Hadley Wood News September 2014

INSIDE THIS MONTHS ISSUE Fireworks. Back again in Hadley Wood. November 8th Kyran Bracken. Profile Women’s co-housing. Angela Ratcliffe reports Take 7 Dry Cleaners under threat. Love Barnet. New Pop Up shop at No 89 the High Street Walking with Water. Hadley Wood School Letters. Brian Clark, Local Police, Diane Preston Meet your Councillors and AGM. November 26th DESIGNED & PRINTED BY PRINTWAREHOUSE TELEPHONE: 020 8441 4482 Photo by John Leatherdale HADLEY WOOD FIREWORK EVENT HADLEY WOOD FIREWORK EVENT 8th November 7pm At the HWA Centre, 1-7 Crescent East, Hadley Wood Sponsored by SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE HADLEY WOOD NEWS

Transcript of Hadley Wood News September 2014

Page 1: Hadley Wood News September 2014


Fireworks. Back again in Hadley Wood. November 8thKyran Bracken. ProfileWomen’s co-housing. Angela Ratcliffe reportsTake 7 Dry Cleaners under threat.Love Barnet. New Pop Up shop at No 89 the High StreetWalking with Water. Hadley Wood SchoolLetters. Brian Clark, Local Police, Diane PrestonMeet your Councillors and AGM. November 26th

DESIGNED & PRINTED BY PRINTWAREHOUSE TELEPHONE: 020 8441 4482 Photo by John Leatherdale


8th November 7pm

At the HWA Centre, 1-7 Crescent East,

Hadley Wood

Sponsored by









Page 2: Hadley Wood News September 2014

Africa, a child could carry anaverage of 20 litres all bythemselves. The walk helped us tounderstand how hard it is for somepeople in other countries to survivewith basic necessities and realisehow lucky we are to have easyaccess to clean water. In total, weraised a staggering £841.93 forWater Aid between the two classes– we are very proud of our childrenand parents for raising this amountof money but more importantlyraising the awareness of such animportant cause.Josh Newham, Deputy HeadTeacher, Hadley Wood School


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Firework PlansAutumn is truly upon us which meansbonfire night is just around the corner. Weare happy to announce that the HadleyWood Association bonfire and fireworkevent will be returning this year and will beheld on Saturday 8th November.

As well as the spectacular professionalfirework display there will be funfair rides,music, food and drink vendors, and anindoor area with face painting. In additionto the traditional bonfire night food there willbe a wood fired pizza oven and a Frenchcreperie serving food.

It is an important event because it is notonly fun for young and old, but the only truecommunity event we have open toeveryone in the area.

Gates will open at 5.30pm for you tocome and enjoy the food, drink, and


entertainment. Fireworks will be at 7.00pmwhich will then be followed by the bonfire.Tickets will cost £30 for a family ticket that

admits 5, and £8 for an individual ticket.Tickets bought in advance can bepurchased at the reduced price of £27 for afamily ticket and £7 for an individual ticket.These will be available from Londis on

Crescent West.Ticket numbers will be

limited this year somake sure youpurchase yourtickets inadvance, so asnot to miss out.Maria Evans

Water Aid hopes to provideeverybody in the developingworld with clean water andsanitation. Some children haveto walk approximately 6km aday to collect water- and it isn’talways clean. On the 25th ofJune, year 4 and 5 at HadleyWood School went on a 6kmwalk! The group shared thecarrying of 15 litres of water,carrying it one pair at a time. Itwas a blazing hot day forLondon but in Africa it wouldn’tbe hot at all. We shared thecarrying of the water between60 children but in countries like

Hadley Wood Primary school. Walking For Water!

Page 3: Hadley Wood News September 2014




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Profile: Kyran Bracken MBEThis magazine has always been reluctant to bother famous localresidents, celebrities and sportsmen/sportswomen. It seemsintrusive. Sad to say these good intentions failed us in the case ofKyran Bracken though we would have quite understood had hedeclined. Happily he agreed and I found myself talking to a manwho many of us have watched playing rugby for Saracens andEngland on past Saturday afternoons.

A hint of a Scouse accent betrays his early life in Liverpool andthe occasional flat vowel, his schooling in the Ribble valley inLancashire. There it was at the famous Jesuit college Stonyhurstthat Kyran, having won entry with a rugby scholarship studied thenormal school syllabus and further developed his rugby skills.Taught and coached by none other than Dick Greenwood andBrian Ashton (later the England rugby coach) he joined a long anddistinguished list of athletes from Stonyhurst who subsequentlyrepresented their country.

After leaving school he studied Law at Bristol University andstarted playing rugby for Bristol and later Saracens. A fast andpowerful scrum-half it was not long before he was in the Englandsquad. When the game became professional he opted out of hiscareer in Law and became a full-time rugby player. Recoveringfrom a serious ankle injury in 1993 having being ‘accidentally’trampled on by Jamie Joseph the New Zealand All Black forward,Kyran continued playing for England on over 50 occasions. Theseincluded playing in the 2003 World Cup winning side under MartinJohnson and alongside Wilkinson, Catt, Tindall, Dallaglio Hill andthose other famous men including Will Greenwood the son of hiserstwhile teacher.

In 2004 retiring from rugby he was surprised to receive a callasking him to appear on the ITV show, Dancing on Ice. Neverhaving put on a pair of skates he was initially invited to AlexandraPalace to be assessed by Torvill and Dean. Unimpressed theynevertheless thought he would bring some interest and possibleamusement to the show as an ex rugby player. They had notreckoned with Kyran’s athletic abilities nor his long heldunderstanding of how to prepare himself and train for what wasessentially a sporting event. Skating with Melanie Lambert he wonthe competition in front of a TV audience of 10 million. ‘How didthe transition from rugby to dancing go down with your old rugbyfriends’ I asked. A grimace. ‘Well the banter was fairly bad but asthe programme went on they became some of my strongestsupporters’. His skating experience lead to touring with Torvilleand Dean’s Dancing on Ice show and several successfulbusiness ventures of his own including the Ice Show spectacular‘The Ice Party’.

Now Kyran, Victoria and their three sons live in Hadley Wood.Like many professional sportsmen and indeed many Hadley Woodresidents, Kyran continues raising money for charities. He is a longterm supporter of the Wooden Spoon Rugby Charity fordisadvantaged children as well as the Centre Point Charity forhelping homeless young people.

We wish him and all his family well.Rod Armstrong

Page 4: Hadley Wood News September 2014


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‘Love Barnet’ opensnew shop.This month Chipping Barnet sees anexciting new addition to its uniquely historicand vibrant high street. Number 89 is acommunity run ‘pop up’ shop showcasinglocal arts and crafts, drawing on the rich,varied heritage of the area.

Opening September 8th Number 89 willbe selling a range of high quality giftwareand homeware. These include vintagefurniture, hand-made items such asjewellery, soft furnishings, haberdasheryand decorating materials, children’s

clothing, kiln formed glass and decorativeceramics. There will also be argan oilbeauty products and collectable vinylrecords. Shoppers will be able to enjoy aspecially created playlist while they browse.

Number 89 has been established by‘Love Barnet’ in conjunction with thefreeholders of the premises, local charityEleanor Palmer Trust who provideaccommodation for the elderly either inresidential homes, almshouses or shelteredhousing. ‘Love Barnet’ is the brainchild oflong-term resident Gail Laser who is joinedby Sam Wrightson who moved to Barnetlast year but with strong family links to thearea. The Barnet Society brought these twocommitted women together.

On behalf of ‘Love Barnet’, Gail Lasertried for three years to secure an emptyshop that the local community could openas a temporary boutique to feature work bylocal artists and artisans. She failed untilThe Eleanor Palmer Trust generouslyagreed that she could use their empty shopat 89 Barnet High Street (formerly a branchof Greggs Bakers) for just this purpose. Theproviso was that the shop would alsopromote the Eleanor Palmer Trust and helpto introduce the work that it does into thewider community; a pretty small ask shethinks!

Using social media, Gail and Sam beganan online conversation with Barnetresidents, not only asking for help to do upthe shop, but also inviting local people

interested in selling their merchandise onthe High Street to make contact.

Thanks to Principal David Byrne of Barnetand Southgate College, tutors from thebuilding trade were first on the scene. JohnStiles, Master Bricklayer, created agorgeous fireplace with a little help from hisstudents. Plumbing tutors plumbed in anold butler sink. Local painter and decoratorTim Patrick transformed the shop insideand out and Laura Felicity hung a design ofthe wallpaper that she will be selling in theshop. The heating and air conditioning unitswere serviced and upgraded by SouthernElectrics Ltd, providing this service for free,as did 1 to 1 Flooring in Barnet High Streetwho replaced the flooring. Even theLicensing Agreement prepared by localsolicitor Steven Hickling of MHHP Law, wascreated at no cost. ‘Love Barnet’ has beenthrilled to have received so much supportfor this project and is extremely grateful. It isexciting to see how people can be ralliedinto helping maximise our unique andvibrant high street.

Do pop along to Number 89 and have abrowse. The shop will be only be open for afew months, but Love Barnet hopes other‘pop ups’ will follow. 89 High Street, Barnet, EN5 5UR. Tel 0203759 2610https://www.facebook.com/LoveBarnethttp://www.lovebarnet.co.uk or follow uson TWITTER at love_barnetLucy Bridgers

THE LONDON CHAMBER CHOIRDo you have any previous experience of choral singing? Would you like to be part

of a small, quality choir meeting every Wednesday? Then come and join The LondonChamber Choir performing music from the Renaissance to ‘contemporary classical’.

Where and when?Church House, 2 Wood St, Barnet, EN5 4BW

7:30pm – 9:45pm on Wednesdays from 10th Sept. to 12th Nov. 2014Our autumn concert on 15th November will feature choral classics including Handel’s

Zadok the priest and Parry’s I was glad

Contact Rupert email: [email protected]

Page 5: Hadley Wood News September 2014


Older Women’sCommunity Housing.(OWCH)As evidenced by the bibliography at theend of this article there is considerableinterest in the subject of housing for olderwomen living alone. The Office of NationalStatistics points out that 60% of womenover 75 years currently live alone riskingisolation and loneliness. A planned housingdevelopment in Union St. Barnet has beenorganized by a pioneering group of localwomen (Hendon and Finchley Times March26th 2013). It is a development of 25 socialand privately rented houses each dividedinto one, two or three bedroomed flats. It isbuilt around large gardens, with a commonroom, laundry and guest quarters. Womenliving there will have the opportunity tomake friends, easily mix with others, eattogether if they want to and offer each othersupport.

Angela Ratcliffe who lived in CrescentWest Hadley Wood until after her husbandStan died is member of this pioneeringgroup and writes:

‘I must keep you up to date on what ishappening to the co-housing scheme inBarnet. We have finally chosen the namefor our development. It will be called NewGround, Union Street. This is because wereally are breaking new ground in the co-housing field. We will be making aninteresting and important addition to thedebate on how to tackle some of the issuesaround age, loneliness, social inclusion andcommunities that have fragmented leavingfamilies unable to support each other.

It is incredible to look back and realisethat our efforts to convert the idea of a selfsupporting community of women homeowners and social renters was actuallylaunched by three people sixteen yearsago. They were Madeline Levinson, whosadly died before it could be realised,Shirley Meredeen, who will be moving in

with us and Maria Brenton, who is still ourconsultant and will be moving into anotherco.housing scheme open to both men andwomen in Muswell Hill. Our site in Barnet isthe fourth which we have tried to realise: soyou can understand the elation of themoment when we are able to tell the worldthat we have paid the individual depositson our flats, the builders have beenappointed, and they and the quantitysurveyors are at work.

We are still recruiting one purchaser andtwo social housing tenants and we wouldbe delighted to hear from anyone who maybe interested. They will find informationabout us on our web site.www.owch.org.uk. or [email protected] RatcliffeBibliography:We Oldies can look after ourselves. JoanBakewell Saturday Guardian 03/06/06 Good to meet you Shirley Meredeen. TheGuardian. 20/2/10No Man’s Land (Women in Housing).Inside Housing 11/2/11

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Page 6: Hadley Wood News September 2014


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Take 7 Dry Cleaners threatened withredevelopment!Sharad and Bhati Modi who run the Take 7 Dry Cleaners in Crescent West have receiveda letter from the Council giving notice of a proposed Change of Use to part ground andlower ground floor. The letter is headed Neighbour Consultation.

The proposed plan would change the current usage of the premises from A1 (Retail) to A2(eg Office, Estate Agent or Financial services etc) and C3 (Dwelling ie residential). The planswhich are available to read at Enfield Council’s planning online register can be seen on:

http://planningandbuildingcontrol.enfield. gov.uk Fundamentally the proposed changes

would make it difficult for Take 7 to trade safelywith the reduced floor space.

The views of local residents are beingsought. If you object to this proposal pleasewrite to Enfield Council, DevelopmentManagement PO Box 53 Civic Centre Enfield EN1 3XE. The reference numbers are14/03346/PIA and 14/03344/PIA and the site address which must be quoted is 20 Crescent West, Hadley Wood, EnfieldNorth Barnet EN4 0EJ

You can also comment on the applicationby accessing the website above and addingyour views to the register.

If you could email a copy of your objectionto Mr and Mrs Modi they would find that veryhelpful. sharadbhati@ live.co.uk

The latest date to register an objection isOctober 8th.

Page 7: Hadley Wood News September 2014


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AGM. Wednesday 26th November. 7.30pmAt the Hadley Wood Association Hall

Crescent East (at the end of the tennis courts)

AgendaMeet your Councillors*

Minutes of the last meeting and matters arisingChairman’s report.

Financial reportReports from Clubs (tabled)

Hadley Wood NewsletterElection of Officers

Under Article 29 of the Company’s articles, one third of the Directors must applyfor re-election each year by rotation.

Nominations for positions as Officers should be forwarded to the Chairman Mr G.Sharp.

*Councillors Anne-Marie Pearce , Jason Charalambous and Michael Lavender will be at the meetingand will answer questions about local issues and the Enfield Residents Priority Fund

allow the Alsatian to roam out of controland off it's leash in a public place. Pleasetake care when walking your dogs, orsmall children, on Hadley Common.

I have noticed an increasing number of Hadley Wood residents think it isacceptable to own an aggressive guarddog in a residential area. This is simplynot acceptable and is also unnecessary.A small dog yapping can be an effectivedeterrent for burglars. If this trend is notcurtailed there will be a serious accidentinvolving a child. In the meantime we aremourning the loss of our much loved,and most loving, pet dog. Diane Preston, Pagitts Grove

Dear Editor. Dog attack on HadleyCommonMy beautiful and gentle two year oldChihuahua Dusty was savagely killedrecently in an unprovoked attack by a"guard dog" Alsatian on Hadley Common.The Alsatian came from nowhere, attackedher and shook her like a rag doll until deathwas inevitable. It also attacked my otherChihuahua, Daisy, but we managed to saveher. Both my dogs were on their leads andenjoying their evening walk when theAlsatian attacked them without warning.The Alsatian was not on a leash and it'sowner did not appear for several minutes.Clearly it's owner thought it acceptable to

Dear Editor. Julie Hall’s Cook BookHerewith some more news regarding the donationsfor Julie Hall’s Cook Book and The Service ofThanksgiving for the life of Sue Clark.

I attach a photo of myself, Julie Hall and the CEOof the Peace Hospice Care of Watford, SuePlummer, holding a copy of the cook book, afterwe handed over the final cheque making the totaldonations collectively of over £10,000.

Our many thanks go out to all who donated andwho also supported and purchased the cookbook.

Kindest RegardsBrian Clark. Tel 02084407543 Mob.07774662412

LettersDear Editor. Contacting your localPolice ForceHere are the dates and times thatSouthgate police station is open to thepublic, and contact points available onCockfosters ward.


RegardsSteve Douglas, PCSO 7231YE(Cockfosters Ward)Phone 02087212688Southgate Police Station,25 Chase Side,Southgate, London, N14 5BW E-Mail : [email protected]

Page 8: Hadley Wood News September 2014


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St Paul’s Church, Hadley WoodYou are all warmly invited to our 10:30am services

‘The One and Only Jesus’ Forthcoming Events

27th SeptemberMovie Night in church

‘God’s not dead’Sunday 28th September

Harvest Festival Service 10:30amSunday 12th October

‘Is there a God and can we know Him?Talk and discussion with Kirsten Birkett

at HW Golf Club 7pmMore details email [email protected]

The Hadley Wood Association. To contact the Centre Manager telephone Lisa Winston on 020 8449 7193 or email her at

[email protected] Association website is www.hadleywood.org.uk

For Hall Bookings ring Niki on 07904 019 119