High Pressure Processing Intelligence Manager


Transcript of High Pressure Processing Intelligence Manager

Page 1: High Pressure Processing Intelligence Manager


A ll Natu ral Freshness has assem bled a softw are solu tion that ensu res you r operators, m aintenance personnel, and m anag em ent have the

tools at their fing ertips to perform and track the thing s that m atter m ost in a su ccessfu l HPP Operation.

A NF's HPP Intellig ence M anag er is a W eb Based Softw are that stream lines you r Hig h Pressu re Pasteu risation Departm ent and w ill connect

directly to you r HPP m achine and seam lessly interface w ith ERP and M RP system s via an open database architectu re.

HPP Intellig ence M anag er is desig ned to identify and rem ove the barriers to efficiency. Throu g h proactive processes, analytical reporting , HPP Intellig ence M anag er is desig ned to identify and rem ove the barriers to efficiency. Throu g h proactive processes, analytical reporting ,

and alerts and alarm s; operators and m anag em ent at all levels can qu ick ly identify and rem ove barriers to acqu ire the hig hest efficiency

hig h pressu re process .

HPP Intelligence Manager (HPPIM)

HPP Intelligence Manager integrates seamlessly with one or multiple HPP machines and provides the following functionality:

• Secu re A nyw here A ccess

• Tolling Invoicing and Produ ction Validation

• Preventive m aintenance (PM ) track ing and alerts procedu res via real tim e cycle prom pts

• Em ail, Text, Phone A lerts for both M aintenance and Efficiency Reporting

• A u tom ated Report G eneration and Distribu tion, Failed Processed Produ ct, and Efficiency Reporting

•• Produ ctivity and A larm reporting , so m anag em ent can ensu re the m achine w ill operate at m axim u m capacity and achieve ROI

• Operator and M aintenance Staff Certification for M achine Eng ag em ent

• Integ rated Electronic M anu als corresponding to A larm s and M aintenance A ction Item s

• M essag e Board Com m u nication

• CM M S and/ or other M aintenance L ink s

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