
NURLIYANA BINTI AZHAR 911108-02-5902 REPORT OF ENGLISH FIESTA PROGRAM This semester, we are ought to undergo three projects to fulfill the needs of pro forma during one month internship. My partner and I have decided to run an English program for two days starting from 16 th of July 2014 (Wednesday) and ends at 17 th of July 2014 (Thursday). This program is aiming to introduce English as a fun subject. Despite of that, the games and exhibitions are aimed to create a positive environment for the pupils to learn English. This project was a success since it managed to attract the pupils from Year one to Year six. We started off with the proposal. Me as the secretary of the project have prepared the paperwork and get it approved on Sunday, 13 th July 2014. It was my first experience ever to write a proposal for such an event. At first we planned to run the event on the 22 nd of July until 24 th of July but due to several reasons, we have to shift the date earlier by a week. The hard works have been paid off since we managed to prepare all the materials within the time allocated. My partner and I have decided to get the financial aids from the school for RM 350 which includes the stationaries, materials, banner and the presents. It took us two days to find all the materials needed. Luckily the money used was within the budget. We prepared the presents for three categories: A, B and C. The toughest one is making the coupons. It took us a day just 1



Transcript of Englishjj




This semester, we are ought to undergo three projects to fulfill the needs of pro

forma during one month internship. My partner and I have decided to run an English

program for two days starting from 16th of July 2014 (Wednesday) and ends at 17th of

July 2014 (Thursday). This program is aiming to introduce English as a fun subject.

Despite of that, the games and exhibitions are aimed to create a positive environment

for the pupils to learn English. This project was a success since it managed to attract

the pupils from Year one to Year six.

We started off with the proposal. Me as the secretary of the project have

prepared the paperwork and get it approved on Sunday, 13 th July 2014. It was my first

experience ever to write a proposal for such an event. At first we planned to run the

event on the 22nd of July until 24th of July but due to several reasons, we have to shift

the date earlier by a week. The hard works have been paid off since we managed to

prepare all the materials within the time allocated.

My partner and I have decided to get the financial aids from the school for RM

350 which includes the stationaries, materials, banner and the presents. It took us two

days to find all the materials needed. Luckily the money used was within the budget. We

prepared the presents for three categories: A, B and C. The toughest one is making the

coupons. It took us a day just to print and cut them. The coupons were sold out a day

before the event has started. The coupons were needed for the games and activities.

After all the preparations have been done, the day for the event had come.

On the first day, we divided the games into five stations. We asked help from the

practicum teacher to handle the stations. The pupils seemed excited to play games and

took part in the activities provided. I handled the station for puppetry exhibition and

thumb print session. The pupils were excited to make the hand puppet on their own.

The most beautiful hand puppet will be given a token for presents redeem. The activity

was done for free. The station was in chaos at first since the pupils were too eager to try

out the activities. Later on I managed to handle the chaos by asking them to line up

before entering the station.




On the second day, the games remain the same. But, this time around I handled

a station for movie, mask and musical chair. The problem aroused when the pupils did

not managed to watch the movie until the end since they had to get back to class. Plus,

I cannot handle too many things at once. So I let the pupils to make their own mask

based on their own creativity. I also used the room for movie session and the pupils

have to pay in order to get in. Therefore, I only handle the musical chair game.

There are few obstacles that we have faced. Since the program was run during

recess, the time provided was too short which was only for 30 minutes each session.

The first session was for the pupils of Year 1 until Year 3. The second session was

continued by the students of Year 4 until Year 6. The students went beyond the time

limit since they were eager to play. It led to the probability of skipping class. We as the

facilitators of the program should be alert on the time and ask them to get back to class

when the time to play had come to the end. I suggest that we should have a person to

act as the time keeper. His task is to make sure that the students get back to their class

when the time provided is finished. On the second day, me myself act as the time

keeper and announced the finishing time for each session. The students were asked to

get back to class and came back later right after school to finish their coupon.

Another problem aroused was the insufficient amount of presents for the pupils.

As I stated earlier we have classified the presents into three categories, A, B and C.

Whoever achieved all the criteria to win the game will get A token. During the first day,

we have not stated how many token A to be given by each station. Thus, there were

some stations that give A token easily. After the students have redeemed their tokens

as exchange to the present, we realized that A presents have finished. Supposedly, the

A presents should be spent for next session as well. Therefore, we had to buy new

presents and spent over the budget. The next day, we limited the tokens for each

station. For instance, I got 5 tokens for each category. By managing the tokens well, the

token redeem session was far more systematic compared to the day before.


