I/JDEX TO VOLUME II. - IAPSOP · 2015-03-26 · Books, the magic * ,253 Uczotr Stone, properties of...

I/JDEX TO VOLUME II. a A. r ao * ARBATEL i Magic $, 39, 77, 113 Albertus s Secret* of Nature a i, 43, 73, H 9> 15 h a,8 2 46> z87 Api alj, imperfed, on their genera? tion . .at Apparition* 58, 61, 96, *76, 223, a6o, , 3 o8> 345 457 * 57 Augur, the, 45, 108, 168, 204, 152, 288 4 rufpifm . . *45 Akhymy, why.called Wifdom .89 Aerology for Learners, by Deacon 91,134, I59, aoo, 233, 28a, 315, 362,419,505 Remarks on, . 150 ---- - , Benefits o f , . 243 ---- , Defence of 302 Truth of 447 Aftrologers, queftions for >01, iDz, 196, 301, 344,41$ 1 , Errors of . . 535 Amufer, the pleafing I 112, 175, 291 Aftronomy, how far attainable .216 - m., Difference between an cient and modern Arch* o f Dijre&ion, correif method of equating . . 28S Astrological Remarks . . 301 " ' 1 i' Scraps . 4 404 Angles, power of the . . 343 Antipathies, remarkable . ,37 Aries, fchemes for the entrance of, the Sun into, for 1805 and 1S06 406 Aldermen, on ten wife one* . 513 B. Brunfwick, Btake of, a German Ba badll . . . . 70, gladder, to make one fkip from place to place when blown ; 17$ tael Bourbon Flfnily to re-aleend the Throne 2x8 Bone or Ivory, how to be dyed green , 235 Belly, what Moles fignify on that part 235 Bread, what Moles there fignify .276 Books, the magic * ,253 Uczotr Stone, properties of the . 32* c. Cards, tricks on . Conception, thoughts on -, Impediments of >gle tt 44 ** r, H,ow to present . 246 Chemical Secrets . 53, 75, io j Colours, mineral, obfenrations on . 76 Cawls, virtues of . in , 166 Chamber, how to make one as light by night at by day . 4 173 Chicken, how to produce one with out a hen . . . 176 Computation, a curious one *184 Culpeper, nativity o f Nicholas . , Further remarks on , 446 Caffino, rules for playing that game . 206 Copper, bow to be made white .. 235 Clarence^ Duke of, obfervation, on his nativity . .279 Chauvelin, Monfieur, witty faying of 280 Calculations, curious 316, $oz Qockatrice, how to procure that won derful bird . . 324 Coaftcllations o f the iouth fidp o f the zodiac * * ,T . 34* Cardan, memoirs o f . Compact, a fingular one .45$ Circe, a famous witch, fleetch of. . 454 Colic, h ow to euxs . .514 Original^evil UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA

Transcript of I/JDEX TO VOLUME II. - IAPSOP · 2015-03-26 · Books, the magic * ,253 Uczotr Stone, properties of...

Page 1: I/JDEX TO VOLUME II. - IAPSOP · 2015-03-26 · Books, the magic * ,253 Uczotr Stone, properties of the . 32* c. Cards, tricks on . Conception, thoughts on-, Impediments of >gle •



A. r a o *ARBATEL’i Magic $, 39, 77, 113 Albertus’s Secret* o f Nature a i, 43, 73,

H 9> 15h a,8» 246> z87 Api® alj, imperfed, on their genera?

tion . • . a tApparition* 58, 61, 96, *76, 223, a6o,

, 3o8> 345» 457* 5°7Augur, the, 45, 108, 168, 204, 152, 288 4 rufpifm . . *45Akhymy, why.called W ifdom . 89A erology for Learners, by Deacon 91,134,

I59, aoo, 233, 28a, 315, 362,419,505 Remarks on, . • 150

----- , Benefits o f , . 243---- , Defence o f • 302

Truth o f 447Aftrologers, queftions for >01, iDz, 196,

301, 344,41$ 1 , Errors o f . . 535

Amufer, the pleafing I 112, 175, 291 Aftronomy, how far attainable .216— - m., Difference between an

cient and modern •Arch* o f Dijre&ion, correif method

o f equating . . 28SAstrological Remarks . . 301»»" »' 1 i'— Scraps . 4 404Angles, power o f the . . 343Antipathies, remarkable . ,37£Aries, fchemes for the entrance o f ,

the Sun into, for 1805 and 1S06 406Aldermen, on ten wife one* . 513

B.Brunfwick, Btake of, a German Ba

ba dll . . . . 70,gladder, to make one fkip from place

to place when blown • ; 17$

t a e lBourbon Flfnily to re-aleend the Throne 2x8 Bone or Ivory, how to be dyed green , 235 Belly, what Moles fignify on that part 235 Bread, what Moles there fignify ’.276 Books, the magic * ,253Uczotr Stone, properties o f the . 32*

c.Cards, tricks on .Conception, thoughts on

-, Impediments o f


• tt 44

• **»r, H,ow to present . 246

Chem ical Secrets . 53, 75, i o jColours, mineral, obfenrations on . 76Cawls, virtues o f . i n , 166Chamber, how to make one as light

by night at by day . 4 173Chicken, how to produce one w ith

out a hen . . . 176Computation, a curious one *184Culpeper, nativity o f N icholas .— — — , Further remarks on , 446Caffino, rules for playing that game . 206Copper, bow to be made white .. 235Clarence^ Duke of, obfervation, on

his nativity . .279Chauvelin, Monfieur, w itty faying o f 280 Calculations, curious 316, $ozQockatrice, how to procure that won

derful bird . . 324Coaftcllations o f the iouth fidp o f the

zodiac • * * ,T . 34*Cardan, memoirs o f . ’ »Compact, a fingular one « .45$Circe, a famous witch, fleetch of. . 454 Colic, h ow to euxs . .514


Page 2: I/JDEX TO VOLUME II. - IAPSOP · 2015-03-26 · Books, the magic * ,253 Uczotr Stone, properties of the . 32* c. Cards, tricks on . Conception, thoughts on-, Impediments of >gle •

I N D £ %rAGK

D.Devil, differtation on his power 55, *39»Death, indication o f Dream ing Didtionary


33>» 5° *. . 62

85, **7> *79* 2o8> Z59, *>0, 321

H .

Horary Queftions, verification o f — — - — 1 , folved

* A G f

3*1D ream for explanation . > 3**i’ -'-of Louis X IV explained . 498 Dreams ' . 400, 459, 460Dam ons, gang of, put to flight . 17°D ev il outwitted . • *82— — , a family name , .. 396Drumming W ell, caufe of, requefted

by a Lady e . 229Difeafes, eflay upon the crifis o f . 130 D og, how tocure the bite o f a mad one 234 Depravity, fitocking inftance o f . 164 Piurnals and No&urnals . < 274pumourier, General, not taken pri-

foner, as reported . • 31$Digby, Sir Kenelmn, anecdote o f . 395

E.Experiments, curious ones . . 138Ears and Thighs, what Moles fignify

there . . . 174Eggs, how to put one into a vial . 176 Eclipfc, obferred upon by Aftrologus 268 Elizabeth, Queen, prefervatiOn of - *398Eitiog, incredible inftances of . 400.Events, uncommon « , - .402Epjlepfy, cure for the .• . 448


Foreknowledge, Angular inflance of . 62 Fr ance, affairs of . . 67, 5*7Faber, univeffal wifdom of, 89, 140,1:5,

2i 3» 277> 312*. 368* 433* 487 Forehead, what a Mole lignifies there 174 flowers, how to obtain the efiential ' fpirit from all kinds of ' . ' . 235Fairies, wonderful freaks of ‘ 346

, rules by Cadburyfor anfweringthofe put fuddenly

Harveft, M r. life oif, and Angular character ' * 1.

Haunted Houfe .Hands, how to cure when chapped Horn, how to be made appear like

tortoifefliell Heart, what M oles fignify on the Re

gion of the Heavens, erroneous divifior. of, rec

tified . .Houfe, how to be fee n red .. Hieroglyphics by L illy , Hecate, fkctch o f .Halley, Dr. life of. .


jofephus, curioua trick o f , Imagination, force of . '*- ; power o f '.Jewels, artificial, fabrication of Impulfes . .Jroprifonment, figns of Johnfon, Dr. on arbitrary power Inftrvlment, a curious one . .Judgment, aflrolog'cal, for the fum-

mer quarter

Knockmgs and Impulfes Kelly, the alcbymift


•- 7. 99

• >7

. 24• 59 .234

* *3S

. 392

. 384

. 406

.468 .468

. !•• 3?. t5<5*• SI . 104• *73 . 270 . 39®

. 408

. 181

George the Third, Nativity of . 3Genethiical Afttology, observations on 36 Grof-, Cactaiir, anecdote related by . 33Gordon, John, nativity of, who was

flatbed , » 147Gravity . • . 323Groaning, a woeful one • - -343German Peafants, pitiable flate pf *497

Digitized by Google

Luminaries, oppolition of, at a certainmarriage ' .. ' . * 3 ^

Love, how to"procure . • 4*Lavafcr de Speftris 49,95, 14*, 170' Longing, what the occaAon of .9 8Louis XVI. Nativity of that unfortunate^

Monarch, 187.— W. E.’s obfervationsoa what he calls his Murder, 227.— Caufe o f His death, developed by Aftrblogus, 269**— Parallel between, and Charles I. of England > , . 269

Liar, deteflion of one . . 5*6Love Letters, how to write wilhoilt

fletedlion . • * , . 291Letter, method o f fealing. one, to pre

vent opening , , * 3*4’’ Original f1*01!?'


Page 3: I/JDEX TO VOLUME II. - IAPSOP · 2015-03-26 · Books, the magic * ,253 Uczotr Stone, properties of the . 32* c. Cards, tricks on . Conception, thoughts on-, Impediments of >gle •

i n d e X.


* f A C E

Lully, Raimondi, art explained 335, 361 Lacy, life of Mr,' . 4 5'Laplanders, hard {kin of tbofe people . 50*


Murders, furprifing difcoveries o f 30, 35* Monfters in Nature, how formed . 74 Moles, obfervations on, 93, 119, I 74> 1D1>

23S» *75» 43° Mothers, the oeeafion of m^rkt on

their children, 97.— Hints to , .288Maidenhead, how to tell when loft • 154 Manflayer, figns of one ; .17aMinerals, calcination of + • 277Mariners, hints to . 484,484l^lyftery, of a dotnpft^c nature » 3° °Marriage, time of a . .31?Mundo, correct method o f dire&ing

a fignific’ator in • . 433Misfortunes not to be avoided . 467l^fenander, life of . • 469Marat, aflhjfination of • 518Motion, how to obtain perpftugl . 520


News, Domeftie . 31,63,143,183Night-mare, on the . . 56Nativity of • f Child killetjhy a, Dog, x 51.— 4 O f another Child, 254— O f a Profligate

Female, 256.—-Of a young Man of good Family, who committed a Forgery, 294, O f the Duke of Clarence, *79— O f Phi- lomathos, according to M r.. Ranger’s new Mode, 476.— Ofthe Prince of Wales, yrj,— Of Baron Swedenborg, 339.— O f Charity Sibly and Frances Sibly 370, 371. — O f a Self-taught Mathematician, 401. — Two remarkable one?)' 414,— fvyo others, 415.— O f Mifs J. Lambert, 412,

. — O f a Gentleman now living, 439,— Of an Infant, 503. ‘ rr

National Affairs, judgment on ' #189Neck, what Moles fignify there , 236Nails, what Moles fignify then;' . 236H s c i o m a v c k i , a new German

Story • • 43 S» 49®Noftradamus, Michael, life o f . 469


Occbjt Principles, working by antidotes . . 165, 212

Occult Philosophy, firft principles of 26, 38, '79» U4» *57» 2*Qs *37> *s 5- 3*3>

iiti bv Gol -gle 5 H

Oracles and Divination . . j o SOccult Sciences, curfory obfervations on 240 — — Secrets . . 330, 384Orleans, Maid of, her life and death 297 Orchard, how to be fecured from thicyes 395


JJhiJofcphifal ^.roufement* . . ^Paradoxes Solved, by Gordon 12, S3, 105”

161, 198, 24$ Palmiftry 18,136, t7»> 2® i, 3z7j 36f» 4*7D.....“ **

a3 3P

Propagation, thoughts bn Perpetual Lamps •Prophecies concerning Death . — — , by tacy, concerning the

French Revolution ., on the fame Event, found

m the year 1667 Philtres, hiltory o f .Phenomenon, extraordinary ope Planets, virtues of them Pelican Privateer, lofs o f ; Powers, invilible, tranfportationby Philofophical Jefter, No. I. . Perfian Ambaffador, anecdote of a

• ^8

•47« 4*• *44 . 16133*

• 51* 513

• 5 '^

Qa« ift,the 4, 37,7», *93,192,231, 272,3I2> 3*9* 4>® > 47® .

Quadripartite of Ptolemy, correctlyprinted 215, 242, 273, 341, 375,481

Query worth anfwering, by Philoma-thos, 242.— Query anfwered . 399

Quackery, fhort fkeich of, by Yoltaire 298

"" R.

Robbers, crowned, fpeculations concerning their, defigns . .6 8

Robbery, a few words on a . . 305Rumout, truth of one afcertained .316 Receipts, curious ones, 450.— Phyfical 519 Rome to be rilled by Britain^ , , 480


Ships, on the event of . . 14, 52Seaman, the Aflrological . . 15Sleep-walker, ’natural, furprifing ac- _ count o f one . 28, *32, 177, 222'i— walking • • 349Story, a remarkable one . .5 7Sweetheart’s vifit to her Lover . 62Swedenborg, Count, lingular tenets

and aflertions of • *9 3Shipwreck, cafe o f > .103


Page 4: I/JDEX TO VOLUME II. - IAPSOP · 2015-03-26 · Books, the magic * ,253 Uczotr Stone, properties of the . 32* c. Cards, tricks on . Conception, thoughts on-, Impediments of >gle •

I N T> E


Sorcerefit abedunt o f one, by Alber-tUs Magnus . . rj^-

Secret Parts, what Mole* (ignjfy there 175 Sybils&nd their Books . 404, 289Secrets, phyfical . « . 234Skins, how to ftain green » .235Shoulders and Armholes, what Moles

fignify there . . 236,Shn, power o f the configurations o f . 27^ Spots in the Eyes, fignification o f . 276-Steel, how to make it as foft as pafte . 291.Spirits, on the exigence o f . , 309,Swedenborg’s Nativity, 339,— Ante*

dote o f . . . 340Stars northward o f the zodiac . 342Scheme on the fa ilin g o f a (hip *421Soul, rational, wen infufed t *424Scott, Michael, life o f . . 469Soap, portable, how to make it brown

and white . . 4S6Stpne, the philofopher’s, o f what con

fid ing . . . 489,Smelling, on the fcnle o f . , 5x5

T .

**• «V.. .

Voice, how to recover a lo ft \Voices , . » 13*Vegetables, how calcined . * 213Virgula Divina, ufe o f . • 3p6Vifit, a lingular one, between a (Bo

ther and daughter • • 309Varnifh, for preferving in fc& san d

other animals, . .

W.Wind, more at fea than land, philo-

fophicaily handled . . 209W hig-A ftrologer’s fentiments id 1693 . 27!W ild Boy, called Peter* fom e account

o f that extraordinary character . 29$ W itch, a fuppofed One, (acrifieed to

ignorance and prejudice . . 298Wales, Prince of, parallel benveen

him and a Chimney Sweep, 304. -— Nativity o f ' • . • 3*7

Wand, Mofaic, to find out hiddentreafure . . 33*,

W ater, how to diftil it frefll from fea water, 337.— -To-makeFirebum under , . 5a#

Wounds, a wonderful ointment for thecure o f . » 441

Thief, how to be found out, Scc. Turner, Dean, curious extraft from

b is works •

- 33®, 3951 Year, the font fea fon ^ef d

T O T H E B > i N - ^ E E k

Nativity o f G eo rg e the T h ird , to b e the F ron ^ gU ee ;

T ab le o f Efiential D ign ities to fa ce l 34t

4 0

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