Draft Wild Garden

Erasmus+ KEY ACTION 2: COOPERATION FOR INNOVATION AND THE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES – STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Horizontal priorities developing basic and transversal skills (such as entrepreneurship, digital skills and language competences) in all fields of education, training and youth, using innovative and learner-centred pedagogical approaches and developing appropriate assessment and certification methods. In particular, supporting innovative activities that foster the assessment of transversal skills and that promote the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) 73 or reciprocal learning to increase language competences among learners of all ages from various fields of education, training and youth including those with migrant background; developing new approaches to strengthen the education and training paths of prospective and practicing educators/youth workers; equipping them with all competences and skills needed to deliver high quality services and address increasingly diverse needs e.g. those posed by multicultural societies. In particular, priority will be given to activities building effective partnerships between providers and educational institutions (e.g. HEI/teacher training colleges and schools/VET institutions); co-ordinating approaches among providers as well as through collaboration and dialogue with key stakeholders and partners and in particular with youth organisations; Field-specific priorities: SCHOOL EDUCATION strengthening the profile of the teaching professions through attracting the best candidates to the profession and by supporting teachers and leaders to deliver high quality teaching, deal with complex classroom realities and adopt new methods and tools. In particular, improving initial teacher education and supporting new teachers so that they have all necessary competences right from the start including 108 Programme Guide in dealing with diversified groups of learners (such as migrants); to adopt collaborative and innovative practices to strengthen leadership roles in education, including distributed leadership, for designing necessary changes and improvements at institutional level; addressing low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods. In particular, through projects that: foster multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary approaches; integrate the teaching of basic skills (maths, science and literacy); promote problem-based learning; or foster innovative approaches to teaching technology-rich environment with particular focus on mathematics in technology-rich environment; Length of Project 30 months Aims of the project Overall aims - Enhance the scientific skills of primary school teachers by increasing the quality and quantity of services to support learning, creating materials, implementing methodological support and information, encouraging the dissemination of the results of research and education opportunities; - Provide tools to teachers to improve student involvement in science, teaching and guiding them toward the acquisition of a functional scientific competence - Improve the scientific culture among students through innovative teaching tools based on multidisciplinary and / or interdisciplinary approaches



Transcript of Draft Wild Garden


    developing basic and transversal skills (such as entrepreneurship, digital skills and language competences) in all fields of education, training and youth, using innovative and learner-centred pedagogical approaches and developing appropriate assessment and certification methods. In particular, supporting innovative activities that foster the assessment of transversal skills and that promote the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) 73 or reciprocal learning to increase language competences among learners of all ages from various fields of education, training and youth including those with migrant background;

    developing new approaches to strengthen the education and training paths of prospective and practicing educators/youth workers; equipping them with all competences and skills needed to deliver high quality services and address increasingly diverse needs e.g. those posed by multicultural societies. In particular, priority will be given to activities building effective partnerships between providers and educational institutions (e.g. HEI/teacher training colleges and schools/VET institutions); co-ordinating approaches among providers as well as through collaboration and dialogue with key stakeholders and partners and in particular with youth organisations;

    Field-specific priorities: SCHOOL EDUCATION

    strengthening the profile of the teaching professions through attracting the best candidates to the profession and by supporting teachers and leaders to deliver high quality teaching, deal with complex classroom realities and adopt new methods and tools. In particular, improving initial teacher education and supporting new teachers so that they have all necessary competences right from the start including 108 Programme Guide in dealing with diversified groups of learners (such as migrants); to adopt collaborative and innovative practices to strengthen leadership roles in education, including distributed leadership, for designing necessary changes and improvements at institutional level;

    addressing low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods. In particular, through projects that: foster multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary approaches; integrate the teaching of basic skills (maths, science and literacy); promote problem-based learning; or foster innovative approaches to teaching technology-rich environment with particular focus on mathematics in technology-rich environment;

    Length of Project 30 months Aims of the project Overall aims - Enhance the scientific skills of primary school teachers by increasing the quality and quantity of services to support learning, creating materials, implementing methodological support and information, encouraging the dissemination of the results of research and education opportunities; - Provide tools to teachers to improve student involvement in science, teaching and guiding them toward the acquisition of a functional scientific competence - Improve the scientific culture among students through innovative teaching tools based on multidisciplinary and / or interdisciplinary approaches

  • Specific aim Encourage the learning of science thanks to the realization of wild gardens in school or public green areas which assolves the role of real outdoor classroom, a place of experimentation and observation of biodiversity, research, documentation and education environment centre, thus creating meaningful learning contexts. Approach and methods The first phase of the project will be dedicated to meetings, focus groups and workshops with teachers of the schools involved in the project. This will give a complete scenario about the training needs of the different partner countries according to the socio-economic contexts that distinguish them. It will be taken then a model of Northern Europe country as a example of best practices, and it will be used by enviromental education centres and teachers from other countries partners to develop training programs aimed to teachers. In parallel way , teachers will have the chance to use in classroom some teaching modules to understand how to realize a wild garden. The module will be made according to the different age of pupils . The teachers who will promote the project in their classes will follow a training course organized by the Centers for Environmental Education, at the end of which will go to test the teaching modules with students . Experimental results will allow to achieve the following products : -handbook for teachers in two sections: a first part dedicated to the training and a second one to teaching modules to be developed in the classroom - training activities for teachers in an e-learning platform that already exists - creation of multimedial tools for wild gardens designed in order to implement existing platforms ( http://portal.opendiscoveryspace.eu/ ; http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest ; http : //www.golabz . Eu / ) Each Environmental Education Center will promote then the products in the schools in which has active collaborations , ensuring involvement of at least 45 teachers . Target Groups, key actors and stakeholders Target Teachers and pupils of Primary School. Key actors Environmental education center. Stakeholders Teachers, Environmental Education Centres, Environmental Organizations, Public Bodies. Activities WP 1. Project management Overview: Setting up and managing the projects boards in charge of: the project coordination, economic and financial management, communication among partners, monitoring, evaluation.


  • Actions: 1.1 General management of the activities The main goal of this action is to stand over the general implementation of the project, to support partners and establish an open communication flow with them. Other activities are monitoring and evaluation of the project performance and financial management and elaboration of an executive planning of the activities. 1.2 Administrative and financial management Regarding the financial management the Lead Partner stands over the proper implementation of the project. The partners will appoint administrative and financial management staff in order to manage administrative and financial issues. 1.3 Monitoring & Quality Control The project coordinator will design and produce the monitoring tools to be exploited within this activity. The general approach to monitoring and evaluation process and the final version of tools will be agreed by management board. Outputs: Steering committee meetings Activity reports (administrative and financial) WP 2. Communication, awareness raising, dissemination Overview: Planning and implementing a targeted and effective communication strategy accompanying the whole project implementation. The preparation of a communication strategy is foreseen. Some informative material will be printed and distributed. In addition, one small scale event will be organized in every partners locality to introducethe project to all stakeholders, potential beneficiaries and the local press. A dissemination strategy will be implemented. Some dissemination materials, and the publication of a guideline collecting the best practices, experiences and methods developed within the project will be set up. Actions: 2.1 Communication, awareness raising and dissemination Plan designing All partners work on a common approach for the communication, the awareness raising and the dissemination. Plans will be designed and agreed among all the partners and finally approved by the Steering Committee. 2.2 webpage and social media networks communication A web page dedicated to the project will be developed in English and some parts in national languages. This webpage will evidence the framework of the project and its actions, the partnership, the deliverables produced within the project and the EU Commission/Erasmus+ contribution to the project. It will contain all kind of information related to the project. 2.3 small scale events and press conference Overview: In order to raise awareness in each locality, a one day event will be processed, directly organized by the partners. The aims of these events are to present the project to all stakeholders. Outputs: 1 Communication and dissemination Plan. 1 small scale event and a press conference per territory. A webpage and communication in social networks The final Conference

  • Deliverable: 1 Communication and dissemination guideline, which will be available on PDF on the website Signature lists of participants to planned events WP 3. Training needs description Overview: The schools partners come from very different countries in terms of socio - cultural conditions. Project schedule and adopted methods will be defined according to the different training programs of schools involved in partnership. Action: All the teachers involved in the project will be contacted. A questionnaire will bring out the main educational needs on the basis of which will be developed educational proposals. Outputs: Activity reports Project development agreement among partners WP 4. Development of education packages Overview: Practical scientific activities represent a wonderful opportunity for teachers and pupils to get closer to complex topics using as a tool concret and real situations such biodiversity which is possibile to understand by simple look out the window. The development of education packages based on practical and laboratorial activities, lead naturally to a concrete approach to real life like the Problem solving and Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) do. Thus encourage increasing of pupils ' involvement. Actions: 4.1 Education Packages description. Education packages handle different topics in order to concretly realize the wild garden. Each module consists of two sections: the theoric first one is focused on improving scientific knowledge and specifically the wild garden topics; the second one consists on a series of guidelines which are ideated to help teachers to put in practice the learnt notions. The education packages will lead teachers and pupils to realization of wild garden which will cover the role of outdoor classroom project whereas is possible to experiment and to observe. In a parallel way multimedial tools will be designed in order to plan wild garden. 4.2 Teachers training The environmental education centres partners will lead teachers through the knowledge improvement offering to them training course which will treat wild garden topics. The implementation of knowledge regarding wild garden will be possible also by means of mobility periods for teachers: they will have the chance to move for a short period to enviromental education centre or education institutions which represent a model to be imitated regarding their experience and knowledge in wild gardening . Such kind of mobility aims to acquire practical skills, transferring competences and to learn best practices in wild gardening field through seminars, support services and courses. 4.3 Education Packages sperimentation Education Packages will be tested at the schools partners. Results will be judged thanks to idoneous evaluations tools and according to the results , education packages will be adjusted and corrected in order to be suitable to other teachers not directly involved in the project. Experimentation will include also the test of multimedial tools.

  • Outputs: - Creation of an handbook - Creation of multimedial tools - E-learning course for teachers

    Deliverable: - Periodic report regarding sperimentation process - A list of partecipants WP 5. Education packages promotion The packages tested with partner schools of the project will be presented to a group of teachers (about 45) which will be extended to the use of products made from e-learning training course that teachers must follow before starting the learning modules identified in the manual. Outputs: - Finalization of the handbook - Finalization of multimedial tools for wild garden design - Finalization of e-learning course for teachers Deliverable: - Final Guidelines WP 6. Dissemination Overview: All the experiences made within the project will be communicated to all the teachers of EU members Countries in order that anyone can use the output final materials to repeat the already tested experience with their students. Actions: 6.1 Delivery the products to the teachers Project partners will send a mail to European schools which will be kindly invited to use the final product of programme visiting the web site of project : it will be encouraged the download of the handbook, the use of multimedial tools and e-learning course guideline, thus potentially allowing to reach as much possible teachers of EU countries. 6.2 Round tables with local authorities Final products will be shown to local education authorities in order to rise awarness on wild garden and underline the role it might cover as outdoor classroom. The aim is also to encourage the fruition of these green areas also by local people, collaborating with schools to get back from degrade other urban area in state of abandon. 6.3 Final Conference A final conference will be organised at the end of the project to present the results. Local authorities, representatives from the educational field and the press will be invited to come for this final event. Outputs: -A set of recommendations on how to improve the project; Deliverable: - The recommendations to local authorities,

  • - Report on the round tables activity, - List of schools to which final products have been sent. Envisaged Partnership

    Nr. Name Role within the project

    1. Environmental education center Studio Naturalistico Hyla(IT)

    Lead partner: overall management, implementation of local activities.

    2. Italian school; Partner.

    3. Nord european environmental education center;


    4. Nord european school; Partner.

    5. East european environmental education center;


    6. East european school; Partner.

    7. Active association in wild gardening

