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    Year 24 No. 57 Good Friday of the Lords Passion (A) Red April 22, 2011

    sambuhaya pastoral ministry of the priests and brothers of the society of st. paul

    At rad i t ional Good Fr idaytradition is the practice oSiete Palabras or seven last wordso Jesus on the cross, groupedtogether and commented uponacco r d ing t o t he imag inedchronological order as they wereuttered by the dying Jesus. Othe seven words, three are romthe Gospel o John, heard duringthe dramatization o the Gospelduring the service. Three are rom

    Luke, while Mark and Matthewcarry the same word. The sevenlast words o Jesus, accordingto Bible scholars, reveal to usthe Jesus who dies on the cross.The most disconcerting and thatwhich captures most powerullythe stark silence, loneliness, andpain o Good Friday is the cry oabandonment: My God, my God,why have you orsaken me?

    Matthew and Mark report thesame cry, or them the only crythat Jesus utters while dying. Bothsee Jesus as dying the death oa lonely man. Jesus agonizes inGethsemane; he is betrayed byJudas or 30 pieces o silver; at thetrial beore the Sanhedrin, he iscondemned to death or blasphemy;Peter denies him three times; he isexchanged or Barabbas who isa notorious criminal; the Jewish

    crowd welcome his blood uponthem and upon their children justso he would be crucifed by Pilate.On Calvary, everyonethe Romansoldiers, two revolutionariescrucifed with him, the passersby,the chie priests, and the crowdmocks him and challenges himto come down rom the cross. Ithese were not enough, Jesus eelsabandoned by God. His sueringis total: he drinks the cup to the

    Good Friday:God Speaks in His Silence

    dregs. The late Pope John Paul IIcommented on his suering thus:This eeling o the absence oGod and his abandonment was thedeepest pain or Jesus spirit whichderived its orce and its joys romthe union with the Father.

    And yet, Jesus is not a helplessvictim o evil and o human machi-nations. Matthew who, loves toquote Scripture, sees the sueringo Jesus in the light o Scripture, theword o God: Jesus dies in ulllmento Scripture. In agony, Jesus prays:My Father, i this cup cannot passunless I drink it, your will be done.In the scene o the arrest, Jesus

    reuses help rom twelve legions oangels because the Scripture mustbe ulflled. His word on the crossis a word o Scripture, a prayer romPs 22:2.

    It is clear that Jesus on the crossexperiences his situation as a totalabandonment by God. But Jesusdoes not die a despairing man.He does not lose his understand-ing o the will o God even oran instant. Jesus has the word o

    God inscribed in his heart whichno darkness and abandonment canwrestle rom him.

    Jesus dies on the cross withoutany word rom God. God answersonly ater Jesus breathes his last:the earth quakes, the veil o thetemple is torn, tombs are opened,and the dead arise. Clearly, theabandoned Jesus is truly the Sono God, as the centurion and thesoldiers coness.

    In Verbum Domini, his Post-Synodal Exhortation on the Word oGod in the Lie and Mission o theChurch, Pope Benedict XVI speakso God speaking by his silence.He explains: As the cross o Christdemonstrates, God also speaks insilence. The silence o God, theexperience o the distance o thealmighty Father, is a decisive stagein the earthly journey o the Sono God, the incarnate Word. Hang-ing rom the wood o the cross, helamented the suering caused bythat silence: My God, my God, whyhave you orsaken me? (VD 21).

    The pope then brings out alesson or us rom this sound osilence: This experience o Jesusrelects the situation o all thosewho, having heard and acknowl-edged Gods word, must also con-ront his silence. This has been the

    experience o countless saints andmystics, and even today is part othe journey o many believers. Godssilence prolongs his earlier words.In these moments o darkness, hespeaks through the mystery o hissilence. Hence in the dynamic oChristian revelation, silence appearsas an important expression o theword o God (VD 21).

    Fr. Gil A. Alinsangan, SSP

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    This copy of Sambuhay is made available through generous donations.

    (The celebration begins in silence. Wear-ing red Mass vestments, the priest andother ministers go to the altar, make areverence, and prostrate themselves.)

    C Let us all kneel in silentprayer. (Pause)

    Introduction by the

    Commentator(Stand)Dear sisters and brothers: Wehave gathered or the celebrationo the Lords Passion. We refecton how much the Lord loves us.He accepts the cruel death on thecross that he may bear our inr-mities and endure our suerings.But we know that his death willlead to his triumph and to ourredemption.

    Jesus invites us to carry ourcross daily and ollow him. Letus share our burdens in aith andobedience so that we may com-plete his suering or the sake ohis Body, the Church.

    Prayer(Letusprayis not said.)

    P Lord, by shedding hisblood or us, your Son, Jesus

    Christ, established the paschalmystery. In your goodness,make us holy and watch overus always.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.

    PART I:



    First Reading[Is 52:1353:12](Sit)

    Isaiahs mysterious SueringServant pregures our Lord Jesuswho bears our inrmities and iscrushed or our sins. But by hischastisement we are healed.

    A reading rom the Book othe Prophet Isaiah

    SEE, MY SERVANT shall pros-per, he shall be raised highand greatly exalted. Even asmany were amazed at himsomarred was his look beyondhuman semblance and his ap-pearance beyond that o thesons o manso shall he startlemany nations, because o himkings shall stand speechless;or those who have not been

    told shall see, those who havenot heard shall ponder it.

    Who would believe what wehave heard? To whom has thearm o the Lord been revealed?He grew up like a sapling be-ore him, like a shoot rom theparched earth; there was inhim no stately bearing to makeus look at him, nor appearance

    that would attract us to him.He was spurned and avoidedby people, a man o suering,accustomed to inrmity, one othose rom whom people hidetheir aces, spurned, and weheld him in no esteem.

    Yet it was our inrmities thathe bore, our suerings that heendured, while we thought ohim as stricken, as one smitten

    by God and alicted. But hewas pierced or our oenses,crushed or our sins; uponhim was the chastisement thatmakes us whole, by his stripeswe were healed.

    We had all gone astray likesheep, each ollowing his ownway; but the Lord laid upon himthe guilt o us all.

    Though he was harshly

    treated, he submitted andopened not his mouth; like alamb led to the slaughter or asheep beore the shearers, hewas silent and opened not hismouth. Oppressed and con-demned, he was taken away,and who would have thoughtany more o his destiny? Whenhe was cut o rom the lando the living, and smitten or

    the sin o his people, a gravewas assigned him among thewicked and a burial place withevildoers, though he had doneno wrong nor spoken any alse-hood. But the Lordwas pleasedto crush him in inrmity.

    I he gives his lie as anoering or sin, he shall seehis descendants in a long lie,and the will o the Lord shall

    be accomplished through him.Because o his afiction heshall see the light in ullness odays; through his suering, myservant shall justiy many, andtheir guilt he shall bear.

    Thereore I will give him hisportion among the great, andhe shall divide the spoils withthe mighty, because he surren-dered himsel to death and was

    counted among the wicked; andhe shall take away the sins o

    many, and win pardon or theiroenses.

    The word o the Lord.All Thanks be to God.

    Responsorial Psalm (Ps 31)

    R Father, into your hands

    I commend my spirit.

    1. In you, O Lord, I takereuge;/ let me never be putto shame. In your justicerescue me./ Into your hands Icommend my spirit;/ you willredeem me, O Lord, O aithulGod. (R)

    2. For all my oes I am an objecto reproach,/ a laughingstockto my neighbors, and a dread tomy riends;/ they who see me

    abroad fee rom me./ I am or-gotten like the unremembereddead;/ I am like a dish that isbroken. (R)

    3. But my trust is in you,O Lord ;/ I say, You are myGod./ In your hands is mydestiny; rescue me/ rom theclutches o my enemies and mypersecutors. (R)

    4. Let your ace shine uponyour servant;/ save me in yourkindness./ Take courage andbe stouthearted,/ all you whohope in the Lord. (R)

    Second Reading(Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9)

    Jesus agonizes over acceptinghis passion, but he is obedient tothe end. Because he knows our

    experience o weakness, pain,and suering, he becomes ourgentle and sympathetic interces-sor beore the Father.

    A reading rom the Letter tothe Hebrews

    BROTHERS AND SISTERS:Since we have a great high

    priest who has passed throughthe heavens, Jesus, the Son

    o God, let us hold ast to ourconession. For we do not have

    E. C. Marfori

    Am AmG F

    Fa-ther,__ in-to your hands

    I com-mend my spi-rit.___


    h h h

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    a high priest who is unableto sympathize with our weak-nesses, but one who has simi-larly been tested in every way,yet without sin. So let us con-dently approach the throne ograce to receive mercy and tond grace or timely help.

    In the days when Christwas in the lesh, he oeredprayers and supplications withloud cries and tears to the onewho was able to save him romdeath, and he was heard be-cause o his reverence.

    Son though he was, helearned obedience rom whathe suered; and when he wasmade perect, he became the

    source o eternal salvation orall who obey him.

    The word o the Lord.All Thanks be to God.

    Verse beore the Gospel[Phil 2:8-9](Stand)

    All Christ became obedi-ent to the point o death,even death on a cross. Be-cause o this, God greatlyexalted him and bestowedon him the name which isabove every other name.

    Gospel(Jn 18:119:42)

    In his account o the Passion, theevangelist John makes the gloryo Jesus shine directly rom thedisgraceul trial against him andin the agony on the cross. Jesusdies a master o his destiny; his

    cross is his exaltation, and hislast breath is the consummationo his work.

    The Passion o Our LordJesus Christ according to John

    (The Passion may be proclaimed byroles: N Narrator;J Jesus;P Pilate; S other male single speaker;SG Servant Girl;C Crowd[peopleor group].)

    N Jesus went out with hisdisciples across the Kidronvalley to where there was agarden, into which he and hisdisciples entered. Judas his be-trayer also knew the place, be-cause Jesus had oten met therewith his disciples. So Judas gota band o soldiers and guardsrom the chie priests and thePharisees and went there with

    lanterns, torches, and weapons.Jesus, knowing everything that

    was going to happen to him,went out and said to them,JWhom are you lookingor?N They answered him,C JESUS THE NAZARENE.N He said to them,JI AM.N Judas his betrayer wasalso with them. When he saidto them, I AM, they turnedaway and ell to the ground. Sohe again asked them,JWhom are you lookingor?N They said,C JESUS THE NAZARENE.

    N Jesus answered,JI told you that I AM. Soi you are looking or me, letthese men go.N This was to ulll what hehad said, I have not lost any othose you gave me.

    Then Simon Peter, who had asword, drew it, struck the highpriests slave, and cut o hisright ear. The slaves name was

    Malchus. Jesus said to Peter,JPut your sword into itsscabbard. Shall I not drinkthe cup that the Father gaveme?N So the band o soldiers,the tribune, and the Jewishguards seized Jesus, boundhim, and brought him to Annasrst. He was the ather-in-law oCaiaphas, who was high priest

    that year. It was Caiaphas whohad counseled the Jews that it

    was better that one man shoulddie rather than the people.

    Simon Peter and anotherdisciple ollowed Jesus. Nowthe other disciple was known tothe high priest, and he enteredthe courtyard o the high priestwith Jesus. But Peter stood atthe gate outside. So the otherdisciple, the acquaintance o thehigh priest, went out and spoketo the gatekeeper and broughtPeter in. Then the maid whowas the gatekeeper said to Peter,SGYou are not one o thismans disciples, are you?N He said,

    S I am not.N Now the slaves and theguards were standing arounda charcoal ire that they hadmade, because it was cold, andwere warming themselves.Peter was also standing therekeeping warm.

    The high priest questionedJesus about his disciples andabout his doctrine. Jesus an-

    swered him,JI have spoken publiclyto the world. I have alwaystaught in a synagogue or inthe temple area where all theJews gather, and in secret Ihave said nothing. Why askme? Ask those who heardme what I said to them. Theyknow what I said.N When he had said this,

    one o the temple guards stand-ing there struck Jesus and said,

    Look, I am bringing him out to you, so thatyou may know that I fnd no guilt in him.

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    This copy of Sambuhay is made available through generous donations.

    S Is this the way you answerthe high priest?N Jesus answered him,JI I have spoken wrong-ly, testiy to the wrong, buti I have spoken rightly, whydo you strike me?N Then Annas sent himbound to Caiaphas the highpriest.

    Now Simon Peter was stand-ing there keeping warm. Andthey said to him,C YOU ARE NOT ONE OFHIS DISCIPLES, ARE YOU?N He denied it and said,S I am not.N One o the slaves o thehigh priest, a relative o theone whose ear Peter had cuto, said,

    SDidnt I see you in the gar-den with him?N Again Peter denied it. Andimmediately the cock crowed.

    Then they brought Jesusrom Caiaphas to the praeto-rium. It was morning. And theythemselves did not enter thepraetorium, in order not to bedeled so that they could eatthe Passover. So Pilate came

    out to them and said,PWhat charge do you bringagainst this man?N They answered and saidto him,C IF HE WERE NOT ACRIMINAL, WE WOULD NOTHAVE HANDED HIM OVERTO YOU.N At this, Pilate said to them,PTake him yourselves, and

    judge him according to your law.N The Jews answered him,

    C WE DO NOT HAVE THERIGHT TO EXECUTE ANYONE,N in order that the word oJesus might be ullled that hesaid indicating the kind o deathhe would die.

    So Pilate went back into thepraetorium and summonedJesus and said to him,PAre you the King o the Jews?N Jesus answered,JDo you say this on yourown or have others told youabout me?N Pilate answered,PI am not a Jew, am I? Yourown nation and the chie priestshanded you over to me. Whathave you done?N Jesus answered,JMy kingdom does not

    belong to this world. I mykingdom did belong to thisworld, my attendants wouldbe fghting to keep me rombeing handed over to theJews. But as it is, my king-dom is not here.N So Pilate said to him,PThen you are a king?N Jesus answered,JYou say I am a king. For

    this I was born and or thisI came into the world, totestiy to the truth. Everyonewho belongs to the truthlistens to my voice.N Pilate said to him,PWhat is truth?N When he had said this, heagain went out to the Jews andsaid to them,PI nd no guilt in him. But

    you have a custom that I releaseone prisoner to you at Passover.

    Do you want me to release to youthe King o the Jews?N They cried out again,C NOT THIS ONE BUTBARABBAS!N Now Barabbas was a revo-lutionary.

    Then Pilate took Jesus andhad him scourged. And the sol-diers wove a crown out o thornsand placed it on his head, andclothed him in a purple cloak,and they came to him and said,CHAIL, KING OF THE JEWS!N And they struck him re-peatedly.

    Once more Pilate went outand said to them,PLook, I am bringing himout to you, so that you may knowthat I nd no guilt in him.

    N So Jesus came out, wear-ing the crown o thorns andthe purple cloak. And he saidto them,PBehold, the man!N When the chie priestsand the guards saw him theycried out,C CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFYHIM!N Pilate said to them,

    PTake him yourselves andcruciy him. I nd no guilt in him.N The Jews answered,C WE HAVE A LAW, ANDACCORDING TO THAT LAWHE OUGHT TO DIE, BE-CAUSE HE MADE HIMSELFTHE SON OF GOD.N Now when Pilate heardthis statement, he became evenmore araid, and went back into

    the praetorium and said to Jesus,PWhere are you rom?

    Then Pilate tookJesus and hadhim scourged.

    And the soldierswove a crown out

    o thorns andplaced it on his

    head, and clothedhim in a purplecloak, and they

    came to him andsaid, Hail, King

    o the Jews!

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    N Jesus did not answer him.So Pilate said to him,PDo you not speak to me? Doyou not know that I have powerto release you and I have powerto cruciy you?N Jesus answered him,J You would have nopower over me i it hadnot been given to you romabove. For this reason theone who handed me over toyou has the greater sin.N Consequently, Pilate triedto release him; but the Jewscried out,C IF YOU RELEASE HIM,YOU ARE NOT A FRIEND OFCAESAR. EVERYONE WHOMAKES HIMSELF A KINGOPPOSES CAESAR.

    N When Pilate heard thesewords he brought Jesus outand seated him on the judgesbench in the place called StonePavement, in Hebrew, Gab-batha. It was preparation dayor Passover, and it was aboutnoon. And he said to the Jews,PBehold, your king!N They cried out,C TAKE HIM AWAY, TAKE

    HIM AWAY! CRUCIFY HIM!N Pilate said to them,PShall I cruciy your king?NThe chie priests answered,C WE HAVE NO KING BUTCAESAR.N Then he handed him overto them to be crucied.

    So they took Jesus, and,carrying the cross himsel, hewent out to what is called the

    Place o the Skull, in Hebrew,Golgotha. There they crucied

    him, and with him two others,one on either side, with Jesusin the middle.

    Pilate also had an inscriptionwritten and put on the cross. Itread, Jesus the Nazarene, theKing o the Jews. Now many othe Jews read this inscription,because the place where Jesuswas crucied was near the city;and it was written in Hebrew,Latin, and Greek. So the chiepriests o the Jews said to Pilate,C DO NOT WRITE THEKING OF THE JEWS, BUTTHAT HE SAID, I AM THEKING OF THE JEWS.N Pilate answered,PWhat I have written, I havewritten.N When the soldiers had

    crucied Jesus, they took hisclothes and divided them intoour shares, a share or eachsoldier. They also took histunic, but the tunic was seam-less, woven in one piece romthe top down. So they said toone another,C LETS NOT TEAR IT, BUTCAST LOTS FOR IT TO SEEWHOSE IT WILL BE,

    N in order that the passageo Scripture might be ullledthat says: They divided my gar-ments among them, and or myvesture they cast lots. This iswhat the soldiers did.

    Standing by the cross oJesus were his mother and hismothers sister, Mary the wie oClopas, and Mary o Magdala.

    When Jesus saw his mother

    and the disciple there whomhe loved he said to his mother,

    JWoman, behold, your son.NThen he said to the disciple,JBehold, your mother.N And rom that hour thedisciple took her into his home.

    A ter th is , aware tha t everything was now nished, inorder that the Scripture mightbe ullled, Jesus said,JI thirst.N There was a vessel lledwith common wine. So they puta sponge soaked in wine on asprig o hyssop and put it upto his mouth. When Jesus hadtaken the wine, he said,JIt is fnished.N And bowing his head, hehanded over the spirit.

    (Here all kneel and pause or a while.)

    Now since it was preparationday, in order that the bodiesmight not remain on the crosson the sabbath, or the sabbathday o that week was a solemnone, the Jews asked Pilate thattheir legs be broken and thatthey be taken down.

    So the soldiers came andbroke the legs o the rst andthen o the other one who was

    crucied with Jesus. But whenthey came to Jesus and sawthat he was already dead, theydid not break his legs, but onesoldier thrust his lance into hisside, and immediately bloodand water fowed out. An eye-witness has testied, and histestimony is true; he knows thathe is speaking the truth, so thatyou also may come to believe.

    For this happened so that theScripture passage might be

    They took Jesus,and, carrying thecross himsel,he went out towhat is calledthe Place o theSkull, in Hebrew,Golgotha. Therethey crucifedhim, and with himtwo others, oneon either side,with Jesus in the

  • 8/7/2019 E20110422_GoodFriday_A


    This copy of Sambuhay is made available through generous donations.

    ullled: Not a bone o it will bebroken. And again another pas-sage says, They will look uponhim whom they have pierced.

    Ater this, Joseph o Arima-thea, secretly a disciple o Jesusor ear o the Jews, asked Pilatei he could remove the bodyo Jesus. And Pilate permittedit. So he came and took hisbody. Nicodemus, the one whohad rst come to him at night,also came bringing a mixtureo myrrh and aloes weighingabout one hundred pounds.They took the body o Jesusand bound it with burial clothsalong with the spices, accord-ing to the Jewish burial custom.Now in the place where he hadbeen crucied there was a gar-den, and in the garden a newtomb, in which no one had yet

    been buried. So they laid Jesusthere because o the Jewishpreparation day; or the tombwas close by.

    The Gospel o the Lord.All Praise to you, LordJesus Christ.


    Prayers o the Faithul(Stand)

    Introduction by theCommentator

    In the celebration o the Word,we have proclaimed that ChristJesus, our Lord and Savior,oered himsel or all. Dying onthe cross, he drew and unitedall people to himsel. Let usnow bring beore the Father omercies the needs o the Church

    and the needs o all men andwomen.


    P Let us pray, dear riends,or the holy Church o Godthroughout the world, that Godthe almighty Father guide itand gather it together so thatwe may worship him in peaceand tranquility. (Pause)

    ALMIGHTY and eternal God,you have shown your glory to

    all nations in Christ, your Son.Guide the work o your Church.Help it to persevere in aith, pro-claim your name, and bring yoursalvation to people everywhere.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.


    P Let us pray or our Holy

    Father, Pope Benedict, thatGod who chose him to bebishop may give him health andstrength to guide and governGods holy people. (Pause)

    ALMIGHTY and eternalGod, you guide all things byyour word, you govern allChristian people. In your loveprotect the pope you have cho-sen or us. Under his leadership

    deepen our aith and make usbetter Christians.We ask this through Christ

    our Lord.All Amen.


    P Let us pray or N., our

    bishop, or all bishops, priests,and deacons; or all who have a

    special ministry in the Churchand or all Gods people. (Pause)

    ALMIGHTY and eternalGod, your Spirit guides theChurch and makes it holy.Listen to our prayers and helpeach o us in his own vocationto do your work more aithully.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.


    P Let us pray or thosepreparing or baptism, thatGod in his mercy make themresponsive to his love, orgive

    their sins through the waters onew birth, and give them lie inJesus Christ our Lord. (Pause)

    ALMIGHTY and eternalGod, you continually bless yourChurch with new members.Increase the aith and under-standing o those preparing orbaptism. Give them a new birthin these living waters and makethem members o your chosen

    amily.We ask this through Christ

    our Lord.All Amen.


    P Let us pray or all ourbrothers and sisters who shareour aith in Jesus Christ, that

    God may gather and keep to-gether in one Church all thosewho seek the truth with sincer-ity. (Pause)

    ALMIGHTY and eternalGod, you keep together thoseyou have united. Look kindlyon all who ollow Jesus yourSon. We are all consecrated toyou by our common baptism.Make us one in the ullness o

    aith, and keep us one in theellowship o love.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.


    P Let us pray or the Jewishpeople, the irst to hear the

    word o God, that they maycontinue to grow in the love o

    They tookthe body oJesus and

    bound it with

    burial clothsalong withthe spices,

    according tothe Jewish


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    his name and in aithulness tohis covenant. (Pause)

    ALMIGHTY and eternalGod, long ago you gave yourpromise to Abraham and hisposterity. Listen to your Churchas we pray that the people yourst made your own may arrive

    at the ullness o redemption.We ask this through Christ

    our Lord.All Amen.


    P Let us pray or those whodo not believe in Christ, thatthe light o the Holy Spirit mayshow them the way to salvation.(Pause)

    ALMIGHTY and eternalGod, enable those who do notacknowledge Christ to nd thetruth as they walk beore youin sincerity o heart. Help us togrow in love or one another,to grasp ully the mystery oyour Godhead, and to become

    perect witnesses o your lovein the sight o men and women.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.


    P Let us pray or those who

    do not believe in God, that theymay nd him by sincerely ol-lowing all that is right. (Pause)

    ALMIGHTY and eternal God,you created humankind so thatall might long to nd you andhave peace when you are ound.Grant that, in spite o the hurtulthings that stand in their way,they may all recognize in thelives o Christians the tokens oyour love and mercy, and gladlyacknowledge you as the onetrue God and Father o us all.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.


    P Let us pray or those whoserve us in public oce, that

    God may guide their mindsand hearts, so that all men and

    women may live in true peaceand reedom. (Pause)

    ALMIGHTY and eternalGod, you know the longings inthe hearts o men and womenand you protect their rights.In your goodness watch overthose in authority, so that people

    everywhere may enjoy religiousreedom, security, and peace.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.


    P Let us pray, dear riends,that God the almighty Fathermay heal the sick, comort the

    dying, give saety to travelers,ree those unjustly deprivedo liberty, and rid the world oalsehood, hunger, and disease.(Pause)

    ALMIGHTY, ever-livingGod, you give strength to theweary and new courage tothose who have lost heart.Hear the prayers o all who callon you in any trouble that they

    may have the joy o receivingyour help in their need.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.

    PART II:



    Introduction by theCommentator

    From being a symbol o cruelty andshame, the tree o the cross nowstands or the salvation o the worldbecause o what Jesus suered.

    Liting o the Cross

    (The veiled cross is carried to the altar,accompanied by two ministers withlighted candles. The priest then litsthe veiled cross three times, intoningthe ollowing invitation, and each timeremoving part o the veil.)

    For each elevation:P This is the wood o thecross, on which hung the Savioro the world.All Come, let us worship.(Kneel)

    Veneration (Kissing)o the Cross

    (The priest and the aithul approach tovenerate the cross in a kind o procession.

    Each one makes a simple genufection orkisses the cross. During the venerationappropriate songs are sung.)



    The Lords Prayer

    P Let us pray with con-idence to the Father in thewords our Savior gave us:All Our FatherP Deliver us, LordAll For the kingdom, thepower, and the glory areyours, now and or ever.

    (The sign o peace is omitted.)

    Invitation to Communion

    (Kneel)P This is Jesus, the Lambo God, whose death on thecross takes away the sins o theworld. Happy are those who arecalled to his supper.All Lord, I am not worthy toreceive you, but only say theword and I shall be healed.

    Prayer ater Communion


    P Let us pray. (Pause)Almighty and eternal God,

    you have restored us to lie bythe triumphant death and resur-rection o Christ. Continue thishealing work within us. May wewho participate in this mysterynever cease to serve you.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.

    Prayer over the People

    (For the dismissal the priest aces thepeople, extends his hands toward them,and says the ollowing prayer:)

    P Lord, send down yourabundant blessing upon yourpeople who have devoutly re-called the death o your Son in

    the sure hope o the resurrec-tion. Grant them pardon; bringthem comort. May their aithgrow stronger and their eternalsalvation be assured.

    We ask this through Christour Lord.All Amen.

    (No blessing. All depart in silence. Thealtar is stripped at a convenient time.Evening Prayer is not said by those who

    participate in this aternoons liturgicalservice.)

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    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    The Lenten period, which

    leads us to the celebraon of Holy

    Easter, is for the Church a most

    valuable and important liturgi-

    cal me, in view of which I am

    pleased to oer a specic word

    in order that it may be lived with

    due diligence

    In order to undertake more

    seriously our journey towards

    Easter and prepare ourselvesto celebrate the Resurrection

    of the Lordthe most joyous

    and solemn feast of the entire

    liturgical yearwhat could be

    more appropriate than allowing

    ourselves to be guided by the

    Word of God? For this reason,

    the Church, in the Gospel texts of

    the Sundays of Lent, leads us to

    a parcularly intense encounter

    with the Lord, calling us to retracethe steps of Chrisan iniaon:

    for catechumens, in preparaon

    for receiving the sacrament of

    rebirth; for the bapzed, in light

    of the new and decisive steps to

    be taken in the sequela Chrisand

    a fuller giving of oneself to him.

    The rst Sunday of the Lenten

    journey reveals our condion as

    human beings here on earth. The

    victorious bale against tempta-

    on, the starng point of Jesus

    mission, is an invitation to be-

    come aware of our own fragility

    in order to accept the Grace that

    frees from sin and infuses new

    strength in Christthe way, the

    truth, and the life (cf. Ordo Inia-

    onis Chrisanae Adultorum, n.

    25). It is a powerful reminder that

    Chrisan faith implies, followingthe example of Jesus and in union

    with him, a battle against the

    ruling forces who are masters

    of the darkness in this world

    (Eph6:12), in which the devil is

    at work and never tireseven

    todayof tempting whoever

    wishes to draw close to the Lord:

    Christ emerges victorious to open

    also our hearts to hope and guide

    us in overcoming the seduconsof evil.



    You were buried with him in bapsm, in which you were also raised with him (cf. Col 2:12).

    The Gospel of the Transgura-

    on of the Lord puts before oureyes the glory of Christ, which

    ancipates the resurrecon and

    announces the divinization of

    man. The Christian community

    becomes aware that Jesus leads

    it, like the Apostles Peter, James,

    and John up a high mountain by

    themselves (Mt17:1), to receive

    once again in Christ, as sons and

    daughters in the Son, the gi of

    the Grace of God: This is my Son,the Beloved; he enjoys my favor.

    Listen to him (Mt17:5). It is the

    invitaon to take a distance from

    the noisiness of everyday life in

    order to immerse oneself in Gods

    presence. He desires to hand

    down to us, each day, a Word

    that penetrates the depths of

    our spirit, where we discern good

    from evil (cf. Heb4:12), reinforc-

    ing our will to follow the Lord.The queson that Jesus puts

    to the Samaritan woman: Give

    me a drink (Jn4:7), is presented

    to us in the liturgy of the third

    Sunday; it expresses the pas-

    sion of God for every man and

    woman, and wishes to awaken

    in our hearts the desire for the

    gi of a spring of water within,

    welling up for eternal life (Jn

    4:14): this is the gi of the Holy

    Spirit, who transforms Chrisans

    into true worshipers, capable

    of praying to the Father in spirit

    and truth (Jn4:23). Only this

    water can exnguish our thirst

    for goodness, truth, and beauty!

    Only this water, given to us by

    the Son, can irrigate the deserts

    of our restless and unsatisfied

    soul, unl it nds rest in God,as per the famous words of St.


    The Sunday of the man born

    blind presents Christ as the light

    of the world. The Gospel con-

    fronts each one of us with the

    queson: Do you believe in the

    Son of man? Lord, I believe!

    (Jn9:35, 38), the man born blind

    joyfully exclaims, giving voice to

    all believers. The miracle of thishealing is a sign that Christ wants

    not only to give us sight, but also

    open our interior vision, so thatour faith may become ever deep-

    er and we may recognize him as

    our only Savior. He illuminates all

    that is dark in life and leads men

    and women to live as children

    of the light.

    On the fifth Sunday, when

    the resurrection of Lazarus is

    proclaimed, we are faced with

    the ulmate mystery of our exis-

    tence: I am the resurrecon andthe life Do you believe this?

    (Jn11:25-26). For the Chrisan

    community, it is the moment to

    place with sinceritytogether

    with Marthaall of our hopes

    in Jesus of Nazareth: Yes, Lord,

    I believe that you are the Christ,

    the Son of God, the one who

    was to come into this world (Jn

    11:27). Communion with Christ in

    this life prepares us to overcomethe barrier of death, so that we

    may live eternally with him. Faith

    in the resurrecon of the dead

    and hope in eternal life open our

    eyes to the ulmate meaning of

    our existence: God created men

    and women for resurrection

    and life, and this truth gives an

    authentic and definitive mean-

    ing to human history, to the per-

    sonal and social lives of men and

    women, to culture, polics, and

    the economy. Without the light of

    faith, the enre universe nishes

    shut within a tomb devoid of any

    future, any hope.

    The Lenten journey nds its

    fulllment in the Paschal Tridu-

    um, especially in the Great Vigil

    of the Holy Night: renewing our

    bapsmal promises, we rearmthat Christ is the Lord of our life,

    that life which God bestowed

    upon us when we were reborn of

    water and Holy Spirit, and we

    profess again our rm commit-

    ment to respond to the acon

    of the Grace in order to be his


    From the Vacan

    4 November 2010BENEDICTUS PP. XVI