « ty In th e m en 's division In th e person of Jam es Short, 83, aH

I S a rm y private from Pasadena, ^ d e « Calif. H e won th e naU onal Jun-

lors In 1B58 a n d finished seventh » f iS i ln-U io-19flO senlora.- H e -d ld n 't L ' ^ P compete la s t year because he ^ was walUng to be callcd Into th e

arm y. B u t h e ’s been practicing for th e la st tw o m onths to ge t

t S m In

S Tiger Is Rated " Fighter of MonthJ W olf n e w .Y O RK , Feb. 1 WV-Dlck

T iger's knockout tr lu r tp h over Cuba’s F lo ren tine Fernandez

: r ’s h t i , „ earned th e Nigerian the idlngs, -.fighter of th e m on th” awftrd ‘Ich Is from R lng .m ogailne nnd a boost

to In th e m iddle-w eight rankings,***• T h e B ritish em pire 160-pound I f inds cham pion w as elevated over tty by P au l Pender, form er m lddle- M ln g w eight cham pion fw m Brookline, “ '■OM Mass,, 16 th e No. 2 contender’s

. position. P ender waa dropped to :e h as th ird . R ing recognlics Englnnd'fl

slate, T erry Downes na world cham p- ;ravel- jon. G ene Fullm er, th e NBA 'Ontlng m iddlew eight k ing from W est en ter- Jo rdan , U tah , Is the No. 1 con­

tender In th e m onthly raUngs re- a w in leased loday.

E der Jo fre o f B ra ill-se t tle d the dispute over the* ban tam ­weight Utle by knocking nut

Cliff Johnny Caldwell of Ireland, base- Caldwell wna dropped a notch

fresh- and now ranka as tho No. 3 lesdny contender beh ind Mexico’s Joo llclato. Medel.____________

Manager Sure n Title Fight3K era, and the la tte r, like Roblnoon,

indicated he Is ready for a big Wl — yenr by h ittin g J32 from July 5

layers to th e end of th e aeason.Ln o 'l t ,..'n ift_Q tlolft-altohU ig.w M jniijb ' uid be the best in Uie league Inst ycnr.)f the B nrbar’a absence will h u rt, but

Billy H oeft ahould bo able to enlace take up some of the slack. We n 10. a re counting on S ho rt and Joe

Ron N uxhall, a couple of newcomers rtston help.osiiocL ^f^lt I^nppaa, Chuck E strada whom and Ja ck r tsh e r, w ith Dick Hall ,lce. and H al Brown arf spot a tarters

and rolleveri, give us a solid i J righ t-handed crew,'

L i r I ' ‘“VO no worries about lhe In- Lovu^ field, deenlte th e loss of Hansen.

J im G entile a t f irs t and Brooka mnV.r Hoblnson a t Uilrd a re th e l>e*t

In . the league, Je rry A dair will kulZz «l>lft from second to ahort,T I cerU ln ly feel th e O rloM iv ^ a trong contender for the

tni.1, A m erican league pennan t and tho u a m a lo b eal will be t h i Yankeca, Tigers, W hite Sox aiid

ikneaa m dlana.■latent i

Outlaw Baskflfballlo v e r M u r ’i o u g h O ham pleni vs.I T ri- Volley Nursing Home. Fealnr- year, llau lse a n d A ndersen

'eoUv. from M nrtough,n o b . Proceeds lo M arch o( Dimes,

r and Saturdoy, F ebm ary 3, r re llm - Inary gam e a l 81DO, Maiit

ire Jn g * « » »» •iW -f'ew'* M u r tf lH a h G y m n B i lu m |

^_____ ... >. ________________ >' ■

IV ^ Bi- T

th e rs ■ > *1.hern


.S': > . / €M ln- _ ' -*>“ _________ ■■■■ - T - ^u T n !s!,VA'.'-:- nsscdjllsh - :o j n a - ‘ ______ ' • ' iV hM ■ - - - j

h--107 - -------- — ----------^ ---------------- A.fouls . A j p mhrows •■•. .••• losing . . _ ___

y has t . ,Ulow- —- h a v e - ^ r — 7 . ,

c lslon . - . . v . 1 .r and ' .. .

r g ^rRO TECTlN O TIJK Nl.T, four B.

tw o-man sforlnc ntlem pl hy the New I, 0 ' n ielit. Itruliis' Tniii WilllntiiH, left, an

N e w M a n a g e r

L , KIMBERLY, Feb, 1 -R u m [ i ^ H ardy. fornuTly n.«oclntcd U r

i rS r^ w llh the Bowladiome, .be- J > I h loh luiuiaKor of the Klni- r

_ ® Lancs here Thursdny repine-' .nctlce, Em'.iictt Prentice. -------m en’s Ownership of.the establl-ih- >, T

in - th e —m ent-rcm nlns .unchanBed,-A— inmpl- new feature, custom bnll ( I t - '. •»»

ting nnd drilling and n line ev en t of Uowllng accessories,

n w as ROCS Into operntion T liurs- |T < c rash dny.

I Feb. ______ Ich am - 311='lftecn


T enley ,

II m n — —ry flg^ will be inub^of e sk a t-will be Hare n a . 1Junior

of hia13, o t w | g » B l ^ 9 g | ^ ^ 9


q uan - . . .In th e

M ^ . f o g l n e C

use hento th e Clictlclng 1

i n t hV-Dlekh over t ?’nandezin the

aw ard ~ | B i L ^a boost nklngB, i-poundI over . ,Tilddle-

3 ^ 1 9 5 0 - 5 3 ^


t g M Isettled ------------ ^ 1

nnlnm-. H B B I B i m■ ■ ■ ■ I

notchI’ ^ jo o i n s t a l l a t i o n c a n fc

~ NO MONEY DOWKL C W h e n y o u b u y y o u r E ng in i

O n S o a rs E o iy P o y m e n t P lan

blnaon,a big N o n e e d ( 0 n m k e a big; o u t

July 6 In y o f c a s h o n S e a rH E a s ; lennlly P a y m e n t P l a n . E x p o r t in I y e n r ~ f l m t i f t t i n i i - i w i r 6 7 m ~ ! « “ i n ' ^bie^'to r a n g e d t h i s c o n v e n ie n Ik." w e nd Joe

N o H a g g l i n g O v e r

T r a d e - I n P r i c e .......

‘“ w ild n u o l e d p r l f e Ih th in r lc o y o u p a y . . , r e g a r d

lhe In- lc8H o f y o u r o n R ln e 'fl con d l l i o n . P h o n e 733-0B 21 fo

5 S n llo w a n c e .ir will , .

^ iw iH S e o r i N o t i o n - W i d e

G u a r a r t t e e

^ t h i i r rem onufootured assembly fall>x a iid beoaiiae of a defective port 0______ w orkm anship during th e perloM M of 00 doys from da te of Instolla, . | f t|on, o r 4,000 miles (whlclicve>011 occurs firs t) , Uie p a rt will bo reI vs. pUced wlUiout oharge provide)o in r- the old po rt la relum ed , m o n

l c S h o p R t S e a r s

, a m i S a v e

u m I i i i S h p p h S

:T, four Boston Brulna batU e <itf a-, are hy the New York R angers W e d m m iy - -mnrJ tiiH. Icfl, and Cliff Penning ton , right, wire

i.<ih- 1 T hu rsday , Feb. 1, 1962

Ite Huskies’ Hanson - Has Score Lead =____ By tb e Associated Press .pi,

Bill H anson, w asm ngton , who belle

S S l f A N S

^ A L L S T A

^ RemahuleCylmderBI

I A . 8 8P H I ^ H W ITH ■ TRA D E-IN '

n con be-arranged

c o n v c n ic ^ ^


isembly falls '

' i ' " '


; ' r - - —

; " x

W ir^i

^ tf-a ~ | are th e loose m en w hile Ranger de • »d»y 'M rU; TrasU es'Into Boston goalie Brui right, wirephoto) ’

?62 Twir

1- ^ hns been s tu ffln g -th e basket a t Oaryl U I l an average of 22.1 points per ^ at

- game, holds top spo t among Uie i n N orthwest’s collegians as a tally

producer. Ed h*“ ’Three others are overaglng heldi, who b e lter Uian 20 UUles per tilt, ulatl


i T i i i i iiTA TE

ahufactured r Block A s^r

1949-53 FORD, MER

wInstallalion can I

B B l , ' WITH ■fl | a | ^ 1942-48 .Ford :

942-50 .Plym.,

T r a d e - in y o u r oM eni — p o w « rf u l- J - « tn a n u f a (

' ■ i'i o n g ln e c y l in d e r bloire m a iiu f M li

M f a c i b r y b y e x p e r t s no d s a n d q n a lU y con i

« B i M s g n a - F lu x t e s t eI f H a w a . A ll b o a l c ' f o rW ’ r e n e w e d ; a l l w oi y X c ^ f i S y p lo c e d o r re c o n d ll loS m % p i i S w B u re d , . . . s to p in ST//M , v m m m i ^ j i ^ . ' ,

i d l ' -Cylinder Blo Assemblies I

' C ^ l in i ie r i b io c k / 'c r i i i Platons, piston rlng&

HHIWIMTW; Ing rod, valve t|mb

1 : 7 JJ.0821 STOM) : « J W . Main St.

le Ranger defenseman Irv Spencer, l a in goalie Bruce Gamble, fn center. (AP

Twin Falls T im es-Nqws I 7

isket a t G ary Locke, N orthwest Nasarene, . Nnts per u *«;ond a t 21.0 and Charlie i’°a*taUv W arren, Oregon, th ird a t 21.8. *

Ed Miles, Sea ttle university s ta r , reraging ^eld a 20.9 average on the ta b - , x r tut, ulatlons th rough iM t week.

r Til 9 P.M. p

[ | £ ^ :DON'T I


rod r e p l a c e

i s ^ m b l i i e s j

- :



ion can be arranged.

VITH ■fRADE-IN '8 Ford 144.88 O.PIym., Dodge 144.88

your olti engine troubles; g e t a - J M n a n u f a c t i i r g H i A T JJ IT A T W

yllnder block assembly. Each remaiiufaetured In a modem y experts with precision meth*^naiUy controls. Each block Is lux t e s t e d fo r microscopic II ba8lc*for{(inKfi and castlnipi vod; all wearing p a rts ore rS ': reconditioned. Quality is an>

. stop in today and sett o u r ''

■ „ i.

nblies Includer;'.;;'; t!, biocki" criiiiicBhaiftJ'/ c a ' m s i i a t t l ^ bston ringfc fceiirfngB, ednn"^^, • wive timing.

' S T O M H o u M i,:" ‘' ; ; ; i '= s | |


Page 18: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS



12.98 LeaSoft/Yiny

F tb ru a ry Borgo!n Days pric< Go>wlth>tv«rythlng color*

Sav« 3 .1 0 now bn thoso well- ; has th e supply f e e l ,a n d dp

sponges clean . Choose your g reen . S izes 10 to 18.

Tower Elec Does, Big M

C hock Seor* low price W t lg h i only 9 pound*

I . F o st ohd accu ro le adds, ! to to ls , su h to ia ls . . . lists ii

. 7> A ll entries p rin ted on i In stom ly wUh less effort. T.

.• S ^ o p a t S e a r

I "

i iK r iv lR i11— ^

Leather-lobk /inyl Jackets

’.xr- '■ 9 .88hose w ell-styled jo c k rts ,'S tu rd y vinyl ! l ,o n d d p p ea ran ce o f le a th e r . . . x>se yours In w hite , b e ig e o r hozo 18.

^Electric^^ g Machine Jobs

■ 99«99plus tax

0 odds, sub trac ts , m ultip lies . . ,. . lists to 6 colum ns and to ta ls to . Inted on pdper tope, G ets results effort, T en key m c^ol. *'

S o a x ' B a n d S a v e *_______________________ ■ _ )



F lannelette P J ’s



Florol print*. Smocked sly!# yoke, lace trim. Santorlztd.

""|»eUr‘pan cy a n Slits 33-40. ~

♦. Wool Blend

a o Slacks0 . 9 9

dy vinyl * *Dellshttul aeteotlon ot >llm

' ' ' alacks In l>o]d colors, ptalds, or hoxo atrlpes tnd tnpeatrlM.'Wom­

en's sltfs 10-lB.

' I/

Craftsmc R ( ^ d i a l ;

t o* 7 Slniple colorcd conlroli lu i tax o r S '/ i Irt.

>. . . . C ro ftsn to n Radial Arm ma to l s t o . ■ w ay position ing piocos tl resu lts ' conce ivab le position. Ruggi

Gives pow er needed for on

^ SEARS~\ -------------

1 . ~

For School or Home Pencil Buy

* 1 / Speciol 10 15‘I Pack* of 10 each. Pay 1cm ,

In ttie lonit ru n . E ach pencil 1 in; lona . No. 3 med. only.

tton-------^ — —---------Toddlers’ P r in t-

“ 2-Piece Sleepers

irivu Soft w arnii co tto n flannel In . n f n r S r p r l n t s . Easy

___ O rlpper_ .X a8ten lnga ..-S laa_8 ._ZtS 33-40. . m nnthsi to 4. '

ind " P rin te d Cotton lacks Flannel M uu Muus

3 . 9 9 * | , 9 9: Sellout Prico I

>r5,'’pla*"*!In . ' Worn- on co tton flannel, Small,

medium, la rs e . Buy several.



Ftsman 9-|nch lial Arm Saw

oH/fn 1 6 6 * 0 03l Arm m okes just a b o u t ony cu t, 4-

piflcos the b lad e In n early cvory tlon. Rugged m otor develops 1 HP. ded for ony |ob, i

, Jtist Say "cnyJ on Scars Itcvolving

ND FlilDA^— n p -

Home Hom art Fuses ny 1.5 Amp. Size'

r 15 Sellout Price 2Pay IcM - SU ndnrd 6c p l u g fuses.

,ch pencil Shock - resis tan t glass top,J. only. easy to detect b lo^ n fuses.

’r in t— W hite D acron ' :pers' Tailored Panels

Q Q c 1 . 2 2Seori Price I .’D uPont D acron polyester, waahea b eau tifu lly, needs llt-

■ ti# ironing. ^Oxsi-in.

)tton D ainty Eyelet,i Muus 4 Gore Cotton Slip

1 - 8 9 . S P . C , . , 1 - ^ ^B anfortied, shad ow -paneled ,

odern p rin t w U lv fo ltdn eyelet ba-inel. Sm all, tiste, S4-40. w hite. Seara low f several. price.

^ H | I

! » ■ - ■ * 1 ^

1 PowerfulHas 4-5 Ro

fin U l. lilted wllh 56.-► W W 625 BTU output .. .

f cu t, 4- A real value in o vcntci ly every hum idifier, l>cot econor W a HP. C eram ic finish bu rn e r gl

p u t, Sm art brow n a n d gol

iiy^'CnAKGK IT” volving; CliarBc Account

ms .n M

p«ooj■ ; BATTlir* i'

ises Our Flashlightlize' Batteries Last

2 ' . Rug. I9c 9 ‘g fuses. Sealed In steel lo guard ass top, against leaking. Long, endur- 1 fuses. lng service. S tay fresh.


:on* . - .. Decorative tnels P.lastic P lanters

1. 2 2 -- 1 . 0 0Speciol I

polyester. Accents any decor. Broas needs lit- plated stand. Y our choice of - turQuoise or” brown.

_______ — ___________ '

/elet, Reversible Cotton k Slip ■ Cord Zip Jackets

1 - 3 3 1 9 9I Special I

iv -paneled , co rd w ith w ater repellent re- eyelet ba - verses to woven cotlon plalrt Seara low i>an colors, S liea 6-lfl.

rful Oil Heater 5 Room Capacity

6 & 8 8» 0 ven ted h ea te r Includes ’/ j -g o llc n )t econom izer ond d ra ft rogulotor. bu rn e r gives most effic ien t hoot ou t- m a n d gold color.

^ MAIN AVE. WEST ' 733,-0821



ight $3.99 White, Blue,[^st Pink, Green Seats

9 ' Sellout rriee 2 '® ®I E nam el finished, w on 't warp lo guard ^jj,P N on-rust p l a s t i cig. endur- hinges. B u j’ you r ex tra s now.esh. Save. '

0i *


/e .................... •. .

iters $3.99 Maid of Hono

lo -ln . a lum inum jk lllcts w ith sU , Ilte handles.' No grease, no stlcU

>r. Broas ing . . . cuU down on calorlchoice o t J . ______________brown.

I h iCotton Sweatshirtsackcta Full-cut for Comfort

epellent re- Crew neck acflon-welght co l- lotlon plalrt pullover for work or ploy,i.lfl. Ribbed collar, cuffs, bottom.

O ray only In S, M. L. i lm .

■er , 3-pc. Col ■city Bath Fixl■ ^ H R Priced for a .iollout • W Reg, ^164.95

^2 -gallcn Choose pink, b lue or grc ogulo tor. iron recessed tub , V itn lieot ou t- lory. V itreous c h in a w<

foucets, drains ond soot_ J __________ ' ___________E. WEST ' STO1 MON., FRI.

^ING 9{30 o.m. to 9 p.m

^ 3 3 3 39 P.M.

m, Blue, Low-Priced B a tte ry I Seats B o o s t e r C a b le s

2 - 9 ^ O 33. Selfo.uf Price S

r ^ p l a T u c ano ther cnr’s bnticr.v nex tras now. ' ‘ la r t vours- 8-It- ci’ blei.

< Shock-resistan t linndtrs.

of H onor Greaseless Skillets

Ulcls w llh stay-cool Bake- ;ase, no s tlcU ng, no scour- vn on calories. D uPont's W U

lirts Boys’ Easy-CareComfort Soft Knit Pajamas

88* 99‘ITrk'o'rV^iSy M achlne-waahable knit comb- uffs, 'bottom! Pul'overi, boitiM. L. l l m . walsl. Palterna. S lies 8-10-lt

Color-Matched 1 Fixture Outfits

$ 1 o obluo or greon. 5-foot, ,14-lnch high \ tub. Vitreous china 19x l6 -lnch W IS china woshdown closet. Choo** y®“ ns ond soot as oxtros.

STORE HOUftS -uiiR 'SAf* l„ FRI. TUES., WED.; THUR» ^. to 9 p.m . 9 t3p o . n i . - 3 »3^


Page 19: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

— ___ l u n aS ta r Kisf C

' Shop Safew

^ N o . ' A (

) -— . ^ ■■

F ru itT

F ru it (

T o m a t

' O ra n g

O ra n g-------------- --- (

C l Q a n s o r i i b « i fm w

C l e a n e r u b « i

I D e o ^ b r a n f ^ u N h a l

B a b y F o o d s J S K

H a i r W a x r . : ” '

P a l m o l i v e r , . i . i b <




ina Fishar Kisf Chunk S ty le - •>p S afew ay an d Save , •

N o . ' A t a n s

S a f e w a y W e e l

tC M li ta ir

t C ock ta il

la to Ju ice

n g e Juice!

n g e J u ic e iCHECITTHEi

]** — to o ff «) ]< ot, * ) 0 - AbtX Pftck L M tll iC /C .

X Liquid w llh Ammonia L t \ ^ ' '< o » U tx i rock XB 01. btt. OUC

--------- ------------------------IfouK hald S l i 'o s . u n / 7 C

I s 4 * i v r 4 3 c

iM k f T i(C (— IIU7 now # 0 _ •uve., . , SU-of, J«r O / C

r u u i B » .p , 3 M 3 5 c

> il(« ^Efhcllva Twin Foil). luM . J>i

I B B. I IiH n H l

Word spreads Prices, naturf cause this is All Beef US always every to get SafewE

"this week . . -j \ well worth a


r i — KICJ f f ........ .. Morrell's Canni

M Skinless —

ApplUtah Apple or Pea

' ^ 3 ^ 4 0 z.

y W e e f c - E n d S p e c i a l s !

S l ^ e l MoDtejr-Poi:___ —■ 1 1 1 N a tio n a lB ran d i- £ & M l l Shop Safew ay

^ ■ 1 Town H ouse- S | | A S afew ay § RM i l G uaranteed Product ■

W Libby Brand— JSafew ay Gives J

Gold Strike Stamps 4 l t f

Scotch Treat Frozen r i 9 C oncentrate » Buy J 1 m % 0 Now For Your Freezer

Scotch Treat Frozen -Concentrate — Shop Safew ay a n d Save ^

fH E S t^X tT E S ^

2 9 c . D e r e r g e n r T u m 1

5 0 c ' D e t e r g e n r u L r r ^ k ”

f 9 c - V e i - O . M a t i c - ! ’ ' ” ,

t 3 c F o b D e t e r g e n t u i

S 9 c B o r i S o o p Vd Dciiutr

3 5 c F a c i a l S o a p D ouquti

Buhl, Jiroine/ G o o d ln ^ u r le y and II

|T » T b^

spreads fast when it’s a Ss , naturally. B ut these low f this is the high quality Suf eef USDA Choice .' . ■ to; 3 every cut is unconditional! Safeway Superb Meat a t sp

reek . . . and pu t eictra cuts rarth a special trip. .

^ c n ic S —U's Canned — Boneless and

kinless — Fully Cooked

p p l e P l e se or Peach—Fl-ozen—Buy Now

24 Oz. Pies 797

H . . .

= 4 “ 8 5 7 -

^ 0 I

3 ™ 8 9 ^

,.,6™ 9 5 ^

3»"“ 95,^-JES -milU) K in* — lOo r o ^Off U b c l Pack ( t . pkr.

Vti - 50 o ff « j |U b e l r a c k la r ie tl ie <9 I C


e n t U M r a c k If. a ll* 33c

'd Hcmitr Ur 2Qc

> ? . r ” 3 T .S 3 5 e ; I


ley o n d R i ip t r t ' '

\ ’ ' ' • . ■

t’s a Sale on Safeway Supe le low prices have special val ity Superb M eat that Safewi . ■ tops in tepderness- and

Jitionally guaranteed,-Don’t 1

at a t special savings. Serve ;ra cuts in your freezer. Con


T“Bone ' Sirloin i


Rump I

— GroundNow '


>1 s

9 f

5 x s -— P o ta

U.S, No. 1 Idaho Rus

i n ^l c I I I

S c ----------- — ---------------- -----------------------


lc MO5 c , P a l m o l i v e

D e t e r g e n t ™ , K r

I . B l u i n g

T r e e T e a S .............

T e a B a g s S V T , . ’;

y Superb Meats! Low icial value-meaning be- Safeway is famous for.

ss and flav^. And, as "Don’t miss (^his chance

Serve some a t meals !r. Come in today. I t’s •

id Steak

me Steak E

in SteakI \ T A S | K Choice

Tender an d t

i p R o a s t ™ .

i n d ^ f i s ^( 21k AC C aptain's Chol<

F r o z e n - A Tre

i t a to e sIdaho Russets — W aldorf Brand

I’bao 3 9 ^


4 S S 3 5 c 2

J , K r 7 . . - W u , . 6 0 c R

2 9 c C

..................„ ,v ,5 9 c ;^ _ . , . .C


IW B a k e r y ^ F e o

' S ' A l l t . F ru ir F i lle d

S w e e t R o l l s . das__________________ ■cel l s B a r C o o k i e s 2 d

t s ' L a rg e IV ^ lb . C o t t a g e S

B r e a d l<

USDA Choice G r a d e - .Serve Fried, Broiled, or Swiss

USDA Choice G ro d e - You‘ C an't Beat-Safew oy's

^ Steaks For Superl) Flavor

USDA Choice Grade Boneless — Buy Now and Save

)A Choice G rade— der an d Flavorful

ISDA Choice G rade — Easy fo Carve

Uround fresh Several Times.Daily From Lean, Tender Beef■ .a-

aln's Choice—n — A Treat For Any Meal

^ p e f i- F a m o u s F l o r i c

W h i t e s — S w e e l ,

L X I n V i t a m i n s —

1 1 0^ Crisp Celery H

— ^ W o C i■ California Fuiriat •

Biindi Wllh Aim

L ' 3 " '

■WAY SAVINGS> c Z e e T i s s u e J S ' W i '

) c R o s a r i t a T a c o s

> c — C r a c k e r s ’ w?.” - " - - - ■ -

te Cwjkifli- S.Sr'L---) c W a l n u t M e a t s

sry Featurgsled

lls doz.49C ___

:ies 2,doz. 2 9 c MCottage St,Id « J g (|

loaf 2 5 c

lb. 67*

:• i^ . 8 9 ‘ ■

i . 8 9 ‘

h 6 7 ‘; lo Carva

=-3l«, 9 8 ‘ : ■

's 3 9 ‘ ' i■ . . . . . . . . ^

e f c u f t —j s ^ F l o r i d a ^ D u n c a n —

- S w e e l , J u i c y — R i c h , -

m i n s — L a r g e S i z e

. 7 5 -

leryH3?H>b.l3f: '

w a d o ^ j -'nia Fuiriat - Rich Fldver- dt m \\ Almei) Apy Food

> " ' , 2 ^ '

NGSV '■ * ■

J S ‘V : i ” > " 4 . „ , u - 4 p c i

l e o s

0 --------------— — { • n m ............- - r v1 ' I 'M p k f . * / C

WmmI/ *K)-r v ___________

Undnji'a SUndard QQ _ ,O T S AmlMr , llh . p k f . O ' V

, ... .

Page 20: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS


^ Free Pm

— S h o p J W i U

' \ - ■

Men's Woo)-Csihmer«

S u b u r b a n C o a t sIl«duced from 24.W

_ Boyi* Waterproof. MlKeni .------ M «^'i-zipper-0ver*hoei-77r.

Combed CoHon Roincoof ..W ith ilp-ouf lining

100% Wool Twiit Slaekt, 32 Bqy«* Hooded Sweot Shlrfi

Boyt' 4>Buckle

O V E R S H O E S . . . ,


--------------------- .-------------

• take°^ ^

s lo p es- ^ ^ n — — ^

HART MET...thesKisthaUnviU

•F a rt m m lnfir snrfacM , Ix airouDd flupetb engineerlns: tu rn in g aids”. They •P e ta ls ’' can’t lose th e ir edf

• ag a in st breakage. Ziefc our e th e H a r t M«tal Ski th a t b a ard i CompetitloQ, Frofeasloi

These H art Skis a7e c( - angle release safety bit

and ready to use.

R egular Price .............


N O W O N L Y . . .

''Sports equipment


» » Filer Arenne E u t ‘p | .

V^flryCl--- ---------------- ~ I M A G l

----------------8 l b s . ’ o f D R Y -Dry Wei

ONIY 1 . 5' ' - Woih 2 0 c

T.V. has boon oddec lounge for your list

A r t a n d L i i d l■Loundty and Dry C

_ ------- UNWOOD SHOPI

A ' ' '

WOOD [n g C e n t o

Parking ■

WitH Ease

Ws 16.00]Reg'. Now

MiHeni ____ .79 ,6 6«hoei-77r..........- 5. 95— •ilncoor ........... 32.00- 2 1 . 0 0n g :

iloekt, 32-40 ..22.95 1 6 .8 8 ’I t Shlrfi ........ 2 .49 1 .98 j

- S StlU 11-3 » 3.69 I•S DUD$» SHOPPING CENTER . ^

AEULSKiaIt invite you to sJH bettertfaces, bevelled heels and a]I- • rineerlns m ake H arta th e ''easy«u 57 pW better I Hart^} th e ir edsres either. Guaranteed ZiCt our experta help you aolect d th a t best su its y o u . . . Stand- Professional o r H a r t j / S .

is are complete with all ife ty bindings, mounted se.

..... ........106.45

f ' s 9 3 “

ulpment at. Its finest"


S , „ P h o n e 7 3 3 - 0 7 9 8

fy CleaningW A G I N E ! '

D R Y - C L E A N I N GDry W eight '

1.50 B ,Ory 1 0 c

ion odded to our modorn your listening pleosurc,

td lu cU le KeUij'i, . nd Dry Ckmnlng Vlllag.ID SHOPPINQ CtNTER

II t

~ Sonic of the available

^ F R E E - P A I


• I—-------- —J OPEI

8 a.m. fo 9 p.m. Mondi ® i . / ■ n to 9 p;ir9 — i ^ ---------------------------------------


: I RAP{ Reg. 11.95 — 4 tu i

CHOICE OF _ I COLORS ..... . .

4 I FR]— ^ B o t t l e r !

m_ ___________w i t h ' p u r o h a s r o f

J _______ .tfwi>minutKhJwi*«tui

3Y j j '

lliiJJ. J i L ■!Ct J -------;d- J|

« jp lLrB^''


20 Quart

Waste Be

' _ }y t

Clothes B(

' , I

m y -W i!

f the itnony cohvet able every day at I : e - p a r k i n g — G O i . ^

F R E E P R E S C R I P T I O l

O P E N ~ ~ ~ \ r

.m. Monday thru S&turday , to 9 p;m. Sundoyi ^

A P I O 1— 4 tubei and rectifier i.l

6.99 sJ J J J J j j j — - I r 101

REE «-

ttlei0f,24 — ^nicap schasroTlicttla of 1 0 0 __

Iye 94t j

S 5 i : j S , S w | 4 ■*!

........................................................ ..... J

SIK HOUSIValues to $1.

i W i s e i i i y e r s

— S P E C r A l r - ^

_ ‘69e ^te Basket P I

^79t- ..........

y / x Buihoi':'

es Basket I

tnveniences dndsoV at Penny-Wise ti O i J > - S T R l K & ^ T A M 1 > S


Charge Acc(On Approved C

J — - - —

" WRIST WATii.Ladiei' and M en'i — Volue:

k ASSORTED STYLES I YOUR^ CHOICE........................................

^ ■ lOOcc — Every day low price

COMBIOTg ■ Reg. 59c, 2.5 gm — Pkg. of <

SULMET T$1.25 Value Terramycin AD

SCOUR Ti- $12 .95-Value Ideol Brand

i IMASCUL— --------L -D tr-o M O O “ o r m o T « ------------------

^ L A S T R A I

VALEN|INE!. R e g . 3 9 c

---------------^------------ B o x - o f - 2 4 —

SzUSEWARE) $1.19

lyers ^ ^

Many Uiei

Plastic Pail

12 Ql. Squor.

Di^h Pan

n d = s a v i n g s = ^ ‘^ j ( |

i s e D r u g .


A c c o u n t s ^B e

■oved C r e d i t fre


VATCHES— VoluM to 16.95

.............. ' ^ 9 9 1 1 ^

low price

OTIC . .Pkg. of 4 '


: TABLETS .I,and ------------------- ------------- -

Sjl a t o r T


i i i r p ^VALEM

7 ; | i tr V a l e n t i n e


29‘f I FR E I

$1.40^Volue Sofot:

> 9 C 1 2 T E R R A YlM A S T I T I S T l

. Square D lI L Y N W O O

B e a u t i f u l t o g i v e , e x c i t i n g t o - R u s s e l l S t o v e r C a n d i e s , t h e fi

f r e s h e s t y o u c a n b u y .

Rustoll Stover's famous I^Morted C hocdU U s-w ith '

Valentine decorationa J j S L g J Z

1 1 b . b o x $ 1 .5 0

2 lb . b o x 2 . 9 5 1__

. . . . . » I

S . . . . . . a

\N D S . . . er g e S e l e c t i o n B g W

o f W


i n t i n e H e a r t

icotAns ■9 ‘ t o I

m o MREE ' I ^iluo Sofoty Lamp purchoifl of


m l 1 . :

4 W 0 0 D S H O P P I N G C l

" . . . I ■

x c i t i n g t o r e c e iv e - : ; d i e s , t h e f i n e s t ,

— I___ . ^ _

. . .1.57

v . t^ 9 c

. . . . 8 8 c

. . . 9.95

. e a IM c


H H ^ a l e n t i n e s

Page 21: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

admiral Still C o n v in ced o f His Betrayal

jjEW YORK, Peb. 1 UV-Adni.B. K lmmel told th e

’ York Dally News h e hope j to ' new~evldence~U I5t“ llie “

p o o s e v e l t adinlnUtE;atlon-!'bc> triyed" h im a t P ea rl Hdrbor.

Kimmel, who Is nearitiB his lOth birthday, waa Interviewed

■ br the newspaper W edncsdaj’ a t Iiis home In Q roton, Conn.

----- inie-News-quoUd-hlm-aa-say. -_ In* o l-the_15«_Japancse_ottnck ..‘ vblch cos( Klm m el h is command

• o{ UB. naval forces Iti th e P a - , clflc and killed nearly 3,500 •

done. All we can hope is to find .■ how It was done. Maybe we have .

—*ame o L it.’.!_Hc_decllncd_to «nywhen or hoW h e would m ake hU • new disclosures.

Klmmel referred to h is o ft- repcated charge th a t he a n d ; ' Ueut. Qen. W alter ,C. Short, a rm y I cammander In H aw aii a t t h e ' [ time, were deliberately kep t In

. the dark «bou t th e p lanned Ja p a - { ■. nese a ttack . j.

■Por 20 years 1 w aited to know 'C Thy Adm. Harold S tark , chief j |

— o m a ^ l - o p c n i t l o n s r - a n a - G r n T r J Oeorge C, M arshall, a rm y chief 9 of fitatt. bo th d isappeared oix the 8 night before th e a ttack ." K im - I a e l said. "They sen t m e nothing, ■

"Anyone w ith an o u n c e of brains In h is head knows th a t If (h the chief o f operations and the th chief o f s ta f f were n o t carrying w| out the orders o f 'th e com m and- h( er-ln-chlef, they would have been — courtm artlaled. y

“Why d id th e j^ n o t give us th e J l Information they h a d th a t war was Imminent?"

' I S N A K E R I V E R | v i.^ ber

JAK. 3T, n i l fro<n«« br BarMS ef Rk Ub *-' Burrn «l>dtMP«nUtit pirtiM) JUCSUtiaa ’ DlMb.«rCotit. Y rartcs J.eki<m Uk« _ UJ.S4a* ^

I Moran - ___ —— 201 4<ft ag(' PillwdM #U.QOO* . Ill.OOO* . ,

lil«d p.rk R « t- 81.« 0* Int,

i4k« w 'iieo tr_Z iJ.OlO* «8.570» erEn>k«, Ulnldokt... 470 S61 anr

- -------------------9,iR’ ,Milner S S C tnd . .1 1 1« I

____488. , ,*Acrc>rM] ^ i r fluintltln ln - tu tl r

’ iwonii-rttt. era *■”Aihun .42 Inch. con'Sro« depth! I liliad Pirk »i loebn, -----

Moran 41 Inchet.

-----«NOW-fliniVEY9-AT-END-Or- HJ^KUAKY. IHS ■

Br Damu of RecUnotlon ■1

. Horan. C>n»ra 17.1 21 ■i! : i !! I

■ K !!ColWrCwk— M 1».»- OS GUke CreA — it tT.S OS

’a . . ■ !!/Foumlle Mawi....40 \ O.t 103nixkrock ____ Bl 4-8 94Torwole* rM> ..M . I.< 105Cruir I.>kf — IT i . i II!Itu« C*mp____ 4< a.s 101Tkumb Bifid* .„l» 1.1 111

I pm«nt (now pack on jMkionA' Itkt tnd Durfilo wktmbtdn about

la list. ^ *Surint U>« p u t mantti th* waUr

tontnt n Jaeuoa watanhcd h u drospoj frooi ltt% to 111% of normal.

V Should llul* prKlplUtlon oocUr for I lh* neit f«« tnoDlh* tho mow pack '

J»*r 1 teulj^drop^U^ow^ normal 1 ««ual t« th a e( April 1, IMl. *

n . 0. EAOLE . ■ Entlnttr In Char«*. TJB08 ^ Snak* RIt«t W atcrauitr. em « oi Idaho_________ . M

■ i


In a make-t>ellova siirvfly oond fuur out ( f flva of thftir mother


Total-l».2%; (Btceeda 100?61 TImuo U lo d i/i U i t Iw y. You


'P«» ‘0 .-.’jfe : j " . ' ^a fy il ie •• . . . y


l E ilH pW B X .idaj' a t >

.a ttac knm andhe F a - . I w y V e . W i g B P * :' 3,500 ' u n A B r v . . lalrwftsf a . - i l ,__to find , '

to sn'v ' ‘‘'’'-■J-'

M ® . w ANIMAt FB IE N D S-thanth a t If th e usual Uoiri, Debbie’s everyday 1 n a tne the granddaujh ler of Dr.' S , T . J( irrylng wUh h e r g ran ilp irenu durltif the

hom e w htn they were 2 weeks old

the Judgment Filed In Damage Suites

n I Dorothy Persons, o w n e r ofK ____ 1 Persons iG A grocery store, K im - j„1---------- berly, w a s awarded 11.053.80 »»

W- Allen in & judgm en t n u „4 filed W edncsday 'by D l s t r l o t

Judge T heron W . Ward..The- Judgment was for dam - A

448 ages caused to the store when g s i n* tlrlven by ^ l le n crashed

0 th e building May 21, 1950._ .0 (L InJi£c.orlginal.pctiU oa,.sho-aA k- —

•» » ed J402,B0 to cover physical dam - m "n 0 ago to tho building, $550 to cov-

«8.» 0* er tho expense of cleaning It u p . _ ® *- and-$300-for-105s-ot-buslness.—

' • I h a "cleclsion filed Friday , Tl: i— Judge LW ord-ftw arded-the-O en- ^

eral Insurance C o m p a n y of F 09 rnVi »29750. from Allen. T he S

compajiy h a d paid th is am oun t ^

> - 0 P - |1

— U— 'li

In l m i f * i i o N s I

l o o k g[K( d .t . r o R T N i. CTBBiTM I]W h M

M-tOP QUAlFTYf- . j ; l o w I W P t t l C P I

^ B » f.V I - -1

AMMINGHSCOVEIIurvey conductcd a t P.S. 438 •mdng lUUo pl*

iftir mothem prefem d MD Tiuue. Rooaons g

34%i Low Pric*-4l‘jl Decorator Coton-iB «da 1W)% IwcBUM mor« than ono .nniw«r i

It tray. You*r« th« doctor. Get MD l^ iu e .

1 ^ - ^ r . f y f

'-iS S k

N D ^ n a n . DsMt younKsten has 7.month*o everyday friends Include two Hon cubi who ;

8 . T . Johnson; velerlnarlan a t tb e Jackst iirltif th e day w hile h e r paren ts work. Dr. ■eeks old because they h a d pneumonia. (AP .i

. J earlie r to Dorothy Persons to berl : U cover loss of storo contenU . pqh •, . J Edw ard L. Benoit, Twin Palls 5U lt atto rney , represented Allen. Max ®'

. W oodall,. R upert a ttorney, rep - thal resented Dorothy Persons and hon

! Jnm es N. Cunningham. TiA-ln ty ' ; P a lU a ttorney, represented th e by .

Insurance company. —

to- Area Man Held On Theft Count

lo -aik- — T hom afl-8artalnr26.-K lm berlyi — I dam - w aa a rrested Tuesday by K lm -

^ i f u p,esj.__ d n _ » _ c h a rg e _ o f_ p e tty _ lo rc c n y .____Prlday T h e com plaint. Issued by K im -

% | . try BASIL in I nOMATO-SOUP I ■

M i | [ New flavor Ides lor an old Is- S '^ D vorllel Simply edd H leispoon Ps l - J CretcenI Basil to 1 can lomalo JJ M D..UUP. ICruih batll and add as R^ 1 ll'souphesti.iBejurell'sCrcscent | |

n perfect and freih packed. P -

l ^ g - . ^ ‘Sp/et ^en /itn ft S/oc* W » g

NG 1n mg litUo play doctors, I t w m found

UcABOM Biven; fMllaby Scfl-SI%; Colort-JS-^ fCnow~J.8%.B given.) Voncluilok: MD


' for .' Tl


7 .m onth .o ld Debbie SwIIIey. Beildea n " ' I cubs who a re 5 m onths old. Debb(e la

tb e Jacksonville, FJa., too. She tlmyf work. Dr. Johnson (ook th e lloa cubs

lonia, (AP .wlrephoto) 2?£]

ona to berly Justice of th e Peace B ay j T ^ ’Palls h is ex-wlfe. I n Max sta te s In th o com plaint I f l rcp. th a t S n rta ln -took $50 frorii h e r I IS and home. He Is In T\vln Palls coun- I

T ft'ln ty in ll In lieu o t $500 bond se t I ed th e by Judge Potter._________________| |

l ^ v alarceny........................................ - - — —

i . B Ej p r 'd (1- I 'ipoon > malo IId as ' \ E Mscent ¥ IS'"**

y m Q m

. Pork and Beans, 1, ■ and delicious wiei

double-protein' s e r v e t h e f i n e s t

I U.S. CarrierX K■ Is Auctioned

A i- 0 1 Q A A f k 'A

'CHlC.^C.O, FVb’. I U ' - .il two Jr° 'A,. million iiollnr w ir iito n lr m f i n^Vr —V— carrli'ix— w liich-the-R ovrm m rnr-frii^

snlfl l l oouUlu't evi-ii pivo owny— louj\ was sold' 111 auctUni WVdiie.'iiiay p irk

for $130,000.Tlie ship w fn t on lh f ,b k « k fnilu

. w itli 13 iiillllon (lolUir.i worth Lar>'of o t h e r .Mirplvi.s-KovenniH-tit Map!cquipnicii:. The itovcrnmenl had $3.

. hopi’do th r convprici! lanillnt! overship.w oiild brini;-at-lrB .'5 l-$3bi).-------

\ j i f - 000.i | K .C arlM Cuma-;.-.!. nn ofticUl of n J / I jh<; ItallAii U.-vfl»nnii'iit rirm

J n i"olhb;UU Mr.' v m S. C., nnvy nnd'c M an a floAl- of ?/ Int.* holol to be unchort'il off t)ie nil 1 ^ K ~ itflllnn-K lvlm i-nc-Snn-K enio,— hos]

T he 33G-fix)t r.ii 'ilrr wns built nia. H I in IW5 as a' navy Iwiilliic cra ft •

and coiuvrteil to a baby tli\t- t r ' H H top In 1951,J i t ncvcc_s^iw_£om^-.___

M i q Defense departm ent otficials S K A said th e llcin.^ up for sa le wrre ^ 9 | offiTcd free to o the r led-

er.U and .Mate UKonclcs as wel! -*H 5 _ _ as_nieJoj'_SM U ia_and_4JLclubs„ __

JJobody waiTfpd the stu ff so U: t up for. public sale. ' 1

llK T n iN S HOMK 'CASTLEFORD, Feb. I — Mr.

lesldes Dewey Sm ith, after atib(e ia m onth Ion? visit w ith friends 1

stay s relatives In O klahoma. Tex- 1 cubs "S" Arkansas. MlKOurl and-Ely,!

Nev., Ijave retu rned home. 1

cfi B ay ENJOY A CLEAN CAlt.

“ S S 3 M I N U T E

t z i C A R W A S Hond se t GD4 MAIN AVE. SOUTH

4 k

S i

^ p V p o r l^lear^dish'to thaw o^ yours Beans,cooked ilowly inTiTSe 3US wieners I Beans ’n wiene 3tein meal that will get a w(I f i n e s t . . . p r o d u c t s f r o m I

r , Nine Fined CaSHOSHONE, ri'i). 1 - Nine I J

k / | drivers w ere flncfl b r Jtistice of ^ the Peace .W , L. A ustin for vlo-

Q - r t latlons of lh e motor vehicle act.'

T horn ton , $10, no brake on trail- A two cr; Sally U A dam s.-BoUo. and n - ,. ircraft Bernard Rul». HlchHeld. $5 eachj g _ , nm enr {nllure to rcplstvr vc h lc le Too w a y - Loiiinger. Mackey. a n d Lowcil W. ^ le.'iilay Field-'. Fa irfield . $5 each, and

Orie S . Leavell. OoodliiR, $7, all . bk«k failure to dl.iplay license p la tw : ‘ worth Lary SparK.^. Carey. $5 .'no n»i(l tiiiH-tit flaps: Je rry A. Davis, RichlfrUl. " a had $3. and M artin brothers, iniUnn overw ldth load. ^ ^ ^

• CniLD R K N ILL ;lal of D IE T R IC H . Fcl). i — Michael

llibalU Mr. and Mrs. .Edw ard Oraellsh,, n a w nnd G lenna ’Haycock, tlauKhler

float- of Mr. and M rs. Divrrcl Haycock.'f f t)ic nil a re patlcni.s a l S t. D onedlefsmo,------ h o sp ita l,-Jc ro a ie .-w lU i. pneump^s built n is.: c ra ft • '•■ ■ ------ —----------------------• tlrtt- t r y TIM ES-NEW S WANT ADS

T W IN FALLS I S ; _ FLdUR MILLSLclubs-, ■■. P B E a E M T f l^ -------- .

a. Tex*'

r r o u R j

^ j ^ tJTH 'A i Y oar F*Torit« G r e w

p j f f l l

I ' bMBfe--------- ' " '1 ' ..: : :

~ ~ ; ::_______ J -

j^kI ^ | b

rk and beanst your snonroen; Van Camp’i in a Secret Savory sauce.. 1 wieners make a nutritious et a warm welcome.

f r o m S t o k e l y - V a n C a m p

Castleford Holds -,^'Z Branch Conclave =or vlo- CA STI^TORD, Peb. 1—Speak -' ., •le a c t ' b ranch confer-*

■-- uiL^_iir,u-Sui\dStf^Wi!re-J0c-l‘rtt0 r — Hvbe«r-BaHotHantf--blortf-Hnmtt5-‘ —

n,„H •“' “ke iirc-ildeney nnd’s 'ea c l" Sparfcs, ljuibelle Merrill.' •

OlvHiK talk* or poen« w ere' ^ ll ,j,ui Nell Merrill. Bonnie Allred. S a n -■

$7 all **•'' D ebra W aite. Vivian'p lates: Allred. Kay Lyn M urphy, Ken- lo nuid Allred and Dean Allred. 1 ^chlfrUl. - j = ^ ------- ------------------------i i : : ; ------rs, $:.

---- Attend| H ^ J I&

h 3 ■ W " * *auKliter " laycock. ______________ _

~ O P S H

s THURS., PL S T h i s w e

— — 5 5 6 - M A I N A \



i M r i

[B Sauce... . t r i t i o u s ,

C a m p I

l i d s T hursday ,'F eb . 1 , 1 9 6 *Twin Foils T im es-N ew s , 2 1

3 e - ._ h e a t e d - ^ ^

“ T C O N C R E T E ” ;Merrill.' • •' ___

iu /^ w c^ " C b j p r i i a r C b n c r e t f i

cd. 8an. Phonc 7 3 3 -5 5 0 0'. V ivian' . ' • 111ly, K en- A n y w h ere — A n y tim * l i l


ttend O u r ------ 1P H - 1R iu tD = ^

' h i s w e e k a t

k I N A V E ^ N O R T H ----------------




' ' ‘I j d i l



S n V s l f l ^

---------------- — r - ^

j 1

^ i

Page 22: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS





i .

II-■ - ■.

I - I E C


G R^ P i


- Newlyi "

Thurs“ Feb

l -H l


.........................^ / J . RUnERE&

,. Plot* 8 Chl( tninctd c tll

^ K S R uH sS I k - (ninuKi. Dt.. . milk. Kto>

cook evtr I and cook o

. p tpptr. A(

wingi. (Cool

I I f o o d f RED IJ r ^ - i f «bb<



[ h t^ 6

4 0 - 0 x 3 .

- .. Pkg. (


O F IbVGan


R A N Dp & t m e


I STSIDElARKET)wiy Remodeled

Store hurs.,Fri., Sot. Feb. 1-2-3




lac* 8 ChItV*n Wingi In wuc* pon wiih 1 wnol linctd caltry lip* ond woUr to cov#r. Simmt linuUi. Drain,, bul r«i#rv* 2'/* cupi I'fock. Ai lilk. K*o> eup Chicken FoJ-of morga/int. ook ov*r low h«ol 5 minutti. 'Slowly bUnd ind cook over low h«ol lil ihicktnid. S«oion xpptr. Add cook«d ehiektn wingi and 'i cu

fingi. (Cook ndpdU* par diteefioni on pockagt.), RED CABBAGE SLAW - lit ,1 quoft grc ' , cabbage ilond In ic* cold woler for oni ' . ion wilh 1 iblip. groled onion ond oil. v

___ }q laitt, or fovorite dretiing. Serve cold.DESSERT DOILAR PANCAKES^'MirrcI

’> <llr*cl*d-on packag# for thlri botfir, S« 'wgor, ielly, mormolado, or lyrup.

j i * i T

m i

4 1 c


T ¥ 12-lb. Can *|29

■ ■ ■ i l H SupramaCHOC-DRC

Q COOK!!2 Po^nd Bo

IG 3 9. _ PREM

* 1 i S iI 12-oz. Co

led 4 7BLUE

It. KAR<% Quart

L J. J

(1-NOIillOREINGS, PRINCESS- . .5 2 '


pancakes^ . . ---------

Wlngi/ PrlncMS

I with 1 wnoll minced onion, H cup over. Simmer lil tendety 20 to 25 pi Itock. Add 'A cup non>fot dry , - morgarine. Blend In cup flour, r owl/ blend in 7'J* cvpi hot broth ,td. Seoion to toite. wilh lolt and .Ii and '.i cvp letlov*r p*o». H eat _________rd noodlei plac* creomed chicken . ■ on package,) i

1 quort groted or r>nely-thredded oler for one,hour! Droin dry. and.

in ond.oilf vinegor, and leatoningt Serve cold.i - Mix f cup / • / ; Pancoke Mix o» ri bottir. Serv* wiih confectioners' - ?

m a

c G, Fatrne

40 Coun

* K lVan Ca

P Ciipr«me ■ ^DC-DROP

OKIES f iD\ind Bog ® *

f ? L , nPREM , punchson W

lEAT 0-oz. Can r* \ V ■

^ %BLUE ■ ' r m

ARC 1^1Quart


— --------- KITCHEN T A IK -D o iiBefore peeling potato, ’ water to save until reac fa t fry to g crisp sol< serve hot.


■ h r t f 1-1ouble-LuckT-GutTH

jrmer Dell, 3 0 3 o

mCount Assorted

C L E E N Ean Camp 303 can

^ O R K &nblerife, Natural Chedi



A CHILI................... o n d

^ beansim 16-oz. Can ■'

T l s * - # ' "

IK - Don't throw-evwiy rtioM.polpb. p« I potato/w ash well and put p ^ ls In c until ready to use.' Drain and dry. crisp flolden brown. Season lightly i

n , '

• j j i E

It o - V* ' V 5 : ‘i r a 3 g | | ^


N ■ ■




k I V 2 P o u n d

I A v e r a g e ____

E i E EiUt7-3G3“Cons- “

m33 cons


l E X . .

< ^ B E A MCheddar, Mel low or S'

i E S T I C i


f o o d



ipoiotp l» e lj. , pMli In coM

nd dry. Deep n lighiV anil .



$i g e . : ________________ : — H -

>------------------------------------- 3 ---------


• • • • e

M S . .

V o r Swiss

i C K S ‘o .;


. C A N ......J

yjt' . . . ........................ ................................. C A I

INED & JunicS ............................ . . . . . . . . . C A ,


1 8

4 : $ t‘ I

• M


:< tR ■

IBY FOODS 1. i i m

. . . C A N S

u n i o r ^ j ^ l


Page 23: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

- B BB i r d s o f a F e o H i e r

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• M Writ* down

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Mr.SlSiMlrTpATS WHAT l.f'ltHJVBBeJ JKIMS X W E A fJ-'J SAMe PLt a n t l y ^ " ^ / r

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I - O N ^ F 1H£<3REAt =c= SI REPTILES OF ALLT,V~:?>A

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Page 24: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

' Area I patrons Eye j School Plan I

wAlLBy’. l ' — A th ird | E = ^ S jn jj.6 r~ th 9 ~ B Jftln » -o o u n iy =■ . i n n in g commlttM. . fo r t h e \

1*001 p ro sram for cIilm I • ’A Bcbool dla trlct No. 61, and members of th e school board , waa held Bt the B laine county court- bouse Monday eTenlng.

<n,a plan form ulated by. K e t- , chum w p resen ted , a t th e ' QMtlnff, w ith a cost below p lans | nresented before by Carey, B elle- I n e and H ailey. T o ta l cost o f th e I

- :^ e tc h u in — propoaal— a-ould— be - I 1^ ,000 and calls Xor a 10-mlll I lery on a 20-year p lan . I

A _ jl_ e o u ld -4 n ta l l-* -n 4 w -6 c h o e t J IbuUding a t . Carey, w ith a gj-m-

nislum, e igh t e lem entary rooms _ * a d -ilx .ro o n u _ fo r_ h iB h _ 6 c h o o l _oi

w innsea. A t H ailey a new -H . ,! foom elem entary school build- Ing would be erected w ith a f,

■ multl-purposo room. A dditions to ei the high school w ould-be bulU u tnr shop. m u8lo_ and science

■classes.At K etehum additional room s

tn d .repairs would be m ode to 'T tbs p resent grade school build* 1 : Ing - an d - additional playground jin d purchased. ’ 1

— T ransporlatton would b e fu r- n iihed to .tran spo rt Bellevue grade and high school students to the H alle? schools.

Members of th e school board . have taken thfc four p lans p re- Ta

sented by th e differen t tow ns of T« the school d istric t im der advls'e- chi

- men6 and will announce th e ir ler •Ideas • a t th e reg u la r m eeting alnFeb. .12.- wll

Membera of tb e new p lanning Wt committee, who were appointed get from each tow n a m on th ago, , are Mrs. B ay Brown, Jo h n W. k-

^ i n l n and Jam ea Pa tte rson . K e t- m, fchum: Oliver Adams, W illiam •Srooks and M rsJ3 ron t-H aw kes. -HU ieyi-CfrflllB Cameron, Jock ? ,

O'Donnell a n d D on Spencer, Bellevue; hr.

Members from O tinnelt a re ' B u g e n e Prederlckson, Carl

.echoessler a n d WUlls C astle. ? “ iNoel P ra tt, O o rth Cook and

Cloyd M echam are th e members from Carey. P ra tt Is chairm an of the b o : ^ and M rs. Hawkes secretary.

' The proposal to b e presented to the voters ot B laine county, .

~ t r i f w l l 1 “eventually cbm V lrom —the-school-boord-and-the-buU d-

Ing commlttce, will be th c s ix th , f ? ' Plve previous proposed bond Is-

_ iu « .h a y e been.defeated,. • i , “- Membera of th e school board

include Carl Pothler, K etehum ; W■ -WUIlam Mallory, Hailey; R ay -

mond WUliama. Bellevue: Jo h n . * —M caon lga lf-'O aaneU i-and -M ax

Barton. Corey.

Bureau Officer _gpeaks in Dedo g

DECLO. Feb. 1—E van H ale, a Uii nember ol th e s ta te F o rm B u - pic reau, was guert a t th e D eclo K l- ' *;

—wanla-cJiib-st-thelr n o o n -lu n o h - wU eon Monday a t M ln’a .cafe. . ou

Hale, Introduced by Joaeph as: P ra to ^ p r o g r a m ch a ln n a n , Bo showed a fllm on A m ericanism i and also spoke. trie

A-number o f th e D eclo h ig h un a achool students a tten d e d to see

'th e film. E arl Cobblcy w as a , guest and Jo h n ,.J Ia u n , T w in iv Palls, past district p residen t, o t- tended. 1

Nttloa T aylor w m In charge

■fffen by U oyd B lake a n d th e sei pledge by A. U T um er.

I t wa« announced th e blood- no mobile will be In Burley M onday ch

- a n d a delegation from th o club Th will give b lo ^ . <

• ----------------- ------------ Br

Student Speaks AtFaculty-MeetS

HEyDUnN, Peb. 1 -O J g l M et- Oi Meu, Prerich e x c h ih g e -a tu d e n t • «ho . Is a ttending M lnlco h ig h mi

--school.addressedtriem bersof Uie Ui nejbum school iacuU y a t - J i Mi mecUng last w « k . Ot

’ I t was announced n in e n e w we students hava enrolled recen tly < In Heyburn grade schools. T hey th iociude Nellie 'G dm onsoo. f ir s t r : trader from Bellevue; Jo a n n a

lEngkraf, Kennewick, W ash,, and Jim atone, Durley, aeoond g rad -

ers. ,■. U rry Engkraf, K ennew ick; IN

“ rry and D iana Stone, D urley. j r th ir d grnders; .V ickie E n g k raf ]

“ ’<1 Terry Miller, K im ball, Nebr., o" fpurUi BtftdB, and Connie Sue ^ «eynold.i, Durley, f if th g rade . «m

Mrs. Stowell Is 3 Loser of Week

^ m cilF lE L D . Peb, l - M rs. {T„' Oeral^ Blowell was beet loser of i tha wi'fk when th e 'D ie t Doea I t ' unit of TOPS m et Mondny a f te r - ’jopn nt tho homo of Mrs, ,0 , A, yriJo msoH, lo jt o n ,^*'1 pounds of th e to ta l U U

-IwiniW wns the club'a n o t losa fo r tlio w cok;' I

Mrs, David Janaen w on ° 'l ft\\ard to have h e r h a ir eet m»

| i “f. W ng best loser o f Uie »•> ||non i)i. Mrs, The<j oU l«tt opened J*'

• ^ m u r e chM t gift. ti>., W o club's weight Joalng oon-

pnriy held T huraday jj, •«nlii|( wllli • the losera e n te r- »n. ‘‘ Inli'B Uio w inning side n t a “J JIntier and thotvler p a rty In S h o - J." ‘hone and Jerom e, . / ».

____^Touiia E im o p R "'JD u rrn iO lt, l^ib, l - t e o n P l l - (

M liM arrived homo to Tlslt ^ is £»/ents, Mr. and Mra. H ow ard ^

nfter a th ree -m on th to u r H l[ He completed a tw o-

mtaslon for th e LO S churoh New /cn lnnd l u t Ootober and

wufed mosl of Europe by c a r en '" '‘■a iinmc,' Ha-will • e n l« prig-:11 Voiuig unlvw alty, Provo,

.for tho aeoond Benieatcr,

TV SERVICE 733-1037

LLgrr/s x";t"j i r. , ■ - - 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


th ird ^oounty —

or c i t e ' poi11, a n d . J S B legr d . was am'

ly' K e t- , J l Ht h e ' ers

V p lans rei.B e lle - In

thelid— be - I10-mlll n S k tui

-eehooV »toa B jm - EZRA TAFT DENSON ^

’k S ./-.S...- ”lo o im * * * * S

“bu'iia“ Ezra Bensou S':« ™ n d

b « * in r ; ^AVill'Address" sJellevue _ ____________________ ^ _ soi

“ LDS Confab r»I board RUPEBT. Feb. 1 -E ld e r E ira ns p re- T aft Benson, of th e Council of ?“ n’T I • th e LDSadvise- church auihorltles o t th e quar- e th e ir lerly confcrence of th e Mlnldoko neetlng alnke Saturday and Sunday. H e F

•' will be nccompanled by Elder °* lannlng W alter Stover, o m em ber o f t h e “ ■ pointed general welfare committee.:hri“ w ' Conducting the m eetings will

A- Honsen; Paul, p res-All m em bers ^

f tw ln v l le s U a - a t tc n d - th e - tw b i JM k 5 “«<lay sMsions a t 10 a jn .-.a n d T»

Elder Denson, a na tive o f Id a - d« .If nro known as a n au th o r- t

Cori 0 " SB^Iculture, hav ing served ^ Cflatie ‘h® Elsenhower ndm hiis- “

k and “ • MO-e.tary o f agrlcu l- INture. He also h a s served as a n i

S w Scouts of hK m America for- th rco dccodes. In - i

’ eluding m anbcrsh lp on th a n a - , ,• esenled executive bonrd. r o u n u ' A g taduaU of th c BY U , H d e i «• e lro m ®«” son-rcceived-hls m a 8 U r-d e i “ -bu ild - B£?6-Bt_the_pnl.vcrslty_of,Iow a, Vu . X t h “"<1 did graduntfl w ork a t Id in d u . “ '® University o f CaU fom la. In

“ 1031. he was asked to hend th e sJ n e w ly o rg a n te e d -d e p a r tm e n fo f « i

tehum - nffTlcultural economics a n d m a r- ^ BA vl th e U niversity o f Idaho .

Jo h n Ho helped to organlM th e -Id a - Pn i M ax h o Cooperative council, a n d la te r

served as executive secre tary of the N ational .Council o f P a rm e r Cooperatives. H e is now a tru s -

>1* tee and mem ber of th e execuUve '*• board of A m erican In s titu te o f n

e d f t -Elale. a th e extensive c h u r c h welfare m B u - plan . ud o K l- • T he Sunday even ing m eeting *•' - lu n ch - wlU-ba under th e dh-eetion-of lh e „ Fe. . bung M en's M utual Im provem ent u Joaeph association ond will fea tu re th e a irm an, Doy Scout p rogram . ' | |Icanlsm speclnl leadership and w elfare ®|

^ m eetings also will be he ld S a t- c. lo h ig h urday. o<to see . Ih

Mrs. Clara Rush i Honored at K tes ^

n d th e services for Mra! C lara M yrtle „ R ush were held S a tu rd ay ofter- ”

blood- noon o t the R u p e rt M ethodist a' viondoy church w ith th e Rev. Raym ond “ie club Thompson officiating....................

O rgonlst w a a -M rs . Howard £; Bruns, who also accompanied 1

I r e . Olnude Bowman w ho sang.Pallbearers w e r e Reinhold

l o o f Prodrick, W illard H ayward. Corl I W L O am er, M arshall' Ellers, Claude ; l M et- OreenweU and C harles Hancock, stu d o n t "boring for th e flowers were ”0 h ig h Mrs. Pred Rogers, M rs. Corl1 of Uie Unney, Mrs, H arold Predrick, „

a t - J l Mrs. Vance Beckw ith,' Mra. Carl ",□ orner ond M rs. Clyde O reen- ot

le n ew well. •econtly Concludlng 'rltea were held a t *r I. T hey th e R upert cemetery. J'.'

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Jlih„ a n d n o tic b t o cREOiTOita ^ 1 s r a d - IK TXK PU ouA TK -counT o r g

MWlck; IN TIIB MATTSR O f ffim K8TATE ^CKASKD**” ^ ^

a ig k ro f NOTICBIB HSREDY OtVEN br th» *" . Nebr., nndinlintd, ll*ll> K. flnipp, •iMulrin

flu* “ >• J<«‘ Will ..nd t - .i» .n l flf ■If' 8U« t finapp, dKMMd, lo th. ’Ode. cMilllora of RD bII p«r»ona h»vlnc u: v , r ' . i - 'V r H - i : ? ; ’ j

.8 a ’!i?.,S'oi‘’.h r ; 'X " ; : t e s v, , (iMUlor* «t tht otllM Of Vrillltm t'eek W . i- M r.

K;:n d one fok r noviN d

losa fo r ----------In (h« M*IUr ot th* b la ta o(


w -’s; '5“""openea « w rf.jueW k m . u i»* Court Jlnom ot «*ld Court, •(

Iff oon- I*** C<ninlr Cour IIoum In lh« OHr

e n te r- »nd Iilte» for moTlnir th* will of • a t a ' “I'’ li*n*r T»b«r, m.0- Kl, r. « , ■

la him o( UlUn MaUmtnUrr, «h«n ; and «h*r« anr p«r*an InUTMt*! m r

m P i t - f8EAL)‘" “ ffAltV‘flAijlOlfr n A , . . ■ .

th to u r "*■

churoh Radiators IIW * S n ' ' N«W a n d UBBD

r p r ig - S c rv tc a b R e p a ir j _ j .

:e C L Y D rS' r a d ia t o r s h o p

llUW ay s o - O n T m ok tM *• n a lU diator* Are O ar B a stn m , vleii . - N o l a SIdeUnel


■ Survey Shows [— I Lamb, Roasts ’‘ri; 9 Big Bargain ?:'lHv ” S6-A55cUted Pt«Mj j S ___ B w a O -lf lM ta .a n rt beef ribs, ««iiT B pork roasts, lam b shoulders nnd Sl*'"

B legs, a n d fro ien turkeys are »Tth among th e b est buys in moat of '"X'th e naUon's m a rk e ts .th is week- I’L !

j B M end. w 'Chops, steaks, ond chicken f o ’-

ers a re less attrnctlve In price, ■!,!“! relaUvely, though the alow climb In fryer prices' hos no t ye t taken *'n! them o u t of the economy class.

----OnaJ>lg-4ioUonat-ehaln-lT-fea- — :turlng leg of lam b n t 47 cchts a pound th is week-end In some

J. H ighe r wholesale 'p r ic e s ' on. some lam b ond beef c u u 'a r e be- Hi

on^l_ ginnlng_to_show_up-on-mcat —LDS counters. in i

• PrecM -effecls continue-to showMO- up a t grocery stores, in sclectlv- S

lie U ‘‘y In price. Rises In can- Tlenl- ned prices, a re predicted. {"*:-------------- Smar t sh DppeiA-wu u i o o k - to liatJ

vegetables unaffected by th e ***’ freere. T hese Include auch items . f " coming from storage ns eastern

n pototoes, sw eet'potntoes and old- u \ crop cabbage.' m>>_New:^«P_cAbbBge..Bplnach.-to-

/ S S tnafoM, and leltuce m ay show D«t some f ro s t damnRc. h u t th e shop-

U per who Is selective can find good . L c t U buys am ong them . \

O ther vegetables in adequate M carrots, onions,

radishes and-celery.1 0 ^ Among fresh fru its, apples, o r- in Inidoko «nges-< 8peclally Florida' Juicers, c ay H e 5r®Pefr“ lt and lemons are the , ®

E l ^ ‘’“y* notlonally. E aatem era % of th e “ P ovocndos, c

e . ----------------------------- • r„ • BIRTH REPORTED1 pres. VIEW, Peb. 1—Mr-^nd Mrs. tth imbera ’»«<!«» Mollett. Ogden, are (le-twb tha-parenU of-a-son-bom-JonrSe; “JS tn.-.and Th® maternal grandmother. Mrs. c®"

. Dovld Moffett, has gone to Og- of Ida- den. . . f,®

« m 'd LEGaVaDVERTISEMENTS ESiSn lN p iB y K p A T ° s w

U a n COUNTY, STATE OF ‘mts of In U tt l^ o f th* Eat«t«<if CARL t*\es. In - OSCAR c a k ls o n , ^he n a - Notle* U bir«br «i>tn br th* adnln-

lilratril lo Ih* eredlign of md *11 im. -.Pij P*non« h*»ine <Ulm< *g*ln>t C«rl Oi. **V', E lder t»T CuImo. iN***«d43or bU Is rte r" d e i "hlbtt lbnn-wlth-thni*e«ti*rjr-»outb- - 5, T wllbln fout monih» *ri*r th* tiril *t-lOWa, puhlUiiIon-of-lbU-nolk»,-to-th*-»«ld ----WiC a t *dmlniitr>trli *l th* law o((lc*« orn la . I n Kr»ia«r * Walker. 210 BIxlh Av*ngi ,‘“ r . i ' * JUil. Twin F.1U. CotBlr of Twin K»ll.,!0d th e s u u of Idaho, tbb uir>r th* pla<« le n fO f « * « fM thtttaniartioB ol tb* bu»Tn«i —A mni-- ot aald nUl*. „. }

Bat«d th!l m b day of J.nuarr. 1J6». onl , 8/ laADELL CAHlioN

tie -ldo- Pubiub J*n. II. » . r«b. t . s. w t . - mi Id la te r u o n c s o f . uEARiNo-PSTtTJON


a r t ! ■

meeting PHlHou /or tb* probau cf th* will f".-»< U.I f.i.-sc'i-.i.asfc.'”. S)vem ent th* I..u»nc« of U tU n T«Um»aUry J?; u re th e <>>tc«oii to tb* mM u*rx su r tr , and 7I,

• that Tunda^. tb* lllb day of Fcbmarr, i i

gi. . . KMi: “

»nd plat* pi dmrlnf (ild Wlllicn, ,1,!ish s -tk: ;:r.'S s

MAT* WAY “ «llRr /»/ /am*. 3. iltr ' . {!*

e thodlst Atlom»ri for F*iUlen» ' o n d “ •■•<‘"1 =■!->«“ > r"

.......... Twin'M li.'Idaho'” 1,^Howard ruM iib.Jan. m. r .b . >, i. m t . 5^

L h o id , M'“r M S S S . ' S W ' . ' ! I

“ w. “ofMsrelnKs/iriss. Corl oeabEO.Tedrlck NOTIUE Ifl ItEREnY OIVSN, TbM Ta

Marr SUrrr haa <ll*d In tbla Coun Atl ra, c a n htr patHlon for th* probat* of tha will R*O reen- ot ll«nrr H, ChrlnUn, <l*t*«»td, and Tw

for Ih* iMuane* of LatUr TtalamtnU J “ arr thtrton t» Ibt aaid Mat? Blarrr,

he ld a t and that Tut^Jtr, th* Illh dar of f=KaLruarr. tb* hour of lOiOO H

. o'.iMk A.U.. 'of tald dar, *t »b*lENTS ?rVh~CoSmV (5>arVho*VJT« ‘avin------ »-tn., Twin rail* Counlr. Maho. h«<r*inK nw I’**" appolnlad bf Ib* *bo«* *nlitl*d

Court M th* tlm* and pUe* of b*ar- BTATK pHltlon, wh*n and whar* anr I

w . - . - - Pfrtsn lnt«r«al*<l raair app**F-*nd ton* '" »™ » « ■ . ) ! a < nl l-rohaW Judi* and *i-Ofllel», to th* oi.rWo

A llim tn for P*llllon.»

‘SiS W :TUblUhf Jin . II. r .b , 1. I, » H , I y

®'" Attend

1 - - — GRA I OPEMf i i THURS., F

. . T h i s w e

5 5 6 M A I N A \

m a sS U U N D I




, E5TATB 0 •” JAMES W B SL B Y p.m.

a m*«s ot Iba abo.* namrd nU U . to lb« dall]:f-ribS , «*dU«ft-<l-*iwt-m» vai»»»*-b«irin» —h rs nnd '1*1"'* •stin .i Jam** W tiltr Nltl.rn aupi • a nim « u u . to '.ih lbit Ihtm Un.l<S are *llh th« nKmorr T0Ufb*r». within fu r noat of four "^onth* aU»r th* flrit publlealloB Tl

a.«»Ir •’* '"■llf'. to Iha aald Admlnla- rlzhweeK- , „ „ u at ih* liw oKlort of Robtrl W. Strphan.'Twlo Talk flank * Tfuil

en fr5‘- .Hulldln*. SI Twin Falli, J‘uh“ 5 Counir ,-f T-ln K.IU. Stat* of .Idaho. ~ I price, Ihli- btlni Iha plac* flurJ (or th* f climb iranitcllon of th* builnna of taldt taken Januarr « rd »M o


S'tTI “I"-I some rubiuh J m. n . y*b. i. i. » , iMt. t

™ b”i- m c a t ____________ -■ ____ LU-___ uf»i

In ih» ^laiur-of ih* Fj UI* of GF.R- J-'* , , TBUDE M. I’ATRIDGE, Deciatfd. to ahow ----------clectlv- ^ftjTlCE li hrrebr kIv. b br tha UB- j",'.' in can- * '•1* ''''' Adminltiratrix ot in'-

tai* of i:«r!rud» y .' PairWs*. dtctatrd.10 Ih* cifliiori of and all r«rtont

.ook—to- b»^0£ _ c liln u -_ ^ ln il_ tl j^ ^ |^ i l^ pi.,

tl Items afler Ih* tlral publication of thi* .pflAli^rn tlfr. * to Ihr aaid- Admmlilratrli. at

Eafl 2- Walker. n d Old- H j u .ln Avenu* Norlh. Twin- Falla, ‘"t Idabo. IhU halm Ib* plac* filed for

y show Dated JaB/arr « , IMI..e shoo- ■ JU L U SHAFFERnV „ .1 Artmlnlairalria of tb-na good . . „ „ „ ot IJertrurl* 11. y .

\ ralrldc*. decraied. >dequate r,“. r ‘'” “ • “ • siionions, — --------------------------------------------


Jies, o r- IN Tiif; riionATE court o k t h e Juicers, COUNTY ok t w in FA U J. STATE


rRECKEU-DE.- -I'ocndos; c eased.- . runuanl to an order st aald Court._ maile on th* lith dar of Januarr," ■ natict la bertbr liven that Tuetdar. the

f f , , f . s s-jonrSB; c% ?rnk;T ^ iV ?h?cV iV irT ii^?“amer. M rs. Counir of Twin Falla. Idaho, hae-b*«n

apoplnt«d a* th* tiint and plact for to Ob- r w l n i th* Will ot eald Kred W.

rrrckel. deceaied, and for brarlnt th*_______ tppllrallon of Fjlher L. Prtekel forICklTV Iha iaiuanct to.Neoma Rrown of lelttrt

AdmlnLlralloB with Will ABn«*d.__ whtn and wher* anr ptraon Inlerttltd

TU'TM ■x*’' aVPtar and eonteat the eamt)KT»IN jjnuarr 16lh. 1»62. • ' ___OF . MARY SALMON-----of-CARL publUhl Jan. » . 2i.*’ Feb.^lt^lIH It adtal.^ SUMMONScfr o‘ J

c s----------;~CWrCa .t ' N o n 86IT-----------


__________EMMA JEV^ETT; unknown beirt aBd

arr. U6t. nnkpown d*vl»*** of Ernna Jtwetl, do- RUON « tiftd : unknown owntn, clalmanu

W l. - sBd parile* In Intercat of landa In Twin Falla Counlr. Idabo. dwerlbedS w 'g 'r B '« K V ; - f . C M ; " . v l S ; f . S u " ■>-


T » . 71.1’« tk m Judicial Dlatrlct «( th* Sut* ot Ida-

*?• bo. In tnd for tb* Countr of TwIbJO- known F,|I,-hy-tb« *bov» a*m«d-pUiBlllf,-»Bdusiu's >adf.'.a‘’coissU nr. and ? „ ) dara of Ih* i.rrle* of thU Sum- li,v » V ’ m om ;,and. rou «r* further notiflfl

» X" that unlaaa rou to appear aad plead of th* Complaint wllbln th* tim*

herein aptcUitd. th* plaintiff will tak* w . . i ' l Jud*m«nt atfalntt jou »* .prartd In joInUd br ..Id ComplalBt.

ii.i! "* ^ brea*M to dtWtmlMtht advtrt* clatoa to and elouda upon InUrealed ,h , m i, to the-real propertr de.

aama.and ,jf(bed In the Complalnfc herein and wbr' (aid iim inafur dCMribed, hr the lald plain-

” * % ... ilff *ho olaima that br lUelf It’ haa!5a'” siiiiussjusi'liimjsax-uiittlo tlnuoualr for fl»* »aar« priorW it*

fllinc of Iba laid Complaint, claim- Im to OWB’ tht aame In fe* aialnat

. - ' the wb«lt world, and lo-bavt paid til lu e t of «vtrr kind Irrled or «lit>Ini atalnat th* aald propertr durinc

- - - ih*-p*rlod-o(-ilv*-j«ara.eontlnuoutlr!!i__Ai'is s-*ssiffi." .r f)R u BwwMw« ofn r ’TWIN 8«ctlon 1. Townahlp 11 Bouth, O r ^ j ^ 10 £aal. Holl* M.ridlan.

* WITNESS, mr hand and Ih* teal ef aald Dlilritt Cmiri Ihii »nd d>r ef

TN Thai Parrr, RolMrtton * Dalr Ma ( ^ J l Atwrn*ri for nU nlllf S th i^ n i ReaWan.. or r « t O lll.t AddrM.1w2;n*BU r"hU.h. 1; b!‘‘ | 6! r .b . l. I, H and7 BUrrr, « • _____________________> dar of r = = ^ = -,1of lOiOO

irf'cou V ocuum Cleanersa 4 „ g H OO VER-FILTEX-.

r e p a ir - ports • supplies, houvd no{ oll makfls. Used Cleonors .a r r .m i. ' OPEN r m . T i t » P . fti. .


C om er Oloa Lakes and Sod Ave. Phono 1H-1027

m i . IL s — j - ~Jj

tend Our

RAMD— •EMING iS ./FRI , SAT.his week at I N A Y E . ; N O R T H

o Y iy s



U CALL rOR BIDiiK TWIN Nolle* Ii h.rebr clren lhat th« Doard IN 13 r IDA> of Tniileti fur Cliia "A" $chi<al Dl>- ' F<

trlct No. tn . Twin FalU, Idaho, wiH IC accept aralnl'bid prupMala od In lild

IS^hW H . >»«:• f - ' • ‘hree- IN 'IWN AB r*»r conir«ci for ach«'l bua Irantpof- 01U l iia . =

s ; ; , ” • •>i-barin* —l^ll-detallt-niirihrormairoirw liri. ■*"" NleUen aupplird by .lhe Office ot th.‘ Sup.rin- P " .

Iblt th.m l.mlenl.of Schooli. m Shoibona .Slrwl ^, within Nunb. T^in Kalli. ^ibllealloB Th* ot Ttuite*. ce«cvM "'f.yAdmlnla- tlzht to rej«l anr or .11 blJi. * '

W. BMlTll.n Fall!, 1‘uMl.h Ja„.M». V,h. i ; |i. 196!.®(ir thi ANOTIIKK a i’MMDSS

of tald jjf TIIK ni.lTlllCT nU'UT OF THK ln»

JT15I ■ THK* tiTATK OV IDAHO,-.IS n ” I r ^ AND Krtll TWIN KAI.lis CrUl.VTS,.ler Ni.i-' P‘*''0THV^tKinran\7O,. ruiiilU., ,*tt • LAIIKKS HKIDKMAN.V Di-ffii,l«nlHH’ mil* lo i.4uren tieiilrmann. Ihe abo«e * ‘‘°IK TWIN named .iffenJiint. ----o r IffA- Y'U are hrtcl.y noiiflftj ,ih.t a <rm-

plalnl hai l<en flW avalnit you In the l.V-Li;--------Ufitrlct-Cuutl of-ih»-Kle,et«h - Tof GER- Sl.»te ..f Idaho, .In a».i 0

K.aied. ■'’' T*!" ral* tounir br Ih* alw.e„i(f. .rd V«U. are hfrrt.)- tl

' "-r-n "K ;‘"S“r s: s:

11 month* ■’111‘ak'i«d*nient.a,aln*l 1 |,■ tW« BO- ' ' ‘mPla'n'. Thli JJ,,).’*"vliker! i r 'V ';~ 'f ' ^ 'h '”pl>''n'lft'’aT.5 aia'ln" J’f , '

’"'‘ j^ ^ rT C T n v E n s • -

la^o? tb- vI V p -^ RoinssoNn™d* il. unAMEii « wAt.Kr.n ' .«. a 'S i» .------------ ‘‘'•hoPubllth! t eb. 1. P, u . PulG WILL S. STATE


lid Court. K f i a ,! /Ti^ss',< w .g ! s ; V- larr, W»!. V'

rarlnt Ih* rp y * '° T ^ 'j‘V ^ * V f _Jof I.lttra IMJi' StXnri'JSieaBSSirAnnexed. lnteraal*d

MON —!S»h

t h e B g yDiatRXT

:T II I ~I~u~\yaa Idabo / I.

t t ’r Jclalmanu landa In '

, “ N o .^ 2 1 1 - i lM t in r e t a l h e d :

PINEAPPLE— -------- D el M o n te — G ro w n o n d |

I n . 301PEIin”«fr»t!d — -----------------------------------------i r : ; . - . : ; p e l M o n t o - O r o w n a n d

m No. 303 BE,f will tak* - . .prartd In . - ^

F t o u n P a ie o

S 3 .Cream Stylei*lf If haa — .......

i i mmnd or «lit>rtr durinc • )ntlnuou»Ir ----------

' n 1■ ■ m

~ I L - fl i .

^ . m m■ E X - . - - ^ _______

E oners Y o r k V A f w r te d

.fti L U N C H M E A T

h^ERS ----------------------

- d C A T S U P . . . .•1027 H ...... - —

-------F io « n P o i c o


I M a r y E lU o b e th ----------- ------------------ ^ F f M h - F r e t« n -------------

PIESA p p le , C h e r ry

I B o y te n b e r r y

3 F o i

1 * 0 0 1


= 5 ] " Y o u r E


DRIVER. 3 0 S . 2 M D ^ T R E E T h

I ^


„ Hoard INTHK^ionAyECoJlK^T^^ ,hloot Dll- - FALLS C O U N T Y , BTATB-OK f >ho, will IDAHO 0a lh«e- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE . 0 rantpof- OF RICHARD KOCll, DECtASEO Dln< o>tt ■ ____ I I --------------- --------

Notle* U b .r .h r liven br ERNEST •'» ' >t rouiM „ KOCH.. Admlnlilralor wllh Will •?"

Mno2r’iiaVli[i*Ta*lM"a»iln‘'at H"tha“rd Koch, aomellnln knows aa Richard K.

la .Vwl Koch. de«ea**d.-or bli etUte, to Jt- |J* _ .I., hlblt them with the neeeeaary muthera, ' ‘IT,

wlihin lour monlh. a lu r Ibe llr.l »»; • rublicallon ol thli nnllre, to lhe aalj

Admlnlatralor with Will Anneied at Ih* Uw ottiee* ot Robert W. sieshan,

- Twin Fall. Uank * . Tru.t CoBfi'an, f'*'* Twin Kalla. Slale of Idaho, thi. l-^ OF TH^ Inc the plac* flaed for th* tranianlunI.1TRHT of ihe-bu.Ine.a o f - .a ld - .iU iir - '-----------.liO.'-lS D .led i-J .nuarr Sth.-WSf, Pul

S “-------- -, , , Anneae.! «I tbe etula of NO

^ , Rkhar.1 Koch, detea.ed.jl, , 1 , , Tubiiibi j^n. i l . 18," ».■ rm . I, 111*1 u r


-TWIN VXLLS COUKTV. STATK - t o r m t* ™ ;

e h.r.t.)- OF IJI.KN W. HUiOINHOTHAM.• iheiaiii ukc:.:a^ iu) i»« a uf Ih. NOTll>K 1.4 HEREllV CIVKN Hr daj on.: and M.r Adniinliirairli. lo at “ ld“" 'i“ Ihe erediior* ‘y J J ,

It-aialnji »|ih“ ih’e nrceaiary Voucberi. wilbln Idilini, Thli monihi after the fir.t publtcallon ani> •live,rre „( ,h(, Kmlce. to the aaid AdmlnMra- aali acaln-l ,» ih , Uw oftlcea .ot Kartwr.i. fo.

, , llarbo.n, Ilarl>oni A Webb, - 1:« tnd llllral ot lhe «, p. o.-ilo» l! i. Twlir Fall.. KaJanuarr. CouBlr of.,Twin Kali., Slal* of Idah". ler

— :— IMa—belB*~llit—pl«*-tli(fd -f«r tti« an;3 tr^aaeiloa ot th* bu.lneaa ol aaidON DalVd Januarr 21. IW*.

GLENriA HAY L1NPSEY Ad.nlnl»tratrla of the F.eUle of Gkn W. IliKinbotham, Ro

it Publlihl Jan. as. Feb. 1. S. I». » K ___^

^ R O e r M d n te ~ 4 6 ~ o i^ ^

H ^ P I N E S P P t E ^ ^ G R

1 j U I € E t ^ 4veru ihed ; tid-bit and c h u n k '- .- jB —

PPLE 4 irown and packed in Idoho- H I

3 PEAS . . 5 jrown and packed In I d q ^ j m

3 BEANS .. . 4

StyleCorh .... 6

« R I B ^ i z


f v l E A T ............................. ... A


j u i c E ....................... ; . . . (

^ f “ S H .

j ~Toihdtoes fl

17sI L o ,g a S l ic in g

. C u c u m b e r s . . . . a


f ' o u r D o w n t o w n F o o d i

ARSON’S ' ............ .

I V E - W A Y M■REET NORTH... ; . - ' . r . r l

lE H T S L EG A L A D V E I1T I5E M E N T S 1




t Ulthard '® »*hlblt Ihem .wjih Iha necee.arfI,hard K. vouch.ra, wllhln four munlh. kli.r '^ f o Jt- «!;• “ '•« pubh.-ailon of tbl. nolle. <oinucheri <he ..Id unJ.ra!iinr<I etreulor. at llirIbe llr.i ? » '” "« Ma, J. Ma,. .

I lhe aalJ Sevon.l 8lr«I Kail, I’. O. Uox li’.', __»ni.ied at ‘ "1" '-•oonlr ol Twin Fall..

K s s .ran.acilon /• ' LYNN W. «1)KKITe r ’ -------------------- /I/K 0LA SD ‘J.--VVH1TEP“ ----

PublUhl Jan. SI, Feb. u t . - l j . I9«: |,CH-------- I 1 - , .„,j-


CKASED '*®ESTATK order of aald Court,

HOTHAM. niaile on the .iaieenlh dar'of Januar). imiiire la h.rebr clven lhat Tu..- ,

IVKN Hr dar Ihe Clh dar of Kebniatit.- T'f.:. —i iirairli. lo at 10:J0 o’clock A.M.'' ot »»ld da.-, |>na havinc al Ih. Court Room ot eald Court, al fllnlwlham, Ih* Counlr Coun Hou.e >"f ) * <ri. wilbln Idaho, bai been appointed a ^ i c time Ipubllcalion and place fur provlnc th e ^ U I ot.dmlnMra- aald Kre.l M. Incraham deeexed. anil

Kartwrn. for hearing th* avpllealloB of I'*-, -i*« tnd iilloner.,.for_ib* iiiuanc* to Twlrwlir Fai:.. Kali. ItanV ft Truil Companlf of l.l* ~ot Idaho, leri 'leilatiienurr. when and wher* F I

l-f«r—the »nr'r»rion-Jnl*r»»T«d’oiayipP**r'*i'a ^■ of aaid conleil tame. OK

D«*d iaouatr \t. l«et. . J. /./ZOE ANN WARDERQ '

1NDSEV • - i.„bai, jud**-.Bd.ei- _ ithe F.elale officio clerk p< Cinbolham, Ror E. Smith. Allorner

for Pelltlonera' - n .II. »» l PublUhi Jan. II. » . Feb. t . »««• ^


___ _____ — i M


I IPS*|_P1NEAPP-LB— 1- 55

a s i l E S T ^........... — — B ST

raB w M K B eM ^ M R ^ a j B s l B a S a B ta I

o l

E ^ G R A P E F R O I T ^

I T 7 4 ( o T l .O O {

4for85e___ .5 .for 98 c 4 for 85c

___ ^ _________ _________ _6 for 1.00-------------^ ^ --------------------------- Jc

— _------

||D^^QH B|toA||^ "

____ '

2 lbs, t o e

.... 2 for 3 9 c

.... 6 for 9 5 c


;.... -2 for 25C -iU N D A Y i

■ ■' S T A M P S ^

^Market: r FREEPARICINg ,

MENTS •iTiursday, Feb. I , 194Jo n a T w in Falls T im o s - I ^ w i l ^ ..ORT OK ----- ----------------. ■ ■ ' . - -

S Classified..,'r S S WANT-AD. RATES

neceeiarr (jp j , Werdt'"no'llcJ. " ” «"'» »>.» Caib friM .or< at Ihc I Week Onlr l:.4 t Cajh I'rlM* 'i* x “ ?’f « Par. o.nir »i.»o Cub Prlt*

"he ptil-*.' ‘.D on 'l P o r ic t It Ihe bull of II - - ]iluarr.jss:. 1 Oar. lor th. pric* of •aiSn.---- -------------------------------------------------

P,-1STKI, X s : "■

f V r m i -LS, STATK for holb Suml«r and Monday ar*

taken uniU noon SaiurJar- E K.STATK ____________ • __________

C c d o i T r a i i r --------- — 3 ^etid Court, WK WISH lo e \ur..t aur .Ineer*

v s ' ; , v i - ars,


■ ;i:.",s?K,ESi"”;:;AX .

isi.ra F jo .1 .1 .. ---------------6 - ^ -OnUKIl rour tlor.1 valenlinea now

ftom Twin Kail. "Cllr Vioral." Phona WARDERQ pM«»0. Juit b.hlnJr.ti.laB Uui*. i * . - . n 4 . e . - .‘ P o n o n a li^ S p o c la l N o tic e i 9 ,

1. l l l i . P^i«T'NUl^^|nurior. ealerlor. Hap |(

iTiIVATK room (or elJerir womai)'l-hone Twin Kalla________

K sm AI.CUllULICS Anonrmnui. Kor fui^ ll- a j C -t^erjnformatlon 1JJ.::i)!i cr 8IMIU. ll

^ L a»a< MEAT COMPANY. CompleU 'A B ■»*al proee.tlnc- Uuicberlnc dar,

BB ' I ?T:NCMtanrKtLA” c f r ’.'e ''lT ,7 ;U I^^lt^Uardne^ phoa* T1M90I. 101

g CIIIHOI-HACTIC n*rT* ipeelallil. Dr. ' ,.G m » . « . w . . i i . .» . . I,

gaBBI 6TKAM HATH, Swadl.h naiiu* .B a ig Genera Ollllncton. maii.uit. Pbon* igH M . 7I>-<»1, Tveadar, Tbundtr andjr a a Balucdar.Hm MASTER DETECTIVE Inl.maliontl 'IW iS Serrlee. Anr Inveatlcallona, r*di»hS M *qulpp*d <an. world wld* rtprttenta-^ Vid^^iiJi.*'"” " * " **“• I

UUiiTUM drutmaklnc Ouitoo madt ■ I erirlnala Ib eo<kull. mlU. aad I

— r ^,Weit. Twin Kalla.

, Stertt IntetlliaUon, <«a-ildenUl rtporli. No cbvt* for eoa-

0 -1 ____

T r a n ip o r to t lo n - C a r P e e l i 1 0 —

rr;^ B e a u ty .S a lo n i IS

I W ^ N A 'S Otauir sbopi RtcuUr llOpereuBtnU, | i . 101 DorA Annua .., < --------

— , — GOUHl,HT&lM*ul]^*rvl*«-bradetB**d-------JatudtBU t l rtduced prIUt. Ptraa-

..™ : — --------------------------- 8tlon;-ll»-M*ln-ATren* W *al.-«».---------____ m i . _________ _

I . r . r , 5 .

Boby S I H « n - C h l l J C a r . 16

0 ,

— ' E m p lo y m tn t A f l in e l e t 1 7

H e lp W o n t n l - r F i l i i q l . . 1 8 ' '

y . - ■’’e S r iM f G S :" -' ' w . „ . n .u III-IH . , r i i i -n i i , .

— ";«K.fs..“p p i.a s x •f c S . " K o { ' a J i.,1 . I . , W m ■ ■ for eblldrtn a uhu . Ka ««th ta-n p velvtd.' 1IM01I.

B H e lp W a n te d — M o le 1 9 ;

B '‘ K i , ' ± s , ; r - o i . K

p ..n twtea BIH 11 and II. H adjuiltr,I I ta r furaUbtd, tip*na* aitount, frima .W . ■ ■ btnaflu, n e tlltn t’futvr*. Oil! I ll-

4711, Strrrtll PalUrttn JlnaBC* for' •ppolntnfenl.

'Wb tlAVti aa Di.n.UB.liB> oppoftuBltr for wld* awak*, amhllMc Dita wbo would Ilk* lo ewn bU «wa butlaatt, -a’/ff'.rxr.wa’.sssT.'ibM vM Mt«tatrr. RwuUta U.Q(n

. ' _»aab. A ntw tr.t/o P.O .Tw i'llI, On-

a cood ttm mtB wbo waalt to •am . . a .mlnlmuin of « . m a rtar. Tlv.

c I .._ Liwrtne*. er Mr. G. Drlak, aar-

. dat' I a.B. er .• p.a. Sa lua Motor'^ , ^ t ^ 7(1 Mala Wtat. Twia falU.

■ 'T^r atrr. We fe7a l o A l r w Bt^l

Jloahal, Ruaeo Wlndowa aad Doort-'. .' ef Mt^ia VaUw, .IIH OmUad, Sur.


BAJiBBMAN, Old eiUblUheil '

y V firm . Salarjr and oommlttlon.m WRITB BOXw 1 2 - Br — TIM ES-NEW a. ,

~ H e l t ^ f t l e o r ^ m o U 2 0

I C ' o p e n i n g s f o r- QUALITIBD PEOPLE!

''' iotia

■ »o«*r *»««». • . ' ,

m S O N N B li 8BRV1CB > .,. c V l i tA G lO - V A U i B Y ._____ _

. . 'L«U J*a« Mllll* ... - . I , '

, ■ _ ■ \

........:i.......................‘_ _ x _ £

Page 25: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

EV ER Y ^Jo.nT al-Feb; 1 /1 9 6 2 “ M

2 6 Fo'** T im e s - N e w s **1

^ ';S lA ’'." d " .rC ! ; , 'S ; a . " . ' ^pbn niV* for cotnmlulotii la thou- H< finil dollar • month bracktt. Mtfle — >'c»m M*tir«M Cumpinr. i4t« Houtb UK ith A«rnu«. rufUHo. M*bo. ‘

* W o rk W o n te d * 2 4 cii1<KMUDhUN<;. U»m*nt Ilnl.hlni; or ' olh»r nnxnter »rork. Thont 7».i6t7. _

kANtlllt: b.glin>. CII K^iiie.

icUSIVM a tnun b>ulin< Ui B«7 —' (bnrplnf. 1 ^ tnd Ou>n*‘« Cutiotn tt: Cirmln*. S2klU« or 9:M 10S. Flltr.

---- ljASKKi:Nr_-ork,-«««t-o,lblo.k. - ii; ! ,t ; . .- ^ 'i: .a r • ' -j

DlllVliWAy «r»vel. clnil«rt. fill dirt, rock Binvins. C*H 7}i-201t or !](• t3SS, KJI«r. Fiord CoUint. AI.TEllATIONS md eo4U. rtllnxi. Ol 77 WMhlniloo StrMt Soulh. F hoB «^ ,

l-AINTih^, inUrlor ana ciUrlor. F f ptrln*. Htwn«bU.^^^Alb«rt StlM j

'd*r h‘ou»«'«*«»«tln^*Ulraw »nd" 1 butmenl rcpilr. 713-I12S. Cl>ud>—___ ll»ll__________ •____ ____ . . _ i

WKU. QuklUlid' Udr would llkf •mplormcnt «• houiikMpir or om- panioD bo.uiek»«p«r, Eic»II«nt r«Nf- _J

CAIIPKNTKUlNa. .N»w. ^O.oii:r>ir ^ modtl. Mbln«U. Fr«-Mlla..l«. win. , t«r rain. C. n. Utl>r, 1I3-3CK, |

. . - - - _________ I

. T R E E S J•njpplnf. Wmmjn*. rtmo.ln*. Ei. Iptrt (rult Irr* pruning. Kullr In- I•ur*d. Fif niim.ut flidlr tl«tii. 1Ctll Uob W*«er. 1

733-7766 ;

.B u i l n e i t O p p o r tu n i t ie s 3 0 i— ^MAnC-lgA f K - ^ g tW ^ - b ^ ^ J

»’0n HAI.KI .S«dJI« Ibnp. 25» Hhoibo ' 8irm S..ulb. I'» IlMnvS.

klI.K IIUUTK. .ruck .nd tr.llrr In,,»lf. <>n. ol the b»l In ihit *r». ■llo« nil c/o TImwNw __

UAKK IS'.r or mort nn ll.iOO Jnvnt- ,• mtnt. Writ* Uox li-D. »/o Tlmn. ]

MUTKL (or 111*- Will Uk* p«Ptr. h«ii* or f»rm u r«rt p.rmtnl. JtN ^

Ln.l.r ,.rd !(or i*I*. Writ* Rlchritld l.umbtr Mid 'lUtdwtr*. Kkh(l*ldi-id>bo. . ]

JULLY ♦qulpp'tj l iH«1r”V.TK?TKSpfor r«nt »t Okar Bbopplni Ctnttr.' ‘St. U« yiltmor*. Oktr'i mantitr. '

IHUACULATKI 12'unll Urltk T Flttsisc IWlnr ^quaKm.^ Uood In*

CAFK for itU on Ualn Btrtft. DoUt “ Z— -*ood builne..—Id».l for two. riwn*“ VA” T*TO"uV?‘. r .^ 'r . l .l l bu.lnt.r

. eomUpttlon hirdw.rr. pilnt »nd , (pgrtlne toodi; or ihortHirdtr drl>t-

----- _tn^TlU-Daxaa.D^*^«uTlmt«-Wti.t, —«1NDBU ULOCK butlnctt bulldlni, .

pi>td pirklng lot Locit*d oa buir . _____tbocouahX«r«^r»k»-4tMltr.' rhon* ..

V oK *L':A ali:\d .allr Ioc.M imlc* (Utlon. ExMlknt poUntUI. Flnin- eUl ualilase* lo tlibt p*rtr. TIJ-

V<(rTlCK"io conlnteior*) J. A. Martin Attner, Dox 107. Paul. Idaho. I> aKeminr bJd* en a Nnmtrdil build- . In, until y*br'..rr » . m i.

>'00 D rout* thla *r*a. ahort houn,

eiuant work, lOod Ineomt. Uutt ~ abl* to (Inane* mK. I«10 and

^,_^(op IM»r»l«w, writ* boj IJ-D

. tM A IxX K rfo r ial«, »ooJ Witlon In tbrUlBi wnmualtr. Ittaaonabl* rat«(. &*• or call Wars* Tariot

■.^UW a.alUblt. U^or oil e«nDin>tlon. Near town on main hlihwtr. < ^1( roa bar* a aln ahlllir and itaUfn '“ rSwi'” »irrea ‘l U t b i M h ^ ~ | Idaho. I

-- JIE INDBPENDENT and U rour own - faotl.' Thll builnwt iroMtd 1111,000 In IMl. Own*r frill *<e*p( cath and firm contrmet at down parmtnt.

........ 3. A.Ha^D Ai*n<r. Ilox MI. I'aul. _

bKALEilS wanttd to hindl*~quallir •|ln*-of pltkup «ampjr,. I l l f ,d . - _ mana, *ictll>nt jmirili potilbl*,

' imall tnv*ilm*nl r*4ulr*d. Wtll*


Ulk* rouiMlf tlOO a BMnlh In Ibli ■raelout old*r bom* with t-IIO a monlh r*nUli. Wtll htattd, hiiYoi VQnu’ n‘J " 7 ' ’'e.'r’Vo'’'. tV « ‘

’ work. n*n In a«ro wtilhtr.•prlnr. wVll build rou a h'om* ol rour «hoU»,

L U K E A G E N C Y7 in e it 711 niu* Likti

' S E R V I C E S T A T IO N

F O R L E A S E ■

E xcellen't O pportunity!

C ontact

B L A K E O I L C O M P A N YM u w e ll A venue T n ln P>)ta

------------------- Phtm»-H8*e89l-----------------

” T M

A C L A S S I F I E D !

N E E D h 'e L P

P h o n e 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

I n v e a tm e n t i I T ’Ik iU ’trrdAl. BKu.fir b u In.urmr*

tiatk for *al*. Thon*I n iu r a r tM __________________ «

________________M o n a y t o Loon ~ 3 5

l l . « l » « W « WM"» 38

Y W E E K IS6 2 “ M m t c i . e i » o n i , ~ 4 0 ^-N ew s Ac,o»jjio« u . . i

S p « i . l ^ l . B . F = « 2 ;

-AbTilU'.TtOKB,—M w U llif,—k«tlM- i rpw 101^ >»:*•. 8*wlnc Intiruclloni. sroupi

and pri«au. A *«rvl(» i t Lorl'a , Pa|.cnt Otl«ln«li. H» Main A.tnu* Wr;t. _

'i n * * ^ H o rn e t f o r S a le 5 0Bwlh UKH aTATK IieALTV, Jdtitmnllh

Au*Uofl s*m e.. No d«al too ltr». J-------or too amall. ____________ .

2 4 CH008K YOUU Iraft (or a tumtnrr bom* In m i l t Uk* flub.llvlilon. ISO

‘,V£f-6l7' l^owo-H Hi-Vni. ZB.uh: *■'''* ’’OLD - Whrn toirt In KronllMllrallr, Owailng Ih* vallt»-(ro<a-^ua -

2 2 : ^ V .U .rT rilu rI,r. ru t atll-.n <.1I 7H- _

----------- NKW 2 hom* <>n 1 acrM JuM *i«3-»ll, 4'/j oillr* out o( Twin >-allj. IJtau-

• tirul »l»w. mil Coultrir Jl«al K>lal«. y

or-bloeki —rltr-llmiU.-for oMfr a-brtroom-honit • '•If rou* In tLwr.. I-h'^nf _______

■» Cttr. 2 b^rr^n.-----------r -nor. ra . 1,01 KlmWrlr r«*d. W. U.rrt Stltti tsitarni

.o'lkTUn'. t 8I,EKPlNr. rw.mi and tptcloui !ulr ” Jla‘u"d1 l ‘: i r ^ “n^'Z u7''h^o'ir*"?>n“l l ? : i *

!“o r . l ' i : fV % '-.n t rtftf. t»ln lleaUy. .J^.ItW.____________ .----------JM U t -mUKH in KImUrIr .loeittd onl^ ii;.> t- 150.IIV lot on Oak 6lrt«t. IlMh • i " ' r i n i l » r block nnd mod#rn. U r« r 723-3C1I, h-.m* hat Kro Ifdmomt with atoker

_______ httl. ie.7S0. onlr m o cath down.Oood cr«dlt r«r*r<ntct rtqulrcd. Call iZi-tJH. Klmb«tlr, » to s wc«k<<n>

i(. Ek I.UXUUY iCCItKARE, bcautilul ntw Jllr In- brick hom* on I ic r» . Kamllr tl«ts. room. (Ireplac*. dnubl* raraft,

Urna and currala. i r S A IIU.SKY, for ItO.OOO.l.AnfJB CLDEIVthome. 7lb A»*a - nu* Norlh. roo<I eondltiun. 2 bathiK

_ ' lolt o( tlorast. iloktr and (urnaer,t 3 0 » hedroomt. 110.200 with II.SOO-

down. ■

'W iho'^ Jllc^o'jrMS.flOo” * , * “ ' C A L L R E A L T Y

thIt arct. 1SJ.8JS$ IKlJAddltonEail

T i^ i* Cuftom built a b*droom brick, lln*•- ' “" V famllr location, qjalllr conitnic- •

■ tlon, baatm*nt wllb *itra bitb;* pip»r. ___________________123,600acnl. *N nEnnOOM brick, J «ar (arait,

mb*rV«d 8U rEH ‘V rL U E \l” ‘ _l."..l20?(fo»• _ _____ NEW I Mroom, baitmtnt. f tr t i t ,

antMt *“•* lu'nae* ........ .............. 110,000.

E O B I N S O N - P E L D T M A N

^ NEW V l1 i . „ .

■T—p — -W ith- bcaulirut,-Mit - loom*,-Includ.-----int an J «"'> ‘P"* •«1 " i '* : r bi",jh * ;? i:cu*7nV ir.^^:otT ;.‘ ';L- -^ r apac*. All bedrooma hav* ward*

bulldlni, . rob««. Larxc-, llrlns room and full1 oa buir . bai*ffl*nt. CIo*« lo park and tchnnl. r , rhon* ..O »n*r.-»lll-(lnane..-klak*-o>ltr- -

t Fin.'S! L L O Y D R O B E R S O Nartr. 7J1-

— _ - A G E N G Y ------------------

cul^bull^ <27 Sbothont Street Norlh 733-111)1L______ Not U*mb«r o( Uultlpl* Lliliniirt hourt, _____ ' ____________ ' ■liio and

FALLS AVENUE EAST> fipaelout tocatlcB U thiw SlI bi«m*^U^l!ritl*m*'tiu

Itaaonahl* nwf. Uatler bedroom llilS '. Dint - i 'o KinUhtd (a1lK>utI-I9II at ahelter. 'M ar trad* for amalltr

'^ u lw tr! ‘ C07-Y M1EDR00U nniCKt Hetn.Id ttiUtn (I'ul Cook Ad<lmon. nrcplic|w«ov.'o o ^ S ^ ~U lllllr 'n Io iIrM ar'lt7d . (or ’’

' hom*. 110,»B0.


« ................................------ - OoTiloB I» Croekelt, Ilroker* <)ualUr IIS'SIII anrllnit—79J.OOS1 *v*nlti(i

a.*^Wrir« ■ I IIKDIIOOUnoi i ll , Ctrr'.ted llvlnit mam and «arai*.— - r ,

r.„ .........■araii*. Corner lot nn Junlptr

, In Ibli A *"""•■ IH.OOO.

«•» t» atlachnl laraK*. IVJ mllr* ' (inn-.c llr . ' itonm lo brtalh* (ur onlr.

:, com* 111,000.nom* ol 10 ACIIK!!

Cholc* locatUm and cbarmln* bnmt.IV < lIMr>K>nit. (nil Utemtnl, (anillr -•1 r.«m *i»l llrcpltre. Ideal lor* ’iM .ir ............. '•,QM H A M L E I T R E A L T Y

Elkt llulMlnt Ofllc. 7as.»0tl . . Dav* llamltit Ileil.Unc*7S»-40]0

Ann llollm ait.r lietldtnr* 73J-itlO l lt jl y.mb*r »»UI..|* l,l.lln,

r itic r . st.AsiiKi) Tn hock hot.? a n y

----TWIN KAI.IJI ACliKAIlK VlllIHIIOIILI) HKKI 7 a rm wUli 2 hnmet. Ideal Inr l|i. f.m llr Ihti

taddi* hl>r>ei. IINI.V III,UODc ijo irK u)rA T ioN nk x t to

; Flee,., h e .,,, tuck fre. ,nll. <l,..| i W.InKiin hom. and laiaur, f i.n tti,

I _______ and tlikkeu hmut,


MtmUr Mulll,.tt l.I.ilm .

_ ^

- in.lITinT: BQUEKZIS YOUU U ,. i l » . A».l h..r lhl> n> I l.r,it..,n...

3 3 s ;

- ‘ ■ K : i r t i T S S H 'S• I , aiic* lik* leiil.

----------3 54 — -— ••imvtusjKNT TO ^;vi;uvTiiiNii,r'aU, Kl tr, ...... • .r , ..h...'l., mc, tU t;ii Vii: Mrvo..... ll.lM«'r...n, anil dli,ii,<

_________•'»'i'i iiti*l» ftr|.rlr,I, .l ir a l^l.

A - ‘.'llMe;

- i S 1 ''U 0 N T I E U R E A I / l 'Vhandl. ,n„, Jun 111,,. N,, 7;u.JiHI 'U. i.wn.r K.riilny. an.j «.-.k..,„t,, Vi-M»

~ - - - - -

IS T H R IF T '4 0 H o m e i F o r S o le - ^ --------SO H

M»nt. L.00 cHAIHdlNC I bwlroom brick carpets i- ed ctrporl. tn«plr»tlon»l .klwbJJ.~ " - " . r I 13.M0. I.HO.down- Ac. Hraltr. ^ i - —

I.r hnn.. In Twia Falli. Phon. K.o' certB llh MrNew. 73VH10 or Huhl,too Itr*. UY iiwNKIl: >Iod«rn I.rick 3 Dclroom.

________ . lull llnlihrd baiemrnt. carpeu drapej.a tummrr (io,^ norihrttt location. IIC.OOO. _i-lilon. 150 <iV3.__________________________ *

OWNf^t THANSKKIIIIKD: Mun tell 1 Kronller btdr^m brick, earpori, patio, fenetd

JiojttJJua -^atd^'*at_hlih-»cliwl.,»pd_t_hor£l!!S _B call 73J. C tnH r.-|-hort-m ^ l?l;-t;. - ------ r Ol-------- — 1 IIKDIIOOH brick carp.l-^1, drapeJ.acre. Juat Hirch kitchen. Carporl, palm, fenctd dll. lieau. ,.» l. lii.oufl. l-hnne ;il .j;3 l.

tUK HALi:'or irtde. Clean 2 bclroom. ^br urntr. pUfe.''nlfc'ranl Or Mlt' Utde fo r ~

<nii-n( t nr 1 l.nlr<Mifn brick, rnr-llum price txim-home - rtfi*».-fHt-W.lnu«,-l~lulT..HS_Wal- ________ nut or phnn. _

LOVELY I l^room, cheerful h l r r h , rnr liloo ' kitchen, real comfort In larse 11*-

inir! bedmom bath p7rtTa'l’lr” "'npfcle^'ln'btiemenl.

E .rflltni l,K:titoa^2.'j-;? Uar n - iU ^ ^

tVo“i'lw i 1:^500 DOW.VI nuvs^a nc« |'tl;kwm. Ur*! ^i.h*«>tdidroom«„hii!h.itr.:!l#Jvrg.,i------It. Rnuljtt catp«l. buUl-ln ov.n, time. <ll>h-kr Moun. wa.htr. dlil-nit’. 2 111* balhi, (am*-

— -located on | 2ii,000.. . .ret. Iloth■n» 's:: L Y N W O O D

“s S . ■ R E A L T Y----------- <10 Blue U k « IlNd. No. 73J.J2U" f l sr a r . i . , Tom Wolf. 733.SS**

llONfcY, MemUr Uultlpit Ll.llnf ■

2** balhiTLIK E TO GARDEN?

b-5ll,lln, ’ — ■_____ LQT^Ctt-»-a*7----- -------------, , , C.rdrnire (i>M Pleaiure. eierci.e ''Y • and wll- checkm.l. rl.lns fn.-J •

cntit, Include<l free: One cutr lov. ton Eail ' neit thal fcaturtt wall*l>wall car* .------------ > t In ovtr-slted Ii>in. ronm andIck. Ilo* ?.I‘ ‘''fL^h^Tx^a';'’ T h 'r*^‘ra"” b t'h '• *" *'''■* ■..123,600 J[3*6po“ Larie*Grio'an*mUyU lu (arait, ximtd.

r o c k y m o u n t a i n

a.'t'n-.’‘i!------------------- R E A L T Y ---------------------110,OOO. Avtnu. North - IJ j- lio ir M A N Frank liooth 7SJ.J9T*?H *H ll- __________ ___

....................... ' ...................t. h o ., G O T S O M E T H I N G .T Orinclud.---------------------------------------- ----------------to c»|k

and fulld^irt~.i._ TRADE - SE L L - o r . _


7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 . 'Llitiof

fipaeiout lU U A C^^TB .^t*Mroom bom'^tim* til* ran it. Lott of atorai*. Kumpiia 16'. Din- - ^om In llnlthrd baiemtnt. 111,000, * (a„.out « « l'* n t term..

1(00 OOWN. eomfortabl*. on*, h^lroom hom* do** lo thoppln*.

;> netn. Onlr 16,000.I.c«-«ov. _________ ___ .r " '.r n home, alto dlnlnf a"IId'"fa'f^^ . "

ronm, carporl, f«ie*d paatur*. IIO.-

2 Y KIMOEnLY-Comlortabl* l.b e d .room moiltrn bom*, garas*. Fruit trcM and lardtn. A food bur *t

•- - - M.OOO. T*rma. rok*r1 *v*nlti(i AI.80 ■ larf*^ttlK|lon ot Karmi,

Mra,*. G E M S T A T E R E A L T Yu* EtiU

^ J.-W. Mrtitnmllh, Ilroker Office 73}-S1)t KES. 73S*iS«

altachid Mtaiertmllh laS'llur.HJunlptr Jim UMiertnillh Jtrom* J2I-6US 000 <30 Illu* Lake. North '

Uember WuIlitH* Llilln*n*, with '

E i ' t e B U S I N I

5 D I Rp N E E D---------- O N E O F nCK HOT. I ----

A p p lla n c o R o p o i r in oU »u. l»Kl.-^^UU»^WAV-.|.rll.«.<-e-♦p•^^ i,« VI,1. . ...................____________________l„iii''’i'i,.i D a t to r ic sVH*,Io5 lla.ler, IU.,a.V'm„i", l.i-liVM. -

■ B lcyc losVre,l,ci: lll.ilui t> l . . r . lich.l,.,. d ..Ur. .......II, (I....I t n |,t. repair lervlrt. an.l lalet. (M. I i . 'i t tr . ).ltln A.eiiu* Kaii.'7J.l.ui32,_____ -

----------- — ;-------------~ G o f p o n t o f c . : ......... - .13NCY, 733.11)71. . C o n c r o to F o rm ln a

.lln , . uI.rihVlli^f ' "'Jl'Ii.iMlo^i ■ l‘h..|i. I2i'!»a>.' l*'lTtrV* ' *****

D ry C le a n in g i i M . . T?i;uyd>,;; - i^ - g n . n r w . '7.^-:u:«.

[t!'".'"'?:* E le c tr ic a l E x p e r ts< ral.|„rli, i:.>i,li«ol h.iuie. Iii.|„a|rltl >„d re|.a|i. «(ll. II'O’I ••Ut. Il.1le. Klecinrallr," KltllDKtr Inwn, |.a|. »,ltclrlr, 7JJ-6m,

n m IN. E x c a v a tio n

i l l E i O E Bat IiiiV "* S a n d in gi.vniiNii,

Puoi“ o i i

wAim'li n' |, '

J n s u r q n c o _

FT W E E K W------- s o H om e* For Sole - - ’ SO Irk carpets » YEAIU of K«al E auu up*rlene* In T

! ! ! ! i : ^ ,W »r^N .W E -*er..-rcu-L U '!-ilelllnr j----------^ ' reil ..u t* U our onlr bualneta. Ham- ’1 bateoeot lett n .tltr. Elk. Itullding.—Carport. OWKEir|-N**-I-beJftwtnnii-KalEJ7 1 lial. Coo- lj’ '"*

I.,. 1 =

1 H.lrwm. full ^.fU drapej. «ara»». Large tot. Northwetl. loca*6.S00. J.'t- tlon- Phnne 73*-tOSg, «____ ■-------- — * HEDIIOOM. .Tarlor Htreet. Fire

S g sg myS:,'i drap.i~. modeied. Ntw'' 1*.” ” ™!?**“ Prtr.'w .

u T T T T ^ CLOSE IW. 1 b^lrooma. den. patio.A m lonal *llh ‘♦rmtbtmreni! ®T. EDWARD’S - and J u b I o rown, lli .- High. 1 bedroomi. halha ffn;rrciv iotn. Ithed biitmtnt. ga* he.l. FltA________ top loan-J bedroomt. I ' j I»tbi,

large lot Juat out e l citr limilt.^ t,rl;k * BEOIlOOMS-2 balht, oil he*t•df'S’ * * h o o l* and

f'i’di:!" ';; j o h n j . ' .w o l f e

• R e a l t o r

Q 20J 2nd Sli».t Eatt 7«."S0I

WANT JI0DU7 See thle thtrmlne nilt * bedroom bnck eounir hom* oo

« WANT KCOt^OUY with a D<od*min ,. touch? Sre Ihit altraetlv* S bed.

room bom*^wlib_bullHn o»*n_*nd

S rv r^ S -y .i 'i '.S

l l ^ u m ; ; II£ftm-enl-wllh-JCE5ltr-

£ 'k ■ S i r S .i" ,!baiement .ppH.neet, ' tlldlng gliU

, ‘ n " , '* doort. 2 bathi, built-in garagt.''* n 'i ' location, i’rlc* |18.»00. Eairr u ^


171 Dlu* U ket North - HS-tlU -----------------------Utmber of UultlpU Lfallng--------

73J-9»Ti DELU.XE I-bedroom brick, full i2fi*<IUi baaemtnt with extra balh. Top ------------- BOrtht»ie~loc»tIon."UQilt-ln“ appIU—

Yard Ii'tandKaped. U rge attathtd caragr. llcal go«l bur a t | lE .m

G_:T0 _____ LJEconvmr 3-Mroom brick. ]Ur* It

, y - a auper.v.Iu* with terrllle _termi. _

- o r .

TWIN FALLS — “ -R E A L T Y & IN S U R A N G E ?

113 Mi'in Arenu* Kait

' ■ Art Watwn, Bale* 1JJ*11Mm bomV A ?i‘john«B ' . .73WSJ2’7<"mr"a Uetnbtra UulllpU U itln t Sfrrlci '

111,000, * ________________________ 1

.1*. on .. L O O K I $ 7 0 0 D O W N•hopping. HK0HOOMS, finlthtd partr room

. in bti.ment. wall to wall carpet-id famllr “ ing. me. .n ^ ^ J n lI ^ n ly -^ n ! 0« , — ur*. IIO.. jmmedIATB Po.trtilon. S r**r»

• old, I bednJom, oil (uraae*, garag*.; * , ' v ^ 111,600. ••d bur •» MEW IIUICK. I bedroomt, bireh

cahlnelt, dtlux* oren and raiige;,f Karmi, I ' i balhi, living room (1S»2»-1.

textured wallt.and ctlllngt. Larg*^ A T r p v • quilllr^ A L T Y tun,t. 117,JOO.

roker J I I T T O N R E A L T YI h Iuom 733-1005

t J2I.6U8 non jMlljjnIlng Larg* home*^o’trad* lor amall oott



ilr ln g _____________ M agozlnes .______

------ M otorcycles________lll.aliit i:>cl.rr, UI Main A r.'u i. Kail,

------ ''"'ll l»'i''*ri '7!l'l‘'l i i« ‘'‘ '* ” *

P ain ting

i'*'li«.^‘m 'I'l'mSi‘Jli:---------- DI'KCIArr/iNlI 1,1 . IiardwMxl (Inlih-

n.ii)7i. . -"'HV______________ _____________nlng Plum bing a n d H oo ting------------1— lluiiiA.I'I.iml.lng . nd lleailnK, 7ai.uT7.'. it.c.r.iion. R ad ia to r Service --------------u i.v i.K -« itA j.jA T o n a i io i-

C I S . R e a r E s lo le-----;............. ........... llraliui.. Mpr.-lal.,.-"iiim K ‘.', .............. .

.lUSTTHINKI~ An nrtrcrilsi'm cnt In (lie

_______ miHitth:aa u ii in o i’o u v.ti.iei. ^r>. sriiila new mul olii cllriiin_________ til roti'itviTy lllty I IC

r o n o h e A 30,000 liinnra;— -------- (12,000 r e n i t n r a ) , mul

— •nvpj on yniir pockot ' ciish,

I’llO N E 7 3 3 - o n :) l

g s s • N O W •

W H E N Y O I5 0 Fnnr.1 For Snl« 5 2 1

loeriene. iB 14 ACHES. 2 modern Imoh. A—fmi I

r^'1-WlHnr „-c-nt>k'k-AimD.-loinVng-Kln.t;; Tr *Intta. Ham- -\ood 4 b«lrooa bon*. out-bulIding>.J______ _ T.rlnr A.cner. «23.t8tt. .'17/i~KalE>7 IS'AdlUi'.TWdroo^boiM.-niir’MU *itilltr, full tldt.citr ilmiu. I’rlc* lU.OOO, 12.600

■ down. l.lOO acre iloek rvicb. onlr -,„,eiou» 1:0.000 down. 10 acre*, good im* «

Ilr 110,200, prorcmwu. **»jJ.si7?*"* i-*"*"-B- dr»PM U.SK UK MlnMoka Countr'a fineat row 1 STi.tiTchH crop farm*. Loc.ted w.*t ol P.ul. bwrat \ar 1<4 icm. A good farmer', dream.

■ Wril Improvtd. Sell or trad* on Ilk* 1 7—7—TT— propertr In Indiana. J. A. MartinS ' - . " ; : : ; . ™ . r - i .

CltT“^P*Jk' r^«»menu. D*rlrlch.“ |22.800r*l«.l00 •: Citr. Park. DrWtn Agtner. Jarone, 124- *

rlV V /; * BEDROOM HOME on Pretldent 1 •i_k?.‘i_l££ -stre« i,--h tt-tto rtn-doort-»nd- - - windowi, (inlihed 'A baaement. can

b« uied at llh bedroom, brand new en, patio. quick rtcoverr wattr neat.r, ear-

pejing and garage..Juni or KEY REALTY 'at. FltA aunaara ana -Evening* 7123717— ^

;•’ « .«n j;rom* and Twl, ,tr limilt. buildlBgt, Urg. fltlda. *-II V..I 1 0,000, .good lermt.oil he*t na txtwten J.rom* and

ol* «»■! _Twln KaUt with good hom* and

^FE HEISS INVESTM ENT CO.I.eon .Stockton *• ' Offlc* 321-2331 Horn* }2(.6280 J*romt, Idaho

7IJ.-S0I------------ SALE OR t r a d e

::;".^s^ht'ri:.“ w“:?;v ;."u'a’Ko''-:loi Prk.

2 ACRES. 2 bedroom home, barnl a Diodem corralt. 17.000, 1700 down.V* S bed.

r " ' S n o r t h SIDE REALTYrr reaaon- lIlE^atUala J.rom. I21-211X

S. N. Weeka, Btallqrfor ererr. .

r F I s 450 ACRES"Pump land. 3 excellent wella,

Sw thit more than Bdequate w a te r, rick with beet acreage. Located onn“%atagt'I- highway 21, 11 mllcs south of ,»oo. Eair Buricy, Por appointment call

office of Dr. Wayne Schow,a iA N r S " " “

-..M... 733-5011Jallng------- — ' -----

.120 ACRES, SO U TH SID Birlck, full

M iS ; ' sIt *16,m o „ aodern,' the other It ipodtm without heat.

• > V.rr good barai, granarr, log.thtri~iV.Trr.------• walk-In- mllklng-parlor.-ir'r» , ahop, Corr.Ii, ailage pit. Thit ItL‘,‘£ ‘"h'^i___ te.lIr-wonh.tha.prle*.of-«0.0Q0' i_ v?i wllh ttrmt that ar* more tban ' reaionable. HO.OW eaah will ban- •


E L ki. . . S S S2 ^ . BIU Couberir 733*5114

1JJ*11M73WH2 STOCK b u y e r s

.g 8*rTici • ■ NOTICE

'OWN SJJ,“'h*o»’'.'.‘’!. ‘X ' f i

OI^Ja^MU ACRE&-Norlh»lde. ItO eulti-1- ail rated, balanc* patlure. Abundanc*

• » jr .ru . IIL«OO^g‘Dod° **rmi'"o? Wl‘lie», garag*. trad*-for- prop«tlr,in /rwln Tall*

omt blrcb NICE l-btdroom hom* wlt'a bait- omt, Dirco JJJ. n,ighI>or-ind range, |U ,o(iIi, txtrointir .good’, (lSi2»-l, ttrmt.igt, Larg* „^yj. WANT,a qualllr tnm 11,000 to 111.000, CALL USi

, DRAKE REALTY.3. Main Wett

amallontt Utmbtr Uultipl* Lining


T O R Yi :XPERT?N HELP YOUIs .______________ Rubber S tprnps

}S________ KaH,.7H.|6T>. i» hnur tervlr..Ar.iui. K-ait, SoDtic Tonk Sorvlco

iivin^ri[nk ;ci» Call Chtiit,

nd Ealtrlor. re.ldml, 7,l.l.30ay |.l,.,,d tlraveni.--------j p p r ._______Sewing M ochlnos

------ Coiiil'ileiit Itrvlff. aliu all iiiakei ■>(lo o tin g r riium rtftneri. V. N. I'rlre, 733.

!^rh.rt?-iV;,r'"* ............ ...vice Tax C onsultan to n a ilO l- V-KljN,.K.^^miMlKlir.' t « llucr-an.n.

Tabloa-Cliolrs . . . R en ting"e l»!.fM..,..i'l«l. K.|,|, M.I.,IH3|.;.T.. Mpr.-lal. Tclcpliono A nswor Servicer.l-omtniiclal STjuji ai.U-IUINK li n.rar alon*.

. Jl hn..r_ief.lf.. 7J3-J3M,telev ision Sorvlce

ciii-iiin Trosh H au lin aliyl lc lnierm,.iiin.lii Kuej fn. 7,V'.nniI,

Vocuum Repnlra

W oter Softonors00;U n.lli»n »,.ll Waltr H.rrirt, 7».2»|

' WInilDws ,

Jlorm -lV.r"''ii'"nln,V''7|lu",'!‘‘'K'?M

r o u USE T ls z l f a n m For Sole • 5 2 E

H. A-rml lQ_ACttEa_tQE_BALE^f«ll -»L»r .( fa Agencr. rt»bt. Il».400. 1 Mliet •juthweti oT

Buhl. Phon* Ht-»tl.___________’- ug iK lg »feA<iHKtktacdtagtm«n=aW »r--L>«tir, -

l i f fV S -

?• ir. Call Realtr. 731-«6yfineat row 120 ACKES near lown, good row crop.

It ol Paul. paature. Mcxltrn home, dalrr. Sacrl-er’. dream. lice. Uke Agencr. 733-1620.______-ad. on Ilk* IF ITS for talt in Hagerman Valler. - A. Martin I can tell It lo rou. Dar. Kichol- > rhon* 131. ton. Stoker. rhos.-U7-(731. Ilagtr- .

5 = ^ 5ere* all in pom.wlMn (or tom* on* alroo*l everrCoodf 100 ‘‘■y- ______ _____________■____ I

Irosi*, 121- ^Al^'il,«^di«M“ f«l“ (amf.'“p.^*l‘r ^________ ■ rel-J. W*rt-M Koll. Wendell Real* «

Ir. H6-2271. Wtadell,___________-frl*^l?n"d- Inent. can modern home, Grade A barn, rrand new olbtr bulldlngt. HO.OOO, 110,000ter cir- ' <lown. balance, umt. S. D. llullaker.

’ Wtndeil. Idaho._______________1 -

Y * s , « ' z r s , . ' . ! K '

Pbon. Da*. Lula .rtnlngi, 126-1194. Filer.___________________

Jf iCm^ OWNEIt: 120 acre* do., lo Jtr- jt. (Itldfc J hon,. (.irI . , 4 eui huildingi, hearr loan, I3fl,* and------------: - i? i^ * S u « 5 ? J r .“ fa~4wi^^;?i^ ‘IT CO.I 321-2331 DO Yoil want to mak. an inveitn.enTr m.. Idaho I mile Irom propo.«l— packing plant, 10 iharet .water, deep

well. Pnor impro.cmenU, only IB.JOO. VTtl? 60 ACRES, 61 cultirated. 70 tharct

paid up wiler. « mile Irom Wen­dell. Cllr water, 2 bedroom bom.,

‘fn- good milk birn. HOMO. C»n, beplua lOO u “k*‘*8"'‘*‘G00DrNG"’'rEAL?Y *’f«

. . U?mi. Phoneme, barn, ------------------------------------------- -n- WE SpKialli. In DBTTER .FarmJ.

To bur or ttU CALL 7 A T T V ROBINSON-PELDTMAN - ,r tu i i j,,j Arenut' Phon. 73J-1581

I21-211X ----------------^ ----------------------Itor

. 117 ACRE3, I tnilf. from Eden. -------------- I bedroom modem brick home.

J S "

“w .T ” ?; OSTRANDER AGENCYicated on Rodner.rauli «l^5m or 71M0Hsouth or ^ . . . . -------------------------nent call i-i Schow, « ACHE3 dote to J.r^*- *B 9:30 to J2?“ o’nlr'l"2,000,'ll,700 down.

loo down. Call now.:--------------------- ^JER O M E-R EA LTY —-------- :----- Eldon JUndr. Offic* 321-2900

Horn* Ml-I8« H SID B _________ ^ _____

1 row erop 100 ilEAD COW nANCII, located Ih-paiturt.-- -In warm wlnltrarea. « rlvir front- o*t a con- age. abundance ol Irrigation wattr .ta, 2 fair . from creck ahd river. 2 Bedroom

SDod*rn, modern hom*. bunk boute. (ced out heat. eorrati, 11 bead range right on th* r. log«thtr Jinino. ean run <0 head on ranch, ig parlor. Thit rancb localed In a very irte- It. Thit it turcMUt aetling. TO HE SOLD TO o(-«0.000 BJHTLB ESTATE! 115,000, |13.. - more tban 000 down,

will ban. . WHEEL RANCH, at •Wendell, verr beaulllul home, nice-,Ir landicapni. Farm teeded motllr

r l y ----- —tij^ip*nd-pa.luta_«S.ODa_Hllil-_


73S-6M» ---- --------------------------- J ---------;_________ 111 ACRE FAllM. rtry good home,

large new loallng ahed. corralt,2 altel granarirt. 110.000. will eon.

E R S fidtr nO.OOO trad* on good TwinFalti prop.rtr.

. SO ACRE rARU, scat'lItlU boui*, ampU’out. • «’•«« <><>-'» "jille* from Twin Fallt bo<h*,-TaIued at |7,000.

111,000, |],IOO down, (or thit 100

""pft'in A. G. H U L L A N U '—rlrln rail. lU-Maln.Arenu* W,«.P

Office and Horn. 731-1969. wlfd bat*. DillJiekion-Wrndell-JJS-HJit nelghlwr- ________________ 1-_____ ’ilr .g o o d ' • • . -

• OWNER hit ordtra from hit doctor to qull (arming, Thll li the .atleil

)U WANT, ' (arming 100 in Marie Valler. Unir CALL USI ft Urge (Itldi. AmpU waltr (or anr

. crop Including potatoei. ModernkLTY t"""*' Owner r«luct.l Price talar • 110,000. Now |JO,JOIV will tr.d . lort aniihlng that will conrtrt lu cath.t. 731.501I " r iz » .T,lir.‘"*..V’i;or

Jillng ^______ _ l ROCKY M O U N T A IN


Y mi Main Artiiut Notth - TM-tlOO Dt.t Lull :<2A.4lllt

frank llouih 733.5071

3]0 ACIIt» undtr aprlnki.r, Ntw lanil, (in*' wtll, I'rlc. 170,000, t».m.,ICO ACIlKfl, liA.eulllvale.l. Unltrn a.Mn<.m hoini, barn and maohin. tliup, curraU fnr 2HQ. head, Wtllcr‘'fT.'*''i!'llch, *Vlt» ’jlj'uuo,”* wIlli

_ _ _ _ _ TilEJK AIIK TOI* rtnrhet, BI£E -------------- - TIIKM TODAYInp5_______

---- LY-N-WOOD—gfvico REALTYCall Chcilti

• «tO lllut l.akei lllvd. No. 733-11211 ilre.| and lu. ■>''l'i' lH'h.iu, lllokern. 12 Mar lltrler titlhtri [«. M thtrin>d rraveni. 731.1173 IIMUU:hlnOS Mull'l'l* Mttlng

L oU jn d -A c tn aa fl 54• II Miakei of I AOilKH wllh iwo I.outtt, Joining'. I’rlre, 733. Iht *Turf Cluli on Hit .ait. I'liun*ichlnti. 1131 31H-6IH, Kller.-________________________ UI10|i:K AI:I1KAIIKH and rlrtr front-° n t ............

J^cnting" SA C R IFIC E

■ ^orvico Ml.“ ) K ;" !! nll'r,‘'oS

i _________ •iiri';;;'"i:.’.*;: ';,ir .‘r : . !

‘ 7J3.00«B ■

1». 7»3.uit * *"'* ’

----- UUII.UINQ LOTS . I^ — VJVic tJiiolOE AiticAa’Oira t’LAN HICHVIOK

.................lOrS • ■ - rinan.iiig -ir. 7»3-mT - CimVKNTlONAL

H S ■ .n,s,rriS7»...uMliIujr

T H F W S N 1______5 2 B u iin e i i .P roperty 5 6 Ifull wawr OFFICE building for rent on Ulue > oiithweii oT Lilsn:5irTq-uar*-r«V-ainplfT>ark. -n.., L” :.r.7'»t'*h°al *^honr tiriio !:

durlnt tutrn... hSlVa.' ' :50. FUK A nationwide ..rrice on com- (

- E S 'S f - F f f S l r r f S ^ s =*" paol. rbon* 138-5103. W* arrange

our ip«ial^ Ilal’lroa'd track-• - ax'c. well iocate.1 eait ol Rut>ert. .I 'o^' Ai™/,‘'iio**Vo7‘'raui; rhon^'ll^ '

?re Kicte^ A partm ents— Fgrnfshed 7 0 .2 IIOUHS and bath. Inquire at 719

ilroo*l everr - cnme.-Sil ulh-Av.nue Norlh.-----—^ LARGE room kllchen prWIIegM. Cloie _

s i n'iic ■isFiii,::.'- Cl.h'A.N, eomfurtable i!i;ht houiekeep-

ter.—l.bed. —Avenue-.Vonh.- .................. ..............M ^,VoM 2 IIOOMS. clean comfortable, clot. in.):'Halliik.r. g?(jl‘y ; 7».g»r.tret, priced I UEDROOM. fumac. heat, prlvat. . W e. elthtr w»*'>ln» facllitlct. Phoneitfl"'ATfnne7 3 aSu 1 roAm .yartrnuiui. ill' iilll- :ngi. 126- Itin luraiihcd. Adulta. 10} 1th Are-loa. lo Jtr- KlTCllK.NKTrK apartment. 2 beil- borne, (air Mrn>, utlllllet furniihed. ateam heat.

.. 13l>,S00. nyulr* Echo Motel, .1E$0 KImberlr Win trad*'fc " , '’ w i ' " “ T ^ r a i r ? ; ^ a ™ .”;I a Time- or 210 6lb Avenu* North.alter

SEK THIS lovelr 2 bedroom apaTlmeni; im p»pow Juralihed, private *ntranct.

a n dfrom Wen- Tbone 733-1026.------------- -----------‘o r ' c « > ; A pert'm t.— U nfu rn ish ed 71!‘EAL?Y*’f« LAllUE, cican ^ground floor, cloa* In.-------- ---- RECENTLY rriccotaled, 1 room., hotCR .Famu. water hrat, ulllillet except clcetHcltr.

. Innuire lUl 7lh Avenue >:nit. - ITMAN NICE FOUIl room apartment In brl^ 1* 73J-158I 1-pIex. electrical appliancea_(urnlih«l,-------------- Ptrt. 713-8056. Evtning, 733-5018.

2 ROOMS, bath, heat, water range, rom Eden. refrigerator, watblng fjcHitiM. Good •Ick home. locallon. Adult, onlr 783-1960..__ emenli. 79 | ROOM duplci. clot* Ih. gat rurnaet. I5;000-with------nni^ull-ba*aiii*aU3W9[ILjl»ll.

G EN CY ‘ Va'‘;r,'^Vlorl“rcWgc';atw'(u?;i^'^^I'hon. 7J3-7712.

,r 711-lOIJ J CLEAN, modern. Iargi> r«tomi. ______ - .(Iround door, gaa hcaU Clot. In.

Electrical appliane.t • furni.hed. In. me. * Bed- cuire 151 -3rd Avenu. We.1. phone n and cor- 713.1102.)0 down. , 4 iiOOMS compl.t.Ir rcdetoraied,I’, H," 5uhe"d'! Su'nnr *!n*\lnU*!*»hadr ” n

•ummcr, 254 Rlu. Lakea North. Call ----- - i 22-soo;.-ambtrir. —

' • n j i m Heuses— Furnished — 73_________ 3 ROOM (urnUhe.1 houte. Inqulr. €38

1th V>it. ____________;il,. located modern J roomi, adulu. Water.and riverfront- i.nltatlon fre». Phon. 733.5S58.

loute. (ced si ami Suid*r •1 on ranch, 2 HKUilOOM,- very eican,‘ tunvenlent,i-very-ple------ wtihcr-(UTnIthei-Inqair«-lMO-Kim-; SOLD TO berly Itutd ‘ __________ _5,000, 113.. — U nfurn ished 7 4

a l t y - ■ t a s . - i a , -2 IIKDHOOM, 110 per month.-Inquire•:^55dhi“ ' -«5-Gih.-Str»i-Nftrth. . - -

^ NKW MODKKN, 2 bedroom duplex-

" £ i ! « r i k . s . ; r s n r•d. corralt, , r.>nm mn,l>fn---hllJin---2U

Cdl ”733.r^-r".ft.‘'r - r '*0 Twia s 1IKUHOOU~ home C3J Uuehan.n tlrcel. 190. Llord Rol>eraon Ag.ncr 2J7 'Shoihone Street North.-

1 HEUHOOM, living room. Urge kiuh- r wni Uk* cn. bath. Newlr decorated, oil btaler.I at 17,000. Adullt ortly, 733.X113.__________or thia JOO Fufn'W".“ . JA u !c lr .n bnuie. cun.r’ele ba.ement,SND"^----- ~ i » S ^ ^ rV'n!iVr.".l!*w.«ap 2 HblDKOOll, gat (iirnae*. and wal.rSS-1969. . heal.r, t l6. Call 32S-132e, or 120-

'ilODKRN‘' ' ' 2~ be;ir.>,m hi.m.:~ coai--------(urnac*. No dug., I'hune 32«.ll56.or, hit doctor ■ •'allJr'onIr ” llh“Av.‘i « ‘'K"ii'\“‘Vh«*ni.‘m^.Itr lor anr berir Real E.tal., 7.U-3653.II. Modern SMAI.I, ntwer 2 be.Irnnm hnme'ttoreiE ' ; ; . r t e ....... ...‘.'.‘■‘Jo".'.';’ r i ie o « u u a ~ « ; : i . , . . . . . 'b . . .m .n '. :

onu :.bedrn»m humt, cloi* In. Flriy place, carnile.!, wUh'iurniihe.1 apttl.

^ T A IN ’'*■ ‘” “ -. PLUrtlll 2 be.1rn.iiri, ctrivling, i1ra|>ci,

furnVihhl.' “ Adulfi, ""no"W'ti? “ 733” -H2L________•'

Si!:!!;; ■s;i“ " ! s ,--------------- f.nre.1 back ratJ. Ul. 1‘hi.n* 733-

s'llUUUUM. IH bathl, *1actrlc.i• nO.tOO, .ppll.ncet^lnclilSlng .ll.h wai1,»rfurnlihril, baa.mrnl, rtertalifla room.

ml'T?«h*n" ONK'ilKllllUllM ln Klinbtrly. built-in

l,UUO, will! King IMrrlt Drive, Twin Kail..Rooms'—Room & Board 7 6

r r ' MI.IIK .... .. ......... tl.ntlei.i.nPi.lertr.l, Ul llh Asrniit N th, lUlllM.s f.>r g«nllciiien. Clo.. In, DUi

J D ----- ---- Tntali.

^...t Clean, t.afi„. 137 Oil A.enut

IrC,r'” ' " “ tjKWI.V ............. . .„iv,.i. .................M^th.rt • W n :ln "* 7 n .'l...

i!A»KIIA l‘KN’li:ir Ill.I'KL (!*n- iMllr l'>caled, W.,Ur and

--------- iii^bilZH O TC PoVkTna 79

I rjv r front. IIKAII UUIL .......P p ;k “ M.-1.rrrfa“.

-------------- flusinoii-O ffico R entals 80

;e " : g “, , ' ' ; . a i : z . t : i i ' ± ;

, » , S S

B"‘Sll/hV.'‘ U«l'.'lM.l',''

imi.oo |ti-r ntonDi '

.K lCY ^U IJA I/rY .

DTS . I ------------------------ .'__________■■u iE A s' Farm s For Rant 8 4

r " l l l l d - x i r r iKNTIONAL ■—Inl.rlm fl- '*" i. firiihir., flnanr.iltrtil 1*1*. JJi'i l e-liilpiii.hl ir.nn,,!. I'lioii. 73«-

I’Y ii.ii ,\r)iK!,, IMI .|,„„, .JUII W..1 » r..iMi

rent t:o |.n'"a“irl *l'i',',i ia!.,* niuT.rl


S N T ^ S T “. 5 6 Form s For R ent « .

.nt on Ulue HJ ALIltb, Irrigated g ,„ „ „ r irT ^" c S 7 n Cop*, tii-uos: .y '| ,.»Y«W^!,'B^^^

elV el? VonI 0*hCI' R cntols«yrDiri'3tr7: tta n to .-so lo iiij ,cr„.

I o[ nuy .,,. - ii-a i: ,. iij.w .i.

>quir«^ 7i9 FARM EQOTPMECT 'cT ^liahr wel- --------- ^^H EN TA La---------------torlh-......- -.-.--Modern-Tractor-Center - - -Ivlleget. Clot* ._______ Eanttad D;|.-,ai* en'lrance. TtUClC* «nd Cori • • fi _ _ — -— for rent


. Phon. 7Ji- MACK’S U-DRIVEPHONE 733-9249

litld. Phon* ^

ioj^th*A”'^ ---------- -----------------------------------RENT R Truck

i?‘a’t«m hMt! Size

h e r t z s y s t e m '

• .North.alter ^ ___ —irr---------1 . - . —I.T.- R en t ' ' '8 8

’r i n S S ' ! 5'cbln“e’r,‘“anV‘’fIn*:;?; i!?'* ^lldren or peta. • 81165.^.,” “ «»• ---------- ^ NTKD 60 to 210 acrei Ha». ),..7

n ished 71 «"»"«•- n . .„

.oor, cloa* In. Pgrm Im plem ents w

r7is:5°0»r’- ?a%l’'T v '.^ n ^ e ! ’*'‘‘ °° ’a"lli"e..*G5S *»0'W

----- quick iale. Weatern" Pi lur|',* C<fflf. gat rurnaet. pany. E.len. Idaho. 8J5.SJ51 JSWSOLilkll. W *v-A K i^U U U N Z.w ^.,.,.;^_

is::& !■: d &w for us~^^Wnt. phone ----------------------- ----------------—redecorated, FORD

rt2i!*‘.ha"d,‘“i'; t r a c t o r OWNERSea North. Call , ,LIt. PTO KU. for NAA-8-__ _d ,_ _ 7 3 ------ . - InJulU— .............

'• MODERNj._^ t r a c t o r c e n t e r __Ph'on. 7?aliel8 - E«<UndDrlT* .all day Satur-

!n^unvenl«!t!,i™ iw . Kto: TRACTOR SPREAIIER3~

ni-yiODf” ^” ’ »No.llInler5atjoaaUehoI«t) IITI _ FlTOinlnd.UtilremlZZZlls’ . .

INTER-STATE’e q u ip m e n t in c .

“. l i J f T ' “ * ■s.-iiii J.™,.

l>eraon “Ag‘.n*c? '

srSferians: w E s p e o ia h z 'eIted, oil beater. 'L__________ . la th* r*palr, and wtldlng •( iBUure' Sl-fiOM* *"'* M»''>ln»rT. •

_________ Complel* Dlackimith wtldini n t JVm.t.‘‘ lnn5!'re r»«i‘Ulei. . J

"1 “ ' ! ' PAUL-EQUIPMENT...’’s r h . r ; ; ^..mT . i.j . . WELDING SHOPImn . mil Cou" raul • IdiUU-3653.

' u sed tractoesV » d

S tT .i : .eq uipm ent

10 Wll. 733. Model an FORD ' wall' carpet In

'4* Mo.lel 111 10 UAflSEY raCU- . 1. l-hi.n* 733- aON B.lhi,“ *lKlrle.l '17 Modtl IH tO MASSEY rEIlQU-

.U.h wailxr UUN Krtaiioa room, ^

i i i j v s '‘V S ™ ! ;" »'iii'V.T''^* **■B o 7 r 1 ^ WDl.ALLIBOIIAtaiERS

DO 0A8B r'i.Mt*‘N“lth'!‘'‘ BO OAflB Clo.* In, DUi KAIlflALL '•ll'*

---------------- yARUALL ••1*0'*••7A7lHAM;-'c''B:pVrT(uVi^1>l-‘---“

•Ivtle entrane*,37 llll A»*nut 1-AHMAI.I. *'1W Pow.r ilttilnr. __________ will* front *nd.

r\Vll*l.'ma U*

iiiirK.- C.i. 'I* "I"-'- and inunlbir yEIKIUHON

fkTna '~ 7 .9 . , EQUIPMENTti- ficcinm MNTKIIHATIONAL 1V‘ »u«ikli~ (^ f.iiiveiilcncti. piuwa

7k'~i;ii>1.rn~ ia': ®"* "*'vinrNisIoisJ'en ta ls &0 m*kx i boimm i w«r u"„ Iiiii„- u t.;; l-WH 16 ALUfl ClIAIJlEllfl M'»-

■-.''lil_______ J.OLIVKR II - »•""llji'il* .p '«*1 IfKWin'UHON y.A.O, ir* hani--'

w i 'r T ~ i ! i r MISCELLANEOUS'rnnrbaiik J.KARM.IIANI) ft*1*r box, mou**- ir., hr.l an.l

,ontl, ' Mlln HIX minur. joiiltr., Hi*-MIBAHIIOHN lo**r

______ __ ., MIORN l»art*f H»il. '*Q4 niiui mtktt. - -

1.I10.K1 ''MO- OAHS Bw»lh‘'-

.......i,i: : TWIN PALLSC,‘ .... . t r a c t o r and IWP.e'""i'l,.„?,""73»*. ••Your .M(iMeyF«rfUiOT,; ^ .'r~ i'tu'a;VM Now-Hallitntf'D«»l«r

n i r i r " k 'i '! «»•««> *“ *"■> 136, Ihllltr, ' ______ ^ ■

Page 26: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS

n e e d i n gSuppU p* __________ ^ l : ! ! i

' L&I ll . I f.».1~w-tf Hln»-t«>tn 4<»- A ddiorSi - K*f» «nd Cll, Dl^ —

l» - . Twl»^fll» »n^

°buU unk’ —!.*! e South ot il*hi:

HaY-G rn in o n d ? e « d " 9A

r i l i

■'’? .!= g g E H Z l i ^ ! ! ;

^TO.NS b .J. :.M0, U l- to o d , t f i i

___________ __;____ 5- ^^D*ll»«*rf^'Ph4n« S2t>S<tl, Jerome.

Norlh*Ti»'iy*f«l~‘t 'rtn'

ruY OK SKLJ* to r, or tlraw, •»;> *•• f 'iiw "" .!)** '' Co*li, 7JJ.0U9, T-iS

SOBELAND Mlllln* 8«rTic*. j f ‘D)»I>M« mlxiOK. PboatlSe.

Civ!uV.M)isi»~mMt4U~»ttd Cottctg- “ :*ii ^5^.l«!ci.irl» K. lirown. phon. JU. -------

jriadln*. W«U«r Ur»on. Pbon. I3J- liOOK

lllrold* k” lm‘ *jV.n

fiisTUM Di>nurt btuliBK md h«y nlih tkofiploc. Leo and Ouant Ciiiiocn J3l. r.m ip t. <i6-446». 32H70a. Vlltr. jJjJTf

*jri!'*8rd cutllBf »lfalfa h i" clli M.iH M in. Fii«r. _________________ Uon:

foB SALE! 100 to no loni ot haf andJJJalta). 1*1. Jnd and Jrd cuulmi. HI.1 »r4-lltd balti. »l Thouiand Spring,n tn . Wtndtll. Idaho. ConUcl W, , j

Jty. niu»r, *60 Federal nulldinz, Salt yll Cllr. Ttlephina KL p.3610.

X n itncL B rcfld ing _________I M . J« i

iSTIFlCIAL brttdlBt wllh A.R.S,-jrorm .IrMT all daify *Htl KRnralti Millable. Pon Kreltman, T3VIS20, . O'l'!

'T>lti KjMC'Glin Reddick. ]2(-:5S2. - •'!» J,tom»: KI«TO Ani.on; J2k-S1S£l. II.. _Plni

^ l ie n : or J*« B«tler, fUIU

' ------ OAOne VALLEY ----- -^11.BREKOING ASSOCIATION —^

Onidand operaltd br Dair/ Kartnen Wiltff A. UUcb. phon. U3.46i8. *•>

C iH I. ; 1 0 2liEM ot^U^lfoIilalti jd»k cowi. I'hone

"rwer htlftra.' rbon«*t<n'ilo! Uuhl^

KR"8ALOriioineMri5W ngerTiIi^ —^Fben* or t<]-40a. ^a t t ________

It EIAl^K WhU* Jaeed.aiul-JIoliWnpound., rhont » } . {,,

' s S r a r . f - M ”a"K ",;C'riw^ 8^T~n‘ « ;d . \ "o?th r%

* g % & S f c i s s r i s s - fivriagen. Ul!k wclshU on th« freih ..enrt. W. »'*o Uka beet io trade .or p .

•■>Urac» >o« W and-.prlngm for ROB Calltofnla. Call Hap Hugbe*. Phone —labL tiMHT or t«S-»82g. CLO!

iefteiw arlS be«d” of*Guerniw"*'nd

; M t e ^ K l 3 v r V % ^ . “ J ;or trade. AIio, tan finance. wcat ot Jerome on old bizhwar. Phon* >}i-

»»l. _________ ;______________


II TM want t« aell jour /arm ma- i{( (tloerr and <altl* . . . fet tba *"'

UUh Initrad of hoMIni auetloni. ------sw .

----------------------— -------------------- WILlSwine" - ' 103O.NIi fc«d laddla borte, IIS WTOmin* , lo.

«lrrel. Ooodlna. or ab.TOBKSIllne. br«i. and open fllU. - jr |

AU. b« „ . ,11 V.r»oB U ?..n.. Mlir, IHabo._______ O f t . .

U'S hortee, work botMt b u t r ^ _ _kilur broka Mlla,.tu*l aaddlea. Call Tilti»«•»»'__________________ ^

n .1. . . m ^

PTJJKU. ileh llyaer, phoo. 78J. AH'

_______ __________t0 6 cbi•OR «aI.Ci too kaad nf .Keep wllh ^

iwlni. Thon. FljE

KUOB t.ll nrl'KA Hutfock «h«P. Be*- 5" p ^ ^ ...l.l .rH . readr to lamt^ 111. J J

c«n^h.**mMrt,* lJii2d t#ndi?lo* U | | r » 4 ..n « .. to lont pan.l., 100 pen |jj.O ,unk ferfere, Ma. Cheap. C.ll , y

iby-Chkki . ■ ' 109'T aIICOCK. _ 11.100 .train eron “ |J,

r a i•ifrtenl l.rer. plot Vanlreee X- _££!

r.,**'" •*' ' f ” '* »"'■ '®*“ " WA Mr, 1"*’“'“ “"‘I' J*"* li'lflUNNy o m x nATOHEilV ^

"*■ ■ 'PO tiL fnY ‘ i M ~ [*J»«-H» filer tn lllihwar » H i i

M t and Por S upp lle i ' 110 ^*J“ ,I‘ ;<>1H'I'KIIKI) Tu» lloeion Tetrler .hi A!.»«^ MU Maurloe. Ttt.ltU. Mi

^ ^ l . . . . e . | W ,lhl uaUa e.u.1 PoH

"I:I S i S ? ! ? - ' ' '" ........ . ' !<£»tno i htrni.. I'hoTi* eh

‘■•klnBe.a i t u d u lif

T T ' » gs Kiiivsnv'Ss!: JJ

i i ! ! ! l« c lc J iV o n f« d _ IM fi

I'op P rom pt ,■R i c m o v a l

"f t>cn<l BHrt \lMlm1- lV K S T O g K


ID A H O H I D E ]

4 T A L L O W C O ._____________

< 0 A B IT T E I! j ! ; « o c k W .n ie d , , 1 4 M i ,

■ S :............... ............

" E'Kin" g ? S l S A?;.',':'' ” 1,"'

" i t

77.**“ “’n'le":

nai. 't i i J r S . ' i r 'y . r . i V " ' " >"i— ™ i « i j . v i ; : i . . I r t . . . . . . . . „ i J ; :

"tr,-., .4-^*—orrft7^ il„erie ,*rvrr: .“',- »W.i:o» mi tr kTOI------- r Htxi- b .th r m ---------------^Jro^e: 'sbou?;

«• sf^^ L il?iJ3 3 i r.n t{ | IICA V hl^W l'wM htr' Mir-------- «*» w.iher; l9ao Hoipolnl MOU

____ f “ ' ‘>«n eabinrt: double too'Ke d Ll'f't-of-'lrawer*, Po,

w V ^

,. us. ------------------ --------------- --------------- xjTTvF u r n itu rc -^ H o u s c h c Id 1 2 2 ni,*

• ‘2J- 5(7oKCAsiE hn.i l<,.ar<l bunk .nd k" i____ _"l«»rr..e .. in . l?hone 73i.|l»l. ~

milt. 9.K- LI.NOLKUM rw., S|.«lal IS.65. W * kulm, llnnnfr Kiirniiure. ------

r w '-tlllf: UNFINISHED .UdeM .,»k. St>e«l.l » jiJlj Banner Jurnllure. I0» South

S ' i P ‘ *"■■I . . . . . . . .

AlUlSTllONU yu.V.t LlnoUlim. 13! avIileW '*at” »7oo’'* * ij __

I S fS t . O'l'! •!«.’ c‘ llre e . AfTM.’^^2SJ2: • .t«e.^.«d^KinK. in Lynwood Shop- _ J "

»-«H2. ^HMTUKK anTl appliance, lo bur HCC

irtnera MOVIm ;. JlU.<T” siiL.Li MaKhlns (iU —2 i lets. weiher and drr<r. alM eleetrle ranf. UIL

Jm n*^'‘’''3*4 JM« *■•“ ■ “ j1 0 2 DKLUXK I'liam. Tweed VIecoee carpeU. B ,,;

-*V‘‘ -Special,-8-xir.-l2«.»t.-Aleo .»»iraWar r — at .peclal price. In 8'j.IO’ ------Jhone , 2,„j,.

rurnllure, 208 Sho.hone Scnilh.

- ... eellenl condition; '‘i —bedroom*'ict<.

r " ? s ; - % lv ,v v : ; i i .v , ’ j ‘X . ’''.';,v. ™ sryTif- Claude nrown-a.Furnllure.__________ ^J-40IJ .SPOT CASH C _ .

-For_funiU urt^A pplltnt**-T hlni.- lE ? nliWn HANN^~FUnKITUnB aa• toa 5ho.hon« Souih Phone 7»».im \V

l|'ar"» M x>>col I n s t r u m e n t s 1 2 4 ” ‘a.

i - i r : - J i s h___ ^ __________L.■ " S R o d io i— T V S « i ; : ; r - r r l 2 5 ;- CLOSE-OUT! prlc« tlub .d on Xamooe ; ; r ; r ; brand hl*h-tl and aureo. Port- . L ' ,nd •*’’'*1 coniofrt, coniolettei. United p, 7 . jot gl«tronit. wboltiale, <28 8rd Street |o

4 weat ' • F;“• , U 8E P TV SETTS-------- a . low a . t2 t . ^

USED RADIO-PHONO N a . low aa »3»,M

F A C T O R Y R A D I O & T V 71«0 Main South 731-2231 f<

tioni. ------------------------------------------- :-----S w iip i o f q j l K in d s 1 3 1 ^ __

-------- WILI* TUADK^Blc. Mx28' hout. -_ ! £ £ 8hkd?“ j'D».r".f*‘cioi?“’o* icW W nii jeming , town—for l . t . model trailer hou.e_____ about 25'. Muit be elean and in top----—' ahapi. M. «. lllwll Kmberlon. 4«

- im At«bU. -g*n. AVendell, Idaho.

^ G o o d T H in g i t o E n t 1 3 3 ^Call TJIK lIKST 8Ti :AKS In town, pt.pared _£•

_____ • br a epaclaliit at th . Tut/ Club. E?j(1 0 4 “ 7 3 H « ? “ polatotl. Call 0

n i7 r ~ WtlOIJUiALK beet tur eale. Cu.toin AUr COB- ''itlln*. ilnubl. wrapped. North li

4.II _M .in U ck .r .j;h pn . ri3.4V82, _ }|I. 7S3. AI'l'LKS, Jon.thani and Ilsnif* all {I

fraitea, all price.; nome. fry buihil _—iV V or Iruek load. Irrln D^enitab Or> *r>i

i u e ehatd. I North. 1 Weit. nf Weat * ' ' 'r n n r . _________________________ —fl.4017, HtK-lti Hluten bread, marimBalie ami_____ mata.tlne mad. Irom lafllower oH.. hlih iimleln fo<xIi, trnh around i>ea-t nut butlar. flIa.W.II lleillh Koud**• ***• Hlor«, 911 Main Arenu. We.l, 73;*

lls!"®"* M il c o l l a n e o u s F o r S o le 1 4 0luD t>en ____ __ ,,p. C.ll ^ eOOiK u<ed litri.

-----I'hone 7M.aOtO, ___________ XJi n o KlUINIi lawnmoW~er lot lali. AlnirU ■ '* ' new. He. at U1 Madtotia. Twin Kalli.

IHO VKIill'AX collier, Ilka n«w, onlr a

IK ': UuT.!V i-'ai«V-.o b .^ , 'u . ; rtl X- ton Taylof mraet Weel. KlBiherlf,

i l l* iBfl U t r . t « r "t "wn“ 'for‘‘tbe IJ,„ V _luniWr. I'hnnjJiaa.agH.__________-» * MONKV TO MIAN ob an.lUInt nf _

. / . . '■ J i iS l i l l* E -]j° u3B£'ir"‘.r''' T!'

‘•" ''’l ••‘•»ai*»'''ll'''l mlehiV.I lJU.Io,» l* ' H» It'd Avenu. Rnulh,_________ _

^■r. 1104 * fnr* jXtllT'Of * Mtioi^M ’7»M*»»! i

Iiuipple*. CoV.irArHrjII.K l'<irch, aiV ‘fi'ir"trail" ~ ed elu.1 houi.^^^keep. out innw. enld. III. 1

■e. AKIj bdlCU OJL hMter, tO.VVO IITII, I ■ ,,'iV ti" S * * " "** ^ **** ^

l^ e rA N U u m i . t« l i Anal*, bar'; ,, I'hoTi* ehai>tiel th»«t, n..l - a n d pip*- .

" T m i UtlNli-W« bur. ltacle, i! || nt will'lua'ii "J" **' V’e‘llnw“"*Ii, " .n f i t “* ’.ek or Aiit .Coiuure.iur., ionipr«e<ar partr

ra*. .leetrla iltlll., eleeitle inolutt, p»» iiIM III, . rlaBl., I'hnn; 7III.IIM atler^t P.m, 1^ . . . - i'TlUl'lirirrlaalluii and .lumNlle, anr *

lonip- ail. power pu ei, Uulik inilall.tiff".- In.*. KUlUVer K l^rle , U»-m». • , «• »“ • blA il'»i^l> llllog KllH. .Will Lu, t7r 1

~ T m i S s S v ^ A ! ' ;I

a 11. r u n h o o d p a iu c a bNo*/ i i t .n ' I

II L E A T U B Ju n rn o l o t h '||.4» anil tutJ'KIl YAMIl >


nuiltf .1 Haw U M I ,

H . K O P P E L G O .I. t » tud Aiiniia Suulh .

TER U SED a114 Miseellaneoui.For Solo 140 True

' . tot -moatiilBaV Hrult^-.

3 2 0 i m ™ F | S r a r ~ ^ ^

harl iurVaceVl.VrV' S r « V ‘“J.m,.!frrqueBT waxing, Kren el'. Hard. t'.>t

to 'r L m - rW-uU.i„. ‘'I'nj

“ TbV cimeM“ c7nK™''~” ''*■* ■ siiKJt iDAN--iiyii.Di.v<: ^sUn’Lv------- --

S up, on Saturdaj.. t>«n unlU J.Ji);____ n ie r ____________ ^ : s

J’.«?e“ M iscelloneoul Wonted 141«n»tr ? iU K Jiim A 'l'la -« l.k -.h„ ,n^„ ,.. Call -------____ i<3.4»«, or Ho. m lluhl._______ .

w»et Kire Polnte 5wri'i»«' **■ Sl'l.NNI.SU wheel, ur •I'l-inrr foe rra'k~TatB. Phnii. TSvaai-;._______ »i'

tPo*nt liOU' club.. Will buy or. I,.an'mone,. 195: trland B nnd H':-..n. ne.t lo VelluwC.h .''TUitN rour old .un.. ...dl» .nd >;bl. tool. Into "c..h“ at Red-. Tradln* ,..."•r'. Poit. ____ ____ US'illtiliCST pueilblf. pricn paid for dlf-


122 *.“"*• <liamondi. U*'A«1 tra.lclKin?t>erly‘Hoad. Phone 733.6278.

7 «:5j; Miseclloneou* Services 142___ ____________________—------- US

GRAVEL HAULING i«pmIiI Dump truck and loader work- South , LOCAL AND i»5

LONG bISTANCE Hay, Grain, Lumber, Ma-

chlnery and General Hauling MIKE STAFFORD

71S-74M lU-JMS

— Fuel and Wood 143

i S ; : ^Heating Equipment 144

r-73J- 8TOKEl}MATIC-pTrI5r-f5?SnirCall

rang. UIL l<EAT£IIS. all popular m.ket. rrrr Ka.t, IWO up, guaranteed. Banner. Furnh ""*J

i i i S Buildlng-M otorial.------ -146

• Delivered direct from mill n., i*. ei- 31M CARMSf______ ' 7iV:»7HCameras-Photo'Suppiy " 1 5 5 ” }’;

_ _ _ .upply atore. Trr ther. tlr«L ■ . Fotiing.- Sperting Goods 1S9--- — NICUTXnAWLEIIS; Kull count, pack- “ mca ed. watere<! and fed. ISc dui.n. .10 'K21 Weat PoUu Spor»ng Cioiii; —

NIUHT CKAWLKHS! UiK tat iTd Au' 124 aa.iy trout can't re.lit, 2 doien 2le.------- •_Blu._Lake. Sporting (iood.. ClU

PUT A COLTJn »our .table. .22 Bcout, ~

;--------------------- -------------------------- " S, B A I T S ■ t;

------- S nraH SPAWN_______OSo “ sUVE GRUBS ------ 100/11.00 - J

3 NIGHT CRAWLERSBokcr’a Down..........._,15o . -]

:T V 7f w. den't’ har. j-our bail w.'ll U223I f«t il.

•__ 8{ee| Head Tagi8 le«I Head Hoda, lleeli, I irr. ^

- W EST FIV E POINTS ~ ^ I ’ and SPORTING GOODS Cr Ht-Termaon, 414 _ . ..................... ..

" i i i Accessories & Rcpoif 182

T.Mred icp'W Union *"*• 1°'i r ^ l * Onl» |Io\“SrrU n*eedVi’"uVi; h{_______llece Motor Company. ~Cu.tom AUIUMATIO tranimi..lon band and i Norlh linkage ailjuitmini, Inlern.l Inipa;.

lion and cl an oil icre.n, nnir tl.PS=EHi s;; f A X . ' " "{!■„»■; T ,u .k . ' 191

i ' i ' S F A U M E R S S P E C IA L S *'h Kood

*»4 CilKVnOI.CT >,4 lon plcki.p ■>41 CIIRVnOUn' « l.m pickup------- UR DOUHK >i ion pickup' un MOI.INB Itaclot "

40» Hto trlctor, fail JiUch w, onlr |_ioi » JOHN DEKIir. plowi jg

1 ^ D & W S A L E Sfor‘‘tbe nno Klmberlr B«ad |J

. :_______ __l»

« R E C O N D I T I O N E D

G U A R A N T E E D ,. I3U.I0.

U SED JR U C K Swhieli. ,„,*QHn I lan, VI, low mile- ---

— — - ____----- ---------------- WJli*IQII CMKVIIOI.CT, I

• " a x m ir is s t ~ ? 5 G i ' J S ■ * » » - " » » * « ■ th fe •.liTIpi i» t DOnnK, VI, I Inn

- i s r n c K U i ' 8 '■’l‘"p"m', HM nllKVUOMeT, V. loa, VI,

• iDM cHv.vuoi.r.T w. oam;h» . »tbur lo’ iharp, ..................——....... . H ,t»rB.T‘’n.'il i»J7 nilKVHnl.lCT TAMKO, '

” Itti KOnD. VI M Ion, ( luied.KAB ............... ... .................. ’•

' lltl nTIIllRIIAKeR, ti ion, newTH palBl, 100.1 ............................ u nn > • ' . H


■ T R U O k LANB W K8T n:o. ™-“” .

R. I. illixDTeailir RobettK, !>•<

r C A R ? CH EC1 4 0 T ru c k s___________________ ^

.••wn- ,«>Kfcll!l6_!,.iua.pUkuti-..r-wmluadI it» J -- n » p - -« >—. ■ Krengel hiich. Call

*y»^''uTtlutr^i,;» ^^■._»h^,|,_Jlh wheel.- enje tank. l*^in fa ll . ‘ ^ulpm tnt

'j l '^ ji rr*"'* funit!ltre.l.'*''2lJ ^

------- l* i ' iU.Ml,Mliin,K «mi Itallet. ii" ---lUiiiibt l‘'n s «llh („;.i d..«n g'aln •Ide.. Vl»o •,|iti,.n' luMiWr- .irifiC V.rnun llo).-». 131

•" Mrf.-l,_Cwodlnc, »t-46H,ip ;::;: C a r lc s o n 's f o r G .M .C .

= — M c y i r ^!'X T R U C K S

ISJ7 ISTKll.N ATIO.VAI. A.ICO. Ei.ira . . . n i r li,MO mile., .

1 4 1

-------- IJfiO l-IIKVllOI.KT '! lon. 1500ll sun. trrlri. Inw mileage, ready lo«>1«, work; . .. - A - |»J

Mii Wn.C.V, 7 ion wllh V» eriBln.., ‘p^iV,:-*'’' ^ " "

nione,. 1955 INTKHNATIOSAL t

inne t'*.: —»5rCltKVH0CET~~l <on." A s : ----------_____ ______ ptfle:, overh.i.lnl engine. U ___

i i ! ' ' ' '’ ' P IC K U P S ■"^ 4 2 1938 ISTKll.SATIO.'JAL ^ Ion. ^ ----

--------- loss INTKUNATIONAL W too.fG IJJ» CKKVJfOLKT W ton. •'*work ■' WILLYS 1 ton. 4 wfeel drive. '

l»51 INTKR.VATIONAL V, ton.IHI FORD \i ton. with canopy.

I s T R A IL E R S '}I5I 3S’ DOIISEV plattorm Unde'm

aale, ,4B" grain aldu, air -:M9 btaWn—V«»« tire*.---- ^ ' Y7pUp’‘piatrnrm‘l^ tli’ .lr-brake.V.' 1*

1 4 3 and-|00i20 tit.i.

^ T ^ Y ' S r i N C — "T*1 4 4 161 Snd Avenu. Weet

M o b ile H o m e s____________1 9 4

• ''^\\” ile\to ."u^ 'li rrTlnfiiN*e' wJ.““**’ .— W WIDE. 2 bedroom IxI.ur. Hum.- 1 4 6 - l r a 1l.r,-good- •.-n*w,-C.ll-43»-«7M. - j j______ Uupert.______________r 1V32 VALACl:: trailer hou.e. A .tealI, —:eavlng Ih. atale. Phone E43.i080,

nuhl. - _______________________---------- iOH SALK! lluiigrr_trallef,_hou»e. _ .■ " 1 5 5 ” 155»“ rmacl.- 30' loS , leU out lo----L £ £ 16' «'Ide. Low price, good term.. i,loulhern Pbon. 678-4005. Burley. • - - -- • . F o re ig n -S p o r ts C a r s 1 9 8

— r<or-*lJJtM -el«7rkJr ill!It. pack- motorcrcin. .423.&9V6, Kimberly. 733- : dui.n. 4010._____________

A u to m o b ile s F o r S o le 2 0 0 ^

NOTICE TO DKALKltSi Thi. nlee. . -aharp-1V» .Kord VK-2-door r.nch /-

« wagon with Cnili^M lc. power aleep.. . . .i7ate!-w. d“ 't“want I'l-im^whSIlL

, . r . fo r'1160. J ..A . Martin Agency, lection jo7_ j.,u |^ JJ,!,,,, pbon. 418-

--Oflo S P A E T H I N J E R O M EI/II.00 OLDS ■ LA BK - OMO

YOUREE'S VOLKSWAGEN ..._:15o . -Phone 733-2054 o r 733-0811 '

■ W E H A V E ' g

U SED V O L K SW A G E N S IT S - 1958

■ 1069^

. - - .. 2 — 1960 "

__ All In excellent condition and__ ___ local one ow ner car#. Radtbs,

u i ’"uVi; heaters, w hite wftU tires, -

S E E 'T H E M T O D A Y I

i p Y O U R E E ■

M O T O R C O .Your local authorlied vdlk.wagen 5

4 L S n , . , „


M c R I L L 'S A U T O C O . 5

ItlS ClIKVIIOr.KT t door Del'Alt,sa t 'r -..... . '■' .

IDS2 CAQII.LAO i door, very clean ^ W l n i l C'HEVHOLCT 1 door Vh ela­

tion wagim wllh overdilve, ^TUUOICB

II I l l l <■"> V*ItIV HTUDK., inn, ovenirlve,

- lU i CHKVnOLCT n ton w U h

^ E D ■ Drive O ur Cars Bflforo You Duyl


J 210 4th Aveiiu. Weet 7t>*4«ll {]

j i S j _________ B L A I R 'S . _____

Z:H: U S E D C A R S

•••,' . r ' a ; ' . . , .

■ » « '■ei>eeil >'■'? bealer, whll. eM).^M>i •“ **"

•I'O IIAMIII.KII ( pa..enger ...........I eyilnder eng'n. wllh iiver-

. ’»» MKllCWrtV hardtop .OUM, «>]•. It,m l owner. Hadlo, healer|^auloiiialie

S S i : : i s 5 ! i ; K S ,

.....MUI 'i l llUIUK U Halta 4 ili>ur,'Auli>.mill. ltan.<.ilMl.>M, tadlo, heU-

.".' "•

, H*tital nior* /In. e.ra lo iho^a, V from. .

0 .. B L A I R ’S ^>T O LD SM O B ILE DESa L E H

117 fr»l Attnua Dbuih 7»i*40l«1K,

' ’ t

-fECK T H E A l' 1 9 1 A u to m o b ile s F o r S o le ~ 2 0 0 A ut.U-uad. a«lan^ * - — ;UI1 CAUt

^ FOR T H E BEST_____ __heel.- c ..d e.ra lo o-a . , 4.»l^ e n t W IRTHLIN'S IN JEROME

•• L E E PO N T IA C;_____ l-H T R U C K S -I n JEHOMK- - ......

■:------------- ----------------------- —

S P A E T H -.C. -

----------o u V i M u c i : ‘ " ''V is s s .

rnlle^ . r u i^ k ISVIi'l A j'.l.^.r h.r.U

— '

d u R P R IC K " ‘s S

|»i» lHJ).SMOnil.e K. 4 .l.vr •• nsln., «a,Si,.. >„-,ii,r.

au"'''l'>n.4j . o u r ’ p r i c e ^ * '" ’’$'545 » :

- n . _______s p a e t h ' ' ,

n ^ ^ ^ ^ M O T O R - ' C O T ^ -'^^

Jerome. I.Utio ' I'b.uir n:i.|.v:I

R IC E C H EV R O L E T••itigfc. V aiw . Tfa.lilic Dralcr"

drive. ”m il OI.D.SMOIIII.K V-;j. 4 door, on. 'adlo, healer, h y d r a m a t le

tranimlHion, new tire«. Low nopy. Oniy*“*' ^ "** rV#i

IMO CIIKVnOLKT 4 <luoi Imp.ta.Kailin, he.ter, power ateerlng,

andem Power brake»..poweritUde. Tur-I, air quol.e and whil.. Cood n.U

btt. C5ean ..................... y m i „brake.’. ' ' 1*'® »‘»irlan. 1 diwr. Raillo, healer.’ overdrive, * cjrllndrr,

A teal economy cat -.... IlSQSf ! " ------- T»SrMEnCUnY-M£>nierey-t- doot---------

Jl.rdlop. Hadlo, healer, Mem.- malic. while eld. w.llt. in llratilltul blue and while tu. 'tone, lltal Iharp ............I>95

l» tt KORD CuUom J doot. Healer,----6 cylinder, ovefJHve. new

1 9 4 •palm. See ihl. on. ..:.......tWrr hou.e. 1031 PONTIAC Star Chlet 4 dour,ewe. • * h.rdlup. Hadlo. healer, ll/dra-r« Iiu^, . malic, neat clean. - ....... 169543&-07M. - J J J J rLYHOUTII“ Sav5r"4“ dwr:---------_______ Kadlo, beal.r, 6 cylinder,A .teal alandard tranimli.lon. A on.' Ifi

I43.i0li0, owner car. Iteal ihatp ...|I91

t Z ^ --------G O M M E R G IA L S --------- -d term.. ig |i j oRD H lon. 4-ipeed. be.ler,

.......................hltrh. n..-l nihher. and .inlv

I J H "■"■:._J._--Bp»eJ?..-*h"ati^"-'hll«h!*-Ueai--------

......... .................... .. - - f

" ~ 2 0 0 H IC E C H E V R O L E T , I n c . j> Quality . Jerom. I24-481S Id.ho.■Iljj____ “ WSVday. 8 a.m. lo 7 p.m. ,

: t : s ; G L E N G . J E N K I N S

C H E V R O L E 'T

C O L D W E A T H E R ..

™ o S p e c i a l s ,

’ C h e c k T h e s e C a r a ’-0811 '----------- B e f o r e Y o u B u y l _

6 1 C O M E T $ 1 8 9 5J E N S ■■ a-door sedan ,'B ig m otor,

:----------------HntoniBtlB— criinaiiitSBlon;rndlo, deluxe In te r io r .- ' Bharp a e B rand New,

6 0 C H E V .„ ,1 ? 1 7 9 5 _ ,B elA lr 3 - door s p o r t

in and ' c o u p e , VB. aulom atlc transm lM lon, white walls,

lodlbs, neducedi

" , 6 0 C H E V $ 1 7 9 5 ,A l l DelAlr 4»door sedan. Big

250 VB m otor, 4-Bpecd floor ah lft . 'V ery clean

•and meohanlcally p c r- • ) feet.

. 1 . . . . '5 7 T - B I R D $ 1 9 9 5 ,nnrdtop', Pord-O -M atle t r a n a m l B s l o n power

----------- ateerlng. H urry on th i s , .

C O . 5 7 C H E V .$1095• atO’, <-door sedan. VB

i.l'A it, m otor. J u s t overhauled , ). A-l w ith '/ u l l w a r r a n t y

PowcrgHdo iranBmlsjlon,

6 0 V O L K S $ 1 2 9 5• a -d o o r a e ila n .. 'Whole- ’

sale prlco now ll •nlrlv*. ,

- r -L 'i . - 6 6 - P L Y M ........ - $ 4 9 5 - - -3 -d o o r ita l lo n wagon, 8-oyllnder s t a n d a r d ’ tranam lsjlon .. R u n t Iltce a top.

LERI ..- . .I . 5 5 O L D S $ 2 9 5_______ . 68, 4-door sedan . H ydra-

m a t l o tronamlMUm, power BteerhiB. Uiiiis ren] nice, Dotow whole-

— f ---------------- sala_flrlcfi._______________

S ’ ~C O M M iS R C I A L S

S 6 8 I N T E R N $ 9 9 5 ‘I ra k ... ',i»ton, ’ JopB whedbUM,<1* •!<<;..................pickup, O-oyllnder mo- • ‘............................. tor, 4-»peed tm n im ls- .......... ...................slon. Very clean,

V i ; 5 0 P O R D $ 6 9 53 - to n , long wheelbnie tniok, 8-oyllnder motor,

.M, On. 2 -sp eed axle, ,BJ6 x 20IV grain box,

4 5 f o r d $ 2 9 5 •'a * ^ n truok, VS motor,

Ii hlL'r a*»peod axlo, Has powerIhli on., iakeorr. J u s t the thing

(or a l)ower box,> ihoM*

G L E N G . J E N K I N S

A L E R C H E V R O L E T7IM 0I* o ioied Sundays, OMAO Terms

I A U T O S FO I2 0 0 A u to m o b il e s F or S a le 2 0 0 A u t

p S i i l^UtLLAC. ~»tl.^aeaan-W VUl^^^l|iiniji,-T3 r7?» r ^xni

1I3U STUDEUAKKK exupe, origin.I ' '**----------nuipmMr-nTrTnH7ThT.hrF3i:::35ti: z : ^K l ltd Avenue We.l.. Wen.lell. Ullt)'

>MK - - ........'raV N t^^V jE lS E N 'S

, . W I L L S . “ I

— W T O T E R - T J S E D 'C J O T ----------

I r ------------ c l e s r x n c e ' ^ ~

(l Iu si KORO CALAXIK, VI, S d.vt cu

r s ^

I960 RAMHLKU Cu.l.m. 4 .loot .|„,V . . . -dan Radiu. heaict and uv.'f lO;

"'SSiw .n . i ,g;’ « 1 ' • ■ . • - ■ ■ C<1$1545 »59 RAMHLtR «. 4 door .lallon br

r , & ','±■ .1.'::.;;" ■"*: ,ONLY *1495 JJ

♦ 111-------------- |»3»-nAMtlT.Kn-«rl'd,Tr.r-|edih-:------- blnmrtW. h r« r, and n a .W .tle

_____________ tianimuiiuuJilcal—Shaiu,____ ___ONLY 51395

l.l.vjl ' ll'______ l!i;» KOIID VH (-.Itlan. 400, 4 doot

Kr*j"b.jt.lfc, Specl’al" *” Jp 5T AT.S11U5 Bl

lu]>ta 1tAUULT.n I , '4 dMt eullomIlallon wauon; Radio, heai.r ^

d»«f. and ovetJtlv.. Real lUean. 0\ONLV $12B5 in

UST PONTIAC 4 door .ed.n. Ra. ll ■nptU. dio, beatet and llrdtamaile.•erlng, ONLY $805 «. Tut- - ft, I Tlll~.V im ijsg MKlICUnV 4 door-bardtop. - yllni'ler A’ teiil clean *car an" »” teal

________ ONI.V ITOM er^.^ 'w.lU. ,555 cilKVROLtT JIO. 4 door .h T

Icaler, ' ONLY $735... ItiSi, , 1II5» MimCURY 4 door atatian

wagon. Ile.irr and tierco.K” l• - ‘“ I__________________________A l l i e s _____

"'"ona \ m KORD .. dont Cutlom line... . t in VI. radio, beater, yordomatlc

. A T $750 -

K ,,(„ I»1 CIIKVHOLKT I . paiienacr d; coupe. Ppecial....I10»t_______ _________________ -AT-4165- —

" i S = C O M M E R C I A L S :— .7 —|»60 CliKVltOU’:T H ton, 4-.peed

• pickup. A .Ual a t ------lUH•.' 1959 FORD loB. At -----«I4H ‘


----------- A T OUTSTANDING BUYS —

:INSj i j . W I L I ^ ’ ^

L ■' U S E D b A R D E ^ . '

Zd>.ll L. Will. nor Howard , 7IH H 2 TIJ-UH , *

r s Twin FalU

I'I- ■ '

1 8 9 5 . •■

- u n i o n - m o t o e s t -New,

Y O U R ‘ 1L 7 9 5 - ..............- ___________ .

r« 'ic ‘ f o r d D E A L E R .I walls.

_ U S E D C A R S

L b S '5 0 P O N T I A C ?6D 5

■ S . : ; ; r . t e . ' : f n . , >

pe r- «C9 F O R D ? 1 6 0 5Kordir^w^Mun. V*, atulio-

'6 0 D A R T ? 1 6 0 S 'power Tu.lor,.VI, aulomallc. Radio,

I th i s , .'CO F O R D ? 2 1 9 5

LUi7{) Kotdor wagon. VI. crulio-n, VB raallc, pow.r ale.rlnf. .

“ ', 'J '6 7 M E R C U R Y f l 0 0 6ilSJlon, *i«on, r.ain, Ktr(fr

malle, power ateiring, I

j n Q e , '5 7 P L Y M O U T H ? 7 9 6rimtor. < eylin.Ur; radio,

Vhole- Mater, aulomatii IraninlK

M f l f t . ■ '8 3 F O K D . . , . . . . I .M E , Jp iP L T Tudof VUlatU. V*, fKMdflv*.

” ! d ’ST B U I C K $ 1 0 0 6K rordor Full pu»ir, ’

R295 R A M B L E R $ 1 0 9 5

U a - , '

w l S - C O M M E R C IA L S '

----------------'G l 'F O R D ----------------? 2 1 9 5 "

. L S ■ K ; : v » ; * : i u i r d ? " -

1 -9 9 5 '6 0 G M C . $ft46ftlbuso, 'r mo- '6 9 . E L C A M IN O ? 1 5 9 5n im is- Ovirdil*., low (nll*agi.

„ „ Q - '6 4 G M C j j D O e 'J lO y i) Shp. ^ Mla, l-«p«.d llrownkBolbnie >>*<4 M ,molor,M X 20 o iie O ar You Ouy Will Oe In box,

—Serviced and W in te r ise d - .$ 2 9 5 'm otor, . P H O N E 7 8 . i l 0 1 0 power

: thing- 1 6 0 3 r d A v o n u o E b n t

SalMmin’a Altw Houra I'hona '

c i N S 'DMh aili;n«al>r .

S T K»» « * N « , UxM04.11 Warr IIM III

T erm s '

— ^ — r — —

F O R SA LE, T(2 0 0 A u to m o b ile s For S a le 2 0 0 i

euim rrr;f,-iM v._ Ari.,ci.i.diti.>n. iik.

‘!SA"i:k’ im ■

l.U. UHDW.MM; AUK) Ctlill'.X.SV lluiek Cl)R\ dealer f.'t 3U II.iv. m lor a e.ll

1___ tlNK HS.I Jr.,. ,uii,in “~.«.in'. Kln.|.erb nfirr • A«,

^ ^ H E I S E N - ' S --------^F I N E C A R S

I'riend." LINCOLN Pri-mlfr 4- y.door, bPHiitlful luitiiip Bcmilne l3

8 d.vt cult .sklH’ ln tcrlor, Of courfse, it-n«*w-------1!, m il llumT.' - All' HiW-ulii----------*- * acm .torlcs. Exlreitioly nlcp.

..................... $1095

ov.'t. 1059 MERCURY- Moiilcrey. tn o ^ Slinni red mid white tm ane

'liilvrlor. Looks new. F.iUy is: equipped - poft cr * t e c r I u R,

.lallon bnikc.i. etc. O ne'local owner.■ Clean ..................................S1895 n:

1055 IXDRD Vlctorln. A Ciile '. llltle car done in viOloW and______:

-ledin, -h la c k . New. tallor-iimdc frfat - • ..matlc ^OVCTS. Eqiilpnu-ut-ovcrdrlvc, »51395 “ T nn to rhpn iP iT w h iroK icw n ii---------

tires, Si'c und ndmtrc K. Only if

.....‘........;.................. - ‘■™ „■ ‘ "J 190U COMET 4 (loor sctlnn..$11U5 Bcnuliful Suhnii white with

deluxe Inlerlor. JiwcomalJc, n heater, tinted gln.-sa. Only 5>-

'hea"." nctual mllc.i. One local -----ran. owner. New car gunriinipi' .ttlll

$12B5 in eHect...............................$2105

1061 CHEVROLET Corvnlr .mauV WUR011. F u l l y{ $805 equipped. . Powerelldc, ■ nidto f

a n d . Denier. All over- white w ith red deluxe Interior. See

?mau?: ■ ......$ « b5 •

* ” *! H n v e A •L H l ______ L A R G E _ E A I H I L i? _______aof THEN SEE AND TRV THIS- H a n d - . ____________ ONEI_______ '/ »7ai • 1W4 CADILLAC 0 fr

passenger llm ouilne. ^Je t blnck w ith cx-

aiation ccHent White side««rco. J[j,pgi Luggage

’ $78S________ rack. Tltjs__ luxury_________?car hns 'power ite e r-

,, ing, brakes, scats and"omati windows — paddcd ■T $750 - dash, electronic eye. _ ___

tloner. tin ted glass .. . and Xor Uio safely ol

T -H 6 5 - — — the-en tlrc-fam lly -rr:-------------°seat bells both front pc

c ___________ »and-rear..O nly_________ . —°' i i W ------------ 51095 -,

l i - . T H E I S E N ’S M o t o r s , I n c .

? 2 !----------- LINCOLN— MBKCUIl*__ COMBT--------FCKS TOI Uain Am . £. rbon.ltt-TiDO BUYS ------------------------------------------- r— J,

B U Y — S E L L * ■’

p t ; o r T R A D E

W E ’R E H E R E T O d e a l

, iii7'cimy8i,K!i n.. 'V oik... .■ s;.:f.K:NV'=S 'pow.r Ileering and brakn,

power window.. Ue.utltal lu- ■ ton. grey, .«eellen» Ute«.. A*

•real bu/ a t ------ '____.:-MI«.

lis t DODOB Comnet tSwr. Tower^ R S 7 ^ K ; ^ « ‘r w % ^ s r “ i r - r

owBit. lUtra Iharp _-.|17ti4 I

IttO DODCr: SeBeca fordor alallon ,, waioB. VI, Ilandard ihlll. ' hwter, l lm Ilk. nnv. Iteally- -

-E R . : :iv. *•«'!"■“ * '■»•I

1117 WERCUny ( door. i.|«n. grMn. Good lltu , n4w molor

' wllb 1,000 mile*. Verr ilean. ' li0 »'» ------------ --?6D 5 i

radio, 1911 rl.VMOUTIl lor- li g, dor. V*, .Un.lard ahld with '

Bverdtlve. tadio, heatir, Lo-f l 6 9 5 Mjlr OWB.d. Itully • B.C.atulio. ~ 'l

1161 ro n n Kalrl.B. fotd..t. VI, S 1 6 0 5 ila>idar.l Iranimltiion a n d i

ovirdtiva. Kidin, he.lir, alt . Radio, conditioning, nlc. clian eat.

____ , .........................- IHII

? 2 1 9 5 jotT CIIKVHOLKT IlelAIr fotdot. •(tuli». VI, powitglld. tranimlulon,

r. . r.dio, hHi.r, luloni paint, t¥ 1 0 0 5 t“Vniy

, M er^ IHI DKHOTO 1 door hudlop. Pow ' • ' ‘.n'l brake., Aulo.

$ 7 9 6 malle, Y.rr e lian ............ »V#

C O M M E R C IA L S ,

«1/1K lllOKOni) I ion, VI, 4-ip.«l '

$ 1 0 0 5

ber, Keally a guud lolld pick-H O M r — ■........— ..... " "

tutona Btlnt. Uood tublne.On. local own.r, .......... Iievi

1 2 1 0 8 - - I _ _ palnl, n.w lit.i, g.m.1 rubber,

' i l " '$ft46

$ 1 5 9 5 H « > i r _ - i m .

>'• IIIT rOIID ^ Ion, U nt ohMl-


l i l t P0D08 pow.r waiaa, 4-nhHlIlll n . a

nt work left l> Iki. ena. Ande r ls c d - . on lr-------------------------

t e r m s FO R ieVUlYONB . OOME IN AND LBT D6


b o b r e e s e m o t o r C O .

l4M tH . Md nioali tad Av.nua Baulk IIM III K»np M.Mn - Hud Bmllh


' ' 1

e; T O D A Y !J a n . 3 1 -F o b . 1 , 1 9 6 2

, ' . ! i ' . T m n F n l U - I l m . i - N . w t - a ^ ^ l ^

A u lo m o t l l o . . f o r - S a l» — 2 0 0 - , ------:IV lluiek conyvm , r>OI .lallou waitoji. E*^In lor a e.lle.ii r.indlllun. A.iume pa/nieBt*..__ >i't .|.|>,linmenl. I'non. 7M M14..I.I...II H7,rs.M.K .......... C .J III...; 'im , .

(wne J*J. Heei»..,sl i .lo.,, e id l .n t rondlllOB.______! d.y. ;31.40U «>«ning..

1______ ■ • "iJiiKt) CAlia . N

^ . |

i'mim B L A I R ’S f o r O ld sur.'ie, i t ____________________ __________________^rncoiii---------------------------------------------------

UlCP - M.M.IC V.M.I.EV'S $1095 T;iM-INr, I.KAL'R

micrcy. - R IC K 'S I N .J E R O M E -

F.iUy is:« iiiiifK tivefi.i I r rlU R , '•Ic-.n A-I condlliea.. Howner. — r-............. -............... 1»‘»„„S1895 n ss OU'dMOIlILl; l l , « door

. .c l.n . A on. owner-----|S il

% mid ThilS” ________le frcat - . - — ............. 1erdrlvc, »’HST|AC », t door .edaa. I:ic'w nll-------------ttc if in .c jit---------------- I31D-------------l. Only IB35 llttICK .Sprcial 4 d.«r le.l.n, ' 1.... S-'i95 A.l-n..u!ll.„n ------ ---- t l »

.« l,.« . ‘ I. f wltli .....

i T t B R O W N IN G A U T O C O .s l o c a l ___________________________■ ■ .)let' .ttlll *

■ C A R L E S O N 'SCorvnlr , ■ ,

C O S T c u t t e r sOt, See .1

...C H O I C E $ 7 9 5

Y ?— 5 7 - F O R D n ^ V A G O N --------------

• i ‘i l8 c-Ic.n, Sl.ndatd Tran.mi.ilon

J ’5 7 P L Y M O U T H S E D A NV*. Ealra Shatp

,ldC ----------

; ; ; '6 6 m e r c u r y 559 6eV--------------------Slallon'W.gSS7DflvTltlind *

i t C H O I C E $ 1 9 5

'6 4 . m e r c u r y 2 d o o r ■

L ! i— _ - '6 3 - F O B D - V 8 - W a i ! o n —

__:ra J B R D ^ y s _2_door___________

'6 2 B U I C K ? 0 5o sp««||,i Coupe, Stick '

----- €A-RLES'QN'S_ - rO N T IA O -^O A W I-L A O .^M a ;- '- . -,

" io i MalB.Eaat ' « I -U »

) E ^

W I R T H L I N ’S . •' -

:1 i s . A - l‘K , : v

U S E D C A R S)r. Tower

~ , “ , ! T '6 0 C H E V R O L E T J 1 4 8 -. 4 door. Ilandatd ttaauaUale* i

y ' j m . '6 1 P O N T I A C 1 1 4 0rk .d '5 !: ■ —__ I ll l l

'6 2 B U I C K $ 1 4 9 ., i.|«n . Bupir « dost (Var7 S«od)

" ’ S "ES F O R D * 1 4 0Il.fdtop l.d.N>r (VI)

ifil '6 3 R A M B L E R f 2 4 0 - .....ilir, Lo- 4 doot, sv«lrvla

,5 ., q l d S $ 8 4 9 4 .loot (good eondlllon)

£ ’r,'".ii '6 5 r O N T I A O ? 4 8 9lean eat. 4 dour alallon wagon...... IHII

'5 0 D O D G E $52 9r (otdor. • 4 doot (Viry etcan)

i r . ' S '6 0 M E R C U R Y , |6 2 0.......111)11 4 door, lop condition

iiop.Po'w. '5 5 C H E V R O L E T $ 6 4 9iti. AuKk 1 dnor, Vt, Powdrillda

'5 7 C H E V R O L E T .$ 0 4 9L S . 4 door ilatloB. waion

5 3 f l f r ■ ^

'5 7 C H E V R O L E T $1)00. fl« 4 doot. VI, oritdtlra ,

" ' “ . 'I m ’0 0 R A M B L E R t l 2 0 6I doot, etitdrUa

f i ' t t ’0 0 F A L C O N t l 6 S 5* <<'«'• <rlm. r«rd.O- ...... . Malli. (Ilial Iharp)

a,,rj«kup, j j i L E O R D __________---------------------InTtMbwrr JJ*!',';- ,< <l«r. VI rard-O-beat Ihl. ■ " " '6 0 C H E V 11 6 0 6

__. 1. .., '0 0 T - B I R D J2 0 0 S

.“H . 3 I™ " '" '" " "C O M M E R C IA L S ■

I J S " ," * '4 0 C H E V R O L E T » ) 0 »

I ' i ' i B— ■ . " I '4 0 F O R D »82S

t v o r a .............. “ . ' • I - ' .. ,u ^ r n , , >'67 W IL L Y S |1 0 0 »>n YOUI V 4 akMl dtlvt aUllaa «a«.«

i g E , ■'-J IR d M B ’

] ! 0 . V ^^ b o a . IIM H Illoma I'huna TIS-tltl.

I BaulkBmllh ’ It* Urooki, Msaaiw ' ' ' '

T ~1

Page 27: Marketi] f Asks i At Burtirley Meet anncreS




- J^R E^R IG E

I Sav(


1 only. 30 inch siie . Ust

^KENMORE ELEC1 only. Floor rnocJel. 36

_ KENMORE. ELEC1 only. 30 inch size. Dei

KENMORE ELEC__ _ 1 only. Deluxe 36 inch

COM BINATION1 only. Deluxe model. L

KENMORE B U ll’* 1 only. Surface unit. Hc

KENMORE BUU1 only. Chrome finish. I

KENMORE OIL2 only 74,000 B.T.U. D

KENMORE OIL• 2only.Tw inpot.w lthbl

KENMORE GAS2only. Big 55,000 B.T.l

— - ^ K E N M O R ^ IL -1 only. Electric ignUion,



_1 only. Floor model. 10

COLDSPOT UPI2 only. Discontinued n-

X O L D SP m :U P -l<4onty. Disc'd, mod. IS

COLDSPOT UPI1 only. ]7 cu. ft. floor

COLDSPOT UPI*3 only. 17 cu. ft. deluh

COLDSPOT UPI1 only. 17 cu. ft. Used

“COLDSPOT UPI2 only. 21 c u .f t. Discc

COLDSPOT UPI1 only. 16cu. ft. Com|

COLDSPOT CH1 only. 13 cu. ft. Discc

C O LPSPO TCH2 only, 15 cu. ft,'Discc

COLDSPOT GH1 only. 17curfL Disci

, S h o p a t S c• ■ . ' " iK M i

' '


l^ 1 ) iS P L A Y J


ave $20 to !' y t

E ELECTRIC RANGE o ,1 s ize. U sed, b u t good condition ^

E ELECTRIC RANGE o ilodel. 3 6 inch size

E-ELECTRIC RANGET s ize. D em onstra to r

E ELECTRIC RANGE ojs 3 6 in ch s ize . Floor m odel

^TION RANGE-OVEN ^( m odel. U sed , good c o n d itio jj^

E BU ILT-iN RANGE - te u n i t . t-loor m odel, new ^

E BUILT-IN OVEN -itle fin ish . F loor m odel, new ' '

E OIL HEATER jB.T.U. D isc 'd , m odel, new ‘

E OIL HEATER iro t.w lth b low er included .

E G A S HEATER v,000 B.T.U. size . Brond-new

M IL -H E A T ^ R — T—c ign ition , 6 3 ,0 0 0 B.T.U., new * '

^^OTFRI5ave $20 to


»T UPRIGHT FREEZER nm odel. 10 cu. f t. porcelain liner

►T UPRIGHT FREEZER oitln u e d m odel. 12 cu. ft. ^

>r:;UP-RIGHt-F.REEZER— nJ. m od. 15 cu ..f t. foclory close-out ^

)T UPRIGHT FREEZER ,. f t. floo r m odel ^

)T UPRIGHT FREEZER ,. ft. d e lu x e m od. d is c 'd . '61 mod. ^

yr UPRIGHT FREEZER nI. f t. U sed, ex ce llen t condition ‘ ^

3T U P R IG H T -F R E E Z E R -nI. f t. D iscontinued 1961 model

DT UPRIGHT FREEZER nI. ft. C om pletely frostloss , #

DT CHEST FREEZER o». ft. D iscontinued floor m odel ^

OT CHEST FREEZERI. f t,'D iscon tinued floor m odel ^

OT,CHEST FREEZERjPfr, D iscontinued floor model *


It S e a r s a n d S a ’




to-$183 IW A S N O W I

----- ---- !______ ___________ UA

L 249.95~l48y88'|— 219:95^88.88-|‘ - 269.95 2-28;88 j ‘ 289:95 248.881

— 5?l95,—48 .88-|■109.95 ' 8 8 . 8 8 1

89.95 6 6 . 8 8 ’ I

139.95 108.88 I

, 139.95 '108.88 I— T39:95-^n8:88-|

FREEZERS ito $41

W AS ■ -N O W

219.95 188.88 I249.95 218.88 j

^r259:95-238T88-^269.95 238.88 '

279.95 258.88279.95 238.88 ■’ 349:95 328;88 -

' , 359.95.318.88 • 229.95,199.88 r 249 95 218.88

' 269.95 238.88




3N! 1-aud 2-0F-.

i a i S 2 3 k e S 2 S l i l S i S s l 5 S

|g - i — SAVE^$20-

B8 t -REFRIGERATORi-10 tu .-ft1 only, floor model. Small deni

a o i-R E W IG E R A T O R , 12 cu. ftD O i 1 only. 1963-Floor model.

I REFRIGERATOR, 12 cu. ftD Q < tj. 1 only. Preereron-top.

f e [ REFRIGERATOR, 14 «u^.j— 2 —l.only—Used. Freezer on top.,

38 REFRIGERATOR, 14 cu. ft", 3 only. Freeier on top. Dlscon

• tinued model.

3 0-J;;^R E F R IG E R A T O R r-12-«u-ft% 1 only. Small dent. Auto, defrosi

B Q % REFRIGERATOR, 12 cu. flD O I* 3 only. Dl£c'd model. Auto, de

B O ' REFRIGERATOR, 14 cu. flD O 3 enly. DlM'd model. ProsUej

■i* deluxe,

B Q ■ « REFRIGERATOR, 16 cu., fl D O i ^ Dlae'd. model. Spaei

J I? maater.

D O [ ' REFRIGERATOR, 14 cu. fiS B 3 only.' Disc'd model. Space

J, inaiter.

Froatleu reeur oa bot

t . ? 'se w in g m VACUUM •€

; FLOOR P(r > SAVE $58 8 ' t

’i\ Kenmore Vacuum CleoneiQ Q 1 only. Wllh altcli. Floor mod(

Kenmore Vocuum Cleanei1 Aniy. Kloor inodM. Wllh atlc

^ Kenmore'[UprlglirVdGiJuni'• 1 only. Floor model.

A M N Kenmore Vacuum CleonciO o ^ I^clory cloieout. Delui

motlol. ,

A Q Kenmore Power MopO O ^ model.

Kenmoro Floor PoiiiherQ Q J, ^ ‘’“'y- I'lwir model. Like new.

Kenmore Floor Poliihora only, DiKOiUlnueil mmlel.

8 8 ' KenmoN flo o r Poliiher..:> < only, Pnotory clcucuut, Deliii

14-ln, model.

8 8 " Kenmore Sewing Mochine1 only, Blmlglit itKoli. Klo.

•' model.

8 8 Kenmore Sewing Machine' a only. DlKqntlmioit model,

O O Kenmore Sewing MachineO O 1 only, noor model dpMioiihirtiii

Kenmore Sowing MochineO O \"' ^ Aiilniiiatlc ElK.r.A|| dni

, O 0 ' onitrnior. i

___ P- -K enm ore Sewing' Mochine-... .. 1 only. Detiixe muomniio iig-ri


' \ " O O JiiB t siiy "Chn:

/ / x l V i j Kcvolving C


OF_A~KmD!-^BE1 ■

^$20^TO^$.73_______ __


:“ -189:95^168.88-f 209^95^ 88 .88-|-

l” '“ '"J49.95JlliM z|i. i / l^ - 2 9 9 .9 5 ,2 ? 8 .8 8 |-

299.95 iM8.88 'r

iJ tS ^ § 1 9 :9 ^ 6 8 :8 8 - |-

3 1 9 . 9 5 2 8 8 ; 8 8 ^ | ^

429.95 368.88 |

399.95-358.88 |

489.95 448.88 |




29.95; 24.88 f.|69.95 58.88 H

3 0 r | l '

1 1 9 . 9 5 7 9 , 8 8 1

,- 39.95 27.88 ' rti':... 29.95' 24.88 r .f ,: 44.95 38.88 '

..89.95....S8.88 '

39.00 34.88 '.

1 1 1 . 0 0 8 8 . 8 8 -

169.00 . 99,88 ■ 'B Mochine

189.00 138.88J ■ M o c h i n e ' '

259.00 168.88 j'

iiy ‘‘ChnrRo I t" on Scnrs ^ 0 3 , <

olvlng Clmrifo A ccount F

i x p r i

j U i r : ^

^ , S ( 3




I Save!-------- -K EN M O RE W RIN SE

u, 1 only. Brond new. Floor modi

! KENMORE ELECTR!•8 8 ~ .} only. New. Floor model’ lU

, 8 3 _ | -K EN M O R E-A U TO .^1 only. Brond-new. Floor mod

M z i l .K E N M O R E A U I C O88 1 only. Floor demonstrator, H

i m o r e a u t o T vg g ' 1 only. New floor model. Full

. . ; KENMORE d e l u x e^ 8 4 o n ly .'6 l m ^el.^t-allyouto.

.g i KENMORE AUTO . V.OO' 1 only. Used, but good cond. I

C Com bination WASHiOO ::: 1 only. Used slightly. Excellei

- 0 ( KENMORE WRINGIpT 1 only. Used si igTTtfy. Deluxe

- 0 e; KENMORE AUTO . \.B o jf-: lony. New 19M model. Scro

-in r i^ E N M O R E -E L ^ G T R I1 only. 220 volt. 1962 itiidel,

I P h o n o s


' 4 only. BaMery operated port

j SILVERTONE STERI, 8 8 i ° ^ ' y - C o r n e

SILVERTONE'CONS, I J only, W llh A M -FM rodio. E

00 i SILVERTONE CONJ* ; 1 only. 2 1 In, mohogohy, Usi

.8 8 I SILVERTONE PORT- , only. 17 inch, Used, good c

. SILVERTONE CONS, 8 8 1 only. 21 Inch. Blonde, Usee

SILVERTONE PORT, 8 8 ^ 1 only. 1 9 in chN ^ilh siond ;S i

jr. SILVERTONE CONS, 8 8 ■ 2 only, 23 irich m aple finish.

p o ' SILVERTONE CONS•O® 1 only. 23 inch mohogonywi

,8 8 ' SILVERTONE PORT' 1 only. 19 Inch. Floor model,

.8 8 i SILV^ERTONE^^CON!- 1 only.23inch .w alnutw lth .

. 8 8 f -'• ■■■I, ■

, 403 MAIN AVt. WESTfH O N r733.0B 21 j,FREE PARkiNO «l30




............. ............................. *,••/>,«

ve $20 to $1W A S

/R IN S E R _ W A S H E R _ -g g -g i;Floor model

LECTRIC DRYER o trSoSei;]] 0 TOlt^^

U T0.-W A SH ER— — ozq-qcFloor model, 2 4 Inch siz«

, U m j ^ E R _ o io Q tn stra to r. Has suds sav e r .

L toT w a T h e r " ^nodel. Full size, d isc 'd , ' ^ 1 7 . 7 .

i E L U X e W ^ E R 9 7 0 q iFulIyoutoTBrond-new

.UTO. W ASHER oao 0 'odd cond. H urry on th is 0 0 7 . 7 ,

W A SH ER-bRY ER o e n n ily, Excellen tconditlon " 0 J 7 . 7 , .

VRINGER W A S H E lt iv n ’o*fy. D eluxe model I 0 7 . y .

.U T O .W A S H E R ' 1 70 nc(lodel.Scratched „

L ^C T R I^D R Y E R- 1 T -Qt?62m od’el. S cra tch ed .................... '

mos-Radios-ive $20 to $'

. W A S

E RA DIO -PHO N O io oisro ted po rto b ie - --------

I STEREO PH O N O n n nit‘in . Corner dented 0 7 . 7 .

i-CONSOLE STEREO 0 9 0 oi'M rodio. Blonde, floor m od. ; . t Z 7 . 7 .

E CONSOLE TV , 4 0 0ogohy, Used, oood condition I * * ? . ' ,

E PORTABLE TV i n n o5cd, good eondillon 10 7 , 7

E CONSOLE TV i g n nionde. Used, good condition 1 7 7 . 7 .

E PORTABLE TV i o o oih sio n d .S cro lch q d ' 1 / 7 . 7 ,

E CONSOLE TV o p r niiple finish. Floor m odel Z O J . 7 .

1 9 0 N S 0 L E TV 2 0 9 0ihogony w ith rem ote contro l « t 7 7 . 7 ,

E PORTABLE TV i . q ooor m odel, d om onstro tor 1 4 7 . 7

E^^CONSOLE T V - r n o n 0j ln u t w ith fomote control / . / / . / •


STORE HOUR ^ ^^M O N ., FRI. t u e s ..9 i3 0 e.m. to 9 p.m. 9j3 0

> 0 R j.



)$191 IW AS N O W ] ;

-9 9 :9 5 — T8;88-|^ 34.95 -68.884

^269:95"228.8 8 ^ t

-249J5-2 0 8 . 8 8 - I

279.95 2 4 8 ^ 3 - ^

369:95^ 178.88

359:95 199.88 i169.95 138^88 I179.95 158‘.88 .

^ 9 : 9 5 — 99:88-

k>s-TVs Io'$71 I.W A S NOW I

_ 4 2 .9 5 — 18.88-i 8 9 .95 . 48.88 I

229.95 178.88149.95 8 8 . 8 8 I

139.95 99.88,1199.95 138.88' I 199;95 168.88 I285.95 238.88- : 299'.95 258.88 149.95' 128.88

■299.95’268.88" '


9i30 a.m. to 5lJ0 fM .
