Get Started With XCC

Get Started with IBM Digital Workplace Hub Create your first XCC Landing Pages

Transcript of Get Started With XCC

Get Started with IBM Digital Workplace Hub

Create your first XCC Landing Pages



Add Your First Widget

Configure Your Widget

Add More Widgets

Apply Your Corporate Identity

Next Steps

Table of Content




Goal of this Presentation

After the installation of XCC you will have access to your first empty XCC page. This presentation will show you how to create your first landing page. You will need the role “XCC Admin” to proceed as described.


This presentation will reference documents for further study. These documents are also part of your installation package.

Full XCC user documentation on how to use XCC and its features (

Technical documentation on installing and configuring XCC (

Documents for Further Study


To create your first XCC landing page you need content within IBM Connections.

Minimum requirements for this example: A global company community with

News (blog entries) Static information, e.g. processes, about (wiki pages)Links to important applications / information (bookmarks)Documents, e.g. templates for letters, business reports (files)Events (events can be set repeating for years)

Further communities for service units / projects / teams – depending on your story / needs

Sample Content Required


Add Your First Widget


Admin Panel & Placeholders

Clicking the customize button will bring up the admin panel and show the placeholders for the widgets (grid)


Create a Widget I

Click on "Create Widget" to add a widget


Create a Widget II

Select the widget type

Set an ID for your widget

Click on "Create"


Add a Widget to the Page

Your widget is now added to your repository

Assign the widget to a placeholder by clicking on it


Configure Your First Widget


Open the Widget Editor

Your first widget is now placed in the grid

Click on the button in the top right corner of the widget to open the widget editor


Configuring a Widget

Start typing in the source field and then select the community where your blogposts are located

Choose "Slider" style to show more than one post in the widget

Save widget


Add More Widgets


Add a News Channel Widget

Your first widget is configured

Add the next widget to your grid, using the same procedure as shown before for the widget type News Channel

Add the News Channel widget and open its widget editor


Configure News Channel Widget I

Fill in a source community

Name your channel


Configure News Channel Widget II

Click on "Add Channel"

Fill out "Source" and "Name" for your second channel

Save widget


Drag & Drop I

Assign the Top News & News Channel widget to a different placeholder by using drag & drop

Move over the header of the widget to activate the drag & drop


Drag & Drop II

Move the widgets while holding the mouse key down

Let it „fall“ into the desired placeholder when the green highlight appears

Exchange placeholders by letting it „fall“ onto an placeholder filled with another widget


Add & Configure a News Widget

Add the next widget to your grid, using the same procedure as shown before for the widget type News

Add the News widget and open its widget editor

Configure your new widget to show a slider

Make it display only three of the latest posts from a community blog


Add & Configure a Links Widget

Add a Links widget and drag it to a placeholder

The links widget will display links from a specified community

Choose a source community


Add & Configure a Files Widget

Add a Files widget and drag it to a placeholder

Select a source community for the files

Add a second channel

Provide source and name for the second channel


Add & Configure an Events Widget

Add an events widget

Configure a source community

Add multiple channels and configure

Select Layout "Month"


Add & Configure a Media Gallery Widget

Add a Media Gallery widget

Select a source community

Select "Slider" style


Your XCC page now has plenty of widgets configured

Click the Customize Button to stop editing your XCC page

Empty placeholders will not be displayed out of the customize mode

Your First Page is Ready


Apply your Corporate Identity


How to Customize the Look & Feel

Apply your corporate identity with custom CSS (XCC Documentation: "Include Custom CSS and Images", "Create Custom CSS")

Style widget titles with HTML tags (XCC Documentation"Configure Image for Widget Title")


Next Steps


Further Options to Extend Your First Landing Page

Personalize widget content for individual members or groups(XCC Documentation: " XCC-Personalization")

Add a Navigation to XCC (XCC Documentation: "Integration of the Navigation")