Google Authorship Bugs and Problems

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Google Authorship Bugs

Oops...Was that supposed to happen?

By: Sean Murray

All I wanted Was a Face

My name is Sean Murray and I wanted to have my face accompany my articles in Google's Search Results.

Everyone else was doing it... so why not me?

So I Followed the Directions

Article by: Sean Murray

And presto!

But Then...

My face disappeared for no reason and I was

And Then...

It came back even though I didn't change anything and I was all like

And So You Must Know

This happens and there's no reason for it. Google Authorship is not perfect and sometimes it actually doesn't show Authorship on purpose. So don't be all like:


Your Authorship HTML is busted

The rest of your HTML is busted

Your Google Plus photo doesn't meet Google's guidelines for Authorship

You have like 10 different Authorship links on 1 page

Your website sucks really bad

You didn't add the website to your contributor section

Check your HTML AGAIN

And Once Fixed...

You can apply Authorship to many things besides articles:Social media profiles

Online presentations/ PDFs

Forum threads

Press Releases


Get Creative! Assign your online life's work to Authorship and let Google decide how to incorporate it.


There are oddities. Like when all I did was comment on this thread but I got Authorship for the entire URL.

First person to include an Authorship link in a forum thread gets Authorship for the entire URL!! IS THIS A BUG??

And There Are


Google started to confuse me with this guy:

A much morefamous Sean Murray

Other People Have Experienced It

I originally had no links to Quora on my Google Plus profile and there was nothing on this Quora URL that linked to anything about me on Google Plus. Google's algorithm made an assumption and acted on its own.

This can happen!

In my Webmaster Tools under Author Stats:

I Made the Problem Worse

I signed up for Quora and added a link to my Quora profile under my Google Authorship contributor section.

I though that would fix the problem but I was wrong.

EVERY Sean Murray on Quora is attributed to me now. BUG!!!!

And Then it Spread Further

All 398 Sean Murrays on LinkedIn began to show my face in search results.

I still get their traffic data in Webmaster Tools. Oh Google, what have you done?!



Which Means

Things are not exactly running perfectly over in Authorship land.

And so sometimes Authorship problems are your fault and sometimes they're Google's.

So Before You Say


Make Sure

Your Authorship is set up properly. text


Only 1 Authorship markup per unique URL and don't forget to add the domain to your contributor section!


Google Authorship doesnt appear instantly. It can take days or WEEKS until it starts to take effect. So don't sign up and be all like this with search results:

Check it Here

If it works here, it should eventually work in search results. It does NOT happen instantaneously!

And if All Else Fails

There's a great Community for help.

Google Authorship & Author Rank

Or do what I did, share your story and hope Google hears you!

By: Sean MurrayNot the one of NCIS