March Directory 2010

TRI VALLEY The go-to guide for busy families March 2010 FREE


March Directory 2010

Transcript of March Directory 2010

Page 1: March Directory 2010


The go-to guide for busy families • March 2010


Page 2: March Directory 2010

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Taking the Bite Bite out of what, you might ask? Well, I have been asking myself that same question for the past couple of months and the answer is, to be quite frank, a little bite out of everything. As a mom of four young girls,I have always wanted to know anything and everything kid and family related (and I think I am not the only parent that attempts to do this!).I constantly search for the latest and greatest when it comes to advice, shopping, play, toys-- you name it. This was the motor that kickedActive Kids into gear.

Starting February, we entered our transition from a directory style publication to an oh-so-fabulous, editorial-style resource guide. We’re still providing parents information to their local play spaces, pediatri-cians, and toy stores but now offering just a bit more. And more is the key word here. From February on we have been constantly thinking of new ways to give East Bay parents all the resources at their fingertips (and yes, I mean all). So here’s what’s new this month:

Get Your Calendar Set: Starting March, we have added an events calendar for East Bay parents to be used as a quick reference guide.We wanted to do the grunt work for you, so instead of spending hours researching and planning your week, you can simply reference our calendar for those oh-so-special day trips, an afternoon play opportu-nity, or even a local story time. It’s all there for you: quick and easy.

Get Advice and Know-how: We have also included a ‘Working Moms’ piece. What better way to give mothers advice and motivation than reading another mom’s personal story? We hope these will encourage other mamas to reach high and stay strong during the most unbearable, (we’ve all been there!) and rewarding moments.

Get Connected: In addition, we are now reaching out through multiple social media outlets, including facebook and most recently Twitter (yes, we’re tweeting). We want to make sure East Bay mamas know about publication happenings and of course get the updates onthe latest kids services (and discounts!). Not to mention, our monthly giveaways. Last month we provided two happy moms with products from Boon Inc. and tutoring sessions from Empower Academic Services in San Ramon. We enjoy free things and think other moms do too.


Tracie VollgrafEditor and Mother to Four under Four


Stay connected and updatedon monthly giveaways, events

and discounts:

Page 3: March Directory 2010

To win products, submit comments and ideas and receive helpfulinformation sign up at and find us on Facebook!

Find us here:

Taking the Bite Bite out of what, you might ask? Well, I have been asking myself that same question for the past couple of months and the answer is, to be quite frank, a little bite out of everything. As a mom of four young girls,I have always wanted to know anything and everything kid and family related (and I think I am not the only parent that attempts to do this!).I constantly search for the latest and greatest when it comes to advice, shopping, play, toys-- you name it. This was the motor that kickedActive Kids into gear.

Starting February, we entered our transition from a directory style publication to an oh-so-fabulous, editorial-style resource guide. We’re still providing parents information to their local play spaces, pediatri-cians, and toy stores but now offering just a bit more. And more is the key word here. From February on we have been constantly thinking of new ways to give East Bay parents all the resources at their fingertips (and yes, I mean all). So here’s what’s new this month:

Get Your Calendar Set: Starting March, we have added an events calendar for East Bay parents to be used as a quick reference guide.We wanted to do the grunt work for you, so instead of spending hours researching and planning your week, you can simply reference our calendar for those oh-so-special day trips, an afternoon play opportu-nity, or even a local story time. It’s all there for you: quick and easy.

Get Advice and Know-how: We have also included a ‘Working Moms’ piece. What better way to give mothers advice and motivation than reading another mom’s personal story? We hope these will encourage other mamas to reach high and stay strong during the most unbearable, (we’ve all been there!) and rewarding moments.

Get Connected: In addition, we are now reaching out through multiple social media outlets, including facebook and most recently Twitter (yes, we’re tweeting). We want to make sure East Bay mamas know about publication happenings and of course get the updates onthe latest kids services (and discounts!). Not to mention, our monthly giveaways. Last month we provided two happy moms with products from Boon Inc. and tutoring sessions from Empower Academic Services in San Ramon. We enjoy free things and think other moms do too.


Tracie VollgrafEditor and Mother to Four under Four


Stay connected and updatedon monthly giveaways, events

and discounts:

Page 4: March Directory 2010


letter from editor.............2

featuresproducTs we love.........................31goT baby? wanT sleep......................12raising money smarT kids................20Understanding yoUr child’s UniqUe style..21dealing wiTh sibling rivalry........28 & 29raising kids who care……….............7working moms inTerview……........….14balancing your Family, career & yourselF………..................…34 & 35calendar oF evenTs…….............36 & 37

Hospitalsvalleycare..................................3John muir medical cenTer.................40

Children’s Play struCturesbackyard FacTory/rainbow play.........16

Children’s Clothing Boutiquesstork’s nest...............................27savvy seconds.............................33

Women’s Clothing Boutiqueserica rae’s.................................23savvy seconds.............................33

PhotograPherspaula walsh phoTography……........…8essence oF The soul phoTography........26lani allen phoTography...................24

Consignment storessavvy seconds..............................33

dentistry for Kids and teensdanville pediaTric denTisTry .............23amador denTal & orThodonTic ...........10general denTisTry For children ..........15

music classesmusic TogeTher.............................6lynda mcmanus piano co.................26

sPanish Classes for Kidsviva el espanol ............................25

nanny agenCiesnanny connecTion.........................25

swim scHools/facilitiesamerican swim academy............13

Zoos/animalsoakland Zoo ..................32 & 33

maternity storestork’s nest.........................27savvy seconds........................33

mommy JeWelryhayJac designs.......................10

insurance servicesdarci guTierreZ .....................17

Custom KeePsaKeschildren’s Paw Prints..............10

eduCational PlaysTudio grow.........................32play caFé..............................17super Franks.........................19parTi palooZa ........................38

BoWling alleysdanville bowl .......................33

learning materialsfor cHildrengolden apple learning sTore........9

3d/4d ultrasoundadorable baby........................17

transportation for cHildrendiablo kids chauFFeur ..............30

shoPPing destinationblackhawk plaZa ....................39

hair Cuts for Kidscool Tops .............................9

salon/spa servicesmu salon .............................24

Business oPPortunityfor moms/spa productsnu skin ................................24

piano lessonslynda mcmanus piano co............26

martial artsuFc ....................................5easT - wesT kung Fu.................27


cover phoTo crediT: kim lind phoTography • • 925.216.0213 • [email protected] acTive kids and receive $50 oFF march/april regular session Fee

caPes by kiss the toad creations • • 925.479.9330

academic service Provider/tutoringempower.................................22

Birthday Party PlaCessuper Franks.............................19 sTudio grow..............................32play caFé..................................17danville bowl ............................33parTi palooZa ............................38your sTage Toys .........................17

cHildcareliTTle people child care services.......27ToT drop.................................25

family-friendly restaurantseddie PaPa’s..............................13

toy storesyour sTage Toys.........................17golden apple learning sTore............9

attorney serviCes/trusts & willsh. alan huovinen........................32shirley whiTe law........................8

Chef serviCes/CateringcheF dan leFF.............................38evenTs by wallace .......................26

equestrian/riding lessonshorizons east eqUestrian...............38

event PlanningevenTs by wallace.........................26

pilates studioim=x ......................................25

life CoaChingeveryday leader ...........................8

prescHoolthe qUarry lane school ……............9

eventscelebraTe mama………..........……..11

house Cleaning serviCesmina’s hoUse cleaning..................26

Charities/non-Profitoakland Zoo.......................32 & 33The Taylor Family........................18

Page 5: March Directory 2010

March 2010 ACTIVE KIDS 5

Page 6: March Directory 2010



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Page 7: March Directory 2010


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Bring your newborn, toddler or preschooler to one of our fun-filled classes. Explore musical

play, child-friendly instruments, songbooks and CDs that you use at home. And find out

how nurturing our research-based music and movement program can be.


Mention ACTIVE KIDS Directory and get a free preview class!

If you want to raise kids who care—about others, themselves, and their world—it goes without saying that they need to be recipients of your good care when they are young.

The first tip in this new column suggests a simple way to lavish your kids with care: ask questions. You see, one of the best ways to show you care about people is to ask them questions about their lives, and kids are, after all, little people. The goal is to engage

your child, show you care, and teach him or her how to be relational.

Sometimes parents ask the same questions over and over, fail to adequately engage their child, and teach diddly-squat about how to enjoy a vibrant relationship. I suggest that you avoid vague questions like, “How was school today?” and ask something more specific like, “What did you do at recess?” My boy is now a teenager and he still comes alive with that question. Avoid any form of interrogation as well. After you ask your thoughtful question, give your child time to answer before you rattle off ten more. Speaking of time, take advantage of those moments in the day when a child is more apt to share. According to Dr. James Dobson, that would be first thing in the morning, right after school, and bedtime.

One question that is worth repeating is, “What was your ‘high’ of the day?” This is part of the “High/Low Game,” and as soon as your kids can talk, you’ll want to play it at dinner time. Go around the table, asking each person what the best part of their day was. Then, go around again, asking what their “low” was. Make sure Dad participates too. There is no shortage of lessons that can be learned from this game when everyone plays.

Lastly, every now and then, choose a meaty question—one that communicates your values and gets your kids thinking. When my daughter was just three, it appeared to me, for reasons I will not disclose, that I needed to teach her what it means to be nice. I did my best, then followed up by occasionally asking, “How were you nice to someone today?” Five years later, when I overheard a boy say that my daughter was the nicest girl in the class, I beamed.

There’s a children’s book called, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? The concept is that everyone has an invisible bucket that can be filled or emptied based on what you do for them. A hello, smile, and a kind word would fill someone’s bucket, for example. Once the analogy is understood, the question really is an excellent one. Ask “Have you filled a bucket today?” and watch your kids become more aware of their impact on others and a whole lot more caring.

Read TIP #2 of Raising Kids Who Care in the next issue of ACTIVE KIDS!Gail Perry Johnston is the author of The Social Cause Diet and

The Wish & The Wonder: Words of Wisdom for Expectant Parents.

Raising KidsWho Care

Tip #1 Ask Questionsby Gail Perry Johnston

Page 8: March Directory 2010


Page 9: March Directory 2010

March 2010 ACTIVE KIDS 9

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Page 10: March Directory 2010


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Page 11: March Directory 2010


Page 12: March Directory 2010

Got Baby?Want Sleep?

Part IIby Karen Pollack - Founder, Babies2Sleep

“There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

In last month’s issue of Active Kids we examined the first five important tools parents should implement when helping their baby or toddler improve the quality and duration of sleep. This month we will explore the other five critical elements. When assessing your child, consider the following questions:

Am I putting my baby down drowsy, but awake?By three months, help your baby begin to go down drowsy but awake. Becoming aware of the sensation of ‘falling asleep’ helps baby get himself back to sleep when waking in the middle of a nap or at night.

Does my baby have self-soothing skills?Does your baby have a ‘lovey’? Is it incorporated into her sleep routine? Most babies will bond with an object if used consistently. When holding or feeding your baby, keep the object between you and she so that she begins to feel a comfort connection. When going to sleep she’ll have a ‘part of you’ next to her. Consult your pediatrician and ask at what age it’s appropriate for baby to sleep with a lovey.

Are there environmental impediments in your baby’s nursery? Is baby’s room dark enough? Is the temperature safe and comfortable? Is there stimulating decor? An ideal room environment can aid restful sleep.

Do I have a regular nap and night routine for my baby?Babies thrive on routine, so make sure to deliver consistent nap and nightroutines to your baby in her nursery to ‘tell’ her it’s time for sleep. Make sure the elements promote relaxation, avoiding ones that will stimulate your child.

Is my baby’s sleep a priority? Parents who experience the greatest success with improving their baby’s sleep are the ones who consistently make sleep a priority. Babies require proper nourishment and adequate daytime sleep to ensure they go down come nightfall. By implementing the suggestions from last month and those above, you and your baby will be well on the way to a good night’s rest. It may be a challenge you never anticipated, but when done right, a good night’s sleep is but a few winks away.

We welcome your sleep questions! Each month Karen will address a specific concern from our readers. If you would like to ask her a question related to your baby’s sleep, email her at [email protected]. One question each month will be chosen.






Karen Pollak is the founder of babies2sleep, a baby sleep coaching service. Please visit her website at for more information

or to learn about her upcoming speaking engagements in your communityand throughout the country.

Page 13: March Directory 2010

March 2010 ACTIVE KIDS 13

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Got Baby?Want Sleep?

Part IIby Karen Pollack - Founder, Babies2Sleep

“There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

In last month’s issue of Active Kids we examined the first five important tools parents should implement when helping their baby or toddler improve the quality and duration of sleep. This month we will explore the other five critical elements. When assessing your child, consider the following questions:

Am I putting my baby down drowsy, but awake?By three months, help your baby begin to go down drowsy but awake. Becoming aware of the sensation of ‘falling asleep’ helps baby get himself back to sleep when waking in the middle of a nap or at night.

Does my baby have self-soothing skills?Does your baby have a ‘lovey’? Is it incorporated into her sleep routine? Most babies will bond with an object if used consistently. When holding or feeding your baby, keep the object between you and she so that she begins to feel a comfort connection. When going to sleep she’ll have a ‘part of you’ next to her. Consult your pediatrician and ask at what age it’s appropriate for baby to sleep with a lovey.

Are there environmental impediments in your baby’s nursery? Is baby’s room dark enough? Is the temperature safe and comfortable? Is there stimulating decor? An ideal room environment can aid restful sleep.

Do I have a regular nap and night routine for my baby?Babies thrive on routine, so make sure to deliver consistent nap and nightroutines to your baby in her nursery to ‘tell’ her it’s time for sleep. Make sure the elements promote relaxation, avoiding ones that will stimulate your child.

Is my baby’s sleep a priority? Parents who experience the greatest success with improving their baby’s sleep are the ones who consistently make sleep a priority. Babies require proper nourishment and adequate daytime sleep to ensure they go down come nightfall. By implementing the suggestions from last month and those above, you and your baby will be well on the way to a good night’s rest. It may be a challenge you never anticipated, but when done right, a good night’s sleep is but a few winks away.

We welcome your sleep questions! Each month Karen will address a specific concern from our readers. If you would like to ask her a question related to your baby’s sleep, email her at [email protected]. One question each month will be chosen.






Karen Pollak is the founder of babies2sleep, a baby sleep coaching service. Please visit her website at for more information

or to learn about her upcoming speaking engagements in your communityand throughout the country.

Page 14: March Directory 2010

Working moms are constantly encountering daily hurdles. For a lot of new moms, the question of whether or not to continue with the 9 to 5 becomes an issue once you throw the little ones into the equation. Is it possible to juggle family responsibilities while maintaining a full-time job? Danville mom, Sasha Nichols, has a different approach.

Nichols launched Bow Bijou in March of 2009 after her hobby of making bows for her two daughters, Ella, 3, and Lia, 5, took off. ‘The ultimate non-slip hair clip’ was created after Nichols had little success finding bows that were out of the ordinary, or that would just stay put. “The stores only had the standard bows, and I wanted something different,” says Nichols.

What initially began as a hobby, quickly turned into a stack of over 500 orders at her launch party. Just one year later, her clips have attracted multiple celebrity customers including Denise Richards, Courtney Cox, and Jennifer Garner and have been featured on CBS and Celebrity Baby Scoop, to name a few.

When asked if she has a hard time juggling the kids and her home-based business, the simple answer was ‘no’. Nichols finds ways to incorporate her girls when it comes time to make the bows. “It’s everybody’s creative time,” says Nichols. “I get the girls right up next to me so they can color, draw, or paint.”

And the girls create their own bows, too. They suggest different colors and patterns and even have their own selections on Bow Bijou’s website: one titled, ‘Lovely Lia’ and the other, ‘Elegant Ella’. Nichols says, “Being at home with the kids has definitely been the most rewarding. And not having to go to an office!”

Working Moms:Sasha Nichols

Page 15: March Directory 2010

Working moms are constantly encountering daily hurdles. For a lot of new moms, the question of whether or not to continue with the 9 to 5 becomes an issue once you throw the little ones into the equation. Is it possible to juggle family responsibilities while maintaining a full-time job? Danville mom, Sasha Nichols, has a different approach.

Nichols launched Bow Bijou in March of 2009 after her hobby of making bows for her two daughters, Ella, 3, and Lia, 5, took off. ‘The ultimate non-slip hair clip’ was created after Nichols had little success finding bows that were out of the ordinary, or that would just stay put. “The stores only had the standard bows, and I wanted something different,” says Nichols.

What initially began as a hobby, quickly turned into a stack of over 500 orders at her launch party. Just one year later, her clips have attracted multiple celebrity customers including Denise Richards, Courtney Cox, and Jennifer Garner and have been featured on CBS and Celebrity Baby Scoop, to name a few.

When asked if she has a hard time juggling the kids and her home-based business, the simple answer was ‘no’. Nichols finds ways to incorporate her girls when it comes time to make the bows. “It’s everybody’s creative time,” says Nichols. “I get the girls right up next to me so they can color, draw, or paint.”

And the girls create their own bows, too. They suggest different colors and patterns and even have their own selections on Bow Bijou’s website: one titled, ‘Lovely Lia’ and the other, ‘Elegant Ella’. Nichols says, “Being at home with the kids has definitely been the most rewarding. And not having to go to an office!”

Working Moms:Sasha Nichols

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Page 17: March Directory 2010

March 2010 ACTIVE KIDS 17


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March 2010 ACTIVE KIDS 19

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Page 21: March Directory 2010

Is your child growing up to be very different than you expected? Do you sometimes wonder where your daughter learned to be so outspoken and strong willed, or your son

so quiet and reserved? Understanding temperament can help you step back and seea child’s unique style more clearly.

“Temperament” is a person’s first and most natural way of responding. It’s the way we move in the world. Just as some children are born with curly hair and others with

straight hair, some children are high energy right from birth and may want to run and jump non-stop, while other babies are happy to play quietly with their toys while you make dinner. Children come into the world with a style all their own. There are many

factors that influence your child’s behavior, like your parenting style, their environment, siblings, and friends…but temperament is a key part of the equation.

There are no good or bad temperaments, but some children are more challenging than others. So much depends on your temperament, and how well you and your child “fit”

with each other. For example:

Your high-energy daughter may want you to practice soccer with her when she wakes up, but you may have lower energy and want to sit and read the paper or sleep in. Her

high energy might bother you, even though it’s normal for her.

Your son may be slow to warm up and sensitive to new places and people, so when you go to a friend’s house he may want to sit on your lap. Just because you’re outgoing, doesn’t mean that he will be. Give him time to get comfortable, and then he’s bound to

venture out and play with the other children.

You might be intense in your reactions, and yell, just like your parents did. Your child might be low in intensity and sensitive to loud noise. When you yell, he may cry easily.

Do your best to lower your voice and talk to him after you’ve calmed down. On the other hand, you may have a child who is loud and reactive. If so, take 3 deep breaths

before responding. A yelling match always ends with everyone feeling bad.

Some parents are fast adapting and impatient with a child who’s slow to get out ofthe house in the morning. Get up a few minutes earlier, slow down a bit, and give your

child clear instructions about what you expect. Use a timer so everyone will know when it’s time to move on.

Understanding temperament is a tool to use in the never-ending process of buildinga healthy relationship with your child.

For more information check out, Raising Your Spirited Child, and Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles, by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. For information and inspiration,

go to and tune into “Childhood Matters,”Sundays from 7- 8am on 98.1 KISS FM.

UnderstandingYour Child’sUnique Style

UnderstandingYour Child’sUnique Style

by Rona Renner, RN

Page 22: March Directory 2010


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March 2010 ACTIVE KIDS 23

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Page 24: March Directory 2010


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Page 25: March Directory 2010

March 2010 ACTIVE KIDS 25

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Page 26: March Directory 2010


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Page 27: March Directory 2010

March 2010 ACTIVE KIDS 27

Page 28: March Directory 2010

Dealing withSibling Rivalry

by Joanne Stern, PhD

If you have more than one child, you are probably fairly familiar with sibling squabbles. If one child has a toy, no doubt the other one wants it. It’s especially hard with smaller children; the youngest instantly craves what the older sibling possesses,no matter how big or small. So what do you do when they start to make fun and call each other names? How do you handle the oh-so-common fights over who gets thered, yellow, or pink crayon—the one that isn’t broken yet? How do you deal if onechild thinks the other got a better fire truck or a prettier princess dress?

Let’s take four common scenarios one at a time and look at some options for diffusing sibling rivalry.

Your three-year-old and your five-year-old are fighting over a toy. It may not even be a favorite, but the second the younger child takes it, the older one simply must have it.

Tips: 1. Begin by calmly asking each one to please stop their bad behavior.

2. If they don’t obey, it’s time to begin a more specific strategy. Try saying, “You normally listen to me because you’re such a good listener.” Or “I’m surprised. I can usually count on you to do as I ask.” The idea is to appeal to the positive rather than scolding them for the negative. Kids tend to do what they believe you expect of them.If you focus on what they’re doing wrong, they’ll continue to do it. But if you focus on the good actions you want them to do, they’re much more likely to surprise you with positive behavior.

3. Tell them, “From now on—if you don’t share your toys this time, you won’t be able to play with them the next time.” The key is to emphasize “from now on” because it causes them to think about future consequences of their behavior. You can’t win every battle in the moment, but one of the goals of parenting is to teach kids to make better decisions in the future. However, you must remember to follow through or your children will learn that your words don’t count.

A couple of weeks after you bring your new baby home from the hospital, your older child begins to show signs of jealousy. He begins to regress, asking for a bottle, wanting to be held constantly, slapping or biting the baby on occasion.

Tips: 1. Carve out some extra time to spend with the older child. His world has been rocked and he’s feeling slightly knocked off center stage. He misses the attention he used to get and he’s identified the cause of his deficit. Tell him how special he is to you, how much you love him and how happy you are that he is so grown up.





Joanne Stern, PhD is a psychotherapist and author ofParenting Is a Contact Sport: 8 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Kids for Life

2. Enlist him to help with some of the baby tasks. He can get the diapers and the wipes. He can cover the baby with a blanket or hold his feet while you breast feed—any job that makes him feel useful, valuable and part of the family. Tell him how glad you are that he is able to help out.3. Your baby has probably received gifts, so be sure you have a few small presents now and then for your older child so that he doesn’t feel left out. a healthy relationship with your child.

Your older child gets a shiny new bike and your younger child gets the hand-me-down. The older child may rub it in and the younger may kick the bike or even her older sibling.

Tips:1. At the same time the new bike arrives, re-paint and decorate the older one. Adorn it with a basket, a bell, colorful stickers and everything special to your younger child.

2. Take some private time with your older child and talk with her about how to be sensitive to her sister. Ask her how she would feel if the tables were turned because one day someone else will get something that she would like. This is an opportunity to share with her the importance of being tender with other people’s feelings.

3. Take some private time with your younger child. If she is still upset, ask her what she likes more about her bike. Focus on that. And then get on with the excitement of riding with her.

One child gets invited to a party. The other does not. The one who doesn’t starts being mean to the one who does.

Tips:1. In an age appropriate way talk with both children about the fact that there are things in life that are both disappointing and heartbreaking. These kinds of things just happen in life, and at different times they happen to everyone.

2. Reinforce your family value of supporting each other in a painful time—being understanding, compassionate and caring. “We are a family that celebrates each other’s good fortune and successes and gives encouragement and hugs for the bad times and defeats.”

3. Give an example of a time when you were left out or felt rejected so your child doesn’t feel he’s the only one.

4. Acknowledge his feelings, listen attentively and continue to encourage him to share them with you.

When kids are young, it’s easier to solve these sibling rivalries. But when they get older, the issues get more complicated and there isn’t a simple solution for each incident. That’s why it’s important to prepare your family and your kids in advance. Teach them when they’re young and before the situation arises so they have already learned to support each other instead of making fun of each other. Then when something comes up, it becomes another opportunity to reinforce caring, compassion and learning to deal with failure, disappointment and delayed gratification.










Page 29: March Directory 2010

Dealing withSibling Rivalry

by Joanne Stern, PhD

If you have more than one child, you are probably fairly familiar with sibling squabbles. If one child has a toy, no doubt the other one wants it. It’s especially hard with smaller children; the youngest instantly craves what the older sibling possesses,no matter how big or small. So what do you do when they start to make fun and call each other names? How do you handle the oh-so-common fights over who gets thered, yellow, or pink crayon—the one that isn’t broken yet? How do you deal if onechild thinks the other got a better fire truck or a prettier princess dress?

Let’s take four common scenarios one at a time and look at some options for diffusing sibling rivalry.

Your three-year-old and your five-year-old are fighting over a toy. It may not even be a favorite, but the second the younger child takes it, the older one simply must have it.

Tips: 1. Begin by calmly asking each one to please stop their bad behavior.

2. If they don’t obey, it’s time to begin a more specific strategy. Try saying, “You normally listen to me because you’re such a good listener.” Or “I’m surprised. I can usually count on you to do as I ask.” The idea is to appeal to the positive rather than scolding them for the negative. Kids tend to do what they believe you expect of them.If you focus on what they’re doing wrong, they’ll continue to do it. But if you focus on the good actions you want them to do, they’re much more likely to surprise you with positive behavior.

3. Tell them, “From now on—if you don’t share your toys this time, you won’t be able to play with them the next time.” The key is to emphasize “from now on” because it causes them to think about future consequences of their behavior. You can’t win every battle in the moment, but one of the goals of parenting is to teach kids to make better decisions in the future. However, you must remember to follow through or your children will learn that your words don’t count.

A couple of weeks after you bring your new baby home from the hospital, your older child begins to show signs of jealousy. He begins to regress, asking for a bottle, wanting to be held constantly, slapping or biting the baby on occasion.

Tips: 1. Carve out some extra time to spend with the older child. His world has been rocked and he’s feeling slightly knocked off center stage. He misses the attention he used to get and he’s identified the cause of his deficit. Tell him how special he is to you, how much you love him and how happy you are that he is so grown up.





Joanne Stern, PhD is a psychotherapist and author ofParenting Is a Contact Sport: 8 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Kids for Life

2. Enlist him to help with some of the baby tasks. He can get the diapers and the wipes. He can cover the baby with a blanket or hold his feet while you breast feed—any job that makes him feel useful, valuable and part of the family. Tell him how glad you are that he is able to help out.3. Your baby has probably received gifts, so be sure you have a few small presents now and then for your older child so that he doesn’t feel left out. a healthy relationship with your child.

Your older child gets a shiny new bike and your younger child gets the hand-me-down. The older child may rub it in and the younger may kick the bike or even her older sibling.

Tips:1. At the same time the new bike arrives, re-paint and decorate the older one. Adorn it with a basket, a bell, colorful stickers and everything special to your younger child.

2. Take some private time with your older child and talk with her about how to be sensitive to her sister. Ask her how she would feel if the tables were turned because one day someone else will get something that she would like. This is an opportunity to share with her the importance of being tender with other people’s feelings.

3. Take some private time with your younger child. If she is still upset, ask her what she likes more about her bike. Focus on that. And then get on with the excitement of riding with her.

One child gets invited to a party. The other does not. The one who doesn’t starts being mean to the one who does.

Tips:1. In an age appropriate way talk with both children about the fact that there are things in life that are both disappointing and heartbreaking. These kinds of things just happen in life, and at different times they happen to everyone.

2. Reinforce your family value of supporting each other in a painful time—being understanding, compassionate and caring. “We are a family that celebrates each other’s good fortune and successes and gives encouragement and hugs for the bad times and defeats.”

3. Give an example of a time when you were left out or felt rejected so your child doesn’t feel he’s the only one.

4. Acknowledge his feelings, listen attentively and continue to encourage him to share them with you.

When kids are young, it’s easier to solve these sibling rivalries. But when they get older, the issues get more complicated and there isn’t a simple solution for each incident. That’s why it’s important to prepare your family and your kids in advance. Teach them when they’re young and before the situation arises so they have already learned to support each other instead of making fun of each other. Then when something comes up, it becomes another opportunity to reinforce caring, compassion and learning to deal with failure, disappointment and delayed gratification.










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Page 31: March Directory 2010

Products we love

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Double Thirsty Tote, by BUILTNY

Hana Hobo Bag, by JJ Cole

This insulated lunch bag is designed to fit whatever foodstuff you need—and then some. Pack the Extra Relish tightly with a meal that will be the envy of your lunchtime companions, and snap on the shoulder strap to help carry the extra load. This neoprene lunch tote is also machine washable, so there’s no need to worry about spills.

The Double Thirsty Tote stretches to fit two bottles or sippy cups, and keeps drinks cold or warm. It’s machine washable, which comes in handy since it also soaks up spills. And it attaches to strollers, car seats, and diaper bags—so you always know where to find those bottles when baby needs them.

Products we loveTo win these great products register at & become a fan on Facebook.

To purchase online, retailer information and to viewfull product line, visit

To purchase online, retailer information and to view full product line, visit

Page 32: March Directory 2010


ZooCamp 2010: Oakland Zoo’s Summer CampDay camp activities include stories, puppet play, games, craft projects, science activities and of course, animals!

The Oakland Zoo takes great pride in creating age-appropriate options for campers age 4 through high school. Registration starts mid-March.For registration details go to Or, you may call (510) 632-9525, ext 280

Page 33: March Directory 2010

March 2010 ACTIVE KIDS 33


Oakland Zoo Memberships make greatholiday gifts for friends and family.

Plus, each membership comes with freeguest passes, parking passes, and ride

passes - a $41 value!Mention Active Kids and save $5

Family Memberships start at $85.For more information call(510) 632-9525 x 150.

THE DANVILLE BOWLThe Danville Bowl offers the Bay Area's Best Birthday Party Package! Fun, Affordable! Call for details!

ALSO OFFERING:Rockin' Bowl! .99 Kids Bowl! Special Kids Pricing!

Bringing it Back to Good 'ol Fashion Family Fun!!!

200 BOONE CT. DANVILLE, CA925.837.7272

Page 34: March Directory 2010

Balancing YourFamily, Career

and Yourselfby Jami L. Tucker, MBA

Have you ever wished that you could extend a day beyond 24 hours? What about just not requiring sleep? So, is it possible to do everything you want to do? The short answer is “no”. But you can help yourself by using a technique that will enable you to fulfill many of your goals and determine the ones that matter most to you. The technique is called L.I.F.E: List (brainstorm), Imagine (visualize), Filter (evaluate), and Execute (do!).

My challenge to you is to find out what you really want to do and find ways to do it, using organization, undisrupted thought, and a results-oriented approach. If you can discipline yourself to using this approach on a routine basis, you will start to feel more fulfilled and achieve balance in your life.

So how can you prioritize what is most important for you, your children, and your family? Start by setting aside some time to think, without being disturbed. This first part is actually a test, to see if you can even find 45 minutes to devote to yourself. If you pass the first part of the test, you’re already on your way to truly finding balance.

Now that you are in a meeting with the Key Decision Maker (i.e., yourself), it is time to strategically prioritize your life. By prioritizing, you are improving not just your day-to-day routine, but the lives of those around you. Start simple. List all of things on your plate or on your wish list, big and small. Write down the things you want to do, have to do, and never expect to be able to do (for whatever reason – time, cost, etc.). Will you be able to do it all? If you can defer some things, you can eventually do most of the things on your list, just not today. Prioritizing is as simple as following the steps below:

u LIST. Brainstorm items/things that are on your mind. Jot them down on paper so you can see them in front of you, and include a verb (action) at the beginning of each item. Go ahead and list everything you can or have been thinking about for a long time.

v IMAGINE. Visualize all of your listed items as pictures. This visualization step enables you to form a tangible or concrete image of your items, which will ultimately help you sort through what is truly meaningful for you and help you determine when/how you can accomplish it.

wFILTER. Evaluate so you can sort your list by writing down details such as cost, level of effort, impact, availability, frequency, duration, and any other information that will help you prioritize. Once you have all the details in front of you, for each item, you can better see how to prioritize them.




Jami Tucker is the founder of The Everyday Leader, a Life Coaching service.You can contact her at 925-998-7838 or [email protected]

Please visit her website at© 2010 The Everyday Leader. All Rights Reserved.

Use the L.I.F.E. technique on a routine basis. Priorities change when you complete those items that are finite or change based on circumstances and other environmental conditions. However, knowing that you have a solid, results-oriented approach for setting your priorities will enable you to achieve balance and fulfillment in your life. Remember that you can’t do it all right now.

x EXECUTE. Number the items one, two, and three. Use the number one for those you will implement right away. Use the number two for things you will do in the next month. Use the number three for things you will need to defer and re-evaluate after some items have dropped off or you have significant changes in your life. You will have multiple items for each number.

An example of prioritizing using the L.I.F.E. technique:


Step 1: List(Brainstorm)

Learn Yoga See myself sittingcross - legged on amat

Classes offered through the park district. Very inexpensive. Can doit at lunch time, once a week, for 45 min. Includes 20 min. driving time/locker room time

1. Sign-up for the Wednesday 12:00 yoga class. Start next week!

1. Start in one month, after schedule becomes “normalized” doing yoga classes and email organization (one personal and one business item)

1. Schedule two, 30-minute time blocks in my calendar, at the end of the day. The time required should decrease each week, as I have taught myself how to organize and file items when they come in to my inbox.

3. Defer for now. Re-evaluate in six months.

See a framed diploma on my wall

Very costly and only offered in distant locationsMinimal cost. Time consuming. Can do it in chunks of 30 min.

Ongoing activity, no cost. If I can devote 30 min. twice a week, I can dwindle down the list to zero by:

to group subjects

teaching myself how to do this automatically in the future

See a set of fivephoto albumson my shelf

See this when I login to my computer:Inbox (0)

Get my professionallicense/certification

Organize mypictures

Clean out myemail inbox

Step 1: Imagine(Visualize)

Step 1: Filter(Evaluate)

Step 4: Execute, using 1-2-3(Do)

Page 35: March Directory 2010

Balancing YourFamily, Career

and Yourselfby Jami L. Tucker, MBA

Have you ever wished that you could extend a day beyond 24 hours? What about just not requiring sleep? So, is it possible to do everything you want to do? The short answer is “no”. But you can help yourself by using a technique that will enable you to fulfill many of your goals and determine the ones that matter most to you. The technique is called L.I.F.E: List (brainstorm), Imagine (visualize), Filter (evaluate), and Execute (do!).

My challenge to you is to find out what you really want to do and find ways to do it, using organization, undisrupted thought, and a results-oriented approach. If you can discipline yourself to using this approach on a routine basis, you will start to feel more fulfilled and achieve balance in your life.

So how can you prioritize what is most important for you, your children, and your family? Start by setting aside some time to think, without being disturbed. This first part is actually a test, to see if you can even find 45 minutes to devote to yourself. If you pass the first part of the test, you’re already on your way to truly finding balance.

Now that you are in a meeting with the Key Decision Maker (i.e., yourself), it is time to strategically prioritize your life. By prioritizing, you are improving not just your day-to-day routine, but the lives of those around you. Start simple. List all of things on your plate or on your wish list, big and small. Write down the things you want to do, have to do, and never expect to be able to do (for whatever reason – time, cost, etc.). Will you be able to do it all? If you can defer some things, you can eventually do most of the things on your list, just not today. Prioritizing is as simple as following the steps below:

u LIST. Brainstorm items/things that are on your mind. Jot them down on paper so you can see them in front of you, and include a verb (action) at the beginning of each item. Go ahead and list everything you can or have been thinking about for a long time.

v IMAGINE. Visualize all of your listed items as pictures. This visualization step enables you to form a tangible or concrete image of your items, which will ultimately help you sort through what is truly meaningful for you and help you determine when/how you can accomplish it.

wFILTER. Evaluate so you can sort your list by writing down details such as cost, level of effort, impact, availability, frequency, duration, and any other information that will help you prioritize. Once you have all the details in front of you, for each item, you can better see how to prioritize them.




Jami Tucker is the founder of The Everyday Leader, a Life Coaching service.You can contact her at 925-998-7838 or [email protected]

Please visit her website at© 2010 The Everyday Leader. All Rights Reserved.

Use the L.I.F.E. technique on a routine basis. Priorities change when you complete those items that are finite or change based on circumstances and other environmental conditions. However, knowing that you have a solid, results-oriented approach for setting your priorities will enable you to achieve balance and fulfillment in your life. Remember that you can’t do it all right now.

x EXECUTE. Number the items one, two, and three. Use the number one for those you will implement right away. Use the number two for things you will do in the next month. Use the number three for things you will need to defer and re-evaluate after some items have dropped off or you have significant changes in your life. You will have multiple items for each number.

An example of prioritizing using the L.I.F.E. technique:


Step 1: List(Brainstorm)

Learn Yoga See myself sittingcross - legged on amat

Classes offered through the park district. Very inexpensive. Can doit at lunch time, once a week, for 45 min. Includes 20 min. driving time/locker room time

1. Sign-up for the Wednesday 12:00 yoga class. Start next week!

1. Start in one month, after schedule becomes “normalized” doing yoga classes and email organization (one personal and one business item)

1. Schedule two, 30-minute time blocks in my calendar, at the end of the day. The time required should decrease each week, as I have taught myself how to organize and file items when they come in to my inbox.

3. Defer for now. Re-evaluate in six months.

See a framed diploma on my wall

Very costly and only offered in distant locationsMinimal cost. Time consuming. Can do it in chunks of 30 min.

Ongoing activity, no cost. If I can devote 30 min. twice a week, I can dwindle down the list to zero by:

to group subjects

teaching myself how to do this automatically in the future

See a set of fivephoto albumson my shelf

See this when I login to my computer:Inbox (0)

Get my professionallicense/certification

Organize mypictures

Clean out myemail inbox

Step 1: Imagine(Visualize)

Step 1: Filter(Evaluate)

Step 4: Execute, using 1-2-3(Do)

Page 36: March Directory 2010

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1 2 3


8 9 10

15 16 17

22 23 24





28 30 31

Civic Center Library,Livermore

Preschool Story Time11am

Baby Boot Camp,Blackhawk PlazaEvery Tuesday &


OaklandPuppet Show: The Princess & Unicorn11am, 2pm, 4pm

The Lindsay WildlifeMuseum, Walnut CreekPetting Circle: Every Sat

& Sun 10:30am,12:30pm, 3:45pm

OaklandMeet the Animalof the Day 1pm

Oakland ZooBedtime with

the Beasts

The Lindsay WildlifeMuseum, Walnut Creek

Kids Cook:4 Week Class 11am

The Lindsay WildlifeMuseum, Walnut Creek

Raptors: Meet a Resident Eagle 1pm

Museum, BerkeleyDance Party, Ages 0 - 6

Every Wednesday10:45am

Golden Apple LearningStore, PleasantonStory Time every

Wednesday 3:30pm

Civic Center Library,Livermore

Baby & Toddler Story Time 10:30am

Civic Center Library,Livermore

Baby & Toddler Story Time 10:30am

Page 37: March Directory 2010

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1 2 3


8 9 10

15 16 17

22 23 24





28 30 31

Civic Center Library,Livermore

Preschool Story Time11am

Baby Boot Camp,Blackhawk PlazaEvery Tuesday &


OaklandPuppet Show: The Princess & Unicorn11am, 2pm, 4pm

The Lindsay WildlifeMuseum, Walnut CreekPetting Circle: Every Sat

& Sun 10:30am,12:30pm, 3:45pm

OaklandMeet the Animalof the Day 1pm

Oakland ZooBedtime with

the Beasts

The Lindsay WildlifeMuseum, Walnut Creek

Kids Cook:4 Week Class 11am

The Lindsay WildlifeMuseum, Walnut Creek

Raptors: Meet a Resident Eagle 1pm

Museum, BerkeleyDance Party, Ages 0 - 6

Every Wednesday10:45am

Golden Apple LearningStore, PleasantonStory Time every

Wednesday 3:30pm

Civic Center Library,Livermore

Baby & Toddler Story Time 10:30am

Civic Center Library,Livermore

Baby & Toddler Story Time 10:30am

Page 38: March Directory 2010


Horizons EastEquestrian Center

Come out & join in the fun!Come out & join in the fun!5111 Doolan Rd., Livermore, CA 94551 * 925-960-9696*

Our facility o�ers:Private & Group LessonsHorsemanship ClinicsSummer/Winter Riding CampsMommy/Daddy & Me ClassesBirthday Parties

Private & Group LessonsHorsemanship ClinicsSummer/Winter Riding CampsMommy/Daddy & Me ClassesBirthday Parties


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Chef Dan also offers catering, business consulting services and culinary parties and education!

Call today to book your holiday event!

Page 39: March Directory 2010

Come out and play at Blackhawk Plaza! With New Stores, Restaurants, and Events, we’ve got everything you need for Spring!

BLACKHAWK�SPRING�CELEBRATION I Saturday, March 27th: 11am-1pmA fun-filled day of kids cra�s, entertainment, balloon animals, and specialcharacters including the Calico Cri�ers, and a special bug show from Sandi and Stevie!

Camino Tassajara & Crow Canyon Road in Danville 925.736.2751

Bloom at Blackhawk Plaza!

Join the Blackhawk Rewards Loyalty Programand receive a point for every dollar spent while shopping, dining, or at the movie theatre. Go to for more information

ENTER�TO�WIN���A�SPA�DAY�AT�JELLYFISH�SPA!��Enjoy a day of pampering at the Bay Area’s Newest Spa concept- exclusively at Blackhawk Plaza. Including massage, facial, manicure, pedicure and makeover! For details and to enter visit:

Page 40: March Directory 2010