Journal of Humanoid Studies V2 #`2


Transcript of Journal of Humanoid Studies V2 #`2

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is point they weren’t really panicking that much, when one of them looked straight ahead he

uld have sworn he saw a dark figure, standing on its hind legs, walk past the tree-line about 5

eters ahead of them. The witness almost hyperventilated, and they started sprinting back to a

arby gazebo. They discussed whether they should go back to one of the men’s place (about 30

eters from the park, and facing it as well), or if they should run back to the creek and investig

nce more.

hey went back to the creek and immediately started seeing more shadows and hearing more

nnatural, un-suburban noises. At this point it started raining heavily, and they saw a gargantu

orm cloud approaching, they decided to bolt back to the man’s place. They started running ine opposite direction of the creek. One of the men turned his head for a split second, and he sa

hat he described as a “Green man”. He looked to be wearing something green, covering his h

f he had any), but it almost looked like it was attached to his skull. He did not have a shirt on

had dark green skin. A darker texture than whatever was on his head. He looked like he had

me sort of dead furred animal over his shoulders, and in the opposite hand, he was carrying

hat looked like some sort of long, melee weapon. Possibly a staff or stick. He was looking out

om under the creek; therefore, the witness did not see his lower half. He had big bulgy black 

es, that literally protruded out of his head, almost like a grasshopper, he had a mouth where h

in was supposed to be. And he had a normal looking nose, although the witness did not see an

ostrils, but that’s more likely due to the fact that he was at a distance. He then raised whatust’ve been his eyebrows, and gave the witness a sort of ‘where are you going’ look. He then

ppeared to have shrugged, then turned and walked away. He did not have any visible ears.

here his ears were supposed to be, it was just blank. The witness stood there in shock,

yperventilating, and lost all bodily functions for about half a minute, while his friend yelled fo

m to come. He was finally able to run and both left the area. (1)

reature in Oregon.n October 28 2010 at around 2300-0045 in the city of Newberg Oregon, two men were walkine woods near the Friendsview Manor when they caught a glimpse of a weird, 2 legged creatur

nning through a patch of grass to the left of the walking path. They were startled, as it was

nning into the dark. About 5 minutes later, 100 yards up the path, they saw this ‘thing’ run b

ain. This time they could see that it had two skinny dark legs (like the hind ones of a deer,

rked forward at the knees). It was short (approximately waist level) and leaping/running fart

p the trail. It was dark, and definitely not a person or deer. The thing made no noises and they

nly saw it for a second. Then two days later while playing disc golf at Ewing Young Course on

ooded section of the course, two other men and one of the original witnesses saw a similar

eature during the day. As they approached hole 10 from behind the basket, they saw the saming. It had slick greasy looking black hair like that of a dog and the same forked legs at the k

hey could not see a face, because a small tree blocked the view. After about 5 seconds of stand

ll, it hopped behind the tree out of sight. When they went to look, it was gone. The source

ntacted a local pet owner who had once owned wallabies and stated that the last time had any

em it was 2 years ago. He also affirmed that he doubted that wallabies could survive in this

mate during the winter. (2)

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trange “dream” in Montana.round November 3 2010 (date is unsure) in Miles City, Montana on a cool fall night, the witne

r some reason was extremely tired and went to early around 2130. Later that night he was

eaming about something which he could not remember (which he thought it was weird since

ually remembers his dreams) when a bright light began to shine through his window waking

m. He wasn’t fully awake; he was more in a sort of half awake half sleep state. When he sat u

nd pulled back the curtain, he remembered seeing a tall figure looking down at him with the l

ining from behind it. The figure had large black eyes, pale-white/gray skin and it was looking

e witness. He remembered thinking that it was a dream and just rolling over and going back eep. It was at that point he started to feel very light. As if he were floating away from his bed

ody (which he thought it might have been sleep paralysis) and then everything went blank. He

ad no more dreams that night and woke up at around 600am feeling very refreshed. (3)

Hybrids in St Louis?n December 24 2010 around 1400-1500 an anonymous witness was working at a mall in St Lo

issouri and was at a kiosk in the middle of the mall. She pointed out that during the holiday

ason she will see all kinds of different people out shopping, specially right before Christmas.

ad been looking down the middle of the mall and saw two ‘people’, a man and a young boy wh

oked to be about 3 or 4, she wasn’t really sure. They were the strangest looking people she ha

er seen in her life. No birth defect, no ethnic trait, nothing that she have ever seen had produ

human that looked like them…and the boy’s face looked exactly like the ‘father’ (or the adulcompanying him). The ‘father’ was a man about 5’10” maybe 6’ tall, and he had broad

oulders and looked sturdy, but not “built”.

is body was very ‘flat’, she insisted that she knows that it didn’t made any sense, but the he h

o protruding pectoral muscles or the quadriceps were not shaped as curved as a normal perso

e had khaki pants on and a solid colored sweater. The boy was dressed exactly the same. His

f that’s what he was) was small like a child, but was not proportioned exactly the way a child

was more like a ‘dwarf’. They both had large heads and the man’s cranium was larger than

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ormal, according to the witness, and his face had very flat planes on the front, sort of sunken i

he little boy had the ‘sunken in’ look as well. They both had abnormally round eyes that look

mpletely emotionless. They had pale blond hair, and both had the same short haircut. They

ere not holding hands. What struck her as most odd was that the little boy was waling in fron

e ‘father’, a couple of feet ahead of him, and the father looked straight ahead. So did the boy.

hey didn’t walk fast, nor slowly, they walked at an even pace, very sterile. It was the oddest th

e had ever thing.

ccording to the witness she knew the second she looked into the adult’s eyes that he was not o

is Earth (or plane?). The boy didn’t act like a boy either; he acted completely emotionless,nlike a normal boy, specially during the holidays. She had originally noticed the adult man wh

was at about 20 feet away from her. The second she saw him she noticed his ‘very strange’ e

ry round and empty looking. He apparently noticed the witness looking at him but his eyes

ver shifted from looking straight ahead, as they walked back she kept staring at them, as the

alked further away. She did not see them go into any of the stores and they did not look back

r. The witness, who seemed very sincere and genuinely afraid, reported that several nights af

is encounter, she had been in her kitchen when she hears noises coming from the bathroom,

hen she walks in the bathroom to see what the noise is, it stops. Another night she was unable

eep since she heard dishes rattling around in the sink (poltergeist activity?), she also heard

binets opening and closing inexplicably. (4)

Another flying humanoid.n January 6 2011, at around 9:15am, the witness was driving on Silas Creek Parkway in

inston-Salem North Carolina. As he slowed the car at the Peter’s Creek intersection he looke

p to see something ‘floating’ fairly high in the sky in a southeasterly direction. It was like

mething he had never seen before. It was very dark against the light blue morning sky,

ongated vertical, strangely shaped like a humanoid figure. He stopped at the bank and caugh

ght of it again, high over the tree line, he asked the teller if she could see it also and she said sh

uld (must have been in the drive through), he called another teller to come over and she also As the puzzled witnesses watched a flock of birds crossed overhead, and he half heartedly jo

Well at least I hope birds don’t start dropping out of the sky like the news has been reporting

er the globe!” It kept moving very slowly, much slower than a runaway balloon would travel

as like a hefty man suspended in the air except it had to be bigger than a person. It was in sigh

r at least 20minutes. (5)

ittle humanoid in Saturday evening on January 15 2011 in the city of Victoria, Entre Rios province, Argenti

veral boys were playing on the Doma El Mangrullo field reported seeing a short humanoid

hich they described as ‘like a boy but with the face of an old man’. They observed the strange

gure standing behind a barbwire fence. The strange figure stood next to a large tow truck. Th

ported that the figure had very short legs and at first they mistook it for a 1 year old child, bu

it turned around they noticed his strange countenance. Startled upon being seen the little ma

n behind a nearby tree, it then opened an iron gate and ran to a nearby field. (6)

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edroom visitation in Belgium.t six in the morning on January 18 2011 in the city of Strombeek-Bever, Belgium, the witness

ddenly awakened to see what she described as ‘molecules or particles’ floating in all direction

her room, indicating to her that something was about to occur. Suddenly three dark shadow

ay figures appeared standing in the room. However the witness felt no fear and briefly stared

e figures, who were apparently staring at her. She then went back to sleep. (7)

trange glowing stone after UFO sighting in Malaysia.n January 25 2011 in the town of Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, at around 2:20am in the morning 2

en reported seeing two strange craft shaped like triangles hovering at about 50 feet from the

ound. After about 3-5 minutes one of the craft ejected something like a stone-shaped object a

oth then disappeared. When the men approached the ‘object’ they reported that it was glowin

nd then they took it home with them. They added that it had a disagreeable odor.

).Unfortunately there is no additional information as to the fate of the so-called glowing stone

ncounter in the mountain.n the night of January 28 2011 in the area of Laurel Mountain near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

ung lady and a friend had a remarkable experience.

he lady and her friend had been visiting the former cabin in the area and were in the drivewa

e cabin and getting ready to drive away, when suddenly the vehicle would not budge, no matt

ow force the driver applied to the pedal. Looking up the witnesses spotted what appeared to b

overing triangular shaped craft over the trees; the craft had lights at each apex and began to

aneuver around. As they watched something stunning occurred, the triangle then seemed to

ange shape, it appear to grow wings and transform itself into what the main witness describe

a ‘dragon’ or a ‘demon’, according to the main witness this creature or object flew around f

ng time (there appears to be a sort of time displacement or missing time since the witness

ought it was 6 hours at least!) while her companion appeared to have fallen asleep. Now at thoint the dragon or demon type creature again transformed itself into a large glowing human l

gure, which fell approximately 70 feet and landed on top of the cabin, it turned around and th

oked straight at the witness. At this point it was about 40 ft away and she noticed that it was

earing dark clothing. It then disappeared in plain sight of the witness. During the encounter t

tness reported seeing numerous other humanoid figures, all dressed in black that ran around

e mountain and the car and sometimes approached her location. It seemed to her that they w

rforming some kind of operation on the mountain. Eventually she saw most of the figures lea

p the mountain but did not see triangular craft again. In the morning, once her friend had

woken she drove home. (9)

art 3: Encounters with the blond and their kin, the 80’s.


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espite the so-called ‘gray invasion’ of the 80’s and the focus on abduction reports and the

oswell conundrum, encounters with this type of entities continued unabated, perhaps not in th

ace of the high strangeness decade of the 70’s which had just ended, but they were still around

spite of popular belief the grays did not take over, and they were not the only ‘aliens’ intrud

our midst. On occasion these human-like or almost human type entities were even reported i

njunction with other humanoids, including ‘grays’, almost like a United Nations of ‘aliens’

siting an interesting dying planet.

t an unspecified date in 1980 around 2200, in the suburb of Villa Andalusia, San Juan, Puerto

co, Nancy Alvarado was on her way home and while stopped at a corner heard a message in

ad ‘telling her not to be afraid’. Waiting in her car she saw two figures approaching. One fig

as dressed in white and the other in dark green. Both outfits were one piece and very tight-

ting. Both were human-like and the witness felt a great sense of tranquility suddenly come ov

r. The figure in white approached the vehicle and looked at Nancy who noticed that it had bl

air and small shiny eyes; no other facial features were noted. Then the figure in dark greenpproached the car window, he also had black hair. Both seemed to glide just above the ground

oth figures then crossed the street and disappeared towards a nearby wooded field. Nancy the

emed to snap out of a trance and quickly drove home. She found her father who then drove b

th her to the area and searched for the men, however nothing was found. (10)

the town of Melun, Seine-et-Marne, France, a witness before the main encounter reported

ing followed in his vehicle by a large white ball of light on several occasions. The ball would

ave a shiny white trail behind it. One time in the presence of her friend they both saw a white

all of light hovering near the house. On February 17 1980 and two more subsequent times the

ain witness reports being contacted by an entity which she described as man-like with beautifue eyes and long light-colored hair. The entity warned the witness a “coming invasion of the

rth.” During the last encounter the witness experienced a period of memory loss and arrived

ome in a state of shock, which was diagnosed the next day by a doctor. (11)

nspecified date in 1981 on late evening in the town of Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz province,

rgentina, the main witness, Luis, accompanied by two unidentified friends watched a dark ma

merge from the sea and approach the beach area. The craft was dark and circular and landed

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ont of the witnesses, a ramp became visible and the men were invited inside by a voice. Once

side they found themselves in a brightly lit circular room, they could not see the source of the

ghting. Several tall humanoids, about 2 meters in height, blond haired, light eyes and wearing

ght-fitting white coveralls greeted the men. There were both men and women among the alien

ome of the humanoids were seated in front of consoles and watching large screens on the wall

n some of the screens the men could see stars and suddenly on one of the screens they could se

ow the object moved away from the planet Earth. The craft circled the moon and they were ab

see its dark side. The craft circled the moon and they were able to see its dark side. The

umanoids communicated via telepathy and told the main witness that they were now headedwards the sun. The witnesses claim that once up close to the sun it appears black in color. Wh

ey were returning to Earth, Luis was able to walk around freely and at one point approached

ne of the consoles and as his hand reached out to the controls the images on the screen appear

rate about 90 degrees, it appears that he had caused the object to turn without actually touch

e console. He was then immediately told to sit back down. They returned to Earth and entere

e sea in the area of the Caribbean. The witness then claims to have seen incredible endless

nnels and within the tunnels huge dome covered cities completely illuminated. Before being

turned to the beach at Caleta Olivia, the witnesses claim they were implanted in their brains

th what appeared to be some type of tracking device, which is used to communicate with the

iens. The implant is supposedly located behind the right ear. The investigators reported seeinmall scar at the location. (12)

ne night in March 1982, in Springfield, Missouri, a local woman recalled that at the point wh

e was supposed to turn south in her car, she didn’t. She felt as if the car was being pulled by

rce faster and faster toward a light at tree-top level above and ahead of her. No engine sound

mooth no bumps, it felt like the car was floating. Then she is an a clearing in the woods with a

sc shaped craft (silver) that has three legs underneath, a light shining toward the ground, and

eps that fold down. She is drawn into the craft and through several rooms to a larger room w

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platform like padded white silver chrome that molds to body. She “knows” to lie down. She th

es half a dozen men about six feet one or two inches tall, good build, long blond hair, high

eekbones, blue eyes. They wore tight-fitting jumpsuits (brown) with matching shoes and belt

ale yellow stole draped over one shoulder. Winged emblem on chest, circle with a “hawk eagle

ad in center and wings on each side. The men were pleasant, caring and said they where her

iends. Told her they were going to do some tests but they wont hurt. The witness feels slight

nging in breast area, some type of injection on each side of armpit area. They want to see how

rth women feed their babies and how they are shaped. They then helped her off the table (did

ot talk, could read her thoughts). They said she might see them again some time. The witnessalked to door, down steps. All of the sudden she was back in her car. Turned and saw door

osing on craft and legs going in as it took off with a whistling, whiny sound. Shot off ground a

as gone. (13)

1983 (exact date unknown) around 2200 four walking back to their village near the Hwange

ame Preserve in Zimbabwe were walking alongside some thick brush when they suddenly

oticed a very bright light in the sky. They stopped to watch as the light descended towards the

he men then hid behind some trees as the light came lower and lower. They now could see th

as a bright disc-shaped object that had landed nearby. A door or hatch on top of the object

pened and two men with light skin and shiny clothing stepped out. They floated towards theound. At this point the witnesses panicked and ran towards the village and did not see the ob

part. (14)

gain in 1983 (unknown date) in Campos Gerais, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, around 2030, a lo

rmer, Joaquim Antonio Luiz was returning home on his bicycle when he rounded a curve an

w what he aft first mistook to be a ‘nun’ wearing white clothing. The woman-like figure wore

ort dress and a blouse with a light blue belt, tilted to the left. She had long light colored hair.

he seemed to be waiting for Joaquim, who felt attracted to the strange woman. She had a

luptuous body, and very nice “plump” legs. Joaquim approached and greeted the woman anen came up to her, hoping to have a more intimate encounter. As he attempted to embrace he

e suddenly made an incredible 500-meter high jump (!). She quickly disappeared from sight,

coming a small white dot in the night sky. Terrified, the witness quickly pedaled home and w

sleep. (15)

credibly that same year, perhaps along the same unknown time frame and a few weeks later

e Fazenda Morro das Pedras, near Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, at 1900 one evening

ree young girls, Isabel, Elenice and Ercilia were returning to their home when they saw a

oman with long light colored luminous hair. She wore a yellow blouse, a tight fitting cap on to

her head and a skirt of the same color. She was about 1.40meters in height and had a serene

ok on her face as she floated 70cm above the ground. As she floated over a nearby creek theaters under her suddenly became agitated, emitting a loud roar. The strange figure then

sappeared from sight behind some bamboo plants. The girls ran home. (16)

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the spring of 1983 outside of Kugey, Azov area, Rostov region, Russia, a case with curious

arallels to the Brazilian cases was reported.

he main witness and two of his colleagues, all working as money collectors (tax?) were traveli

y car towards the village of Kugey from Azov. All the men were armed since they were carryi

oney and other valuables. The main witness sat in the front passenger seat. Suddenly he notic

at the driver and his other companion were apparently falling asleep. He attempted to arouse

em but without any results. He then looked at the road and to his most outmost amazement

oticed a humanoid female standing on the road, amid the flat unpopulated steppes without an

her cars visible for miles. The strange female was dressed in a tight-fitting gray blue cloak, w

oad folds on the lower section that fell down to earth. She wore something resembling a cowl

r head. The woman was looking at the approaching car. While the other two men remained a

a trance the car approached the woman to within 3 meters but instead of hitting her, the

range female suddenly vanished in plain sight, only to reappear immediately at 20 to 30 mete

head. It again dissolved into thin air as the bumper of the vehicle again approached her. This

peated on several occasions. While the witness watched the spectacle, he trembled with fear aweated profusely. The vehicle approached the strange woman one last time and the witness sa

mething resembling a smile on her face. Suddenly the woman floated away in the opposite

rection and over a freshly ploughed field, strangely increasing in size and becoming somewha

ansparent and at the same time ascending over the ground higher and higher until she was lo

om sight. When his two colleagues returned to normal from their trance-like state, they denie

eing anything unusual. (The exact time of this curious incident is not provided by the source)


ne early morning in the summer of 1983 (a busy year!) in the town of Port Campbell, Victori

ustralia, the witness, Winnie, (apparently involved in other encounters) had decided to go fro

e cliff top down to one of the beaches to meditate to the sound of the waves. It was part way

own before she could see the beach. What she saw stopped her in her tracks. There was a larg

ayish UFO standing on the beach. It was circular with a white rim around it and a large blui

ver dome on top. There was a thick mast coming out of the top and there was a door opened

e dome and steps leading down to the sand. On the sand at the foot of the steps was a man

essed in a blue suit. He had blond hair and was looking right at her. He turned and climbed t

eps and then smiled at her once more before entering the craft. She hurried down the rest of t

ail to the beach, losing sight of it on the way. Reaching the bottom she was amazed to find tha

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e UFO was no longer there. She did find however three imprints about “the size of cake tins”

e sand where it had been. Curiously she felt a sense of great loss “as if a long friend had left f

od.” (18)

e now move on to the year 1984 and the bizarre encounters did not stop. Sometime during th

ar one night in the city of Volgograd, Russia, Cristina Zametina was at home alone reading a

ook when suddenly she found herself not knowing how transported to a sandy shore. Nearby s

oted a ball shaped luminous object hovering close to the ground. Next to it sat a man, normal

ppearance, wearing a dark jumpsuit. By using a hand gesture he called her over. As she

pproached the man began speaking (in Russian) about his planet of origin, about the numeroung wars they had gone through and more specifically the interest their civilization has on

rrestrial women. The reason being, as a result of the prolonged wars, their species lost their

stinct to procreate. The man approached her and asked Cristina for a piece of her skin and a

ck of her hair, explaining that it would be sufficient for them in order to grow a hybrid race

ing human DNA. She refused, but the alien apparently took the samples anyway. She was the

ought back to her living room, apparently teleported there. (19)

peculiar encounter was reported in the spring of 1984 at around 3:40 a.m. in the city of The

ague, The Netherlands. It seems that 60-year old L. Smeets was in his bedroom when he was

wakened by a bright white light that suddenly appeared in the room. Within the light two verll gold glowing figures appeared. The figures were about 1.85 m in height, with very pale skin

th dark luminous sapphire-like eyes and shoulder length blond hair. The humanoids wore sh

lden uniforms with silvery belts. On their chest area they had an insignia resembling an arro

ointing up under a half oval shape. The beings communicated telepathically and convened

essages of future catastrophes and wars awaiting humanity, they also explained to the witnes

at they were the descendants of the original inhabitants of Atlantis. After awhile the figures

ade goodbye and vanished, but before they did, they promised to return and see Smeets again


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n September 1 1984 at around 1800 in the evening, a six year old Japanese girl, named Nao

shimoto, living in Takamatsu, Kagawa-ken, Hokkaido, Japan, was playing with her friends

ding bicycles in the front yard of her apartment. Young Nao went to the end of the yard on he

ke when she saw a large round luminous object in the sky over the rice field. She stopped at t

nce and stared intently at the object, but she didn’t call to her friends. The brilliant object wa

ming in from the right, and as it became closer and bigger, she perceived a large ring of color

ght flying outside the object at the same time. To her surprise, the ring was just like a huge

cklace with brilliant beads of many kinds of colors. As it approached the front yard its shape

anged from a cross to a rectangle, then to a circle. It was a very beautiful sight and as the hazutlines of the luminous craft became clear, the “necklace” disappeared. The object appeared t

shaped like a large bell as it first came in a zigzag movement over the rice field. When it

overed a few meters from the field for a while, the ears of the rice plants swayed as if in a win

hen the domed saucer moved to the left and hovered near a kindergarten school. It was only

bout 25 meters distant from the girl, so she could see its cabin as large as six or eight mat room

ea rooms) of a Japanese house. According to Nao, the UFO had a large dome with four portho

nd a small golden ball on the top, which was very bright. Three large circular structures

otruded at the bottom. The color of the hull gradually changed from orange into silver. Whil

ao stared at the fantastic ship, a nice looking little boy appeared at one of the four round

ndows---the second one from the left---and when he looked at the girl standing at the fence, toy smiled showing his white teeth to her great surprise. Nao said the boy she saw had long hai

ulled back from his face and it reached his shoulders. His hair was golden in color and his fac

as round. Nao said his skin color was the same as hers; he had large round eyes, small nose an

rs. Nao said she only saw the upper half of the boy. So it seemed that his shirt was gray and a

tle shiny. His shirt had a V-shaped neckline. She felt sure he was a boy because of his eyes.

s Nao watched, the craft flew over the roof of the kindergarten and disappeared. Nao followe

ath that led to the tableland or mesa of nearby Mt. Yashima and again saw the craft now

overing low over some fields. She saw the “boy” at the window, which immediately smiled aga

nd waved his left hand. At first he slowly raised his hand showing the palm, then he let it downnd again he raised the hand slowly. The sleeves of his clothing were long enough to reach the

rists. Soon after that the craft began to circle over the rice field in addition to rotating on its a

nd flew toward the mountain. When it came to the top of the mountain, about 300 meters abov

e sea, the ship flashed twice and suddenly disappeared. (21)

ow we move on to 1985 and encounters with these mysterious more human-like “aliens” were

ll around and will finish the decade with a veritable vengeance.

arly one morning around 02:00am, in January of 1985 in the small town of Serra de Beleza, R

Janeiro state, Brazil, Sebastiao Tome Barbosa was walking through an isolated conservationea when he noticed a lighted section up ahead. Thinking that it was a car trespassing in a

stricted area he went to investigate. As he reached the area he was stunned to see a large ligh

sc-shaped object resting on the ground. Next to the object stood two man-like figures about 1

eters in height. The two beings were human-like and had straight black hair. Barbosa made a

dden movement and was spotted by the two beings that immediately ran towards him. Terrif

arbosa ran desperately towards a nearby ravine and hid behind some rocks. He watched from

hind the rocks as the figures apparently searched for him. After a few minutes the figures

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turned to the disc. Later Barbosa quietly emerged from his hiding place and observed the tw

ings apparently collecting items from around the disc and putting them inside a type of sack.

t this point he noticed that the two beings resembled humans very much and had extremely w

ests. At about 0300am the two beings entered the landed disc through an opened hatch. The

bject then climbed vertically gaining height at very high speed and then it flew silently away f

e area. (22)

n the night of April 26 1985 in Brewster New York, a man named Dean Fagerstrom (involved

her controversial encounters) was returning home when a detour sent him out of his way andcame lost. He ended up at the New Fairfield High School. As he was turning around in the

arking lot an object in the sky caught his attention. He stopped to look at it and saw a craft

ming toward him at a thirty-degree angle, moving very slowly. He does not remember openin

e car door, it simply opened, and he got out without thinking about it. An aqua green tunnel

ojected toward him from the object, winding like a culvert. A pilot, a very good looking fellow

epped out of the tunnel, chuckling, and told Dean that he had nothing to fear. The man was

essed in a burgundy flight suit, and instructed Dean to follow him. They entered the ship, wh

parted at high speed, although there was no sense of motion. There were elongated portals to

ok out, but for whatever reason, Dean did not look out. They arrived at an earth like place an

uple of buildings were visible. He was told to walk toward a building and began to climb stephen out of nowhere a being named “Donestra” who Dean has had previous contacts appeared

e wore a one-piece blue jumpsuit. Dean was instructed to go over to a building and undress, t

ter a cubicle, when he entered the cubicle a liquid denser than water covered him and cleans

m. Water rinsed the other liquid off, and then suddenly he was dry. When he emerged from t

bicle, his clothes were warm and looked as if they had been to the cleaners. Donestra explain

at he had to be cleansed from internal ideas then took him to a large stone table where five

autiful girls representing five races were talking and laughing. Dean wanted to talk to them,

s host said the time was not right. He was told several things that he was not allowed to divulg

oon Dean returned to the craft and the pilot returned, he does not remember the return voyage ended up in his car with the door closed. He could see the craft hovering above a nearby lak


n May 9 1985 around 04:30am near Haydock, England a witness had pulled over the side of t

ad on his motorcycle in order to smoke a cigarette and drink some tea when he suddenly

came aware of a humming sound coming from an adjacent field. The witness walked over to

eld to investigate. He saw a silvery glow emanating from a dip in the ground nearby. Two figu

ddenly approached, and as he attempted to leave a voice said, “Do not be afraid.” The figure

ere now a few feet away. They were both described as human-like of similar appearance but o

male and the other a female. The female was five feet tall, and the male somewhat shorter. Boad straight shoulder length blond hair parted in the middle and were dressed in blue ski type

its. Each had an egg-shaped implement attached to a belt around their waists. The woman di

l the talking and explained to the witness that they were from the “third solar system” (?). La

oth figures walked back to the silvery glow in the field. Moments later the humming sound

came more intense and the glow brightened. Then an object the size of two large sized buses

aped like an elongated rugby ball lifted from the hollow. It hovered for a few seconds then

ently shot away at incredible speed. (23)

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1986 Ufology was at the height of the “Gray abduction conundrum” other strange entities w

ll around; in fact they had never left.

ne morning during 1986 in the city of Ulyanovsk Russia a very peculiar event was reported. T

tness was alone at home and was getting ready to go to work when someone rang his doorbel

opened the door and was confronted by a seven foot tall man, wearing a silver coverall and

rge boots. In a low gruff voice, the intruder told the witness that he was an “alien” and neede

od. Taken aback, the witness gave him some groceries. The man left on foot carrying the time

rapped in old newspapers. The witness proceeded to his job but felt an urge to return homerly, upon doing so he found his pantry ransacked, all the food items missing. (25). This story

urse has parallels to the old fairy stories of the middle ages in which so-called ‘fairies’ or elve

ould at times still food or in other occasions would barter for food with humans.

he reports continued each one more bizarre than the other. On January 15 1986 at around 22

the suburb of Mokotow, near Warsaw Poland, A 42-year old man was returning to his

partment on Wiktorska Street. He was dressed in a very warm jacket and was carrying a

itcase filled with tools (being a plumber by trade). As he walked through an alley between tw

ouses he saw a strange sight on a field located behind one of the houses. On the ground he cou

e an object similar to two deep plates, about 4 meters in diameter. On the area, which connecoth plates, there was an opening from which a very strong yellow light emanated. He did not s

ny landing gear on the object. Intrigued, he began to approach the object. At first nothing

appened but when he was about 2 steps away from the upper section of the object a human-lik

gure suddenly came out. The figure beckoned to the witness to come closer. He did and sudde

und himself standing between two black-garbed figures each holding one of his arms and

lying” through something resembling a tunnel of yellow light. They flew for several minutes;

d not think he was inside the object since it was rather small. Suddenly they catapulted inside

ightly lit area and he fainted dead away. Later he woke up at the door of his house. He felt go

owever he was now wearing his jacket inside out. All his tools were somehow attached to eachstrong magnetic field or force, and his suitcase had disappeared. (26)

ne evening in the spring of 1986 in the tiny country of Andorra, near Encamp, Mariel R. was

siting the area of ancient dolmens with some friends, the group decided to rest for a while and

ariel remained sitting on a rock next to two of her friends. Soon she began to hear what soun

ke pebbles falling on the ground near the dolmen. She got up and approached the dolmen and

w 2 little men standing with their backs to her, as she approached the figures, they suddenly

rned around, looked at her and ran into the bushes. Mariel then called the rest of her friends

nd they searched the woods but did not find anything. She described the little men as human-l

th penetrating black eyes, dark skinned, with very long hair as compared to their stature. Thore tight-fitting light colored coveralls. (27)

n June 8 1986 in Ancerville France, a decidedly larger entity was reported. At around 2323 tw

en accompanied by their pedigree dog were walking along a path near a local canal by the Ri

arne observed a very tall, over two meters in height, human-like figure somewhat feminine in

ppearance standing about 40 meters away, the dog reacted becoming visibly disturbed. The be

as human in appearance and was wearing a white uniform and had long blond shoulder lengt

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air. Its arms appeared normal and it seemed to be wearing white boots and a wide belt. It was

tally silent and stood straight up like a statue. Moments later the enigmatic figure moved rap

way to the right and seemed to become elevated almost as if it were gliding and disappeared fr

ew. (28)

n July 1986 in Mountain Home, Idaho, the witness, Jane Derry, was sleeping on a couch in he

ailer, from her position she was able to see the hallway that led to the children’s bedroom. Sh

ad 4 children. At about 03:00am she suddenly woke up and looked towards the hallway. Ther

e saw, standing at one of the bedroom’s door a glowing man-like figure. He wore a one-piecevery outfit, and his hair was very long, past his shoulders. She thought in her mind, “what do

u want?” and the figure turned and smiled at her. He then looked briefly into the children’s

om, and then back at the witness and then vanished in plain sight. (29)

he steady stream of encounters continued onto the year 1987 with more strange tales.

ometime in 1987 between 1800-1900 in the venerable city of Cienfuegos Cuba, the witness, a d

ute since birth, had gone outside to her yard in order to collect some clothing from the cloth-l

hile performing such task she suddenly found herself bathed in a brilliant light from an

nknown source. Startled she looked around until she saw in the air, above a nearby mango treoating object shaped like a “half orange”, with the flat edge on the bottom. The craft was repl

th multicolored blinking lights, white, green, yellow, blue and red. She estimated the size of t

bject to have been about the same as a medium size car. It appeared to be made out of a mater

sembling “thick glass”. Inside the object she was able to see many other lights and two seated

dividuals, both wearing dark green coveralls. The men were looking at the witness and both

luted her using gestures. Moments later the object moved clockwise and disappeared at high

eed towards the west. She did not see any trace of fire or smoke. The object did not have any

ngs or rotors and apparently it was silent since no one else in the household came outside to

tness the event. (30)

little known ‘contact’ episode was reported on the afternoon of May 1 1987 in the small town

horrera, Panama. Farmer Maximo Camargo had finished doing some repairs on his house an

as walking a calf back to the pen when he heard a sound, resembling a sharp hum; he ignored

inking that it was the wind hitting the chicken wire fence. Moments later the sound became

uder and he looked up to see a silvery disc-shaped object slowly descending overhead. He

atched as the craft stopped at about 50 meters over a nearby field. The object remained

mmobile and a hatch on the underside of the center of the craft opened. A brilliant smoky beam

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light emerged from the hatch and descended towards the ground, when the beam struck the

ound it disappeared and a tall human-like figure became visible. The humanoid wore a long

hite robe, with long sleeves, a round collar, and three round golden buttons on the front. The

umanoid had long shoulder length blond hair, split in the middle of the head. Afraid, Camarg

ought of running back home but was suddenly unable to move. Camargo stood there as the

umanoid floated towards him a few inches above the ground. The humanoid then floated next

amargo putting a hand on his head and at the same time telling him not to be afraid, repeatin

at he would not be harmed.

uddenly without knowing how, Camargo found himself apparently onboard the UFO in a largom. There were other similar beings in the room. One of them pressed a button on the wall a

ree large chairs emerged from the center of the floor. One of the humanoids then invited

amargo to take a set on one of the chairs; he sat along with two of the humanoids. One of the

iens asked him what form of communications did humans used on earth. Camargo answered

hat he knew; he said radio, television, phones, and newspapers. He was then told that humani

ad not advanced to further stages since it had suffered innumerable cataclysms. They also told

amargo that they had achieved an almost perfect spiritual level close to the divine, in which th

ad elected to remain. Humanity had not been able to achieve a spiritual level yet. The beings t

ld Camargo, “We know you since the time you were young”. They also told Camargo that he

ould have to divulge a special message to humanity.hey warned Camargo that in 24 years humanity was going to suffer another tremendous

taclysm in which life on earth will come close to extinction (2011-2012). They were preparing

emselves in order to save whomever they could. Soon he was taken to a large shiny metallic d

nd then inside another room, there he saw two “rings” one larger than the other, inside the

maller ring there was a small transparent sphere. Next to the sphere there were three shiny

aques arranged in a triangular formation. Each plaque had the number “666” engraved on it

e was told that this was the Earth and its “accomplishments” he was then told to go forth and

read the warning. He was then released back to the ground. (31)

days later on May 19 1987, Camargo would have his second encounter, in which he wasansported onboard the UFO the same way as the first encounter. He was taken to an alien ba

pparently located in an underwater realm. Camargo was sure that the base was somewhere on

rth. The underwater base was huge and he was able to see different sized ‘spaceships’. He saw

her distant figures or humanoids through what appeared to have been a transparent plastic

vering. The humanoids wore a type of helmet equipped with large protruding goggles and

ppeared to be busy engaged in some type of work. Upon seeing the witness these humanoids th

luted him. He was again warned of coming catastrophes that would destroy most of life on ea

nd was warned that the earth was going to be struck by an errant asteroid called “Hercolubus

e was told that they hailed from the “white star” constellation in Orion more specifically

Rigel”. He was to have further encounters in which he was taken into space from where on arge screen he saw the planet earth, he was also taken to the Constellation of Orion but did no

sit the alien planet. (32). A lot of doom and gloom predictions to be sure, but that was to soon

e alien theme or swan song, specially at the end of 1989 and the early 90’s.

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the summer of 1987, in the town of Lipkovatovka, Kharkov region, Ukraine (at that time sti

e Soviet Union) at around 22:00 the witness had been sound sleep when he suddenly woke up

aving the feeling of a presence in the bedroom. He opened his eyes and saw to his right and clo

him a woman that was sitting down. The room was also brightly lit by a streetlight from outs

nd he was able to see very clearly. The witness attempted to move but was completely paralyz

nd he was also unable, for some unknown reason, to look directly at the woman. The woman

emed to be under 30 years of age and had long black wavy hair. She had large shiny eyes and

ore a dark robe. She then approached the bed and put her hand on the witness’s stomach. He

ied to shout but was unable to, then he attempted to strike at the woman but it was useless. Ae woman began to move her hand lower, the witness was finally able to scream at the top of h

ngs. His mother then ran to his room and when she opened the door the woman had already

nished in plain sight. (33)

uring July 1987, one late night in the city of Lages, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, the main

tness, Jaciara, was staying at some family members house and was alone that night, when the

ghts of the house began turning on and off by themselves. A strange sensation overcame her a

e went to be. The lights began turning on and off faster and faster now. Terrified she stayed i

d and heard a loud metallic voice that resembled that of one of the young family members thas not at home. She ran to the kitchen then up to the loft where she opened a window and

reamed for help. Later that night as she slept in the same loft accompanied by a cousin, she

oke up in a trance-like state and went out to the courtyard and saw an enormous bright silver

sc-shaped craft maneuvering over the area. At the same time her cousin seemed to be in a

nfused state and was acting very peculiar. Another family member had heard footsteps and

range voices in the house.

ciara apparently then encountered in her room a tall human-like individual, with long arms,

ond hair, with perfect facial features who in a friendly tone told Jaciara not to be afraid and t

calm. The tall being wore a tight-fitting metallic gray suit that covered most of his body, whi

as extremely muscular and fit. The being smiled at the witness and told her that she had beenntacted several times before. She was then apparently taken inside a huge cigar-shaped “mot

ip” which was occupied by numerous similar friendly beings. Inside the craft the witness was

ven several physical examinations including a gynecological exam. Blood, tissue and hair

mples were taken from her. Inside the object she noticed that it seemed endless and there

ppeared to be no walls. Among other things the humanoids told Jaciara was that they were

mapping” the Earth and that their planet of origin was “Venus”. (34)

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zarre “Contactee” type reports continued into 1988.

n February 4 1988, in the city of Necochea, Argentina, the main witness, Amelia G. woke up i

e middle of the night in a strange “narcotized” or sleepy state; she then saw standing outside

ndow two tall blond haired human-like figures wearing tight-fitting silvery overalls. The two

gures then walked around her yard as if searching for something and then disappeared. The n

orning Amelia was surprised to find a strange circular imprint on the ground of her neighbor

rd, a Mr. Basilio Lichowsky. Others in the vicinity also reported finding strange circular

ound traces, and some boys playing in the grounds of the local stadium reported finding a larrcular imprint, which strangely consisted of large mushrooms or fungi.

melia further described the men as human-like, with straight blond hair, and about 1.70 to

80m in height. She also reported waking up in the morning suffering from a strong buzzing

und in her head and nausea, the clock inexplicably had stopped at 02:15am, and her pet cat w

ding under the bed apparently spooked by something. Amelia then reported experiencing

zarre dreams in which she was landed UFOs in which the tall blond-haired men would come

. Around the same time other neighbors reported seeing strange balls of fire maneuvering ove night sky. Amelia also reported seeing balls of fire flying over her house. Later Amelia

ported receiving telepathic messages from supposed extraterrestrials and seeing fragmented

mages of scenes apparently in other planets. She also remembered seeing a huge orange sun. S

ter learned again through telepathy that the extraterrestrials she had were called, Hilarion,

ada, Kuthumi and Kortan. She received a large amount of information from the

traterrestrials, included in that information was that the North American Sioux Nation was

iginally brought to earth from the planet Mars and the Gypsies originated from the lost

ntinent of Lemuria. (35)

he weirdness did not end in Necochea, during the spring of 1988 a witness living in Ottawa,

ntario, Canada, a witness reported one night an unusual object that flew into his apartment aonfronted’ him. The object was about 2 ft in diameter and made a rather loud humming nois

ew in a perpetual left-to-right motion. Soon after this incident he was confronted by a being,

hich he described as looking like a supreme “military” commander, Olympic athlete and a

nius scientist, all in one. He had short almost wavy white hair, trimmed around the ears and

ck, red eyes, and was wearing what appeared to be a white almost fluorescent silk or satin t-

irt, with “Army type” shorts with four fluorescent insignias running down the right thigh. H

so wore fluorescent sneakers on which matched one of the colors of the bottom insignia.

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he witness reported numerous encounters with this individual and was apparently taken into

her “realms.” He remembers seeing what appeared to be ‘spaceships’. On another occasion t

tness saw what appeared to be 6 winged creatures suddenly appear in the sky and move swif

pwards in a “triple helical” fashion and after performing 2 loops suddenly vanished.

ven stranger, the witness claims that on another occasion he saw what the Jews had historical

ferred to as the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ flying in the skies over where he lived. The appearance

e box-like object was amber gold in color. Upon the top edges were two winged creatures who

ngs slowly and surely moved in and out with only the tips of their wings touching each other.

fter this incident he remembers facing the being with the white hair and red eyes. He smiled aoke some words about the earth’s future…namely that global warming will destroy earth’s

vilization, the atmosphere is running out of oxygen, that negative extraterrestrials have the

orld under control, and there may be a nuclear holocaust but before it happens, the negative

telligences will “land.” Since the above incidents he has had numerous “lucid dreams” in whi

has seen different types of ‘aliens’ apparently working together, apparently towards some ye

nknown goal. (36) the summer of 1988 in the ancient capital of Budapest Hungary, one early morning the witn

as on his way to work, it was still dark as she turned into Vorosmarty Square, and the first th

noticed was a strange silence in the area, not even the birds were chirping. He was concerne

nd looked around when suddenly he saw sitting on a nearby bench a huge 3meter tall figure. Trange man was wearing a gray jacket, and black trousers. He sat cross legged and stared at th

tness. The witness noticed that the “man” had beautiful sparkling blue eyes and long shoulde

ngth hair and was of thin built. The witness stood 30 meters away trembling with fear as the

ranger stared at him. As he looked closer he realized that the strange man did not have a “fac

nly eyes, his face seemed to be covered in a dark gray swirling mist. The figure never moved

uring the encounter. Eventually the witness walked away terrified and did not look back. (37)

gain in the summer of 1988, at around 03:00am in the infamous Caribbean Rain Forest of El

unque, Puerto Rico the witness, who was participating in a survivalist camping trip wasturning down to the camp site late at night when he saw about 60 feet away a cluster of multi

lored lights floating above the ground. Suddenly the lights floated behind a rock. There was a

dden flash then a tall man stepped from behind the rock.

he man was about six foot two inches tall with long blond whitish hair, he wore a white outfit.

is point the witness felt paralyzed and could not move and began to cry. The being walked

wards him and demanded that he stop crying, that he was on a peace mission. The being then

nelt down and began drawing symbols on the soft ground, resembling a circle with a triangle

side and a human figure within the triangle. The being then walked away and disappeared

hind the rock, at this point the witness was able to move again. (38)

n November 28 1988, at around 23:30 in Holbury, Hampshire, England, 20-year old Maxine

atkins was alone walking to her home along a lonely avenue when she noticed the branches o

e trees lining the road moving furiously as if in a strong wind. The frightened witness began

uickly walking away from the area. Suddenly a pulsating light appeared, it seemed to originat

om a round or oval object from behind the trees. The object then came over the witness and s

beam of bright light at her. She suddenly found herself in a strange room facing a bald-heade

an wearing a flowing black cape with a high collar. The man was holding both his hands

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utstretched and cupped in them was an orb with a cross attached. The witness could see two

her beings one on either side of the caped man. She was then floated to a table where her legs

ere clamped and she was unable to move. The beings attempted to reassure her by telepathy,

had little effect. She remembers her captors pulling down a complicated apparatus and placi

over her head. Next thing she knew she was a crumpled heap on the pavement about 100 yar

om where she first saw the pulsating light. Suffering from a severe headache and eye irritatio

e was able to see the bright oval object shoot up into the sky and vanish. (39)

s 1989 rolled in, the former Soviet Union was no more, and encounters from the former Unionere non-stop, the Iron curtain was not the only thing that had fallen in Eastern Europe.

ut first, sometime during 1989 one evening around 18:30 in that mystical, high strangeness

ountain called, El Yunque, Puerto Rico, a woman, 39-year old, Maria reported that as her

usband Jerry and a friend attempted to repair a nearby television cable antenna she stayed

hind by the car in order to look around the rainforest and take pictures. When she returned

e car she left the door opened as she sat inside to rest. Suddenly out of nowhere appeared a m

anding next to the car at about 3-feet away from her. He stood there for about 30 seconds

thout saying a word. The man was about 6’tall, human-like, that when he finally spoke, he di

an American accented monotone and walked in a stiff gait, as he moved away. He was very pnd had short blond hair. He wore a colorful Hawaiian shirt and blue pants. The stranger then

pproached the men and asked for a ride back to town since his car had apparently broken dow

n the trip back to town, which took about 20 minutes, the stranger sat without moving or

eaking a word, he then asked to be let out in an isolated part of town (Fajardo) where there

me abandoned houses, he left the car without saying a word and quickly disappeared down a

mpty street. The witnesses soon came to the realization that the stranger had apparently

mmunicated or ‘spoken’ to them by using telepathy. At no time did Maria hear the stranger

lk. (40)

uoting the immortal Charles Fort, this strange “procession of the dammed” will not soon coman end.

n April 12 1989, in Perth, Western Australia, at around 00:25am, a woman was awake in bed

xt to her sleeping husband when she became aware of a high pitched sound. On the right side

e bed a short figure suddenly appeared. It was described as semi-transparent and wearing a

ight green neon belt and a green ring. The entity was examining a box when the witness mad

dden move. The being then touched a belt around its waist and vanished in plain sight. (41)

ow it was Russia’s turn (and its former Provinces of course!).

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ometime in May or June 1989 near the small town of Ortachala, south of Tblissi, Georgia

ormerly a Soviet Union Province, not yet independent at the time), one evening several witnes

cluding a 9-year old boy Evgeniy Nikolaevich Gigauri and an older friend observed the flight

round silvery object near the hamlet. When the object approached their position, it appeared

a silver oval-shaped craft that was semi-transparent in the center. They could see a humano

tity inside. The entity resembled an elderly man wearing silvery clothing, which emitted a fai

ght. The man was in a sitting position, typical that of a driver or chauffeur, but visibly heppeared not to be operating any controls---his immovable hands were positioned on his knees

n some panel that was only faintly visible. No other details of the object’s interior could be see

he object was about 1.5-2 meters high and flew very low over the witness’s heads; it then turn

owly and flew towards the mountains south of Tblissi. The young boys then rushed to tell thei

arents what they had seen. (42)

n May 19 1989, in the capital city of Moscow, Russia, a local 20-year old woman, named “Lin

as visited by several alien beings at night. These beings suddenly appeared inside her apartm

nd woke her. She then saw three alien figures in her bedroom; two were typical “Nordic blond

pe” a male and a female, and the third entity a robotic type. Both Nordics were dressed in tigting silver suits, resembling fish scales. Both had light wavy hair (the woman shoulder length

nd the man somewhat shorter). The woman wore a belt around her waist resembling a bando

mmunition belt) and pearly shiny in nature.

he communicated telepathically with the witness. Among many different things she said was t

e “bandolier” was actually a “universal device” and they use it to “dematerialize” and compr

nd vanish their robot, or restore it back to visible matter. The aliens then invited to look at the

acecraft which was hovering outside the window. She agreed and looked out the window and

w the craft hovering at a very close proximity. She described the craft as being boomerang-

aped or wing-shaped with rounded ends. It had a hemispherical protrusion in the center topth a broad window covered with a net-like structure. On top of the dome were three antenna

sembling feelers---one vertical, and the other 2 on the sides. Two circular columns of light we

ojected down to earth from the craft. The “Nordic” aliens told Linda that they had settled th

arth from a far distant planet on another solar system. They consisted of “another substance”

nd were more developed. They warned her about several dangers that she would face in the

ture. They also told the witness that they were capable of making “pure conception, grow peo

the 6th

race and missionaries.” (Unclear of the meaning). They added that she was an

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xtraterrestrial being” her soul incarnate into a human body. The male alien told Linda that h

ame was “Zike”. After the conversation was over the aliens departed and re-entered their cra

nda then noticed that the craft emanated a whistling and hissing sound during takeoff and th

ntennas retracted inside. The craft then tilted slightly and then shot away at incredible speed

uickly vanishing from sight. Apparently Linda would have further contacts with the same alie

“Zike” told the witness that he was her guardian for 10 more years and wh

she turned 30 another alien would take his place. (43)

That summer (1989) in the town Slobodin, Moscow region, Russia, one nig

the witness, Boris E. an aircraft engineer by profession was resting in his

family dacha outside of Moscow when one evening he felt that ‘there was

something wrong’, what exactly was wrong, he could not pinpoint. So he

cided to take a walk in the woods and while doing that he found a “mushroom” naturally he

cked it up and suddenly he heard in his mind a voice, “Put the mushroom back!” startled, he

nored the command, and then the order was repeated. So he decided to put the mushroom ba

was uneasy and felt as if someone was ‘experimenting’ on him. He returned home, did not

eak to anyone and went to sleep. In the middle of the night he suddenly wakes up and surpris rubs his eyes, standing at the door of the verandah were two tall, 1.90m, male figures. They

ere wearing coveralls, and were very muscular and well proportioned; they looked to be abou

years of age. The coveralls were gold-colored without zippers or buckles and clung to the bo

aving only the face and hands exposed. One of the intruders was holding a screen the size of a

mall television, which was displaying some symbols, similar to dots both small and large.

omehow Boris remained calm and concentrated on the screen, suddenly its function revealed

elf very clearly, the screen was a ‘translator.’

mmediately after, Boris heard in his mind the first questions, “Do you want to travel with us?”

oris thought of his wife and children, who were sleeping peacefully on the other room and heked the intruder mentally, “Can they come too?”, at this point the two strangers began

nversing among each other debating if it was permitted to bring all four members of the fam

without any consequences’, they spoke about some rules prohibiting such an operation. Then t

oked at Boris and realized that he had understood their conversation. Suddenly Boris found

mself sprawled on the couch, confused and afraid, it felt as if he had been thrown there by an

nknown force. With some difficulty he got up and went back to the room where the strangers

ood. He then asked the men, “If I agree to go with you, when will I return?” “After 40 years”

ey answered. He felt terrible grief and was hesitant. He sensed impatience in the part of the

truders and heard them say that it was now necessary to take ‘somebody else’. Apparently th

ad in mind somebody else. Boris again found himself sprawled on the sofa and was again afrae heard the door of the verandah slam shut, he wanted to go see but was unable to get up from

e sofa. He then slept peacefully. The entire meeting lasted about 10 minutes and it seemed to

oris that the strange ‘guests’ been in a hurry. (44)

eturning briefly to Puerto Rico, sometime in early July 1989 in the coastal community of Peña

anca, a local fisherman , Orlando Cataquet was returning from fishing in the beach area whe

noticed a group of bright white points of light hovering and turning just above the ground

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arby. Orlando chased the lights and suddenly lost them behind a small tree. As the witness

alked behind the tree he came upon two very tall men standing next to a boulder on the groun

ne held his hand on his chest and told the witness not to approach, suddenly there was a flash

ght and the witness felt paralyzed, unable to move. He described the two men as very tall and

entical in appearance, with light skin, blue eyes and light brown shoulder length hair, they we

ell built and strong in appearance. They both wore brilliant white tunics with an opened V-ne

hey spoke to the witness and warned him of a coming catastrophe, they said that the earth wa

ing to become a cold desolate planet once more. He was then told to turn around and remain s

e then felt a heat blast behind him and saw a bright flash. The two men had disappeared. Lathome he realized that he had lost 3 hours of time and could only remember seeing a long slee

bmarine like object that used energy from the water for its propulsion. (45)

ack to the former Soviet Union, in Kohtu, Harju County, Estonia in July of 1989, one evening

oman and her adult daughter were watching television when they heard a loud knock at the

ndow. Looking at the window they saw the upper body of a man. They thought that the intru

ust have been standing on a ladder. Both women approached the window and obtained a clos

ok at the man. He wore a dark gray diver’s suit, which had a broad white band that ran over

oulder and arm. The tall figure was quickly retreating from the window moving diagonally

way. They could not discern any facial features. At one point the strange figure turned around

th its back to the witnesses and seemed to quickly glide away from the area. (46)

n July 4 1989 in the capital of the Ukraine, Kiev, two women, one named Vera Ignatenko, andung girl were walking along a canal near some woods when they saw three men approaching

strange silvery “boat” in the canal. The beings were man-like, wore shiny collarless suits, and

ad identical pale faces, long golden hair, and large radiant eyes. The beings approached the tr

nd spoke in the pure ancient Slavic language (a defunct language spoken in old Russia)

pparently wanting the witnesses to come with them to their “planet”. The beings claimed that

ey took one person from earth each day. The beings then walked with the women to a nearby

overing silvery barrel-shaped craft with an antenna on top. The women attempted to run awa

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ut could not, feeling a tingling sensation and were unable to scream either. The beings appare

cided against taking the three women and released them, they then entered the object via a

epladder. Before leaving, the beings demonstrated a holographic model of the solar system wi

tenth planet to the witnesses and warned that electromagnetic emissions from earth and radio

gnals being transmitted into space attracted many negative alien cultures who are arriving on

rth uninvited with the aim to exploit the planet for their own interests. The craft then left

uickly and silently. Apparently, Ignatenko was to have further contacts. (47)

n September 27 1989 near Tillamook, Oregon, one afternoon around 16:20, alerted by her yoanddaughter to something unusual outside, a woman confronted a disc hovering just above t

ound near her farmhouse. Perhaps 20-30 feet in diameter, its shape was later drawn as an

verted toy top and the surface described as “almost transparent.” A bright yellow white light

one at two opposing points along the flat bottom. As the woman approached to within 30 feet

oorway opened, revealing a human-like being of average height, with blond hair, fair skin, an

ue eyes, dressed in a silver coverall. At a window next to the door was a “Bigfoot” creature,

emingly seated and visible from the chest up. For the next few minutes, the woman stared at t

wo, gaining the impression that the “human” was attempting (unsuccessfully) to communicate

hen the vehicle and beings vanished instantly (i.e. without accelerating beyond viewing range)

he woman is a psychic, and claims to have had periodic encounters with UFOs and “Bigfoot”eatures throughout her life. (48)

he same day, September 27 1989 but at a later time, 2300, in the town of Gyomaendrod,

ungary a local farmer was plowing the fields late at night when he noticed a huge orange

attened sphere hovering above some nearby poplars. The object then began to emit a cracklin

und and began to approach the tractor. The witness estimated the object to have been about

eters in diameter. The object stopped nearby as the tractor’s engine suddenly malfunctioned

ould not start, the witness could now see windows on the craft and flashing rotating blue, yell

nd red lights on a rim. He also saw what appeared to be a ramp or door on the hull of the craft the door he saw three figures, 2 short baldheaded ones, wearing green clothing and bright

een boots and a tall human-like female wearing a red dress and boots. What happened next t

tness only has vague memories. He remembers suddenly seeing two short figures next to the

actor as the tractor’s lights also became extinguished. Soon the witness found himself onboar

e object where he was taking to a room where he saw a woman lying on top of what appeared

a glass tube.

e then sat on a very comfortable “couch”. There he was apparently “interviewed” by the shor

umanoids. Onboard he also saw two tall bearded ball human males, one of which appeared to

ave been the ‘commander’, both had large eyes. One of the men showed him a coin with a

iangle-like emblem and a white long-necked bird; he also saw writing that reminded him of neiform. Later the tall slanted eye woman who also had a very gruff voice established sexual

lations with the witness. After that he was seen images of rivers, bridges, and pyramids,

pparently on a foreign planet. Later he was apparently transported to an underground base

here alien-human hybrids were shown to him. He was eventually returned to his tractor arou

:00am. The witness was shocked to realize that four hours had passed. (49)

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ack to the Russian capital of Moscow in early October 1989, a weird tale emerges, during the

ght shift at the local oil and gas institute, gas worker Victor Petrovich M. was busy in his

orkshop when he noticed unknown people moving about in the internal courtyard of the

stitute. At the same time two cone-shaped objects appeared on the flat roof of an adjacent

uilding: height of one, about 1 meter, the other a little less. At the apex of the larger object

mething was revolving. Six strangers, dressed differently stood by the objects; all appeared v

uman-like and wore diving suits and no helmets. Judging by their behavior they appeared to b

rforming repairs. Suddenly in the witness’ workshop two short figures, about 1 meter each in

ight appeared and began rummaging around, apparently looking for something. Their motioe somewhat mechanical, inanimate, from that, Victor drew the conclusion that these were

bots. He then saw in the small cone-shaped object, which was almost transparent in nature, a

oman, only about 30cm in height. As Victor approached the object, he heard a loud voice

pparently coming from the woman, which identified herself as “Binetta” the witness then yelle

ut his name.

mmediately, Victor, using the internal phone system called for some guards, reporting the

trusion, but these arrived and quickly left, saying that they could not see anything. The whole

me the strangers continued to be preoccupied in repairing their apparatuses. Among those

orking on the object was an elderly man, which Victor approached and engaged in conversat

he elderly man was apparently irritated and spoke in a moralizing manner. He explained thatey had for a long time kept an eye on the Earth. That the children interested them, but he als

ointed out that the children nowadays behaved in a terrible manner and in no way should be

llow to prevail” in the family (?). Victor also learned that the stranger’s native planet was ca

Z” When Victor further inquired about their planet he was told that he must first learn about

e Earth more before going into space. Soon Victor’s memory became distorted and remembe

aring an incomprehensible language and also hearing what sounded to him like the word

Quantum.” Suddenly Victor was overcome by a terrible fear and ran to the guard’s quarter,

ter upon returning the intruders were already gone. Later that night at his home Victor was

sited by the woman known as “Binetta,” only this time she was about 2 meters in height, andearing a tight-fitting diver’s suit. She appeared normal except for what Victor thought was a

sproportionately small head. Victor warned the woman not to make any fuss since his sleepin

nd ill mother was in the other room. Before disappearing the woman repeated several words,

hich Victor attempted to memorize and repeated daily. The woman promised to return in ear

ovember. At that time Victor became ill and felt very “heavy” experiencing dry mouth

mptoms. His wife and grandson reported seeing what appeared to be a luminous blue screen

ddenly appearing in the ceiling of the bedroom on two occasions, both times the screen dissol

nd strange “thread” like filaments became visible. (50) Convoluted tale to be sure, but such w

e state of affairs right before the Iron Curtain crumbled.

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aft all the way to the top and the humanoids vanished. The globe then ascended, changed colo

gold and disappeared at high speed. (52)

gain in the Ukraine, in the suburb of Bovary near the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, on October 3

89, at around 03:00am, a female witness named Iva Gospina who had previously seen variou

FOs maneuvering over the area woke up late at night feeling apprehensive suspecting someon

ad broken into the apartment. She checked the apartment and found her family sleeping and

erything else in order. She then looked out the window and noticed to her surprise a short

oman wearing a tight-fitting black suit standing at her door, the woman had long straight wh

air down to her shoulders, there also appeared to be a small black dog standing next to theoman, but since it was dark the witness could not see any other details. Still feeling apprehens

e walked back into the living room and attempted to sleep on the couch. Suddenly a large

minous yellow circle slowly entered through the closed blinds of the window. Three figures,

milar to people then appeared standing on her carpet. The figures wore diver’s suits similar t

osmonauts’ or robots and were approximately 140-150cm in height. Two of them wore diving

its similar in color to frosted glass, and the third wore a golden scaly suit. The yellow light wa

ow arranged in a semi-circle above the figure’s heads. The figures stood quietly without movi

speaking. In a state of panic the witness mentally commanded the figures to depart.

mmediately these figures disappeared and the luminous yellow circle floated slowly out the

ndow. The room became absolutely dark again. The witness stood up and rushed to the windeling some regret that the figures had left and she yelled out for them to return in despair,

inking that she had lost a unique chance in her life to communicate with extraterrestrial bein

ater that night as she attempted to sleep she heard and “felt” a large figure enter her room an

and over her. She felt completely paralyzed and was unable to move and couldn’t open her ey

om fear. Again she panicked and mentally commanded the intruder to leave. The next morni

e learned from neighbors that a red luminous object had been seen hovering over the area. S

en understood that the three aliens who had entered her room had come in peace and she

gretted not having contacted them. (53)

n November 1989 early in the morning around 6:05am, near Wigan, England, a man driving

e A1 motorway towards his place of work was passing along an area of open land when he wa

artled to see a huge object hovering about 60 feet above a field. The object was metallic and w

gmented like a hand-grenade. It had a huge transparent window on one side and on the oppo

de there was something resembling a radar dish. Through the window the witness could see

ree human-looking men that appeared to be sitting at a table talking. The witness drove off a

gh speed from the area. (54)

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 n November 11 1989, during the day, in the resort town of Sochi, Caucasus region, Russia, a

oman named L. Suhareva had arrived at Adler Airport located on the Black Sea coast to plac

r bags into the automatic baggage locker. There a strange “man” that suddenly entered the

om confronted her; the man appeared to be about 25 years of age, taller than average, solidly

uilt, disheveled hair and a pale “serious” face. The stranger looked around the room in

nfusion, apparently searching for something. He wore a black leather jacket and jeans. His

ovements wee slow and awkward sometimes appearing to be in slow motion. The “man” then

amined the walls of the room, at one point peering under a bench. He then noticed an electriccket (wall outlet) he poked into with his long wide-placed fingers and ordered a man (Ivan) th

as sitting nearby to move aside, in clear Russian. Everyone in the room was amazed at the

havior of the stranger and reproached him. He tried to say something but then waved his han

nd walked out. Several minutes later he returned and leaning over looked into the wall socket

ain. He was then asked by another bystander named Edward, what was he looking for and h

umbled something about a gift and scarf. Suhareva then asked the stranger if he had forgotte

s locker number, or had not written it down, perhaps he was looking in the wrong area. In a

wildered look the stranger asked, “What is write down”? And mumbled some other

comprehensible words, Suhareva continued asking him questions and asked what town he haown in from, the stranger answered, “Sverdlovsk.”

sked if he came in by airplane or train, he thought for a minute, pronounced airplane syllable

llable and then as if reacting suddenly he yelled, “No, I descended by aggregate. You have

fferent atmosphere here, strong pressure, I became ill.” The people in the room stared at him

mazement, some becoming frightened. But Suhareva preserved her self-control and asked the

ranger, “What is aggregate? You mean by flying saucer don’t you?” The stranger then seeme

become angry, reiterating, “No! I descended by aggregate!” Then he leaned on Edward’s

oulder and asked for the wall socket, saying that he needed to “recharge.” The stranger then

n the bench in front of the outlet. Then he grabbed hold of the windowsill with his right hand

uck his middle finger into the socket (!). He began to shake, his face now covered by strange bots. 10-15 seconds later he took his hand out of the socket and vigorously shook his head. The

ue spots then vanished. The stranger then stood up and walked towards the door, saying,

That’s all, I remember now!” He was now speaking in a normal tone of voice. When the stran

alked out of the room, two of the men in the room, (Edward & Ivan) experienced severe

adaches and asked who the stranger was. Suhareva was convinced that it had been an

traterrestrial. (55) Whoever this character was (time traveler?) it is very clear there were som

ry weird happenings and encounters all over the Soviet Union the year the Berlin wall fell. A

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uring the so-called pre-Arnold days, when Ufology was still at its infancy and abductions andays were not yet the main theme, there still occurred encounters with the ‘Blond and their ki

uring the Russian civil war in the year 1920 somewhere in the Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine (a

oviet province at the time), a mobile Red Army group was moving along a local road in the

gged mountains of the Peninsula. There were a total of five soldiers including one woman. Th

ere moving in a car wagon and were armed with rifles and “Maksim” machine guns. Sudden

ey noticed a lighted area on the side of the road and then stopped near the road, prepared the

eapons and began to check the area. They soon came upon a strange dome-shaped object on t

ound and several tall figures walking near the object. The figures were described as dressed

nd of armored suit, resembling chainmaille. These figures were about 2 meters in height, or

rhaps taller. Thinking that these were foreign enemies, the group prepared to fire upon the

rangers with their Maksim machine guns but were suddenly blinded by a bright flash of light

nd knocked down loosing consciousness. When they regained their senses gain, the object and

range figures had disappeared. (59)

ne afternoon in June of 1923 near Mount Erie, Illinois, 10-year old Norman Massie had gone

take his horse into a pasture. As he led his horses through the gate he noticed an object with

ghts all around it nearby. He walked to within 50 feet of the object and noticed five men onbo

e craft. He described the men as about 4 ft tall with blond hair. As he got closer he could hearem talking. One of the men sat on a chair, & the others called him the “Commander.”

he other men made trips back & forth into the object. Massie then overheard one of the men t

e commander that the ‘repairs had been made.’ The object was described as metallic and

anding on three legs. It had a dome on top with holes on it. The top of the object resembled

elted glass. The object then rose up and hovered & the tripod legs telescoped up into the belly

e craft, which went straight up then shot away towards the west at high speed. (60)

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or July or August of 1940 one afternoon in Central Jutland, (no more specifics provided)

enmark, a 15-year old boy was walking in pastures when he encountered 3 persons wearing d

eenish, shiny, close fitting suits covering all but the face, which was covered with a transpare

aterial. Two ‘sausage’ like tubes on the front extended from she shoulders down to the feet.

here were no buttons or pockets. When 30 yards away, the men turned off the path. From a h

e boy could see them approaching a shiny, dome shaped object on the ground 200 yards away

e size of an airplane. When they reached it they disappeared, no door being visible. Then the

bject rose vertically a short distance and shot off at tremendous speed, disappearing in a few

conds. (61)




re there so-called hybrids living among humans, are they the vanguard of the coming race thaall inherit the Earth after the reign of Homo-Sapiens is done? In some dark corners this is


1980, in a property just outside of Gisborne, North Island, New Zealand, a husband and wif

ere walking along a country road one afternoon, returning from a shop where they had bough

me ice-cream. There appeared to be no other cars or persons on the road. Suddenly up ahead

em at a distance of 200 meters was a “family”, two adults and two children. They were walki

wards them on the same side of the road. The first strange thing that the witnesses noted was

at the group was walking all in like abreast of each other, in perfect timing in their walk andody movements and looking straight ahead at the witnesses. It was very odd behavior for a

mily, seemingly walking as in a military fashion and all in sync.

hen the witnesses noticed their dress, all of them had a mixed match of world cultural garmen

n. The oldest male had a South American like shawl and what looked like “Peruvian” shoes an

range hat, like a cashmere cap. This was how they were all dressed, dressed in a collage of 

ternational clothing. It looked like they had no idea of ever being in human clothing. Now the

ere only 30 meters in front of the witnesses still in a perfect horizontal line. All of them holdin

eir gaze, they never took their eyes off the witnesses. Their skin was olive and their eyes were

uest dark blue. Their pupils were like slits, cat’s eyes only horizontal. Their hair was dark an

e children’s ages were around, the male child 10 years of age and the female child around 13ars of age and the adults maybe in their late 20’s. The man’s wife at this time was squeezing

rist so hard that it was cutting of his circulation. They moved to the center of the road and the

pt on walking towards them, but never strayed from their course, or their unusual gait or

ovement which was very unusual. As they were right beside the witnesses, only 2 meters to th

ft they were staring at them without turning their heads or changing their strange body

havior. No one spoke a word. The man’s wife was in fear, dragging and quickening her pace.

as not scared and knew somehow they wanted “help”. He was thinking this to himself when h

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rned around to look at them. They were 10 meters from him walking in perfect formation wi

eir backs facing the witnesses. Then they all turned in the exact moment, the turn was chillin

nd at the same time. As they stood there looking at the witnesses still in line, the couple couldn

lieve what was happening. The man was receiving strong thoughts that they were in trouble.

uddenly his wife started pulling him up the road and only 10 seconds elapsed when he turned

ound again and they were not there. Open fields as far as the eye could see, there was no

ossible hiding place. (62)

ny information or questions please contact author Albert S Rosales at:

[email protected] or

[email protected] 

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2. 3. 

4.  Personal communication from witness who requested anonymity.


6.  Vision Ovni, Argentina7.  Direct communication from the witness

8.  NUFORC9.  Personal communication from the witness, also phone conversation.

10. Evidencia OVNI # 20 

11. Geipan Archives 12. Liliana Flotta & Eduardo L Grosso, Argentina 13. Linda Moulton Howe, Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume I 14. Cynthia Hind, Phenomenon 40 years of Flying Saucers 15. Revista Brasileira de Ufologia (Translation Albert S Rosales) 16. Revista Brasileira de Ufologia (Translation Albert S Rosales) 17. Alexey K. Priyma, “XX Century Chronicle of Unexplained Mysteries” Moscow 1998

18. Brad Mildern, Australia 19. X-Libri UFO Russia, quoting “Interesting Newspaper” Kiev Ukraine # 6 

20. UFO Nachrichten 287, July 1984, Project Becassine 

21. Hachiro Kubota, FSR Vol. 31 # 1 22. Painel Ovni, Brazil 23. Peter Hough and Jenny Randles, “Mysteries of the Mercy Valley” 24. Phillip Imbrogno & Marianne Horrigan, “Contacts of the 5th kind”

25. Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union 26. Kazimierz Bzowski, Chairman OSSA Club 27. Marisol and Jose Antonio Roldan, Revista Enigmas # 146 28. Robert Robe Regional Catalogue, Groupe 5255 29. UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World 30. Revista SIGNOS, Cuba 2002 31. Panamanian Paranormal Forum 32.  Lice Moreno, Spain

33. Vladimir V. Rubtsov PhD, Mufon Symposium Proceedings 1994 34. CPB UFO Brazil 35. Guillermo Daniel Gimenez, Necochea Argentina 36. Personal communication from witness 37.  Imre Bajka, Kriston Endre RYUFOR Foundation Hungary 38. Jorge Martin, Enigma # 52 & 53 

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39. Carl Nagaitis and Philip Mantle “Without Consent” 40. UFO PR Vol. # 1 # 1

41.  Keith Basterfield, Australia 

42. Vadim A. Chernobrov, “Chronicles of UFO Visits” Moscow 2003

43.  Nikolay Nepomnyaszhiy “Book of Mysteries # 4” Moscow 1993 


45. Jorge Martin, Jaime Franco, Enigma # 28 

46.  Erkki Alo Kirde, Igor Volke, Estonian UFO Network  

47.  Timothy Good, UFO Report 1991 

48.  Gene Elliot Mufon Journal # 264, April 1990 

49. Kriston Endre RYUFOR Foundation Hungary 

50. UFOZONE Russia 

51. Yohanon Diaz Vargas, UFO Terra Clubs Mexico 

52. Mark Milkhiker, in “Rabochaya Gazeta” Moscow February 25 1990

53. UFO Ukraine, Interesting Newspaper D-8 block, Kiev # 8, 1999 

54.  Tony Dodd, UFO Magazine Vol. 11 # 3

55.  Letter to several Ukrainian and Russian UFO Magazines and Newspaper, 1990 

56. Gennady Ivanovich Kizilov & Galina Sergeevna Soboleva, Novgorod, Russia 

57.  Sarah Knapton in: The Telegraph---London England UK 58.  Personal details provided by the witness to the author  

59. Anton Anfalov, quoting “UFO Liaisons of the Universe”, Lugansk, Ukraine

60. Len Wells, Evansville Courier 61. SUFOI Newsletter 1975 

62. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research, [email protected] 

NEXT JOURNAL WILL CONTAIN PART 4 OF “Encounters with the Blo

and their kin” COVERING THE 90’s DECADE.