Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY...

" TO SOAR ALOFT ON TANCy's WISO." MARRIAGE TO STELLA. I'm mad resign the flutt'i-in- kiss ! For what ? for dall connubial bliss ? Why not the Bee, in bondage bind, His wild, eccentric fhght9 or mind I ' Fis wisdom not, or sure thciose, Would ev'ry wanton tho't compose. Thiukhow'the Florian Goddess blushes, When caper to her charms, he rashes ! 'Tis nought to him he's true awjiile ! Than courts the pink, with amVous smile. Then why should I, less wise than lie, Give all my tender tho'ts to tliee ? 'TisyNature sv ells his glowing ains, 'Tis Nature holds the loosen'd 'ems. Shall the-dul- l choriHof social school These c er clumping- passions rule ! No, no, in spite of Solon's art I'll still retain a gen'ral heart ! To wed to hear a circled ro'ind, Of one dull, cloying-- hateful sound. Then chance may send a smiling boy ! The father's wish the mother',-- , joy ! Then how ! shall each in union claim, A ruing int'rest to his same! I've wronged thee hj men, peaceful God, I'm subject to thy courting nrd : I can no longer doubt, or parry I will I must I'm bound to marry. ST. NICHOLAS. fubferibers will, sell 207 acres T of first rate LAND, about 2 2 miles front this place ; it is the foutli half of that tral belonging to the heirs of David Perry dec. and bounded - a? follows ; east by Wn). Allen' Jun. L west by uir. Payne, North by col. James 4 cXM'Dowell, and south by rar. Payne L Any person wishing to purchase, may ' know the terms by applying to the sub scribers, at Alexander Dunlap's, Wood- ford countv, at any time between this andlhe 30th instant. at which time they will set our for Cincinnati. Joseph &? Saml. Perry. . Tit la.k 1 one At iliaicll llili) IUUU. fust Received by ' WILKINS &? TANNKHILL, And nsw opening in the store formei-l- oc; cupicd by mr. Jolm Jordan, near the court house, and ior sale by the package, viz. 10 bbls. 4th pioof Cogniac Brandy, 10 Jamaica Spirits, 10 Madeira L. V. 1 10 Sherry, ( WINES, 4 oolemenar, l 4 Port, 8 Pepper, . J 10 Brimstone, 6 Allum, 15 Copperas, 10 Ginger, 10 Madder, S Chocolate, 50 boxes Segars, . ' i 1 case containing Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace and Cinnamon, Logwood, 10 boxes Young Hyson, 10 do Hyson Skin, 5 35 bbh. Coffee and Loaf Sugar, T?iiionne 111 Irorro The above articles nail be dispose! of at a moderate advance, by thebarrelor package, for Cash or Negotiable Notes at 60 days. A supply of GROCERIES, &c will be re gularly received from Philadelphia, which will enable us to furnish store keepers, or others, upon the lowest terms. XV. I A NEW STORE. THOMAS St ROBERT BARR, HAVE have just received from Philadelphia, and are now opening in the house lately occupied by mr. E. Craig, a large and general assortment ot MERCHANDISE, . Consisting of A 'DRT GOODS, jr HARD WdRE, f CUTLERY, csV. QUEENS'- - ") CHINA sc? WARES,' GLASS J BOOKS 6? STATIONARY, which they willsell for Cash, at the most redu- ced nrices. i.Q 'tfiey have on hand an assortment of, imported a a. a.' kiujn. tt 4 DANCING PERMANENT SCHOOL, iHE inhabitants of Lexington and its vicinity, are respectfully informed that said school still continues, and that scholars will be admifllble all the year round. The school id kept in the private house built by Wm. Dailey, antt Intel) occupied by Mr, Porter Clay. The third quarter will begin Satur- day the 22d inft. Days of school on - Wednelday and Saturday afternoon, in t;very week. CP Terms same as beforr. March IT, 1305. , FOR SALE, THE PLANTATION on which I now live, containing 162 acres, within 5 miles of Lexington ; about 80 acre1 of which are cleared and under good fence There are tw'o good duelling houses on said farm, the one a hewed log house, the 'other a brick; a large double barn 60 by 25 feet, with other nrceffary buildings. Alio a young bear- ing apple and peich orchard. Noplace is better wateied than the above, hav- ing a cave, which' is valuable, especial-- v in the neighbourhood of Lexington. My price is 750 1 000 dollars., paid bv the first of September next, the ba- lance in two eq-ia- l annual payments. W. STEVENSON. February 101805. tvtf 4 Auditor's Osfice: Chiliicothe, State of Ohio January 1806. Er.traft from an art levying a state tax for the year 1806. Sedtion 2. Be it further enaCted, 2. That all bnds fliall be rated and claffed in the tnanner iollowmg ; 3. that is to fiy, first, iecond, and: 4. third rates; and the rule to be ob-- 5 served is, that when a greaier part of any trad (ball be fupe. ior in quali- ty 6. to second rate land, it fliall be de- nominated first rate ; when a great- er part of a tracl fliall be inferior in litality to lint rate, ana tuperior to hird rate, it shall tecond rate ; ami wiien a greater jartofa trad fliall be inferior to , n ., , , . j ....... ci.uiiu uiv, - ..-- ." third rate land, ttlklllir into view he lituation and quality of the loll. First rate land fliall be taxed at the rate ot ninety cents, leeona rate sixty-fiv- e cents, and third rate for ty cents, each per hundrea acres. Sect. 7.. Be it lurther enacted. That in all cases whete the owners of any lands have, by thenifelves or agents, entered their lands in their proper dalles, with the auditor on or clerks of the couri of com mon pleas, agreeaoiy to me it laws heretofore in force, such lands (hall under this ad be placed in the same class for taxation, and all lands which shall not be entered by the ow.iers, or their agents, with the auditor, before he makes out his duplicate, he fliall clals and charge the same as second rate, and is any owner or proprietor ot lands, or their agent, have heretofore, or fliall hereafter enter any trad of land in an inferior class to that of its real quality, said land fliall (Jin til it is changed into its proper class) Vif be charged, over and above the rate for which it was entered, with double the amount of tax which fhouldhave been paid had the lame been entered in its proper class ; which fliall be paid tci.tbe colledor of the county, township,' or diltrid n which such lands may be chargea ble, for the use of the state, on the information of anv freeholder, ma king due proof thereof to the audi- tor or'commiffioners and be recov- ered at the same time and in the same way as other taxes are recov- erable. ( Sec. 4. Be it further enaded, That for the collection of taxes of lands the state fliall be and Is hereby divided into six collec- tion dillridi : the first to include the lands purchafedby JohrtCleves-Sym-me- s and his affociates and the land within thediilrid of Ci icinnati land office ; the second toincludelands in the Virginia military diftrid the land within the diftrid of Chiliicothe land office and the French grant; the third to include the land purchased by the Ohio company and all grants included within the limits thereof and the land within the diftrid of. the Marietta land office; the fourth to include the lands in the U-nit- ed States military diftrid and the rufugee lands and all the lands within the diftrid of Zanesville land office ; the fifth to include the lands within the diftrid of the Stetr-henvil- le land office and all lands south of the Connedicut reserve, md not included in the other dif-- trids ; and the sixth to include the' lands in the Connedicut Reserve. Sed. 5. Be is further enacted, That there fhzll be appointed, by a joint ballot ot both houles ot the general afTembly, and commiffion- - ed by the governor, a colledor m each diftrid, who Ihall continue in office one year and until his fucceff-o-r is chosen and qualified, vho fliall colled all taxes due and owing on s' lands within their refpefdive diftrids The. colledor of the first diftrid fliall, keep his of fice at Cincinnati ; the colledor of the second diftrid fliall keep his of fice at Chiliicothe ; the colledor of third diftrid shall keep his office atManetta ; the colledor of the fourth diftrid fliall keep his office at Aanelville ; the collector ot th fifth diftrid fliall keep his office Steubenville, and the colledor of the sixth diftrid fliall keep his office at the town ot Warren, 111 the county of Trumbull. And shall each, at the time they receive their duplicates, lake and fubferibe the following oath or affirmation, viz I, A B, swear orafSnn, (as the case may be) that I will ac 'YX cording tb the best of my abilities A1 faithfully and impartially per the duties enjoined on' me by laws as conedoroi; the diltnoW and that I will not dircdly. or purchase any land by me sold for taxes." Notice js hereby given that all taxes within this ltate are due navahle nf'Jpr the first dav of Aifpufl next enftinz and is not paid bv thdl first Morufty f December the lands will be sold or so much thereof as will fatisfv the amount due. ifl diftria colle&or A. Goforlh, Cincinnati. do. Virginia armv lands, Tho mas Scott, Chiliicothe. do. William Skinner, Marietta. do. Ja,mes Ilerron, Zanefville. do. Charles Maxwell, Steuben- - do. James Hilman, Warren. THOMAS GIBSON. Auditor of accounts for the flale of Ohio. 6 4 FOR SALE, && place whereon I now live, on . r ! v. J9. aires IVllll! Ull avaviu a iuis HfK'SiTniioriljrwith good improvements ; about 140 acres of open land, the dwel- - 'ing house is ot BncV, two (tones 22 'eet wide and 46 feet long, two GR1S1 MILLS in good repair, and grind very 'aft, one pair of nones are French burr ; he springs and Mock of water was never known to sail. I will sell the whole to gether, and give an extensive ctedit on .me fourth being paid down, or I will sell 100- acres with the mills and difttllen it, and give a conhderable credit on one third being paid down. It is gene- rally counted a very handsome place ; i?needlers to mention further particu lars, as any person wishing to buy, can view the premises. llP(f J0?171 Rogers. STATE OF KENTUCKY fd. Mason Circuit Court, December term 1805. John Naylor, complainant, Chancery against f2t ( and fostbh Doviner BKjjhdant- - Inunctiorf THE defendant not laving enter- ed his appearance herein agreeably to and the rules of this court and it appearing to the fatisfadio1 the court, that he is not an iuha- - bitant of this commonwealth, on the motion of the complainant, by Alex- ander K. Marfliall. his conn lei, it is ordered, thai tje,. said defendant do appear here, on the third day of our next May term-- and answer the complainant's bill, or that the same vvillbe taken as confeffedagainfthim, and that a copy of this order be forthwith mlerted in lotne autnori- - fed paper of Kentucky, for eight weets lucceffively. A copy. T'efte, , , IV 31 Francis Tayl'ar Clk NOTICE. VING taken letters of admi niflration on theeftate of mr George lohi.fon dec. formeily ot the houie of Peter Geo Johnson, (who died jn the idand of- Cuba r September lad, orvhiswav from New to this place,) we reqnefl all those who have claims againlt laid eltate, (it any there may be) to bring them forward properly authenti cated, so that they miy receive payment; tliofi indebted to the eltate will please make imm: dhrte payment Richard Johnson, ") , 1 Adm rs. t Feter Johnson, J Fredericksburg, Virg. Jan. T4, 1826; am NOW PUBLISHED, BV G. DOUGLAS B0OKSELL2R, BALTIMORE, FORENSIC ELOQUENCE. SKETCHES ot TPIALS IN IRELAND FOR HIGH TK.EAS02Tfec. . . . INCLUDING THE . SPEECHES OF MR. CURRAN AT LENGTIJ. to vmicn is prefixed a brief SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF IRELAND, AND A BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF MR. CURRAN: WITH AN ELEGANT ENGRAVED LIKENESS OF THAT ORATOR. Cedent arma tojrrc, concedit laure lingua;. Nosce hie .omnia est adblesceatulis. SECfOND EDITION WITH ADDITIONS. WHERE S the Jublcriber is buil tng a COTTON SAW GIN, in Scott lintM, Kentucky, ten miles from ort, on the Georgetown roadvand is unacquainted with "the name rehdence of the patentee, or pro-- etor o? said machine, this is to give Inm notice, that upon application at the above place, he shall receive, the usual premium. The above cotton gin will be completed in about three weeks. Stmdn Hickey. Elkhcrn, March 5th, 1806. . 4t "he imported English Stallion DION, Itf.WTT T. dinrl tn TTi,1: j y. u itu.iu uw Li.bDu.uiiu, .11 miUf untv, tins teaion. 01s performances and terms will be made Known in due time. La 7 he imported English Stallion j f STIRLING,1 W ill. itanu at Lexington, this ten. lis pedigree, performances anc1 terms will be made known in due time fa J VALUABLE PROPERTY I W"wFOTrSAHi:. ' I 700 acres Militarv . l.nd. 1 ins 01, f.rnMi fr.I V tV T ..1,,.. .1 "'"' i- - ira A. VVlil.1 L 1W IUU f 1 ;,.ft. . . 11. ....!, . . V1UIH.I 11 Ulll U IILIllllll 111 Villlll II.IH1IL this tract contaitis about three hundred acres of rich bottom, the remainder is wen tumerea ; lias on it a rroou nujl leat, and is an excellent (land for a pub lic house. 500 acres ditto ditto, ly'ia? on Clover Lick creek, a branch of the East fork of the'Little Miami; N. W. T. in a good neighborhood, about three miles from Dimhaiiis-Tow- n, seven fiom Williams- burg, and eleven to twelve from the O- - luo river. 1000 icres ditto ditto, lying- on Brufli creek, a sew miles iiom New Market, N. V. T. 5000 acres, lying on Bank Lick creek, Kentucky, part of two trails, contain- ing 6000 acres, surveyed and patentee1 ior vv iiuniu joncs. 4000 acres, Clarke count)', Kentucky, part of a trail of eight tlioufand acrei, surveyed and patented for Richard Clun-ncvort- h. 3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken- tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed and patented for George Underwood. 1 200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky, surveyed and patented for Moody ..vid M'Millin. 1000 acres Military land, on the wa- ters of IluiTeirs creek, Green river. . 325 acres, Jefferson county, Kentuc. ky, abput sour miles from Louiiville, 40 .teres of this traft is cleared. 116 -2 acres, Fra nklin county, Ken tucky, on the North fork of Elkhorn, about six miles from Frankfort ; on that trail are confiaerable impiovements. A House and well improved Lot in lithe town of Paris, on Main flreet,"ntla idioininir Mr. Hutrhcs'3 tavern. An Inn and Out Lot in said town. Also a House and well improved Lot n this place. The above described property will be t'old low for Cash, Hlmp and Tobac- co, or on giving bond with good fecun- - y, a conhderable credit may be had. "or further particulars enquire of An-Ire- w F. Price, attorney in fitel for (or ro the'fubfciiber.) JOHN JORDAN Jun Lexington Kentucky, Tanuarv 13. 180 &js WANTED, ,SaBER, industrious man, who-i- capa- - " L1 c .1 .:.. - .1. v . ullvu,b!Blie lour uorses, lu bWHITSloyed in Driving the Mail Sagc from Limestone to Frankfort, once a wceJc, to commence on tlie fust of May next. Applica- tion to be made to N. Willis, at Chiliicothe, or Joshua Wilson, in Lexington. tf October 1,1805. OFUS AVAL, $!k4& TAILOR, TFULLY informs the Citizens fof Lexington ami the Public in genetal, that .menceil liulinefs i the House late ly ocntfiied bv Ml Morrifon.ton Short .treer,; where he lntehrtitopurHie the tame m all its varions br inch's, and hopes from his knowledge of the above biifniefs, with the II rifted attention and a desire to please, to me'it a lhare ot public patronage. Ladies jnd Gentlemen, who will be fn obliging as'b savour him with their cu'rom, ma rely on hiving their work done in the most falhiona-blean- d best manner, on the Ihorteft notice, and on' terms. LOFT US NOEL. N. B. One or two Apprentices will be ta- ken to to the above business. Tlie ubferiber das for sale an excellent joachee with Harness, on low tonus for vafh STRAYED jROM the fubferiber in May last, a itraw L ber roan o!oured. ) M-A R E, rlveeyears old last fpfins, a wliito soot ad JTning one of her sore feet on the sore part ot nc hoot, bulhy mane and tail, had on an old bell, Also, a two jcarpld . GELDING, a Hark orbrownbav.-- liar in the sorehead, a fivp on one nortril, I bslieve hi? legs are all white, on the forelegs the, while does not reich high up, a switch tail, a lengthy made colt. Thev were brought Iroin Virginia lalf winter, by the Crab Orchard, and may have attempted to e that wav Whoever will dehvc- - the ib ve colts to me in Green county, near Where the Columbia road crofles the rojd leading from Stanford, to Greenfburgh. Ihall receive F,tvc JJnllars for each and tra- velling expences paid sir conveying them. WILLIAM WAi.DEN. Green County, Dec. 10, 1805. 4 m- J3 jqi GRANT, Fainter, Glazier 1$ Paper Hanger',- - PEC TFULLY, informs his friends and the public in general, that lie has lenioved his Ihop to the house on Short fti eet lately occupied by mr. Loftns Noel taylor, where he intends carrymg on his bu'.inels in all its various nranclie, extenlively and with tfilpacli. Being no,w fiurnifhed with every neceffa- - ry material, he will be enabled to cnm - ulete any kind of work in the above n and on the molt reasonable terms. He returns thanks to thole who have favoured hiiji with thefr commands, hopes from his aihduuy attention to business, to merit a continuance of theit! avours. r..--- .. J Tr-- : i. ,. r-- n I uiiu oy me llliaii always hand. One or two apprentices will be talcen o the above boys from to 6 years of agr, will meet with liberal encourjement, tf A FOR SALE, ' A T.itelv N.m Glil. BOUT of ar-- e enriuiie of tie' X punter. ?, -- OTICF.. All thoscindebd ! e ofCd-i-HvlH- U . for r - J!ic - K1 i I ! It J4, '' f' ''e,5t omti ,i.tid nnorrolhede tn t the ra '' "-c- ' r si..t, jreintoraieel, . ' Uiat tiur nous: tints ai Uie hanrit 01 th s ''rentier, t s , mce. ate ra ment, as tlie ntu:.t'on oi Uic e.ut will notadmitoi lor.ffcr cldiv JoL?i L. Martin, fxV to tlrr e,t-it- e of G. JIac'ison dee, Lexintton, Dix. Ji, 1805. LAST NOTICE 'j thos: Hdtbted to the late firm ALL Scitz h Lauman, John A. Suajk "" Seitz & Johnson, John A. Sc-it-z Co. John Jordan jun. John Jordan uinior x Co. and Jolm & William Joidau, aie requelled to tome forwaid immediately pay off" their relpective accounts Cuhtis Field, who is hciebyduly to receive the same. 1 he's who do not avail theinfelves of this no. tice, may rest afluri-d- , that indu' r- - r.ce will not be given beyond the first of Match) when suits will be indifcnmi-natel- y inflituted. J. Jordan jr. N. P. T O BACC O, HtMP, and HOGS' LAUD, will be rtceivtdat the market pi ice, in payment. J- - January 28, 1805, tf A BARGAIN, By which the purchaser may mate a more specdil,thanby any other one ofTer- - ed in the state. - I will sell the Tavern TRAVELLERS' HALL. Which I ocenpj , tv uh or without the furnittire- - and stock of liquors, for part Cash, part btore Goods, Negroes, or Country, paid duwn ; the balance m citrht annual pa mentS) wiui lmcrefinom ine aarp ; or in tour annu:.J payments of h.df Cash, and half approved pro-duc- e, with interest from the ddte. Tlie situation, convenience, cleT'e ard custom of Ti-- eilt-.-- HU, are well known to be unequalled 1 ary Taern in the AVc item Countn , and b t er) sew in t'ie Union. 'E'If th'13 property be not sold 10 April next, I sr..i!l not dispose of it aster wards, at least for setral eai . R. Bradley. Lexington, 14th January, ISOu NEW SCHOOL. rA MR. & MRS. ucij leave to icquunt their friends :n Lex- ington and its l litv, that on M"ndav, the-6t- of J.muarv, 18.6, they intend opening an Academy for Tattng Ladies, where will be the following branches ol Education, (viz.) per quarter. Spelling, Readirg, with all kinds cf Needle Woik, g 5 Writing & Arithmetic, 3 English Grammer, Geography, e. 3 Music, (vocal & instrumental) ith use of instrument, 12 Such ladies and gentlemen who please to ho- nour them with the inftrul'on of their chil- dren, mav rely on their ufiogeve-- v exertion in their power, towards their makinir 2 ranirl piogrefs. N.B. The of Patent Piano Fortes, is carried on as usual. Price 180 dol- lars. Mr. Grce-- has just received from PhiladeL phia, an afibrtment of NEW MUSIC, which ne offers for fall. Lexington, December 24, 1805. tf ' TWO APPRENTICES Will be taken by JOHN TONES. Vt his Cotton Manufactory, on V jtcr street, October 15 P05. DANCING SCHOOL. (K SEVERAL Gentlemen hai'inr expresucd to Mr. NUGENT, a desire to have their children taught by him this spnrp, he proposes to commence teaching- the art of Dan- cing, ium- -. Bradiej's Assembly Room, as soon as thirty scholars are subscribed for. A subscriptton ppu- - ,s lest utmr. Bradley's, jetting- fortli his terms, the same as hist j ear. THE fubferiber havirtenurchafecl t from Samuel PI11 inner and his wise, all the interest t'nev might have by virtue of ther light of dow r m the fiid formerly ' the wif- - of a certain William M'Cracken- - dcce.iled, to the elfatc, real and personal of the said William M'Cntken deceased'. All person are Iicp-'i- v pautinnpd against purcha-fin- g any of the laud's 01 oter property, to the eftilr of s decedent, as I have a deed of conveyance from the above named ainuel ani N'ancv Plummer. for her said right of dower to the same. llichardfon Allen. March jo, iS. - (,t STOLEN7 FRO?vl the subscriber, on Wed nesday c enm Lst, a j Light Bay Horse, CJ about c';rht 3 (- -1 s old, a lrge star in his sore- - head, a slurt .locked tail, a trotter but lias ben brol-- e to a .ace, brand ecollo.ted, bo t 14 hands high. ALo, soma timeiiVM,arff) 'f a 'H1" c Sorrel Horse, ,,h -, n... . ?.,.... .. ..7.. thes-sh'- . ai ner.on w.vmn- - vr.e ii.fnmnti so that I proa.- - either of tliun again, shall be I1L,ciai.) vevaroii. Qary L. Clarke. -- "' Scu VII "n ln 8"o- - 4w JOSEPH GRAY, tf"- "- HAS removed bi" Store to t'le'ftone house, opposite San uel & George Tiot-trr- s, lately orcuied bv Tvleffrs. Hart Sc Baitlett; and his ju't receivej, 111 ad- - iSit.on U lus to ner auurtmen;, very el mt funi-- i t' G'nns, wbich will le fnhl ih p for Cash. of business, ina neat and mafLrly llilej"00 '"'p, years old, blazed face, . - '.a nttiir. ' ln.t tb. !.!, ,,' 1,:. iiv and and . on 14 i8ye.irs tliLin ' Jt and to I -- x." in, Much 5, 1G06T J i t .1 J ): I ' s

Transcript of Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY Hilman, Warren. THOMAS GIBSON. Auditor of accounts for the flale of Ohio.



I'm mad resign the flutt'i-in- kiss !

For what ? for dall connubial bliss ?

Why not the Bee, in bondage bind,His wild, eccentric fhght9 or mind I

' Fis wisdom not, or sure thciose,Would ev'ry wanton tho't compose.Thiukhow'the Florian Goddess blushes,When caper to her charms, he rashes !

'Tis nought to him he's true awjiile !

Than courts the pink, with amVous smile.Then why should I, less wise than lie,Give all my tender tho'ts to tliee ?

'TisyNature sv ells his glowing ains,'Tis Nature holds the loosen'd 'ems.Shall the-dul- l choriHof social schoolThese c er clumping- passions rule !

No, no, in spite of Solon's artI'll still retain a gen'ral heart !

To wed to hear a circled ro'ind,Of one dull, cloying-- hateful sound.Then chance may send a smiling boy !

The father's wish the mother',--, joy !

Then how ! shall each in union claim,A ruing int'rest to his same!

I've wronged thee hj men, peaceful God,

I'm subject to thy courting nrd :

I can no longer doubt, or parryI will I must I'm bound to marry.


fubferibers will, sell 207 acresT of first rate LAND, about 2 2

miles front this place ; it is the foutlihalf of that tral belonging to theheirs of David Perry dec. and bounded

- a? follows ; east by Wn). Allen' Jun.L west by uir. Payne, North by col. James

4 cXM'Dowell, and south by rar. PayneL Any person wishing to purchase, may

' know the terms by applying to the sub

scribers, at Alexander Dunlap's, Wood-

ford countv, at any time between thisandlhe 30th instant. at which time theywill set our for Cincinnati.

Joseph &? Saml. Perry.. Tit la.k 1 one Atiliaicll llili) IUUU.

fust Received by '

WILKINS &? TANNKHILL,And nsw opening in the store formei-l- oc;

cupicd by mr. Jolm Jordan, near the courthouse, and ior sale by the package, viz.

10 bbls. 4th pioof Cogniac Brandy,10 Jamaica Spirits,10 Madeira L. V. 110 Sherry, ( WINES,

4 oolemenar, l4 Port,8 Pepper, .

J 10 Brimstone,6 Allum,

15 Copperas,10 Ginger,10 Madder,

S Chocolate,50 boxes Segars, . ' i

1 case containing Nutmegs, Cloves,Mace and Cinnamon,

Logwood,10 boxes Young Hyson,10 do Hyson Skin, 535 bbh. Coffee and Loaf Sugar,T?iiionne 111 Irorro

The above articles nail be dispose! of at amoderate advance, by thebarrelor package, forCash or Negotiable Notes at 60 days.

A supply of GROCERIES, &c will be regularly received from Philadelphia, which willenable us to furnish store keepers, or others,upon the lowest terms. XV. I


THOMAS St ROBERT BARR,HAVE have just received from

Philadelphia, and are now opening in the houselately occupied by mr. E. Craig, a large andgeneral assortment ot

MERCHANDISE,. Consisting of


QUEENS'- -")


which they willsell for Cash, at the most redu-ced nrices.

i.Q 'tfiey have on hand an assortment of,imported a a. a.' kiujn. tt


SCHOOL,iHE inhabitants of Lexington and

its vicinity, are respectfully informedthat said school still continues, and thatscholars will be admifllble all the yearround.

The school id kept in the privatehouse built by Wm. Dailey, antt Intel)occupied by Mr, Porter Clay.

The third quarter will begin Satur-day the 22d inft. Days of school on

- Wednelday and Saturday afternoon, int;very week.

CP Terms same as beforr.March IT, 1305.

, FOR SALE,THE PLANTATION on which I nowlive, containing 162 acres, within5 miles of Lexington ; about 80 acre1of which are cleared and under goodfence There are tw'o good duellinghouses on said farm, the one a hewedlog house, the 'other a brick; a largedouble barn 60 by 25 feet, with othernrceffary buildings. Alio a young bear-

ing apple and peich orchard. Noplaceis better wateied than the above, hav-

ing a cave, which' is valuable, especial-- v

in the neighbourhood of Lexington.My price is 750 1 000 dollars., paidbv the first of September next, the ba-

lance in two eq-ia- l annual payments.W. STEVENSON.

February 101805. tvtf

4 Auditor's Osfice:

Chiliicothe, State of Ohio January1806.

Er.traft from an art levying a state tax forthe year 1806.

Sedtion 2. Be it further enaCted, 2.That all bnds fliall be rated andclaffed in the tnanner iollowmg ; 3.

that is to fiy, first, iecond, and: 4.

third rates; and the rule to be ob-- 5

served is, that when a greaier partof any trad (ball be fupe. ior in quali-



to second rate land, it fliall be de-

nominated first rate ; when a great-er part of a tracl fliall be inferior in

litality to lint rate, ana tuperior tohird rate, it shall

tecond rate ; ami wiien a greaterjartofa trad fliall be inferior to

, n ., , , . uiv, - ..-- ."

third rate land, ttlklllir into viewhe lituation and quality of the loll.

First rate land fliall be taxed at therate ot ninety cents, leeona ratesixty-fiv- e cents, and third rate forty cents, each per hundrea acres.

Sect. 7.. Be it lurther enacted.That in all cases whete the ownersof any lands have, by thenifelves oragents, entered their lands in theirproper dalles, with the auditor on

or clerks of the couri of common pleas, agreeaoiy to me

itlaws heretofore in force, such lands(hall under this ad be placed in thesame class for taxation, and alllands which shall not be entered bythe ow.iers, or their agents, withthe auditor, before he makes outhis duplicate, he fliall clals andcharge the same as second rate, andis any owner or proprietor ot lands,or their agent, have heretofore, orfliall hereafter enter any trad ofland in an inferior class to that ofits real quality, said land fliall (Jintil it is changed into its proper class) Vif

be charged, over and above therate for which it was entered, withdouble the amount of tax whichfhouldhave been paid had the lamebeen entered in its proper class ;

which fliall be paid tci.tbe colledorof the county, township,' or diltridn which such lands may be chargea

ble, for the use of the state, on theinformation of anv freeholder, making due proof thereof to the audi-

tor or'commiffioners and be recov-ered at the same time and in thesame way as other taxes are recov-erable. (

Sec. 4. Be it further enaded,That for the collection of taxes of

lands the state fliall beand Is hereby divided into six collec-

tion dillridi : the first to include thelands purchafedby JohrtCleves-Sym-me- s

and his affociates and the landwithin thediilrid of Ci icinnati landoffice ; the second toincludelands inthe Virginia military diftrid the landwithin the diftrid of Chiliicothe landoffice and the French grant; thethird to include the land purchasedby the Ohio company and all grantsincluded within the limits thereofand the land within the diftrid of.

the Marietta land office; the fourthto include the lands in the U-nit-


States military diftrid and therufugee lands and all the landswithin the diftrid of Zanesvilleland office ; the fifth to include thelands within the diftrid of the Stetr-henvil- le

land office and all landssouth of the Connedicut reserve,md not included in the other dif--

trids ; and the sixth to include the'lands in the Connedicut Reserve.

Sed. 5. Be is further enacted,That there fhzll be appointed, bya joint ballot ot both houles ot thegeneral afTembly, and commiffion- -ed by the governor, a colledor meach diftrid, who Ihall continue inoffice one year and until his fucceff-o-r

is chosen and qualified, vho fliallcolled all taxes due and owing on

s' lands within theirrefpefdive diftrids The. colledorof the first diftrid fliall, keep his office at Cincinnati ; the colledor ofthe second diftrid fliall keep his office at Chiliicothe ; the colledor ofthird diftrid shall keep his officeatManetta ; the colledor of thefourth diftrid fliall keep his office

at Aanelville ; the collector ot thfifth diftrid fliall keep his officeSteubenville, and the colledor ofthe sixth diftrid fliall keep his officeat the town ot Warren, 111 thecounty of Trumbull. And shalleach, at the time they receive theirduplicates, lake and fubferibe thefollowing oath or affirmation, vizI, A B, swear orafSnn,(as the case may be) that I will ac 'YXcording tb the best of my abilities A1faithfully and impartially perthe duties enjoined on' me by lawsas conedoroi; the diltnoWand that I will not dircdly. or

purchase any land by mesold for taxes."

Notice js hereby given that alltaxes within this ltate are duenavahle nf'Jpr the first dav of Aifpufl

next enftinz and is not paid bv thdl

first Morufty f December the landswill be sold or so much thereof aswill fatisfv the amount due.ifl diftria colle&or A. Goforlh, Virginia armv lands, Tho

mas Scott, William Skinner, Ja,mes Ilerron, Charles Maxwell, Steuben- -

do. James Hilman, Warren.THOMAS GIBSON.

Auditor of accounts for the flaleof Ohio. 6

4 FOR SALE,&& place whereon I now live, on

. r ! v.J9. aires IVllll! Ull avaviu a iuis

HfK'SiTniioriljrwith good improvements ;

about 140 acres of open land, the dwel- -

'ing house is ot BncV, two (tones 22'eet wide and 46 feet long, two GR1S1MILLS in good repair, and grind very'aft, one pair of nones are French burr ;he springs and Mock of water was never

known to sail. I will sell the whole together, and give an extensive ctedit fourth being paid down, or I will sell

100- acres with the mills and difttllenit, and give a conhderable credit on

one third being paid down. It is gene-rally counted a very handsome place ;

i?needlers to mention further particulars, as any person wishing to buy, canview the premises.

llP(f J0?171 Rogers.

STATE OF KENTUCKY fd.Mason Circuit Court, December term 1805.

John Naylor, complainant, Chanceryagainst f2t ( and

fostbh Doviner BKjjhdant- - InunctiorfTHE defendant not laving enter-

ed his appearance herein agreeablyto and the rules of this courtand it appearing to the fatisfadio1

the court, that he is not an iuha- -

bitant of this commonwealth, on themotion of the complainant, by Alex-

ander K. Marfliall. his conn lei, it isordered, thai tje,. said defendant doappear here, on the third day of ournext May term-- and answer thecomplainant's bill, or that the samevvillbe taken as confeffedagainfthim,and that a copy of this order beforthwith mlerted in lotne autnori- -

fed paper of Kentucky, for eightweets lucceffively.

A copy. T'efte, , ,

IV31 Francis Tayl'ar Clk

NOTICE.VING taken letters of admi

niflration on theeftate of mr George lohi.fondec. formeily ot the houie of Peter GeoJohnson, (who died jn the idand of- Cuba r

September lad, orvhiswav from Newto this place,) we reqnefl all those who haveclaims againlt laid eltate, (it any there maybe) to bring them forward properly authenticated, so that they miy receive payment; tliofiindebted to the eltate will please make imm:dhrte payment

Richard Johnson, ") ,1 Adm rs.tFeter Johnson, J

Fredericksburg, Virg. Jan. T4, 1826; am









to vmicn is prefixed a briefSKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF





Cedent arma tojrrc, concedit laure lingua;.Nosce hie .omnia est adblesceatulis.


WHERE S the Jublcriber is builtng a COTTON SAW GIN, in Scott

lintM, Kentucky, ten miles fromort, on the Georgetown roadvand

is unacquainted with "the namerehdence of the patentee, or pro--

etor o? said machine, this is to giveInm notice, that upon application at theabove place, he shall receive, the usualpremium. The above cotton gin will becompleted in about three weeks.

Stmdn Hickey.Elkhcrn, March 5th, 1806. . 4t

"he imported English StallionDION,

Itf.WTT T. dinrl tn TTi,1:j y. u itu.iu uw Li.bDu.uiiu, .11 miUfuntv, tins teaion. 01s

performances and terms will be madeKnown in due time.

La 7 he imported English Stallionj f STIRLING,1W ill. itanu at Lexington, this ten.

lis pedigree, performances anc1

terms will be made known in due time


W"wFOTrSAHi:. 'I

700 acres Militarv . l.nd. 1 ins 01,f.rnMi fr.I V tV T ..1,,.. .1"'"' i- - ira A. VVlil.1 L 1W IUU

f 1 ;,.ft. . . 11. ....!, ..V1UIH.I 11 Ulll U IILIllllll 111 Villlll II.IH1ILthis tract contaitis about three hundredacres of rich bottom, the remainder iswen tumerea ; lias on it a rroou nujlleat, and is an excellent (land for a public house.

500 acres ditto ditto, ly'ia? on CloverLick creek, a branch of the East fork ofthe'Little Miami; N. W. T. in a goodneighborhood, about three miles fromDimhaiiis-Tow- n, seven fiom Williams-burg, and eleven to twelve from the O- -

luo river.1000 icres ditto ditto, lying- on Brufli

creek, a sew miles iiom New Market,N. V. T.

5000 acres, lying on Bank Lick creek,Kentucky, part of two trails, contain-ing 6000 acres, surveyed and patentee1ior vv iiuniu joncs.

4000 acres, Clarke count)', Kentucky,part of a trail of eight tlioufand acrei,surveyed and patented for Richard Clun-ncvort- h.

3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken-

tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed andpatented for George Underwood.

1 200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky,surveyed and patented for Moody ..vid

M'Millin.1000 acres Military land, on the wa-

ters of IluiTeirs creek, Green river. .

325 acres, Jefferson county,, abput sour miles from Louiiville, 40.teres of this traft is cleared.

116 -2 acres, Fra nklin county, Kentucky, on the North fork of Elkhorn,about six miles from Frankfort ; on thattrail are confiaerable impiovements.

A House and well improved Lot inlithe town of Paris, on Main flreet,"ntla

idioininir Mr. Hutrhcs'3 tavern.An Inn and Out Lot in said town.Also a House and well improved Lot

n this place.The above described property will be

t'old low for Cash, Hlmp and Tobac-co, or on giving bond with good fecun- -y, a conhderable credit may be had."or further particulars enquire of An-Ire- w

F. Price, attorney in fitel for (orro the'fubfciiber.)

JOHN JORDAN JunLexington Kentucky,

Tanuarv 13. 180

&js WANTED,,SaBER, industrious man, who-i- capa- -" L1 c .1 .:.. - .1. v .

ullvu,b!Blie lour uorses,lu bWHITSloyed in

Driving the Mail Sagcfrom Limestone to Frankfort, once a wceJc, tocommence on tlie fust of May next. Applica-tion to be made to N. Willis, at Chiliicothe, orJoshua Wilson, in Lexington.

tf October 1,1805.


TFULLY informs the Citizensfof Lexington ami the Public in genetal, that

.menceil liulinefs i the House lately ocntfiied bv Ml Morrifon.ton Short.treer,; where he lntehrtitopurHie the tame

m all its varions br inch's, and hopes from hisknowledge of the above biifniefs, with theII rifted attention and a desire to please, tome'it a lhare ot public patronage. Ladiesjnd Gentlemen, who will be fn obliging as'bsavour him with their cu'rom, ma rely onhiving their work done in the most falhiona-blean- d

best manner, on the Ihorteft notice, andon' terms.

LOFT US NOEL.N. B. One or two Apprentices will be ta-

ken to to the above business.Tlie ubferiber das for sale an excellent

joachee with Harness, on low tonus for vafh

STRAYEDjROM the fubferiber in May last, a itrawL ber roan o!oured.

) M-A R E,rlveeyears old last fpfins, a wliito soot adJTning one of her sore feet on the sore partot nc hoot, bulhy mane and tail, had on anold bell, Also, a two jcarpld

. GELDING,a Hark orbrownbav.-- liar in the sorehead, afivp on one nortril, I bslieve hi? legs are allwhite, on the forelegs the, while does notreich high up, a switch tail, a lengthy madecolt. Thev were brought Iroin Virginia lalfwinter, by the Crab Orchard, and may haveattempted to e that wav Whoever willdehvc- - the ib ve colts to me in Green county,near Where the Columbia road crofles therojd leading from Stanford, to Greenfburgh.Ihall receive F,tvc JJnllars for each and tra-velling expences paid sir conveying them.

WILLIAM WAi.DEN.Green County, Dec. 10, 1805. 4 m-

J3 jqi GRANT,Fainter, Glazier 1$ Paper Hanger',- -

PEC TFULLY, informs hisfriends and the public in general, thatlie has lenioved his Ihop to the house onShort fti eet lately occupied by mr.Loftns Noel taylor, where he intendscarrymg on his bu'.inels in all its variousnranclie, extenlively and with tfilpacli.Being no,w fiurnifhed with every neceffa- -ry material, he will be enabled to cnm -ulete any kind of work in the above n

and on the molt reasonable terms.He returns thanks to thole who have

favoured hiiji with thefr commands,hopes from his aihduuy attention tobusiness, to merit a continuance of theit!avours.

r..--- .. J Tr--: i. ,. r-- n I

uiiu oy me llliaiialways hand.

One or two apprentices will be talceno the above boys from to

6 years of agr, will meet with liberalencourjement, tf

A FOR SALE,' A T.itelv N.m Glil.BOUT of ar-- e enriuiie of tie'

X punter.

?,-- OTICF.. All thoscindebd

! e ofCd-i-HvlH- U . forr - J!ic - K1 i I ! It J4, '' f' ''e,5t

omti ,i.tid nnorrolhede tn t the ra '' "-c-

' rsi..t, jreintoraieel,. '

Uiat tiur nous: tintsai Uie hanrit 01 th s ''rentier, t s , mce.

ate ra ment, as tlie ntu:.t'on oi Uic e.ut will

notadmitoi lor.ffcr cldivJoL?i L. Martin, fxV

to tlrr e,t-it- e of G. JIac'ison dee,Lexintton, Dix. Ji, 1805.

LAST NOTICE'jthos: Hdtbted to the late firmALL Scitz h Lauman, John A. Suajk ""

Seitz & Johnson, John A. Sc-it-z Co.John Jordan jun. John Jordan uiniorx Co. and Jolm & William Joidau, aierequelled to tome forwaid immediately

pay off" their relpective accountsCuhtis Field, who is hciebyduly

to receive the same. 1 he'swho do not avail theinfelves of this no.tice, may rest afluri-d- , that indu' r- - r.cewill not be given beyond the first ofMatch) when suits will be indifcnmi-natel- y


J. Jordan jr.N. P. T O B A C C O, HtMP,

and HOGS' LAUD, will be rtceivtdatthe market pi ice, in payment.

J- -

January 28, 1805, tf

A BARGAIN,By which the purchaser may mate a

more specdil,thanby any other one ofTer- -

ed in the state. -I will sell the Tavern

TRAVELLERS' HALL.Which I ocenpj , tv uh or without the furnittire- -

and stock of liquors, for part Cash, part btoreGoods, Negroes, or Country, paidduwn ; the balance m citrht annual pa mentS)wiui lmcrefinom ine aarp ; or in tour annu:.Jpayments of h.df Cash, and half approved pro-duc- e,

with interest from the ddte.Tlie situation, convenience, cleT'e ard

custom of Ti-- eilt-.-- HU, are well known tobe unequalled 1 ary Taern in the AVc itemCountn , and b t er) sew in t'ie Union.

'E'If th'13 property be not sold10 April next, I sr..i!l not dispose of it asterwards, at least for setral eai .

R. Bradley.Lexington, 14th January, ISOu


rAMR. & MRS.ucij leave to icquunt their friends :n Lex-ington and its l litv, that on M"ndav, the-6t-

of J.muarv, 18.6, they intend opening anAcademy for Tattng Ladies,

where will be the following branchesol Education, (viz.)

per quarter.Spelling, Readirg, with all kinds cf

Needle Woik, g 5Writing & Arithmetic, 3English Grammer, Geography, e. 3Music, (vocal & instrumental) ith

use of instrument, 12Such ladies and gentlemen who please to ho-

nour them with the inftrul'on of their chil-dren, mav rely on their ufiogeve-- v exertion intheir power, towards their makinir 2 ranirlpiogrefs.

N.B. The of Patent PianoFortes, is carried on as usual. Price 180 dol-lars.

Mr. Grce-- has just received from PhiladeLphia, an afibrtment of NEW MUSIC, whichne offers for fall.Lexington, December 24, 1805. tf

' TWO APPRENTICESWill be taken by

JOHN TONES.Vt his Cotton Manufactory, on V jtcr street,

October 15 P05.


expresucd to Mr. NUGENT, a desire to havetheir children taught by him this spnrp, heproposes to commence teaching- the art of Dan-cing, ium- -. Bradiej's Assembly Room, assoon as thirty scholars are subscribed for.

A subscriptton ppu- - ,s lest utmr. Bradley's,jetting- fortli his terms, the same as hist j ear.

THE fubferiber havirtenurchafecl tfrom Samuel PI11 inner and his wise, allthe interest t'nev might have by virtue of therlight of dow r m the fiid formerly 'the wif-- of a certain William M'Cracken- -dcce.iled, to the elfatc, real and personal ofthe said William M'Cntken deceased'. Allperson are Iicp-'i- v pautinnpd against purcha-fin- g

any of the laud's 01 oter property,to the eftilr of s decedent, as

I have a deed of conveyance from the abovenamed ainuel ani N'ancv Plummer. for hersaid right of dower to the same.

llichardfon Allen.March jo, iS. - (,t

STOLEN7FRO?vl the subscriber, on Wed

nesday c enm Lst, a jLight Bay Horse, CJ

about c';rht 3 (- -1 s old, a lrge star in his sore- -head, a slurt .locked tail, a trotter butlias ben brol-- e to a .ace, brandecollo.ted, bo t 14 hands high. ALo, soma

timeiiVM,arff) 'f a

'H1" c Sorrel Horse,

,,h -, n... . ?.,.... .. ..7..thes-sh'- . ai ner.on w.vmn- - vr.e ii.fnmntiso that I proa.- - either of tliun again, shall beI1L,ciai.) vevaroii.

Qary L. Clarke.--"' Scu VII "n ln 8"o- - 4w

JOSEPH GRAY, tf"-"-HAS removed bi" Store to t'le'ftone

house, opposite San uel & George Tiot-trr- s,

lately orcuied bv Tvleffrs. Hart Sc

Baitlett; and his ju't receivej, 111 ad- -iSit.on U lus to ner auurtmen;, veryel mt funi-- i t'

G'nns,wbich will le fnhl ih p for Cash.

of business, ina neat and mafLrly llilej"00 '"'p, years old, blazed face,. - '.a nttiir. ' ln.t tb. !.!, ,,' 1,:. iiv









and to

I -- x." in, Much 5, 1G06T






I ' s