eonI philosophical developments · initiative iii anything of imjigrtar.ee. I trust j this...

initiative iii anything of imjigrtar.ee. I trust j this state of tiling wav not continue inujeli Ion- j ger, as it militates seriously against the j ublic it furust 4 £row<fc nit- now daily attending tlic move-1 ment of tin1 Jackson monument pe destal, block of marWe' which is slowly wending it> way along i the avenue. Jt is, we may add the largest mass of stone ever attempted to be moved in a single piece iii Washington, The motive power is eight large horses and the machinery employed is that known 0:1 board ship by the title, of the :wwatcii teakle" ringing. The statue of Mills, which is to be placed on it, is already au fait accompli. It is the greatest triumph of the arts known to the artistic history of our country. Up j to the very hour of his success, it was very fashionable here to predict that to make his horse stand securely on its hind legs, lie would, m tlie cud bo forced to resort to some one of the expedients common in Europe in getting up cqucs trian statues. He has practically demonstrated that "sonic things can be dune as well as others," (to quote the renowned Sam Patch.) South Carolinian as he is, his achievement has carried him the reputation of being about the cutest Yankee.among us. According to my anticipation, expressed a few. days ago, we are already in the midst of astrug- gle between protection >111.i five trade. liicic-j newai of this movement to <l:iy gave rise to an able debate, in which ihc speech was decidedly that of Mr. Woodward of your State, whose philosophical views upon the results of the jirogress of the country in the art5, and of the developments of her resources, were listened to with j»ro* found attention by I he House and galleries. The representatives of the manufacturing interest appear auxious to do all in their power to stave off the approximation to free trade so eminently threatening just now. So far their arguments, coming from Messrs. Brooks, Cleveland and Duncan, have been feebl?. Blackwood's Magazine. We call tlic attention of the reading public to the British Periodical Publications of Leonard Scott & Co., an advertisement of which may 1>3 found in another column. The high position which each of these.The London Quarteny'Revicw the Edinburgh, the North British, and the West Minste: Reviews, and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.have attained, tho great ability - with which they are conducted, render them eminently worthy of cori5deuee and support. * 'We conceive it unnecessary that we should say any thing more in their favor, as wo are assured the public liavo long since determined this for themselves. It may be proper for us to add, that the early publication of Black wood, containing much that is useful and en- tertaining of British Literature."delivered in all the L priucipal cities in-; the United States: free of postage, and forwarded by mail, under the provisions of the late , Post-Office law, at merely nominal rates".is a strong inducement why every gentleman should be furnished with it. By the rates published, it will bo seen that a discount of 23 per cent will be allowed to clubs ordering four or more copies of any ono or more of these valuable works. The beginnning of tho New Year is a good time to subscribe. Illustrated Family Friend. Wc call attention to this elegant paper which has entered its second Volume. Mr. Godman, its enter-: prizing proprietor, hassparcd neither pains nor money to make it "a choice companion for the home circle, the social group, the lonesome hour and the leisure moment" Certainly the intelligence of our people, and their pride of spirit will not suffer this enterprise to fail through for the want of proper patronage. Of Mr. Godman's merits as a writer and Editor, we have fre7 quently spoken, and we have only to say that lie has more energy than commonly falls to the share of one man. We wish hjrn abundant success. . Bank of the State. The following gentlemen were on Wednesday elect-, ed President and Directors oftliis institution: _ President.C. M. Furman. Directors..N. D. Hill, W. C. Dukes. R. G. Stone, P. M. Cohen, E. Carson, H. F. Strohccker. J. L. Gantt, G. H. Walter, J. Steinmcycr, Geo. Robertson, E. W. Matthews, It. Dulin..Carolinian. ....o...... I Hill.M.» I. O. O. F..Kershaw Lod;'c, No. 9. r|^HE Regular Meeting of this Lodge vill be held 1 at their Hall, this Evening, at 7 o'clock. WLLIAM S li I EL, Sccretaiy. Cradles.A New Iiivvniion. ONE and two Hour self-rocking CRADLES, ar.now offered for sale by Dec. 17. C. L. CHATTEN. ! C. 0. TVITTJ5. GEO. M. GOODWIN. WITTE & GOODWIN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. &e. NO. 92, EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. Trust Estate Sale. I "WILL sell at Public Auction, before the Court House in Camden, on the first Monday in January next, a valuable Family of Negroes.House Servants, IU U UU. iXUgUMU^ i I u.Hl VI OUIJIIUI A/1JM I ICL, in Trust, viz: Henry 4G, Katy, an excellent Pastry fe Cook and Seamstress, 38, and their children.Abra- I tam 19, Moses 17, little Henry 15, Gcorgianna 11, " Cornelia 9, Jciniina, 5, aud Sarah il years of age. The tonus of the sale will bo a credit of one, two, and three years, with interest from the day of sale, payable annually. The purchasor giving bond and se- curity and a mortgage of the property, and paying for the necessary papers. ISAAC X. LENOIR, Trustee. fl)ec. 17.5t Estate S^le. T> Y order of J. R. Joy, Esq. Ordinary, will be sold P on »be 1st Monday in January next, at the Store "recently occupieu »y o^uiun uuijuii, un enure siock of SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, LIQUORS, &c. Also, all the Household ancl Kitchen Furniture, a Cow and Calf, Pony, Ac. Terms of Sale..Suras under Twenty Dollars Cash; > above that amount approved endorsed notes, at four months, pavable at Bank with interest from date. JAMES DUNLAP, Adinr. Dec 17.101 Ot Notice. ALL persons indebted to Sainuel Benson deceased, are requentod to call immediately and make pay- mont, and those having claims will render thera prop. crly attested to J. DUNLAP, Adm'r. t_~*r>ec. 17. 101 tf .,r. ,, ,JL> , mi m ifTMH IN EQUITY. Kxparte: Uurwcll Poykin, A. II. Boykin, Lemuel W. Boykin, and others. IT XI > KK the authority of the decree in the case al ove stated, I will ofl'er for sale at. Public Auction at Lancaster Court IIousc on the first Monday in Fcbrnaiy next, the lbllowiuic trtiet of land, to-wit: A tract eon- Ukfiing ,'ivo hundred. more or loss, aero?, tying hi Lancaster District on Cane Creek: bounded by tlie said creek on the cast, and on ail the otbor sides by lands belonging to J. D. AYitherspoon, Dr. T^ornwell, Thoig; as K. Caret on, and Andrew C'rcckctf, excepting nevertheless the mill and one ncrce of land on '.lie west side of Cane Creek, which were conveyed by S. D. Miller to D. 11. Cantzon on the 20th April. 183.'5. 7b iits of Sale..One third cash, tin* balance upon a credit of one and two years with interest from the date. scoured by Bond and Mortgage of tlie premises, rureli.isju' to pay for papers. BURWELL BOY KIN, Ex JLEOXAESD St-'OTT & tO'8 LIST OF British Fericdical Publications, Delivered in all I he principal C'i'ies in the I nited States | Fitke op Postage, vnd forwarded by rail uuderiiie provisions >t la;o hoe Post-Office Law, at AIeksly .Nominal Rates. THE Lo ND.i.N QUARTERLY REVIEW, (Conservative ) THE I.DJNBI ROD REVIEW (Wide ) THE NORTH BIO'ilMI REVIEW (Free tLurch.) 'I HI WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Libera!) BLACKWOOD'S EDIMil R(J M XCAZ'.NE (Tory.) Abhor :li ihee wnri,* ate d>iiir;U:slied bv .lie jvi ideal sliedefc above ind'iMied, vef bo, a s.na.'l |.o. tion of ilicir contents : devo.ed in (> > .'e.il sob|T.S. I, i« iheir liiera- rv character which aives Item their chief value, and in mnl »!:evstand eonfeM-edlv far above other journalsof their clefs. fi'aekwooil. si'M under »he fatherly cure of t'hr's.opher North, .nautiains i<» ancient celebrity, and is ai ibis imc, unusually aiimeiive. fro'ii the serial \voik« of Cultver mid oilier litemrv nowblei«, written for that magazine. and first apreniii!: in ii < u!i'iiin< bodi in (freat llraairi nin! in ll:e i nicd ' .aie«. iiii'-li vvotl.s as *'*l l.c < ax.mis" ail i ".My New Novel."(Im.Ii by l.tdwer.) "*'1 lie Cireen Hand." hnNe a ..! :!.« -i-i-a!--. ! v\ i:i«-h Iiunit-roi.- rival ctihion.- *fe«i by ii<e It .i.iiiii' p>!»ti-h- ei's it. tli < Lvuiiiry. lint in Ik* «vt»iii.ie«! by tuo.-e publish cr.« l>'oiti I be pages of lit.irkwoo », a.'-er ii la- l.een issued by Messrs. "Scot. <v « so Mint r-ub«crihers io the (leprint of tbal Magazine mat ulwa;.s,rc;y on iiat the earliest rea-iing ol tat «e fa.-clini'S g tales. 1 ER.MS. i'tr ami. For any otutof ibcfour iievtcWK, ^3 tSi . 1 or any two oi lint fuur Reviews. 5 lit) I For any three of the .our Reviews, 7 j For uli ii tir of I lie Reviews, S Oli j l or Blackwood's .Vagnzu.o, 3 CU For Black wmtj : ml three Review*, 'J DO . For Blackwood and l ie four iteviewr, ! ' W Payments to he made inal! csn* in advance. Money cnncnl iii the -Male where issued will he received ul jar. I CI.UKBiNG. A discount of 1 went;,-five j< r »nt. from the alove (.rices w ill he allowed in t Jnhs ordeiinz four or more cojiies of any one or more of the above wot k*. 'I tins : Four eopies ol Blackwood, or ol one itevii w. will he sent lo one a 'dress for §3 ; four ("pies < f the four Reviews and Itluckwoud lor y3j; and *t» on. 15 EDUCED POSTAGE. The following table will show die great reduction which has been made on tiic.c.,1'oiiedicals since lall, and the very trifling rale* now charged. Per annum, Prior 1 "543, the postage on Blafkwood was S: id ' on a sing e Revo w 1 I'd ir 1 asv IBM til ...k.v,.,. ! 1 IX) 1 ' ' on :i ;i view 50 III 1351-3- (nvenig i late) on Hiurkwood 75 '' *" .Hi a ..cvicw 3d Tiie present postage on Ulurkwood is -i ' * I'll a UevteW I(The rates are u r.v uniform for all distances within the L'nit-d Ma es.) Ai there run's sun ly no i hjectirji rliouiil he trade to recc ivtni Ino works liy uiail.uiui thus ensuring tlr-ir speedy, su e. and rigulur delivery. C'^"<w-mi;uii:cvs ami c-ommin.irations should headways nddmssed. post paid, to the J'uhl.slier*. LKD.NAKO st OTP & CO., Tj Co It on si.eet, UliUui.«c 5! Gold street.) New Vork. N II,. I.. S A. Co Lav recently pihlehed. trial have ' now iiir sale. (In: "I'AK.MtilCS IDE." I:y MenrySie- plieu-.of Kditihiirali. uun 'Vol. Norton, of \ ale t oilegc, iV-vv iiaveti. eonipirie inti vols., royal oetavo, unm-tining 1 fit'II pages. M steel and ClM) wood engravings. I'rice. in mil- !in landing. ifG* in j oper eovrrs. tor the mail. Isa. C3"-Tliis work is not the old "'Hook of the Earn," late- ly reau.Tiiutrtil and thrown njmn tin- nnriu-itCOMMITTED to the Jail of Kershaw District, a / Xe^ro lfoy, who calls his name XHD, ami says lie belongs to Jutrics L. Kci i. The owner is requested to come forward, comply with the law ami take him uwav. J. M. COLLIEU, Jailor. Dec. 1" 101 tl l j. i> ii ii v MERCHANT TAILOR, Vl^OULD iv«i>ectfully inform the citizens ofCatndon V t ami vicinity, that he has opened a complete assortment of (jeullctnon's Goods, consisting of CLOTHS, CASSIXElMR, VEST!SCS, kc. Also, 11HAD 1UADE CLOTIUXG o; all descripti- ns, 11ATS and. enio (!, ! 1.".11' U.W A-7. . BAEGAIKb! BARGAINS!! r j^HK .Subscriber intending to close 'tis business, ofX fers l.is ^tock of Glow ties at extremely low j aires for CASH. All who desire bargains would do well do call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere. Nov 2..8811 R. VV. ABBOTT. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS &¥HO:S. r I'M IE subscribers liave just received «u assortment X inent ofMissesandt hildrrn'sliOoTS and .SHOES, amonjr which are manv new and beautiful styles. Oct. 2G. ' AJ.l'EX k Ml* UK AY. ,4 LL persons indebted to John Ingram, by note or 1\ account, will take notice that payments are only to bf> made to the undersigned, the Attorney of F. A. Nance, Assignee. Theassigned papers are in his hands for settlement. Cost mnv he saved bv settling soon. W. TI1URLOW CASTOX, Att'y lor F. A. Xance. Assignee. Nov. 1C. 02 swim At tlie Kio lloiula C1CAISS, t)U' 'U 5000 Sylva genuine l'o. 5000 Cold Leaf ' Do. 10 Boxes line Chewing TOBACCO. Nov 19 W. C. MOORE. QTRAWCI '£'ITS.BIN tV<-..The subscribers liave received a inn assortment <>i Large Straw Cutters Small Do. Com Shellcrs Thermometer Churns. Aug. 13. * McDOWALL & COOl'KH. Water's 'i'oeth Soap, ! 7*011 cleansing and removing animnleuhe from the teeth. For sale bv June 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN. Copart ticrslai p <»f tec. r|"MIK subscribers have formed a Copaitnership under 1 the lirra of ONKALE, BOYD k HRAWLKY, for the transaction of the FACTORAGU and COMMISSION BUSINESS in the oily of Charleston, and il.rt n.itrnnntm nf tliior frw»l»fl< mid f )u> rmltlu* bUHCll HIV ...v.. Richard tVNeale will reside in Columbia, and the business will lib conducted in Charleston by 13. D. Boyd and II. C. Brawlcy, who will open their OUice 011 Bovee & Co.'s Wharf on the 22d inst. RICHARD O'NEALE. B. I\ BOYD, II. C. BRAWLEY. Charleston, S. C. Nov. 20. 94 wlm RatlwayN Steady Ri'inctlii'N. A FULL supply just received, consisting of Radway's Ready Relief, in bottles, tit SfGc 50c and $1. Radway's Regulators, Radway's Medicated Soap, Railway's Circassian balm, for beautifying the hair, and jpr salo by TJIOMAS J. WORKMAN. 'I * . » t - *' Fruit. Fnii!, | / v j\cgs .viniaga u rapes 1 v ' 1 ease fresh Currants 50 pktrs. liaising in whole, half and quarter boxes, Layer and IJurrcff 20 drums new crop Figs 2 bagsBordcaux Almonds Enurlisli Walnuts, FULerts, Brazil Nuts, Citron, Lemons aim Oranges. Received and tor sale by Dec. G, 'S52. SIIAW A AUSTIN. | A HAGS Dulled go's Family Buckwheat. 1'eeci~rU vedand lor sale by SI1AW A AUSTIN. A CASE Tie Fruit 1 do Pino Apple in juice. Deceived and for sale by" SHAW & AUSTIN. ») i \ LQXKS Mild Goshen Cheese. Deceived and for 0\J sale by SIIAW & AUSTIN. t i \ Bids. Mercer Potatoes. Deceived and for sale bv JLU Lee. 0, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. ' | CASK I'recli Maccaroni. Received and Ibr sale by JL Dec. G, 1852. SHAW A AUSTIN. ' { CASE potted Yarmouth Herring .1 1 do do Auchovic Tasto Received and tor sale by Dec. G. 1S52 SHAW &, AUSTIN. 1CASE genuine London Mustard 1 do do French do Received and for sale bv Dec. C, 1832. SHAW ,t AUSTIN. | CASE Crosse k D lack well's English Pickles, eonI si'ting of Piccalillv, Chow-Chow, Cuulitiowor and mixed Pickles. Received and for sale by Dee. G. 1832. SFIAW k AUSTIN. 1 CASE of Crosse & Black well's English Sauces, conJL sisting of Worcestershire, Reading, Harvey and John Bull.' Received and tor sale by Dec. G, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. .'GOO lirst quality Rio Hondo SEC ARS 5000 do do Gold Leaf do 2000 do do Regalia do i>. .i .i i- :. ._i.. t... luirnvu IIIIU iui ttiuv; Dec. C. 1S52. 'SHAW & AUSTIN. " CASKS (quarts and pints) "Lonjrworth's" Sparkr) ling Catawba Wine, Received and lor sale bv Dee. (J. 1S52. SIIAW A AUSTIN. 'ii'ea, T«'a, TIY». f 1 UXI'OWDKR, Hyson. Imperial, Young Hyson \ J and Black, ol' superior quality. Received and lor sale by SIIAW k AUSTIN. %) 0r"i'.\ VPS " Snr.dcr.'i.aiUiV Did I\ rt VTine. for nicrlieitinl purposes. Received and Tor sale by Dec. G, 1852. SIIAW & AUSTIN. \ CASKS assorted French Cordials.J] Received and 0 for sale by SIIAW k AUSTIN. " III1DS. choice Raltiniorc cured Bacon Sides, f ) Received and Tor sale by Dec. 5,1852. SIIAW k AUSTIN. t II i ID. ''CousardVIIams. Received and for sale by 1 Doc. 6, 1852. SHAW t AUSTIN. CASKS No. 1 Stnok.'d Salmon m 2 do do do Ilalibut Received and lor sale bv TV... <> K'V) filliW * AI*«TTV ~t / i KI'fTS No. l Muckarel (new) 11.' JO qr. bis. do do do 2 boxes dried Cod (new.) Deceived and for sale bv Dec. G, 1852. SNAW & AUSTIN. ' k) DHLS. Kennedy's Butter Crackers. md Deceived and lor sale by Dec G. 1852. SHAW Sl AUSTIN. *^/A TWO-POUND cans fresh Salmon, f / w Deceived and lor sale by Dee G. Is52. SHAW AUSTIN. ChaMi}>»igi:e and Braud)'. i Pipe "Old London Dock" Brandy I Doz. Baskets lleidsiek Chuinpaignc 4 " " " pis. i Cask Madeiia Wine \ " Malaga i " Oid l'ort " W. C. MOORE, SCHOOL BOCHS. * COM 1'LETE and exteusivcnssortincnt of School 1 \ Books arc now on hand, of the best editions, iviiich are oflercd for sale at low jtrict.i (or cash, ot at the usual credit to punctual customers. ORAM MA Its..Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's. SPELLERS..Klemeiitarv, Carpenter's. N. Y. Southern and Dictionary Speller DICTION A It ICS..'Webster's, Walker's, Iteid's, and W or<i> I c r's K lenten ta ry. T> 1' * I. I 'DC ... ^ 1 O nn<] ) . I lfcl'4.1 1 CWUI lil'I II, »\u. 1, ii II' I O, UWUI1V.H «?, Xwv York and < Jrigg .v Elliot's 1, 2 and .'I; Porter's itr. iiical. L'ivcIV. Xation.nl. Sargent's Standard Speaker. JVost's American do. lllSi'Oil I ICS..Pat ley'.*- 1st, 2d and 3d l>o: >lcs History: Parley'.- Common Schoul and Pictorial Hist. I". S.; Uohbiu's Outlines Hist.; Markhain's Hist. England; Magnal's Historical Questions: Catechism of the History and Chronology of South Carolina: Juvenile Hist<wies of England and the UnitedStatcs of America.« 0 EuGn A Pi 11 ICS..Mitchell's School Geography and Alias, 2nd Ilovised edition; Mitchell's And. Geo. and Atlas; Butler's do.; Primary Geographies, by Smith, Parley. Mitchell and Chillis; Quarto Geo. and Alias. m 1 vol., ny u. u. rrmmi, anu n. m. oiikiii, (the latter is the common School Geopraphv.) Alt HUM lillCS..l'ikc'.s Smith's, Emerson's 1, 2 aim 3; Da vies' 1st Lesson?; School and I'niversity Arithinetic; Colburn's Intellectual Arith. Keys to the above for the use of teachers. NAT.PHILOSOPHY..Parker's, Comstock's, Jones', Gray's and Draper's. CIIKMISTltY..iSillininn's, Draper's, Jones', Comstock's. Johnson's Turner's. XAT. IlLSTOltY..Bipland'sand Ackerman's. 1XTKLL1 :CTU A L PillLuS..Ahereromhie's. MATH KM ATK'S..Danes' Alpebra, Elementary nnd Practical Geometry; Lcpendrc's Geometry and Bur- (Ion's Algebra; Da vies' and Flint's Surveying; Day's Mathematics and Algebra. Swan's Series of Spellers, Grammar Renders. <f c. Copy Rooks and Dates; l'aper. Ink,Steel Fens, Quills, Inkstands, and all other articles of Stationary required in Schools and Academies. A. YOUNG. Nov. 19..93 if 1?RMSII I'R ESTON .t MERRILL'S YEAST POWDERS. Received to-day by Nov.2. _ T. J. WORKMAN, j tiALVAZI'EZJXG, dc. r|"MIE subscriber is prepared to carry on the art of 1 Elcotro-Metalhrgy, eomtnonly called Galvanism, in till its branches. Work warranted. Terms, cash on delivery. T. CARPENTER. Nov." 23. 9-1 tf | ExccuforN Police. VLL persons having demands against tlie estateof James Baskin, dec'd. will present tliem duly attcsted within the time prescribed by law, and all parsons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay. mcnt to A. G. BASKIN, Kx'or. Oct. 22. 85 tf. Notice. r|"M! K Distributees of Mrs Rachel Leigh, dee'd. arc 1 hereby notified that the Negro property belonging to her estate will bo ready for distribution on the iirst of January next. All persons indebted to the estate for purchases made at the sale are hereby requested to come forward and pay their notes, as settlements must be made. JOHN U. INGREM. Ex'r. R. Leigh. Nov. 20,1SB2. 91 3m yk0: I . < JNi Notice. I HAVE a largo assortment of Xogro Blankets tliflt I will sell at rcelue-jd prices. I'erfbris in want/will ilo well to coll and examine tliem. Aiso, nILwo'1 Plains, Linscys. &e. very low. 11 W. EOXXF i". T)OY'S BOOTS at Cost..Also, a large lot of Servanl's Sl.ot-s lor sale low, at BOXNEY'S. A FEW box s low priced Tobacco, lor Plantation L jL use. For sale at BOXXFY'S, MHO F6R SAIK, A I,L Hint Tract of LAND. lyinor on Raftcn Creek. /V known ;is the "Ilurst Place," now owned by T. E. Bovkin. There are from four to five hundred acres in the tract and has the Railroad running conveniently ihrough ir. Terms made known upon npplienlioa t.) T. E. Boy- kin or Mr. llurwell Roykin, Camden, S. C. December 14. ioO tf r.attted S'«v i:erd J^lVJi or six able bodied Negroes to work at the Camden Depot. Apply to the subscriber carlv. Doc. 11.tf. N. D. R.VXLKY, AgentEavrv's Triecpberons. A Preparation for the HAIR, so cheap that all can jl afi'ord it, and yet so popular that the elite everj* where use and praise it. A fresh supply direct from New York, received and for sate at 'v r T\r,rr a A\0V. V. 4a, u. 1,'c.iJL.k i. V. SETTER LATE THAN NEVER! &>.QQCDOD£530 i .13. & Z3. KLirO'EDY havo at Jast rc- wived their FAL.iL STOCK. And respectfully invite their friends and the public generailv, to an examination of the largest and best selected" stock of J'ASCI' A XL) DOMESTIC DRY GOODS they have ever had otl'erod them, and at prices that cannot fail to please. Oct. 15. GREATiND IMPORTANT EVENT! ALL OF 2BY SLAV «00®S HAVE COJ/IE TO HAND! and See Titeni..^ Oct. 12. JAMES WILSON. IVotiec. ("WILL sell on Friday, the ."1st inst., at the residence of \> in. D. Peebles, the articles mentioned in his Schedule, ami assigned to me for the benefit of his creditors. Terms Cash. December 14. M. NAUDIN, Assignee. Police. J WILL sell on the first Monday in January next. before the Court House, one GOLD WATCH, and other articles mentioned in his schedule and assigned to rue by lb II. Slrular, lor the benefit of his creditors. Terms Cash. M. Is AUDI X, Assignee. December 11. 100 tf Hriiiitici' SaiJI. THE subscriber lias now on hand a very choice lot of Sperm, Solar and Lard Oil and Burning Fluid, to which lie invites the attention of his customers. Dec. 3. Z. J. DkIIAY. Urates, Stores, &c. Splendid Parlor Grates Smoothing Iron Heaters Plain do do Iron Bedsteads Cooking Stoves Egg Boilers fHn.kA iln fVhiltifk lVifroiitK VSI1IWW I v-vvv * Tea and Coffee Urns. Keceived by Dec. 3. McDOWALL & COOPER. Ciin us. SPLENDID as«f>n.'iie:it <>f Single and Double Barrelled GL'S.% from $5 to $100, with powder Flasks, Slmt Bags and Pouches, Peroossion Caps, Cleaning Rods. Ac. Received and fo. salcbv Dec. 3. .McDOWALL & COOPER. 6.1'.IS323iE: E'GSi £A s.e; T'lIIIITE PINE. Asli. Hickory. Poplar. Mahogany, V t Cherry, Juniper, Black Walnut, and every variety of Nor:hern L .mher. ALSO. GRIND STONESaiid ICE, for sale in lots andquautitles to suit purchase. s. A ddress JOHN li MARTIN, Agent, Oct. 2C.ly. Charleston Ncclc Ice House. ice. VLL persons having demands against the estate of Elijah Sill, deed, will hand them in properly attested, and all indebted will make payment to Nov. 20..w2tn. K. E. SILL, Adni'r. Fmli TniituiriudH M AY be had at WORKMAN'S DRUG STORE. 'fititdt*, 5 t.'ag »ttd / \\"E have just received a very lull and complete t t assortment of the above articles, o: every sk'.o and qnalitv, viz: TRUNKS.Irom 02c to $20. C.\ ltl'ET BAGS.from the smallest and most com mon. to the largest and most magnificent; of exceed ingly rich and beautiful patterns. V A LI EEs'.of various sizes and patterns. Call and see them at WORKMAN .fc EOONE'S. CtOOl'ER'S Shredded lnsinglnss, new Raisins, A1 / monds, Lemons, Currants, Extracts, and tino Cheese. J ust opened by BuNNEY. Received ON Consignment. a Lot of CROCKERY WARE, consisting of JUGS. JARS CULL'XS, BUTTER DISHES, <Cr. To be sold at wholesale prices by Nov. a..90 tf JAMES MeEWEN. DRESS GOODS. I> ICn figured and plain Silks I Cashmeres and DeLainos, plain and printed. A lr.:ge variety of small pattern DeLaines, for children. ALSO. EMBROIDERIES.Comprising a full assorlmentof - TT.J IT 1|.,V£. Collars, uiomisoues. i: nuoiml-i-vcs, iiuiiuaviviuvic, u.t. With it lu-i'i/c lot of Kid, Silk and Sewing Silk 0loves. Just opened at Oct. 15. A. M. .t 11. KENNEDY'S. BOOTS AND SHOES. r" " PA I US Gentlemen's llov's Youth's and Chil( f_)v* droll's BOOTS, Kip and Calf pegged and sewed, welt and pump, fair, stitched and fudged, from No. 5, Childs. to No. 13 Men's.front $1 to$10 Gentlemen's line Calf and C'loth and Congress Gaiters. " " " Bootees, fair and stitched " " waterproof " front $2 to $5 Men's Boy's and Youth's kip and calf L. and B. peggod and sewed Brogans, front 50e to $1.50 Women's Boots and Shoes, pegged and sewed, front 25c. to $1.25 " Slippers, from 25c to $1.25 t fin.l misses' tlno Gaiters, all colors and sizes " " Call, Goat. Kid, Morocco and enamelled Bootees, Buskins, Tics and Slippers, from 75c. to §2. For sale at the lowest prices. Oct. 26. WORKMAN & BOONE. REMOVAL. JOSEPH B. KERSHAW, Attorney and Solicitor, has removed to the Office ut the corner of Court House Square. Camden, S. C. Oct. 22.w3tn WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM SOAP..A fro.-h supply of F. S. Clea ver's celebrated World's Fa:r Premium Honey Soap. Warranted genuine. Received and for sale at Dec. 3.lm. >1. PellAT'S. :. .. .,<- *V ~'wjH* %^-Wkj^ '& AUCTION jSALES. .=* ¥>Y perralftion of the Court of Oidinury,»wfll be I 3so!-1 Liberty Iiill, at iLi£ late residence ofJg|J>£Jila ^ Jane Be Ik, dcc'd. on Saturday, the 1st day of January ' fi next, for au equal division among the heirs,-a choice Negro Man, a likely Boy, two Wo'iien aiid soye^Children, being tiie residuary part ot satd^iiSraifo hot otherwise disposed of by will. Terms.A credit of twelve months, purchasers giving notes with approved security, with interest from the day of sale. + S ASIC EL SPCNCi; Exo'r. » C5TAH persons having demands agauwl said Estate wilt hand them in properly attested^ and those indebted will make payment to SAMUEL SPEXCE, Ex'or. Dec. 14. * 100 < *' u JESYATK SALE. BY order of the Court of Ordinary, will bo sold, at the late residence of James Parker, deceased, on the 28th day of December inst., at 12 o'clock -11., all the personal property of said deed, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Corn and Fodder, Plantation Utensils, &c. jqTerms..All sums of tlvo dollars and under cash } over that amount a credit until the first day of October, 1853, with notes and good security, with interest from day of sale. JiilANUEL PARKER, Adm'r. 'Dec. 7. 98 tf LAXD I OK SALE. IN EQUITY.KEIiSHAW DISTRICT. W. II. II. Workman, Comm'r. ) vs. J. Bill for Foreclosure* Zack Cantey. J IX conformity to an order in this cause made at the last June term of the said Court, I will offer for sale, before the Court House door in'Camden, on the lirst Monday in January next, all that parcel or tract of LAND, lying on the North side of Granny's Quarter Creek, in the District aforesaid, containing one hundred (100) acres more cr less, bckigjgart ofa tract formerly belonging to J. Riddle, dee'd, and conveyed by the Sberifl'ot Kershaw District to David Harrison, and by him to tlis children of Hiram Nettles, aud which was sold and conveyed by Wtu. M Shannon, late Commissioner of tiiis Court to the Defendant, on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1851. Biddings to bo opened at the sum necessary to pay the amount due on the lirst Monday in January next, on the bond and mortgage given by the said Defeudant to the said W. IL Shuuuon, late Commissioner.estimated to amount to near two thousand (2,000) Dollars. Terms, cash.purchasers to pay for title deeds. Mr U 1> w/inpif 1\T n T IT Nov. 28, 1S02. [£5.50J t3 ADMINISTRATOR'S SADE.~ BY order ot the Court of Ordinnry of Kershaw District, I will sell ut Public Auction be.'ore tlio Court House in Camden on the lirst Monday in January next, EIGHTY-NINE NEGROES, belonging to the estate/of Lewis 0. Adamson, dec'd. ALSO. On the day following, "at the Plantation of said dec'd. the stock of MULES, HOGS. CATTLE, gHEEP, Wacons, Plantation Implements, CORN, FODDER, PROVISION'S, ic. Toms..The Negroes will be sold for one-fourth cash; tho balance on a credit of one, two* and three years, with interest from day of sale. Purchasers to rr\ve* hnnd with onnrrtvod nnrannfll RPPIlHtV. and a mortgage of the property. The other property, all sums of titty dollars and under, cash, over that amount on a credit of 12 months, secured by Dotes and approved sureties. Purchasers to pay for all necessary papers. J. B. KERSHAW, # Adm'r L. C. Adaicson, dee'd.* f Oct. 28. 87 ts Estate Sale. I~)Y order of the Court of Ordinary, w ill be sold at > the late residence of James Buskin, deceased on the 20ih day of December next, all the pcrishablo property belonging to said Estate, consisting ot Corn, Fodder, Ilorses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Goats, "Wagons, Plantation .U ensils, Slc. I will also sell before the Court House door in Camden, on the lirst Monday iu Janury next, Eleven very likely A bb kujvs, among wiiom tliere is a good carpenter, one tolerable good Carpenter and a good "\Vagoner. Tebms.For the perishable property a credit of twelve inontbs, with note audappioved security, with interest frorn day of sale. For the Negroes, a credit of one, two, and three years, with bond and mortgage, approved security, and interest from day of sale. Purchasers to pay for all necessary papers, as well as recording them. A. Cr. BASKJN, Ex'r. Nov. 19 93 tf The Southern Agriculturist, A MONTHLY Journal of Rural Affairs, Mechanics, J\. Manufactures, Pomology and Horticulture. EDITED BY A. G. SUMMER. WM. SUMMER, Pomologicnl and Horticultural Editor. The subscriber will publish, at Laurensville, S. Cn about the 20th January, 1S53, the first number of a ucw Agricultural Journal, the Editorial management of which will be under the charge of Col. A G. Summku. who will be assisted in the Horticultural and Pomological Departments by Mr. William Summer, of Pomaria. The "Agriculturist" will be printed on fine paper, with new Brevier Type, large Octavo, double columns, and will contain Thirty-two pages. No advertisements will be admitted in the body ol the work, but such will be published on a cover if desired. Specimen numbers will be sent to persons wishing to examine before subscribing, but in no case will a name bo entered upon our books uutil the subscription is paid. terms of subscription*. 1 Copv. year invariably in advance $1 6 Copies, " " " " 5 12 Copies, " " " *' .10 16 Conies. « " " " 15 R. M. STOKES, Proprietor." Tost ifasters are particularly requested to net as Agents. Dec. 14. * Christinas Presents. JUST received n large variety of Goods suitable for ciiristiias and New Yeah Presents.consisting of China a ases, Toilet Botti.es, Water Bottles,* Puff Boxes. Jewel, Wafer and Pin Boxes, China Figures, Inkstands, Pitchers, Ring Holders, China Baskets. Lava Figures, Terra Cota Baskets and tf . i"1"! v » Oi vtitro'rini/c f'i'r.o C t r'nt'nf \f s\rr> >\ vtl'0UUU J1VI* to Cits, China Toys. GAMES. Mansion of Happiness. Hettard of Virtue. American Eagle. What D'ye Buy, Five Senses. The Little Buii'e, Game of Patience. Dominoes, Lotos Chessmen, kc., with Dolls of every kind, dressed, undressed, China, Wax, and Gutta Pkkcha. Also, a large assortment of Drums. Tin Toys, Common Toys, Rattles. Crackers, Fire Works of every description, together wiili other goods too numerous to mention. For sale by Dee. 10.09 tf FRANCIS L. ZEilP Notice. VLL persons having demands against Lemuel Boykin, deceased, will hand them in, properly attest- oil; and those imteutea totne estate will present them to Bunvell Hoy kin, qualified Executor. Nov 5. 89 3at (~lARPETIJfG..Super, super. Also, bestthree J ply Scotch and Brussels Carpeting?, with Rugs to match. Just received at Oct. 15. A. M. & KENNEDY'S. PAI^* lilLLER..One 3-rosa Pern* Davis A Son's unrivalled PAIN KILLER, iu bottles from 12 1 2c. to $1. Received yesterday, at Oct. 12. Z. J. DeHAY'S.

Transcript of eonI philosophical developments · initiative iii anything of imjigrtar.ee. I trust j this...

Page 1: eonI philosophical developments · initiative iii anything of imjigrtar.ee. I trust j this stateoftiling wav not continue inujeli Ion-j ger, as it militates seriously against the

initiative iii anything of imjigrtar.ee. I trust jthis state of tiling wav not continue inujeli Ion- jger, as it militates seriously against the j ublicit furust

4£row<fc nit- now daily attending tlic move-1

ment of tin1 Jackson monument pe destal, blockof marWe' which is slowly wending it> way along ithe avenue. Jt is, we may add the largest mass

of stone ever attempted to be moved in a singlepiece iii Washington, The motive power iseight large horses and the machinery employedis that known 0:1 board ship by the title, of the:wwatcii teakle" ringing. The statue of Mills,which is to be placed on it, is already au fait accompli.It is the greatest triumph of the artsknown to the artistic history ofour country. Up jto the very hour of his success, it was very fashionablehere to predict that to make his horsestand securely on its hind legs, lie would, m tliecud bo forced to resort to some one of the expedientscommon in Europe in getting up cqucstrian statues. He has practically demonstratedthat "sonic things can be dune as well as others,"(to quote the renowned Sam Patch.) SouthCarolinian as he is, his achievement has carriedhim the reputation of being about the cutest Yankee.amongus.

According to my anticipation, expressed a few.days ago, we are already in the midst of astrug-gle between protection >111.i five trade. liicic-jnewai of this movement to <l:iy gave rise to an

able debate, in which ihc speech was decidedlythat of Mr. Woodward ofyour State, whose philosophicalviews upon the results of the jirogressof the country in the art5, and of the developmentsof her resources, were listened to with j»ro*found attention by I he House and galleries. Therepresentatives of the manufacturing interest appearauxious to do all in their power to stave offthe approximation to free trade so eminently threateningjust now. So far their arguments, comingfrom Messrs. Brooks, Cleveland and Duncan,have been feebl?.

Blackwood's Magazine.We call tlic attention of the reading public to the

British Periodical Publications of Leonard Scott & Co.,an advertisement of which may 1>3 found in anothercolumn.The high position which each of these.The London

Quarteny'Revicw the Edinburgh, the North British,and the West Minste: Reviews, and Blackwood's EdinburghMagazine.have attained, tho great ability

- with which they are conducted, render them eminentlyworthy of cori5deuee and support.* 'We conceive it unnecessary that we should say anything more in their favor, as wo are assured the publicliavo long since determined this for themselves. Itmay be proper for us to add, that the early publicationof Blackwood, containing much that is useful and en-

tertaining of British Literature."delivered in all the Lpriucipal cities in-; the United States: free of postage,and forwarded by mail, under the provisions of the late

, Post-Office law, at merely nominal rates".is a stronginducement why every gentleman should be furnishedwith it. By the rates published, it will bo seen that a

discount of 23 per cent will be allowed to clubs orderingfour or more copies of any ono or more of thesevaluable works. The beginnning of tho New Year isa good time to subscribe.

Illustrated Family Friend.Wc call attention to this elegant paper which has

entered its second Volume. Mr. Godman, its enter-:

prizing proprietor, hassparcd neither pains nor moneyto make it "a choice companion for the home circle,the social group, the lonesome hour and the leisuremoment" Certainly the intelligence ofour people, andtheir pride of spirit will not suffer this enterprise to failthrough for the want of proper patronage. Of Mr.Godman's merits as a writer and Editor, we have fre7quently spoken, and we have only to say that lie hasmore energy than commonly falls to the share of one

man. We wish hjrn abundant success.

. Bank of the State.

The following gentlemen were on Wednesday elect-,ed President and Directors oftliis institution:

_ President.C. M. Furman.Directors..N. D. Hill, W. C. Dukes. R. G. Stone,

P. M. Cohen, E. Carson, H. F. Strohccker. J. L. Gantt,G. H. Walter, J. Steinmcycr, Geo. Robertson, E. W.Matthews, It. Dulin..Carolinian.....o...... I Hill.M.»

I. O. O. F..Kershaw Lod;'c, No. 9.r|^HE Regular Meeting of this Lodge vill be held1 at their Hall, this Evening, at 7 o'clock.

WLLIAM S li IEL, Sccretaiy.Cradles.A New Iiivvniion.

ONE and two Hour self-rocking CRADLES, ar.nowoffered for sale byDec. 17. C. L. CHATTEN. !





Trust Estate Sale.I "WILL sell at Public Auction, before the Court

House in Camden, on the first Monday in Januarynext, a valuableFamily of Negroes.House Servants,

IU U UU. iXUgUMU^ i I u.Hl VI OUIJIIUI A/1JM I ICL,in Trust, viz: Henry 4G, Katy, an excellent Pastry

fe Cook and Seamstress, 38, and their children.Abra-I tam 19, Moses 17, little Henry 15, Gcorgianna 11,

" Cornelia 9, Jciniina, 5, aud Sarah il years of age.The tonus of the sale will bo a credit of one, two,

and three years, with interest from the day of sale,payable annually. The purchasor giving bond and se-

curity and a mortgage of the property, and paying forthe necessary papers.

ISAAC X. LENOIR, Trustee.fl)ec. 17.5t

Estate S^le.T>Y order of J. R. Joy, Esq. Ordinary, will be soldP on »be 1st Monday in January next, at the Store

"recently occupieu »y o^uiun uuijuii, un enure siock

of SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, LIQUORS, &c.Also, all the Household ancl Kitchen Furniture, a

Cow and Calf, Pony, Ac.Terms of Sale..Suras under Twenty Dollars Cash;

> above that amount approved endorsed notes, at fourmonths, pavable at Bank with interest from date.

JAMES DUNLAP, Adinr.Dec 17.101 Ot

Notice.ALL persons indebted to Sainuel Benson deceased,

are requentod to call immediately and make pay-mont, and those having claims will render thera prop.crly attested to J. DUNLAP, Adm'r.

t_~*r>ec. 17. 101tf

.,r. ,, ,JL> , mi m ifTMH

IN EQUITY.Kxparte: Uurwcll Poykin, A. II. Boykin, Lemuel W.

Boykin, and others.

ITXI >KK the authority ofthe decree in the case al ovestated, I will ofl'er for sale at. Public Auction at

Lancaster Court IIousc on the first Monday in Fcbrnaiynext, the lbllowiuic trtiet of land, to-wit: A tract eon-

Ukfiing ,'ivo hundred. more or loss, aero?, tying hi LancasterDistrict on Cane Creek: bounded by tlie saidcreek on the cast, and on ail the otbor sides by landsbelonging to J. D. AYitherspoon, Dr. T^ornwell, Thoig;as K. Caret on, and Andrew C'rcckctf, excepting neverthelessthe mill and one ncrce of land on '.lie westside of Cane Creek, which were conveyed by S. D. Millerto D. 11. Cantzon on the 20th April. 183.'5.

7b iits of Sale..One third cash, tin* balance upon a

credit of one and two years with interest from the date.scoured by Bond and Mortgage of tlie premises, rureli.isju'to pay for papers.BURWELL BOYKIN, Ex


British Fericdical Publications,Delivered in all I he principal C'i'ies in the I nited States |

Fitke op Postage, vnd forwarded by rail uuderiiieprovisions >t la;o hoe Post-Office Law, at AIeksly.Nominal Rates.

THE Lo ND.i.N QUARTERLY REVIEW, (Conservative)THE I.DJNBI ROD REVIEW (Wide )THE NORTH BIO'ilMI REVIEW (Free tLurch.)'I HI WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Libera!)BLACKWOOD'S EDIMil R(J M XCAZ'.NE (Tory.)Abhor :li ihee wnri,* ate d>iiir;U:slied bv .lie jvi ideal

sliedefc above ind'iMied, vef bo, a s.na.'l |.o. tion of ilicircontents : devo.ed in (> > .'e.il sob|T.S. I, i« iheir liiera-rv character which aives Item their chief value, and inmnl »!:evstand eonfeM-edlv far above other journalsoftheir clefs. fi'aekwooil. si'M under »he fatherly cure oft'hr's.opher North, .nautiains i<» ancient celebrity, and isai ibis imc, unusually aiimeiive. fro'ii the serial \voik«of Cultver mid oilier litemrv nowblei«, written for thatmagazine. and first apreniii!: in ii < u!i'iiin< bodi in (freatllraairi nin! in ll:e i nicd ' .aie«. iiii'-li vvotl.s as *'*l l.c< ax.mis" ail i ".My New Novel."(Im.Ii by l.tdwer.) "*'1 lieCireen Hand." hnNe a ..! :!.« -i-i-a!--. ! v\ i:i«-hIiunit-roi.- rival ctihion.- *fe«i by ii<e It .i.iiiii' p>!»ti-h-ei's it. tli < Lvuiiiry. lint in Ik* «vt»iii.ie«! by tuo.-e publishcr.« l>'oiti Ibe pages of lit.irkwoo », a.'-er ii la- l.een issuedby Messrs. "Scot. <v « so Mint r-ub«crihers io the (leprintof tbal Magazine mat ulwa;.s,rc;y on iiat the earliestrea-iing ol tat «e fa.-clini'S g tales.

1 ER.MS.i'tr ami.

For any otutof ibcfour iievtcWK, ^3 tSi .

1 or any two oi lint fuur Reviews.5 lit) IFor any three of the .our Reviews, 7 jFor uli ii tir of I lie Reviews,S Oli jl or Blackwood's .Vagnzu.o, 3 CUFor Blackwmtj : ml three Review*, 'J DO .

For Blackwood and l ie four iteviewr, ! ' W

Payments to he made inal! csn* in advance. Moneycnncnl iii the -Male where issued will he received ul

jar. ICI.UKBiNG.

A discount of 1 went;,-five j< r »nt. from the alove (.ricesw ill he allowed in t Jnhs ordeiinz four or more cojiiesof any one or more of the above wot k*. 'I tins : Four eopiesol Blackwood, or ol one itevii w. will he sent lo one

a 'dress for §3 ; four ("pies < f the four Reviews and Itluckwoudlor y3j; and *t» on.

15EDUCED POSTAGE.The following table will show die great reduction which

has been made on tiic.c.,1'oiiedicals since lall, and thevery trifling rale* now charged. Per annum,Prior t« 1 "543, the postage on Blafkwood was S: id

' on a sing e Revo w 1 I'dir1 asvIBM til ...k.v,.,. ! 1 IX) 1

' ' on :i ;i view 50III 1351-3- (nvenig i late) on Hiurkwood 75

'' *" .Hi a ..cvicw 3dTiie present postage on Ulurkwood is -i

' * I'll a UevteW I(Therates are u r.v uniform for all distances within theL'nit-d Ma es.)Ai there run's sun ly no i hjectirji rliouiil he trade to reccivtni Ino works liy uiail.uiui thus ensuring tlr-ir speedy,

su e. and rigulur delivery.C'^"<w-mi;uii:cvs ami c-ommin.irations should headways

nddmssed. post paid, to the J'uhl.slier*.LKD.NAKO st OTP & CO.,

Tj Co Iton si.eet, UliUui.«c 5! Gold street.)New Vork.

N II,. I.. S A. Co Lav recently pihlehed. trial have '

now iiir sale. (In: "I'AK.MtilCS IDE." I:y MenrySie-plieu-.of Kditihiirali. uun 'Vol. Norton, of \ ale t oilegc,iV-vv iiaveti. eonipirie inti vols., royal oetavo, unm-tining1 fit'II pages. M steel and ClM) wood engravings. I'rice. inmil- !in landing. ifG* in j oper eovrrs. tor the mail. Isa.

C3"-Tliis work is not the old "'Hook of the Earn," late-ly reau.Tiiutrtil and thrown njmn tin- nnriu-itCOMMITTED

to the Jail of Kershaw District, a

/ Xe^ro lfoy, who calls his name XHD, ami sayslie belongs to Jutrics L. Kci i. The owner is requestedto come forward, comply with the law ami take himuwav. J. M. COLLIEU, Jailor.

Dec. 1" 101tl

l j. i> ii ii vMERCHANT TAILOR,

Vl^OULD iv«i>ectfully inform the citizens ofCatndonV t ami vicinity, that he has opened a complete assortmentof (jeullctnon's Goods, consisting of CLOTHS,CASSIXElMR, VEST!SCS, kc. Also, 11HAD 1UADECLOTIUXG o; all descripti- ns, 11ATS and.

enio (!, ! 1.".11'U.W A-7.

.BAEGAIKb! BARGAINS!!rj^HK .Subscriber intending to close 'tis business, ofXfers l.is ^tock of Glowties at extremely low jairesfor CASH. All who desire bargains would dowell do call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere.Nov 2..8811 R. VV. ABBOTT.

MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS &¥HO:S.r I'M IE subscribers liave just received «u assortmentX inent ofMissesandt hildrrn'sliOoTS and .SHOES,amonjr which are manv new and beautiful styles.

Oct. 2G.'

AJ.l'EX k Ml*UKAY.

,4 LL persons indebted to John Ingram, by note or

1\ account, will take notice that payments are onlyto bf> made to the undersigned, the Attorney of F. A.Nance, Assignee. Theassigned papers are in his handsfor settlement. Cost mnv he saved bv settling soon.

W. TI1URLOW CASTOX,Att'y lor F. A. Xance. Assignee.

Nov. 1C. 02swim

At tlieKio lloiula C1CAISS,

t)U' 'U 5000 Sylva genuine l'o.5000 Cold Leaf


Do.10 Boxes line Chewing TOBACCO.Nov 19 W. C. MOORE.

QTRAWCI '£'ITS.BIN tV<-..The subscribersliave received a inn assortment <>i

Large Straw CuttersSmall Do.Com ShellcrsThermometer Churns.

Aug. 13. * McDOWALL & COOl'KH.

Water's 'i'oeth Soap,

!7*011 cleansing and removing animnleuhe from theteeth. For sale bv

June 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN.Copart ticrslai p <»f tec.

r|"MIK subscribers have formed a Copaitnership under1 the lirra of ONKALE, BOYD k HRAWLKY,

for the transaction of the FACTORAGU and COMMISSIONBUSINESS in the oily of Charleston, andil.rt n.itrnnntm nf tliior frw»l»fl< mid f )u> rmltlu*

bUHCll HIV ...v..

Richard tVNeale will reside in Columbia, and the businesswill lib conducted in Charleston by 13. D. Boydand II. C. Brawlcy, who will open their OUice 011 Bovee& Co.'s Wharf on the 22d inst.


Charleston, S. C. Nov. 20. 94 wlm

RatlwayN Steady Ri'inctlii'N.

AFULL supply just received, consisting of Radway'sReady Relief, in bottles, tit SfGc 50c and $1.Radway's Regulators, Radway's Medicated Soap, Railway'sCircassian balm, for beautifying the hair, andjpr salo by TJIOMAS J. WORKMAN.

'I *

. » t -


Fruit. Fnii!,| / v j\cgs .viniaga u rapes1 v ' 1 ease fresh Currants50 pktrs. liaising in whole, half and quarter boxes,

Layer and IJurrcff20 drums new crop Figs2 bagsBordcaux Almonds

Enurlisli Walnuts, FULerts, Brazil Nuts, Citron, Lemonsaim Oranges. Received and tor sale by


| A HAGS Dulled go's Family Buckwheat. 1'eeci~rUvedand lor sale by SI1AW A AUSTIN.

A CASE Tie Fruit1 do Pino Apple in juice. Deceived and for sale


») i \ LQXKS Mild Goshen Cheese. Deceived and for0\J sale by SIIAW & AUSTIN.

t i \ Bids. Mercer Potatoes. Deceived and for sale bvJLU Lee. 0, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN.


| CASK I'recli Maccaroni. Received and Ibr sale byJL Dec. G, 1852. SHAW A AUSTIN.'

{ CASE potted Yarmouth Herring.1 1 do do Auchovic Tasto

Received and tor sale byDec. G. 1S52 SHAW &, AUSTIN.

1CASE genuine London Mustard1 do do French doReceived and for sale bv

Dec. C, 1832. SHAW ,t AUSTIN.

| CASE Crosse k D lackwell's English Pickles, eonIsi'ting of Piccalillv, Chow-Chow, Cuulitiowor andmixed Pickles. Received and for sale by

Dee. G. 1832. SFIAW k AUSTIN.

1 CASE of Crosse & Black well's English Sauces, conJLsisting of Worcestershire, Reading, Harvey andJohn Bull.' Received and tor sale by

Dec. G, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN.

.'GOO lirst quality Rio Hondo SECARS5000 do do Gold Leaf do2000 do do Regalia do

i>. .i .i i- :. ._i.. t...luirnvu IIIIU iui ttiuv;

Dec. C. 1S52. 'SHAW & AUSTIN." CASKS (quarts and pints) "Lonjrworth's" Sparkr)ling Catawba Wine, Received and lor sale bvDee. (J. 1S52. SIIAW A AUSTIN.

'ii'ea, T«'a, TIY».f 1 UXI'OWDKR, Hyson. Imperial, Young Hyson\ J and Black, ol' superior quality. Received andlor saleby SIIAW k AUSTIN.

%) 0r"i'.\ VPS " Snr.dcr.'i.aiUiV Did I\ rt VTine. for.« nicrlieitinl purposes. Received and Tor sale byDec. G, 1852. SIIAW & AUSTIN.

\ CASKS assorted French Cordials.J] Received and0 for sale by SIIAW k AUSTIN.

" III1DS. choice Raltiniorc cured Bacon Sides,f ) Received and Tor sale byDec. 5,1852. SIIAW k AUSTIN.

t II i ID. ''CousardVIIams. Received and for sale by1 Doc. 6, 1852. SHAW t AUSTIN.

CASKS No. 1 Stnok.'d Salmonm 2 do do do Ilalibut

Received and lor sale bvTV... <> K'V) filliW * AI*«TTV

~t / i KI'fTS No. l Muckarel (new)11.' JO qr. bis. do do do2 boxes dried Cod (new.) Deceived and for sale bv

Dec. G, 1852. SNAW & AUSTIN.'

k) DHLS. Kennedy's Butter Crackers.md Deceived and lor sale byDec G. 1852. SHAW Sl AUSTIN.

*^/A TWO-POUND cans fresh Salmon,f / w Deceived and lor sale byDee G. Is52. SHAW AUSTIN.

ChaMi}>»igi:e and Braud)'.i Pipe "Old London Dock" BrandyI Doz. Baskets lleidsiek Chuinpaignc4 " " " pis.i Cask Madeiia Wine\ " Malagai " Oid l'ort " W. C. MOORE,

SCHOOL BOCHS.* COM 1'LETE and exteusivcnssortincnt of School

1 \ Books arc now on hand, of the best editions,iviiich are oflercd for sale at low jtrict.i (or cash, ot atthe usual credit to punctual customers.ORAMMA Its..Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's.SPELLERS..Klemeiitarv, Carpenter's. N. Y. Southernand Dictionary SpellerDICTION A It ICS..'Webster's, Walker's, Iteid's, andWor<i> I c r's Klenten ta ry.

T> 1' * I. I'DC ... ^ 1 O nn<] ) .Ilfcl'4.1 1 CWUI lil'I II, »\u. 1, ii II' I O, UWUI1V.H «?,

Xwv York and < Jrigg .v Elliot's 1, 2 and .'I; Porter'sitr. iiical. L'ivcIV. Xation.nl. Sargent's StandardSpeaker. JVost's American do.

lllSi'Oil I ICS..Pat ley'.*- 1st, 2d and 3d l>o: >lcs History:Parley'.- Common Schoul and Pictorial Hist. I". S.;Uohbiu's Outlines Hist.; Markhain's Hist. England;Magnal's Historical Questions: Catechism of the Historyand Chronology of South Carolina: JuvenileHist<wies of England and the UnitedStatcs of America.«

0 EuGnA Pi 11 ICS..Mitchell's School Geography andAlias, 2nd Ilovised edition; Mitchell's And. Geo.and Atlas; Butler's do.; Primary Geographies, bySmith, Parley. Mitchell and Chillis; Quarto Geo. andAlias. m 1 vol., ny u. u. rrmmi, anu n. m. oiikiii,(the latter is the common School Geopraphv.)

AltHUM lillCS..l'ikc'.s Smith's, Emerson's 1, 2 aim

3; Davies' 1st Lesson?; School and I'niversity Arithinetic;Colburn's Intellectual Arith. Keys to theabove for the use of teachers.

NAT.PHILOSOPHY..Parker's, Comstock's, Jones',Gray's and Draper's.

CIIKMISTltY..iSillininn's, Draper's, Jones', Comstock's.Johnson's Turner's.XAT. IlLSTOltY..Bipland'sand Ackerman's.1XTKLL1 :CTU A L PillLuS..Ahereromhie's.MATH KM ATK'S..Danes' Alpebra, Elementary nnd

Practical Geometry; Lcpendrc's Geometry and Bur-(Ion's Algebra; Da vies' and Flint's Surveying; Day'sMathematics and Algebra.Swan's Series of Spellers, Grammar Renders. <f c.

Copy Rooks and Dates; l'aper. Ink,Steel Fens, Quills,Inkstands, and all other articles of Stationary requiredin Schools and Academies. A. YOUNG.

Nov. 19..93 if

1?RMSII I'R ESTON .t MERRILL'S YEAST POWDERS.Received to-day byNov.2.



r|"MIE subscriber is prepared to carry on the art of1 Elcotro-Metalhrgy, eomtnonly called Galvanism,

in till its branches. Work warranted. Terms, cash on

delivery. T. CARPENTER.Nov." 23. 9-1tf |

ExccuforN Police.

VLL persons having demands against tlie estateofJames Baskin, dec'd. will present tliem duly attcstedwithin the time prescribed by law, and all parsonsindebted to said estate will make immediate pay.

mcntto A. G. BASKIN, Kx'or.Oct. 22. 85tf.

Notice.r|"M! K Distributees of Mrs Rachel Leigh, dee'd. arc1 hereby notified that the Negro property belonging

to her estate will bo ready for distribution on the iirstof January next. All persons indebted to the estatefor purchases made at the sale are hereby requested tocome forward and pay their notes, as settlements mustbe made.

JOHN U. INGREM. Ex'r. R. Leigh.Nov. 20,1SB2. 913m





I HAVE a largo assortment of Xogro Blankets tlifltI will sell at rcelue-jd prices. I'erfbris in want/will

ilo well to coll and examine tliem. Aiso, nILwo'1Plains, Linscys. &e. very low. 11 W. EOXXF i".

T)OY'S BOOTS at Cost..Also, a large lot of Servanl'sSl.ot-s lor sale low, at BOXNEY'S.

A FEW box s low priced Tobacco, lor PlantationL jL use. For sale at BOXXFY'S,

MHO F6R SAIK,A I,L Hint Tract of LAND. lyinor on Raftcn Creek./V known ;is the "Ilurst Place," now owned by T.E. Bovkin. There are from four to five hundred acresin the tract and has the Railroad running convenientlyihrough ir.Terms made known upon npplienlioa t.) T. E. Boy-

kin or Mr. llurwell Roykin, Camden, S. C.December 14. ioOtf

r.attted S'«v i:erd

J^lVJi or six able bodied Negroes to work at theCamden Depot. Apply to the subscriber carlv.

Doc. 11.tf. N. D. R.VXLKY, AgentEavrv'sTriecpberons.A Preparation for the HAIR, so cheap that all can

jl afi'ord it, and yet so popular that the elite everj*where use and praise it. A fresh supply direct fromNew York, received and for sate at

'v r T\r,rr aA\0V. V. 4a, u. 1,'c.iJL.k i. V.


&>.QQCDOD£530i .13. & Z3. KLirO'EDY havo at Jast rc-

wived theirFAL.iL STOCK.

And respectfully invite their friends and the publicgenerailv, to an examination of the largest and bestselected" stock of J'ASCI' A XL) DOMESTIC DRYGOODS they have ever had otl'erod them, and at pricesthat cannot fail to please. Oct. 15.


HAVE COJ/IE TO HAND!and See Titeni..^

Oct.12. JAMES WILSON.IVotiec.

("WILL sell on Friday, the ."1st inst., at the residenceof \> in. D. Peebles, the articles mentioned inhis Schedule, ami assigned to me for the benefit of hiscreditors. Terms Cash.December 14. M. NAUDIN, Assignee.


J WILL sell on the first Monday in January next.before the Court House, one GOLD WATCH, and

other articles mentioned in his schedule and assignedto rue by lb II. Slrular, lor the benefit of his creditors.Terms Cash. M. Is AUDI X, Assignee.December 11. 100tf

Hriiiitici' SaiJI.THE subscriber lias now on hand a very choice lot

of Sperm, Solar and Lard Oil and Burning Fluid, towhich lie invites the attention of his customers.

Dec. 3. Z. J. DkIIAY.

Urates, Stores, &c.Splendid Parlor Grates Smoothing Iron HeatersPlain do do Iron BedsteadsCooking Stoves Egg Boilers

fHn.kAiln fVhiltifk lVifroiitKVSI1IWW I v-vvv*

Tea and Coffee Urns. Keceived byDec. 3. McDOWALL & COOPER.

Ciinus.SPLENDID as«f>n.'iie:it <>f Single and DoubleBarrelled GL'S.% from $5 to $100, with powder

Flasks, Slmt Bags and Pouches, Peroossion Caps,Cleaning Rods. Ac. Received and fo. salcbv


6.1'.IS323iE: E'GSi £A s.e;T'lIIIITE PINE. Asli. Hickory. Poplar. Mahogany,V t Cherry, Juniper, Black Walnut, and every varietyof Nor:hern L .mher.

ALSO.GRIND STONESaiid ICE, for sale in lots andquautitlesto suit purchase. s. A ddress

JOHN li MARTIN, Agent,Oct. 2C.ly. Charleston Ncclc Ice House.


VLL persons having demands against the estate ofElijah Sill, deed, will hand them in properly attested,and all indebted will make payment to

Nov. 20..w2tn. K. E. SILL, Adni'r.

Fmli TniituiriudH


'fititdt*, 5 t.'ag »ttd /\\"E have just received a very lull and completet t assortment of the above articles, o: every sk'.o

and qnalitv, viz:TRUNKS.Irom 02c to $20.C.\ ltl'ET BAGS.from the smallest and most com

mon. to the largest and most magnificent; of exceedingly rich and beautiful patterns.VA LI EEs'.of various sizes and patterns. Call and

see them at WORKMAN .fc EOONE'S.

CtOOl'ER'S Shredded lnsinglnss, new Raisins, A1/ monds, Lemons, Currants, Extracts, and tino

Cheese. J ust opened by BuNNEY.


ON Consignment. a Lot of CROCKERY WARE,consisting of JUGS. JARS CULL'XS, BUTTER

DISHES, <Cr. To be sold at wholesale prices byNov. a..90 tf JAMES MeEWEN.


I> ICn figured and plain SilksI Cashmeres and DeLainos, plain and printed.

A lr.:ge variety of small pattern DeLaines, for children.ALSO.

EMBROIDERIES.Comprising a full assorlmentof- TT.J IT 1|.,V£.

Collars, uiomisoues. i: nuoiml-i-vcs, iiuiiuaviviuvic, u.t.

With it lu-i'i/c lot ofKid, Silk and Sewing Silk 0loves. Just opened at

Oct. 15. A. M. .t 11. KENNEDY'S.

BOOTS AND SHOES.r" " PA I US Gentlemen's llov's Youth's and Chil(f_)v* droll's BOOTS, Kip and Calfpegged and sewed,welt and pump, fair, stitched and fudged,

from No. 5, Childs. to No. 13 Men's.front$1 to$10

Gentlemen's line Calf and C'loth and Congress Gaiters." " " Bootees, fair and stitched

" " waterproof " front$2 to $5

Men's Boy's and Youth's kip and calf L. and B. peggodand sewed Brogans, front 50e to $1.50Women's Boots and Shoes, pegged and sewed, front

25c. to $1.25" Slippers, from 25c to $1.25

t fin.l misses' tlno Gaiters, all colors and sizes" " Call, Goat. Kid, Morocco and

enamelled Bootees, Buskins, Tics and Slippers,from 75c. to §2. For sale at the lowest prices.


JOSEPH B. KERSHAW, Attorney and Solicitor,has removed to the Office ut the corner of Court

House Square. Camden, S. C. Oct. 22.w3tn


PREMIUM SOAP..A fro.-h supply of F. S. Cleaver's celebrated World's Fa:r Premium Honey

Soap. Warranted genuine. Received and for sale at

Dec. 3.lm. >1. PellAT'S.

:... .,<- *V~'wjH* %^-Wkj^

'& AUCTION jSALES. .=*¥>Y perralftion of the Court of Oidinury,»wfll beI 3so!-1 a» Liberty Iiill, at iLi£ late residence ofJg|J>£Jila ^Jane Be Ik, dcc'd. on Saturday, the 1st day of January ' finext, for au equal division among the heirs,-a choiceNegro Man, a likely Boy, two Wo'iien aiid soye^Children,being tiie residuary part ot satd^iiSraifo hot otherwisedisposed of by will.Terms.A credit of twelve months, purchasers givingnotes with approved security, with interest from

the day of sale. +


C5TAH persons having demands agauwl said Estatewilt hand them in properly attested^ and those indebtedwill make payment to

SAMUEL SPEXCE, Ex'or.Dec. 14. * 100 < *' u


BY order of the Court of Ordinary, will bo sold, atthe late residence of James Parker, deceased, on

the 28th day of December inst., at 12 o'clock -11., allthe personal property of said deed, consisting ofHorses, Hogs, Cattle, Corn and Fodder, PlantationUtensils, &c.jqTerms..All sums of tlvo dollars and under cash }over that amount a credit until the first day ofOctober,1853, with notes and good security, with interest fromday ofsale. JiilANUEL PARKER, Adm'r.

'Dec. 7. 98tfLAXD I OK SALE.


vs. J. Bill for Foreclosure*ZackCantey. J

IX conformity to an order in this cause made at thelast June term of the said Court, I will offer for

sale, before the Court House door in'Camden, on thelirst Monday in January next, all that parcel or tractof LAND, lying on the North side of Granny's QuarterCreek, in the District aforesaid, containing one hundred(100) acres more cr less, bckigjgart ofa tract formerlybelonging to J. Riddle, dee'd, and conveyed bythe Sberifl'ot Kershaw District to David Harrison, andby him to tlis children of Hiram Nettles, aud whichwas sold and conveyed by Wtu. M Shannon, late Commissionerof tiiis Court to the Defendant, on the 6thday of January, A. D. 1851. Biddings to bo openedat the sum necessary to pay the amount due on the

lirstMonday in January next, on the bond and mortgagegiven by the said Defeudant to the said W. ILShuuuon, late Commissioner.estimated to amount tonear two thousand (2,000) Dollars.

Terms, cash.purchasers to pay for title deeds.Mr U 1> w/inpif 1\T n T IT

Nov. 28, 1S02. [£5.50Jt3ADMINISTRATOR'S SADE.~

BY order ot the Court of Ordinnry of Kershaw District,I will sell ut Public Auction be.'ore tlioCourt House in Camden on the lirst Monday in Januarynext,

EIGHTY-NINE NEGROES,belonging to the estate/of Lewis 0. Adamson, dec'd.

ALSO.On the day following, "at the Plantation of said dec'd.

the stock of MULES, HOGS. CATTLE, gHEEP,Wacons, Plantation Implements, CORN, FODDER,PROVISION'S, ic.Toms..The Negroes will be sold for one-fourth

cash; tho balance on a credit of one, two* and threeyears, with interest from day of sale. Purchasers torr\ve* hnnd with onnrrtvod nnrannfll RPPIlHtV. and a

mortgage of the property. The other property, allsums of titty dollars and under, cash, over that amounton a credit of 12 months, secured by Dotes and approvedsureties. Purchasers to pay for all necessary papers.J. B. KERSHAW, #

Adm'rL. C. Adaicson, dee'd.* f

Oct. 28. 87ts

Estate Sale.I~)Y order of the Court of Ordinary, w ill be sold at> the late residence of James Buskin, deceased on

the 20ih day of December next, all the pcrishabloproperty belonging to said Estate, consisting ot Corn,Fodder, Ilorses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Goats,"Wagons, Plantation .U ensils, Slc.

I will also sell before the Court House door in Camden,on the lirst Monday iu Janury next, Eleven verylikely A bb kujvs, among wiiom tliere is a good carpenter,one tolerable good Carpenter and a good "\Vagoner.Tebms.For the perishable property a credit of

twelve inontbs, with note audappioved security, withinterest frorn day of sale.

For the Negroes, a credit of one, two, and threeyears, with bond and mortgage, approved security, andinterest from day of sale. Purchasers to pay for allnecessary papers, as well as recording them.

A. Cr. BASKJN, Ex'r.Nov. 19 93tf

The Southern Agriculturist,A MONTHLY Journal of Rural Affairs, Mechanics,

J\. Manufactures, Pomology and Horticulture.EDITED BY A. G. SUMMER.

WM. SUMMER, Pomologicnl and Horticultural Editor.The subscriber will publish, at Laurensville, S. Cn

about the 20th January, 1S53, the first number of a

ucw Agricultural Journal, the Editorial managementof which will be under the charge of Col. A G. Summku.who will be assisted in the Horticultural and PomologicalDepartments by Mr. William Summer, ofPomaria. The "Agriculturist" will be printed on finepaper, with new Brevier Type, large Octavo, doublecolumns, and will contain Thirty-two pages. No advertisementswill be admitted in the body ol the work,but such will be published on a cover if desired.

Specimen numbers will be sent to persons wishingto examine before subscribing, but in no case will aname bo entered upon our books uutil the subscriptionis paid.

terms of subscription*.1 Copv. year invariably in advance $16 Copies, " " " "5

12 Copies, " " " *'.1016 Conies. « " " "15

R. M. STOKES, Proprietor."Tost ifasters are particularly requested to

net as Agents. Dec. 14.*

Christinas Presents.JUST received n large variety of Goods suitable for

ciiristiias and New Yeah Presents.consistingof China a ases, Toilet Botti.es, Water Bottles,*Puff Boxes. Jewel, Wafer and Pin Boxes, ChinaFigures, Inkstands, Pitchers, Ring Holders, ChinaBaskets. Lava Figures, Terra Cota Baskets andtf . i"1"! v » Oi vtitro'rini/c f'i'r.o C t r'nt'nf \f s\rr>

> \ vtl'0UUU J1VI*

to Cits, China Toys.GAMES.

Mansion of Happiness. Hettard of Virtue. AmericanEagle. What D'ye Buy, Five Senses. The LittleBuii'e, Game of Patience. Dominoes, LotosChessmen, kc., with Dolls of every kind, dressed, undressed,China, Wax, and Gutta Pkkcha.

Also, a large assortment of Drums. Tin Toys, CommonToys, Rattles. Crackers, Fire Works of everydescription, together wiili other goods too numerous

to mention. For sale byDee. 10.09 tf FRANCIS L. ZEilP


VLL persons having demands against Lemuel Boykin,deceased, will hand them in, properly attest-oil; and those imteutea totne estate will present themto Bunvell Hoy kin, qualified Executor.Nov 5. 893at

(~lARPETIJfG..Super, super. Also, bestthreeJ ply Scotch and Brussels Carpeting?, with Rugs to

match. Just received atOct. 15. A. M. & KENNEDY'S.

PAI^* lilLLER..One 3-rosa Pern* Davis ASon's unrivalled PAIN KILLER, iu bottles from

12 1 2c. to $1. Received yesterday, atOct.12. Z. J. DeHAY'S.