FRIDAY, JANUARY 1994 No. 9 - Western Australia · PERTH, FRIDAY, 28 JANUARY 1994 No. 9 ......

PRINT POST APPROVED PP665002/00041 WESTERN 279 AUSTRALIAN PERTH, FRIDAY, 28 JANUARY 1994 No. 9 The Western Australian Government Gazette is published by State Print for the State of Western Australia on Tuesday and Friday of each week unless disrupted by Public Holidays or unforeseen circumstances (changes to this arrangement will be advertised beforehand on the inside cover). Special Government Gazettes and Extraordinary Government Gazettes are published periodically, only the special gazettes are included in the subscription price. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure publication in the Government Gazette. Material submitted to the Executive Council and which requires gazettal will require a copy of the signed Executive Council Minute Paper and in some cases the Parliamentary Counsel's Certificate. Copy should be received by the Manager, Law Publisher no later than 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday (Friday edition) or 3.00 p.m. on Friday (Tuesday ed,ition). Lengthy or complicated notices should be forwarded several days before advertised closing date for copy. This is to ensure inclusion in current edition. Failure to observe this request could result in the notice being held over until the following edition, Proofs will be supplied only when requested. No additions or amendments to material for publication will be accepted by telephone. Send copy to: The Manager, Law Publisher State Print Station Street, Wembley, 6014 Telephone: 383 8851 Fax: 383 8888 All Notices should be written in 'plain English'. Signatures (in particular) and proper names must be legible. All copy should be typed and double spaced. If it is necessary through isolation or urgency to communicate by facsimile, confirmation is not required by post. If original copy is forwarded later and published, the cost will be borne by the advertiser. Documents not clearly prepared and in the required format for gazettal, will be returned to the sender unpublished. Late copy received a t Law Publisher will be placed in the following issue irrespective of any date/s mentioned in the copy.

Transcript of FRIDAY, JANUARY 1994 No. 9 - Western Australia · PERTH, FRIDAY, 28 JANUARY 1994 No. 9 ......

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The Western Australian Government Gazette is published by State Print for the State of Western Australia on Tuesday and Friday of each week unless disrupted by Public Holidays or unforeseen circumstances (changes to this arrangement will be advertised beforehand on the inside cover). Special Government Gazettes and Extraordinary Government Gazettes are published periodically, only the special gazettes are included in the subscription price. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure publication in the Government Gazette.

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28 Januarv 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. WA 281


CALM File 026741F3201; DOLG File 221W986, 7224929 V4. The reference to 874.6798 hedares in the schedule of an order to excise p& of State Forest NO. 39 which appeared on page 857 of the Government Gazette dated 29 January 1993 is hereby amended to read 876.4457 hectares.

C. HAYNES, Acting Executive Director.



Made by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council.


1. These regulations may be cited as the Health (Meat Inspection and Branding) Amendment Regulations 1994.

Schedule C amended

2. Schedule C to the Health (Meat Inspection and Branding) Regulations 195P is amended in Table 2 under the Heading "Local Authorities to which the scales apply - " -

(a) in Scale D by deleting "Shire of Wongan-Ballidu"; and

(b) in Scale E by inserting in the appropriate alphabetical position the following - " Shire of Wongan-Ballidu 79

[* Reprinted as at 10 September 1992. For amendments to 5 January 1994 see 1992 Index to Legislation of Western Australia, Table 4, pp. 123-4 and Gazettes of 12 February and 1 October 1993.1

By His Excellency's Command, D. G. BLIGHT, Clerk of the Council.



Made by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council.


1. These regulations may be cited as the Radiation Safety (General) Amendment Regulations (No. 6) 1993.

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282 GOVERNMENT GAZE'M'E, WA 128 January 1994

Principal regulations

2. In these regulations the Radiation Safety (General) Regulations 1983' are referred to as the principal regulations.

[* Published in Gazette of 21 Februa 1983 at 555-636. For amendments to 16 Decem a er 1993 see 1992 Index to Legislation of Western Australia, Table 4, p. 216, and Gazettes of 4 and 28 May, l 1 June and 9 July 1993.1

Regulation 7B inserted

3. After regulation 7A of the principal regulations the following regulation is inserted - CS

Exemptions relating t o Americium 241 contained in cer tain smoke detectors

7B. (1) In this regulation -

"smoke detector" means a device incorporated into a smoke alarm or a smoke alarm system that responds to combustion products capable of affecting currents of ionisation within that device.

(2) Subject to this regulation the radioactive substance Americium 241, when contained in a smoke detector, is exempted from the provisions of the Act and these regulations.

(3) The exemption under subregulation (2) does not apply unless the smoke detector in which the Americium 241 is contained -

(a) contains no more than 40 kilobecquerels of that substance;

(b) complies with the requirements of the pubIication entitled "Self-contained Smoke Alarms", being AS 3786-1993 issued by the Standards Association of Australia; and

(C) is of a model or type that has been tested and approved by the Scientific Services Laboratory of the Australian Construction Services, Department of Administrative Services of the Commonwealth.

(4) Notwithstanding anything in this regulation, sections 25 and 28 of the Act apply to a person who is the owner of any premises, or of any part of any premises, where the total quantity of Americium 241 contained in smoke detectors stored or installed on or in those premises exceeds 100 megabecquerels.

(5) A person who was, before the commencement of this regulation, in possession of a smoke detector containing no more than 40 KiToEcquerels of Americium 241 is exemptedpGom section 34 of the Act for the purposes of the disposal of that detector.


Regulation 24 amended

4. Regulation 24 (2) of the principal regulations is amended by deleting "item 1 (7)" and substituting the following - " item 1 (5) 99

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28 Januaw 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 283

ScheduIe I amended

5. Schedule I to the principal regulations is amended in itern 1 (1) - (a) by deleting "or" after paragraph (e);

6) by deleting the fullstop after paragraph (fl and substituting the following - 66 ; or "; and

(C) by inserting after paragraph (0 the following paragraph - 66 .

(g) in an period of 5 years a dose equivalent excee&ng 100 millisieverts to the whole body.

By His Excellency's Command,

D. G. BLIGHT, Clerk of the Council.



Made by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council.


1. These re lations may be cited as the Health (Notif~atwns by Midwiuesl Regulations 1%4.

2. The Health Act (Midwifery Nurses) Regulations 1982* are repealed.

[* Published in Gazette of 24 December 1982 at pp. 4899-4903. For amendments to 20 December 1993 see 1992 Index to Legislation of Western Australia, Table 4, p. 124.1

Notification of private practice as midwife

3. A midwife is not to enter into private ractice as a midwife unless he or she has notified the Executive Director ~ u b i c Health of his or her intention to do so in the form of Form 1 in the ~cAedule.

Notification of case or delivery attended

4. For the purposes of - (a) section 335 (1) of the Act, the report re uired to be furnished of a

case attended by a midwife, whether o ? living, premature or full- time birth, or still birth, or abortion; and

(b) section 335 ( 5 ) (b) of the Act, the notice required to be furnished of a delivery attended by a rn~dwife,

is to be in the form of Form 2 in the Schedule.

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284 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA C28 January 1994

FORM 1 keg. 31





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I intend to enter into private practice as a midwife on

19 , . . . . . . . . . . .


Full Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date of Birth: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Private/*Business Address:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Private/*Business Telephone No.:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nurses Board Registration Nos. General: Midwifery:

Date of Initial Registrations General: . . . . . . . Midwifery: . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date

*Delete if not applicable

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28 January 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 285




By His Excellency's Command,

D. G. BLIGHT, Clerk of the Council.

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286 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [28 January 1994


Made by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council,


1. These regulations may be cited as the Offensive Trades (Fees) Amendment Regulations 1994.

Regulation 3 amended

2. The Table to regulation 3 of the Offensive Trades (Fees) Regulations 1976% is amended -

(a) by deleting "Wool scouring establishments ................... 100";

...................... (b) by deleting "Fish Shops .loo"; (C) by deleting "Marine Stores .................... 70";

(d) b deleting "8hemical Works:

......................... - Hi h Risk 200 .............................. - 0tKers 120";

(e) b deleting "&sh processing and storage


1. Fish Marketing Premises ........................ 120

2. Wet Fish, filleting and processing estabhshments ....................... 170

3. Shell Fish processing establishments .......................................... 170

4. Crustacean processing .......................................... establishments 170";


(f) by inserting after "Rabbit farming ........................ 170" the following -

Places used for dealing in scrap metal other than by heat, for the recovery of metai . . . . . . 100

Fish processin establishments in which whole % fish are cleane and prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Shellfish and Crustacean processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . establishments 170 ,,

[* Published in the Gazette of 6 February 1976. For amendments to 7 January 1994 see 1992 Index to Legislation of Western Australia, Table 4, page 128.1

By His Excellency's Command,

D. G. BLIGHT, Clerk of the Council.

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28 January l9941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. WA 28 7

HEALTH ACT 1911 Health Department of WA, Perth, 21 December 1993.

GHR 5.2 Ex CO 2195 His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved under section 330A of the Health Act, the leasing of premises a t Suite 3, 320 Dudganfl'hrossell Streets, Kalgoorlie by the Minister for Health, for the purpose of establishing a Community Health Services Clinic. The lease period will be 3 years.

PETER J. BREWAN, Commissioner for Health.

HEALTH ACT l911 Health Department of WA, Perth, 21 December 1993.

NOM 5.4.2 Ex CO 2196 His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved under section 330A of the Health Act, the leasing of premises at Units 4 and 5, Lot 101 Chesterfield Road, Mirrabooka by the Minister for Health, for the purpose of establishing a Community Health Living Skills Centre. The lease period will be 5 years with a further 5 year option.

PETER J. BRENNAN, Commissioner for Health.


Declaration That Part 1A Does Not Apply I declare under Section 27H of the Land Act 1933 that Part 1A of the Act does not apply to the following proposals in respect of the land specified.

Proposal Land DOLA File

Disposition-Sedion 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition--Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Sedion 38 Disposition-Section 38 Disposition-Sedion 45B Disposition--Section 38 Disposition-Section 45B Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 11 7AA Disposition Section 11 7AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 11 7AA


Karratha Lot 81 Mount Magnet Lot 513 Mount Magnet Lot 512 Karratha Lot 4093 Karratha Lot 4096 Karratha Lot 4067 Seabird Lot 291 Nelson Location 13347 Rocky Gully Lot 78 Hopetoun Lot 611 Goomalling Lot 473 Mount Magnet Lot 105

Mount Magnet Zat 108

Mount Magnet Lot 109

Mount Magnet h t 110

Mount Magnet h t 111

Mount Magnet Lot 112

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Proposal Land DOLA File

Disposition Section 1 l7AA Disposition Sedion 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 11 7AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition W o n 117AA Disposition Sedion 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 11 7AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Dispoaition Section 117AA Disposition Section 1 1 7 M Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Section 117AA Disposition Sedion l l7AA

Mount Magnet Lot 406

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28 January 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 289

Proposal Land DOLA File

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290 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [28 January 1994

Proposal Land DOLA File

Disposition-Section DispositionSection Disposition-Section Disposition--Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition--Section Disposition-Section Disposition--Section Disposition-Section Disposition--Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Sedion Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section DispositionSection Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposi t ionSec t ion Disposition--Section Disposition-Section Disposition-Section Disposition-+ection Disposition--Section Disposition--Section DispositionSection Disposition--Section Disposition-Sedion Disposition-Section Disposition-Sedion 45B Dispoaition--Section 45B Disposition--Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B

Albany Lot 1410 Bmce Rock Lot 447 Bruce Rock Lot 448 Kalgoorlie Lot 773 Boulder Lot 2551 Boulder Lot 1956 Boulder Lot R111 Onslow Lot 919 Kalgoorlie Lot 722 Pithara Lot 11 1 Onslow Lot 659 Onslow Lot 666 Onslow Lot 668 Onslow Lot 856 Onslow Lot 857 Onslow Lot 858 Onslow Lot 859 Onslow Lot 860 Onslow Lot 861 Onslow Lot 862 Onslow Lot 863 Onslow Lot 864 Onslow Lot 865 Onslow Lot 866 Onslow Lot 867 Onslow Lot 868 Onslow Lot 869 Onslow Lot 870 Onslow Lot 871 Onslow Lot 872 Onslow Lot 873 Onslow Lot 874 Onslow Lot 875 Onslow Lot 876 Onslow Lot 879 Onslow Lot 880 Onslow Lot 881 Onslow Lot 882 Onslow Lot 883 Onslow Lot 884 Onslow Lot 885 Onslow Lot 886 Onslow Lot 887 Onslow Lot 888 Onslow Lot 889 Onslow Lot 890 Onslow Lot 891 Onslow Lot 892 Onslow Lot 893 Onslow Lot 894 Onalow ZIot 895 Onslow Lot 896 Onslow h t 897 Onslow Lot 898 Onslow b t 899

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28 January 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 291

Proposal Land DOLA File

Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B DispositionSedion 45B Disposition-Section 45B DispositionSection 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition--Section 45B Disposition--Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Sedion 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Sedion 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Sedion 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Sedion 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 45B Disposition-Section 29(2) Disposition-Section 29(2) Disposition-Section 29(2) Disposition Section 118CA Disposition-Section 118CA Disposition-Sedion 1 l8CA

Disposition-Section 118CA

Disposition-Section 118CA Disposition Lease for Crocodile Park Disposition-Section 29(2) and Section 118CA

Onslow Lot 900 Onslow Lot 901 Onslow Lot 902 Onslow Lot 903 Onslow Lot 904 Onslow Lot 905 Onslow Lot 906 Onslow Lot 907 Onslow Lot 908 Onslow Lot 909 Onslow Lot 910 Onslow Lot 911 Onslow Lot 912 Onslow Lot 913 Onslow b t 914 Onslow Lot 915 Onslow Lot 916 Onslow Lot 917 Onslow Lot 918 Onslow Lot 920 Onslow Lot 921 Onslow Lot 922 Onslow Lot 923 Onslow Lot 924 Onslow Lot 925 Onslow Lot 926 Onslow Lot 927 Onslow Lot 928 Onslow Lot 929 Onslow Lot 930 Onslow Lot 940 Derby Lot 1231 Derby Lot 1255 Derby Lot 1240 That portion of Hampton Location 168 as is the subject of Diagram 91467 Murchison Location 159 Portion of Reserve No. 37048 "Drain", now comprised in Office of Titles Diagram 83310 The vacant Crown land delineated and shown bordered green on DOLA Diagram 90831 The portion of vacant Crown land delineated and bordered green on DOLA Diagram 91214 Kununurra Lot 1739 Broome Lot 2826

Reserve No. 31939 163 11969 (Canning Location 2467)

Reservation 'Tublic Utilities and Car- Canning Location 2918 (Reseme 35218) 1624/975 parking" vested-City of Belmont with power to lease for periods up to twenty one years.

(i) Regazettal of Reserve 31612, to School Site Reseme 31612, VCL and 2455193 include a portion of road to be road to be closed 1945188 closed, a s Lot 871 on OP18451.

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292 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA C28 January 1994

Proposal Land DOLA File

(ii) dedication of road coloured dark brown on OP18451

(iii) resewation of b t 872 for "Pedes- trian Accessway".

Reservation "Public Utility" vested- Pedestrian Accessway contained in Cer- 1115/990 Water Authority of Western Australia tificate of Title Volume 256 Folio 101A. with conditions. Reservation-"Pedestrian Accesswaf- Perth Lot 1027 2 1 W988 Vested Reservation-'Recreation9-Vested Jandakot Agricultural Area Lot 647 - - 2457/993

GEORGE CASH, Minister for Lands.


It is hereby notified that i t is intended to Grant a Special Lease over Forrest Location 148 to Brim Keith White and Peter Marer under section 116 of the Land Act 1933 for the purpose of "Agriculture" for a term of 21 years.

A. A. SKINNER, Chief Executive.


I t is hereby notified that it is intended to Grant a Special Lease over Darnpier h t i o n 114 to Michael Dignam and Barbara Cole under section 116 of the Land Act 1933 for the purpose of "Cultivation and Grazing" for a term of 21 years.

A. A. SKINNER, Chief Executive.



Change of Name of Streets DOLA File 1794984. On page 6464 of the Government Gazette dated 3 December 1993, under the subheading of Shire of Northampton delete "Grieg Road" and insert Greig Road.

A. A. SKINNER, Chief Executive.

SHIRE OF ESPERANCE I t is hereby notified that Bernard William Von Caste1 has been appointed to the following positions with the Shire of Esperance, effective from 14 February 1994.

(i) An "Authorised Person" pursuant to the provisions of section 29 of the Dog Act. (ii) An "Inspectorn for the purposes of administering Council's by-laws relating to Parking

Facilities. (iii) A "Ranger" pursuant to the provisions of section 450 of the Local Government Act. (iv) An "Authorised Person" and "Authorised Officer" as described in Part XXVlII Division 2

of the hcal Government Act. (v) A "Bushfire Control Officer" pursuant to the provisions of section 38 (1) of the Bush Fires

Act. R. T. SCOBLE, Shire Clerk.

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28 Januarv 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 293 --

L W 2

DOG ACT l976 Shire of East Pilbara

It is hereby notified for public information that the following persons have been appointed under the provisions of the Dog Act 1976 as Registration Officers for the Municipality of the Shire of East Pilbara.


Registration OEcers MS J. M. Malia Miss S. L. Fielding Mrs. H. Shields MS H. A. Walsh Miss H. J. Petkovic Mrs J. Barker Mrs S. Verschuer Mr C. Bastow previous appointments are hereby cancelled.

Authorised Officers Mr B. Patmm Mr M. Dhu Mr H. Hammersley Mr D. Coultas Mr J. Akessoa Mr R. McEhy Mr M. '&ler

P. A. ANNING, Shire Clerk.


It is hereby notified for public information that effective from 26/l/94 Mr Bill Abbott has been appointed City Ranger and is an Authorised Officer in accordance with the various A&, Regulations and By-laws as detailed hereunder-

1. Dog Act 1976 2. Control of Vehicles (Off Road Areas) Act 1978 3. Litter Act 1979 4. Local Government Act 1960 5. Council By-laws and Regulations 6. a646 (4) Local Government Act 1960.

D. M. GREEN, City ManagerPmwn Clerk.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1980 Nannup Shire Council Sale of Land for Rates

(Section 584) Notice is hereby given that default in the payment of rates for a period of not leas than t h e years having occurred, the Nannup Shire Council, acting under the powers conferred by subsection C of Division 6 of Part XXV of the Local Government Act 1960, will offer for sale, by Public Auction, a t Nannup Shire Hall, Nannup on the 10th day of March 1994, a t 10.00 am o'clock, the pieces of land specified in the Schedule hereto.

IAN ASHDOWN, Shire Clerk.


Reeaiption of Plan or Title ken Street Deaaiption of Name of Name of other Rateu out Othc Charges Lend and Lot Diagram Reference impmvemeata, Regietered persofs a p standing duem the or Looation Number ifmy Proprietor wamg ta faDd

Number have an intaeet

Pwtion Nelson NIA NIA 9.4968 ha. Vasse High- Nil GP& Jsmes Nil 2368.14 Nil Iacation 28 way and

C u n d i n u p Raad

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294 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. WA C28 January 1994



I t is hereby notified for general information that the Minister for Lands has been pleased to approve under section 295 (3) (c) (ii) of the h c a l Government Act 1960, of the change of the name of streets as set out in the hereunder Schedule:

Shire of Toodyay DOLA File: 2182182. 'I'eatree Place to Wallaby Way as coloured grey on page 79.

Shire of Nannup . - DOLA File: 3234/83. Portions of Cundinup Road to Cundinup West Road as coloured red on page 54. Portion of Cundinup b a d to Cundinup South Road as coloured blue on page 55.

Shire of Mundaring DOLA Rle: 1557174. Portion of Great Eastern Highway to Springbank Close as coloured blue a t page 110.

Shire of Chapman Valley DOLA File: 1938183. McEausan Road to McEauran Road as coloured yellow a t page 33.

Shire of Wagin DOLA File: 7261982. Fleays Road to Hyde Road as coloured yellow at page 25.

MA401 MRWA 90-2 105V3.


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE: OR RESUME LAND The Minister for Works hereby gives notice, in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 (2) of the Public Works Act 1902, that it is intended to take or resume under Section 17 (1) of that Act the pieces or parcels of land described in the Schedule hereto and being all in Meekatharra District, for the purpose of the following public works namely, widening and realignment of Great Northern Highway, Nannine to Bluebird section and that the said pieces or parcel of land are marked OR on MRWA Drawing 9025-15-1 which may be inspected a t the office of the Commissioner of Main Roads, Waterloo Crescent, East Perth.


No. Owner or Reputed Occupier or Reputed Description Area Owner Occupier (approx.)

1. Crown Roderick Edward Yelverton O'Connor, Wanda O'Connor, An- drew Yelverton O'Con- nor, Myles Yelverton OiConnor, John Yelverton O'Connor, vide Pastoral Lease 31141686. Alex Norman King, Ross Lloyd Smith, Noel Edward Mani, Lessees vide Mining Lease 5116. Country Gold NL Ca- veator vide Caveats 1651Hl878 and 1162W878.

Portion of Nookawarra LP 3.8572 ha cation 32 and Kyarra Loca- tion 139.

Dated this 26th day of January 1994. D. R. WARNER, Director Corporate Services.

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28 January 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 295

MINING ACT 1978 Notice of Application for an Order for Forfeiture

Department of Minerals and Energy, Leonora. In accordance with Regulation 49 (2) (c) of the Mining Regulations 1981, notice is hereby given that the following licences are liable to forfeiture under the provisions of section 96 (1) (a) of the Mining Act 1978, for breach of covenant, viz, non-payment of rent.

K. M. BOOTHMAN, Warden.

To be heard in the Warden's Court a t Leonora on the 16th February 1994. MOUNT MARGARET MINERAL FIELD

Mount Malcolm District Prospecting Licences

37/3512-Sullivan, James Noel; Sullivan, Donald Anthony; Sullivan, Memyn Ross; Sullivan, Peter Ross.

37/384LHolmes, Harry Percival. 3713841-Holmes, Harry Percival. 3713842-Holmes, Harry Percival. 37/3843-Holmes, Harry Percival. 37/3846McKnight, Russell Geofiey; Sullivan, James Noel. 37/3847-Golian. Rudolf. 37/4480-Sipa ~esources Ltd. 3714481-Sipa Resources Ltd.

Mount Margaret District Prospecting Licences

3812 150-O'Loughlin, Basil Robert. Mount Morgans District

Prospecting Licences 3912939-Dixon, Trevor John.


Prospecting Licences 401625--Pimlott, Graham David. 401976-Phelan, Anthony Williarn.



City of Wanneroo Tbwn Planning Scheme No. l-Amendment No. 667

Ref: 853/213011, Pt. 667. Notice is hereby given that the City of Wanneroo has prepared the abovementioned scheme amendment for the purpose of rezoning portion b t 7 Badgerup Road, Gnangara from "Rural" to "Rural Special Zone (additional use) Rural Store not exceeding 100m2". Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment have been deposited at Council Offices, Boas Avenue, Joondalup and a t the Department of Planning and Urban Development, Albert Facey House, 469-489 Wellington Street, Perth, and will be available for inspection during office hours up to and including March 11, 1994. Submissions on the scheme amendment should be made in writing on Form No. 4 and lodged with the undersigned on or before March 11, 1994. This Amendment is available for inspection in order to provide an oppol-tunity for public comment and i t should not be construed that final approval will be granted.

R. F. COFFEY, Town Clerk,

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296 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [28 January 1994


lfbwn of East Fremantle Town Planning Scheme No. 2-Amendment No. 29

Ref: 853/2/4/2, R. 29. Notice is hereby given that the Town of East Fremantle has prepared the abovementioned scheme amendment for the purpose of creating a new Policy Area (Area 8) and modifying the Development Table and Scheme Map to rezone the designated lot from Residential Zone-Area 3 to Residential Zone-Area 8. Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment have been deposited a t Council W c e s , 135 Canning Highway, East Fremantle and at the Department of Planning and Urban Development, Albert Facey House, 469-489 Wellington Street, Perth, and will be available for inspection during office hours up to and including March 11, 1994. Submissions on the scheme amendment should be made in writing on Form No. 4 and lodged with the undersigned on or before March 11, 1994. This Amendment is available for inspection in order to provide an opportunity for public comment and it should not be construed that final approval will be granted.

B. COLEY, lbwn Clerk.


lbwn of Kwinanu Town Planning Scheme No. 2-Amendment No. 26

Ref: 853/2/26/3, Pt. 26. Notice is hereby given that the 'Ibwn of Kwinana has prepared the abovementioned scheme amendment for the purpose of:

1. rezoning portion of Lot 99 Cockburn Road, Naval Base f m lncal Reserve--Parks, Recreation and Drainage to General Industry.

2. rezoning Lot 102 Sutton Road, Naval Base from Local Reseme Parks, Recreation and Drainage to General Industry.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment have been deposited at Council OBtices, Gilmore Avenue, Kwinana and a t the Department of PIanning and Urban Development, Albert Facey House, 469-489 Wellington Street, Perth, and will be available for inspection during office hours up to and including February 18, 1994. Submissions on the scheme amendment should be made in writing on Form No. 4 and lodged with the undersigned on or before February 18, 1994. This Amendment is available for inspection in order to provide an opportunity for public comment and i t should not be construed that final approval will be granted.

R. K SMILLIE, Tbwn Clerk.


Notice of Major Amendment East Wanneroo, City of Wanneroo

File No: 809-2-30-7 Amendment No: 948133 l . I t is hereby notified for public information that the State Planning Commission a t its meeting held on December 21, 1993, resolved in accordance with the provisions of Section 33 of the Metropolitan Region Town Planning Scheme Act 1959, to propose an amendment to the Metropol- itan Region Scheme and the Hon Minister for Planning has consented to public submissions being sought in respect of the proposed amendment outlined in the First Schedule hereunder.

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28 January 19941 GOWIRNMENT GAZETTE. WA 297

2. Copies of the maps that form part of the Metropolitan Region Scheme that are proposed to be amended will be available from Monday January 17, 1994 to Friday April 22, 1994 for public inspection free of charge during normal office hours, a t each of the places mentioned in the Second Schedule hereunder. 3. Any person who desires to make a submission either supporting or objecting to any provisions of the proposed amendment may do so on the prescribed Form 6A. Submission forms are available on request from the display locations and must be lodged with the Secretary, State Planning Commission, d- Department of Ranning and Urban Development, 469-489 Wellington Street, Perth WA 6000, on or before 4.30 pm Friday April 22, 1994.

GORDON G. SMITH, Secretary.

First Schedule The Metropolitan Region Scheme is amended pursuant to section 33 of the Metropolitan Region Town Planning Scheme Act 1959, by substituting Amendment Map Sheet Numbers 4/2 m, 7142 m, 814 m, 11/50 m and 12149 m for those parts of Map Sheet Numbers 4, 7, 8, 11 and 12. The amendment proposes to transfer land in the City of Wanneroo between the Rural Zone, the F'rivate Recreation Zone, the Industrial Zone, the Urban Zone, the Urban Deferred Zone, the State Forest Reservation, the Parks and Recreation Reservation, the Important Regional Roads Reserva- tion, the Controlled Access Highways Reservation and the Other Major Highways Reservation. The purpose of the amendment is to give statutory effect in the Metropolitan Region Scheme to planning proposals for the East Wanneroo area in the North-West Corridor. The amendment is depicted on State Planning Commission Plan Number SP 43311 and in more detail on Plan Numbers 1.2957-1.2964, 1.2970-1.2973, 1.2976-1.2980, 1.2981/1, 1.2982-1.3005, 1.263011, 1.263111, 1.263211, 2.0724, 2.072511, 2.072611, 2.0727, 3.0745 and 4.1277.

Second Schedule Public Inspection (during normal office hours)

The Amendment Plan Number SP 43311 and detail Plan Numbers 1.2957-1.2964, 1.2970-1.2973, 1.2976-1.2980, 1.2981/1, 1.2982-1.3005, 1.263011, 1.263lI1, 1.26324, 2.0724, 2.072511, 2.0726/1, 2.0727, 3.0745 and 4.1277 will be available for inspection from Monday January 17, 1994 to Friday April 22, 1994 a t each of the following places:

(a) Department of Planning and Urban Development 1st Floor Albert Facey House 469-489 Wellington Street Perth WA 6000

(b) Council Offices of the municipalities of:




City of Perth 27 St George7s Brrace Perth WA 6000 City of Fremantle Corner Newman and William Street Fremantle WA 6160 City of Wanneroo Boas Avenue Joondalup WA 6027 Battve Librarv

~ l e x a n d i r ~ i b r & Building Cultural Centre Francis Street Northbridge WA 6003

POLICE AUCTION Under the provisions of the Police Act 1892-1983, unclaimed and stolen property will be sold by public auction at the premises of Broughton and Broughton, Auctioneers of Munda Way, Wedgefield a t 9.30 am on Saturday, 26 February 1994.

B. BULL, Commissioner of Police.

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I, Robin John Devlin, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic) being the delegated officer of the Minister for Police under section 83 (6) of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuant to the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of that Act and the consent of the local authorities having been obtained and nominated for the purpose of a Bicycle Time Trial by memberdentrants of the Australian Time Trials Association on 13th February 1994, between the hours of 0830 and 1030 do hereby approve the temporary suspension of regulations made under such Act on the carriagewayls mentioned hereunder. Racing to be confined to the left hand side of the carriageway on-Old Northam/Government Road to Wooroloo, Wembee Road to Wundowie and return. All participants to wear approved head protection a t all times. Dated a t Perth this 20th day of January 1994.

R. J. DEVLIN, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic).


I, Robin John Devlin, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic) being the delegated officer of the Minister for Police under section 83 (6) of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuant to the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of that Act and the consent of the local authorities having been obtained and nominated for the purpose of a Bicycle Time Trial by memberdentrants of the Australian Time Trials Association on 27th February 1994, between the hours of 0800 and 1130 do hereby approve the temporary suspension of regulations made under such Act on the carriageway/s mentioned hereunder. Racing to be confined to the leR hand side of the carriageway on-Wameroo Road 1 kilometre north of National Park Entrance, Yanchep, travel north for 40 kilometres and return. All participants to wear approved head protection at all times. Dated a t Perth this 20th day of January 1994.

R. J . DEVLIN, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic).


I, Robin John Devlin, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic) being the delegated officer of the Minister for PoIice under section 83 (6) of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuant to the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of that Act and the consent of the local authorities having been obtained and nominated for the purpose of Cycle Races by memberslentrants of the Masters Cycling Club on 20th February and 20th March 1994, between the hours of 0900 and 1300 do hereby approve the temporary suspension of regulations made under such Act on the carriagewayls mentioned hereunder. Racing to be confined to the left hand side of the carriageway on-Birralee Park, Bates Road, Battrass Road, Shaw Road, Beatrice Road, Bates Road, Imaloo. All participants to wear approved head protection a t all times. Dated a t Perth this 20th day of January 1994.

R. J. DEVLIN, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic).


I, Robin John Devlin, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic) being the delegated officer of the Minister for Police under section 83 (6) of the Road Traffic Ad 1974, pursuant to the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of that Act and the consent of the local authorities having been obtained and nominated for the purpose of a Triathlon by memberdentrants of the Albany TriathIon Club on 30th January, 6th, 13th, 20th February 1994, between the hours of 0900 and 1130 do hereby approve the temporary suspension of regulations made under such Act on the caniageway/s mentioned hereunder. Racing to be confined to the left hand side of the carriageway on-Graham Street, Sandford Road, North Road, Albany Highway, Barker Road, Aquatic Centre, Albany. Dated at Perth this 20th day of January 1994.

R. J. DEVLIN, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic).

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28 January 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 299

ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974 I, Robin John Devlin, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic) being the delegated officer of the Minister for Police under section 83 (6) of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuant to the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of that Act and the consent of the local authorities having been obtained and nominated for the purpose of a Triathlon by memberdentrants of the Albany TriathIon Club on 6th and 13th March 1994, between the hours of 0900 and 1130 do hereby approve the temporary suspension of regulations made under such Act on the carriagewayls mentioned hereunder. Racing to be confined to the left hand side of the carriageway on--Graham Street, Sandford Road, North Road, Albany Highway, Barker Road, Aquatic Centre, Albany. Dated a t Perth this 20th day of Janualy 1994.

R. J . DEVLW, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic).

ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974 I, Robin John Devlin, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic) being the deIegated officer of the Minister for Police under section 83 (6) of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuant to the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of that Act and the consent of the local authorities having been obtained and nominated for the purpose of a Triathlon by memberdentrants of Sports Promotions Australia on 6th March 1994, between the hours of 0700 and 1030 do hereby approve the temporary suspension of regulations made under such Act on the carriagewayls mentioned hereunder. Racing to be confined to the left hand side of the carriageway on--Cliff Street, PhiIlimore Street, Beach Street, Riverside Road, Mouat Street, Marine Terrace, Victoria Quay Road, Fleet Street, South Mole Road, Fremantle. Dated a t Perth this 20th day of January 1994.

R. J. DEVLIN, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic).

ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974 I, Robin John Devlin, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic) being the delegated officer of the Minister for Police under section 83 (6) of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuant to the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of that Act and the consent of the local authorities having been obtained and nominated for the purpose of a Triathlon by memberslentrants of the Avon Women in Sport on 13th March 1994, between the hours of 1000 and 1300 do hereby approve the temporary suspension of regulations made under such Act on the carriagewayls mentioned hereunder. Racing to be confined to the leR hand side of the carriageway on-Great Eastern Highway from Northam Pool to Robinson Street, Newcastle Road to C.B.H. and return to start. All participants to wear approved head protection at all times. Dated a t Perth this 20th day of January 1994.

R. J. DEVLIN, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic).

ROAD TRAFFIC ACT l974 I, Robin John Devlin, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic) being the delegated officer of the Minister for Police under section 83 (6) of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuant to the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of that Act and the consent of the local authorities having been obtained and nominated for the purpose of a Triathlon by memberdentrants of the WA. Triathlon Association on 13th March 1994, between the hours of 0630 and 1030 do hereby approve the temporary suspension of regulations made under such Act on the carriagewayls mentioned hereunder. Racing to be confined to the left hand side of the carriageway on-Hackett Drive, The Avenue, Birdwood Parade, Jutland Parade, Victoria Avenue and return. Dated a t Perth this 20th day of January 1994.

R. J . DEVLIN, Commander (Metropolitan Traffic),

PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY It is hereby notified for public information that His Excellency the Governor has under section M (1) Cb) of the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 revoked the appointment, in Executive Council Minute No. 0221 dated 16 February 1993, of the Hon Robert Gerald Pike, MLC as Parliamentary Secretary.

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300 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 128 January 1994

It is further notified that His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has, under section 44A (1) (a) of the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 approved the appointment of the Hon Robert Gerald Pike, MLC as Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Public Sector Management; Federal Maira; Tourism from 25 January 1994.

D. G. BLIGHT, Director-Generd.



Made by His Excellenc the Governor in Executive Council on the recommendation of the Pu t lic Service Commissioner.


1. These regulations may be cited as the Public Service Amendment Regulations 1994.

Regulation 7 repealed and a regulation substituted

2. Regulation 7 of the Public Service Regulations 1988* (the regulation that prescribes ublic service holidays) is repealed and the following regulation is substitute8- U

Public service holidays

7A. Pursuant to section 59 of the Act, the following days shall be public service holidays -

(a) Easter Eve (Easter Saturday); and

(b) the Monday preceding Christmas Day when Christmas Day falls on a Tuesday or the Friday following Christmas Day when Christmas Day f d s on a Wednesday.

P Published in Gazette of 16 March 1988 at pp. 815-18. For amendments to 5 January 1994 see 1992 Index to Legislation of Western Australia, Table 4, p. 214.1

Recommended by the Public Service Commissioner. BRENDA ROBBINS.

By His Excellency's Command,

D. G. BLIGHT, Clerk of the Council.

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28 January 19941 GOVEFWMENT GAZETTE, WA 301


mnders are invited for the following projects.

%der documents are available from the Contracts Clerk, Supply Branch, Ground Floor, Waterloo Crescent, East Perth.

. -

lknder No. Description Closing Date

1994 129193 ...... Supply and delivery of one (1) only Drilling Rig in accordance with 7 February

Specification P660. 93Q36 ...... Supply and delivery of two (2) only k d e m Axle Medium Duty 16 February

Emergency Sign Trailers in accordance with Specification P653. 93637 ...... Supply and delivery of three (3) only k d e m Axle Heavy Duty 16 February

Trailers in accordance with Specification P654.

ZT202 Acceptance of Ilknders

Contract Description Successful lknderer Amount No.

$ 15/93 ........ Supply of Traffic Cones. RMS Roadsigns 52 200.00 95/93 ........ Supply and delivery of one (1) to two (2) CJD Equipment Pty. 86 704.00

Heavy Tractors Mounted on Rubber Ltd. w e d Wheels.

101/93 ...... Supply and delivery of 60 Prime Mov- Max Winkless 298 400.00 ers.

114/93 ...... Supply and delivery of five (5) only Major Motors Pty. Ltd. 237 465.00 Truck Cab and Chassis.

93626 ...... Supply and delivery of one (1) only Tip T L Engineering 19 012.50 Body with Hydraulic Crane.

93Q27 ...... Supply and delivery of one (1) only Flat T L Engineering 14 654.25 'Ibp Body with Hydraulic Crane.

93Q28 ...... Supply and delivery of one (1) only Van Osborne Motor Bodies 18 144.75 Body with Tailgate Hoist.

D. R. WARNER, Director, Corporate Services.


Ilknders Invited Bnder forms and full particulars of the Schedule hereunder may be obtained on appIication at the State Supply Commission, 815 Hay Street, Perth, 6000. TELEPHONE No. 222 8491 FACSIMILE No. 321 7918

Date of Schedule Advertising No. Description Date of


January 14 415AX994 Installation & Commissioning of Equipment to upgrade the Video ConferencingNideo Production Equipment Ministry of Education ............................................... Feb. 3

January 14 416A1994 Front End h a d e r for Swan River Trust ........................ Feb. 3

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302 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [28 January 1994

STATE SUPPLY COMMISSION-continued !hders Inuited--continued

Date of Schedule Advertising No. Description

. -

Date of Closing


January 14

January 14

January 21

January 21

January 28

January 28

January 28

January 1

January 21

December 17

January 14

January 14

January 21

January 14

January 21

January 21

January 7 January 21

January 14

January 28

January 21











E01 1/94

ITRI 2/94

ITRI 3/94




259A1993 409A1994




Electronic Messaging Software for a Network Functional Trial-Ministry of Education ........................ .., ............

Hardware & Software required for a Network Functional Trial-Ministry of Education ......................................

Corrugated Roof Sheeting, Mouldings and Purlins a s per the specification for Homeswest ...................................

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of a Fully Automated Haematology Analyser for the h- cess Margaret Hospital for Children ...........................

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Two (2) only Porous Load Steam Sterilisers for Fremantle Hospital .......................................................................

FiReen (15) only Capacitator-Discharge Mobile X-Ray Units for the Health Dept of W.A. ..............................

Supply and Delivery of Mammography X-Ray Units for the Women's Cancer Prevention Unit .........................

Certain Classes of Motor Vehicles to various Government Departments within W.A. .............................................

Supply of Diagnostic Medical Imaging Film and Process- ing Chemicals to meet a Whole of Health Requirement

Supply, installation and implementation of Hardware and Software Solutions for a Comprehensive Library and Information System for the Library and Informa-

........................................................ tion Service of WA

Invitation to Register Interest For the Sale of Commercial OperationdSusiness of State

............................................ Print, Western Australia Note: This is the first step in a two-phase process.

Supply of a Computer System to supplement the facilities provided by the Government Accounting System (GAS) for the Department of State Services. Note: This is the first step in a two-phase process. Bnders will subsequently be sought only from a short

............ list drawn from the respondents to this ITRI Provision of Document Reprographic and Finishing Sew-

............... ices to the Building Management Authority

Service Design and Delivery of a Training Program for Accrual

Accounting for the Health Department of WA ........... Photographic Services for the Department of Land Ad-

ministration for an initial period of twelve (12) months with the option to extend the Contract for a W h e r twelve (12) months .....................................................

Supply and Service of Sanitary Napkin, Incontinent Napkin and Medical Waste Disposal Units for the

................................................ Education Department ................ ...................... Charter of Passenger Aircraft .,

Consulting Service for Pilbara Heavy Industry Site Studies for Department of Resources Development ....

Provision of VoicefPABX Communication Support Sew- ices for the Department of Land Administration .......

Printing Services to King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women for a twelve (12) .nonth period with option of a further one (1) year extension .................................

Provision of Information Ibchnology Services (Analysid Programmer-Data Base Administrator) to Support the Department of Training's Labour Market Data System for a six (6) month period with an option of a

............................................... further six (6) months


Feb. 10

Feb. 10

Feb. 10

Feb. 10

Feb. 17

Feb. 17

Feb. 17

Feb. 24

Feb. 24

extended to March


Feb. 3

Feb. 3

Feb. 3

Feb. 3

Feb. 10

Feb. 10 Feb. 10

Feb. 10

Feb. 17

Feb. 17

Feb. 24

Page 25: FRIDAY, JANUARY 1994 No. 9 - Western Australia · PERTH, FRIDAY, 28 JANUARY 1994 No. 9 ... *Private/*Business Address: ... Proposal Land DOLA File Disposition-Sedion 45B

28 January 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 303

S W E SUPPLY COMMISSION-continued nnclers Invited-continued

Date of Schedule Advertising No. Description Date of



January 8

January 8

January 8

January 8

January 28

January 8

January 8

January 8

January 21

January 21

January 21

January 21

For Sale 1991 Toyota HJ80 Landcruiser Station Wagon (Diesel)

(7QE 449), 1991 Toyota HJ8O Landcruiser Station Wagon (Diesel) (7QE' 929) and 1988 Mazda 4WD Two Tonne Tray Body Drop Sides Truck (Diesel) (6QR 321) for the Agriculture Protection Board of W& Kalgoorlie

1991 Ford Fairmont Sedan (8GY 206) for the Ministry of Justice, Karratha ..........................................................

Various 1983 Chamberlain 3380B Tractors for Main Roads, Welshpool .........................................................

Various Construction Site Sheds for the Building Man- agement Authority, Welshpool .....................................

Emus andlor Emu Products for the Department of Agriculture .............................................................-......

1992 Holden Rodeo Crew Cab 4WD Utility (MR D2551 (7QH 078) for Main Roads, Bunbury ..........................

1985 Mitsubishi Tip Truck FM515F (MR 8452) (6QC 460) for Main Roads, Bunbury ....................................

Surplus Hyperchannel Extension Devices for the Health Department of WA ......................................................

Recall-1986 Hino Flat 'Ibp Truck (MRD 8845) (6QR 173) for Main Roads, Welshpool .................................

1989 'Ibyota HJ75 Landcruiser, Trayback, Drop Sides (6QY 616) for Agriculture Protection Board, Derby ...

One (1) only 1991 Mitsubishi Triton Ute-Trayback, Drop Sides (7QG 063) and One (1) only 1991 Ford Econovan (6QH 086) for Department of Agriculture, Kununurra ..................................................................

1990 Toyota Landcruiser Station Wagon (7QC 672) for Department of Land Administration, Kununurra .......


Feb. 3

Feb. 3

Feb. 3

Feb. 3

Feb. 3

Feb. 10

Feb. 10

Feb. 10

Feb. 17

Feb. 17

Feb. 17

Feb. 17

Tenders addressed to the Chairman, State Supply Commission, 815 Hay Street, Perth 6000 will be received for the abovementioned tenders until 10.00 am on the date of closing. Tenders must be properly endorsed on envelopes otherwise they are liable to rejection. No tender necessarily accepted.

L. W. G m , Chairman, State Supply Commission.


Accepted Bnders

Schedule No.

Particulars Contractor Rate

Supply and Delivery 043A1993 Vacuum Blood Collection Equipment Various ........................... Details on

Request 088A1993 Furniture Group 5 (Seating & General Various ........................... Details an

Office Furniture) Request

Service TTRI 11/93 Motor Vehicle Fleet Maintenance for Fleet Sytems Pty. Ltd. Detaile on

the West Australian Police Dept Request 155A1993 Courier Sentice for the Ministry of Edu- Casselan Pty. Ltd Details on

cation T/A Courier Australia Request

Purchase and Renoval 455A1993 1986 Hino Flat Top Truck (MR AI1 Tenders

8845H6QR 173) for Main Roads Declined Dept., Welshpool

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304 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA t28 Januarv 1994

STATE SUPPLY COMMISSION-continued Accepted Iknders--continued

Schedule No. Particulars Contractor Rate

499A1993 1983 Chamberlain Tractor (MR CJD Equipment P/L ...... $6 500.00 6708XXQX 904) for Main Roads Deat.. Welsh~ml

500111993 1983' ~ o h n & ~ e e r e Tractor (MR CJD Equipment P/L ...... $5 900.00 6706)(XQX 892)

501A1993 Item 1: 1987 Nissan F/Top Cabstar CFC Holdings P/L ......... $7 568.00 Truck (MR 2123)(6QN 380)

Item 2: i987 'Ibyo& hp Dyna Truck CFC Holdings P/L ......... $9 768.00 (MR 2301)(6QN 950)

Item 3: 1988 Daihatsu FProp Truck (MR CFC Holdings P/L ......... $8 782.00 2502)(6QP 117)

for Main Roads, Welshpool 502A1993 1989 Toyota Landcruiser Station P. Debont ....................... $22 856.50

Wagon, Manual, Diesel (6QY 717) for Dept. of Agriculture, K u n u n m


Creditors and other persons having claims (to which section 63 of the Trustees Act relates) in respect of the Estates of the undermentioned deceased persons are required to send particulars of their claims to me on or before the 28th February 1994, after which date I may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which I then have notice. Arnold, Jack Urquhart, late of Rowethorpe Nursing Home, Hillview 'Errace, Bentley, died 28/12/93. Atkins, Leonard Francis, late of 11 Mitchell Street, Wooroloo, died 4/12/93. Bancroft, John Martin, late of 124 Odin Road, Innaloo, died 4/11193. Batters, Mavis Millicent, late of Midland Nursing Home, 44 John Street, Midland, died 3112193. Bevan, Peggy Dorothy, late of Carlisle Nursing Home, 110 Star Street, Carlisle, died 16/12/93. Bowler, Winifred Maud, late of Unit 37/98 Ellersdale Avenue, Warwick, died 17/12/93. Bown, Eileen, late of 49 Selina Street, Innaloo, died 31/12/93. Cook, Eileen May, late of 10 Target Road, Albany, died 28/12/93. Drummond, Grace Adelaide, late of Unit 324 Hollywood Village, Williams Road, Nedlmds, died

20/12/93. Ehlers, Raymond George, late of 279 George Street, Queens Park, died 18/11/93. Ellson, Samuel Frederick, late of 77 King Road, Bunbury, died 6/11/93. Flood, M-, late of "Kerry Lodge" District Hospital, Clive Street, Katanning, died 31/12/93. Hanson, Ethel Lurline, late of 93 Newborough Street, Scarborough, died 23/12/93. Hatter, Norman Leslie, late of 36 King George Street, Innaloo, died 9/12/93. Hipkin, Elizabeth Amy, late of Unit 302 Waminda Hostel, Adie Court, Bentley, died 19/12/93. Holder, Harry Georges, late of 26 Meredith Way, Dianella, died 28/12/93. Hunter, Emily Ada, late of Wearne House, bs l ie Street, Mandurah, died 7/1/94. James, Ada, late of Midland Nursing Home, 44 John Street, Midland, died 9/12/93. Kerr, Doreen Josephine, late of 20 Saleham Street, Victoria Park, died 21/12/93. Marriner, Ida Olive, late of bighton Nursing Home, Florence Street, West Perth, died 25/10/93. Pepper, Reginald, late of 14 Andrew Crescent, Hilltree Park, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England, died

1/1/94. Roberts, Norman, late of 304B Spearwood Road, Spearwood, died 25/12/93. Schweizer, Haw, late of 11 Joyce Street, Dalkeith, died 8/1/94. Smith, Alex Niven, late of Dean hdge, Bullcreek Drive, Bullcreek, died 23/11/93. Smith, John Charles, (also known as Smith, Jack), late of Salisbury Rest Home, 19-21 James Street,

Guildford, died 13/10/93. Summers, Pamela Joyce, formerly of 19 Cliff Street, Marmion, late of 7B Mawi Close, Marangaroo,

died 13/12/93. Thornson, John David, late of 20 Brindle Street, Coolbellup, died 23/12/93.

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28 January 19941 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 305

Watt, Estelle Emily, late of Riverview Residence, Pendleton Street, Collie, died 1/11/93. White, Alfred Thomas, late of 15 Ilumba Road, Nollamara, died 19/10/93. Dated this 28th day of January.

K E. BRADLEY, Public Trustee, Public Trust Office, 565 Hay Street, Perth 6000.


Notice is hereby given that pursuant to section 14 of the Public 'I'rustee Act 1941 and amendments, the Public Trustee has elected to administer the estates of the undermentioned deceased persons. Dated a t Perth the 24th day of January 1994.

K E. BRADLEY, Public Trustee, 565 Hay Street, Perth 6000.

Name of Deceased; Address; Date of Death; Date Election Filed. Agnew, Bany Malcolm; Mount Lawley; 19/9/93; 21/1/94. Bojko, Agafia; Cannington; 23/11/93; 21/1/94. Garus, Stefan; Collie; 14/11/93; 21/1/94. Greer, Sydney; Fremantle; 28/7/93; 21/1/94. Thorpe, Louisa Jane; North Beach; 25/12/93; 21/1/94.

TRUSTEES ACT 1962 Notice to Creditors and Claimants

Arthur Alfred Colvin, late of M158 Broadway, Nedlands, Western Australia, died on 16 October 1993 and creditors and other persons having claims (to which section 63 of the Act refers) in respect of his estate are required to send particulars of their claims to the executors of the estate cl- Jackson McDonald, solicitors, GPO Box M971, Perth WA 6001, ref: EJC by 28 February 1994, after which date they may convey or distribute the assets of the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice.

TRUSTEES ACT 1962 Notice to Creditors and Claimants

Kenneth McKenzie late of 22 Eagle Bay Meelup Road, Eagle Bay, Retired Main Roads Employee, deceased. Creditors and other persons having claim (to which section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962 of Western Australia relates) in respect of the estate of the said deceased who died on either the 26th or 27th day of May 1993 at 22 Eagle Bay Meelup Road, Eagle Bay are required to send particulars of their claims to the Executors, Stanley John McKenzie and Joyce Mary Atldnson c/- Peter J. Griffin, Solicitor of 10 Edward Street, Bunbury by the 15th March 1994 after which date the Executors may convey or distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice and the Executors shall not be liable to any person of whose claim they have no notice at the time of administration or distribution. Dated this 20th day of January 1994.



To the Court of Petty Sessions at Geraldton. I Richard Henry Davies of 4 Batavia Place, Geraldton, occupation Carpenter having attained the age of twenty-one years, hereby apply on my own behalf for a licence under the abovementioned Act. Dated the 17th day of January 1994.


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306 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA C28 January 1994

APPOINTMENT OF HEARING I hereby appoint the 8th day of March 1994 a t 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon as the time for the hearing of the foregoing application a t the Court of Petty Sessions at Geraldton. Dated the 17th day of January 1994.

A. W. COUSINS, Clerk of Petty Sessions.

Objection to the granting of the application may be served on the applicant and the Clerk of Petty Sessions a t any time prior to seven days before the date appointed for the hearing.

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310 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. WA 128 January 1994


......................... Health (Meat Inspection and Branding) Amendment Regulations 1994 ...................................................... Health (Notifications by Midwives) Regulations 1994

............................. Health Act-Offensive Trades (Fees) Amendment Regulations 1994 . .............................. Radiation Safety (General) Amendment Regulations (No 6) 1993 ....

........................... ..................................... Public Service Amendment Regulations 1994 ,..


Con servation and Land Man ................................................................................ .. agement Health .................................................................................................................................. Land Administration-General Information ...................................................................... Local Government ............................................................................................................... Main Roads .......................................................................................................................... Minerals and Energy .......................................................................................................... P l d n g. and Urban Develo~ment ................................................................................. Police .................................................................................................................................... Premier and Cabinet ....................................................................................................... Public Notices-

Deceased Persons Estates ............................................................................................ Inquiry Agents ..............................................................................................................

Public Service ...................................................................................................................... l k n d e r t i

Main Roads Department .............................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. State Supply

Page 281

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2813 300

page 281

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304-5 305-6 300

301 301-4