Filminspiration 131123101223-phpapp01 (1)

Film Inspiration

Transcript of Filminspiration 131123101223-phpapp01 (1)

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Film Inspiration

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‘The Notebook’

This clip is from the film ‘The Notebook’. This film deals with the concept of dementia which is what my film is attempting to achieve.

From the clip we can see a couple, however the wife cannot remember the events that have happened or recognise her husband.

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Characters and Dialogue

• I found that the way the characters are portrayed in the clip would mirror the characters in our film. For example, the character with dementia get confused this is evident through her speech and facial expressions. When her family meet her the camera is facing down towards her which highlights that the disease makes her inferior to other characters. This is important for our film because, this adds sympathy towards the characters which is what we are trying to achieve in our short film.

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• I found that the continuity of the ‘red cardigan’ in this clip related the two characters (old and young version) together in a subtle way, this formed a connection between the two which made the plot clearer. This would be a good factor to put in our film as the audience would recognise the daughter and the wife, but still see a connection.