Fire Water Pump

Page 1of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor


Fire Water Pump

Transcript of Fire Water Pump

Page 1: Fire Water Pump

Page 1of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

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Page 2: Fire Water Pump

Page 2of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor


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Page 3: Fire Water Pump

Page 3of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

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Contact Persons at HQO : Sh. P S Murthy (Sr. Manager LPg Projects)

HPCL, Hindustan Bhavan -3, 8 S. V Marg,

Ballard Estate, Mumbai -400001

Ph : 22637072, Fax 2610071 [email protected]

Sh. A.Pal (Exe Project Engr)


Ph : 22637080 [email protected]

Page 4: Fire Water Pump

Page 4of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

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Page 5: Fire Water Pump

Page 5of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

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Page 6: Fire Water Pump

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Page 7: Fire Water Pump

Page 7of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

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Page 9: Fire Water Pump

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Page 12of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

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Page 13of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

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Page 14: Fire Water Pump

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Page 16: Fire Water Pump

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Page 17: Fire Water Pump

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Page 21: Fire Water Pump

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Page 26: Fire Water Pump

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SECTION VI Schedule of Quantities for Supply of Fire Fighting Pumps at Anantapur S.No Item Description Qty 1 Supply of Diesel operated Fire Fighting Pumpset of

410Cum/Hr at 105m Head with complete Diesel Engines, Diesel Tanks, Pressure switches, Electrical Control Panel & other accessories as mentioned in Tender Document

05 Nos

2 Supply of Recommended spares for 02 Years working 05 Sets 3 Supervision of Erection and Commissioning of Pump Sets 05 Nos

Page 27: Fire Water Pump

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I. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. This is only a Price Enquiry and not an order. 2. Two Bid System:Bidders are required to submit offer in two parts namely `Unpriced' & `Priced". Each part shall be submitted in seperate envelope marked `Unpriced'/ `Priced' as applicable. Both above envelopes (after duly sealed) are to be kept in a large common envelope and the same is to be submitted to us by the due date. Tender documents to be returned/forwarded (duly signed by bidder) along with the tender will be as follows: No. of Copies to be submitted alongwith Sr.No. Document Unpriced Bid Priced Bid 1. Technical specifications with pamphlets, literature etc . 1 Nil 2. Agreed terms & Conditions (duly filled & signed) 1 Nil 3. Price details Nil 1 3. Validity:Quoted prices shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the due date/extended due date for placement of order. 4. If the Bidder is unable to meet our technical specification, they may quote for the closest available substitute giving details of same for HPCL consideration. 5. Detailed literature along with pamphlets and performance curves as applicable shall be attached to your offer. 6. Testing/Inspection :Equipment will be subject to inspection by HPCL / 3rd party as per the scope of inspection attached. Quoted prices shall include Bidder's charges towards testing as per scope of inspection. Inspection charges payable to 3rd party may be quoted seperately. 7. HPCL reserves the right to reject offers not meeting its Technical requirements and commercial conditions. 8. HPCL reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. 9. HPCL shall not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves right to accept any or more tenders in part. Decision of HPCL in this connection shall be final.

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I. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 10. Prices are to be quoted in the e procurement format only : 1. Basic Price 2. Packing & Forwarding 3. Excise Duty 4. Sales Tax without form C/VAT Sales Tax with form C 5. Octroi /ENTRY TAX 6. Freight charges on door delivery basis 7. Transit Insurance 8. Total Cost 9. Third party Inspection Charges 10. Installation/Commissioning charges } (wherever applicable) } Quote Lumpsum only II. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 11. Firm Prices:On placement of order, prices will remain firm till complete execution. 12. Delayed Delivery:Delivery is the essence of purchase order. In case of delay in execution of the order beyond contractual delivery date as stipulated in the order HPCL at its option can: either i)accept the delayed delivery on price reduced by sum equivalent to half percent (1/2%) of the basic value of goods not delivered per week of delay or part thereof subject to a maximum of 5% of basic value of order. or ii) Cancel the order in part or full and purchase such cancelled quantities from elsewhere on account at the risk of the seller without prejudice to its right under (i) above in respect of goods delivered. All costs and expenses incurred by HPCL, if any, resulting from cancellation of order shall be recovered from the seller. 13.Terms of Payment: Payment against invoices shall be made on receipt of equipment / material at site against submission of following documents along with your Bill / Invoice : i) Delivery Challan / Lorry Receipt duly acknowledged by our site. ii) Manufacturer Test Certificateiii) Third Party Inspection / Clearance Report iv) Manufacturer Guarantee Certificate v) Performance Bank Gaurantee for 10% of Basic Order value.

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Payment will be made at our Disbursement Section in Mumbai through e payment mode only. Please note that HPCL cannot make any advance with order OR against despatch documents through Bank. 14. Guarantee:Supplies shall be fully guaranteed against any manufacturing defects / poor workmanship / inferior design or quality etc. for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of delivery whichever is earlier. During this period, seller will arrange to repair / replace any defective part free of cost or replace complete set if required. Performance Bank Guarantee issued by any Nationalised Bank for 10% of basic order value of material supply and valid for above guarantee period shall be furnished.

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AGREED TERMS AND CONDITIONS (INDIAN VENDORS) THIS QUESTIONNAIRE DULY FILLED IN, SIGNED & STAMPED MUST FORM PART OF VENDOR'S BID. CLAUSES CONFIRMED HEREUNDER NEED NOT BE REPEATED IN THE BID. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION BIDDER'S CONFIRMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. TECHNICAL a) Acceptance of technical specification and scope of supply as per tender enquiry. b) In case of deviation, confirm that the same has been highlighted separately 2. FIRM PRICES Confirm quoted prices will remain FIRM & fixed till complete execution of the order. 3. PRICE BASIS Confirm quoted prices are based on: a) Ex Works in which case, please indicate : i) Packing & forwarding charges in %. ii) Freight charges for delivery at HPCL site in %. b) F.O.R Despatch Point including Packing & forwarding charges in which case, please indicate Freight charges for door delivery at HPCL site. c) F.O.R. HPCL site including Packing & Forwarding and freight charges for door delivery at HPCL site.

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Page 31of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

AGREED TERMS AND CONDITIONS(INDIAN VENDORS) THIS QUESTIONNAIRE DULY FILLED IN, SIGNED & STAMPED MUST FORM PART OF VENDOR'S BID. CLAUSES CONFIRMED HEREUNDER NEED NOT BE REPEATED IN THE BID. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION BIDDER'S CONFIRMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. EXCISE DUTY a) Indicate present rate of Excise Duty applicable & whether the same is included / excluded from quoted price. Please specify b) If there is any variation in Excise duty at the time of supplies for any reason, other than statutory, including turnover, confirm same will be borne by you. c) If Excise duty is presently not applicable and in case it becomes leviable later for any reasons other than statutory, confirm same will be borne by you. NOTE :In case b & c above are not confirmed, the offer will be evaluated with maximum Excise Duty. 5. SALES TAX/VAT a) Indicate Central sales tax without form C in % b) Indicate Central Sales Tax With form C in % c) Indicate VAT in % (in case supplies are made from originating state) Attached copy of VAT registration certificate. D) Please confirm, whether you will be able to provide TAX INVOICES to facilitate our claim for set off of the VAT paid.

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THIS QUESTIONNAIRE DULY FILLED IN, SIGNED & STAMPED MUST FORM PART OF VENDOR'S BID. CLAUSES CONFIRMED HEREUNDER NEED NOT BE REPEATED IN THE BID. Special Note on Local Sales Tax & VAT For Supply Items & Works Contract:- 1) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited shall not provide C-Form or any other form for concessional tax for this tender. The bidder should quote VAT / ST /CST at FULL RATE applicable for the delivery or material(s) at the site specified in the tender. 2) If the site/location of destination is in a State which has not yet implemented VAT, the supplier should quote applicable ST or CST without C-Form. 3) If the destination site/location is in a State which is under VAT then the supplier should quote applicable VAT. The vendor should also mention his VAT Registration No. in that State. If VAT set off can be availed by Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, while evaluating such an offer, the VAT indicated by the bidder will be backed out from the net delivered cost and ranking will be decided accordingly (net of VAT). 4) The tenderers, who submits their offer with VAT set off / ITC credit applicability shall also submit the copy of VAT / TIN Registration Certificate along with Credential Bid. The transaction documents issued by such tenderers shall enable the Corporation to claim the VAT set off / ITC credit. In the event of VAT set off /ITC credit become non claimable due to non-adherence of documentation at tenderers end, the differential (VAT set off / ITC credit) shall be claimed from such tenderers. INDICATE VAT REGISTRATION NO. FOR THE STATES IN THIS TENDER, WHERE YOU CAN ISSUE VATABLE INVOICE. (PL. ATTACH VAT REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE) STATE VAT REGISTRATION NO.: --------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------ --------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Signature & seal of Bidders

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Page 33of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

AGREED TERMS AND CONDITIONS (INDIAN VENDORS) THIS QUESTIONNAIRE DULY FILLED IN, SIGNED & STAMPED MUST FORM PART OF VENDOR'S BID. CLAUSES CONFIRMED HEREUNDER NEED NOT BE REPEATED IN THE BID. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION BIDDER'S CONFIRMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. TESTING/INSPECTION a) Confirm your charges for internal testing as per scope of inspection are included in quoted prices. b) Indicate charges payable to Third Party for inspection in %. 7. OCTROI a) Confirm Octroi is included in quoted prices. b) If excluded from quoted prices, indicate the same. 8. ENTRY TAX a) Confirm Entry Tax is included in quoted prices. b) If excluded from quoted prices, indicate the same. 09) TRANSIT INSURANCE a) Confirm Transit Insurance is included in quoted prices b) If excluded from quoted prices, indicate the same in %. 09. ERECTION & COMMISSIONING CHARGES A) Confirm charges for Erection and commissioning are quoted as item wise/lumpsum separately. (Please do not include above in basic price) B) SERVICE TAX: NOT APPLICABLE Confirm Service Tax charges for Erection and commissioning are quoted as item wise/lumpsum separately. (Please do not include above in Erection and commissioning) 10. DELIVERY PERIOD Indicate shortest delivery period which will be counted from date of LOI/the date of receipt of order .

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Page 34of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

AGREED TERMS AND CONDITIONS(INDIAN VENDORS) THIS QUESTIONNAIRE DULY FILLED IN, SIGNED & STAMPED MUST FORM PART OF VENDOR'S BID. CLAUSES CONFIRMED HEREUNDER NEED NOT BE REPEATED IN THE BID. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION BIDDER'S CONFIRMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE : We require delivery on above basis only & you are requested to indicate your delivery period accordingly. 11. DELAYED DELIVERY Confirm your acceptance for delayed delivery clause as per the attached terms and conditions. 12. PAYMENT TERMS Confirm acceptance of terms of payment specified in the attached terms and conditions. 13. PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE Confirm that Performance Bank Guarantee will be furnished as per attached terms and conditions. 14. PART ORDER/QUANTITY(NOT APPLICABLE) Confirm acceptance of part order / quantity. 15. TERMS AND CONDITIONS a) Confirm acceptance of attached Instructions to Bidders and Terms & Conditions. b) In case of reservations, confirm that clausewise comments have been indicated.

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Page 35of 35 Signature & Stamp of vendor

AGREED TERMS AND CONDITIONS (INDIAN VENDORS) THIS QUESTIONNAIRE DULY FILLED IN, SIGNED & STAMPED MUST FORM PART OF VENDOR'S BID. CLAUSES CONFIRMED HEREUNDER NEED NOT BE REPEATED IN THE BID. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION BIDDER'S CONFIRMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. VALIDITY Confirm your offer is valid for 90 Days from due date/extended due dates for placement of order. 17. PSU/SSI/NSIC a) Are you a Govt. of India / Any State Govt. Undertaking ? b) Are you a SSI Unit(Indicate the State where you are registered & submit copy of the same) c) Are you Registered with NSIC (copy of registration to be attached if applicable) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES : i) In case of contradiction, the information filled by the Bidder in this `Agreed Terms & Conditions' shall prevail. ii) Wherever applicable, please indicate the charges clearly. DO NOT specify `at actuals'. iii) a) Offers not in conformity with (ii) above, b) Offers deviating from our Commercial Terms, and c) Offers not accompanied by this `Agreed Terms and Conditions are liable for rejection Without recourse to the Bidder. _______________________________________ Signature of tenderer with Seal & date (To be filled by Bidder) Enquiry No.: Item : Location :