E-Government in Australia - United...

E-government in Australia: The challenges of moving to integrated services John Halligan and Trevor Moore University of Canberra Governments internationally are confronting the challenges of progressing e-government to more sophisticated and complex transactions, online interactions, and greater responsiveness to customer expectations and preferences. Australia is generally regarded as a leader in e-government, but is experiencing the challenges of moving to a stage of service transformation that involves an agreed vision about future services and processes in an environment requiring greater integration and citizen focus. Several major service delivery agencies are well advanced in integrating programs online, but there are unresolved complexities in lifting service integration across agencies and governments to another level. Several themes emerge from a recent Australian project on e-government. (AGIMO and IPAA 2004) i . These represent a mixture of agenda and evolutionary direction: the need for extending citizen engagement through customer-driven approaches; organisational integration of services although recognising that advances in technology are throwing the technological, organisational and cultural dimensions of inter- and intra-governmental challenges to achieving integration into sharper relief; networked governance involving value networks with future governments delivering outcomes through federations of organisations and agencies; and finally the anticipation of e-governance, a broader conception of e-government that encompasses a range of non-government participants and which addresses the challenges in the complexities of service integration across agencies and governments (Halligan and Moore 2004). The purpose of this paper is to examine aspects of integrating services through Australian e-government. This is in the context of the convergence of agenda at the national level involving ICT and whole of government approaches (MAC 2003, 2004). Integrated

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E-government in Australia:

The challenges of moving to integrated services

John Halligan and Trevor Moore

University of Canberra

Governments internationally are confronting the challenges of progressing e-government

to more sophisticated and complex transactions, online interactions, and greater

responsiveness to customer expectations and preferences. Australia is generally regarded

as a leader in e-government, but is experiencing the challenges of moving to a stage of

service transformation that involves an agreed vision about future services and processes

in an environment requiring greater integration and citizen focus. Several major service

delivery agencies are well advanced in integrating programs online, but there are

unresolved complexities in lifting service integration across agencies and governments to

another level.

Several themes emerge from a recent Australian project on e-government. (AGIMO and

IPAA 2004)i. These represent a mixture of agenda and evolutionary direction: the need

for extending citizen engagement through customer-driven approaches; organisational

integration of services although recognising that advances in technology are throwing the

technological, organisational and cultural dimensions of inter- and intra-governmental

challenges to achieving integration into sharper relief; networked governance involving

value networks with future governments delivering outcomes through federations of

organisations and agencies; and finally the anticipation of e-governance, a broader

conception of e-government that encompasses a range of non-government participants

and which addresses the challenges in the complexities of service integration across

agencies and governments (Halligan and Moore 2004).

The purpose of this paper is to examine aspects of integrating services through Australian

e-government. This is in the context of the convergence of agenda at the national level

involving ICT and whole of government approaches (MAC 2003, 2004). Integrated

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service delivery is regarded as the logical objective of e-government (Kernaghan 2003).

Yet this pathway entails several dimensions and comes in a number of forms. Several

models are identified before examining several cases, in particular the more developed

Centrelink one. The constraints on progress have both micro and macro dimensions.

Several questions are raised about the normative representation of integrated service

delivery in e-government and the capacity of the state to further this type of e-

government agenda.

Integrated service delivery


Integrated service delivery (ISD) has three characteristics: it is integrated, it has to do

with services and with delivery. We need to define ISD and to describe the factors that

contribute to, and detract, from its achievement. A starting point is the definition of e-

government as ‘the use of information and communication technologies, and particularly

the Internet, as a tool to achieve better government’ (OECD 2003). Current government

administrative structures have evolved as successive governments have looked to

implement their chosen policies. In many cases, these policies are implemented through

the delivery of services to citizens, businesses and other entities. These services are

designed to give effect to government policy. The challenge for government customers is

that the organisation of government does not always align with their view of what

constitutes a single requirement (eg establishing a new business requires the owner to

deal with business licensing and taxation matters that are handled by several government

agencies in different jurisdictions).

From the customer’s perspective, ‘e-government should enable citizens and business to

deal with government on a vast range of matters, any time of the day or night, without

having to understand which part of government is providing the service they require’

(NOIE 2002: 5). Drawing upon Turner (2004: 130), this points to a definition of

‘integrated’ in the context of ISD as ‘the connection of a number of government functions

into a satisfactory and working whole’. Implicit in this definition is the incorporation of

all organisational and stakeholder (and especially customer) interests.

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The second component of ISD is ‘service’, defined as being a set of activities and

exchanges that meet the expressed need of a person or group, i.e. a customer (Moore and

Flynn 2004: 69). The OECD pointed to improved government-citizen relationships as

being a consequence of e-government (OECD 2001: 2). A key aspect of this is the

degree to which customers are involved in the development of government services.

Involvement means the engagement of the customer both in the definition of the

requirement (what service) as well as in the definition of the delivery mechanism (how it


The final component is delivery, the mechanism by which a particular service is

connected to a particular customer to meet a particular need (Moore and Flynn 2004, 68).

A mechanism for delivering a service is referred to as a channel. The same service may

be delivered through a number of channels (for example, on-line, government office, call

centre). If this is so then the output from the service will need to be the same no matter

what channel is used. Finally, if there are several channels, then we may suppose that

there is an element of choice. The customer may choose which channel to use, although

an agency may try to make one channel more attractive than another.


The term ‘channel’ is increasingly used, particularly in the context of multichannel

service delivery. The concept of a channel, however, is not new as a mechanism by

which suppliers of goods or services deliver those goods or services to those people who

will use them. The term channel has frequently been used to refer to a particular type of

technology, for example, telephone, personal computer, paper mail, or a physical

location. The term ‘multichannel service delivery’ came into vogue as customers began

to either self-serve, or be serviced, through more than one channel. Multichannel service

delivery is now becoming embedded in the fabric of the organisation which is, in turn,

creating what has been called the ‘interaction experience’ where the customer is central

to the design of service delivery across channels (Moore and Flynn 2004).

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Modes of integration

Bringing these elements together means that ISD must hide the machinery of

government. There are four ways of achieving this integration (Turner 2004: 130), two

of which are really proto integration

• Agencies offer ‘the same service in a common manner, sharing data definitions and at

best sharing data, but no technological integration between the services being offered’

(eg, Tasmania’s CouncilConnect


• ‘Services are collected together under a common theme or event. The services are not

inherently integrated, or even with a common look-and-feel, but are grouped in ways that

aid discovery and promote comprehensive completion of necessary services’ (eg

FishOnline, discussed later).

The other two ways seek to take integration to a more advanced level:

• Services delivered by a one provider on behalf of purchasing agencies. Specific services

are provided by the agent with the integration being hidden from the ‘customer’ (eg, the

national Centrelink, and two state government operations: ServiceTasmania and


• ‘Services are technologically integrated into a pseudo-supply chain application. This

requires the most sophisticated integration work and is not often implemented (eg, online

ABN registration process)’ (Turner 2004: 130).

The business context of ISD

A number of factors impact on the ability of governments to develop ISD.


Four basic barriers to ISD have been identified in Canada (Kernaghan (2003) in Canada:

political and legal, structural, operation/managerial and cultural. The political and legal

barrier is very real but is essentially accidental. Nearly all governments are committed to

the on-line delivery of services and to the integration of the on-line channel into other

channels. There are, however, issues that arise from the concept of integration – and

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while these can be very simple to state, they are often difficult to solve because

legislation needs to be changed. Integrating a given set of services might require different

government agencies to share someone’s address. But this might be proscribed by

existing legislation. The issue is not that anyone has drafted legislation specifically to

prevent or inhibit the development of ISD, but rather that changing the legislation

requires the political will to reschedule parliamentary or legislative review schedules.

The structural barrier is not unique to the public service. Most organisations are

structured in a ways that make it managerially or administratively easy for them to do

their business. For government, a structure around policy and outcome enables ministers

to track the effectiveness of their policies. But today service and product (and customer

demand) tends to take precedence over process (and management targets) in terms of

delivery. Another dimension is that for some services there is more than one delivery

agency involved, and may involve the federal, state and local government, and, possibly,

a private sector (or charitable) organisation (Turner 2004). This extra dimension explains

why there can be no simple and single directive to transform service delivery in


Alongside the structural issues – and as a corollary of them – are operational and

managerial issues. Kernaghan notes three issues in this category: the issue of

interoperability (How does one describe the interfaces between one organisation and

another? Where does accountability start and stop?); secondly, how is each of the players

involved in an integrated service to be represented?; and, finally, how will they each

contribute resources (time, money, people)? The operational side of this category relates

to the measurement of what is being done. Many approaches to measurement are based

on scoping a piece of management endeavour (that is, describing a business function) and

then managing and measuring it tightly in isolation but only broadly in context. In

today’s integrated world we need not only to measure the impact of a number of

functions but also the impact of their combination.

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The final barrier category is cultural. ISD means breaking down traditional organisation

barriers. Kernaghan (2003) points to two challenges. Managers may find it hard to share

objectives and measurements especially where their rewards may be related to results

over which they have only limited control or influence. Secondly, there is the problem of

tunnel vision. Some managers find it hard to see outside the boundaries of their

particular area (cf Margetts and Dunleavy 2002).


Offsetting these barriers is a set of enablers. An enabler is a factor that works in favour

of the evolution of ISD. The first enabler is political intent. In Australia – as in other

countries – there is very clearly political intent. The federal government established an

agenda to have ‘all appropriate services online by 2001’ (DIST 1997). Since then,

governments have learned more about the underlying requirements and challenges, and

have seen that there are a range of deeper drivers behind ISD including citizen ICT

literacy (the digital divide), economic development and government reform. These

drivers augment the basic need to improve government service delivery in general.

Secondly, there financial incentives. It is not that government revenues are declining but

rather that the demands for services are increasing faster than increases in revenue (eg

issues arising from the changing demographics of the workforce and the greater emphasis

being placed on national security). This means that governments have to find better ways

than today’s of delivering their business.

A third enabler lies with the customers of government. Customer familiarity with

technology is increasing rapidly. Driven, at least in part, by trends in the private sector

(eg banking) there is an increasing expectation that services will be conveniently

accessible and that response times to requests will decrease. The impact of these

changing expectations is that governments are having to focus on e-government and ISD

as ways to meet customer demands.

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Finally there are some structural trends apparent in the ways in which enterprises are

organised. Borgatti (2001: 1) lists five trends relating to increased globalisation, greater

workforce diversity, more flexibility, flatter reporting lines and a greater networking,

which for government manifest themselves along two dimensions. The first relates to

internal development – the transformation of organisation, processes and technology

within the enterprise. The second relates to changes in the degree to which organisations

become connected with one another – that is transformation outside the enterprise. The

second of these trends supports the gradual development of the value network (Moore

and Flynn 2004; CSC 1998). In a value network, government policy is implemented

through a connected set of agencies (possibly both public and private). Each agency has

a specific role and a defined interface with other agencies. Rather than the traditional

monolithic government department, we may expect to see the development of new

componentised delivery structures that are flexible and/or resilient to environmental

shifts, policy changes and customer demand.

A key issue that derives from these factors is the question of measurement and the related

matter of value and associated benefit. We return to these matters later. We can see also

that there are many challenges associated with e-government in general and with ISD in

particular. These challenges have been addressed in a number of important Australian


Australian cases

Customer focus

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has long taken the view that a key part of its role

lies in its ability to shape the taxation system in Australia (ATO 2003). The need to

incorporate the customer into the concept of integrated service delivery has been made

central. The ATO recognises that community collaboration is an effective path to

successfully. The ATO initiatives (Vivian 2004, 27) have focussed on community

participation in designing products, services and interactions, not just at early

development stages, but through to implementation and evaluation. Vivian points out that

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there is a strong recognition that a ‘one size fits all’ approach will not meet the

expectations of the community.

The ATO’s approach is based upon the direct involvement of customers at every stage.

The methodology used by the ATO has a number of characteristics including: an early

focus on the customer on the assumption that the customer must be the starting point in

any collaborative process; regular testing throughout the development of the service; and

progressive refinement by recognising that service development is iterative rather than

linear. Vivian describes a number of techniques that the ATO have found to be useful in

building effective community collaboration.

In the context of Kernaghan’s barriers, achieving effective community collaboration

implies both operational and managerial change (to recognise the essential non-linearity

of collaborative service development) and cultural change (to incorporate the customer

into what would previously have been an internal, departmental process).

The question of measuring the success of this approach is important. Total direct benefits

to the ATO from e-Tax are estimated to be AU$15.5m over the 5 years to 2004 (NOIE


Integrated service delivery

The TIGERS (Trials in Integrated Government Electronic Regional Services) Program is

credited with making a significant contribution to developing ‘interoperable, cross

jurisdictional service delivery’ (Grant 2004). TIGERS was a trial undertaken by the

Australian federal government in collaboration with the Tasmanian state government.

The intention of TIGERS was to explore ‘the opportunities and issues that arise in the

more advanced stages of e-government: the provision of integrated services involving

multiple agencies and multiple jurisdictions’ (TIGERS 2003a: v). In the light of the

analysis above this was a sophisticated and challenging goal and involved tackling a

number of ISD services including:

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• FishOnline which provides integrated online government services specifically related

to recreational fishing in Tasmania on behalf of two levels of government.

• Export Service Pack where the customer was small and medium sized business in the

aquaculture industry, planning to start exporting its products or expand existing


• Starting School Service Pack which integrates and improves government services for

parents of kinder-aged children requiring government information and/or transactions

relating to selecting, enrolling and starting their child at school in Tasmania.

• HomeInSite Service Pack which provides customers with online, one-stop access to

integrated government information and services for people planning to buy a house.

The service is primarily intended to assist both Tasmanians and interstate buyers.

• Planning Applications Online (land development applications service pack) which

was developed to provide customers with online, one-stop access to integrated

government information and services relating to the pre-lodgement activities of a land

development application.

What is important about TIGERS is the lessons learned about the practical aspects of

implementing ISD. These are analysed against three of the four relevant Kernaghan

dimensions (no specific legal barriers are recorded).

In terms of structure, integrated services challenged lines of responsibility (TIGERS

2003a: 27). A second issue relating to structure (and, to a degree, operational aspects)

was the value of an honest broker role. Where a service straddled two or more agencies

there may be conflicting priority given to the service by each of the agencies. In this

case, TIGERS program staff acted as an honest broker but this begged the question of

how this would be managed in the normal run of things. Clearly there is an implication

for ISD governance and decision making. With the operational and managerial aspects,

agencies have different capacities and capabilities to participate in ISD development.

The report notes that a strong customer focus is a major and required capability. In

addition there is the importance of high level commitment by agencies (TIGERS 2003a:

26, 28). One cultural issue relates to leadership. Many e-government studies point to the

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importance of leadership. The program found that in practice specific ISD projects relied

on collaboration between agencies rather than on unified and identifiable leadership

vested in a specific individual (TIGERS 2003a: 26).

A review of these lessons points up the importance of a mechanism to resolve differences

– whether operational, structural or cultural – between participating organisations in an

ISD project. If there is to continue to be a trend toward multi-agency ISD and if the trend

towards deconstructed value networks continues then governance will be a bigger rather

than smaller issue than it is today. Governance is an issue that may relate to all four of

Kernaghan’s barriers. There are plenty of project management approaches that are

designed to describe the mechanics of an inter-organisational project. The challenge to

be successful is far less mechanistic than it is behavioural.

Cross-agency and -jurisdictional processes

The levering of their ICT investment has become more salient for major agencies. Three

such agencies, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Centrelink and the Health

Insurance Commission (HIC) are piloting projects that explore benefits from

interconnections and interoperability of business processes (Grant 2004: 6). One is a

collaboration between ATO and HIC that links medical expenses to tax benefits. The

other is real-time notification of eligibility for state-level concessions is being worked

through with Centrelink and Western Australia.

Centrelink’s integrated service delivery

The examples above address integration in the senses of cross-jurisdictional connection

(eg TIGERS) and of connecting with the community or customer (ATO). The other

aspect of integrated service delivery mentioned above is the need to connect different

channels. Centrelink provides a case of one service provider working towards an

advanced level of service integration while simultaneously evolving channel


Towards integration of service delivery

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Australia's Centrelink was established as a one-stop shop, multi-purpose delivery agency

to provide services to several purchasing departments. The agency's services, mainly in

the areas of social security and unemployment, account for approaching one third of the

federal budgetii.

A clear sequence of service delivery models are explicit in both Centrelink’s planning

and developmental pathway. From its inception, Centrelink was faced with the challenge

of maintaining service delivery while creating a new organization (Vardon 2000;

Halligan 2004a). Before Centrelink a range of social and employment services were

provided by several federal departments and the possible recipient of any service needed

to know which service was provided by which agency. Service suppliers were not always

co-located, could have different opening hours and could require recipients to travel from

one location to another to obtain service.

Once service delivery for a range of policies was transferred to Centrelink, recipients no

longer needed to understand specific departmental responsibilities: Centrelink became the

central provider. Nevertheless, within Centrelink each type of payment and service –

families, pensions and employment – remained separately delivered for several years.

This required customers often to join multiple queues to see more than one front desk

staff member, each of whom administered a limited, designated range of services.

Customers had to explain their problems to each in turn.

It was not, however, until later that some degree of service integration occurred.

Customers could now visit or access one point of contact for most of their needs (the One

Main Contact), initially, either a call centre or a customer service centre. Applicants

could expect to have requests and advice supplied by a range of service officers with

specialist knowledge. The improvements were with the reduction of multi-locations, the

identification of customer needs and the transfer of this information into a generally

accessible database. They could see staff at work, use touch screen facilities and access

privacy areas for consultation and interviews. The organisational design that emerged

relied on a call centre hub linked to a customer service centre. Customer service centres

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were supported by area offices and monitored by the national support office. Community

segment teams managed the business partnership agreements for the various customer

segments. Cross segment teams managed specially designated customer segments such

as indigenous people and migrants.

The case study model in use, which provided separate services from the one organisation,

now developed into a more holistic, central service model. The complexity of multiple

service points was gradually simplified. The changed point-to-point contact counter

approach put customers in touch with more experienced staff on a business appointment

basis. The customer now had, in theory, only to tell their story once, with one main

contact – the One-To-One model, an evolution from the One Main Contact. A once only

proof of customer identity through an identity number was designed to reduce service

time and promote customer profiling and risk assessment. Risk was assessed contingent

on the level of payment and its expected duration. Officers were allocated the

responsibility for a pool of customers to handle all business relevant to them. A customer

might move through a queue in a call centre, to reception in a customer service centre and

then to a one-to-one service officer, who might complete many tasks without the

customer present.

A new approach was developed for delivering services, called life events, which was

based on the experiences of people in the community, rather than the payments, programs

or services developed by departments. The life events model sought to streamline service

delivery into a more focused and cohesive structure that recognises a variety of individual

needs of different stages of life cycle needs. The Life Events approach to service delivery

is based on the assumption that customers do not need to know the details of program

choices because it links known, typical life experiences with knowledge of customer

typology. An initial series of basic queries designed to identify customer type and need

covers those with changed marital status, retirees, the bereaved, the sick or disabled,

carers and parents, immigrants, jobseekers, those in need of training and education as

well as those in crisis.

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Channel management, and in particular the need to align delivery and channel

management, has been the subject of systematic development by Centrelink. The four

main service delivery channels are on site, on call, online, and on paper. The history of

customer service centres and call centres in Centrelink during the last decade

demonstrates that channel management is a challenging task. Each channel must be

planned for and managed at the same time as considering the impact on other channels.

In the early days, cross channel impact was something organisations were learning about

as there was little or no established practice – and, taking into account the needs of both

the customer and the organisation was confronting without supportive organisational

systems and coherent decision making. With the evolution of technology and the

blending of channels multichannel service delivery even more complex. The agency is

now grappling with the idea that a customer can blend traditional channels (eg the phone

and the internet) on the one device and that service delivery organisations are expected to

support the choice they wish to make (Moore and Flynn 2004).

For Centrelink, the future objective is to offer ‘services through channels that customers

will see as unified or complementary’. The precondition to achieving this will be having

‘a clear view at all levels that the organization has just one service network operating as a

unified whole’ (Hickey 2004).

An analysis of the Centrelink experience illustrates its sophistication. The driver for the

creation of Centrelink was political but was reflected in a deep structural change. This

change was the separation of program from delivery, often referred to as splitting the

purchaser and provider functions of government. This means that Centrelink must

compete for program delivery business by persuading its client departments (such as

Family and Community Services) that it can help them realise their policy and program

objectives through the competitive design and delivery of services. From an internal

perspective, the creation of the call centre hub represented a non-trivial structural change.

This enabled the one main contact concept which entailed both operational and

management and cultural change. The one-to-one model underlines the extent of the

cultural transformation as it implies some extensive redefinition of roles, responsibilities

and attitudes. The adoption of a life event model is an operational and cultural change. It

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is an operational change because it means that the transactions that support service

delivery need to be realigned. It also reflects a cultural shift in the way the customer is

viewed as driving internal operational and managerial design.

Emerging challenges


There are several models that attempt to explain the way in which e-government has

evolved or is evolving. One model portrays the increasing maturity of ICT usage in e-

government. The first step into the e-government – or on-line government – world is a

basic web presence. Accenture (2003: 8) describe three levels of on-line delivery

capability before a fourth stage of service transformation. The word 'transformation' is

important. The previous three levels are essentially about automation – that is, taking

existing processes and computerising them with little or no change. These processes

typically exist within a single government department, ministry or agency. The essence

of transformation is the on-line service transcends organisational boundary by integrating

departmental silos. It achieves what is referred to in Australia as 'whole of government'

(Management Advisory Committee 2004) and is a central component of integrated

service delivery.

A whole of government approach

Australia has been somewhat slower to address whole-of-government issues than either

Canada or the UK, both of which were pursuing these issues in the 1990s while Australia

was still focussed on its other reform agendas. The devolved environment created by

these reforms emphasised devolution of responsibility to agency heads with direct agency

accountability through them, and emphasised the importance of each agency pursuing its

own business and policy agenda which had the side-effect of encouraging organisational

silos. In the last three years the need to temper devolution with a broader, whole-of-

government perspective, without losing the efficiency gains, has been acted upon.

The attention being given by the Management Advisory Committee is indicative of the

shift in emphasisiii, in particular the report on ICT (MAC 2002: 2):

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The development of effective whole-of-government approaches to ICT is critical to

achieving further significant gains in the delivery of government services… To

provide a seamless and consistent service across government, agencies must work

together to ensure that their individual systems are compatible and can be linked.

Decisions about ICT investment and governance are currently made at agency

level. A ‘big picture’ approach is necessary when considering these issues, so that

decisions support the whole-of-government business case, and investments are

made with a view to the return across government.

The federated approach to ICT governance recommended by MAC has provided a

foundation for Australia’s approach for progressing whole-of-government information

and communication issues. The next stage was the Management Advisory Committee

(2004) whole-of-government project, established to examine how the Commonwealth

could increase flexibility and responsiveness in policy development and integration,

program design and implementation, and service delivery. The project examined what

may need to change to the output/outcomes framework and the budgetary and

accountability frameworks to accommodate cross-portfolio issues and report, not through

a single portfolio minister, but more broadly across the Australia public service in a way

that ensures that horizontal linkages do not reduce vertical accountability to Parliament.


We are now outgrowing the use of the term ‘channel’, in its current meaning, with the

introduction of new technology based tools. The term ‘channel’ has often been thought

of as synonymous with terms such as ‘on-line’, but this usage does not accurately reflect

changes in the way people interact and expect to interact with government and private

industry. This is especially so given the increasing use of telephone self-service, SMS

and other data transfer methods that are not based upon the personal computer as the

method of interacting. These new data transfer methods lead to new complexities of

multichannel service delivery.

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Moore and Flynn (2004) argue that the meaning of the term ‘channel’ is changing and

taking on a new meaning. Channels are becoming part of a more comprehensive concept,

which they term the ‘interaction experience’, a complex blend of technology tools and

practices such as multichannel service delivery and management, customer experience

management/customer relationship management (depending on the organisation’s

approach) and channel economics together with the capabilities of the organisation and

the user.

Value networks

The interaction experience, and indeed multi-channel service delivery and management,

is complicated by the emergence of value networks as the emerging structural paradigm

for all industries. Enterprises configure themselves to mediate interactions and exchanges

across a network of their customers and suppliers. The customers are an integral part of

the network and the value network organisation provides the networking service through

a consistent and coherent infrastructure. Value networks must excel at matching

customers and multiplying connections between them (CSC 1998) as well as enabling

greater flexibility and reliability in meeting fluctuating and changing demands.

The value network is the next level of maturity in service delivery advanced by electronic

or digital communication. The interaction experience is a component of the complex

system. The concept of the value network carries with it the notion of boundarylessness.

The value network embraces – and ultimately can integrate – all levels of government

and all other agencies (public and private) that conduct business with government.

Other challenges

The other challenges include a range of issues some of which extends beyond ISD. First

there are cross-jurisdictional issues including the question of how to construct supra-

governmental organisations (Turner 2004: 130). There are also several other issues, such

as accountability and product ownership that cannot be considered here (AGIMO and

IPAA 2004; Grant 2004).

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Major service delivery agencies are well advanced in integrating programs online, but

their experiences indicate the complexities in doing so across agencies and governments.

A number of gaps in the current infrastructure exist that will require a significant

investment. The Information Management Strategy Committee, a senior group of

officials, was established to provide oversight to the development of shared investment

and governance models for guiding developments. Its work needs to be complemented by

parallel measures for enhancing whole of government approaches in such areas as

accountability, finance and human resources.

References Accenture (2003) eGovernment Leadership – Realizing the Vision, Accenture (2004) eGovernment Leadership: High Performance, Maximum Value

http://www.accenture.com/ AGIMO and IPAA/Australian Government Information Management Office and Institute

of Public Administration Australia (2004) Future Challenges of E-Government, Volumes 1 and 2, Canberra.

ATO/Australian Taxation Office (2003) http://www.ato.gov.au/corporate/content. Borgatti, Stephen P. (2001) 21st Century Organisational Trends,

www.analytictech.com/mb021/trendsin.htm, accessed 30 June 2004. Computer Sciences Corporation (1998) Chains, Shops and Networks: The Role of IS in

New Models of value Creation, Foundation Strategic Innovation Report. DIST (Department of Industry Science and Technology)(1997) Investing for Growth,

Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. Grant, John (2004) The Transformational Effect of ICT – The Future Agenda,

presentation to CeBIT e-Government Forum, Sydney, 4 May. Halligan, John (2004a) ‘The Quasi-Autonomous Agency in an Ambiguous Environment:

The Centrelink Case’, Public Administration and Development, forthcoming. Halligan, John (2004b) Advocacy and Innovation in Inter-agency Management: The Case

of Centrelink, Paper presented at the 20th Anniversary of International Political Science Association’s Research Committee on Structure and Organization of Government, Conference on Smart Practices Toward Innovation in Public Management, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 15-17 June.

Halligan, John and Trevor Moore (2004) ‘Overview’, in AGIMO and IPAA. Hickey, Paul (2004) Centrelink Service Delivery, presentation to Guiding Coalition, 12-

13 May. Kelly, Gavin, Mulgan, Geoff and Muers, Stephen, UK Cabinet Office (2003) Creating

Public Value: An analytical framework for public service reform, www.strategy.gov.uk

Kernaghan, Kenneth (2003) Integrated Service Delivery – Beyond the Barriers. May.

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Management Advisory Committee (2002) Australian Government Use of Information and Communications Technology, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.

Management Advisory Committee (2004) Connecting Government: Whole of Government Responses to Australia’s Priority Challenges, Commonwealth of Australia.

Margetts, Helen and Patrick Dunleavy (2002) Cultural barriers to e-government, in Building Public Services through e-government, Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General, HC 704-111, London.

McKinsey & Company Inc (2000) Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, Third Edition,

Moore, Mark H. (2000) Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government, Moore, Trevor and Paula Flynn (2004) ‘The changing role of multi-channel service

delivery’ in AGIMO and IPAA. NOIE/National Office of the Information Economy (2002) Better Services, Better

Government,[http://www.noie.gov.au/publications/NOIE/better_services-better_gov/Better_Services-Better_Gov.pdf] (22 Jan 04).

NOIE/National Office for the Information Economy (2003) E-Government Benefits Study, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.

OECD 2003 The E-Government Imperative, OECD, Paris. Reed, Barbara (2004) ‘Accountability in a shared services world’, in AGIMO and IPAA,

139-52. Stabell, C.B. and O.D. Fjeldstad (1998) ‘Configuring Value for Competitive Advantage:

On Chains, Shops and Networks’, Strategic Management Journal, 19, pp. 413-37. TIGERS (2003a) National Office for the Information Economy, TIGERS Report,

Program Summary. TIGERS (2003b) National Office for the Information Economy, TIGERS Report,

Performance and achievements. Treadwell, Jane (2001) Accessing e-government, Third Global Forum, Fostering

democracy and development through e-government, Naples, Italy, 15-17 March. Turner, Tim (2004) ‘Accountability in a cross-tier e-government integration’, in AGIMO

and IPAA, pp. 128-38. UK Cabinet Office, Performance and Innovation Unit, (2000) e.gov: Electronic

Government Services for the 21st Century. Vardon, Sue (2000) ‘Centrelink: A three-stage evolution’ in Gwynneth Singleton (ed.)

The Howard Government: Australian Commonwealth Administration 1996-1998, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, pp.96-107.

Vivian, Raelene (2004) Elements of good government: community collaboration, in AGIMO and IPAA, pp. 27-46.

A model for ISD

A number of authorities have concluded that ISD is an objective of e-government (eg

Kernaghan 2003, based on Canadian experience; NOIE, based on Australian experience);

and the UK Cabinet Office 2000). This is echoed by the experience of a number of other

countries (eg Accenture 2004).

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We suppose that the objective – the desired state – of ISD is to construct services that

enable ‘multiple contacts to be integrated so that one-stop service is provided’ and that as

a result ‘citizens can access these services … seamlessly … based on their wants and

needs (Kernaghan 2004). We may suppose that the current state of affairs is that multiple

contacts mean multiple services and multiple channels resulting in difficulties and

frustrations for customers. In order to achieve the transformation from the current state

to the desired state we can imagine a machine which takes the current state as input and

converts it to the desired state in some – as yet undefined – way.

The operation of this machine is facilitated by the enablers listed above and is inhibited

by the barriers. We also need to be able to measure the degree to which we are

progressing to the desired state. We need to discover a means to measure public value.

Public value is different to value as it relates to a private sector organization where it can

be related to, say, earnings per share and can be measured on the basis of revenue, margin

(profit) and the use of capital (McKinsey 2000). The concept of public value should

provide a way of assessing the performance of public policy. It provides a yardstick for

assessing activities produced or supported by government (Kelly, Mulgan and Muers

2003: 3). Public value provides a broader measure than is conventionally used within the

new public management literature, covering outcomes, the means used to deliver them as

well as trust and legitimacy. It addresses issues such as equity, ethos and accountability.

Current public management practice sometimes fails to consider, understand or manage

this full range of factors.

Three key concepts that underlie public value are:

• services deliver short term benefits and these benefits are identifiable by the customer

• outcomes as the value from outcomes affects customers in their role as voters.

Outcomes are achieved over a longer timeframe

• trust as a significant issue underlying the take up of ISD. Governments deal in

sensitive information and have the ability to combine that in novel and potentially

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threatening ways. Assuring people that their relationship with their government is

based on transparent principles is a contributor to value (Moore 2000).

Governments are also concerned about economic value in the corporate valuation sense.

While they do not have revenues (except in a limited way from (for example) certain

licensing fees and in a more special way from taxation revenues), governments should

concern themselves both with profit (in the sense of reduced cost) and the use of capital

(that avoiding large capital outlays when a more variable approach based on operating

expenditure would give greater predictability). If we put this line of thought together

with the concepts of shareholder value then we can derive a picture of public value with

four major elements – services, outcomes, trust and resources, where resources is a

combination of cost and capital usage.

We can now construct a model describing the factors that affect the achievement of

successful ISD. These are shown in Figure 1 which essentially shows that the issue of

successful ISD is about balancing the current state (at any time) with the desired state (at

any time) while taking account of a set of barriers and enablers and a ‘control panel’

which shows achievements based on the four elements of public value.

While Figure 1 helps us to see the relationships between the various factors, it does not

help us understand how to approach governance. Kernaghan makes some suggestions

about some mechanisms that, if put in place, would assist with improving the

effectiveness of governance. Reviewing these together with the findings of the TIGERS

initiative we can derive a list of success factors for the governance of ISD projects:

Sponsorship: sponsorship is needed at both the political and administrative levels. The

sponsor needs to ensure that the role of ‘honest broker’ described above is carried out. A

sponsor is unlikely to have executive responsibility over all the participants but he or she

must have a significant degree of managerial and operational influence.

Legislative framework: a review of the legislative impediments to ISD should be

undertaken. This may be specific to a particular initiative or a more general review. The

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results of any such review will needed to be acted upon by Ministers or public servants as

necessary or appropriate.

Incentives: where turf protection of tunnel vision are issues the sponsor needs to ensure

that personal incentives (that is, not organisational incentives) are in place to change

behaviours where necessary.

Public value: ensure that, for the initiative, the public value as a whole is clearly

articulated. This means describing not only the financial benefits but also the policy

benefits together with the impact on services and trust.

Restructuring: where the existing organisation structure is inhibiting the success of the

initiative, action needs to be taken to address the structure. This will require the active

participation of the sponsor.

Contribution: the respective contribution of each of the participants needs to be agreed in

advance. Recognition of different capacities and capabilities needs to be explicit and any

impact of appropriate representation needs to be made.

Figure 1 Factors contributing to ISD


BARRIERSpolitical and legal

structural operational/managerial


ENABLERSpolitical intent

financial incentives customer familiarity

structural trends

Public value






Current stateMultiple contacts

mean multiple services and

multiple channels resulting in

difficulties and frustrations for


Desired stateServices that

enable multiple contacts to be

integrated so that one-stop service is provided in order that citizens can

access these services …

seamlessly … based on their

wants and needs


BARRIERSpolitical and legal

structural operational/managerial


ENABLERSpolitical intent

financial incentives customer familiarity

structural trends

Public value






Public value






Current stateMultiple contacts

mean multiple services and

multiple channels resulting in

difficulties and frustrations for


Desired stateServices that

enable multiple contacts to be

integrated so that one-stop service is provided in order that citizens can

access these services …

seamlessly … based on their

wants and needs

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i The paper draws on research reports commissioned by the Institute of Public Administration Australia to generate debate about change processes and to explore challenges confronting the government and the community in e-government (AGIMO and IPAA 2004). The authors were members of the steering committee for the project. ii Centrelink was launched in September 1996 as the Commonwealth Service Delivery Agency and formally established in July 1997 as an independent statutory authority. The new agency took on (from the Social Security Department) delivery of government services to recipients of social welfare benefits and services. In 2003, this amounted to $55.3 billion, or about 30 per cent of total Commonwealth expenditure, and Centrelink employed over 27,000 staff spread across over 1000 service delivery points across Australia. Services are now provided to sixteen departments and agencies at federal and state level. iii The Management Advisory Committee, which consists of departmental secretaries, is a significant vehicle for central guiding public service change.