Evaluation task 11

Evaluation Task 1 By Chris Tao

Transcript of Evaluation task 11

Evaluation Task 1By Chris Tao


• First of all, we did lots of research on our thriller’s similar products about films, TV series and video games. Our action-thriller is called Latency and its main director is Andrew. To start with video games, Battlefield would be very similar to our thriller. Furthermore, Black mirror would be the similar TV series to our thriller. At last, Gamer would be the similar film to our thriller

Latency VS Battlefield 4

Similar plot line

• To start with the Mise-en scene part, we both use camouflage suits as our costume because everyone might wear this in a battlefield including our thriller.Also our thriller contains explosion and grenade the same as Battlefield 4. What is more, we both use nature light as lighting to show the fighting lively because it is in the real world. And the locations are both setting in the place where there is few people such as forest.


• For camera part. Before we started to shoot, we used 180 degree rule to verify the location. We used the low camera angel to connate the powerful of main character the same as battlefield. We also used eye-line match to connate who they are shooting to show like a first person shooting and match on action to strength the action they do because our thriller is an action-thriller. For battlefield, there is handheld camera work in the trailer in order to show the atmosphere of the war. The same as our thriller, we also decided to use the handheld camera to realize that.


• They are all the gamers around all over the world. When their friends or mates die on the battlefield, they both show their afraid and worry. So they have the same characteristic. Also they wore the similar camouflage suits and held similar guns in their hand.

Latency VS Black Mirror


• Both titles consists of white word in the middle of the screen with black background. Also the animation of the appearance of the title is like the screen has been hacked.

Similar plot line

• In our thriller, The British character was playing a VR FPS game and after wining the game, he died without any reason at the last of our thriller. In black mirror. The main character Cooper was invited to go to test a horrible game. But the game is no longer what he think and everything become mystery.


• In both thrillers, the main characters are going to do a VR game test. The main character of Black Mirror Cooper is a game lover. He joined the test But the game is no longer what he think and everything become mystery. He is also dead because of the VR game. Moreover, the character in our thriller also the lovers of VR games, and at last, Callum had been hacked in the game and died in the game without any reason. In two thrillers, both characters are play VR games and died in the games. This also shows that both characters are very brave.

Similar scene

• On the right hand side, there are two pictures of scene which can show the similarity of the scene. Both characters are wearing the VR(virtual reality) head set to play VR games. Both they had a really bad facial expression in order to connate that they had a bad experience to play VR games.

Latency VS Gamer

Plot line

• People can pass by themselves The idea and body movements to control the role of the game, the gun battle and fight. However, many people can not understand is that the role of the game to participate in the killing of the prisoners in prison which was forced to starred in prison. The similarity is our thriller’s main character is also playing the VR game and died in the game.


• Both two of the thrillers’ main characters are gamers of the VR game. They both playing the FPS games with guns. However, Gamer’s is playing a real game which is forced to play. Latency’s main character is dead in the game.

Similar scene

• These two scenes are similar because they both had a gun in their hands. It connotes the atmosphere of the game. They both have a serious facial expression in order to show they consider this game as reality.