Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup

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  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    Little KnownLittle KnownMarketing Tricks for Growing Your EarlyGrowing Your Early

    Thought by

    Stage Startup

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    1. The analytics structure that we'll takeyou miles ahead of most startups.

    2. The single metric for knowing (notguessing!) you truly reached Product


    . "anna get li#e user feedback$ %oushould! &ere are some criticaluestions you should ask.

    . The must ha#e tools in order to doall the abo#e. %es all of them are free.

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    1. This analytics structure that we'lltake you miles ahead of most startups.

    Ignore it at your own risk.

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    The early stage

    classic mistakes startup analytics

    to avoid...

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    *sing the basic +oogle ,nalytics setup -only tracking #ague metrics like #isitorspage#iews time on site and ha#ing no

    con#ersions and or ecommerce data inplace.

    These lea#es you pretty much cluelesson where con#ersions actually come

    from from which channels keywordslanding pages etc.

    +uesswork and differing opinions o#er what each of the founders think ( but don't

    know for sure! ) that works for marketing

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    /ot ha#ing users retention analyticssystems. Their structure is only trackingtraffic and sign ups.

    So you got the visitors to sign up for a(free or even paid) account. Now what?

    How do you know if that user will beengaged enough in order for the trial tobecome a paid account? How will youmake your paying users renew theirsubscription?

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    07The optimal analytics structure: the funnel approach



    *serretention rate

    isitor to useron#ersion 3ate


    The funnel gi#es youclarity and structurein the whole startupchaos en#ironment.

    4t's a #ery simpleyet insightful #isualrepresentation of

    how good (or bad!)you're doing at allstages of your usere5perience.

    6tri#e to measure

    ,77 T&0 ",% fromentering the site tosignup to actualproduct engagement

    6ocial media P3 608 PP0mail 3eferrals ,ffiliates

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    08Build a funnel according to your

    business model

    6plit the funnel intomore steps if you ha#eto eg. Visitor > Trial User

    > Paying User >Engaged Paying user(uses your productconstantly)

    Track con#ersion ratesat each step of the

    funnel. 7et the funnel set yourpriorities for instance9

    Load of isitors notrials " focus on t#e

    alue proposition website$

    Loads of trials but #ardlyany paying users "focus on t#e productitself



    *serretention rate

    isitor to useron#ersion 3ate


    6ocial media P3 608 PP0mail 3eferrals ,ffiliates

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    10So to be better at marketing than most

    startups you need to:

    6etup an analytics system and make your

    decisions based on that data. This way you'llknow (not guess!) what happens.

    The best structure for analytics is the funnelstructure where you track ,77 the key stagesof your users e5perience

    ;on't settle for tracking

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    2. The single most critical metric for knowingyou truly reached Product arket :it

    &int9 its related to the funnel

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    Now, moving forward....,s an early stage startup getting toproduct market fit is (or at least should be)your absolute no 1 priority.

    %ut #ow do you know w#en you get t#ere&

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    The obvious signals


  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    14If only there was one single metric thatcan reliably tell you if you've reached

    product market fit that would be...

    6ean 0llis has this awesomemetric9

    =ut who is 6ean 0llis$

    6tartup arketing +odfather was the first marketer for;rop=o5 >obni and7og e4n founder of?ualaroo and+rowth&

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    6o the metric is....

    The @ of your users who will say that9

    $ our product is a ust #a e for t#e

    (or t#at)

    *$ T#ey'd be ery disappointed if t#ey couldno longer use your product

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    16How does this work in detail:

    +ou send people the following survey ,uestion*

    a) ery disappointed A they see it as a must haveb) 6omewhat disappointed A they see it as nice to havec) /ot disappointed (it really isnBt that useful) A they don't care

    d) / , A 4 no longer use %our Product A they don't care either

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    Sean !llis's "olden rule of thumb:

    Product arket :it (P :) is when youha#e at least CD@ of your sur#eyresponding users saying they'd be #erydisappointed if they could no longer useyour product.

    E CD@ is e#en better2D F D@ scaling is possible but waymore difficultG 2D@ A trying to scale will kill you

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    18So keep in mind that for #roduct $arket %it:

    he - of users who will say they d be verydisappointed if they could no longer use yourproduct is the most critical metric

    +our target for this metric is /0-

    +ou get there by really focusing on the product.

    s absolute numbers# you don t need thousandsof respondents to validate this conclusion1 a fewdo%ens will do.

    he ,uestion will bring you priceless insight on!H+ people in your funnel (don t) go from usersto engaged users.

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    19"oing back to the analytics structure that will make you a better at marketing than

    most startups:

    The funnel(s) will tell you "&,T happens li#euser feedback will tell you "&% that happensF at least e ually important.

    ...and speaking of user feedback let's mo#e on

    to that.

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    "etting live user feedback: what and how toask users

    &ere is a list of critical uestions you shouldha#e the users answer on their e5perience at

    different stages of the funnel.

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    "here did you first hear

    about us$

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    &ow could we impro#e this

    product (or page or o erall site) $

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    "ere you able to find theinformation you were looking for$

    %es 4 was looking for..../o 4 was looking for...

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    "hat con#inced you to pay

    for our product$

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    "hat was the one thing (if any)that almost made you abandon

    sign up$

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    ;id you e#aluate any of ourcompetitors before buying our


    %es (please tell us which one)/o

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    6ur#ey monkey F theone we use forHclassicalI sur#eys(also has a freemium)

    4perceptions F great forfiguring out users intent- how you deli#er onthat. (they ha#e a

    freemium as well)

    ?ualaroo F agile onsitesur#ey tool great fortargeting users basedon their time on sitepage traffic sourceetc. (/o freemium#ersion a#ailable butthey do ha#e a trial)

    Survey tools you could use to ask this

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup


    Speaking of free tools &ere's the basic list of tools we recommendusing as a startup and that also ha#efreemiums (fore#er free plans)

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    +eneral traffic analytics


    Transactional emails

    :unnels retentioncohort analysis

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    2age speed optimisation

    7i#echat 6oftware

    H lassicalI 6ur#eys

    *ser intent - taskcompletion rateanalysis

  • 8/12/2019 Little Known Marketing Tricks for Growing Your Early Stage Startup



    &appy 6tartup arketing

    arius Pop:ounder - 08 ;irect 6park

    y social contacts9