Indoor Wooden Rocking Chair


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Three important things to consider when purchasing a rocking chair

Transcript of Indoor Wooden Rocking Chair

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Indoor Wooden Rocking Chair - 3 Things to Consider Before Buying One

“Americans have a taste for…rocking-chairs. A flippant critic might suggest that they select rocking-chairs so that, even when they are sitting down, they need not be sitting still." G. K. Chesterton, What I Saw in America

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I have to admit this quote describes me. I have a very hard time sitting still, so when I'm rocking I don't have to!

Many of us have a "taste" for rocking chairs. So, if we are going to have one, it might as well be a pleasant experience. What should we look for in a rocking chair? Here are three things to consider.

1. How sturdy is it?

As you are shopping for a rocker, take a good look at how sturdy it is built. Is the wood good-quality? Not all furniture is made of good wood these days. I have had some bad experiences with the wood in furniture breaking or splitting after only a couple years of use.

Is it well constructed? Does it seem flimsy or light? Don't be afraid to sit in it and try it out, and take someone else along with you to do the same.

What about the springs? Here is another potential problem area. Cheaply made chairs may have springs that come loose from the frame that they are fastened on.

2. Is it comfortable?

Think about who will be using it most of the time. For example, my mother was a small person. She didn't want a man-size rocker. She purchased one that was smaller and comfortable for her.

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Are the arm-rests the right height for you? When my children were babies, I rocked them often, especially when I was giving them their bottle. I wanted arm rests that enabled me to hold them comfortably without having to prop a pillow under my elbow.

3. What type of materials do you prefer?

Some people prefer just a plain, wooden rocker with no frills. Others like the type with chair pads and back cushions. There are also rockers that are fully upholstered. Try out several different ones, and see what you like.

Visit us at to see a beautiful, sturdy “Grandma's Rocker.”