Kaifeng fu, henan (河南 開封府)


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Page 1: Kaifeng fu, henan (河南 開封府)


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Kaifeng Fu Archways開封府牌樓

Kafeng Fu

Henan 河南 開封府

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Page 3: Kaifeng fu, henan (河南 開封府)

The Brief Introduction of Kafeng Fu 開封府簡介The location of Kafeng Fu (Kaifeng Prefecture) is in the northern band of the east lake of Bao’s Lake in Kaifeng.開封府的地點是在開封包公湖的東湖北側。Having a long history, Kafeng Fu (Kaifeng Prefecture) is well-known both home and abroad. It was the capital and the most important prefecture of the whole country in Northern Song Dynasty. The large-scale buildings are magnificent, dignified and elegant. Many historic celebrities like Kou Zhun, Fan Zhongyan, Bao Zheng, Ouyang Xiu etc.,had once been prefect of Kaifeng Prefecture. Especially when Bao Zheng was the prefect, he enforced the law strictly and was impartial and incorruptible. His good reputation lives till today. An opera describing Bao Zheng’s achievements when he was the prefect of Kaifeng Prefecture is still popular today, sounding touching and soul-stirring.開封府具有悠久的歷史而聞名中外。這是北宋首都和全國最重要的市城。大型的建築物氣勢磅礴,端莊而典雅。有許多歷史名人,諸如寇準,范仲淹,包拯,歐陽修等,都當過開封知府。尤其是包拯,執法如山,鐵面無私,到現在口碑依然良好。時至今日流行的京劇中,描述包拯開封知府的成就時,仍然聽起來動人和驚心動魄。The rebuilt Kaifeng Prefecture today covers an area of over 60 mu (about 4 hectares, with the floor area of 13.6 thousand square meters “1.36 hectares”). Kaifeng Prefecture looks solemn, and spectacular and in great harmony with the Bao’s Temple by the west lake of Bao’s Lake. This is called “East Prefecture and West Temples”. The green and rippling lake adds more beauty to the buildings.今日重建的開封府,佔地面積 60 畝 ( 約 4 公頃,包含 13,600 平方米《 1.36 公頃》的建築面積 ) 。開封府看起來很莊嚴和壯觀,與包公湖西湖旁的包公祠搭配相當和諧,這被稱為「東府西祠」。在碧波蕩漾的湖畔點綴著許多美麗的建築物。

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青石浮雕照壁正中刻著一隻獨角怪獸「獬豸」 (xie zhi) ,是傳說中的神獸,能夠辨別善惡忠奸,警示官員要秉公執法、依法行政。

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“Gate of Rite” is a reception hall or the guest temporary resting place.從府門到大堂的百米甬道中間有道門,叫儀門,這是一間廡殿頂式的建築,是用做迎送客人或暫做休息的地方。

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儀門旁的大鼓,用來鳴鼓伸冤。The drum people beat at court to lodge a complaint against some injustice

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北宋開封府印Kaifeng official stamp of Northern Song Dynasty

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Huge "Stone of Admonition" in the square of the Main Hall, is to encouraged officials to serve the people.大堂前面的廣場巨大的「戒石」,有太宗皇帝的戒石銘。它的南面刻「公生明」三個大字;其北面刻「爾俸爾祿,民膏民脂,下民易虐,上天難欺」。

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Main hall is a place where the Kaifeng Prefect issued decree,deal with government affairs and review public cases .正廳又名「廳事」,俗名「大堂」,是開封府尹發佈政令、處理政務以及府衙舉行重大活動、公開審理要案的地方。

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"Dragon guillotine" designed for royal."Tiger guillotine" designed for corrupt civil and military officials."Dog guillotine" designed for trouble-making bullies.


龍頭鍘Dragon guillotine

Dog guillotine

Tiger guillotine

三口鍘刀 Three guillotines

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議事廳Conference Hall

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梅花堂 包公倒坐南衙的蠟像展示館Hall of Plum Blossom (Wax Exhibition Hall)

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蠟像人物形態逼真、栩栩如生、惟妙惟肖,真實的再現了包拯聽民訴訟、執法如山、為民伸冤的場景。 Wax statues of Bao Zheng interrogating in the South Yamun.

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電視劇「包青天」主題曲餘音在耳…「開封有個包青天,鐵面無私辨忠奸, 江湖豪傑來相助,王朝和馬漢在身邊… .. 」

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Pure Heart Tower: This is the cultural district introducing the prefects of Kaifeng Prefecture in Northern Song Dynasty.清心樓:這是文化區,介紹北宋開封府歷屆知府。

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清心樓 (Pure Heart Tower)

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一樓廳內,立有一尊目前國內最大的鑄銅包公站像,高 3.8 米,重達 5 噸。銅像神態威嚴、栩栩如生,令人叫絕。

Bao‘s bronze statue, 3.8 m

high and weighs 5 tons.

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Bao's Motto包拯「言志詩」

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包拯(999 年

5 月 28 日-1062 年

7 月3 日),


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From observation deck of Pure Heart Tower overlooking Kaifeng Prefecture清心樓頂觀景台俯視開封府

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From observation deck of Pure Heart Tower overlooking Kaifeng Prefecture清心樓頂觀景台俯視開封府

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Page 38: Kaifeng fu, henan (河南 開封府)

QianLong Palace is the Imperial Culture District in Kaifeng Prefecture. In QianLong Palace, three emperors of Song Dynasty are enshrined including Emperor Taizong, Emperor Qinzong and Emperor Zhenzong. 潛龍宮是開封府的帝王文化區。在潛龍宮供奉著宋代 三個皇帝,包括唐太宗,欽宗和真宗。

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開封府的休閒區 (Recreation Area) ,遊客可以漫步弦月山,享受明鏡湖;山間的小道,流水的瀑布會帶給人一種回歸大自然的感覺;明鏡湖里湖水清澈,魚兒在水中悠閒漫遊,爭搶食物,偶爾翻起水花,給平靜的湖面帶來生機。

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Fu Si West Prison Scenic SpotThere are prison warder's room, Temple of the God of Prison, dead cells, jail cells for males and females and so on.


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Temple of the God of Prison 獄神廟

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Dead cells of males 男性死牢

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英武樓 Yingwu Mansion

Drill Ground District : This is the place where important festival activities and celebrating events in Kaifeng Prefecture are held. Sights like YinWu Mansion, armory, barns, training area, Da Zhao Bi (a big screen wall facing the gate of a house) etc. are arranged here. There are performances of “Bao Zheng Inviting Envoys from Different Countries to Dinner” here every morning and afternoon.校場區:是開封府舉行重大節慶活動的場所。像英武樓,軍械庫,穀倉,訓練區,大照璧等景點都安排在這裡。每天上下午都會演出「包拯邀請各國使節晚宴」的文藝表演。

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http://www.slideshare.net/changcy0326 Music : Chinese Music 在水中央