Lutheran Church · The Faith Community of Luke’s Lutheran Church requests your prayers and...

The Buried All***uias We don’t say the word in Lent. We’ve buried it. I do not even type it. Our word of celebration is pulled from communal vocabulary until the day it rises with Christ: Easter Sunday. In its absence Christians examine their lives and discern how we might live more fully as followers of Christ. It is a solemn season of reflection. So, we approach the gospel with different words. We replace our celebrative words with a call to each other: “Return to the Lord your God, who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” OR we sing “Let your steadfast love come to us, O Lord. Save us as you promised; we will trust your Word.” Both songs call us into repentance. Repentance through reflection. That’s the way we live lent. As the days get longer and more light shines into the world, we use that light to examine ourselves. Questions in our baptismal service help us see more clearly our need to turn to God. So we might ask, “How do I renounce the devil and all the forces that defy God? How do I renounce the powers of this world that rebel against God? How do I renounce the ways of sin that draw me from God?” Repentance is a daily act of redirecting our lives. In it, turn from things that pull as away from God. We turn to the living Christ and take on his ways. We consider how to love more deeply. We work to be more fully present for those who suffer in any way. We call each other to take on the heart and ways of Jesus Christ. In repentance, we bury that which needs to die in us. And we wait, wait for Easter. In this annual cycle we call ourselves to let certain things die, so that new life in Christ might rise with such force that it transforms us. March 2020 St. Luke’s Lutheran Church

Transcript of Lutheran Church · The Faith Community of Luke’s Lutheran Church requests your prayers and...

The Buried All***uias We don’t say the word in Lent. We’ve buried it. I do not even type it. Our word of celebration is pulled from communal vocabulary until the day it rises with Christ: Easter Sunday. In its absence Christians examine their lives and discern how we might live more fully as followers of Christ. It is a solemn season of reflection. So, we approach the gospel with different words. We replace our celebrative words with a call to each other: “Return to the Lord your God, who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” OR we sing “Let your steadfast love come to us, O Lord. Save us as you promised; we will trust your Word.” Both songs call us into repentance. Repentance through reflection. That’s the way we live lent. As the days get longer and more light shines into the world, we use that light to examine ourselves. Questions in our baptismal service help us see more clearly our need to turn to God. So we might ask, “How do I renounce the devil and all the forces that defy God? How do I renounce the powers of this world that rebel against God? How do I renounce the ways of sin that draw me from God?” Repentance is a daily act of redirecting our lives. In it, turn from things that pull as away from God. We turn to the living Christ and take on his ways. We consider how to love more deeply. We work to be more fully present for those who suffer in any way. We call each other to take on the heart and ways of Jesus Christ. In repentance, we bury that which needs to die in us. And we wait, wait for Easter. In this annual cycle we call ourselves to let certain things die, so that new life in Christ might rise with such force that it transforms us.

March 2020 St. Luke’s Lutheran Church

May your season of lent be such a time of reflection, renunciation, repentance and turning. The Rev. Dr. Lindsay Paul Jordan Senior Pastor

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NRSV)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: By the time you read this, we will have entered the Lenten season. It is during the season of Lent that we, as Christians, enter a time of reflection through prayer, repentance of sins, and denial of self in preparation for the coming of Easter Sunday. It is through this short season of waiting that we are connected to the other saints of light throughout time and history. For forty days, we wait, looking forward to God being loose through Jesus’ passion, redemptive action on the cross, and ascension to the right hand of the Father. Yet, as we hold on for God’s glory to come forth in this world, we have John 3:16 to remind us of the good news of God’s grace during this time of waiting. John 3:16, what an awesome message we hear proclaimed from John’s gospel: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not parish but may have eternal life.” This is a truly comforting message. One might assume, if God would love anyone, it would be those who show love back to God. Yet, that is not what the text reads. It does not say that God so loved the church, or God so loved the faithful, or that God so loved the pure. No, the focus of John 3:16 seems to go beyond the horizon of one’s religious devotion. John 3:16 is about the deepness and wideness of God’s unceasing, compassionate love for the entire world. No wonder so many different people lift up John 3:16 as a truth in their story of faith. The message of John 3:16 can provide comfort, hope, and a reason to give thanks to God, because John 3:16 can help us understand God’s unconditional love, and true forgiveness

for all people. John 3:16 informs us of a second chance with God no matter whom we might be. John 3:16 is beautiful, and is well known, and the world is a better place because the Church proclaims John 3:16. Yet, trusting that God wants to give us a second chance can be something that causes us to struggle. A second chance can be hard to come by in this world. Giving someone a second chance means we might have to let go of the pain that someone has caused us. It is especially difficult to let go of pain when we cannot forget how we have been hurt. Therefore, sometimes it seems easier to give up on people than to give a second chance. Sometimes it can be hard to give ourselves a second chance when we make a mistake, and we too can give up on ourselves. It would seem that God is telling us to let go of such pain through the message of John 3:16, even though it may be hard to forget. See, John 3:16 is all about letting go of the past and living in a new day saved by grace. Not to say that it is easy, or that it will happen overnight. However, if we can remember that John 3:16 is all about God’s never ceasing mercy and love, maybe we too can find the space needed for some forgiveness. The good news is even though we can struggle with God being gracious, John 3:16 is a consistent message in God’s grace. If we need more proof of grace than what we receive from John 3:16, then all we have to do is read one more verse to hear that God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. That is some good news. Jesus’ mission has never been about rejection, but to rescue, and reclaim in the name of our Creator. In the end, there is no condemnation in Jesus name, because for God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life. Peace be with you all! Steve Bogie Associate Pastor

Beneath the Cross of Jesus Our Midweek Lenten series examines a familiar and favorite Lenten Hymn, Beneath the Cross of Jesus. Each week we will pause over a particular phrase of the hymn and consider how it can prompt us to deeper reflection and growth. This beloved hymn has long been included in Lutheran hymn collections because of its call to reflect on daily life. The Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship provides background on hymns. It includes the following on this hymn:

Elizabeth C. Clephane (June 18, 1830-February 19, 1869) wrote this meditation on the cross the year before she died. Four years later it was published in The Family Treasury (1872), a Scottish religious magazine. Not surprisingly, many churches have tended to use it in Lent. It has within it the line “content to let the world go by,” which can be understood as escapist or “as profound relinquishing of personal pain to the greater illumination of the cross.”

Elizabeth Cecilia Clephane was born in Edinburgh. When her father died, the family moved near the home of Sir Walter Scott. She and her two sisters, members of the Free Church of Scotland, devoted themselves to charity there. She was sickly from her youth and died before she was thirty-nine, but she served the poor and the sick in spite of her own health and was known as “Sunbeam.” Clephane’s hymns were popularized in the United States by Ira Sankey, who collected gospel hymns and was the musical assistant of the revivalist Dwight Moody. He set her “Ninety and Nine” to music. An escapist understanding of “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” is enhanced in the revivalist tradition. From Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship

Copyright © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.

February 26 – Ash Wednesday 11:00am Worship 7:00pm Worship *no meal Wednesday, March 4 11:00am Worship 7:30pm Worship Concert, no meal Wednesday, March 11 11:00am Worship, lunch following 6:00pm Lenten Supper 7:00pm Worship Wednesday, March 18 11:00am Worship, lunch following 6:00pm Lenten Supper 7:00pm Worship Wednesday, March 25 11:00am Worship, lunch following 6:00pm Lenten Supper 7:00pm Worship

Wednesday, April 1

11:00am Worship, lunch following 6:00pm Lenten Supper

7:00pm Worship

April 5 – Palm/Passion Sunday 8:15am Worship

10:00am Worship

April 9 – Maundy Thursday 11:00am Worship

7:00pm Worship

April 10 – Good Friday 11:00am Worship

7:00pm Worship

April 12 – Easter Sunday 6:30am Worship 8:15am Worship

10:00am Worship

Lenten Meals In our life together, community is important. Beginning March 11, we will again be serving soup for lunch and supper meals surrounding our Wednesday worship services. Lunch will be provided directly after our midday services. Soup suppers are served from 6:00-6:30 pm before the evening worship. We will not have meals on Ash Wednesday nor on March 4 due to special worship programming. Please come and enjoy the fellowship. We look forward to seeing you.

The Faith Community of Luke’s Lutheran Church

requests your prayers and presence for a service of

Holy Communion and the Order of Installation. By the Grace of God,

The Reverend Steve Bogie will be installed to the office of

Associate Pastor of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church.

5:00pm Saturday March 28th

8:15am Sunday, March 29th

10:00am Sunday, March 29th

Bishop Paul Erickson &

Rev. Dr. Lindsay Jordan Presiding

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church

300 Carroll St.

Waukesha, WI

Cake & Coffee Reception immediately following the

5:00pm & 8:15 am Worship & Order of Installation

Luncheon Reception immediately following the

10:00am Worship & Order of Installation

Please R.S.V.P. to the Church Office by March 18th

262-542-2545 or [email protected]

Staff News - On January 25th we welcomed Pastor Steve Bogie as our Associate Pastor. We are all very

happy to have him here, at St. Luke’s! His installation will be March 28th & 29th. - On February 14, our Financial Administrator, Therese Dorfman stepped down. Therese was a

valued member of our staff and will be missed. We wish her all the best on her next endeavor.

- Cindy Maigatter has accepted the Financial Administrator position. She will be working one day each week until she completes her work with her current employer.

- Pastor Jordan continues to meet regularly with pastors from other large congregations. - In February, Pastor Jordan attended the “Leading Well” conference in Del Ray Beach, FL. - The financial office will be moving into the main office. A special thank you to Brian, Dennis

Voit, Andy Slater, Ron Willgrubs, and the Amigos for making this big change.

Thrivent Members Did you know that members of Thrivent Financial are able to ask Thrivent to provide St. Luke’s with seed money for various projects? Twice a year, every member can ask Thrivent to provide a $250 “Action Grant” for a qualifying church project. In other words, if you have a Thrivent Financial life

insurance product, savings, or other financial instrument, you can help St. Luke’s receive $500 a year for qualifying ministry projects. Thrivent members, please call the church office and ask Jennifer to add your name to the Thrivent List, so we can let you know how you can help us receive Thrivent Funds.

Thank you to the Thrivent Action Team members who secured $250 grants for the St. Luke’s adult service trip to Panama City, FL, February 1-9. Grants were written for gas, supplies, and lunch money. Pictured are the 52 volunteers who went down to help with recovery efforts after Hurricane Michael in October 2018.

In Our Church Family Baptisms Amelia Lynn Michaela Nauman February 2 Daniel Jaeger Smith February 9 Collin Mitchell Arreola February 15 Kinley Green February 22 Brecken Green February 22

Deaths Brenda Lawrence January 23 Loren Emery February 14

March Council Contact Sherry Skogman

262-442-9233 [email protected]

The deadline is Monday, March 16 to turn in items for the April issue of

the Epistle

The Good Samaritan Fund Gives I was recently asked about the impact of the Good Samaritan fund in the community. This fund has been in place for a year, now and is providing help for several people. In the past year, it has helped many with food and gas support. Last fall, it supported a family after a tragic fire. It provided help to a family needing to bury a family member. It is paying for school lunches for students in need. It helped a friend recover from homelessness. The Good Samaritan fund is ready to receive donations to continue the support of people in Waukesha who come to us for help. Gifts given to this fund are used according to pastoral discretion to provide relief. Those needing help are screened and conversation and pastoral care is given to those being served. If you’d like to contribute to the Good Samaritan fund, you can write a check or give cash. Place your gift in an envelope and be sure to clearly indicate your intent to give to the Good Samaritan Fund on the envelope and on the check you are sending. Your gift will be used well.

Pastor Jordan Invited to Tanzania

Bishop Paul Erickson invited Pastor Jordan to accompany him on a synod-led trip to the Meru Diocese, our companion synod. PJ will travel to the diocese mid-August to attend a synod meeting and to visit our partner congregations. While there, PJ will visit Pastor Nathan Makenge and Baraka Melitha, who visited our congregation in October 2019.

Pastor says, “I’m excited to see the work we do there. We have a strong partnership with our global partners.” Recently a mill just came online, paid for by the St. Luke’s endowment committee. This mill will be run by the Mararooni congregation to grind grains for local farmers. This enables the church to realize a source of income to support it and its two preaching points, Bethlehem and Nazareth Churches. Pastor will also visit Kilama Moja congregation and Penuel Church, Kilama Moja’s preaching point.

The Impact of Our Mission Trip Each year, St. Luke’s serves as the hub of an adult mission trip. As a congregation, we enable the annual trip by providing administrative support and leadership. This year, 52 people from several churches

traveled to Panama City, Florida, to work on behalf of those who still live with the effects of Hurricane Michael. Hurricane Michael struck in October 2018. Residents were warned that a category one hurricane was coming. They took necessary precautions as the storm approached. However, as the storm made landfall, the hurricane ramped up to become a category five storm. It destroyed house

after house, left businesses with no roofs, and stripped the land of vegetation. Today, a high proportion of people living in poverty still live with tarps over the roofs, and windows boarded over. Scammers moved in and preyed on those who were most vulnerable. Our volunteers worked in seven houses, rebuilding homes for seven household units. They built walls, replaced drywall, fixed ceilings, rewired houses, and so much more. In addition, one group worked each day at two Habitat Restores, stocking shelves, cleaning, and assisting people looking for replacement supplies.

Care & Prayer Ministries

Hospitalized/Rehab/Homebound If you or someone you know fall into any of these categories, please contact the church to let us know you would like a visit and or prayers. We can no longer rely on the hospitals or care centers to get information to us, that information needs to come from you. Please contact one of the following people:

Laurie Rohrwasser Care & Prayer Ministries Coordinator [email protected] phone extension: 204 Jennifer Dopke Administrative Assistant [email protected] phone extension: 300

Pastor Steve Bogie Associate Pastor [email protected] phone extension: 302 Pastor Lindsay Jordan Senior Pastor [email protected] phone extension: 303

St. Luke’s office is open Monday – Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm. The office phone number 262-542-2545. After hours please leave a message at one of the extensions. You may reach us via our website (Connecting/Care & Prayer Ministries/Care Request Form).

Prayer Team Our email Prayer Team is growing! But… there’s always a “but”, we need more of you to join us in prayer for so many in need of prayer! Being part of the email Prayer Team doesn’t involve meetings. It doesn’t involve long hours on your knees (unless you choose to do so). It doesn’t even involve experience of praying for others! What we are asking is a few minutes each day to simply give the names of those requesting prayer to God. It’s as simple as that! God knows what to do when you come to him in prayer. If you so choose to make this a bit more formal or spend some more time, that’s totally up to you.

So how does this work? Simply watch your email for names/requests from me. They will be sent as I receive them and updated as necessary. After that you save those names/requests and pray for them daily. That’s about it.

If you’d like more information or would to talk about prayer itself, feel free to contact Laurie.

Prayer Requests If you have a prayer request please contact Laurie Rohrwasser, Care & Prayer Ministries Coordinator at [email protected], 262-542-2545, ext. 204 or via St. Luke’s website (Connecting/Care & Prayer Ministries/Prayer Request Form).

Van Drivers We have an URGENT need for Sunday Morning Van Drivers! St. Luke’s has provided rides for many members over the years when they can no longer provide for their own transportation. This outreach has gone on for 25+ years. We currently have 3 regular drivers and 1 substitute driver to provide transportation via our church van 52 weeks of the year. If not for this service, these people would not be able to join with us in worship. We are in need of drivers for April, June, July, September, November and December. We are also in need of substitute drivers. Contact Laurie at [email protected] for information or to sign-up. Thank You!


Riverwalk for Cancer Registration is open for ProHealth Care Riverwalk for Cancer on May 2nd. Early birds can save $5 on registration ($20) until March 18th. Please consider walking to support cancer services provided here in Waukesha. Sign up at [email protected] and join St. Luke’s Team. If you join our team, your t-shirt will be delivered to you. Time saver! For more info, or if you prefer to register by paper (cost $25), please call/text Marilyn at 262-844-2519.

Forever 40 – Upcoming Activities April 30 (Thursday): Attend Milwaukee Brewers baseball game against the Washington Nationals. Game time is 12:40 PM. Leave from church at 10:30 AM. Estimated ticket cost is about $33. Program directors are Ed & Arlene Raether. Watch for details in the church bulletin. May 14 (Thursday) Fireside Theatre – Forever Forty and some friends will be attending the show “Church Basement Ladies – A Mighty Fortress is Our Basement” in Fort Atkinson on Thursday, May 14th matinee. There are a few tickets left in our group, at a cost of $76 for meal, show, tax and gratuity. You may sign up until April 10th. Contact Marilyn Schwanz Olson at 262-844-2519 or Ed/Arlene Raether at [email protected] for more info or to reserve your spot.

Hope Center Fundraiser There will be a Bingo and Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser benefitting the Hope Center on Saturday, March 28th from 3:00pm until 6:00pm at the Wales- Genessee Lions Club. You can vote on your favorite chili and there will prizes for Bingo winners. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 a the door, $5 for kids 12 and under. The Wales-Genessee Lions Club is located at S42 W31400 WI-83 in Genessee Depot. You can register online by email to [email protected].

Music & Fine Arts Series

Music & Fine Arts at St. Luke's presents the following events. If you have any questions, contact Michael Schaner, Director of Music Ministries.

Collaborative Concert Ankeny High School Concert Choir, Luther College Aurora, and Wartburg College Castle Singers will come together for one night only in a celebration of song unlike any you've heard before. This collaborative performance at St. Luke's will be the public's only opportunity to hear these ensembles in the Milwaukee area this year. The collaborative concert will be held on Wednesday, March 4 at 7:30 pm at St. Luke's. A free will donation will be taken to benefit all three ensembles. A reception will follow the concert in our hospitality area.

Wisconsin Philharmonic Shining Stars Recital Come hear the scholarship winners from the Wisconsin Philharmonic Shining Stars auditions in recital on Tuesday, April 28 at 7:00 pm. Tickets available at the door, and more information to come. An Evening with LSM An Evening with LSM celebrates the partnership of congregations with Lutheran Summer Music, a month-long music camp held at Valparaiso University. An Evening with LSM showcases what a typical evening at LSM looks like with a recital followed by a service of Evening Prayer. The recital will consist of

alumni, current students, and friends of LSM. A free-will offering will be collected for LSM's scholarship fund. Michael Schaner, Director of Music Ministries, went to LSM in 2005 and 2006. It helped shape his career as a church musician. A light reception will follow Evening Prayer.

Master Singers of Milwaukee Master Singers of Milwaukee will present Bach's St. John Passion on Sunday, May 3rd at 3:00 pm at St. Luke's. More information will be coming, but tickets can be purchased in advance at For more information, contact Michael Schaner, Director of Music Ministries.

Summer Music Camp It seems crazy to think that it’s already time to think about our Summer Music Camp as the temperatures are so low and we have snow on the ground. The dates of our 2020 music camp will be July 20-24. Students who are entering grades 2-7 are encouraged to participate in this engaging week of singing, ringing, chiming, games, storytelling, field trips, and so much more! Camp runs from 9:00am to 3:30pm, Monday-Friday. We will again have our morning session for students entering into kindergarten and 1st grade and their day will be filled with singing, devotions, musical activities, crafts, and so much more. Registration begins April 23 with forms being available in the church office, mailed home, and with Mr. Schaner. Please register early as the number of campers is limited. Friends are welcome to join us for this exciting week! We are also in need of adult volunteers to help with various aspects of the week such as being an adult leader with the groups, helping with activities, helping with rotations, and drivers for our afternoon adventures. Any questions, please call Mr. Schaner at 262-542-2545, ext. 304; or by emailing him at [email protected]. Please consider Music Camp for your children this summer. It’s a wonderful experience for everyone involved! Stay tuned for more information in the months to come!

Theology on Tap Theology on Tap will meet this month on Monday, March 9 at 7:00pm at La Estacion. Men of all ages are welcome. See you there!

St. Luke’s Senior Potluck Luncheon The next St. Luke’s Senior Potluck Luncheon will be held on March 17th at noon. We will meet every third Tuesday of the month and this month we have something new. A program on the Plain People: Hutterites, Mennonites and the Amish by Reynold Kremer. Living in Wisconsin, there is a fascination about the Plain People—especially the Amish. Reynold has spent many years traveling and studying the Anabaptist religion and his presentation will cover their history, religion and traditions, as well as displaying their artifacts and clothing. He is the author of Driving the Backroads. Bring a main dish, salad or dessert to share. Sign up at Sign Up Central! Each month, we celebrate those who have a birthday, we have the item exchange table, and we welcome friends. Invite your family and friends to join you this month and any age is welcome to participate! Please join us for an enjoyable afternoon!!

Finance Committee Update

by Ed Raether At our February 16 annual meeting the 2020 spending plan was approved by the congregation. If you were not present at the meeting or did not review our 2019 Annual Report, the new spending plan is approximately $17,700 higher than 2019. This includes the addition of Pastor Bogie to our staff. Thank you to the Church Council, the Finance Committee and everyone involved with the budget process in their diligence in preparing the plan. 2019 was a challenging year for St. Luke’s financially. We ended the year with a deficit of over $83,000. We remain optimistic about the future as giving did increase during the year and December giving was high. Child Life Ministries had a very good 2019 showing an increase in income over expenses. Giving to our sanctuary debt reduction and the building fund also continues to do well. We are on target to meet our planned goal for 2020. Our 2019 stewardship program featuring the “The Inside Out Church” demonstrated what the support and financial impact our giving brings to our community. This ministry is truly a remarkable

blessing and is directly related to the generosity of our members. As we move ahead with our 2020 “Stewardship for All Seasons” program, we hope to continue those same efforts. Some of our members are using a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) for their giving. The federal qualified charitable distribution rule allows traditional IRA owners to deduct their required minimum distributions on their tax returns if they give the money to a charity. By lowering your adjusted gross income in this way, the QCD rule can effectively reduce your income taxes. If this interests you, please consult your personal tax advisor for more information.

Council Bullet Points

From the February 18 Congregational Council Meeting • Council would like to recognize and honor our CLM teachers and administration for

the incredible care and service to working families. • Please pray for our Council members as we prepare for the March 15th Annual

retreat. • Join us as we celebrate the Installation of Pastor Steve Bogie on March 28/29. • The Congregation Council announces the following officer elections:

• President: Eli Larson

• Vice President: Bill Oliver • Treasurer: John Lindberg • Secretary: Sherry Skogman

• Appointments to Liaison roles: • Child Life Ministries: Jodi Giebl • Stewardship: Laura Cameron • Personnel: John Lindberg • 100th anniversary: Pam Olson • Finance: John Lindberg • Endowment: Bill Oliver • Facilities & Maintenance: Bill Oliver • Youth & Family Committee: Grace Groskreutz

SERVING Waukesha Food Pantry Shop a Sale & Share is the March emphasis for the Waukesha Food Pantry. Carefully check out those store ads and as you shop for your family, pick up non-perishable sale items to share with the Food Pantry. The clients who visit the Food Pantry every month appreciate all you do.

Mission Envelopes for March March Mission Envelopes go to support HOPE Center. St. Luke’s supports HOPE Center each month with $400. All gifts will help offset this amount from our General Fund.

Mt. Meru Coffee Hospitality Hour

During Mt. Meru Coffee Hour in March, Jill and Eli Larson will honor Colin Larson’s 7th birthday. Kathi Bartelmas will also honor the Hospitality Committee and the Usher crews for all that they do!

Sponsoring a bag of premium coffee for fellowship is a great way to honor someone or something special. We use two bags of fair-trade coffee per month. You can feel good knowing 40% of the purchase price is returned to the farmers of Mt. Meru Diocese. Sign up on the 2020 calendar at Sign-Up Central or stop by the coffee sales cart for more information.

Tanzania Partnership Corner Maroroni and Kilima Moja Parishes

Samaria Parish & Ascension Lutheran Church

Thank you to the Endowment Committee!

Thank you to the Endowment Committee for their continued support of the Milling Machine Project sending $3750 to begin this project in 2019 and now sending the $750 pledged to

cover the additional expenses of startup. On Sunday, February 9, Bishop Elias Kitoi Nassari cut the ribbon and dedicated the cornerstone to inaugurate the start of the congregation-owned grist mill business to grind corn into flour. As the Bishop blessed the launch of this new business for our partners, we have been asked to pray for the weather conditions needed to grow the crops of the farmers in the area to be able to bring grain and corn in to use this service.

Thank you to St. Luke’s Endowment Committee for pledging to support the start-up costs of Maranatha Nursery School. Our partner, the Penuel congregation is starting a primary

school for under 5-year-olds early in 2020. They plan to run it at the church like we run the Child Life Ministries program at St. Luke’s. It will be called the Maranatha Nursery School, and English will be taught to the 40 students who have enrolled. Baraka has sent estimates for the $5000 cost to start-up the school. Maranatha is ready to begin with volunteer teachers and cook, but they need to wait for the official recognition of the school to become part of the Meru District Council. Baraka asks for our prayers of support as they wait to meet the regulations of Tanzania to legally start.

The Endowment Committee has also pledged to continue to support the Professional Education fund for the training of pastors and evangelists to meet the needs of the growing Lutheran church in Tanzania.

Pastor Jordan has been invited by Bishop Paul Erickson to join him on a trip to the Meru Diocese in August 2020, and the Endowment Committee was very supportive of allocating $3000 to cover the travel expenses to make this first visit possible.

Healing Hearts St. Luke's Lutheran Church and Child Life Ministries is a PROUD sponsor of Healing Hearts, a grief support group for children and their families. As a non-profit, Healing Hearts relies on donations in order to continue to provide free support for families that are in desperate need. On Saturday, April 25 Healing Hearts is holding their annual Celebration of Hope! The cost to attend is $60 per person or $600 for a table of 10. While there you will find out more about

Healing Hearts, get a delicious meal, participate in a gift card balloon pop, bid on silent auction items, try your luck with the raffle baskets, and support am AMAZING cause! If you are interested in attending, there will be a sign up at Sign-Up Central, contact Courtney Stangl [email protected], or go online to .


Come One, Come All! Get out your calendar! Child Life Ministries is getting ready for our annual fundraiser! This year we are headed back to the carnival! On Friday, March 6th from 5:30 to 7:30pm, we invite all of St. Luke's to join us as we play games, eat food, get glitter tattoos, watch balloon twisters, win raffle baskets, participate in a balloon pop, and more! We are asking for donations for our raffle baskets and balloon pop! If you are able to contribute, please contact Courtney at [email protected]. Balloon pop gift cards should be between $5 and $15. Raffle basket items can include toys, movies, games, pampering items, family events, art supplies, sensory play items, adult fun, etc. If you are able to donate to a raffle basket and would like a receipt for your taxes, please leave a note including your name and address with your donation so I can get that to you!


Families of 4th Graders This year we will be trying something new for Communion Education. Pastor Bogie will be leading a one day class on March 21 from 9:00am until 3:00. The class will include lessons that pertain to Holy Communion, some games, and lunch to be provided. This class is open to both students and their parents. Please register through the office. Upon completion of this class, students will be able to receive Holy Communion at the 7:00 service on Maundy Thursday, April 9th. Pastor is looking forward to being able to work with our awesome students preparing them for First Communion.

Sunday School Sunday School is for all children 3 years old through 6th grade. Classes are held on the lower level from 10:00 until 11:00am. Visitors are always welcome!

Reminder: If your child isn’t in Sunday School, it’s never too late to join us! Registration forms can be found on the Welcome Station or online at

Date Lesson

March 1 Jesus Heals Two Blind Men Matthew 20:29-34

March 8 The Sower Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

March 15 The Wedding Banquet Matthew 22:1-14

March 21 No Class – Spring Break

March 29 No Class – Spring Break

Save the Dates! It’s time to mark your calendar for VBS (aka Vacation Bible School) August 3-7 from 9:00-12:00. Children who are 3 years old or will be in grades 4 PreK-6 beginning Sept 1 2020 are invited to attend! If you will be in 7th grade September 2020, please join our helper crew! We are in need of many, many crew members from all ages and stages of life, join us for a week of laughter, discovery and fun! Can’t be with

us? Help us prepare for VBS. Contact Laurie Rohrwasser [email protected] for more information. This year’s theme is : “Rainforest Explorer, Jesus leads the way”. Kids will participate in memorable Bible activities, sing a few catchy songs, play games, have some yummy treats, make new friends, build on older friendships and get to know Jesus through Bible adventures. Invite your neighbors, friends and family. We have a place reserved for all of them!

High School Youth Group Schedule Reminder: new meeting time starting March 1

Sunday 2:00pm-4:00pm (unless otherwise noted)

Date Time Event Sunday, March 1 2:00pm-4:00pm Youth Group

Friday, March 6 5:00pm-7:00pm Volunteer at CLM Carnival

Sunday, March 8 2:00pm-4:00pm Youth Group

Saturday, March 14 4:30pm-6:30pm Sweet Treat Saturday

Sunday, March 15 7:00am-11:30am Cinnamon Roll Sunday 2:00pm-4:00pm Youth Group

Sunday, March 22 2:00pm-4:00pm Youth Group

Monday, March 23 5:00pm-8:00pm Culver’s Night (Culver’s on Main St.)

Sunday, March 29 2:00pm-4:00pm Youth Group

Hold the dates: 4/11 Easter Breakfast Setup & 4/12 Easter Breakfast

Discipleship Training (DT) Updates

February Discipleship Training Calendar Date Time Event Wednesday, February 26 7:00pm Ash Wednesday worship

Attend with Mentor

Sunday, March 1 11:15am-1:00pm Discipleship Training

Wednesday, March 4 7:30pm Luther College Worship Concert Attend with Mentor

Friday, March 6 5:00pm-7:00pm Volunteer at CLM Carnival

Sunday, March 8 11:15am Road Trip Sunday *watch for details

Wednesday, March 11 5:45pm Check-in 6:00pm Dinner & Conversation with Mentor 7:00pm Lenten Worship

Sunday, March 15 11:15am-1:00pm DT

Wednesday, March 18 5:45pm Check-in 6:00pm Dinner & Conversation with Mentor 7:00pm Lenten Worship


Monday, March 23 5:00pm-8:00m Culver’s Night

Wednesday, March 25 5:45pm Check-in 6:00pm Dinner & Conversation with Mentor 7:00pm Lenten Worship

Sunday, March 29 11:15am-1:00pm Discipleship Training


EVERY SUNDAY 8:15/10:00am Worship 9:30am Fellowship Time 10:00am Sunday School 11:15am DT 2:00pm Youth Group 6:00pm Men’s AA

(unless otherwise noted)

CLM Child Care 6:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday

(unless otherwise noted)

CLM Preschool 9:00am-12:00pm Monday-Friday

(follows school district calendar)

Church Office Hours 8:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday

(unless otherwise noted)

Sunday, March 1

11:15am Discipleship Training 11:30am Executive Committee 2:00pm Youth Group

Monday, March 2 8:00am Amigos 6:45pm Al-Anon 8:00pm Women’s AA

Tuesday March 3 8:30am Needle & Thimble 9:30am 1st Tuesday Book Club

Wednesday March 4 9:30am Search Bible Study 11:00am Lenten Worship 6:00pm Godsbells 7:00pm NA 7:30pm Luther College Concert

7:45pm G.I.F.T. 7:45pm Voices of Faith

Thursday, March 5

9:30 Prayer Shawl 4:30 Joyful Noise 6:00 Saints & Sinners

Friday March 6 5:30 CLM Carnival

Saturday, March 7

5:00pm Worship

Sunday, March 8 Mt. Meru Coffee Sales

9:20am Men’s Chorus 11:15am Discipleship Training 2:00pm Youth Group

Monday, March 9 8:00am Amigos 6:45pm Al-Anon 7:00pm Theology on Tap 8:00pm Women’s AA

Tuesday, March 10 8:30am Needle & Thimble

Wednesday, March 11 9:30am Search Bible Study 11:00am Lenten Worship 6:00pm Godsbells 6:15pm CLM Advisory Board 7:00pm Lenten Worship 7:00pm NA 7:45 Voices of Faith

Thursday, March 12

4:30pm Joyful Noise 6:00pm Saints & Sinners 6:30pm Women of Faith

Saturday, March 14 Sweet Treat Saturday

5:00pm Worship

Sunday, March 15 Cinnamon Roll Sunday

11:15am Discipleship Training 11:30am Church Council Retreat 2:00pm Youth Group

Monday, March 16 8:00am Amigos 1:00pm Sarah Circle 6:45pm Al-Anon 8:00pm Women’s AA

Tuesday, March 17

8:30am Needle & Thimble 12:00pm Potluck Luncheon 6:00pm Finance Committee

Wednesday, March 18 9:30am Search Bible Study 11:00am Lenten Worship 5:30pm Facilities/Maintenance 6:00pm Godsbells 5:00pm Personnel Committee 7:00pm Lenten Worship 7:00pm NA 7:45pm G.I.F.T. 7:45pm Voices of Faith

Thursday, March 19 9:30am Prayer Shawl 4:30pm Joyful Noise 6:00pm Saints & Sinners

Saturday, March 21

5:00pm Worship

Sunday, March 22 Mt. Meru Coffee Sales

11:15am NO DT 2:00pm Youth Group 4:00pm Evening with LSM

Monday, March 23 St. Luke’s Night @ Culver’s by

Woodman’s 8:00am Amigos 6:45pm Al-Anon 8:00pm Women’s AA

Tuesday, March 24

8:30am Needle & Thimble 8:30am Holy Stuffers

Wednesday, March 25

9:30am Search Bible Study 11:00am Lenten Worship 6:00pm Godsbells 7:00pm Lenten Worship 7:00pm NA 7:45pm Voices of Faith

Thursday, March 26 11:00am Meru Partners 4:30pm Joyful Noise 5:30pm Stewardship Meeting 6:00pm Saints & Sinner 6:30pm Women of Faith

Saturday, March 28

5:00pm Worship

Sunday March 29 11:15am DT 2:00pm Youth Group

Monday, March 30 8:00am Amigos 6:45pm Al-Anon 8:00pm Women’s AA

Tuesday, March 31 8:30am Needle & Thimble

the Epistle

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church 300 Carroll Street Waukesha, WI 53186-4787


Worship Services: Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:15 & 10:00am Holy Communion: Every week at all services Pastors: Lindsay Jordan, Steve Bogie Church Office Phone: 262-542-2545 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Facebook:

Daylight Savings Time

Begins March 8!

Set your clocks ahead!